Chapter 21 Nutrition


植物生理学Chapter02 mineral nutrition

植物生理学Chapter02 mineral nutrition

C→ CO2 ↑ O →H2O↑ →NOx ↑ H2S 、SO2↑
H、 N S→
灰分(灰分元素: 少量N,多数S ,全 部的金属元素和不 可挥发的非金属元 素共60余种)
• 灰分中的元素称灰分元素或矿质元素。
• 水生植物约占干重1%左右,
• 大部分陆生植物约为5-15%,
• 盐生植物高达45%以上;
Active CaM Inactive CaM Ca-CaM活化酶示意图
Active enzyme
Metabolic reaction
Physiological response

3) Ca takes part in photosynthesis。
• 砂基培养法(sand culture)
• 注意事项:
• (1)选择合适的培养液;
• (2)定期更换培养液,调节pH;
• (3)通气;
• (4) 根系遮光。
• 应用:功能和吸收机制研究

Special techniques are used in nutritional studies
• Microelement (trace element微量元素)是 指植物需要量较少, 在植物体中含量较低 (<0.01%)的元素, Fe、Mn、B、Zn、Cu、 Mo、Cl、Ni。
Classification of nutrients according to biochemical function (Mengel and
• Group 1 N and S.Nutrients are part of carbon compounds.



12.alarm 13.album 14.alcohol 15.alcoholic 16.algebra 17.alike 18. amateur 19.amaze 20.ambassadress 21.ambiguous 22.alive
23.afterward 24.allergic 25.alley 26.allocate 27.alphabet 28.alongside 29.allowance 30.alternative
1. ambition 2. ambulance 3. analyse 4. ancestor 5. ancient 6. anecdote 7. antique 8. angle 9. arise 10. arithmetic 11. ankle 12. anniversary 13. announce
1. bunch 2. bungalow 3. bureaucratic 4. burglar 5. burst 6. bury 7. cab 8. cafeteria 9. cage 10.calculate 11.camel
12.campaign 13.canal 14.cancel 15.cancer 16.candidate 17.canteen 18.cap 20.capsule 21.captain 22.caption
16. dawn 17. decade 18. declare 19. decline 20. delay 21. delete 22. deliberately 23. delicate 24. deed 25. deep 26. defeat 27. desert 28. deserve 29. desperate 30. dessert

Chapter 6- Nutrition

Chapter 6- Nutrition

Chapter 6: Nutrition6.1 Why Your Body Needs Food∙Food contains many substances that provide one with energy as well as the materials needed for their body to grow and repair itselfYour Body – What is it Made of?-∙Made of matter∙The human body is mostly hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen (96% of one’s total mass)∙Phosphorus, iron, iodine, etc. are present in small amounts but still very important; without them the body can’t function∙Most elements aren’t present in pure form but joined to form compound s Nutrition-∙Nutrients are material that can be taken into cells and are useful to the body ∙Nutrition is the study of nutrients and their effect on one’s health∙Good nutrition is especially important for teenager b/c of the changes taking place in their bodies; a time of rapid growth and development6.2 Nutrients for Energy∙Bodies need ~ 50 different nutrients∙Most can be classified into one of six groups: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins and water∙Nutrients in these groups supply body cells with energy needed to function∙Energy cells obtain from food is called food energy∙B/c energy needed by one’s body is so great food energy is measured in kilojoules Carbohydrates-∙Major source of energy the body needs is from carbohydrates (~ 55%)∙Contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms arranged in certain ways∙Simple carbohydrates are made up of small, simple molecules, also called sugars(names end in “ose”)∙Glucose in the major source of energy for all body cells∙Complex carbohydrates are larger molecules and are made of many sugar molecules joined together∙ A complex carbohydrate often eaten is starch and glycogen∙Can’t supply energy to body cells immediately and need to be broken into the small sugar molecules they are made of (this process is digestion) ∙Some leftover glucose molecules are stored for future use as glycogen molecules (usually in muscles and the liver)Fats-∙Another source of energy comes from fats∙Fats come from meats, margarine, eggs, dairy products, nuts and oils∙Fat molecules are mad up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms but fat molecules contain many more hydrogen atoms and fewer oxygen atoms ∙Eat fat molecule contain smaller molecules called fatty acids∙The body stores much of its energy in body fat∙Saturated fats contain as many hydrogen atoms as possible and are found in animal products (ie. meat, milk, cheese, eggs, butter)∙Unsaturated fats have spaces in which more hydrogen atoms can be added and usually come from plant products (ie. corn, peanut oil)∙No more than 30% of food energy should be from fats (no more than 10% saturated fats)∙High amounts of saturated fats increase the amount of cholesterol, a fat-like compound found in animal products, in the blood6.3 Proteins: Nutrients for Growth and Repair∙Proteins form an important nutrient group∙Main function is to help body cells work properly and help in building and repairing these cells∙The building blocks of proteins are amino acids (composed of nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen and carbon atoms)∙ A molecule of protein is composed of many amino acid molecules joined together ∙One required 20 amino acids to make all proteins needed∙The body can make 12 from atoms supplied by other nutrients eaten, these are the non-essential amino acids since one doesn’t have to eat foods containing t hem ∙The body can’t make 8 amino acids, which are the essential amino acids since one needs to eat foods containing them∙Some proteins are called complete proteins because they contain all eight essential amino acids in adequate amounts∙Some proteins that are missing one or more of the eight essential amino acids are incomplete proteinsHow Your Body Uses Proteins-∙Proteins are needed in every cell∙Some proteins form bones, hair, skin and nails∙Sense organs, nerves and the brain wouldn’t work without other p roteins∙Most important proteins are enzymes, proteins that speed up the rates of chemical reactions within the body∙For energy the body first uses glucose or fatty acids and if none are available then amino acids are used∙The body can’t store amino acids s o if too many proteins are eaten they are converted into fat (change can’t be reversed)∙If not enough protein is eaten the body breaks down body parts to obtain amino acids needed6.4 Minerals and Vitamins∙Two types of nutrients needed in small quantities are minerals and vitaminsMinerals-∙Minerals are elements the body needs for important jobs∙Large amounts of calcium, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulphur are needed∙Small quantities of iron, copper, iodine and zinc are needCalcium: The Most Important Mineral-∙About 2% of a body’s total mass is calcium, in bones and teeth∙Main source of calcium is milk and dairy products∙Calcium is not easily absorbed but when vitamin D is present it is absorbed more easily∙Calcium is mainly used for growth and repair of bones; help nerve impulses travel; help blood clot; needed for muscles to work properlyYour Need for Iron-∙Best source of iron is meet∙Iron is needed in blood cells to pick up oxygen and carry it throughout the body, and deliver it to other cells∙Iron in the muscle cells help them store oxygen∙P eople who don’t eat enough iron have iron-deficiency anemia and feel weak and tired∙Too much iron however is harmfulVitamins-∙Vitamins are nutrients that act as “assistants” to enzymes∙Certain vitamins are needed for the body to use other nutrients (ie. Vitamin C help body cells absorb iron)Classifying Vitamins-∙Divided into two groups depending on if they dissolve in water or fat∙Vitamin C & B are water-soluble; the rest are fat-soluble (can’t be absorbed by the body unless they are eaten with fats)∙Too many fat-soluble can cause serious problems∙Extra amount of vitamins B & C dissolve in body fluids and leave in urine 6.5 Water: The Most Important Nutrient∙Water makes up 55-65% of the human body∙Water is the basic unit of all living things, carries nutrients needed, carries waste products away, and cells need water for the chemical reactions that break down large nutrient molecules∙When one sweats the water on the skin cools the body∙Water lubricates joints and food6.6 Fiber: Not a Nutrient, But Still Important∙Dietary fiber is part of many foods but is not a nutrient b/c it’s not digested∙Best sources are products made with whole-grain flours, fruits and vegetables ∙Is made up of complex carbohydrate molecules but can’t be broken down∙Some types of fiber hold on to water so that feces can move more easily through 6.7 Food Processing∙Food processing refers to anything that is don’t to plant or animal foods before they are eaten (ie. cooking, packaging, freezing, drying)∙Reason from processing food is to preserve it, keep it from going badPreserving Food-∙Often micro-organisms cause food to spoil∙Illness caused by micro-organisms in food often cause food poisoning, produces headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and occasionally death ∙People process foods by canning, freezing, drying, pickling or smoking it Food Additives-∙ A food additive is a substance added to food during processing∙Substances, called preservatives, help keep food from spoiling∙Additives may be nutrients (ie. vitamins and minerals)∙Foods are fortified when nutrients are added to it that are normally not present in the food∙Foods are enriched when nutrients normally present in foods are increased by food processing∙Nitrites are added to bacon, ham, etc. as preservatives but are believed to cause cancerAdvantages and Disadvantages of Food Processing-∙Advantages include:1.Allowing foods to be stored longer2.Adding convenience3.Adding nutrients to the food∙Disadvantages include:1.Costing more2.Removing vitamins or minerals3.Adding substances to food that may be harmful to peopleFood Labeling-∙In Canada, every package of food must have a label listing all ingredients∙Ingredients are listed in order from the ingredient making up the largest part and ending with the one that makes up the smallest part∙Labels on food also tell the amounts of nutrients in a serving∙Some labels provide a “best before” date6.8 Nutrition and Diet∙ A diet consists of all foods that one regularly eats and drinks∙Food choices have a very important effect on one’s healthA Balanced Diet-∙Health and Welfare Canada developed Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating∙All foods one should eat are divided into 4 groups: grain products, vegetables and fruits, milk products and meat/meat alternatives∙One should include a variety of foods from eat group in their diet Nutrition and World Health-∙~ 10 000 years ago people grew crops and raised domestic animals∙Better methods of farming, fishing and food processing allowed food production to keep up with the growing human population∙Pollution, soil erosion, natural disasters, over fishing, overgrazing and other factors resulted in poorer quality and a lower quantity of many types of foods ∙Over nourishment, eating more food than the body needs, results in obesity (problem in Canada)∙In other countries many are undernourished and starve to die∙ Both forms of malnutrition(“mal” means “bad”) are caused by a lack of one or more important nutrients in a person’s diet∙One of the biggest challenges is how to manage the world’s res ources so all people can obtain enough food。



CHAPTER 5HEALTH健康____________________________________SECTION I: 英译中Aa period of debility [ ] n. 体能低落、衰弱期acne [ ] n. 痤疮,粉剌active sleep n. 积极睡眠acute [ ] adj. 急性的adrenalin [ ] n. 肾上腺素adverse effect n. 反作用aerobics [ ] n. 有氧运动AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) 艾滋病(获得性免疫缺陷综合) alcoholic poison [ ] n.酒精中毒alkalinity or acidity [ ] [ ]n. 酸碱性allergy [ ]n. 过敏Alzheimer’s disease [ ] n. 老年痴呆症amino acids [ ] n. 氨基酸anemia [ ] n. 贫血anoxia [ ] n. 缺氧anthrax [ ] n. 炭疽anti-aging adj. 抗衰老antibiotics [ ] n. 抗生素antibody n. 抗体antipruritic [ ] adj. 止痒剂,止痒的anti-SARS campaign n. 抗非典斗争artery [ ] n. 动脉arthritis [ ] n. 关节炎artificial heart n. 人造心脏artificial hormones n. 人造激素asthma [ ] n. 哮喘avian influenza (bird flu) [ ] n. 禽流感BB.O. (Body Odor) n. 体臭backache n.背痛bacterium(Pl.bacteria) [ ] n. 细菌balm n. 止痛膏,香油behavioral therapy [ ] n. 行为疗法belch [ ] n./v. 打嗝bioengineering n. 生物工程biologist n. 生物学家bird flu n. 禽流感bleeding n. 出血blemish [ ] n. 瑕疵,疤痕blister [ ] n. 水泡blood circulation n. 血液循环blood vessel n. 血管bone marrow [ ] n. 骨髓bronchitis [ ] n. 支气管炎bruise [ ] n. / v. 瘀伤, 擦伤, 青紫BSE (bovino spongiform encephalopathy) n. 疯牛病burp n. 饱嗝儿, 打嗝v.打饱嗝Ccallus [ ] n. 老茧calorie [ ] n. 卡路里cancer n. 癌,毒瘤capillary [ ]n. 毛细管carbohydrate [ ]n. 碳水化合物cardiac [ ]adj./n.心脏(病)的cardiologist [ ] n. 心脏病专家cataract [ ] n. 白内障cellulite [ ] n. 脂肪团块chest cavity n. 胸腔chickenpox n. 水痘cholera [ ]n. 霍乱cholesterol [ ] n. 胆固醇chronic adj. 慢性的chronic asymptomatic HBV carriers [ ] 慢性无症状乙型肝炎病毒携带者cirrhosis of liver [ ] n. 肝硬化(masked palm) civet [ ] n. 果子狸cleanse v. 清洗, 净化colic [ ] n. 绞痛,疝气coma n.昏迷comatose adj. 昏睡的,昏迷不醒的communicable diseases 传染病corona virus [ ] 冠状病毒condom [ ] n. 安全套congenital defects [ ] n. 先天性缺陷contagious [ ] adj. 传染性的contraceptive coil [ ] n. 避孕环convulsion [ ] n.惊厥, 痉挛coronary disease [ ] n. 冠心病cough v./n. 咳嗽coughing fit n. 咳嗽发作craving n. 强烈的愿望Ddandruff [ ] n. 头皮屑deadly adj. 致命的debilitate [ ] vt. 使衰弱, 使虚弱dehydration [ ] n. 脱水dementia [ ] n. 痴呆deodorize [ ] vt. 除臭dermatologist [ ] n. 皮肤科医生dermatology [ ] n. 皮肤病学diabetes [ ] n. 糖尿病diagnosis [ ] n. 诊断dialysis machine [ ]n. 透析机diarrhea [ ] n.痢疾,腹泻die a grim death 惨死diet plan n. 食物计划dietitian [ ] n. 营养专家dilated pupil examination [ ] n. 瞳孔放大检查disinfectant [ ] n. 消毒剂dizziness n. 头昏眼花dose n. 剂量dream cycle n. 做梦周期dropsy [ ] n. 水肿, 浮肿duodenal ulcer [ ] n. 十二指肠溃疡dyspepsia [ ] n. 消化不良Eeating disorder n. 食欲紊乱elasticity [ ] n. 弹力,弹性embryo [ ] n. 胚胎embryology [ ] n. 胚胎学epidemic [ ] adj.流行的, 传染的n.时疫, 流行病epidemic encephalitis B [ ] n. 流行性乙型脑炎epidemiology [ ] n. 流行病学euthanasia / mercy killing [ ] n. 安乐死extrovert [ ] n. /adj. 性格外向的(人)Ffatal n. 致命的fertilization [ ] n. 授精fetus [ ]n. 胎儿fever n.发烧fitness center n. 健康中心fitness n. 健康flatulence [ ] n. 肠胃气胀flu shot n.(打)抗流感针foot -and- mouth disease n. 口蹄疫fructose [ ] n. 果糖fungus (pl. fungi) [ ] n. 真菌futile [ ]adj. 无效的Ggasp v. 喘气,倒吸气genes [ ] n. 基因genetic information [ ] n. 遗传信息genome [ ]n. 基因组germicide [ ] n. 杀菌剂gestation [ ]n. 怀孕GM food (genetically modified food) n 转基因食品GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) n. 转基因生物gingivitis [ ] n. 齿龈炎gland [ ] n. 腺glucose [ ] n. 葡萄糖gum n. 齿龈Hhair-raising adj. 使人毛骨悚立的hatch v. / n. 孵化health care products n. 保健品herbal medicine 草药heart attack n. 心脏病发作heart failure n.心力衰竭hemorrhoids [ ] n. 痔疮hepatitis [ ] n. 肝炎hepatitis A n. 甲肝hepatitis B n. 乙肝herbal essence n. 草药精,草本精华heredity [ ] n. 遗传herpes [ ] n. 疱疹hiccup [ ] n. / v.打嗝high blood pressure n. 高血压high cholesterol [ ] n. 胆固醇过高HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) 人体免疫缺损病毒,艾滋病病毒HIV-positive adj. 艾滋病病毒测试呈阳性hoarseness [ ] n.嘶哑, 刺耳holistic medicine [ ] n. 全身(整体) 治疗的药物, 如中药homosexually transmitted disease n. 由同性恋传播的疾病hormone [ ] n. 荷尔蒙,激素human genome n. 人类基因图谱hypertension [ ] n. 高血压, 过度紧张hypotension [ ] n. 血压过低Iimmune system n. 免疫系统immunity [ ] n. 免疫性implant v. /n. 植入impotence [ ] n. 阳萎in a vegetative state 处于植物人状态incubator [ ] n. 孵卵器, 早产儿保育器infected adj. 被感染的infertility [ ] n. 不孕, 不育inflamed skin [ ] n. 皮肤发炎injection n. 注射inoculate [ ] v. 打预防针, 接种疫苗insemination [ ] n. 授精insomnia [ ] n.失眠, 失眠症insulin [ ] n. 胰岛素introspective [ ] adj. 内省,内向的,introvert [ ] n. / adj.性格内向的(人)irregular pulse n. 脉律不齐irritable adj. 急躁的isolation n. 隔离itching adj. 发痒的、渴望的itchy adj. 使人发痒的,不安静的,神经质的IVF (in-vitro fertilization) [ ] n. 试管受精Kkidney stones n. 肾结石kidney transplant n. 肾移植Llactose [ ] n. 乳糖laser treatment n. 激光疗法lesion [ ] n. 感染的皮肤, 损伤living donor n. (活体)器官捐献者lobe [ ] n. 耳垂,(肺,肝等的)叶Mmalaria [ ] n. 疟疾mandatory testing [ ] n. 强制测试manicure [ ] n. 修指甲mate v.交配maternity leave [ ] 产假matrix [ ] n.子宫menopause [ ] n. 更年期mental deterioration [ ] n. 神经退化、衰弱mental disorder n. 精神紊乱metabolism [ ] n. 新陈代谢microbe [ ] n. 微生物, 细菌micro-organism n. 微生物microprocessor [ ] n. 微处理器,单片机migraine [ ] n. 偏头痛molecule [ ] n. 分子morbidity rate [ ] n. 发病率morning sickness n. (孕妇) 晨吐mortality rate n. 死亡率mouth hygiene [ ] n. 口腔卫生Nnear-sighted adj. 近视的nerve pathway [ ] n. 神经通道neurological [ ] adj. 神经学的neurologist n. 神经科医师neuropathy [ ] n. 神经病nicotine [ ] n. 尼古丁numbness n. 麻木nutrient [ ] adj. 有营养的,养分nutrition [ ] n. 营养,营养学Oobesity [ ] n. 肥胖症odds [ ] n. 可能的机会;几率odor [ ] n. 气味offspring [ ] n. 后代OTC drugs n. 非处方药outbreak n. (疫情等)暴发Pparalysis [ ] n. 瘫痪Parkinson’s disease n. 帕金森综合症passive smoking / second- hand smoking n. 被动吸烟pediatrics [ ] n. 小儿科pedicure [ ] n. 修脚,修脚指甲perceptual skill [ ] n. 感知能力person in a vegetative state; vegetable n. 植物人personal hygiene [ ] n. 个人卫生pharmaceutical [ ] n./adj. 药物,制药学的pharmacist [ ] n. 药剂师physical endurance n. 体力、体能pimple [ ] n. 丘疹,面泡,青春豆plague [ ] n. 瘟疫plethora [ ] n. 多血症PMS (pre-menstrual Syndrome)n. 月经前不快症状pneumonia [ ] n. 肺炎pore n. 毛孔pregnancy n. 怀孕pressure n. 压力protein [ ] n. 蛋白质psychological rest n. 心理休息pulse n. 脉搏quarantine [ ] n. /v. 隔离Rrabies [ ] n. 狂犬病regenerate [ ] v. 再生remedy [ ] n. 药物,治疗,矫正renal [ ] adj. 肾脏respirator [ ] n. 口罩;人工呼吸器a canister respirator [ ] n. 防毒面具rheumatism [ ] n. 风湿ringing in the ears n. 耳鸣rinse [ ] n. / v. 冲洗掉, 清洗,冲洗royal jelly n. 蜂王浆Ssaccharin [ ] n. 糖精SARS-affected area n. 非典疫区SARS epidemic n. 非典型性肺炎scarlet fever [ ] n. 猩红热secretion [ ] n. 分泌,分泌物sedative [ ] n.镇静剂,止痛药adj. 镇痛的shiatsu [ ] n. (日) 指压,指压按摩疗法schistosomiasis [ ]血吸虫病skin rash n. 皮疹slow-wave sleep n. 慢波睡眠smallpox n. 天花sneeze v. / n.打喷嚏snore n./ v. 打鼾, 鼾声sore throat n. 喉咙痛soreness n. 痛,痛楚spasm [ ] n. 痉挛sperm bank n. (为人工授精提供精子的)精子库sperm donor [ ] n. 捐献精子的人sprain n. 扭伤STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)n. 性传染病stem cell n. 干细胞sterile [ ] adj. 不育的,无结果的,消毒过的,无菌的sterilization [ ] n. 消毒steroids [ ] n. 类固醇stroke [ ] n. 中风stiff neck n. 落枕stimulant n. 刺激物stinky feet n. 臭脚stolid [ ] adj. 神经麻木的, 感觉迟钝的stress n. 压力,焦虑sub-consciousness n. 潜意识surgeon [ ] n. 外科医生swelling [ ] n. 肿胀symptom [ ] n. 症状syndrome [ ] n. 综合病症syphilis [ ] n. 梅毒Ttest tube n. 试管the terminally ill n. 患绝症者;病入膏肓者thrush [ ] n. 鹅口疮toxic [ ] adj. 有毒的toxin [ ] n. 毒素transplant n./ v. 移植trauma [ ] n. 外伤,(心理)创伤trial version n. 试验版tumor [ ] n. 瘤typhoid fever [ ] n. 伤寒Uulcers [ ] n. 溃疡unconsciousness n. 无意识, 意识不清upset stomach n. 反胃,肚子痛urinary incontinence [ ] n. 小便失禁Vvaccination [ ] n. 接种疫苗vaccine [ ] n. 疫苗varicose veins [ ] n. 静脉曲张vellus [ ] n. 毫毛vicious circle n. 恶性循环virus [ ] n. 病毒visual disturbance n. 视力障碍vivacious [ ] adj. 性格活泼的,快活的voluntary and confidential testing 自愿的,保密的测试Wwart [ ] n. 疣womb [ ] n. 子宫SECTION II: 中译英中医TCM (Traditional Chinese medicine)中医名著famous TCM work《黄帝内经》Huang Di’s Classic of Internal Medicine / Yellow Emperor's Canon of Traditional Chinese Medicine《神农本草经》Shennong’s Herbal Classic《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica《易经》I Ching; Book of Change万物人为贵nothing compares to a human life救死扶伤healing the sick and saving the dying阴阳yin-yang, the two opposing and complementary principles in nature相生相克mutual generation and restriction对立制约mutually opposing and constraining互根互用interdependent and mutually promoting相互转化mutually transformational新陈代谢metabolism针灸acupuncture针刺疗法acupuncture艾炙疗法moxibustion推拿medical massage穴位acupuncture point针刺麻醉acupuncture anesthesia综合医院general hospital中医部TCM section/ department拔火罐疗法(Chinese) cupping therapy刮痧疗法skin scraping therapy with water, liquor or vegetable oil理疗physical therapy切脉feeling the pulse偏方folk prescription秘方secret prescription (normally of excellent curative effect)祖传秘方secret prescription handed down from one's ancestors阴阳五行学说the theory of yin-yang and five elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth)心heart肝liver脾spleen胃stomach肺lung肾kidney内伤七情(喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊)internal causes (joy, anger, worry, thought, grief, fear and surprise)外感六淫(风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火) external causes (wind, cold, heat, wetness, dryness and fire)中药四性four properties of medicinal herb寒cold热hot温warm凉cool中药五味five tastes of medicinal herb酸sour苦bitter甜sweet辣spicy咸salty按摩message therapy减肥lose weight经络main and collateral channels inside human body; meridian食补保健maintain good health through the intake of nourishing food太极拳Tai chi quan; Tai chi Chuan; Taijiquan boxing延缓衰老to defer senility药典pharmacopoeia有机整体an organic whole瑜珈yoga中国古代药王神农氏Shennong, herbal medicine master of ancient China 中华医学会Chinese Medical Association安全第一,预防为主safety first, precaution crucial.11。

biology vocabulary revision

biology  vocabulary  revision
Chapter2 Cells
light microscope
electron microscope
Cell structure
celll wall
fatty acidsandglycerol
amino acids
Solubility in water
Sugars are soluble
someare soloble
Why organisms need them
Easily availble energy(15KJ/g)
Storage of energy(39KJ/g),making cell membranes
vt. & vi.伸展;拉紧;延伸
carrier protein
Chapter4The chemicals of life
●Animals: get glucose from food, store glycogen.
[lɪpɪd, laɪpɪd]
fatty acid







前言Chapter 1 Nutrition and HealthUnit 1 Carbohydrate1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 2 Lipids1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 3 Vitamins and Minerals1专业词汇分析2课文前言Chapter 1 Nutrition and HealthUnit 1 Carbohydrate1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 2 Lipids1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 3 Vitamins and Minerals1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Chapter 2 Food ChemistryUnit 1 Fhod Additives1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 2 Enzymes in food1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 3 Food Fermentation1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Chapter 3 Food‘technologyUnit 1 Food Processing1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 2 Food Preservation1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 3 Food Products Making1专业词汇分析2课文3 阅读链接4课后作业Chaptee 4 Food Safety and Management Unit 1 Transgenic Food1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 2 GMP and SSOP1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 3 HACCP1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Claapter 5 WritingUnit 1 Food Science and Technology English Papers Translation Methods and Techniques 1专业词汇分析2课文3课后作业Unit 2 Introduction to Research Paper Writing in Food science and technology1课文2The PaperUnit 3 The Writhing of Title.Abstract and Chart Title in Food Science and Techwology English Papers1英文标题的写作2英文摘要的写作3英文图表标题的写作主要参考文献。

(大学专业英语2)Lesson2 Nutrition

(大学专业英语2)Lesson2   Nutrition

Unit2 NutritionWhat we eat as well as how much we eat determine our nutrition status to an important extent,and influenced by a diversity of external and internal factors.The person who wants to find the answer to the question" what should I eat for good nutrition?“,might easily become lost in the maze of informational corridors,confused by the wealth of technical information provided by scientists or mislead by simplistic answers provided by those with products to sell.Somewhere in between is some reasonable,commonsense information that we can use to guide us our quest for sound nutrition knowledge.To begin,we need to learn some definitions of commonly used nutrition terms and find out what sorts of guidelines are available to help us measure the quality of our diets and to develop healthful eating patterns.NUTRITION AND FOOD:DEFINITIONSThe word nutrition is often paired with the word food because the two go together. They are interdependent,but not interchangeable.Food might be defined as any edible substance that provides nourishment when consumed. It is made up of many natural ingredients all chemicals that have different functions such as providing odor,flavor,color,and nourishment. The ingredients that give us nourishment are called nutrients.These nutrients are categorized as fats,proteins carbohydrates (sugars and starches),minerals,vitamins,and water. They are called essential nutrients because we cannot get along without them. We need them for energy,for building and maintaining body tissue;and for regulating body processes ,these are the three essential functions of foods in the body.Nutrition might be defined as the process whereby we obtain the essential nutrients and use them to make many other substances our bodies need,this process would include eating and digesting food and absorbing and using,or metabolizing,the nutrients it contains.We can obtain all of the essential nutrients from food. However,it is possible to obtain nourishment without eating and digesting food-if,for example,the nutrients are injected directly to our veins as in intravenous feeding.Thus,it is the nutrients that are essential and the food that normally provides them. Since food is vital,we need to know the nutritive content of foods,whichones are the best sources of the various nutrients and how to combine them into a healthful diet.The term good nutrition implies that we are obtaining from our food all of the essential nutrients in the amounts needed to keep our bodies functioning and to maintain optimum health. A very simplified definition of good nutrition might be" eating the right foods in the right amounts.“The work of nutrition scientists involves finding the answer to questions about nutrients-their function in the body,the amount of each that we need,what happenings when we receive too much or too little and about food and diet-what foods we should eat and in what amount.Yet nutrition science in its broadest sense has many more facets:the influence of sensory factors of flavor,color,and texture of food on eating behavior;the psychological,cultural,emotional,and social aspects of food intake;and even the economics of food availability and consumer behavior in the purchase of food.THE NUTRIENTSTo date,nutrition scientists have identified some 40 to 45 substances as essential nutrients. But the list is growing as new nutrients continue to be identified;the history of nutrition science contains fascinating stories about the ways food substances have been identified as essential nutrients. In some instances,medical researchers seeking the cause of a particular disease found that problem was due to a single substance,and that when this substance was added to the diet,the symptoms of the disease disappeared. A number of vitamins were discovered in this way.Nutrients might be divided into two general categories based on the amount that we need. These are the macronutrients (carbohydrates,fats,proteins,and water),which we need in relatively large amounts and the micronutrients (mineral elements and vitamins),which we need in relatively small amounts. All of the nutrients except for mineral elements and water are classified as organic chemicals because they contain the element carbon. Mineral elements and water are inorganic chemicals because they do not contain carbon.The vitamins are divided into two general categorizes based on their solubility in either water or fat .the fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A,D,E,and K;the water-soluble vitamins include vitamins C (ascorbic acid),niacin,thiamin,riboflavin,flacon (also called folic acid)antithetic acid,pyridoxine,vitamin B12 and biotin.The mineral elements are divided into two categories based on the quantity of them that we need. Macroelements are those needed in relatively large amounts,while microelements are those needed in very small amounts,some example ofmacroelements are sodium,calcium,and phosphorus. Some example of microelements is iron,iodine,manganese,zinc,and fluorine.RECOMMENDED DIETARY ALLOWANCESOnce a nutrient is identified,one of the principal research efforts of nutrition scientist is to determine how much of it is needed by people at various ages and stages of life. Initial studies usually are conducted with laboratory animals,but the information developed in these studies cannot be applied directly to humans since people's needs often are quite different from animals' needs. Human nutrition studies on the other hand,are time-consuming,costly,and difficult to conduct,especially because of the problems of controlling variables and possibly causing harm to the individuals involved. Because of the obstacles to collecting accurate data,our present knowledge of nutrient needs is incomplete,and the requirements of humans for many nutrients have not been established.However,the data on human and animal needs currently available are used by nutrition scientists to establish estimates of the amounts of essential nutrients per day that will meet the needs of most health persons. In the United States,the most widely used nutrient guidelines are the recommended dietary allowance (RDA),which are issued by the national academy of sciences,national research council,and food and nutrition board.The RDA serves as dietary of nutritional standards for a wide range ofage-weight-sex groups such as infants,children,adolescents,pregnant and lactating women,and younger and older adults. They are recommendations,not average requirements,for satisfactory levels of intake of essential nutrients of population groups of average,healthy people. They do not take account of special needs certain individuals may have due to genetic make up,metabolic disorders,chronic infections,and other abnormalities,which may result in their needing different levels of nutrients.MARGIN of SAFETY ALLOWS for INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCESTo allow for individual difference,the usually are set with a generous margin of safety. Thus,they are thought to meet the needs of 95 to 97 percent of the people within each age-sex group. In other words,the RDA exceed the requirements of most individuals to ensure that the needs of nearly all are meet. For this reason,a person who consumes a diet that provides less than the RDA for one or more essential nutrients is not necessarily getting a diet that is nutritionally inadequate. What can be concluded,however,is that the farther the intake of an essential nutrient falls below the RDA,the greater the probability of nutritional inadequacy,on the other hand,if an individual is getting all the essential nutrients at or above the RDA level of his or her age,chances are good that diet is nationally adequate.An exception is the RDA for energy or calories,which are not designed,as guides for individual caloric needs. Other variables not included in the RDA,such as body size and physical activity,are involved in an individual's caloric requirements.DIFFERENCES IN NUTRIENT UTILIZATION CONSIDEREDAnother factor considered when the RDA are established is the availability of the nutrient and factors that affect how efficiently it is used in the body. For some nutrients,such as iron,absorption or use in the body may be incomplete;so the RDA needs to be set high enough to allow for this. And because in the case of certain other nutrients,substance in food ,called precursors,may be converted into the nutrient in the body ,the RDA needs to allow for this .An example is carotene, the orange-colored substance found in carrots and other vegetables and fruits,which our bodies convert to vitamin A.On the other side of the coin,receiving too much of certain nutrients,amounts significantly above the RDA,can be just harmful as not obtaining enough. Certain vitamins (such as A and D)and minerals can be highly toxic if high doses are used over a period of time.Thus,the RDA can serve as guidelines for optimal nutrient intake from the standpoint of both maximum and minimum levels.Vocabulary:maze n. ①迷宫,迷津,曲径;②混乱,迷惑vt.①使如入迷津②使困惑,使为难‖~d a.迷惘的,困惑的corridor n. ①走廊,回廊,通路②走廊地带③空中走廊diversity n.①差异,不同②多样性,变化in between 在中间,每间隔,在…期间commonsense 有常识的,明明白白的,一望而知的commonsensible (符合)常识的guideline n.①指导路线,方针,准则,指标②指路绳;样张,样行,标线interchangeable ①可交换的,可交替的②可互换的interdependent 互相依赖的,互相依存nourishment ①食物,滋养品②营养情况nutrient ①营养的,滋养的②营养素,营养物consume vt.①消费,消耗,浪费,吃光,喝光②消灭,毁灭vi.消灭,毁灭,消磨,(花,叶等)枯萎(away)be ~d with 被…所吞噬;因(忧愁,妒嫉)而变的憔悴nutrition 营养nutritional 营养的nutritive 营养的,滋养的,食品的,食物的odor气味odorant ①有香气的,有气味的②任何有气味的物体flavor ①味,香味,风味,滋味②食用香料③食用香精④调料category n.①种类,部属,类目②范畴,类型③范畴carbohydrate 碳水化合物,糖类mineral 矿物质,食品中的痕量物质vitamin 维生素,维他命get along 过活,生存essential a.①本质的,实质的,基本的②必需的,必不可少的③提炼的,精华的n.①本质,实质②要素,要点,必需品whereby ad.①(疑问副词)靠什么②(关系副词)靠那个A device ~to get warmth取暖的设备metabolism 新陈代谢,代谢(作用)intravenous feeding 静脉进食vein n.①静脉,血管②性情,气质,才干,语调,风格,意向③纹理,木纹vital 生命的;生机的;维持生命所必需的optimum n.(生长繁殖的)最适条件;最适度 a.最适的facet n. ①(多面体的)面,(宝石等的)刻面,小(平)面②(题目,性格,思想等的)某一方面vt. 在…上刻面intake n. ①吸入,纳入,收纳②纳入(数)量③(水、气体流入沟、管的)入口④被收纳的东西⑤摄取~of food食物摄取availability n.①可用性,有效性,效力②可得性,可得到的东西(或人员)identify vt.①使等同于,认为…一致(with)②认出;识别,鉴定,验明③确定…在分类学上的位置vi.一致,成为一致fascinate vt.①迷住,使神魂颠倒,强烈地吸引住②使呆住,蛊惑vi.迷人,极度吸引人fascinator n.①迷人者②网眼毛披巾macronutrient 主要营养micronutrient 微量营养micro- ①小,微,微量,百万分之一②放大,扩大microphone,microscopeascorbic acid 抗坏血酸niacin 烟酸,尼克酸thiamine 硫胺素riboflavim 核黄素VB2folacin 叶酸(=folic acid)pantothenic acid 泛酸pyridoxine 吡哆醇,吡哆素,维生素B6 biotin 生物素macroelement 主要成分microelement 微量成分sodium 钠potassium 钾phosphorus 磷phosphorous 磷的,亚磷的,含磷的costly a.①昂贵的,代价高的②价值高的,豪华的obstacle n.障碍(物),妨碍pregnant a.①怀孕的,怀胎的,孕育着的,充满的,富有的②意义深长的,含蓄的③富于想象力的,有创造力的④富于成果的,多产的lactate vi.①分泌乳汁②喂奶,授乳n.乳酸盐(或酯)calcium ~乳酸钙lactation n.genetic a. ①创始的,发生的②遗传学的gene n. 基因chronic infection n.①传染,侵染②传染病③影响,感染chronic a.①长期的,慢性的②惯常的,经常的③剧烈的,顽固的n.患慢性病的人abnomality n.①反常,变态,不规则②反常的事物,畸形council n.①政务会,理事会,委员会②商讨会,讨论会议chance n.①机会②可能性,或然性③偶然性,运气a.偶然的vi.碰巧;偶然发生vt.冒…险precursor n.①先驱者,先锋②前辈,前任③预兆,先兆carotene n.胡萝卜素;叶红素carrot n.①胡萝卜②红头发(的人)③政治诱骗,不能兑现的允诺carroty a.①胡萝卜色的②红发的standpoint n.主场,观点。

基础人体解剖与功能学第11版(Martini Nath Bartholomew)说明书

基础人体解剖与功能学第11版(Martini Nath Bartholomew)说明书
For courses in two-semester A&P.
Visual Anatomy & Physiology combines a one-of-a-kind visual approach with a modular organization that uniquely meets the needs of today’s students without sacrificing the comprehensive coverage of A&P topics required for careers in nursing and other allied health professions. The 3rd Edition presents key new features based on recent research about how students use and digest visual information.
Table of Contents
1. An Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 2. Chemical Level of Organization 3. Cellular Level of Organization 4. Tissue Level of Organization 5. The Integumentary System 6. Bones and Bone Structure 7. The Skeleton 8. Joints 9. Skeletal Muscle Tissue 10. The Muscular System 11. Nervous Tissue 12. The Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, and Spinal Reflexes 13. The Brain, Cranial Nerves, and Sensory and Motor Pathways 14. The Autonomic Nervous System 15. The Special Senses 16. The Endocrine System 17. Blood 18. The Heart and Cardiovascular Function 19. Blood Vessels and Circulation 20. The Lymphatic System and Immunity 21. The Respiratory System 22. The Digestive System 23. Metabolism, Nutrition, and Energetics 24. The Urinary System 25. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance 26. The Reproductive System 27. Development and Inheritance



体育专业书籍读后感1200字英文回答:Title: Delving into the Intricacies of Sports Science:A Comprehensive Analysis.Introduction:The realm of sports science encompasses a vast tapestry of disciplines that elucidate the intricacies of human performance, health, and well-being within an athletic context. Delving into the depths of this multifaceted field through the lens of an authoritative textbook provides an invaluable opportunity to unravel the scientificfoundations underpinning the pursuit of athletic excellence. Chapter-by-Chapter Exploration:Chapter 1: The Science of Human Movement.This chapter establishes the cornerstone of sports science by delving into the complexities of human movement. It elucidates the biomechanical principles governing locomotion, describing the interplay of muscles, joints,and the nervous system. Through the lens of kinematics and kinetics, the text unravels the mechanics of varioussporting techniques, providing a comprehensiveunderstanding of the physical demands of athletic performance.Chapter 2: Physiology of Exercise.The second chapter embarks on an exploration of the physiological adaptations evoked by exercise. It unveilsthe intricate workings of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and muscular systems, highlighting how they respond to the physical challenges posed by athletic training. The chapter elucidates the concepts of energy metabolism, oxygen uptake, and lactate production, equipping readers with a thorough comprehension of the physiological demands of various sporting disciplines.Chapter 3: Nutrition for Athletes.Nutrition plays a central role in fueling athletic endeavors and optimizing performance. This chapter unravels the science of sports nutrition, providing guidelines for dietary strategies tailored to different training phasesand competitive demands. It explores the role of macronutrients, micronutrients, and hydration in enhancing recovery, building muscle, and optimizing energy levels for athletes.Chapter 4: Psychology of Sports.The realm of sports science extends beyond the physical realm, encompassing the psychological aspects that significantly influence athletic performance. This chapter delves into the intricacies of sports psychology,unraveling the impact of motivation, concentration, anxiety, and confidence on an athlete's ability to perform under pressure. It explores strategies for mental training and performance enhancement, empowering athletes to cultivate the mental fortitude necessary for success.Chapter 5: Biomechanics of Sports Injuries.Injuries are an unfortunate but inherent part of athletic pursuits. This chapter delves into the underlying biomechanical factors that contribute to sports injuries, providing insights into injury prevention andrehabilitation protocols. It elucidates the mechanisms of common injuries, including sprains, strains, and fractures, highlighting the importance of proper technique, conditioning, and injury management strategies.Chapter 6: Sports Medicine.The final chapter encompasses the realm of sports medicine, which plays a pivotal role in the health andwell-being of athletes. It explores the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of sports-related injuries, providing guidelines for injury management, rehabilitation, and recovery. The chapter also sheds light on the ethical and legal considerations surrounding sports medicine, ensuring that athletes receive the highest quality of care.Conclusion:This comprehensive sports science textbook serves as an invaluable resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the scientific principles underpinning athletic performance. Through its meticulous exploration of human movement, exercise physiology, nutrition, sports psychology, biomechanics of injuries, and sports medicine, the text equips readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to optimize training strategies, prevent injuries, and maximize performance in the demanding arena of sports.中文回答:读后感。



兔子计划培训翻译英文IntroductionThe Rabbit Training Plan is designed to help individuals interested in rabbit farming gain a deeper understanding of the necessary skills and knowledge for successful rabbit rearing. This plan covers a wide range of topics including rabbit breeding, nutrition, health, and management. It is tailored to meet the needs of both aspiring rabbit farmers and those who are already involved in rabbit farming.Chapter 1: Understanding RabbitsIn this chapter, participants will learn about the different breeds of rabbits, their characteristics, and behaviors. Understanding the nature of rabbits is essential for successful handling, breeding, and management.Chapter 2: Rabbit Housing and EquipmentProper housing and equipment are crucial for the health and well-being of rabbits. This chapter covers the different types of rabbit housing, as well as the necessary equipment and facilities required for successful rabbit farming.Chapter 3: Rabbit NutritionNutrition is a key aspect of rabbit farming. Participants will learn about the different types of feed, nutritional requirements, feeding schedules, and the importance of water for rabbits. Chapter 4: Rabbit BreedingRabbit breeding is a fundamental aspect of rabbit farming. This chapter covers topics such as mating, pregnancy, kindling, and the care of newborn kits. Participants will also learn about the various breeding systems and methods.Chapter 5: Rabbit Health and DiseasesUnderstanding rabbit health and diseases is crucial for maintaining a healthy rabbit herd. This chapter covers topics such as common rabbit diseases, preventive measures, and basic healthcare practices.Chapter 6: Rabbit ManagementEffective management is essential for the success of a rabbit farming venture. This chapter covers topics such as record-keeping, herd management, reproduction management, and the use of technology in rabbit farming.Chapter 7: Rabbit Marketing and SalesParticipants will learn about the different marketing strategies for rabbit products, as well as the factors that influence the price of rabbit meat, fur, and other by-products. This chapter also covers topics such as value addition and branding.Chapter 8: Rabbit Welfare and Ethical ConsiderationsThis chapter provides an overview of rabbit welfare standards and ethical considerations in rabbit farming. Participants will learn about the ethical treatment of rabbits and the importance of maintaining high welfare standards.Chapter 9: Business Planning and Financial ManagementParticipants will learn about the importance of business planning and financial management in rabbit farming. This chapter covers topics such as profit and loss analysis, budgeting, and financial record-keeping.ConclusionThe Rabbit Training Plan provides a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of rabbit farming. Participants will gain the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully start and manage a rabbit farming venture. With a focus on practical application, this plan is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in rabbit farming.。






一、 Chapter One - Where Do You Come From?1. native [ˈneɪtɪv] adj. 本地的,土生土长的2. accent [ˈæksənt] n. 口音,腔调3. dialect [ˈdaɪəlekt] n. 方言,土语4. standard [ˈstændərd] adj. 标准的,正常的5. pronunciation [prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn] n. 发音,读音6. majority [məˈdʒɔrəti] n. 大多数,在多数情况下二、 Chapter Two - Great Scientists1. scientist [ˈsaɪəntɪst] n. 科学家2. the ory [ˈθiəri] n. 理论,学说3. experiment [ɪkˈsperɪmənt] n. 实验,试验4. evidence [ˈevɪdəns] n. 证据,证明5. conclusion [kənˈkluʒn] n. 结论,推论6. observation [ˌɑbzərˈveɪʃn] n. 观察,观察力三、 Chapter Three - Travel1. destination [ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn] n. 目的地,终点2. journey [ˈdʒɜrni] n. 旅行,旅途3. voyage [ˈvɔɪɪdʒ] n. 航程,旅行4. backpack [ˈbækˌpæk] n. 背包,旅行包5. souvenir [suːvəˈnɪr] n. 纪念品,礼品6. itinerary [aɪˈtɪnəˌreri] n. 行程,旅行计划四、 Chapter Four - Health1. nutrition [nuˈtrɪʃn] n. 营养,营养学2. diet [daɪət] n. 饮食,食物3. diabetes [ˌdaɪəˈbi:tiz] n. 糖尿病4. allergy [ˈælərdʒi] n. 过敏,过敏症5. infection [ɪnˈfekʃn] n. 感染,传染6. symptom [ˈsɪmptəm] n. 症状,征兆五、 Chapter Five - Celebration1. tradition [trəˈdɪʃn] n. 传统,习俗2. custom [ˈkʌstəm] n. 风俗,惯例3. ceremony [ˈserəmoʊni] n. 典礼,仪式4. banquet [ˈbæŋkwɪt] n. 宴会,盛宴5. decoration [ˌdekəˈreɪʃn] n. 装饰,装饰品6. festival [ˈfestəvl] n. 节日,庆典这是一个简单的牛津译林版英语高中选修一单词默写表,希望同学们能够认真学习,掌握这些单词的用法和相关知识,以便更好地学习和运用英语。



Chapter1 自然地理 List 1 Date: £££££1atmosphere n.大气层;气氛 working~21destructive adj.破坏/有害的 destruct v. 毁坏41magma n.岩浆adj.热力的, thermodynamics热力学的2hydrosphere n.大气中水汽,水圈22El Nino n.厄尔尼诺42thermodynamic3lithosphere n.岩石圈23greenhouse n.温室;the~effct 温室效应43smog n.烟雾,雾霾4oxygen n.氧气; gases 气体24phenomenon*n.现象;pheno显示44fume n.有害气体 V.冒烟5oxide n.氧化物25pebble n.鹅卵石;marble大理石45mist n.薄雾,水汽 ~of tears泪眼模糊6carbon dioxide n.二氧化碳;di 二的意思26magnet *n.magnetic adj therapy磁疗46tsunami n.海啸7hydrogen n.氢气;hydro水, gen生成27ore n.矿石,矿47flooding n.洪水泛滥;flood v.淹没 n.洪水8core n.中心,核心;地核28mineral n.矿物质;矿产48torrent n.激流洪流;current思潮趋势,现在的9crust n.地壳;面包皮29marble n.大理石;弹球49drought n.干旱,旱灾 dry/ arid干燥的10mantle n.地幔;斗篷披风;v.覆盖30quartz n.石英;~clock石英钟50earthquake n.地震11longitude n.经度;a line of ~ 经线31granite n.花岗岩;bite on~徒劳51seismic adj.地震的,地震引起的 a~wave地震波12latitude n.纬度;hight-latitude32breeze n.微风52avalanche n.雪崩13altitude n.高度海拔;alt高,itude性质33gust n.一阵狂风;(感情的)迸发53terrain n.地形;a~feature地形特征14horizon *n.地平线;broaden sb's ~34gale n.大风;a severe~一阵大风54landscape n/v风景;对..进行美化15disaster n.灾难;disastrous adj.35hurricane *n.飓风,风暴;cyclone气旋55continent n.大陆洲, continental breakfast欧早餐16mishap adj.小灾难的, mis坏+hap运气36tornado n.龙卷风=twister 旋风56cave n.洞穴17catastrophic adj.灾难性的37typhoon n.台风;tycoon 大亨57cliff n.峭壁18calamity *n.灾难不幸 cause a~酿成灾38monsoon n.季风;~season 雨季58glacier n.冰川19endanger v.endangered adj.濒临灭绝39volcano n.extinct~死火山,sit on~处境危险59swamp n.沼泽20jeopardise *v.危害/及 ~sb's life 40erupt v.爆发;eruption n.喷发60delta n.三角洲;from alpha to omega1plain n/adj平原;简单朴素的21pacific n/adj太平洋;平静的41steep adj.陡峭的,陡直的2plateau n.高原;~ climate高原气候22marine n/adj水兵;海洋的42parallel n/adj/v平行线;平行的;V.与...相似3oasis n.绿洲=water hole23navigation n.航行. navigator航海家/导航员43narrow n/adj/v窄/局限的.n海岸;V变窄; ~down限制减少4globe n.球体,地球仪24gulf n.海湾. golf高尔夫44Oceania n.大洋洲5hemisphere n.半球. hemispheric 半球的25beach n.海滩45mainland n.大陆本土=continent6equator n.赤道26coast n.海岸,海滨. coastal 海岸的46peninsula n.半岛7equal adj.相当的,all men are created~27shore n.(大水域的)岸47climate n.气候,思潮,环境8arctic n/adj北极的;the 北极地区28tide n.趋势/潮流.tidal的. at low~退潮时48weather n.天气,气象9Antarctic adj.南极的. ant对面+arctic29current n.水/气/电流. currently目前地49meteorology n.[miːtiəˈrɒlədʒi] 气象学.meteor高处物10pole n.两级中的一级30brook n.小河,溪50mild adj.温和的. a~climate温和气候11polar *adj.极地/对立的. polarize两极分化31stream n/v.小河,溪;V.流出51heating n.供暖.暖气,装置. heat热v.变热12axis n.轴线. axe斧头32source n.河源头, 根源. resource资源52moderate adj/v.适中的;缓和13deteriorate *v.恶化/严重.deterioration n.恶化33shallow adj.浅的. ~-hearted adj.薄情的53warm adj/v.暖和;变暖. warmth n.温暖热情14aggravate v.加重/恶化. gravity重力34superficial adj.表层的. a~injury 皮外伤54thermal adj.热量的;thermovent海底火山口15degrade *v.降解/贬低 degradeble可降解35flat adj/n.扁平的;公寓 55tropics adj/n.热带地区. tropical热带的; in the~ 16upgrade v.提高. ~(sth)to(sth)升级为36smooth adj.光滑/流畅的 smoothly adv.56arid adj.干燥的,干旱的. an~desert 干旱的荒漠17erode *v.侵蚀/腐蚀. erosion n.侵蚀37rough adj.粗糙的. roughly adv.57moist adj.潮湿的. moisture n潮湿,湿气,水分18Mediterranean adj.地中海的38sandy adj.含沙的,铺满沙. sand 沙/滩58damp adj.潮湿的. a~climate潮气候. dampness n. 19Atlantic n/adj大西洋;大西洋的39stony adj.石头的;多石的59humid adj.湿热的.~conditions. humidity n.高温潮20ocean n.海洋;~s of 大量的40vertical adj.垂直/直立的. 反:horizonal60snowy adj.下雪多的,被覆盖的1frost n.霜冻. frosty adj.严寒的21mount v/n.登上,渐渐增加;山41sediment n.沉积物2hail n/v.冰雹;赞扬,招呼,下冰雹22mountain n.山,高山42silt n/v.淤泥;堵塞3thaw v/n.解冻,融化~sth out;解冻时期23range n.山脉;范围. in the~of在..范围内43muddy adj.泥泞浑浊的. mud泥4chill v/n.使变冷;寒.~enthusiasm热情冷却24ridge n/v.山脉;使隆起44clay n.粘土,陶土5freeze v/n.结冰;霜冻. freezer冰柜25slope n/v.山坡,斜坡;倾斜45dirt n.污垢,灰尘泥土. dirty adj.脏的6frigid adj.寒冷的. a~climate极冷气候26valley n.山谷,溪谷. in the~在山谷里46rural adj.乡村的. ~area农村地区7tremble v/n.战抖. ~all over浑身颤抖27hillside n.山腰47suburb n.郊区. suburban adj.郊区的8shiver v.哆嗦. ~with cold冷得发抖28overlook *v.俯跳,忽视=neglect48outskirts n.郊区,市郊9thunder v/n.雷声,打雷. thunderstorm雷雨29southern adj.南方的49remote adj.遥远的. a~contorl 遥控器10lightning n/adj.闪电;闪电般快的. lighten v.变轻30southeast n/adj.东南方;东南方的50desolate adj.荒凉的11stormy adj.暴风雨的. storm n.暴风雨31southwest n/adj.西南方;西南方的51distant adj.疏远,遥远的. the~past遥远的过去12downpour n.倾盆大雨32northeast n/adj.东北部;东北部的52adjacent adj.邻近的. ~to与..临近13rainfall n.降雨量33northwest n/adj.西北部;西北部的53toxic adj.有毒的. highly~剧毒14sprinkle v/n.撒;少量,小雨. sprinker喷淋34eastern adj.东部的54pollution n.污染. pullute v.污染15rainbow n.彩虹35oriental *n.东方的(中国/日本) ~week新生周55pollutant n.污染物. atmosphere~大气污染物16shower n.阵雨;淋浴36inevitable adj.不可避免的. evitable可避免的56contaminate v.弄脏污染. con共同+tam触摸17Celsius adj/n.[ˈselsiəs]摄氏的;摄氏度 37irreversible adj.不可逆转的. ir不+re回+vers转57geology n.地质学;地质状况. geological adj. 18temperature n.气温,体温38irregularly adv.不规则. regularly规则地58border n/v.边界;和..毗邻. within the~of在..境内19forecast *v/n.预言/测;预报= foresee39inappropriate adj.不合适的. propre合适的59margin n.边缘,空白.allow a greater~of允许余地20peak n/v.山峰,顶点; 到最大值40abnormal adj.不正常的;变态 normal正常60fringe n/adj.边缘,刘海;次要的,非主流的Chapter1 自然地理 List 4 Date: £££££1plate n.地址板块,盘21sunset n.日落. ~glow晚霞.~industry夕阳产业41drown v.淹死,浸泡2debris n.残骸22eclipse n.日食月食. a solar/lunar~42blow v.风吹;用力一击. strikea~for维护3crack v/n.破裂/声;裂缝. cause a~弄裂痕23dusk n.黄昏. by~到黄昏时. 反:dawn破晓43puff v/n.喷出;吹出一缕4gap n.缺口,差距. the generation~代购24heaven n.天堂44gush v/n.涌出. ~out喷出. ~from从..喷出5splendid adj.极好/壮观的. a~chance25paradise n.天堂乐园45dense adj.密集的. density n.密度6grand adj.宏达的;豪华的26sunshine n.阳光46intensity n.强烈. intense adj.强烈的,紧张的7magnificent adj.壮丽的,令人印象深刻. magnificence27shade n/v.阴影;给..遮光. shady adj.阴凉的47intensive adj.加强/集中/密集的. intense剧烈的8super adj.超级的28shadow n.影子阴影. cast a~投下阴影48emerge v.浮现,暴漏. ~out of从..里出来9interesting adj.有趣的. interested adj. 感兴趣的29vapour n.vapor 蒸气,水汽49flash v/n.闪光闪现. ~through sb's mind 10dramatic adj.戏剧性的. a~event令人深刻事30evaporate v.蒸发,消失. evaporation n.50float v.漂浮11wilderness n.荒野31circulate v.循环,流通,传播. circulation n.51environment adj.环境. enviromental adj.有关环境的12desert n/v.沙漠;离弃.desertification荒漠化32precipitate v.凝结,沉淀. tion n.52surrounding adj.周围的. ~environment周围环境13deforest v.毁掉森林33reservoir n.水库. dam大坝53condition n.条件14barren adj.贫瘠的. a~desert荒漠34waterfall n.瀑布. firwork 烟花54situation n.情况. situate v.使位于15fertile adj.肥沃,富饶35fountain n.喷泉,源泉55nature n.自然,本质,性质.destroy~破坏自然16fertilise v.施肥. fertiliser n.肥料36spring n.春天,泉水. springtime 春季56natural adj.自然的. naturally adv.自然地17solar adj.太阳的37dew n.露水57artificial *adj.人造的18lunar adj.月亮的38pour v.倾斜,倾盆而下. downpour倾盆大雨58synthetic *adj.人造的,合成的19calendar n.历法,日历. lunar~阴历39drain v/n.排空;耗竭. drainage排水59petrol n.汽油. petroleum 石油20sunrise n.日出40drip v.滴出. drip down滴下60gas n.气体,汽油 gasoline汽油Chapter2 植物研究 List 6 Date: £££££1rainforest n.雨林. a~ reserve雨林保护区21meadow n.草地牧场41surroundings n.环境2jungle n.丛林22lawn n.草坪,草地42counterbalance n/v.平衡作用的事物;抵消,对...起作用3plantation n.种植园,栽植23olive n.橄榄树. an~brunch橄榄枝43mechanism v.机制,制造[ˈmekənɪzəm]4field n.田野,野外24pine n.松树,松木44preserve v.保护,维持原状,保存 v+ation n. 5terrace n.梯田25vine n.葡萄藤45conservation n.(对环境)保护. conversation交谈6timber n.木材26violet n.堇菜 [ˈvaɪələt]46bush fire n.林区大火7charcoal n.木炭27tulip n.郁金香 [ˈtjuːlɪp]47extinguish v.扑灭;破灭. extinguisher灭火器8log n.原木,航海日志28mint n/v.薄荷,铸币厂;造硬币48destruct v.自毁. destruction n.破坏9logo n.标示29reef n.暗礁. on the~49ruin v/n.毁坏;毁灭,废墟10forestry n.林学林业. forest 森林30alga n.海草. algal adj. algae复数50perish v.毁灭腐烂,消亡11branch n.树枝,分支分店31enzyme n.酶51demolish v.拆除毁坏,推翻12trunk n.树干,躯干;大箱子32catalyst n.催化剂,促成因素.catalyze v.52infringe v.违反;侵犯13bough n.大树枝33release n/v.释放发布53undermine v.破坏,逐渐消弱14root n/v.跟;生根34emission n.排放;排放物54extinction n.灭绝. extinc adj.已灭绝的15hay n.干草. hit the~ 上床睡觉35absorb v.吸收,吸引注意. be~in专注..上55pattern n.模式,底样16straw n.稻草,麦秆;吸管36circulation n.循环,流通. circle环绕 circulate流传56outcome n.结果17reed n.芦苇37exceed v.超过57impact n.影响18thorn n.刺,荆棘. thorny多刺棘手的38uptake n.摄取58seasonal adj.季节性的19weed n/v.杂草;除杂草39nutrient n.营养物. nutrition营养/学59experimental adj.实验的. vaccine疫苗20grass n.草地40energy n.能源,精力60favourable adj.有利的,赞成,肯定Chapter4 太空探索 List 10 Date: £££££1galaxy n.星系,银河系21propulsion n.推进力41fossil n.化石2cosmos n.宇宙22pressure n.压力42sample n.样品,样本3universe n.宇宙万物.universal adj.全世界的普遍的23dynamics n.动力学,动态. dynamic发动的43specimen n.样品,标本 species物种4interstellar adj.星际的。



AP Biology Course SyllabusPhilosophy:Biology is the study of living things and is one of the core scientific disciplines. Understanding biology is essential to the understanding of the diversity of life and how all life affects the environment. This course is designed to teach students the vital connection between biological principles and the processes of science, and to provide students with the solid conceptual foundation necessary to understand the expanding role of biology in modern life. It is also designed to aid students in developing their critical thinking skills so that they will be able to make well-informed decisions about their health and the health of the environment. Evolutionary themes are emphasized throughout the course so that students understand that these themes unify all of biological study.Course Overview:The class schedule is a block schedule. My AP class meets every day and alternates between 40 and 80 minutes every other day. Labs are scheduled every other day (2 for every 5 days) and the majority of the labs can be completed in one class period unless otherwise stated in this syllabus. If we are working on a lab that requires more than one period, then I will adjust the schedule to fit the need for more time. I cover all of the labs from the AP Biology Lab Manual along with other teacher created labs. For many of the labs, the students answer a pre-lab worksheet that allows them to practice writing hypotheses and to focus on what they will be expected to do in the lab. The students then write a lab report that requires them to organize, analyze and explain the results of the lab. The lab reports will be kept in a lab notebook. Students also design several of their own experiments and present their findings. After each chapter, the students take a test that includes teacher generated multiple choice and essay questions and questions taken from previous AP exams. Students are also required to read articles chosen from magazines such as Scientific American and Discover and write short discussion papers.Organization:I have organized this course into the three major themes designated by the AP Biology Course Description – Molecules and Cells, Heredity and Evolution, and Organisms and Populations. I attempt to integrate the eight themes (science as a process; evolution; energy transfer; continuity and change; relationship of structure to function; regulation; science, technology, and society; and interdependence in nature) into every unit. I also have attempted to organize the course so that students can observe the connections between structure and function and the similarities and differences between organisms. Textbooks and other Materials:Biology (6th ed.) by Neil Campbell and Jane B. Reece. (Benjamin Cummings: 2002) ISBN 0-8053-6624-5AP Biology Lab Manual for Students (College Board)Senior Biology 1 and 2 Student Resource and Activity Manuals 2007(2006 Richard Allen – BIOZONE International Ltd.)Online Resources from NIH, DNA Interactive, PBS and HHMICourse Planner:A. Molecules and Cells (15 weeks)I. The Ten Themes in the Study of Life (Chapters 1 and 40)What is Science?The Processes of ScienceEvolution – the unifying element of biologyThe Characteristics of LifeOrganization of Human TissuesFunctional Anatomy – Form reflects FunctionLabs and activities:The Nature of Science – hands onAnimal Behavior – AP Lab 11Histology (comparing tissues) – Lab2. The Chemical Context of Life (Chapter 2)Atomic StructureChemical BondsMoleculesLabs and activities:Building molecular models – hands on3. Water and the Fitness of the Environment (Chapter 3)Structure of WaterProperties of WaterDissociation of WaterLab and activities:Water molecule kits – hands onDissolved Oxygen – AP Lab 12Acids and Bases: making a homemade pH scale – Lab4. Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life (Chapter 4)The Unique Structure and Properties of CarbonThe Structure and Characteristics of Functional GroupsLabs and activities:Building molecular models – hands on5. The Structure and Function of Macromolecules (Chapter 5)CarbohydratesProteinsLipidsNucleic AcidsLabs and activities:Identifying Carbohydrates – LabIdentifying Proteins – LabIdentifying Lipids – LabProtein Folding Activity – hands onBuilding a nucleotide – hands on6. A Tour of the Cell (Chapters 7, 27, 28)Cell Study TechniquesComparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic CellsEvolution of the First CellsDevelopment of Eukaryotic cellsThe Domains of LifeCell TheoryLabs and activities:Cell Structure (observing cheek, Elodea and onion cells) – Lab The Cell Amusement Park – cell structures and functions 7. Membrane Structure and Function (Chapter 8)Fluid Mosaic ModelStructure of the Cell MembraneComponents of the membraneMembrane CarbohydratesMembrane ProteinsPassive TransportActive TransportLabs and activities:Diffusion – AP Lab 1Osmosis – AP Lab 1Endocytosis – problem solving8. Regulating the Internal Environment (Chapters 40, 44)Homeostasis – Regulation and FeedbackOsmoregulatorsWater BalanceWaste DisposalEvolution of the KidneyThe Vertebrate KidneyThe Mammalian KidneyLabs and activities:Urinalysis – Lab9. Cell Communication (Chapter 7, 11)Cell Surfaces and JunctionsCell SignalingSignal Receptors and Initiation of TransductionSignal Transduction PathwaysCellular Responses to SignalsLabs and activities:Cell Signaling – hands on10. Nervous Systems (Chapter 48)Overview of Nervous SystemsNature of Nerve SignalsEvolution and Diversity of Nervous SystemsVertebrate Peripheral Nervous SystemsVertebrate Central Nervous SystemsLabs and activities:Lights, Camera, Actions – Nerve Impulse SimulationGet the Point – Sensory Perception – Lab11. Sensory and Motor Mechanisms (Chapter 49)Sensory ReceptionPhotoreceptors and VisionHearing and EquilibriumChemoreceptors – Taste and SmellMovement and LocomotionLab and activities:Arm Muscle Simulation – Lab12. Chemical Signals in Animals (Chapter 45)Evolution of the Regulatory SystemChemical Signals and modes of actionEndocrine glands and their functionsRegulation of Body FunctionsLabs and activities:N/A13. The Body’s Defenses (Chapter 43)Nonspecific defenses Against InfectionMechanism of Specific ImmunityTypes of Immune ResponsesImmunity in Health and DiseaseAIDSLabs and activities:Articles on HIV and AIDS14. An Introduction to Metabolism (Chapter 40, 6)Metabolic Pathways and ratesLaws of ThermodynamicsThe Role of ATPEnzymes and Enzymatic ActivityControl of MetabolismLabs and activities:Toothpickase – LabEnzyme Catalysis –AP Lab 2Q10 of Daphnia magna – AP Lab 1015. Cellular Respiration: Harvesting Chemical Energy (Chapter 9)Redox ReactionsATP UseElectron Transport Chain and Production of ATPGlycolysisKrebs CycleFermentation and Anaerobic RespirationCatabolism of Fats and ProteinsFeedback MechanismsLabs and activities:ATP and metabolic activity – hands onCellular Respiration Lab – AP Lab 5Krebs Cycle Caravan – hands onFermentation Lab – Lab16. Animal Nutrition (Chapter 41)Nutritional RequirementsFood and Feeding Mechanisms – An evolutionary comparisonFood Processing – A comparisonMammalian Digestive SystemEvolutionary Adaptations of Vertebrate Digestive SystemsLabs and activities:Salivary Amylase Lab – Lab17. Circulation and Gas Exchange (Chapter 42)Comparison of Circulatory SystemsEvolution of the Vertebrate SystemAnatomy of the Mammalian HeartBlood Flow and Blood PressureCapillary ExchangeComponents of BloodCardiovascular diseaseGas exchange in gillsGas Exchange in Vertebrate LungsHow Do We Breathe?Blood’s Role in Gas ExchangeLabs and activities:Blood Typing – LabDissection of a cow’s heart – LabPhysiology of the Circulatory System – AP Lab 10 18. Plant Form and FunctionThe Plant Body – Three Basic OrgansPlant TissuesThe Three Plant Cell TypesMeristemsPrimary GrowthSecondary GrowthRoot AnatomyStem AnatomyLeaf AnatomyLabs and activities:Comparison of Cell Types – hands onMicroscopic Look at Root Tissue – LabMicroscopic Look at Stem Tissue – Lab19. Transport in Plants (Chapter 36)Water PotentialAbsorption of Water and MineralsTransport in XylemThe Role of TranspirationThe Structure and Function of StomataTranslocation in PhloemLabs and activities:Transpiration Lab – AP Lab 9 (1 week)Water Potential Lab – AP Lab 1 (2 periods)20. Plant Nutrition (Chapter 37)Nutritional RequirementsMineral DeficienciesThe Role of SoilSoil ConservationNitrogen is SpecialSymbiotic RelationshipsParasitic RelationshipsLabs and activities:The Nitrogen Cycle – hands onDoes Nutrition Really Matter – Lab (1 – 2 weeks)21. PhotosynthesisThe Chloroplast – The Site of PhotosynthesisLight Reactions Convert Solar Energy to Chemical EnergyThe Nature of ChlorophyllThe Calvin CyclePhotorespiration and Alternative MechanismsLabs and activities:Plant Pigment Chromatography – AP Lab 4Photosynthesis – AP Lab 4Light Reactions and the Calvin Cycle – Role Playing Simulations 22. Plant Reproduction (Chapter 38)Alternation of GenerationsThe Role of FlowersPollination vs. FertilizationDouble FertilizationThe Role of Fruit in Seed DispersalEvolutionary Adaptations for Seed DispersalAsexual ReproductionPlant BiotechnologyLabs and activities:Flower Dissection – Lab23. Plant Responses to Internal and External Signals (Chapter 39)Signal Transduction and Plant ResponsesResponses to HormonesResponses to LightResponses to Other External StimuliPlant Defenses: Responses to Herbivores and PathogensLabs and activities:Plant Response to Light – Lab (1week)B. Heredity and Evolution (13 weeks)1. The Cell Cycle (Chapter 12)The Role of Cell DivisionChromosome StructureStages of MitosisCytokinesisRegulation of the Cell Cycle – CancerLabs and activities:Mitosis – AP Lab 32. Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles (Chapters 13, 46)Sexual vs Asexual ReproductionAutosomes vs Sex ChromosomesHaploid vs DiploidAlternation of GenerationsOogenesis and SpermatogenesisLabs and activities:Meiosis – AP Lab 3Crossing over in Sordaria – AP Lab 33. The Genetic Basis of Development (Chapter 21)Embryonic DevelopmentDifferential Gene ExpressionTranscriptional RegulationPattern FormationHomeotic GenesLabs and activities:none4. Animal Reproduction (Chapter 46)Evolution of Animal Reproductive SystemsMechanisms of Sexual ReproductionMammalian ReproductionMale AnatomyFemale AnatomyHormonal RoleEmbryonic and Fetal DevelopmentTechnological Solutions for InfertilityLabs and activities:none5. Animal Development (Chapter 47)Fertilization ActivationCleavage and Blastula FormationFormation of the OrgansMorphogenesisDifferential DeterminantsPattern FormationLabs and activities:Virtual Animal Development –/embryology_main.html6. Mendel and the Gene Idea (Chapter 14)Mendel’s LawsGenotype and PhenotypePedigree AnalysisHuman DisordersTechnological Processes for Genetic Testing and Counseling Labs and activities:Chi-square Analysis – LabPedigree Analysis – hands onVirtual Fly Lab – /Genetics of Drosophila – AP Lab 7 (2-3 weeks)7. Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance (Chapter 15)LinkageCrossing OverMapping Chromosomal LociSex ChromosomesSex Linkage and Human DisordersGenetic Errors Cause DisordersImprintingLabs and activities:Recovering the Romanovs – Sex-linked online activity/d/index.html8. The Molecular Basis of Inheritance (Chapter 16)The Evidence that DNA is the Genetic MaterialThe Structure of DNADNA ReplicationDamage RepairTelomeres and AgingLabs and activities:Building a Nucleotide – hands onLeading and Lagging Strands – hands on9. From Gene to Protein (Chapter 17)The Central DogmaThe Genetic CodeEvolution of the Genetic CodeTranscriptionEukaryotic Modification of RNAThe Evolutionary Importance of IntronsTranslationComparison of Protein Synthesis in Prokaryotes and EukaryotesMutations affect Protein Structure and FunctionTypes of Point MutationsLabs and activities:James Bond Cellular Spy – hands on Protein Synthesis(created by Cheryl Hollinger)Transcription – hands on10. Microbial Models: Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria (Chapter 18)Viral StructureLysogenic vs Lytic CyclesTypes of Animal VirusesCauses and Prevention of Viral Diseases in AnimalsViruses and CancerViroids and PrionsEvolution of VirusesBacterial ReproductionGenetic RecombinationTransformation and TransductionConjugation and PlasmidsTransposonsOperonsLabs and activities:Bacterial Colony Transformation (pGLO) – AP Lab 6 (2-3 days)Operon Structure and Function Activity – hands on11. Organization and Control of Eukaryotic Genomes (Chapter 19)Chromatin Structure Based on DNA PackingRepetitive DNA and Non-coding SequencesGene FamiliesGene Amplification, Loss and RearrangementExpression of GenesTranscription InitiationPost-transcription MechanismsCancer and Genetic Changes in the Cell CycleOncogene ProteinsLabs and activities:Cancer – online activity/vc/cancer/ca_properties/p1.cfm 12. DNA Technology and Genomics (Chapter 20)Restriction Enzymes and Recombinant DNAGenetic EngineeringThe Cloning ProcedureDNA LibrariesRestriction Fragment AnalysisGel ElectrophoresisMapping GenomesApplicationsEthical QuestionsLabs and activities:RFLP Cleavage Patterns of Lambda DNA – AP Lab 6 (2 days)Virtual DNA Murder Mystery (CD-Rom)13. Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life (Chapter 22)Historical Context for Evolutionary TheoryDescent with ModificationNatural Selection and EvolutionHomologyLabs and activities:noneC. Organisms and Populations (10 weeks)1. The Evolution of Populations (Chapter 23)Population GeneticsAllele FrequenciesHardy-Weinberg PrincipleMicroevolutionGenetic DriftNatural SelectionGenetic Variation Between PopulationsNatural Selection as the Mechanism of Adaptive EvolutionLabs and activities:Population Genetics and Evolution – AP Lab 8Random Genetic Drift Lab – Lab2. Phylogeny and Systematics (Chapters 24 and 25)What is a Species?Barriers that Isolate Gene PoolsAllopatric SpeciationSympatric Speciation“Evo-devo” GenesFossil RecordsContinental DriftSystematicsCladogramsPhylogenetic TreesLabs and activities:Building a Cladogram – hands on3. Early Earth and the Origin of Life (Chapter 26)History of the EarthThe Origin of LifeThe Major Lineages of LifeLabs and activities:none4. The Origins of Eukaryotic Diversity (Chapter 28)ProtistsOrigin and Early DiversificationEndosymbiosisEuglenozoaAlveolataAlgaeLabs and activities:none5. Plant Diversity (Chapters 29 – 30)Evolution of Land PlantsOrigin of Land PlantsBryophytesOrigin of Vascular PlantsSeedless Vascular PlantsEvolution of Seed PlantsGymnospermsAngiospermsPlants and Human WelfareLabs and activities:Dissection of Various Fruits – Lab6. Fungi (Chapter 31)Overview of FungiEvolution of FungiThe Phyla of FungiEcological Impacts of FungiLabs and activities:Dissection of Various Fungal Types – Lab7. Animal Diversity (Chapters 32 – 34)What is an animal?Origins of Animal DiversityNoncoelemate InvertebratesCoelemate InvertebratesVertebratesLabs and activities:none8. Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere (Chapter 50)What is Ecology?Factors Affecting the Distribution of OrganismsAquatic and Terrestrial BiomesLabs and activities:Study of Biomes – Research Project9. Behavioral BiologyWhat is Behavior?LearningAnimal CognitionSocial Behavior and SociologyLabs and activities:Field Study of Animal Behavior (1 week)10. Population and Communal Ecology (Chapters 52 – 53)Characteristics of PopulationsLife HistoriesPopulation GrowthPopulation-Limiting FactorsHuman Population GrowthWhat is Community?Control in Community StructureDisturbance and Community StructureFactors that Affect the Biodiversity of CommunitiesLabs and activities:Population Growth and Balance Interactive Activity – hands on /java/population/introduction.html Predator-Prey Populations Biokit – Lab11. Ecosystems (Chapter 54)Trophic RelationshipsPrimary ProductionSecondary ProductionElement CyclingHuman Impact on EcosystemsLabs and activities;Creating an Ecosystem – hands on12. Conservation Biology (Chapter 55)The Importance of and Threats to BiodiversityConservation of Populations and SpeciesConservation of Communities and Ecosystems Labs and activities:Readings from Newspapers – hands on。



野外生存指南英文版English Answer:Chapter 1: Essential Skills.Navigation: Learn to use a compass, map, and GPS to find your way in unfamiliar territory.Firecraft: Master the art of building and maintaining fires for warmth, cooking, and signaling.Shelter: Construct temporary shelters from available materials to protect yourself from the elements.Water purification: Find and purify water from natural sources to avoid dehydration.First aid: Treat minor injuries and illnesses effectively to maintain your health.Chapter 2: Nutrition and Hydration.Foraging: Identify and gather edible plants and animals in your surroundings.Hunting and fishing: Acquire food by hunting small game or fishing in lakes and rivers.Water consumption: Determine your daily water needs and ration your supply accordingly.Hydration strategies: Find ways to conserve water and maintain hydration in hot climates.Chapter 3: Gear and Equipment.Clothing and footwear: Choose appropriate clothing and footwear for the terrain and weather conditions.Tools: Carry essential tools such as a knife, hatchet, and cordage for various tasks.Emergency kit: Assemble a small kit with basic first aid supplies, fire starter, and emergency shelter.Backpack: Select a comfortable and durable backpack to carry your gear.Chapter 4: Special Considerations.Altitude sickness: Understand the symptoms and prevention of altitude sickness when traveling to higher elevations.Extreme cold: Prepare for and manage the challenges of surviving in cold environments.Insect protection: Protect yourself from insect bites and diseases by using repellents and protective clothing.Animal encounters: Learn how to avoid and respond to encounters with wild animals.Chapter 5: Wilderness Ethics and Safety.Leave No Trace: Respect the wilderness by leaving it as you found it.Wildfire prevention: Follow fire restrictions and safely dispose of campfires.Safety precautions: Take necessary precautions to avoid injury or getting lost.Emergency communication: Know how to contact emergency services if needed.Chapter 6: Psychological Aspects.Fear and stress management: Recognize the psychological challenges of survival and develop coping mechanisms.Motivation and determination: Stay motivated and focused on your goal of returning to safety.Social skills: Interact effectively with othersurvivors if necessary.Spiritual and emotional well-being: Find ways to maintain your inner strength and resilience.中文回答:第一章,必备技能。



Brock Biology of MicroorganismsBilingual Glossary(For Internal Circulation Only)微生物学术语双语(中英文)对照北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院微生物教研室谢响明生物秀-专心做生物www.bbioo.com2007年6月10日Catalogue目录Chapter1 Microorganisms and MicrobiologyChapter 2 An Overview of Microbial LifeChapter 3 MacromoleculesChapter 4 Cell Structure/FunctionChapter5 Nutrition, Laboratory Culture, and Metabolism of MicroorganismsChapter 6 Microbial GrowthChapter 7 Principles of Microbial Molecular Biology Chapter 8 Regulation of Gene ExpressionChapter 9 Essentials of VirologyChapter 10 Bacterial GeneticsChapter 11 Microbial Evolution and Systematics Chapter 15 Microbial GenomicsChapter 18 Methods in Microbial EcologyChapter 19 Microbial Habitats, Nutrients Cycles Chapter 20 Microbial Growth ControlBilingual Glossary for MicrobiologyChapter 1Landmark:里程碑Ramifications:分支non-cellular life :非细胞生命prion:朊病毒microbial diversity and evolution:微生物的多样性和进化pathogens:病原体genetic engineering:基因工程entity:实体macromolecules:大分子Reproduction:繁殖Differentiation:分化Communication:信息沟通coding devices:编码机制attributes:特征,品质coordination.:协调regulation:调节optimally attuned to最适地调和populations:种群habitat.:生境assemblages:集合体microbial communities:微生物群落biofilms:生物被膜hot springs:温泉Aquatic:水生的Terrestrial:陆生的Prokaryotic cells:原核细胞ecosystem :生态系统biomass:生物量nitrogen:氮phosphorus:磷Bubonic Plague:鼠疫Fleas:跳蚤Mortality:死亡率Grotesque:奇异Liquefy:液化Influenza and pneumonia:流感和肺炎Tuberculosis:肺结核spontaneous generation:自然发生学说microbes:微生物Broth:肉汤Flask:烧瓶Guncotton filters:棉花滤器Dissolved:溶解的Ether:醚Particles:微粒flask with swan neck:曲颈瓶sterilization:灭菌vaccines:疫苗anthrax:炭疽热fowl cholera:禽流感rabies:狂犬病Germ theory:病菌说Koch’s postulates:科赫假设(法则) contagious diseases:传染病artificially infected animals:人工感染的动物Solid medium:固体培养基Gelatin:明胶Agar:琼脂Colony formation:菌落形成Differential staining:鉴别染色Pure culture:纯培养isolation:分离, 隔离inoculation:接种Tuberculin:结核菌素Diagnosis:诊断Subdisciplines:(学科的)分支enrichment culture:富集培养aerobic:需氧的N-fixing bacteria:固氮细菌sulfate-reducing:硫酸盐还原sulfur-oxidizing bacteria:硫氧化细菌root nodule:根瘤Lactobacillus:乳酸杆菌tobacco mosaic virus:烟草花叶病毒tenets:原则virology:病毒学nitrifying bacteria:硝化细菌nitrification:硝化作用oxidation of ammonia to nitrate:从氨氧化为硝酸盐hydrogen sulfide:硫化氰chemolithotrophy:无机化能营养型autotrophs:自养生物anaerobe :厌氧生物Clostridium pasteurianum:巴斯德羧菌属Medical microbiology and immunology:医学微生物学和免疫学Aquatic microbiology:水生微生物学Microbial ecology:微生物生态学Microbial systematic:微生物的系统学Microbial physiology:微生物生理学Cytology :细胞学Bacterial genetics:细菌遗传学Chapter 2Evolutionary History:进化史Elements:原理,基础Viral Structure:病毒结构The Tree of Life:生命树Physiological:生理学的Eukaryotic:真核的Cytoplasmic (cell)membrane:细胞质膜Cytoplasm:细胞质Macromolecules:大分子Ribosome:核糖体organic molecules:有机分子inorganic ions:无机离子rod-shaped prokaryote:杆状原核生物organelles:细胞器Archaea:古生菌Nucleus:细胞核(nuclear的复数)Mitochondrion(Mitochondrion复数)线粒体Chloroplast:叶绿体Metazoans:后生生物Cytoplasmic:细胞质的Membrane:膜,隔膜Endoplasmic reticulum:内质网Nucleoid:类核,拟核Nucleolus:核仁Nuclear:核的,细胞核Static:静态的metabolic abilities:代谢能力biosynthetic:生物合成genetic alterations:遗传改造Genomes:基因组Chromosome:染色体Circular:环状copy:拷贝haploid:单倍体extrachromosomal:染色体外的plasmids:质粒conferring:赋予properties:性质,特性Packaged :包裹的Yeast:酵母Folding:折叠的Packing:包装gene expression:基因表达diploid:二倍体cell division:细胞分裂mitosis:有丝分裂mitotic division:有丝分裂a full complement of genes:一整套基因meiosis:减数分裂gametes:配子sexual reproduction:有性繁殖Fusion:融合Zygote:接合子,受精卵Sequenced:测序的Phylogeny:系统发生Phylogenetically:系统发生地deduced from 从推论出comparative sequencing:比较测序Ribosomal RNA:核糖体RNAbarometers :气压计clinic:临床microbiology:微生物学identical copies:相同的拷贝polymerase chain reaction (PCR):聚合酶链式反应aligned :排列的algorithm:运算法则pair-wise comparisons:配对比较Domains:域Lineages:血统,世系Proteobacteria:蛋白细菌Cyanobacteria:蓝细菌Hyperthermophiles:极端嗜热菌Methanogens:产甲烷菌extreme halophiles:极端嗜盐菌slime molds:黏菌flagellates:鞭毛虫giardia:双滴虫(贾弟虫属)Eukarya (eukaryotes):真核生物Morphology:形态学Motility:运动性Mechanism:机制Developmental biology:发育生物学Adaptation:适应environmental extremes:极端环境Organic chemicals:有机化合物Inorganic chemicals:无机化合物Oxidizing:氧化Conserved:保存,保留high-energy compound:高能量化合物Aerobes:需氧生物Anaerobes:厌氧生物Chemoorganotrophs:化能有机营养生物Chemolithotrophs:化能无机营养生物Phototrophic:光和营养的Pigments:色素major nutrient:主要营养Heterotrophic:异养的Autotrophic:自养的Autotrophs;自养生物primary producers:初级生产者extreme environmental habitats:极端环境生境extremophiles:极端环境微生物,嗜极菌hot spring:温泉tolerant :忍耐的pathogenic:致病的Phylum:门Aquifex:产液菌属Thermotoga:栖热孢菌属green nonsulfur bacteria:绿色非硫细菌deinococcus:异常球菌属spirochetes:螺旋体green sulfur bacteria紫硫细菌planctomyces:浮霉状菌属phylogenetic:系统发生的depicted:描述的marine:海洋halobacterium:盐杆菌属natronobacterium:嗜盐碱杆菌属halophilic methanogens:嗜盐产烷生物methanosarcina:甲烷八叠球菌属thermoplasma:热源体属methanobacterium:甲烷杆菌属methanococcus:甲烷球菌属pyrococcus:火球菌属pyrolobus:热叶菌属methanopyrus:嗜热甲烷菌属thermoproteus:热变形菌属desulfurococcus:硫还原球菌属sulfolobus:硫化叶菌属hyperthermophiles:嗜热细菌halophiles:嗜盐菌acidophiles:嗜酸菌filamentous:丝状的Protozoans:原生动物Motile:运动的Lichens:地衣Diplomonads:双滴虫Trichomonads:毛滴虫,微孢子虫Flagellates:鞭毛虫Ciliates:纤毛虫Green algae:绿藻Red algae:红藻Fungi:真菌Diatoms:硅藻属Brown algae:褐藻Apex:顶点Chapter 4Locomotion:运动、行动Inclusions:内含物、包涵物Light Microscopy:光学显微镜Bright-field:明视野Phase contrast:相差Dark-field:暗视野Fluorescence:荧光Magnification:放大率Resolution:分辨率Staining:染色Increasing Contrast for Bright-Field Microscopy:提高明视野显微镜的对比效果positively charged (cationic):带正电的(阳离子,正离子)negatively charged:带负电的polysaccharide:多糖cationic dyes:阳离子染料Methylene blue:亚甲蓝Crystal violet:结晶紫Safranin:番红Differential stains-Gram stain:鉴别染色—格兰氏染色Gram-positive:格兰氏阳性Gram-negative:格兰氏阴性ethanol decolorizing:乙醇脱色refractive index:折射率specimen:样品scatter:分散,散射chlorophyll (autofluorescence):叶绿素(自身荧光)Three-Dimensional Imaging:三维成像Drawbacks:限制,缺点Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy (DIC):相差干涉显微镜Nucleus:核Eukaryotic cells:真核细胞Spores:孢子、芽孢Vacuole:液泡Granule:颗粒internal structure:内部结构Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM):原子力显微镜Fixatives:固定剂Coatings:膜、层、覆盖物Hydrated:水合物Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy (CSLM):聚焦扫描激光显微镜Couples:连接,伴随Habitat:生境resolving power:分辨率vacuum:真空Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM):透射电子显微镜thin sectioning, 超薄切片EM staining:电子显微镜染色Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM):扫描电子显微镜external features:外部特征prokaryote:原核生物Coccus (cocci):球菌Rod:杆菌Spirilla:螺菌Spirochetes:螺旋体Appendaged bacteria:附属细菌Filamentous bacteria:丝状细菌in general inversely proportional to cell size:从大体上说是于细胞大小成反比的nanobacteria:纳米细菌precipitates:沉淀物biofilms:生物膜surface-to-volume (S/V) ratio表面积与体积比Membrane Transport Systems:膜运输系统Peptidoglycan:肽聚糖outer Membrane:外膜Glycerol backbone:甘油主键fatty acids:脂肪酸phosphate-containing groups-ester linkage:含有磷酸的基团—酯键phospholipid bilayer:磷脂双分子层hydrophobic:疏水的hydrophilic:亲水的phosphate group:磷酸基团embedded:内嵌的hydrophobic external surface spanning the membrane:疏水的外表面跨膜hydrogen bonds:氢键hydrophobic interaction:疏水相互作用transverse:横切fluid mosaic:流动镶嵌Membrane Strengthening Agents: Sterols and Hopanoids:膜巩固剂:固醇和类何帕烷chemical composition:化学组分methanotrophic:嗜甲烷细菌mycoplasmas:支原体exception:例外side chains:侧链isoprene:异戊二烯Glycerol diethers:甘油二醚glycerol tetraethers:甘油四醚monolayers:单分子层hyperthermophilic:极端嗜热Permeability barrier:渗透屏障(透性障)passive leakage:被动泄漏Protein anchor:蛋白锚定Energy conservation:能量贮存Proton motive force:质子动力Aquaporins:水通道蛋白low osmotic conditions:低渗透势条件hypo-osmotic shock:低渗透压休克Simple diffusion:简单扩散Carrier-mediated process:载体介导过程Uptake:摄取、吸收Saturated:饱和的Symporter:同向运输蛋白Uniporter:单向运输蛋白Antiporters:逆向运输蛋白Lac Permease:乳糖透过酶Lactose:乳糖Group translocation:基团转位Phosphotransferase system:磷酸转移酶系统Glucose:葡萄糖Mannose:甘露糖Fructose:果糖Phosphorylation:磷酸化Dephosphorylation:去磷酸化cascading fashion:级联方式phosphoenolpyruvate:磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸Periplasmic:周质的periplasmic -binding protein:周质结合蛋白maltose:麦芽糖disaccharide sugar:双糖a family of related proteins:相关蛋白的家族High affinity for substrate:对底物的高亲和力Hydrolysis:水解drive transport across the membrane:促进跨膜运输translocase:移位酶amylase:淀粉酶cellulase:纤维素酶starch:淀粉cellulose:纤维素toxin:毒素deleterious:有害的solutes:溶质turgor pressure:膨胀压Multilayered structure and complex:多层结构和复合体Periplasm space:周质空间Teichoic acids:磷壁酸ribitol phosphate residues核糖醇磷酸盐残基Lipoteichoic acid:脂磷壁酸Murein:胞壁质Derive:衍生物N-acetylglucosamine (G):N—乙酰葡糖胺N-acetylmuramic acid (M):N—乙酰胞壁酸L-alanine:L—丙氨酸D-glutamic acid:D—谷氨酸L-lysine:L—赖氨酸diaminopimelic acid (DAP):二氨基庚二酸tetrapeptide:四肽glycan:聚糖ß-1,4 linkage:ß-1,4连接interbridge:肽间桥capsular polymers:荚膜Protoplasts:原生质体Spheroplasts:原生质球Mycoplasma:支原体Osmotically:渗透地Thermoplasma:热原体属Lysozyme:溶菌酶Penicillin:青霉素ß-1,4 –glycosidic bonds:ß-1,4糖苷键saliva:唾液autolysin:自溶素transpeptidation:转肽Pseudopeptidoglycan:假肽聚糖N-acetyltalosaminuronic acids:N-乙酰塔罗糖胺糖醛酸Glycosidic bonds:糖苷键Polysaccharide:多糖Glycoprotein:糖蛋白Methanosarcina:甲烷八叠球菌glucuronic acid葡糖醛酸:galactosamine:半乳糖胺acetate:乙酸haiophilic Archaea:嗜盐古生菌Halococcus:盐球菌Paracrystalline surface layer:类结晶表面层hexagonal symmetry:六角对称lipopolysaccharide (LPS layer) :脂多糖Core polysaccharide:核心多糖O-polysaccharide:O—特异侧链LipidA:类脂ADisaccharide:双糖Endotoxin:内毒素Pathogenic:致病的Shigella:志贺氏菌属mol-weight :分子量Hydrolytic enzymes:水解酶Chemoreceptor:化学受体Flagella:鞭毛(复数)Flagellum:鞭毛Peritrichous:周生Polar:极生Lophotrichous:丛生Filament:鞭毛丝Flagellin:鞭毛蛋白Hook:钩motor portion:motor蛋白L-ring:L环P-ring:P环MS-ring:MS环Flexing:摆动Cheetah:猎豹Gliding:滑动Cyanobacteria:蓝细菌Myxococcus xanthus:黄色粘球菌physical or chemical gradients:物理或化学梯度Chemotaxes:趋化性Phototaxes:趋光性Other Taxes:其他趋性Temporal:时间的Spatial:空间的Tumbles:翻滚Attractant:引诱剂Scotophobotaxis (darkness escaping phototaxis):避暗趋光性Aerotaxis:趋氧性Osmotaxis:趋渗透性Elucidated:阐述signal transduction pathway,:信号传导途径Gas Vesicle:气泡Endospore:芽孢Fimbriae:菌毛Pili:性毛Pellicles:菌膜Conjugation:接合Symmetries:对称性Capsules and Slime Layers:荚膜和黏液层The Glycocalyx:多糖包被Matrix:矩阵Deformed:变形Phagocytic:吞噬细胞的Desiccation:干燥作用Carbon Storage Polymers:碳源贮存物PHB, poly-ß-hydroxybutyric acid:聚ß羟丁酸PHA, poly-ß-hydroxyalkanoate:聚ß羟基链烷酸Magnetosomes:磁小体Intracellular crystal particles:细胞内晶体颗粒Magnetotaxis:趋磁性aquatic Bacteria:水生细菌buoyancy:浮力purple and green phototrophic bacteria:紫色和绿色光养细菌watertight:防水的ribs:脊ß-sheet:ß折叠ą-helix:ą螺旋Germination:萌发Halotolerant:耐盐的Permian:休眠Dominican amberGut:消化道Morphology:形态学Refractile:折光的Exosporium:孢子外壁Cortex:皮层Calcium-dipicolinic acid complex:钙—吡啶二羧酸Cytoplasm:细胞质Small acid-soluble spore proteins (SASPs:酸溶小芽孢蛋白Ceases:终止Sporulation:芽孢形成Bacillus subtili:枯草芽孢杆菌s Outgrowth:生长Chapter 51. Oxidation-Reduction 氧化还原反应2. Catabolic Pathways 异化途径3. Proton Motive Force 质子动势4. Macronutrients 大量营养元素5. Cytochromes 细胞色素6. cellular respiration 细胞呼吸7. Siderophores 铁传递蛋白8. hydroxamate, 异羟肟酸9.enterobactin 肠杆菌素10.Acuqchelin儿茶酚11. Micronutrients 微量营养元素12. Trace elements微量元素13. Streptococcus链球菌属14. Lactobacillus乳杆菌属15. Leuconostoc明串球菌属16. distilled water 蒸馏水17. casein 酪蛋白18. soybean 大豆19. Leuconostoc mesenteroides肠膜明串珠菌20. Fastidious 营养复杂的,挑剔的21. Aseptic Technique 无菌技术22. Exergonic 放能的23. Endergonic 吸能的24. Redox 氧化还原作用25. hydrogen atom 氢原子26. reactants 反应物27. Chemoorganotrophy 化能有机营养28. Photophosphorylation 光和磷酸化29. Pyruvate 丙酮酸盐(或酯)30. Glycolysis 糖酵解31. glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 3-磷酸甘油醛32. Saccharomyces cerevisa e啤酒酵母33. Beverage 饮料34. Yogurt 酸奶酪,酵母乳35. Pickled vegetables 盐渍蔬菜36. anaerobically 厌氧地37. Aerobic oxidation 有氧氧化38. Anaerobic oxidation 无氧氧化39. Dehydrogenase 脱氢酶40. Flavoproteins 黄素蛋白41. Iron-sulfur proteins 铁硫蛋白42. Quinones-non-protein 辅酶Q43. Heme 亚铁血红素44. Chemiosmosis 化学渗透势45. electrochemically potential 电子势46. alkaline 碱性的47. headpiece 帽子,头盔48. cyanide 氰化物49. Dinitrophenol(DNP) 二硝基苯酚50. Dicumarol 血液凝固防止剂51. the Citric Acid Cycle 柠檬酸循环52. aerobic respiration有氧呼吸53. Nitrate 硝酸盐54. ferric iron 铁离子55. sulfate 硫酸盐56. carbonate 碳酸盐57. Chemolithotrophy 矿质(无机)化能营养58. Ammonia 氨,氨水59. Chemolithotrophs 化能自养60. chemoorganotrophs 化能异养61. Phototrophy 光合营养62. Photoautotrophs 光合自养生物63. Phtoheterotrophs 光合异养生物64. Catabolism 分解代谢65. Anabolism 合成代谢Chapter 6Binary Fission二分裂Peptidoglycan肽聚糖Viable Counts活菌计数Turbidity浊度Continuous Culture连续培养Preexisting先前存在的Duplicate复制Monomers单体Coenzymes辅酶Cofactors辅助因子Polymerization reactions聚合反应Polymers聚合体Fts(f ilamentous t emperature s ensitive )Protein :丝状温敏蛋白mitochondria 线粒体chloroplasts叶绿体tubulin微管蛋白Divisome:分裂体Apparatus设备,仪器Cylinder圆柱体polymerize to form an intact ring聚合形成完整环penicillin青霉素MreBhomology 相同actin肌动蛋白cytoskeleton细胞骨架structural integrity结构的完整性autolysins自溶素lysozyme溶解酵素bactoprenol:细菌萜醇N-acetyl glucosamine N-乙酰葡糖胺N-acetylemuramic acid N-乙酰胞壁酸Pentapeptide peptidoglycan precursors五肽肽聚糖前体物Transpeptidation 转肽作用muramic acid residues 胞壁酸残基adjacent glycan chains 邻近多糖链noteworthy 值得注目的periplasm 周质Unsterilized 未灭菌的Detrimental 有害的Slope 斜面Semilogarithmic 半对数的Vessel 导管,器皿Elapsed时间流逝Inoculum 接种体Cryptic 秘密的Counting chambers:计数室plate count 平板计数colony count菌落计数Serial Dilutions 系列稀释Statistically:统计学地colony-forming unit 菌落形成单位Anomaly 不规则Magnitude 数量,量级Photometer 光度计Spectrophotometer 分光光度计The Chemostat 恒化器Cardinal 主要的,最重要的Optimum 最适宜的Pschrophile 嗜冷生物Mesophile 嗜温生物Thermophile 嗜热生物Hyperthermophile 极端嗜热生物Extremophiles 极端生物Psychrotolerant 耐寒的unsaturated fatty acids 不饱和脂肪酸morphological and physiological types形态的和生理的类型a critical amino acid substitution关键的氨基酸替代物counterpart 副本,配对物hydrophobic interiors 疏水的内部saturated fatty acids 饱和脂肪酸isoprene 异戊二烯monolayer 单层melting 熔化annealing退火Acidophile 嗜酸细菌Thiobacillus硫杆菌属Sulfolobus 硫化叶菌属Thermoplasma热源体属Alkaliphile 嗜碱微生物Carotenoids:类胡萝卜素Proteases 蛋白酶Lipases 脂肪酶Detergent 清洁剂Water activity:水活度vapor pressure 蒸汽压Osmophiles 嗜渗透微生物Xerophiles 旱生生物Sucrose 蔗糖Trehalose 海藻糖Glycerol 甘油,丙三醇Glycosides 配糖类Glycine 甘氨酸,氨基乙酸Betaine 甜菜碱Praline 果仁糖Staphylococcus葡萄球菌potassium ions钾离子Aerobes 需氧生物Anaerobes 厌氧生物thioglycolate broth巯基乙酸盐肉汤Anoxic jar 厌氧罐anoxic glove bag 厌氧手套peroxidase enzymes 过氧化物酶Airborn bacteria 空气携带菌Catalase 过氧化氢酶Peroxidase 过氧化物酶Superoxide dismutase 超氧化歧化酶(SOD)Superoxide reductase 超氧化还原酶obligately anaerobic:专性厌氧的Pyrococcus furiousus:激烈热球菌Chapter 7Pneumococcus 肺炎球菌Pathogenic 致病的Pneumonia 肺炎polysaccharide capsule 多糖荚膜pathogenicity 致病性transformation 转化Versatile 通用的,万能的in vivo体内in vitro体外ultracentrifugal, 超离心的diffusive 扩散electrophoretic 电泳的Polypeptide cleaving enzymes 多肽裂解酶Ribonulclease 核糖核酸酶Deoxyribonuclease 脱氧核糖核酸酶Amino acid 氨基酸hydrogen bonds 氢键grooves 凹槽polynucleotide多(聚)核苷酸Supercoiling 超螺旋Twisted 盘旋Predominantly 主要地Nucleosome 核小体Torsion 扭转Gyrase 解旋酶Topoisomerase:拓扑异构酶Nonchromosomal 非染色体的Extracellular 细胞外的Templates 模板deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸isotope同位素Density gradient equilibrium sedimentation密度梯度平衡沉降Cesium chloride 氯化铯Centrifugation 离心Detection of peaks检测高峰fidelity 忠诚度dilemma 进退两难的局面Okazaki fragment 冈崎片断Polymerase 聚合酶Exonuclease 核酸外切酶Ligase 连接酶Helicase 螺旋酶Initiation 起始Elongation 延伸Termination 终止Triphosphate 三磷酸盐Purine 嘌呤Bacillus subtilis :枯草芽孢杆菌intrinsic terminators 内在终止子Transcription 转录Cotranscribed 共转录Polycistronic 多顺反子性的Operon 操纵子introns 内含子exons 外显子Splicing 拼接Ribonucleoprotein核蛋白(略作RNP)Capping 加帽Polyadenylation 多聚腺苷酸Deciphering 译码Polylysine多聚赖氨酸Polyproline 多聚脯氨酸Proline 脯氨酸Polyphenylalanine多聚苯基丙氨酸Phenylalanine 苯基丙氨酸Trinucleotide 三核苷酸密码子Codons 密码子codon-degeneracy:密码子的简并性Formylmethionine 甲酰甲硫氨酸Methionine 蛋氨酸Methylated 甲基化的Synthetase 合成酶Catalyzing 催化The peptide transferase reaction 转肽反应Streptomycin 链霉素Puromycin 嘌呤霉素Chloramphenicol 氯霉素Cycloheximide 放线菌酮,环己酰亚胺Tetracycline 四环素molecular chaperones 分子伴侣aggregation 聚合Signal recognition particle (SRP) 信号识别颗粒Chapter 8Scarce protein 稀有蛋白Abundant protein 丰度蛋白Posttranslationally 翻译后地Coarser 粗糙的Precursor 前体物(分子),-先导物Degrading 降解Allostery 变构Conformational change 构象变化Isozymes 同工酶Covalent modification 共价修饰Methylation 甲基化Glutamine synthetase 谷氨酸盐合成酶allosteric enzyme 变构酶adenylylation 腺嘌呤形成Global Control全局调控Regulator proteins调节蛋白Histones 组蛋白Nucleosomes 核小体Inducer诱导物Substrate 底物Corepressor 辅阻遏物Polymerase 聚合酶Maltose regulon 麦芽糖调节子consensus sequence 保守序列utilization 利用operons 操纵子Regulon调节子global regulatory system全局调控系统lac Operon 乳糖操纵子simultaneously 同时地Constitutive mutant组成型突变体lactose 乳糖Glucose 葡萄糖glucose effect葡萄糖效应diauxic growth二次生长Catabolite Repression分解代谢物阻遏catabolite activator protein (CAP)激活蛋白(活化蛋白)cAMP-receptor protein (CRP)环腺苷酸受体蛋白hydrolyze 水解galactose 半乳糖Galactosidase半乳糖苷酶Hydrolysis 水解Modulates 调节galactoside permease 半乳糖苷透性酶thiogalactoside transacetylase 硫代半乳糖苷转乙酰酶allolactose 异乳糖diffusible 可扩散的Intact copy完整拷贝positive control正调节negative control副调节Attenuation 衰减,弱化Two-component Regulatory Systems双组分调控系统Sensory proteins (transducers)感受器蛋白MCP –transducers MCP感受器m ethyl-accepting c hemotaxis proteins(MCP)接受甲基趋化性蛋白Methylase甲基化酶Chemotaxis 趋化性Tryptophan Operon 色氨酸操纵子Tandom 串联重复Insufficient 不足Termination 终止Dual Regulation of Trp Operon色氨酸的二重调节Translational attenuation翻译衰减(弱化)Bacillus subtilis 枯草芽孢杆菌trp attenuation protein色氨酸弱化蛋白Polycistronic 多顺反子性的Heat Shock Response 热激反应Global Control Networks全局调控网络Quorum Sensing:最少密度感应degraded by proteases 被蛋白酶降解Heat shock protein热激蛋白chaperones (chaperonin) 分子伴侣acylated homoserine lactone 酰化的高丝氨酸内酯bioluminescence 生物发光Sensor Kinases感受器激酶phosphorylation 磷酸化The phosphoryl group 磷酰基团Demethylated 脱甲基Flagellum 鞭毛Rotation of flagellum鞭毛旋转clockwise 顺时针counterclockwise 逆时针Antisense Nucleic Acid反义核酸Compartmentation分区Polycistronic mRNA多顺反子mRNA Splicing 接合,粘接Chapter 9Essentials本质Viral Replication病毒复制Viral Diversity病毒多样性Chromosome染色体Conferring new properties on the host赋予宿主新的特性Extracellular state-virus particles (virions)胞外状态-病毒颗粒(病毒粒子)Lysis:裂解genomic nucleic acid基因组核酸Intracellular state胞内状态the central dogma of molecular biology分子生物学中心法则Taxonomy分类学Bacteriophage嗜菌体Order目family (and subfamily)科(亚科)genus属species种morphology形态学suffix后缀Hepadnaviruses嗜肝DNA病毒Smallpox 天花病毒Polio virus 脊髄灰质炎病毒Nucleocapsid核壳体naked and enveloped裸露和包被的self-assembly自我装配molecular chaperones分子伴侣Virus Symmetry病毒对称Helical symmetry螺旋状对称Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)烟草花叶病毒Icosahedral Symmetry二十面体Complex viruses复合体病毒Complex Symmetry复合体对称lipid bilayer脂双层glycoproteins糖蛋白Lysozyme溶菌酶reverse transcriptase逆转录酶retroviruses逆转录病毒Neuraminadase 神经氨酸酶(唾液酸苷酶)Semiliquid半流体Protoplasts原生质体Monolayer单层permanent cell lines:亲本细胞系primary cell lines:原初细胞系virus infection unit病毒侵染单位Plaque嗜菌斑tumor virus肿瘤病毒Plaque assay空斑测定Titer滴度,效价Suspension悬浮液plaque-forming units噬菌斑形成单位Attachment and Penetration吸附和侵入tail fibers尾丝polysaccharide多聚糖tail pins尾针Contraction 收缩tail sheath尾鞘Restriction enzyme限制性酶Invasion入侵methylation of purine and pyrimidine bases嘌呤和嘧啶碱基的甲基化glucosylation糖基化methylation甲基化Virulent Bacteriophage裂性噬菌体Temperate Bacteriophage温和噬菌体Viriods and Prions类病毒和朊病毒Schematic representations示意表示图Linear线性的Encode编码Hydroxymethylcytosine羟甲基胞嘧啶Cytosine胞嘧啶restriction endonucleases限制性内切酶circularly permuted环状变化Terminal repeats 末端重复Concatemer多联体Lysogeny溶原性Synchrony同步Provirus前病毒nitrogen mustards氮芥cohesive粘性的lysis or lysogeny裂解或溶源bidirection双向repressor protein 阻遏蛋白irrevocably不可逆地integrase整合酶PE(promoter establishment)启动子建立Topoisomerase拓扑异构酶Bracket括号Excisionase切除酶Compartmentation分隔Polycistronic多顺反子性的Monocistronic单顺反子性的5’ methylated guanosine triphosphate cap and 3’ poly A tail:5’甲基化三磷酸鸟苷酸帽子和3’多聚腺苷酸尾巴Endocytosis 内吞作用Lytic infection裂解传染Persistent infection持久传染Latent infection潜伏传染Foci焦距benign 良性的malignant 恶性的metastasis转移oncogenes致癌基因intermediate中间的Human immunodefiency virus (HIV)人类免疫缺陷病毒acquired immunodefiency syndrome (AIDS)获得性免疫缺陷综合症internal proteins内部蛋白endonuclease核酸内切酶Protease蛋白酶5’ capped and 3’ polyadenylated: 5’帽化和3’聚腺苷酸化Encapsidation壳体化Budding出芽RNA dependent DNA polymerase(RdDp)依赖于RNA的DNA聚合酶DNA dependent DNA polymerase(DdDp)依赖于DNA的DNA聚合酶Ribonuclease H核糖核酸酶Hcoconut cadang-cadang viroid椰子可可树类病毒citrus exocortis viroid柑橘裂皮类病毒scrape刮伤BSE: bovine spongiform encephalopathy牛绵状脑病pathogenic proteins病原蛋白质insoluble不可溶解的mad cow disease 疯牛病Chapter 10In Vivo活体内Mutants突变体Carcinogenesis致癌作用The Ames Test埃姆斯试验Genotype基因型Phenotype表现型lowercase letters小写字母uppercase letters大写字母italics斜体字superscript上标progeny后代Screening筛选Selection挑选Penicillin青霉素Lysozyme水解酶Spheroplast原生质球Nutritional Mutants营养突变体Imprint印迹Prototroph原养型Auxotroph营养缺陷型histidine auxotrophs组氨酸营养缺陷型微生物Spontaneous自发的Induced诱发的Point mutations点突变Base-Pair Substitutions碱基置换Silent mutation沉默突变Missense mutation错义突变Triplet三联体Temperature-sensitive mutants 温度敏感突变体conditionally lethal mutants条件致死突变体Nonsense mutation 无义突变Back Mutations or Reversions回复突变Compensate 补偿Transposition转位,转座proof-reading校对epidemic流行病Mutagens诱变剂Base analogs碱基类似物Radiation 辐射Transposon转位子,转座子Site-Directed Mutagenesis定点突变Mutagenicity致突变性Protocol 方案salmonella enterica沙门氏肠菌Trp- auxotroph色氨酸营养缺陷型Errorprone错误倾向Plasmids质粒Homologous 同源的redundant pathways冗余的途径Homologous Recombination同源重组SSB protein单链结合蛋白RecA protein RecA蛋白Nick formation缺口形成Strand invasion链侵入Heteroduplex formation 杂合双链形成Transformation转化Transduction转导Conjugation接合Transfection 转染Artificially Induced Competence人工诱导感受态Acinetobacter不动杆菌属Azotobacter固氮菌属Bacillus杆菌属Streptococcus链球菌属Haemophilus嗜血菌属Neisseria奈瑟球菌属Thermus栖热菌属Electroporation电穿孔Generalized transduction普遍性转导Specialized transduction特异性(局限性)转导Recipient受体temperate or virulent温和的或者裂性的lysogenization溶源化作用randomly incorporate随机整合Phage Conversion溶源转变,噬菌体转变Prophage前噬菌体Polysaccharide多糖Nontoxin非毒素Corynebacterium diphtheriae白喉杆菌toxin 毒素Supercoiled configuration超螺旋构型Incompatibility 不相容性,不亲和性Episomes游离体,附加体Curing(噬菌体)治愈Conjugative可接合的Hfr (high frequency of recombination)高频重组Rhizobium根瘤菌属Pseudomonas of octane辛烷假单胞菌camphor and naphthalene樟脑和卫生球Bacteriocins细菌素Resistance Plasmids- R Plasmids抗性质粒Sulfonamides磺胺药物Streptomycin链霉素Spectinomycin壮观霉素fusidic acid梭链孢酸chloramphenicol 氯霉素tetracycline四环素mercury汞Therapies治疗物Diarrhea痢疾CFA-colonization factor antigen 入侵因子抗原hemolysin and enterotoxin溶血素和肠毒素a wider spectrum of activity广谱活性colicins大肠肝菌素subtilisin枯草杆菌蛋白酶NisinA乳酸菌肽Arolling cycle replication滚环复制pilus菌毛IS(insertion sequences)插入序列Interrupted Mating中断杂交Agitation搅拌transposable elements转座因子transposase转位酶inverted terminal repeats末端反向重复序列Conservation保存,保守Replicative重复的Bacteriophages噬菌体Cointegrate共合体cointegrate structure共合体结构Mutagenesis with Transponsable Elements用转座子诱变insertional inactivation插入失活neomycin and kanamycin resistance新霉素和卡那霉素抗性tetracycline 四环素biological mutagen生物诱变剂vector载体Integrons整合子Integrase整合酶Genetic Map基因图谱Operon操纵子Polycistronic mRNA 多顺反子mRNABidirection双向Highly expressed genes高度表达基因Horizontal gene transfer水平基因转移Haemophilus influenzae流感嗜血杆菌Hyperthermophiles极端嗜热微生物Mycoplasma genitalium生殖道支原体Chlorella 绿藻的一种Methanococcus jannaschii詹氏甲烷球菌Pseudomonas aeruginosa铜绿假单胞菌Saccharomyces cerevisiae啤酒酵母Streptomyces coelicolor天蓝色链霉菌Treponema pallidum苍白密螺旋体(梅毒密螺旋体)Thermotoga maritima海栖热孢菌Unidentified reading frame-URF未经确认的阅读框架Genomic mining基因组挖掘Paralogs侧向同源Orthologs直向同源obligate parasitic bacterium严格寄生菌Helicobacter pylori螺旋幽门菌cyanobacterium Synechocytis 蓝细菌introns内含子Plasmodium falciparum疟原虫Malaria疟疾Encephalitozoon cuniculi 家兔脑内原虫病Ustilago maydis玉米黑粉病Phytopathogenic fungus植物病原真菌smut disease黑穗病Chapter 11Stromatolites叠层石Fossiled 化石Filamentous丝状的Systematics系统学Taxonomy分类法Diversification多样化Phylogeny系统发生, 发展史Endosymbiosis内共生Prokaryotes原核生物trapped sediments捕捉的沉淀物phototrophic bacteria光养细菌anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria 厌氧光养细菌lipoprotein vesicles脂蛋白小泡cyanobacterium 蓝细菌entity实体ferrous亚铁的photosynthesis光合作用oxygenation加氧作用,氧气形成oxic有氧的ozone shield臭氧层eukaryotes cell真核细胞chemoorganotrophic化能有机营养mitochondrion线粒体cytoplasm细胞质chloroplast叶绿体endosymbiotic内共生的phototroph光养生物,光能利用菌symbionts共生体metazoan后生生物Evolutionary Chronometers进化时钟Homologous function相同功能Sequence alignment序列排列,序列对比ATPase ATP酶genetic recombination遗传重组Ribosomal核糖体的Phylogenetic系统发生的Cellular细胞的Microbial Community Analysis微生物群体分析phylogenetic tree系统发育树Evolutionary distance ED 进化距离fluorescent i n-s itu h ybridization荧光素原位杂交Horizontal (lateral) gene transfer 水平(侧向)基因转移human genome人类基因组nematode线虫yeast酵母mustard芥菜parasites寄生虫vertebrates脊椎动物Peptidoglycan肽聚糖Cellulose纤维素Chitin几丁质,壳质Archaea古生菌Lipids脂质Ester酯RNA polymerase RNA聚合酶Polypeptides多肽Framework框架Phenotype显型,表现型Phylogenetics系统发生学Classical Taxonomy Morphology传统形态分类学fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) 脂肪酸甲基酯hybridization杂交genus属Molecular fingerprinting分子指纹PCR amplification聚合酶链式反应扩增Speciation物种形成coexist 共存prime ecological niche最初生态位ecotypes生态型Nomenclature命名法Manual手册Chapter 18Biodiversity 生物多样性Quantification 定量microorganisms微生物habitats栖息地Enrichment富集培养Staining染色Radioisotopes放射性同位素Microelectrodes微电极in situ(原位)Pure Culture纯培养Counterselective反选择enrichment vehicle富集培养手段purple紫色phototrophic光养anaerobes厌氧微生物microbial ecosystem 微生物生态系统tubes试管Agar shake琼脂震荡法dilution 稀释molten agar熔化的琼脂serial dilution 系列稀释inoculum接种体most probable numbers (MPN)最大概率数The Laser Tweezers 激光镊子microscopy显微镜术infrared laser 红外线激光器micromanipulation device显微操作装置trapped捕集的laser beam 激光柱contaminating污染Stable Isotope稳定同位素Azotobacter n.固氮(细)菌。



关于健康的英语立体书Title: "Journey to a Healthy Lifestyle"Introduction:Welcome to the interactive world of "Journey to a Healthy Lifestyle"! This pop-up book takes you on a fascinating adventure through the various aspects of maintaining good health. Prepare to be amazed and empowered as you embark on this educational and entertaining journey.Chapter 1: Nutrition NourishmentEnter the colourful world of nutrition, where fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins come to life! Learn about the importance of a balanced diet, understanding food groups, and making wise food choices. Discover the powerful impact of vitamins and minerals on your overall well-being.Chapter 2: Fitness FunlandGet ready to burn some calories and have a blast at "Fitness Funland"! Meet Coach Cardio and Yoga Yogi as they guide you through exercises and stretches that promote strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. Learn how physical activity can be joyful and instrumental in maintaining good health.Chapter 3: Mental Wellness MiniatureIn this enchanting chapter, delve into the fascinating world of mental wellness. Uncover the importance of mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and emotional resilience in maintaining a healthy mind. Meet Mindy the Mindfulness Master and explore the power of positive thinking.Chapter 4: Sleep OasisEnter a serene sanctuary known as the "Sleep Oasis". Discover the wonders of a good night's sleep and its significance in restoring and rejuvenating the body. Understand the importance of sleep hygiene and learn practical tips for ensuring quality sleep. Chapter 5: Disease DetectivesJoin Detective Health and Nurse Nutrition as they investigate the mysteries of diseases! Explore common illnesses, preventive measures, and medical advancements that contribute to a healthier life. Learn about the importance of regular check-ups, vaccinations, and maintaining a strong immune system.Conclusion:As you close "Journey to a Healthy Lifestyle," reflect on the knowledge and insights gained throughout this immersive experience. Remember, good health is a lifelong journey, and the choices we make impact every aspect of our lives. Here's to a prosperous and healthy future!。

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• The intestinal wall
– Contains villi and microvilli – Has a large surface area for absorption
• Nutrients pass through the epithelium of the villi and into the blood
• Humpback whales eat small fishes and crustaceans called krill
– This painting shows how the whales corral their food using “bubble nets”
• Humpback whales strain their food from seawater using large, brushlike plates called baleen
• The swallowing reflex moves food from the pharynx into the esophagus
– At the same time, food is kept out of the trachea
• During swallowing a reflex tips the epiglottis to close the windpipe entrance
– When they feed, they take in large amounts of seawater in which the fish and krill live
– They must filter out the water in order to get a meal
• In a typical day, a humpback whale’s digestive system will process as much as 2 tons of fish and krill
• When food is swallowed, it is moved through the alimentary canal by peristalsis
– Peristalsis is rhythmic muscle contraction in the walls of the digestive tract
Animals ingest their food in a variety of ways
• Animal diets are highly varied
– Herbivores are plant-eaters – Carnivores are meat-eaters – Omnivores eat both plants and
– Helicobacter pylori growth erodes protective mucus and damages the stomach lining
– Are erosions of the stomach lining
The Small Intestine
• The small intestine
– It is not technically “in” the body yet
– It must be absorbed
• The duodenum
• Carnivores
– Mainly eat animals that eat plants
– Some are fluid feeders, sucking liquids
The Four Stages of Food Processing
• Ingestion
– Is another word for eating
Chapter 21 Nutrition & Digestion
Overview: Obtaining and processing food Human Digestive System Diets Nutrition
Getting Their Fill of Krill
• Animals obtain and process nutrients in a variety of ways
• In animals, chemical digestion is contained safely within some kind of compartment
• Food is digested in compartments housing hydrolytic enzymes
• Most animals have a specialized digestive tract
other animals
• Omnivores
– Ingest both plants and animals
– Some animals are suspension feeders, consuming particles from water
• Herbivores
– Feed mainly on plants
The Esophagus
• The esophagus
– Is a muscular tube – Connects the pharynx
to the stomach – Moves food down by
• Peristalsis in the esophagus moves food boluses into the stomach
– They store the excess energy they harvest in the form of blubber
– In about 4 months, a humpback whale eats, digests, and stores as fat enough food for an entire year
– Is the longest part of the alimentary canal – Is the major organ for chemical digestion and
Chemical Digestion in the Small Intestine
• In the small intestine, hydrolases break down food to monomers
– Ringlike sphincter muscles regulate the passage of food
Digestion begins in the oral cavity
• The teeth break up food • Saliva moistens it • Salivary enzymes begin the hydrolysis of starch • The tongue pushes the chewed food into the
• Digestion
– Is the breakdown of food to small molecules
• Absorption
– Is the uptake of the small nutrient molecules by the body’s cells
• Elimination
– Is the disposal of undigested materials from the food we eat
Digestion: A Closer Look
• Mechanical digess – Involves physical processes like chewing
• Chemical digestion
– Is the breakdown of food by digestive enzymes
The Stomach
• The stomach
– Can store food for several hours
– Churns food
– Mixes food with gastric juices, which are acidic
• The stomach mixes food with gastric juice
– It is made in the liver and stored in the gall bladder
• Enzymes from the walls of the small intestine complete the digestion of many nutrients
• The lining of the small intestine is folded and covered with tiny, fingerlike villi
The Pharynx
• The pharynx
– Connects the mouth to the esophagus – Also opens to the trachea
The food and breathing passages both open into the pharynx
• Relatively simple animals have a sac with a single opening
– This is called a gastrovascular cavity – Example: hydra
• In most animals, the digestive compartment is an alimentary canal