1. Make a deal:达成交易When negotiating with clients, it is important to find a common ground and make a deal that benefits both parties.2. Close a deal:完成交易After weeks of negotiations, we finally closed the deal and signed the contract.3. Seal the deal:敲定交易We had a productive meeting and sealed the deal with a handshake.4. Break the ice:打破僵局To start the meeting on a positive note, it is important to break the ice and create a friendly atmosphere.5. Get down to business:开始做正事After some small talk, let's get down to business and discuss the main agenda.6. Call it a day:结束一天的工作We have accomplished a lot today. Let's call it a day and continue tomorrow.7. Touch base:保持联系Let's touch base next week to discuss the progress of the project.8. Keep someone in the loop:让某人了解最新情况Please keep me in the loop regarding any updates on the project.9. Think outside the box:打破常规思维To come up with innovative solutions, we need to think outside the box and explore new possibilities.10. Take the lead:带头John has great leadership skills and always takes the lead in challenging situations.11. Stay on top of:紧跟In order to stay competitive, it is important to stay on top of the latest industry trends.12. Go the extra mile:多做一点To exceed customer expectations, we need to go the extra mile and provide exceptional service.13. Hit the ground running:立即开始As soon as you join the team, we expect you to hit the ground running and start contributing.14. Get the ball rolling:开始进行Let's get the ball rolling and start working on the new project.15. Keep an eye on:密切关注Please keep an eye on the market trends and report any significant changes.16. Cut corners:走捷径We should never cut corners when it comes to quality. It is important to deliver the best products to our customers.17. Think on your feet:灵活应对In a fast-paced business environment, it is important to think on your feet and make quick decisions.18. Stay ahead of the curve:保持领先To stay ahead of the curve, we need to constantly innovate and adapt to changing market conditions.19. Get the hang of:掌握It may take some time, but with practice, you will get the hang of using the new software.20. Make ends meet:维持生计In order to make ends meet, we need to cut unnecessary expenses and increase our revenue.以上是一些常用的商务短语,希望对大家在商务交流中有所帮助。
1. Terms of Agreement(协议条款)这个短语常用于商务合作中的合同谈判阶段。
2. Cost-effective(性价比高)当谈论一项产品或服务时,我们通常会用到这个短语,表达该产品或服务具有相对较高的性价比,即在价格合理的情况下提供了良好的质量或者性能。
3. Win-win situation(双赢局面)这个短语用于描述一种情况,即所有参与者都能从中获益,没有人会受到损失。
4. Down to business(开始工作)当我们希望进入正题或者专注于工作时,就可以使用这个短语,表达我们要开始认真做事,不再闲聊或浪费时间。
5. Out of the box(独特的,非传统的)这个短语通常用于描述一种创新的思维方式或解决问题的方法。
6. Break the ice(打破僵局)在一次商务会议或社交场合中,当气氛比较尴尬或者紧张时,我们可以使用这个短语来引导大家开始交流,打破僵局。
7. Follow up(跟进)这个短语用于描述在商务活动中后续的行动,比如跟进客户或项目进展等。
8. Reach a consensus(达成共识)当在商务会议或讨论中,各方对某个问题或决策达成一致意见时,我们可以使用这个短语来描述共识的达成。
9. In the long run(从长远来看)这个短语常用于谈论某个决策或行动对于未来产生的影响。
(完整版)商务英语短语汇总大全商务英语短语汇总大全1. 介绍公司和产品- 我们是一家专业从事XX行业的公司。
- 我们提供高质量的产品和服务。
- 我们的产品拥有卓越的性能和可靠性。
- 我们的目标是满足客户的需求并赢得他们的信任。
- 我们的产品具有竞争力的价格。
2. 提出建议和解决方案- 我建议我们采取一些策略来提高销售额。
- 我们需要解决这个问题,我认为以下是一些解决方案。
- 我们可以合作开发新的产品来满足市场需求。
- 建议我们与供应商合作以降低成本。
3. 联系和预约- 我想预约一个会议来进一步讨论这个问题。
- 请问你方能否提供一个合适的时间来进行会议?- 请确认您是否在下周的某个时间有空。
4. 交流和沟通- 我们需要加强团队合作以提高工作效率。
- 我们应该定期开会以确保大家保持沟通。
- 请确保您及时回复我的邮件。
5. 讨论商务合作- 我们有兴趣与贵公司建立长期合作关系。
- 我们希望能够与贵公司共同开展市场营销活动。
- 请问贵公司是否有兴趣参与我们的项目?6. 谈论付款和价格- 我们需要在合同上确立具体的付款条款。
- 请问你方是否接受支付宝或银行转账方式进行付款?- 我们需要商讨价格,以确保双方都能满意。
7. 提供反馈和建议- 我想提供一些建议来改进我们的服务。
- 请问您是否有任何反馈或意见?- 我们欢迎您的建议,以帮助我们提高品质。
8. 解决问题和投诉- 我们遇到了一些问题,希望能得到您的帮助。
- 请问您是否能提供一些解决这个问题的建议?- 如果您对我们的服务存在任何投诉,请立即与我们联系。
谢谢!---总字数:223 字。
商务英语词汇大全文库一、国际贸易1. 进出口:Import / Export2. 贸易顺差:Trade Surplus3. 贸易逆差:Trade Deficit4. 自由贸易区:Free Trade Zone (FTZ)5. 关税:Tariff6. 世界贸易组织:World Trade Organization (WTO)7. 贸易壁垒:Trade Barrier8. 非关税壁垒:Non-T ariff Barrier (NTB)9. 贸易协定:Trade Agreement10. 区域经济一体化:Regional Economic Integration二、商务谈判1. 谈判:Negotiation2. 议价:Bargaining3. 报价:Quotation4. 还价:Counteroffer5. 合同:Contract6. 交货期:Delivery Date7. 支付方式:Payment Method8. 谈判策略:Negotiation Strategy9. 协商:Mediation10. 仲裁:Arbitration三、营销策略1. 市场调研:Market Research2. 目标市场:Target Market3. 产品定位:Product Positioning4. 品牌建设:Brand Building5. 促销策略:Promotion Strategy6. 广告宣传:Advertising Promotion7. 公共关系:Public Relations (PR)8. 市场细分:Market Segmentation9. 定价策略:Pricing Strategy10. 销售渠道:Sales Channel四、金融与投资1. 货币:Currency2. 外汇:Foreign Exchange (FX)3. 本币:Domestic Currency4. 外汇市场:Foreign Exchange Market (FX Market)5. 国际金融市场:International Financial Market (IFM)6. 投资组合:Portfolio7. 股票:Stocks8. 债券:Bonds9. 期货与期权:Futures & Options10. 对冲基金:Hedge Funds11. 风险投资:Venture Capital (VC)12. 私募股权投资:Private Equity (PE)。
商务英语常用单词和短语60个1. negotiation - 谈判2. contract - 合同3. agreement - 协议4. proposal - 提议5. offer - 报价6. invoice - 发票7. payment - 付款8. delivery - 交货9. shipment - 装运10. order - 订单11. customer - 客户12. client - 客户13. supplier - 供应商14. vendor - 供应商15. product - 产品16. service - 服务17. marketing - 市场营销18. advertising - 广告19. promotion - 推广20. branding - 品牌塑造21. market research - 市场调研22. target audience - 目标受众23. sales - 销售24. revenue - 收入25. profit - 利润26. loss - 损失27. investment - 投资28. return on investment - 投资回报率29. budget - 预算30. expense - 费用31. cost - 成本32. overhead - 经常性费用- 会计34. finance - 财务35. banking - 银行业务36. loan - 贷款37. interest - 利息38. mortgage - 抵押贷款39. collateral - 抵押品40. stock - 股票41. bond - 债券42. asset - 资产43. liability - 负债44. equity - 股本45. dividend - 红利46. merger - 合并47. acquisition - 收购48. joint venture - 合资企业49. partnership - 合伙企业50. corporation - 公司51. LLC (Limited Liability Company) - 有限责任公司52. CEO (Chief Executive Officer) - 首席执行官53. CFO (Chief Financial Officer) - 首席财务官54. COO (Chief Operating Officer) - 首席运营官55. HR (Human Resources) - 人力资源56. IT (Information Technology) - 信息技术57. R&D (Research and Development) - 研发58. outsourcing - 外包59. offshoring - 离岸外包60. telecommuting - 远程办公。
1. Business negotiations - 商务谈判- Negotiation skills - 谈判技巧- Bargaining power - 谈判实力- Win-win situation - 双赢局面- Mutual agreement - 相互协议2. Business meetings - 商务会议- Agenda - 议程- Minutes - 会议纪要- Presentation - 演示- Action items - 行动事项- Email correspondence - 邮件往来- Telephone conversation - 电话交流- Formal letter - 正式函件- Business etiquette - 商务礼仪4. Business travel - 商务旅行- Flight reservation - 航班预订- Car rental - 租车- Travel expenses - 差旅费用5. Business finance - 商务财务- Budgeting - 预算- Financial statement - 财务报表- Profit margin - 利润率- Return on investment - 投资回报率6. Business strategy - 商业策略- Market analysis - 市场分析- Market segmentation - 市场细分- Strategic planning - 战略规划以上仅是商务英语中的一些常用词汇和词组,希望对你提高商务英语能力有所帮助。
商务英语 高频短语
商务英语高频短语1. Can you provide me with detailed information aboutthis product?2. How do you intend to increase your sales this season?3. I'm interested in exploring new business opportunities with your company.4. We are looking to expand our market reach to Europe.5. It would be great to discuss potential collaboration with your team.6. What are the key challenges you are currently facing in the market?7. I believe our services can greatly benefit your business.8. I'd like to negotiate a revised price for our bulk order.9. How can we streamline our supply chain to reduce costs?10. Let's schedule a meeting to discuss the terms and conditions.11. Are there any current promotions or discounts available?12. We are interested in your long-term partnership proposal.13. Can you share the exact delivery dates for the upcoming shipment?14. Have you considered incorporating eco-friendly practices into your operations?15. I suggest conducting a market analysis beforefinalizing the marketing strategy.16. We need to prioritize customer satisfaction above all else.17. I propose a pilot program to test our new service offering.18. What are the current industry trends and how are they impacting your business?19. Let's outline the communication plan for the upcoming product launch.20. Can we review the performance metrics of our last marketing campaign?21. I recommend diversifying our product line to attracta wider customer base.22. Have you reviewed the feedback from our recent customer survey?23. We are committed to providing exceptional customer service.24. I want to ensure we are meeting our targets for this quarter.25. Let's focus on enhancing our online presence and digital marketing efforts.26. We need to evaluate the effectiveness of our current sales strategies.27. Can you update me on the status of our ongoing project?28. We are exploring the possibility of merging our operations with a competitor.29. It's important to stay compliant with all legal requirements.30. I suggest conducting regular training sessions for our staff.31. We should develop a robust risk management plan.32. Let's look into optimizing our inventory management process.33. I would like to discuss our financial projections for the next fiscal year.34. Are there any upcoming industry trade shows that we should participate in?35. We are considering launching a new line of products.36. Can you provide me with a proposal for our new marketing campaign?37. We should improve our communication channels with clients.38. Let's prioritize our sales targets based on market demand.39. I believe investing in technology will give us a competitive edge.40. Can we set up a task force to tackle the issue oflate deliveries?41. I recommend revising our supplier list to ensure quality control.42. We need to analyze the competition's strategies to stay ahead.43. I suggest setting up a feedback loop to continuously improve our products/services.44. Let's discuss the expansion plans for our international operations.45. We should look into exploring new markets.46. Can you estimate the return on investment for the new project?47. We need to conduct a SWOT analysis to identify our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.48. I recommend holding a brainstorming session to generate creative ideas.49. Let's look at the long-term sustainability of our business practices.50. We should consider launching a loyalty program for our repeat customers.51. I suggest implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) system.52. Can we discuss the feasibility of the proposed acquisition?53. We are committed to enhancing our corporate social responsibility initiatives.。
商务英语词汇大全一、基本商务术语1. 商务活动(Business Activity)2. 市场营销(Marketing)3. 销售额(Sales Revenue)4. 成本(Cost)5. 利润(Profit)6. 投资回报率(Return on Investment, ROI)7.SWOT分析(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)8. 目标市场(Target Market)9. 市场细分(Market Segmentation)10. 定位(Positioning)二、商务谈判术语1. 谈判(Negotiation)2. 合同(Contract)3. 报价(Quotation)4. 还价(Counteroffer)5. 成交(Close the Deal)6. 付款方式(Payment Terms)7. 交货期(Delivery Time)8. 质量保证(Quality Assurance)9. 售后服务(Aftersales Service)10. 合作伙伴(Business Partner)三、商务函电术语1. 询盘(Inquiry)2. 报盘(Offer)3. 订单(Order)4. 发票(Invoice)5. 装箱单(Packing List)6. 信用证(Letter of Credit, L/C)7. 汇票(Bill of Exchange)8. 托运单(Shipping Order)9. 提单(Bill of Lading)10. 保险(Insurance)四、人力资源术语1. 招聘(Recruitment)2. 简历(Resume)3. 面试(Interview)4. 培训(Training)5. 薪资(Salary)6. 福利(Benefits)7. 绩效考核(Performance Appraisal)8. 晋升(Promotion)9. 劳动合同(Labor Contract)10. 职业规划(Career Planning)五、企业运营术语1. 企业战略(Corporate Strategy)2. 企业文化(Corporate Culture)3. 组织结构(Organizational Structure)4. 部门(Department)5. 团队协作(Teamwork)6. 项目管理(Project Management)7. 生产计划(Production Plan)8. 供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)9. 库存(Inventory)10. 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management, CRM)六、财务与会计术语1. 财务报表(Financial Statements)2. 资产(Assets)3. 负债(Liabilities)4. 所有者权益(Owner's Equity)5. 现金流(Cash Flow)7. 资产负债表(Balance Sheet)8. 利润分配(Profit Distribution)9. 折旧(Depreciation)10. 纳税(Taxation)七、国际贸易术语1. 进口(Import)2. 出口(Export)3. 贸易壁垒(Trade Barrier)4. 关税(Tariff)5. 配额(Quota)6. 原产地证明(Certificate of Origin)7. 贸易术语(Trade Terms,如FOB、CIF等)8. 国际支付(International Payment)9. 外汇(Foreign Exchange)10. 世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization, WTO)八、市场营销策略术语1. 市场调研(Market Research)2. 产品生命周期(Product Life Cycle)3. 广告(Advertising)4. 促销(Promotion)5. 公关(Public Relations)6. 品牌战略(Brand Strategy)7. 网络营销(Internet Marketing)8. 社交媒体营销(Social Media Marketing)9. 客户满意度(Customer Satisfaction)10. 忠诚度计划(Loyalty Program)九、企业管理术语1. 领导力(Leadership)2. 决策(Decision Making)3. 风险管理(Risk Management)4. 企业伦理(Business Ethics)5. 知识管理(Knowledge Management)6. 创新能力(Innovation Capability)7. 企业形象(Corporate Image)8. 危机管理(Crisis Management)9. 持续改进(Continuous Improvement)10. 企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)十、电子商务术语2. 在线支付(Online Payment)3. 网络安全(Network Security)4. 顾客评价(Customer Review)6. 网络营销策略(Online Marketing Strategy)7. 搜索引擎优化(Search Engine Optimization, SEO)8. 率(Clickthrough Rate, CTR)9. 转化率(Conversion Rate)通过这些词汇的积累,您将能够在商务交流中更加得心应手,展现出您的专业素养和沟通能力。
1. 打招呼和介绍在商务场合,给对方一个热情的打招呼和进行自我介绍是非常重要的。
2. 提出建议和意见在商务会话中,提出建议和意见是非常重要的,这能够展示你的专业知识和能力。
以下是一些常用的提出建议和意见的短语:•我建议我们应该...•我认为我们可以考虑...•不如我们试试...•鉴于目前的情况,我建议...•有没有其他人对此有任何意见?3. 谈论产品和服务商务会话中,涉及到谈论产品和服务的情况非常常见。
4. 谈论合作机会商务场合常常涉及到合作机会的讨论,以下是一些常用的谈论合作机会的短语:•我们对与贵公司合作非常感兴趣。
5. 谈论价格和付款方式商务谈判中,价格和付款方式是不可避免的话题。
•是否可以提供一个更好的价格?6. 提出问题和解决问题在商务会话中,你可能会遇到一些问题,或者需要解决对方提出的问题。
1. We are in the market for computers. 我们在市场上购买电脑。
2. Your prices are too high. 你们的价格太高了。
3. We can offer a 5% discount for orders over $1000. 对于超过1000
4. We have a long-term relationship with your company. 我们与贵公
5. We would like to place an order for 1000 computers. 我们想订购1000台电脑。
6. When can we expect delivery? 我们什么时候可以收到货?
7. We are interested in your products. 我们对你们的产品感兴趣。
8. Do you offer any special promotions? 你们提供任何特殊的促销活动吗?
9. Please quote us your best price for the required goods. 请给我们提供所需货物的最优惠价格。
10. We look forward to doing business with you. 我们期待与您做生意。
接下来小编为大家整理了商务英语常用短语,希望对你有帮助哦!商务英语常用短语一:trust fund 信托基金trust receipt 信托收据type sample 标准样品ultimate consumer 最后消费者unassignable letter of credit 不可转让信用证unclean B/L 有债务提单unconditional delivery 无条件交货unconfirmed credit 未确认信用证unconfirmed letter of credit 未确认信用证uncontrollable costs 不能控制的成本unearned income 未获利润unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差unfavorable trade balance 贸易顺差unfilled orders 未发货的订单unfinished work 未完成的工作uniform customs and practice for documentary credits 押汇信用证统一惯例实务uniform prices 固定价格unilateral trade 单边贸易unindorsed check 未经背书的支票unit cost 单位成本unload carge 卸货unprecedented rise 空前涨价unprecedented sales 空前销售unreasonable prices 不合理价格unskilled labor 不熟练工人unsuccessful bidder 未得标商人unused balance of letter of credit 信用证未用余额upset price 开拍价格,最低价格usual discount 普通折扣valid period 有效期限validity 有效期valuable merchandise 贵重品value of import 输入价值variable cost 可变成本variable expenses 可变费用ventilated compartment 通风舱verbal (oral) contract 口头契约vice-general manager 副总经理volume (space) tons 容积吨voyage charter 论次计租轮voyage policy 航程保单warehouse certificate 仓库凭单warehouse to warehouse clause 仓库到仓库的保险条款warehouse receipt 仓单,存货,仓库收据warehouse warrant 仓单water stain 水渍wear and tear 日久耗损weekly reports 周报weight list 重量单weight tons 重量吨weights and measures 度量衡well-assorted goods 各色俱全的货物wharf(pier, quay) 码头wholesale business 批发业wholesale dealers 批发商wholesale goods 批发货wholesale merchant 批发商wholesale price 批发价with average 全损之外担保分损with recourse 有追索权with particular average 单独海损赔偿without recourse 无追索权without return 不可退货wooden case 木箱working capital 流动资本,资本周转金working day 工作日working expenses 工作费用,经营费用working hours 工作时间World Bank 世界银行world market 世界市场world's fair 万国博览会wrapping paper 包装纸written agreements(contracts) 书面契约written contract 正式合同written document 书面证明written evidence 字据written permission 书面许可证yearly installment 按年摊付Zone Improvenment Program (ZIP) 邮政编码storage charges 存货费用straight bill of lading 收货人抬头提单,不转让提单straight credit 直接信用证straight letter of credit 简明信用证strong firm 有气色strong market 市面旺盛subsidiary company 附属公司successful bidder 拍卖成交,得标商sundries (all sorts of goods) 杂货superior quality 优等品supervision 监督superfine quality 极上品supply and demand 供需supply department 供应部supporting document 原始单据,证明文件survey method 调查法surveyor's certificate 鉴定证书surveyor's report 验货报告书,公证人报告suspend payment 停止支付suspension of business 停业suspension of publication 停刊synthetic industry 人工合成工业table of freight charges 运费表table of rates 税率表tabulated quotation 行情表Taiwan Supply Bureau 台湾物资局Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau 台湾烟酒公卖局tale quale (tel quel) 现状条件tally 点数,计数tally man 点数人,卖赊人tally sheet 计数纸tax bearer 纳税人tax collection office 征税局tax exemption 免税tax exemption certification 免税证tax evasion 逃税,漏税tax free 免税的tax free imports 免税进口货telegraphic address 电报挂号telegraphic transfer 电汇telephone directory 电话号码薄temporary employment 短工temporary payments 暂付款项temporary receipt 临时收据term bill 期票terms of credit 信用证条件termination of contract 合约终止termination of employment 雇佣终止,解雇terms of sale 销售条件textile factory 纺织厂thanks for patronage 铭谢惠顾this side up 此端向上through bill of lading 联运提货单tight money market 银根紧的金融市场time bill 期票time charter 定期租船契约time deposit 定期存款time draft 远期汇票time letter of credit 远期信用证time limits 期限time of delivery 交货时日tissue paper 薄纸,棉纸total amount 总计,总数total cost 总成本total loss 全部损失total price 总价total value 总值trade acceptance 商业承兑汇票transit clause 运输条款type of merchandize 货物种类type of payment 付款类别trade center 贸易中心trade channel 贸易途径trade discount 商业折扣trade disputes 商业纠纷trade mark 商标trade promotion division 贸易推广部trade zone 贸易地区trade secret 商业机密trading corporation 贸易各公司tranship goods 转口货travel allowance 旅行津贴traveller's check 旅行支票traveller's letter of credit 旅行信用证treasury bill 财政部证券treaty obligation 条约义务商务英语常用短语二:trial balance 电子表格trial order 试订单trial sale 试销trucking expenses 卡车运费sell well 好卖,畅销seller's market 卖方市场(求过于供)selling agent 销售代理商selling cost 销售成本selling at half price 半价出售selling at less than cost 蚀本出售selling expenses 销货费用selling price 售价selling profit 销售利润selling rate 卖价,卖出比率semi-finished goods 半成品semi-manufactured goods 半成品service business 服务业service department 服务部settle a claim (bill) 解决赔偿settle account 结帐,清算,支付settlement of exchange 结汇share holder 股东shares of stock 股份ship (discharge) the cargo 装(卸)货shipped on board B/L 装运提单shipping advice 货运通知shipping agent 货运代理人shipping business 航运业shipping company 航运公司shipping documents 装运单据shipping expenses 装货费用shipping note 装货通知单shipping order 发货单shipping receipt 装货收条shipping sample 装船货样shipping space 舱位shipping ton 装载吨shipping weight (intake weight) 装船货物重量shipment sample 装运货物样本shop keeper 老板,店主shopping center 市场,购物中心short bill 短期汇票short contract 空头short credit 短期信用short form bill of lading 简式提单short tons 短吨shortage in weight 重量不足shut out 退关,轧出shut the book 停止交易signing of contract 签约sight bill 即期汇票sight draft 即期汇票sight letter of credit 即期信用证silver coin 银币simple contract 简约skyrocketing price 飞涨价格slack season (off season) 淡季slip system 传票制度small change 零钱small quantity 小量smuggled goods 走私货sole agents 包销,独家经理人special clause 特别条款special column 专栏special discount 特别折扣special expenses 特别开支special order 特别订货special price 特价special tax 特种营业税special value 特别价值speculative business 投机事业spot delivery 当场交付spot goods 现货spot sales 当场买卖stale bill of lading 失效提单stamp duty 印花税stamp tax 印花税standard 标准,准则standard of living 生活标准standard sample 标准样品standardization 标准化stand-by letter of credit 备用信用证state enterprise 政府企业state monopoly 国营专卖statement 表,报表,报告书,清单statement of assets and statement of loss and profit 损益表sterling area 英镑区sterling bloc 英镑集团stock in hand 有现货stock keeper 货物管理人stock market 股票市场stock on hand 存货,存货目录stop payment 止付stop work 停工storage (godown rent) 仓租,保管费recipient of goods 受货人reciprocal buying 互相购买reciprocal demand 相互需求reciprocal purchase 相互购买reciprocity clause 互惠条款red bill of lading 红色提货单reduce the price 减价refined salt 精盐reflation 通货再膨胀registered 挂号的,登记过的registered capital 注册资本registered letters (post) 挂号信registered mail 挂号邮件registered trade mark 登记商标regular members 普通会员regular price 正常价格regular procedure 正规手续regular service 定期服务regular subscriber 常年订阅者reinsurance policy 再保险单reminder letter 催函remit money 划拨款项remittance permit 汇款核准书renminbi (RMB) 人民币repeat offer 重复发价(发盘) report form 报告格式request notes 申请单restraint of trade 贸易约束restriction of import 进口限制resume business 复业retail business 小买卖,小生意retail dealer 零售商retail price 零售价retail store 零售店retail trader 零售商return cargo 回头货returned goods 退货revision of treaty 修正条约right of priority 优先权risk plan basis 实际危险制risk of breakage 破损险risk of hook damage 钩损险risk of leakage 漏损险risk of non-delivery 遗失险risk of oil damage 油污险risk of sling damage 吊索损险risk of sweat damage 潮腐险risk of theft and/or pilferage 盗窃险risk of warehouse to warehouse 仓库至仓库险rise in price 涨价rival commodities 竞争商品rival firms 竞争公司rock bottom price 最低价rough estimate 概算round voyage 全航程sales allowance 销货折让sale book 销货簿sale by brand and/or description 凭厂牌和说明售货sale by bulk 批发sale by description and/or brand 货物分类出售sale by inspection 看货买卖sale by sample 凭样本买卖sale by specification凭规格买卖,凭说明书买卖sale by standard 凭标准买卖sale by confirmation 售货确认书sale contract 售货合同sales invoice 销货发票sales letters 销货信件sales manager 营业主任,销售经理sales potential 推销潜力sale tax 销售税sales promotion 促进销售sales quotas 销货配额sales system 销售制度sales tax 销售税sales territory 销售区域sales woman 女推销员,女店员sample card 货样卡sample of goods 货样sample room 样品间savings bank 储蓄银行sea damage 海损sea risk 海险secondhand goods 旧货secondhand wooden case 旧木箱second party 乙方selected quality 上选品质selection 选择品,精选品sell goods 销货,行销sell on credit 赊销sell out 卖完。
1. Greetings - 问候语在商务场合中,正确的问候语是建立良好关系的重要一环。
以下是一些常用的商务英语问候短语:•Good morning/afternoon/evening - 早上/下午/晚上好•Nice to meet you - 很高兴见到您•How are you? - 您好吗?•I hope you are well - 希望您一切都好2. Introductions - 自我介绍自我介绍是商务交流中常见的部分,以下是一些常用的商务英语自我介绍短语:•My name is [name] - 我叫 [姓名]•I am from [country/organization] - 我来自 [国家/组织]•I work as [职位] at [公司/机构] - 我在 [公司/机构] 担任 [职位]•It's a pleasure to meet you - 很高兴见到您3. Making Requests - 提出请求在商务交流中,我们常常需要向他人提出请求,以下是一些常用的商务英语提出请求短语:•Could you please...? - 你能...吗?•Can you help me with...? - 你能帮我处理...吗?•I would appreciate it if you could... - 如果你能...我将非常感激•Could you possibly...? - 你可能能...吗?4. Making Suggestions - 提出建议在商务讨论中,提出合适的建议至关重要。
1. Greetings and Introductions 问候和自我介绍- Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
- How are you? 你好吗?- May I introduce myself? 我可以介绍一下自己吗?- Allow me to introduce my colleague. 允许我介绍一下我的同事。
2. Making Requests 提出请求- Could you please send me the documents? 你能给我发一下文件吗?- Would it be possible for you to extend the deadline? 你能延长截止日期吗?- I would appreciate it if you could provide more information. 如果你能提供更多信息,我会很感激。
3. Offering Assistance 提供帮助- Can I help you with anything? 我能帮你做些什么?- If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact me. 如果你需要任何进一步的帮助,请随时与我联系。
- I'd be happy to assist you. 我非常乐意帮助你。
4. Making Suggestions 提出建议- I suggest that we have a meeting to discuss this matter. 我建议我们开个会,讨论一下这个问题。
- Why don't we consider other options? 我们为什么不考虑其他选择?- It might be a good idea to revise the proposal. 重新修改提案可能是个好主意。
(完整版)商务英语短语汇总大全1. 开场白和自我介绍- "I am pleased to be here today to speak about [Topic]."- "Thank you for inviting me to speak at this event."2. 提出问题和寻求建议- "What do you suggest we do in this situation?"- "I would appreciate your input on this matter."3. 谈论产品和服务- "Our product is known for its high quality and reliability."- "Our service is tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients." - "Our product offers a unique solution to this problem."4. 商务会议- "Let's proceed to the next agenda item."- "I think it's important that we assign action items and set deadlines."- "Could someone please take minutes for this meeting?"5. 谈判和达成协议- "We are willing to negotiate and find a mutually beneficial solution."- "Let's work towards a win-win agreement."- "We propose the following terms for the contract."6. 打电话和撰写邮件- "I am writing to follow up on our previous conversation."- "Could you please provide me with more information regarding [Topic]?"7. 提供客户服务和回应投诉- "I apologize for the inconvenience caused. Let me see how I can assist you."- "We will investigate the issue and get back to you with a solution."- "Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We take it seriously."8. 调度和安排会议- "Are you available to meet next week?"- "Let's schedule a meeting for Friday at 2 PM."- "I will send you a calendar invitation with all the details."9. 赞美和感谢- "I would like to express my gratitude for your hard work."- "You have done an excellent job on this project."- "Thank you for going above and beyond."10. 结束谈话或邮件- "Thank you for your time and consideration."- "If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me."- "I look forward to hearing from you soon."以上是商务英语短语的一些常用表达,希望对您的写作和沟通能有所帮助。
1. 关于价格,我方可以协商。
We can negotiate about the price.
2. 我们会尽力提供你需要的任何信息。
We will try our best to provide any information you need.
3. 我想预订一张从纽约到伦敦的机票。
I would like to book a flight from New York to London.
4. 我们需要你们提供一份详细的报价单。
We need you to provide a detailed quotation.
5. 我们希望能在下个月完成这个项目。
We hope to complete this project next month.
6. 我们的产品在市场上很受欢迎。
Our products are very popular in the market.
7. 你们什么时候能交货?
When can you deliver the goods?
8. 这是我们的标准合同,你可以看一下。
Here is our standard contract, you can take a look.
9. 我们的价格是最优惠的。
Our price is the most competitive.
10. 我们期待与你合作。
We look forward to working with you.。
以下是一些基础的商务英语词汇和短语,希望对您有所帮助:1. 商务英语词汇:商务谈判:协商、出价、还价、条款、合同贸易:进口、出口、关税、报关、货运市场营销:市场、营销策略、广告、促销、品牌金融:货币、汇率、股票、债券、投资2. 商务英语短语:We would like to establish business relations with you.We are interested in your products and would like to negotiate a deal.Your offer is acceptable, and we would like to place an order.The contract is ready for signing.We hope to have a long-term合作relationship with you.We would like to propose an idea for your consideration.We agree to your terms and conditions.We regret to inform you that we cannot accept your offer.We are looking forward to your reply.Thank you for your time and consideration.以上只是一些基础的商务英语词汇和短语,实际应用中可能还需要了解更多专业术语和表达方式。
1.Provide sb. with sth. Provide ....for .....给某人提供某物2.Make a name foe oneself 首次使某人成名3.A great deal more ,so much more,no more,a lot more,litter more, more前面用副词后其他短语修饰4.Scale down 按比例缩小5.On track to 在什么轨道上6.Two year on 两年过去了from now on 从现在开始7.......In place 什么就位,在适当的地方8.On the stage 在舞台上,by / at the stage 在....阶段9.To some/an extent 某种程度上10.be of the benefit 对什么有好处。
11.Fill the bill 符合要求12.above board光明正大的,board up 用木板封闭13.By the book按规矩,依照惯例14.Boost in sale 销售额猛增15.Bounce up and down 上下颠簸16.Go bust 破产17.Be calculated to do sth.旨在,打算,适用于.....18.Calculate on 指望,依赖19.Call for叫某人来call off 取消,call up 打电话,call in one`s aid求某人援助20.Catch a cold 亏本21.Cater for供应22.Catering industry餐饮业23.Claim for 要求24.Sth. Claim one`s attention某事值得注意25.clear out 清楚,澄清26.Clear away把....清除掉27.Stay clear of 避开28.In collaboration with与.....合作29.In commission 可以使用的Compete for为了...而进行竞争with sb. In sth.petence for... 能胜任pliment away赠送compliment slip 礼帖compliment sb. For sth.32.A component part of...什么的组成部。
1. 开展业务(Develop business)- 我们计划开展新的业务合作。
- 在全球市场上开展业务是我们的目标。
2. 提供解决方案(Offer solutions)- 为了满足客户需求,我们将提供定制化的解决方案。
- 我们的团队将致力于为您提供最佳的解决方案。
3. 建立合作关系(Establish a partnership)- 我们希望能够与贵公司建立战略合作关系。
- 建立稳固的合作关系对于市场拓展至关重要。
4. 进行市场调研(Conduct market research)- 在推出新产品之前,我们需要进行市场调研。
- 我们需要了解目标市场的需求并作出相应调整。
5. 扩大市场份额(Expand market share)- 我们的目标是扩大在该地区的市场份额。
- 通过创新和品质保证,我们将增加市场份额。
6. 实施营销策略(Implement marketing strategies)- 我们将采取多种营销策略来推广我们的产品。
- 我们的营销策略将着重于数字营销和社交媒体。
7. 提高客户满意度(Enhance customer satisfaction)- 我们将通过提供优质的售后服务来提高客户满意度。
- 客户满意度对于公司的长期发展至关重要。
8. 加强沟通与合作(Enhance communication and collaboration) - 为了加强沟通与合作,我们将举办定期会议。
- 在团队中建立良好的合作关系对于项目成功非常重要。
9. 实现利润最大化(Maximize profitability)- 我们将努力降低成本以实现利润最大化。
- 通过市场调研和商品定价策略,我们将提高利润率。
10. 推动项目发展(Drive project development)- 我们需要一个具有执行力的团队来推动项目发展。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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商务短语集锦Draft schedule 初步日程promotional literrature 促销文件Financial officer 财务主管be on top of things 一切在....掌握之中General manager 总经理top-end 高价位商品Key personnel 主要工作人员top-notch 一流的Manufacturing shop 制造车间marketing team 营销组Freshen up 梳洗打扮Self-served 自助的fix a time for 给...定时间Hold/throw a party for 为...举办聚会make a time for 定个时间做...host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of 为...举行宴会/宴请Be booked up 订满了 a party of eightSeparate checks 分别付款take one’s dinner 点餐Under the name of 以...的名义cancel the reservation 取消订餐Elegant drinks 高档酒well-done 全熟Local specialties 地方风味wine list 酒水单Reserve a table 订餐桌Afternoon tea 下午茶alcoholic beverage 含酒精饮料Banquet hall 宴会厅buffer reception 冷餐招待会Business luncheon 工作午餐buttered toast 涂了黄油的面包Chinese dishes 中国菜deep fried prawns 油焖大虾Diced chicken in chili sauce 宫保鸡丁french fries 炸薯条Fried rice 炒饭grilled lamb烤羊肉Ingredient 配料Italian spaghetti and macaroni 意大利面和通心粉Luncheon party 午餐会main course 主菜Salted vegetables 咸菜snack bar 快餐部Soy sauce bottle 酱油瓶stewed beef 炖牛肉Stir-fried bean curd un hot sauce 麻婆豆腐table mannersTea party 茶话会the gourmet festival 美食节The overall Manchu and Han feast 满汉全席toothpick holder 牙签筒Twice cooked pork 回锅肉won ton 混沌Average price 均价original price 原价base price 底价ceiling price 最高价rock-bottom price 最低价Pricing cost 定价成本price current 定价表Price list 价格目录price tag 价格标签Reference price 参考价retail price 零售价CIF-cost, insurance and freight 到岸价(成本加运费保险费)wholesale price 批发价C&f-cost and freight 成本加运费价cost level 成本费用水平FOB-free on board 离岸价(船上交货价)Barter trade 易货贸易bilateral trade 双边贸易Compensation trade 补偿贸易foregin trade personnel 外贸工作者International trade, overseas trade 国际贸易,海外贸易leasing trade 租赁贸易Processing trade 来料加工贸易reach an agreement达成协议Scope of cooperation 合作范围trade balance 贸易平衡Trade fair 贸易展销会trading firm, trading house贸易行,商行Trading partnership 贸易合伙人trade prospects outlook 贸易前景Trade terms/trade clause 贸易条款Bid against sb.(与某人)争出高价,抬价竞买notice call for bid 招标通知Did deadline, bid closing date 投标截止日期bid information 招标信息Bid price 竞标价evaluation of bid 评标Highest bid 投标最高价invite a bid 招标Lose tender 没有中标submit the tender 交投标书Syndicated tender 联合投标tender bid(工程等)投标Tender conditions 招标条件tender document 投标文件(标书)Withdraw the bid after submission 在投标之后撤销投标书A dry negotiation 毫无收获的谈判break down the negotiation 使谈判破裂Develop a common goal 找到共同的目标discuss a common enemy 讨论共同的对手Establish trust 建立信任explore the possibility of 探讨...的可能性Further negotiation 继续洽谈negotiate a contract 协商合同Negotiation principle 谈判原则tentative plan 临时方案Work out deal 洽谈生意After/before the meeting 会后/会前determine a place for a meeting 确定会议地点Fix the time for a meeting inform each attendee of the time and the place Keep proper records of the resolution passed 记录通过的决议Keep records of the business transacted 记录处理的业务Make a note of the topics discussed 记录讨论的题目Minute book 记录本necessary documents 必要文件Notify each attendee 通知每位与会者paper copies of the agenda 议程表Prepare for a meeting/work 准备会议/工作run a meeting 主持会议Take the minutes 做会议记录the meeting attendee 与会者Type out the minutes from the notes 打印会议记录work out a preparation list 列出准备工作清单Agree on the ground rules for the meeting (contributions, time, decision-making, etc)就会议程序(发言、,时间,决策)达成一致Allocate roles(secretaries, participants)分配(秘书和出席者)会议角色Call to order 宣布开会close the meeting /an item宣布散会/结束一个议题Finish up 结束今日议题introduce the first item on th agenda 介绍第一项议题Order of business 会议进行的程序read the minutes 宣读会议纪要Client agreement 客户交易协议书client environment 客户环境Client meeting 客户会议client quality services 客户质量服务Client relations 客户关系contact info 联系方式Count on your company 依靠贵公司have a company over view 做公司简介Make a proposal 提建议my Rolodex 我的客户联系单Settle down to business 谈正事split the difference 折中一下Warranty issues 保修问题Adapt to the market 适应市场adaptive strategy 适应策略cut cost of production the price 削减生产成本corporate strategy 公司战略Dominant strategy 优势策略increase price 提价Increase production 增加产量lower/reduce the price 降价Marketing strategy 销售策略update the product 更新产品Advance reservation 房间预订amenities 服务设施Business room 商务标间city view room 城景房Front view room 朝街房group reservation 团体预订Hostel 青年旅馆king-size/queen-size bed 大床Ocean view room 海景房rear view room 背街房Receptionist 接待员suite 套房TSU(twin for sole use)标准间单人间vacancy 空房V AT(value added tax)增值税Bell-boy 侍者complimentary bf 免费早餐Key card 房卡luggage cart 行李卡Non-smoking room 禁烟房occupant 房客Renovate 翻新,整修room rate 房费Service charge 服务费under the name of 以... 的名义Vending machine 自动售货机wake-up call 唤醒服务Workout room 健身房Business class/second class 商务舱cancellation 退票Connection flight 中转航班direct flight 直达航班Economy class/tourist class/cattle class/third class class 头等舱Flight number 航班号return flight 往返机票One-way /single ticket 单程机票/航班check in/out Laundry 洗衣服务pay cash 现金支付Information desk 总台room service 客房服务Invoice 发票traveler’s check 旅行支票Arrival lobby 入境大厅illegal entry 非法入境Contraband/illegal item 违禁品currency declaration 货币申报Declaration card 海关申报卡departure lobby 处境大厅Disembarkation card 入境记录卡dutiable goods 应税商品Duty-free goods 免税商品embarkation card 出境记录卡Foreign currency 外币foreign exchange 外币兑换Immigration clearance 出入境检查immigration control 出入境管制Immigration department 入境事务处pay duty on 为... 付税Port of entry 入境口岸tax-fee limit 免税限额Artistic tapestry 艺术挂毯antique shop 古玩店Be all sold out/out of stock 售空china tea set 茶具Chinese silk and satin 中国绸缎Chinese antiques 中国古董Cloisonne vase 景泰蓝花瓶cash desk/cashier’s desk 收银处Department store 百货商店feather fan 羽毛扇traditional Chinese paintings of flowers and birds 传统中国花鸟画Show window 橱窗to keep the bill 保留发票To wrap up the service of delivery 送货上门服务The card for repair 保修卡Architectural complex 建筑群bounded area 保税区Beijing Olympic venues 北京奥林匹克场馆continental monsoon climate 大陆季风气候Convenient transportation 交通便利cultural heritage 文化遗产Economic and technological development zone 经济技术开发区Ethnic customs 民族风情fragrant hill香山Financial center 金融中心forbidden city 紫禁城Great wall 长城High Tech. Industrial Park 高新园区Handing capacity 吞吐量imperial palace 故宫Liaodong Peninsula 辽东半岛man-made wonder 人造奇观National Software Industry Base 国家软件工业基地Scenic spots and historical sites 名胜古迹summer palace 颐和园Scenic beauty of nature 自然风光sightseeing bus 观光车Temple of Heaven 天坛tourist attraction 旅游胜地Americano 美式咖啡cappuccino 卡布奇诺Espresso 浓缩咖啡skinny latte 脱脂拿铁UBC coffee 上岛咖啡managing director 行政总监Secretary-general 秘书长come all the way from 从...专程而来Host a reception dinner/banquet in sb’s honor 为...设宴接风A back order 未执行的订单 a trial order 试销订单Make delivery 交货place an order 订货To accept/cancel/complete/confirm/fulfill an order 接受/撤销/完成/确认/履行订单To make an inquiry for sth. 对(某物)询价A counter offer 还盘an offer without engagement 虚盘Firm offer 实盘To accept/extend/make/renew/withdraw an offer 接受/延长/报盘/更新/撤销报盘As a rule 一般来说beyond our functions and powers 超出职责和授权之外Faulty packing 包装不当honor a claim 理赔On the ground of 以...为理由,因为open wharf 开放码头See to it 确保,保证stand a lot of jolting 经得住颠簸Favorable terms 优惠条件rival goods(价格)有竞争性的产品Talk over the price 讨论价格to push sales 推销Collecting bank 托收银行draw on... 向...开出票据Exchange quota 外汇限额on collection basis 按托收方式Selling season 销售旺季sister corporation 兄弟公司Tie up 冻结,积压(资金)to effect shipment 装船To finalize the matter 达成交易to honor it on presentation 见票即付To make concession 做出让步to pay a deposit 支付定(押)金Advance shipment 提前装船arrange shipment 安排装船Back order 过期订单book space 订舱Calling port 停泊港carry a full load 满载Customs formalities 海关手续destination port 目的港Direct vessel 直达船expedite shipment 延期装船Free port 自由港gross tonnage 总吨位Ice-free port 不冻港lose out 亏本Loading port 装货港make a full cargo 装运全部货物Net tonnage 净吨位optional port 任意港Prompt shipment 即期装船register tonnage 登记吨位Sailing date 开航日期second carrier 二程船Shipping space 舱位terms and conditions 贸易条款Unloading port 卸货港volume of trade 交易量A batch of 一批application form 申保单On..basis 在...基础上premium rate 保险费率Concession 让步exchange rete 汇率Outdate 过时patent licensing 专利许可Patent technology 专利技术payment details 付款细节Personnel training 人员培训quality control 质量控制Royalty 分成share yr risks 分担风险Sliding-scale 浮动的technical document技术文件Technical supervision 技术指导terms of the technology transfer 技术转移条款Arbitration 仲裁business registration 工商登记Calibration 调试circulation capital 流动资金customs declaration 海关申报income tax 所得税Investment approval 投资许可license for production 生产许可Preferential treatment 优惠待遇profit-making 盈利的Remit 汇款All-share merger 全股并购common vision 共同愿景Executive team 管理团队in favor of alliance 同意联合Official statement 官方声明operational efficiencies 运营效率Rationale for the merger 并购的基本原理room for expansion 扩展空间R&D organization 研发组织streamline the workforce 精简员工Annual European sales conference 欧洲年度销售会议trade fair 商品交易会Closed questions 封闭式问题conference facilities 会议设施Decision-making process 决策过程job interviews招聘面试Production supervisor 质检员professional image 专业形象Sales manager 销售经理Boost sales 增加销售额launch it投放市场new medium-range product 中间型市场系列的新产品Medium-term plans 中期计划sales director 销售总监Sales targets销售目标start a large-scale promotion 进行一次大规模的促销活动An internal recruit 内部招聘computer technician 计算机技术Production manager 产品经理outside recruit 对外招聘Induction program 培训项目system administration 系统管理System glitches 系统故障traveler’s cheques 旅行支票American express 美国运通公司headquarters总部Bank holding company 银行控股公司conglomerate 联合大公司China insurance regulatory commission 中国保险监督管理委员会Corporate representative 法人代表corporate annuity 企业年金Equity holding subsidiary 控股子公司equity participate subsidiary 参股子公司International conglomerate 跨国企业集团initial public offering(IPO)首次公开发布Multinational corporation 跨国公司multinational market group 跨国市场集团Parent company 母公司share holding company 股份有限公司State-owned holding company 国家控股公司sister company 姐妹公司Wholly-owned subsidiary 全资子公司Advertising campaign 广告促销活动advertising agency 广告社,广告代理Billboard 广告牌be closed to visitors 不对外开放Hype 大肆宣传ideal approach 理想方案Market test 市场测试market opportunity 市场商机Marketing mix 营销组合preliminary 先期的,初始的Problems with production 生产上有问题promotion literature 宣传材料Run a test 进行测试small-scale 小型的Scale up production 增加产量t est market phase 市场测试阶段Business-formal franchise/franchising 经营模式特许店/特许权Commercial franchising 商业特许经营franchise 特许经销权Franchised store 特许商店franchisee 特许经营人Franchisor 出售特许权的公司franchise fee 特许经营额Franchise contract 特许经营合同kitchen utensils 厨房用具Operation site 经营场所operational manual 操作手册Personnel training 人员培训royalty fee 专利使用费Raw material 原材料time-honored brand 老字号Estimated market value 估计市价estimated revenue 收入预算Estimated statement 估计表exchange clause 汇兑条款Financial ability 财力Financial analysis 财务分析financial circle(world)金融界,财经界Financial condition 财务状况financial expense 财务费用Reciprocal purchase 相互购买reciprocity clause 互惠条款Average variable cost 平均可变成本boundary point 边界点Break-even point收支相抵点budget constraint 预算约束Budget line 预算线budget set预算集Assembly line 装配线give you an edge over 相对...占优势Monthly output 月产量percentage of rejects 废品率Production shop 生产车间 a logo concept 商标概念Sales catalog and literature 销售目录和证明书 a one-shot deal 一次性买卖An estimated price 估价be copyrighted 注册Catch on 流行little accessories 小配件Make it a fad 带来流行products sell 产品有卖点Take on a contract 接下订单expand the distribution 扩大销售渠道Get cracking 着手做事has no objections to sth. 无异议,不反对Set up a meeting 进行会议talk business 谈正事an enlightening presentation 令人眼界大开的展示说明会A significant increase in sales 销售业绩大幅度上升Overhead projector 高射投影仪launch onto the market 进入市场Local conventions 地方性展示大会sales outcomes 销售业绩Damage control 损失控制give it the go-ahead 批准了这一计划On the verge of closing 夸接近达到协议original distinctive packaging 原有的独特包装Throw a spanner into the works 出难题A surveyor’s report 产品的检查报告be in urgent need of 急需Be very much in demand 需求很大far above standard quality 质量过高标准质量Inferior quality goods 质量低劣的产品place an order 订货Quick profit 即期利润sales samples 销售样品Specifications of the goods 货物价格SIC-Second in Charge 副手CEO-Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官AGM-Annual General Meeting 年度股东大会COB-Close of Business 打烊时间ETA-Estimated Time of Arrival 预订抵达时间PR-Public Relations 公关QA-Quality Assurances 品质保证Flow of parts 部件流go upstream 到生产上游High value added 高附加值inventory management 库存管理Lower markdowns 更低价商品manufacturing process 生产流程Supplier management 供应商管理supply chain 供应链Supply chain management 供应链管理value chain 价值链Strong point 优点,优势be environment-friendly 对环境无害Model range 规格,品种,范围reliable in quality 质量可靠Size and weight 规格和重量reasonable price 价格合理Comparable product 类似产品product life cycle 产品寿命周期Value of sales 销售价值revolutionary approach 全新的方法Brand awareness 品牌意识campaign pros and cons 媒体优劣Advertising campaign 广告运作media darling 在媒体上上活跃的人Media circus 媒体焦点media studies 媒体研究Media training 采访前准备A heavy/long-term/profitable/safe and sure investment 巨额/长期/有利可的/安全可靠投资Collectively-owned enterprise 集体企业corporative enterprise 合作企业Direct investment 直接投资import and output corporate 进出口公司End product quality 成品质量equivalent mass 等效质量Extra best quality 最优质量fair average quality 良好平均品质,中等品Fine quality 头等质量inspection certificate 检验证明书Mean quality 平均质量,中等质量of good/high quality 上等的,优质的/质量高Off quality 低质量outgoing quality出厂质量Overall quality 总质量popular quality 大众化的质量Premium quality 第一流的质量price difference of quality 质量差价Process average quality 在制造过程中的平均质量Product quality law 产品质量法product quality management 产品质量管理Product quality standard 产品质量标准quality assurance 质量保证Quality control 质量控制quality improvement 质量改进Quality management system 质量管理体系quality planning 质量策划Quality analysis 品质分析quality inspection system 品检系统Quality-mind 品质意识sacrifice quality 降低品质Up to(the)standard 达到标准Accepted product 合格产品be environment friendly 对环境无害Be powered electrically 电力驱动branded product 贴有商标的产品Comparable products 类似产品completely defective product 完全废品Discharges pollutant 排放污染物domestic product 国产品,国货;土产Durable product 耐用品existing product 现有产品Finished market 成品商品high investment 高投资High profitability 高利润率market saturated 市场饱和Model range 规格,品种,范围processed farm products 农业加工品Prohibited products 违禁品qualified product 合格制品Ready-to-heat-and-eat product可立即加热进食的食品Reliable in quality 价格合理revolutionary approach 全新的方法Selective buyer挑剔的买家semi-manufactured product 半成品Shoddy product 次品,冒牌货size and weight 规格和重量Strong points 优点the product life cycle 产品寿命周期Value of sales 销售价值away from the market 不照市价,在(证券交易所)牌价范围之外At the market 照市价be on the market 上市Be in the market for sth. 在市场上觅购某物come into the market 出售,投放市场Corner the market 囤积居奇,垄断市场hold the market 维持市场(以防价格波动)In the market for sth. 想买进某物,乐于接受某物,正在追求Lose one’s market 市区买卖的机会make a market 制造兴旺气氛Mass sales 大量销售on-promises sales 当场拍卖Potential advantages/customer/market/target market 潜在优势/顾客/市场/目标市场Power in distribution 分销权利power of buyers 购买者能力Power of suppliers 供应商能力restrict sales 限制销售Retail sale 零售returned sales 销货退回Sacrifice sale 大甩卖security sale 证券销售Service market 自选市场short term money market (金融)短期资金市场Short sale 卖空short-term credit sales 短期赊销Shrinking international market 萎缩的国际市场stiff/Met market 价格坚挺的市场/市场坚挺the societal marketing concept 社会营销观Communicating information 交流信息consumer market 消费者市场Cooperative marketing 共同销售customer satisfaction 顾客满意Develop a Met 扩展市场direct marketing at the factory door 工厂门市部直销Direct marketing by house-to-house selling/by integration 挨户直销/产销结合的直销Direct marketing by personal solicitation 向个人直接兜销market intervention 市场干预Market positioning/targeting strategy 市场定位/目标市场策略Market transparency 市场明朗度marketing research 营销调查Mass marketing 大规模销售Met boom 市场景气Met fluctuation 市场波动Met on a downward trend 市场有下滑趋势Met report/share/slump 市场调查/占有率/暴跌orderly marketing 正常销售Model of consumer behavior 消费者行为pull-strategy marketing 拉通推销术Smooth marketing 顺利交易system marketing 有组织的销售活动Test marketing 试销the Met is on the upgrade 市场看涨The product life cycle 产品市场寿命周期the selling/sales concept 销售观念Build rapport with 建立友好关系candidate’s historical background 申请人的从业背景Deep understanding of HR knowledge and related laws and regulations 对人资相关知识以及对相关法律法规的深度了解Hunting flow 猎头公司的招募流程quality of the consultant 提供咨询的质量Within shortest time 最短时间内A raise on salary 加薪full amount 全额Give high appraisal to 高度评价letter of recommendation 推荐信Medical insurance 医疗保险performance evaluation 业绩评估Top amount of salary increase 加薪的最高额度Campus recruitment 校园招聘database management 数据库管理/信息管理Enrollment manager 招聘经理job agency 招聘机构Recruitment funnel 招聘漏斗理论recruitment practice 招聘手段The mass expansion of higher education 高等教育扩招Complete an independent study project specifically 独立完成试验项目Full swing 全面improve prospects for promotion 有助于升迁Go above and beyond 超出很多panel interview 小组面试Application form 申请表make a confirmation for yr time 确认时间Put sb. down/in(for an appointment)记下...的预约时间/把...安排进预约名单Shorthand typist 速记打字员sth. Be provided(某岗位)提供相应(培训,福利等)Be completely booked 日程排满phone to enquire 打电话咨询Work sb. In额外安排Administrator director/AD 行政总监be impressive of 对...印象深刻Career prospect 职业前景core value 核心价值CV/curriculum vitae /resume简历interpersonal relationships 人际关系Major strength 最大的,主要的advertising campaign 广告宣传活动Be in good shape 经营状况良好billboard 广告牌Create a need 创造需求full coverage 全面宣传Marketing plan 营销计划mass media 大众传媒National campaign 全国范围内的宣传活动Outdoor/radio/seasonal/serial/subway advertising 户外/电台/季节性/系列/地铁广告Dictate to 向...发号施令dull sale 滞销Go hand in hand with 与...同时并进的,和...密切关联的impose on 把...强加于Job rotation 轮岗set up trade barriers 建立贸易壁垒Take steps 采取措施/步骤wear and tear(正常使用造成的)磨损,损耗Be in place 相当的,相称的be lowered to 减少到了... Crush in the egg 防患于未然,扼杀在萌芽状态fall into the hands od 受制于人Give out 发白哦,公布,宣布guard against 非法进入,黑客入侵In the event of 如果,万一,倘若leave behind traces 留下蛛丝马迹Resort to 诉诸,凭借,求助,采用terms of ..某段长的时间Approach to business 商业运作方法factory site产房Hard hat 工程帽pattern sample 模型样品Production line 生产线safety goggles 护目镜Sample for reference 参考样品the process of wine making 酿酒过程The skills of driving 驱动的技巧affiliated company关系企业Brand office 分公司close down a business 倒闭Company profile 公司概况corporate image/culture/strategy 企业形象/文化/战略General partnership 合伙公司go out od business 停止营业Joint venture 合资公司limited liability 有限责任Listed company 上市公司market capitalization 市价总值Multinational 跨国公司Act as 担任department head 部门领导Keep in line 走上正轨laborial staff 普通员工Position of authority 职权职位public relations(department)公关部Senior account manager 高级会计人员work under 在...手下工作Blue-collar/white-collar 蓝领/白领工人job description 职位说明Job rotation 岗位轮换management consultant/experience 管理咨询师/经验Sales representative 销售代表the foreign trade of department 对外贸易部门Trade association 贸易协会trade union 工会Train staff 培训员工trading department/mechanics 贸易机构Group cohesiveness 团队凝聚力employee survey 员工意见调查Chief purchasing officer 首席采购员clock in and out 上下班打卡Customer service(department)客户服务部inter-occupational mobility 职业间流动Life career development 终身职业发展on-the-job training 在职培训Project team 项目小组team building 团队建设A major contributor to 重要促成因素around the clock 夜以继日地Be out od the ordinary 与众不同的check sth. Over 检查,查看Prompted by one’s concern 由于...的关切push...upon/on the agenda 将...提上议程At local and industrial levels 基于地方政府及行业make investment 投资At the maximum extent 最大程度labor cost 劳动力成本Bring...into full play 充分发挥...的作用at the most favorable rate 按最优惠的利率Be in great demand of 对...有大量需求be put at a disadvantage 处于不利地位Principle od equality and mutual benefit 平等互利的原则supply sb. With 为某人提供Reform and open policy改革开放原则tax reimbursement 退税。