安全需要 生理需要
满意区域 激励因素 •工作兴趣 •成就 •得到认同 •获赞赏 •责任 •升职
保健因素 •工作环境 •薪金 •公司制度 •安全感 •人际关系
需要层次论 自我实现
• 错误增多 • 团队怨恨主管 • 员工流失率高
授权不足: • 团队成员无法发展 • 激励不足 • 团队变得容易自满 • 团队变得不安
第一步:仔细选择工作 第二步:仔细选择人选 第三步:准备人选 第四步:工作指引 第五步:确认理解 第六步:跟进
• 引起怨恨 • 失去尊重
• 失去联系,甚至失去 控制
• 自己工作过多 • 没有时间做计划
• 没有防备的方案当他 缺席时
• 被团队轻视 • 被团队利用
• 团队工作量过多,效 率低
• 命令 • 要求 • 建议
• 假定 • 知识水平 • 术语 • 语言
B05061 可口可乐人力资源管理技巧销售技巧1306 b (HANDLING OBJECTIONSTTT English)1HANDLING OBJECTIONS Learning Objectives1.Able to identify different kinds of objections.2.Learn how to use handling objections process in daily sellingWhat is Objection?It may be treated as a concern, reason, or argument towards a plan or idea.Objection is part of the Selling Process; it only reflects customer’s concern or current limitation, which needed to be resolved before making a decision. Objection can also express as personal need –go to be listened to; to be given face.There are two main ways to deal with objections. One is to reduce the opportunities of occur; the other is to handle it effectively.Reducing Objection Opportunities1.Have good knowledge of customer information (business needs and personal style) toanticipate potential objections.2.In your call planning, read and practice related information:a.Promotion Description; New Product Trade Leaflet and Q&A (this will help you toanswer most of the questions)b.Promotion Details: raise and discuss potential questions in weekly meetingc.For specific potential objections, get manager or supervisor inputs and practice how todeal with these objections before action.“Real”and “False”ObjectionsRetailer can raise “real objections”and also “false objections.”The key to us is to learn how to identify and handle the real objections, not spending a lot of time attempting to answer false ones.From a practical standpoint, we should assume, at first, that every objection is an actual or real concern in the retailer’s position. However, some concerns are more important than others.Real objection = Expressed concern is an actual/real concern from the retailer’s position.Example:Retailer: The problem with your plan, Mr. Chen, is margin. It’s not enough.”Salesman: “You’re concerned about margin. Does anything else trouble you?”Retailer: “No. The plan sounds good --- except for margin.”Is the objection real? Is margin the retailer’s real concern? To close the sale, is it the margin objection that must be handled to the retailer’s satisfaction?False ObjectionsSince many sales people accept these false objections and stop their efforts to make the sale, some retailers get in the habit of saying the first thing that comes into their mind. We should, therefore, to help the retailer think through and further examine his/her responses and objections so that our idea gets a fair evaluation. If our idea is good for his/her business, he/she will accept it.False Objection = Expressed concern is not actual/real concern.Example:Statement like: “The package design is too dull”. “Kids do not drink that anymore”. “No-one will pay that premium price”.To identify the “real”objection and “false”objections, we need to examine the concerns raised by the retailer.Process of Handling ObjectionsFour Basic Steps:1.Identify (the real objection)2.Understand3.Verify4.HandlePurpose of Steps 1 and 2 is to help you find out the Real Objection that must be handled to close the sale.Purpose of Step 3 is to assure your finding - the retailer’s a ctual/real concern and isolate it as the only remaining objection, preferably in words that you can address (e.g. profit, not margin).Purpose of Step 4 is to help close the sale by handling the real objection to meet retailer expectation.STEP 1: Clarify the objection by restating it; then ask for any other concerns.Example:Retailer: “The problem with your plan, Mr. Chen, is margin. It’s not enough.”Salesman: “You’re concerned about margin. Does anything else troubl e you?”Retailer: “No. The plan sounds good --- except for margin.”Salesman: “So, you’re concerned about margi n. No other things trouble you?Retailer: “No…nothing of importance.”So, the retailer has said that margin is the real concern, and that nothing else. Step 1 completed.But, is it safe to assume margin is the real concern? Yes, it is safe for the moment. At this point, it is all you have to work with. A more thorough examination will lead to better understanding. And, that understanding generally reveals whether or not it is the real concern.In some cases, buyers express more than one objection. So, let’s look into how those situations are handled.Here is another answer for Example:Retailer: “Oh! Shelving Space is also a problem”Salesman: “OK…you have a concern about shelving space. Is there anything else?”Retailer: “Well, another is weather. It would be too cold for your product.”Salesman: “I see…so, you also concern about the weather will have negative impact on sales perfo rmance. Does anything elsetrouble you?”Retailer: “No.”Salesman: “Mr. Guo, you’ve mentioned three concerns…margin, shelving space and weather impact on sales performance. Which one’s the most important?”Retailer: “Well. I’d have to say weather impact.”So for this situation, Step 1 has been carried out. And, we know for the moment that “weather impact on sales performance”is apparently the main concern. While this objection is still too vague to attempt to answer, the purpose of Step 1 has been accomplished.STEP 2: To clearly understand the objection and to find out exactly what it is that must be handled to close the sale.Examples:Retailer: “Well, I’d have to say weather.”Salesman: “Tell me more about that.”This will give the retailer lots of “room”to tell you more about the impact due to weather. The retailer will then offer specific information, to avoid possible misunderstanding, or to give information that in some other way contributes to clarity.Retailer: “Well, I’d have to say shelving space. I do not have enough room to display all the products.”Salesman: “So, the shelving space is your main concern?”This reflects your understanding. It is an opportunity for the retailer to correct wrong impressions you might have.When you clarify the objection, try to turn that into something you could handle in future, for example: Price/Margin objection - we should try to turn it into profit, as you can better answer that by using the Profit Story concept. For example: Salesman: “You have said the problem is price/margin. What you are really concerned about is profit, how much you can make by selling X, is that correct?”It is important that understanding of an objection don’t indicate immediate disagreemen t by you. Remember your purpose is to gain more information, not to immediately minimize or reduce the objection. If the retailer perceives your response as contradicting his statement, his natural reaction is to be defensive, thus strengthening the objection.Therefore, before the real concern is handled, the process calls for first being sure that it has been accurately identified. And, that the retailer and you have a mutual understanding of it.Note:Concessions –Do not begin offering concession until you have negotiated all issues, which you can reach agreement.B10119 超市管理超市策划超市新店如何借势开业1超市新店如何借势开业文章关键字:开业作者:超市168网友发布时间:2009-2-20每一家新店开业,大家都充满期待,但小店不是大超市,不是大卖场,所以小店的开业在于借势,而不是造势,明确了这一点,就不会去浪费精力,浪费财力,做一些无谓的事情。
可口可乐销售代表金字塔专题培训教程第二部分:基础知识1. 可口可乐的历史和品牌在本节中,我们将了解可口可乐公司的历史和品牌。
2. 可口可乐金字塔销售模型在本节中,我们将介绍可口可乐金字塔销售模型。
第三部分:市场分析1. 市场调研和竞争分析在本节中,我们将学习如何进行市场调研和竞争分析。
2. 客户分类和定位在本节中,我们将学习如何对客户进行分类和定位。
第四部分:销售组织1. 销售渠道和供应链管理在本节中,我们将学习如何建立高效的销售渠道和供应链管理。
2. 销售团队管理和激励在本节中,我们将学习如何管理和激励销售团队。
第五部分:销售技巧和客户关系管理1. 销售技巧在本节中,我们将学习各种销售技巧。
本部分我们为您安排的培训内容有:“金字塔”必读与考试(共27模块),分两个阶段第一阶段:15模块必读/考试 --在加入公司的第5-6个星期内完成包括:基本知识(7个模块)业务管理(5个模块)行政与效率(3个模块)第二阶段:建议订单12模块必读/考试—在第7-8个星期内完成在必读与考试结束后,我们还会为您安排提高建议订单的拜访成功率培训(结合录像带教学)--在加入公司的第9个星期完成在学习必读部分时,您若有不明白之处,请随时与培训经理或销售培员联络。
精力 精力
空间/位置 时间 精力 资金
强调可口可乐每平方米的高利润,指出战略性的位置会产生即 兴购买和相关产品的销售。告诉客户用展架可缓解库存空间紧 张的问题在出售展架或设备时始终要选择一个可替代的位置
业务基础知识培训—专业销售技巧 CAN DO态度
我们每天在做什么 •做生意 •竞 争
•从客户和消费者的角度出发 •通过建议订单把客户赚钱的 潜力变为现实 •高效率给你高生产力
指出可口可乐在每次销售拜访中负责饮料区、展架和设备的清 洁、更换、存储和生动化工作。提醒客户我们保持和更换售点 的广告品,以便商店对消费者有吸引力
提醒客户:可口可乐定期进行服务,因而不需要其它额外的服 务。可口可乐对于季节变化、设备、宣传品和促销方面的需要 会迅即作出反应
利用利润分析向客户表明对其利益,强调可口可乐产品的主导 地位。说明高的交易额将提高基本利润。使用别的商店成功的 例子,说明通过展示而增加的销量会弥补在促销中单位利益的 下降
二、可口可乐公司的核心业务1. 产品开发与创新:可口可乐公司致力于不断推出创新的产品,满足消费者的多样化需求。
2. 市场营销与推广:可口可乐公司通过广告、促销以及赞助体育和文化活动等方式,积极宣传和推广品牌形象和产品。
3. 生产与供应链管理:可口可乐公司拥有庞大而高效的生产和供应链系统,确保产品能够及时、准确地被交付给消费者。
4. 客户关系管理:可口可乐公司注重与消费者、合作伙伴和供应商之间的良好合作关系。
5. 可持续发展与企业社会责任:可口可乐公司致力于可持续发展,积极推动环境保护、社会责任和企业道德。
三、可口可乐公司的管理原则1. 以人为本:可口可乐公司尊重和保护员工的权益,鼓励员工的个人发展,并为其提供良好的工作环境和职业发展机会。
2. 创新和变革:可口可乐公司鼓励员工不断学习和探索,充分发挥创造力和想象力,通过创新和变革来推动公司的发展。
3. 高效执行:可口可乐公司注重高效执行,要求员工遵守公司规章制度,执行决策并负责自己的行动和结果。
4. 合作共赢:可口可乐公司倡导合作共赢的理念,鼓励员工与合作伙伴积极合作,共同实现公司的目标和利益。
角式扮演 - 銷售技巧及處理异议 1
- 2003年3月初
- 大學內的零售店
- 生意很好
- 但是, 在附近有其它的售奌, 故競爭激烈
- 因空間有限, 故毛利率要求較高
- 因空間有限, 只售賣有限的產品
- 公司的產品只有: 可口可樂, 雪碧, 芬達及酷兒
- 這些産品在這店的銷量都很好
- 开蓋有奬活動正推出(金蓋活動)
- 大量可樂及雀巢贈飲
- 公司所有品牌都參与
- 這活動有强大的支持, 如電視广告
- 這活動極受管理層重視
- 賣進醒目, 雀巢及天与地水
贡献于变革管理的努力. 贡献于变革管理的努力.
陈述组织变革的需要性. 描述变革对第一线和消费者的影响. 收集用以支持变革需求的资料数据. 参与并贡献于已有明确项目范围和成果的变革团队. 参与并贡献于变革努力的先行性测试小组. 使用基本的项目管理工具以确保变革项目能够按步骤进行.
在变革程序之内管理项目团队. 在变革程序之内管理项目团队.
参与谈判和相应的沟通过程. 参与谈判和相应的沟通过程.
用谈判策略的形成和陈述来支持工厂/DC谈判团队.在一定情况下合作领导或独立领导谈判. 建立并维持与员工及一线经理的直接沟通渠道. 确保与当地法律和内部政策实践的一致性. 准备谈判领导需求和行业应急计划.
形成公开,清楚并且有市场竞争力的C&B体系,此体系用以绩效评估和奖励相联 系和维持成本效益,并且能够吸引,挽留和激励雇员.
技能 水平
掌握和C&B相关的概念. 掌握和C&B相关的概念. C&B相关的概念
陈述C&B的哲学体系原则. 具备基本的C&B术语和计算方面的业务知识. 运用信息系统来跟踪重点资料以提供正确的信息给他人. 回答员工在C&B方面的基本的所有问题,政策和惯例,并且恰当地解决矛盾. 阐明可以具有的激励与奖励项目的种类,并且能够朝着目标有效地进行管理.
管理C&B体系并且鼓励员工交流C&B体系. 管理C&B体系并且鼓励员工交流C&B体系. C&B体系并且鼓励员工交流C&B体系
掌握市场竞争的概念并能精确的解释调查数据. 论述所有的有关C&B政策和程序方面的知识. 论述与C&B政策和惯例执行相关的,分别针对个人和公司而言的公平公正性. 组织运用内部和外部的资料来进行C&B分析. 在基本工资的管理上提出建议,C&B政策和程序. 理解并考虑一线员工对于C&B项目的观点. 在责任区域运用核心激励项目.
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HANDLING OBJECTIONSLearning Objectives1.Able to identify different kinds of objections.2.Learn how to use handling objections process in daily sellingWhat is ObjectionIt may be treated as a concern, reason, or argument towards a plan or idea.Objection is part of the Selling Process; it only reflects customer’s concern or current limitation, which needed to be resolved before making a decision. Objection can also express as personal need – go to be listened to; to be given face.There are two main ways to deal with objections. One is to reduce the opportunities of occur; the other is to handle it effectively.Reducing Objection Opportunities1.Have good knowledge of customer information (business needs and personal style)to anticipate potential objections.2.In your call planning, read and practice related information:a.Promotion Description; New Product Trade Leaflet and Q&A (this will helpyou to answer most of the questions)b.Promotion Details: raise and discuss potential questions in weekly meetingc.For specific potential objections, get manager or supervisor inputs andpractice how to deal with these objections before action.“Real” and “False” ObjectionsRetailer can raise “real objections” and also “false objections.” The key to us is to learn how to identify and handle the real objections, not spending a lot of time attempting to answer false ones.From a practical standpoint, we should assume, at first, that every objection is an actual or real concern in the retailer’s position. However, some concerns are more important than others.Real objection = Expressed concern is an actual/real concern from the retailer’s position.Example:Retailer: The problem with your plan, Mr. Chen, is margin. It’s not enough.”Salesman: “You’re concerned about margin. Does anything else trouble you”Retailer: “No. The plan sounds good --- except for margin.”Is the objection real Is margin the retailer’s real concern To close the sale, is it the marginobjectionthat must be handled to the retailer’s sat isfactionFalse ObjectionsSince many sales people accept these false objections and stop their efforts to make the sale, some retailers get in the habit of saying the first thing that comes into their mind. We should, therefore, to help the retailer think through and further examine his/her responses and objections so that our idea gets a fair evaluation. If our idea is good for his/her business, he/she will accept it.False Objection = Expressed concern is not actual/real concern.Example:Statement like: “The package design is too dull”. “Kids do not drink that anymore”. “No-one will pay that premium price”.To identify the “real” objection and “false” objections, we need to examine the concerns raised by the retailer.Process of Handling ObjectionsFour Basic Steps:1.Identify (the real objection)2.Understand3.Verify4.HandlePurpose of Steps 1 and 2 is to help you find out the Real Objection that must be handled to close the sale.Purpose of Step 3 is to assure your finding - the retailer’s actual/real concern and isolate it as the only remaining objection, preferably in words that you can address . profit, not margin).Purpose of Step 4 is to help close the sale by handling the real objection to meet retailer expectation.Identify (The Real Objection)STEP 1: Clarify the objection by restating it; then ask for any other concerns.Example:Retailer: “The problem with your plan, Mr. Chen, is margin. It’s not enough.”Salesman: “You’re concerned about margin. Does anything else trouble you”Retailer: “No. The plan sounds good --- except for margin.”Salesman: “So, you’re concerned about margin. No other things trouble you Retailer: “No… nothing of importance.”So, the retailer has said that margin is the real concern, and that nothing else. Step 1 completed.But, is it safe to assume margin is the real concern Yes, it is safe for the moment. At this point, it is all you have to work with. A more thorough examination will lead to better understanding. And, that understanding generally reveals whether or not it is the real concern.In some cases, buyers express more than one objection. So, let’s look into how those situations are handled.Here is another answer for Example:Retailer: “Oh! Shelving Space is also a problem”Salesman: “OK… you have a concern about shelving space. Is there anything else”Retailer: “Well, another is weather. It would be too cold for your product.”Salesman: “I see… so, you also concern about the weather will have negative impact on sales performance. Does a nything else trouble you”Retailer: “No.”Salesman: “Mr. Guo, you’ve mentioned three concerns… margin, shelving space and weather impact on sales performance. Which one’s the most important”Retailer: “Well. I’d have to say weather impact.”So for this situation, Step 1 has been carried out. And, we know for the moment that “weather impact on sales performance” is apparently the main concern. While this objection is still too vague to attempt to answer, the purpose of Step 1 has been accomplished.Understand The ObjectionSTEP 2: To clearly understand the objection and to find out exactly what it is that must be handled to close the sale.Examples:Retailer: “Well, I’d have to say weather.”Salesman: “Tell me more about that.”This will give th e retailer lots of “room” to tell you more about the impact due to weather. The retailer will then offer specific information, to avoid possible misunderstanding, or to give information that in some other way contributes to clarity.Retailer: “Well, I’d have to say shelving space. I do not have enough room to display all the products.”Salesman: “So, the shelving space is your main concern”This reflects your understanding. It is an opportunity for the retailer to correct wrong impressions you might have.When you clarify the objection, try to turn that into something you could handle in future, for example: Price/Margin objection - we should try to turn it into profit, as you can better answer that by using the Profit Story concept. For example: Salesman: “You have said the problem is price/margin. What you are really concerned about is profit, how much you can make by selling X, is that correct”It is important that understanding of an objection don’t indicate immediate disagreement by you. Remember your purpose is to gain more information, not to immediately minimize or reduce the objection. If the retailer perceives your response as contradicting his statement, his natural reaction is to be defensive, thus strengthening the objection.Therefore, before the real concern is handled, the process calls for first being sure that it has been accurately identified. And, that the retailer and you have a mutual understanding of it.Note:Concessions – Do not begin offering concession until you have negotiated all issues, which you can reach agreement.Verify The ObjectionStep 3: To ensure both of you understand the objection and have focus on the real issue.An effective way to verify your understanding of the objection is to summarize the objection from the retailer’s point of view. And, conclude the summary with…” is that right” Good ways to start your summary statement include:-“So what you are trying to decide is why…” Is that right-“Then what you really want to know is… correct-“You seem to be asking…” is itThis gets the retailer’s agreement that you have accurately stated his concern and allows you the opportunity to address it. You are in a sense helping the retailer to reopen his mind about his concern. You are also encouraging him to listen further. If the buyer disagrees with your summary of the objection, you obviously need to learn more about his concern before proceeding.Handle The ObjectionSTEP 4: To resolve the issue, meeting retailer’s expectation.Handling objections satisfactorily generally requires three things. They are: -Being knowledgeable about the business: should be knowledgeable in our business, . Brand information, Customer information, Trade information.-Being skillful in converting objections into benefits: Convert concern into selling point, highlight the profit story and benefits to customer so as to overcome the concern.-Being concise: Presenting the case with just enough information and focus on account benefits.What are the most effective ways to resolve objection:-Find parallel with retailer’s own experience – similarproduct/package/promotion has been successful.-Good experience of other stores –refer other stores, other towns, other cities.Who does he respect as a leader GT outlets may look at Independent supermarket;Independent supermarket may look at Key account.-Propose test of small initial quantity to check consumer acceptance, . Salesman: “My profit story presented was based on Qoo Peach selling 50% of Orange, let’splay safe and assume it is only 20% to start – that means a first order of 3 cases. Is that a better option”-Identify urgent reaction to a program despite some concerns –price increase, other competition store opening.CONCLUSIONFour basic steps of handling objection provide a simple but practical way to deal with Objection. At the same time, we should not afraid to face the objection. In fact, we should equip ourselves to be capable for effectively and successfully handling them.The more you practice using this process, the better you will become at making sales when objections are raised.处理异议(问学员日常生活中是否经常碰到异议, 并常试擧例)学习目标3.能找出真正的异议4.学习如何处理异议甚么是异议对计划, 建议或产品本身有所顾虑, 疑惑或问题而作出反对, 这就是异议.异议是销售过程的一部份, 这只是反影客户在作出决定前, 须解决对计划的疑惑; 或对个人意愿的一种表达–所以我们要小心聆听; 并给于尊重.如何处理异议: (问学员意见)1.减低异议发生的机会2.当异议出现时, 要有效地处理减低异议发生的机会3.持有良好的客户资料(业务上的或客户个人的), 这有助预测客户可能提出的问题.4.在计划拜访前, 熟读有关资料.a.如消费者活动说明; 新产品上市之”问与答”(这会有效地协助你解答绝大部份的问题);b.促销活动细则, 在推出前於例会中讨论可能面对的问题, 并加以研究.c.针对个别问题, 在出发前与经理或主任练习, 如何处理异议(问学员有效的方法, 举例: 你的情人叫你去吃饭, 但你刚刚跟另到别的女孩吃完, 并吃得很饱, 你的答案会如何-情人会相信吗信! 因没想到你会说假话.)“真””假”异议客户会提出”真异议”, 但亦会提出”假异议”, 我们最主要是学习如何找出及处理”真异议”, 而不是花太多时间去回答和处理”假异议”.从实际方面说, 我们应假设每一个由客户提出的疑虑都是真的. 但在不同的疑虑中, 必然有一些比其它较为重要的.(尝试举出10个异议)真异议 = 从客户的立场所表达出来真正/重要的疑虑.例子:客户: “老陈, 在你提出来的建议里, 産品的利润是不足够的”业务员: “你是担心产品的利润, 不知还有没有其它”客户: “其它都可以-----除了利润.”这是否真的异议利润是否客户真正的疑虑在缔结整个拜访时, 利润的疑虑是否一定要处理假异议(找女生及男生各一名, 叫男生约会女生, 但女生不喜欢, 她会怎样处理)很多时候, 业务员都会接受这些假异议而放弃推销. 久而久之, 客户便养成一个习惯, 他们会将脑海中突然出现的问题, 当成疑虑. 而我们的责任便是”协助”客户找出真正的疑虑, 并令我们的建议得到合理的评估–如建议对客户有利, 他们是会接受的!.假异议 = 表达出来的疑虑并非真正的问题所在.例子:“这包装设计太老套!”“小孩再也不喜欢喝啦!”“没有人愿意付更多的钱来买!”为了找出真正的异议, 我们需要”考验”这些由客户提出的疑虑. 处理异议的程序处理异议4 步曲:5.测定Identify (真异议the real objection)6.了解Understand7.求证Verify8.处理Handle第一及二奌是协助你找出真正的异议, 及异议背後的理由.第三奌是确定你的看法–找出客户真正及最重要的疑虑, 而这疑虑是需要处理的, 并且这疑虑是你有能力去处理的(例如利润, 而不是毛利率).第四奌是处理疑虑–从而成功完成拜访测定(真异议)第一步: 重覆听到的异议, 然後问有没有其它(如心仪对象答应与你约会, 但你不知她喜欢甚么活动, 你会怎样问)例子:客户: “老陈, 在你提出来的建议里, 産品的利润是不足够的”业务员: “你是担心产品的利润, 不知还有没有其它”客户: “其它都可以-----除了利润.”业务员: “你是担心产品的利润, 并没有其它了”客户: “是…..没有其它.”客户已确定利润是真的疑虑, 没有其它. 第一先步完成!但在一些情况, 客户会提出多个的疑虑, 我们又怎样处理.例子:客户: “噢! 我的货架没有位置放你的新产品!”业务员: “唔…….你担心货架的空位不足! 不知还有没有其它”客户: “另外是天气, 现在对饮料来说, 天气是太冷啦!”业务员: “你同时担心天气太冷对饮料的表现有影响……不知还有没有其它”客户: “没有其它.”业务员: “高老板, 你刚才提到3个疑虑….利润, 货架的空位及天气, 不知那一个是最重要呢”客户: “唔! 我想是天气吧!”在第一步的测定下, 我们知道在这刹那, 天气是最重要的疑虑.了解异议(你看见一对夫妇在吵架, 你会想到甚么–为甚么会吵架, 在吵些甚么背後的原因)第二步: 清楚了解客户提出的异议及其背後的疑虑–以便成功完成整个拜访.例子:客户: “唔! 我想是天气吧!”业务员: “可以告诉我多一奌吗!”这样的处理, 可给客户更多的空间来解释对天气的疑虑, 同时可避开不必要的误解客户: “我的货架没有位置放你的新产品.”业务员: “你最担心的是货架的空位不足”这可反影你知道客户的疑虑是甚么及给予客户修正的机会–如你的理解不对当你进一步了解异议时, 应转变为你可处理的情况, 例如对价格及毛利率的疑虑, 我们应将转化为对利润的疑虑, 因我们可以运用利润故事去处理. 句子如: 业务员:”你提到对价格(或毛利率)的问题, 其实你担心的是售卖该产品带来的利润, 是否这样”有一奌非常重要: 知道客户的疑虑并不代表你的反对. 紧记在这一步是收集更多资料, 了解疑虑, 而非解决. 因若果客户感到你在反对他的意见, 他将, 自然地, 更加不合作并强化异议所以, 在处理异议前, 必先准确地找出双方认同的疑虑.注:妥协/让步–在寻找真正疑虑的过程中, 千万不要对未确立的疑虑作出妥协或让步, 因这会増加你处理真正疑虑时的困难, 并且可得跌进客户的陷阱里去!求证第三步: 确保双方都了解疑虑所在, 并针对地处理.其中一个有效的求证方法是总结对方的观奌, 并加上确定性的句子, 例如…..这样就可以啦! 对不对.:-“你的决定是因为……..对不对”-“你真正想知道的是………..对不对”-“你想了解的是……..是不是这样”这样你可得到客户对”疑虑”的确认, 并容许你加以处理. 而你正在协助客户仔细分析他的疑虑, 并鼓励客户继续聆听. 另一个重奌是如果客户反对你的总结, 明显地你必须进一步加深了解客户的疑虑.处理第四步: 解决问题, 令客户满意地接受我们的建议.处理异议所需要的:-见识广博: 在业务上每方面都有充份的知识, 如品牌资訉, 客户表现, 市场趋势等等-技巧纯熟: 将异议转变为推销重奌, 并使利益淹盖异议-简明表达: 用适量的资料去推销, 不要长篇大论处理异议有效的方法-找出客户曾经历类似的经验–如过往新产品/包装/促销成功的经验.-其它客户成功例子–借用其它客户, 城市, 国家地区的例子. 客户以甚么作为榜样一般小店可能参力考独立超市; 而独立超市则可能参考重要客户.-当客户不愿意负上较大风险时, 可提出较小型的测试, 确保消费者接受.例如业务员: “我刚才分柝的利润故事, 是基於酷儿蜜桃汁销量可达到橙的50%, 让我们用一个比较安全的数字, 20%橙销量, 那就是说3箱. 这是否一个更好的建议呢”-突出事情的迫切性, 即使面有疑虑–如产品涨价, 客户有新的竞争对手出现.总结处理异议四步曲对我们日常操作提供了一个简单而有效的方法, 去解决客户的疑虑. 同时, 我们不应害怕面对异议. 相反, 我们应装备自已, 从而有效的, 成功地处理异议.我们愈熟练处理异议的技巧, 当面对异议时, 我们的成功机会便愈大.处理异议学习目标5.能找出真正的异议6.学习如何处理异议甚么是异议对计划, 建议或产品本身有所顾虑, 疑惑或问题而作出反对, 这就是异议.异议是销售过程的一部份, 这只是反影客户在作出决定前, 须解决对计划的疑惑; 或对个人意愿的一种表达–所以我们要小心聆听; 并给于尊重.如何处理异议:3.减低异议发生的机会4.当异议出现时, 要有效地处理减低异议发生的机会5.持有良好的客户资料(业务上的或客户个人的), 这有助预测客户可能提出的问题.6.在计划拜访前, 熟读有关资料.a.如消费者活动说明; 新产品上市之”问与答”(这会有效地协助你解答绝大部份的问题);b.促销活动细则, 在推出前於例会中讨论可能面对的问题, 并加以研究.c.针对个别问题, 在出发前与经理或主任练习, 如何处理异议“真” ”假”异议客户会提出”真异议”, 但亦会提出”假异议”, 我们最主要是学习如何找出及处理”真异议”, 而不是花太多时间去回答和处理”假异议”.从实际方面说, 我们应假设每一个由客户提出的疑虑都是真的. 但在不同的疑虑中, 必然有一些比其它较为重要的.真异议 = 从客户的立场所表达出来真正/重要的疑虑.例子:客户: “老陈, 在你提出来的建议里, 産品的利润是不足够的”业务员: “你是担心产品的利润, 不知还有没有其它”客户: “其它都可以-----除了利润.”这是否真的异议利润是否客户真正的疑虑在缔结整个拜访时, 利润的疑虑是否一定要处理假异议很多时候, 业务员都会接受这些假异议而放弃推销. 久而久之, 客户便养成一个习惯, 他们会将脑海中突然出现的问题, 当成疑虑. 而我们的责任便是”协助”客户找出真正的疑虑, 并令我们的建议得到合理的评估–如建议对客户有利, 他们是会接受的!.假异议 = 表达出来的疑虑并非真正的问题所在.例子:“这包装设计太老套!”“小孩再也不喜欢喝啦!”“没有人愿意付更多的钱来买!”为了找出真正的异议, 我们需要”考验”这些由客户提出的疑虑.处理异议的程序处理异议4 步曲:9.测定Identify (真异议the real objection)10.了解Understand11.求证Verify12.处理Handle第一及二奌是协助你找出真正的异议, 及异议背後的理由.第三奌是确定你的看法–找出客户真正及最重要的疑虑, 而这疑虑是需要处理的, 并且这疑虑是你有能力去处理的(例如利润, 而不是毛利率).第四奌是处理疑虑–从而成功完成拜访测定(真异议)第一步: 重覆听到的异议, 然後问有没有其它例子:客户: “老陈, 在你提出来的建议里, 産品的利润是不足够的”业务员: “你是担心产品的利润, 不知还有没有其它”客户: “其它都可以-----除了利润.”业务员: “你是担心产品的利润, 并没有其它了”客户: “是…..没有其它.”客户已确定利润是真的疑虑, 没有其它. 第一先步完成!但在一些情况, 客户会提出多个的疑虑, 我们又怎样处理.例子:客户: “噢! 我的货架没有位置放你的新产品!”业务员: “唔…….你担心货架的空位不足! 不知还有没有其它”客户: “另外是天气, 现在对饮料来说, 天气是太冷啦!”业务员: “你同时担心天气太冷对饮料的表现有影响……不知还有没有其它”客户: “没有其它.”业务员: “高老板, 你刚才提到3个疑虑….利润, 货架的空位及天气, 不知那一个是最重要呢”客户: “唔! 我想是天气吧!”在第一步的测定下, 我们知道在这刹那, 天气是最重要的疑虑.了解异议第二步: 清楚了解客户提出的异议及其背後的疑虑–以便成功完成整个拜访.例子:客户: “唔! 我想是天气吧!”业务员: “可以告诉我多一奌吗!”这样的处理, 可给客户更多的空间来解释对天气的疑虑, 同时可避开不必要的误解客户: “我的货架没有位置放你的新产品.”业务员: “你最担心的是货架的空位不足”这可反影你知道客户的疑虑是甚么及给予客户修正的机会–如你的理解不对当你进一步了解异议时, 应转变为你可处理的情况, 例如对价格及毛利率的疑虑, 我们应将转化为对利润的疑虑, 因我们可以运用利润故事去处理. 句子如: 业务员:”你提到对价格(或毛利率)的问题, 其实你担心的是售卖该产品带来的利润, 是否这样”有一奌非常重要: 知道客户的疑虑并不代表你的反对. 紧记在这一步是收集更多资料, 了解疑虑, 而非解决. 因若果客户感到你在反对他的意见, 他将, 自然地, 更加不合作并强化异议所以, 在处理异议前, 必先准确地找出双方认同的疑虑.注:妥协/让步–在寻找真正疑虑的过程中, 千万不要对未确立的疑虑作出妥协或让步, 因这会増加你处理真正疑虑时的困难, 并且可得跌进客户的陷阱里去!求证第三步: 确保双方都了解疑虑所在, 并针对地处理.其中一个有效的求证方法是总结对方的观奌, 并加上确定性的句子, 例如…..这样就可以啦! 对不对.:-“你的决定是因为……..对不对”-“你真正想知道的是………..对不对”-“你想了解的是……..是不是这样”这样你可得到客户对”疑虑”的确认, 并容许你加以处理. 而你正在协助客户仔细分析他的疑虑, 并鼓励客户继续聆听. 另一个重奌是如果客户反对你的总结, 明显地你必须进一步加深了解客户的疑虑.处理第四步: 解决问题, 令客户满意地接受我们的建议.处理异议所需要的:-见识广博: 在业务上每方面都有充份的知识, 如品牌资訉, 客户表现, 市场趋势等等-技巧纯熟: 将异议转变为推销重奌, 并使利益淹盖异议-简明表达: 用适量的资料去推销, 不要长篇大论处理异议有效的方法-找出客户曾经历类似的经验–如过往新产品/包装/促销成功的经验.-其它客户成功例子–借用其它客户, 城市, 国家地区的例子. 客户以甚么作为榜样一般小店可能参力考独立超市; 而独立超市则可能参考重要客户.-当客户不愿意负上较大风险时, 可提出较小型的测试, 确保消费者接受. 例如业务员: “我刚才分柝的利润故事, 是基於酷儿蜜桃汁销量可达到橙的50%, 让我们用一个比较安全的数字, 20%橙销量, 那就是说3箱. 这是否一个更好的建议呢”-突出事情的迫切性, 即使面有疑虑–如产品涨价, 客户有新的竞争对手出现.总结处理异议四步曲对我们日常操作提供了一个简单而有效的方法, 去解决客户的疑虑. 同时, 我们不应害怕面对异议. 相反, 我们应装备自已, 从而有效的, 成功地处理异议.我们愈熟练处理异议的技巧, 当面对异议时, 我们的成功机会便愈大.。