美国人口普查American census
美国人口普查 Census in America_英语作文
美国人口普查Census in AmericaCensus is very important for every country, it can tell the changes of the population and help the government to carry out some policies. In America, the government counts the population every ten years and the latest census was in 2010. The results of the census show some changes in this country. First, the growth of the population is very slow. It is obvious that the more rich, the less children people want to have, because they want to focus their energy on the career and when they have time, they would rather enjoy the personal hour. Second, the number of immigrants is increasing, which will become the majority of American population. What’s more, the immigrants give birth to children more than the local people do, so it has been predicted that in the future, the gene of blond hair and blue eyes will disappear.人口普查对每个国家都非常重要,它可以显示人口的变化,帮助政府实施一些政策。
一些统计数据的网址1.美国经济分析局Bearfacts (Bureau of Economic Analysis)/remd/index.htm该站点由美国商业部下属的经济分析局(BEA)建立。
2.商业统计(美国人口普查局)Business Statistics (US Census Bureau)/epcd/www/sb001.htm该站点上有便于使用的关于公司、就业、薪水和收据的信息。
3.人口普查局经济信息Census Bureau Economic Information/ftp/pub/econ/www/是美国人口统计局的官方站点。
4.当前工业报告(美国人口普查局)Current Industrial Reports (US Census Bureau)/pub/cir/www/index.html这里可以看到系列工业报告。
5.网上数据(加州大学圣迭戈分校)Data on the Net (UC San Diego )/idata/收集了关于美国经济和其它数据的站点,有注释,可检索。
6.经济数据和链接(美国加州大学Fresno分校)Econ Data & Links (CAL State Fresno)/Economics/econ_EDL.htm由美国加州大学Fresno分校建立。
7.经济数据(国际)EconData (International)/EdRes/Top.../International/马里兰大学提供的国际性EconData时间序列数据库。
机器学习_US Census Data (1990) Data Set(美国人口普查数据(1990)数据集)
US Census Data (1990) Data Set(美国人口普查数据(1990)数据集)数据摘要:The US Census1990raw data set contains a one percent sample of the Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) person records drawn from the full 1990 census sample.中文关键词:多变量,聚类,UCI,人口普查,美国,英文关键词:Multivariate,Clustering,UCI,Census,US,数据格式:TEXT数据用途:This data set is used for clustering数据详细介绍:US Census Data (1990) Data SetAbstract: The USCensus1990raw data set contains a one percent sample of the Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) person records drawn from the full 1990 census sample.Source:The USCensus1990raw data set was obtained from the (U.S. Department of Commerce) Census Bureau website using the Data Extraction System. This system can be found at /DES/www/des.html.Donors:Chris Meek, Microsoft, meek '@' Bo Thiesson, Microsoft, thiesson '@' David Heckerman, Microsoft, heckerma '@' Data Set Information:The data was collected as part of the 1990 census.There are 68 categorical attributes. This data set was derived from the USCensus1990raw data set. The attributes are listed in the file USCensus1990.attributes.txt (repeated below) and the coding for the values is described below. Many of the less useful attributes in the original data set have been dropped, the few continuous variables have been discretized and the few discrete variables that have a large number of possible values have been collapsed to have fewer possible values.More specifically the USCensus1990 data set was obtained from the USCensus1990raw data set by the following sequence of operations;- Randomization: The order of the cases in the original USCensus1990raw data set were randomly permuted.- Selection of attributes: The 68 attributes included in the data set are given below. In the USCensus1990 data set we have added a single letter prefix to the original name. We add the letter 'i' to indicate that the original attribute values are used and 'd' to indicate that originalattribute values for each case have been mapped to new values (the precise mapping is described below).Hierarchies of values are provided in the file USCensus1990raw.coding.htm and the mapping functions used to transform the USCensus1990raw to the USCensus1990 data sets are giving in the file USCensus1990.mapping.sql.The data is contained in a file called USCensus1990.data.txt. The first row contains the list of attributes. The first attribute is a caseid and should be ignored during analysis. The data is comma delimited with one case per row.Attribute Information:--------------------------------------------------------------Old Variable New Variable--------------------------------------------------------------Age dAgeAncstry1 dAncstry1Ancstry2 dAncstry2Avail iAvailCitizen iCitizenClass iClassDepart dDepartDisabl1 iDisabl1Disabl2 iDisabl2English iEnglishFeb55 iFeb55Fertil iFertilHispanic dHispanicHour89 dHour89Hours dHoursImmigr iImmigrIncome1 dIncome1Income2 dIncome2Income3 dIncome3Income4 dIncome4Income5 dIncome5Income6 dIncome6Income7 dIncome7Income8 dIncome8Industry dIndustryKorean iKoreanLang1 iLang1Looking iLookingMarital iMaritalMay75880 iMay75880Means iMeansMilitary iMilitaryMobility iMobilityMobillim iMobillimOccup dOccupOthrserv iOthrservPerscare iPerscarePOB dPOBPoverty dPovertyPwgt1 dPwgt1Ragechld iRagechldRearning dRearningRelat1 iRelat1Relat2 iRelat2Remplpar iRemplparRiders iRidersRlabor iRlaborRownchld iRownchldRpincome dRpincomeRPOB iRPOBRrelchld iRrelchldRspouse iRspouseRvetserv iRvetservSchool iSchoolSept80 iSept80Sex iSexSubfam1 iSubfam1Subfam2 iSubfam2Tmpabsnt iTmpabsntTravtime dTravtimeVietnam iVietnamWeek89 dWeek89Work89 iWork89Worklwk iWorklwkWWII iWWIIYearsch iYearschYearwrk iYearwrkYrsserv dYrsservMapping: In this step we map all of the old values for variables with prefix 'd' to new values. The mappings for the variables dAncstry1, dAncstry2, dHispanic, dIndustry, dOccup, dPOBwere designed to correspond to a natural coarsening of the original values based on the information in the file coding.htm. The remaining variables are continuous valued variables and the mapping for these variables was chosen to make variables that were fairly uniformly distributed across the states (quantiles). The precise mappings are specified in the file USCensus1990.mapping.sql. This file contains all of T-SQL procedures used to map the variables. These procedures can be used directly in SQLServer to map the original values or translated to some other language.--------------------------------------------------------------Variable Procedure--------------------------------------------------------------dAge discAgedAncstry1 discAncstry1dAncstry2 discAncstry2dHispanic discHispanicdHour89 discHour89dHours discHoursdIncome1 discIncome1dIncome2 discIncome2to8dIncome3 discIncome2to8dIncome4 discIncome2to8dIncome5 discIncome2to8dIncome6 discIncome2to8dIncome7 discIncome2to8dIncome8 discIncome2to8dIndustry discIndustrydOccup discOccupdPOB discPOBdPoverty discPovertydPwgt1 discPwgt1dRearning discRearningdRpincome discRpincomedTravtime discTravtimedWeek89 discWeek89dYrsserv discYrsservRelevant Papers:Meek, Thiesson, and Heckerman (2001), "The Learning Curve Method Applied to Clustering", to appear in The Journal of Machine Learning Research.[Web Link]数据预览:点此下载完整数据集。
高中Байду номын сангаас语美国人口普查
Census is very important for every country, it can tell the changes of the population and help the government to carry out some policies. In America, the government counts the population every ten years and the latest census was in 2010. The results of the census show some changes in this country. First, the growth of the population is very slow. It is obvious that the more rich, the less children people want to have, because they want to focus their energy on the career and when they have time, they would rather enjoy the personal hour. Second, the number of immigrants is increasing, which will become the majority of American population. What’s more, the immigrants give birth to children more than the local people do, so it has been predicted that in the future, the gene of blond hair and blue eyes will disappear.
w w 由此开始
w w w 1.2.w w w 在所有适用项上标记 请不要计算离家上大学或参军的人。
在 2010 年 4 人暂住在这里,请包括这个人。
在 2010 年 4 月 1 房屋里居住或暂住?
除了在第一题已经包括的人以外,是否还有其他人在4月 1 日暂住在这里?
这次人口普查必须统计在回答第 1 题以前,请您按以下规定,计算住在这所房子、公寓或移动式房屋里的人数。
这份指南提供了 2010请在这份指南中找到您的答案,然后在寄回填写完毕的 2010人口数 =。
2002年美国人口普查局发布的几份报告2002年美国人口普查局发布的几份报告美国人口普查局报告发表:《美国参考》2002年2-6月;学术交流网/网友学术交流/200 2年7月15日发布;学术交流网/美国统计资料/2002年8月19日重发(一)美国人口普查局从全球角度分析美国人口据美国人口普查局2月6日发布的报告,美国人口为2.81亿,仍是仅次于中国和印度的世界人口第三大国。
机器学习_US Census Data (1990) Data Set(美国人口普查数据(1990)数据集)
US Census Data (1990) Data Set(美国人口普查数据(1990)数据集)数据摘要:The US Census1990raw data set contains a one percent sample of the Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) person records drawn from the full 1990 census sample.中文关键词:多变量,聚类,UCI,人口普查,美国,英文关键词:Multivariate,Clustering,UCI,Census,US,数据格式:TEXT数据用途:This data set is used for clustering数据详细介绍:US Census Data (1990) Data SetAbstract: The USCensus1990raw data set contains a one percent sample of the Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) person records drawn from the full 1990 census sample.Source:The USCensus1990raw data set was obtained from the (U.S. Department of Commerce) Census Bureau website using the Data Extraction System. This system can be found at /DES/www/des.html.Donors:Chris Meek, Microsoft, meek '@' Bo Thiesson, Microsoft, thiesson '@' David Heckerman, Microsoft, heckerma '@' Data Set Information:The data was collected as part of the 1990 census.There are 68 categorical attributes. This data set was derived from the USCensus1990raw data set. The attributes are listed in the file USCensus1990.attributes.txt (repeated below) and the coding for the values is described below. Many of the less useful attributes in the original data set have been dropped, the few continuous variables have been discretized and the few discrete variables that have a large number of possible values have been collapsed to have fewer possible values.More specifically the USCensus1990 data set was obtained from the USCensus1990raw data set by the following sequence of operations;- Randomization: The order of the cases in the original USCensus1990raw data set were randomly permuted.- Selection of attributes: The 68 attributes included in the data set are given below. In the USCensus1990 data set we have added a single letter prefix to the original name. We add the letter 'i' to indicate that the original attribute values are used and 'd' to indicate that originalattribute values for each case have been mapped to new values (the precise mapping is described below).Hierarchies of values are provided in the file USCensus1990raw.coding.htm and the mapping functions used to transform the USCensus1990raw to the USCensus1990 data sets are giving in the file USCensus1990.mapping.sql.The data is contained in a file called USCensus1990.data.txt. The first row contains the list of attributes. The first attribute is a caseid and should be ignored during analysis. The data is comma delimited with one case per row.Attribute Information:--------------------------------------------------------------Old Variable New Variable--------------------------------------------------------------Age dAgeAncstry1 dAncstry1Ancstry2 dAncstry2Avail iAvailCitizen iCitizenClass iClassDepart dDepartDisabl1 iDisabl1Disabl2 iDisabl2English iEnglishFeb55 iFeb55Fertil iFertilHispanic dHispanicHour89 dHour89Hours dHoursImmigr iImmigrIncome1 dIncome1Income2 dIncome2Income3 dIncome3Income4 dIncome4Income5 dIncome5Income6 dIncome6Income7 dIncome7Income8 dIncome8Industry dIndustryKorean iKoreanLang1 iLang1Looking iLookingMarital iMaritalMay75880 iMay75880Means iMeansMilitary iMilitaryMobility iMobilityMobillim iMobillimOccup dOccupOthrserv iOthrservPerscare iPerscarePOB dPOBPoverty dPovertyPwgt1 dPwgt1Ragechld iRagechldRearning dRearningRelat1 iRelat1Relat2 iRelat2Remplpar iRemplparRiders iRidersRlabor iRlaborRownchld iRownchldRpincome dRpincomeRPOB iRPOBRrelchld iRrelchldRspouse iRspouseRvetserv iRvetservSchool iSchoolSept80 iSept80Sex iSexSubfam1 iSubfam1Subfam2 iSubfam2Tmpabsnt iTmpabsntTravtime dTravtimeVietnam iVietnamWeek89 dWeek89Work89 iWork89Worklwk iWorklwkWWII iWWIIYearsch iYearschYearwrk iYearwrkYrsserv dYrsservMapping: In this step we map all of the old values for variables with prefix 'd' to new values. The mappings for the variables dAncstry1, dAncstry2, dHispanic, dIndustry, dOccup, dPOBwere designed to correspond to a natural coarsening of the original values based on the information in the file coding.htm. The remaining variables are continuous valued variables and the mapping for these variables was chosen to make variables that were fairly uniformly distributed across the states (quantiles). The precise mappings are specified in the file USCensus1990.mapping.sql. This file contains all of T-SQL procedures used to map the variables. These procedures can be used directly in SQLServer to map the original values or translated to some other language.--------------------------------------------------------------Variable Procedure--------------------------------------------------------------dAge discAgedAncstry1 discAncstry1dAncstry2 discAncstry2dHispanic discHispanicdHour89 discHour89dHours discHoursdIncome1 discIncome1dIncome2 discIncome2to8dIncome3 discIncome2to8dIncome4 discIncome2to8dIncome5 discIncome2to8dIncome6 discIncome2to8dIncome7 discIncome2to8dIncome8 discIncome2to8dIndustry discIndustrydOccup discOccupdPOB discPOBdPoverty discPovertydPwgt1 discPwgt1dRearning discRearningdRpincome discRpincomedTravtime discTravtimedWeek89 discWeek89dYrsserv discYrsservRelevant Papers:Meek, Thiesson, and Heckerman (2001), "The Learning Curve Method Applied to Clustering", to appear in The Journal of Machine Learning Research.[Web Link]数据预览:点此下载完整数据集。
1. 根据美国人口普查局(Census Bureau)的定义,2024年贫困线标准的依据是2024年的生活费用指数(Consumer Price Index,CPI)。
1)人口:三点一亿,人口数量列全球第三。(Population: 310,232,863 (Ju world: 3)
2)年龄结构:0-14岁:20.1%;15-64岁:66.9%;65岁以上:13% [Age structure: 0-14 years: 20.1% (male 31,853,857/female 30,526,753) 15-64 years: 66.9% (male 103,607,835/female 104,015,706) 65 years and over: 13% (male 17,291,694/female 22,937,018) (2010 est.)]
7)迁徙率:4.25/1,000 [Net migration rate: 4.25 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2010 est.)]
8)性别比例:出生时:1.047男/女;15岁以下:1.04男/女;15-64岁:1男/女;65岁以上:0.75男/女;总人口:0.97男/女 [Sex ratio: at birth: 1.047 male(s)/female under 15 years: 1.04 male(s)/female 15-64 years: 1 male(s)/female 65 years and over: 0.75 male(s)/female total population: 0.97 male(s)/female (2010 est.)]
13)国籍:美利坚 [Nationality: noun: American(s) adjective: American]
14)种族:白人79.96%, 黑人12.85%, 亚洲人4.43%, 美国印第安人和阿拉斯加土著人0.97%, 夏威夷和其他太平洋诸岛土著人0.18%, 其他种族1.61% [Ethnic groups: white 79.96%, black 12.85%, Asian 4.43%, Amerindian and Alaska native 0.97%, native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander 0.18%, two or more races 1.61% (July 2007 estimate) note: a separate listing for Hispanic is not included because the US Census Bureau considers Hispanic to mean persons of Spanish/Hispanic/Latino origin including those of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican Republic, Spanish, and Central or South American origin living in the US who may be of any race or ethnic group (white, black, Asian, etc.); about 15.1% of the total US population is Hispanic]
题目:2016考研阅读英语二text31. 文章概述2016年考研英语二阅读理解部分的text3是一篇关于美国人口普查的文章。
2. 文章结构本文分为以下几个部分进行分析:- 美国人口普查的历史- 美国人口普查的目的- 美国人口普查对社会的影响- 美国人口普查的未来发展3. 美国人口普查的历史美国人口普查的历史可以追溯到19世纪初。
4. 美国人口普查的目的美国人口普查不仅仅是对人口数量的统计,更重要的是为政府提供有效的政策制定和资源分配依据。
5. 美国人口普查对社会的影响美国人口普查的数据不仅对政府决策有着重要影响,同时也能够反映社会的变化和趋势。
6. 美国人口普查的未来发展随着科技的进步和社会的发展,美国人口普查也在不断更新和发展。
7. 总结通过对这篇文章的阅读,我们深入了解了美国人口普查的历史、目的、对社会的影响以及未来发展方向。
8. 现代科技对人口普查的影响随着现代科技的不断进步,人口普查所采用的调查方法也在不断更新和改进。
因此,在估计完计量模型后,通常需要对模型的前提假设进⾏检验,称为 “诊断性检验”(diagnostic checking)或 “模型检验”(model checking)。
⼯具变量法的成⽴依赖于有效的⼯具变量(valid instruments),即所使⽤的⼯具变量须满⾜相关性(与内⽣解释变量相关)与外⽣性(与扰动项不相关)。
⼯具变量的相关性(Instrument Relevance)在⼤样本下,2SLS为⼀致估计。
但对于⼤多数实践中的有限样本(finite sample),2SLS估计量依然存在偏差(bias),并不以真实参数为其分布的中⼼,即⽽且,如果⼯具变量与内⽣变量的相关性较弱,则 2SLS 的偏差会变得更为严重。
直观来看,2SLS 的基本思想是通过外⽣的⼯具变量,从内⽣变量中分离出⼀部分外⽣变动(exogenous variations),以获得⼀致估计。
这种⼯具变量称为 “弱⼯具变量”(weak instruments)。
弱⼯具变量的后果弱⼯具变量的后果类似于样本容量过⼩,会导致 2SLS 的⼩样本性质变得很差,⽽ 2SLS 的⼤样本分布也可能离正态分布相去甚远,致使基于⼤样本理论的统计推断失效。
下⾯通过蒙特卡洛模拟(Monte Carlo simulation)来直观地考察弱⼯具变量的后果。
考虑最简单的⼀元回归模型,假设其数据⽣成过程(data generating process)为:其中,为内⽣变量,与扰动项相关;⽽的真实系数为 2。
假设样本容量为10,000,并使⽤⼯具变量进⾏ 2SLS 回归。
American Population 美国人口英文简介
U.S. population growth is among the highest in developed countries
an urbanized城市化的 nation with 80.8 percent of its population residing居住于 in cities and suburbs郊外.
In 2006, 254 incorporated合并的 places had populations over 100,000, nine cities had more than 1 million residents, and four global cities had over 2 million (New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston).
6. How did the black people come to the United States? What was their fate 命运in the U.S.? What role did the Chinese-American 华裔美国人play in the development of the United States? How were they treated? How are the Chinese-Americans doing today? What was the fate of the Indians in the course of the development of the United States?
east west rural areas cities south other areas Northeast/ central north west/south
美国 2010 年人口普查方法介绍陈婉清内容提要:本文介绍了美国 2010 年人口普查的调查目的、内容、具体组织实施方法等,其科学的调查设计方法、规范的操作流程、先进的数据收集和处理方法及丰富的公开信息资源,为我国 2010 年人口普查提供了参考,有利于加快完善我国人口普查制度,及时准确地反映全国及各地的人口变化情况。
关键词:美国;人口普查;方法一、美国 2010 年人口普查介绍( 一 ) 背景资料1. 人口普查历史。
1990 年,人口普查引人地理信息系统。
2000 年,人口普查局雇用 86 万临时工进行普查,雇用一家私人公司进行全国性宣传运动,以扭转自1970 年以来邮件答复率持续下降的趋势。
至2000 年人口普查 , 美国人口总数已超过 2.8 亿。
2. 普查目的和重要性。
人口普查主要目的是统计美国的人口总数 , 还有其他重要用途 : 人口普查数据决定着联邦和州政府如何分摊 3000 亿美元的年度资金 ; 用于分配美国各州议会代表席位 ; 用于分配学校经费、就业服务、公路补助、住房建设、医疗服务、养老计划等方面的联邦资金 ; 银行、保险公司、卫生保健机构以及零售商业企业都需要普查数据 ; 几乎所有的商业机构都需要目标销售地区的消费者信息 ; 让美国的领导者了解到国民概况和需求。
census bureau 意思
census bureau 意思英文回答:The United States Census Bureau is a federal agency responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating statistical data about the population and economy of the United States. The Census Bureau conducts the decennial census, which counts the population of the United States every 10 years, and the American Community Survey, which collects data on social, economic, and housing characteristics of the U.S. population. The Census Bureau also collects data on business and industry, foreign trade, governments, and other topics.The Census Bureau's mission is to provide accurate and timely data to inform decision-making by government officials, businesses, and the public. The data collected by the Census Bureau is used to allocate federal funds, draw congressional and state legislative districts, and inform policy decisions at all levels of government. Thedata is also used by businesses to make decisions about where to locate new facilities and how to market their products and services.The Census Bureau is committed to protecting the confidentiality of the data it collects. The data collected by the Census Bureau is confidential by law, and the Census Bureau takes a number of steps to protect the privacy of respondents. For example, the Census Bureau does not release any data that could be used to identify an individual respondent.The Census Bureau is a vital part of the U.S.statistical system. The data collected by the Census Bureau is used to inform decision-making at all levels of government and by businesses and the public. The Census Bureau is committed to providing accurate and timely data to meet the needs of its users.中文回答:美国人口普查局是一个联邦机构,负责收集、分析和传播有关美国人口和经济的统计数据。
2018年6月大学英语六级考试仔细阅读真题解析(卷二)Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Economically speaking, are we better off than we were ten years ago Twenty years agoIn their thirst for evidence on this issue, commentators seized on the recent report by the Census Bureau, which found that average household income rose by % in 2015. Unfortunately, that conclusion puts too much weight on a useful, but flawed and incomplete, statistic. Among the more significant problems with the Census’s measure are that: 1) it excludes taxes, transfers, and compensation like employer-provided health insurance; and 2) it is based on surveys rather than data. Even if precisely measured, income data exclude important determinants of economic well-being, such as the hours of work needed to earn that income.While thinking about the question, we came across a recently published article by Charles Jones and Peter Klenow, which proposes an interesting new measure of economic welfare. While by no means perfect, it is considerably more comprehensive than average income, taking into account not only growth in consumption per person but also changes in working time, life expectancy, and inequality. Moreover, it can be used to assess economic performance both across countries and over time.The Jones-Klenow method can be illustrated by a cross-country example. Suppose we want to compare the economic welfare of citizens of the . and France in 2005.In 2005, as the authors observe, real consumption per person in France was only 60% as high as the ., making it appear that Americans were economically much better off than the French on average. However, that comparison omits other relevant factors: leisure time, life expectancy, and economic inequality. The French take longer vacations and retire earlier, so typically work fewer hours; they enjoy a higher life expectancy, presumably reflecting advantages with respect to health care, diet, lifestyle, and the like; and income and consumption are somewhat more equally distributed there than in the . Because of these differences, comparing France’s consumption with the .’s overstates the gap ineconomic welfare.Similar calculations can be used to compare the . and other countries. For example, this calculation puts economic welfare in the United Kingdom at 97% of . levels, but estimates Mexican well-being at 22%.The Jones-Klenow measure can also assess an economy’s performance over time. According to this measure, as of the early-to-mid-2000s, the . had the highest economic welfare of any large country. Since 2007, economic welfare in the . has continued to improve. However, the pace of improvement has slowed markedly.Methodologically, the lesson from the Jones-Klenow research is that economic welfare is multi-dimensional. Their approach is flexible enough that in principle other important quality-of life changes could be incorporated—for example, decreases in total emissions of pollutants and declines in crime rates.全文翻译及命题分析从经济上讲,我们的生活比十年前或二十年前更好吗评论员从美国人口普查局最新的一份报告着手,渴望在这个问题上找到证据。
ACS标准简介ACS标准(American Community Survey)是美国人口普查局(U.S. Census Bureau)进行的一项重要调查,旨在跟踪和了解美国社区的社会、经济和住房情况。
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美国人口普查American census
For years, Jorge DelPinal's job as assistant chief of the Census Bureau's Population Division was to fit people into neat, distinct racial and ethnic
boxes: white, black, Hispanic, Asian or Native American. As the son of an
Anglo mother and a Hispanic father, however, he knew all along that the task
was not always possible.
For the 2000 decennial census, that will no longer be the case. For the first
time, the census forms will allow people to check off as many races as apply.
As a result, the Census Bureau should obtain a better picture of the extent of intermarriage in the United States. In the absence of such a direct method,
a few years ago veteran demographer Barry Edmonston used sophisticated mathematicalmodeling techniques to calculate how intermarriage is changing the face of the United States as part of an immigration study he directed for the National Research Council of the American Academy of Sciences. His research was summarized in a report entitled The New Americans: Economic, Demographic and Fiscal Effects of Immigration. But as the Canadian-born, white husband of sociologist Sharon Lee,a Chinese-American, Edmonston really needed no computer to understand thetransformation under way in this society. He and his family
are living, breathing participants. The face of America is changing -- literally.
As President Clinton has said, within 30 or 40 years, when there will be
no single race in the majority in the United States. But afoot behind the scenes
is another trend that, if handled carefully, could bring the country closer
together rather than drive it apart. This quiet demographic counter-revolution
is a dramatic upsurge in intermarriage. Edmonston's study projected that by 2050, 21 percent of the U.S. population will be of mixed racial or ethnic ancestry, up
from an estimate of seven percent today. Among third-generation Hispanic and Asian Americans, exogamy-marriage outside one's ethnic group or tribe-is at least
50 percent, he and others estimate. Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans, but it has increased enormously, from about 1.5 percent in
the 1960s to eight to 10 percent today. Such a profound demographic shift
could take place while no one was watching because, officially, no one was watching. Federal agencies traditionally collected racial data using a formula'
one person, one race' similar to the time-honored voting principle. Thus, the Census Bureau could estimate that on census forms no more than two percent of
the population would claim to be multiracial. In the absence of a more straightforward count, no one could know for sure what the demographics are.。