
常用词根大全1、acid=sour;sharp 酸的;尖锐的2、acu=sharp尖锐的3、act,ag=do,drive做,行动,推动4、agogue=leader领导5、agon=contest争夺,竞争6、agr=field,land土地,田野7、all,ol=grow,feed生长;喂养,滋润8、alb=white白色9、alg=pain痛10、alt=high高11、al alter=other其他的,另外的12、am=love爱13、ang,anx=torment,strangle折磨,扼死14、angl,angul=corner角15、anim=life;anger生命;愤怒16、ann,enn=year年17、anthrop=man,human人,人类18、apt,ept=fit,ability适应;能力19、aqua,aque,aqui=water水20、arch=chief;ruler首领,统治者21、arithm=count计算22、arm=weapon武器23、art=joint关节,结合点24、art=art,skill艺术;技巧25、asper=rough粗鲁,粗暴26、aster,astr=star星27、athl=contest竞赛,争夺28、audi=hear听29、aug,auth=increase;make togrow增加30、avi=bird鸟31、aw=fright惊骇,敬畏32、band=bind捆绑,约束33、bar=bar杆,棒;阻碍34、bas,bat=go走35、bat=beat大,捶打36、bel=war战争37、bio=life生命,生物38、brev=short短的,简略的39、burs=bag,purse40、cad,cas,cid,chut=fall降落41、calc=limestone;account石灰石;计算42、calc,culc=kick;tread踢;踩43、camp=field田地,战场44、cand=shine;white光亮;白45、cant,chant,cent=sing歌唱46、cap=hold拿,容纳47、(cap变体)ceive,cept=take拿48、(cap变体)cip=receive,take接受,拿49、cap=head头,首脑50、car=car车51、car,carn=flesh肉体,人体52、cast=cut off;pure隔绝;纯洁53、cast=throw投掷54、cav=hole洞55、cede,ceed,cess=go,yield进行,屈服56、celer=shift快速,迅速57、cent=hundred百58、centr=center中心59、cren=observe,distinguish观测,辨别60、(cern变体)cert,creet=separate分离61、cert=sure确定62、chrom=color色彩63、chron=time时间64、cid,cis=cut,kill切割,杀65、cil=call召唤66、circ,cycl=ring环67、cite=call,summon呼喊,召唤68、civ=citizen市民、公民69、claim=to cry 大叫70、cliv,clin=bend弯曲,倾斜71、close,clud,claus=close关闭72、coc=cook;ripen煮;成熟73、cogn,gno=know知道74、colon=inhabit栖息,居住于75、corp=body体,身体76、cosm=universe;ornament宇宙,装饰77、count=count计算78、cour,cord,card=heart心,心脏79、cover=cover覆盖80、cre=to make,to grow制造,增长81、cred=believe,trust相信,信任82、crim=separate分开83、crim=crime罪84、crit=judge判断;评价85、cruc=cross十字,教叉86、culp=blame,guilt责备,罪行,内疚87、cult=till耕作88、cub,cumb=lie down 躺,伏89、cumb=barrier障碍90、cur=care关心,照料91、cur,cour=run跑92、cur=cure治疗93、cuss=strike打击94、deb=owe负债95、decor=fit;elegance合适,优雅96、dei,divin=god神,神像,上帝97、dem,demo=people人们,民众98、dent=tooth牙齿99、dern=skin皮肤100、dic=proclaim宣称101、dict=say说102、dign=worth价值,值得103、di,divor,vid=speparate分开104、doc=teach教导,教育105、dogma,dox=opinion意见,看法106、dom=house屋107、dom=rule,control统治,控制108、don,dos,dot,dow=give给109、dorm=sleep睡眠110、draw=draw拉111、drom=run跑112、duce,duct=lead引导113、dur=lat,hard持久,坚硬114、dyn=power,ability力量,能力115、eco=house,habitation住所116、ego=i,self我,自己117、electr=amber;electricity琥珀;电118、em=take拿119、equ=level平120、erg=work工作,作用121、err=wander,err徘徊,迷失122、ess=be存在123、esti=value价值;评价;重视124、fab,fam,fan,fat=speak说125、(fab的变体)fess=speak,declare说126、fac=face,forehead脸,前部127、fac=do做128、fact=do做129、(fac的变体)fic=do做130、(fac 的变体)feaat,feit,fit=do做131、fal,fail,fault=err,deceive犯错132、fare=go去,走133、feder=covenant,league盟约,同盟134、fend=strike打击135、fer=carry,bear携带,承受136、femin=woman女性137、ferv=boil,glow沸腾,发热138、fest=strike,seize打,抓139、fest=festival节日140、fi,fid=faith,trust忠实141、fict=feign假装,捏造142、figur=shape形状,成型143、fil=thread线条144、fil=fill填充,充满145、fin=end结束,尽头146、firm=firm固定147、fix=fasten固定148、flam,flagr=flame,burn火焰,燃烧149、flat=blow吹气150、flect,flex=bend弯曲151、flict=strike打击152、flor=flower花153、flu=flow流动154、fold=fold折叠155、foli=leaf树叶156、forc,fort=strong力量;坚固157、form=form形状,形成158、found,fund=base基础159、found,fus,fut=pour,melt倾倒160、fract=brak打破,折断161、frater,fria=brother兄弟162、freeze,frig=cold冷的163、front=front前164、fug=flee逃,逃离165、gam=marry结婚166、gen=bear产生,出生167、gen=kind种类168、gen=race家族,种族169、geo,gee=earth地球,地面170、ger,gest=carry,bear携带,运输171、grad=walk;step走,层次172、(grad变体)gress=go走,进行173、gram=letter文字,写字174、graph=write写,记录175、grand=great大176、grat,gree=please愉快,取悦177、grav,griev=heavy重的178、greg=group群,聚结179、habit=hold占据180、hap=chance偶然,机会,运气181、harm=joint共同的182、helio=sun太阳183、herit=heir继承,后嗣184、herb=grass草185、her,her=cling,stick to 粘紧,附着186、hor(r)=shudder,dread颤抖,害怕187、hospit=guest客人188、hum=earth土,地189、hum=man人190、hydr=water水191、hypno=sleep睡眠192、ident=same相同的,一样的193、idio=personal独特的,个人的194、ign=fire火195、imag=picture,appearance图像196、imit=copy,imitate模仿197、insul,isl=island;isolate岛;隔离198、it=go走,进行199、ject=throw投掷,扔200、join,junct=bind,join连接,结合201、journ=day天,日子202、joy=joy欢乐203、jud=to judge断定,判断204、jur=to swear 发誓205、just=right正确206、labor=work劳动,工作207、laps=slip,glide滑,滑动208、lat=bring,carry,bear携带,运载209、late=side;wide边;宽210、lav=wash洗,冲洗211、lax=loosen松开212、lect,lig,leg=select,gather选择,收集213、leg=law法律214、leg=send送,派遣215、lev=raise;light举;轻216、liber=free自由217、libr=balance,weigh平衡,称,权衡218、libr=book书219、licen=permit允许220、lig,leag,ly=bind绑,约束221、line=line线;亚麻线222、lingu=language;tongue语言;舌头223、liqu=fluid流,液体224、liter=letter文字,字母225、lith=stone石头226、lif,liv=live,life生活,生命227、loc=location,place位置,放置228、log=speak,read说,思想229、lect=speak,read说,读230、(log变体)loqu=speak,say讲话231、logy=study学科232、long,leng=long长233、lud,lus=play玩,演出234、lumin=light光235、luc,lust=light,shine光,光亮236、lux=abundance丰富,充裕237、lyse=break down;loosen分解,松弛238、magnl,maj,max=great大的,重大的239、magn=lodstone磁石240、man=hand手241、main,man=stay,remain停留,坚持242、mand=to order命令243、mar(in)=sea海洋,海244、mascul=male,man男性245、matr,metr=mother母亲,已婚妇女246、mechan=machine机械247、med=middle中间248、med=heal治愈,医治249、melan=black黑色250、memor=remember回忆,记忆251、mend=fault过错,毛病252、mend=entrust委托253、ment=mind头脑,智力,记忆力254、mer,mir=pleasure欢乐255、merc(h)=trade;reward贸易,报答256、merg,mers=sink,dip沉,浸257、met(e)r=measure测量,计量258、migr=move to a new place移动259、milit=soldier,fight兵,战260、min=project伸出,突出261、mini,minu=small小的262、mir=behold,wonder看;惊奇263、miser=wretched悲惨的,可怜的264、miss,mit=send,throw送,投射265、mix=mix混合266、mod=manner方式,样式267、mod=measure调节,缓和268、mon=mind;admonish提醒,告诫269、monstr=show展示270、mor=custom,;goodconduct 道德271、morph=form形态,形状272、mort=death死273、mount=mountain,ascend山,上升274、mov,mob,mot=move移动275、mpt=take拿276、mun=service;common服务277、mur=wall墙壁278、mus=muse;ponder娱乐;思考279、mut=change;exchange改变,变换280、myst,myth=secret秘密281、nat=born,birth天生的,出生282、nau,nav=boat,ship船283、necro=dead body死尸284、nect=bind连接285、neg=deny否定286、nerv,neur=nerve神经,胆量,勇气287、meutr=neither两者都不,中立288、nihil,nul=nothing无289、noc=harm伤害290、noct=night夜,夜晚291、noi,noy=harm,misfortune伤害,不行292、nom=custom,law习俗,法律293、nomin=name名字,名称294、norm=rule,norm规则,规范295、not=notr记录,注意296、nounce=report报告297、nov=new新的298、nul=nothing无299、num=number,count数字,数300、nutri=nourish营养301、ocul=eye,bud眼睛;苗,芽302、onym=name名字303、oper=work工作,运转304、opt=eye;sight眼睛;视力305、opt=choose,wish选择,意愿306、optim=best最好的307、ora=speak,pray说话,祷告,恳求308、ord,odrin=order次序,秩序309、organ=organ器官,组织310、ori=appear,born,arise出现,出生311、orn=decorate,furnish装饰312、ortho=straight;correct直的;正确的313、oss,osteo=bone骨头314、pact=agree;fasten同意;栓紧,强加315、pain=pain痛苦316、pan=bread面包317、pan(d)=spread,get larger感慨,传播318、par=prepare准备319、par,pair,peer=equal相等的320、par,pear=appear看,出现321、par=give birth to 生产322、part=part部分323、pass=pass通过324、pater,patri=father(land)父亲,祖国325、path=feeling,disease感受,疾病326、pati=suffer,feelings遭受,感受327、ped=foot足;步行328、ped=child儿童329、peal,pel,pul=drove,push驱赶,推330、pen,pun=penalty,punishment惩罚331、pend=hang;weigh悬挂;衡量332、peri=order,command命令333、peri=try试验334、pet,pe(a)t,pir=seek寻找335、petr=stone;rock岩石336、pha,phen=show;image显示;影像337、phem=speak说338、phil=love爱339、phob,phobia=dislike厌恶340、phon=sound声音341、photo=light光342、pict=paiint画,绘,描绘343、plac=to please使喜欢,使满意344、plac=to appease安抚,缓和345、plain=beat打,捶打346、plant=plant种植347、plaud,plod=noise喧闹声,噪音348、ple,pli,ply=fill填充,充满349、plor=flow out流出350、ply,pli,ploy,plex=fold折叠351、polis=city城市352、polit,polic=state国家,政府353、pon,pos=put放354、popul,publ=people人,大众355、port=gate门356、port=carry,bring运送,携带357、port=share分358、potent=power,ability力量,能力359、prec=pray祈祷,恳求360、preci=price价值,定价361、preda=prey,plunder掠夺362、perhend=seize抓住363、press=press压364、 prim,prin=first首先,最初;第一365、pris=seize抓住366、priv=private个人的,私下的367、priv=deprive剥夺368、proach,proxim=near接近369、prob=teat,try,prove试验,尝试,证明370、propri=proper;special适当的;自己的371、psych=soul,mind灵魂,心里,精神372、pugn=fight打斗,对抗373、punc(t),pung=prick;sharp刺;尖374、pur=pure纯375、put=count;consider计算;思考,想376、put=prim修剪377、pyr=fire火378、quar,quer=complain抱怨379、quie=still静,安静380、quir,quer,quest,quis=ask询问381、quit=free,release释放382、rac=race种族383、rad=scrape刮擦384、radi=root根385、radi=beam辐射,发光发热386、rap,rav=seize,snatch抢,抓387、rat=reckon,reason计算,考虑388、rect=right;guide正确,直的;指引389、reg=straight;rule直;支配,控制390、rept=creep爬391、rid,ris=laugh笑,讥笑392、rig=stiff硬,僵直393、riv=brook,stream小溪,水流394、robor=strong强,强壮395、rod=gnaw咬396、rog=ask,demand397、rot=revolve转398、rud=rough,crude原始,粗野399、rupt=break打破,破裂400、rur,rust=country乡村401、sacr,sanct,secr=sacred,holy神圣的402、sall,sault,sult=leap跳,跳跃403、sal=salt盐404、sanguin=blood血405、sat=full,fill满,装满406、scal=ladder阶梯407、scend=climb攀登,爬408、sci=know知道409、scope,scop=see看,看见410、scribe,script=write写411、sect=cut切412、sel,sul(t)=summon召集413、sem,sim=similar;together相似;一起414、semin=seed种子,播种415、sen=old老416、sens=feel感觉417、sent=feel,perceive感觉,理解418、sequ,secut,su=follow跟随,追随419、sert=join加入,连接420、serv=serve,slave服务;奴隶421、serv=save,keep;watch保留;观看422、sid,sit=sit,place坐,坐落423、sie,sed,sess=sit坐424、sign=mark标记425、sinu=bend,curve弯曲426、soci=companion;associate同伴427、sol=comfort安慰428、sol=alone;entire单独的;完整的429、sol=sun太阳430、solv=loosen;dissolve解开;溶解431、som=body身体432、somn=sleep睡眠433、son=sound声音434、soph=wise,wisdom智慧435、sort=kind种类436、sort=go out 出去437、spec(t)=look at,examine 看,检查438、speci=kind,sort种类439、sper=hope希望,期待440、spers=scatter播散,分散441、spher=ball球442、spir=breath呼吸443、spir=soul心灵,精神444、splend=shine照耀,发光445、spon=promise承诺446、st,sist=stand,set站立,固定447、stand,stant=stand,set站立,安置448、stat=stand,set站立,固定449、ste,sti,stiut=stand,srt站立;安置450、stell=star星451、still=drop滴452、stinct,sting=prick刺453、stinct,sting=quench消灭454、string,strict,strain=drawtight拉紧455、stru,struct=build建造,构造456、sua=persuade劝告457、sum=whole,highest全,最高458、sum=take,consume拿;花费459、sur=sure确定,肯定460、surg=rise升,涨461、surg=work by hand 手工操作462、tac,tic=silent沉默的,无声的463、tact=touch接触464、tail=cut剪切,分割465、tain=keep保持,持有466、tard=slow慢的,迟钝的467、techn=art,skill技术468、tect,teg=cover掩盖469、temper=mix,moderate混合;调和470、tempor=time时间471、tempt,tent=touch,try触摸,尝试472、tempt=slight,scorn轻蔑473、ten=hold,keep容纳,占据474、tend,tent=stretch伸475、tenu=thin薄的476、term=end;limit末端;界限477、terr=earth,land土地,陆地478、terr=frighten惊吓479、test=witness证据,作证480、text=weave 编织481、theo,thei=god神482、thes=set放置483、tim=fear害怕,胆怯484、toler=endure容忍485、tom=cut切割486、ton=tone声音487、tort=bend,twist弯曲,扭曲488、tour=turn转变,环绕489、tox=poison毒490、tract=draw拉491、treat=handle,manage处理492、tri=rub擦,摩擦493、tribut=pay,give支付,给予494、tric=trifle琐碎,烦恼495、trop=turn转496、trude=thrust,push推挤;强迫497、tum=swell肿胀498、turb=confuse搅动,扰乱499、ultim=last最后500、umbr=shadow阴影501、urb=city城市502、us,util=use利用503、vac=empty空504、vad=go走505、vag=wander徘徊,迷路,漂泊506、val=worth,strength价值,强壮507、var=diverse;change不同的,变化508、veg,vig,vit,viv=life生命;精力509、velop=wrap包510、ven,vent=come到来511、veng=punish,avenge惩罚,报仇512、vent=wind风513、ver=respect,awe尊敬,敬畏514、ver=ture真实的,确实的515、verb=word字,词516、verg=bend,incline倾斜,倾向517、vers=turn转动,改变518、vert=turn转动,改变519、vest=clothe穿衣;赋予520、vey=see看521、vey,voy=way道路,媒介522、vi,via=way道路523、vy,vi=to see看524、vict=conquer征服,战胜525、vid=to see看526、viol=violence;strength暴力;力量527、vis=to see看528、voc=call,summon呼唤,召集529、void=empty空530、voke=call呼唤,召集531、vol=will,wish意志,志愿532、volu,volv=roll滚动,卷绕,旋转533、vor=devour吞吃534、vor=vow发誓535、vulg=the common people大众536、vuls=pluck,trar撕扯537、zo=life,animal生命;动物。

9.ent是经典的名词后缀,通常用来表示人的,如student、president(sid=sit),偶尔客串形容词后缀,如果作为形容词后缀的话其名词后缀就必然是ence;清辅音浊化是一个语言读音趋势,所以把sid演化成sit;还有abide:vt,忍受、容忍、等候,vi(by),遵守、坚持、逗留;也是bite 浊化的一个例子(因为人在坚持的时候的动作就是咬),Abide by遵守于。

词根释义凡例及注解注意事项a- 1. 无,不,非 azonic 非地带性的a- 2. 含in,at等意义 asleep 在熟睡中a- 3. 加强意义 aloud 高声地ab- 离去,相反,不 abuse 滥用ac- 含at,to意,加强意义 accustom 使习惯用在c,k,q前ad- 含at,to意,加强意义 adventure 冒险用在d,h,j,m,v前af- 含at,to意,加强意义 afforest 造林,绿化用在f前ag- 含at,to意,加强意义 aggrandize 增大用在g前air- 空中的 airline 航空公司al- 1. 含at,to意,加强意义 allocate 分配用在l前al- 2. 构成副词 almost 几乎amphi- 两,双 amphibian 水陆两用车an- 1. 无,不 anarchistic 无政府的an- 2. 含at,to意,加强意义 annotate 注解用在n前ante- 前,先 anteroom 接待室anthropo- 有关人的 anthropophagus 吃人族anti- 反对,相反,防止 antibiotics 抗生素用于a前省i any- 任何 anywhere 任何地方ap- 加强或引申意义 appraise 评价用在p前apo- 离开 apogee 远地点ar- 含at,to意,加强意义 arrange 安排用在r前arch- 主要的,首位的 archenemy 头号敌人as- 含at,to意,加强意义 assort 分类用在s前at- 含at,to意,加强意义 attract 吸引用在t前auto- 自己,自动 autobiography 自传back- 反的,向后的 backstroke 仰泳be- 1. 使...,使成为... belittle 使缩小,贬低be- 2. 加以...,用... bespangle 用小亮片装饰be- 3. 在 below 在...下面be- 4. 加强及引申意义 befall 降临,发生bene- 善,好 benediction 祝福bi- 两,二 bimonthly 双月刊by- 旁,侧,非正式 byroad 小路,僻径centi- 百分之一,厘 centimetre 厘米circum- 周围,环境 circumpolar 极地周围的co- 共同 cooperation 合作用在元音字前col- 1. 共同 collocate 并置,并列用在l前col- 2. 加强或引申意义 collate 校对用在l前com- 1. 共同 combine 联合,结合用在b,m,p前com- 2. 加强或引申意义 commix 混合用在b,m,p前con- 1. 共同 concolorous 同色的con- 2. 加强或引申意义 confirm 使坚定contra- 反对,相反 contradict 反驳,相矛盾cor- 1. 共同,互相 correspond 共鸣用在r前cor- 2. 加强或引申意义 corrupt 腐败,败坏用在r前counter- 反对,相反 counterattack 反攻,反击de- 1. 否定,非,相反 deprecatory 反对的de- 2. 除去,取消,毁 deflower 摧残,蹂躏de- 3. 离开 depart 离去de- 4. 向下,降低 devaluate 贬值de- 5. 使成...,加强意义 delimit 划定界限deca- 十 decameter 十米deci- 十分之一 decigram 十分之一克demi- 半 demigod 半神半人di- 二,双 dioxide 二氧化物dia- 贯通,对穿,透过 diameter 直径dif- 1. 不,无,相反 diffidence 无自信用在f前dif- 2. 分开,离,散 diffract 分散用在f前dis- 1. 不,无,相反 dislike 不喜欢dis- 2. 取消,除去 disappear 消失dis- 3. 加强意义 disannul 使无效,废除dis- 4. 分开,离,散 distract 分心dys- 不良,恶,困难 dyspepsia 消化不良词根释义凡例及注解注意事项e- 1. 加强或引申意义 evaluate 评价e- 2. 出,外 erupt 喷出ef- 出,离去 efflux 流出用在f前electro- 有关电的 electrograph 电传电报em- 1. 置...之内 embosom 藏于胸中,怀抱用在b,m,p前em- 2. '配(饰)以...' embroider 镶边用在b,m,p前em- 3. 致使... empurple 使发紫用在b,m,p前en- 1. 置...之中 encage 关入笼中en- 2. '配(饰)以...' enchain 用链锁住en- 3. 致使... enlarge 使扩大,放大en- 4. 'in'或加强意义 enregister 登记endo- 内 endoparasite 体内寄生虫epi- 在...上面 epidermis 表皮equi- 相等,同等 equilateral 正多边形eu- 优,善,好 euphonic 声音优的every- 每一 everyday 每天ex- 1. 出,外 excavate 挖出,发掘ex- 2. 前任的,以前的 ex-mayor 前任市长ex- 3. 使(做)... expurgate 使清洁exo- 外,外部 exotic 外来的extra- 以外,超过 extraterritorial 治外法权的for- 禁止,离去,克制 forbear 忍受fore- 前,先,预先 foreground 前景geo- 地质,地球 geometry 大地测量术,几何hecto- 一百 hectopascal 百帕hemi- 半 hemisphere 半球hepta- 七 heptagon 七角形hetero- 异 heterosexual 异性的hexa- 六 hexangular 有六角的high- 高,大,主要 highway 高速路holo- 全 hologram 全息图homo- 同 homonym 同音字hyper- 超过,过多,太甚 hyperacid 胃酸过多的hypo- 下,低,次,少 hypotension 低血压ideo- 观念,意义 ideograph 会意字il- 1. 不,无,非 illegal 非法的用在l前il- 2. 使成...,加强意义 illuminate 照耀用在l前im- 1. 不,无,非 immoral 不道德的用在b,m,p前im- 2. 向内,入 imprison 投入狱中,监禁用在b,m,p前im- 3. 使成...,加强意义 imparadise 使登天堂用在b,m,p 前in- 1. 不,无,非 inhuman 不人道的in- 2. 内,入 inbreak 入侵in- 3. 使成...,加强意义 inflame 燃烧infra- 下,低 infrared 红外线(低于红线)inter- 1. 在...之间,..际 interoceanic 大洋之间的inter- 2. 互相 interview 会见intra- 在内,内部 intrastate 州内的intro- 向内,入内 intromit 插入ir- 1. 不,无 irregular 不规则的用在r前ir- 2. 向内,入 irrigate 灌入水,灌溉用在r前iso- 等,同 isotope 同位素kilo- 千 kilowatt 千瓦macro- 大,宏,长 macroclimate 大气候magni- 大,长 magnify 扩大用于a前省imal- 恶,不良,失 malfunction 故障mega- 百万 megabyte 兆字节meta- 1. 超 metachemistry 超级化学meta- 2. 变化 metagenesis 世代交替micro- 微 microwave 微波mid- 中 midsummer 仲夏milli- 1. 千分之一,毫 milligram 千分之一克milli- 2. 千 millipede 千足虫,多足虫mini- 小 minipark 小型公园mis- 误,错,恶,不 misspell 拼错mono- 单一,独 monoxide 一氧化物multi- 多 multimedia 多媒体的用于a前省ineo- 新 neoimpressionism 新印象派no- 无 nothing 没事non- 1. 不 nonsmoker 不抽烟的人non- 2. 非 nonmetal 非金属non- 3. 无 nonpayment 无力支付ob- 逆,反,非,倒 object 反对oc- 逆,反,非,倒 occupy 占领用在c前octa- 八 octagon 八角形of- 逆,反,非,倒 offend 触犯用在f前omni- 全,总,公,都 omnibus 公共汽车op- 逆,反,非,倒 opposite 相反的用在p前out- 1. 胜过,超过 outrun 跑过,追过out- 2. 过度,太甚 outdream 做梦太多out- 3. 外,出 outdoor 户外的out- 4. 除去 outcast 开除的,遗弃的over- 1. 过度,太甚 overpraise 过奖over- 2. 在上,在外,从上 overbridge 天桥over- 3. 颠倒,反转 overthrow 推翻paleo- 古,旧 paleozoology 古动物学pan- 全,泛 pantheism 泛神论para- 1. 半,类似,准 parallel 平行的para- 2. 辅助,副 paramilitary 辅助军事的para- 3. 旁,靠近,外 parasite 寄生虫para- 4. 错误,伪 paradox 似是而非para- 5. 防,避开,保护 parasol 遮阳伞para- 6. 超过 paramount 至上的pen- 几乎,相近,相似 penultimate 倒数第二个penta- 五 pentagram 五角星形per- 1. 贯穿,通,透 persist 坚持per- 2. 加强意义 perturb 扰乱per- 3. 过,高 perchloride 高氯化物peri- 周围,外层,靠近 pericarp 果皮用于a前省ipoly- 多 polyfunctional 多功能的post- 后 postscript 后记pre- 1. 前 prefix 前缀pre- 2. 预先 prepay 预付pro- 1. 向前,在前 prologue 前言,序言pro- 2. 代理,代替 procurator 代理人pro- 3. 拥护,亲,赞成 pro-British 亲英的proto- 原始 protoplasm 原生质,细胞质pseudo- 假 pesudonym 假名---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 作者:翠皮鸟菲儿-- 发布时间:2004-6-15 15:34:08--词根释义凡例及注解注意事项quadr- 四 quadruped 四足动物quinque- 五 quinquesection 五等分用于a前省e re- 1. 回,向后 reclaim 收回re- 2. 再,重复,重新 reconsider 重新考虑re- 3. 相反,反对 revolt 反叛,造反retro- 向后,回,后 retrospect 回顾se- 离开,分开 secede 脱离,退出semi- 半 semimonthly 半月刊sept- 七 septuple 七倍的sex- 六 sexto 六开本Sino- 中国 Sino-Tibetan 汉藏语系some- 某 sometime 某时step- 后,继 stepfather 继父stereo- 立体 stereosonic 立体声的sub- 1. 下 submarine 海面下的sub- 2. 次,亚,准,半 subtropics 亚热带sub- 3. 稍,略,微 subarid 略干燥的sub- 4. 副,分支,下级 subworker 副手,助手sub- 5. 接近 subarctic 近北极圈的sub- 6. 更进一层,再 sublet 转租,再租suc- 使成...,加强意义 succeed 成功用在c前suf- 使成...,加强意义 suffocate 窒息用在f前sup- 使成...,加强意义 support 支持用在p前super- 1. 超,超级 superpower 超级大国super- 2. 上 superstructure 上层建筑super- 3. 过度,过多 superexcitation 过度兴奋supra- 超,上 suprarenal 肾上腺的sur- 1. 上,外,超 surcharge 超载sur- 2. 使成...,加强意义 surround 包围用在r前sym- 共同,相同 symmetry 对称用在b,m,p前syn- 共同,相同 synthesis 合成tele- 1. 电 telecommunication 电信tele- 2. 远程 telemetry 远距离测量tetra- 四 tetrachord 四弦乐器trans- 1. 越过,横过,超 translucent 半透明的trans- 2. 转移,变换 transport 运输tri- 三 triangle 三角twi- 二,两 twin 双胞胎ultra- 1. 极端 ultrathin 极薄的ultra- 2. 超,以外 ultramarine 海外的un- 1. 不 unfortunate 不幸的un- 2. 无 unmanned 无人驾驶的un- 3. 非 unartificial 非人工的un- 4. 未 uncivilized 未开化的un- 5. 相反动作,取消 unbutton 解开钮扣un- 6. 由...中弄出 unbosom 吐露(心事)under- 1. 下 underworld 下层社会under- 2. 内(用于衣服) undershirt 帖身内衣under- 3. 不足,少 underestimate 估计不足under- 4. 副,次 underking 副王,小王uni- 单一 unicorn 独角兽vice- 副 vice-manager 副经理with- 向后,相反 withdraw 撤回,撤退-'s 1. 所有格 (a) today's 今日的-'s 2. 店铺 (n) greengrocer's 菜场-a 构成复数名词 (n) stadia 体育馆单数以um结尾-ability 可...性 (n) dependability 可靠性-able 可...的 (a) inflammable 易燃的-ably 可...地 (ad) suitably 合适地-aceous 有...性质的 (a) carbonaceous 含碳的-acious 具有...的,多...的 (a) sagacious 聪明的-acity 性质等(抽象)(n) veracity 诚实,真实-acle 构成名词 (n) manacle 手铐-acy 性质等(抽象)(n) fallacy 谬误-ade 1. 行为等 (n) blockade 封锁-ade 2. 物(...制成)(n) lemonade 柠檬水-ade 3. 人和集体 (n) cavalcade 骑兵队-age 1. 集合名词 (n) foliage 叶子-age 2. 场所、地点 (n) orphanage 孤儿院-age 3. 费用 (n) postage 邮资-age 4. 行为 (n) pilgrimage 朝圣-age 5. 状态,身分 (n) reportage 报告文学-age 6. 物 (n) carriage 马车,客车厢-ain 人 (n) chieftain 酋长,头子-aire 1. 人 (n) millionaire 百万富翁-aire 2. 物 (n) questionaire 调查问卷-al 1. 有...性质的 (a) continental 大陆的-al 2. 行为(抽象)(n) withdrawal 撤退-al 3. 人 (n) rival 竟争者-al 4. 物 (n) manual 手册-ality ..性,(抽象)(n) technicality 技术性-ally 方式,程度等 (ad) conditionally 有条件地-an 1. 属于...的 (a) metropolitan 大都市的-an 2. 人 (n) pubican 旅店主人-ance 情况等(抽象)(n) buoyance 浮力-ancy 情况等(抽象)(n) elegancy 优美,高雅-aneity 性质等(抽象)(n) contemporaneity 同时代-aneous 有...性质的 (a) subterraneous 地下的-ant 1. 属于...的 (a) luxuriant 奢华的-ant 2. 人 (n) participant 参与者-ant 3. 物 (n) excitant 兴奋剂-ar 1. 有...性质的 (a) consular 领事的-ar 2. 人 (n) liar 说谎的人-ar 3. 物 (n) altar 祭坛-ard 人(贬义)(n) bastard 私生子-arian 1. 人 (n) parliamentarian 国会议员-arian 2. 兼形容词 (n,a) vegetarian 吃素者(的)-arily 有...性质地 (ad) extraordinarily 不寻常地-arium 场所,...馆 (n) planetarium 天文馆-ary 1. 有...性质的 (a) customary 习惯的-ary 2. 场所,地点 (n) apiary 养蜂场-ary 3. 人 (n) secretary 书记,秘书-ary 4. 物 (n) glossary 词汇表-asm 性质(抽象)(n) sarcasm 讥讽-ast 人 (n) enthusiast 热心者-aster 人(卑称)(n) medicaster 江湖医生-ate 1. 做,造成 (v) activate 激活-ate 2. 有...性质的 (a) private 私人的-ate 3. 人 (n) graduate 毕业生-ate 4. 职位,职权 (n) professoriate 教授职位英语词根大全(共910个)英语词根大全1. (a)esthet : feeling2. abl, abili : able3. abol : do away with4. accoutr : dress5. acid, acri, acrid, acu : sour, sharp6. acm : top7. acro : top8. act : to do, to drive9. adip : fat10. adjut : assist11. advant : ahead12. aer, aero, aeri : air13. ag : do, act14. agger : heap15. agog : lead16. agon : struggle17. agri, agro, agr : field, land18. alacr : swift19. alb : white20. ald : old21. alesc : grow22. alg : pain23. alt : high24. alter, altern, ali : other, to change25. am, amor, amat : love26. ambul : walk27. amen : pleasant28. amic : friend29. ampl : large30. anci, antiq : old31. andro : male, man32. angu : distress33. anim : life, spirit34. ann, enn : year35. anth : flower36. anthrop : man, human37. anx : distress38. ap : bee39. aper : open40. apex : summit41. apt, ept : fit, ability42. aqu : water43. aquil : eagle44. ar : dry45. ar : plow46. arbit(r) : judge47. arbor : tree48. arc(h) : bow49. arch, archy : ruler, rule, chief50. archi : chief51. arct : bear52. ard : burn53. ardu : difficult54. aren : sand55. arm : weapon56. arom : spice57. art : skill, joint, trick58. arter : pipe59. articul : joint60. asin : ass61. asper : rough62. asthm : panting63. astro, aster : star64. athl : contest65. atmo : vapor66. atroc : cruel67. audi, audit : hear68. aug : increase69. aur : ear70. aur : gold71. auster : severe72. austr : south73. auxili : help74. av, avar, avi : desire, bird75. aval : downward76. avar : greedy77. axi : worthy78. ball, bol : throw, dance, ball79. balm : balsam80. ban : prohibit81. bank : bench82. bar : weight83. barb : beard84. barbar : stammer85. barr : bar86. barr : stick87. bas, base : low, foundation88. bat : beat89. beat : blessed90. bell : fine91. bell, bel : war, fight92. bever : drink93. bey : expect94. bias : slant95. bib : drink96. biblio : book97. bio, bi : life98. blanc : white99. blas : damage100. blem : stain101. bombast : cotton102. bon : good103. bor : dweller104. bord : side105. bosc : feed106. botan : herb107. bouch : mouth108. bov : ox109. brace : two arms110. brack : vomit111. braid : twist112. brev, bridg : short113. broch : pierce114. bry : sprout115. bu : ox116. burl : mockery117. byss : bottom118. cad, cas, cid : fall119. cadaver : corpse120. cal : beartiful121. calam : misfortune122. calc : stone123. calend : first day124. call : hard skin125. calori : heat126. camp : field127. can : dog128. cand : white, glow129. cant, cent : sing, song 130. cap, capt, cept, ceive, cip, cup : take, hold, seize 131. cap, cipit : head132. capr : goat133. caps : box134. car : dear135. car, char : dear136. carcer : prison137. card, chart : paper138. card, cord : heart139. caric : load140. carn : flesh141. cast : pure142. caten : chain143. cathar : pure144. cathol : general145. caul : stem146. caust : burn147. cav : hole148. caval : horse149. ceal : hide150. ced, ceed, cess : go151. cel : heaven152. celeber : honor153. celer : quick, speed154. celib : single155. cem : sleep156. cens : judge157. cent : hundred158. centr : center159. cephal : head160. ceram : earth161. cerebr : brain162. cern, cert, cret : sure, separate163. cess : stop164. chame : ground165. cher :dear166. chondr : cartilage167. chor : dance, sing168. chrom : color169. chron : time170. chrys : golden171. cid, cis : cut, kill172. cil(i) : call173. cinct : bind174. ciner : ash175. circ, cycl : ring, circle176. cist : box177. cit : quote, call178. civ : citizen179. cla : break180. claim, clam, : cry out, shout181. clandestin : secret182. clear, clar, clair : clear, bright183. clin, cliv : lean, slope184. clos, clud, clus : close185. clys : dash186. coct : cook187. cogit : think188. cogn : know189. col : strain190. coll : neck191. com : banquet192. com : sleep193. commod : convenient194. cond : hide195. contamin : pollute196. cop : abundance197. cori : skin198. corn : horn199. corp, corpor : body200. corrig : correct201. corusc : glitter202. cosm(o) : world203. cost : side204. cracy : rule205. cras : mixing206. crastin : tomorrow207. cre, creas : grow, make208. creas : flesh209. creed, cred : believe, trust 210. crepit : burst211. crimin : crime212. crit, cris : judge, discern 213. cruc, crus, curx : cross214. crud : raw215. crust : shell216. cryo : cold217. crypt : secret, hidden218. cub, cumb : lie down219. culin : kitchen220. culmin : top221. culp : fault222. cult : till223. cumul : heap224. cup : desire225. cur : care226. cur(r), curs, cour, cours: run 227. curt : short228. cuss : shake229. custod : guard230. custom : habit231. cylind : roll232. cyn : dog233. dadin : jest234. dama : conquer235. de : god236. deb : owe237. debil : weak238. delect : delight239. delir : mad240. dem(o) : people241. demn : harm242. dens : make thick243. dent : tooth244. derm, dermat : skin245. deterior : worse246. dexter : right247. di : day248. dict, dic : say, assert249. didact : teach250. digit : finger251. dign : worthy, noble252. doc, doct : to teach253. dogm : opinion 254. dole : grieve255. dom : house256. domin : lord257. domit : tame258. don, dit : give259. dorm : sleep260. dors : back261. dot : give262. dox : opinion263. dra : perform264. draw : pull265. drom : run266. du, dub, doub : two267. dubi : doubtful268. duc, duct : lead, bring269. dur : last, hard270. dyn, dynam : power271. ebri : drunken272. ed : eat273. ego : I274. eleg : lament275. empter, imper : command276. emul : equal277. en, empt, ampl : take, procure278. ent : being279. entom : insect280. equ : horse281. equ, equi : equal, even282. erg, ert : energy, work283. ero : love284. err : wander, mistake285. ert : erect286. escal : ladder287. esoter : inner288. estim : value289. ethn : nation290. etymo : true291. ev : age292. extr(e), exter : out293. fabl, fabul : speak294. fabric : make295. fac, fact, fect, fic, fig : make, do 296. fac, fic : face297. fall, fail, fault : err, deceive 298. fam : hunger299. fan : temple300. fascin : enchant301. fatig : weary302. fatu : silly303. febr : fever304. fecund : fruit305. feder : league306. felic : happy307. femin : woman308. fend, fens : strike309. fer : bring, carry310. fer : wild311. ferr : iron312. ferv : boil313. fess : speak314. fest : feast315. fest : hostile316. fiagell : whip317. fid : trust, faith318. fil, fili : thread319. fin : end, boundary320. firm : firm321. fisc : purse322. fiss : split323. fix : fix324. flam, flagr : blaze325. flat : blow326. flect, flex : bend327. flict : strike328. flor, flour : flower329. flu : flow330. fluctu : wave331. foli : leaf332. for : bore333. forc, fort : strong334. form : shape335. fortu : luck336. found, fund : base337. fract, frag : break338. fratem : brother339. fresc : fresh340. frig, friger : cold341. front : forehead342. fruct : fruit343. fug : flee344. fulg : shine345. fulmin : thunder346. fum : smoke347. funct : perform348. furc : fork349. furt : steal350. fus : pour351. fusc : dark352. gain : against353. galax : milk354. gam, gamy : marriage355. gamb : leg356. gar, garn : furnish357. garr : chatter358. gastr : stomach359. gen, gener, genit : birth, produce 360. genu : knee361. geo : earth362. ger : bear363. germ : seed364. gest, gister : carry, bring365. glaci : ice366. glomer : ball367. gloss, glot : tongue368. glut : devour369. gnomin : name370. gnos(t), gnor : know371. gon : angle372. gorg : throat373. grad : step, grade374. gran : grain375. graph, gram : write376. grat, gree : pleasing377. grav, griev : heavy 378. greg : group379. gress : go, walk380. gross : great381. gymn : naked382. gyn, gynec : woman383. habit : dwell384. hal : breathe385. hap : chance386. harm : fitting387. haught : high388. haust : draw water389. hav : possess390. head : head391. hein : odious392. heli(o) : sun393. helic : spiral394. hemer :day395. hemo : blood396. her, hes : stick397. hibit : hold398. hilar : glad399. hom : man400. hor(r) : shudder, dread401. hort : encourage402. hospit, host : guest403. host : enemy404. hum : earth405. hum : moist406. hydr, hydro : water407. hypn(o) : sleep408. icon : image409. idea, ideo : idea410. ident : same411. idio : peculiar, private412. idol : image413. ign : fire414. imag, imit : imagine, likeness 415. incip : begin416. initi : beginning417. insul : island418. integr : whole419. intim : inmost420. isol : island421. isthm : narrow pass422. it : go423. jac : lie424. jacul : javelin425. ject : throw, cast426. joc : joke427. journ : day428. jubil : shout of joy429. judg, judic : judge430. jug : yoke431. junct, join : join432. jur, juris : swear, law433. juven : young434. labor : labor435. lacer : torn436. lact : milk437. langu : faint438. lapid : stone439. laps : slip440. lass : weary441. lat : bring out442. lat : wide443. later : side444. laud : praise445. lav, luv, lut : wash446. lax : loose447. lect, leg : speak, read 448. lect, lig : choose, gather 449. leg, legis : law450. lemma : argument451. lent : loose452. leth : oblivion453. lev, live : raise, lighten 454. lex, lexic : word, speech 455. liber : free456. libr : book457. lic : allure458. licen : allow459. lig : bind460. lign : wood461. limin, lim : threshold 462. line : line463. lingu : language464. linqu : leave465. lips : leave466. liqu : wet467. liter : letter468. lith : stone469. loc : place470. loft : sky471. log, logu : speak472. logy, ology : science 473. long : leng474. lop : run475. loqu, locu : speak476. lubric : slip477. luc : light478. luc, lust : light, shine 479. lud, lus : play480. lug : mourn481. lumin : light482. lun : moon483. lup : wolf484. lustr : light485. lyr : lute486. lys, lysis : break down 487. mach, mech : machine488. maci : lean489. macul : spot490. magn : big491. maj : great492. mall : hammer493. mamm : breast494. man, main : stay495. man, manu : hand496. mand : order497. mari : sea498. mark : sign499. mart : death500. mascul : male501. mastic : chew 502. matern, matr : mother503. matin : morning504. me : go505. med, medi : middle506. medit : ponder507. medl : mix508. melan : black509. melior : better510. mell : honey511. memor : memory512. mend : free from fault513. mendic : beg514. ment : mind515. mer : lake516. merc, merch : trade517. merg, mers : sink518. meter, metr, meas, mens : measure 519. migr : remove520. milit : soldier521. min : project522. mini, min : small523. mir : wonder, look524. mis(o) : hate525. misc : mix526. miser : wretched527. miss, mit : send, cast528. mnes, mnem : remember529. mob : move530. mod : mode, manner531. mol : heap532. mol : meal533. moll : soft534. mon, monit : warn535. monstr : show536. mor : moral537. morb : disease538. mord, mors : bite539. morph : form, sharp540. mot : move541. mounce, nunci : speak542. mount : ascend543. muni, mun : public544. mur : wall545. mus : muse546. mut : change547. myth : fable548. narc : numb549. nat : born550. nav, naus, naut : ship551. nebul : cloud552. nec : kill553. nect, nex : bind554. neg : deny555. negat : deny556. negr, nigr : black557. neur : nerve558. nihil : nothing559. noc, nox : hurt, poison560. noct : nightnost=home, 家nov 新 novel小说 novelty新奇null=none, 没有numer 数 numeral数字的 numerous为数众多的nutrit, nutri=nourish, 营养od=song, 歌曲oner=load, 负担oper 工作 operate操作 co operate合作opt 视线,光线 optic视力的 optics光学optim=best, 最好norma :rulenoster :oursnotare :to mark, notenotum, NOT :knownovus, NOV, NOU :new, freshnox, NOCT :nightnullus, NUL, NULL :not any, nonenumerou :numbernumisma :a coinnuntiare :to announcenutrire :nourishnutiare, NOUNC, NUNC :to report, tellnucella, nux, NUC :nutobliterare :to blot outobscurus :covered overobstare :to stand against, opposeobviare :to preventoculus :eyeodium :hatredofficius :to do workominosus :evil omenomnis, OMNI :allonus, ONER :burdenopacus :shady darkopponere, oppositus :againstoptare :chooseoptimus, OPTIM :bestopus, OPER :work596. orbit : circle597. ordin : order598. ori, orig : rise, begin599. orn : embellish600. ornith : bird601. oscul : kiss602. oss : bone603. ostens : appear604. ostrac : tile605. ot(o) : ear606. ov : shout607. pachy : thick608. pact : fastened609. palp : feel610. pan : bread611. par : bring forth612. par : equal613. par : get ready614. par, pear : come in sight615. parl : speak616. part, port : part, divide617. pass : felling618. pass : pass through619. pat : walk620. path : felling, suffering, illness621. patr(i) : father 622. ped : child, education623. ped : foot624. pel, puls : drive, push625. pen, pun : penalty626. pend, pens : hang627. pend, pens, pond : weight, expend 628. peri : try629. pet : seek630. petr(o) : stone631. phag : eat632. phan : show633. phem : speech634. phen : show635. pher : bring636. phil, philo : love637. phob, phobia : dislike638. phon : sound639. phor : bring640. photo : light641. phyt(o) : plant642. pict : paint643. ping : fasten644. pinn : peak645. pisc : fish646. plac : clam647. place : place648. plaint : complain649. plais : please650. plant : plant651. plas : mold652. plat : flat653. plaud : clap hands654. ple, plen, plet, pli : full fill 655. pleb : people656. pleth : crowd657. plex : fold658. pli : fold659. plic, ply : fold660. plod : big noise661. plor : cry, weep662. ploy : use, involve663. plum : feather664. plumb : lead665. pneumon : lung666. point, punct : point, make sharp 667. pol : smooth668. polic, polis, polit : state, city 669. pon, pound : put670. popul, publ : people671. porc : pig672. port : carry673. pos, posit : put674. post, poster : behind675. postul : demand676. pot : drink677. poten : powerful678. pragm : deed679. prais, preci : value680. prehens, prehend : catch681. press : press682. prim : first, chief683. pris : take684. priv : single, alone685. proach : near686. prob, prov : test687. prol : offspring688. proper, propri : one’s own689. proxim : close, near690. psych : soul691. pud : shame692. pud, pudi : feel shame693. puer : boy694. pugn : fight695. pulver : dust696. pur, purg : pure697. pusill : mean698. put : think699. putr : rotten700. pyr : fire701. quaint : know702. quarant : forty703. quer : complain704. quest, quir, quis, quer : seek, search 705. quiet, qui : still706. quit : free707. rab : rage708. radi : ray709. radic : root710. rage : mad711. ram : branch712. range : rank713. rap, rapt, rav : snatch714. ras, rad : scrape715. rat : calculate716. rect : straight, right717. red, ris : laugh718. reg : king719. regn : reign720. remn : remain721. rend : give722. rept : creep723. rest : stay724. retic : silent725. rever : awe726. rhe : flow727. rhin : nose728. rhythm : rhythm729. riv : stream730. robor : strength731. rod, ros : bite732. rog : ask733. rot : wheel734. rub : red735. rud : rude736. rug : wrinkle737. rupt : break738. rust, rur : country739. sacchar : sugar740. sacr : holy741. sag : know742. sal : leap743. sal : salt744. salu : health745. salv, save : save 746. san, sanit : healthy747. sanat : heal748. sanct : holy749. sanguin : blood750. sap : taste751. sarc : flesh752. sati, satis, satur : enough, full of food 753. scend, scens, scent : climb754. sci : know755. scintill : spark756. scrib, script : write757. sect, seg : cut, divide758. secut, sequ : follow759. sembl : be like760. semin : seed761. sen : old762. sens, sent : feel763. sept : rotten764. serr : saw765. sert : join, insert766. serv : serve, keep767. set : fix768. sever : earnest769. sibil : hiss770. sicc : dry771. sid : sit772. sider : star773. sight : vision774. sign : mark775. simil, simul, sembl : alike, same776. sinu : bend777. sist : stand778. soci : companion779. sol : alone780. sol : sun781. solv, solu, solut : loosen782. som : body783. somn : sleep784. son : sound785. soph : wise786. sort : kind787. speci : look, kind788. spect, spic : look, see789. sper : hope790. spers : scatter791. spin : thorn792. spir : breathe793. splend : shine794. spond, spons : promise795. st, sta, stat, stan, stant, stin : stand 796. stall : place797. stell : star798. stetho : chest799. stigma : mark800. still : small drop801. sting, stinct, stimul : prick802. stitut, stit : set up, place803. strain, strict, string : tighten804. strat : spread out805. struct : build806. su : follow807. succ : juice。

新高考英语常见词根1.ann =year 年① annual每年的,年度的② anniversary=ann(年year)+i-+vers(转to turn)+ary周年纪念日2.astro, aster=star 星① astronomy天文学② astronaut宇航员(astro+naut航行员)③ disaster灾难,灾祸(dis坏+aster星→星位不正,表示有灾难)3.audi, audit=hear 听① audience [audi听,-ence名词后缀] 听众,倾听②auditorium “听讲的场所”,礼堂4.bio, bi=life 生命,生物① biology生物学,② biography: n.传记,autobiography自传③ biocide:n.杀虫剂(bio-生命,生物;-cide,杀)④ antibiotic抗生的⑤ biochemistry生物化学5.calc-=石头,石灰① calculate计算② calcium=calc+ium(化学元素)钙③ calcify钙化6.card, cord=heart,表示“心脏,一致”① record记录(re一再+cord→一再放在心上→记录)② concord协调;协议(con共同+cord→心一样)③ discord不和;不一致7.ced, ceed=go 行走① access vt. 使用;存取;接近 n. 进入;使用权;通路② ancestor祖先;祖宗(an=ante+cest=cess+or→走在前面的人→祖先)③ proceed( = pro- 向前+ -ceed- 行走)v. 前进④ necessary(ne-不 + -cess- 走 + -ary 形容词后缀→ 不能走的→ 必需的)⑤ precedent先行的,在前⑥ succeed成功,继任8.cept=take 拿,取① except除了(ex外.cept拿)② accept(at—to,cept拿)接受,领取③ concept概念(能共同掌握的)9.cent=hundred,表示“一百”① centimeter厘米② percent百分之…③ centigrade [centi 百+ grade 度]摄氏度的④ century一百年,一世纪⑤ cent [ 一元的百分之一 ]n. 分(货币的单位)10. circ=ring环,圆① circle圆,圈,环状物② unicycle [uni单一,独,cycl轮] 独轮脚踏车③ bicycle [bi-两,二,cycl轮;’两轮车”] 自行车④ tricycle [tri三,cycl轮] 三轮脚踏车,三轮摩托车⑤ autocycle [auto-自己→自动,cycl轮→车] 摩托车11. clos, clud, clus=close,表示“关闭”① exclude排斥,拒绝② includev包括(in 进入+clude→关进去→包括)③ conclude v 结论;终结(con 全部+clude→全部关掉→结束)④ conclusive a 决定性的;结论性的(conclude+ive)⑤ close12. cre,creas=grow,make,表示“增长,产生”① create v 创造(cre+ate→增长→创造)② creative a 有创造性的(create+ive )③ creature n 生物;创造物(create+ure→创造物,生物)④ recreate v 休养;再造(re 再+create→再创造→休养 [再创能量])⑤ recreation n 娱乐,消遣(recreate+ion)⑥ decrease v 减少(de向下+crease增长→向下增加→减少)⑦ increase v 增加(in 向内+crease向内增→增加)13. cur=care,表示“关心”① curious a好奇的(cur+ious ......的→关心的,好奇的)② curiosity n 好奇的;奇品(curi+osity多的状态→关心多→好奇心)③ secure a 安全的(se 分开+cure→不关心,不担忧→安全的)④ security n 安全cure v 医治,治疗(关心病人→治疗)⑤ accurate a 准确的,精确的(ac+cur+ate→一再关心,弄精确为止)14. cur(r),curs, cours=run , 表示“跑,发生”① current n 流动的,n.潮流(curr+ent→跑的→流动的② currency n 流传;流通的货币(跑来跑去的钱→流通货币)③ curriculum v 课程(表)(curr+iculum 表名词→学员跑来跑去的[依据]→课表)④ occur n 发生,出现(oc 反复+cur→反复跑→[反复 ]发生)⑤ course n 路程,课程15. di=day日① diary [di日,-ary名词后缀,表示物] 日记② dial [di日,-al名词后缀,表示物] 日晷,电话机拨号盘(该物圆形似日晷)16. dict,dic=say言,说① predict预言② dictation听写③ dictionary n 字典④ contradict n 反驳否认(contra反+dict 反说反驳)⑤ dedicate v 献身于,致力于(de加强+dic 说+ate→再说→努力献身)⑥ indicate v 指示;表示(in 进入+dicate→说进去→指示,指明)⑦ addict v 耽溺,上瘾(ad 一再+dict 说→说了还说→耽溺)17. duc, duct=lead 引导① educate [e-出,duc引导,-ate动词后缀;“引导出来,”“把…由无知状态中引导出来”→教导出来] 教育② introduce [intro-入,duc引;“引入”] 引进,介绍③ reduce v 降低,减少(re回+duce→往回引→减少)④ conduct n 行为;指挥(con共同+duct→引导大家一起做→指挥)⑤ conductor n 指挥家;乘务员(conduct+or)18. fact, fac=do, make 做,作① factory工厂 [fact作,制作,-ory名词后缀,表示场所,地点;“制作的场所”] 工厂② manufacture [manu手,fact作,制作;“用手制作”,古时生产用手操作] 制造,加工③ facility [facil〔e〕容易做的 + ity 名词后缀]n. 设备④ factor n 要素;动力(fact+or→促使人做的东西→要素;动力)⑤ perfect a 完美的;完全的(per 全部+fect→全部做完→完美的)⑥ infect v 传染;感化(in 进入+fact→做进去→传染进去)⑦ affect v 影响;感动(af 使+fect→使人做→影响)19. fer=bring, carry 带,拿① differ [dif-分开,fer拿,持;“分开拿”,“分取”,“各持已见”,“各执一词”→互异] 不同,相异,意见不同② infer=in(向里) - - fer (拿),推理、推断。

400个常见的英语词根词缀ambi 两个都(来自拉丁文)ambidextrous 左右手都很灵巧的ambiguity 含糊,不明确ambiguous 模糊的,不明确的ambivalence正反感情并存,心情矛盾的ambul to walkambulatoryambleambulancesomnambulistamphi 双边的,四周的(来自希腊语)amphibian adj.两栖类的, 水陆两用的 n.两栖动物, 水陆两用飞机, 水陆两用的平底车辆amphibious两栖的amphibology模棱两可的言辞, 暧昧的词句amphipod片脚类动物amphitheatre阶梯教室(美作:amphitheater) 圆形剧场anni, annu 年(来自拉丁文)annals 年鉴anniversary 周年纪念annual 每年一次的 (=yearly)annual ring 年轮annually 每年一次地biannual 每年两次的biennial 每两年一次的centennial 百年的triannual 每年三次的triennial 每三年一次的ante beforeanteroomantebellumantedateantecedentantediluviananti 反,消解(来自希腊语)anti-aircraft 防空的antiballistic missile 反弹道导弹antibiosis 抗生antibody 抗体anticlerical 反对教会权利的anticlimax 突降法anticlockwise 逆时针的anticyclone 反气旋antidepressant 抗抑郁的antidote 解毒药antifreeze n. 防冻剂antigen 抗原antihero 反主角antilogy 思想、用语前后矛盾antimagnetic 防磁的antimalarial 抗疟疾的antimatter 反物质antimissile 反导弹的antinovel 非正统派小说antiparticle 反粒子antipathy 憎恶,反感antipode正相反的事物anti-Semite反犹份子antisocial不擅社交的, 非社交的, 反社会的antithesis对立面,立论antitoxin抗毒素antitrust反托拉斯aqua 水(来自拉丁文)aquaculture水产业aqualung水中呼吸器,水肺aquamarine绿玉, 碧绿色,海蓝色aquanaut轻装潜水员aquaplane 滑水板aquarium 水族馆,养鱼缸aquatic 生长于水边或水中的aqueduct 输水道aqueous 水的,像水的aquiculture 水栽培-arch 领导者anarchymonarchpatriarch/doc/8a8197767.html,/cgi/i ... amp;HIGHLIGHT=archyastro 星星(来自希腊语)asterisk星号asteroid小行星 adj.星状的astrobiology天体生物学, 太空生物学astrodome天体观测窗astrolabe古代的天体观测仪, 星盘astrology占星术astronaut太空人, 宇航员astronautics太空航空学astronomer天文学家astronomy天文学astrophysics 天体物理学audi to hearaudienceauditoryaudibleauditoriumaudiovisualauditionauto selfautomobileautomaticautographautonomousautoimmunebene 好,有益(来自拉丁文)benedict原来似乎坚决抱独身主义而新近结婚的男子benediction 祝祷,恩赐benefaction 捐助benefactor恩人, 捐助者, 赠送者, 赞助人benefactress女施主, 女恩人benefice 圣俸,有俸之圣职beneficence 善行,仁慈,慈善beneficent 慈善的,仁慈的beneficial 有益的beneficiary 受惠者benefit 利益benevolence 仁爱,善行benevolent 慈善,仁慈的benign 良性,良好,亲切的benignant 仁慈,亲切的bi, di, 二,双(其中bi来自拉丁文,di则是经由希腊语传入拉丁文的)biannualbicameralbicentenarybicephalousbicepsbichloride=dichloridebicolourbicyclebiennialbifocalbifurcatebigamybilabialbilateralbilingualbimannualbimonthlybinary notation or systembinary starbinauralbinocularsbinomialbipartisanbipartitebipedbisectbisexualbisulphide=disulphidebivalent=divalentbiweeklybiyearlydichloride dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane DDT dichotomydichromaticdifferdifferencedifferentiatediglyceridesdigraphdilemmadioxidediphthongdivergedividedivorcebiblio 书(来自希腊语)bibliography 参考文献,书目bibliomania 嗜书如狂bibliophile 书籍收藏者,或喜爱书籍者bibliophole 书商,尤其是经营珍本者bio 生命(来自希腊语)bioastronauticsbiochemistrybiocoenosisbiodegradablebioengineeringbioethicsbiographybiologybiological clockbiological controlbiological warfarebiomedicinebiometrybionicsbionomics a less common name for ecology biophysicsbiopsybiosynthesisbiotechnologybioticcent (由拉丁语传至法语传至英语)bicentenarybicentennialcentcentenarycentigradecentimetercentipedecenturytricentennialchrom 色彩,颜色(来自希腊语)chromaticchromaticschromechrome yellow chromolighograph chromosome chromosphere monochromechrono 时间(来自希腊语)anachronismchronicchroniclechronograph chronology chronometercide 杀,死亡(来自拉丁文)aborticideacaricidealgicideamicicideavicidebactericidebiocidebovicideceticidecimicidedeicideecocideepiscopicidefelicidefemicide feticide filicide filicide foeticide formicide fratricide fungicide genocide germicide giganticide gynaecide herbicide homicide infanticide insecticide lupicide mariticide matricide miticide muscicide ovicide parasiticide parasuicide parenticide patricide pesticide prolicide raticide regiciderodenticidesenicideserpenticidesiblicidesororicidespeciocidesuicidetyrannicideurbicideursicideverbicidevulpicideweedicidecircus 圆环,圆圈;circum 四周(两者都来自拉丁文,后者又是来自前者,故列在一起)circlecircletcircuitcircuitouscircularcirculatecirculationcircumambientcircumambulatecircumcisecircumferencecircumfluouscircumfusecircumlocution 婉转曲折的说法circumnavigatecircumscribe 限制,立界限circumspect 慎重,小心的circumstance 情况circumstantial 不重要,间接,推论的circumvent包围,胜过contra, contro, counter 相反(来自拉丁文)contraception避孕, 避孕法contradict 否认,矛盾contrary 相反的contrast 差异,对比,对照contravene 抵触,否定,反驳controversy 争论,辩论controvert 否定,反驳,争论counter 反对,对抗counteract 消解,抵消counterattack 反攻,反击counterbalance 弥补,使抵消counterclockwise=anticlockwise 逆时针的counterfeit 伪造,假冒的counterintelligence 反间谍活动countermand 撤回,取消countermove 对抗,反向动作counterpart 极相似的人,配对的东西countersign 副署,连署;口令counterspy 反间谍countervail 抵消,对抗cracy 政府形式,统治形式(来自希腊语)aristocracyautocracybureaucracydemocracygerontocracykakistocracymeritocracyoligocracyplutocracypornocracystratocracytechnocracytheocracytimocracycredaccredit 承认合格,授权,认为...属於,归因credence 相信,可信赖credentials 证件,介绍信credible 可信,可靠的credit 信用,信任,相信,归功於creditable 值得称赞,可称誉的credibilitycreditor 债主credo 信条credulity 易信,轻信credulous 轻信的creed 信条discredit 不信任,怀疑,使失去权威性,玷辱incredible 不可信,难以置信的incredulous 不相信,怀疑的incredulity 不信,怀疑miscreant 恶棍crypto- 神秘的(由希腊语传至拉丁语传至英语)cryptcryptanalysiscrypticcryptocrystallinecryptographdeca-, deka- 十(源自希腊语)deci- 十分之一(由拉丁文传至法语传至英语)decadedecagondecahedrondecalitreDecaloguedecapoddecibeldecimaldecimal fractiondecimal pointdecimal systemdecimatedecimeterdemo-, dem- 人民,人口(源自希腊语)demagoguedemocracydemocratdemographydemoticepidemicdermato-, derma-, -derm 皮肤(由希腊语传至法语)dermatitisdermatologyendodermhypodermisdict-, -dict 说,言辞(源自拉丁文)abdicate 让(位),放弃addict 使热中,专心於benediction 祝福,恩赐contradict 相反,反对,否定contradictious 矛盾,好反驳的dedicate 献身,委身dictate 口授令人笔录,命令dictator 独裁者dictatorial 独裁,专横的diction 用字遣词,词藻,语法dictionarydictum 格言edict 诏书,敕令indicate 显示indict 控告interdict 禁止jurisdiction 管辖权,司法权malediction 诅咒predicament 困境predicate 宣称,断定,使有根据predict 预测,预知,预言syndicate 企业组合valediction 告别辞,告别verdict 判断,判决vindicate 辩明,保护equi- (=equal)相等的adequateequable 稳定,平静的equal 相等,同样的equality 平等,相等equanimity 平静,镇定equate 使相等equationequatorequidistantequilateralequilibrate 使平衡,使相称equilibrium 平衡,均衡equinoxequipoise 平衡,均衡,使平衡equipollentequitable 公平,公正的equity 公平,公正equivalent 相等,等量的equivocal 模棱两可,可疑的inadequate 不充分的iniquitous 不公平的,邪恶,不法的iniquity 邪恶,不义之行为fore- 在前(源自古英语)aforementioned 前述的aforesaid 前述,上述的fore 前面,在前部的forearmforebear 祖先forebode 预示,预言forecast 预测,预见,先见之明forecourtforedoom 事先注定forefather 祖先forefootforefront 最重要的地方,最前锋之位置foregoing 前面,前述的foregone 过去,先前的foreground 最引人注意之地位foreheadforeknow 预知forelandforelegforelimbforelockforeman 工头,领班foremost 首要,第一的forenameforenoonforepawforeplay (性交前的)前戏forerunner 前锋,先驱foresee 预知foreshadow 预示,预兆foreshock aftershockforeshoreforeshowforesight 远见,先见之明foreskin 包皮,专业术语为prepuce forestall 预先阻止foretell 预测forethought 预谋,预筹forewarn 预先警告foreword 序,前言,引言forward 前面,前方的; 向前; 提升,促进-gene, 产生-geny, 起源,演变方式,(经希腊语传至法语传至英语)degenerate 衰败,堕落,堕落,卑贱的engender 产生,酿成gender 性,性别gene 基因genealogy 宗谱,家系generate 引起,产生generation 产生,发生,一代,子孙,一族generic 属的,类的,一般的genesis 根源,创造genetic 基因的,遗传学的genital 生殖的genus 种类,属homogeneous 同类,相似的indigenous 土著,土产,天生的progenitor 前辈,祖先progeny 成果,产品,子孙regenerate 再生,重生geo- 地球,跟地球相关的,(来自希腊语)geocentricgeochronologygeodegeodesicgeodesygeodeticgeographical mile=nautical milegeographygeologygeomagnetismgeometricgeometric meangeometric progressiongeometridgeometrygeomorphologygeophysicsgeopoliticsgeostaticsgeostationary-graph, -ography, -gram记录,书写,学问(自希腊语传至拉丁语传至英语)autobiographyautographbibliographybiographerbiographycalligraphycartographydemographygeographygrammargraphicgraphicsgraphitegraphology historiography lithograph photograph photography polygraph stenography telegram hetero other heterodox heterogeneous heterosexual heterodyne hex, ses, sex six hexagon hexameter sestet sextuplets homo same homogenized homosexual homonym homophone hyper over above hyperactive hypertensive hyperbolic hypersensitive hyperventilatehyperkinetichypo below less thanhypotensionhypodermichypoglycemiahypoallergenicinfra beneathinfraredinfrastructureinter 在两者之间,或多者之中;一起,相互,(来自拉丁语)interaction 交相影响,交互作用interbreedintercede 说项,调停intercept 中途拦截,中途逮捕interceptor or intercepterintercessioninterchange 交换,交替intercom intercommunicationintercostalintercourse 交际,交通intercurrentinterfaceinterfere 干涉,干预interfuseinterim 中间时期,过渡时期interior 内部,内在的interior angleinterject 插入interlace 使组合,使交织interlayinterleafinterlineinterlockinterlocutorinterlopeinterlude 间隔的时间,插曲intermarryintermediary 中间的intermediate 中间的intermingle 混合,搀杂intermission 休息时间,中断intermittent 间歇,断续的intermixtureinternal 内在,内部的international 国际的International Court of Justice in Hague in the Netherlands International Date LineInterphoneinterplay 相互影响,交互作用interpolate 添进,插入字句interpose 置于中间,插入,仲裁interpretinterrelateinterrogate 讯问,质问interrogation mark question markinterrupt 打断,妨碍intersect 相交,贯穿intersexintersperse 散置,点缀interstice 裂缝,空隙interval 间隔时间,间隔intervene 插入,干扰interviewinterweaveintertwine 交缠,纠缠-ism 行为;状态;过多,病;主义,具有个人特点的(经由希腊语传至拉丁文传至古法语传至英语)abolitionismabsolutismabsurdismadoptionismageismagnosticismalarmismalbinismalcoholismaltruismanarchismanimismanthropocentrismatavismatheismauthoritarianismbaptismBolshevismbrutalismBuddhismBushism 具有布什风格的言行Calvinismcapitalismcentralism 中央集权制centrism 中间路线,温和的言行charlatanismchauvinismclassicismcollectivismcolonialismcommunismconformism Confucianism conservatism constructivismcosmism cosmopolitanismcriticismcronyismcubismcynicismDarwinismdefeatismdeismdespotismdeterminismdogmatismdualismegocentrismegoismelitismempiricismethnocentrism existentialism expressionismfaddismfanaticismfascismfatalismfeminismfetishismfeudalismfinitismfogyismfoot-fetishism 恋足僻formalismfundamentalism geocentrismglobalismgradualismhedonismHegelianism 黑格尔哲学Hellenism 希腊文化,风格,精神等heroismHinduismhirsutismhistoricismhoboismhumanismhypnotismidealismimperialism impressionism individualism internationalism jingoism journalism Judaism Keynesianism Know-Nothingism leftism Leninism liberalism libertarianism localism magnetism malapropism Maoism Marxism Marxism-Leninism Masochism materialism McCarthyism mechanism melanism mesmerism metabolism Methodism militarism millennialismMonarchianism monarchism monetarism Mongolism monism monotheism moralism Mormonism multiculturalism multilateralism mysticism nationalism National Socialism nativism naturalism neoclassicism nepotism nihilismnudism objectivism ontologism optimism organism orientalism pacifism pantheism patriotism pessimism phallocentrismphilhellenismplagiarismplatonismpolycentrismpolytheism postcolonialism postmodernism pragmatismprimitivism 尚古主义,原始主义racismradicalismrationalismrealismrecidivismregionalismrelativismrepublicanism revisionismrheumatismrightismromanticismsadismsado-masochism sectarianism sectionalismsecularismsensualismseparatismsexismShiismShintoismSikhismskepticismsocial Darwinism socialismsolecismsophismspiritismspiritualism Spoonerismstatismstoicismstructuralism surrealismTaoism 也写作Daoism,道教。

词根词缀知识点总结一、词根的概念1. 词根是构成单词的基本元素,通常来自于古希腊和拉丁文,它是单词的核心部分,包含单词的基本含义。
2. 词根通常不能独立存在,需要和其他词根或词缀组合形成完整的单词。
二、常见的词根1. 人称词根:anthro(人类)、gen(产生)、spec(看)、vis(看)2. 时间地点词根:temp(时间)、loc(地方)、chron(时间)、top(地方)3. 动作词根:act(行动)、duc(引导)、pel(推)、mot(移动)4. 数字词根:uni(一)、mono(单)、bi(双)、tri(三)5. 形容词词根:form(形式)、lumin(光明)、aud(听)、spec(看)三、常见的词缀1. 名词词缀:-ion(表示状态或动作)、-ism(表示行为或思想)、-ity(表示状态或性质)、-ness(表示状态或性质)2. 动词词缀:-ate(使成为)、-en(使成为或变成)、-ize(表示动作或状态)、-fy (使...)3. 形容词词缀:-ful(充满...的)、-less(没有...的)、-ous(有...的)、-ive(具有...性质的)四、利用词根词缀进行单词拼写和词义分析1. 通过词根和词缀的组合理解单词的潜在含义。

英语常见词根—400个acid, acr = sour, sharp act = to actagogue = leader al, ol, ul = to nourishalt = high alter, ali = otheram = to love ang = to strangleangl, angul = angle anim = breath, mindann = year anthrop = manapt = fit aqua = waterarm = weapons art = skill, artaud = to hear aug = to increase, to make,to grow avi = birdband, bond = to bind bar = barbat = to beat bat , bas = to gobell = war bio = lifebrev = short cad, cid, cas = to fallcalc = lime camp = fieldcand = white , bright cant, chant, cent = to singcap = head cap = to takecar = car , to run carn = fleshcast = throw cav = hollowcede, ceed , cess = to go, to yield ceive, cept, cip, cipate = to takeceler = swift cent = hundredcentr = center cern, cret = to separatecert = sure chron = timecide , cise = to cut circ , cyc = ringcite = to call , to urge claim , clam = to cryclin = to bend clud = to shutcoct = to cook cognis, gnos = to knowcommun = common cord = heartcorp = body cosm , cosmo = universecount = to count cover = to covercre, cresc = to make, to grow cred = to believecrim = accusation, crime crit = to judgecruc = cross culp = blame, guiltcult = to till cumb = to lie downcur, course = to run cure = to take carecuss = to strike , to shake deb, du = to owedei = god dem = peopledent = tooth derm, derma, dermat = skindic = to proclaim dict, dit = to saydign = worthy divid, divis = to dividedoc = to teach dom = housedom = to tame, to rule don, dot, dow = to givedorm = to sleep dox, dogma = opiniondraw = to draw, to pull drom = to run , course(process) duce, duct = to lead dur = to lastdyn, dynam = powereco = house ego = I , selfelectr = electricem, empt = to take, to buy equ = equalerr = to wander, to err ess, est = to befa, fabl, fabul = to speak fac, front = face, foreheadfac, fect = to make , to do fall, fals = to deceivefam = to speak fare = to gofend , fest = to strike fer = to carry, to bear, to tolerateferv = to boil fess = to speakfest = festival fict, fig = to feignfid = to trust figure = to shape , figure(n.), form(n.) fil = thread , to spin fin = to endfirm = firm fix = to fastenflam, flagr = flame, to burn flat = to blowflect, flex = to bend flict = to strikeflor = flower flu = to flowfoli = leaf form = to form, form ,shapefort = strong found , fund = basefract, frag = to break fug = to fleefuse, found = to pour gam = marriagegener, gen, gent = to produce, race(n.) ger, gest = to carrygrad, gress = to walk gram , graph = to writegrand = grand grat = to pleasegrav = heavy gregat = to collecthab, hibit = to have hap= luckhelio = sun her = heirherb = grass here, hes = to stickhorr = to tremble hum , hom = manhum = ground hydr = waterhypno = sleep idio = personal, distinctinsul = island it = to goject , jac = to throw join, junct = to joinjourn = day jud = to judgejur = to swear just, juris = law, right , justicelabor = to work laps = to slip, to glidelate = to bring , to bear later = sidelav , lau = to wash lax , lyse = to loosenlect, leg = to choose , to gather, to read leg = to appoint , to send leg = law lev = to raise, light (adj.)liber = free libr, lib = booklic = to be permitted lig = to bindlingu = tongue, language liqu = fluidliter = letter loc = placelog , loqu, locut = to speak long = longlud = to play lumin = lightlust, luc = brightmagn, maj , max = great manu, man = hand mand, mend = to order , to entrust mari = seamark = to mark , boundary matr= mothermechan = machine med = to healmedi = middle melan = blackmemor = to remember ment = to think , mind(n.) mere = to trade , reward(n.) merge, mers = to sink, to dip meter = to measure migr = to remove , to wander milit = soldier, to fight min = to jut , to projectmin = small mir = to wonder, to behold miss, mit = to send, to throw mix = to mixmod = manner mon = to advise , to remind monstr = to show mor = custommorph = form mort = deathmount = mountain, to ascend mov, mob, mot = to move muni = service mur = wallmut = to change myst = mysterynat = born nau, nav = shipnecro = death, dead nect , nex = to bindneg = to deny neur , neuro , nerv = nerve neutr = neither nihil = nothingnoc , nox = to harm noct , nox = nightnomin, nom = name norm = rule, normnot = to mark nounce, nunci = to report nov = new nul, null = nothing number, numer = number, to count nutri = to nourishocul = eye onym = nameoper = to work , work opt = to wishopt, opto = eye, sight ora = to speak ,to pray order, ordin = order ori = to rise , to beginorn = to decorate, to furnish ortho = straight , rightoss, osteo = bone pact = to agree, to fastenpan = bread par = to preparepar = equal par = to appearpar = to bear , to give birth to part = a part , to partpass = to pass passi , pati, path = to suffer, feelings part = father ped = footped = child pel , puls = to drivepen ,pun = to punish pend, pens = to hang , to weighperi = to go through pet = to fly , to seekpetr, petro = stone, rock phan ,fan = appearancephon = sound ; phe = to speak photo = light (n.)pict = to paint , picture plac , pleas = to pleaseplain , plaint = to beat the breast plant = to plant , plant (n.)plaud, plode = to strike, to clap plen, plete, ple , pli, ply = to fill, full ( adj. ) plore = to flow out ply, pli, ple = to foldpolis = city polit, poli = state, countrypon , pound = to put popul, publ = peopleport = to carry port = gatepos = to place , to put potent = powerfulprec = to pray preci = pricepreda = prey(n.), to plunder press = to pressprim, prin, prem = first pris, prehend = to seizepriv = private (adj.) to deprive proach , proxim = nearprob, prov = to test , to try, to examine proper , propri = proper, one’s own psych, psycho = soul pugn = to fightpunct = to prick pur = purepurg = to purify pute = to thinkquer = to complain qui, quiet = calm , rest(n.)quire, quisit , quest = to seek quit = to free , to releaserad, ras = to scrape radi = rootradi = ray rap, rav = to snatchrat , ratio = to reckon , reason (n.) rect = right , straightreg = to rule , king (n.) rept = to creeprid , ris = to laugh rod, ros = to gnawrog = to ask rot = wheel (n.) , to turnrud = raw rupt = to breakrur, rus = country sacr , sanct , secr = sacredsal = salt sal, sult = to leapsal , san = whole sangui = bloodsat = full scan , scend , scal = to climb sci = to know scribe , script = to writesect = to cut sed, sess, sid = to sitsemin = seed sen = oldsens ,sent = to feel sequ, secut, su = to follow sert = to join, to put serv = to serve, to keepsign = to mark simil, sembl = like(prep.), same sinu = curve ,sinus sist , stitut, sta, st = to stand soci = companion, to associate sol = alonesol = sun solv, solute = to loosensomn = sleep son =soundsoph = wise ,wisdom sort = kindspec, spect = to see, to look sper = hopespers = to scatter spher = ballspir = to breathe splend = to shinespond , spons = to promise stell = starstill = drop stinct, sting = to prickstring , strict , strain, stress = to draw tight stru, struct = to buildsuade = to advise sume,sumpt = to takesumm = sum, highest sur = sure , securesurge , surrect = to rise tac, tic = silenttail = to cut tang , tact = to touchtain , ten, tin = to hold , to keep techn(o) = art , skilltect = to cover temper = to moderatetempor = time tempt , tent = to trytend , tens , tent = to stretch tenu = thinterm = boundary terr = earthterr = to frighten test = witnesstext = to weave the(o) = godthes, thet = to place , to put tim = to fearton = tone tort = to twisttour, torn = to turn tox = poisontract , treat = to draw tribut = to pay , to bestowtrop = to turn trud , trus = to thrust , to push tum = to swell turb = to disturbultim = last umbr = shadowurb = city us , uti = to usevac, van , void = empty vade = to govaga = to wander val , vail = strong , worthvar(i) = diverse , to change velop = to wrapven , vent = to come ven = veinvenge = to avenge vent = windver = true verb = wordverg = to incline vers, vert = to turnvest = to clothe , garmentvi , voy = way vict , vinc = to conquervid , vis = to see vig , veg = livelyviv = to live voc , voke = to call , voicevol = will volve, volut = to rollvor = to eat vulse = to pluck , pull out ,pull off。

英语单词常见词根总结aghast 做,驱动 agent代理人 active活动的,积极的agro 农田 agriculture农业 agrarian田地的am 爱,亲爱 amicable友善的 amiable和蔼可亲的anima 心灵,精神,生命 animal动物 animate有生命的ann.,inn 年 annual一年的 centennial一世纪的gastro 星 astronomy天文学 astronaut宇宙航行员Audi 听 audience听众 audible听得见的bell 战争 rebellion反叛,反抗 bellicose好战的bio 生命,生物 biology生物学 antibiotic抗生的,抗生素bred 短 brevity 简短 abbreviate缩短,节略cede 走 precedent先行的,在前的 precede先行cent 百 centimeter厘米 centigrade百分度的center,centr 中心 concentrate集中 centrifugal离心力的cadences 杀,切 suicide自杀 bactericide杀菌剂claim, clam 叫喊 exclaim惊叫 proclaim宣布,宣告clear 清楚,明白 declare表明,声明 clarify讲清楚clod,close 关闭 close关闭 exclude排斥cog 知道 recognize承认 cognitive认识的cord 心 cordial衷心的 core核心corm 宇宙,世界 cosmic宇宙的 cosmos宇宙creed 相信 credibility可信 credit信任cur, ours 跑 occurrence出现,发生 current流通的cycle 圆,环 bicycle自行车 cyclone旋风did 日 diary日记 diarist记日记者duct 说 predict预言 indicate表示duc,duct 引导 conduct指导 induce引诱ed 吃 edible可吃的 edacity贪吃fact 做,制 factory工厂 manufacture制造,加工far 带,拿 transfer转移 ferry渡船flu 流 fluent流利的 influenza流行性感冒form 形式,外形 transform改变 formula公式fract,frag破,折 fraction碎片 fragile易碎的fuss 倾,注,溶化 fusion熔解 effuse泻出gem 起源 generate使产生 genetic遗传的geo 地球,土地 geography地理 geology地质学grad 步,走,级 gradual逐步的 graduate毕业gram 写,记录 diagram图表 program节目单,方案graph 写,画,记录 photograph照像 autograph亲笔,手稿grass 行走 progress进步 retrogress后退hap 机会,运气,偶发 happen发生 mishap灾祸hospital 客人 hospital医院 hospitable好客的,殷勤的insult 岛 peninsula半岛 insulation隔绝,孤立hydra 水 hydraulic水利的 hydrant消防栓jest 投,掷,抛 eject射出 project投射junco 连接,结合 conjunction连接词 adjunct附属物lect,leg,lig 挑选,采集 lest 选举 selection选举 eligible合格的,合适的levy 举,升 elevator电梯 lever杠杆libber 自由 liberate解放 liberalist自由主义的lingo 语言 linguist语言学家 bilingual两种语言的liter 文字,字母 literate识字的 literature文学loc 地方 local当地的 locate使座落于log 词,语言,讲演 dialogue对话 logic逻辑loquat 说话 eloquent雄辩的 colloquial口语的,会话的Manu 手 manuscript手稿 manual手的,用手的medic 中间 medium中等的 mediation居中调解memory 记忆,记住的 memory记忆 memorial纪念日,纪念物milt 兵 military军事的 militant战斗性的min 少,小 minority少数 diminish减少,减小mob,mot,mov 移动 mobile活动的 motion运动 immovable不可移动的mort 死亡 mortal终有一死的 mortician承办殡葬的人nova 新 novel小说 novelty新奇number 数 numeral数字的 numerous为数众多的opera 工作 operate操作 cooperate合作opt 视线,光线 optic视力的 optics光学path 感情,苦楚,疾病 sympathy同情 pathetic可怜的peel 推,逐,驱 expel驱逐 repel击退,反击,抵抗endpin 悬挂 depend依靠 pendent悬空的phone 声音 microphone扩音器 telephone电话plan 满,全 plenty充足,大量 plentitude丰富,充足pompoms 放置 postpone推迟 position位置popup 人民 population人口 popular人民的,大众的port 搬运,带 portable可携带的 porter搬运工人prim 第一,首要 primary最初的 primitive原始的psych 精神 psychology心理学 psychic精神的purr 清,纯,净 purify使纯净 depurate使净化recto 正,直 erect直立的 correct改正rid, is 笑 ridicule嘲笑 derision笑柄,嘲笑rapt 破 rupture破裂,裂开 interrupt中断scend,scens,scent 爬 ascend上,升 descent下降sic 知道 science科学 conscious有知觉的sens,sent 感觉 sensation感觉 sentiment感情sol 太阳 solar太阳的 parasol阳伞spec 看 spectacle光景,景象 prospect展望spire 呼吸,生命 conspire共谋 inspire吸气,鼓舞tact,tang,tag 接触 intact未接触的 tangible可接触的tail 切,割 tailor裁缝 retail零售tain,ten,tin 保持,握,容纳 contain容纳 obtain取得,sustain支持tact 掩,盖 detect侦察发觉,detective侦探的tale 远 telescope望远镜 telegram电报tend,tens,tent 伸 extend伸开,扩展 extensive广阔的text 编织 textile纺织的 texture组织,结构thermo 热 thermal热的 thermometer温度计torture 扭,扭转 orison扭转 distortion歪曲tract 拖,拉,吸引 attract吸引 attractive有吸引力的unfunny 一 unite统一,联合 union联合,工会at 用 utility有用 utilize利用vac,van 空,空虚 vacation假期 vanity空虚,虚荣vary 变化 various各样的 variant变异的,不同的van 来 intervene干预,介入 prevent防止vert,vers 转 adverse相反的 convert转换vid,vis 看见 evident明显的 visible可见的vit,viv 生活,生存 vital生命的 survival幸存volt 滚动 revolve旋转 involve卷入wis,wit 知道 wisdom智慧 witty机敏的。

英语单词常见词根总结英语单词常见词根总结ag,act 做,驱动 agent代理人 active活动的,积极的agr 农田 agriculture农业 agrarian田地的am 爱,亲爱 amicable友善的 amiable和蔼可亲的anim 心灵,精神,生命animal动物animate有生命的ann,enn 年 annual一年的 centennial一世纪的astro 星 astronomy天文学 astronaut宇宙航行员audi 听 audience听众 audible听得见的bell 战争 rebellion反叛,反抗 bellicose好战的bio 生命,生物 biology生物学 antibiotic抗生的,抗生素brev 短brevity 简短 abbreviate缩短,节略cede 走 precedent先行的,在前的 precede先行cent 百 centimeter厘米 centigrade百分度的center,centr 中心concentrate集中centrifugal离心力的cide,cis 杀,切 suicide自杀 bactericide杀菌剂claim,clam 叫喊 exclaim惊叫 proclaim宣布,宣告clar 清楚,明白 declare表明,声明 clarify讲清楚clud,clos 关闭 close关闭 exclude排斥cogn 知道 recognize承认 cognitive认识的cord 心 cordial衷心的 core核心cosm 宇宙,世界 osmic宇宙的 cosmos宇宙cred 相信 credibility可信 credit信任cur,cours 跑 ccurrence出现,发生 current流通的cycl 圆,环 bicycle自行车 cyclone旋风di 日 diary日记 diarist记日记者dict 说 predict预言 indicate表示duc,duct 引导 conduct指导 induce引诱ed 吃 edible可吃的 edacity贪吃fact 做,制 factory工厂 manufacture制造,加工fer 带,拿 transfer转移 ferry渡船flu 流 fluent流利的 influenza流行性感冒form 形式,外形 transform改变 formula公式fract,frag破,折 fraction碎片 fragile易碎的fus 倾,注,溶化 fusion熔解 effuse泻出gen 起源 generate使产生 genetic遗传的geo 地球,土地 geography地理 geology地质学grad 步,走,级 gradual逐步的 graduate毕业gram 写,记录 diagram图表 program节目单,方案graph 写,画,记录photograph照像autograph亲笔,手稿gress 行走 progress进步 retrogress后退hap 机会,运气,偶发 happen发生 mishap灾祸hospit 客人 hospital医院 hospitable好客的,殷勤的insul 岛 peninsula半岛 insulation隔绝,孤立hydra 水 hydraulic水利的 hydrant消防栓ject 投,掷,抛 eject射出 project投射junct 连接,结合 conjunction连接词 adjunct附属物lect,leg,lig 挑选,采集 lect 选举 selection选举 eligible合格的,合适的lev 举,升 elevator电梯 lever杠杆liber 自由 liberate解放 liberalist自由主义的lingu 语言 linguist语言学家 bilingual两种语言的liter 文字,字母 literate识字的 literature文学loc 地方 local当地的 locate使座落于log 词,语言,讲演 dialogue对话 logic逻辑loqu 说话 eloquent雄辩的 colloquial口语的,会话的manu 手 manuscript手稿 manual手的,用手的medi 中间 medium中等的 mediation居中调解memor 记忆,记住的 memory记忆 memorial纪念日,纪念物milit 兵 military军事的 militant战斗性的min 少,小 minority少数 diminish减少,减小mob,mot,mov 移动 mobile活动的 motion运动 immovable不可移动的mort 死亡 mortal终有一死的 mortician承办殡葬的人nov 新 novel小说 novelty新奇numer 数 numeral数字的 numerous为数众多的oper 工作 operate操作 co operate合作opt 视线,光线 optic视力的 optics光学path 感情,苦楚,疾病 sympathy同情 pathetic可怜的pel 推,逐,驱expel驱逐repel击退,反击,抵抗pend,pen 悬挂depend 依靠 pendent悬空的phon 声音 microphone扩音器 telephone电话plen 满,全 plenty充足,大量 plentitude丰富,充足pon,pos 放置 postpone推迟 position位置popul 人民 population人口 popular人民的,大众的port 搬运,带portable可携带的porter搬运工人prim 第一,首要primary最初的primitive原始的psych 精神psychology心理学psychic精神的pur 清,纯,净 purify使纯净 depurate使净化rect 正,直 erect直立的 correct改正rid,ris 笑 ridicule嘲笑 derision笑柄,嘲笑rupt 破 rupture破裂,裂开 interrupt中断scend,scens,scent 爬 ascend上,升 descent下降sci 知道 science科学 conscious有知觉的sens,sent 感觉 sensation感觉 sentiment感情sol 太阳 solar太阳的 parasol阳伞spec 看 spectacle光景,景象 prospect展望spir 呼吸,生命 conspire共谋 inspire吸气,鼓舞tact,tang,tag 接触 intact未接触的 tangible可接触的tail 切,割 tailor裁缝 retail零售tain,ten,tin 保持,握,容纳 contain容纳 obtain取得,sustain支持tect 掩,盖 detect侦察发觉,detective侦探的tele 远 telescope望远镜 telegram电报tend,tens,tent 伸 extend伸开,扩展 extensive广阔的text 编织 textile纺织的 texture组织,结构therm 热 thermal热的 thermometer温度计tor,tort 扭,扭转 orsion扭转 distortion歪曲tract 拖,拉,吸引 attract吸引 attractive有吸引力的un,uni 一 unite统一,联合 union联合,工会ut 用 utility有用 utilize利用vac,van 空,空虚 vacation假期 vanity空虚,虚荣vari 变化 various各样的 variant变异的,不同的ven 来 intervene干预,介入 prevent防止vert,vers 转 adverse相反的 convert转换vid,vis 看见 evident明显的 visible可见的vit,viv 生活,生存 vital生命的 survival幸存volv 滚动 revolve旋转 involve卷入wis,wit 知道 wisdom智慧 witty机敏的前缀在学习过程中,我总结了两种方法:分类记忆法和对比记忆法。

113.-grat- = -grac- = -gree-感谢
115. -cogn(is)- = -gno(s)-知道
117. -aud(i)-听
125. -ball(o)- = -balo- = -bol(o)(a)(e)-抛,舞,球
127.-cit- = -cite- = -citat-召唤
128.-obsolesc- = -obsolet-成长,长大
129.–cor(d)- = -card- = -cour-心(脏)
78. -ced- = -ceed- = -cess-走
79. -log(ue)- = -loqu- = -locut-言,说
80. -fend- = -fens-打击
81. -cre- = -cresc- = -cret-增长,生长,产生
83. -sign-设计
84. -doc- = -doct-教
106. -dom(o)- = -domat(o)- = -domin-屋,统治
111. -rat- = -ratio-计算,推定,理由

英语常见词根—400个acid, acr = sour, sharp act = to actagogue = leader al, ol, ul = to nourishalt = high alter, ali = otheram = to love ang = to strangleangl, angul = angle anim = breath, mindann = year anthrop = manapt = fit aqua = waterarm = weapons art = skill, artaud = to hear aug = to increase, to make,to grow avi = birdband, bond = to bind bar = barbat = to beat bat , bas = to gobell = war bio = lifebrev = short cad, cid, cas = to fallcalc = lime camp = fieldcand = white , bright cant, chant, cent = to singcap = head cap = to takecar = car , to run carn = fleshcast = throw cav = hollowcede, ceed , cess = to go, to yield ceive, cept, cip, cipate = to takeceler = swift cent = hundredcentr = center cern, cret = to separatecert = sure chron = timecide , cise = to cut circ , cyc = ringcite = to call , to urge claim , clam = to cryclin = to bend clud = to shutcoct = to cook cognis, gnos = to knowcommun = common cord = heartcorp = body cosm , cosmo = universecount = to count cover = to covercre, cresc = to make, to grow cred = to believecrim = accusation, crime crit = to judgecruc = cross culp = blame, guiltcult = to till cumb = to lie downcur, course = to run cure = to take carecuss = to strike , to shake deb, du = to owedei = god dem = peopledent = tooth derm, derma, dermat = skindic = to proclaim dict, dit = to saydign = worthy divid, divis = to dividedoc = to teach dom = housedom = to tame, to rule don, dot, dow = to givedorm = to sleep dox, dogma = opiniondraw = to draw, to pull drom = to run , course(process) duce, duct = to lead dur = to lastdyn, dynam = powereco = house ego = I , selfelectr = electricem, empt = to take, to buy equ = equalerr = to wander, to err ess, est = to befa, fabl, fabul = to speak fac, front = face, foreheadfac, fect = to make , to do fall, fals = to deceivefam = to speak fare = to gofend , fest = to strike fer = to carry, to bear, to tolerate ferv = to boil fess = to speakfest = festival fict, fig = to feignfid = to trust figure = to shape , figure(n.), form(n.) fil = thread , to spin fin = to endfirm = firm fix = to fastenflam, flagr = flame, to burn flat = to blowflect, flex = to bend flict = to strikeflor = flower flu = to flowfoli = leaf form = to form, form ,shapefort = strong found , fund = basefract, frag = to break fug = to fleefuse, found = to pour gam = marriagegener, gen, gent = to produce, race(n.) ger, gest = to carrygrad, gress = to walk gram , graph = to write grand = grand grat = to pleasegrav = heavy gregat = to collecthab, hibit = to have hap= luckhelio = sun her = heirherb = grass here, hes = to stickhorr = to tremble hum , hom = manhum = ground hydr = waterhypno = sleep idio = personal, distinctinsul = island it = to goject , jac = to throw join, junct = to joinjourn = day jud = to judgejur = to swear just, juris = law, right , justicelabor = to work laps = to slip, to glidelate = to bring , to bear later = sidelav , lau = to wash lax , lyse = to loosenlect, leg = to choose , to gather, to read leg = to appoint , to send leg = law lev = to raise, light (adj.)liber = free libr, lib = booklic = to be permitted lig = to bindlingu = tongue, language liqu = fluidliter = letter loc = placelog , loqu, locut = to speak long = longlud = to play lumin = lightlust, luc = brightmagn, maj , max = great manu, man = hand mand, mend = to order , to entrust mari = seamark = to mark , boundary matr= mothermechan = machine med = to healmedi = middle melan = blackmemor = to remember ment = to think , mind(n.)mere = to trade , reward(n.) merge, mers = to sink, to dipmeter = to measure migr = to remove , to wandermilit = soldier, to fight min = to jut , to projectmin = small mir = to wonder, to beholdmiss, mit = to send, to throw mix = to mixmod = manner mon = to advise , to remindmonstr = to show mor = custommorph = form mort = deathmount = mountain, to ascend mov, mob, mot = to movemuni = service mur = wallmut = to change myst = mysterynat = born nau, nav = shipnecro = death, dead nect , nex = to bindneg = to deny neur , neuro , nerv = nerveneutr = neither nihil = nothingnoc , nox = to harm noct , nox = nightnomin, nom = name norm = rule, normnot = to mark nounce, nunci = to reportnov = new nul, null = nothingnumber, numer = number, to count nutri = to nourishocul = eye onym = nameoper = to work , work opt = to wishopt, opto = eye, sight ora = to speak ,to prayorder, ordin = order ori = to rise , to beginorn = to decorate, to furnish ortho = straight , rightoss, osteo = bone pact = to agree, to fastenpan = bread par = to preparepar = equal par = to appearpar = to bear , to give birth to part = a part , to partpass = to pass passi , pati, path = to suffer, feelingspart = father ped = footped = child pel , puls = to drivepen ,pun = to punish pend, pens = to hang , to weighperi = to go through pet = to fly , to seekpetr, petro = stone, rock phan ,fan = appearancephon = sound ; phe = to speak photo = light (n.)pict = to paint , picture plac , pleas = to pleaseplain , plaint = to beat the breast plant = to plant , plant (n.)plaud, plode = to strike, to clap plen, plete, ple , pli, ply = to fill, full ( adj. ) plore = to flow out ply, pli, ple = to foldpolis = city polit, poli = state, countrypon , pound = to put popul, publ = peopleport = to carry port = gatepos = to place , to put potent = powerfulprec = to pray preci = pricepreda = prey(n.), to plunder press = to pressprim, prin, prem = first pris, prehend = to seizepriv = private (adj.) to deprive proach , proxim = nearprob, prov = to test , to try, to examine proper , propri = proper, one’s own psych, psycho = soul pugn = to fightpunct = to prick pur = purepurg = to purify pute = to thinkquer = to complain qui, quiet = calm , rest(n.)quire, quisit , quest = to seek quit = to free , to releaserad, ras = to scrape radi = rootradi = ray rap, rav = to snatchrat , ratio = to reckon , reason (n.) rect = right , straightreg = to rule , king (n.) rept = to creeprid , ris = to laugh rod, ros = to gnawrog = to ask rot = wheel (n.) , to turnrud = raw rupt = to breakrur, rus = country sacr , sanct , secr = sacred sal = salt sal, sult = to leapsal , san = whole sangui = bloodsat = full scan , scend , scal = to climb sci = to know scribe , script = to writesect = to cut sed, sess, sid = to sitsemin = seed sen = oldsens ,sent = to feel sequ, secut, su = to follow sert = to join, to put serv = to serve, to keepsign = to mark simil, sembl = like(prep.), same sinu = curve ,sinus sist , stitut, sta, st = to stand soci = companion, to associate sol = alonesol = sun solv, solute = to loosensomn = sleep son =soundsoph = wise ,wisdom sort = kindspec, spect = to see, to look sper = hopespers = to scatter spher = ballspir = to breathe splend = to shinespond , spons = to promise stell = starstill = drop stinct, sting = to prickstring , strict , strain, stress = to draw tight stru, struct = to buildsuade = to advise sume,sumpt = to takesumm = sum, highest sur = sure , securesurge , surrect = to rise tac, tic = silenttail = to cut tang , tact = to touchtain , ten, tin = to hold , to keep techn(o) = art , skilltect = to cover temper = to moderatetempor = time tempt , tent = to trytend , tens , tent = to stretch tenu = thinterm = boundary terr = earthterr = to frighten test = witnesstext = to weave the(o) = godthes, thet = to place , to put tim = to fearton = tone tort = to twisttour, torn = to turn tox = poisontract , treat = to draw tribut = to pay , to bestowtrop = to turn trud , trus = to thrust , to push tum = to swell turb = to disturbultim = last umbr = shadowurb = city us , uti = to usevac, van , void = empty vade = to govaga = to wander val , vail = strong , worthvar(i) = diverse , to change velop = to wrapven , vent = to come ven = veinvenge = to avenge vent = windver = true verb = wordverg = to incline vers, vert = to turn vest = to clothe , garmentvi , voy = way vict , vinc = to conquervid , vis = to see vig , veg = livelyviv = to live voc , voke = to call , voicevol = will volve, volut = to rollvor = to eat vulse = to pluck , pull out ,pull off。

完整版英语词根词缀全表一、常见的词根1. a- (无,非)例如:atheist (无神论者)2. ab- (远离)例如:absent (缺席的)3. ac- (向,加强)例如:accord (一致)4. ad- (向,加强)例如:advance (推进)5. aer- (空气)例如:aerodynamics (空气动力学)6. ag- (行动,做)例如:activate (激活)7. alb- (白色)例如:albino (白化病患者)8. ambi- (双,两)例如:ambidextrous (左右都能用手)9. ana- (向上,分离)例如:analysis (分析)10. ante- (前面)例如:antebellum (内战前期的)11. anti- (反对)例如:antibody (抗体)12. apo- (离开,远离)例如:apology (道歉)13. aqua- (水)例如:aquarium (水族馆) 14. arch- (首席,最重要的) 例如:architect (建筑师) 15. audi- (听)例如:audience (观众)16. auto- (自动)例如:automatic (自动的) 17. belli- (战争)例如:bellicose (好战的) 18. bene- (好的)例如:benefit (好处)19. bi- (双)例如:bilateral (双边的) 20. bio- (生命)例如:biology (生物学) 21. brev- (短)例如:brevity (简短)22. cad- (落下)例如:cascade (瀑布)23. cap- (拿,抓)例如:capture (捕获)24. carn- (肉)例如:carnivore (食肉动物) 25. caus- (原因)例如:cause (原因)26. ced- (走,离开)例如:cede (放弃)27. cent- (百)例如:century (世纪)28. cep- (拿,抓)例如:reception (接待)29. cert- (确定)例如:certain (确定的)30. chron- (时间)例如:chronological (按时间顺序的) 31. circ- (圆,周围)例如:circle (圆)32. cis- (割,切)例如:incision (切口)33. civi- (城市)例如:civilization (文明)34. clam- (喊,叫)例如:proclamation (公告)35. cogn- (认识)例如:cognitive (认知的)36. col- (共同)例如:collaborate (合作)37. com- (一起)例如:combine (合并)38. contra- (反对)例如:contradict (反驳)39. corp- (身体)例如:corpse (尸体)40. cosm- (宇宙)例如:cosmic (宇宙的)41. counter- (反对)例如:counteract (抵消) 42. cred- (相信)例如:credibility (可信度) 43. crypt- (隐藏)例如:cryptic (神秘的) 44. cub- (立方体)例如:cubic (立方的)45. cumb- (躺)例如:recumbent (躺着的) 46. cycl- (圆圈)例如:cyclic (循环的)47. de- (向下)例如:decrease (减少)48. dec- (十)例如:decimal (十进制的) 49. dem- (人民)例如:democracy (民主) 50. dendr- (树状物)例如:dendrite (树突)51. dent- (牙齿)例如:dentist (牙医)52. derm- (皮肤)例如:dermatitis (皮炎)53. di- (两个)例如:diagonal (对角线)54. dia- (穿过)例如:diagonal (对角线)55. dict- (说)例如:predict (预测)56. dis- (分开)例如:disconnect (断开连接) 57. doc- (教)例如:document (文件)58. domin- (主人)例如:dominate (控制)59. don- (赠送)例如:donate (捐赠)60. dors- (背部)例如:dorsal (背部的)61. duc- (引导)例如:induce (诱导)62. dur- (坚固)例如:durable (耐用的)63. dyna- (能量)例如:dynamic (动态的)64. dys- (困难)例如:dysfunction (功能障碍) 65. e- (电子的)例如:electron (电子)66. eco- (环境)例如:ecology (生态学)67. ego- (自我)例如:egotistical (自大的) 68. em- (进入)例如:embed (嵌入)69. en- (使)例如:enable (使能够)70. end- (内部)例如:endocytosis (内吞作用) 71. equ- (相等)例如:equal (相等的)72. erg- (工作)例如:energy (能量)73. esth- (感觉)例如:aesthetic (美学的) 74. eu- (好的)例如:euphoria (欣快感)75. ex- (出,外)例如:exit (出口)76. extra- (超过)例如:extraordinary (非凡的) 77. fac- (使)例如:facilitate (促进)78. fall- (欺骗)例如:fallacy (谬论)79. fals- (错误)例如:false (虚假的)80. feder- (联邦)例如:federation (联邦制度) 81. fid- (信任)例如:confide (信任)82. fil- (线)例如:filament (灯丝)83. fin- (结束)例如:finish (完成)84. flex- (弯曲)例如:flexible (柔韧的) 85. flu- (流)例如:fluid (流体)86. foli- (叶)例如:foliage (叶子)87. forma- (形状)例如:formation (形成)88. fort- (强壮)例如:fortitude (坚忍)89. fract- (破碎)例如:fracture (骨折)90. frig- (冷)例如:refrigerator (冰箱) 91. fum- (烟)例如:fume (冒烟)92. fus- (融化)例如:fusion (熔合)93. gam- (婚姻)例如:gamete (配偶子)94. gastr- (胃)例如:gastric (胃的)95. gen- (种类)例如:generation (一代)96. geo- (地球)例如:geology (地质学)97. germ- (生命)例如:germination (发芽)98. giga- (十亿)例如:gigabyte (千兆字节)99. gloss- (光亮)例如:glossy (有光泽的)100. gluc- (糖)例如:glucose (葡萄糖)二、常见的词缀1. -able, -ible (能够,可被)例如:provable (可证明的), responsible (负责的) 2. -al (有关,属于)例如:federal (联邦的), cultural (文化的)3. -ance, -ence (动作或状态)例如:guidance (指导), persistence (坚持)4. -ant, -ent (有…的,做…的)例如:important (重要的), independent (独立的) 5. -ar, -er (具有…特征的)例如:familiar (熟悉的), harder (较难的)6. -ate (使…,成为…)例如:graduate (毕业), elaborate (详细阐述) 7. -ation (动作或状态)例如:education (教育), application (应用)8. -ed (过去式)例如:started (开始了), walked (走了)9. -en (使成为…)例如:fasten (系好), strengthen (增强)10. -er (比较级)例如:bigger (更大的), better (更好的)11. -est (最高级)例如:biggest (最大的), best (最好的)12. -ful (充满…的)例如:grateful (感激的), powerful (强大的) 13. -ic (有关… 的)例如:romantic (浪漫的), historic (历史性的) 14. -ify, -fy (使…,成为…)例如:intensify (加强), clarify (澄清)15. -ile (某种状态或特征)例如:versatile (多才多艺的), fragile (易碎的) 16. -ism (相信或追求…)例如:racism (种族主义), feminism (女权主义) 17. -ist (从事某种活动或专业的人)例如:dentist (牙医), scientist (科学家)18. -ite (居住在…)例如:Israelite (以色列人), meteorite (陨石) 19. -ity, -ty (表示状态或性质)例如:creativity (创造力), honesty (诚实)20. -ize (使成为…)例如:normalize (规范化), personalize (个性化)21. -less (没有…的)例如:thoughtless (没有思考的), useless (没用的)22. -logy (研究或学科)例如:biology (生物学), psychology (心理学)23. -ly (表示方式或状态)例如:quickly (迅速地), slowly (慢慢地)24. -ment (状态或过程)例如:improvement (改进), development (发展)25. -ness (具有…的状态)例如:happiness (幸福), illness (疾病)26. -ology (学科或研究)例如:biology (生物学), anthropology (人类学)27. -ous (含有…的)例如:famous (有名的), dangerous (危险的)28. -phobia (对…的恐惧)例如:arachnophobia (蜘蛛恐惧症), agoraphobia (广场恐惧症)29. -sis (状态或过程)例如:analysis (分析), diagnosis (诊断)30. -tic (有关…的)例如:neurotic (神经质的), athletic (运动员)31. -tion, -sion (动作或状态)例如:creation (创作), decision (决定)32. -y (状态或性质)例如:sleepy (困倦的), greedy (贪婪的)以上就是英语常见的词根和词缀,掌握它们有助于我们更好地理解和运用英语。

英语词根词缀大全一、常见的英语单词词根ache=ache 痛headache 头痛ag=do, act 做,动agent 代理人agri, agro=agriculture 田地,农田 agriculture 农业,农艺ann, enn=year 年 annual 每年的,年度的astro, aster=star 星 astronomy 天文学audi, audit=hear 听 audible 听得见的bell=war 战争 rebellion 反叛,反抗bio, bi=life 生命,生物 biology 生物学brev=short 短 abbreviate 缩短,节略ced, ceed=go 行走 precedent 先行的,在前cept=take 拿,取 exception 例外,除外circ=ring 环,圆 circle 圆,圈,环状物cid, cis=cut, kill 切,杀 suicide 自杀claim, clam=cry, shout 喊叫 exclaim 呼喊,惊叫clar=clear 清楚的,明白的 clarify 澄清;使清楚clud, clus=close, shut 关闭 exclude 排斥,拒绝,接纳cogn=know 知道 cognition 认知cord=heart 心 cordial 衷心的,诚心的corpor, cor=body 体 corporation 团体,社团cred=believe, trust 相信,信任 credibility 可信,可靠,cruc=cross 十字 crucify把……钉在十字桇上;折磨cur=care 关心,挂念,注意 security 安全cru, crus, cour, cours=run 跑 cruise巡航舰di=day 日 diary 日记dit=give 给 edit 编辑dict,dic=say 言,说 dictator 独裁者,口授者duc, duct=lead 引导 conduct 引导,指导,经营ed=eat 吃 edible 可以吃的,食用的ev=age 年龄,时代 longevity 长寿,长命fact, fac=do, make 做,作 factory 工厂fer=bring, carry 带,拿 different 不同的,相异的flor, olour=flower 花 florid 如花的,华丽的flu=flow 流 fluency 流利,流畅fus=pour 灌,流,倾泻 refuse 拒绝,拒受geo=earth 地 geography 地理学gon=angle角 trigon 三角形grad=step, go, grade 步,走,级 gradual 逐步的gram=write 写 telegram 电报graph=write, writing 写,画 photograph 照相,拍照gress=go, walk 行走 progress 进步hap=chance,luck,accident 机会,偶发 happen 发生,巧遇hibit=hold 拿,持 exhibit 展出,展览hospit, hosp=guest 客人 hospitable 好客的idio=particular, own, private, proper 特殊的,个人的,专有的 idiom 惯用语,方言insul=island 岛 insular 岛的,偏狭的it=go 行走 exit 出口,退出ject=throw 投掷 projection 投掷,发射lect, leg, lig=choose, gather 选,收 elect 选举lev=raise 举、升 elevate 抬起,使升高liber=liberty 自由 liberation 解放lingu=language 语言 linguist 语言专家liter=letter 文字,字母 literate 识字的,有文化的loc=place 地方 local 当地的log=speak 言,说 dialogue 对话loqu=speak 言说 eloquent 有口才的,雄辩的lun=moon 月亮 lunar 月亮的,似月的manu, man=hand 手 manuscript 手稿mar=sea 海 marine 海上的,航海的medi=middle 中间 mediate 居中调解,调停memor=memory,mindful 记忆,记住的 memory 记忆,记忆力milit=soldier 兵 military 军事的,军队的mini=small,less 小 minimum 最小数mir=wonder 惊奇,惊异 admire 赞赏,钦佩mort=death 死 mortal 终有一死的mot=move 移动 motion 运动,动nomin=name 名 nominal 名义上的,有名无实的nov=new 新 novel 新的,新奇的numer=number 数 numeral 数字,[语]数词oper=work 工作 operation 手术,工作,操作ori=rise 升起 orient 东方,东方的paci=peace 和平 pacify 使和平,抚慰past=feed 喂,食 pasture 放牧、牧场,吃草pel=push, drive 推,逐,驱 propel 推动pend, pens=hang 悬挂 pendent 悬空的,悬而未决的pet=seek 追求 compete 竞争,比赛phon=sound 声音 phone 电话plen=full 满,全 plenty 大量,丰富pone=put 放置 postpone 推后,推迟popul=people 人民 population 人口,全体居民port=carry 拿,带,运 import 输入,进口pos=put 放置 expose 揭露,揭发preci=price 价值 precious 宝贵的,珍贵的pur=pure 清,纯 purify 使纯净rect=right, straight 正,直 correct 改正,纠正rupt=break 破 rupture 破裂,使裂开sal=salt 盐 salary 薪水sci=know 知 science 科学sec, sequ=follow 跟随 sequence 继续,连续sect=cut 切割 section 切开,一部分sent, sens=feel 感觉 sentiment 感情,思想感情son=sound 声音 sonic 声音的,音速的spect=look 看 spectate 出席,观看spir=breathe 呼吸 inspire 鼓舞,吸入tail=cut 切,割 tailor 裁缝,成衣商tain, ten=hold 握,持,守 contain 容纳,包含,内装tect=cover 掩盖 detect 侦查,发觉tempor=time 时 temporary 暂时的,临时的tend, tens=draw 拉 tension 拉紧,引力tent, tract=draw 拉,抽,引 tractor 拖拉机urb=city 城市 suburb 郊区,近郊ut=use 用 utility 效用, 有用vac, vacu=empty 空 vacancy 空白,空虚vad, vas=walk, go 行走 invasion 入侵,侵略vari=change 变化 variable 可变的,反复的ven=come 来 convene 召集(会议),集会vert, vers=turn 转 subvert 推翻,颠覆vi, via=way 路 via 取道,经由vis, vid=see 看 visible 可见的,看得见的vit=life 生命 vital 充满活力的viv=live 活 vivid 活泼的,有生气的二、常见的英语单词前缀cor- =① together, correlation 相互关系, corradiate 使(光线)共聚于一点, correspond 符合,相应②加强或引伸意义, correct 改正,纠正, corrupt 腐败,败坏, corrugate 使起皱纹counter- = opposite, counterrevolutionary 反动的, countermeasure 对策,应策, countercurrent 逆流, countermarch 反方向行进, counterattack 反攻,反击, countercharge 反控,反告de- =① down from, deplane 下飞机, dethrone 使离王位, derail 使(火车)脱轨②向下、降低、减少, depress 压低,压下, depopulation 人口减少, devalue 贬值③使成...,作成...,或仅作加强意义, delimit 划定界限, denude 使裸露, depicture 描绘,描述④not, denationalize 非国有化, demilitarize 使非军事化, demobilize 复员⑤除去、取消、毁, desalt 除去盐份, deforest 砍伐森林, decontrol 取消管制dec(a)- = ten, decade 十年, decimal 十进位制的, decathlon 十项全能deci- =十分之一, decigram 十分之一克, decimeter 十分之一米, decilitre 十分之一升demi- = 半, demigod 半神半人, demi-fixed 半固定的, demiwolf 半似狼之犬di- = 二、双, diatomic 二原子的, disyllable 双音节词, dichromatic 两色的dia- = through;between;across , diameter 直径, dialogue 对话, diagnosis 诊断dif- = 1)apart. 2)not;opposite , diffluence 分流, diffident 不自信的, dismember 解体, diffuse 散开,散布dis- = ①不、无、相反, dislike 不喜欢, disagree 不同意, discontinue 中断, disorder 混乱, disbelieve 不信, disproof 反证, dishonest 不诚实的, dispraise 贬损,非难, disappear 消失, disremember 忘记, discomfort 不舒服, disability 无能,无力②加在含有分开、否定等意义的单词前,作加强意义, dispart 分离,裂开, dissever 分裂,切断, dissemination 散布,传播③分开、离、散, dissect 切开, dissolve 分离,溶解, distract 分心,转移, dispense 分配, dispel 驱散, dissipate 驱散,浪费④有时作di-,, dispirit 使气馁,使沮丧, divorce 离婚, digress 离正题,入歧路dys- = 不良、恶、困难, dysfunction (医)机能失调,功能紊乱, dysphonia 发音困难, dyspepsia 消化不良, dyspathy 反感, dysgenesis 生殖障碍, dysopsy 弱视e- =① 加强或引伸意义, evaluate 评价, elongate 使延长,拉长, estop 阻止,禁止, estrange 使疏远, evanish 消失, elaborate 精心制作,详细描述②出、外, eject 投出,掷出, emigrate 移居国外, elect 选出, emerge 浮出,出现, erupt 喷出, evade 逃出ef- =出、离去, effluence 流出, effable 能被说出的, effoliation 落叶em- =①表示置于...之内、上..., embay 使(船)入湾, embus 上车,装入车中, embosom 藏于胸中,怀抱, emplane 乘飞机, embed 安置, embog 使陷于泥沼中②表示用...做某事、饰以...、配以..., embalm 涂以香料(防腐剂), embank 筑堤防护, embar 上门闩,囚禁③表示使成某种状态、致使...、使之如...、作成..., embow 使成弓形, empower 使有权力,授权, empurple 使发紫, embody 体现,使具体化, embitter 使受苦, embrown 使成褐色eco- = ecological, ecosphere 生态圈, ecosystem 生态系统, ecocide 生态灭绝en- =①表示置于..之中、登上...、使上..., entrain 乘火车, encage 关入笼中, encase 装入, enplane 乘飞机, encave 藏于洞中, enroll 登记,记入名册中, enthrone 使登基, enshrine 藏于神龛中, enfold 包进、拥抱②make or cause to be,使成某种状态、致使...、使之如...、作成..., enable 使能够, endanger 使受危险, enlighten 启发,启蒙, enlarge 扩大,放大, enrich 使富足, enslave 使成奴隶,奴役③用...来做某事、饰以...、配以..., enchain 用链锁住, enlace 用带缚, entrap 诱陷④加在动词之前,表示in,或只作加强意义, enclose 围入,关进, entrust信任,委托, enforce 强制执行, enkindle 点火, enwrap 包入,卷入, enhearten 鼓舞,振奋endo- =内, endoparasite 体内寄生虫, endogamy (同族)内部通婚, endogen 内生植物eu- =good;well;easy, eugenica 优生学, eulogize 赞美, euphemism 委婉语, euphonic 声音优美的, eupepsia 消化良好, euthenics 优境学ex- =①out;out of, exclusive 不包括...的, expose 揭露, emit 发射出, export 出口,输出, exclude 排外,排斥, excavate 挖出,挖掘, exit 出口, extract 抽出,拔出, exhume 掘出②前任的、以前的, ex-president 前任总统, ex-Nazis 前纳粹分子, ex-mayor 前任市长, ex-chancellor 前任大学校长, ex-premier 前任总理, ex-wife 前妻③表示使、做,或作加强意义, expurgate 使清洁, exalt 使升高,增高, excruciate 施刑,使苦dis- == 取消、除去、毁, disorganize 瓦解, disroot 根除, discourage 使失去勇气, disrobe 脱衣, disarm 解除武装,裁军, dishearten 使失去信心, disburden 解除负担, discolor 使褪色,表示否定意义的前缀常用的有dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, mis-, non-, un-等,在单词的前面加这类前缀常构成与该词意义相反的新词。

英语中最常用的词根词缀1、词根1) aer, ar, 含义是“空气,大气” aeroplane, aerial,2) ag, act, ig, 含义是“做,动作” active, agent, reaction,3) alt, 含义是“高”,altitude4) alter, altern, altr, 含义是“其它,变更” alternate,6) brev, bri, brief, 含义是“短” brief, abbreviation, abridge(节略)7) cap, capt, cept, cip, 含义是“取,获” capture, except, concept, capacity8) ced, ceed, cess, 含义是“行,让步” proceed, succeed, excess(过度)9) centr, centr, 含义是“中心” concentrate, eccentric(偏心的)10) claim, 含义是“呼喊” claim, proclaim, exclaim11) clos, clud, 含义是“闭合” conclude, enclose, in clude12) col, cult, 含义是“耕耘” colony, cultivate, agriculture13) cor, cord, 含义是“心” cordial, record, accord14) curr, cur, cour, 含义是“跑,动作” current, occur, concurrence(同时发生)15) dic, dict, 含义是“说,示” dictate, edit, indicate, predict16) doc, doct, 含义是“教” doctor, document.17) duc, duct含义是“引导,传导” introduce, produce, conduct, deduct( 推论)18) fact, fac, fect, dic, dit, 含义是“做,创造” factory, effect, profit, faculty, perfect19) fend, fens, 含义是“打,击” defence, offence20) fer, 含义是“搬运,移转” ferry, transfer, defer(迟延)21) fin, finit, 含义是“终,极” final, finish, confine22) firm, 含义是“坚固” firm, confirm, affirm(断定)23) fix, 含义是“固定” prefix, affix(附加)24) flect, flex, 含义是“弯曲” flexible, reflex25) flor, flour, flower, 含义是“花” flower, flourish26) form, 含义是“形” uniform, formula, transform, reform, deform27) forc, fort, 含义是“力,强度” force, enforce, effort28) gen, genit, 含义是“生产,发生” generate, generation29) gram, graph, 含义是“书写,记录” telegram, diagram, photograph30) grad, gress, gred, gree, 含义是“步,阶段” gradually, degree, progress31) hab, habit, hibit, 含义是“保持,住” inhabit, exhibit, prohibit32) her, hes, 含义是“粘附” adhere, cohesion33) ject, jet, 含义是“抛射” project, inject34) jour, 含义是“日,一天” journal(日记), journey, adjourn(延期)35) jug, junct, 含义是“结合,连合” conjunction, junction(连合)36) labour, labor, 含义是“劳动,工作” labourer, elaborate, collaborate37) lect, leg, lig, 含义是“挑选,采集” collect, select, lecture38) lif, liv, 含义是“生活,生存” life, alive, live39) loc, 含义是“场所,位置” location, dislocate(脱位)40) long, leng, ling, 含义是“长的” length, prolong, linger41) loqu, locut, 含义是“说话” colloquial, eloquent,42) mand, mend, 含义是“命令” command, demand, recommend43) man, manu, 含义是“手,手法” manage, manual44) memor, menber, 含义是“记忆” memory, remember, memorial45) mind, ment, 含义是“心” mind, remind, mental46) merc, merch, 含义是“贸易” commerce, merchant47) meas, mens, meter, metr, 含义是“测量,度量” measure, meter, diameter48) min, 含义是“小” diminish, minority49) miss, mit, 含义是“派遣,送” mission, dismiss, transmit, missile50) mob, mot, mov, 含义是“动” movement, motion, mobile, remove51) nect, nex, 含义是“捆扎” connect, disco nnect, annex(合并)52) not, 含义是“记号,注意” note, denote, annotation(注释)53) onom, onym, 含义是“名字” synonym, antonym, anonymous54) pair, par, 含义是“a)相同,对等b)准备” compare, prepare55) pel, puls, 含义是“追逐” expel, impel(推进)56) pend, pens, pond, 含义是“悬挂” depend, independent, expense(支付)57) phon, 含义是“声音” symphony, telephone, microphone58) plac, 含义是“位置,场所” place, replace59) peopl, popul, publ, 含义是“人民,民众” public, republic, popular, people60) port, 含义是“搬运” export, import, deport(输送)61) press, 含义是“压,压制” pressure, express, op press, impression62) prob, proof, prov, 含义是“实验,验证” prove, approve,63) quer, quest, quir, quis, 含义是“寻找,探问” inquiry, question, inquisition(调查,追究)64) rang, rank, 含义是“排列” arrange, rank65) rect, right, rig, 含义是“正,直” correct, direct, erect66) riv, 含义是“河流,流远”,river, arrive, derive67) rupt, 含义是“破坏,毁坏” eruption, bankrupt, corruption68) sci, 含义是“认识,知识” science, conscious69) scrib, script, 含义是“书写,记录” describe, script70) sens, sent, 含义是“感觉,情感” sensation, sentiment71) sign, 含义是“标记,符号” signal, signature, design72) sembl, simil, 含义是“相似,类似” similar, resemble, assimilate(同化)73) soci, 含义是“结合,社交” social, association74) spec, spect, spitc, spis, 含义是“看,视” inspect, spectator, conspicuous, respect75) struct, 含义是“建筑,构造” structure, construct, instruct, destruction76) tect, teg, 含义是“遮蔽,掩盖” detect, protect77) temp, tens, 含义是“时间,时机” tense, contemporary, temporal78) tend, tes, tent, 含义是“倾向, 伸张” tendency, intension, extend, intend79) test, 含义是“证明,证实” testify, protest, contest(争论)80) text, 含义是“编织,构成” textile, texture, c ontext81) tract, trail, 含义是“拖拉,吸引” attract, tractor, abstract, contract(收缩)82) tribut, 含义是“给予” contribution, distribute83) us, ut, 含义是“用,使用” usable, utilize, abuse84) vac, van, 含义是“空,虚” vacancy, vanity, evacuate(清空)85) vad, vas, wad, 含义是“走,去” invade, wade, evade(逃避)86) vers, vert, 含义是“旋转,反转” convert, inversion(倒转),reverse, divert(使转向)87) vid, vis, vey, view, 含义是“观看,看见” television, visible, evident, interview, survey88) viv, vit, 含义是“生,活” vivid, vital, survival89) war, ward, 含义是“注意,保护” aware, wary(谨慎),ward(守护)90) way, 含义是“路” way, away, subway, always二、词缀(一)前缀1.表示否定意义的前缀1)纯否定前缀a-, an-, asymmetry(不对称)anhydrous(无水的)dis- dishonest, dislikein-, ig-, il-, im-, ir-, incapable, inability, ignoble, impossible, immoral, illegal, irregular ne-, n-, none, neither, nevernon-, nonsenseneg-, neglectun- unable, unemployment2)表示"错误"的意义male-, mal-, malfunction, maladjustment(失调)mis-, mistake, misleadpseudo-, pseudonym(假名), pseudoscience(伪科学)3)表示"反动作"的意思de-, defend, demodulation(解调)dis-, disarm, disconnectun-, unload, uncover4)表示"相反,相互对立"意思anti-, ant- antiknock(防震), antiforeign(排外的)contra-, contre-, contro-, contradiction, controflow(逆流)ounter-, counterreaction, counterbalanceob-, oc-, of-, op-, object, oppose, occupywith-, withdraw, withstand2.表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀1)a-表示“在……之上”,“向……” aboard, aside2)by-表示“附近,邻近,边侧” bypath, bypass(弯路)3)circum-, circu-,表示“周围,环绕,回转” circumstance, circuit4)de-,表示“在下,向下” descend, degrade5)en-,表示“在内,进入” encage, enbed(上床)6)ex-, ec-, es-,表示“外部,外” exit, eclipse, expand, export7)extra-,表示“额外” extraction (提取)8)fore-表示“在前面” forehead, foreground9)in-, il-, im-, ir-,表示“向内,在内,背于” inland, invade, inside, import10)inter-, intel-,表示“在……间,相互” international, interaction, internet11)intro-,表示“向内,在内,内侧” introduce, introduce12)medi-, med-, mid-,表示“中,中间” Mediterranean, midposition13)out-,表示“在上面,在外部,在外” outline, outside, outward14)over-,表示“在上面,在外部,向上” overlook, overhead, overboard15)post-,表示"向后,在后边,次” postscript(附言)16)pre-,表示"在前”在前面” prefix, preface, preposition17)pro-,表示“在前,向前” progress, proceed18)sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-,表示“在下面,下” subway, submarine, suffix, suppress, supplement19)super-, sur-,表示“在…..之上” superficial, surface, superstructure20)trans-,表示“移上,转上,在那一边” translate, transform, transoceanic21)under-,表示“在…..下面,下的” underline, underground, underwater22)up-,表示“向上,向上面,在上” upward, uphold, uphill(上坡)3.表示时间,序列关系的前缀1)ante-, anti-,表示“先前,早于,预先” antecedent, anticipate2)ex-,表示“先,故,旧” expresident, exhusband3)fore-,表示“在前面,先前,前面” foreward, dorecast, forete ll(预言)4)mid-, medi-,表示“中,中间” midnight, midsummer5)post-"表示“在后,后” postwar6)pre-, pri-,表示“在前,事先,预先” preheat, prewar, prehistory7)pro-,表示“在前,先,前” prologue(序幕),prophet(预言家)8)re-,表示“再一次,重新” retell, rewrite4.表示比较程度差别关系的前缀1)by-,表示“副,次要的” byproduct, bywork(副业)2)extra-,表示“超越,额外” extraordinary3)hyper-表示“超过,极度” hypersonic(超声波), hypertesion(高血压)4)out-,表示“超过,过分” outdo(超过), outbid(出价过高的人)5)over-,表示“超过,过度,太” overeat, overdress, oversleep6)sub-, suc-, sur-,表示“低,次,副,亚” subeditor, subordinate, subtropical(亚热带)7)super-, sur-表示“超过” supernature, superpower, surplus, surpass8)under-,表示“低劣,低下” undersize, undergrown, underproduction(生产不足)9)vice-表示“副,次” vicepresident, vicechairman5.表示"共同,相等"意思的前缀1)com-, cop-, con-, cor-, co-表示“共同,一起”。

以下是常见的252个英语词根:1. a-,无,非。
2. ab-,离开。
3. ac-,向,加入。
4. ad-,向,加入。
5. aer-,空气。
6. agri-,农业。
7. ambi-,两个,双重。
8. amphi-,两个,双重。
9. ana-,分离,向上。
10. andro-,男性。
11. angio-,血管。
12. ante-,前。
13. anti-,反对,对抗。
14. aqua-,水。
15. arch-,首要,最重要的。
16. astro-,星星。
17. audi-,听。
18. auto-,自动,自我。
19. bene-,好,善良。
20. bi-,两个。
21. bio-,生命。
22. blast-,发芽,生长。
23. cardi-,心脏。
24. cent-,百。
25. chrom-,颜色。
26. chron-,时间。
27. circ-,环形,循环。
28. co-,共同。
29. com-,共同。
30. con-,共同。
31. contra-,相反。
32. corp-,身体。
33. cosm-,宇宙。
34. counter-,反对,相反。
35. cranio-,头骨。
36. crypto-,隐藏的。
37. cycl-,圆,循环。
38. de-,去掉,除去。
39. dec-,十。
40. dem-,人民。
41. derm-,皮肤。
42. di-,两个。
43. dia-,穿过,通过。
44. dis-,分开。
45. dom-,领域,状态。
46. e-,电子。
47. eco-,环境。
48. electro-,电。
49. endo-,内部。
50. epi-,在…之上。
51. equi-,相等。
52. ex-,出,外。
53. extra-,额外的,超出。
54. fer-,带来,携带。
55. fin-,结束,完成。

常见词根词缀大总结第一部分词根1.ag 做,动agency ['eidʒənsi] n.中介;代理,代理机构(agent 中 t 变为 cy)agenda [ə'dʒendə] n.议事日程agent ['eidʒənt] n.代理人(ag+ent 名词性后缀)agential [ei'dʒenʃəl ] a.代理人的(agent+ial 形容词后缀)agitate ['ædʒiteit] v.鼓动;煽动;搅动;使不安定(ag+it+ate 动词后缀)agitated ['ædʒiteitid] a.不安的;激动的(agitate+d)agitation [,ædʒi'teiʃn] n.鼓动;煽动(agitate 的名词)agitator ['ædʒiteitə] n.鼓动者;煽动者(agitate 的名词)2.ann 年anniversary [,æni'və:səri] n.周年纪念日;周年纪念(ann+i+vers 转+ary)annual ['ænjuəl] a.每年的;年度的(ann+ual)perennial [pə'reniəl] a.全年的;四季不断的(enn 由 ann 改写而来,per 从头至尾的+enn+ial)semiannual [,semi'ænjuəl] a.半年一次的(semi 一半+annual)3.audi 听audience ['ɔ:diəns] n.听众;观众(audi+ence 名词性后缀)audio ['ɔ:diəu] a.声音的;录音的audit ['ɔ:dit] v.旁听;审计(audi+t……的动作→在旁边听)audition [ɔ:'diʃn] n.听觉;听(audi+tion 名词性后缀)auditor ['ɔ:ditə] n.旁听生;审计员(audit+or……的人)auditorium [,ɔ:di'tɔ:riəm] n. 听众席;观众席;礼堂(audi+to+rium……的地方)auditory ['ɔ:dətri] a.听觉的(audit+ory)4.ced 行走antecede [,ænti'si:d] v.居……之先(ante+cede)antecedent [,ænti'si:dnt] a.先行的;先前的(ante 时间上靠前的+ced+ent)antecessor [,ænti'sesə] n.先行者;先驱者(ante+cess[=ced]+or 名词后缀)exceed [ik'si:d] v.超过;越过;胜过(ex 超过,强调,超过+ceed,ceed 为 ced 的改写)precede [pri'si:d] v.先于;走在……前面(cede 为 ced 的变形,pre 在……之前+cede)precedent ['presidənt] n.先例;范例;惯例(pre 在……之前+ced+ent 名词性后缀)precedented ['presidentid] a.有先例的,有前例的(precedent+ed 形容词后缀)preceding [pri'si:diŋ] a.在前的;在先的(preced+ing)procedure [prə'si:dʒə] n.程序;环节;手续(pro +ced 走+ure 名词性后缀)proceed [prə'si:d] v.行进;前往;继续做(pro 向前,在前+ceed→向前走)recede [ri'si:d] v.逐渐远离;逐渐减弱(re+cede 动词后缀)5.cept 拿,取accept [ək'sept] v.接受,领受;认可(ac 表强调+cept)acceptable [ək'septəbl] a.可接受的;认可的(accept+able 形容词后缀)acceptance [ək'septəns] n.接受,领受;认可(accept+ance 名词后缀)conception [kən'sepʃn] n.观念;构想(con 共同+ception→共同拿,共同取)except [ik'sept] prep.除……之外(ex 不+cept→不取)exception [ik'sepʃn] n.例外;不涉及在内的人(或物)(except+ion 名词后缀)exceptional [ik'sepʃənl] a.例外的;异常的;卓越的(exception+al 形容词后缀)intercept [,intə'sept] v.截取;拦截(inter 中间+cept→从中间拿)6.cid,cis 切,杀accident ['æksidənt] n.意外;事故(忽然不小心切了一下,ac 表强调+cid+ent)concise [kən'sais] a.简明的,简洁的,简要的(con 共同+cise→越切越细)decide [di'said] v.决定,下决心;判决(de 从中间+cide→从中间切)decision [di'siʒən] n.决定;决心;决策(decis+ion 名词后缀)decisive [di'saisiv] a.决定性的(decis+ive)homicide ['hɔmisaid] n.杀人;杀人者(homi 向别人+cide→切别人)insecticide [in'sektisaid] n.杀虫剂(insect 昆虫+icide→能杀昆虫)precise [pri'sais] a.明确的;准确的,精确的(pre 在……前面+cise→在前面切)precision [pri'siʒən] n.精确,准确;细致(pre 在……之前+cis+ion 名词后缀)suicide ['sju:isaid] n.自杀;自杀者(sui 自己+cide→自己切自己)7.circ 环,圆circle ['sə:kl] n.圆圈;环状物(circ+le 小物体)circuit ['sə:kit] n.环行;电路;回路(circu+it)circuity [sə'kju:iti] n.(说话等的)转弯抹角,绕圈子(circui+ty 名词后缀)circular ['sə:kjulə] a.圆形的,环形的(circul+ar 形容词后缀)circulate ['sə:kjuleit] v.循环;环流;流通(circul+ate 动词后缀)circulation [,sə:kju'leiʃn] n.循环;环流;流通(circulat+ion 名词后缀)circulative ['sə:kjuleitiv] a.循环性的;流通性的(circulat+ive 形容词后缀)encircle [in'sə:kl] v.包围;围绕(en 使动用法+circle)semicircle ['semi,sə:kl] n.半圆(semi 一半+circle)8.claim,clam 喊叫acclaim [ə'kleim] v.欢呼;喝采(ac+claim)acclamation [,æklə'meiʃn] n.欢呼;喝采(ac+clamation)acclamatory [ə'klæmətəri] a.欢呼的;喝采的(acclamat+ory)claim [kleim] v.声称;主张;索取exclaim [ik'skleim] v.呼喊;惊叫(ex 表强调+claim)exclamation [,eksklə'meiʃn] n.呼喊;惊叫;感慨(exclamat+ion 名词后缀)proclaim [prə'kleim] v.宣告;声明(pro 向前+claim)reclaim [ri'kleim] v.取回;规定归还;开垦(re+claim)9.clud 关闭conclude [kən'klu:d] v.结束,终止;断定(con 共同+clude→共同关闭)conclusion [kən'klu:ʒn] n.结局;结论(conclus+ion 名词后缀)conclusive [kən'klu:siv] a.结论性的;确凿的(conclus+ive 形容词后缀)exclude [ik'sklu:d] v.不涉及;排斥;拒绝接纳(ex 出,外+clude)exclusive [ik'sklu:siv] a.排外的,排他的;专有的(exclus+ive)include[in'klu:d] v.包含,涉及(in 向内+clude→向内关闭)inclusion [in'klu:ʒn] n.包含,涉及(inclus+ion 名词后缀)inclusive [in'klu:siv] a.涉及在内的,涉及的(inclus+ive 形容词后缀)10.cogn 知道cognition [kɔɡ'niʃn] n.结识;认知(cogni+tion 名词后缀)cognitive ['kɔɡnitiv] a.结识的;认知的(cogni+tive 形容词后缀)precognition [,pri:kɔɡ'niʃn] n.预知,先知(pre 在……之前+cognition)recognition [,rekəg'niʃn] n.认出;结识;认可(recognit+ion 名词后缀)recognize ['rekəɡnaiz] v.结识;认出;认可(re 表达反复+cognize→再次结识)11.cred 相信,信任accredit [ə'kredit] v.相信;委任;把……归因于(ac 表强调+credit)credibility [,kredə'biləti] n.可信;可靠(cred+ibility 名词后缀)credible ['kredəbl] a.可信的;可靠的(cred+ible 可以……的)credit ['kredit] v.信任;相信creditable ['kreditəbl] a.可信的;值得赞扬的(credit+able)discredit [dis'kredit] v.使不相信;丧失信誉(dis 使丧失+credit)incredible [in'kredəbl] a.不可信的(in 否认前缀+credible)12.cur 关心,挂念curable ['kju:rəbl] a.可医治的;可治好的(cur+able 可以……的)curative ['kjurətiv] a. 能治病的;有效的(cur+ative 形容词后缀)cure [kjuə] v.医治,治疗(cur+e 动词后缀→你的关心医治好了一个人的病)curiosity[,kjuri'ɔsəti] n.好奇心;奇物,珍品(curios+ity 名词后缀)curious ['kjuəriəs] a.奇怪的;好奇的,求知欲强的(curi+ous 形容词后缀)incuriosity [,inkjuəri'ɔsəti] n.不新奇;无好奇心;不关心(in 否认前缀+curiosity)secure [si'kjuə] a.安全的;无忧的security [si'kjuərəti] n.安全(一直关心的事物→安全)13 . cur, curs, cour, cours 跑corridor ['kɔridɔ:] n.走廊(需要跑的地方→走廊)course [kɔ:s] n.行程;课程;路程(cours+e)curriculum [kə'rikjuləm] n.课程(curri+culum 学术后缀)excurse [ik'skə:s] v.远足;短途旅行(ex 向外+curse→向外走)excursion [ik'skə:ʃn] n.远足;短途旅行(excur+sion 名词后缀)occur [ə'kə:] v.出现;发生(oc 跑了出来+cur→发生)occurrence [ə'kə:rəns] n.出现;发生;发生的事(occurr+ence 名词后缀)recur [ri'kə:] v.再发生;复发;重新浮现(re 反,再一次+cur)14.dict 言,说contradict [,kɔntrə'dikt] v.辩驳;相矛盾,相抵触(contra 互相+dict→互相说)dictate [dik'teit] v.口授;命令(dict+ate 动词后缀)dictator [dik'teitə] n.独裁者,专政者;口授者(dictat+or→一个人说)diction ['dikʃən] n.措词;吐字(dict+ion 名词后缀)dictionary ['dikʃənəri] n.字典,词典(把说话人所言集合在一起→词典)indicate ['indikeit] v.指示;指出;表白(in 表强调+dicate)indict [in'dait] v.控告;起诉(in 着重前缀+dict)interdict [,intə'dikt] v.制止;严禁(inter 从中间+dict→从中间说)predict [pri'dikt] v.预言;预告(pre 在……之前+dict→事情发生之前就说)predictable [pri'diktəbl] a.可预言的;可预报的(predict+able 可以……的)unpredictable [ʌnprɪ'dɪktəbl] a.不可预言的;不可预报的(un 否认前缀+predictable)15.dit 给edit ['edit] v.编辑(e 表强调+dit)edition [i'diʃn] n.版;版本(edit+ion 名词后缀)editor ['editə] n.编者;编辑(edit+or……的人)editorial [,edi'tɔ:riəl] a.编者的;编辑的 n.社论(editor+ial 形容词后缀)16.duc 引导conduct ['kɔndʌkt] v.引导;实行;指挥(con 共同+duct→从两边共同引导)educate ['edju:keit] v.教育(e 表强调+duc+ate 动词后缀)induce [in'dju:s] v.引诱,诱使(in+duce)inducement [in'dju:smənt] n.引诱,劝诱(induce+ment 名词后缀)introduce [,intrə'dju:s] v.引进;介绍(intro 中间+duce→从中间引导两个人结识→介绍)introduction [,intrə'dʌkʃn] n.引进;介绍(introduct+ion 名词后缀)produce [prə'dju:s] v.出产;生产;制造(pro 不断,连续+duce→不断引导)product ['prɔdʌkt] n.产品;产物(ce 变为 t)reduce [ri'dju:s] v.减少,缩减(re 向下+duce)reproduce [,ri:prə'dju:s] v.再生产,再制造;复制(re 再一次+produce)17.equ 等,均,平adequate ['ædikwit] a.足够的;充足的;适当的(ade 表强调+quate)equal ['i:kwəl] a.相等的,平等的;相同的(equ+al)equality [i:'kwɔləti] n.同等;平等(equal+ity 名词后缀)equalize ['i:kwəlaiz] v.使相等;使平等(equal+ize 使动后缀)equation [i'kweiʒn] n.平衡,均衡;等式(equ+ation 名词后缀)equator [i'kweitə] n.赤道(equat+or)equivalence [i'kwivələns] n.相等;均等(equival+ence 名词后缀)equivalent [i'kwivələnt] a.相同的;相等的(equi+val 价值+ent )18.fer 带,拿confer [kən'fə:] v.协商;互换意见(一起拿→协商)conference ['kɔnfərəns] n.会议;讨论会(confer+ence 名词后缀)differ ['difə] v.不同,相异(dif 向两边+fer→向两边拿)offer ['ɔfə] v.提出;提供(o 表强调+f+fer)offering ['ɔfəriŋ] n.提供;祭品(offer+ing)transfer [træns'fə] v.转移;转让;转乘(trans 转移+fer)19.flu 流defluent ['defluənt] a.向下流的(de 向下+flu+ent 形容词后缀)fluency ['flu(:)ənsi] n.流利,流畅(fluen+cy 名词后缀)fluent ['flu(:)ənt] a.流动的;流畅的(flu+ent 形容词后缀)fluid ['flu(:)id] a.流动的;流体的(flu+id 形容词后缀)fluidity [flu'idəti] n.流动性;易变性(fluid+ity 名词后缀)influence ['influəns] n.影响;感化,感动(in 表强调+fluence)refluence ['refluəns] n.倒流,逆流(re 向后+fluence)20.fus 灌,流,倾泻confuse [kən'fju:z] v.使迷惑;混淆(con 共同+fuse)confusion [kən'fju:ʒn] n.困惑;骚乱(confus+ion 名词后缀)infuse [in'fju:z] v.注入;灌输(in 向内+fuse→向里倒)refusal [ri'fju:zl] n.拒绝(refus+al 名词后缀)refuse [ri'fju:z] v.拒绝(re 表达相反的+fuse)21.grad 步,走,级degrade [di'ɡreid] v.下降;退化(de 向下+grade )downgrade ['daunɡreid] v.降级;贬低(down 向下+grade)gradation [ɡrə'deiʃn] n.等级;层次(gradat+ion 名词后缀)grade [ɡreid] n.等级;年级;级别gradual ['ɡrædʒuəl] a.逐渐的,逐步的(grad+ual 形容词后缀)graduate ['ɡrædʒueit] v.毕业(gradu+ate 动词后缀)graduation [,ɡrædʒu'eiʃn] n.毕业(graduat+ion 名词后缀)postgraduate [pəust'ɡrædʒuət] n.研究生(post 在……之后+graduate)undergraduate [,ʌndə'ɡrædʒuət] n.本科生(under 在……下+graduate)upgrade ['ʌpɡreid] v.提高;升级(up 向上+grade)22.gress 行走aggression [ə'ɡreʃn] n.侵略,入侵(ag 表强调+gression→一直走)aggressive [ə'ɡresiv] a.侵略的(aggress+ive 形容词后缀)aggressor [ə'ɡresə] n.侵略者(aggress+or……的人)progress [prə'ɡres] v.前进;进步(pro 向前+gress→向前走)progressive [prə'ɡresiv] a.前进的;进步的(progress+ive 形容词后缀)23.it 行走exit ['eksit] v.拜别;退场(向外走→出口)initiate [i'niʃieit] v.开始;创始;使入门initiation [i,niʃi'eiʃn] n.开始;创始(initiat+ion 名词后缀)initiative [i'niʃətiv] n.自发性;积极性(initiat+ive 形容词后缀)transit ['trænsit] v.通过;通过;通行(trans 通过+it)transition [træn'siʃn] n.过渡;转变(transit+ion 名词后缀)24.ject 投掷eject [i'dʒekt] v.逐出;喷射;发出(e 表强调+ject)inject [in'dʒekt] v.注射;注入;引进(in 向内+ject)injection [in'dʒekʃn] n.注射(inject+ion 名词后缀)object [əb'dʒekt] v.反对,不赞成(ob 向上,向外+ject)project ['prɔdʒekt] v.抛出;投掷(pro 向前+ject→向前投)reject [ri'dʒekt] v.拒绝;抵制;驳回(re 向后+ject→扔回)subject [səb'dʒekt] v.使服从,使顺从(sub 向下+ject→向下扔)subjective [səb'dʒektiv] a.主语的;主观的(subject+ive 形容词后缀)25.lect 选择,收录collect [kə'lekt] v.收集;聚集,集合(co 一起+llect→一块选)collection[kə'lekʃn] n.收藏品;聚集(collect+ion 名词后缀)collective [kə'lektiv] a.集体的,共有的;总体的(collect+ive 形容词后缀)elect [i'lekt] v.选举;推选;选择(e 向外+lect→向外选)eligible ['elidʒəbl] a.有被选出资格的;合格的(elig+ible 可具有词根性质的)ineligible [in'elidʒəbl] a.无被选资格的;不合格的(in 否认前缀+eligible)neglect [ni'ɡlekt] v.忽视;疏忽(neg 不,没有+lect)negligence ['neɡlidʒəns] n.疏忽;失误(negligen+ce)select [si'lekt] v.选择;挑选(se 分开+lect→分开选)26.liter 文字,字母illiteracy [i'litərəsi] n.不识字;没文化(illiter+acy 名词后缀)illiterate [i'litərət] a.不识字的;文盲的(il 否认前缀+literate)literacy ['litərəsi] n.有读写能力;有文化(liter+acy 名词后缀)literary ['litərəri] a.文学的(liter+ary)literate ['litərət] a.有读写能力的;有文化的(liter+ate)literature ['litərətʃə] n.文学作品(literat+ure 名词后缀)27.log 言,说apologize [ə'pɔlədʒaiz] v.道歉;谢罪(apolog+ize 动词后缀)apology [ə'pɔlədʒi] n.道歉;谢罪(apo 向下+logy→向下说话)dialogue ['daiə,lɔɡ] n.对话(dia 两者之间+logue→两者之间说)monologue ['mɔnəlɔɡ] n.独白(mono 单+logue→一个人说)prologue ['prəulɔɡ] n.序言;前言;开场白(pro 在前面+logue→在前面说的话)28.manu 手maintain [mein'tein] v.维持;保持;维修(main 是 manu 的改写,main+tain→用手保持)maintainable [men'tenəbl] a.可维持的;可保持的(maintain+able 可以……的)maintenance ['meintənəns] n.保持;维持;维护(mainten+ance 名词后缀)manual ['mænjuəl] a.手工的;体力的 n.手册;指南(manu+al 形容词后缀)manufacture [,mænju'fæktʃə] n.制造;加工(manu+fact 做+ure→用手做)manufacturer [,mænju'fæktʃərə] n.制造者;加工商(manufactur+er……的人)manuscript ['mænjuskript] n.手写本;手稿(manu+script 稿子→手稿)29.merg 沉,没emerge [i'mə:dʒ] v.出现,浮现;显露(e 向外+merge)emergency [i'mə:dʒənsi] n.紧急情况;突发事件(emergen+cy)emergent [i'mə:dʒənt] a.浮现的;新生的;紧急的(emerg+ent)immerse [i'mə:s] v.沉浸;使陷入(im 向内+mer+se→向内淹没)submerge [səb'mə:dʒ] v.浸水;淹没;陷入(sub 向下+merge)30.mini 小administer [əd'ministə] v.掌管;执行;治理(ad 表动作+minister)diminish [di'miniʃ] v.使变小;减少(di 使向下,降+mini+sh 动词后缀)minify ['minifai] v.使变小;使缩小(mini+fy 使成为词根性质)minim ['minim] n.微量,小量(mini+m)minimize ['minimaiz] v.使最小化;减少;贬低(minim+ize 使动用法)minimum ['miniməm] n.最低限度;最少量(mini+mum 量,度)minister ['ministə] n.部长;大臣(mini+ster→皇帝面前自称小人)minor ['mainə] a.较小的;较少的;未成年的(min+or)minority [mai'nɔrəti] n.少数;少数民族;未成年(minor+ity)31.miss 投,送,发dismiss[dis'mis] v.开除;免职;解散(dis 分开+miss)emission [i'miʃn] n.发出;射出;排放(emiss+ion 名词后缀)emit [i'mit] v.散发;发射;发出(e 向外+mit→向外发送)missile ['misail] n.投射物;导弹(miss+i+le 小东西)mission ['miʃən] n.使命;代表团(miss+ion)remit [ri'mit] v.汇付,汇款;免去(re 向后+mit)remittance [ri'mitns] n. 汇付,汇款(remitt+ance)transmission [trænz'miʃn] n.传送;发射;播送(transmiss+ion 名词后缀)transmit [trænz'm it] v.传输;传送;传播(trans 穿越,传送+mit)32.nomin 名nominal ['nɔminl] a.名义上的;有名无实的(nomin+al 形容词后缀)nominate ['nɔmineit] v.提名;任命;选定(nomin+ate 动词后缀)nomination[,nɔmi'neiʃn] n.提名;任命(nomin+ation)nominator ['nɔmineitə] n.提名者;任命者(nomin+ator……的人)nominee [,nɔmi'ni:] n.被任命者;被提名者(nomin+ee 被动的人)33.nov 新innovate ['inəveit] v.创新;改革(in 表强调+novate)innovation [,inə'veiʃn] n.创新;改革(innov+ation)innovative ['inəveitiv] a.革新的;创新的(innova+tive)innovator ['inəveitə] n.改革者;创新者(innovat+or……的人)novel ['nɔvl] a.新奇的 n.小说(nov+el)novelist ['nɔvəlist] n.小说家(novel+ist……的人)novelty ['nɔvlti] n.新奇;新奇;新奇的事物(novel+ty)renovate ['renəveit] v. 翻新;修复(re 反复+novate)34.pos 放置deposit[di'pɔzit] n.寄存;存放;存款(de 取消+posit)disposal [di'spəuzl] n.清除;解决(dispos+al)dispose [di'spəuz] v.布置;安排;(of)清除;解决(dis 向下+pose)disposition [,dispə'ziʃn] n.布置;安排;性情(disposit+ion)expose [ik'spəuz] v.暴露;揭露;使面临(ex 向外+pose→放在外面)exposure [ik'spəuʒə] n.暴露;揭露;面临(expos+ure)interpose[,intə'pəuz] v.插入,介入其中,干预(inter 在中间+pose→在中间放)oppose [ə'pəuz] v.反对;抵制;阻挠(op 反着+pose→反着放)opposition [,ɔpə'ziʃn] n.反对;反抗;对手(opposi+tion)35.rect 正,直correction [kə'rekʃn] n.改正,修正(cor 两边共同+rection)corrector [kə'rektə] n.校正者;校正器(correct+or……人)incorrect [,inkə'rekt] a.错误的,不对的的(in 否认前缀+correct)rectify ['rektifai] v.纠正;整顿(recti+fy 动词使动用法)36.sect 切割sectile ['sektil] a.可切的(sect+ile 可以做的)section ['sekʃn] n.切开,切断;部分;部门(sect+ion)sectional ['sekʃənl] a.部分的;剖面的(section+al 形容词后缀)37.spect 看conspicuous [kən'spikjuəs] a.显眼的;显著的(con 共同的+spicuous→大家共同看见的)expectation [ekspek'teiʃn] n.预期;期待;盼望(ex 向外+pect+ation 名词后缀→向外看)inspect [in'spekt] v.检查;查看;视察(in 向内+spect→向内看)prospect ['prɔspekt] n.展望;前景;前程(pro 向前+spect)respect [ri'spekt] vt.尊敬,尊重(re+spect→来回地看)suspect [sə'spekt] v.怀疑;不信任(su 向下+spect)suspicious [sə'spiʃəs] a.可疑的;令人怀疑的;不信任的(suspi+cious)38.tect 掩盖detect [di'tekt] v.发现;查明(de 反+tect→不掩盖)detection [di'tekʃn] n.发现;察觉;侦查(detect+ion )protection [prə'tekʃn] n.保护;防卫;防护物(pro 在之前+tection→在发生之前就盖起来)protective [prə'tektiv] a.保护的;防护的(protect+ive)unprotected [,ʌnprə'tektid] a.无保护的;未设防的(un 反义前缀+protected)39.vac 空vacancy ['veikənsi] n.空缺;空额;空虚(vacan+cy)vacant ['veikənt] a.空的;未被占用的;无神的(vac+ant 形容词后缀)vacation [və'keiʃn] n.休假;假期(vac+ation 名词后缀)40.ven 来(a+ven+ue 名词后缀→大家都可以来的地方→大街)convene [kən'vi:n] v.召集;集合(con 共同+vene)convention [kən'venʃn] n.集会,大会;习俗(con 共同+vention→两边共同来)intervene [,intə'vi:n] v.介入;介于……之间;阻碍;(inter 中间+vene→从中间来)intervention [,intə'venʃn] n.介入;调停;妨碍(intervent+ion)revenue ['revənju:] n.税收;财政收入;收益(re 向后+venue)41.vert 转advertise ['ædvətaiz] v.为……做广告;宣传(ad 表强调+vertise)convert [kən'və:t] vt.使转变;使改变(con 两边共同+vert→两边共同转)diversify [dai'və:sifai] v.使多样化;使不同;使变化(di 分开+ver+si+fy 使动)diversion [dai'və:ʃn] n.转移;偏离;消遣(diver+sion 名词后缀)divert [dai'və:t] v.使转向;转移;使娱乐(di 分开+vert)divorce [di'vɔ:s] v.离婚;分离(vor 为 vert 的改写,di 分开+vorce)reverse [ri'və:s] v.撤消;反转 a.相反的;反面的(re 后退+verse)reversion [ri'və:ʃn] n.倒退;回复;归还(revers+ion)version ['və:ʃn] n.变体;版本;改写本(ver+sion 一个版本)42.viv 活revival [ri'vaivl] n.再流行;复兴(reviv+al)revivify [ri:'vivifai] v.使再生,使复活;使恢复健康(re 再一次+vivi+fy 动词后缀)survival [sə'vaivl] n.幸存;幸存事物(surviv+al)survive [sə'vaiv] v.幸免于难;幸存(sur 在……之后+vive→事情发生后还活着)survivor [sə'vaivə] n.幸存者;生还者(surviv+or……的人)vivid ['vivid] a.鲜艳的;生动的(viv+id)vivify ['vivifai] v.使生动;使活跃(viv+i+fy 使动用法)第二部分---- 词缀之前缀1.a-“不,无,非”acentric a.无中心的,离心的(a+centric 中心的→无中心的)amoral a.与道德无关的;不分是非的(a+moral 道德的→不道德的)asexual a.无性别的(a+sexual 性别的→无性别的)2.ab-,abs-“相反,变坏,拜别”abduct v.诱拐;劫持;绑架(ab+duct 引导→引走→诱拐)abject a.凄惨的;卑躬屈膝的;自卑的(ab+ject 抛→被抛弃很凄惨→凄惨的)abnormal a.反常的;不正常的;变态的(ab+normal 正常的→反常的)abscise v.切除(abs+cise 剪→剪掉→切除)abscond v.潜逃;逃遁(abs+cond 藏→藏起来→潜逃)absent a.缺席;不存在(ab+sent 出现→没有出现→缺席)abstain v.弃权;戒除;离开(abs+tain 拿住→不再拿住→放弃、弃权)abstract v.抽取;分离 a.抽象的(abs+tract 拉→被拉开→分离)abuse v.滥用;辱骂(ab+use 用→用坏→滥用)3.ac-,af-,ag-,an-,ap-,ar-,as-,at-“一再,倾向”acclaim v.欢呼,喝采(ac+claim 主张→欢呼)affirm v.肯定属实;断言;申明(af+firm 坚定→肯定)aggression n.侵略;袭击性(ag+gress 走+ion→一再往前走→进攻)announce v.通告(an+nounce 讲述→通告)applause n.喝采;鼓掌(ap+please 赞扬→一再赞扬→鼓掌)arrive v.到达;到达;到来(ar+rive 河→到达河边→到达)assure v.肯定;使确信;查明(as+sure 拟定→一再拟定→肯定)attest v.证实;作证;证明(at+test 实验→一再实验→证实)4.ad-“一再,做……,加强……”adapt v.适应;使适合(ad+apt 能力→有适应能力)addict v.使入迷;使沉溺 n.瘾君子;对……入迷的人(ad+dict 说→一再说起→感爱好、入迷)adhere v.黏附;附着;坚持(ad+here 粘→粘在一起→黏附)adjacent a.邻近的;与……毗连的(ad+jacent 躺→躺在一起→邻近的)adjust v.调整;适应;整理(ad+just 合理的,恰当的→加强合理性→调整)adopt v.选用;收养;采纳(ad+opt 选择→选出来→选用、采纳)anarchism n.无政府主义(an+arch 统治+ism→无统治→无政府主义)anechoic a.无反响的;无回声的(an+echo 回声+ic→无回声的)anonymous a.匿名的;不知姓名的(an+onymous 署名的→匿名的)6.ana-“在旁边,分开”analogous a.类似的;类似的(analogy 的形容词)analogy n.类比;比拟(ana+logy 发言→在旁边讲→讲同样的东西→类似)analysis n.分析(ana+lysis 分开→分开来→分析)7.ante-“前面,先”antecedent n.前事(aute+ced 走+ent→走在前面的[事]→前事)antedate v.提前写日期;先于,早于(ante+date 日期→提前写日期)anterior a.前面的(ante+erior……的→前面的)8.anti-“反,反对,相反”antibacterial a.抗菌的(anti+bacterial 细菌的→抗菌的)antibody n.抗体(anti+body 身体→抗体)antipathy n.反感;厌恶(anti+pathy 感情→反感)antithesis n.对立(anti+thesis 观点→对立)antiwar a.反战的(anti+war 战争→反战的)biannual a.一年两次的(bi+annual 年度的→一年两次的)biennial a.两年一次的(bi+enn 年+ial→两年[一次]的)bilingual a.双语种的;用两种语言的(bi+lingu 语言+al→双语的)10.by-“在旁边,副的,辅的”bygone a.很久以前的;过往的(by+gone 拜别的→过往的)bypass n.旁道 v.绕开;避开(by+pass 通过→绕开)byproduct n.副产品;副作用(by+product 产品→副产品)11.cata-“向下,相反,离开”cataclysm n.大劫难,大变动(cata+clysm 洪水,冲→被洪水冲掉→大劫难)catalog n.目录(cata+log 说→在下面要说的话→目录)cataract n.大瀑布(cata+ract 冲→向下冲→瀑布)catastrophe n.劫难,大祸;不幸事件(cata+strophe 转→转下去→劫难临头)12.circum-“围绕,周边”circumference n.圆周;圆周长(circum+fer 带来+ence→带来一圈→周长)circumnavigate v.围绕……航行(circum+navigate 航行→绕……航行)circumspect a.小心谨慎的;考虑周密的(circum+stance 站→站在周边→环境)circumvent v.回避(circum+vent 走→在周边走→回避)13.col-“共同”collaboration n.协作;合著(col+labor 劳动+ation→共同劳动→协作)collapse v.倒塌;崩溃;暴跌(col+lapse 滑倒→所有滑倒→倒塌)collate v.校对(col+late 放→放到一起→校对)collocate v.连用;搭配(col+loc 地方+ate→放在同一地方→连用)correspond v.通信;符合(cor+respond 反映→共同反映→互相通信)corrupt a.腐败的;变坏的(cor+rupt 断→所有断→变坏的,腐败的)-,con-“共同”combine v.联合,结合;兼备(com+bine 捆→捆在一起→结合)commemorate v.纪念(com+memor 记住+ate→大家一起记住→纪念)commend v.赞扬;推荐(com+mend 信任;命令→大家信任→赞扬;推荐)compassion n.同情(com+passion 情感→共同的情感→同情)compatriot n.同胞;同国人(com+patriot 爱国者→一起爱国的人→同胞)concentric a.同心的(con+centric 中心的)conclude v.结束;总结(con+clude 关闭→所有关闭→结束)contemporary a.同时代的(con+tempor 时间+ary→同时间的)15.contra-“反对,相反”contraband n.走私品(contra+band 命令→违反命令做事→走私)contradict v.辩驳;矛盾(contra+dict 说→反着说→辩驳)contrary a.相反的;相对立的(contra+ary→相反的)contravene v.违反,违反(contra+vene 走→反着走→违反)16.counter-“反对,相反”counteract v.对抗;抵消(counter+act 行为→反着行动→对抗)counterbalance v.抗衡;抵消(counter+balance 平衡→两边同样,达成平衡→抗衡)countermand v.撤消;取消(counter+mand 命令→反命令→撤消[命令])17.deci-“十分之一”decigram n.十分之一克(deci+gram 克→十分之一克)decimeter n.十分之一米(deci+meter 米→十分之一米)18.demi-“半,部分”demi-fixed a.半固定的(demi+fixed 固定的→半固定的)demigod n.半神半人(demi+god 神→半神半人)demirep n.名声不好的女人(demi+rep=reputation 名声→名声一半不好)19.dia-“穿过,两者之间”diagnose v.诊断;判断(dia+gnose 知道→穿过[皮肤]知道→诊断)diagram n.图表(dia+gram→交叉对着画→图表)dialogue n.对话(dia+logue 话→对着说话)diameter n.直径(dia+meter 测量→测量[圆]两者之间→直径)diaphanous a.半透明的;精致的(dia+phan 显示+ous→对面显示[影子]→透明的)20.dis-“不,消失”disappear v.消失(dis+appear 出现→不出现→消失)disarm v.解除武装(dis+arm 武装→去掉武装)dishonest a.不诚实的(dis+honest 诚实的→不诚实的)dislike v.不喜欢;厌恶(dis+like 爱慕→不爱慕)disorder n.紊乱;混乱;动乱(dis+order 顺序→没有顺序→混乱)21.e-,ef-“出,出来”effluent n.流出物,污水(ef+flu 流+ent→流出)eject v.投出,掷出(e+ject 掷→掷出)elaborate v.具体制定,精心制作 a.精工细做的;详尽的(e+labor 劳动+ate→劳动做出→精做的)emerge v.浮现(e+merge 投入;淹没→淹没的东西出现→浮现)evade v.逃出,逃避(e+vade 走→走出去→逃避)22.ex-“前,出来”exalt v.使升高(ex+alt 高→高出来→升高)exceed v.超过,超过(ex+ceed 走→走在前面→超过)exclude v.排外(ex+clude 关闭→关在外面→排外)expel v.赶出,逐出(ex+pel 推→推出去→逐出)extract v.提取;选取;获得(ex+tract 拉→拉出来,拉到前面→选取)23.exo-“外部的,外面的”exocrine a.外分泌的(exo+crine 毛发→外分泌)exotic a.来自异国的(exo+tic→从外面来的→来自异国的)24.extra-“以外的,超过的”extracurricular a.课外的(extra+curricular 课程的→课外的)extraneous a.无关的(extra+aneous……的→无关的)extraordinary a.非凡的;卓越的;令人惊奇的(extra+ordinary 普通的→超过普通→非凡)extrovert n.性格外向者(extra+vert 转→[性格]向外转→外向)25.fore-“前面,预先”foreboding n.强烈预感(fore+bode 兆头→预兆)forecast v.预料;预报(fore+cast 扔→预先扔下→预料)foreshadow v.预示,暗示(fore+shadow 影子→预先)foreshorten v.提前结束;缩短(fore+shorten 变短→缩短)26.hemi-“半”hemicycle n.半圆形(hemi+cycle 圆,循环→半圆)hemisphere n.半球(hemi+sphere 球→半球)27.hepta-“七”heptagon n.七角形(hepta+gon 角→七角形)heptathlon n.七项全能(hepta+thlon 全能→七项全能)28.hexa-“六,有六个的”hexagon n.六角形(hexa+gon 角→六角形)hexahedron n.六面体(hexa+hedron 面体→六面体)29.holo-“所有的”hologram n.全息图(holo+gram 图→全息图)holographic a.全息图的(holo+graphic 图画的→全息图的)30.hyper-“超过,太多”hyperbole n.夸张法(hyper+bole 抛→抛得高→夸张)hypercritical a.吹毛求疵的(hyper+critical 批评的→吹毛求疵的)hypertension n.过度紧张;高血压(hyper+tension 紧张→过度紧张)31.hypo-“下面,次等”hypodermic a.皮下的(hypo+derm 皮+ic→皮下的)hypothesis n.假说,假设(hypo+thesis 论文→还不是正式的理论→假说)32.il-,ir-“不,无,使……成为,进入”illegal a.非法的(il+legal 合法的→非法的)illiterate a.不识字的(il+literate 认字的→不识字的)illogical a.不合逻辑的;乖戾的(il+logical 逻辑的→不合逻辑的)illuminate v.照亮;使明白(il+lumin 光+ate→进入光明→照亮)illustrate v.说明,阐明(il+lustr 光+ate→进入光明→说明)irregular a.不规则的(ir+regular 规则的→不规则的)33.im-,in-“不,无,非,向内,向里,进入”immortal a.长生的;不朽的(im+mortal 死的→长生的)impassive a.无表情的;无动于衷的(im+pass 感情+ive→没感情)impersonate v.扮演,模仿(im+person 人+ate→不是本人→扮演别人)implicit a.含蓄的(im+plic 重叠+it→进入重叠→不直说→含蓄的)incapable a.无能力的(in+capable 有能力的→无能力的)incentive n.激励(in+cent 唱歌+ive→把精神唱进去→激励)inconstant a.多变的,无常的(in+constant 稳定的→无常的)injustice n.不公正(in+justice 公正→不公正)34.inter-“在……之间,互相”interaction n.互相影响(inter+action 行动→互相行动→影响)international a.国际的(inter+national 国家的→国与国之间→国际的)interpose v.置于,介入(inter+pose 放→放在两者之间→介入)intervene v.干涉(inter+vene 走→走在两者之间→干涉)35.intra-“在内,内部”intramural a.机构内部的;学校内的(intra+mural 墙壁的→机构内部的)intranet n.内部网络(intra+net 网络→内部网络)36.intro-“向内,入内”introduce v.引进;介绍(intro+duce 引→引进)introspect v.内省,反省(intro+pect 看→向内看→内省)introvert n.内向的人(intro+vert 转→向内转→内向)37.iso-“相等,相同”isogeny n.同源(iso+geny 产生→共同产生→同源)isomorphic a.同形的(iso+morhp 形状+ic→同形的)38.kilo-“一千”kilogram n.公斤(kilo+gram 克→公斤)kilometer n.千米(kilo+meter 米→千米)39.macro-“宏伟,大”macroeconomics n.宏观经济学(macro+economics 经济学→宏观经济学)macrostructure n.宏观结构(macro+structure 结构→宏观结构)macroworld n.宏观世界(macro+world 世界→宏观世界)40.mal-“坏,恶”(亦作 male)malcontent n.不满者(mal+content 满意的→不满)malefaction n.坏事,恶行(male+fact 做+ion→做坏事)malnutrition n.营养不良(mal+nutrition 营养→营养不良)maltreat v.虐待(mal+treat 对待→虐待)41.meta-“超过,改变”metabolism n.新陈代谢(mata+bol 抛+ism→抛[旧]变新)metamorphism n.变形(meta+morph 形状+ism→变形)metaphor n.隐喻(meta+phor 带来→[语言]改变着说→隐喻)42.micro-“微小的,规模小的”microbe n.微生物(micro+be=bi 生命→小生命→微生物)microbiology n.微生物学(micro+bilolgy 生物学→微生物学)microscope n.显微镜(micro+scope 看→看小东西→显微镜)microwave n.微波(micro+wave 波→微波)li-“千,千分之一”millennial a.一千年的(mill+enn 年+ial→一千年的)millimeter n.毫米(milli+meter→千分之一米→毫米)44.mini-“小”miniature n.小画像,缩影 a.很小的;微型的(mini+ature 表达物品→小物品→小画像)minimal a.最低限度的(minim=mini+al→最小的)miniskirt n.超短裙(mini+skirt 裙子→超短裙)45.mis-“错误,坏”misanthrope n.愤世嫉俗者;厌恶人类的人(mis+anthrope 人→不喜欢人→厌恶人类的人)misfortune n.不幸(mis+fortune 幸运→不幸)mistake n.错误(mis+take 拿→拿错→错误)mistrust n.不信任(mis+trust 相信→不信任)misunderstand v.误解(mis+understand 理解→误解)46.mono-“单个,一个”monologue n.独白(mono+logue 说话→一个人说话→独白)monopoly n.垄断(mono+poly→独家卖→垄断)monotonous n.单调的(mono+ton 声音+ous→一个声音→单调的)47.multi-“很多,多种”multicultural a.多种文化的(multi+cultural 文化的→多种文化的)multilingual a.多种语言的(multi+lingual 语言的→多种语言的)multiple a.多样的;多功能的(multi+pile→多的→多功能的)multiply v.乘;繁殖(multi+ply 表动词→变多→乘)48.non-“不;非”nonchalant a.冷漠的;冷静的(non+chalant 关心的→不关心的)nonconformist n.不遵循传统的人(non+conform 一致+ist→[和传统]不一致的人)nonexistent a.不存在的(non+existent 存在的→不存在的)49.ob-“逆,倒”,加强意义oblique a.倾斜的;间接的(ob+lique 歪斜→歪斜的)oblivion n.昏迷;忘却,忘掉(ob+liv 活+ion→[记忆]不活了→昏迷)obscure v.使模糊 a.无名的;费解的(obs=ob+cure 关心→不关心→记不住了→模糊)obsolete a.过时的;淘汰的(ob+solete 使用→不使用→过时的)。

最常用400英语词根ac/acu/acet/acer/acr(point) acou(listen)ag/act(to do, to drive)aer(air)agog(guide, direct)agr/agro*(field)alg(pain)alt(high)alter/all/allo(other)am(at)(to love)ambul(walk, go)ampl(wide, large, spacious) andr/andro(man, male) anim(spirit, mind, life) ann/enn(year)ante/anti(before)anth(flower)anthrop(person)apt*(to adjust, to fit)aqua*(water)arch/archy(first, to rule) archa/archae(old, ancient) arter/arteri(vein)arthr/arthro(joint)aster/astro(star)atm(atmosphere)aud/audi(to hear)aug/auct(to increase)aur(ear)avi(bird)bar(weight)bas(low)bat/batt(to beat)bathy(deep)bibli(o)(book)bio(life)blanc(white)blast/blasto(bud)bon(good)bre(short)cad/cas/cid(fall, drop)calc(stone)calori(heat)cand/cend/cens(white, flame)cap/ capit (head)cap/cip/cept/ceive(to take, to hold) card*(heart)carn/carni(meat)cav(hollow)cede/ceed/cess(to go, to yield) cent(hundred, hundredth) center/centre(center)cephal(head)cern/cret(separate)cert*(to perceive, to make certain) chiro(hand)chlor/chloro(green,氯)chrom/chromo/chromat(color) chron(time)chrys(gold)cid/cide/cis(to kill, to cut)cine/kine(activity)cir/circ(circle, ring)cit(to call or to arouse)civ(citizen)claim/clam(to shout)clin(bend)clos/clud/clus(to shut) clud/clus(close)cogn/cognit (to know)cor/cord(heart)cord(heart)corn(horn)corp/ corpor *(body) cosm(universe, world) cracy(to govern, to rule) crani/cranio(head)crat(believer)cruc(cross,十字)crypt(secret)cred(to believe)cresc/cret/cre(to grow) cours/cour/cur/curs(to run) cryo(cold, to freeze) crypto(secret, to hide)cub/cumb(to lie down) cult(to till, to cultivate)cur(care)cyano(blue)cycl(circle)cyt/cyte/cyto(cell)dactyl(finger)demo*(people)dendr(tree)dent(tooth)dur(to harden or last)derm(skin)dexter(on the right side)di(sun)dict/dic(to speak)divid/divis(separate)doc/doct(to teach)dom(house, family)dorm(to sleep)drom(to run)du/dupl(two twofold)duc/duct(to lead)dyn/dynam(power, force)ego(I)enter(gut)entom(worm)equ(equal)erg(to work)err(to wander)eletro(electricity)ethno(race)eu(good)fac/fic/fect/fact(to do, to make) febri(heat) feder(join)fend/fens(to hit)fer(to carry, to bring)ferr(iron)ferv(hot)fibr(fibric)fid(trust)fid/fiss(to cleave or split)fig/fict(form)fil(line, thread)fil(children)fin*(end, limit)firm(fixed, strong)fisc(treasure)fix(to fasten, fix)flact(blow)flect/flex(to bend)flat(to blow)flig/flict*(to strike)flor/flour(flower)flu(to flow)foli(leaf)forc/fort*(strong)form(form, shape)fract/frag(to break)frater(brother)frig(cold)fug*(to flee)fund/found/fus(melt)fus(to pour, to melt) gamos(marriage) gastro(stomach, belly)ge(the earth)gen/ gener (cause kind, race) ger/gest(carry) geo(earth)gloss/ glot(tongue, language) gon(angle) grad/gress(to step)gram(to write)graph(to write)grat(pleasing)grav(to weigh, heavy)greg*(flock ,herd)gymno(naked)gyn/gynec(female, woman) gyro(revolve) habit(to have or hold) haem/hem(blood) hal(to breathe)hedron/hedral(side)heli/helio(sun)helic(turn)her/hes(stick)hippo(horse)holo(whole)hom/human(person)horr(to bristle or shudder)hosp/hospit(guest)hum(earth)hydr/ hydra(water)hypn(sleep)ichthy(fish)ideo(idea, opinion)idi(individual)insul(island)iod(碘)iso(same, equal)jac/ject(to throw)jud*(judge)junce/ junct (to join)labi(lip)lapid(stone)laryng(throat)lat/galact(milk)lat/late(carry, bear)later(side)latry(admire)lav(wash)lect/leg/lig/legis(to choose, to gather, to read) leg*(law) leuc(white)lev(lift)levo(on the left side)lif/liv(to live)lig(bind)lingu(tongue, language)liqu*(fluid)liter(letter)lith/lite(stone)loc*(place)log*(word, discourse)loqu/locu(to speak)luc(light,光)lumin(light,光)lun(moon)lustr(light,光)macro(grow, large)magn*(great)magnet(magnet)mamm(breat)man/manu(hand)mancy(占卜)mater/matr/metro(mother) med(heal)med/medi(middle)mega(great)melan(black)memor(mindful, memorize) ment(mind, spirit)merc(trade, business) merg/mers(sink)mes(middle)meter/metr(measure) meur*(nerve)micro(small)migr(move)min*(less, little)mir(surprise)misc/mix*(to mix)miss/mit(to send, to let go) mob/mot/mov(to move) monstr(display, show) morph*(form)mort(death)mund(world)mur(wall)mut(change)myst(mystery)nasc/nat(to be born)naut/nav(ship)necr(dead body, death) neur/neuro(nerve)nigr/negr(black)nocti(night)nomin(name)nom/nomy(study)norm(regular, standard) note(mark)nov(new)nutri(nutrition)ocul(eye)odont(tooth)ole(oil)olig(less, little)onom/onym*(name)oo(egg)oper*(work)ophi(snake)ophthalm(eye)opt/ops/opi(sight, light)opt*( to choose)or(speak)oram(see, watch)ori(rise)ornith(bird)ortho(straight)oss/ oste (bone)ot(ear)ovi(egg)paci(peace)paleo(ancient)par(equal)par(produce)path/patho/pathy (feeling,suffering,disease) patr/pater(father)ped(child)ped(foot)pel/puls(to drive, to push)pen/penn/pinn(feather)pend/pens(to hang, to weigh, to pay) peps/pept(digest)peri(surround)pet/petit(seek)petro(stone)phag(eat)philo/phil(e)(love)phobia(fear)poly(many)phon(sound)phor(carry, hold)phot/phos(light)phyll(leaf)phyt(plant)pic/pig(describe, paint)pisc(fish)plani(peace)pleni(whole, full)Pluto(rich, treasure)pod(foot)polis(city)pon/pos(to place, to put)port/portat (to carry)pot(energy, ablility)potam(river)preci(value)prim*(first)proto(first, primitive)pseudo(false)psych(mind)pter(wing)puri(pure)put/putat(think, reckon)pyro(fire)quer/quest/quir/quis*(to ask, to seek) quiet/quies*(to rest) ras/rad(scratch, rub)rect(straiaght, right)rhin(nose)rhiz(root)rid/ris*(to laugh)rod/ros(gnaw)rot(ring, turn)rrhag/rrhea(flow too much)rupt*(to break)san(health)sangui/sanguin*(blood)sarco(meat, flesh)sat/satis/satur*(enough)scend/scens/scent*(to climb)sci*(to know)sclero(hard)scope(device)scrb/script(to write)sec/sect/seg*(to cut)seismo(earthquake)seleno(moon)sen(old)sens/sent(to feel)sequ/sec*(to follow)sed/sid*(to sit, to settle) Sino/sinico(China)sist(stand)sit(food)sol(alone)sol(sun)somni(sleep)son(sound)soph*(wise)sorb/sorpt*(to suck in)spec/spect/spic(to look)sper(hope)spir/spirat (breath, life)st/stat(stand)stel/stell(star)stereo(video, cubic)stom/stomat(mouth)strain/strict/string*(to tighten) sym(name) tact/tang/tag(to touch)tain/ten/tin(to hold)techno(technique)tect(hide)tele(afar)tempor(time)ten/tend/tens/tent(to stretch) term(limit, end) terr(earth)terr(to frighten)theo(god)therm(heat)tom/tomy(cut)ton(sound)tor/tort(to twist)tour(turn around)tox(poisonous)tract(to drag, to draw)trib*(to give)trop(turn,revolve)trud/trus(push, rush)turb*(to disorder)tut/tuit(look after, watch) type(model)ultimo(final, last)umbre(shade)un/uni(one)ur(urine)urb(city)ut/us*(to use)vac/vacu/van(empty) vad/vas(go,walk)val(strong)vari(change)ven/vent (to come) verb(word)veri(true)verm(worm)vers/vert(to turn)via/vi*(way, road) vid/vis(to see,)vibr(vibrate)vid/vis(see, look)vit/viv(to live)voc/vok(voice, to call) volu/volv(roll, turn) volv(to roll, to turn) vor(eat)wis/wit(to know) xanth(yellow)xeno(foreign)xero(dry)xylo(wood) zoo(animal)。
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英语常见词根—400个acid, acr = sour, sharp act = to actagogue = leader al, ol, ul = to nourishalt = high alter, ali = otheram = to love ang = to strangleangl, angul = angle anim = breath, mindann = year anthrop = manapt = fit aqua = waterarm = weapons art = skill, artaud = to hear aug = to increase, to make,to growavi = birdband, bond = to bind bar = barbat = to beat bat , bas = to gobell = war bio = lifebrev = short cad, cid, cas = to fallcalc = lime camp = fieldcand = white , bright cant, chant, cent = to singcap = head cap = to takecar = car , to run carn = fleshcast = throw cav = hollowcede, ceed , cess = to go, to yield ceive, cept, cip, cipate = to take celer = swift cent = hundredcentr = center cern, cret = to separate cert = sure chron = timecide , cise = to cut circ , cyc = ringcite = to call , to urge claim , clam = to cry clin = to bend clud = to shutcoct = to cook cognis, gnos = to know commun = common cord = heartcorp = body cosm , cosmo = universe count = to count cover = to covercre, cresc = to make, to grow cred = to believecrim = accusation, crime crit = to judgecruc = cross culp = blame, guiltcult = to till cumb = to lie downcur, course = to run cure = to take carecuss = to strike , to shake deb, du = to owedei = god dem = peopledent = tooth derm, derma, dermat = skin dic = to proclaim dict, dit = to saydign = worthy divid, divis = to dividedoc = to teach dom = housedom = to tame, to rule don, dot, dow = to give dorm = to sleep dox, dogma = opiniondraw = to draw, to pull drom = to run , course(process)duce, duct = to lead dur = to lastdyn, dynam = powereco = house ego = I , selfelectr = electricem, empt = to take, to buy equ = equalerr = to wander, to err ess, est = to befa, fabl, fabul = to speak fac, front = face, foreheadfac, fect = to make , to do fall, fals = to deceivefam = to speak fare = to gofend , fest = to strike fer = to carry, to bear, to tolerate ferv = to boil fess = to speakfest = festival fict, fig = to feignfid = to trust figure = to shape , figure(n.), form(n.) fil = thread , to spin fin = to endfirm = firm fix = to fastenflam, flagr = flame, to burn flat = to blowflect, flex = to bend flict = to strikeflor = flower flu = to flowfoli = leaf form = to form, form ,shapefort = strong found , fund = basefract, frag = to break fug = to fleefuse, found = to pour gam = marriagegener, gen, gent = to produce, race(n.) ger, gest = to carrygrad, gress = to walk gram , graph = to writegrand = grand grat = to pleasegrav = heavy gregat = to collecthab, hibit = to have hap= luckhelio = sun her = heirherb = grass here, hes = to stickhorr = to tremble hum , hom = manhum = ground hydr = waterhypno = sleep idio = personal, distinctinsul = island it = to goject , jac = to throw join, junct = to joinjourn = day jud = to judgejur = to swear just, juris = law, right , justicelabor = to work laps = to slip, to glidelate = to bring , to bear later = sidelav , lau = to wash lax , lyse = to loosenlect, leg = to choose , to gather, to read leg = to appoint , to send leg = law lev = to raise, light (adj.)liber = free libr, lib = booklic = to be permitted lig = to bindlingu = tongue, language liqu = fluidliter = letter loc = placelog , loqu, locut = to speak long = longlud = to play lumin = lightlust, luc = brightmagn, maj , max = great manu, man = hand mand, mend = to order , to entrust mari = seamark = to mark , boundary matr= mothermechan = machine med = to healmedi = middle melan = blackmemor = to remember ment = to think , mind(n.)mere = to trade , reward(n.) merge, mers = to sink, to dipmeter = to measure migr = to remove , to wandermilit = soldier, to fight min = to jut , to projectmin = small mir = to wonder, to beholdmiss, mit = to send, to throw mix = to mixmod = manner mon = to advise , to remindmonstr = to show mor = custommorph = form mort = deathmount = mountain, to ascend mov, mob, mot = to move muni = service mur = wallmut = to change myst = mysterynat = born nau, nav = shipnecro = death, dead nect , nex = to bindneg = to deny neur , neuro , nerv = nerve neutr = neither nihil = nothingnoc , nox = to harm noct , nox = nightnomin, nom = name norm = rule, normnot = to mark nounce, nunci = to report nov = new nul, null = nothingnumber, numer = number, to count nutri = to nourishocul = eye onym = nameoper = to work , work opt = to wishopt, opto = eye, sight ora = to speak ,to pray order, ordin = order ori = to rise , to begin orn = to decorate, to furnish ortho = straight , right oss, osteo = bone pact = to agree, to fasten pan = bread par = to preparepar = equal par = to appearpar = to bear , to give birth to part = a part , to partpass = to pass passi , pati, path = to suffer, feelingspart = father ped = footped = child pel , puls = to drivepen ,pun = to punish pend, pens = to hang , to weigh peri = to go through pet = to fly , to seekpetr, petro = stone, rock phan ,fan = appearancephon = sound ; phe = to speak photo = light (n.)pict = to paint , picture plac , pleas = to pleaseplain , plaint = to beat the breast plant = to plant , plant (n.) plaud, plode = to strike, to clap plen, plete, ple , pli, ply = to fill, full ( adj. )plore = to flow out ply, pli, ple = to foldpolis = city polit, poli = state, countrypon , pound = to put popul, publ = peopleport = to carry port = gatepos = to place , to put potent = powerfulprec = to pray preci = pricepreda = prey(n.), to plunder press = to pressprim, prin, prem = first pris, prehend = to seizepriv = private (adj.) to deprive proach , proxim = nearprob, prov = to test , to try, to examine proper , propri = proper, one’s ownpsych, psycho = soul pugn = to fightpunct = to prick pur = purepurg = to purify pute = to thinkquer = to complain qui, quiet = calm , rest(n.) quire, quisit , quest = to seek quit = to free , to releaserad, ras = to scrape radi = rootradi = ray rap, rav = to snatchrat , ratio = to reckon , reason (n.) rect = right , straight reg = to rule , king (n.) rept = to creeprid , ris = to laugh rod, ros = to gnawrog = to ask rot = wheel (n.) , to turnrud = raw rupt = to breakrur, rus = country sacr , sanct , secr = sacred sal = salt sal, sult = to leapsal , san = whole sangui = bloodsat = full scan , scend , scal = to climb sci = to know scribe , script = to writesect = to cut sed, sess, sid = to sitsemin = seed sen = oldsens ,sent = to feel sequ, secut, su = to follow sert = to join, to put serv = to serve, to keep sign = to mark simil, sembl = like(prep.), same sinu = curve ,sinus sist , stitut, sta, st = to stand soci = companion, to associate sol = alonesol = sun solv, solute = to loosensomn = sleep son =soundsoph = wise ,wisdom sort = kindspec, spect = to see, to look sper = hopespers = to scatter spher = ballspir = to breathe splend = to shinespond , spons = to promise stell = starstill = drop stinct, sting = to prickstring , strict , strain, stress = to draw tight stru, struct = to build suade = to advise sume,sumpt = to takesumm = sum, highest sur = sure , securesurge , surrect = to rise tac, tic = silenttail = to cut tang , tact = to touchtain , ten, tin = to hold , to keep techn(o) = art , skill tect = to cover temper = to moderatetempor = time tempt , tent = to trytend , tens , tent = to stretch tenu = thinterm = boundary terr = earthterr = to frighten test = witnesstext = to weave the(o) = godthes, thet = to place , to put tim = to fearton = tone tort = to twisttour, torn = to turn tox = poisontract , treat = to draw tribut = to pay , to bestowtrop = to turn trud , trus = to thrust , to pushtum = to swell turb = to disturbultim = last umbr = shadowurb = city us , uti = to usevac, van , void = empty vade = to govaga = to wander val , vail = strong , worthvar(i) = diverse , to change velop = to wrapven , vent = to come ven = veinvenge = to avenge vent = windver = true verb = wordverg = to incline vers, vert = to turn vest = to clothe , garmentvi , voy = way vict , vinc = to conquervid , vis = to see vig , veg = livelyviv = to live voc , voke = to call , voice vol = will volve, volut = to rollvor = to eat vulse = to pluck , pull out ,pull off。