货币银行学 题库

货币银行学试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 货币的职能不包括以下哪一项?A. 价值尺度B. 流通手段C. 贮藏手段D. 法律手段答案:D2. 货币供应量M2包括以下哪些组成部分?A. 流通中的现金B. 活期存款C. 定期存款D. 所有以上答案:D3. 以下哪种情况不属于商业银行的信用创造?A. 存款人存入现金B. 银行发放贷款C. 银行购买政府债券D. 银行出售政府债券答案:D4. 利率市场化是指什么?A. 政府规定利率B. 市场决定利率C. 银行决定利率D. 个人决定利率答案:B5. 货币乘数是指什么?A. 货币供应量与基础货币的比例B. 货币供应量与存款准备金的比例C. 基础货币与存款准备金的比例D. 存款准备金与基础货币的比例答案:A6. 以下哪种工具不属于中央银行的货币政策工具?A. 公开市场操作B. 存款准备金率C. 利率政策D. 银行监管答案:D7. 通货膨胀是指什么?A. 货币供应量增加B. 货币供应量减少C. 物价水平持续上升D. 货币供应量与物价水平同时上升答案:C8. 以下哪种情况会导致货币需求增加?A. 利率上升B. 利率下降C. 收入增加D. 预期通货膨胀答案:C9. 货币的流动性是指什么?A. 货币的购买力B. 货币的贮藏价值C. 货币的流通速度D. 货币的易交换性答案:D10. 以下哪种情况会导致货币供应量增加?A. 银行提高存款准备金率B. 银行降低存款准备金率C. 银行提高贷款利率D. 银行提高存款利率答案:B二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些因素会影响货币需求?A. 利率水平B. 收入水平C. 物价水平D. 货币供应量答案:A B C2. 以下哪些属于商业银行的负债?A. 存款B. 贷款C. 银行债券D. 银行资本答案:A C D3. 中央银行的职能包括以下哪些?A. 发行货币B. 制定货币政策C. 监管金融机构D. 经营商业银行业务答案:A B C4. 以下哪些措施可以抑制通货膨胀?A. 提高利率B. 增加货币供应量C. 提高存款准备金率D. 减少政府支出答案:A C D5. 以下哪些属于货币政策的传导机制?A. 利率渠道B. 货币供应量渠道C. 信贷渠道D. 预期渠道答案:A B C D三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 货币供应量增加一定会导致通货膨胀。

货币银行学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 以下哪项不是货币政策的最终目标?A. 价格稳定B. 充分就业C. 经济增长D. 货币供应量2. 以下哪个属于货币政策的中介目标?A. 货币供应量B. 利率C. 通货膨胀率D. 选项A和B3. 以下哪个不属于中央银行的职能?A. 发行货币B. 调整利率C. 监管金融市场D. 制定国家经济发展战略4. 以下哪个不是存款创造过程中的关键因素?A. 存款准备金率B. 货币供应量C. 贷款利率D. 存款乘数5. 以下哪个不属于银行的不良贷款?A. 正常贷款B. 关注贷款C. 次级贷款D. 可疑贷款二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)6. 货币政策的三大法宝是:再贷款、再贴现和_______。
7. 存款准备金率的调整会影响银行的_______。
8. 货币供应量通常分为_______和_______。
9. 金融机构的监管主要包括_______、_______和_______。
10. 通货膨胀的实质是_______。
三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)11. 简述货币政策的传导机制。
12. 简述存款创造的过程。
13. 简述通货膨胀对经济的影响。
四、论述题(每题20分,共40分)14. 论述货币政策与财政政策的关系。
15. 论述我国货币政策在实现宏观经济目标中的作用。
### 货币银行学试题答案一、选择题1. D2. D3. D4. B5. A二、填空题6. 公开市场操作7. 贷款能力8. M0和M19. 市场准入监管、经营行为监管、风险监管10. 货币贬值三、简答题11. 货币政策的传导机制包括:利率传导机制、信贷传导机制、资产价格传导机制和汇率传导机制。
12. 存款创造的过程:银行吸收存款后,按照存款准备金率留下一部分作为准备金,其余部分可用于贷款。

一、单项选择题1. 执行价值单方向转移的货币职能是() C. 支付手段2. 租赁设备由承租人维修保养的是() D. 金融租赁3. 1998年我国取消贷款规模管理后,货币政策中介目标主要是() C. 货币供应量4. “扬基债券”的面值货币是() B. 美元5. 凯恩斯认为交易性需求是收入的() D. 递增函数6. 中国历史上第一家新式银行是() A. 丽如银行7. 不属于国家开发银行业务范围的是() D. 办理粮棉油储备贷款8. 保险合同终止一般是由于() B. 保险期限届满9. 现金交易方程式可表示为() A. MV=PT10. 在证券交易所专门从事不足一个成交单位股票买卖的证券商是() A. 零股经纪商11. 以下不属于证券交易所特点的是() C. 协商议价原则12. 国际货币基金组织贷款均按照() C. 特别提款权计值13. 某企业持有3个月后到期的一年期汇票,面额为2000元,银行确定该票据的贴现率为5%,则贴现金额是 A. 1975元14. 在现实经济生活中,无论是存款货币还是现金货币的提供,均源于银行的() B. 贷款业务15. 商业银行最主要的资金来源是() D. 存款负债16. 国际收支平衡表上的长期资本项目不包括() C各国银行间的资金拆放17. 国际货币基金组织和世界银行集团成立于() B 1945年18. 按保险对象的不同,可将保险分为() D财产保险与人身保险19. 欧洲货币市场的中心最初在() B伦敦20. 金本位制下外汇汇率上下波动的幅度受制于() C黄金输送点二、多项选择题21. 金银复本位制的形式有()B. 跛行本位制C. 双本位制D. 平行本位制22. 消费信用的形式主要有()C. 赊销商品E. 货币贷款23. 1994年我国建立的政策性金融机构有()A. 国家开发银行D. 中国农业发展银行E. 中国进出口银行24. 商业银行存款货币创造的主要条件是()B. 信用制度的发展D. 非现金结算广泛运用25. 货币政策与财政政策的共性表现在()A. 都是需求管理政策C. 调控目标一致26. 股票市场上的交易活动包括()A. 现货交易B. 期货交易D. 期权交易E. 股票指数期货交易27. 影响利率的因素主要有()A. 平均利润率B. 借贷资本的供求C. 国家宏观政策D. 通货膨胀率E. 国际间的协议28. 可以作为一国官方储备的资产有()C. 黄金D. 特别提款权E. 固定资产29. 属于货币市场的金融工具有()C. 商业票据D. 回购协议E. 国库券30. 价值尺度与价格标准的区别在于()B. 价值尺度是基础,价格标准是指单位货币的含金量D. 价值尺度与价值规律有关,价格标准与价值规律无关E. 价值尺度代表社会必要劳动,价格标准由国家规定第二部分非选择题三、名词解释31. 间接信用指导32. 公开市场业务33. 基础货币34. 直接标价法35. 金融租赁四、简答题36. 简述商业银行的职能。

货币银行学考试试题一、单项选择题(每题 2 分,共 20 分)1、货币的本质是()A 一般等价物B 商品C 金银D 特殊商品2、下列属于资本市场的是()A 票据市场B 同业拆借市场C 股票市场D 短期债券市场3、下列属于商业银行负债业务的是()A 贷款B 贴现C 存款D 证券投资4、中央银行的首要职能是()A 发行的银行B 银行的银行C 政府的银行D 调控的银行5、通货膨胀的直接原因是()A 货币供给过多B 成本推动C 需求拉动D 结构失衡6、下列属于货币政策中介目标的是()A 基础货币B 货币供应量C 利率D 汇率7、商业银行的经营原则不包括()A 安全性B 流动性C 盈利性D 风险性8、信用的基本特征是()A 平等的价值交换B 无条件的价值单方面让渡C 以偿还为条件的价值单方面转移D 无偿的赠予或援助9、劣币驱逐良币规律发生在()A 平行本位制B 双本位制C 跛行本位制D 金币本位制10、下列属于直接融资的是()A 银行贷款B 股票融资C 票据贴现D 消费信贷二、多项选择题(每题 3 分,共 15 分)1、货币的职能包括()A 价值尺度B 流通手段C 贮藏手段D 支付手段E 世界货币2、商业银行的表外业务包括()A 担保业务B 承诺业务C 金融衍生工具交易D 租赁业务E 票据发行便利3、中央银行的一般性货币政策工具包括()A 法定存款准备金率B 再贴现政策C 公开市场业务D 消费者信用控制E 不动产信用控制4、影响利率的因素包括()A 平均利润率B 借贷资本的供求关系C 国家经济政策D 国际利率水平E 物价水平5、金融市场的功能包括()A 资金融通功能B 风险分散与风险管理功能C 价格发现功能D 经济调节功能E 优化资源配置功能三、判断题(每题 2 分,共 10 分)1、商业信用是现代信用的基础,银行信用是现代信用的主要形式。

《货币银行学》课程习题集一、单选题1.某公司以延期付款方式销售给某商场一批商品,则该商场到期偿还欠款时,货币执行( A )职能。
A. 支付手段B. 流通手段C. 购买手段D. 贮藏手段2.在下列货币制度中“劣币驱逐良币律”出现在(C)。
A. 金本位制B. 银本位制C. 金银复本位制D. 金汇兑本位制3.我国最早的铸币金属是(A )。
A. 铜B. 银C. 铁D. 贝4.我国本位币的最小规格是(C )。
A. 1分 B. 1角C. 1元 D. 10元5.货币的本质特征是充当(B )。
A. 特殊等价物B. 一般等价物C. 普通商品D. 特殊商品6.下列货币制度中,金银两种货币均各按其所含金属的实际价值任意流通的货币制度是(A )。
A. 平行本位制 B. 双本位制C. 跛行本位制 D. 金汇兑本位制7.本票与汇票的区别之一是(A )。
A. 是否需要承兑B. 是否有追索权C. 是否需要汇兑D. 是否有保证8.工商企业之间以赊销方式提供的信用是(A )。
A. 商业信用B. 银行信用C. 消费信用D. 国家信用9.个人获得住房贷款属于(A)。
A. 商业信用B. 消费信用C. 国家信用 D. 补偿贸易10.国家货币管理部门或中央银行所规定的利率是(D )。
A. 实际利率B. 市场利率C. 公定利率D. 官定利率11.西方国家所说的基准利率,一般是指中央银行的( D )。
A. 贷款利率B. 存款利率C. 市场利率D. 再贴现利率12.下列不属于直接金融工具的是( A )。
A. 可转让大额定期存单B. 公司债券C. 股票D. 政府债券13.在代销方式中,证券销售的风险由(B )承担。
A. 经销商B. 发行人C. 监管者D. 购买者14.短期资金市场又称为(B )。
A. 初级市场B. 货币市场C. 资本市场 D. 次级市场15.目前我国有(B)家证券交易所。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 416.下列属于优先股股东权利范围的是( C )。

答案:国家货币主权二、单项选择题:1、与货币的出现紧密相联的是()A、金银的稀缺性B、交换产生与发展C、国家的强制力D、先哲的智慧答案:B2、商品价值形式最终演变的结果是()A、简单价值形式B、扩大价值形式C、一般价值形式D、货币价值形式答案:D3、中国最早的铸币金属是()A、铜B、银C、铁D、贝答案:A4、在下列货币制度中劣币驱逐良币律出现在()A、金本位制B、银本位制C、金银复本位制D、金汇兑本位制答案:C5、中华人民共和国货币制度建立于()A、1948年B、1949年C、1950年D、1951年答案:A6、欧洲货币同盟开始使用“欧元EURO”于()A、1998年B、1999年C、2001年D、2002年答案:B7、金银复本位制的不稳定性源于()A、金银的稀缺B、生产力的迅猛提高C、货币发行管理混乱D、金银同为本位币答案:D8、中国本位币的最小规格是()A、1分B、1角C、1元D、10元答案:C9、金属货币制度下的蓄水池功能源于()A、金属货币的稀缺性B、金属货币的价值稳定C、金属货币的自由铸造和熔化D、金属货币的易于保存答案:C10、单纯地从物价和货币购买力的关系看,物价指数上升25%,则货币购买力()A、上升20%B、下降20%C、上升25%D、下降25% 答案:B11、在国家财政和银行信用中发挥作用的主要货币职能是()A、价值尺度B、流通手段C、支付手段D、贮藏手段答案:C12、下列货币制度中最稳定的是()A、银本位制B、金银复本位制C、金铸币本位制D、金汇兑本位制答案:C13、马克思的货币本质观的建立基础是()A、劳动价值说B、货币金属说C、货币名目说D、创造发明说答案:A14、对商品价格的理解正确的是()A、同商品价值成反比B、同货币价值成正比C、商品价值的货币表现D、商品价值与货币价值的比答案:C15、货币的本质特征是充当()A、特殊等价物B、一般等价物C、普通商品D、特殊商品答案:B三、判断题1、最早的货币形式是金属铸币。

( )2.货币政策传导机制一般包括三个基本环节,在整个货币政策传导过程中,金融市场发挥着极其重要的作用。
( )3.一般说来通货膨胀有利于债权人而不利于债务人。
( )4.在弗里德曼看来,恒久收入相对稳定,货币流通速度则相对不稳定。
( )5.在采用直接标价法情况下,本币是一个固定不变的整数,汇率变动是以外币数额的变化来表示的。
( )6.现金漏损率与存款派生倍数呈正比关系,超额准备金与存款派生倍数呈反比关系。
( )7.在货币层次中,流动性越强包括的货币的范围越大。
( )8.世界上首次出现的国际货币制度是国际金本位制。
( )9.商业信用属于直接信用而银行信用属于间接信用。
t )10.利率市场化强调在利率决定中市场因素的主导作用,因此能真实反映资金供求关系,有利于利率灵活有效地发挥经济杠杆作用。
( )三、单项选择题(每小题i分。
请将正确答案的序号填写在括号内)1.利息是( )的价格。
A.货币资本B.借贷资本C.外来资本D.银行资本2.铸币平价是( )条件下汇率决定的基础。
A.信用货币制度B.金币本位制C.金块本位制D.金汇兑本位制3.在国际信用中,国际商业银行的贷款利率一般较高,它一般是基于( )来确定的。
A.国际资本市场利率B.同期限国债利率C.借贷双方商定D.伦敦同业拆借利率4.在我国,收入变动与货币需求量变动之间的关系是( )。
A.同方向B.反方向C.无任何直接关系D.A与B都可能5.现代各国商业经营性金融机构,尤其是银行业,主要是按照( )形式建立的。
A.合作制B.国有制C.私人所有制D.股份制6.货币政策诸目标之间呈一致性关系的是( )。
A.物价稳定与经济增长B.经济增长与充分就业C.充分就业与国际收支平衡D.物价稳定与充分就业7.信用是( )。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版《货币银行学》试题库(附答案)一、单项选择题:1.(在多种利率并存的条件下起决定作用的利率是( A )A. 基准利率 B(差别利率 C. 实际利率 D(公定利率2. 执行价值单方向转移的货币职能是(C)A. 价值尺度B. 流通手段C. 支付手段D. 贮藏手段3. 商业银行最主要的资金来源是(D)A. 资本金B. 中央银行借款C. 发行金融债券D. 存款负债4. 商业信用中所使用的信用工具是( D )A.存折B.股票C.债券D.票据5. 企业之间的商品赊销、赊购行为属于( A )A.商业信用B.银行信用C.国家信用D.消费信用6. “劣币驱逐良币”现象发生在( C )制度下。
A.银本位B.金本位C.金银复本位D.纸币本位7. 债券的发行价格高于债券的票面额称为( C )。
A.折价发行B.中间价发行C.溢价发行D.平价发行8. 股票是一种永久性的证券,它是( B )A.债券凭证B.所有权凭证C.使用权凭证D.实物资本9. 比一般贷款利率低,用于国家政策扶持对象的贷款利率是( C )A.市场利率B.实际利率C.优惠利率D.名义利率10. 中央银行宏观调控的主要手段是( C )A.产业政策B.财政政策C.货币政策D.收入政策11. 由市场资金供求关系所决定的利率为 ( C )A.实际利率B.名义利率C.市场利率D.官定利率12. 商业银行负债业务中最主要的部分是( A )A.各项存款B.同业拆借C.自有资本D.向中央银行借款13. 中央银行的再贴现利率和再贷款利率可称为( B )A.优惠利率B.基准利率C.差别利率D.实际利率14. 我国货币层次划分中的M0是指( D )A. 储蓄B.存款C.信用卡存款D.现金15. 属于区域性国际金融机构的是( B )A.世界银行B.亚洲开发银行C.国际金融公司D.农业发展基金会16. 属于货币政策远期中介指标的是( B )A(汇率 B(超额准备金 C(利率 D(基础货币17. 导致通货膨胀的直接原因是( D )。

《货币银行学》题库一、单选题1、货币的本质是()A 商品B 一般等价物C 金银D 特殊商品2、信用货币制度下,货币发行的基础是()A 黄金B 外汇C 国债D 银行信用3、以下属于间接融资的是()A 股票融资B 债券融资C 银行贷款D 商业票据融资4、商业银行的核心资本包括()A 股本和公开储备B 股本和未公开储备C 债务资本和附属资本D 股本和债务资本二、多选题1、货币的职能包括()A 价值尺度B 流通手段C 贮藏手段D 支付手段E 世界货币2、中央银行的职能包括()A 发行的银行B 银行的银行C 政府的银行D 监管的银行E 服务的银行3、金融市场的构成要素包括()A 交易主体B 交易对象C 交易工具D 交易价格E 交易组织形式4、商业银行的负债业务包括()A 存款业务B 借款业务C 自有资本D 票据贴现E 证券投资三、判断题1、货币的出现解决了商品交换中的等价交换问题。
下面我们来逐一分析这些题目:单选题部分:第 1 题,货币的本质是一般等价物,能够表现和衡量其他一切商品的价值,并能和其他一切商品相交换。
选项 B 正确。
第 2 题,在信用货币制度下,货币发行的基础是银行信用,通过银行的信贷活动创造货币。
选项 D 正确。
第 3 题,间接融资是指资金盈余单位与资金短缺单位之间不发生直接关系,而是分别与金融机构发生一笔独立的交易,即资金盈余单位通过存款等方式将资金提供给金融机构,再由金融机构以贷款等形式将资金提供给资金短缺单位。
银行贷款属于间接融资,选项 C 正确。

货币银行学试题题库一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共10道小题)1. 作用力度最强的货币政策工具是()。
(A) 公开市场业务(B) 再贴现率(C) 流动性比率(D) 存款准备率正确答案:D2. 下列变量中,属于典型的外生变量的是()。
(A) 利率(B) 税率(C) 汇率(D) 价格正确答案:B3. 费雪在其方程式(MV=PT)中认为,最重要的关系是()。
(A) M与V的关系(B) M与T的关系(C) M与P的关系(D) T与V的关系正确答案:C4. 当银行存款的名义利率和物价变动率一致时,存户到期提取的本利和能够达到()。
(A) 升值(B) 贬值(C) 保值(D) 升值或贬值的幅度不定正确答案:C5. 收入属于货币需求决定因素中的()。
(A) 微观变量(B) 机会成本变量(C) 制度变量(D) 规模变量正确答案:D6. 一般情况下通货比率与收入的变动成()。
(A) 正向(B) 反向(C) 同比例变化(D) 两者无关正确答案:B7. 下列不是凯恩斯提出的货币需求动机的是()(A) 谨慎动机(B) 所得动机(C) 业务动机(D) 偏好动机正确答案:D8. 下列理论及模型中,不属于对凯恩斯“流动性偏好”理论的发展的是()(A) 惠伦模型(B) 托宾模型(C) 货币理论(D) 鲍莫尔模型正确答案:C9. 属于货币学派货币理论的命题是()(A) 利率是货币需求的重要决定因素(B) 实际利率、实际经济增长率都是由经济中的实际因素决定的(C) 货币政策是稳定经济的有效工具,货币当局应根据经济现状及时调整货币政策以适应经济发展(D) “恒久收入”概念是一个不包含人力资本在内的纯物质化的概念正确答案:B10. 在通货膨胀过程中,下列会得到利益的经济个体是()(A) 债权人(B) 浮动收入者(C) 货币财富持有者(D) 靠固定薪金维持生活的人正确答案:B二、判断题(判断正误,共10道小题)11.货币当局可以直接调控货币供给数量。

A: 1%B: 1.5%C:2%D: 2.5%正确答案:A2.管理外汇和黄金准备体现了中央银行的()职能。
A: 发行的银行B: 银行的银行C: 政府的银行D: 调节正确答案:C3. ()将监管看作一种"租",认为它是由监管者主动地向被监管者提供监管服务从而获益。
A: 管制供求论B: 公共选择论C: 供给利益论D: 投资者利益保护论正确答案:B4.中央银行进行公开市场操作的对象主要是()。
A: 大额可转让存款单B: 银行承兑汇票C: 金融债券D: 国库券正确答案:D5.下列不属于股票私募发行方式的是()。
A: 内部配股B: 私人配股C: 以发起方式设立公司D: 包销正确答案: D6.为了增加货币供应量,中央银行应该()。
A: 提高法定存款准备金率B: 提高再贴现率C: 降低再贴现率D: 中央银行卖出债券正确答案: C7.劣币是指实际价值()的货币。
A: 等于零B: 等于名义价值C: 高于名义价值D: 低于名义价值正确答案: D8.政策性金融机构是()的金融机构。
A: 与商业银行没有区别B: 不以营利为目的C: 由政府支持不完全以营利为目的D: 代表国家财正确答案:C9.货币执行支付手段职能的特点是()。
A: 货币是商品交换的媒介B: 货币是一般等价物C: 货币运动伴随商品运动D: 货币作为价值的独立形式进行单方面转移正确答案:D10.在中央银行负债项目中占比最大的项目是()。
A: 商业银行的准备金存款B: 流通中通货C: 政府部门存款D: 其他负债和资本权益正确答案:B11.小额储蓄者/贷款人使用金融中介,而非直接融资市场,原因是金融中介可以()。

货币银行学试题及答案货币银行学试题及答案(一)1、货币的产生是( C )。
A、由金银的天然属性决定的、B、国家的发明创造、C、商品交换中商品内在矛盾发展的必然产物、D、人们相互协商的结果2、国家货币管理部门或中央银行所规定的利率是:( D )。
A、实际利率、B、市场利率、C、公定利率、D、法定利率4、期限在一年以上,以金融工具为媒介,进行长期性资金交易活动的市场,是( C )。
A、货币市场、B、二级市场、C、资本市场、D、金融市场5、按照组织的章程,服务对象只限于成员国官方财政、金融当局,而不与任何私人企业有业务往来的国际金融组织是:( B )。
A、世界银行、B、国际货币基金组织、C、国际开发协会、D、国际金融公司1、世界各国中央银行的组织形式以( A )最为流行。
A、单一型B、复合型C、跨国型D、准中央银行型2、金融业是一个高风险行业,其风险性首先在于( A )。
A、行业风险B、利率风险C、流动性风险D、汇率风险4、在直接标价法下,汇率的升降与本国货币价值的高低呈( B )变化。
A、正比例B、反比例C、无确定关系D、以上都不对5、下列金融机构中,不属于全球性金融机构的是( B )。
A、世界银行B、亚洲开发银行C、国际复兴与开发银行D、国际货币基金组织1、现代经济中最基本的占主导地位的信用形式是( C )。
A、国家信用B、商业信用C、银行信用D、国际信用2、商业银行的负债业务是指( A )。
A、形成资金________业务B、资金运用业务C、租赁业务D、承兑业务3、各国货币政策的首要目标通常是( B )。
A、充分就业B、稳定物价C、经济增长D、国际收支平衡4、货币在( D )时,执行国际财富转移手段职能。
A、支付国际贸易差额B、购买外国商品C、支付外国劳务费用D、对外援助5、在直接标价法下,汇率的升降与本国货币价值的高低呈( B )变化。
A、正比例B、反比例C、无确定关系D、以上都不对1、利息是( C )的价格。


货币银行学复习题一、选择题1.货币的功能包括以下哪些?(多选)A. 价值尺度功能B. 贮藏手段功能C. 交换媒介功能D. 债务清偿功能答案:A、B、C、D2.货币发行的方式主要有以下几种?(单选)A. 商业银行发行方式B. 中央银行发行方式C. 政府发行方式D. 外汇市场发行方式答案:B3.开展货币银行学研究的最基本的理论基础是?(单选)A. 利息收入理论B. 货币数量理论C. 基础货币理论D. 货币乘数理论答案:D4.商业银行的主要职能包括以下哪些?(多选)A. 存款业务B. 贷款业务C. 发行货币业务D. 外汇交易业务答案:A、B、D5.央行货币政策主要目标包括以下哪些?(多选)A. 维护货币稳定B. 实现经济增长C. 促进就业D. 实施地方政府债务管理答案:A、C二、判断题1.商业银行的存款准备金率是央行规定的要求,商业银行需要按照要求进行存放,不能随意使用。

货币银行学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 货币的最基本的职能是:A. 价值尺度B. 流通手段C. 贮藏手段D. 支付手段2. 以下哪个不是货币市场工具?A. 短期国债B. 长期国债C. 商业票据D. 银行承兑汇票3. 货币供应量通常分为几个层次?A. 1个B. 2个C. 3个D. 4个4. 以下哪个不是中央银行的职能?A. 发行货币B. 制定货币政策C. 监管金融市场D. 经营商业银行业务5. 利率上升时,以下哪个现象最可能发生?A. 投资增加B. 储蓄增加C. 消费减少D. 通货膨胀率上升6. 银行的准备金率提高,通常会导致:A. 货币供应量增加B. 货币供应量减少C. 银行信贷规模扩大D. 银行信贷规模缩小7. 以下哪个是直接融资的特点?A. 通过银行进行B. 需要中介机构C. 风险较低D. 融资成本较高8. 以下哪个是货币政策的最终目标?A. 稳定物价B. 经济增长C. 充分就业D. 所有以上9. 以下哪个是商业银行的主要业务?A. 投资咨询B. 存款业务C. 保险业务D. 证券交易10. 货币的流通速度越快,货币供应量对经济的影响:A. 越小B. 越大C. 没有影响D. 取决于其他因素答案:1-5 ABBCD 6-10 BDBBD二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 银行的信用创造功能是指银行可以通过贷款来增加货币供应量。
(对)2. 货币政策的三大工具是公开市场操作、存款准备金率和再贴现率。
(对)3. 货币供应量M1包括现金和活期存款。
(对)4. 利率市场化是指利率完全由市场供求关系决定。
(对)5. 银行的不良贷款率越高,其信用风险越低。
(错)6. 通货膨胀是指货币供应量超过经济增长速度,导致物价水平持续上涨的现象。
(对)7. 银行的资本充足率越高,其抵御风险的能力越强。
(对)8. 货币的贮藏手段职能是指货币可以作为价值的储存工具。
(对)9. 货币的流通手段职能是指货币作为交换媒介的功能。

货币银行学试题集货币银行学试题库一、单项选择题1.实物货币是指()A 没有内在价值的货币B 不能分割的货币C 专指贵金属货币D 作为货币其价值与普通商品价值相等的货币2.货币作为价值尺度所要解决的是()A 实现商品的交换B 表现特定商品的价值C 在商品之间进行价值比较D 使人们不必对商品进行比较3.商品流通与物物交换的区别在于()A 前者包括许多商品的交换。
B 前者是指以货币为媒介的商品交换的总体,后者则是只包括两种商品。
C 前者是指以货币为媒介的商品交换的总体,后者则是不以某种商品为媒介的各种商品之间的交换。
A 等于零B 等于名义价值C 高于名义价值D 低于名义价值5.本位货币是指()A 一个国家货币制度规定的标准货币B 本国货币当局发行的货币C 以黄金为基础的货币D 可以与黄金兑换的货币6.金银复本位制是()A 金银比价由政府和市场共同决定的金银两本位制。
B 金银的比价由市场决定的金银两本位制。
C 金银的比价由政府规定的金银两本位制。
D 金银比价由银行决定的金银两本位制。
7.跛行本位制是指()A 银币的铸造受到控制的金银两本位制。
B 金币的铸造受到控制的金银两本位制。
C 以金币为本位货币的金银两本位制。
D 以银币为本位货币的金银两本位制。
8.纸币本位币制是指()A 银行券为本位货币B 可以自由兑换黄金的货币为本位货币C 信用货币为本位货币D 纸币为本位货币9.典型的金本位制是()A 金块本位制B 金汇兑本位制C 虚金本位制D 金币本位制10.本位货币在商品流通和债务支付中具有()的特点。
A 有限法偿B 无限法偿C 债权人可以选择是否接受D 债务人必须支付11. 信用起源于()A 商品交换B 货币流通C 生产社会化12.在信用关系的价值运动中,货币执行的职能是()A 价值尺度B 流通手段C 支付手段D 储藏手段13.美国同业拆借市场也称()A 贴现市场B 承兑市场C 联邦基金市场D 外汇交易市场14.资本市场是指()A 短期市场B 一级市场C 发行市场D 长期市场15.结案届融资在于金融中介机构是否发行自己的()A 股票B 支票C 汇票D 债务凭证16.()是提供金融服务和产品的企业。
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Chapter 3What Is Money?Multiple Choice1)There is no single precise measure of money or the money supply for economists because(a)the government considers money supply statistics to be confidential and refuses to publish them.(b)deciding what is generally accepted in payment for goods and services or in the repayment ofdebt is difficult to determine.(c)economists cannot agree if currency should be considered money.(d)of each of the above.(e)of both (a) and (b) of the above.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition2)Economists find no completely satisfactory way to measure money because(a)money supply statistics are a state secret.(b)the Federal Reserve does not employ or report different measures of the money supply.(c)the “moneyness” or liquidity of an asset is a mat ter of degree.(d)economists find disagreement interesting and refuse to agree for ideological reasons.Answer:CQuestion Status: Previous Edition3)Currency includes(a)paper money and coins.(b)paper money, coins, and checks.(c)paper money and checks.(d)paper money, coins, checks, and savings deposits.Answer:AQuestion Status: Previous Edition4)The difference between money and income is that(a)money is a flow and income is a stock.(b)money is a stock and income is a flow.(c)there is no difference—money and income are both stocks.(d)there is no difference—money and income are both flows.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition5)It is true that(a)income and wealth are both stocks.(b)money and income are both stocks.(c)income is a flow and wealth is a stock.(d)money and wealth are both flows.(e)money and income are both flows.Answer:CQuestion Status: NewChapter 3 What Is Money? 59 6)When people say, “Bill Gates sure is rich, he has a lot of money,” they probably mean thatBill Gates(a)has a large checking account balance.(b)is quite wealthy.(c)has a relatively high income.(d)all of the above.(e)only (a) and (b) of the above.Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition7)An individual’s annual salary is her(a)money.(b)income.(c)wealth.(d)liabilities.(e)assets.Answer:BQuestion Status: New8) A person’s house is part of her(a)money.(b)income.(c)liabilities.(d)wealth.(e)all of the above.Answer:DQuestion Status: New9) A person’s checking deposits are part of her(a)money.(b)income.(c)wealth.(d)all of the above.(e)only (a) and (c) of the above.Answer:EQuestion Status: New10) A penny collection is(a)money.(b)income.(c)wealth.(d)all of the above.(e)only (a) and (c) of the above.Answer:EQuestion Status: New11)Money is(a)anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods and services or in the repayment ofdebt.(b)frequently—but incorrectly—used synonymously with wealth.(c)paper money, coins, and checks.(d)all of the above.(e)only (a) and (c) of the above.Answer:DQuestion Status: Revised60 Frederic S. Mishkin •Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Seventh Edition12)Money is(a)anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods and services or in the repayment of debt.(b)frequently—but incorrectly—used synonymously with wealth.(c)a flow of earnings per unit of time.(d)all of the above.(e)only (a) and (b) of the above.Answer:EQuestion Status: Previous Edition13)Which of the following are true statements?(a)Wealth is the total collection of pieces of property that are a store of value.(b)Money is frequently confused with income.(c)Income is a flow of earnings per unit of time.(d)All of the above are true.(e)Only (a) and (b) of the above are true.Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition14)Which of the following are true statements?(a)Wealth is the total collection of pieces of property that are a store of value.(b)Money is a stock; it is a certain amount at a given point in time.(c)Income is a flow of earnings per unit of time.(d)All of the above are true.(e)Only (a) and (b) of the above are true.Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition15)Which of the following are true statements?(a)Wealth is the total collection of pieces of property that are a store of value.(b)Money is a flow variable.(c)Income is a stock variable.(d)All of the above are true.Answer:AQuestion Status: Previous Edition16)Of mo ney’s three functions, the one that distinguishes money from other assets is its function as a(a)store of value.(b)unit of account.(c)standard of deferred payment.(d)medium of exchange.Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition17)Some of the forms money has taken throughout history include(a)tobacco.(b)cigarettes.(c)wampum.(d)all of the above.Answer:DQuestion Status: Revised18)If peanuts serve as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value, then peanuts are(a)bank deposits.(b)reserves.(c)money.(d)loanable funds.(e)all of the above.Answer:CStudy GuideChapter 3 What Is Money? 61 19)When an economist states that barter is impossible, she doesn’t really mean that barter is impossible.Her real meaning is that(a)barter transactions are relatively costly.(b)barter has no useful place in today’s world.(c)it is impossible for barter transactions to leave parties to an exchange better off.(d)barter is illegal.(e)each of the above is true.Answer:AQuestion Status: Study Guide20) A problem with barter exchange is that barter requires(a)a double coincidence of wants.(b)specialization.(c)standardization.(d)mutual respect.(e)a common denominator to determine prices.Answer:AQuestion Status: New21)The problem of the double coincidence of wants can be avoided if(a)trade is organized in a central market.(b)money is used to facilitate exchanges.(c)barter trades are encouraged.(d)both (a) and (b) of the above.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition22)The conversion of a barter economy to one that uses money increases efficiency by reducing(a)the need to exchange goods.(b)the need to specialize.(c)the need to employ team production methods.(d)transactions costs.Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition23)The conversion of a barter economy to one that uses money(a)increases efficiency by reducing the need to exchange goods and services.(b)increases efficiency by reducing the need to specialize.(c)increases efficiency by reducing transactions costs.(d)does not increase economic efficiency.Answer:CQuestion Status: Previous Edition24)Which of the following are true statements?(a)The conversion of a barter economy to one that uses money increases efficiency by reducing thecost of exchange.(b)The conversion of a barter economy to one that uses money increases efficiency by reducing thecost to those who wish to specialize.(c)The conversion of a barter economy to one that uses money increases efficiency by reducingtransactions costs.(d)All of the above are true.(e)Only (a) and (c) of the above are true.Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition62 Frederic S. Mishkin •Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Seventh Edition25)Which of the following are true statements?(a)The conversion of a barter economy to one that uses money increases efficiency by increasingthe cost of exchange.(b)The conversion of a barter economy to one that uses money increases efficiency by increasingthe cost to those who wish to specialize.(c)The conversion of a barter economy to one that uses money increases efficiency by reducingtransactions costs.(d)All of the above are true.Answer:CQuestion Status: Previous Edition26)Which of the following are true statements?(a)The conversion of a barter economy to one that uses money increases efficiency by increasingthe cost of exchange.(b)The conversion of a barter economy to one that uses money increases efficiency by reducing thecost to those who wish to specialize.(c)The conversion of a barter economy to one that uses money does not increase economicefficiency.(d)All of the above are true.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition27)When compared to exchange systems that rely on money, disadvantages of the barter system include:(a)the requirement of a double coincidence of wants.(b)increasing the cost of exchanging goods over time.(c)raising the cost of exchange to those who would specialize.(d)all of the above.Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition28)When compared to exchange systems that rely on money, disadvantages of the barter system include:(a)the requirement of a double coincidence of wants.(b)lowering the cost of exchanging goods over time.(c)lowering the cost of exchange to those who would specialize.(d)all of the above.Answer:AQuestion Status: Previous Edition29)Because it is a medium of exchange, money(a)eliminates the requirement for a double coincidence of wants.(b)encourages specialization.(c)reduces transaction costs.(d)does all of the above.(e)does only (a) and (b) of the above.Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition30)Because it is a medium of exchange, money(a)encourages specialization and the division of labor.(b)reduces transaction costs.(c)is not allowed to earn interest.(d)does all of the above.(e)does only (a) and (b) of the above.Answer:EQuestion Status: Previous Edition31)Because it is a medium of exchange, money(a)discourages specialization and the division of labor.(b)reduces transaction costs.(c)is not allowed to earn interest.(d)does only (b) and (c) of the above.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous EditionChapter 3 What Is Money? 6332)Because it is a medium of exchange, money(a)does not earn interest.(b)eliminates the requirement for a double coincidence of wants.(c)must be currency.(d)cannot be a durable asset.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition33)When economists say that money promotes efficiency, they mean that money(a)reduces transactions costs.(b)encourages specialization and the division of labor.(c)is inexpensive to produce.(d)does both (a) and (b) of the above.Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition34)When economists say that money promotes efficiency, they mean that money(a)increases transactions costs.(b)encourages specialization and the division of labor.(c)is inexpensive to produce.(d)does both (b) and (c) of the above.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition35)Which of the following statements best explains how the use of money in an economy increaseseconomic efficiency?(a)Money increases economic efficiency because it is costless to produce.(b)Money increases economic efficiency because it encourages specialization.(c)Money increases economic efficiency because it increases transactions costs.(d)Money cannot have an effect on economic efficiency.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition36)Which of the following are true statements?(a)Money lowers the costs spent trying to exchange goods and services.(b)Because money lowers transaction costs, it promotes economic efficiency.(c)Income is a stock variable.(d)All of the above are true.(e)Only (a) and (b) of the above are true.Answer:EQuestion Status: Previous Edition37)For a commodity to function effectively as money it must be(a)easily standardized, making it easy to ascertain its value.(b)widely accepted.(c)divisible into relatively small units.(d)all of the above.(e)only (a) and (b) of the above.Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition38)For a commodity to function effectively as money it must be(a)easily standardized, making it easy to ascertain its value.(b)widely accepted.(c)deteriorate quickly so that its supply does not become to large.(d)all of the above.(e)only (a) and (b) of the above.Answer:EQuestion Status: Previous Edition64 Frederic S. Mishkin •Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Seventh Edition39)If it is generally acceptable as a medium of exchange then it(a)must be a commodity.(b)must be a precious metal such as gold or silver.(c)is money.(d)all of the above.Answer:CQuestion Status: Previous Edition40)All but the most primitive societies use money as a medium of exchange, implying that(a)the use of money is economically efficient.(b)barter exchange is economically inefficient.(c)barter exchange cannot work outside the family.(d)all of the above.(e)only (a) and (b) of the above.Answer:EQuestion Status: Previous Edition41)Whatever a society uses as money, the distinguishing characteristic is that(a)it must be completely inflation proof.(b)it must be generally acceptable as payment for goods and services or in the repayment of debt.(c)it must contain gold.(d)it must be produced by the government.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition42)Although it can have a number of characteristics and serves more than one role, money must(a)be backed in gold.(b)have a nonmonetary value.(c)be generally acceptable.(d)be inexpensive to produce.Answer:CQuestion Status: Previous Edition43)Although it can have a number of characteristics and serves more than one role, money must(a)be inexpensive to produce.(b)be generally acceptable.(c)have a nonmonetary value.(d)be both (a) and (b) of the above.(e)be both (a) and (c) of the above.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition44)The resources used finding buyers or sellers and negotiating price and other terms are called(a)pecuniary costs.(b)barter costs.(c)transactions costs.(d)information costs.(e)enforcement costs.Answer:CQuestion Status: Study Guide45)Although money facilitates exchange, exchange is still costly. The costs of exchange are called(a)medium-of-exchange costs.(b)transaction costs.(c)liquidity costs.(d)barter costs.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous EditionChapter 3 What Is Money? 6546)The time and resources spent trying to exchange goods and services are called(a)bargaining costs.(b)transaction costs.(c)contracting costs.(d)barter costs.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition47)Economists say that money is productive because it reduces(a)medium-of-exchange costs.(b)transaction costs.(c)liquidity costs.(d)barter costs.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition48)Compared to an economy that uses a medium of exchange, in a barter economy(a)transaction costs are higher.(b)transaction costs are lower.(c)liquidity costs are higher.(d)liquidity costs are lower.Answer:AQuestion Status: Previous Edition49)Money reduces transactions costs, allowing people to specialize in what they do best. Money,therefore, promotes(a)greed and avarice.(b)efficiency.(c)the division of labor.(d)only (a) and (b) of the above.(e)only (b) and (c) of the above.Answer:EQuestion Status: Previous Edition50)Money reduces transaction costs, allowing people to specialize in what they do best. Money,therefore, promotes(a)greed and avarice.(b)inefficiency.(c)the division of labor.(d)competition.Answer:CQuestion Status: Previous Edition51)Because money reduces transaction costs, it(a)promotes efficiency.(b)promotes the division of labor.(c)favors production over exchange.(d)does all of the above.(e)does only (a) and (b) of the above.Answer:EQuestion Status: Previous Edition52)Because money reduces transaction costs, it(a)promotes inefficiency by encouraging too many exchanges.(b)promotes the division of labor.(c)favors productive activities over exchange activities.(d)does only (b) and (c) of the above.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition66 Frederic S. Mishkin •Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Seventh Edition53)Money reduces transaction costs, allowing people to specialize in what they do best. Money,therefore,(a)encourages greed and avarice.(b)improves economic efficiency.(c)frustrates exchange.(d)only (a) and (b) of the above.(e)only (b) and (c) of the above.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition54)Money reduces transaction costs, allowing people to specialize in what they do best. Money,therefore,(a)decreases specialization.(b)improves economic efficiency.(c)frustrates exchange.(d)only (a) and (b) of the above.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition55)Because money reduces transaction costs, it(a)encourages greed and avarice.(b)improves economic efficiency.(c)encourages specialization and exchange.(d)does only (a) and (b) of the above.(e)does only (b) and (c) of the above.Answer:EQuestion Status: Previous Edition56)One can be confident that money must promote efficiency because(a)almost every society except the most primitive uses it.(b)people generally prefer using it in exchanges.(c)both (a) and (b) of the above.(d)neither (a) nor (b) of the above.Answer:CQuestion Status: Previous Edition57)When money prices are used to facilitate comparisons of value, money is said to function as a(a)unit of account.(b)medium of exchange.(c)store of value.(d)payments-system ruler.Answer:AQuestion Status: Previous Edition58)Because it is a unit of account, money(a)reduces transaction costs.(b)reduces the number of prices that need to be calculated.(c)does not earn interest.(d)does all of the above.(e)does only (a) and (b) of the above.Answer:EQuestion Status: Previous Edition59)Because it is a unit of account, money(a)increases transaction costs.(b)reduces the number of prices that need to be calculated.(c)does not earn interest.(d)does all of the above.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous EditionChapter 3 What Is Money? 6760) A problem with barter exchange when there are many goods is that in a barter system(a)transactions costs are minimized.(b)there exists a multiple number of prices for each good.(c)everyone is overspecialized.(d)exchange of services is impossible.(e)there is only one store of value.Answer:BQuestion Status: New61)In a barter economy the number of prices in an economy with N goods is(a)[N(N - 1)]/2.(b)N(N/2).(c)2N.(d)N(N/2) - 1.Answer:AQuestion Status: Previous Edition62)If there are five goods in a barter economy, one needs to know ten prices in order to exchange onegood for another. If, however, there are ten goods in a barter economy, then one needs to know_____ prices in order to exchange one good for another.(a)20(b)25(c)30(d)45Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition63)If there are three goods in a barter economy, one needs to know three prices in order to exchangeone good for another. If, however, there are ten goods in a barter economy, then one needs to know _____ prices in order to exchange one good for another.(a)10(b)15(c)30(d)45Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition64)If there are five goods in a barter economy, one needs to know ten prices in order to exchange onegood for another. If, however, there are four goods in a barter economy, then one needs to know_____ prices in order to exchange one good for another.(a)4(b)5(c)6(d)8Answer:CQuestion Status: Previous Edition65)If there are four goods in a barter economy, then one needs to know _____ prices in order toexchange one good for another.(a)8(b)6(c)5(d)4Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition66)If there are five goods in a barter economy, one needs to know ten prices in order to exchange onegood for another. If, however, there are six goods in a barter economy, then one needs to know_____ prices in order to exchange one good for another.(a)6(b)9(c)12(d)15Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition67)If there are three goods in a barter economy, one needs to know three prices in order to exchangeone good for another. If, however, there are six goods in a barter economy, then one needs to know _____ prices in order to exchange one good for another.(a)15(b)12(c)9(d)6Answer:AQuestion Status: Previous Edition68)If there are four goods in a barter economy, one needs to know six prices in order to exchange onegood for another. If, however, there are five goods in a barter economy, then one needs to know _____ prices in order to exchange one good for another.(a)8(b)9(c)10(d)12Answer:CQuestion Status: Previous Edition69)If there are three goods in a barter economy, one needs to know three prices in order to exchangeone good for another. If, however, there are five goods in a barter economy, then one needs to know _____ prices in order to exchange one good for another.(a)5(b)6(c)8(d)10Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition70)Which of the following assets can serve as a store of value?(a)Money(b)Stocks and bonds(c)Houses(d)All of the aboveAnswer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition71)Because it is a store of value, money(a)does not earn interest.(b)cannot be a durable asset.(c)must be currency.(d)is none of the above.Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition72)Although not a unique store of value, people find money a convenient store of value because(a)it does not decline in value when prices rise.(b)its value remains fixed to the price level; that is, if prices double so does the value of money.(c)it is the most liquid asset.(d)of all of the above.(e)of none of the above.Answer:CQuestion Status: Previous Edition73)Increasing transactions costs of selling an asset make the asset(a)more valuable.(b)more liquid.(c)less liquid.(d)more moneylike.(e)more fungible.Answer:CQuestion Status: Study Guide74)Of the following assets, the most liquid is(a)savings bonds.(b)corporate Bonds.(c)stocks.(d)traveler’s checks.(e)certificates of deposit.Answer:DQuestion Status: New75)Of the following assets, the least liquid is(a)currency.(b)traveler’s checks.(c)checking deposits.(d)a house.(e)stocks.Answer:DQuestion Status: New76)Ranking assets from most liquid to least liquid, the correct order is(a)savings bonds; house; currency.(b)currency; savings bonds; house.(c)currency; house; savings bonds.(d)house; savings bonds; currency.(e)house; currency; savings bonds.Answer:BQuestion Status: New77)Ranking assets from most liquid to least liquid, the correct order is(a)savings deposits; corporate bond; swimming pool.(b)swimming pool; savings deposits; corporate bond.(c)corporate bond; savings deposits; swimming pool.(d)swimming pool; corporate bonds; savings deposits.(e)savings deposits; swimming pool; corporate bonds.Answer:AQuestion Status: New78)Assets such as bonds, common stock, art, land, furniture, cars, or houses function as stores ofvalue, but(a)are not generally accepted in the payment for goods and services.(b)do not generate flows of income for their owners.(c)are not considered as wealth.(d)all of the above.(e)only (a) and (b) of the above.Answer:AQuestion Status: Previous Edition79)Checkable deposits are money because(a)federal regulations mandate that they be so considered.(b)they serve the functions of money.(c)only banks, and not savings and loan associations, can issue checkable deposits.(d)of both (a) and (b) of the above.(e)of both (a) and (c) of the above.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition80)People hold money even during inflationary episodes when other assets prove to be better stores ofvalue. This can be explained by the fact that money is(a)extremely liquid.(b)a unique good for which there are no substitutes.(c)the only thing accepted in economic exchange.(d)all of the above.Answer:AQuestion Status: Previous Edition81)If the price level doubles, the value of money(a)doubles.(b)more than doubles, due to scale economies.(c)rises but does not double, due to diminishing returns.(d)falls by 50 percent.Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition82)If the level of prices falls by 50 percent, the value of money(a)falls by 50%.(b)falls by 100%.(c)remains unchanged.(d)rises by 50%.(e)doubles.Answer:EQuestion Status: New83) A fall in the level of prices(a)does not affect the value of money.(b)has an uncertain effect on the value of money.(c)increases the value of money.(d)reduces the value of money.(e)is impossible.Answer:CQuestion Status: New84)During hyperinflations,(a)the value of money rises rapidly.(b)money no longer functions as a good store of value and people may resort to barter transactionson a much larger scale.(c)middle-class savers benefit as prices rise.(d)all of the above occur.Answer:BQuestion Status: Previous Edition85)During hyperinflations,(a)the value of money falls rapidly.(b)money no longer functions as a good store of value and the volume of barter transactionsincreases.(c)debtors benefit as the real value of their debt falls.(d)all of the above occur.Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition86)During periods of rapidly rising prices(a)money fails to serve as a good store of value.(b)money fails to serve as a unit of account.(c)money fails to serve as a medium of exchange.(d)money fails to serve as a standard of value.Answer:AQuestion Status: Previous Edition87)If one observes a decline in the use of money to carry out transactions and an increase in barterexchanges, then one can probably infer that(a)inflation has accelerated into hyperinflation.(b)money no longer serves as a store of value.(c)the use of money no longer significantly reduces transaction costs.(d)all of the above.(e)only (a) and (b) of the above.Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition88)When prices in a particular country rise extremely rapidly, the country suffers(a)deflation.(b)disinflation.(c)hyperinflation.(d)all of the above.Answer:CQuestion Status: Previous Edition89)Because inflation in Nicaragua in 1990 topped 13,000 percent, one can conclude that the Nicaraguaneconomy suffered from(a)deflation.(b)disinflation.(c)hyperinflation.(d)superdeflation.Answer:CQuestion Status: Previous Edition90)If merchants in the country Zed choose to close their doors, preferring to be stuck with rottingmerchandise rather than worthless currency, then one can conclude that Zed is experiencing a(a)superdeflation.(b)hyperdeflation.(c)disinflation.(d)hyperinflation.Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition91)If currency in the country of Zed is seen as worthless by its citizens, then Zed is probablyexperiencing a(a)superdeflation.(b)hyperdeflation.(c)disinflation.(d)hyperinflation.Answer:DQuestion Status: Previous Edition。