高中英语学习:双语版短篇小说-女房东-The Landlady
1.双语版The Landlady女房东Roald Dahl罗尔德·达尔Billy Weaver had travelled down from London on the slow afternoon train, with a change at Swindon on the way, and by the time he got to Bath it was about nine o’clock in the evening and the moon was coming up out of a clear starry sky over the houses opposite the station entrance. But the air was deadly cold and the wind was like a flat blade of ice on his cheeks.比利·威弗乘午后的慢车从伦敦出外旅游,在斯温顿换了车,到达巴思时已是晚上九点来钟,可以看见车站出口对面的房屋笼罩在一片月色之中。
‘Excuse me,’ he said, ‘but is there a fairly cheap hotel not too far away from here?’“对不起,”他说,“请问附近有便宜点的旅店吗?”‘Try The Bell and Dragon,’ the porter answered, pointing down the road. ‘They might take you in. It’s about a quarter of a mile along on the other side.’“到’铃和龙’那边看看吧,”门卫指着马路的尽头说,“那边也许有。
”Billy thanked him and picked up his suitcase and set out to walk the quarter-mile to The Bell and Dragon. He had never been to Bath before. He didn’t know anyone who lived there. But Mr Greenslade at the Head Office in London had told him it was a splendid city. ‘Find your own lodgings,’ he had said, ‘and then go along and report to the Branch Manager as soon as you’ve got yourself settled.’比利谢了门卫,拎着箱子开始朝“铃和龙旅店”的方向走那四分之一英里的路。
英语翻译学习资料### English Translation Learning MaterialsIn the realm of language learning, English translation stands as a crucial skill for those aiming to master the language.It not only enhances comprehension but also enriches one's vocabulary and grammatical understanding. Here are some essential materials and strategies for learning English translation effectively.#### 1. Understanding the Basics- Grammar: Familiarize yourself with English grammar rules to understand sentence structure.- Vocabulary: Build a robust vocabulary to ensure you can accurately translate words and phrases.#### 2. Reading Comprehension- Wide Reading: Read a variety of English texts, including novels, newspapers, and academic articles.- Note-Taking: Keep a notebook to jot down new words and phrases, and their meanings.#### 3. Practice Translation- Sentence Translation: Start with simple sentences and gradually move to more complex ones.- Paragraph Translation: Practice translating paragraphs to understand context and flow.#### 4. Use of Dictionaries and Thesaurus- Bilingual Dictionaries: Use them to find the exact meaning of words in both languages.- Thesaurus: Helps in finding synonyms and enhancing your word choice.#### 5. Online Resources- Translation Apps: Utilize apps for quick translations, but don't rely on them for learning.- Online Courses: Enroll in online translation courses to learn from experts.#### 6. Cultural Understanding- Idioms and Slang: Learn about English idioms and slang to understand and translate them correctly.- Cultural References: Familiarize yourself with cultural references to avoid mistranslations.#### 7. Peer Review- Language Partners: Work with a language partner to review and correct each other's translations.- Feedback: Seek feedback from native speakers or experienced translators.#### 8. Consistent Practice- Daily Practice: Make translation a part of your daily routine.- Revision: Regularly revise your translations to improve and learn from mistakes.#### 9. Professional Development- Certifications: Consider obtaining a certification in translation to enhance your credibility.- Networking: Join professional networks to stay updated with industry trends.#### 10. Technological Tools- CAT Tools: Learn to use Computer-Assisted Translation tools to increase efficiency.- Translation Memory: Utilize translation memory software to store and reuse translations.#### ConclusionLearning English translation is a journey that requires patience, practice, and continuous learning. By utilizing the materials and strategies outlined above, you can enhance your translation skills and achieve fluency in English.Remember, the key to mastering English translation is consistent practice coupled with a deep understanding of both the source and target languages. Happy translating!。
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英语学习资料Juvenile delinquency is increasingly common. Discuss the reasons and make some suggestions.You should write at least 250 words.You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience to su pport your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.The Ecological Crisis on the Booming Tourism旅游业在中国迅速发展。
Some People like to travel alone, others like to travel together with several friends. Which do you like better — travel alone or travel with others? Give specific reasons to support your answerTraveling is more important than reading books in order to understand the people and the world. Do you agree or disagree with the statemen t? Use specific reasons to support your answer.情景作文:世界各地兴起汉语热。
翻译学习:什么是地震?(双语)Earthquakes, also called temblors, can be so tremendously destructive, it’s hard to imagine they occur by the thousands every day around the world, usually in the form of small tremors.地震的另一个表达是“temblors”,是有可能造成极大破坏力的灾难。
Some 80 percent of all the planet's earthquakes occur along the rim of the Pacific Ocean, called the "Ring of Fire" because of the preponderance of volcanic activity there as well. Most earthquakes occur at fault zones, where tectonic plates—giant rock slabs that make up the Earth's upper layer—collide or slide against each other. These impacts are usually gradual and unnoticeable on the surface; however, immense stress can build up between plates. When this stress is released quickly, it sends massive vibrations, called seismic waves, often hundreds of miles through the rock and up to the surface. Other quakes can occur far from faults zones when plates are stretched or squeezed.世界上80%的地震和火山发生在环太平洋火山地震带上。
中英对照课外书:跨越语言障碍,拓宽文化视野In today's interconnected world, the importance of learning a second language cannot be overstated. English,as the global lingua franca, plays a pivotal role in international communication, education, and business. However, learning a language can often be challenging, especially when it comes to understanding the nuances of vocabulary, grammar, and cultural context. This is where bilingual books, particularly those with Chinese andEnglish translations, can be invaluable resources.Bilingual books, often referred to as parallel textbooks, provide readers with the opportunity to compare and contrast two languages side by side. This not only aids in language comprehension but also enhances cultural understanding. By reading passages in both English and Chinese, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the language's structure, vocabulary, and idiomatic expressions. One of the key benefits of reading bilingual books is that they help break down language barriers. For native Chinese speakers, English can often be a foreign andintimidating language. However, by reading passages in English alongside their Chinese translations, readers can gradually familiarize themselves with the language,building confidence and fluency. Similarly, for native English speakers, these books provide a window into therich and diverse culture of China, allowing them to appreciate the nuances of the Chinese language and its unique cultural heritage.Moreover, bilingual books are excellent tools for enhancing reading comprehension skills. By reading parallel texts, readers are able to compare the different ways in which the same concept or idea is expressed in twodifferent languages. This exercise helps to improve vocabulary retention, grammatical structure understanding, and overall comprehension abilities.In addition to language learning, bilingual books also promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. They provide a bridge between different cultures, allowing readers to gain insights into the values, traditions, and perspectives of other cultures. By reading about topics such as history, culture, and society through the lens ofboth English and Chinese, readers can develop a more nuanced and inclusive understanding of the world.In conclusion, bilingual books are invaluable resources for language learners and cultural explorers alike. They provide a unique platform for comparing and contrasting two languages, enhancing language comprehension and cultural understanding. By reading parallel texts in English and Chinese, readers can break down language barriers, improve reading comprehension skills, and broaden their cultural horizons. In today's interconnected world, these books are essential tools for fostering global communication and mutual understanding.**中英对照课外书:跨越语言障碍,拓宽文化视野** 在当今相互联系的世界中,学习第二语言的重要性不言而喻。
英语学习资料大全(pdf 17页)
Standing on the shoulders of giants Long before Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton (1642–1727) was one of the world’s greatest scientists. He said, ‘If I’ve seen further, it’s because I’ve stood on the shoulders of giants.’ Newton meant that he had used the ideas of older scientists to see his own ideas. He discovered gravity and many ideas about light, space, the planets and the stars.
Newton stood on the shoulders of giants like Galileo.
NOTES giant / 3dZaIRnt / 4
In 1687, Newton was a famous professor of mathematics. He described space, the planets and the stars in a new way. For more than 200 years, scientists everywhere agreed with him.
Einstein was 26 years old when he thought
Then, in 1905, Einstein came up with new ideas about
Character :小人鱼、王子、巫婆、龙王、龙母、公主、牧师、人鱼姐姐(5人)旁白、群众演员(舞)人物:小人鱼,王子,巫婆,龙王,龙母,公主,牧师,人鱼姐姐(5人)旁白,群众演员(舞)故事内容:故事内容:旁白:Deep in the sea ,there lived the sea king ,who had been a widower for many years and his aged mother kept house for him and took care of his six daughters ,who were very happy and pretty . She always told them something :旁白:在大海深处,住着海洋王,已经做了好多年的鳏夫,他有老母亲为他管理家务和照顾他的六个女儿,他非常快乐和漂亮。
她总是告诉他们的东西:龙母:The flowers of the land are beautiful ,and trees of the forest are green ,and birds can sing so sweetly龙母:土地是美丽的鲜花,和森林的树木是绿色的,鸟会唱歌,唱得那么动听女儿们:When can we rise up out of the sea ?女儿们:当我们可以起来的大海吗?龙母: when you have reached your fifteenth year ! You can see the rocks in the moon light ,while the great slips are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and towns.龙母:当你已经达到你的十五年!你可以看到月光的岩石,当伟大的航行了,然后你会看到森林和城镇。
女儿们:oh how wonderful !女儿们:噢,多么美妙!旁白:How time flies ! Five of these daughters had reached out of the sea , and saw many beautiful things.旁白:时间过得多快!5这些女儿们伸出的大海,看到许多美丽的事物。
Why do we have tea?
在中国,茶具有非常悠久的历史,并已形成 了中国茶文化。与此同时,茶有助于我们 的健康,因此受到许多人的喜爱。
In China , tea has a very long history, and have formed the Chinese tea culture. Meanwhile, tea is helpful to our body, then it is loved by many people.
Dongting biluochun tea
•绿茶 green tea; •中国十大名茶之一 one of the top ten chinese tea; •一个勤劳,善良的孤女,名叫碧螺; a hard-working, kind-hearted orphan girl, biluo.
黄茶yellow k tea (heicha)
Some famous tea in China
(1)西湖龙井茶 West Lake longjing tea •绿茶 green tea; •中国十大名茶之一 one of the top ten chinese tea, •30多个品牌 more than 30 brands;
绿茶; 红茶;
3.茶的分类 Classification of tea
green tea;
black tea;
乌龙茶; oolong tea; 黄茶; yellow tea;
绿茶green tea
white tea;
dark tea (heicha);
红茶black tea
英语学习资料:美元霸权还能维持多久?(双语)《嚣张的特权:美元的兴衰与国际货币体系的未来》(Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Moary System)A student audience at Peking University laughed in the face of Timothy Geithner, US Treasury secretary, two years ago when he insisted that China’s holdings of US Treasury bonds were “very safe”. Polls showed that 87 per cent of Chinese disagreed with the Geithner view. You can see why they might. The dollar has been the world’s reserve currency since the second world war. That brings prerogatives and responsibilities, and the US has often been keener to exploit the former than to fulfil the latter.两年前,美国财长蒂莫西·盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)在北京大学发表演讲时,坚称中国持有的美国国债“非常安全”,听众中有一名学生当着这位财长的面笑出了声。
Study guide for international accountingCHAPTER 1Introduction to international accountingLEARNING OBJECTIVES:1.To identify and understand the importance of the eight factors that has asignificant influence on accounting development.2.To understand the definition of IA of this textbook.3.To be familiar with the detailed contents of IACHAPTER OUTLINEDevelopment of IAEight factors▪Sources of Finance–In countries with strong equity markets, Disclosures are extensive to meet the requirements of widespread public ownership.–in credit-based systems where bans are the dominant source of finance, accounting focuses on creditor protection through conservative accounting measurements. Development of IA▪Legal System. The legal system determines how individuals and institutions interact. ▪Taxation . tax legislation effectively determines accounting standards because companies must record revenues and expenses in their accounts to claim them for tax purposes.▪Political and Economic Ties. Accounting ideas and technologies are transferred through conquest, commerce, and similar forces.Development of IA▪Inflation. Inflation distorts historical cost accounting and affects the tendency of a country to incorporate price changes into the accounts.▪Level of Economic Development. This factor affects the types of business transactions conducted in an economy and determines which ones are most prevalent. Development of IA▪Education Level. Highly sophisticated accounting standards and practices are useless if they are misunderstood and misused.▪Culture. Cultural variables underlie nations’ institutional arrangements (such as legal systems)Definition of IAInternational accounting can be viewed in terms of the accounting issues uniquely confronted by companies involved in international business. It also can be viewed more broadly as the study of how accounting is practiced in each and every country around the world, learning about and comparing the differences in financial reporting and other accounting practices that exist across countries.Definition of IAThis book is designed to be used in a course that attempts to provide an overview of the broadly defined area of international accounting, and that focuses on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) issued by International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and some international hot topics.Detailed Contents on IA▪International accounting is a well-established specialty area within accounting and has two major dimensions:▪Comparative: Examining how and why accounting principles differ from country to country▪Pragmatic: accounting for the operational problems and issues encountered by individuals and firms in international business.Detailed Contents on IA▪L. Radebaugh and S. Gray (1993, p. 9) also write that the study of international accounting involves two major areas:▪descriptive/comparative accounting and the accounting dimensions of international transactions/multinational enterprises.▪principally covers the problems encountered by multinational corporations: Financial reporting problems, translation of foreign currency financial statements, information systems, budgets and performance evaluation, audits, and taxes.Objectives of Research on IA▪Global Harmonization. As business entities increasingly operate in multiple counties, they encounter the cost of dealing with diversity in financial reporting requirements. ▪Financial Reporting in Emerging Economics. As ever increasing amounts of capital are invested in countries with emerging economics, the quality of financial reporting in these countries is coming under the microscope.Objectives of Research on IA▪Social and Environmental Reporting. One of the consequences of the globalization of business enterprises is that companies now have stakeholders not just in their home country but in all the countries where they operate.CHAPTER 2International accounting harmonizationLEARNING OBJECTIVES:1. Recognize the arguments for and against harmonization.2. Identify the pressures for and the obstacles to harmonization.3. Become familiar with the main organizations involved in harmonization.CHAPTER OUTLINEHistory and Recent Developments▪Prior to 1960, there was little effort devoted to the international harmonization of accounting standards. Efforts have been made by a number of organizations to reduce the differences between accounting systems since then.Main International Bodies InvolvedPrinciples-Based vs. Rules-Based Approaches▪Principles-based standards represent the best approach for guiding financial reporting and standard setting, of any given transaction.▪Rules-based standards provide companies the opportunity to structure transactions to meet the requirements for particular accounting treatments.Obstacles to Harmonization▪Differences in the regulatory framework .▪The "true and fair view" .▪The various interpretation of fundamental principle .▪A binding tax accounting linkLikely future trends▪The convergence of IAS and national accounting standards is, and always has been one of the IASB's key objectives. Three basic future roles exist for the IASB:✓Producing standards for those countries that have no standards of their own✓Assisting in the reduction of diverse national practices✓Acting as an umbrella organizing for national standard settersImplication▪The demand of international capital markets helps to drive harmonization. IASB has become more cognizant of the need to work with national standard setters and bring them into membership of IASB, which may be possible to eliminate the differences between national and international standards. The current agreement could then be viewed as the first step in a much longer process.IASB ( International Accounting Standards Board)▪IASB's responsibilities:✓Develop and issue International Financial Reporting Standards and Exposure Drafts, and✓Approve Interpretations developed by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC).CHAPTER 3ACCOUNTING FOR FOREIGN CURRENCYLEARNING OBJECTIVES:▪ 1. Provide an overview of foreign exchange markets and define related terminology.▪ 2. Describe the different types of foreign exchange exposure and exchange difference.▪ 3. Understand some of the more common foreign currency transactions. CHAPTER OUTLINEAccounting for Foreign Currency Transactions▪a transaction that requires payment or receipt (settlement) in a foreign currency is called a foreign currency transaction.▪Exchange difference is the difference resulting from reporting the same number of units of a foreign currency in the reporting currency at different exchange rates. Accounting for Foreign Currency Transactions▪Importing or Exporting of Goods or Services✓At the date the transaction is first recognized.✓At each balance sheet date that occurs between the transaction date and the settlement date.✓At the settlement date.Accounting for Foreign Currency Transactions▪Recognition of Exchange Differences✓the single- transaction approach✓the two- transaction approachHedging Foreign Exchange Rate Risk▪A derivative instrument may be defined as a financial instrument that by its terms at inception or upon occurrence of a specified event, provides the holder (or writer) with the right (or obligation) to participate in some or all of the price changes of another underlying value of measure, but does not require the holder to own or deliver the underlying value of measure.Hedging Foreign Exchange Rate Risk▪two broad categories✓Forward-based derivatives, such as forwards, futures, and swaps, in which either party can potentially have a favorable or unfavorable outcome, but not both simultaneously (e.g., both will not simultaneously have favorable outcomes).✓Option-based derivatives, such as interest rate caps, option contracts, and interest rate floors, in which only one party can potentially have a favorable outcome and it agrees to a premium at inception for this potentiality; the other party is paid the premium, and can potentially have only an unfavorable outcome.Hedging Foreign Exchange Rate Risk▪Forward Exchange Contracts▪Options▪Fair Value Hedge – Using a Forward Contract▪Hedging an Identifiable Foreign Currency Commitment Using a Forward Contract (A Fair Value Hedge)▪Hedging a Forecasted Transaction Using an Option (Cash Flow Hedge) Translation Of Foreign Financial Statements▪Derivation of the Issue of Foreign Currency Translation✓Translation exposure, sometimes also called accounting exposure, refers to gains or losses caused by the translation of foreign currency assets and liabilities into the currency of the parent company for accounting purposes.✓The choice of any method for the translation of the financial statements of a foreign business operation involves two basic questions:(i) how shall foreign currency financial statements be translated——in particular what exchange rates are to be used for different assets/liabilities/equity accounts?(ii) how and when shall foreign exchange gains or losses be recognized?CHAPTER 4Business combinationsLEARNING OBJECTIVES:•(1)Understand the economic motivations underlying business combinations.•(2)Learn about the alternative forms of business combinations, from both the legal and accounting perspectives.•(3)Introduce concepts of accounting for business combinations;•(4)emphasizing the purchase method.•(5)See how firms make cost allocatCHAPTER OUTLINE4.1 The Accounting Concept of Business Combinations4.2 The Legal Form of Business Combinations4.3 Reasons for Business Combinations4.4 Accounting for Business Combinations Under the Purchase Method4.5 The measurement of Goodwill and ControversyCHAPTER 5Consolidated financial statementsLEARNING OBJECTIVES:•(1)Recognize the benefits and limitations of consolidated financial statements.•(2)Understand the requirements for inclusion of a subsidiary in consolidated financial statements.•(3)Apply the consolidation concepts to parent company recording of the investment in a subsidiary at the date of acquisition.•(4)Allocate the excess of the fair value over the book value of the subsidiary at the date of acquisition.CHAPTER OUTLINE5.1 Demand from IAS 275.2 The adjustment of Intercompany Transactions5.3 Parent Company Recording and Consolidated Statement of financialposition at Acquisition Date5.4 Subsequent Statement of financial positionCHAPTER 6Accounting for changing priceLEARNING OBJECTIVES:▪ 1. Explain basic concepts relating to inflation accounting. Understand the distinction between changes in the general level of prices in an economy, which affect the purchasing power of the measuring unit, and changes in the prices of specific assets and liabilities, which affect balance sheet valuations and income measurement.▪ 2. Explain the underlying thoughts and methods of dealing with inflation.▪ 3. Restate conventional financial statements based on historical costs to a common measuring unit.CHAPTER OUTLINEDefects of historical cost accounting▪The results of comparison of performance and position statements over time will be unreliable, because amounts are not valued in terms of common units.▪Borrowings are shown in monetary terms, but in a time of rising prices a gain is actually made (or a loss in times of falling prices) at the expense of the lender as, in real terms, the value of the loan has decreased or increased.▪Conversely, gains arising from holding assets are not recognized.▪Depreciation writes off the historical cost over time, but, where asset values are low (because based on outdated historical costs), depreciation will be correspondingly lower, so that a realistic charge for asset consumption is not matched against revenue in the performance statements.Overview of Accounting for changing prices▪Changing prices affect financial reports in two principal ways:✓Measuring unit problem✓Valuation problemAccounting Measurement Alternatives▪Acquisition Cost/Nominal Dollar Accounting▪Acquisition Cost/Constant Dollar Accounting▪Current Cost/Nominal Dollar Accounting▪Current Cost/Constant Dollar AccountingRestatement of Monetary and Non-monetary Items▪A monetary item is a claim receivable or payment in a specified number of dollars, regardless of changes in the purchasing power of the dollar.▪A non-monetary item is any asset, liability, or shareholders’ equity account that has no claim to or for a specified number of dollars.Evaluation of Acquisition Cost/Constant Dollar Accounting▪When compared with current-cost accounting (discussed next), constant-dollar accounting carries a higher level of objectivity. Independent accountants can examine canceled checks, invoices, and other documents to verify acquisition-cost valuations and transaction dates. The restatements to constant dollars use general price indexes published by governmental bodies.Evaluation of Current Cost/Nominal Dollar Accounting▪Current-cost accounting measures performance and financial position in terms of the current market prices. Managers likely make decisions in terms of current costs, not out-of-date acquisition costs. Thus, for assessing management’s actions, current-cost financial statements provide information on the same basis that management used to make decisions.▪Critics note two shortcomings of current cost/nominal dollar accounting:✓auditors cannot as easily verify current-replacement-cost valuations as they can acquisition-cost valuations.✓the use of nominal dollars means that the measuring unit underlying current-replacement-cost valuations varies across time.CHAPTER 7Accounting for financial instrumentLEARNING OBJECTIVES:1. Examine budgeting and performance evaluation issues for international firms.2. Discuss global risk management tools and strategies including multinational capitalbudgeting and foreign exchange risk management.3. Identify the main constituents of cross-border transfer pricing policies, define thetransfer pricing methods, and consider the issues in devising a transfer pricing strategy.4. Recognize the critical role of information technology systems in the effectiverecording, processing and dissemination of financial and managerial accounting information.CHAPTER OUTLINE1 Challenge for the accounting profession2 Accounting and Reporting for Financial Instruments: International Developments ▪In the process of completing the most recent series of amendments, the IASB conducted an extensive due process, which began in 2001 and included the following: ▪(1) Conducting numerous board deliberations prior to the June 2002 exposure drafts;2.1 Overview of IAS 32▪The following are the major U.S. standards that address financial instruments accounting and reporting:▪(1) SFAS 107, Disclosures About Fair Value of Financial Instruments.▪(2) SFAS 133, Accounting for Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedging Activities.▪(3) SFAS 140, Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities.▪(4) SFAS 150, Accounting for Certain Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Both Debt and Equity.2.2 Overview of IAS 392.3 Recognition and Derecognition of Financial Assets and Liabilities2.4 Hedge Accounting Guidance2.5 Impairment of Financial Instruments2.6 Convergence with U.S. GAAP3 Financial instruments3.1 Illustration of Traditional Financial Instrument3.2 Illustration of Derivative Financial Instrument4 DERIV ATIVES USED FOR HEDGING▪SFAS No. 133 established accounting and reporting standards for derivative financial instruments used in hedging activities. Special accounting is allowed for two types of hedges—fair value and cash flow hedges.4.1 Fair Value Hedge4.2 Illustration of Interest Rate Swap4.3 Cash Flow Hedge5 OTHER REPORTING ISSUES▪Additional issues of importance are as follows:▪(1) The accounting for embedded derivatives.▪(2) Qualifying hedge criteria.▪(3) Disclosures about financial instruments and derivatives.Chapter 8 financial reporting in different countriesLearning objectives:•Identify the major policy-setting bodies and their role in the standard-setting process.•Appreciate US GAAP .•Understand convergence of US GAAP to IFRSs.Chapter outline:Parties Involved in Standard SettingSecurities and Exchange CommissionAmerican Institute of CPAsFinancial Accounting Standards BoardFinancial Accounting Standards BoardDue ProcessTypes of PronouncementsGovernmental Accounting Standards Board Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesIssues in Financial ReportingIssues in Financial ReportingConceptual FrameworkDevelopment of Conceptual FrameworkChapter 9 corporate governanceLearning objectives:1.describe the definition of corporate governance2.describe some corporate governance theory3.describe the principle of corporate governance chapter outline:2 What is corporate governance?3 Corporate governance theoryPrincipal-agent theoryClassical Stewardship Theory3.3 Modern Stewardship Theory3.4 Stakeholder TheoryPrinciples of corporate governanceCorporate governance modelsMechanisms and controls of corporate governance Features of poor corporate governance。
哈萨克语速成学习!!2、我们be zi(薄哦丝)زئبء3、你 sai en(塞恩)4、你们 san dai le(散待乐)رةدةس5、他 wo le(沃勒)لو6、他们 wolade(喔拉德)رلاو7、大家 kuo pu qi lei ke(扩铺砌雷克)كئلئشپوك8、名字 a te(阿特)ئتا9、你叫什么名字 a teng ke mu(阿藤克母) ثئتامئك10、我叫mie neng a teng(灭能阿藤)مئتا ثئنةم11、你好jia ke si man(佳可思满 )ائمئسقاج12、您好jia ke simu se si(佳可思木色زئسئمئسقاج13、好 jiakesi(佳可思)ئسقاج14、好不好 jia ke si man jia man ba(佳可思满加满吧)ناماج امئسقاج15、行 bu la de(布拉德)ئدلاوب16、不行bu la mai de(不拉麦得)ئدياملوب17、不好 jia man(加满)ناماج18、行不行 bu la ma? bu la mai ma?(不拉麦不拉麦吗)؟امياملوب ؟املاوب19、再见 huo xi(活西)شوق20、喝酒 a la ke xie(阿拉克谢)شئء قارا21、谢谢 rehemaiti(热合买提)تةمئحار22、早晨好ka ye le tang(卡也勒糖)ثات ئلرئياق23、请进ke lengezi(可冷哦孜)زئثئرئك24、请坐woteng leng e zi(沃腾冷哦孜)زئثئرئتو25、请喝茶qiayexi leng e zi(恰也西冷哦孜) ياشءزئثئشئ26、你从哪里来 hai dang kaile lengezi(嗨当凯勒冷哦孜)زئسةلةك نادياق27、你去哪里 haiyedai balasis(海衣带巴拉斯斯) زئساراب ادياق28、我去上班hezi mietikai balamu(颌孜灭踢开巴拉姆 ابثئساراب ةكتةنزئق29、你在哪个单位上班haise miekaimiedi sibasesi (海瑟灭开灭地斯巴瑟斯) ةدةمةكةم ئسياقثئسيةتسئ30、在市委halale pate kumuda(哈拉勒帕特库姆达)ادموكتراپ قئللااق31、组织部yu mudasi telou bolemu(鱼目达斯特楼博了母)ةدنئمئلوبء ؤرئتسادنئيذ32、干部室kadelakaiensesi(卡德拉凯恩瑟斯)ئسةسةسثةك رلارئداك33、干部监督室kadelade bahelao kaiensesi(卡德拉的吧和老凯恩瑟斯) ؤراقساب ئدرلارئداكئسةسثةك34、基层办 niegezige shate kaiensesi(涅鸽子鸽沙特凯恩瑟斯)ئسةسثةك ئتاس ئگزئگةن35、组织室 yunmudasitelou kaiensesi(云母达斯特楼凯恩瑟斯)ئسةسثةك مئلوبء ؤرئتسادمئيذ36、信息调研室 yinfule maciya zaiditiyou kaiensesi(因佛勒马刺呀再低替有凯恩瑟斯)ئسةسثةك ؤةشثةت ايستامروفنئي37、电教办 yeliekele wohedou kaiensesi(也列克勒喔合都凯恩瑟斯) ؤتئقو ئلرئتكةلةئسةسثةك38、远程办alesial a lehatewohedoukaiensesi(阿勒斯阿拉勒哈特喔合都凯恩瑟斯) ئتقئلارا سئلائسةسثةك ؤتئقو39、办公室 kaiensesi(凯恩瑟斯)ةسثةك40、干训室kadelade kanbiliu kaiensesi(卡德拉的坎比也留凯恩瑟斯) ةلةيبرات ئدرةلرئداكئسةسثةك41、人才办darendela kaiensesi(达人的啦凯恩瑟斯)ئسةسثةك رلائدنئراد42、档案室 aleheipu kaiensesi(阿勒黑普凯恩瑟斯)ئسةسثةك أئحرا43、桌子 wosidele(沃斯得乐)لةتسذ44、椅子 wolongdahe(沃龙达和)قئدنئرو45、电脑kunpuyou telie(困铺有特列)روتويپموك46、电话tieliefang(特列防)نوفةلةت47、钢笔 kalamu(卡拉姆)ملااق48、铅笔 hai lun da shen(海伦达什)شادنئراق49、胶水jie leng m(杰楞)مئلةج50、墨水si ya(斯呀)ايس51、黑板duo si ka(多斯卡)اكسود52、暖瓶tie lie mo si(铁列莫斯)سومرةت53、数字 1 b(博楼)رئبء54、数字 2 yeke(也可)ئكة55、数字 3 yushi(玉石)شذء56、数字 4 tuoliaote(托了特)تروتء57、数字 5 biesi(别斯)سةب58、数字 6 alete(阿勒特)ئتلا59、数字7 jiete(杰特)ئتةج60、数字8 saigezi(赛格孜)زئگةس61、数字9 tuoezi(托哦孜)زئعوت62、数字10 woen(温)نو63、数字20 jiliaoma(急了嘛)امرئيج64、数字30 wotezi(沃特孜)ئزئتو65、数字40 kedeke(可得可)قئرئق66、数字50 yelu(耶鲁)ؤلة67、数字60 alaposi(阿拉破斯)سئپلا68、数字70 jieteposi(杰特破斯)سئپتةج69、数字80 saigesaien(赛格塞恩)نةسكةس70、数字90 tuohesang’en(托和桑恩)ناسقوت71、数字百juzi(距孜)زذج72、数字千meng(梦)ثئم73、数字万wolemeng(沃勒梦)ثئم نو74、数字 0 nen(嫩)لونء75、星期 ap ta (阿普塔)اتپا76、星期一duiyu sanbo(对雨三波)ئبنةسيذد77、星期二shuiyisanbo(水以三波)ئبنةسيةس78、星期三sailesanbo(塞勒三波)ئبنةسراس79、星期四bieyisanbo(别依三波)ئبنةسيةب80、星期五juma (居马امذج81、星期六sanbo (三波)ئبنةسئ82、星期天jiekesanbo(杰克三波)ئبنةسكةج83、今天bugun(布滚)نذگذب84、明天 yelieting(也列听)ثةترة85、今天星期几? Bugunaptenengniexiesi(布滚阿普特能捏些斯)ئسةشةن ثئناتپا نذگذب86、今天星期三 bugunsailesanbo(布滚塞勒三波)ئبنةسراس نذگذب87、昨天kaixie(凯谢)ةشةك88、后天bulusugunen(不鲁苏故嫩)ئنذكذسرذب。
1. Don’t worry about what other people think of you.走自己的路,让别人去说吧。
I used to worry too much what others thought of me, of my decisions and of my actions. Eventually, I came to realize that if you’re wasting too much time seeking validation, respect or approval from others, then you won’t have time to accomplish all that you desire. Everyone has an opinion, but in reality other’s opinions of you are based more on their history and perceptions than anything you’re actually doing.
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Title: The Benefits of Learning a Second Language标题:学习第二语言的好处Introduction:引言:如今,学习第二语言变得越来越受欢迎。
Advantages of Learning a Second Language:学习第二语言的优势:1. Better Job Opportunities:更多的工作机会:学习第二语言的主要好处之一是能为您打开广泛的就业机会。
2. Improved Cognitive Function:提高认知功能:Learning a second language has been found to enhancecognitive function. It improves memory, problem-solvingabilities, and attention span. Bilingual individuals oftenexhibit better multitasking skills and have an increased ability to focus. Learning a second language challenges the brain and keeps it active, which can help delay neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's.研究发现,学习第二语言可以增强认知功能。
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