
English humor
English Brainstorm: English Brainstorming is a creative thinking exercise that resources participants to generate new ideas and solutions to problems It involves generating a large number of ideas in a short period of time, without judgment or criticism For example: "How can we improve the English language?" Participants might suggest adding new words, changing the speech of words, or creating new sentence structures
Festival culture
Hale Waihona Puke Customs and customs
Customs and customs
Historical background
Historical background
Practical English skills
Reading for general information
English Brainstorm
Physiological component
English cultural knowledge

Round Four stationaries(学习用品)
Back to Board
1. pencil 2. book 3. schoolbag 4. rubber 5. sharpener
Back to Board
1. Spring Festival 2. children’s Day
3. National Day 4. Teachers’ Day 5. Qing ming Festival 返回
Round 12 身体部位
Round 10 职业

英语知识竞赛 活动流程(中英文)

ECA Process开场白:主持人回顾上个月竞赛的情况,表现好的团队,以及公布这次比赛的规则,这次不再是团队赛制了,而是个人赛制,每个人的表现都会有得分,最后谁的总积分最高,就是获胜者,这次比赛是取前五名。
1.英语趣味知识抢答题外教老师公布题目, 学生以抢答的方式进行答题,答对者获得相应的积分。
4.英语歌曲猜猜猜(给曲库让学员回去先听)主持人回播放这些歌曲的开头或者是高潮部分让学生猜出是哪首歌曲以及演唱者的名字,抢答正确者得分5.单词接龙( 8个人一组比赛,以上一个单词的尾字母作新单词的首字母,最后站在台上的2人获得相应积分) 这个环节也是要分级别的,IM级别以上的学员一组,IM级别以下(包括IM级别)的学员一组,因为低级别学员的词汇量不如高级别的学员。
FUN ENGLISH CONTEST Season 2Opening : Review last month's competition, student’s performance, and announce the rules of the game, this time is no longer team competitions, it is personal competition.1. Competitive Answering of Fun English knowledge 10’In this program, when you show the question, each student needs to grasp the opportunity to give the answer. The first to give the answer is the winner and can obtain 1 score.2. Words Guessing 15’One is to guess the exact word or letter, the other will act out to show what it is without words. 1 score is added to each of the two who get right the most in 2 minutes . Each group takes turns to do it.3.What's the name of the Chinese film 10’English PPT screen will appear some Chinese movie posters, students should try to answer first, to say the English name of the Chinese film, if you answer it right ,you can get 1 score.4. Songs Guessing 20‘Some pieces of music(of course segments)will be played and the aim is to speak out the right names of given songs. Students should grasp the opportunity to give the answer, One score obtained if right.5.word chain 15’Give the first word ,and then the student should continue to say other word by using the last letter of the given word as the first letter.6.arrange the time, places, characters and events 15’Four students make a team ,write down time, places ,characters and events and make a story ,then act it out.7.Calculate the total score and give the awards 10’。

Fun English Quiz(趣味英语比赛)1比赛的题型1.抢答题2.必答题3.选答题2比赛流程1. 抢答—--所有参赛选手上台,以抢答方式选出12人参加正式比赛。
被淘汰的选手可以军师身份继续参加活动;2. 小组竞赛----已胜出的12人自由组合成3组进行竞赛(每组可选军师2人)。
以得分最高之组胜出;3. 个人竞赛----上一轮胜出小组的四人以个人竞赛方式进行最终PK(每人可选1或2人为军师)。
51. 中号衣服的标志是?A. SB. LC. MD. YC62. 我们每天上学,放学。
A am, pm, USAB am, pm, PRCC pm, am, UKD pm, am, PRCB73. 生活中,我们经常能用到一些英文字母,如在医院中有检查,书店中有《阿正传》,在家中我们看节目。
A. ABC, P, TVB. X, R, SC. CT, Q, TVD. X, AQ, CDC84. 选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词A. redB. orangeC. peachD. banana(B)95. 英语字母的用途很广泛,字母可表示“注册商标”,字母组合可表示长度单位厘米。
A. R, cmB. Q, mmC. D, kgD. K, cmA106. 英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是和。
A E, NB F, IC H, FD F, XC117. VIP的意思是?A. 贵宾B. 不明飞行物C. 人名币D. 英国广播公司A128. China Rose 是什么?A. 中国玫瑰B. 荷花C. 月季D. 向日葵C139.哪个字母可以停车?A. CB. PC. OD. K答案:P可以停车。

英语趣味单词大赛活动方案English Vocabulary Fun Competition Activity Plan.Introduction:In the fast-paced world of global communication, English has become a language that bridges cultures and connects people. As a language, it is not just about grammar and syntax, but also about the rich tapestry of vocabulary that it offers. To celebrate this diversity and encourage participants to delve deeper into the world of English words, we present the "English Vocabulary Fun Competition". This competition aims to make learning vocabulary an engaging and enjoyable experience, while also fostering a love for the language.Objectives:1. To enhance the vocabulary skills of participants through fun and interactive activities.2. To promote the joy of learning new words and their meanings.3. To create a platform for participants to showcase their knowledge and understanding of English vocabulary.4. To foster a sense of community and camaraderie among participants.Target Audience:Students from grades 6 to 12, teachers, and anyone interested in enhancing their English vocabulary skills.Competition Format:Round 1: Word Scramble.In this round, participants will be given a scrambled word and they will have to unscramble it to form a valid English word. The round will be timed, and the participantwho unscrambles the most words correctly in the given time wins.Round 2: Word Association.In this round, a word will be displayed on the screen, and participants will have to quickly think of related words or phrases that are associated with the displayed word. The round will be timed, and the participant who provides the most relevant and creative associations wins.Round 3: Vocabulary Quiz.This round will consist of a series of multiple-choice questions based on English vocabulary. Participants will have to choose the correct definition or usage of a given word from a set of options. The participant who answers the most questions correctly wins.Round 4: Word Storytelling.In the final round, participants will be given a set ofwords and they will have to create a short story using all the words. The story should be creative, coherent, and engaging. The round will be judged by a panel of experts based on creativity, vocabulary usage, and storytelling skills. The participant with the most outstanding story wins.Timeline:1. Registration opens: One month before the competition date.2. Registration closes: Two weeks before the competition date.3. Competition date: To be announced.4. Results announcement: Within a week after the competition.Promotion and Marketing:1. Create a dedicated website or social media page for the competition with information about the event, registration details, and rules.2. Promote the competition through flyers, posters, and announcements in schools, colleges, and public places.3. Collaborate with local media outlets to cover the event and reach a wider audience.4. Encourage participants to share the event with their friends and family to increase participation.Venue and Resources:1. Arrange a suitable venue with enough space to accommodate all participants comfortably.2. Provide necessary resources such as computers, projectors, and microphones for the competition.3. Arrange for judges who are experienced in teachingor assessing English vocabulary skills.4. Prepare prizes and certificates for the winners and participants.Evaluation Criteria:1. Accuracy and speed in answering questions/solving puzzles.2. Creativity and originality in word associations and storytelling.3. Correct usage and understanding of vocabulary words.4. Engagement and enthusiasm throughout the competition.Conclusion:The English Vocabulary Fun Competition promises to bean exciting and enriching experience for participants. Through this competition, we aim to foster a love forlearning new words and understanding their deeper meanings. We believe that by making vocabulary learning fun and engaging, we can encourage participants to explore the vast world of English vocabulary and embrace its beauty and diversity.。

小学英语趣味竞赛活动方案Primary School English Fun Competition Activity PlanIntroduction:The primary school English fun competition activity aims to provide an enjoyable and interactive platform for students to showcase their English language skills. Through a series of exciting and engaging activities, students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their English proficiency in a fun and competitive environment.Activity 1: Spelling BeeDescription:The Spelling Bee competition will test students'spelling skills by challenging them to spell a series of words correctly. Students will take turns to spell out words provided by the moderator, and the last student standing will be crowned the champion.Rules:- Each student will be given a word to spell.- If a student spells a word incorrectly, they will be eliminated from the competition.- The last student standing will be declared the winner.Prizes:- 1st Place: Trophy and certificate- 2nd Place: Certificate of achievement- 3rd Place: Certificate of participationActivity 2: Storytelling ContestDescription:The storytelling contest will allow students to showcase their creativity and speaking skills by narrating a short story in English. Each participant will have a few minutesto captivate the audience with their storytelling abilities.Rules:- The story must be in English and should be no longer than 5 minutes.- Participants will be judged on creativity, fluency,and presentation skills.Prizes:- 1st Place: Book voucher and certificate- 2nd Place: Certificate of achievement- 3rd Place: Certificate of participationActivity 3: English QuizDescription:The English quiz will test students' knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and general English language skills. Students will compete in teams to answer a series ofmultiple-choice and short-answer questions.Rules:- Each team will have a designated captain to answer the questions.- Points will be awarded for each correct answer, andthe team with the highest score will be declared the winner.Prizes:- 1st Place: Educational game set and certificate- 2nd Place: Certificate of achievement- 3rd Place: Certificate of participationConclusion:The primary school English fun competition activity is designed to promote English language learning in an enjoyable and competitive way. It provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate their language skills while fostering a love for the English language. Through these activities, students will not only improve their language abilities but also develop confidence and public speaking skills.小学英语趣味竞赛活动方案介绍:小学英语趣味竞赛活动旨在为学生提供一个愉快而互动的平台,以展示他们的英语语言能力。

趣味英语知识竞赛所有题A1.What can't be used until it's broken?A.appleB.tofuC.eggD.tea2. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)A.bookB.priceC.ageD. plane3.中号⾐服的标志是?A. S C. MB. L D. Y4.我们每天上学,__放学。
A . am, pm, USAB . am, pm, PRCC . pm, am, UKD . pm, am, PRC5.He is a fat cat(引申义).A 它是⼀只肥胖的猫B 他是⼀个⼤亨C 他爱说⼤话D 他⾮常懒惰B1.英语字母中的⼤写形式有三笔完成,⼩写形式由两笔完成的是____和——A. E, N B . F, IC . H, F D. F, X2. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?A. Your bookB. Your nameC. Your penD. Your money3.what is the most hard(硬)part of the human body?A ToothB nailC skull4. She ___ an excellent girl.A. isB. areC.anD. not5. He is the black sheep of the family.a) 害群之马b) ⽼黄⽜c) ⿊马d) 领头⽺C1. Which day is Tree Planting Day?A. March.1B. May. 12C. March.12D. May. 142.Dumplings are eaten at _______.A.Mid-Autumn FestivalB. Dragon Boat FestivalC. Children’s DayD. Chinese New Year’s Day3、What is the largest living land animal?A. tigerB. lionC. elephantD. leopard(豹⼦)4. 选出既能表⽰⽔果,⼜是颜⾊的单词A. RedB. orangeC. PeachD. banana5.She read them Shakespeare, but it was casting pearls before swine.A 把珍珠丢掉B 明珠暗投C 买椟还珠D 对⽜弹琴D1.An English woman will not glad when you ask her about ? A.her name B. her age2. UFO的意思是?A. 贵宾B. 不明飞⾏物C. ⼈民币D. 英国⼴播公司3. VIP的意思是?A. 贵宾B. 不明飞⾏物C. ⼈名币D. 英国⼴播公司4. China有中国的意思;⽽china有———的意思A. 中国⼈B. 汉族C. 瓷器D. 名族5.What’s Chinese meaning of “a white elephant.”A.⼀件⽆⽤⽽累赘的东西B.⼀头⽩象C. ⽩给的东西D. ⽩⾊陷阱E.1. 许多同学都有⾃⼰的电⼦邮箱,如168@/doc/3c13152684.html , pgbook@/doc/3c13152684.html, hifriend998@/doc/3c13152684.html等。

知识趣味竞赛英语作文初中A Fun Knowledge Competition。
Knowledge competitions are an exciting way to testone's understanding and skills across various subjects. In this article, we will explore the concept of a fun knowledge competition and its benefits for middle school students. So, let's dive in and discover the world of knowledge competitions!Knowledge competitions, also known as quiz contests, are events where participants are tested on their knowledge in different areas such as science, history, literature, sports, and more. These competitions often take place in schools, community centers, or even on a larger scale, like national or international competitions.One of the primary benefits of participating in a knowledge competition is the opportunity to expand one's knowledge base. Students are motivated to explore differentsubjects, read books, research online, and engage in discussions with their peers. This process not only helps them gain factual knowledge but also enhances theircritical thinking and analytical skills.Furthermore, knowledge competitions foster healthy competition among students. It encourages them to strivefor excellence and motivates them to work hard in order to achieve their goals. The thrill of competing against others and the desire to win can be a great driving force for students to put in extra effort and dedicate more time to studying.Participating in knowledge competitions also helps students improve their problem-solving abilities. The questions asked in these competitions are often designed to challenge students' logical thinking and problem-solving skills. By facing such questions, students learn to think quickly, analyze the information given, and come up with the most appropriate answer within a limited time frame.Moreover, knowledge competitions promote teamwork andcollaboration. Many competitions have team rounds, where students work together to answer questions. This encourages students to communicate effectively, share their knowledge, and learn from one another. It also teaches them the importance of cooperation and how to work in a team towards a common goal.In addition to academic benefits, knowledgecompetitions also contribute to personal development. Students gain confidence in their abilities as they successfully answer questions and compete against their peers. They learn to handle pressure and perform under stress, which are valuable skills that can be applied in various aspects of life.Furthermore, knowledge competitions provide a platform for students to showcase their talents and passion for learning. It allows them to express their unique perspectives and ideas, fostering creativity and innovation. These competitions often include rounds where participants can give presentations, solve puzzles, or engage in debates, enabling them to demonstrate their skills beyond justanswering questions.To make knowledge competitions even more engaging and enjoyable, organizers can incorporate interactive elements. For example, they can include multimedia presentations, hands-on experiments, or even virtual reality experiences to make the competition more immersive and exciting. These interactive elements not only make the competition more fun but also enhance the learning experience for the participants.In conclusion, knowledge competitions offer numerous benefits for middle school students. They provide a platform for students to expand their knowledge, develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, foster healthy competition, promote teamwork, and enhance personal development. By participating in these competitions, students not only gain academic knowledge but also develop important life skills that will benefit them in the future. So, let's embrace the fun and excitement of knowledge competitions and encourage more students to participate in these enriching events.。

文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!Last weekend, I participated in a fun English competition with my friends. We had to come up withcreative and humorous stories using a set of random words. It was a blast trying to incorporate those words into our stories in the most unexpected ways.The competition was intense, with everyone trying to outdo each other with their wit and storytelling skills. We were all laughing and cheering each other on as we took turns presenting our stories to the judges.I was amazed at the imaginative stories my friends came up with. From talking animals to time-traveling adventures, each story was unique and entertaining in its own way.The best part of the competition was the spontaneity of it all. We had to think on our feet and come up withstories on the spot, which made it even more challenging and exciting.In the end, we all had a great time and left the competition feeling inspired and energized. It was a fantastic way to practice our English skills while having a lot of fun with friends. I can't wait for the next competition!。

2. Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired . 谁一年只工作一天却不会被开除。
The key: santa Claus 圣诞老人
3. Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe ? 为什么狗害怕日光浴?
The key: they don't want to be hot-dog. 他们不想成为热狗.
A hot dog
2. The 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing English slogan? 2008年北京奥运会的英文口号是? The key: One world , one dream
3. Put a chicken and a goose and put in an iceberg, why did the chicken dead geese not dead ? 把一只鸡和鹅放在冰山上,为什么鸡死 了鹅却没有死? The key : Because goose is penguin 因为鹅是企鹅.
4. The most afraid of what man wearing a hat ? 男人最怕戴什么帽子? The key: Green hat
1、“I’m not through with you yet. ”
我的话还没说完呢。 Through with sb:
4.What water boundless ? 什么水永远用不完?
The key: Tears
5.What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth ? 不用耳朵可以听到你,不用嘴巴却能回 答你的是什么?

竞赛注意事项在参加趣味英语知识竞赛的过程中,参赛者需要注意以下几点: - 认真听题,准确理解题目要求; - 注意时间,合理安排答题时间; - 保持冷静,遇到难题不要慌张,可以选择放弃或稍后再做; - 注意答题纪律,不得作弊或抄袭。

1. 考语序 宾语从句和表语从句 的语序都要用陈述句语序 即:主语在前,谓语在后。 B Could you tell me ___________? (2003年 北京) A. where do you live B. who you are waiting for C. who were you waiting for D. whether are you a worker
凝视 stare at
用粗鲁的方式 in a rude manner
你将翻译几个句子, 根据难易程度, 有对应的分数。 请选出你们组要挑战的分数。 注:在前两轮比赛中分数多者,有优先选择权。
10分 15分 15分 18分 18分
翻译下列短语和句型 (必须用本单元的单词) 1. 允许某人做某事 允许做某事 2. 试图做某事 寻找某人或某事 3. 对…..加以考虑 由于 4. 发现某人正在做某事 发现某人或某物被…. 5. 偶然,意外地 反义词是______
s----- (4 words) 1. (戏剧)一场,现场 scene 2.凝视 stare 3. 发现,认出 spot 4. 尖叫 scream
m---,n---,w---,g--- (4 words) 1. 礼貌,举止 manner 2. 小说,新奇的 novel 3. 漫步,漫游 wander 4. 真的,真诚的 genuine
高考链接 (4):
D It was because her mother was ill _____she didn’t come to school yesterday. A. who B. when C. where D. that

二、活动目标1. 激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,提高他们的英语口语、听力、阅读和写作能力;2. 锻炼学生的团队合作和沟通能力;3. 培养学生的创造力和思维能力;4. 培养学生的竞争意识和应急能力。
三、活动时间和地点时间:2024年x月x日地点:学校活动中心四、活动形式1. 组队竞赛:学生分成若干个小组,每个小组由4-6名学生组成;2. 活动内容:英语听力、口语、阅读和写作等多个环节;3. 活动主题:根据学生的年龄和英语水平设定主题,如“我的梦想”、“我的假期计划”等;4. 活动设定:每个环节都有一定的时间限制,在规定时间内完成任务。
五、活动流程1. 报名阶段- 邀请所有初一学生参加竞赛,并组成4-6人的小组;- 学生准备参赛所需材料,并填写报名表格,提交给指定老师。
2. 预赛阶段- 预赛分为口语和写作两个环节;- 口语环节:每组选取一名代表,按顺序进行自我介绍和简短英语演讲;- 写作环节:每组选取三名代表,写一篇以主题为中心的英语作文;- 由评委老师根据表现情况,选拔出一定数量的小组晋级到决赛。
3. 决赛阶段- 决赛按照知识竞答和团队合作两个环节进行;- 知识竞答:出题老师根据英语课本和相关题库制定难度适中的选择题和填空题;- 团队合作:每个小组根据指定的主题,合作完成一道难度适中的任务,如编写对话、制作海报等;- 由评委老师评分,选出冠军、亚军和季军。
4. 颁奖典礼阶段- 公布获奖名单,并颁发奖牌和奖状;- 鼓励所有参赛学生,并对他们的努力给予认可。
六、赛前准备1. 宣传工作- 利用学校官方网站和校内公告栏宣传活动;- 制作海报和传单,在学校的不同地方张贴;- 利用学校广播和班会时间进行口头宣传。

• 12.What does everybody do at the same time?
• Grow old!
• 13. Where did the egg floating down the Mississippi River come from?
• From a hen! (母鸡)
• 9. many, oranges, how, there, are, in, the, bag,(?)
• ____ is greater than God. • ____ is more evil than the Devil. • The poor have ____. • The rich need ____. • If you eat ____, you will die. • Yes, the key is " nothing" .
• 3. What is pronounced like one letter, written with three letters, and belongs to all animals?
• 4.What letter is a question? • It’s the letter Y! (why)
• 16.With which hand do you write? • Neither. I use a pen!
• 17.Lucky Mouse fell off a 1000-step stair and was not hurt. Why? He fell off the last step!

英语趣味比赛英文作文Title: A Fun English Contest。
English is not just a language; it's a journey of exploration, discovery, and amusement. The English Fun Contest held at our school was a testament to this notion. Participants, including myself, eagerly anticipated the event, ready to showcase our linguistic flair and creativity.The contest commenced with a spirited spelling bee. Words ranging from the mundane to the esoteric were thrown at us, challenging our memory and attention to detail. With each correct spelling, a surge of satisfaction coursed through me, spurring me on to conquer the next lexical hurdle. The atmosphere was electric, filled with tension, excitement, and the occasional sigh of relief.Following the spelling bee was the tongue twister challenge, where contestants endeavored to articulateperplexing phrases with speed and precision. "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" and "She sells seashells by the seashore" echoed throughout the room as participants valiantly attempted to navigate the linguistic labyrinth. Laughter bubbled up amidst the inevitable slips of the tongue, transforming the competition into a jovial affair.The highlight of the contest was undoubtedly the impromptu speech segment. Participants were given a topic and a brief moment to gather their thoughts before addressing the audience. This segment was a true test of spontaneity, requiring quick thinking, eloquence, and a dash of charisma. Topics ranged from the profound ("The impact of technology on modern society") to the whimsical ("If I were a superhero for a day"). Each participant brought their unique perspective to the fore, weaving narratives that captivated and entertained.As the contest drew to a close, a sense of camaraderie permeated the air. Though we had competed fiercely, we also celebrated each other's accomplishments and reveled in the shared joy of linguistic expression. The English FunContest was not merely a competition; it was a celebration of language, culture, and the boundless possibilities they entail.In conclusion, the English Fun Contest was an enriching experience that showcased the multifaceted nature of the English language. It served as a reminder that language learning can be both educational and enjoyable, fostering a deeper appreciation for the nuances of communication. As I reflect on the contest, I am reminded of the words of Shakespeare: "The more languages you know, the more you are human." Indeed, through events like these, we embrace our humanity and revel in the beauty of linguistic diversity.。

Fun Knowledge Competition English TranslationThe fun knowledge competition is a popular cultural activity aimed at challenging participants’ knowledge levels and promoting teamwork and cognitive development. Let’s explore the English translation of the fun knowledge competition.1. IntroductionThe fun knowledge competition, as the name suggests, combines entertainment and education. Participants engage in a series of questions and challenges that test their knowledge across various topics, from history and science to pop culture and current events. The competition often involves individual and team-based challenges, adding a dynamic element to the event.2. Rules and FormatThe rules and format of the fun knowledge competition may vary depending on the organizer and the target audience. Typically, participants are divided into teams, and each team competes against the others in a series of rounds. In each round, teams may be asked multiple-choice questions, true or false statements, or engage in group activities that require problem-solving skills.3. Benefits of Fun Knowledge CompetitionsParticipating in fun knowledge competitions offers several benefits. Firstly, it encourages continuous learning and broadens participants’ knowledge base. Secondly, it fosters teamwork and collaboration as team members work together to answer questions and solve challenges. Additionally, the competitive aspect of the competition motivates individuals to think critically and quickly, enhancing their cognitive abilities.4. Tips for SuccessTo excel in a fun knowledge competition, participants should prepare by studying a wide range of topics and staying updated on current affairs. Effective communication within the team is essential to ensure a cohesive approach to problem-solving. Furthermore, maintaining a positive attitude and having fun during the competition can enhance overall performance and enjoyment.5. ConclusionThe fun knowledge competition is a stimulating and engaging activity that promotes learning, teamwork, and critical thinking skills. By exploring the English translation of this cultural event, we can appreciate its significance in bridging language barriers and fostering cross-cultural interactions.In conclusion, the fun knowledge competition is an exciting opportunity to test one’s knowledge, engage i n friendly competition, and have fun. Whether participating as an individual or as part of a team, the experience of the competition can be both educational and entertaining. So, gather your friends and family, brush up on your trivia, and get ready to join in the fun!。
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MSbSfNo猴SDRl机no雪o书w鞋nV电 医 毛hEoow子花T器keoCcbw子kV视 生衣eaet人oytrsresrtr
计时 开始
WSDahDCt加iD跳o购Reca西aM狗QP月 兔 字portnan拿C舞Y物imoQ瓜pg猫SFboca亮 子 典ao大iebndntnliagotrny T
3. What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?
什么东西当它干净的时候是黑的, 当它不干净的时候是白的?
A blackboard
4. “ I know that from A to Z. ” means --- B
• A.从A到Z • B.从头到尾 • C.字母表 • D.距离很远
பைடு நூலகம்
10. What is yours, but is used by others more than by yourself?
Your name
11.Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad?
• A. Dad A, father父亲, • B. Mom 音似farther更远
5. What is the smallest bridge in the world?
The bridge of a nose. (鼻梁)
6. What will you break once you say it?
Silence. (沉默)
7. What number can you take half and leave nothing? 哪个数字你拿掉一半,什么 都没剩下?
它无聊极大了忙。人? 爱管闲事的人
Show Chinglish展示中式英语
Cut the customers?
Overcharge the customers
Some pieces of music(of course segments) will be played and the aim is to speak out the right names of given songs. Each group takes turns to answer the questions. One score obtained if right.
8. China Rose 是什么?C
• A. 中国玫瑰 • B. 荷花 • C. 月季 • D. 向日葵
9.有一种草叫“勿忘我”,文 人常用它来描述相思与痴情。 这种草的英语名字叫 _B___
• A. Don‘t forget me • B. forget-me-not • C. no-forgetting grass • D. not-forget-me
Words Guessing
One is to guess the exact word or letter, another or more than one will act out to show what it is without words. 1 score is added to the one which get right the most in 2 minutes . Each group takes turns to do it.
Fun English Contest
Competitive Answering of Fun English knowledge趣味英语抢答
In this program, when I show the question, each group needs to grasp the opportunity to give the answer. The first to give the answer is the winner and can obtain 1 score.
• C. Both
• D. Neither
12. What always goes up and never goes down? 什么东西只升 不降?
Your age. (你的年龄)
13. 小偷最怕哪三个字母?
• A. ABC • B. ICU • C. VIP • D. PLC
B, i,c ,u (I See You)
计时 开始
Show Chinglish展示中式英语
Some Chinglish versions will be offered and the participants will give the right version. The first to give the answer is the winner and can obtain 1 score. 在此环节会先给中式
Show Chinglish展示中式英语
I它t c不an可a爱西’ntI我我能情红bb黑妖aBhp拖开pe从 睡没l之柿u色术aauplv后玩s未 得l有ce果艺lelyeks腿笑onb术睡 好趣s?on’oa?tife?过 极d?nrs’lstyltoe好 了leevprge觉 。etsb?teinttge.r.
每组须派一个人到台上背对屏幕猜给出的单词或字母, 组内其他成员须用动作或姿势把所给单词或字母展示出来, 不能说话。在2分钟内哪组回答正确的多,可得一分。
PhCJoag自aoWl日Vm汉l花警BiWtp钱眼a牙 亲mk电cea行aAia本风bsiWe堡瓶察kis包slp镜B齿 吻n脑sulmt车eese人uhde包rtagtsenerr
在此环节中,当我把问题给出时, 每组成员须抓准时机抢答,答对者加 一分。
1. What’s too much for two and just right for one?
• A. Time
• B. A secret
• C. A friend
• D. A room
2. 中号衣服的标志是
• A. S • B. L • C. M • D. Y
英语的表达,然后各队组员可以给出正确 的表达。抢答题,最快给出正确答案的获 得一分。
Show Chinglish展示中式英语
Be careful not to slip and fall
Show Chinglish展示中式英语
Free love ?
free choice of marriage partner