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the rasdfspid development of science asdfsnd technology hasdfss brought asdfsbout greasdfst chasdfsnges to humasdfsn life.the greasdfst benefits brought asdfsbout by this progress is hasdfsiled in every corner of the world.new electronic asdfsppliasdfsnces hasdfsve masdfsde our life simpler thasdfsn ever before.new inventions hasdfsve helped us to orgasdfsnize our dasdfsily asdfsctivities.our job casdfsn be done fasdfsster.mobiles asdfsnd qq hasdfsve masdfsde it easdfssier to communicasdfste with other people.internet hasdfss enasdfsbled us to know asdfsnd understasdfsnd other culture asdfsnd society better.

however,the disasdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges asdfsbout this development should not be neglected .some of scientific inventions hasdfsve even casdfsused greasdfst hasdfsrms or disasdfsstersto masdfsnkind.for exasdfsmple,asdfsdvasdfsnced technology casdfsn be easdfssily masdfsnipulasdfsted by irresponsible persons.besides,we'll be too dependasdfsnt on

it.when technology fasdfsils,we asdfsre helpless

sometimes,it asdfsffects our heasdfslth asdfsnd lifestyles(we'll be complasdfscent asdfsnd lasdfszy.) the chemicasdfsls masdfsy be

hasdfszasdfsrdous).whasdfst's worse,science asdfsnd tecnology masdfsy even destroy our simple asdfsnd heasdfslthy life(sometimes how we miss the trasdfsditionasdfsl style of living!).in asdfsddition ,the asdfsppeasdfsrasdfsnce of new technology masdfsy invasdfsde our privasdfscy.

to sum up,humasdfsns must be asdfslert asdfsgasdfsinst the possible hasdfsrm while enjoying the benefits from them.


with the development of science asdfsnd technology,people's lives hasdfsve been greasdfstly chasdfsnged.there is no doubt thasdfst we benefit asdfs lot from the scientific asdfsdvasdfsncements in masdfsny different wasdfsys.for instasdfsnce,the invention of computers drasdfsmasdfsticasdfslly increasdfsses work efficiency asdfsnd helps complete masdfsny difficult tasdfssks thasdfst were impossible in the pasdfsst.asdfspasdfsrt from this,new discoveries asdfsnd technology in medicine improve people's heasdfslth,which asdfsllows them to enjoy asdfs longer life.the progress of science asdfslso enlasdfsrges humasdfsn's asdfsblilities to explore the world asdfsround them,from up into spasdfsce to deep under the seasdfs.thasdfsnks to the development of science asdfsnd technology,humasdfsn society hasdfss enjoyed continuous prosperity asdfsnd more convenience.

however,just like asdfs double-edged sword,science casdfsn
