
Now that we have chosen the life course, you should use all the determination in exchange for a lifetime dedication. Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life. ——Leo Tolstoy
A Fable
About a half-hearted study of a small cat with her mother to see the process of fishing dragonflies and butterflies fly, they go to catch up with them, so forget themselves in fishing story.
Because of the great dream of human life is a result of hard work and wonderful. ——白国伟 When I was really in pursuit of my dreams, every day is fun, because I know that every hour is a part of the dream.
Importance Dream with us throughout the journey of life, no dreams, your life is destined to dull, with a dream, your life is not necessarily brilliant, but you will not waste this life!

Petty things about dream 梦想那件小事
About dream can be dated back to my childhood. At that time, my dream is illness. Because of illness ,I don’t have to go to school, also can eat a lot of delicious.
• 因为当年我也是痴情的种子,结果下了场雨淹死了。
Third, I will have a house, facing the sea with spring flowers. 第三,我有一座房子,面朝大海,春暖花开。
• I will try my best to realize my dream to make up the boast I have said in my childhood.
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
关于梦想的事,还得从小时候 说起,那时我的梦想是生病。 因为生病我不用去上学,还能 吃上好多好吃的。
• It was on the time at primary school, I wanted to own a bike. I asked god for a bike, but I knew god didn’t work that way.
• 上高中时,我希望我可以 考上理想的大学,每次上 课睡着时,我都看到了我 的未来。
• however,dream is beautiful, the reality is cruel . I was failed in the first college entrance exam.
About dream can be dated back to my childhood. At that time, my dream is illness. Because of illness ,I don’t have to go to school, also can eat a lot of delicious.
• 因为当年我也是痴情的种子,结果下了场雨淹死了。
Third, I will have a house, facing the sea with spring flowers. 第三,我有一座房子,面朝大海,春暖花开。
• I will try my best to realize my dream to make up the boast I have said in my childhood.
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
关于梦想的事,还得从小时候 说起,那时我的梦想是生病。 因为生病我不用去上学,还能 吃上好多好吃的。
• It was on the time at primary school, I wanted to own a bike. I asked god for a bike, but I knew god didn’t work that way.
• 上高中时,我希望我可以 考上理想的大学,每次上 课睡着时,我都看到了我 的未来。
• however,dream is beautiful, the reality is cruel . I was failed in the first college entrance exam.

All is not over...To Be Continued. Keep smile and confidence, You can get what you want
About dream
Remember when I was young, we have a lot of dream. That time, we hope to grow up quickly, can do what you like.
Gradually, we all grew up, but many things and not we expected.
All above prove that dream give everything confidence, guide everything to go to the road which is full of sunlight. The dream gives everything a direction to go, and the one which has dream which prove how great and splendor the dream is.
One day, we carry on a bag to search for the way of the dream.
Survival easy but life is not easy
Life so we abandoned innocence(纯洁). We become empty-headed. Every don't know what's happening.
he still in the fighting...
我的梦想,英语pptPPT 课件

Now that I am a university student,my goal is to graduate with excellences(优秀) so that I could be a good teacher in the future.
One day,people living in the areas now suffering from the disaster will be able to sit with their families and enjoy their every moment.
也就是说,从平均值看,名校毕业生的 收入就 已经遥 遥领先 好几倍 ,更不 用说那 些高薪 行业的 实际收 入差距 了。 好的大学,不一定保证每一个人都会有 高收入 ,但他 的确能 够为你 提供通 向高收 入的第 一块敲 门砖。 2 开学季前几天,老家的一个远房表兄传 来消息 ,刚满 17岁的 表侄小 立不愿 意再继 续读高 三,准 备辍学 去打工 。 表兄很是着急,把家族里学历比较高的 我也搬 了出来 ,希望 我能劝 劝小立 。 “我虽然这些年到处打工也挣了一些钱 ,但这 样挣钱 太辛苦 了,我 不希望 他重走 我的老 路,” 堂兄苦 口婆心 ,一再 强调, “你一 定要好 好劝劝 他:不 上学以 后没有 出路。 ” 刚开始我和这位00后表侄在微信上聊的 时候, 非常话 不投机 。 我问他:不想读书是不是觉得功课太难 了? 他答道:也没有多难,就是不想太累了 ,高考 复习很 无聊。 我劝他:再坚持几个月,苦一阵子熬一 熬就过 去了。 他回答得很干脆:太没劲!考上又能怎 么样? 现在我 家邻居x x大学 毕业上 班了, 挣的还 没我爸 高呢! 我再问他:你爸爸现在一身伤病常年要 吃药, 你不是 不知道 吧,还 有,你 爸爸为 了多挣 点钱, 一年到 头在外 面跑
One day,people living in the areas now suffering from the disaster will be able to sit with their families and enjoy their every moment.
也就是说,从平均值看,名校毕业生的 收入就 已经遥 遥领先 好几倍 ,更不 用说那 些高薪 行业的 实际收 入差距 了。 好的大学,不一定保证每一个人都会有 高收入 ,但他 的确能 够为你 提供通 向高收 入的第 一块敲 门砖。 2 开学季前几天,老家的一个远房表兄传 来消息 ,刚满 17岁的 表侄小 立不愿 意再继 续读高 三,准 备辍学 去打工 。 表兄很是着急,把家族里学历比较高的 我也搬 了出来 ,希望 我能劝 劝小立 。 “我虽然这些年到处打工也挣了一些钱 ,但这 样挣钱 太辛苦 了,我 不希望 他重走 我的老 路,” 堂兄苦 口婆心 ,一再 强调, “你一 定要好 好劝劝 他:不 上学以 后没有 出路。 ” 刚开始我和这位00后表侄在微信上聊的 时候, 非常话 不投机 。 我问他:不想读书是不是觉得功课太难 了? 他答道:也没有多难,就是不想太累了 ,高考 复习很 无聊。 我劝他:再坚持几个月,苦一阵子熬一 熬就过 去了。 他回答得很干脆:太没劲!考上又能怎 么样? 现在我 家邻居x x大学 毕业上 班了, 挣的还 没我爸 高呢! 我再问他:你爸爸现在一身伤病常年要 吃药, 你不是 不知道 吧,还 有,你 爸爸为 了多挣 点钱, 一年到 头在外 面跑

the heat of oppression, will be
transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four little children will one
我梦想有一天,在佐治亚的红山上,昔日奴隶的儿子将能够和昔日奴隶主 的儿子坐在一起,共叙兄弟情谊。
I have a dream that one day even the state of
Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice,
the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it
This is our hope.
I have a dream
--Martin Luther King
chemical engineering and technological
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”
transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four little children will one
我梦想有一天,在佐治亚的红山上,昔日奴隶的儿子将能够和昔日奴隶主 的儿子坐在一起,共叙兄弟情谊。
I have a dream that one day even the state of
Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice,
the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it
This is our hope.
I have a dream
--Martin Luther King
chemical engineering and technological
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

有一天,我们背上了行囊, 踏上了寻找梦想的路。
Survival easy but life is not easy
Life so we abandoned innocence. We become empty-headed. Every don't know what's happening.
About dream
Remember when I was young, we have a lot of dream. That time, we hope to grow up quickly, can do what you like.
还记得小时候,我 们拥有许多梦想。 那时候的我们希望 快快长大,可以做 自己喜欢的事。。。弥留ຫໍສະໝຸດ 间,回头看看自 己最初的梦想、、、
we should do something perhaps...
也许,我 们该改变 些什么 了、、、
I like sensation once luffy said . In order to dream, even life either.
我很喜欢路飞说过的一句话,为了 梦想,即使生命也无所谓了。
Gradually, we all grew up, but many things and not we expected. 渐渐地,我们都 长大了,可是许 多事并不是我们 想象的那样。
One day, we carry on a bag to search for the way of the dream.
But we still nothing. Face the pressures of life, we still can do little about.

Now that I am a university student,my goal is to graduate with excellences(优秀) so that I could be a good teacher in the future.
One day,people living in the areas now suffering from the disaster will be able to sit with their families and enjoy their every moment.
Invent a device which could bring me to everywhere I want to go in no time.
Study in my ideal university.
How pathetic(令人同情的)
more realistic
Why do wo have to change our dreams in order to let it be "fulfilled"? Why do we have to surrender(屈服) to the so-called "reality"(所谓的“现实”)?
What IS the reality actually?
It is a barrier keeping us from all the possible fantasies.
Only when we believe that the reality is not real can we soar(腾飞) with our dreams.
One day,people living in the areas now suffering from the disaster will be able to sit with their families and enjoy their every moment.
Invent a device which could bring me to everywhere I want to go in no time.
Study in my ideal university.
How pathetic(令人同情的)
more realistic
Why do wo have to change our dreams in order to let it be "fulfilled"? Why do we have to surrender(屈服) to the so-called "reality"(所谓的“现实”)?
What IS the reality actually?
It is a barrier keeping us from all the possible fantasies.
Only when we believe that the reality is not real can we soar(腾飞) with our dreams.

Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. (Mark Twain, American writer) 不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。(美国 作家 马克· 吐温) Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.(Alexander Dumas, Davy de La Pailleterie, French Writer) 生活没有目标就像航海没有指南针。 (法国作家 大仲马 A.)
Have a dream,thery best to realize my dream to make up the boast I have said in my childhood.
So,will you?
Thanks for watching! 谢谢观赏
Finally, I wish everybody's dream will come true.
· We need dreams to support us. · They give us a vision of a better future. · They keep us going .
With the dream, we have a direction, with a direction, we were no longer confused. With the dream, there is hope, with the hope, we have the strength to fight.

Some say, life is full of
hope and dream link to有人说,生活
the future.
Heart is a pure romantic songs
心是纯洁浪漫的 歌曲,是一个美
is a gorgeous colorf丽ul的rib彩bon带s, is jumpy
Life melody is at the storm in the hard work and life melody is in in the high paradises endeavour.
生命的旋律在风暴 中的辛勤工作和生 活的 旋律在高高的 天堂的努力。
because the passion of life is booming, because the continuation 正of 在the蓬dr勃eam发and 展thr,ive因. 为梦 想的延续和
期生活 的诗绝句诗燃烧的胜利,一 个斑斓的色彩 传递。
I said thatlife is from the dream of, the dream life is themost beautiful flowers fang campus, the dream is life in the sea most 我说g生lori命ou是s g从low梦. 想,梦想是人生最 美的鲜花芳校园,梦想是生活在海 洋中的最辉煌的光芒。
tireless。 notes, sow是is跳ho动pe的ful不fu倦tur的e. 音符,
Friends, let us take life this song in the life long poem jue ju in burning victorious,showthe multicolored 朋友们,co让lo我ur们pa把ss生es活. camels the tenacity of the de它ser让t . 我们
hope and dream link to有人说,生活
the future.
Heart is a pure romantic songs
心是纯洁浪漫的 歌曲,是一个美
is a gorgeous colorf丽ul的rib彩bon带s, is jumpy
Life melody is at the storm in the hard work and life melody is in in the high paradises endeavour.
生命的旋律在风暴 中的辛勤工作和生 活的 旋律在高高的 天堂的努力。
because the passion of life is booming, because the continuation 正of 在the蓬dr勃eam发and 展thr,ive因. 为梦 想的延续和
期生活 的诗绝句诗燃烧的胜利,一 个斑斓的色彩 传递。
I said thatlife is from the dream of, the dream life is themost beautiful flowers fang campus, the dream is life in the sea most 我说g生lori命ou是s g从low梦. 想,梦想是人生最 美的鲜花芳校园,梦想是生活在海 洋中的最辉煌的光芒。
tireless。 notes, sow是is跳ho动pe的ful不fu倦tur的e. 音符,
Friends, let us take life this song in the life long poem jue ju in burning victorious,showthe multicolored 朋友们,co让lo我ur们pa把ss生es活. camels the tenacity of the de它ser让t . 我们

Dreams of travel, exploration, and new experiences are common among young people, as they crave freedom and adventure.
Freedom and Adventure
Dreams about finding love or improving existing relationships are common among young people, as they start to form deep emotional connections
Dreams of Different People
Children's dreams are often filled with imagination and creativity, as their minds are still developing and haven't been fully influenced by the adult world
Make composites
Sometimes, learning dreams may require making composites or sacrifices in terms of lifestyle or personal preferences
The method of balancing dreams and reality
It's easier to tap large goals by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable sub goals
Freedom and Adventure
Dreams about finding love or improving existing relationships are common among young people, as they start to form deep emotional connections
Dreams of Different People
Children's dreams are often filled with imagination and creativity, as their minds are still developing and haven't been fully influenced by the adult world
Make composites
Sometimes, learning dreams may require making composites or sacrifices in terms of lifestyle or personal preferences
The method of balancing dreams and reality
It's easier to tap large goals by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable sub goals

seconபைடு நூலகம்s
Dream is beautiful .
She represents our hope .
Dream is powerful .
She gives our power to achieve our goals !
The dream maybe a gift , a trip to a beautiful place have a good house and car , find a kind girl friend , to have a great achievement in business and so on.
Everyone needs a dream . That is a positive attitude to your life ! Living in this world we should fight for something !
Best wishes to you ! Best wishes to your dream ! Let’s fight for our dreams! The world may be change with our dreams !
So …
What’s your dream?
Is it your dream?
Is it your dream?
Is it your dream?
Is it your dream?
Celebrities arriving on red carpet
seconபைடு நூலகம்s
Dream is beautiful .
She represents our hope .
Dream is powerful .
She gives our power to achieve our goals !
The dream maybe a gift , a trip to a beautiful place have a good house and car , find a kind girl friend , to have a great achievement in business and so on.
Everyone needs a dream . That is a positive attitude to your life ! Living in this world we should fight for something !
Best wishes to you ! Best wishes to your dream ! Let’s fight for our dreams! The world may be change with our dreams !
So …
What’s your dream?
Is it your dream?
Is it your dream?
Is it your dream?
Is it your dream?
Celebrities arriving on red carpet

the storm Someone says, life is full of hope and dream links to the future.
Friends, let us strive for the dream! 心是纯洁浪漫的歌曲,是一个美丽的彩带 It makes the camels across the desert . 有人说,生活充满了希望和梦想连接未来 我说生命是从梦想开始的,梦想是人生最 美的校园,梦想是生活在海洋中的最辉煌的光辉。 Friends, let us strive for the dream! 它让坚韧的骆驼穿过沙漠 Someone says, life is full of hope and dream links to the future.
I say that life begins with dream, dream is the most beautiful campus school, dream is the most brilliant light life in the seas. Friends, let us strive for the dream!
brilliant light life in the seas.
Heart is pure rrful ribbons, 心是纯洁浪漫的歌曲,是一个美丽的彩带 有人说,生活充满了希望和梦想连接未来
我说生命是从梦想开始的,梦想是人生最 美的校园, Maybe ahead with thorns, maybe ahead bumpy, but have the dream is the direction.
across the desert .
它让坚韧的骆 驼穿过沙漠
Friends, let us strive for the dream! 朋友们,让我们为梦 想而奋斗!
Friends, let us strive for the dream! 心是纯洁浪漫的歌曲,是一个美丽的彩带 It makes the camels across the desert . 有人说,生活充满了希望和梦想连接未来 我说生命是从梦想开始的,梦想是人生最 美的校园,梦想是生活在海洋中的最辉煌的光辉。 Friends, let us strive for the dream! 它让坚韧的骆驼穿过沙漠 Someone says, life is full of hope and dream links to the future.
I say that life begins with dream, dream is the most beautiful campus school, dream is the most brilliant light life in the seas. Friends, let us strive for the dream!
brilliant light life in the seas.
Heart is pure rrful ribbons, 心是纯洁浪漫的歌曲,是一个美丽的彩带 有人说,生活充满了希望和梦想连接未来
我说生命是从梦想开始的,梦想是人生最 美的校园, Maybe ahead with thorns, maybe ahead bumpy, but have the dream is the direction.
across the desert .
它让坚韧的骆 驼穿过沙漠
Friends, let us strive for the dream! 朋友们,让我们为梦 想而奋斗!

Dreams have the value of creativity and imagination. Dreams can inspire people's creativity and imagination, and help them break through the limitations of reality and pursue a better life.
Dreams can be divided into two categories: nightmares and pleasant dreams. Nightmares usually cause negative emotions, while pleasant dreams usually bring positive emotions.
Learn from successful people and explore new paths to realize dreams.
Limited access to high-quality English speech materials and resources.
Lack of Resources
Shortage of time to prepare and practice English speeches.
The impact of dreams on life
Dreams have the value of inspiration and encouragement. Dreams can encourage people to pursue their goals and dreams, and help them overcome difficulties and challenges.
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Life melody hard work and effort in the storm
生命的旋律在风暴 中的辛勤工作和努
because the passion of life is booming, because the continuation of因th为e d生rea活m的and 激情th正riv在e. 蓬 勃发展,因 为梦想的延
It makes the camels across t它he让de坚ser韧t . 的骆驼穿
Friends, let us
strive for the 朋友们dre,am让! 我们 为梦想而奋斗!
Thank you for hearing 谢谢你m们e!的聆
Someone says, life is full of hope and dream links有人说,生活
to the future. 充满了希望和 梦想连接未来
rgooHmrgaeieransoirbtujtiubscimoscsnpoopslny,uogrrtsfeiruieslless,心 歌is 是曲so丽w,纯的h是洁o彩p一浪e 带fo个漫r t美的he f是ut跳ure动. 的不倦的音符, 是播种希望的未来
I say that life begins with dream, dream is the most beautiful
campus school, dream is the most brilliant light life in the seas.
我说生命是从梦想开始的,梦想是 人生最 美的校园,梦想是生活在海
Life melody hard work and effort in the storm
生命的旋律在风暴 中的辛勤工作和努
because the passion of life is booming, because the continuation of因th为e d生rea活m的and 激情th正riv在e. 蓬 勃发展,因 为梦想的延
It makes the camels across t它he让de坚ser韧t . 的骆驼穿
Friends, let us
strive for the 朋友们dre,am让! 我们 为梦想而奋斗!
Thank you for hearing 谢谢你m们e!的聆
Someone says, life is full of hope and dream links有人说,生活
to the future. 充满了希望和 梦想连接未来
rgooHmrgaeieransoirbtujtiubscimoscsnpoopslny,uogrrtsfeiruieslless,心 歌is 是曲so丽w,纯的h是洁o彩p一浪e 带fo个漫r t美的he f是ut跳ure动. 的不倦的音符, 是播种希望的未来
I say that life begins with dream, dream is the most beautiful
campus school, dream is the most brilliant light life in the seas.
我说生命是从梦想开始的,梦想是 人生最 美的校园,梦想是生活在海