2020届高三二轮复习:第2讲 定语从句课堂演练

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Secondly, you'll make some good friends and they_are_also_interested_in_playing_ table_tennis.

→Secondly, you'll make some good friends that/who_are_also_interested_in_playing_ table_tennis.(用定语从句改写)


He is a professor, and I have been looking forward to becoming_a_professor.

→He is a professor, which_I_have_been_looking_forward_to_becoming.(用定语从句改写) 3.这幅照片为我们展示了一个动人的时刻,在这一刻,一个小女孩来问候正在工作中的妈妈。

The picture shows us a touching moment when_a_little_girl_comes_to_greet_her_ working_mom.

→The picture shows us a touching moment at_which_a_little_girl_comes_to_greet_her_ working_mom.(用“介词+关系代词”改写)


People may also choose to work in a team, where_they_can_learn_from_each_other.

→People may also choose to work in a team, in_which_they_can_learn_from_each _other.(用“介词+关系代词”改写)


Taking pictures with animals has a bad effect on the animals. It_greatly_disturbs_their _rest.

→Taking pictures with animals has a bad effect on the animals, which_greatly_disturbs _their_ rest.(用定语从句改写)


David is __1__ (extreme) worried about his son, __2__ often behaves like a coward. So he __3__ (pay) a v isit to the master and asked him to train his son. The master said, “I promise I'll be able to train your child into a real man in six months.”

Six months later, his father came __4__ (pick) the child. The master arranged a match __5__ the child and his co ach to show the six­month training result. At Round One, the child __6__ (knock) down and fell to the ground. He stood up to meet the challenge. But he was knocked down again, and once again he stood up to fight ...this was repeated seven times.

The master asked his father, “Do you think your child's __7__ (perform) is that of a man?” The father said, “I feel __8__ (shame) for him! I never expected that he would be so weak after

six months' __9__ (train).” The master said, “I don't agree with you, and I reg ret that you only see the surface of things. You have not seen the courage and perseverance __10__ your son. This is the very spirit of a man!”


1.extremely 考查副词。此处修饰形容词“worried”应用extreme的副词形式。故填extremely。

2.who 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空格处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为“his son”,指人,在从句中作主语,故应用who引导该从句。故填who。

3.paid 考查动词时态。根据空格后的并列谓语“asked”可知,此处陈述过去发生的事,应用一般过去时。故填paid。

4.to pick 考查非谓语动词。根据语境可知,此处应用动词不定式作目的状语。故填to pick。

5.between 考查介词。根据下文中的“and”可知,此处应指大师安排了孩子和教练之间的比赛。between ...and ...意为“……与……之间”。故填between。

6.was knocked 考查动词时态和语态。空格处与下文的“fell to the ground”为并列谓语,应用一般过去时;又因为knock与主语“the child”之间是被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动式。故填was knocked。

7.performance 考查名词。根据空格前“child's”可知,此处应用perform的名词形式。故填performance。

8.ashamed 考查形容词。根据空格前的系动词“feel”可知,其后应用shame的形容词形式ashamed,形容人,意为“感到羞愧的”。故填ashamed。

9.training 考查非谓语动词。根据空格前的“six months'”可知,其后应用train的动名词形式。故填training。

10.in 考查介词。根据上句中的“you only see the surface of things”可知,本句强调“courage and perseverance”,这属于孩子的内心品质,应用介词in。故填in。


(2018·云南师大附中模拟)Yesterday was my father's birthday.We made many preparation for it.Early in the morning, my mother and I set off for the department store to find gift for my father.We chose very careful, eventually a warm sweater caught our eye but was purchased.

To showing my love for my father, I made a birthday cake under the help of my mother.In the evening, we got together to celebrate her birthday.With candles lit, we sang happy birthday out loud and clapped, that made the room alive with the sound of cheering.

Then we take a family photo to record the happy moment.When I saw tears of joy in my father's eyes, I was filled in with a feeling of accomplishment and happiness.

