LOCS III 白内障分级 权威
白内障分级标准通常使用的是Lens Opacities Classification System III (LOCS III)。
根据LOCS III,白内障分为浑浊度分级(NUC)和颜色分级(CO)两个部分。
1. N0:无浑浊
2. N1:非致命性轻度浑浊
3. N2:轻度浑浊
4. N3:重度浑浊
5. NC:中央区域完全浑浊
1. C1:无颜色
2. C2:非致命性轻度颜色
3. C3:轻度颜色
4. C4:重度颜色
5. CO:中央区域完全有颜色
1. 轻度白内障。
2. 中度白内障。
3. 重度白内障。
[关键词]年龄相关性白内障;晶状体功能失调指数;LogMAR视力:晶状体混浊程度分级系统!中图分类号:R776.1文献标识码:A7章编号:1002-4379(2020)05-0328-05Analysis of correlations between lens dysfunction index and LogMAR Visual Acuityand LOCS III grading criteria in age-related cataract patients LU Lu,YANG Lidong,WANGYan.Cangzhou Ophthalmological Hospital,Cangzhou061000,China[Abstract]OBJECTIVE To explore the correlation between the lens dysfunction index(DLI)with the LogMAR vision and lens opacities classification system(LOCS III)in age-related cataractpatients.METHODS96eyes of48age-related cataract patients who met the inclusion criteriawere selected as the study group.In addition,40age-matched healthy people(80eyes)who wereadmitted to Cangzhou Ophthalmological Hospital were randomly selected as the control group.TheLogMAR vision was examined in both groups,according to LOCS III classification system,the degree of lens opacity was judged and scored.The DLI value was measured by iTrace visual functionanalyzer.RESULTS(1)LogMAR visual acuity(t=23.326,%=0.000),LOCS H-NO scores(t=32.427,P=0.000)and LOCS!-NC scores(t=27.987,%=0.000)in the research group were significantlyhigher than those in the control group;the DLI scores of the research group were significantly lowerthan that of the control group(t=32.453,P=0.000);(2)The DLI in age-related cataract patients wasnegatively correlated with LogMAR visual acuity(厂=-0.626,P=0.000),LOCS III-NO scores($=-0516,DOI:10.13444/ki.zgzyykzz.2020.05.006作者单位:河北省沧州眼科医院,沧州061000通讯作者:路露,E-mail: ****************P=0.000)and LOCS III-NC scores(r=-0.495,P=0.000) in age-related cataract patients;(3)LogMAR visual acuity(t=6.834,P=0.005),LOCS III-NO scores(t= 7.002,P=0.004)and LOCS III-NC scores(t=6.491,P =中国中医眼科杂志2020年5月第30卷第5期・329・0.006)were closely related factors of DLI in age-related cataract patients.(4)The diagnostic AUCof DLI for age-related cataract patients was0.857.CONCLUSION The DLI is negatively correlated with LogMAR visual acuity and LOCS III grading scores in age-related cataract patients,DLIhas diagnostic value for senile cataract and is worthy promoting in clinical screening.[Keywords]age related cataract;lens dysfunction index;LogMAR vision;LOCS III gradingscores白内障是以晶状体透明度下降为特征的眼科常见疾病,也是世界范围内首位致盲性眼病叫2010年研究报道全球有9400万人视力受损,白内障患者占1/3,2000万人因白内障而失明,占比过半叫在我国,白内障患者约为1100万例,且以每年80万例的速度迅速增加[3]o随着我国人口老龄化的加剧,年龄相关性白内障导致的社会负担日益加重,为当前我国的叫年龄相关性白内障晶状体混浊程度评价方法主要为主观分。
本文将对白内障CNP 分级标准进行详细介绍,帮助医生和患者更好地了解这一标准。
根据国内外多项研究和实践经验,白内障CNP分级标准主要包括以下几个方面:1. 白内障类型,根据白内障的类型,可以将其分为老年性白内障、儿童性白内障、创伤性白内障等。
2. 白内障密度,白内障的密度是评估白内障严重程度的重要指标之一。
3. 白内障核分级,白内障核分级是根据白内障核的混浊程度进行评估的,主要分为1~5级。
4. 白内障晶状体混浊程度,晶状体混浊程度是评估白内障严重程度的重要指标之一,通常分为轻度、中度和重度。
5. 白内障对比敏感度(CST),CST是一种评估白内障严重程度的客观指标,通过对比敏感度检测,可以更准确地了解白内障患者的视觉功能状态,为手术治疗提供重要参考。
美国医学会眼科杂志中文版1990年第2卷第1期晶状体混浊分类系统二( LOCS 二)图1 25×27.50cm透明片制作,在裂隙灯上使用NO表示核标准0级N1核标准1级N2核标准2级N3核标准3级;0皮质标准O 级Ctr皮质微痕C1,C2,C3。
0 P1 P2 P3分别是代表后囊括下混浊0-3级O代表P和C分级的透明晶状体标准图2 a代表NC0;b,NC1;c,NC2;d,N1;e,N2;f,N3;g,N4;NC表示核颜色N 表示核混浊罗马字表示LOCS2分级数图3 a表示Ctr;b,C1;c,C2;d,C3;e,C4;f,C5;g,Pi;h,P2;I,P3;j,P4;C代表皮质P代表囊膜下Arch Ophthalmol 1989;107∶991~997美国医学会眼科杂志中文版1990年第2卷第1期:3~10白血病的眼部表现图1 白血病性浸潤,一团白细胞遮挡下血管弓图2 更大的团块显著地遮挡下血管弓图3 伴有严重贫血及血小板减少的急性髓性白血病患者发生双侧下睑血肿提示可能同时有眶内出血图4 患者昏迷视力一定有减退,可能为视盘旁视网膜下出血,有小片视网膜内出血及黄斑部视网膜前出血 图 5伴有明显高粘血症患者的右眼底轻度视网膜中央静脉阻塞,左眼底也是有同样表现Arch Ophthalmol 1989;107∶697~700美国医学会眼科杂志中文版1990年第2卷第1期:22~25眶内容剜出术并发脑脊液漏图1 眶内容剜出术中脑脊液漏(箭头)图2 左,干头颅,注意静脉板障(箭头)右,干头颅,双侧眼眶衰老性缺损(箭头)国3 实验模型 右侧眼底大量荧光倾倒于颅前窝。
T示碟骨鞍结节,f示大脑镰图4 实验模型 右眼眶b示暗斑点,最大烧灼区末显示渗漏,荧光素仅出现在医源性缺损区(箭头)示眶尖Arch Ophthalmol 1989;107∶827~830美国医学会眼科杂志中文版1990年第2卷第1期:26~29视网膜巨大破孔图1 用 PFO 液将巨大裂孔复位。
1. 一级硬度:晶状体核很软,可以被轻易切割和吸出。
2. 二级硬度:晶状体核柔软,但需要适当的力量才能切割和吸出。
3. 三级硬度:晶状体核相对坚硬,需要比较强的力量才能切割和吸出。
4. 四级硬度:晶状体核非常坚硬,需要非常大的力量才能切割和吸出,有时需要使用额外的工具。
〖病因〗 病因〗
白内障囊外摘除术后或晶状 体外伤后,残留皮质及脱落在晶 体外伤后, 状体后囊上的上皮细胞增生形成 膜状混浊 。
〖临床表现〗 临床表现〗
⑴ 手术或外伤史 ⑵ 后囊膜混浊机化。 后囊膜混浊机化。
〖治疗〗 治疗〗
薄者:YAG激光 ⑴ 薄者:YAG激光 ⑵ 厚者:手术 厚者:
1.白内障的定义和分类? 2.年龄相关性白内障的病因与分类? 3.皮质性白内障的分期和处理原则? 4.先天性白内障的病因、常见类型和治疗原则? 5.常见的代谢性白内障有哪几种? 6.白内障人工晶体植入术的手术适应症、术前 检查? 7.晶状体异位和脱位的病因与治疗原则?
再 见
〖临床表现〗 临床表现〗 有原发病改变。 ⑴ 有原发病改变。 晶状体后囊膜、 ⑵ 晶状体后囊膜、后囊下 皮质混浊,发展至全混浊。 皮质混浊,发展至全混浊。
〖治疗〗 治疗〗
⑴ 治疗原发病 ⑵ 手术治疗
〖病因〗 病因〗 由于糖代谢障碍引起。
〖临床表现〗 临床表现〗
1.发生于老年者: 发生于老年者: 与老年性白内障相似,发展快。 与老年性白内障相似,发展快。
——囊膜 ——溶解的皮质 ——晶体核
③可引起晶状体过敏性葡萄膜炎 或晶状体溶解性青光眼。 或晶状体溶解性青光眼。 视力:可略有增进。 ④视力:可略有增进。
①核混浊,呈深黄或棕黑色。 核混浊,呈深黄或棕黑色。 早期晶状体周边部较透明。 ②早期晶状体周边部较透明。 老视减轻,近视增加。 ③老视减轻,近视增加。 发展缓慢。 ④发展缓慢。
〖鉴别诊断〗 鉴别诊断〗
长 - - - - - >| | |
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Holladay 1
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Hoffer Q
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视力检查 裂隙灯显微镜检查 虹膜、瞳孔检查 眼底检查 眼内压测定 房角检查 B超检查 角膜内皮检查
l 眼底红光反射:是判断晶状体透明性的一个重要指标,红光反射强弱及均匀 程度不仅可以反映晶状体核密度,而且有助于判断和确认撕囊的轨迹,也有 助于精确聚焦在晶状体的任何层面,保证术中操作的精确性
Haigis、 Hoffer Q 、Holladay2 和 SRK/T
双K法+第三代人工晶体度数的计算公 式
LOCS Ⅱ晶状体混浊分类标准
皮质透明C0少量点状混浊C TR 点状混浊扩大,瞳孔区内出现少量点状浑浊C1车轮状混浊,超过两个象限C2车轮状混浊扩大,瞳孔区约50%混浊C3瞳孔区90%混浊C4混浊超过C4 C5
混浊程度超过P3 P4
晶状体核硬度分级(Emery 分级标准)
在这类方法中最著名的是“Wisconsin白内障分级系统”(Wisconsin Cataract Grading System)及“晶状体混浊分类系统”(Lens Opacities Classification System,LOCS)。
前者系1990年由Wisconsin大学的Klein等[3]首先报告,并在“Beaver Dam 眼病研究”中使用的晶状体混浊评价系统,核性白内障评价采用裂隙灯晶状体断面彩色照相,标准照片分5级,评价时将标准照片镶嵌在灯箱中,置于裂隙灯显微镜旁进行对照;皮质性及后囊下型白内障评价采用Neitz后照明照相,两者的标准照片均分为3级,评价时每眼分别记录各象限混浊所占的百分比。
澳大利亚的“Blue Mountains 眼病研究” [4]及美国国立眼科研究所(NEI)组织的“年龄相关性眼病研究” (AREDS)中采用了“Wisconsin白内障分级系统”,AREDS在此基础上进行了改进,核混浊分7级(7张标准照片)、核颜色分4级(3张标准照片),皮质性及后囊下型白内障网格分17个区估计面积,并增加一张眼底立体像辅助评价后照明照相不能发现的混浊。
LOCS 系1988年NEI组织哈佛医学院的Chylack 等开发,1989年改进为LOCS II[5],1993年更新为LOCS III[6],主要用于白内障的横断面研究(患病率研究)及纵向随诊研究(发病率及相关危险因素研究)。
LOCS Ⅱ也采用了裂隙灯晶状体断面彩色照片及Neitz后照明彩色照片分级,核性白内障标准照片分4级(N0、N1、N2、N3),皮质性白内障标准照片分5级(Ctr、CI、CII、CIII、CIV),后囊下型白内障标准照片分4级(P0、PI、PII、PIII)。
考虑到国外几个大型流行病学调查都是采用的LOCS分级系统,本次调查采用LOCS III晶体浑浊分级系统。
LOCS Ⅲ是一种相对客观的定量的晶体混浊分类系统。
继1988 年和1989 年Chylack 提出LOCS Ⅰ和LOCS Ⅱ晶体混浊分类系统后,针对LOCS Ⅰ和LOCS Ⅱ分级不精确,间隔不均等和无定量等缺陷,1993 年他又推出了LOCS Ⅲ。
在LOCS III中,先作常规检查,确定混浊部位,作核性白内障分级时,裂隙光与视轴呈45度夹角,调整裂隙的宽度和高度,使角膜和晶体前囊下光带的亮度与核颜色混浊的标准片N1相同。
LOCS III诊断标准(以一组标准的彩色裂隙灯照片为准,将核混浊,核颜色,皮质性白内障,后囊下白内障与患者的晶状体进行比较评分。
对于皮质和后囊下白内障,分级范围从0.1~5.9,LOCS III评分≥2 定义为白内障;对于核性白内障,分级范围从0.1~6.9,LOCS III 评分≥4 定义为白内障。
白内障手术级别分类标准1. 引言1.1 什么是白内障手术白内障手术是一种常见的眼部手术,用于治疗因白内障引起的视力问题。
1.2 手术级别分类的重要性手术级别分类对于白内障手术非常重要。
2. 正文2.1 白内障手术级别分类标准白内障手术级别分类标准是根据患者眼部情况的不同而分为不同级别的手术。
LOCSIII白内障分级权威Clinical application of the Lens Opacities Classification System III in the performance of phacoemulsification James A.Davison,MD,Leo T.Chylack Jr.,MDPurpose:To report the correlation of features of cataracts graded by the Lens Opacities Classification System,version III (LOCS III),with phacoemulsification energy expenditure and the balanced salt solution (BSS ?)volume used during cataract surgery.Setting:Wolfe Clinic,Marshalltown,Iowa,USA.Methods:This was a retrospective review of 2364casesoperated on by a single surgeon from January 1998to July 2000in which the cataract had been graded at the slitlamp using the 4grading scales of the LOCS III:nuclear opalescence (NO),nuclear color (NC),cortical cataract (C),and posterior subcapsular cataract (P).Polynomial best-fit lines were derived using regression analysis correlating the 4preoperative LOCS III characteristics with 3intraoperative observations:ma-chine-measured phacoemulsification time,mean power expenditure,and BSS volume.Results:As determined by best-fit lines and their coefficient of determination (R 2),there were exponential relationships between machine-measured phaco-emulsification time and the degree of NC (R 2?0.48)and NO (R 2?0.40).Trends existed between NC and NO and the amount of BSS used (R 2?0.08and R 2?0.07,respectively).No relationships were observed between the LOCS III classes of cataract,C and P,at any intraoperative observation.Conclusions:Exponentially,greater phacoemulsification energy was required as NC and NO increased.The LOCS III cataract grading system enhanced the ability to estimate ultrasonic energy expenditure and BSS volume use during phaco-emulsification.Preoperative LOCS III cataract classification can help to create a more formally organized,integrated,customized operative plan.J Cataract Refract Surg 2003;29:138–145?2003ASCRS and ESCRS The LensOpacitiesClassification System,versionIII (LOCSIII),isa widelyused,scientificallyvalid,standardizedphotographic comparisonsystemfor grad-ingthe featuresof thehuman age-relatedcataract.1–5It hasbeen used to grade the type and severity of cataract incross-sectional studies and the progression of cataract in longitudinal studies.It also has been used to grade cata-racts at the slitlamp.3Grading using LOCS III involves the assessment of 4features shown on 3sets of photographs on an 8.5-inch ?11-inch color transparency (Figure 1).The features of nuclear opacification and brunescence are graded according to 1set of 6photographs.The bright-ness of scatter from the nuclear region has been desig-nated nuclear opalescence (NO)and the intensity of brunescence,nuclear color (NC).The amount of corti-cal cataract (C)is determined by comparing the esti-mated aggregate of cortical spoking to that seen inAccepted for publication September 12,2002.From the Wolfe Clinic,Marshalltown,Iowa,USA.Presented at the Symposium on Cataract,IOL and Refractive Surgery,San Diego,California,USA,April 2001Reprint requests to James A.Davison,MD WolfeClinic,309East Church Street,Marshalltown,Iowa,USA.2003ASCRS and ESCRS0886-3350/03/$–see front matter Published by Elsevier Science Inc.doi:10.1016/S0886-3350(02)01839-45separate photographs.Similarly,the estimated amountof posterior subcapsular cataract(P)is determined by comparing it to another5photographs depicting in-creasing amounts of posterior subcapsular cataract.The grade for each feature is derived by locating the image of the patient’s lens on the scale of severity for each feature represented in the color transparency.The NC and NO are graded on a decimal scale of0.1to6.9. The severity of C and P are graded on a decimal scale of 0.1to5.9.The final LOCS III grade comprises4deci-mal values,1each for NO,NC,C,and P.In the original publication describing the LOCS III system,1an assessment of within-grader and between-grader reproducibility was done and expressed as a“95% confidence interval”for each scale.On average,these 95%confidence intervals were approximately0.7units. The intervals were used to define a significant change in the severity of the cataract.For example,if the NO grade was2.3at baseline and1year later it was3.5,the increase in severity(3.5–2.3?1.2)was greater than the95% confidence interval(0.7)and it was therefore reasonable to conclude that one was95%confident that the change was statistically significant.If the increase had been only 0.5units,the increase could more likely be the result of the intrinsic methodologic noise of the LOCS III system and not a trueincrease in the severity of the cataract.Since1998,LOCS III has been used systematically in the clinical practice of one author(J.A.D.).Preoper-ative LOCS III grading of all surgical patients was done at the slitlamp to improve clinical documentation in the clinical record.Parenthetical descriptions were rarely added but usually included the critical nature of the centrality within the visual axis of subtle localized inter-faced zones of NO and NC,cortical spokes,or subcap-sular opacities.There was consistency in grading over time,and patients could be told with greater confidence whether their cataracts were stable or progressing.It was also helpful to have accurate measures of cataract severity when discussing cases with third-party payer representa-tives;surgical interventional decisions to offer surgery to some patients could be better defended.Over time,LOCS III slitlamp grading was empiri-cally incorporated into the decision-making process and planning of upcoming surgeries.Ultimately,this re-sulted in a more organized,integrated,customized op-erative plan for each patient.Patients and MethodsIn this retrospective study,2364consecutive cases of phacoemulsification were analyzed with respect to the 4LOCS III characteristics and machine-measured phaco-emulsification time,average machine measured power(%), and the balanced salt solution(BSS?)volume used.All data points had been recorded in2186cases.Surgery was per-formed from January1998to July2000by a single surgeon (J.A.D),who also performed LOCS III grading of all cataracts at the slitlamp.A standardized nuclear-fracture quadrant-aspirationphacoemulsification technique was used with a straight 45-degree0.9mm ABS MicroTip with the Alcon Legacy 20,000machine.6After topical anesthesia was administered,a temporal clear corneal incision was made.Grooving was ac-complished with the machine in memory I(phacoemulsifica- Figure1.(Davison)The LOCS III standard images in an8.5-inch?11-inch color transparency as used in the of?ce at the slitlamp.The top row contains the standards for NO and NC.The second row contains the standards for grading C and the bottom row,for grading P.J CATARACT REFRACT SURG—VOL29,JANUARY2003139tion power maximum,90%;vacuum maximum,50mm Hg;aspiration flow rate,14cc/minute)(Figure 2).Wider,deeper grooves were made as nuclear hardness increased.The pos-terior nuclear plate was torn from the periphery toward the center by cross action with the phacoemulsification tip and a custom,modified,0.37mm cyclodialysis spatula (Figure 3).Quadrant aspiration was accomplished in memory III (phaco-emulsification power maximum,70%;vacuum maximum,500?mm Hg;aspiration flow rate,35cc/minute).The aspiration process was kept posterior to the iris plane within the capsular bag as much as possible to protect the corneal endothelium from damage from fragment impact and abrasion (Figures 4to 6).Sodium hyaluronate 3.0%–chon-droitin sulfate 4.0%(Viscoat ?)was usually injected into the anterior chamber before quadrant aspiration when the NC was greater than 4.5.In some cases,Viscoat was reinjected before aspiration of the fourth quadrant because of the ten-dency of the capsular bag to flatten after the third quadrant had been removed,which forces the remaining process ante-rior to the irisplane.In some eyes,soft quadrants or the last fragment of the fourth firm quadrant were removed using reduced vacuum (maximum 300mm Hg),maximumpowerFigure 2.(Davison)After initial grooving is completed,a secondrotation of the nucleus allows for improved visualization while deeper grooving progresses in hardnuclei.Figure 3.(Davison)Nuclear cracking is created from the peripherytoward the center with a cross action of the phacoemulsi ?cation tip and the cyclodialysisspatula.Figure 4.(Davison)The 45-degree phacoemulsi ?cation tip is turned sideways with its aperture facing the interior wall of the ?rst nuclear quadrant.Low levels of emulsi ?cation energy are used to engage and impale the central portion of thequadrant.Figure 5.(Davison)A low level of ultrasonic energy and a higherlevel of vacuum allow the tip to adhere to the softer edge of the quadrant and drag it centrally.J CATARACT REFRACT SURG —VOL 29,JANUARY 2003140(50%),and a reduced aspiration flow rate(25cc/minute)(Figures 7and 8).Polynomial best-fit lines were derived by regression anal-ysis among the 4LOCS III characteristics and the 3phaco-emulsification observations.ResultsThe mean machine-measured phacoemulsification time increased as the NO and NC grades increased (Table 1).As determined by the best-fit lines and their coefficients of determination (R 2),there was an expo-nential relationship between NO and machine-mea-sured phacoemulsification time (R 2?0.40).A trend existed between NO and the mean power (R 2?0.15)and the amount of BSS used (R 2?0.07)(Figure 9).A slightly stronger exponential relationship existed between NC and machine-measured phacoemulsifica-tion time (R 2?0.48).A trend also existed between NC and mean power (R 2?0.18)and the amount of BSS used (R 2?0.08)(Figure 10).No relationships were observed between the LOCS III classes of cataract,C and P,and any intraoperative observation (Figures 11and 12).DiscussionIn the original LOCS III publication,the NO and NC scales were highly correlated with each other and the relationships between objective measures of NO,NC,and the LOCS III grade of the standard imageswereFigure 6.(Davison)The bulk of the quadrant is central while mod-erate ultrasonic energy,vacuum,and aspiration ?ow are used to remove the ?rm portions of thequadrant.Figure 7.(Davison)Aspiration can begin after an edge of the lastquadrant is lifted free of the posteriorcapsule.Figure 8.(Davison)The cyclodialysis spatula protects the poste-rior capsule as phacoemulsi ?cation power is applied during removal of the last quadrant.Lower levels of vacuum and aspiration ?ow rate help protect the posterior capsule from inadvertent aspiration.Table 1.Mean machine-measured ultrasound time(minutes).J CATARACT REFRACT SURG —VOL 29,JANUARY 2003141Figure9.(Davison)A signi?cant relationship is seen between LOCS III NO and ultrasound time but not mean ultrasound power andBSS volume used.Figure10.(Davison)A signi?cant relationship is seen between LOCS III NC and ultrasound time but not mean ultrasound power andBSS volume used.142J CATARACT REFRACT SURG—VOL29,JANUARY2003Figure11.(Davison)No relationship is seen between LOCS III Cand ultrasound time,mean ultrasound power,and BSS volume used.Figure12.(Davison)No relationship is seen between LOCS III Pand ultrasound time,mean ultrasound power,and BSS volume used. J CATARACT REFRACT SURG—VOL29,JANUARY2003143nearly linear.The NO was assessed independently with image analysis of optical density,and NC was assessed independently with fast spectral scanning colorimetry of each LOCS III standardized image.Highly different grades of NO and NC in the same cataract were un-likely.Similarly,the relationship between the expendi-ture of phacoemulsification energy and the LOCS III grades of NO and NC appears to be linear for LOCS III grades below approximately3.7.Above that,the rela-tionship between LOCS III grade and phacoemulsifica-tion energy expenditure seems to become exponential. Although in LOCS III NO and NC are graded sepa-rately,most clinicians are accustomed to describing nu-clear change by a single term,nuclear sclerosis.Both color change and increased light scattering are part of the pro-cess of nuclear sclerosis,and it is therefore not surprising to have found that both NO and NC are similarly pos-itively correlated with ultrasonic energy exposure.When viewing a cataractous lens with LOCS III NO and NC grades of4.0to5.0,most surgeons intu-itively anticipate increased phacoemulsification times. The nucleus is simply harder,so it will take more energy to emulsify.The LOCS III NC grade has been corre-lated with hardness of the central nucleus as measured by the resistance to a fine conical probe measured by a dynamometer.7Phacoemulsification energy recorded by cumulative delivered energy as well as by postopera-tive anterior chamber flare has been shown to be corre-lated with LOCS III NCand NO.8The surgeon in this study finds it useful to be able to accurately grade opalescence and brunescence(and the severity of C and P)to better estimate when prolonged ultrasonic time or increased ultrasonic energy is likely.It has proved advantageous to integrate LOCS III grading into routine operative planning.By doing so,the sur-geon will be better prepared to manage the more scle-rotic nucleus and his or her preoperative planning can be more patient specific.The surgeon in this study empirically formulated several recommendations for customizing a surgical plan using preoperative LOCS III grading as a part of a com-plete preoperative ophthalmic examination.These are listed below.1.A retentive viscoelastic material is recommended in cases in which the LOCS III NO or NC grade is4.0 or greater.2.If the LOCS III NO or NC grade is5.0,the capsulorhexis will be more easily visualized if indocya-nine green dye is used to stain the anterior capsule.3.If the pupil is smaller than4.5mm and the LOCS III NO or NC grade is greater than4.5,use of a pupil expansion/maintenance device should be considered.4.If zonular integrity is compromised and the LOCS III NO or NC grade is4.5or greater,a backup ciliary-sulcus-supported intraocular lens(IOL)or ante-rior chamber IOL should be available.5.Surgeons in training should learn and use LOCS III grading to enable them to select“normal”cases with nuclei of enough substance to easily manipulate yet readily emulsify.Very soft or very hard nuclei may present unnecessary challenges.6.The LOCS III is helpful and should be used in the trials ofnew technologies for cataract removal.For ex-ample,in one author’s experience(J.A.D.)with early AquaLase technology(Alcon Surgical),efficient removal of a nucleus with an NC grade greater than3.7was not possible.Of course,the relationships between LOCS III characteristics and phacoemulsification energy expendi-ture vary with the individual technique and equipment used.Despite this individual-specific variation,it is likely that the trends observed will be seen with other surgeons as long as a mechanical removal technique is used.Incorporating LOCS III grading into a preopera-tive regimen should not only improve surgical planning, it should also improve clinical documentation,commu-nication among providers and with third-party payers, and the accuracy of longitudinal follow-up.Most im-portant,preoperative LOCS III classification should contribute to more predictable and effective cataract surgery.References1.Chylack LT Jr,Wolfe JK,Singer DM,et al.The LensOpacities Classification System III;the Longitudinal Study of Cataract Study Group.Arch Ophthalmol1993;111:831–8362.Maraini G,Pasquini P,Tomba MC,et al.An independentevaluation of the Lens Opacities Classification System II (LOCS II);the Italian-American Cataract Study Group Ophthalmology1989;96:611–6153.Karbassi M,Khu PM,Singer DM,Chylack LT Jr.Evalu-J CATARACT REFRACT SURG—VOL29,JANUARY2003 144ation of Lens Opacities Classification System III applied at the slitlamp.Optom Vis Sci1993;70:923–928/doc/46de39eeb14e852458fb5743.html ton RD,Chylack LT Jr,Ko¨pcke W.Letters to theeditor.Ophthalmic Epidemiol1996;3:59–605.van den Berg TJTP,Coppens JC.Conversion of lens slitlamp photographs into physical light-scattering units.In-vest Ophthalmol Vis Sci1999;40:2151–21576.Davison JA.Performance comparison of the Alcon Legacy200001.1mm TurboSonics and0.9mm Aspiration By-pass System tips.J Cataract Refract Surg1999;25:1386–13917.Hu C,Zhang X,Hui Y,Chung H.[The nuclear hardnessand associated factors of age-related cataract].[Chinese] Yen Ko Tsa Chih2000;36:337–3408.Ursell PG,Spalton DJ,Tilling K.Relation between post-operative blood-aqueous barrier damage and LOCS III cataract gradings following routine phacoemulsification surgery.Br J Ophthalmol1997;81:544–547J CATARACT REFRACT SURG—VOL29,JANUARY2003145。
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Clinical application of the Lens Opacities Classification System III in the performance of phacoemulsificationJames A.Davison,MD,Leo T.Chylack Jr.,MDPurpose:To report the correlation of features of cataracts graded by the Lens Opacities Classification System,version III (LOCS III),with phacoemulsification energy expenditure and the balanced salt solution (BSS ®)volume used during cataract surgery.Setting:Wolfe Clinic,Marshalltown,Iowa,USA.Methods:This was a retrospective review of 2364cases operated on by a single surgeon from January 1998to July 2000in which the cataract had been graded at the slitlamp using the 4grading scales of the LOCS III:nuclear opalescence (NO),nuclear color (NC),cortical cataract (C),and posterior subcapsular cataract (P).Polynomial best-fit lines were derived using regression analysis correlating the 4preoperative LOCS III characteristics with 3intraoperative observations:ma-chine-measured phacoemulsification time,mean power expenditure,and BSS volume.Results:As determined by best-fit lines and their coefficient of determination (R 2),there were exponential relationships between machine-measured phaco-emulsification time and the degree of NC (R 2ϭ0.48)and NO (R 2ϭ0.40).Trends existed between NC and NO and the amount of BSS used (R 2ϭ0.08and R 2ϭ0.07,respectively).No relationships were observed between the LOCS III classes of cataract,C and P,at any intraoperative observation.Conclusions:Exponentially,greater phacoemulsification energy was required as NC and NO increased.The LOCS III cataract grading system enhanced the ability to estimate ultrasonic energy expenditure and BSS volume use during phaco-emulsification.Preoperative LOCS III cataract classification can help to create a more formally organized,integrated,customized operative plan.J Cataract Refract Surg 2003;29:138–145©2003ASCRS and ESCRSThe LensOpacitiesClassification System,versionIII (LOCSIII),isa widelyused,scientificallyvalid,standardizedphotographic comparisonsystemfor grad-ingthe featuresof thehuman age-relatedcataract.1–5It hasbeen used to grade the type and severity of cataract incross-sectional studies and the progression of cataract in longitudinal studies.It also has been used to grade cata-racts at the slitlamp.3Grading using LOCS III involves the assessment of 4features shown on 3sets of photographs on an 8.5-inch ϫ11-inch color transparency (Figure 1).The features of nuclear opacification and brunescence are graded according to 1set of 6photographs.The bright-ness of scatter from the nuclear region has been desig-nated nuclear opalescence (NO)and the intensity of brunescence,nuclear color (NC).The amount of corti-cal cataract (C)is determined by comparing the esti-mated aggregate of cortical spoking to that seen inAccepted for publication September 12,2002.From the Wolfe Clinic,Marshalltown,Iowa,USA.Presented at the Symposium on Cataract,IOL and Refractive Surgery,San Diego,California,USA,April 2001Reprint requests to James A.Davison,MD Wolfe Clinic,309East Church Street,Marshalltown,Iowa,USA.©2003ASCRS and ESCRS0886-3350/03/$–see front matter Published by Elsevier Science Inc.doi:10.1016/S0886-3350(02)01839-45separate photographs.Similarly,the estimated amountof posterior subcapsular cataract(P)is determined by comparing it to another5photographs depicting in-creasing amounts of posterior subcapsular cataract.The grade for each feature is derived by locating the image of the patient’s lens on the scale of severity for each feature represented in the color transparency.The NC and NO are graded on a decimal scale of0.1to6.9. The severity of C and P are graded on a decimal scale of 0.1to5.9.The final LOCS III grade comprises4deci-mal values,1each for NO,NC,C,and P.In the original publication describing the LOCS III system,1an assessment of within-grader and between-grader reproducibility was done and expressed as a“95% confidence interval”for each scale.On average,these 95%confidence intervals were approximately0.7units. The intervals were used to define a significant change in the severity of the cataract.For example,if the NO grade was2.3at baseline and1year later it was3.5,the increase in severity(3.5–2.3ϭ1.2)was greater than the95% confidence interval(0.7)and it was therefore reasonable to conclude that one was95%confident that the change was statistically significant.If the increase had been only 0.5units,the increase could more likely be the result of the intrinsic methodologic noise of the LOCS III system and not a true increase in the severity of the cataract.Since1998,LOCS III has been used systematically in the clinical practice of one author(J.A.D.).Preoper-ative LOCS III grading of all surgical patients was done at the slitlamp to improve clinical documentation in the clinical record.Parenthetical descriptions were rarely added but usually included the critical nature of the centrality within the visual axis of subtle localized inter-faced zones of NO and NC,cortical spokes,or subcap-sular opacities.There was consistency in grading over time,and patients could be told with greater confidence whether their cataracts were stable or progressing.It was also helpful to have accurate measures of cataract severity when discussing cases with third-party payer representa-tives;surgical interventional decisions to offer surgery to some patients could be better defended.Over time,LOCS III slitlamp grading was empiri-cally incorporated into the decision-making process and planning of upcoming surgeries.Ultimately,this re-sulted in a more organized,integrated,customized op-erative plan for each patient.Patients and MethodsIn this retrospective study,2364consecutive cases of phacoemulsification were analyzed with respect to the 4LOCS III characteristics and machine-measured phaco-emulsification time,average machine measured power(%), and the balanced salt solution(BSS)volume used.All data points had been recorded in2186cases.Surgery was per-formed from January1998to July2000by a single surgeon (J.A.D),who also performed LOCS III grading of all cataracts at the slitlamp.A standardized nuclear-fracture quadrant-aspiration phacoemulsification technique was used with a straight 45-degree0.9mm ABS MicroTip with the Alcon Legacy 20,000machine.6After topical anesthesia was administered,a temporal clear corneal incision was made.Grooving was ac-complished with the machine in memory I(phacoemulsifica-Figure1.(Davison)The LOCS III standard images in an8.5-inchϫ11-inch color transparency as used in the office at the slitlamp.The top row contains the standards for NO and NC.The second row contains the standards for grading C and the bottom row,for grading P.J CATARACT REFRACT SURG—VOL29,JANUARY2003139tion power maximum,90%;vacuum maximum,50mm Hg;aspiration flow rate,14cc/minute)(Figure 2).Wider,deeper grooves were made as nuclear hardness increased.The pos-terior nuclear plate was torn from the periphery toward the center by cross action with the phacoemulsification tip and a custom,modified,0.37mm cyclodialysis spatula (Figure 3).Quadrant aspiration was accomplished in memory III (phaco-emulsification power maximum,70%;vacuum maximum,500ϩmm Hg;aspiration flow rate,35cc/minute).The aspiration process was kept posterior to the iris plane within the capsular bag as much as possible to protect thecorneal endothelium from damage from fragment impact and abrasion (Figures 4to 6).Sodium hyaluronate 3.0%–chon-droitin sulfate 4.0%(Viscoat )was usually injected into the anterior chamber before quadrant aspiration when the NC was greater than 4.5.In some cases,Viscoat was reinjected before aspiration of the fourth quadrant because of the ten-dency of the capsular bag to flatten after the third quadrant had been removed,which forces the remaining process ante-rior to the iris plane.In some eyes,soft quadrants or the last fragment of the fourth firm quadrant were removed using reduced vacuum (maximum 300mm Hg),maximumpowerFigure 2.(Davison)After initial grooving is completed,a secondrotation of the nucleus allows for improved visualization while deeper grooving progresses in hardnuclei.Figure 3.(Davison)Nuclear cracking is created from the peripherytoward the center with a cross action of the phacoemulsi fication tip and the cyclodialysisspatula.Figure 4.(Davison)The 45-degree phacoemulsi fication tip isturned sideways with its aperture facing the interior wall of the first nuclear quadrant.Low levels of emulsi fication energy are used to engage and impale the central portion of thequadrant.Figure 5.(Davison)A low level of ultrasonic energy and a higherlevel of vacuum allow the tip to adhere to the softer edge of the quadrant and drag it centrally.J CATARACT REFRACT SURG —VOL 29,JANUARY 2003140(50%),and a reduced aspiration flow rate (25cc/minute)(Figures 7and 8).Polynomial best-fit lines were derived by regression anal-ysis among the 4LOCS III characteristics and the 3phaco-emulsification observations.ResultsThe mean machine-measured phacoemulsification time increased as the NO and NC grades increased (Table 1).As determined by the best-fit lines and their coefficients of determination (R 2),there was an expo-nential relationship between NO and machine-mea-sured phacoemulsification time (R 2ϭ0.40).A trend existed between NO and the mean power (R 2ϭ0.15)and the amount of BSS used (R 2ϭ0.07)(Figure 9).A slightly stronger exponential relationship existed between NC and machine-measured phacoemulsifica-tion time (R 2ϭ0.48).A trend also existed between NC and mean power (R 2ϭ0.18)and the amount of BSS used (R 2ϭ0.08)(Figure 10).No relationships were observed between the LOCS III classes of cataract,C and P,and any intraoperative observation (Figures 11and 12).DiscussionIn the original LOCS III publication,the NO and NC scales were highly correlated with each other and the relationships between objective measures of NO,NC,and the LOCS III grade of the standard imageswereFigure 6.(Davison)The bulk of the quadrant is central while mod-erate ultrasonic energy,vacuum,and aspiration flow are used to remove the firm portions of thequadrant.Figure 7.(Davison)Aspiration can begin after an edge of the lastquadrant is lifted free of the posteriorcapsule.Figure 8.(Davison)The cyclodialysis spatula protects the poste-rior capsule as phacoemulsi fication power is applied during removal of the last quadrant.Lower levels of vacuum and aspiration flow rate help protect the posterior capsule from inadvertent aspiration.Table 1.Mean machine-measured ultrasound time(minutes).J CATARACT REFRACT SURG —VOL 29,JANUARY 2003141Figure9.(Davison)A significant relationship is seen betweenLOCS III NO and ultrasound time but not mean ultrasound power andBSS volume used.Figure10.(Davison)A significant relationship is seen betweenLOCS III NC and ultrasound time but not mean ultrasound power andBSS volume used.142J CATARACT REFRACT SURG—VOL29,JANUARY2003Figure11.(Davison)No relationship is seen between LOCS III Cand ultrasound time,mean ultrasound power,and BSS volume used.Figure12.(Davison)No relationship is seen between LOCS III Pand ultrasound time,mean ultrasound power,and BSS volume used. J CATARACT REFRACT SURG—VOL29,JANUARY2003143nearly linear.The NO was assessed independently with image analysis of optical density,and NC was assessed independently with fast spectral scanning colorimetry of each LOCS III standardized image.Highly different grades of NO and NC in the same cataract were un-likely.Similarly,the relationship between the expendi-ture of phacoemulsification energy and the LOCS III grades of NO and NC appears to be linear for LOCS III grades below approximately3.7.Above that,the rela-tionship between LOCS III grade and phacoemulsifica-tion energy expenditure seems to become exponential. Although in LOCS III NO and NC are graded sepa-rately,most clinicians are accustomed to describing nu-clear change by a single term,nuclear sclerosis.Both color change and increased light scattering are part of the pro-cess of nuclear sclerosis,and it is therefore not surprising to have found that both NO and NC are similarly pos-itively correlated with ultrasonic energy exposure.When viewing a cataractous lens with LOCS III NO and NC grades of4.0to5.0,most surgeons intu-itively anticipate increased phacoemulsification times. The nucleus is simply harder,so it will take more energy to emulsify.The LOCS III NC grade has been corre-lated with hardness of the central nucleus as measured by the resistance to a fine conical probe measured by a dynamometer.7Phacoemulsification energy recorded by cumulative delivered energy as well as by postopera-tive anterior chamber flare has been shown to be corre-lated with LOCS III NC and NO.8The surgeon in this study finds it useful to be able to accurately grade opalescence and brunescence(and the severity of C and P)to better estimate when prolonged ultrasonic time or increased ultrasonic energy is likely.It has proved advantageous to integrate LOCS III grading into routine operative planning.By doing so,the sur-geon will be better prepared to manage the more scle-rotic nucleus and his or her preoperative planning can be more patient specific.The surgeon in this study empirically formulated several recommendations for customizing a surgical plan using preoperative LOCS III grading as a part of a com-plete preoperative ophthalmic examination.These are listed below.1.A retentive viscoelastic material is recommended in cases in which the LOCS III NO or NC grade is4.0 or greater.2.If the LOCS III NO or NC grade is5.0,the capsulorhexis will be more easily visualized if indocya-nine green dye is used to stain the anterior capsule.3.If the pupil is smaller than4.5mm and the LOCS III NO or NC grade is greater than4.5,use of a pupil expansion/maintenance device should be considered.4.If zonular integrity is compromised and the LOCS III NO or NC grade is4.5or greater,a backup ciliary-sulcus-supported intraocular lens(IOL)or ante-rior chamber IOL should be available.5.Surgeons in training should learn and use LOCS III grading to enable them to select“normal”cases with nuclei of enough substance to easily manipulate yet readily emulsify.Very soft or very hard nuclei may present unnecessary challenges.6.The LOCS III is helpful and should be used in the trials of new technologies for cataract removal.For ex-ample,in one author’s experience(J.A.D.)with early AquaLase technology(Alcon Surgical),efficient removal of a nucleus with an NC grade greater than3.7was not possible.Of course,the relationships between LOCS III characteristics and phacoemulsification energy expendi-ture vary with the individual technique and equipment used.Despite this individual-specific variation,it is likely that the trends observed will be seen with other surgeons as long as a mechanical removal technique is used.Incorporating LOCS III grading into a preopera-tive regimen should not only improve surgical planning, it should also improve clinical documentation,commu-nication among providers and with third-party payers, and the accuracy of longitudinal follow-up.Most im-portant,preoperative LOCS III classification should contribute to more predictable and effective cataract surgery.References1.Chylack LT Jr,Wolfe JK,Singer DM,et al.The LensOpacities Classification System III;the Longitudinal Study of Cataract Study Group.Arch Ophthalmol1993;111:831–8362.Maraini G,Pasquini P,Tomba MC,et al.An independentevaluation of the Lens Opacities Classification System II (LOCS II);the Italian-American Cataract Study Group Ophthalmology1989;96:611–6153.Karbassi M,Khu PM,Singer DM,Chylack LT Jr.Evalu-J CATARACT REFRACT SURG—VOL29,JANUARY2003 144ation of Lens Opacities Classification System III applied at the slitlamp.Optom Vis Sci1993;70:923–928ton RD,Chylack LT Jr,Ko¨pcke W.Letters to theeditor.Ophthalmic Epidemiol1996;3:59–605.van den Berg TJTP,Coppens JC.Conversion of lens slitlamp photographs into physical light-scattering units.In-vest Ophthalmol Vis Sci1999;40:2151–21576.Davison JA.Performance comparison of the Alcon Legacy200001.1mm TurboSonics and0.9mm Aspiration By-pass System tips.J Cataract Refract Surg1999;25:1386–13917.Hu C,Zhang X,Hui Y,Chung H.[The nuclear hardnessand associated factors of age-related cataract].[Chinese] Yen Ko Tsa Chih2000;36:337–3408.Ursell PG,Spalton DJ,Tilling K.Relation between post-operative blood-aqueous barrier damage and LOCS III cataract gradings following routine phacoemulsification surgery.Br J Ophthalmol1997;81:544–547J CATARACT REFRACT SURG—VOL29,JANUARY2003145。