英语单词拼读规则一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音元音字母读音例词a 在开音节中[ei] n a me pl a ne J a neb a byc a ke在闭音节中[æ]b a g d a d h a t m a p bl a ck b a cke 在开音节中[i:] h e th e se m e Chin e se在闭音节中[e] b e d l e t p e n d e sk y e s e ggi 在开音节中[ai] b i ke fl y dr i ve t i me n i ce k i te在闭音节中[i] f i sh b i g dr i nk s i t m i lk sw i m o 在开音节中[ou] th o se cl o se g o h o e h o me n o在闭音节中[] cl o ck n o t b o x sh o p s o cku 在开音节中[ju:] st u dent exc u se d u ty T u esday在闭音节中[] b u s c u p j u mp m u ch l u nch在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读[u:]音,例如:J u ne bl u e r u ler s u per 二、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音元音字母读音例词a [] Chin a a nother wom a n breakf a st[i] or a nge comr a de vill a ge cabb a gee [] hundr e d stud e nt op e n week e nd[i] chick e n pock e t b e gin childr e ni []/[i] hol i day beaut i ful fam i ly an i mal[ai] exerc i se satell i teo [] sec o nd t o night someb o dy welc o me[u] als o zer o phot ou [] aut u mn diffc u lt[ju:] pop u lar congrat u lation Jan u ary动词中的a如果处在开音节位置,a读[ei]音,例如:oper a teu处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j l r s后面时,读[u(:)]音,例如:J u ly infl u ence Febr u ary iss u e在非重读音节中,许多单词中的元音字母a e i 即可以读作[]音,也可以读作[i]音。
1. 发音:[b]- 例词:big[bɪg](形容词adj.),book[bʊk](名词n.)二、字母c。
1. 在e、i、y前发音:[s]- 例词:city['sɪti](名词n.),cent[sent](名词n.)2. 在a、o、u及辅音字母前或词尾发音:[k]- 例词:car[kɑː(r)](名词n.),cup[kʌp](名词n.)三、字母d。
1. 发音:[d]- 例词:dog[dɒg](名词n.),day[deɪ](名词n.)四、字母f。
1. 发音:[f]- 例词:fish[fɪʃ](名词n.),face[feɪs](名词n.)五、字母g。
1. 在e、i、y前发音:[dʒ]- 例词:giant['dʒaɪənt](名词n.),giraffe[dʒə'rɑːf](名词n.)2. 在a、o、u及辅音字母前或词尾发音:[g]- 例词:go[gəʊ](动词v.),gun[gʌn](名词n.)六、字母h。
1. 发音:[h](多数情况)- 例词:hat[hæt](名词n.),hand[hænd](名词n.)七、字母j。
1. 发音:[dʒ]- 例词:juice[dʒuːs](名词n.),jump[dʒʌmp](动词v.)八、字母k。
1. 发音:[k]- 例词:kite[kaɪt](名词n.),key[kiː](名词n.)九、字母l。
1. 发音:[l](清晰音[l]在元音前,含糊音[ɫ]在元音后或词尾)- 例词:like[laɪk](动词v.),ball[bɔːl](名词n.)十、字母m。
1. 发音:[m]- 例词:map[mæp](名词n.),milk[mɪlk](名词n.)十一、字母n。
1. 发音:[n](一般情况)- 例词:name[neɪm](名词n.),no[nəʊ](副词adv.)- 在[k]、[g]音前发音:[ŋ]- 例词:bank[bæŋk](名词n.),sing[sɪŋ](动词v.)十二、字母p。
元音字母E旳发音规则 文档仅供参考,如有不当之处,请联系改正。
• 字母e在开音节中读作,/i:/ 如, be,he,we,eve,
• 元音字母组合ee 读作,/i:/,如 , eel,see,deep
• 元音字母组合ea读作,/i:/,如, eat,sea,peak
• 元音字母e在闭音节单词中读作/e/,如 egg,met,best
• 字母s在单词中读作/s/,如,sister,side,bus • sc, /s/,如 scent [sent] ,science,scissors ['sɪzəz] 字母c在字母e,i,y前读作/s/,如,face,
bicycle,cinema 名词词尾是清辅音,复数末尾+s一般读作/s/,如
general,gym,giant <链接> ge,dge,/dʒ/,如,large,badge,bridge
• sh, /∫/,如,show,fish • s在字母u前面有时也读作/∫/,如sure,sugar • ch 有时也读作/∫/,如,machine,chef[ʃef] • ci,ce 有时也读作/∫/,如,
• 元音字母o 在闭音节中一般读作,/ɒ/, 如odd,boss,clock, <例外>
• 元音字母a在闭音节中读作/æ /,但若 是a前是辅音字母w或辅音字母组合wh, 则读作/ɒ/,如,was,wash,want,what
元音字母U旳发音规则 文档仅供参考,如有不当之处,请联系改正。
• 元音字母组合oa读作,/əu/,如oak,coat,soap • 元音字母组合old中旳o读作,/əu/,如
1. 字母a:有两种发音,/æ/ 和 /a:/。
2. 字母e:有三种发音,/i:/、/e/ 和 /i/。
3. 字母i:有两种发音,/aɪ/ 和 /ɪ/。
4. 字母o:有三种发音,/əʊ/、/ɒ/ 和 /oʊ/。
5. 字母u:有两种发音,/ʌ/ 和 / juː /。
例如,在单词“up”中发/ʌ/,在单词“blue”中发/ juː /。
1. 在重读开音节中发[ei],例如:- cake [keɪk],名词,蛋糕。
- name [neɪm],名词,名字。
2. 在重读闭音节中发[æ],例如:- cat [kæt],名词,猫。
- map [mæp],名词,地图。
通常发[b],例如:- book [bʊk],名词,书。
- big [bɪg],形容词,大的。
1. 在e、i、y前发[s],例如:- city ['sɪtɪ],名词,城市。
- face [feɪs],名词,脸。
- cycle ['saɪkl],名词,循环;自行车。
2. 在a、o、u及辅音字母前发[k],例如:- car [kɑː(r)],名词,汽车。
- cat [kæt],名词,猫。
- cup [kʌp],名词,杯子。
发[d],例如:- dog [dɒg],名词,狗。
- day [deɪ],名词,天。
1. 在重读开音节中发[iː],例如:- he [hiː],代词,他。
- me [miː],代词,我。
2. 在重读闭音节中发[e],例如:- bed [bed],名词,床。
- pen [pen],名词,钢笔。
发[f],例如:- fish [fɪʃ],名词,鱼。
- face [feɪs],名词,脸。
1. 在e、i、y前发[dʒ],例如:- page [peɪdʒ],名词,页。
- giant ['dʒaɪənt],名词,巨人。
- gym [dʒɪm],名词,体育馆。
2. 在a、o、u及辅音字母前发[g],例如:- go [gəʊ],动词,去。
- girl [gɜːl],名词,女孩。
- good [gʊd],形容词,好的。
1. 一般发[h],例如:- hat [hæt],名词,帽子。
- house [haʊs],名词,房子。
(推荐)26个字母在单词中的发音1.字母A[ei ]读[ei ]:name grade eraser cake same table late读[a:] :father rather class grass ask fast读[æ]:map bag apple glad hat black catch bank读[ɔ] :watch wash was want2.字母B[b i: ]读[b]:bee bad bed boy by3.字母C[si:]读[s]:rice price city medicine cent decide cinema 读[k]:cup cap cat car can computer doctor读[ʃ]:social associate ocean official ancient4.字母D[d i:]读[d]:desk dad day die dialogue5.字母E[i:]读[i:]:these we be even Chinese she he me meter 读[e]:very America melon second together ten pen 读[iə]:zero serious period series6.字母F[ef]读[f]:Face fat far fan farm7.字母G[dʒ i:]读[dʒ]:Gender general genetic genuine读[g]:bag get go gas garden green8.字母H[ei tʃ]读[h]:hand home hi hunting half读[voiceless] honor hour9字母I[ai]读[ai]:hi nine minus Chinese fine wife kite tiger quite 读[i:]:police machine magazine读[i]:six think picture twin with drink chips10字母J[dʒei]读[dʒ]:Jelly June joy journalist11字母K[kei]读[k]:Kind keen kid keep kick12字母L[el]读[l]:Large let land letter life look13字母M[em]读[m]:moon must make mother move14字母N[en]读[n]:not no nation nature name读[ŋ]:think thanks thing long strong singer song15字母O[əu]读[əu]:go hello home those over phone open so读[ɔ]:not clock forgot doctor lock doll from sock shop[ʌ]:love some money glove other Monday month monkey 读[u:]:who do improve move lose canoe16字母P[p i:]读[p]:poor park pen pay pad panel panda17字母Q[j u:]读[k]:question quick quality quite quiet quit18字母Q[a:]读[r]:rest read red race rapid radio real rent19字母S[es]读[s]:see sea sad salt set sit读[ʃ]:sure Russian pleasure读[z]:is please blouse Chinese Japanese his excuse20字母T[t i:]读[t]:tag table test text take term time tend ten读[ʃ]:station composition patient mention information 读[tʃ]:picture century temperature future question21字母U[ju:]读[ju:]:computer excuse student use music usually读[u:]:ruler true July June pollute rule读[ʌ]:number plus cup bus much us husband22字母V[v i:]读[v]:voice vapor vary very vehicle23字母W[d ʌbj u:]读[w]:work wall west waste window wide24字母X[eks]读[ks]:excuse expect exchange except experience 读[gz]:exact exam example exist exhaust executive 25字母Y[wai]读[j]:yes yacht you young yet读[ai]:my why sky rhyme26字母Z[zed/z i:]读[z]:zero zest zebra。
精选全文完整版(可编辑修改)26个英文字母在单词中的主要发音字母a在单词中的发音a [ei]:base, cake, chase, date, face, gate, hate, jade, kale, late, make, name, pave, quake, rate, same, take, vane, wakea [æ]:bag, cat, dad, fat, gas, hat, jam,kat, lad, map, nab, pan, rack, sad, tap, vat, zapwa, wha [ɔ]:want, wash, what, watcha/a:/:ass/a:s/, ast/a:st/, ask/a:sk/, asp/a:sp/, ath/a:θ/, aff/a:f/, ant/a:nt/ class, last, ask, grasp, bath, staff, planta[ə]:ago, about, above, again, sofa, china, america, canadaa[i]:cabbage, message, village, climate, necklace, palaceai/ei/:aim, fail, pain, rain, tail, wait, (said)ai/i/:captain, mountain, fountainair[εə]:chair, fair, hair, pair, stairal[ɔ:]:chalk, talk, walk (shall, half)ar[a:]:arm,car, dark, far, garden, harm, jar, large, mark, park, star,yard, (warm)ar[ɔ:]:quar/kwɔ:/, war/wɔ:/,whar/wɔ:/quarter , war, warm, warnar[ə]:dollar, beggarare[εə]:care, dare, fare, shareau[ɔ:]:autumn, cause, pause, (aunt, laugh)aw[ɔ:]draw,law, raw, saw, yawnay[ei]:day, lay, may, pay, ray, say, pay, way, (says)ay[i]:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday字母B在单词中的发音b[b]:base, bad, bed, be, bike, bit, book, both, bus, cab, job, robmb/m/, bt/t/:climb, comb, lamb, doubtbb/b/:cabbage, hobby, rabbit, rubber, rubbishble/bl/, bble/bl/:table, bubble字母C在单词中的发音c/k/〔c在元音字母a,o,u前〕:ca/kei/, ca/ kæ/, ca/kə/, co/kəu/, co/kɔ/,co/kʌ/, coo/ku/, cu/kʌ/cage, cap, cock, come, cup, cutc/k/(c在辅音字母前):clean, clear, cry, cross, fact, doctorc/k/(c在词尾):music, picnic, trafficc/s/(c在元音字母e、i、y前):cent, centre, city, cyclece/s/(在词尾):face, nice, icec/ʃ/:cia, cie, ciou[ʃə]:social, sufficient, preciouscc/k/(在元音字母a、o、u及辅音字母前):occasion, tobaccocc/ks(在元音字母e、i、y前):accept, accidentch[tʃ]china, child, children, each, lunch, much, teach Ch [ʃ]:ma-chi-ne,champagneache, chemical, christmas, echo, technical ck/k/back, duck, lack, thick, chicken, pocket字母D在单词中的发音d[d]and, card, hand, need, dust, studyde/d/made, ride, widedd/d/add, odd, ladder, sudden, middled/dʒ/soldierd//wednesday, handsome, handkerchief dge/dʒ/bridge, edge, judge, badge, knowledgedj/ dʒ /adjust, adjudgedream, dress, draw, hundred字母E在单词中的发音e/i:/he, she, even, fever, metre, thesee/e/bed, desk, get, leg, lesson, message, neck, pen, rest, send, ten e/i/before, cinema, decide, enjoy, jacket, harvest, English, England e/ə/open, garden, lilent, travelea/i:/each, easy, eat, beat, cheap, dream, leaf, meat, sea, teamea/e/read, dead, head, breakfast, feather, ready, sweat, weatherea/ei/break, greatea/iə/area, idea, real, theaterbeef, deep, free, meet, green, sleep, agree, between, three ee/i/coffee, committeeei/ei/veil, vein , reinei/i:/ceiling, receiveei/ai/either, neitherer/ə:/her, term, certain, persom, serveer/a:/clerker/ə/teacher, farmer, dinner, order, modernear/ iə/ear, dear, fear, near, tear, yearear/εə/bear, pear, wearear/ə: /early, earn, earth, learn, searchear/a:/hearteer/iə/beer, deer, pioneer, engineerere/ iə/here, adhere, sphereere/εə/there, whereere/ə:/wereeigh/ei/eight, neighbor, weight, freight, sleigheigh/ai/height字母F在单词中的发音f/f/, fe/f/, ff/f/leef, roof, fat, fan, fox, left, after, life, wife, off f/v/of字母g在单词中的发音g/g/game, gas, gold, good, gulf, get, got, gun, gift, girl, give, forget, begin g/g/ (在辅音字母前)glad, glass, ugly, singleg/g/(在词尾)bag, dog, fog, leg, pigg/ dʒ/pigeon, vegetable, magic, gymge/ dʒ/age, cage, large, pagegn/ ŋ/foreign, gnaw, gnash, designgg/g/egg, foggy, wiggle, luggagegg/dʒ/suggestgh//fight, light, might, right, high, darghter,straightgh/f/laugh, tough, rough, enough, coughgh/g/ghost, ghastly字母h在单词中的发音h/h/hat, help, hill, home, hope, househ//hour, hourly, honest, vehicle, forehead字母I在单词中的发音i/ai/ind/aind/, ild/aild/find, kind, mind, child, wildi/i/big, fish, gift, milk, give, pick, rich, ship, thin, this, give, wind, animal, capital, English, family, mistakei/ə/holiday, aprilie/i:/field, piece, thief, believeie/ai/die, lie, pie, tieie/aiə/diet, quiet, science, societyie/e/friend, firiendly, friendshipir/ə:/bird, circle, first, girl, dirty, shirt, skirt, thirty ire/aiə/fire, hire, tire, wire, admire, desire, require igh/ai/bright, fight, light, night, right, highign/ain/sign, assign, design, resign字母J在单词中的发音j/dʒ/injure, jeep, joke, jump, just字母K在单词中的发音k/k/ask, book, cake, desk, joke, kill, park, work Kn/n/knee, kneel, knife, knock, know字母L在单词中的发音apple, black, clean, flag, hole, leg, nail, place alf/a:f/, alm/a:m/, alk/ɔ:k/,calf, half, calm, chalk, talkolk/əuk/,olm/əum/folk, yolk, holmould/ud/could, should, wouldll/l/bill, call, dull, million, silly, yellow字母M在单词中的发音m/m/arm, camp, gum, lamp, room,map, room, warm mm/m/grammar, hammer, summer, swimming字母N在单词中的发音bend, enter, fond, noble, pine, spendnk/ ŋk /, ng/ŋg/, nx/ŋks/bank, drink, ink, thinkng/ ŋ g/anger, angle, English, single, hungerng/ ŋ /bring, hang, king, long, sing, thingmn/m/autumn, column, hymnnn/n/dinner, funny, sunny, winner字母O在单词中的发音o/əu/go, no, hope, note, rose, smoke, hotel, botho\ u:\do, to, moveo/ʌ/come, love, someo/ɔ/box, clock, dog, fox, job, shop, wrongo/ə/consider, memory, obey, today, Novembero/ʌ/come, some, money, none, ton, cover, glove, love, mother, other,one oa/əu /boat, coat, goal, road, soap, toastoa/ɔ: /abroad, broad, broadcastoar/ɔ:/board, roar, blackboard, keyboardoi/ɔi/boil, coin, point, soil, noise, choiceoy/ɔi /boy, joyoo/u:/boot, choose, food, moon, pool, room, tooth, shoot, zoo oo/u/book, cook, hook, look, foot, goot, wood, wooloo/ʌ/blood, floodor/ɔ:/for, horse, north, short, sport, morningor/ə: /word, work, worldor/ə/actor, doctor, mirror, visitor, forget, comfortou/ au /loud, cloud, about, blouse, ground, mountainou/əu /mould, shoulderou/u:/group, route, soup, you, woundou/u/could, should, wouldou/ʌ/country, courage, double, touch, youngous/əs/famous, dangerous, nervousour/ auə/our, hour, sour, flourour/ɔ:/four, your, course, sourceour/ə/colour, harbour, honour, labourow /au /cow, how, now, down, flower, shower, power ow/əu /flow, grow, know, show, bowl, snow, window ow/ɔ/knowledge, acknowledgep/p/cup, map, top, help, pig, openp//receipt, cupboard, psychologyph/f/graph, photograph, telegraph, geography, orphan, physics pp/p/apple, happen, happy, supper, upper字母q在单词中的发音q/k/, que/k/Iraq, cheque, unique, liquor, antique, techniquequ/kw/quest, question, request, equal, square, quick字母R在单词中的发音r/r/red, rest, rat, read, agree, free, reach, threadrr/r/berry, carry, hurry, narrow, arrow字母S在单词中的发音star, smile, spring, school, sweet, books, maps, helpssk/sk/, sp/sp/, sq/sk/, st/st/ask, desk, grasp, cast, list, rest, mosquitos/z/gosling, husband, wisdom, cosmetic, girls, rooms, begssia/ʃə/Asia, Asian, Persiasion, ssion/ʃən/, sure, ssure/ʃuə/version, mansion, ensure,extension, fassion, Russia, Russian,issure, pressuresion/ʒən/,sure/ʒə/measure, pleasure, television, occasionsh/ʃ/dish, brush, wash, she, ship, shellss/s/lesson, possible, assist, message字母t在单词中的发音t/t/bat, cat, east, west, best, table, text, teddy, tell, toldt/ʃ/, tial/ʃəl/, tient/ʃən/essential, potential, patience, patientt/tʃ/, stion/tʃən/century, questiont//listen, often, faster, castle, nestle, whistle, Christmastch/ tʃ/catch, match, watch, Dutch, switchth/θ/three, thing, thank, throw, both, cloth, earth, mouth, tooth, nothing, method, birthday, athlete, through, throughoutth/ ð /with, smooth, this, these, they, then, there, thus, than, the,though, although, bathe, father, mothertion/ʃən/nation, caution, mention, functiontt/t/letter, matter, bottle, cattle, settleture/tʃə/nature, adventure, future, mixture字母u在单词中的发音u/ju:/use, duty, future, excuse, huge, pupilu/u:/blue, rule, june, junior, includeu/ʌ/bus, cut, dust, just, sun, gun, fun, club, brushu/u/bush, full, pull, pushu/ə/autumn, column, injury, industry, minimum, support ui/ju:/suit, suitable, suitcaseui/u:/fruit, juiceui/i/build, biscuit, guitar, circuit, guiltur/ə:/nurse, turkey, hurt, church, burn, suburbur/ə/Saturday, surprise, survive, murmur, pursue,ure/juə/cure, endure, mature, pure, secureure/ uə/sure, insure, assureure/ə/nature, figure, measure, capture, closure, exposureuy/ai/buy, guy字母V在单词中的发音v/v/five, drive, travel, cover字母W在单词中的发音w/w/week, wet, well, winter, win, way, swim, twice, between wr/r/write, wrong, wrap, wreck, wrinklew//who, whom, whose, whole, answer, twowh/w/what, when, where, which, white, why字母X在单词中的发音x/ks/box, six, text, next, exitx/gz/exist, exact, exam, example, exhaust, exhibitx/ kʃ/anxious字母Y在单词中的发音拼读练习y/j/yes, year, you, yellow, youngy/ai/my, sky, fly, cry, try, satisfyy/i/any, early, heavy, symbol, system字母Z在单词中的发音z/z/zoo, zero, lazy, sizezz/z/buzz, jazz, puzzle在这一学年中,不仅在业务能力上,还是在教育教学上都有了一定的提高。
3C/si:/在单词中通常发[si:]音,如“city”;在单词开头且后面跟元音字母时,常发/k/音,如“cat”;在字母“e, i, y”前,常发/s/音,如“face”。
5E/i:/ 或/e/在开音节中通常发[i:]音,如“he”;在闭音节中通常发/e/音,如“bed”。
9I/ai/ 或/i/在开音节中通常发[ai]音,如“bike”;在闭音节中通常发/i/音,如“ink”。
26字母在单词的自然发音法1.a:在元音前清辅音发[]音,在辅音前发[]音,例如:apple [pl] (苹果)2.e:在元音前清小舌前化发[e]音,在辅音前发[i]音,例如: elephant [elfnt](大象)3.i:在元音前清小舌前化发[i]音,在辅音前发[ai]音,例如: island [ailnd](岛屿)4.o:在元音前清小舌前化发[o]音,在辅音前发[ou]音,例如: orange [rind](橙子)5.u:在元音前清小舌前化发[u]音,在辅音前发[]音,例如:umbrella [mbrel](伞)二、辅音字母:1.b:一般发[b]音,例如:book [buk](书)2.c:一般在元音开头发[k]音,在元音字母前发[s]音,例如: cat [kt] (猫);city [siti] (城市)3.d:一般发[d]音,例如:dog [dg] (狗)4.f:一般发[f]音,例如:fish [fi] (鱼)5.g:一般在元音开头发[g]音,在元音字母前发[d]音,例如:giraffe [drɑf] (长颈鹿)6.h:一般发[h]音,例如:house [haus] (房子)7.j:一般发[d]音,例如:jam [dm] (果酱)8.k:一般发[k]音,例如:kite [kait] (风筝)9.l:一般发[l]音,例如:lemon [lemn] (柠檬)10.m:一般发[m]音,例如:monkey [mki] (猴子)11.n:一般发[n]音,例如:nose [nouz] (鼻子)12.p:一般发[p]音,例如:pen [pen] (钢笔)13.q:一般发[k]音,例如:queen [kwin] (女王)14.r:一般发[r]或者[]音,例如:red [red] (红色);run [rn] (跑)15.s:一般发[s]音,在t,d,n,l字前发[z]音,例如:zoo [zu] (动物园)16.t:一般发[t]音,在非元音后发[t]音,例如: tiger [taig] (老虎);nature [neit] (自然)17.v:一般发[v]音,例如:violin [vailin] (小提琴)18.w:一般发[w]音,例如:window [windou] (窗户)19.x:一般发[ks]音,例如:x-ray [eksrei] (X射线)20.y:在元音前发[j]音,在辅音前发[i]音,例如: yellow [jelou] (黄色);sky [skai] (天空)21.z:一般发[z]音,例如:zebra [zibr] (斑马)。
一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音元音字母读音例词a 在开音节中[ei] name plane Jane baby cake在闭音节中[æ] bag dad hat map black backe 在开音节中[i:] he these me Chinese在闭音节中[e] bed let pen desk yes eggi 在开音节中[ai] bike fly drive time nice kite在闭音节中fish big drink sit milk swimo 在开音节中[ou] those close go hoe home no在闭音节中[C] clock not box shop socku 在开音节中[ju:] student excuse duty Tuesday在闭音节中[∧] bus cup jump much lunch在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读[u:]音,例如:June blue ruler super二、元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音元音字母读音例词a在[w]音后面[C] want what watch wash qualitya在f n sk ph sp ss st th前[α:] after plant graph ask grasp glass fast fatheri在-nd -ld和gh前[ai] find child light higho在-st -ld前[ou] most postcard old coldo在m n v th前[∧] come monkey love mother三、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音元音字母读音例词a [E]E China another woman breakfastorange comrade village cabbagee [E] hundred student open weekendchicken pocket begin childreni [E]/ holiday beautiful family animal[ai] exercise satelliteo [E] second tonight somebody welcome[Eu] also zero photou [E] autumn difficult[ju:] popular congratulation January动词中的a如果处在开音节位置,a读[ei]音,例如:operateu处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j l r s后面时,读[u(:)]音,例如:July influence February issue在非重读音节中,许多单词中的元音字母a e i 即可以读作[E]音,也可以读作音。
1. a.- 在重读开音节中发[ei],例如:cake [keɪk](n. 蛋糕),name [neɪm](n. 名字)。
- 在重读闭音节中发[æ],例如:cat [kæt](n. 猫),map [mæp](n. 地图)。
- 在非重读音节中发[ə],例如:about [əˈbaʊt](prep. 关于),China ['tʃaɪnə](n. 中国)中的第二个a。
2. e.- 在重读开音节中发[i:],例如:bee [bi:](n. 蜜蜂),he [hi:](pron. 他)。
- 在重读闭音节中发[e],例如:bed [bed](n. 床),pen [pen](n. 钢笔)。
- 在非重读音节中发[ə]或[i],例如:student ['stjuːdənt](n. 学生)中的e发[ə];chicken ['tʃɪkɪn](n. 鸡肉;小鸡)中的e发[i]。
3. i(y)- 在重读开音节中发[ai],例如:bike [baɪk](n. 自行车),ice [aɪs](n. 冰),当y作为元音字母时,如:by [baɪ](prep. 通过)。
- 在重读闭音节中发[i],例如:big [bɪg](adj. 大的),fish [fɪʃ](n. 鱼),city ['sɪtɪ](n. 城市)中的y。
- 在非重读音节中发[i]或[ə],例如:office ['ɒfɪs](n. 办公室)中的i发[i];holiday ['hɒlədeɪ](n. 假日)中的y发[ə]。
- 在重读开音节中发[əʊ],例如:go [gəʊ](v. 去),no [nəʊ](adv. 不)。
- 在重读闭音节中发[ɒ],例如:box [bɒks](n. 盒子),dog [dɒg](n. 狗)。
- 在非重读音节中发[ə]或[əʊ],例如:today [təˈdeɪ](n. 今天)中的o发[ə];photo ['fəʊtəʊ](n. 照片)中的o发[əʊ]。
a1. [ei]:name(n. 名字)<br>2. [æ]:cat(n. 猫)<br>3. [ə:]:car(n. 汽车) [ei]、[æ]、[ə:] n.(名词)b [b]:book(n. 书) [b] n.(名词)c1. [k]:cat(n. 猫)<br>2. [s]:city(n. 城市) [k]、[s] n.(名词)d [d]:dog(n. 狗) [d] n.(名词)e1. [i:]:bee(n. 蜜蜂)<br>2. [e]:pen(n. 钢笔) [i:]、[e] n.(名词)f [f]:fish(n. 鱼) [f] n.(名词)g1. [g]:goat(n. 山羊)<br>2. [dʒ]:age(n. 年龄) [g]、[dʒ] n.(名词)h [h]:hat(n. 帽子) [h] n.(名词)i1. [ai]:bike(n. 自行车)<br>2. [i]:big(adj. 大的) [ai]、[i] n.(名词)、adj.(形容词)j [dʒ]:jump(v. 跳) [dʒ] v.(动词)k [k]:kite(n. 风筝) [k] n.(名词)l1. [l]:like(v. 喜欢)<br>2. 在词尾时,有时发模糊音[l]:apple(n. 苹果) [l] v.(动词)、n.(名词)m [m]:map(n. 地图) [m] n.(名词)n1. [n]:no(adv. 不)<br>2. 在[k]、[g]前发[ŋ]:bank(n. 银行) [n]、[ŋ] adv.(副词)、n.(名词)o1. [əu]:go(v. 去)<br>2. [ɔ]:box(n. 盒子)<br>3. [u:]:ruler(n. 尺子) [əu]、[ɔ]、[u:] v.(动词)、n.(名词)p [p]:pen(n. 钢笔) [p] n.(名词)q [kw]:queen(n. 女王) [kw] n.(名词)r [r]:red(adj. 红色的) [r] adj.(形容词)s1. [s]:sun(n. 太阳)<br>2. [z]:is(v. 是) [s]、[z] n.(名词)、v.(动词)t [t]:tea(n. 茶) [t] n.(名词)u1. [ju:]:juice(n. 果汁)<br>2. [u]:ruler(n. 尺子)<br>3. [ʌ]:bus (n. 公共汽车) [ju:]、[u]、[ʌ] n.(名词)v [v]:vase(n. 花瓶) [v] n.(名词)w [w]:window(n. 窗户) [w] n.(名词)x1. [ks]:box(n. 盒子)<br>2. [gz]:exam(n. 考试) [ks]、[gz] n.(名词)y1. [ai]:sky(n. 天空)<br>2. [j]:yes(adv. 是) [ai]、[j] n.(名词)、adv.(副词)z [z]:zoo(n. 动物园) [z] n.(名词)。
1. 发音:[ɑː]- 例词:car [kɑː(r)](n. 汽车)- 例词:far [fɑː(r)](adj. 远的)2. 发音:[ɔː]- 例词:war [wɔː(r)](n. 战争)- 例词:warm [wɔːm](adj. 温暖的)二、“er”组合。
1. 发音:[əː(r)]- 例词:her [hɜː(r)](pron. 她的)- 例词:verb [vɜːb](n. 动词)2. 发音:[ə(r)]- 例词:teacher ['tiːtʃə(r)](n. 教师)- 例词:worker ['wɜːkə(r)](n. 工人)三、“ir”组合。
1. 发音:[ɜː(r)]- 例词:girl [gɜːl](n. 女孩)- 例词:bird [bɜːd](n. 鸟)四、“or”组合。
1. 发音:[ɔː(r)]- 例词:horse [hɔːs](n. 马)- 例词:fork [fɔːk](n. 叉)2. 发音:[əː(r)]- 例词:word [wɜːd](n. 单词)- 例词:world [wɜːld](n. 世界)五、“ur”组合。
1. 发音:[ɜː(r)]- 例词:nurse [nɜːs](n. 护士)- 例词:turn [tɜːn](v. 转动)六、“ai”组合。
1. 发音:[eɪ]- 例词:rain [reɪn](n. 雨)- 例词:train [treɪn](n. 火车)七、“ay”组合。
1. 发音:[eɪ]- 例词:day [deɪ](n. 天)- 例词:say [seɪ](v. 说)八、“ea”组合。
1. 发音:[iː]- 例词:tea [tiː](n. 茶)- 例词:sea [siː](n. 海)2. 发音:[e]- 例词:bread [bred](n. 面包)- 例词:head [hed](n. 头)九、“ee”组合。
1. 发音:[iː]- 例词:bee [biː](n. 蜜蜂)- 例词:see [siː](v. 看见)十、“oo”组合。
字母a在单词中的发音a [ei]:base, cake, chase, date, face, gate, hate, jade, kale, late, make, name, pave, quake, rate, same, take, vane, wakea [æ]:bag, cat, dad, fat, gas, hat, jam,kat, lad, map, nab, pan, rack, sad, tap, vat, zapwa, wha [ɔ]:want, wash, what, watcha/a:/:ass/a:s/, ast/a:st/, ask/a:sk/, asp/a:sp/, ath/a: θ/, aff/a:f/, ant/a:nt/ class, last, ask, grasp, bath, staff, planta[ə]:ago, about, above, again, sofa, china, america, canadaa[i]:cabbage, message, village, climate, necklace, palaceai/ei/:aim, fail, pain, rain, tail, wait, (said)ai/i/:captain, mountain, fountainair[εə]:chair, fair, hair, pair, stairal[ɔ:]:chalk, talk, walk (shall, half)ar[a:]:arm,car, dark, far, garden, harm, jar, large, mark, park, star,yard, (warm)ar[ɔ:]:quar/kw ɔ:/, war /wɔ:/,whar/wɔ:/quarter , war, warm, warnar[ə]:dollar, beggarare[εə]:care, dare, fare, shareau[ɔ:]:autumn, cause, pause, (aunt, laugh)aw[ɔ:]draw,law, raw, saw, yawnay[ei]:day, lay, may, pay, ray, say, pay, way, (says)ay[i]:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday字母B在单词中的发音b[b]:base, bad, bed, be, bike, bit, book, both, bus, cab, job, rob mb/m/, bt/t/:climb, comb, lamb, doubtbb/b/:cabbage, hobby, rabbit, rubber, rubbishble/bl/, bble/bl/:table, bubble字母C在单词中的发音c/k/(c在元音字母a,o,u前):ca/kei/, ca/ kæ/, ca/k ə/, co/k əu/, co/k ɔ/,co/k ʌ/, coo/ku/, cu/k ʌ/cage, cap, cock, come, cup, cutc/k/(c在辅音字母前):clean, clear, cry, cross, fact, doctorc/k/(c在词尾):music, picnic, trafficc/s/(c在元音字母e、i、y前):cent, centre, city, cyclece/s/(在词尾):face, nice, icec/ ʃ/:cia, cie, ciou[ʃə]:social, sufficient, preciouscc/k/(在元音字母a、o、u及辅音字母前):occasion, tobaccocc/ks(在元音字母e、i、y前):accept, accidentch[tʃ]china, child, children, each, lunch, much, teachCh [ʃ]:ma-chi-ne ,champagnech/k/ache, chemical, christmas, echo, technicalck/k/back, duck, lack, thick, chicken, pocket字母D在单词中的发音d[d]and, card, hand, need, dust, studyde/d/made, ride, widedd/d/add, odd, ladder, sudden, middled/ dʒ/soldierd//wednesday, handsome, handkerchiefdge/ dʒ/bridge, edge, judge, badge, knowledgedj/ dʒ /adjust, adjudgedr/dr/dream, dress, draw, hundred字母E在单词中的发音e/i:/he, she, even, fever, metre, thesee/e/bed, desk, get, leg, lesson, message, neck, pen, rest, send, ten e/i/before, cinema, decide, enjoy, jacket, harvest, English, England e/ ə/open, garden, lilent, travelea/i:/each, easy, eat, beat, cheap, dream, leaf, meat, sea, team ea/e/read, dead, head, breakfast, feather, ready, sweat, weather ea/ei/break, greatea/iə/area, idea, real, theateree/i:/beef, deep, free, meet, green, sleep, agree, between, three ee/i/coffee, committeeei/ei/veil, vein , reinei/i:/ceiling, receiveei/ai/either, neitherer/ ə:/her, term, certain, persom, serveer/a:/clerker/ ə/teacher, farmer, dinner, order, modernear/ iə/ear, dear, fear, near, tear, yearear/εə/bear, pear, wearear/ ə: /early, earn, earth, learn, searchear/a:/hearteer/iə/beer, deer, pioneer, engineerere/ iə/here, adhere, sphereere/εə/there, whereere/ ə:/wereeigh/ei/eight, neighbor, weight, freight, sleigheigh/ai/height字母F在单词中的发音f/f/, fe/f/, ff/f/leef, roof, fat, fan, fox, left, after, life, wife, offf/v/of字母g在单词中的发音g/g/game, gas, gold, good, gulf, get, got, gun, gift, girl, give, forget, beging/g/ (在辅音字母前)glad, glass, ugly, singleg/g/(在词尾)bag, dog, fog, leg, pigg/ dʒ/pigeon, vegetable, magic, gymge/ dʒ/age, cage, large, pagegn/ ŋ/foreign, gnaw, gnash, designgg/g/egg, foggy, wiggle, luggagegg/dʒ/suggestgh//fight, light, might, right, high, darghter,straight gh/f/laugh, tough, rough, enough, coughgh/g/ghost, ghastly字母h在单词中的发音h/h/hat, help, hill, home, hope, househ//hour, hourly, honest, vehicle, forehead字母I在单词中的发音i/ai/ind/aind/, ild/aild/find, kind, mind, child, wildi/i/big, fish, gift, milk, give, pick, rich, ship, thin, this, give, wind, animal, capital, English, family, mistakei/ ə/holiday, aprilie/i:/field, piece, thief, believeie/ai/die, lie, pie, tieie/aiə/diet, quiet, science, societyie/e/friend, firiendly, friendshipir/ ə:/bird, circle, first, girl, dirty, shirt, skirt, thirtyire/aiə/fire, hire, tire, wire, admire, desire, requireigh/ai/bright, fight, light, night, right, highign/ain/sign, assign, design, resign字母J在单词中的发音j/dʒ/injure, jeep, joke, jump, just字母K在单词中的发音k/k/ask, book, cake, desk, joke, kill, park, workKn/n/knee, kneel, knife, knock, know字母L在单词中的发音apple, black, clean, flag, hole, leg, nail, place alf/a:f/, alm/a:m/, alk/ ɔ:k/,calf, half, calm, chalk, talkolk/əuk/,olm/əum/folk, yolk, holmould/ud/could, should, wouldll/l/bill, call, dull, million, silly, yellow字母M在单词中的发音m/m/arm, camp, gum, lamp, room,map, room, warmmm/m/grammar, hammer, summer, swimming字母N在单词中的发音bend, enter, fond, noble, pine, spendnk/ ŋk /, ng/ ŋg/, nx/ŋks/bank, drink, ink, thinkng/ ŋg/anger, angle, English, single, hungerng/ ŋ /bring, hang, king, long, sing, thingmn/m/autumn, column, hymnnn/n/dinner, funny, sunny, winner字母O在单词中的发音o/ əu/go, no, hope, note, rose, smoke, hotel, botho\ u:\do, to, moveo/ʌ/come, love, someo/ ɔ/box, clock, dog, fox, job, shop, wrongo/ ə/consider, memory, obey, today, Novembero/ ʌ/come, some, money, none, ton, cover, glove, love, mother, other,one oa/əu /boat, coat, goal, road, soap, toastoa/ ɔ: /abroad, broad, broadcastoar/ ɔ:/board, roar, blackboard, keyboardoi/ ɔi /boil, coin, point, soil, noise, choiceoy/ ɔi /boy, joyoo/u:/boot, choose, food, moon, pool, room, tooth, shoot, zoo oo/u/book, cook, hook, look, foot, goot, wood, wooloo/ʌ/blood, floodor/ ɔ:/for, horse, north, short, sport, morningor/ ə: /word, work, worldor/ ə/actor, doctor, mirror, visitor, forget, comfortou/ au /loud, cloud, about, blouse, ground, mountainou/ əu /mould, shoulderou/u:/group, route, soup, you, woundou/u/could, should, wouldou/ ʌ/country, courage, double, touch, youngous/əs/famous, dangerous, nervousour/ auə/our, hour, sour, flourour/ɔ:/four, your, course, sourceour/ ə/colour, harbour, honour, labourow /au /cow, how, now, down, flower, shower, powerow/ əu /flow, grow, know, show, bowl, snow, windowow/ ɔ/knowledge, acknowledgep/p/cup, map, top, help, pig, openp//receipt, cupboard, psychologyph/f/graph, photograph, telegraph, geography, orphan, physics pp/p/apple, happen, happy, supper, upper字母q在单词中的发音q/k/, que/k/Iraq, cheque, unique, liquor, antique, techniquequ/kw/quest, question, request, equal, square, quick字母R在单词中的发音r/r/red, rest, rat, read, agree, free, reach, threadrr/r/berry, carry, hurry, narrow, arrow字母S在单词中的发音star, smile, spring, school, sweet, books, maps, helpssk/sk/, sp/sp/, sq/sk/, st/st/ask, desk, grasp, cast, list, rest, mosquitos/z/gosling, husband, wisdom, cosmetic, girls, rooms, begssia/ ʃə/Asia, Asian, Persiasion, ssion/ ʃən/, sure, ssure/ ʃuə/version, mansion, ensure,extension, fassion, Russia, Russian,issure, pressure sion/ ʒən /,sure/ʒə/measure, pleasure, television, occasionsh/ ʃ/dish, brush, wash, she, ship, shellss/s/lesson, possible, assist, message字母t在单词中的发音t/t/bat, cat, east, west, best, table, text, teddy, tell, toldt/ʃ/, tial/ʃəl/, tient/ʃən/essential, potential, patience, patientt/tʃ/, stion/tʃən/century, questiont//listen, often, faster, castle, nestle, whistle, Christmastch/ tʃ/catch, match, watch, Dutch, switchth/θ/three, thing, thank, throw, both, cloth, earth, mouth, tooth, nothing, method, birthday, athlete, through, throughoutth/ ð /with, smooth, this, these, they, then, there, thus, than, the,though, although, bathe, father, mothertion/ ʃən /nation, caution, mention, functiontt/t/letter, matter, bottle, cattle, settleture/tʃə/nature, adventure, future, mixture字母u在单词中的发音u/ju:/use, duty, future, excuse, huge, pupilu/u:/blue, rule, june, junior, includeu/ʌ/bus, cut, dust, just, sun, gun, fun, club, brushu/u/bush, full, pull, pushu/ ə/autumn, column, injury, industry, minimum, support ui/ju:/suit, suitable, suitcaseui/u:/fruit, juiceui/i/build, biscuit, guitar, circuit, guiltur/ ə:/nurse, turkey, hurt, church, burn, suburbur/ ə/Saturday, surprise, survive, murmur, pursue,ure/juə/cure, endure, mature, pure, secureure/ uə/sure, insure, assureure/ ə/nature, figure, measure, capture, closure, exposure uy/ai/buy, guy字母V在单词中的发音v/v/five, drive, travel, cover字母W在单词中的发音w/w/week, wet, well, winter, win, way, swim, twice, between wr/r/write, wrong, wrap, wreck, wrinklew//who, whom, whose, whole, answer, twowh/w/what, when, where, which, white, why字母X在单词中的发音x/ks/box, six, text, next, exitx/gz/exist, exact, exam, example, exhaust, exhibitx/ kʃ/anxious字母Y在单词中的发音拼读练习y/j/yes, year, you, yellow, youngy/ai/my, sky, fly, cry, try, satisfyy/i/any, early, heavy, symbol, system字母Z在单词中的发音z/z/zoo, zero, lazy, sizezz/z/buzz, jazz, puzzle。
例如,bus中的b发[bi:]音,cat中的c发[si:]音,dog中的d发[di:]音,face中的f发[ef]音,go中的g 发[dʒi:]音,have中的h发[eit∫]音,job中的j发[dʒei]音,key中的k发[kei]音,like中的l发[el]音,map中的m发[em]音,number中的n发[en]音,picture中的p发[ip]音,queen中的q发[kju:]音,red中的r发[ɑ:]音,seat中的s发[es]音,toe中的t 发[ti:]音,video中的v发[vi:]音,window中的w发[′d∧blju:]音,xercise中的x发[eks]在单词中的发音通常为它们的字母名或名称。
在闭音节中(如bag 中的a),通常会发它的名称短音(如“爸”)。
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2)以辅音字母(r 除外)+不发音的e结尾的音节。
* 在重读的开音节中元音字母按字母名称读音。
闭音节以一个或几个辅音字母(r 除外)结尾而中间只有一个元音字母的音节,称为闭音节。
* 在重读的闭音节中元音字母读做短元音。
Aa [ei] 在单词中的发音1. 在重读开音节中发字母音[ei]a age able ache bake cake snake wake lake make take case cable age save base tape wave date race face name same game frame gate hate male pale sale taste shave shade race plane plate place page space safe slave state table stable stage skate paste trace trade waste (注意have[] ,ate []和vase的英国发音)2. 在重读闭音节中发[æ]at act ash bag bad bat cap cat can dad fact hand jam black thank rabbit glad chat van vat sad3. 在非重读音节中发[ә]a'go a'wake a'live a'lone a'long a'side a'board a'broad a'round a'bout a'bove a'ccept a'djust a'like American a'mount a'sleep a'ware a'way a'part 'panda 'cinema4. 在重读-r音节中发[α:]car star start far arm army hard farm party card part pardon March farther farthest garden harvest market large apart parking (注意"[w]+ar" ,ar发[ɔ:] warm war toward quarter [] ;在非重读-r音节中发[ә] 'sugar)5. 在-re音节中发[e]care hare careful parent (注意are[α:] )6. 在重读闭音节中,"a+age"字母组合中,发[ei]dange dangerous strange stranger change exchange (注意orange [] )7. 在重读闭音节中,"a+ss, a+st, a+sp, a+sk, a+th, a+f, a+n" 中的a 发[α:]glass class classmate grass pass passer-by last fast past grasp ask mask basketball rather father after afternoon dance answer France plant can't8. 在重读闭音节中,a前是w时,a常发[]want wash washer watch was (注意water [] )Aa 的字母组合音节在单词中的发音<al> - [ɔ:] all call ball wall walk<al>有时发[] also saltalways almost…<aw> - [ɔ:] saw law draw<au> - [ɔ:] autumn August (注意laugh [] aunt [] )<augh> - [ɔ:] taught daughter<ai> - [ei] train tailor (注意said [] )<ay> - [ei] day play today (注意says [] ; Monday 等词中,ay为非重读音节发[])<air> - [e] air hair chairEe [i:] 在单词中的发音1. 在重读开音节中,发字母音[i:]be he she we key these me2. 在重读闭音节中发[e]bed beg bet cell send rent tent debt egg ten neck let desk yes yellow3. 在重读-r音节中发[ә:]her hers term person certain certainly prefer perform Germany reserve4. 在非重读-r音节中发[ә]under teacher winter summer better cover water sister mother father supper leader ladder Peter wonder player5. 在重读-re音节中发[ɪә] here[e] there whereEe [i:]的字母组合在单词中的发音<ea> - [i:]] tea eat read team meat sea jeans pea peach wheat reach- [e] head bread health dead deaf sweat heavy breath heaven<ee> - [i:] bee see meet sheep tree three jeep feet teeth knee fee<ei> - [i:]] receive (<ie> - [i:] piece field believe 或[]quiet science)<ew> - [ju:] new few sew- [u:] blew threw flew (r+ew, l+ew)<eer>- [ɪә] pioneer volunteer<ear>- [ɪә] ear near hear dear clear- [e] pear bear<eigh>- [ei] eight weightIi [aɪ] 在单词中的发音1.在开音节中发字母音[ai]I hi bike time rice tidy die lie tie (元音字母加不发音字母e视为开音节)注意give live2.在闭音节中[]is it milk fish pig ship big3.在-nd -ld和gh前[ai]find child light high4.在-r音节中[]bird girl shirt skirt first dirty thirsty firm third thirty birthday birth5.在-re音节中[]tire fire hireIi[aɪ]的字母组合音节在单词中的发音<ig> - [] sign<igh> - [] light night bright right fight flight (gh 不发音)<ia> - [] diary dialogue<ie> - [] quiet science- [i:] piece field believe<io> - [] toiletOo [] 在单词中的发音1、在开音节中发字母本音[]no toe zero hero potato tomato photo piano kilo tobacco hello home note hope whole role nose rose vote pole mode bone zone tone code joke Rome cope sole owe own (注意:[u:] do to who shoe move ; [ ] come done )2. 在重读闭音节中发[ɔ]not nod rob hot cost off lot job stop doctor honest Tom dot got shop box lost most from3. 在非重读音节中发[ә]to'day o'clock 'pilot com'puter o'ccur o'btain 'opposite 4. 在重读-r 音节发 [ : ]or for morning forty born horse sport report north northern nor order fork pork corner record report normal important cord force (注意:[w]+or, or 发[ : ] word work worse worst worldworkplace )5. 在非重读-r 音节中发 [ ]for'get 'doctor 'color 'actor 6. 在重读-re 音节中发 [ɔ:] more before score7. 在重读闭音节中,o+st 或 o+ld ,o 发[]most post (注意[] cost lost ) old cold hold told8. 在重读音节中,o+m, o+n, o+v, o+th 时,o 发 []come some become sometimesson one front month monkey among none ton done once won done Monday wonder wonderful (注意only [ 'nl ] gone [ gn] )love above cover (注意over []mother brother other another (注意both []Oo 字母组合音节在单词中的发音 <oa> - [] boat coat (注意broad[] board [] )<ow> - [] know row slow throw snow[] how now cow crowd brown town flower down<oor> - [] door floor (注意poor[] )<ough> - [] bought brought thought<our> - [] your four[] our hour[] colour neighbour<ou> - [] about count[∧] young country touch trouble southern[u:] group rout you[] famous favourite nervous dangerous字母u在单词中发哪些音?1.在重读开音节中[ju:]student excuse duty Tuesday true rule blue glue June2.在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读[u:]音June blue ruler super3.在重读闭音节中,多数读[Λ]us must trust sun bus (busy特例)4. 在重读闭音节中p后读[u]put pull push (full bull)5. 在非重读音节中一般发[]'autumn su'pply su'pport su'ppose su'ppress 'August元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音a在f n sk ph sp ss st th前[α:] after plant graph ask grasp glass fast fatheri在-nd -ld和gh前[ai] find child light higho在-st -ld前[ou] most postcard old coldo在m n v th前[∧] come monkey love mother字母组合er, ir, ur, or,的发音规律er, ir, ur,通常读长音/ә:/。