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有 because/since (因为)等。
(A)English Week at Rosie Bridge School(8AU8)
( C )1. A. is
B. are
( B )2. A. a
B. an
( B )3. A. take B. took
( A )4. A.speak B. speaking
3. 意义;意思 n. meaning 4. 确信;肯定 adj. sure
5. 厌倦的 adj. bored
6. 后来 adv. later
7. 向;朝 prep. towards
8. (与某人)握手 v. shake
9. 提醒 v. remind
10. 发生 take place
11. 马上 at once
19. 给……留下好印象 make a good impression on…
1.accept v.接受→acceptance n.接受→acceptable adj. 可接受的 2.reject v.拒绝→rejection n. 拒绝 3. mean v. 表示……的意思→ meaning n.意思,意义 →meaningful adj.有意义的 4. impress v.给……留下深刻印象→ impression n.印象 5. cross v.使交叉,使交叠,穿过→ across prep.在……的对 面→crossing n.十字路口
—Maybe he
going over our papers yet.
A. leaves B. left C. has left
D. is going to leave
归纳: 现在完成时的结构: ①肯定句:主语+have/has + p.p.(过去分词)+…; ②否定句:主语+have/has not+p.p.+…=主语+haven’t/ hasn’t + p.p.+…; ③疑问句:Have/Has+主语+p.p.+…?
to classical music?
A. to listen B. listening C. listened 3. 在阳光下看书对你的眼睛有害。Reading in
D. listen the sun is
bad for your eyes. 归纳:动词ing放在句首作 主语 ,具有名词的特点,故叫动名词。 常见的动名词搭配有:enjoy doing sth.,keep doing sth.等。
B:情态动词had better的用法 1. 我们最好在下雨前出发。We had better go before it rains. 2. 汤姆正在做作业,你最好不要打扰他。
Tom is doing his homework, and you had better not bother him.
8A Unit 8 English Week
1. 演说;发言 n. speech
2. 机会;机遇n. chance
3. 意见;想法 n. opinion 4. 优胜者 n. winner
5. 富有的 adj.
6. 贫穷的 adj. poor
7. 羞怯的;腼腆的 adj. shy
话题九 语言学习
Topic 9
Language learning
8A Unit 5 Educational exchanges
1. 文化 n. culture
2. 客人 n. guest
3. 主人 n. host 5. 工作日 n. weekday
15.花费……做某事spend…doing sth
16.保持联系 keep in touch with 18.坚持做某事 keep doing sth
17.名胜古迹 place of interest 19.参加 take part in
1. educate v. 教育→educator n. 教育工作者(2019)→education n.教育,有教益的经历(2018、2019)→ educational adj.有关 教育的,有教育意义的(2018)→uneducated adj. 未受教育的, 缺乏教养的(2019) 2. glad adj.高兴的→gladly adv. 高兴地 3. week n.周,星期→ weekday n.工作日→weekly adv /adj . 每周地(的) 4. tour n.参观,游览,游行;v.旅行→ tourist n.游客
归纳:had better意为“最好”,表示 建议和忠告 。had better后接 动词原形,缩略形式为:’d better;否定形式 为:had better not (do sth.)。
8B Unit 2 Body language
1. 语言 n. language
2. 信息;消息 n. message .
( D )5. A.but
B. so
( D )6. A. slow B. slower
12. 握手 shake hands
13. 提醒某人某事remind sb. of sth. 14. 代替; 而不是 instead of
15. 对……感兴趣 be interested in 16. 坐起来; 坐直 sit up
17. 期待做某事look forward to doing sth. 18. …的关键 the key to…
(直到a…fte…r 时),
的从if属连词有 (un如les果s ),
词有though/although (虽然),even though/if (尽管)等;表
目的的从属连词有so that (以便)等;表原因的从属连词
4. 成功 n. success 6. 当地的 adj. local
7.高兴的;愉快的 adj. glad 8.已经; 早已 adv. already
9.在……旅游 v. tour 11. 到目前为止 so far
10. 起初 at first 12. 小量 a bit of __
13.使…初次了解…introduce…to… 14.从…到… come over (to…)
17. 习惯于;适应 get used to 18.略有不适under the weather
19. 在某人的空闲时间里 in one’s spare time
1.camp n.帐篷,度假营→campsite n. 野营地,度假营地 2.fire n.火(灾)→ firework n.烟花,烟火→firecracker n.鞭 炮,爆竹→ fireman n.消防队员(2019) 3. what pron.什么→ whatever pron.无论如何,任何事物 4. any pron.任何一个,一些→anyone/anybody pron.任何人 (2016、2017)→anything pron.任何东西,任何事情(2016、 2020)→anywhere pron. 任何地方 (2018)→anyway adv.无论 如何→anymore adv.再也(不)→ anytime adv.在任何时候
8. 其他的;别的 adv. else
9. 选择;挑选 v. choose
10. 上演 put on
11. 公开地 in public
12. 依我看 in my opinion
13. 最重要的是 above all
14. 小心;当心 look out
15. 属于 belong to
16. 最好 had better
动名词的用法(详解见[专题十一 非谓语动词])
( C )1. I’ll finish A. to clean
the room before Mum comes back.
B. cleaned C. cleaning
D. clean
( B )2. —Linda, do you enjoy —Yes, I do.
8. 失败 v. fail
9. 承认 v.
10. 脱下 take off
11. 例如 for example
12. 目的是 so that
13. 以……为豪 be proud of 14. 与……不同 be different from
15. 在某种程度上 to a certain degree 16. 使(炸弹等)爆炸 set off
9B Unit 2 Culture shock
1. 棒球运动 n. baseball
2. 假期 n. vacation .
3. 度假营 n. camp
4. 空闲的 adj. spare
5. 国家的 adj. national
6. 粉红色的 adj. pink
7. 无论如何 adv. anyway
5. nation n.国家,民族→ national adj.国家的,民族的 (2018、2020)→international adj. 国际的,世界的(2019) →internationally adv. 国际性地(2018)
目的状语从句 (详解见[专题十五 连词与状语从句])
( B )To keep children safe, we
put the things like knives and
medicine away in our house.
A. may B. should
C. might
D. need
归纳:情态动词should意为“ 应该 ”,表示建议和忠告。should后 接动词原形,否定形式为: should not/shouldn’t 。ought to意为 “ 应该 ”,可与should通用,但ought to 语气更强烈些,固定搭配 为:ought to do sth.
( A )1.The teacher speaks very loudly
all the students can
hear her.
A. so that
B. because C. since
D. when
( D )2. Jack's mother was so tired. She fell asleep quickly
( A )1. Betty
hard since last term. That's why her exam
results are so good!
A. has studied
B. have studied
C. were studying
D. was studying
( D )2. —Look, the light is still on in Mr.Zhang's office.
17. 准时 on time
18. 建议某人做某事 advise sb. to do sth
19. 一些……另一些…… some…others…
1. compete v.竞争,对抗→competition n.比赛,竞赛(2016、 2018、2019、2020)→competitor n.参赛者,竞争者 2. confident adj.自信的→ confidently adv.自信地 3. suggest v.建议,提议→ suggestion n.建议,提议(2017) 4. communicate v.沟通,交流信息→communication n. 沟通 (2017) 5. shy adj.害羞的→shyness n. 害羞 6. choose v.选择→ choice n.选择,抉择(2016、2017、2018)
lay down on the bed.
A. unless
B. until
C. before
D. as soon as
He taught his daughter to cook so that she could look after
herself later.