
学术英语(医学)教师版U n i t6课文翻译(总7页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Unit 6 Text A寻求临终护理数十年前,大多数人在自己家中去世,但是医疗方面的进步已经改变了这一情况。
医院及疗养院64 岁的 George 有充血性心力衰竭病史。
一旦 George 的心脏出现持续衰竭,医院的重症监护病房(ICU)或冠心病重症监护病房(CCU)就可以提供及时的救护。
如果 George 的医生认为他的病情并没有因为治疗有所好转,并濒临死亡,他的家属可以要求更加宽松的探视时间。
不论 George 住在 ICU、CCU 还是两病床的病房,其家属都可以要求更多的私人空间。
管理学专业英语chapter6 THE NATURE OF GROUPS

Power and decision-making; Seeking information, giving information, clarifying, summarizing
Gets along together; Encouraging, keeping harmony, gatekeeping
1. The number
of members
Table Information Meeting
Any number Small group
2. Who should attend the meeting
Needing information
管理学专业英语chapter6 THE NATURE OF GROUPS
Decisionmaking Processes
Tips for Successful
Benefits of Groups in Organizations
Types of Groups
The Nature of Groups
• Temporary work groups investigate a particular problem or opportunity and disband when the decision is made.
Task force
Informal groups
• Informal groups are not initiated by the organization and usually do not perform organizational goals.
学术英语(管理)_Unit 6

Unit 6 Consumer Behavior
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Text analysis
• Important factors influencing consumer behavior Environment and consumer behavior Culture and consumer behavior
• Specialized vocabulary • Formal English
Unit 6 Consumer Behavior
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Text analysis
What is consumer behavior? Consumer behavior is the study of why people do what they do.
a specific list of goods global brand
actual product
Unit 6 Consumer Behavior
Text A
Language building-up
Specialized vocabulary
status symbol
comparing products
Unit 6 Consumer Behavior
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Supplementary information
• Nokia A Finnish multinational communications corporation, headquartered in Keilaniemi, Espoo. Over the past 150 years, Nokia has evolved from a riverside paper mill in south-western Finland to a global telecommunications leader.
学术英语综合 Unit 6

❖Comprehend stylistic differences between formal and informal English and acquire some formal expressions
4. Speaking
❖Analyze the audience and purpose of the speech
5. Writing
❖Achieve coherence in research paper writing
Unit 6
Unit Objectives
6.aking symbols and abbreviations
4. Speaking
❖Analyze the audience and purpose of the speech
5. Writing
❖Achieve coherence in research paper writing
Now work in pairs and share your answers with your partner.
Unit 6
Text A Overview
Summarize the main ideas of Text A on
the basis of Task 1/Critical Reading and
Focus on some of the major issues and difficult sentences in Text A by doing Task 2/Critical Reading and Thinking/Text A.

The Im portance of A cadem ic Eng lish in M anag em ent Studies
探索学术英语在管理学研究中的关键作用,了解如何有效运用学术英语来提 升研究的质量和影响力。
K ey Vocabulary and Term inolog y in M anag em ent
Understanding R esearch M ethods in M anag em ent
了解管理学中的研究方法,学习如何进行有效的管理研究,并掌握研究设计 和数据收集技巧。
The R ole of Literature R eview in M anag em ent R es ea rc h 探索文献综述在管理研究中的重要作用,学习如何撰写全面、系统的文献综
欢迎来到学术英语(管理)课程介绍。本课程专注于帮助您提升管理学术英语水 平,掌握关键词汇、语法、写作技巧和研究方法等,全面提高在管理学领域 的学术能力。
Introduction to M anag em ent A cadem ic Eng lish
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้了解学术英语在管理学研究中的重要性,并掌握学术英语的基本概念和要素, 在研究领域迈出坚实的第一步。
Proper Use of Gram m ar and Punctuation in A cadem ic W riting
C ritical Thinking and Analysis in M anag em ent L ite r atur e
研究生学术英语写作教程Unit 6 Discussing Results

Unit 6 Discussing ResultsObjectives:- Understand the discussion section- Learn how to present your results- Learn how to compare your results with others- Learn how to interpret your results- Learn how to express opinions in the discussionContents:- Reading and discussion: a sample result section- Language focus: comparison and contrast; strengthening or weakening a claim- Signal words of comparison and contrast- Writing practice: writing comparison and contrast, and writing a short discussion section- Classroom extension: writing a result section for a classroom experiment.1.Reading Activity1.1 Pre-reading TaskThe results section presents your research findings, and the discussion section is an analysis of those findings. You may include a discussion section at the end of your results section to explain and contemplate the results. The discussion can either be a part of the results section or a separate section of its own, which should be in line with the practice of your target journal. Sometimes, the results, discussion and conclusion sections are combined in journal articles. Most articles do not contain all three sections.The function of the discussion part is to interpret your results in light of what has already been known about the subject of the investigation, and to explain our new understanding of the problem after taking your results into consideration. TheDiscussion will always be connected to the Introduction by way of the question(s) or posed hypotheses and cited literature, but it does not simply repeat or rearrange the Introduction. Instead, it tells how your study has moved us forward from the place you leave us at the end of the Introduction.Before reading the following sample discussion section, think about the following questions:How many elements does a discussion section include?What do those elements function?What expressions are typical in writing a discussion section?1.2Reading PassageIn this large, prospective investigation of red and processed meat intake in relation to cancer risk, we found elevated risks for colorectal and lung cancer with both meat types. Red, but not processed, meat intake was also associated with increased risk for cancer of the esophagus and liver. We observed borderline statistically significant elevated risks for advanced prostate cancer with both red and processed meat intake, for laryngeal cancer with red meat, and for bladder cancer and myeloma and with processed meat intake.The cancer site most consistently associated with meat intake has been the colorectum. A recent meta-analysis reported elevated risks in the highest category of consumption of meat. Our study included 1,000 colorectal cancer cases, and it lends strong support to implicate red and processed meat as risk factors for this malignancy. Consistent with previous studies, we observed a stronger positive association for rectal than colon cancer.We found a positive association between red meat intake specifically and cancers of the esophagus and liver, and a borderline significant positive association for laryngeal cancer. The first prospective study of meat intake and esophageal cancer was published recently; that study had only 65 cases and found a positive association for processed meat, but not red meat, with esophageal adenocarcinoma. Our study suggests a threshold effect for red meat intake on esophageal cancer risk, beginning at a low level of intake, with no further increase in risk with higher intakes, as reflected in the p-trend (p = 0.13), although it is possible that the referent group had a smaller-than-expected cancer incidence by chance. Data on meat intake and cancers of the liver and larynx are limited, and our study is the first prospective investigation to report on these associations. Two case-control studies reported elevated risks for laryngeal cancer for those in the highest intake categories of red meat intake and fried beef/veal.Unexpectedly, we found an inverse association between red meat intake and endometrial cancer; this association was not attenuated by adjustment for known risk factors, such as body mass index or menopausal hormone therapy, or by fine controlfor smoking, which has been inversely associated with this malignancy. Previous studies have reported null or positive relations between red meat and endometrial cancer. We also observed inverse associations between processed meat intake and leukemia and melanoma. In contrast to our findings, childhood leukemia has been positively associated with intake of processed meats in a case-control study.Previous studies of meat intake and prostate cancer are conflicting. Some studies have reported null findings, and others suggest positive associations. Despite finding no association between red or processed meat intake and overall prostate cancer risk, we observed a suggestion of an elevated risk for advanced prostate cancer with both meat types. If the relation of meat intake to prostate cancer is confined to advanced disease, this could explain some of the inconsistencies in the literature as most previous studies have not specifically addressed advanced prostate cancer.With regard to breast cancer, a pooled analysis of eight cohort studies found no association with red meat intake; however, the two most recent prospective studies found positive associations for both red and processed meat, specifically for estrogen and progesterone receptor–positive breast cancers in premenopausal women. Although breast cancer risk related to meat intake did not appear to differ by menopausal status in our study, we had very few premenopausal cases (n = 94) and lacked information on hormone receptor status for a large number of cases.Both red meat, regardless of processing procedure, and processed meat can be linked to carcinogenesis by different mechanisms; for example, they are both sources of saturated fat and iron, which have independently been associated with carcinogenesis. Associations between saturated fat and cancer are likely to be related to energy balance in general, whereas iron is thought to contribute to carcinogenesis specifically by generating free radicals and inducing oxidative stress. Most recently, dietary fat was positively associated with breast cancer, and iron intake was positively associated with liver and colorectal cancers.This study was primarily limited by its relatively small sample size. An earlier start in data collection would have increased the time needed to survey more participants. Ideally, the number of participant would have been more evenly distributed across gender/year in population. A larger sample with diversity would have benefited our results. Other limitations of this study included some degree of possible measurement errors, although we attempted at minimizing the error in measurement and the measurement data compared very favorably to other researches. In conclusion, a diet high in red or processed meat was associated with an elevated risk of both colorectal and lung cancer; in addition, red meat was associated with an elevated risk of esophageal and liver cancer. A decrease in the consumption of red and processed meat could reduce the incidence of cancer at multiple sites.1.3Reading Comprehension1.3.1What are the results discussed?1.3.2Decide how many elements this sample includes and how they function.2Language Focus2.1 Cause and effect2.1.1 Read the following sentence from the text, and see the causal relations.Associations between saturated fat and cancer are likely to be related to energybalance in general, whereas iron is thought to contribute to carcinogenesis specifically by generating free radicals and inducing oxidative stress.2.1.2 Using signal words for causal relations.Emphasising causegiving rise tobringingaboutIf people smoke more, the death rate from cancer will increase.Additionally, you should be careful when using commas. Conjunctions such as therefore, consequently, as a result, and for this reason are usually followed by a comma, as in these examples:The weather was cold; therefore, Sally closed the window.The weather was cold. Therefore, Sally put on her coat.The weather was cold. Consequently, Sally put on her scarf.A blizzard hit the town. As a result, the schools were closed.2.1.3 Causal markersComplete the following paragraph by filling in missing causal words.Recurring headaches can have initiate disruptive effects in a person'slife. __(1)___, in many cases, these headaches make a person nauseous to the point that he or she must go to bed. ___(2)___, sleep is often interrupted ___(3)___ the pain. Disrupted sleep worsens the physical and emotional state of the sufferer. For those who try to maintain a normal lifestyle, drugs are often relied on to get through the day. Such drugs, of course, ___(4)___ other negative effects. Drugs can inhibit productivity on a job, perhaps even ___(5)___regular absences. Not only is work affected, but the seemingly unpredictable occurrence of these headaches ___(6)___ disruption in family life. The interruption to a person's family life is enormous: cancelling plans in the last minute and straining relationships with friends and family. It is no wonder that many of these people feel discouraged and even depressed ___(7)___ the cycle of misery reoccurring headaches cause.2.1.4Notes into a Causal ParagraphTurn the following notes into a paragraph of cause and effect.•Lack of water dryness in the soil leaves wilt death of plant.•Too much water leaves droop or become yellow death of plant.•Too strong sun baked soil roots killed death of plant.•Lack of light pale leaves & thin stems death of plant.2.2Strengthening or weakening of your statementsThe discussion sections of a research paper focus on making claims and then adding support for those claims. What are claims? Claims are statements about ideas and data from you and other people. Here is an example of a claim.Example:Basic claim: An increase in smoking among teenagers caused long-term health problems.When the proof of your idea or data is clear, you should strengthen your claim. When the evidence is less certain, you should limit or weaken your claim. Below are some examples of strengthening and limiting the above claim.Examples of Stronger Claims:Increase: a sharp increaseCaused: undeniably caused, clearly caused, undoubtedly caused, must have caused, etc. long-term health problems, widespread long-term health problemsYou could also add expressions to the beginning of the sentence:It is clear that an increase . . .A great deal of evidence leads us to conclude that an increase . . .We must conclude that an increase . . .Examples of Limited Claims:Increase: A probable increaseCaused: may have caused, seemed to have caused, contributed to, was one cause of, etc.Again, you could also add expressions to the beginning of the sentence:We have reason to believe that an increase . . .It is possible that an increase . . .2.2.1 Read the sample discussion section and look for expressions of strengthening or weakening claims.2.2.2 Strengthening or weakening of your claimsLearn the following words for strengthening or weakening a claim.Strengthening a claimNouns: certainty, evidence, the fact thatAdverbs: very, pretty, quite, clearly, obviously, undoubtedly, certainly, of course, indeed, inevitably, invariably, always, literallyAdjectives: key, central, crucial, basic, fundamental, major, principal, essential, significantVerbs: show, prove, establish, confirm, conclude, determine, it is clear that, it is obvious thatWeakening a claimVerbs: appear , argue, doubt, estimate, seen (as), seem, speculate, suggest Adverbs: largely, likely, mainly, maybe, perhaps, possible/possibly, probable/probably, rather, relatively, seemingly, somewhat, sometimesThe following text comes from an article testing the benefits of providing children under 4 years old with zinc dietary supplements. It comes from the very beginning of the discussion section, where the authors summarize the findings they have already presented in the results section. Try to fill the following blanks with a variety of expressions to show the strength or weakness of each claim.In our study, zinc supplementation did not result in a ________ reduction in ________ mortality in children aged 1–48 months in a population with high malaria transmission. However, __________ the effect varied by age, with no effect on mortality in infants, and a __________18% reduction of mortality in children 12–48 months of age (p=0·045). This effect was __________ a consequence of fewer deaths from malaria and other infections. Any effect on mortality in this trial was in addition to a __________ effect of vitamin A supplementation . . .3Writing Practice3.1Writing comparison and contrastA contrast paragraph discusses the difference between at least two things. The following is a table of differences between the two states of Arizona and Rhode Island. Write a text about the following table.States Arizona Rhode IslandPhysical size 114000 square miles 1214 square milesPopulation 4 million Less than 1 millionNatural environments Dry, large desert area Temperate zone, an average of 44inches of rain per yearlandscape Landlocked, no seashore Lies on the Atlantic Ocean,coastline3.2Writing a short discussion textWrite about the three different ways of dealing with polluted land according to the table information below.4. Writing Project4.1 Before writing a discussion section to explain your results from the research, first think about the follow questions:Do your results provide answers to your testable hypotheses? If so, how do you interpret your findings?Do your findings agree with what others have shown? If not, do they suggest an alternative explanation or perhaps an unforeseen design flaw in your experiment (or theirs?)Regarding your conclusion, what is your new understanding of the problem you investigated and outlined in the Introduction?If warranted, what would be the next step in your study?4.2 Work as a team.4.3 Go back to your questionnaires and results gathered respectively from Units 4 and5. Your discussion is based upon the data you collected.4.4 When you finish your writing, pool your pieces of work to polish.4.5 Present your discussion in class.5. Final ChecklistHere is a final checklist for the discussion section. Use it to check what you have written in the previous task.。

The Importance of Academic English
学术英语对于学生的学术发展至关重要。在全球化的时代,许多学科领域的最新 研究成果和进展都以英语发表,因此学生需要掌握足够的英语学术能力才能跟上 学术前沿。
The Application of Academic English in
The necessity of academic English in management
As the world becomes more interconnected, the need for English as a common language for business communication has increased. Academic English provides the necessary vocabulary and language skills required for effective communication in management.
Managing across different cultures can be challenging, as cultural norms and business practices vary. Academic English should be used with caution and sensitivity to cultural differences, ensuring that communication is culturally appropriate.
管理学专业英语教程(第二版)-Unit 6 The Leader's Guide to Corporate Culture_v2

❖Response to change – some cultures
relies on plans and sets goals and consequences for filing to do so.
incorporates adaptive elements that can scan and analyze the external environment.
It is defined by strength, decisiveness, and boldness. Work environments are competitive places…
It is characterized by exploration, expansiveness, and creativity. Work environments are inventive and openminded places...
It is expressed through fun and excitement. Work environment s are lighthearted places…
----by authors
Strategy vs. Culture
offers a formal logic for the company’s goals and orients people around them.
学术英语unit 6- 1st fot students

In a tie: useful for describing data. 以平局的方式,打成平局。 Stuart Kerachsky, head of the US National Center for Education Statistics in Washington, D.C.,calls Shanghai“an educational Mecca”that is also much wealthier than the rest of the country. (Para. 5, L1-2)
CET-4 Translation
计划生育(family planning)是中国的基本国策之一。它于1978年开始
过快增长,还提升了人口素质。此外,计划生育政策还提高了人们的生 活水平、促进了社会的持续发展。然而,随着社会进一步发展,新问
“它于1978年开始实施”处理为时间状语,用表被动的过去分词短语 implemented in 1978来表达。时间状语“30多年来”译为over the past 30-oddyears,按照英语表达习惯,置于句末。
CET-4 Translation
Excessive population growth was effectively controlled, with the
quality of people being improved. 第3句“它不仅有效地控制了人口的过快增长,还提升了人口素质” 可用both...and的并列结构来译出,表达为it has both effectively controlled... and improved...。也可将主语转换成“人口的过快增长”,

1.Corporate culture can be conceptualized as a set of understandings that members ofa work unit share in common that affects how they function in and react to their environment.Because corporate culture has important effect on individual employees and overall organizational survival.2.Some researchers often distinguish organizations as having either “strong” or “weak”corporate culture.Strong cultures are often valued by managers because they are seen as instrumental in obtaining high levels of motivation,satisfaction,and security in employees.They consider strong cultures to be critical in terms of organizational survival.Even they suggests that the culture may be “the single most important factor standing between success and failure.”I don’t agree with it.3.One position holds that removing employees from the traditional office setting intoa more isolated environment can only weaken corporate culture.A different perspective is that telecommuting indirectly strengthens the corporation.In my view,the effect of telecommuting varies from different companies with different cultures.4.The Zeus culture is one that depends heavily on the similarity of members,extensive personal contact,and very few procedural guidelines.The Athena culture is characterized as a loose network of teams that work together to solve a wide variety of organizational problem.The Apollo culture can be conceptualized as a bureaucratic culture,The strength of this culture is measured by the ability of its members to understand and follow carefully documented policies.In Dionysus culture,the talents of individuals are of utmost importance and the organization simply exists to facilitate individual accomplishment.Because only minimal contact is required or desired among participants.5.The Zeus culture will be most influenced by telecommuting and least amenable to this work unit,because The Zeus culture’s strength is heavily dependent on the personal contact of key individuals with others in the organization.The Athena culture presents an almost paradoxical scenario.On the one hand,the culture can be envisioned as a loose network of employees that thrives on creativity would seem to be a suitable match for telecommuting.On the other hand,it’s the ability of the members to understand each other’s expertise and to work with a common purpose and understanding that is at the very heart of this culture.Apollo culture would likes handle telecommuting relatively well.Because this culture is less dependent on the informal norms and values among its members. The Dionysus culture seems to best suited to telecommuting by strengthing the self-reliant and individualistic environment.6.Yes,I do.Because the characteristics of varied cultures differ.Some cultures like the Apollo culture and the Dionysus culture may simply be more amenable to telecommuting than the Zeus culture.2.Mind Map3.Does corporate culture will enhance cohesion between employees?It’s up to the type of corporate culture.As the article refers to,the Dionysus culture may not enhance cohesion because the talents of individuals are of utmost importance.In contrary,The Athena culture may enhance cohesion,because it needs teamwork.。
学术英语Unit 6 课后练习答案

Unit 6 Consumer Behavior
• Text B
The Customers’ Revenge
– – – –
Critical thinking and reading Supplementary analysis Collocations Suggested answers
Unit 6 Consumer Behavior
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Language Support
2. … this family was in the know and could afford expensive Western brands. (Line 3, Para.10)
Unit 6 Consumer Behavior

首先介绍,在生命尽头的关爱有几种形式?Asked where they would like to spend their last days, most people always say at home, surrounded by people they love. In real life, though, only one in five achieves that. More than 30% die in a nursing home, where almost no one wants to be, and over half end up in a hospital, often in an intensive-care unit, heavily sedated and attached to life-saving equipment until their doctors give up the battle.【参考资料:有at hospitals and nursing homes,有at home,有hospice(临终关怀服务)。
】然后开始重点阐述“临终关怀”:一、什么是“临终关怀”服务的对象&目的?Hospice care is a system of care that helps those with an incurable illness(对象)to focus on making the most of whatever time is left(目的). They offer a range of support, often alongside active treatment for an illness. The focus of modern hospice care is on helping people to live well until they die. Dying in a hospice care can bring families(对象)peace and allow a closeness which isn't always possible at home.【参考资料:临终关怀(palliative care = hospice care = terminal care)并非是一种治愈疗法,而是一种专注于在患者在将要逝世前的几个星期甚至几个月的时间内,减轻其疾病的症状、延缓疾病发展的医疗护理。

业务营销化1 问街上一般的人什么是营销时,他们会告诉你那大概就是“卖东西的”;这从根本上说是正确的,但营销不是简单的销售行为,而是怎样做成的销售;我们都被全天候不间断营销所围绕,而我们每一个人都已经以我们自己的方式成了一名营销人;2 专家是怎么定义营销的呢根据美国市场营销协会,市场营销是一种组织职能,是为组织自身及利益相关者stakeholders n. 利益相关者;股东而创造、传播、传递客户价值,管理客户关系的一系列过程;3 根据世界市场营销协会对营销的定义,“核心的经营理念是指导通过交换来识别和满足个人和组织需要的过程,从而为各方创造出众的价值;”4 最后,英国特许营销学会说,“营销是有利地识别,预测,和满足顾客需求的管理过程”;5 如果我们只是看这三个定义的共性,我们可以看出,营销本质上in essence是:a 发现和给顾客他们所想要的和需要的东西, b通过做这些来获利;4Ps或5Ps营销策略6 密歇根州立大学Michigan State University的杰罗姆·麦卡锡Jerome McCarthy 教授在20世纪50年代写了一本书并且定义了4Ps营销策略,包括产品、渠道、价格和促销;这本书为这个星球上最古老的专业提供了一个清晰的结构,而这个结构成为市场营销的定义;7 为了更好地理解营销,你应该有你自己对术语的定义;例如,我认为营销是对产品的价格、分配、促销以及人员进行控制,满足顾客以获得利益;控制是个充满感情的词语,尤其在我们谈及控制人的时候;无论怎样,控制是很重要的,因为作为一名营销人员,我要控制市场营销的每一个工具并且操纵它们来使市场的影响力达到最大化;8 作为一名营销经理,我控制一个产品的形象、味道和触感;我控制我的产品应该要价多少;我在促销工具中操纵工具,希望吸引enticing消费者购买我的产品;下面便是被麦卡锡强调的4Ps营销策略;此外,我们加入了第五个P:人;人9 营销人员已经为“人”是否应该被包含以成为营销策略里的第五个P而争辩了很多年;但没有了人,营销便是无意义的,这是我为什么要把“人”加进去的原因;10 做得好的话,营销是以人们的希望、需求和欲望为中心;有时候,这些需要是物质的,例如有营养的食物和干净的水;有时候,这些需要是心理上的,例如留下深刻印象的需要;有时候,这些需要是社会性的,例如融入文化的需要或者被注意的需要;人们有无限多的理由以解释人们的行动,需求和行为;因此,有效的营销应该一开始就对顾客有一个深刻的insightful,adj. 有深刻见解的,富有洞察力的了解;11 然而,很少有营销员真的从顾客开始;为什么呢因为大多数的营销都开始于一些新产品的开发,但这些产品是可能或者不能面市的;“我们开发了一个更好的新产品,现在我们去找人来购买它吧”,这是通常的事件顺序;很简单,这就是为什么在美国80%的新产品都在它们的第一年就失败了;12 无论我们卖什么,那里都会有一些人会比另外的人更有可能想要购买;例如,作为一个不吸烟的人,那将是浪费时间和金钱来说服我购买你那个品牌的香烟;然而,如果我本来就是吸烟者,我可能对尝试一个我从来没有尝试过的新品牌很感兴趣;发现你理想的目标市场和了解所有你能够了解的为什么他们做他们所做的事情,这将帮助你决定一个最好的方式去以最大化的利润呈现你的产品;产品13 您的产品是可供出售或另一个人使用的任何东西;这包括产品的质量,材料选择,颜色/大小/气味scent/味道,以及产品的每个物质方面;这也包括产品的包装例如,包装是要保护产品的还是要让人们可看到,产品的设计和制造,还有为了寻找更好方式去制造产品而进行的任何调查和发展;产品P涵盖了每一件能够用于发展的难以确定的或者不难确定的项目的东西;价格14 价格不仅仅是支付你的产品和效益的费用,它代表更多;价格传达了不少关于产品的东西和确定了质量的期望值;它也把观众分割segment为哪一些是有能力购买这个产品的和哪一些只是希望他们能拥有的;最后,价格甚至传达了你应该怎样消费这个产品; 15 即使一个知名品牌established brand可以要价的也会是很多或好少;例如,大众辉腾是一个失败,因为大众辉腾已经花了十年来传递给我们一个信息“人们的车不应该那么贵”;类似的例子,保时捷914以“穷人的保时捷”着称部分原因是由于其最低阶层的价格,这个品牌注定要be doomed to失败;渠道16 渠道指的是在哪里和怎样销售你的产品,也可以表示为分配;要把这个P做好,你必须决定你是要在一个专有的精品店还是在一个大型的超市去销售你的产品你会让它广泛推广还是在少数几家商店销售呢那里有很重要的战略决定,这些决定会影响你的产品怎样被认知以及顾客所愿意支付的产品价格;17 例如,如果你在一家折扣商店买了一件博柏利大衣那会是多么的特殊呀一些产品开始是独家经销的,建立了他们品牌的声望,然后他们就会扩大分销;苹果的iPod 就是这样做的,它开始时是在苹果的实体店和网店独家销售的,而现在它已经可以大范围分销了;想一下你的质量期望值会怎样改变当你遇到廉价航空公司airlines时,例如瑞安航空公司和英国航空公司比较;渠道可以确定质量期望值;促销18 你选择的任何方式来推销你的产品在营销上称之为促销;这包括了任何形式的营销传播marketing communication,如广告、公共关系、促销、事件营销,也包括你做的任何的一对一销售;19 还有一个其他的P被定期地争论着,那就是“利润”;所有的商业公司都是为了盈利而经营的;利润是好的;有了利润,公司就能够支付它们员工更多的薪酬,就能够扩张他们的生意和雇佣更多的员工,就能够建立新的公司;获利是资本主义的capitalism生命线;20 有成千上万种方式可以增加获利;你可以销售更多产品,要价更高,拓宽分配渠道,收缩分配渠道,减少货物的材料成本而保持相同的价格,减少你所销售产品的数量而提高价格,又或者通过在世界更便宜的工厂生产产品来减少制造成本;。

《学术英语(管理)》Unit6《学术英语(管理)》Unit 6 TextA《消费行为(consumer behavior)影响因素(influencer影响因素)》1消费行为研究的是人们做事情的原因。
我们越能明白消费者行为的那些理智的(rational 理智的)、情绪的和经常潜意识的(subconscious潜意识的)原因,我们就越能创造出有效的市场营销活动(marketing compaign)。
但它能以最可能的方式(in a…light 从…的角度;以…的方式)呈现我们品牌的故事。
一些人注重通过促销、优惠券(coupons 优惠券)、交易卷(volume['v?lju?m]卷)获得最好的交易。
*环境和消费者行为6我们会受到我们周围每个人每样东西的影响,如朋友、家人、广告、潮流、名人(celebrity 名人)、价格、过去的经历、地位和认知地位等。

Task 1:Internet journalism has been greatly influenced by the so-called “bloggers”. In the strict sense, a blogger is someone’s online record of the websites he or she visits. Blogger is a contraction of “Web logger”. Web loggers have been called one-person Internet blabbermouths who pop off to anyone who will listen. They criticize each other but some of the best take on, sometimes unfairly, the big newspapers and networks. They provide a kind of instant feedback loop for media corporations. Some equate them with the more lively editorial pages of earlier times. Web loggers are having an important impact on the “old media”as well as on public opinion over salient political and social issues.Task 2:Newspapers are dying; the music industry is still yelping about iTunes; book publishers think they are next. Yet one bit of old media seems to be doing rather well. In the final quarter of 2009 the average American spent almost 37 hours a week watching television. Earlier this year 116 million of them saw the Super Bowl- a record for a single program. Far from being cowed by new media, TV is colonizing it. Shows like “American Idol”and “Britain’s Got Talent”draw huge audiences partly because people are constantly messaging and tweeting about them, and discussing them on Facebook.Advertising wobbled the recession, shaking the free-to-air broadcasters that depend on it. But cable and satellite TV breezed through. Pay-television subscriptions grew by more then two million in America last year. The explosive growth of cable and satellite TV in India explains how that country has gone from two channels in the early 1990s to more than 600 today. Pay-TV bosses scarcely acknowledge the existence of viewers who do not subscribe to multichannel TV, talking only of people who have “yet to choose”a provider. This is not merely bluster. As our special report this week explains, once people start paying for greater television choice, they rarely stop.。

the Healthpartners Research Foundation
• HealthPartners is an integrated, nonprofit health care provider located in Bloomington, Minnesota offering care, coverage, research and education to its members, patients and the community. HealthPartners was founded in 1957 as Group Health, a consumergoverned nonprofit health plan with a board of directors made up of its own members and patients. In 1992, Group Health merged with MedCenters Health Plan, and together they formed HealthPartners. In late 2012 it was announced that HealthPartners would merge with Park Nicollet Health Services of St. Louis Park on January 1, 2013 following federal approval
— Samuel Johnson • The function of education, therefore, is to teach one to think
intensively and to think critically. But education which stops with efficiency may prove the greatest menace to society. The most dangerous criminal may be the man gifted with reason, but with no morals… We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.
学术英语综合Unit6 译文

第六单元数学Text A应用数学的新风向菲利普·J·戴维斯请将以下句子补充完整,“这是一个_______的时代?”你会怎么填?每个时代的作家不仅会在空格处填下自己的时代,还会选择过去的某个时代。
CAD/CAM (计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造)已经被运用到牙医学之中。
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2.Does good marketing always make people do what we want them to do? No.But it can present our brand's story in the best possi ble light. In order to do this it is important to understan d what consumers want, how they make decisions, why they choose the brands they do, and how and where we should talk to them.
正是文化,定义了在一个特别的时间和地方一群特别的人。它是一群人共同拥有 的知识、价值和信仰的顶点(culmination 顶点)。文化在不断地进化和变化。我 们是谁、我们相 信什么、我们想要什么(what we want out of life)、我们关于正 义、平等、适当的看法 等都是我们所处于的文化的结果。
4.Understanding what consumers do is interesting, but it is only half the job. The really important thing to understand is why they do what they do. Once you understand why, you can begin to predict behavior and in marketing, that means sales.
了解消费者做什么是很有趣的,但只是我们一半的工作。真正重 要的是了解他们为什么 要这样做。一旦你明白为什么,你就可以 开始预测行为和运用在市场上,那意味着销售。
5.There are two influencers on consumer behavior which deserve our attention:environment and culture.
品牌会告诉别人我们是谁,我们的想法、价值观、甚至标志着我们 在世界上成功的水平。 这都来源于我们生活的环境和它所影响下的 消费者行为。
10.In some developing countries Western brands were displayed in people’s apartments like art.A box of Kellogg’s breakfast cereal would be prominently displayed to tell everyone coming through the house that this family was in the know and could afford expensive Western brands.
9.Brands can tell others who we are,what we think and value,and even signal our level of success in world.This all stems from the environment we live in and its effect on consumer behavior.
在一些发展中国家,西方品牌被当做艺术一样展示在人们的房子里。一箱凯洛格早餐 麦 片粥被明显地摆放着以告诉经过房子的每一个人,这个家庭知道并负担得起昂贵的 LOGO 西方 品牌产品。
11.Your age and the generation you belong to have a huge impact on how you view the world,what you hold true and your belief structure.Gender,sexual orientation all play a major role in defining who you are,what you think,how you react and how you view the future.
Culture and consumer behavior 文化和消费者行为
12.Culture is what defines a particular group of people at a specific time and place. It is the culmination of the knowledge, values and beliefs a group of people holds in common. Culture is constantly evolving and changing. Who we are, what we believe, what we want out of life,our view of justice, fairness, appropriateness are all the result of the culture we live in.
当第二天你坐下来吃早餐时,你倒给你自己一大杯新鲜的 冷冻的牛奶。你觉得有人会陌 生奇怪地看着你吗?然后你 去一个热闹的新夜店点一杯牛奶。你发现有什么不同了吗? 环境指示你饮料选择的适当性(appropriateness)。在一个环 境下,你饮料选择是很适当 的,但在另一个环境下,它可 LOGO 能是完全不适当的。
Environment and consumer behavior
6. We are affected by everything around us:friends,family,advertising,trends,celebrities,prices,past experiences,status and perceived status.All these factors add up to the environment in which we live.
你的年龄和所在的年代对你如何看待世界、你真理观和你的信仰 结构都有巨大的影响。 性别、性取向(sexual orientation)、家庭 地位、教育成就(attainment 成就,达到)、 种族特点(ethnicity 种族特点)、、收入、地理和职业都在你确定你是谁、你想的是 什么、 你怎样反应以及你怎样看待未来中扮演了一个主要的角色。
那些好的营销总是能让人们做我们想要他们做的事情吗?不。 但它能以最可能的方式 (in a…light 从…的角度;以…的方式)呈 现我们品牌的故事。为了做这件事,重要的是了 解什么是消费 者想要的,他们怎样做的决定,为什们他们会选择他们要的那 个品牌以及 我们应该怎样和在哪里和他们交谈。
3.Spend an hour in a grocery store watching other people shop. You will see a variety of different kinds of shoppers. Some are focused people on a mission trying to fulfill a specific list of goods . You will see others slowly comparing products side by side, deciding what they want as they go along. Others are focused on getting the best deals through sales, coupons and volume deals . And still others wander the aisles looking for inspiration as to what they should prepare for the week.
8.In much of the world, brands are seen as a demonstration of your success.Once in Eastern Europe,even the poorest day laborer would have had a pack of Marlboro cigarettes to share with friends at a club.But Marlboro cigarettes were expensive in Eastern Europe.Must pf the time,the box was filled with local brand cigarettes that cost a tenth of the price.The status of the Marlboro package in the environment gave “badge value” to the owner even more than the actual product. 在许多的地方,品牌被看做是你成功的象征。在东欧,即使是最穷 困的打零工的人(day laborer 打零工的人)也会在一个俱乐部里拿一包 万宝路香烟和朋友分享。但是万宝路香 烟在东欧是很贵的。绝大多 数时间,一箱满是当地品牌的香烟才会花费掉其十分之一的 价钱。 在那个环境下,万宝路包装的地位带给拥有者“徽章的价值”甚至 LOGO 超过实际产品 (actual product)。
在一个杂货店里花费一个小时去观察别人购物,你会看见各种各 样不同类型的购物者。 一些人会注重他们的任务并努力去填满一 张具体的货物清单。有些人会慢慢地比较并排 的产品,决定着沿 路下来什么是他们想要的。一些人注重通过促销、优惠券(coupons 优惠券)、交易卷(volume['vɒljuːm] 卷)获得最好的交易。还有一些 人一直徘徊在通道中, 寻找着他们应该为周末准备什么的灵感。