SONY VPL-EX175_EX145_EX120_EX100数据投影机(中文)说明书


SONY VPL-ES4 VPL-EX4 数据投影机 说明书

SONY VPL-ES4 VPL-EX4 数据投影机 说明书
态; • 环境温度18~25℃所需能量的消耗。
• (1)用体表面积进行计算
• 体表面积
• (m2)=0.00659×身高(cm)+0.0126 ×体重(kg)-0.1603 • 查表3-1(每小时)
• 体重50kg,身高160cm的25岁女子,体 表面积1.52m2,该年龄基础代谢率为 35.2kcal/(m2·h),则该女子体表面积每小 时基础代谢为35.2×1.52=33.5kcal,24h的 基础代谢则为33.5×24=804kcal。
• 根据自己的实际情况,计算出自己一天 的能量需要量。
• 要求写明自己的身高、体重、性别、活 动水平分级等。
1.维持体液的正常渗透压; 2.促进食物的消化吸收; 3.调节体温; 4.水是体内摩擦的润滑剂;
成年人每天每公斤体重需要40克水,体内缺水10% 时,生理功能则将发生紊乱。当失水20%时,则可能 造成死亡。
感冒 → 要喝比平时更多的水
• 当人感冒发烧的时候,人体出于自我 保护机能的反应而自身降温,这时就会 有出汗、呼吸急促、皮肤蒸发的水分增 多等代谢加快的表现,这时就需要补充 大量的水分,身体也会有叫渴的表现。 多多喝水不仅促使汗出和排尿,而且有 利于体温的调节,促使体内细菌病毒迅 速排泄掉。
胃疼 → 经常喝点粥
• 有胃病的人,或者感到胃不舒服,可以采 取喝粥的“水养护”措施。熬粥的温度要 超过60℃,这个温度会产生一种糊化作用, 软嫩热腾的稀饭入口即化,下肚后非常容 易消化,很适合肠胃不适的人食用。稀饭 中含有的大量的水分,还能有效地润滑肠 道,荡涤肠胃中的有害物质,并顺利地把 它们带出体外。



型号亮度(ISO )分辨率对比度重量(KG)分销价媒体价VPL-EX10023001024X7681600比1 4.1430010800VPL-EX12026001024X7682000比134********VPL-EX14531001024X7682500比1 3.3550017800VPL-EX175********X7682500比1 3.3780022800 VPL-EW720001280X800650比1370009000 VPL-DX1130001024X768650比1 2.1780022800 VPL-DX15(网络)30001024X768#REF! 2.11400032800 VPL-MX2025001024X768650比1 1.71180032800 VPL-MX25(优盘+网络)25001024X768#REF! 1.71680032800VPL-F400X 42001024×7681000比19.82300048000VPL-F500X 50001024×7691000比19.83600059800VPL-F700X 70001024×7691000比120120000150000 VPL-FX4040001024X7681000比19.82080048000 VPL-FX41(新品上市)52001024X7681000比19.83600060000 VPL-FW41(新品上市)45001280X8001000比19.85600098000 VPL-FE40(新品上市)40001400X10501000比19.86000098000 VPL-FX52(网络功能)60001024X7681000比110.576000118000 HW15(1080P 家用机)9001920X108030000比1112300025000 VW85(1080P 家用机)10001920X108060000比1114800080000 VW200(1080P 家用机)10001920X108035000比11986000120000VPL-SX12525001024×7682200比1 3.7VPL-SW12526001280X8002000比13.7SONY投影机湖北省代理武汉九州数码科技有限公司以己之短,攻彼之长价格待定新品上市新品上市1080P 家用投影机报备后预定家庭视频投影机 私家影院 坐享天成短焦投影机惊艳登场另提供屏幕、投影吊架、推车、激光教鞭、投影灯泡、音箱设施等配套产品,详情电询全自动,极致超薄全自动,极致超薄报备后预定报备后预定顾客免费咨询电话:800 820 9000(正品行货查询鉴别)备注 专业数据投影机720P 高清武汉九州数码科技有限公司熊飞手机:158********FAX:027-********地址:武汉市珞喻路117号座机152********QQ:565047053xiongfei2leyuan@。



索尼EX147参数光学参数:投影机特性:互动亮度:3100流明对比度:2500:1标准分辨率:1024*768最高分辨率:1600×1200光源类型:超高压汞灯灯泡功率:210W灯泡寿命:正常模式:4500小时,经济模式:6000小时投影参数:投影技术:3LCD变焦方式:手动变焦聚集方式:手动聚焦变焦比:1.3倍投影距离:0.762-7.62m投影尺寸:30-300英寸屏幕比例:4:3色彩条目:1677万色梯形校正:垂直:±30度扫描频率:水平:14-93kHZ腹有诗书气自华垂直:47-93HZ扬声器:10W接口参数:输入端子:1×RGB/Y1×立体声迷你型插孔1×S视频接口1×VGA接口1×迷你型DIN4芯1×听筒插孔输出端子:1×迷你型D-sub 15芯(雌头)1×立体声迷你型插孔控制端子:1×RS-2321×RJ45电气规格整机功率:310W,待机功率:11W电源性能:AC100-240V,50/60Hz 其它参数产品尺寸:313.4*114.1*269mm产品重量:3.3kg腹有诗书气自华EX148参数光学参数亮度:3300流明对比度:3000:1标准分辨率:XVGA(1024*768)最高分辨率:1600×1200光源类型:超高压汞灯灯泡功率:210W灯泡寿命:正常模式:4500小时,经济模式:6000小时投影参数:投影技术:3LCD变焦方式:手动变焦聚集方式:手动聚焦变焦比:1.3倍投影距离:0.762-9.62m投影尺寸:30-300英寸屏幕比例:4:3色彩条目:1677万色梯形校正:垂直:±30度扫描频率:水平:14-93kHZ腹有诗书气自华垂直:47-93HZ扬声器:10W接口参数:输入端子:1×RGB/Y PB PR输入接口1×音频输入接口:立体声迷你型插孔1×S视频输入接口:迷你型DIN4芯2×音频输入接口:听筒插孔输出端子:1×监视器输出接口*6:迷你型D-sub 15芯(雌头)1×音频输出接口*7:立体声迷你型插孔(变量输出)控制端子:1×RS-232接口:D-sub 9芯(雌头)1×立体声迷你型插孔控制端子:1×RS-2321×RJ45电气规格整机功率:310W,待机功率:11W电源性能:AC100-240V,50/60Hz其它参数产品尺寸:313.4*114.1*269mm产品重量:3.3kg夏普D256XA参数腹有诗书气自华亮度:2600流明对比度:2000:1标准分辨率:1024*768最高分辨率:1600×1200光源类型:超高压汞灯灯泡功率:210W灯泡寿命:正常模式:4500小时,经济模式:6000小时投影参数:投影技术:DLP变焦方式:手动变焦聚集方式:手动聚焦变焦比:1.3倍投影距离:0.862-9.62m投影尺寸:30-300英寸屏幕比例:4:3/16:9色彩条目:1677万色梯形校正:垂直:±30度扫描频率:水平:14-93kHZ垂直:47-93HZ扬声器:7W腹有诗书气自华输入端子:1×VGA输入1×S视频输入1×视频输入输出端子:1×视频输出控制端子:1×USB1×RJ451×RS232其它参数:产品尺寸:300*236*79mm产品重量:2.8kg爱普C05S参数光学参数:亮度:2600流明对比度:3000:1标准分辨率:SVGA(800*600)光源类型:超高压汞灯灯泡功率:200W灯泡寿命:正常模式:4000小时,经济模式:6000小时投影参数:投影技术:3LCD腹有诗书气自华变焦方式:手动变焦聚集方式:手动聚焦变焦比:1-1.35倍投影距离:0.88-10.4m投影尺寸:23-350英寸屏幕比例:4:3色彩条目:1677万色扬声器:1W接口参数:输入端子:1×VGA输入1×S视频输入1×视频输入输出端子:1×视频输出控制端子:1×USB1×RS232其它参数:产品尺寸:295*228*77mm 纠错产品重量:2.3kg正常模式:270W 待机:0.47W电源性能:AC100-240V,50/60Hz腹有诗书气自华日立3050X/3200X参数光学参数:亮度:3000流明对比度:2000:1标准分辨率:1XVG(1024*768)最高分辨率:1600×1200光源类型:超高压汞灯灯泡功率:210W灯泡寿命:正常模式:4500小时,经济模式:6000小时投影参数:投影技术:3LCD变焦方式:手动变焦聚焦方式:手动聚焦变焦比:1.2倍梯形校正:垂直梯形校正接口参数:输入接口:NTSC,NTSC4.43,PAL,SECAM,M-PAL,N-PAL,PAL60 HDTV:750p(720p),1125i(1080i)SDTV:525i(480i),525p(480p),625i(576i),625p(576p)模拟RGB:15针微型D-sub端子×2腹有诗书气自华输出接口:模拟RGB:1×15针微型D-sub端子其它参数:产品尺寸:317×98×288mm产品重量:3.6kg电源性能:AC100-240V,50/60Hz整机功率:330W索尼EX242/245参数光学参数:亮度:3200流明对比度:2700:1标准分辨率:1XVG(1024*768)光源类型:超高压汞灯灯泡功率:210W灯泡寿命:正常模式:4500小时,经济模式:6000小时投影参数:投影技术:3LCD变焦方式:手动变焦聚焦方式:手动聚焦变焦比:1.3倍腹有诗书气自华投影尺寸:30-300英寸梯形校正:手动、自动±30度接口参数:输入接口:输入A:1×迷你D-sub 15芯(RGB/Y PB PR)输入B:1×迷你D-sub 15芯(RGB)输入C:1×HDMI(HDCP支持)视频输入:1×针插孔S视频输入:1×4芯迷你插孔输出接口:监视器输出:1×15针迷你D-sub(从输入A到输入B)控制接口:RS-232C:1×D-sub 9芯(公)网络:1×RJ-45,10BASE-T/100BASE-TXUSB:1×Type-A,Type-B其它参数:产品尺寸:317*98*288mm产品重量:3.6kg整机功率:330W电源性能:AC100-240V,50/60Hz爱普生X29参数光学参数:亮度:3000流明对比度:10000:1腹有诗书气自华标准分辨率:XGA(1024*768)灯泡功率:200W光源类型:超高压汞灯投影参数:投影技术:3LCD变焦方式:光学变焦聚焦方式:手动聚焦变焦比:1.2倍投影尺寸:30-300英寸色彩条目:10.7亿色彩条目梯形校正:手动、水平±30度自动、垂直±30度扬声器:5W接口参数:输入接口:2×视频输入:D-Sub15p1×视频输入:RCA1×视频输入:S-Video1×视频输入:HDMI2×音频输入:Stereo mini1×音频输入:RCA输出接口:1×USB-B 1×USB-A 1×RJ45 1×RS-232c腹有诗书气自华其它参数:产品尺寸:297*87*244mm产品重量:2.5kg整机功率:280W电源性能:AC100-240V,50/60Hz爱普生6000光学参数:亮度:3000流明对比度:500:1标准分辨率:XGA(1024*768)最大分辨率:1600*1200灯泡功率:230W光源类型:超高压汞灯投影参数:投影技术:LCD变焦方式:手动变焦聚焦方式:手动聚焦变焦比:1.6倍屏幕宽高比:4:3腹有诗书气自华投影距离:0.8-14.7m投影尺寸:30-300英寸色彩条目:16.77百万色梯形校正:垂直±30度接口参数:输入接口:RCA(黄)×1、S-端子Mini DIN、D-sub 15-pin x 2 、RGB视频输出接口:D-sub 15-pin x 1其它参数:产品尺寸:465*160*340mm产品重量:7kg整机功率:280W电源性能:AC100-240V,50/60Hz索尼EX273光学参数:亮度:3800流明对比度:3000:1标准分辨率:XGA(1024*768)灯泡功率:210W光源类型:超高压汞灯腹有诗书气自华灯泡寿命:正常模式3000小时;经济模式5000小时投影参数:投影技术:LCD变焦方式:手动变焦聚焦方式:手动聚焦变焦比:1.6倍屏幕宽高比:4:3投影尺寸:30-300英寸梯形校正:垂直±30度接口参数:输入接口:1×迷你D-sub 15芯(RGB/Y PB PR)输入B:1×迷你D-sub 15芯(RGB)输入C:1×HDMI(HDCP支持)1×针插孔1×4芯迷你插孔输出接口:1×迷你D-sub15针(雌接口)、1×RS-232C 1×D-sub 9芯(雄接口)控制接口:1×RJ-45,10BASE-T/100BASE-TX 、1×USB 1×Type-A,Type-B其它参数:产品尺寸:365*962*252mm腹有诗书气自华产品重量:3.8kg整机功率:190W出师表两汉:诸葛亮先帝创业未半而中道崩殂,今天下三分,益州疲弊,此诚危急存亡之秋也。



Data ProjectorVPL-EX246XGA / 3,200 lmOpticalLight Output / Color Light Output 3200 lumens (Lamp mode: High) 2200 lumens (Lamp mode: Standard) 1700 lumens (Lamp mode: Low) LCD Panels0.63”x3 BrightEra LCD Panel Panel Display Resolution XGA (1024x768 dots)Contrast Ratio 3,000:1 (Full white/full black)*1Light Source Ultra high-pressure mercury lamp 210 W type Recommended Lamp Replacement Time*2 3000H (Lamp mode: High) 5000H (Lamp mode: Standard) 7000H (Lamp mode: Low) Filter Cleaning Cycle*2 Max. 7000HSame time as the lamp replacement is recommendedProjection Lens Zoom / Focus Approx. 1.6x Manual Zoom / Manual Focus Throw Ratio 1.40:1 to 2.27:1Screen Size 30” to 300” InterfaceComputer andVideo Input/Output INPUT AMini D-sub 15-pin (RGB/Y Pb Pr)Audio: Stereo mini jack INPUT B Mini D-sub 15-pin (RGB)Audio: Stereo mini jack INPUT CHDMI (Digital RGB/Y Pb Pr, Digital Audio) (HDCP support) VIDEO IN Pin Jack Audio : Pin jack (x2) (shared with S VIDEO IN)S VIDEO IN Mini DIN 4-pinAudio : Pin jack (x2) (shared with VIDEO IN)Monitor OUT Mini D-sub 15-pin(from INPUT A and INPUT B)Audio OUT Stereo mini jack (variable out)*3 Other SignalInput/Output RS-232C D-sub 9-pin (male) LAN RJ-45, 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX USBType-A, Type-B MicrophoneinputMini jack General Speaker 16W (mono) Scanning Frequency H: 14 to 93 kHz, V: 47to 93 HzDisplayResolution Computer Signal Input Maximum display resolution : UXGA 1600x1200 dots VideoSignal InputVideo (Composite), 15k (480/60i, 575/50i), DTV (480/60p, 575/50p, 720/60p, 720/50p, 1080/60i, 1080/50i, 1080/60P, 1080/50P)Color System NTSC3.58, PAL, SECAM, NTSC4.43, PAL-M, PAL-NUPC Code0 27242 86834 2Power Requirements AC 100 V to 240 V, 3.2 A to 1.3 A, 50 Hz/60 Hz Power Consumption 315 W (AC 100 V-120 V) 305 W (AC 220 V-240 V)Standby ModePower Consumption 5.9 W (Std) / 0.5 W (Low) (AC 100V-120 V) 5.9 W (Std) / 0.5 W (Low) (AC 220V-240 V) Dimensions (WxHxD) (without protrusion) 365 x 96.2 x 252 mm14 3/8 x3 25/32 x9 29/32 ” Mass4 kg /8 lb 11 oz Optional Accessories Replacement Lamp LMP-E212 USB wireless module IFU-WLM3Service Parts Replacement Filter 4-426-702-01 (FILTER )(Filters are cleanable)Replacement Remote1-490-463-11 (RM-PJ8)Key Features*1 The value is average.*2 The figures are expected maintenance time and not guaranteed. They will depend on the environment or how the projector is used.*3 Works as an audio switcher function. Output from a selected channel, not available in standby.© 2013 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. BrightEra; and the Sonymake.believe logo are trademarks of Sony. The HDMI logo and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the trademarks of their respective owners. 3/13Connector PanelsDimensions (Bottom) Unit: mm (inches) Dimensions (Front) • 3,200 lumens (ISO 21118)• Native XGA (1,024x768) resolution • High contrast ratio • BrightEra® Panel• Flexible 1.6x manual zoom standard lens • Long-lasting lampRecommended lamp replacement time 7000h (low mode) • Synchronized lamp and filter maintenance cycle • Energy efficient design- Auto power saving mode - Blank with lamp dimming - 4 lamp mode (High, Std, Low, Auto*)*Auto lamp control by picture brightness- ECO MODE key • Convenient terminals including HDMI®, RS-232C and RJ-45 • 16W Speaker • USB display• USB media viewer• PC Wireless capability (option) • Tablet Device & Smart Phone connection (wireless) For more information, visit: /projectors。


符號.......................................................................................................................................................................................8 附註.......................................................................................................................................................................................8 1. 使用投影機的準備工作 主要功能..................................................................................................................................................................................9 檢查配件...............................................................................................................................................................................10 投影機部件及其功能......................................................................................................................................................12 控制面板 (俯視圖)......................................................................................................................................................12 前視圖與左側視圖......................................................................................................................................................13 後視圖與右側視圖......................................................................................................................................................14 遙控器部件與其功能......................................................................................................................................................15 如何使用遙控器................................................................................................................................................................17 遙控器有效範圍...........................................................................................................................................................17 裝入遙控器電池...........................................................................................................................................................18 輸入文字..........................................................................................................................................................................19 使用遙控器操作電腦.................................................................................................................................................20 使用遙控器操作多台投影機..................................................................................................................................21 放置投影機..........................................................................................................................................................................22 投影距離與螢幕大小的關係..................................................................................................................................22 連接設備至投影機...........................................................................................................................................................24 連接至電腦.....................................................................................................................................................................24 連接影音設備................................................................................................................................................................24 連接電源線..........................................................................................................................................................................26 2. 投射影像 基本操作...............................................................................................................................................................................29

Sony 4K SXRD投影機SRX-R110及SRX-R105說明書说明书

Sony 4K SXRD投影機SRX-R110及SRX-R105說明書说明书

新聞稿新聞稿投影機Sony推出為大型場地而設的超高解像度SXRD投影機兩款全新「4K」投影機提供大型場地所需的超高4096 x 2160解像度、高對比度及光亮度香港 · 2005年11月24日– SONY(新力)香港有限公司今天宣佈推出兩款全新超香港高解像SXRD投影機SRX-R110及SRX-R105。

除了配備Sony獨有的高解像SXRD (硅晶反射顯示) 技術,兩款「4K」投影機均提供前所未有的特強功能,如達4096 x 2160像素的解像度及超過1800:1的對比度。




新投影機所配備的氙燈泡能提供超卓的真正色彩重現效果,符合Digital Cinema Initiative (DCI)規定的Digital Cinema Distribution Master (DCDM)格式所需的闊色彩範圍。



投影機採用硅晶反射顯示(SXRD)影像技術,提供比現有全高解像顯示屏 (1920 x 1080, 16:9闊屏幕模式)高出四倍的解像度。

投影機除了具備超高解像度外,還有高於1800:1的對比度,透過採用Sony獨有的新SXRD晶片及兩項主要技術 – 垂直排列的液晶體分子系統及極為狹小的薄膜間隔,讓新型號產生色彩豐富而準確的高質素影像。




龙源期刊网 画质为王索尼激光4K投影机VPL—VW5000ES亮相蓉城作者:来源:《个人电脑》2016年第11期为期三天的2016成都音响展上,索尼不仅发布了最新款4K投影机VPL-VW558,也将其“重量级”激光光源4K产品VPL-VW5000ES进行了专场展示。













VPL-FHZ65/FHZ60/FHZ57 VPL-FWZ65/FWZ603LCD Laser ProjectorVPL-FH65/FH60/FW65/FW60 3LCD Installation Projector2Bright, Beautiful Images with Low Running Costs, Minimal Maintenance, and Flexible InstallationBecause no two organizations are alike, Sony aims to meet diverse installation and budget requirements with its range of professional laser and lamp projectors. There are models to suit every commercial, academic, large-scale, and entertainment application. The VPL-FHZ65/FHZ60/FHZ57/FWZ65/FWZ60 laser projectors are ideal for a wide range of business and education applications. Their powerful Z-Phosphor TM laser light source is teamed with Sony’s advanced 3LCD projection engine to deliver extremely bright, rich, and stable colors. For applications better-suited to lamp-based projection, the VPL-FHZ65/FHZ60/FHZ57/FWZ65/FWZ60 projectors offer cost-effective options that nevertheless deliver high-quality performance. You can choose brightness of 6,000 lumens (VPL-FHZ65/FH65), 5,000 lumens (VPL-FHZ60/FH60) or 4,100 lumens (VPL-FHZ57) with WUXGA resolution images, and each model uses BrightEra panel technology to reproduce natural and vivid color. All of these projectors are designed to deliver enhanced picture quality with advanced features such as Reality Creation and Contrast Enhancer- both of these technologies are already used by Sony’s home theater projection systems for high-end consumer entertainment. The Reality Creation engine analyzes and processes every input signal to refine detail, clarity, and sharpness for naturally up-scaled image. The Contrast Enhancer feature expands the perceived dynamic range of the signal in real-time. Both features contribute to enhancing the visual experience wherever these projectors are installed. The laser projectors (VPL-FHZ65/FHZ60/FHZ57/FWZ65/FWZ60) pack all the benefits of laser technology into a blend-in design. A laser light source means avoiding lamp-related problems: lamps need to slowly warm up and cool down, they limit the tilt angle, and typically they force a compromise between high brightness and high resolution. The VPL-FHZ65/FHZ60/FHZ57/FWZ65/FWZ60 deliver instant on/off. Turn the projector on and you have immediate full brightness. Turn it off and you’re done. You’re not even limited in the number or duration of on/off cycles. It’s the total convenience that today’s users expect. All four models have a built-in, HDBaseT TM interface, enabling easier connectivity and reducing total system cost by using single category cable which runs all the video, audio, control, and IP signals up to 328 ft’ (100 m). These projectors also have a new integrated terminal cover design which allows installation without any visible cable runs from any angle. The integrated cover also helps you to manage cables without attaching any external cable cover boxes (avoiding a bulky installation). In addition, these projectors have a wide powered lens shift, which allows their installation in challenging environments. And each can be combined with wide variety of optional lenses to suit specific installation requirements. Available optional lenses include 0.33:1 ultra short throw and tele-zoom with a throw range of up to 4.84:1, with a bayonet lens mounting system for easier, quicker lens interchange. Offering a stylish blend-in design, tidy cable management, and low fan noise, these five projectors can fit smoothly into almost any environment – from entertainment venues to academic institutions to corporate spaces.Slim, Attractive, Blend-in DesignThe slim, stylish case design features a flat top surface that blends in discreetly when the projector is ceiling mounted. The clean appearance is accentuated by a new terminal cover thatreduces cable clutter.For business For entertainmentFor academic use3High Image QualityVery High Image Quality with 3LCD Projection System and Z-Phosphor Laser Light SourceCombining a Z-Phosphor laser light source with a 3LCD optical system, the ground-breaking VPL-FHZ65, VPL-FHZ60 andVPL-FHZ57 projectors generate a powerful 6,000 lumens, 5,000 lumens and 4,100 lumens respectively of color light output at WUXGA resolution (FWZ65/FWZ60 at WXGA resolution). Each projector’s light engine uses blue laser as its light source, which excites a phosphorous material that in turn creates white light. The white light is delivered to the 3LCD optical system, which generates constant, vibrant RGB color through a color-splitting process. This produces brightness sufficient for a broad range of commercial, academic, and entertainment applications.Crisp, Detail-packed WUXGA Resolution ImagesThese projectors deliver an amazing WUXGA resolution (1920 x 1200), which exceeds Full-HD resolution (1920 x 1080). It also allows projection in a wider display range. More information can be displayed on screen, so you can see the whole page without scrolling. Extremely clear and detailed high-quality images are projected, even on a large screen, and native Full-HD images can be projected full screen. These ground-breaking projectors are the ultimate tool for projecting images in a rangeof applications requiring exceptional detail.Simulated imagesLicensed by Tokyo TowerWUXGA picture qualityWXGA picture quality4Advanced Picture Refinement Technologies• See Extreme Clarity in Every PixelDeveloped for Sony’s home theater projectors, the Reality Creation function has now been adapted for the VPL-FHZ65, VPL-FHZ60, VPL-FHZ57,VPL-FH65 and VPL-FH60. It reproduces the texture and color of the original WUXGA (VPL-FWZ65, VPL-FWZ60, VPL-FW65, VPL-FW60 at WXGA) signal by restoring missing information lost during packaging of the original contents to disk and broadcast transmission.• Dynamic Image with High ContrastThe Contrast Enhancer function automatically adjusts the contrast for optimum viewing. It compensates for dark and bright parts of an image by analyzing the signal component of each scene in real time to enhance contrast.Simulated imagesSimulated imagesSony’s proprietaryalgorithmPicture patterning based on 10 years of accumulated expertiseAnalyze every pixel in any direction“Reality Creation” pixel mappingInput signalGet the best possible imagesBrightOriginal dataOutput Level5Good TCO & Energy EfficientUp to 20,000 Hours * of Virtually Zero Maintenance OperationThanks to its Z-Phosphor laser light source with control technology, long-life LCD panel, and advanced filter system, the laser projectors (VPL-FHZ65/FHZ60/FHZ57/FWZ65/FWZ60) offer up to 20,000 hours* of operation without maintenance or replacement. Virtually zero maintenance requirements and a range of energy-saving features reduce total lifetime ownership costs compared with conventional projectors.* Actual hours may vary depending on usage environment.Hassle-free Automatic Filter CleaningNow you can focus on great-looking images instead of arduous maintenance tasks. A new automated filter cleaning systemEnergy-efficient FunctionsThe laser projectors are equipped with a light source dimming function. After 10 seconds of a static signalfeed, the light source dims by approximately 15% which is barely noticeable. If the VPL-FHZ65/FHZ60/FHZ57/FWZ65/FWZ60 are left powered on while not in use, after a set period of time the unit will automatically detect no change of signal input and will dim the light source to as low as approximately 5% of original brightness to significantly reduce energy consumption.• Auto Light Source Control for Energy SavingThe brightness of the light source’s output is automatically adjusted depending on the brightness of the projected image, to avoid unnecessary power consumption. When showing darker images that don’t require high brightness, the light source output decreases.When the input signal is unchanged, the unit shiftsinto dimming mode* Light source mode: High. The values are approximate.Input:(Image)5%85%30%100%L i g h t s o u r c e p o w e r *Conventional modelVPL-FHZ65/FHZ60/FHZ57/FWZ65/FWZ60CBSimulated imagesABBLight source drive Simulated images0%50%100%TimeConventional modelVPL-FHZ65/FHZ60/FHZ57/FWZ65/FWZ60/FH65/ FH60/FW65/FW60Air flow performance Simulated images* Auto cleaning occurs only when power is off.6Installation AdvantagesPowered Lens Shift Function *All of these projectors have a Lens Shift function. Using this function, the position of the projected image can be moved horizontally by -32% to +32% and vertically by -5% to +60%. Images can be easily adjusted to the desired settings during installation. With this exceptional shift range, the projectors can be installed in ways to maximize performance even in the most difficult environments.Included Powered Standard Zoom Lens Plus Wide Choice of Lens OptionsInstallation flexibility is increased by a wide range ofcompatible lens options to suit virtually any size of room and throw requirement. The quick-release bayonet mount simplifies quick lens exchange.Simple Installation with HDBaseTHDBaseT is a multi-signal transmission system via a single cable, which simplifies the installation task. It cuts total system cost by reducing not just cabling requirements but also the number of required signal extenders and receiver boxes.One Cat5e/6 cable can run up to 100 meters, reducing the number of cable runs and eliminating the need for signal extenders. And fewer signal extenders and receiver boxes mean fewer potential points of failure. In addition, Cat5e/6 cables are much easier to terminate than cables such as HDMI, and therefore can be simply and quickly terminated even onsite during the installation process.Tilt Angle-freeEnjoy greater installation flexibility by positioning the Project onto Non-flat Surfaces with Image WarpingEasily correct image geometry for natural-lookingprojections, even on convex or concave surfaces. Corner and edge correction can be easily adjusted with the supplied remote and onscreen menu.The projectors can temporarily disable video signal output. This function can be easily operated with just the touch of a button on the supplied Remote Commander unit. In addition, this function allows blank image projection with low power consumption using light source control technology.Simulated imagesFour corners correctionFour sides correctionSimulated images32%VideoAudio* Depends on lensSimulated images7Create Supersize Displays with Edge BlendingSeamlessly join accurately color-matched images from multiple projectors, simplifying the creation of stunning supersize displays for retail, corporate, and live event applications.Super Quiet Operation NoiseThe VPL-FHZ65/FHZ60/FHZ57/FWZ65/FWZ60 areindustry’s quietest*1 laser-phosphor 3LCD projector. Low fan noise*2 ensures discreet, unobtrusive operation in quiet environments, from museums and galleries to lecture theaters.*1 As of February 2016*2 VPL-FHZ65/FHZ60 : 34 dB/28 dB (Light Mode: High/Standard) VPL-FHZ57: 33 dB/28 dB (Light Mode: High/Standard) VPL-FWZ65/FWZ60 : 34 dB/28 dB (Light Mode: High/Standard) VPL-FH65/FH60 : 35 dB/28 dB (Lamp Mode: High/Standard) VPL-FW65/FW60: 35 dB/28 dB (Lamp Mode: High/Standard)Professional CalibrationThe projectors offer a professional calibration function to adjust the hue, saturation and brightness of eachtarget color to get exactly the picture you want. With this capability, you can tweak the images to perfection.Save Time with Every PresentationThe laser projectors deliver instant on/off. Turn the unit on and you have immediate full brightness. Turn it off and you’re done. You’re not even limited in the number orduration of on/off cycles. It’s the total convenience that today’s users expect.User AdvantagesConstant Brightness Mode for Stable ProjectionConstant brightness mode allows you to maintainbrightness throughout the expected 20,000* hour life by driving each laser projector at reduced light output. This is useful for applications including museums, conference rooms, or even classrooms where you want to maintain a consistent visual experience for the audience.* Actual hours may vary depending on usage environment.Brightness Brightness Long TimeSimulated imagesPicture ModeNew modes ensure great-looking pictures in any presentation conditions. Select Standard, Dynamic, Brightness Priority, or Multi-screen Picture mode for optimized image quality, with any source and in every room.Simple Setup with Friendly New Installation MenuYou can use the remote commander to easily adjust projector settings, including warping and edge blending.Project Side by SideProject images from two inputs at the same time-it’s ideal for applications such as video conferencing and medical training where two images need to be seen simultaneously.Closed CaptioningOfficial teletext broadcasting, developed by the NCI, USANetwork and ControlControls and monitors projector status Compatible with various control systemsHueSaturationBrightnessIn addition to that, the projectors adjust the color space for red, green and blue, tweak the images according to installation condition.Simulated imagesSimulated images8OPTIONAL LENSESLENS THROW RATIO CHARTUnit: inches (m)INSTALLATION DIAGRAMThe distance L is between the front of the lens (center) and the front of the cabinet.12Front of the cabinet Front of the lens0.33:10.65:10.85:1 to 1.0:1 2.34:1 to 3.19:1 — / Powered— / ManualManual / ManualPowered / PoweredVertical: Upward 5% to Vertical: Upward 10% to Vertical: Upward 50% to Vertical: Upward 60% to * Viewable area, measured diagonally.** Refer to Page:12PRESET SIGNAL CHART OPTIONAL ACCESSORIESComputer SignalLKRA-FL2Optical Filter9SPECIFICATIONS*1 With supplied standard lens*2 This figure is the expected maintenance time, not a guaranteed time.The actual value depends on the environment and how the projector is used. *3 The value is average.*4 Available for VESA Reduced Blanking signal.*5 VPL-FHZ65/VPL-FHZ60/VPL-FHZ57/VPL-FWZ65/VPL-FWZ60For the U.S.A.and Canada For other countriesLASER NOTICESIEC 60825-1:2007IEC 60825-1:2014CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCTRISK GROUP 3 to IEC 62471:2006Warning: Possibly hazardous opticalradiation emitted from this product.10SPECIFICATIONS*1 With supplied standard lens*2 This figure is the expected maintenance time, not a guaranteed time.The actual value depends on the environment and how the projector is used.*3 The value is average.*4 Available for VESA Reduced Blanking signal.1112VPLL-3003 SPECIFICATIONS*1 Values are approximately*2 depends on the attached model*3 Based on the position of projection distanceUnit: inches (m)VPLL-3003 Projection DistanceVPLL-3003 Projection LensUltra Short Throw Optional Lens Kits (For ceiling installation)Projection Distance FormulaD: Projected image size (Diagonal)*1 See the operating instructions of theceiling mount unit.*2Center of the cover glass.L5L4L4L3L 3L1L1L2L2H1H1H3H4H3H2H2Screen13* Actual hours may vary depending on usage environment.6 axis Adjustment Function for Easy InstallationPSS-650 Projector Suspension Support /PSS-650P Projector Suspension Support Joint Pole695 mm695 mm695 mm 695 mm Inner pole Outer poleInner pole Outer pole 695 mm695 mmInner pole Outer pole 345 mm Cut345 mm Cut*Specification cut positionInner pole Outer pole 170 mm170 mmOverview of Height Sdjustable RangePSS-650/PSS-650P SPECIFICATIONS。



术语万用表AV设备总表EL1地面层EL1 Ground floor商务中心Business centerVPL-EX175投影机Projection VPL-EX175IDXE 100寸电动投影幕IDXE 100 inch power-driven projection screen投影机电动升降架Projector power-driven lifting frame、电动横幅架(可手动、遥控)Motor-driven banners frame(manual operation、remote control) 多媒体金属面板(6位)Multi-media metal panelIDXE ITPBII中央主机IDXE ITPBII Central mainframeIDXE ITLT8电源控制器IDXE ITLT8 power controller大宴会厅AV机房AV machine room of Grand banquet hallGL2400-440调音台Sound console GL2400-440D15内置功放多功能有源扬声器Built-in multifunctional PA power speaker D51SUB18D内置功放有源低频扬声器Built-in LF PA power speaker SUB18DCS8C天花喇叭Ceiling loud-speaker CS8CIDXE 6200定压功放Constant-pressure PA IDXE 6200FM12内置功放监听有源扬声器FM12 Built-in PA power speakerX024数字音箱处理器Digital soundbox processer X024C300双通道压限器C300 Two-channel CompressorM-ONE XL效果器M-ONE XL Effector跳线盘SWITCHCRAFT 2x24 switch craft 2x24 Patch PanelDV-310 DVD机DV-310 DVDCD-01U PRO CD机CD-01U PRO CDEH59 DVD刻录机EH59 DVD writerD350 MD机D350 MD Machinet102MK II双卡座102MK II Double cassetteEW145G2手持无线话筒EW145G2C Wireless hand microphoneEW152G2头戴式无线话筒EW152G2 Wireless head microphoneEW122G2领夹无线话筒EW122G2 Wireless collar microphoneMX418D/C无线鹅颈唛MX418D/C Wireless gooseneck microphoneBETA87A有线话筒BETA87A microphoneKSM27有线话筒KSM27 microphoneHS80M监听音箱HS80M monitoring soundboxHD280监听耳机HD280 monitoring headphone无线话筒接收天线wireless microphone receiving antennaHCS-5100T/25 数字红外辐射板HCS-5100T/25 Digital infrared radiant panel多媒体接口箱Multi-media interface boxIDXE 40A电源时序器IDXE 40A Power timing device配电箱Distribution boxVOLUPTUOUS H008A空中玫瑰电脑灯The scanner rose VOLUPTUOUS H008A VOLUPTUOUS M-YL36-3LED灯LED VOLUPTUOUS M-YL36-3VOLUPTUOUS GH750冷光成像灯Cold light imging light VOLUPTUOUS GH750 VOLUPTUOUS GH1000地排灯Ground row VOLUPTUOUS GH1000VOLUPTUOUS M2500电脑追光灯Follow spot VOLUPTUOUS M2500VOLUPTUOUS M-J5200红绿流星雨激光灯Red and green laser meteor light VOLUPTUOUSM-J5200VOLUPTUOUS M-J2200小三色激光灯Small three-color laser light VOLUPTUOUS M-J2200 VOLUPTUOUS M-L180 LED万花筒LED-artascope VOLUPTUOUS M-L180CODE 246MKII电脑灯控台Digital light console CODE 246MKIIHDL 3006DD数码硅箱Digital silicon box HDL 3006DDDMX512分配放大器512 Distribution amplifier DMX512信号分配器Signal distribution 512电动灯架(可手动、遥控)定制(10米)power-driven fixture(manual operation or remote control) custom made(10m)电动灯架(可手动、遥控)定制(7.4米)power-driven fixture(manual operation or remote control) custom made(7.4m)飞利浦HMI1200电脑灯泡Philips HMI1200 computer-control lamp投影机ProjectorIDXE 150寸电动投影幕IDXE 150-inch Power-driven projection Screen投影机电动升降架Projector power-driven lifting frame电动横幅架(可手动、遥控) Motor-driven banners frame(manual operation、remote control) IDXE P-G9109DR高速球IDXE Speed Dome P-G9109DRIDXE DVR0404K实时硬盘录像机IDXE Real-time hard disk recorder DVR0404K三星943NW+显示器Samusung monitor 943NW+IDXE ITPBII中央主机IDXE ITPBII central mainframeIDXE 3.5寸触摸屏IDXE 3.5-inch touch screenIDXE ITLTOL音量控制器IDXE ITLTOL volume controllerIDXE ITLT8电源控制器IDXE ITLT8 power controllerIDXE RGB2424矩阵IDXE RGB2424 matrixIDXE AV2424矩阵IDXE AV2424 matrix室内移动扩声系统Indoor removable sound amplifier systemGL2400-412调音台GL2400-412 Sound consoleF15内置功放多功能有源扬声器F15 Built-in multifunctional PA power speakerSUB18D内置功放有源低频扬声器SUB18D Built-in LF PA power speakerFM12内置功放监听有源扬声器FM12 Built-in PA power speakerX024数字音箱处理器X024 Digital soundbox processerREV100效果器REV100 effectorEW145G2手持无线话筒Wireless hand microphone EW145G2EW122G2领夹无线话筒Wireless collar microphone EW122G2EW152G2头戴式无线话筒Wireless head microphone EW152G2DV-310 DVD机DV-310 DVDNB101唛架Microphone Stands NB101IDXE 40A电源时序器IDXE 40A power timing controller28U专业机柜28U cabinet室外扩声系统Outdoor sound amplifier systemA&H GL2400-416调音台A&H GL2400-416 Sound consoleF15内置功放多功能有源扬声器F15 Built-in multifunctional PA power speakerSUB18D内置功放有源低频扬声器SUB18D Built-in LF PA power speakerFM12内置功放监听有源扬声器FM12 Built-in PA power speakerXO24数字音箱处理器X024 Digital soundbox processerREV100效果器REV100 effectorEW145G2手持无线话筒EW145G2 Wireless hand microphoneEW122G2领夹无线话筒EW122G2 Wireless collar microphoneEW152G2头戴式无线话筒EW152G2 Wireless head microphoneDV-310 DVD机DV-310 DVDNB101唛架Microphone Stands NB101IDXE 40A电源时序器IDXE 40A power timing controller28U专业机柜28U cabinet舞台灯光系统Stage Light systemVOLUPTUOUS 1200BXY摇头图案电脑灯VOLUPTUOUS 1200BXY moving-head and pictorial effect LightsVOLUPTUOUS M-L636-1LED灯VOLUPTUOUS M-L636-1 LEDVOLUPTUOUS M-L54-3夜明珠LED灯VOLUPTUOUS M-L54-3 pearl-like LED VOLUPTUOUSM-5200红绿流星雨激光灯VOLUPTUOUS M-J5200Red and green laser meteor lightVOLUPTUOUSM-J1100单管激光灯VOLUPTUOUSM-J1100 monocular laser lamp VOLUPTUOUS M-L180 LED万花筒VOLUPTUOUS M-L180 LED-artascopePO11强力频闪灯PO11 Powerful stroboscope lampM-小泡泡机(遥控) M- small Bubble machine(remote control)M-230大泡泡机(遥控) M-230 big Bubble machine(remote control)CODE 512电脑灯控制台CODE 512 Programmable lamp consoleHDL 3006DD数码硅箱HDL 3006DD Digital silicon boxDMX512分配放大器DMX512 Distribution amplifier飞利浦HMI1200电脑灯泡Philips HMI1200 Programmable lamp双层移动灯架double-deck removable fixtures专业灯钩professional light hook配电箱distribution box报告厅AV机房AV machine room of auditoriumGL2400-432调音台GL2400-432 Sound consoleA2全频扬声器A2 full frequency speaker音箱支架Soundbox standPX DriveRacK数字音箱处理器PX DriveRacK digital soundbox processerWAYLY P212反馈抑制器WAYLY P212 feedback suppressorRES100效果器RES100 effectorIDXEMA40.2专业功放机IDXEMA40.2 professional power amplifierDVR530 DVD刻录机DVR530 DVD burnerDV-310 DVD机DV-310 DVDMD350 MD机MD350 MD machine102MK II双卡座102MK II Double cassetteCD-01U PRO CD机CD-01U PRO CD machineEW145G2手持无线话筒EW145G2 Wireless hand microphoneHD280监听耳机HD280 monitoring headphoneHS80M监听音箱HS80M monitoring soundboxHCS-4100MB/20会议系统主机HCS-4100MB/20 conference system mainframeHCS-4333CB/20会议系统主席单元HCS-4333CB/20 conference system chairman unitHCS-4333CB/21会议系统代表单元HCS-4333CB/21 conference representive unitHCS-5100T/25 数字红外辐射板HCS-5100T/25 Digital infrared radiant panelXM1500C 投影仪XM1500C projector投影仪电动升降架Power-driven lifting frame of projectorIDXE 120寸电动投影幕IDXE 120-inch power-driven projector screen电动横幅架(可手动、遥控)Power-driven professional banner(manual operation or remote control)多媒体配线箱Multi-media Wiring ClosetIDXE 40A电源时序器IDXE 40A power timing deviceIDXE DVR0804K实时硬盘录像机IDXE DVR0804K Real-time hard disk video recorderIDXE P-G9109DR高速球IDXE P-G9109DR speed dome三星943NW+显示器Samusung monitor 943NW+IDXE IPPBII中央主机IDXE IPPBII central mainframeIDXE 有线触摸屏IDXE wired touch screenIDXE ITVOL音量控制器IDXE ITVOL volume controllerIDXE ITLT8电源控制器IDXE ITLT8 power controllerIDXE RGB0808矩阵IDXE RGB0808 matrixIDXE AV1616矩阵IDXE AV1616 matrixl"报告厅各会议室扩声音响,中控系统sound amplifier and central control system of each meeting room of auditorium"GL2400-432调音台GL2400-432 Sound consoleDV-310 DVD机DV-310 DVDHS80M监听音箱HS80M monitoring soundboxHD280监听耳机HD280 monitoring headphoneIDXE 40A电源时序器IDXE 40A power timing deviceIDXE ITPBII中央主机IDXE ITPBII central mainframeIDXE RGB0808矩阵IDXE RGB0808 matrixIDXE AV1616矩阵IDXE AV1616 matrixl宴会厅、报告厅同声传译系统Simultaneous interpretation system of ballroom and auditorium HCS-4100MA/20同声传译系统主机HCS-4100MA/20 Simultaneous interpretation system mainframeHCS-4210/20基础设置软件模块HCS-4210/20 basic sitting software moduleHCS-5100MA/04 4通道数字红外发射主机HCS-5100MA/04 4 channels digital infrared transmitting mainframeHCS-5100R/04 4通道数字红外接收机HCS-5100R/04 4 channels digital infrared receiverHCS-4385K2/20 全数字话64通道翻译单元HCS-4385K2/20 ADCS 64 channel translation unit EP-950AS译员耳机EP-950AS Translator earphoneHCS-4216/20 同声传译软件模块HCS-4216/20 simultaneous interpretation sofeware module HCS-5100PA头戴耳机HCS-5100PA headphoneHCS-5100CHG充电机箱HCS-5100CHG Charging case三层酒店视频会议终端系统3rd floor;End system of video conferencePolycom SoundStation2八爪鱼会议电话Polycom SoundStation2 octopus conference telephone 华为ViewPoint C500高清会议电视主机Huawei ViewPoint C500 conference HDTV mainfra三层各会议室移动视听系统3rd floor;Mobile audio-visual system of each meeting roomHCS-5300MC 数字红外无线会议系统主机HCS-5300MC Digital infrared wireless conference system mainframeHCS-5302C_S红外无线会议主席单元HCS-5302C_S infrared wireless conference system chairman unitHCS-5302D_S红外无线会议代表单元HCS-5302D_S infrared wireless conference representive unitHCS-5300TA-W数字红外收发器HCS-5300TA-W digit infrared transceiver单机版卡拉OK系统Standalone version karaoke systemXM1500C 投影仪XM1500C projectorVPL-EX175投影机VPL-EX175 projector室内投影机支架带轮三脚架Indoor projector support; wheeled tripod室内投影机支架推车式Indoor projector support; transportable室内支架投影幕布Indoor projector screen with frame视频网络增强系统Video network enhance system四路VGA切换器四进一出4 channels VGA switcher;4 IN and 1 OUT八路VGA切换器八进一出8 channels VGA switcher;8 IN and 1 OUT四路AV切换器四进一出4 channels AV switcher;4 IN and 1 OUT八路AV切换器八进一出8 channels AV switcher;8 IN and 1 OUTIDXE 无线鹅颈话筒IDXE Wireless gooseneck microphone唛架台式Desktop microphone frame唛架落地式Vertical microphone frame小贵宾厅Small VIP roomA2全频扬声器A2 full frequency speakerPX DriveRack数字音箱处理器PX Drive Rack digital sound box processerIDXE MA40.2专业功放机IDXE MA40.2 professional PAWAYLY P212反馈抑制器WAYLY P212 feedback suppressorMX418D/C无线鹅颈唛MX418D/C Wireless gooseneck microphoneMX418/C有线鹅颈唛MX418/C Wired gooseneck microphone多媒体金属面板(6位) Multi-media metal panel(6 digits)电动横幅架(可手动、遥控) power-driven banner frame (manual operation or remote control) 电动横幅架(可手动、遥控) power-driven banner frame (manual operation or remote control) IDXE P-G9109DR高速球IDXE P-G9109DR speed dome中控控制屏Central-control controlling screenIDXE ITVOL音量控制器IDXE ITVOL volume controllerIDXE ITLT8电源控制器IDXE ITLT8 power controller大贵宾厅Grand VIP roomA2全频扬声器A2 full frequency speakerPX Drive Rack数字音箱处理器PX Drive Rack digital sound box processerIDXE MA40.2专业功放机IDXE MA40.2 professional PAWAYLY P212反馈抑制器WAYLY P212 feedback suppressorMX418D/C无线鹅颈唛MX418D/C Wireless gooseneck microphoneMX418/C有线鹅颈唛MX418/C Wired gooseneck microphone多媒体金属面板(6位) Multi-media metal panel(6 digits)电动投影幕布power-driven projector screen电动横幅架(可手动、遥控) power-driven banner frame (manual operation or remote control) IDXE P-G9109DR高速球IDXE P-G9109DR speed dome中控控制屏Central-control controlling screenIDXE ITVOL音量控制器IDXE ITVOL volume controllerIDXE ITLT8电源控制器IDXE ITLT8 power controller1号会议室NO.1 meeting roomCS6C天花喇叭CS6C Ceiling loudspeakerIDXE 6200定压功放机IDXE 6200 constant voltage PAWAYLY P212反馈抑制器WAYLY P212 feedback suppressorMX418D/C无线鹅颈唛MX418D/C Wireless gooseneck microphone多媒体金属面板(6位) multi-media metal panel(6 digits)VPL-EX175投影机VPL-EX175 projector投影机电动升降架projector power-driven lifting frame电动投影幕布power-driven projector screen电动横幅架(可手动、遥控) 定制(6米) power-driven banner frame (manual operation or remote control) custom made(6m)电动横幅架(可手动、遥控) 定制(7米) power-driven banner frame (manual operation or remote control) custom made(6m)IDXE P-G9109DR高速球IDXE P-G9109DR speed dome中控控制屏Central-control controlling screenIDXE ITVOL音量控制器IDXE ITVOL volume controllerIDXE ITLT8电源控制器IDXE ITLT8 power controller2号会议室NO.2 meeting roomCS6C天花喇叭CS6C Ceiling loudspeakerIDXE 6200定压功放机IDXE 6200 constant voltage PAWAYLY P212反馈抑制器WAYLY P212 feedback suppressorMX418D/C无线鹅颈唛MX418D/C Wireless gooseneck microphone多媒体金属面板(6位) multi-media metal panel(6 digits)VPL-EX175投影机VPL-EX175 projector投影机电动升降架projector power-driven lifting frame电动投影幕布power-driven projector screen电动横幅架(可手动、遥控) 定制(6米) power-driven banner frame (manual operation or remote control) custom made(6m)电动横幅架(可手动、遥控) 定制(7米) power-driven banner frame (manual operation or remote control) custom made(7m)IDXE P-G9109DR高速球IDXE P-G9109DR speed dome中控控制屏Central-control controlling screenIDXE ITVOL音量控制器IDXE ITVOL volume controllerIDXE ITLT8电源控制器IDXE ITLT8 power controller3号会议室NO.3 meeting roomCS6C天花喇叭CS6C Ceiling loudspeakerIDXE 6200定压功放机IDXE 6200 constant voltage PAWALYL P212反馈抑制器WALYL P212MX418D/C无线鹅颈唛MX418D/C Wireless gooseneck microphone多媒体金属面板(6位) multi-media metal panel(6 digits)VPL-EX175投影机VPL-EX175 projector投影机电动升降架projector power-driven lifting frame电动投影幕布power-driven projector screen电动横幅架(可手动、遥控) power-driven banner frame (manual operation or remote control) IDXE P-G9109DR高速球IDXE P-G9109DR speed dome中控控制屏Central-control controlling screenIDXE ITVOL音量控制器IDXE ITVOL volume controllerIDXE ITLT8电源控制器IDXE ITLT8 power controller4号会议室NO.4 meeting room百途BY-3800自动调音台BY-3800 multi-function automatic sound consoleWAYLY P212反馈抑制器WAYLY P212 feedback suppressorCS6C天花喇叭CS6C Ceiling loudspeakerMX418D/C无线鹅颈唛MX418D/C Wireless gooseneck microphoneDV-310 DVD机DV-310 DVDIDXE 6200定压功放机IDXE 6200 constant voltage PA多媒体金属面板(6位) Multi-media metal panel(6 digits)VPL-EX175投影机VPL-EX175 projector投影机电动升降架projector power-driven lifting frame电动投影幕布power-driven projector screen电动横幅架(可手动、遥控) power-driven banner frame (manual operation or remote control) 5号会议室NO.5 meeting room百途BY-3800自动调音台BY-3800 multi-function automatic sound consoleWAYLY P212反馈抑制器WAYLY P212 feedback suppressorCS6C天花喇叭CS6C Ceiling loudspeakerMX418D/C无线鹅颈唛MX418D/C Wireless gooseneck microphoneDV-310 DVD机DV-310 DVDIDXE 6200定压功放机IDXE 6200 constant voltage PA多媒体金属面板(6位) Multi-media metal panel(6 digits)VPL-EX175投影机VPL-EX175 projector投影机电动升降架projector power-driven lifting frame电动投影幕布power-driven projector screen电动横幅架(可手动、遥控) 定制(6米) power-driven banner frame (manual operation or remote control) custom made(6m)电动横幅架(可手动、遥控) 定制(7米) power-driven banner frame (manual operation or remote control) custom made(7m)IDXE ITPBII中央主机IDXE ITPBII central mainframeIDXE ITLT8电源控制器IDXE ITLT8 power controller三层酒店1SPA NO.1building-3rd floor SPACS6C天花喇叭CS6C Ceiling loudspeaker音量开关Volume power switchIDXE T-6635多音源编程一体机IDXE T-6635 AIO Of sound sourceand programming"DV-310 DVD机DV-310 DVD酒店1十七层行政酒廊NO.1building-17th floor Executive LoungeCS6C天花喇叭CS6C Ceiling loudspeaker音量开关Volume switchIDXE T-6635多音源编程一体机IDXE T-6635 AIO Of sound sourceand programming"DV-310 DVD机DV-310 DVD酒店1十九层总统套房客厅室内扩声音响系统NO.1building-19th floor Indoor sound amplifier audio system of President Suite5.1声道,带多媒体中心,支持HDMI BOSE/美国5.1–channel,media center, supporting HDMI BOSE/America"UB-20 墙面支架BOSE/美国UB-20 Wall mounting BOSE/America。


定”功能) 4、如何调节亮度
调节亮度和调节移位是相同的,在按下“MENU”键之后,选 择 “图像设定”(图13黄色方框内),在按下右键选择“亮度”和 “对比度” (图13蓝色方框内),之后通过上下左右键精进选行PP调T 节。使投影效 果达到最好。
图11 图12
投影仪在我们日常工作中是使用频率非常高的电子设备,常应用 到会议、培训等一些工作中。作为工作中使用频率非常高的电子设备, 我们对它的了解又有多少呢?我们日常进行的只是连接好投影仪,然 后进行正常的使用,但当我们的投影仪没有正常显示的时候我们该怎 么处理呢?投影仪的使用时间取决于灯泡的使用寿命,一般灯泡的最 长使用时间为:2000小时,如何延长投影仪的使用时间?如何保养投 影仪?灯泡的注意事项又是什么?等等这些都需要我们对投影仪深入 的了解后才能找到答案。
5、投影图像出来后,我们可以通过调节大小旋钮(图3蓝色 圈内)和清晰度旋钮(图3黄色圈内),以达到最好的效果。



1.请仔细阅读这些说明。妥善保管本文档,供以后参考。 务 必遵守标示在产品上的警告标示与说明。
7.不要将本产品放置在下列环境中: 2.LED灯点亮时切勿直视投影机镜头,亮光可能会伤害您的 眼睛。 • 通风不良或狭窄的空间。 • 潮湿、多尘或吸烟的地方,否则可能会污染光学元件, 缩短使用寿命,使图像变暗。 • 环境温度超过35ºC/95ºF的地方。 • 海拔高度超过10000 英尺的地方。 8.在清洁之前关闭产品电源。切勿使用液体清洁剂或喷雾式清 洁剂。清洁时请使用湿布。 3.首先打开投影机电源,然后打开信号源电源。 4.开槽和开口用于通风目的, 以确保本产品可靠地运行并防 止过热。切勿堵塞或盖住这些开口。请勿将本产品放置于床 上、 沙发、毛毯或其它类似物体的表面,以保持通风口的 畅通。除非能提供良好的通风环境,否则请勿将本产品放置 在靠近暖气机、电热器或以内置方式来安装。 9. 若投影机存在任何异常,应立即拔掉电源线。投影机冒烟、 发出奇怪的噪音或异味时,不要继续使用。否则,可能导致火 灾或电击。在此情况下,应立即拔掉电源线,然后与经销商联 系。 10 本产品破裂或跌落时,切勿继续使用。在此情况下,应与您 的经销商联系检修。 5. 请勿将任何类型的物体从机箱的槽缝中推入本产品,否 则可能会碰触到危险的电压或形成短路, 因而导致火灾或产 生电击。请勿将任何种类的液体泼洒到本产品之上。 11 不要尝试拆解本投影机。 内部存在可能导致人身伤害的危险 高压。只应由合适的专业服务人员进行维修。
立影投影机 VCLP&VCCP 系列 用户指南



投影机 重量
• 按重量给投影机的大致分类。
• 投影机 索尼 日立 宏基 NEC 明基 • 投影屏幕,吊架 三石 丽虹 JK • 其他配件 激光笔,话筒,音箱设备。
• 索尼公司致力打造世界一流的影音电子产品,索尼 投影数据投影清晰度高,色彩鲜艳,视频输出在同类 产品中更是首屈一指。
• P5280 (数字)商务机型,采用6色轮,颜色更艳丽, 人性化的按键,EC0 4000小时长寿命灯泡。
H7530P(数字) 家庭影院适用机型,40000:1的高 对比度,能够完美演绎1080P逐行扫描的高清影像效果。 是宏基在投影领域的得意之作。
• 1,3LCD技术 3LCD只是一种投影方式,是指采用3片
LCD(HTPS),能够生成更加明亮、自然、对眼睛柔和的 图像的投影机方式。 • 2,成熟的投影生产工艺,是世界投影生产商中的佼佼 者。
VPL-MX20(液晶) 轻薄便携型 1.7公斤,厚度仅4.5 厘米,移动演示好帮手。
• 全球投影灯泡最好的厂家是UHP(飞利浦) /NSH(优志旺)/SHP(凤凰)/HS(松下)/灯 泡上有厂家标注,后面还有165/190/200/265 等数字是表示灯泡的功耗。
对比度 以及测算方法
• 对比度是画面黑与白的比值,值越大,黑到白的渐变层 次就越多,从而色彩表现越丰富。行业中有2种测算方法。 1 投影机输出的全白屏幕与全黑屏幕亮度的比值。 2 它采用ANSI标准测试方法测试对比度,ANSI对比度测 试方法采用16点黑白相间色块,8个白色区域亮度平和8 个均值黑色区域亮度平均值之间的比值即为ANSI对比度。
• VPL-HW15(液晶) 家庭影院机型独有的100HZ图像处 理(SXRD)芯片1920 X 1080格式的高清影像,动态光 圈多达100级的细微调节,给用户带来真正的高清时代。


光通量(亮度)*2 :2300流明色彩光通量(色彩亮度*3):2300流明
光通量(亮度)*2 :2600流明色彩光通量(色彩亮度*3):2600流明



投影机部件图 .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
调节缩放、焦距和梯形校正........................................................................................................................................... 16
调节音量 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
遥控器部件 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
遥控器操作范围 ................................................................................................................................................................ 8

Sony VPL-EX435 XGA 3200 lumens 项目器说明书

Sony VPL-EX435 XGA 3200 lumens 项目器说明书

VPL-EX4353,200 lumens XGA compact projectorOverviewPresent clear, bright images, with flexible connectivity and low running costs The VPL-EX435 projector is ideal for mid-sized classrooms and meeting rooms.Quiet, compact and powerful, it delivers XGA images with 3,200 lumens colour light output and high 20,000:1contrast ratio, with Sony's 3LCD technology assuring natural, vivid colours. Image quality is further improvedcompared with previous models, with a new colour/white balance setting for crisp reproduction of on-screen text and a new 'Vivid' picture mode ensuring even richer, more vibrant colours.The VPL-EX435 is an ideal partner for today's integrated AV/IT environments, expanding your connectivity options with dual HDMI ports and Direct USB Display connection. A convenient input label function makes life simpler,confirming on screen the name of connected devices.Add the VPL-EX435 to a network and see presentations from up to four connected PC/Mac computers simultaneously. Slip in an optional Wi-Fi dongle and present directly wirelessly from laptops.A range of energy-saving features plus up to 10,000 hours recommended lamp replacement time contribute to low ownership costs. Routine maintenance is quick and easy with a convenient rear lamp access feature.Features•Bright, clear images with maximum 3,200 lumens colour light outputWith a 3,200 lumen maximum light output (in high mode), the VPL-EX435 delivers crisp, high-contrastpresentations that can be seen clearly in bright rooms or on larger screens. There’s a choice of threebrightness modes to suit any environment, from bright daylight to darkened rooms.•3LCD BrightEra™ technologyThe efficient 3LCD panel system is enhanced by advanced BrightEra™ technology for impressively bright, consistent, high resolution images with excellent colour accuracy and impressive reliability.•XGA resolutionXGA (1024 x 768) 4:3 display resolution gives plenty of crisp detail: ideal for making presentations direct froma laptop, mobile device or DVD player.•Powerful 16W audioThe powerful built-in 16W speaker (mono) lets your audience hear video soundtracks with no need foradditional amplification.•Energy efficient with long-lasting lamp life up to 10,000 hoursHigh-performance lamp technology offers reduced ownership costs plus reduced maintenance, with arecommended lamp replacement time of approx. 10,000 hours (with brightness in low mode - may varydepending on environment or how the projector is used).•Advanced energy-saving featuresAdvanced lamp technology enables a range of energy-saving features. Auto Light Dimming mode saves energy when the projector is left on without being used. Auto Picture Mode automatically adjusts lightoutput to suit the projected scene. Touching a button on the remote mutes the picture temporarily,dramatically reducing power consumption.•Quiet operationNear-silent projector fan ensures discreet, unobtrusive operation in classrooms and meeting rooms.Lamp mode : 35dB / Standard 33dB / Low 29dB•Auto power onSave time and start presenting faster: the projector automatically turns on when signals are detected from a connected PC.•Quick goDon't waste time when you're in a hurry to leave the room: turn off the projector and unplug immediately, with no lengthy waiting for cool-down.•Networked and wireless presentationsProject presentations from PC or Mac via network and wireless. Up to four users can project PC/Mac images simultaneously, while up to eight users can connect to one projector. The Projector Station for NetworkPresentation application for Windows/Mac is included.•Control and management from any networked PCProjector functions and status can be managed and monitored remotely from any networked PC, using the included Projector Station for Network Control application.•Remote Control app for iOS/AndroidDownload the free Projector Remote app and control the projector from anywhere in the room with your handheld device, with simple easy-to-read buttons on your phone or tablet screen.•USB media viewerSlip in a USB drive and display photos, images and graphics with no PC needed.•Dual HDMI inputsTwo HDMI input terminals make it easy to connect HDMI-equipped devices like PCs and media streaming devices.•IP control sync for easy system expansionControl signals (power on/off, input select) from a master projector can be distributed over an IP network to additional 'sub' projectors.•USB Display function for easy one-cable PC connectionPresent pictures and audio* from a connected PC or Mac with a single USB cable - you don't even need to install a software driver.* There may be a time lag between video and audio. For low-latency applications it is recommended to use projector's line-in or HDMI-in connection.•Customised input naming labelsDefine your own input labels like 'BD Player', 'PC' and 'Document Camera', making it easier to see on screen what devices are connected and being used.•Easy maintenanceConvenient lamp access at the rear of the projector body makes lamp swaps simpler when the projector is hanging from a ceiling mount.Display System• Display System 3 LCD systemDisplay device• Size of effective display area0.63” (16mm) x 3 BrightEra LCD Panel Aspect ratio 4:3• Number of pixels2,359,296 (1024x768 x 3) pixelsProjection lens• Focus Manual• Zoom Powered/Manual Manual• Zoom - Ratio Approx. x 1.2• Throw Ratio 1.47:1 to 1.77:1Light source• Type Ultra high pressure mercury lamp• Wattage225 W typeRecommended lamp replacement time *3• Lamp mode: High4000 H• Lamp mode: Standard6000 H• Lamp mode: Low10000 HFilter cleaning / replacement cycle (Max.)• Filter cleaning / replacement cycle (Max.)10,000HScreen size• Screen size30" to 300" (0.76 m to 7.62 m) (measured diagonally)Light output *1• Lamp mode: High3200 lm • Lamp mode: Standard2300 lm • Lamp mode: Low1800 lmColor light output *1• Lamp mode: High3200 lm • Lamp mode: Standard2300 lm • Lamp mode: Low1800 lmContrast ratio (full white / full black) *2• Contrast ratio (full white / full black) *220000:1 Speaker• Speaker Speaker 16 W (monaural)Displayable scanning frequency• Horizontal15 kHz to 92 kHz• Vertical48 Hz to 92 HzDisplay resolution• Computer signal input Maximum display resolution: 1600 x 1200 dots, fV:60Hz• Video signal input NTSC, PAL, SECAM, 480/60i, 576/50i, 480/60p, 576/50p, 720/60p, 720/50p, 1080/60i, 1080/50i,1080/60p, 1080/50pColour system• Colour system NTSC3.58, PAL, SECAM, NTSC4.43, PAL-M, PAL-N, PAL60Keystone Correction (Max) *4• Vertical+/-30 degreesOSD languages• OSD languages 27-languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Russian, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Thai, Arabic ,Turkish, Polish, Vietnamese, Farsi, Finnish, Indonesian, Hungary, Greek, Czech, Slovakia, Romania)INPUT OUTPUT (Computer/Video/Control)• INPUT A RGB / Y PB PR inputconnector: Mini D-sub 15 pin femaleAudio input connector: Stereo mini jack• INPUT B RGB input connector: Mini Dsub 15 pin femaleAudio input connector: Stereo mini jack• INPUT C HDMI input connector: HDMI 19-pin, HDCP supportAudio input connector: HDMI audio support• INPUT D HDMI input connector: HDMI 19-pin, HDCP supportAudio input connector: HDMI audio support• S VIDEO IN S Video input connector: Mini DIN 4-pin• VIDEO IN Video input connector: Phono jack• OUTPUT MONITOR output connector: Mini D-sub 15 pin femaleAudio output connector: Stereo mini jack• REMOTE D-sub 9-pin male/RS232C• LAN RJ-45, 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX• USB Type-A• USB Type-B• MICROPHONE IN Microphone jack: Mini JackAcoustic Noise *5• Lamp mode: Low29dBOperating temperature / Operating humidity• Operating temperature / Operating humidity0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F) /20-80% (no condensation)Storage temperature / Storage humidity• Storage temperature /Storage humidity-10 °C to +60°C (14°F to +140°F) /20% to 80% (no condensation)Power requirements• Power requirements AC 100 V to 240 V, 3.4 A to 1.5 A, 50 Hz / 60 HzPower consumption• AC 100 V to 120 V Lamp mode: High 333 W• AC 220 V to 240 V Lamp mode: High 320 WPower Consumption (Standby Mode)• AC 100 V to 120 V0.50 W (when “Standby mode” is set to “Low”)• AC 220 V to 240 V0.50 W (when “Standby mode” is set to “Low”)Power Consumption (Networked Standby Mode)• AC 100 V to 120 V 5.5W (LAN)6.0W (optional WLAN module)6.2W (ALL Terminals and Networks Connected, when "Standby Mode" is set to "Standard")• AC 220 V to 240 V 5.8W (LAN)6.3W (optional WLAN module)6.6W (ALL Terminals and Networks Connected, when "Standby Mode"is set to "Standard")Standby Mode Networked Standby Mode Activated• Standby Mode Networked Standby Mode Activated Approx. 10 Minutes Wireless Network(s) On/Off Switch• Wireless Network(s) On/Off Switch1) Press the MENU button, then select [Connection/Power]2) [WLAN Settings]3) [WLAN Connection]4) Select On or OffHeat dissipation• AC 100 V to 120 V1136 BTU/h• AC 220 V to 240 V1092 BTU/hDimensions (W x H x D)• Dimensions (W x H x D) (without protrusions)Aprox. 365 x 96.2 x 252mm (14 3/8 x 3 25/32 x 9 29/32”)Mass• Mass Approx. 3.9kg (8.6 lb)Supplied accessories• Remote commander RM-PJ8Wireless LAN Module• Optional Lamp LMP-E221• Optional Accessories IFU-WLM3Notes• *1The values are estimate• *2This value is average with lamp dimming.• *3The figures are approximate. They vary depending on the environment or how the projector is used.• *4The picture quality may deteriorate when the V Keystone function is used for it is an electrical correction.• *5The figures are approximate. They vary depending on the environment or how the projector is used.LMP-E221Replacement Lamp for the VPL-E300/E400/E500 SeriesLampsAccessories。



型號XG-F315X 簡報型投影機連接插腳的分配.....................................................2RS-232C 規格和指令設置.....................................4設定投影機的網路環境 (9)1.將投影機連接到電腦上......................................102.設定電腦的 IP 位址..........................................113.設定投影機的網路環境.. (13)通過 LAN 控制投影機 (15)用 Internet Explorer(5.0 版或更高的版本)控制投影機.................................................15確認投影機狀態 (Status)......................................16控制投影機 (Control)..........................................16設定和調節投影機 (Settings & Adjustments)....17安全性設定 (Network-Security)..........................17進行網路的一般設定 (Network-General)............18發生錯誤時的發送郵件設定(Mail-Originator Settings).......................18設定發生錯誤時要發送郵件的錯誤項目和目的地地址 (Mail-Recipient Settings)................19設定在發生錯誤時顯示的錯誤項目和URL(Service & Support-Access URL) (19)用 RS-232C 或遠端登入設定投影機 (20)使用 RS-232C 時................................................20使用遠端登入時....................................................21SETUP MENU(設定選單)(主選單)............22ADVANCED SETUP MENU(高級設定選單)...22瀏覽設定細節列表 ([V]View All Setting)..........23設定項目...............................................................23保存設定並退出 ([S]Save & Quit) (24)不保存設定退出 ([Q]Quit Unchanged)..............24IP 位址設定 ([1]IP Address)..............................25子網路遮罩設定 ([2]Subnet Mask).....................25預設閘道設定 ([3]Default Gateway)................25使用者名設定 ([4]User Name).........................25密碼設定 ([5]Password)......................................26RS-232C 位元率設定 ([6]RS-232C Baud Rate).....26投影機名設定 ([7]Projector Name)....................26DHCP客戶端設定 ([8]DHCP Client).................26斷開所有連接 ([D]Disconnect All)....................27進入 ADVANCED SETUP MENU([A]Advanced Setup)...............................27設定自動登出時間 (ADVANCED[1]Auto Logout Time)..................................27資料埠設定 (ADVANCED[2]Data Port)............27進行網路 Ping 測試(ADVANCED[5]Network Ping Test)........28接受 IP 位址設定 (ADVANCED[6]Accept IP Addr(1)-[8]Accept IP Addr(3)).......28接受所有 IP 位址(ADVANCED[9]Accept All IP Addr).........28查尋埠設定 (ADVANCED[0]Search Port )..........29返回到默認設定(ADVANCED[!]Restore Default Setting).......29返回到主選單(ADVANCED[Q]Return to Main Menu) (29)通過 LAN 復原投影機的燈泡計時器....................30故障追尋.. (32)CT-2COMPUTER(電腦)輸入/輸出COMPUTER/COMPONENT輸入端子以及COMPUTER/COMPONENT輸出端子:15針微型D-sub凹型插座針腳號信號1.視頻輸入(紅)2.視頻輸入(綠/綠色同步)3.視頻輸入(藍)4.不連接5.不連接6.地(紅)7.地(綠/綠色同步)8.地(藍)9.不連接10.接地11.不連接12.雙向數據13.水平同步信號:TTL電平14.垂直同步信號:TTL電平15.數據時鐘COMPONENT(色差信號)輸入/輸出針腳號信號1.PR (CR)2.Y3.PB (CB)4.不連接5.不連接6.地(PR)7.地(Y)8.地(PB)9.不連接10.不連接11.不連接12.不連接13.不連接14.不連接15.不連接DVI-I端子: 29針端子•DVI 數碼輸入針腳號信號針腳號信號1.T.M.D.S 數據 2-16.熱拔插偵測2.T.M.D.S 數據 2+17.T.M.D.S 數據 0-3.T.M.D.S 數據 2 屏蔽18.T.M.D.S 數據 0+4.不連接19.T.M.D.S 數據 0 屏蔽5.不連接20.不連接6.DDC 時鐘21.不連接7.DDC 數據22.T.M.D.S 時鐘屏蔽 8.不連接23.T.M.D.S 時鐘+ 9.T.M.D.S 數據 1-24.T.M.D.S 時鐘-10.T.M.D.S 數據 1+C1.不連接11.T.M.D.S 數據 1 屏蔽C2.不連接12.不連接C3.不連接13.不連接C4.不連接14.+5V 電源C5.接地15.接地•DVI 模擬RGB 輸入針腳號信號針腳號信號1.不連接16.熱拔插偵測2.不連接17.不連接3.不連接18.不連接4.不連接19.不連接5.不連接20.不連接6.DDC 時鐘21.不連接7.DDC 數據22.不連接8.幀頻23.不連接9.不連接24.不連接10.不連接C1.模擬輸入紅11.不連接C2.模擬輸入綠(綠色同步)12.不連接C3.模擬輸入藍13.不連接C4.行頻(復合同步)14.+5V 電源C5.接地15.接地•DVI 模擬色差輸入針腳號信號針腳號信號 1.不連接16.不連接 2.不連接17.不連接 3.不連接18.不連接 4.不連接19.不連接 5.不連接20.不連接 6.不連接21.不連接 7.不連接22.不連接 8.不連接23.不連接 9.不連接24.不連接10.不連接C1.模擬輸入 Pr/Cr 11.不連接C2.模擬輸入 Y 12.不連接C3.模擬輸入 Pb/Cb 13.不連接C4.不連接14.不連接C5.接地15.接地連接插腳的分配CT-3RS-232C端子: 9針微型DIN凹型插座RD SD SG RS CS 信號名稱插腳序號1.入/出參考不連接連接到內部電路連接到內部電路不連接連接到內部電路不連接連接到內部電路的CS 連接到內部電路的RS 不連接接收數據發送數據信號地線請求發送清除發送輸入輸出RS-232C端子: DIN-D-sub RS-232C轉接頭的9針D-sub凸型插頭RD SD SG RS CS 信號名稱插腳序號入/出參考不連接連接到內部電路連接到內部電路不連接連接到內部電路不連接連接到內部電路的CS 連接到內部電路的RS 不連接接收數據發送數據信號地線請求發送清除發送輸入輸出CD RD SD ER SG DR RS CS CI插腳序號1.電纜推薦連接:9針D-sub凹型插座CD RD SD ER SG DR RS CS CI信號插腳序號1.信號USB 端子︰B 型USB 端子VCC USB- USB+SG信號名稱針腳號1.2.3.4.USB 電源USB 數據 -USB 數據 +信號接地896521437投影機插腳序號456電腦插腳序號LAN 端子︰LAN (RJ-45)連接插腳的分配針腳號信號針腳號信號1.TX+ 5.2.TX – 6.RX –3.RX+7.4.8.CT-4電腦控制將 RS-232C 串列控制接線(十字型,商店有售)連接到投影機上,就可以用電腦來控制投影機。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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注意 • 建议将电脑的分辨率设定为 1024 × 768 像素作为外接显示器分辨率。
连接投影机 7
采用与 VHS 录像机、DVD 播放机或 BD 播放机的连接对每种输入信号进行说明。
S VIDEO IN 用于连接配有 S 视频输出接口的视频设备。
S 视频线 (非附带) S 视频输出接口 音频输出接口
INPUT A/INPUT B (INPUT B 仅适用于 VPL-EX120/EX145/EX175) 用于连接配有 RGB 输出接口的电脑。
迷你 D-sub 15 针电缆 (附带)
RGB 输出接口 音频输出接口
音频线 (立体声迷你插头)(非附带)
e 投影时使用各种功能 D ZOOM (数字缩放) +/– 键 *1 投影时放大图像的某一部分。 1 按 D ZOOM + 键在投影图像上显示数 字缩放图标。 2 按 V/v/B/b 键将数字缩放图标移 动到图像上要放大的位置。 3 反复按 D ZOOM + 键或 D ZOOM - 键改 变放大率。图像最多可以放大 4 倍。 按 RESET 键可恢复为上一图像。
p 安全条 连接市售的安全链或金属线。
控制器的位置和功能 3
连接器面板 3
4 8
1 2 5 76
输入 (第 7 页、8 页)
a INPUT A 视频:RGB/YPBPR 输入接口 (RGB/YPBPR) 音频:音频输入接口 (AUDIO)
b INPUT B (仅限 VPL-EX120/EX145/ EX175) 视频:RGB 输入接口 (RGB) 音频:音频输入接口 (AUDIO)
e OUTPUT 视频:显示器输出接口 (MONITOR) 音频:音频输出接口 (AUDIO)
此接口输出投影的图像或音频。此图像作 为来自 RGB 输入接口 (INPUT A/INPUT B (INPUT B 仅适用于 VPL-EX120/EX145/ EX175))的电脑信号输入方式或来自 YPBPR 输入接口 (INPUT A)的视频信号输 入方式输出。
5 按 V/v 键选择设置值。 6 按 ENTER 键可恢复为上一图像。 有关 ECO 模式设定的详细说明,请参 见功能设定菜单上的 “投影灯模式” (第 18 页),以及连接 / 电源设定菜 单上的 “待机模式”(第 20 页)和 “节电模式”(第 20 页)。
g 红外发射器
有关遥控器操作 • 请把遥控器直接朝向遥控检测器。 • 遥控器和投影机之间的距离越短,遥
*2: 当输入电脑信号时使用此键。
f 轻松设定节能模式
ECO MODE 键 可轻松设定节能模式。节能模式包括 “投影灯模式”、“节电模式”和 “待机模式”。
1 按 ECO MODE 键显示 ECO 模式菜单。
ECO 模式菜单
3 选择 “用户”,然后按 b 键。 出现设定项目。
4 按 V/v 键选择项目,然后按 ENTER 键。
控制器的位置和功能 ........... 3 主机 ...................... 3 连接器面板 ................ 4 遥控器和控制面板 .......... 5
连接投影机 ................... 7 连接电脑 .................. 7 连接视频设备 .............. 8 连接外接显示器和音频 设备 .................... 9
指示灯 ......................26 信息目录 ....................27 故障排除 ....................28 更换投影灯 ..................30 清洁空气滤网 ................32 规格 ........................33 投影距离 ....................38 尺寸 ........................41 索引 ........................43
投影图像 11
按遥控器上的 ASPECT 改变投影图像的纵横比。也可以在屏幕设定菜单 (第 16 页,第 17 页)中改变此设定。
校正投影图像的梯形失真 (梯形失真校正功能)
当屏幕倾斜时,梯形失真校正功能可能无法自动工作。此时,请手动设定梯形失真校 正。
使用网络功能 (仅限 VPL-EX145/ EX175) ....................23 用网络浏览器显示投影机的控制 窗口 ....................23 确认投影机的相关信息 .....24 从电脑操作投影机 .........24 使用电子邮件报告功能 .....24
音频线 (立体声迷你插头) (非附带)
可输出被投影的图像和音频。此图像仅作为来自 RGB 输入接口 (INPUT A/INPUT B (INPUT B 仅适用于 VPL-EX120/EX145/EX175))的电脑信号输入方式或来自 YPBPR 输入接口(INPUT A)的视频信号输入方式输出。
(第 7 页)。
3 按 ?/1 以打开本机。
6 通过改变电脑的设定将电脑切换为
输出到外接显示器。 视电脑类型而定,将电脑切换到输出 至投影机的方法各不相同。
4 打开连接的设备。
5 选择输入源。
按投影机上的 INPUT 键显示输入选择 窗口。反复按 INPUT 键或 V/v 键选 择要投影的图像。
YPBPR 输出接口 音频输出接口
8 连接投影机
音频线 (拾音插头× 2 - 立体声迷你插头)(非附带)
OUTPUT 被投影的图像和输入音频可输出至显示器等显示设备以及采用内置功率放大器的扬声 器等音频设备。
迷你 D-sub 15 针 电缆 (附带)
7 1 6
控制面板 1 23
a 打开电源 / 进入待机模式 ?/1 (开机 / 待机)键
连接投影机 9
B 投影 / 调节图像
投影的图像大小视投影机与银幕之间的距离而定。安装投影机使投影的图像符合银幕 大小。有关投影距离与投影图像大小的详细说明,请参见 “投影距离”(第 38 页)。
1 将交流电源线的插头插入电源插
2 将所有设备连接至投影机
2 目录
B 概述
9 qd
qd 3
a 投影镜头
b 聚焦环 (第 11 页)
c 变焦环 (第 11 页)
d 投影灯盖 (第 30 页)
e 空气滤网盖 (第 32 页)/ 通风孔 (进气)
f 通风孔 (进气)
g 通风孔 (排气)
请勿在通风孔周围放置任何物品,否则 可能导致内部热量积聚。请勿将手放在 通风孔旁,否则可能导致伤害。
投影 / 调节图像
投影图像 .................... 10 调节投影图像 ............. 11 关闭电源 ................. 13
使用菜单 .................... 14 图像设定菜单 ................ 15 屏幕设定菜单 ................ 16 功能设定菜单 ................ 18 操作设定菜单 ................ 19 连接 / 电源设定菜单 .......... 20 安装设定菜单 ................ 21 信息菜单 .................... 22
c S VIDEO (S VIDEO IN) 视频:S 视频输入接口 音频:音频输入接口 (L [MONO] AUDIO/R)
d VIDEO (VIDEO IN) 视频:视频输入接口 音频:音频输入接口 (L [MONO] AUDIO/R)
注意 S VIDEO 和 VIDEO 的音频输入共用。
输出 (第 9 页)
6 控制器的位置和功能
B 准备工作
注意 • 当连接投影仪时,请确保所有设备关闭。 • 每项连接请使用正确的电缆。 • 牢固插入电缆插头;连接松动可能会降低图像信号质量或引起故障。在拔掉电缆时,必
须握住插头拔,不可拉扯电缆本身。 • 有关详细信息,另请参见所连接设备的使用说明书。 • 使用无阻抗音频电缆。
控制器的位置和功能 5
PIC MUTING 键 消除图像。再按一次则恢复图像。
AUDIO MUTING 键 消除音频输出。再按一次即可恢复之 前的音量。
VOLUME +/- 键 用于调节音量输出。 FREEZE 键 *2 暂停被投影的图像。再按一次则恢复 图像。
*1: 当输入电脑信号时使用此键。但是 视输入信号的分辨率而定,可能无 法使用此键。
b 选择输入信号 (第 10 页) INPUT 键