
安德里茨向越南X u a n M a i纸业供应一台带两套备浆线的精益型卫生纸机安德里茨技术集团接到来自越南XuanMai纸业的订单,向其位于越南胡志明市的卫生纸工厂供应一台PrimeLineECO精益型卫生纸机,用于生产由100%原生浆或脱墨浆(DIP)制成的高质量卫生纸。
安德里茨提供给X u a n M a i 纸业的PrimeLineECO精益型卫生纸机,设计车速为1300米/分钟,幅宽为2.85米。

—263—《装备维修技术》2021年第9期惠南庄泵站大型卧式水泵的安装技术初探赵伟民(南水北调中线信息科技有限公司,北京 100176)摘要 :南水北调中线惠南庄泵站设计布置的单级双吸卧式离心泵经查是目前亚洲最大的卧式离心泵机组。
泵站位于北京市房山区大石窝镇,距北京市区约60km ,至中线总干渠终点—颐和园团城湖约78km 。
设计流量60m3/s ,共安装8台卧式单级双吸离心泵(6工2备),奥地利安德里兹公司提供全套水泵及配套设备,设计扬程为58.2m ,单泵设计流量为10m3/s ,异步电动机单机由瑞士ABB 公司提供,功率为7300kW ,总装机容量58.4MW 。
二、主要部件安装(一)机组埋件安装每台水泵配套两块带锚栓的基础板,每块基础板重1091kg ,外形尺寸为:2000×550mm ,基础板预埋在水泵基础墩上,按照图示控制尺寸分别测量两块基础板的间距A ,基础板对机组水平中心线的偏差B 、C ,两块基础板的高程、水平等数据,允许偏差为:基础板水平度2mm/m ,基础板间距设计尺寸A ±5,基础板与机组水平轴线偏差B/C ±5, 高程设计尺寸H ±5基础板调整合格后浇筑混凝土支墩,水泵基础图如图一所示:排排排图一:水泵基础板安装示意图(二)下泵体预装下泵体上的中开面是水泵、电机安装测量的基础,在基础墩浇筑养生期结束后可进行下泵体的安装。
惠南庄泵站下泵体长5450mm ,高2747.5mm ,净重38吨。

1. ANDRITZ TECHNOLOGIES LTD.安德里茨集团奥地利安德里茨集团是一家全球化的领先供应商。
1 Hydraulic station液压系统2 Fitting管件3 Stainless pipe不锈钢管4 Manual valves & automatic valves手动阀和自动阀5 Coupling, pulley, belt联轴器、皮带轮、皮带6 Pump Parts铸钢水泵零件7 Pump Parts铸铁水泵零件8 Hydro Casting Parts水电铸件9 5Cr13 Ingot不锈钢锭10 Clips夹子11 Hydro Shaft水电轴类锻件12 Precise machined parts13 Rock Wool Panel岩棉板14 Rotor Stator Lamination定转子冲片15 Screen Plates筛板16 Set-up and Power Set-up and Power各规格变压器17 Power cable Control cable IEC standard各规格电缆18 PLC,CCTV,UHF通讯系统19 Fire alarm & fighting消防系统20 Diesel generator柴油发电机21 MV/LV Switchgear中低压开关柜22 Non-segregated phrase busbar Isolated phrase busbar离相非离相母线23 Generator circuit break发电机出口断路器24 GIS/SF6断路器25 Measuring and testing device and tools电站测量和测试工具26 DC & UPS System 直流UPS系统27 GFM lead-acid铅酸电池28 HV motor drive system高压电机驱动系统29 Roller chain 滚子链30 Plastic strip尼龙滑道31 Spray pipe喷淋管32 Shock absorber减震器33 Hammer锤片34 Screw螺杆35 Sleeve螺旋套36 Perforated plate筛板37 Screw conveyor螺旋输送机38 Fastening parts for pressure vessel压力容器紧固件39 Centrifugal casting tubes离心铸管40 穿透式刀闸阀41 Bush nozzle陶瓷套42 Impeller (Precision Casting)叶轮(精铸)43 Belt conveyor皮带输送设备44 Screw conveyor 螺旋输送机Shenzhen Autoway Technology Co.,Ltd2. 深圳沃特威科技有限公司中国1 工业型材2 气动原件3 光纤类4 开关类5 伺服电机6 直流微电机3. 兰州量子机电设备有限公司中国1 变频器2 断路器3 接触器4 熔断器5 高低压电气6 电线电缆7 自动化仪器仪表与系统8 执行元件9 轴承10 泵11 风机12 阀门及管件13 真空设备14 过滤及分离机械15 减速机16 联轴器4. 沧州利川机械设备有限公司中国1 激光切割机床一台二百万元内2 数控转塔冲床一台一百五十万元内3 数控折弯机一台三十万元内4 自动焊接设备二台5 机床冷却泵产品配套6 减速机电机产品配套7 机箱机柜各种配件产品配套5. Fiat (China) Global Sourcing Office菲亚特(中国)全球采购中心意大利菲亚特于1899年创立,是当今世界主要工业集团之一,在190个国家有常设机构,包括663家公司、203座工厂、118所研究中心,员工约19.8万名。

按20万吨供水规模设计,取水头部预制,由2根1米2的长88米的钢管引水库水入配水井,泵房内现装取水泵安德里茨ASP350-450B AD型3台,132千瓦6极电机,转速990转/分,流量为1260立方米/h,扬程为26米。


1.某电站集水井排水系统的组成图1 集水井排水系统某电站集水井共设有五台排水泵。
两台小泵功率为15kW,流量为100m³/h;三台大泵功率为75kW,流量为750 m³/h。
该系统选用安德里茨TM 1703 ACP系列PLC作为数据采集、通信和控制单元。

程北京段的标志性建筑物 , 也是南水北调中线一期工程的关键性工程。它承担的任务是实现 向北京提供安全可靠 、 持续稳定、 清洁卫生的供水 目 惠南庄泵站作为大型一等工程 , 标。 设计
流量每秒 6 立方米 , O 共需安装 8台卧式单级双吸离 泵 , 1 、 配备 8 5 ' 台套异步 电动机及 8台变频
及奥地利驻华大使史伟先生 、 B ( A B 中国)有 限公司董事长兼 总裁路 义普先 生 、 德里茨股份 安
( 团) 集 公司执行副总裁帕普斯特先生等出席了签字仪式。
惠南庄泵 站是南水北调 中线工程总干渠上惟 一 的一座大型加压泵站 , 是南水北调 中线工
日立集 团公司与无锡 市锡 泵公司共 同决定在无锡市建立上述新型合 资企业 。
合资公司的厂房已在无锡市新区破土动工, 预计于今年 6月完工并开始正式投入运转。
无锡市锡泵公 司拥有强有力 的水 利生产销售基础和城市给排水方 面的大型工业水 泵资源 ; 以 及采用 日立先进技术力量 生产的 、 供我 国国内火力发 电工程使 用的低扬程水泵装 置 。新工 厂 正式投入运转初期 , 以大型循环水泵为生产重心 。 将 此后 , 引进 日 生产 技术 的同时 , 在 立 逐渐
20 0 6年第 2期
赢 涧宙
穗 赛
I 司 薅
近 日, 南水北调中线干线惟一泵站——惠南庄泵站水泵机组的国际采购合同签订仪式在
京举行 。奥地 利安德里茨股份 ( 团) 司 、 B ( 集 公 A B 中国) 有限公 司分别 中标水泵及 电动 机与变
名 员 工 。A B公 司在 中 国开 展全 方位 的 业务 活动 , 括制 造 ,研 发 , 售 和 服务 等 。A B B 包 销 B

/pumps安德里茨水和污水的泵送方案安德里茨对水资源的管理为客户量身定做的泵送方案优势模块化系统 坚固 高效 全能型应用多种卧式和立式设计您在管理水厂或污水厂吗?或者您是一个大型公共设施项目,如灌溉、饮用水、工业供水或防洪项目的项目经理吗?在此,您能看到我们的产品在水和污水市场的应用概况。
洪水控制 防洪和排水在洪水水位上升的时期,以持续的降雨和河流决堤时为例,行动迅速是非常重要的。
中浓泵原理 安德里茨


自2021年投产运行以来,南洲水厂乐观探究实践,寻求有效的削减水泵能耗的方法,取得了肯定的成果,详细实践如下:1、选择效率高、高效范围宽的水泵2021 年,在西海取水泵站二期填平补齐项目中,通过对原有的RDL600-710A和RDL900-1150型水泵的性能及实际管道特性曲线进行多次测试和分析,确定水泵的选型参数,最终大胆选择了佛山市安德里茨水泵厂生产的SFWP40-900CD型水泵二台,通过现场实际性能测试分析显示,该泵的效率可达 88%~93%。
通过对送水泵站泵组运行状况进行单机性能测试后,发觉在泵站实际工况下,除1台24SA-10型水泵效率为70%外,6台 32SAP-10型和2台40SAP-11型水泵效率均达到80%以上,但均未达到原设计要求,初步分析认为影响泵站运行效率的缘由是:目前南洲水厂的供水总量约为85万吨/日,还未达到原100万吨/日的设计要求,水泵的扬程和流量均低于原设计要求,故此,水泵的运行工况往往偏离了高效运行区,从而使配水单位电耗上升。
依据以上分析,结合送水泵站实际状况,南洲水厂制定了合理的机组优化运行要求,以达到节能降耗的效果,详细如下:(1)24SA-10型水泵效率较低,仅作水量和压力调整用,不作主力机组使用;(2)40SAP-11型水泵的高效区较为宽敞,而且适合于偏低扬程大流量的工况,所以在目前的工况下,该类型机组可作送水泵站主力机组使用;(3)32SAP-10型水泵的高效区虽然比较狭窄,但是若在偏高扬程的工况条件下,使用效果与40SAP-11型水泵基本相同,该类型机组相宜在白天高峰供水时使用,而且位于泵房中间4台水泵出水条件较好,相宜多开;(4)送水泵站配有1600kW的同步电机4台,而每台同步电机伺服系统均配有励磁装置,经有关部门同意后,将电机的励磁电流由原来的230A 调整为180A。

一.使用条件1.电源要求:频率为50赫兹,额定电压10000伏和6000伏(允差 5%)的三相交流电。



SD 型
不锈钢 SS304(CF-8) 双相不锈钢 1.4460 铸铁 GG25 不锈钢 1.4021 SKF 或 FAG PN 16
DT 型
双相不锈钢 1.4460 双相不锈钢 1.4517M 加硬处理 铸铁 GG25 双相不锈钢 1.4462 SKF 或 FAG P机械密封(Burgmann),无需外接密封水 ; CSMSF3215 – 集装式单机械密封(AES),需要外接密封水; CDMS3216 – 集装式双机械密封(AES), 需要外接密封水; STB – 填料密封,需要外接密封水; DYNA – 动态密封,无需外接密封水。
双相不锈钢 1.4460 双相不锈钢 1.4460 铸铁 GG25 双相不锈钢 1.4462 SKF 或 FAG PN 10/PN16
ASMS2511 – 单机械密封(Johncrane),不需外接密封水; ASMSF2511 – 集装式单机械密封(Johncrane),需外接密封水; ACDMS2223 – 集装式双机械密封(Johncrane), 需要外接密封水; STB – 填料密封,需要外接密封水。
双相不锈钢 1.4460 不锈钢 1.4404 (SS316L) 不锈钢 1.4404 (SS316L) 碳钢 45# 碳钢 Q235A 不锈钢 1.4404 (SS316L) UBC
不锈钢 1.4539 (SMO) 不锈钢 1.4539 (SMO) 不锈钢 1.4539 (SMO) 碳钢 45# 碳钢 Q235A 不锈钢 1.4539 (SMO) UBC
VFD – 变频传动;
J – JM1J 型刚性联轴器;
泵体 搅拌器机架 轴承架 保护罩
ANDRITZ 蓝色(RAL5015) ANDRITZ 蓝色(RAL5015) ANDRITZ 蓝色(RAL5015) 黄色 (RAL1021)

在安德里茨中国新总部大楼,我们有幸见到了安德里茨中国区总裁托马斯·施密茨(Thomas Schmitz),严谨认真又不失风趣,是他给人的第一印象。
⊙本刊记者 宋雯琪 杨晨鸣22第40卷第01期 2019年1月作为奥地利在华投资的龙头企业,安德里茨在中国已经走过了二十个春秋,正迈入蓬勃发展的青年时代。

安德里茨集团我们的目标:成为造纸,钢铁,分离技术等行业高科技产品系统的全球市场先锋Foil No. 1安德里茨里程碑20052003/200420022000/200119991990-199819871852收购连恩舍(LENSER)滤板公司收购IDEASSimulationInc.,AcutestOy,Fiedler, BirdMachine,耐驰压滤机(NETZSCH),Fluidized Bed Drying Systems of VA Tech WABAG, Otto Kaiser GmbH收购 SELAS SAS 和 ABB Drying初步公开销售安德里茨证券收购Ahlstrom 机械集团收购 UMTCarlyle / Custos 私人基金 / UIAG 获得安德里茨通过下列国内外公司收购,公司得到稳定发展:Sprout-Bauer, Kone Wood, Jesma-Matador and SundwigAGIV 收购安德里茨大部分股份由Josef K?r?si建立一家铸造厂和机械厂Foil No. 2全球性业务安德里茨集团总部位于奥地利的格拉茨市,是一个业务遍及全球的技术型集团公司。
Foil No. 3五大战略业务领域集团业务主要集中在以下五个领域:纸浆、造纸业轧机及带钢表面处环境和工艺料技术水力机器理处理部造纸行业的先锋不锈钢轧钢行固液分离行业动物饲料的先业的先锋的先锋锋安德里茨集团2007年总销售额= 亿欧元FoilNo. 4压滤机超过150年的板框压滤机综合制造经验拥有NETZSCH和R&B两大品牌后,安德里茨可以给用户提供最广泛的工艺处理经验和专业的压滤机选择FoilNo. 5过滤原理Pmax过滤压力ambmax: 最大过滤压力 amb: 外界环境压力力泥浆滤液滤饼滤布Foil No. 6压滤机用于固液分离,可以取得极好的过滤效果,并获取很高含固率的滤饼根据滤饼过滤原理可以获得最大的过滤效果随着滤饼的不断增厚,滤布和滤饼对水流形成逐渐增加的阻力(压力损失)可以进行滤饼洗涤压滤结束,固体留在滤室内,被挤压形成坚硬的滤饼压滤机的自动化程度由用户决定Foil No. 7将不同工艺阶段组合在一个操作单元中,独立控制以实现最佳功能。

景电工程泵站水泵振动故障原因及处理措施王芳【期刊名称】《《农业科技与信息》》【年(卷),期】2019(000)022【总页数】2页(P104-105)【关键词】景电工程; 离心水泵; 振动; 材质【作者】王芳【作者单位】甘肃省景泰川电力提灌管理局甘肃景泰730400【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TV675景电电力提灌工程是跨省区、高扬程、多梯级、大流量的大Ⅱ型提灌工程[1]。
工程设计流量28.6m3/s,加大流量33m3/s,有泵站43座,装机容量25.97万kW;建成干、支、斗渠1 391条2 422 km,设计灌溉面积6.511万hm2,总投资8.56亿元,总体规划、分期建设[2]。
1 景泰川电力提灌工程水泵振动故障原因分析1.1 离心泵振动的主要原因在水泵的设计、生产、安装及实际运行过程中,引起离心泵振动的原因很多,根据其特点和生产工艺,主要有以下四个方面。
1.1.1 设计本身存在缺陷大功率的离心泵在设计上的缺陷会导致振动,如泵体的刚性不够,不能承受高速旋转造成的负荷。
1.1.2 生产制造质量粗糙生产提供方生产的水泵质量不高会导致泵体在运行过程中加速老化,泵体内部的连接部分精细度不高导致泵体同轴度出现细微偏差,叶轮轴体质量差等都会引起水泵振动。

History of ANDRITZ (China) Ltd. (ATC) 公司历史
2002: 2002:
“ANDRITZ TECHNOLOGY Ltd. ” (ATC) is found,the 1st president: Mr. Gottfried
Schmoelzer. “佛山安德里茨技术有限公司”(ATC)成立,做落于佛山禅城区天宝路。第一任总裁司马 策先生。
OHSAS18001 获取OHSAS18001 职业健康安全管理体系。
ANDRITZ TECHNOLOGIES Ltd. complete acquired for ANDRITZ – KENFLO Pump Co., Ltd. which is called ANDRITZ Pump dept. at present. 佛山安德里茨技术有限公司与佛山肯富来安德里兹泵有限公司完成合并手续,成为当前安德 里茨泵事业部。
New workshop in phase 3 had been built in Foshan factory. 佛山工厂第3期车间完工。(中)
ANDRITZ (China) Ltd. established in China already 10 years. 安德里茨(中国)有限公司在华成立10周年。
History of ANDRITZ (China) Ltd. (ATC) 公司历史
2014: 2014:
Mr. Thomas Schmitz took over the stamp of ANDRITZ (China) Ltd. as the new president.
托马斯先生成为安德里茨(中国)有限公司新任总裁。下图是他从前任总裁司马策先生手里 接过公司印章。
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Product rangePumps MotorsP U M P S |M O T O R S |S Y S T E M S |S E R V I C EFor over 125 years, the name RITZ has stood for the highest relia-bility and quality Made in Germany. With our extensive product line, we support our customers worldwide in successfully mastering demanding pumping tasks in the fields of water supply, mining, industry and sewage.For planners and users.The RITZ product range.This brochure will give you an overview of our product rangeand will help you to quickly find the right RITZ product for yourspecifi c applications.We have prepared detailed technical information on the indi-vidual product groups, and would be happy to provide them toyou on request.For water supply.More water – less costs.In all sectors of water management, RITZ pumps play a majorrole in the abstraction and distribution of this valuable resource.What is more, the high effi ciency of our products makes itpossible to reduce operating costs. This means that investmentin a RITZ pump amounts to less than 1 % of the energy costsover ten years.For mining.Highest reliability under severestconditions.One of the most important requirements for trouble-free extrac-tion operations is pumping the accumulated mine water outof the working area. Mine operators all over the world rely onsingle-suction and double-suction submersible motor pumpsand high-pressure pumps from RITZ to carry out this import-ant task.For industry.Flexibility and highest econo o mics.RITZ industrial pumps can be used in almost any ap p plication in-volving the pumping of coolants, auxiliary substance e s or operat-ing media in secondary circuits, or where demand ndary circuits, or where demanding washing and cleaning proces s ses are necessary in raw materials handling. RITZ pumps can o o perate in extreme temperatures and under high pressure, in a ggressive and corrosive media and media containing solids, transporting coolants, lubricants, a ransporting coolants, lubricants, acids, bases and oils.For sewage.– maxim m um Long service life – economics.Almost anywhere that sewage has to be moved, wherever relia-Almost anywhere that sewage has to b bility and cost-effectiveness are the main crite e ria in intelligent bility and cost-effectiveness are the m decisions, solutions from RITZ are the right choice.decisions, solutions from RITZ are theContents.10–11|8 – 9| Pumps for industry|Pumps for industry10 –Pumps for mining 9or water supplyPumps fo 6 – 7 | PumS. End suction pumps 14 | ASC. Axial split case pumps 15 | or sewagePumps fo12 – 13 | ES.| SU. Submersible mo16| HDM. Double-suction HP. High-15 | SU. Submersible motor pumpspressure pumps| SM. Submersible m20 | SD. Sewage dry pumps 22 | submersib18 e motorsble motor pumps| HDM. Heavy SW. Sewa23 | MS-T. Modular Shaft Technology 17y Duty Mining age wet pumps| MC g Technology 21 | MP-T. Motor Power Technology 21| Types of in-19-T. Motor CoolingAdditional product in29 stallation24 – 25| Impellers26 – 27 |WinPump®28|nformationPumps for water supply.RITZ pumpsfor water abstraction.Q Various heads Q Various water qualities Q High water temperatures Q Numerous designs Q Maintenance-free solutions Q Flexible adaptation to changing pumping conditions withMS-T – Modular Shaft Technology (more on page 17)RITZ pumpsfor water distribution.Q Hydraulically optimised solutions (reduced energy costs)Q The right design for every requirement Q For extremely low to extremely high pressures Q Adaptable solutions in the fi eld of pressure boostingQ Complete solutions Q Low-wearQ Extremely long service lifeESASCHPSU*W a t e r s u p p l yThe RITZ product range for water supply – an overview.Axial split case pumps 07up to 3,500 m /h 3up to 150 m up to 25 bar up to +110°C up to 1800 rpm grey cast iron,ductile iron, duplex stainless steelEnd suction pumps01 | 03 | 04up to 4,000 m /h 3up to 100 m up to 16 bar up to +140°C up to 3600 rpm grey cast iron, bronze,ductile iron, stainless steelHigh-pressure pumps45 | 46 | 49 | 55up to 800 m /h 3up to 400 m up to 40 bar up to +140°C up to 3600 rpm grey cast iron, bronze,aluminium bronze,stainless steelTypeDesignQ H p t n Mate-rialsSubmersible motor pumps 56 | 62 | 63 |64 | 66up to 500 m /h 3up to 700 m up to 100 bar up to +75°C up to 3600 rpm grey cast iron, bronze,aluminium bronze,stainless steelAn ideal drive for the SUs are the SM submersible motors. More information on these is available on page 20.Pumps for water supply 6 – 7| Pumps for mining 8 – 9 | Pumps for industry 10 – 11 | Pumps for sewage 12 – 13 | ES. End suction pumps 14 | ASC. Axial split case pumps 15 |HP . High-pressure pumps 15 | SU. Submersible motor pumps 16 | HDM. Double-suction submersible motor pumps 18| SM. Submersible motors 20 | SD. Sewage dry pumps 22 | SW. Sewage wet pumps 23 | MS-T. Modular Shaft Technology 17 | HDM. Heavy Duty Mining 19 | MC-T. Motor Cooling Technology 21 | MP-T. Motor Power Technology 21 | Types of in-stallation 24 – 25 | Impellers 26 – 27 |WinPump ®28|Additional product information 298 | 9Pumps for mining.RITZ pumps for water drainage in surface and underground mining.Q High heads Q Large capacitiesQ High operational reliability Q Maintenance-free solutions Q High-quality material designs Q Long service life Q High effi ciencyQ Flexible adaptation to changing pumping conditions with MS-T – Modular Shaft Technology (more on page 17)Q Solutions for the most extreme operating conditions with HDM – Heavy Duty Mining (more on page 19)The RITZ product range for mining – an overview.M i n i n gHDMDouble-suction submer-sible motor pumps 61 | 67 | 68up to 2,000 m /h 3up to 1,500 m up to 150 bar up to +75 °C up to 3600 rpmductile iron, aluminium bronze,duplex stainless steelHigh-pressure pumps 45 | 46 | 49 | 55up to 800 m /h 3up to 400 m up to 40 bar up to +140°C up to 3600 rpmgrey cast iron, bronze,aluminium bronze, stainless steelSingle-suction submer-sible motor pumps 56 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 66up to 500 m /h 3up to 700 m up to 100 bar up to +75°C up to 3600 rpmgrey cast iron, bronze,aluminium bronze, stainless steelSUHP* An ideal drive for the SUs and HDMs are the SM submersible motors. More information on these is available on page 20.TypeDesign Q H p t n Mate-rialsPumps for water supply 6 – 7 | Pumps for mining 8 – 9 | Pumps for industry 10 – 11 | Pumps for sewage 12 – 13 | ES. End suction pumps 14 | ASC. Axial split case pumps 15 |HP . High-pressure pumps 15 | SU. Submersible motor pumps 16 | HDM. Double-suction submersible motor pumps 18| SM. Submersible motors 20 | SD. Sewage dry pumps 22 | SW. Sewage wet pumps 23 | MS-T. Modular Shaft Technology 17 | HDM. Heavy Duty Mining 19 | MC-T. Motor Cooling Technology 21 | MP-T. Motor Power Technology 21 | Types of in-stallation 24 – 25 | Impellers 26 – 27 |WinPump ®28|Additional product information 29Pumpsfor industry.RITZ pumps for practically any industrial application, e. g. cooling circuits, service water circuits, process water circuits, coolant and lubricant transport, industrial washing and cleaning processes, fi re-fi ghting water systems, off-shore facilities, etc.Q Requirements-oriented capacities and headsQ Numerous typesQ High temperatures of the medium being pumpedQ Various qualities of the medium being pumpedQ High-quality material executionsESHPSUSDSWThe RITZ product range for industry – an overview.I n d u s t r yEnd suction pumps 01 | 03 | 04up to 4,000 m /h 3up to 100 m up to 16 bar up to +140°C up to 3600 rpm grey cast iron,bronze, ductile iron, stainless steelHigh-pressure pumps 45 | 46 | 49 |55up to 800 m /h 3up to 400 m up to 40 bar up to +140°C up to 3600 rpm grey cast iron,bronze, alumin-ium bronze,stainless steelSubmersible motor pumps 56 | 62 | 63 |64 | 66up to 500 m /h 3up to 700 m up to 100 bar up to +75°C up to 3600 rpm grey cast iron, bronze, alumin-ium bronze, stainless steelSewage dry pumps 15 | 35 | 38 | 39up to 10,000 m /h 3up to 100 m up to 15 bar up to +140°C up to 3600 rpm grey cast iron, stainless steelSewage wet pumps 22 | 26 | 59up to 2,600 m /h 3up to 80 m up to 10 bar up to +40°C up to 3600 rpm grey cast iron, stainless steelAn ideal drive for the SUs are the SM submersible motors. More information on these is available on page 20.TypeDesignQ H p t n Mate-rials*Pumps for water supply 6 – 7 | Pumps for mining 8 – 9 | Pumps for industry 10 – 11|Pumps for sewage 12 – 13 | ES. End suction pumps 14 | ASC. Axial split case pumps 15 |HP . High-pressure pumps 15 | SU. Submersible motor pumps 16 | HDM. Double-suction submersible motor pumps 18| SM. Submersible motors 20 | SD. Sewage dry pumps 22 | SW. Sewage wet pumps 23 | MS-T. Modular Shaft Technology 17 | HDM. Heavy Duty Mining 19 | MC-T. Motor Cooling Technology 21 | MP-T. Motor Power Technology 21 | Types of in-stallation 24 – 25 | Impellers 26 – 27 |WinPump ®28|Additional product information 29Pumpsfor sewage.RITZ pumpsfor sewage pumping plants and stations.Q Cost-effective solutions for any structure Q Maintenance-friendly solutions forinstallation in dry and wet locations Q Non-clogging pumps with large free passages Q Numerous designs Q Long service lifeQ Design according to ATEX Q Special materials availableRITZ pumpsfor sand trapping, sewage trans-port in sewage treatment plants and sludge pumping up to 10 % DS.Q Wear-resistant designs Q Rugged constructionQ Small to large capacities and heads Q Long service lifeSDSWThe RITZ product range for sewage – an overview.S e w a g eSewage wet pumps 22 | 26 | 59up to 2,600 m /h 3up to 80 m up to 10 bar up to +40°C up to 3600 rpmgrey cast iron, stainless steelSewage dry pumps 15 | 35 | 38 | 39up to 10,000 m /h 3up to 100 m up to 15 bar up to +140°C up to 3600 rpmgrey cast iron, stainless steelType Design Q H p t n Mate-rialsPumps for water supply 6 – 7 | Pumps for mining 8 – 9 | Pumps for industry 10 – 11 | Pumps for sewage 12 – 13 | ES. End suction pumps 14 | ASC. Axial split case pumps 15 |HP . High-pressure pumps 15 | SU. Submersible motor pumps 16 | HDM. Double-suction submersible motor pumps 18| SM. Submersible motors 20 | SD. Sewage dry pumps 22 | SW. Sewage wet pumps 23 | MS-T. Modular Shaft Technology 17 | HDM. Heavy Duty Mining 19 | MC-T. Motor Cooling Technology 21 | MP-T. Motor Power Technology 21 | Types of in-stallation 24 – 25 | Impellers 26 – 27 |WinPump ®28|Additional product information 2914 | 15[l/s]1251020501002003102050100200500800[]1005010205432[m]20030010071020305040[ft]5010020050010002000[Imp.gpm][US.gpm]2501000050010003000[l/s]12520105010015201050100200600[]1005010205432[m]2003001007102050[ft]5150100020050010002000[p gp ]51050[US.gpm]10020050010002000ES. End suction pumps.DN 32 up to 150Q up to 600 m³/h H up to 100 m p up to 16 bart -20°C to +140°C n up to 3600 rpmType:Single-stage volute casing pumpswith principal dimensions and performance chart according to DIN EN 733.Areas of use:Water supply and industry. Media:Pure, slightly polluted and ag-gressive liquids with a viscosity of up to 150 mm /s without abrasive and solid 2components.Special feature: Maintenance-friendly.Removal of rotor unit with pump casing in situ.Materials: grey cast iron, bronze,ductile iron, stainless steelShaft seal:gland packing, mechanical seal Impeller design:radial impeller, vortex impeller and double-channel impeller available in some casesTypes of installation: A, E, B, S, V , VD, VDKE DDN 25 up to 150 Q up to 550 m³/h H up to 95 m p up to 16 bart -20°C to +140°C n up to 3600 rpmType: Single-stage volute casing pumps in space-saving close-coupled design.Areas of use: Water supply and industry. Media: Pure, slightly polluted and ag-gressive liquids with a viscosity of up to 150 mm /s without abrasive and solid 2components.Special feature: Maintenance-friendly.Removal of rotor unit with pump casing in situ.Materials:grey cast iron, bronze, ductile iron, stainless steel Shaft seal: mechanical sealImpeller design:radial impeller, vortex impeller and double-channel impeller available in some casesTypes of installation: BS, B, SESDesign: 04 | RITZBloc50020010050201050100[ft]2005001000[m][m³/h]53010020050010004000[US.gpm]2010020050010003000[Imp.gpm]2[l/s]510205010020010501002005001000[l/s]10060200530015000002005001000200050003000[]20010050302010[m]300500200701004050[ft]10003000500010000[Imp.gpm]10003000[US.gpm]50001000020000ASCDesign: 07 | ASCDN 32 up to 250 Q up to 800 m³/h H up to 400 m p up to 40 bar t -20°C to +140°C n up to 3600 rpmType: Multi-stage high-pressure pumps.Areas of use: Water supply, mining and industry.Media: Clean and slightly polluted liquids with a viscosity of up to 150 mm /s without 2abrasive and solid components.Materials* : grey cast iron, bronze,aluminium bronze, stainless steelShaft seal: gland packing, mechanical seal Impeller design:radial impellerTypes of installation*: A, AX, E, EX, S, V * depends on designHPDesign: 45 |46 |49DN 150 up to 350 Q up to 4,200 m³/h H up to 150 m p up to 25 bar t up to +110°C n up to 1800 rpmType:Single-stage, axial split volute casing pumps.Areas of use:Water supply.Media:Pure, slightly polluted or ag-gressive liquids with a viscosity of up to 150 mm /s without abrasive and solid 2components.Special feature: Casing in in-line design. With horizontal installation, the motor can be placed on the left or right as desired.Materials: grey cast iron, ductile iron,duplex stainless steelShaft seal: gland packing, mechanical seal Impeller design:double-fl ow radialimpeller with optimised suction character-istics and extraordinary NPSH values Types of installation: A, E, SASC. Axial split case pumps.HP . High-pressure pumps.16 | 17200[l/s]205010050100200300500[m³/h]80050020030010050[m]200500100020001000500200300[ft] [US.gpm][p gp]500100020005[l/s]1251040125102050100[m³/h]500200100502010[m]51050100200500100050020010050[ft]10[US.gpm][Imp.gpm]50100200500SU. Submersible motor pumps.Well Ø 4" and upQ up to 150 m³/hH up to 500 mp up to 50 bart up to +40°Cn up to 3600 rpmType:Multi-stage, single-suction sub-mersible motor pumps with integratedcheck valve.Areas of use:Water supply, miningand industry.Media:Pure, slightly polluted andaggressive clean, service andcooling water.Materials: stainless steelShaft seal: for 4": shaft sealing ring,6" and up: mechanical sealImpeller design:radial impeller,semi-axial impellerTypes of installation: U (vertical,horizontal)SUDesign: DesigWell Ø 10" and upQ up to 500 m³/hH up to 700 mp up to 100 bart up to +75 °Cn up to 3600 rpmType: Multi-stage, single-suction sub-mersible motor pumps.Areas of use: Water supply, miningand industry.Media: Pure, slightly polluted andabrasive raw water, pure water, mineralwater, seawater, service water, minewater and cooling water.Materials:grey cast iron, aluminiumbronzeShaft seal: mechanical seal, shaftsealing ringImpeller design:semi-axial impellerTypes of installation: U (vertical,horizontal)SUDesign: 63 | 64 | 66Modular Shaft TechnologyThe challenge.More and more, the cost-effectiveness of an application is becoming the decisive criteria for any investment. This raises the question as to whether the concept of the continuous shaft is still up to date. For example, assembly and disassembly of a pump with a continuous shaft requires a large number of individual steps – time-consuming work by an expert! Logistics and warehousing for numerous different component parts is also associated with high costs. Adaptation to changing heads is generally only possible by replacing the pump – a cost-intensive procedure. The problem is obvious. But so is the solution!The solution.MS-T – Modular Shaft Technology is not only a technological evolution, but also a revolution when it comes to costs.MS-T is designed according to the modular principle – with all of its technical and economic advantages.Q Flexible adaptation to changing pumping conditions – quick and easy byincreasing or reducing the number of stages.Q Simple, time-saving and targeted installation and removal of individual stages,horizontal or vertical as desired.Q A small number of highly-standardised components guarantees high availabilityand short delivery times, as well as low warehousing costs on the part of the user.That is why pumps with MS-T are the perfect solution wherever extremely high demands are placed with regard to operational reliability, freedom from mainten-ance, service life, effi ciency and fl exible heads. In all sectors of water supply, mining and industry.MS-T. Designed to save costs.Complete information is available in our brochure “MS-T – Modular Shaft Technology”, which we would be happy to send you on request.Telephone +49 (0) 71 71/60 90 or under www.ritz.de18 | 1910007005003002001005001000200030004000100305005001000100020005000800020005000700050100[I/s]200500[m³/h][ft]20050010002000[m][US.gpm][Imp.gpm]Well Ø 20" and up Q up to 2,000 m³/h H up to 1,500 m p up to 150 bar t up to +75°C n up to 3600 rpmType:Multi-stage, double-suction submersible motor pumps.Areas of use:Mining, water supply and industry.Media:Pure, slightly polluted and abras-ive raw water, pure water, mineral water, seawater, service water, mine water and cooling water.Special feature: Axial thrust free,double-suction design for particularly long service life and high operational reliability.Materials:grey cast iron, bronze,aluminium bronze, duplex stainless steel Shaft seal:mechanical seal, shaft sealing ringImpeller design: radial impeller Types of installation: U (vertical,horizontal)HDMDesign 61 | 67 | 68HDM. Double-suctionsubmersible motor pumps.Maximum operational reliability. Constant performance – error-free operation: An HDM invented by RITZ guarantees maximum operational reliability with no compromises.High cost-effectiveness. Extremely high effi ciency in operation – up to more than 85 percent for the pump, up to more than 90 percent for the motor – as well as extraordinarily long service life ensure minimum life-cycle costs, which are more decisive than the procurement costs in the long term.The challenge.The use of submersible motor pumps for large volumes or at very large depths is associated with extreme loads on the unit. The higher the pump capacity, the stronger the axial thrust exerted on the pump, the motor and its thrust bearing. The outcome: Overloading and increased risk of failure.The solution.HDM – Heavy Duty Mining. Two pumps are arranged on top of each other rotating in opposite directions and driven by a continuous pump shaft.The division of work between the two pumps provides complete compen-sation of axial thrust, thus solving the problems of forces acting on the unit and of the load on the thrust bearing. At the same time, the fl ow and suction velocity outside the pump is reduced by 50 %. This is more gentle on the well walls around the intake openings and minimises the intake of abrasive substances.The result.Besides the technical advantages – complete compensation of axial thrust, 50 % lower fl ow velocity and smaller-diameter impellers – HDM also provides economic benefi ts: maximum operational reliability, minimum wear and extremely long service life, which can quite often exceed 20 years. Paired with the ideal drive – the RITZ high-performance submersible motor – an unbeatable team!Custom-tailored solutions.Each RITZ submersible motor pump with HDM technology is a custom-made item. It is individually confi gured to suit your requirements.Complete information is available in our brochure “HDM – Heavy Duty Mining”, which we would be happy to send you on request. Telephone +49 (0) 71 71 / 60 90 or under www.ritz.deHDM. Designed for a longer life.20 | 218910121416Zoll5001000200300100502010[kW]50010002003001005020[hp]16192226283034Zoll5000200030001000500200300100[kW]5000200030001000500200300[hp] Well Ø 8" and upP up to 700 kWV up to 1,000 voltst up to +75 °Cn up to 3600 rpmType:Water-fi lled and cooled three-phaseasynchronous motor with squirrel-cagerotors.Areas of use:Water supply, miningand industry.Special feature: With rewindablewinding.Materials: grey cast iron, bronze,stainless steelShaft seal: mechanical seal,shaft sealing ringTypes of installation: vertical,in some cases horizontalSMLow-voltage motorWell Ø 16" and upP up to 5,000 kWV up to 14,000 voltst up to +75 °Cn up to 3600 rpmType: Water-fi lled and cooled three-phaseasynchronous motor with squirrel-cagerotors.Areas of use: Water supply, miningand industry.Special feature: With rewindablewinding.Materials: grey cast iron, bronze,stainless steelShaft seal: mechanical seal,shaft sealing ringTypes of installation:vertical,in some cases horizontalSMHigh-voltage motorSM. Submersible motors.The challenge.The effi cient and cost-effective cooling of submersible motors has long been a hot topic among operators of wells and mines. “Derating” was, and still is, a makeshift solution. But besides the higher investment and energy costs, these oversized, derated motors generally require a larger well diameter. Oil cooling is also questionable in many ways – any defects pose the risk of devastating ecological consequences.The solution. MC-T – Modular Cooling Technology, an intelligent, compact cooling system that lays all of these questions to rest. Here a pump impeller creates motion in the cooling circuit, ensuring fl ow in the proper direction. Cooling channels developed in-house by us guarantee heat absorption from all of the thermal sources, ensure evacuation, and provide optimal heat transmission via the outer wall of the motor to the medium being pumped. The cooling performance can be dimensioned precisely through the use of additional heat-exchanger modules.Technical details and economic advantages.Designed for highest temperatures.Designed for slim deep wells.Q Media temperatures up to 75 °C Q High effi ciency over theentire performance rangeQ Use of drinking water as thecooling fl uidQ Low investment costsQ Reduced energy costs Q Maximum operational reliability Q Long service lifeMC-T – Modular Cooling Technology.The challenge.The deeper the well, the greater the required motor power, and the greater the well diameter. This formula represents a headache for all cost-conscious well operators – all of them, in other words!The solution.MP-T – Modular Power Technology, a new motor technology that achieves about 100 % more power for a given well diameter. This means that slimmer, more cost-effective wells can be implemented. The modular principle allows multiple staging of the motor power, which can be dimensioned to suit the user’s individual requirements.In short:RITZ has redefi ned the performance limits of submersible motors. Count on us!We would be happy to send you complete information on request. Telephone +49 (0) 71 71 / 60 90 or under www.ritz.deMP-T – Modular Power Technology.[l/s]40080012001000200030005000[m³/h]2051021[m]5020104[ft]50001000015000[Imp.gpm]5000[US.gpm]100001500020000[]31[l/s]205010020060010205010020050010002000[m³/h]10050201052[m]1002003005020107[ft]100200100020009000[Imp.gpm][US.gpm]210000100020001000022 | 23DN 65 up to 250Q up to 1,400 m³/h H up to 100 m p up to 10 bart -20 °C to +140 °C n up to 3600 rpmType:Single-stage channelimpeller pumps.Areas of use:Sewage and industry.Media:Low/high viscosity and abrasive media and sludges with or without gas content.Special feature: Maintenance-friendly. Removal of rotor unit with pump casing in situ.Material:grey cast ironShaft seal: mechanical seal Impeller design: single-channel impeller, double-channel impeller,vortex impellerTypes of installation: A, E, HZ,SL, SGSDDesign: 35 | ASDN 80 up to 250 Q up to 1,400 m³/h H up to 90 m p up to 15 bart -20 °C to +140 °C S DDN 200 up to 500Design: 39DN 600 Q up to 4,000 m³/h H up to 15 m p up to 2.5 bar t -20 °C to +70 °C n up to 1000 rpmType: Single-stage mixed fl ow pumps.Areas of use: Sewage and industry.Media: Pure, slightly polluted or heavily polluted liquids with occasional solid debris.Special feature: Maintenance-friendly. Removal of rotor unit with pump casing in situ.Material: grey cast iron Shaft seal: gland packing,mechanical sealImpeller design: mixed flow impellerTypes of installation: A, E, HZ, H with stub shaft, S, VSDDesign: 15SD. Sewage dry pumps.[l/s]1251020501008001510205010020010003000[]10050102052[m]2003001007102050[ft]50104100200[Imp.gpm]15051000[US.gpm]200[/s]0,32[l/s]15102015102050100[]3051021[m]905041020[ft]102050100200[Imp.gpm]1020[US.gpm]50100200400[]1005[l/s]200001000200030010002000500010000[]60102053[m]20005000100002000030000100501020[ft][Imp.gpm]2000[US.gpm]5000100002000040000SW. Sewage wet pumps.DN 65 up to 400 Q up to 2,600 m³/h H up to 80 m p up to 10 bar t up to +40 °C n up to 3600 rpmType: Single-stage submersible pumps in close-coupled design.Areas of use: Sewage and industry.Media:Sewage and waste water as well as sludges with a solids content of up to 10 %.Special feature: Pumps are also available in an explosion-proof design.Material: grey cast iron, stainless steel Shaft seal: mechanical sealImpeller design: single-channel impeller,double-channel impeller, vortex impeller Types of installation:N, M, TV , THSWDesign: 22, 26 | AT, ATLR 1 1/2" – 4" Q up to 100 m³/h H up to 22 m p up to 10 bar t up to +40 °C n up to 3600 rpmType:Single-stage submersible drainage pumps in close-coupled design.Areas of use: Sewage and industry.Media: Pure to slightly polluted liquids without coarse debris.Special feature: Available with fl oat switch.Material: stainless steel, grey cast iron Shaft seal: mechanical seal Impeller design: vortex impeller Types of installation: MSWDesign: 59 | ETS, ETLDN 350 up to 700Q up to 10,000 m³/h H up to 50 m p up to 10 bar t -20 °C to +60 °C n up to 1000 rpmType:Single-stage channel impellerpumps.Areas of use:Sewage and industry.Media: Low/high viscosity and abrasive media and sludges with or without gas content.Special feature:Maintenance-friendly. Removal of rotor unit with pump casing in situ.Material:ductile ironShaft seal:mechanical seal Impeller design: multi-channel “T”-type impellerTypes of installation: BS SDDesign: 35 | AS supplement sign:35|AS supplement。