



单词前缀后缀词根总表前缀1. a-:表示“无、非”。

2. ab-:表示“背离、拒绝”。

3. ad-:表示“向、朝、加强、往”。

4. af-:表示“反、违、离”。

5. ag-:表示“做、干、触及”。

6. an-:表示“不、失去”。

7. ante-:表示“在…之前”。

8. anti-:表示“对、反、抗、防”。

9. apo-:表示“离、脱离、分离”。

10. arch-:表示“首、主要、开头、古代”。

11. auto-:表示“自己”。

12. bi-:表示“两、双”。

13. bio-:表示“生命、生物、生态”。

14. circum-:表示“环绕”。

15. com-:表示“共同、一起”。

16. con-:表示“共同、一起、和、连接、一致”。

17. contra-:表示“反对、相反”。

18. counter-:表示“反、反对、相反、对抗”。

19. de-:表示“从…中、去”。

20. deca-:表示“十、十倍”。

21. demo-:表示“人民、民主”。

22. dia-:表示“穿过、横过、分开”。

23. dis-:表示“不、否定、分开、解散”。

24. dys-:表示“困难、不良、不正常、疾病”。

25. e-:表示“外、向外、遮盖”。

26. eco-:表示“环境、生态”。

27. electro-:表示“电、电气”。

28. endo-:表示“内、内部、从内部”。

29. ento-:表示“内部、内、里”。

30. epi-:表示“上、在…之上、附着于…”。

31. eu-:表示“美好、好、正常、真实、合适”。

32. ex-:表示“出、向外、向…之外,除去”。

33. extra-:表示“额外的、在…之外的”。

34. fore-:表示“先、前、预先、早”。

35. geo-:表示“地球、大地、地理、地球学”。

36. hepta-:表示“七、七个”。

37. hexa-:表示“六、六个”。

38. homo-:表示“同样的、相同的、一致的”。







例如:review(复习)reunion(团圆,重聚)restart(重新开始)reconstruction (重建)3.表示"相反"、"反对"的意思。

例如:rebel(反叛,谋反)reverse(反转,颠倒)resist(反抗,抵抗)Ⅱ.前缀de-与dis-前缀de-来自拉丁语,意为"away from",所以这个前缀的意义之一就是"离开"、"出"。

它构成的词有一定规律性,常表"离开"这一深层概念,而且常与介词from等搭配,例如:dethrone(废黜)deport(驱逐出境)deduce(推断)derail (脱轨)Delete his name from the list of members.把他的名字从成员名单上除去。

The train will depart from platform 2.这列火车将从2号站台发车。


例如:decamp(撤营)decode(解码)deforest (砍伐森林)decolonize(非殖民化)devaluation(贬值)He has been degraded from public office.他已经被解除公职。



英语单词记忆的词根词缀总结-常见的后缀1.名词后缀(1)具有某种职业或动作的人1)-an, -ain,表示"……地方的人,精通……的人”American, historian, 2)-al,表示"具有……职务的人" principal, 3)-ant,-ent,表示"……者” merchant, agent, servant, student, 4)-ar,表示"……的人” scholar, liar, peddler 5)-ard, -art,表示"做……的人”coward, laggard, braggart(夸张者) 6)-arian,表示"……派别的人,……主义的人”humanitarian, vegetarian 7)-ary,表示"从事……的人" secretary, missionary 8)-ant,表示"具有……职责的人" candidate, graduate 9)-ator,表示"做……的人" educator, speculator(投机者) 10)-crat,表示"某种政体,主义的支持者" democrat, bureaucrat 11)-ee,表示"动作承受者" employee, examinee 12)-eer,表示"从事于……人" engineer, volunteer 13)-er,表示"从事某种职业的人,某地区,地方的人" banker, observer, Londoner, villager 14)-ese,表示" ……国人,…..地方的人”Japanese, Cantonese 15)-ess,表示"阴性人称名词,actress, hostess, manageress 16)-eur,表示"……家” amateur, littérateur 17)-ian,表示"……地方人,信仰…….教的人,从事……职业的人”Christian, physician(内科医生),musician 18)-ician,表示"精通者,……家,”electrician, magician, technician 19)-icist,表示"……家,…….者, …….能手”physicist, phoneticist, technic ist 20)-ic,表示"……者,……师" mechanic, critic 21)-ie,表示"爱,指小" dearie, auntie, lassie(小姑娘) 22)-ier,表示"从事……职业” cavalier, clothier, brazier(黄铜匠) 23)-ine, ian,表示"阴性人称" heroine, ballerina 24)-ist,表示"从事……研究者,信仰……主义者" pianist, communist, dentist, artist, chemist 25)-ive,表示"动作者,行为者” native, captive 26)-logist,表示"……学家,研究者" biologist, geologist(地质学家) 27)-or,表示"……者" author, doctor, operator, 28)-ster,表示"做…….事情的人”youngster, gamester(赌徒),songster 29)-yer,表示"从事……职业者” lawyer(2).构成,具有抽象名词的含义1)-acy,表示"性质,状态,境遇" accuracy, diplomacy 2)-age,表示"状态,行为,身份及其结果,总称" courage, storage, marriage 3)-al, a)表示"事物的动作,过程”refusal, arrival, survival, denial, approval b)表示具体的事物manual, signal, editorial, journal 4)-ance, -ence表示"性质,状况,行为,过程,总量,程度” endurance, importance, diligence, difference, obedience 5)-ancy, -ency,表示"性质,状态,行为,过程" frequency, urgency, efficiency, 6)-bility,表示"动作,性质,状态" possibility, feasibility, 7)-craft,表示"工艺,技巧” woodcraft, handicraft, statecraft(治国策) 8)-cracy,表示"统治,支配" bureaucracy, democracy 9)-cy,表示"性质,状态,职位,级别" bankruptcy(破产),supremacy 10)-dom,表示"等级,领域,状态" freedom, kingdom, wisdom 11)-ery, -ry,表示"行为,状态,习性" bravery, bribery, rivalry 12)-ety,表示"性质,状态” variety, dubiety(怀疑) 13)-faction, -facture,表示"作成,……化,作用" satisfaction, manufacture 14)-hood,表示"资格,身份,年纪,状态" childhood, manhood, falsehood 15)-ice,表示"行为,性质,状态" notice, justice, service 16)-ine,表示"带有抽象概念" medicine, discipline, famine 17)-ing,表示"动作的过程,结果" building, writing, learning 18)-ion, -sion, -tion, -ation, -ition,表示"行为的过程,结果,状况" action, solution, conclusion, destruction, expression, correction 19)-ise,表示"性质,状态” exercise, merchandise(商业) 20)-ism,表示"制度,主义,学说,信仰,行为" socialism, criticism, colloquialism, heroism 21)-ity,表示"性质,状态,程度” purity, reality, ability, calamity 22)-ment,表示"行为,状态,过程,手段及其结果treatment, movement, judgment, punishment, argument 23)-mony,表示"动作的结果,状态" ceremony, testimony 24)-ness,表示"性质,状态,程度" goodness, kindness, tiredness, friendliness 25)-or, -our,表示"动作,性质,状态" favor, error, 26)-osity,表示"动作,状态” curiosity 27)-ship,表示"情况,性质,技巧,技能及身份,职业” hardship, membership, friendship 28)-th,表示"动作,性质,过程,状态" depth, wealth, truth, length, growth 29)-tude,表示"性质,状态,程度" latitude, altitude(海拔) 30)-ure,表示"行为,结果" exposure, pressure, failure, procedure(手续),31)-y,表示"行为的结果,状态,性质” glory, history, victory, inquiry(3)带有场所,地方的含义1)-age,表示"住所,地点" village, cottage 2)-ary,表示"住所,场地" library, granary (谷仓) 3)-ery, ry,表示"工作场所,饲养所,地点" laundry, nursery, surgery(手术室) 4)-ory,表示"工作场所,住处" factory, dormitory, laboratory, observatory(4)带有学术,科技含义1)-grapy,表示"……学,写法” biography, calligraphy, geography 2)-ic, ics,表示"……学……法" logic, mechanics, optics, electronics 3)-ology,表示"……学……论”biology, zoology, technology(工艺学) 4)-nomy,表示"……学……术" astronomy, economy, bionomy(生态学) 5)-ery,表示"学科,技术" chemistry, cookery, machinery 6)-y,表示"……学,术,法” photography, philosophy(5)表示人和事物的总和,集合含义1)-age, baggage, tonnage 2)-dom, newspaperdom(新闻界) 3)-hood, neighbourhood, womanhood 4)-ery, cavalry, ministry(内阁) 5)-ure, legislature, judicature(6)表示物品和物质名称的含义1)-ant, ent, solvent, constant 2)-al, signal, pictorial(画报) 3)ar, collar, pillar(石柱) 4)- er, boiler, computer, washer, cooker 5)-ery, drapery(绸缎) 6)-ing, clothing, matting, 7)-ment, instrument, equipment, attachment(7)表示“细小”的含义1)-cle, particle, 2)-cule, molecule(分子) 3)-el, parcel 4)-en, chicken, maiden 5)-et, pocket, ticket 6)-etta, -ette, etto, cigarette, essayette(短文) 7)-kin, napkin 8)-ling, duckling, 9)-let, booklet 10)-y, baby, doggy2.形容词后缀(1)带有“属性,倾向,相关”的含义1)-able, -ible, movable, comfortable, applicable, visible, responsible 2)-al, natural, additional, educational 3)-an, ane, urban, suburban, republican 4)-ant, -ent, distant, important, excellent 5)-ar, similar, popular, regular 6)-ary, military, voluntary 7)-ice, -atie, ical, politic, systematic, historic, physical, 8)-ine, masculine, feminine, marine 9)-ing, moving, touching, daring 10)-ish, foolish, bookish, selfish 11)-ive, active, impressive, decisive 12)-ory, satisfactory, compulsory 13)-il, -ile, -eel, fragile, genteel(文雅的)(2)表示“相象,类似”的含义1)-ish, boyish, childish 2)-esque, picturesque 3)-like, manlike, childlike 4)-ly, manly, fatherly, scholarly, motherly 5)-some, troublesome, handsome 6)-y, milky, pasty(3)表示“充分的”含义1)-ful, beautiful, wonderful, helpful, truthful 2)-ous, dangerous, generous, courageous, various 3)-ent, violent,(4)表示由某种物质形成,制成或生产的含义1)-en, wooden, golden, woolen 2)-ous, gaseous 3)-fic, scientific(5)表示方向的含义1)-ern, eastern, western 2)-ward, downward, forward(6)表示“倍数”的含义1)-ble, double, treble 2)ple, triple 3)-fold, twofold, tenfold(7)表示“数量关系”的含义1)-teen, thirteen 2)-ty, fifty 3)-th, fourth, fiftieth(8)表示国籍,语种,宗教的含义1)-an, Roman, European 2)-ese, Chinese, 3)-ish, English, Spanish(9)表示“比较程度”的含义1)-er, greater 2)-ish, reddish, yellowish 3)-est, highest 4)-most, foremost, topmost(10)其他的含义-less,表示否定,countless, stainless, wireless3.动词后缀1)-ize, ise,表示"做成,变成,……化“modernize, mechanize, democratize, organize 2)-en,表示"使成为,引起,使有” quicken, weaken, soften, harden 3)-fy,表示"使……化,使成”beautify, purify, intensify, signify, simplify 4)-ish,表示"使,令” finish, abolish, diminish, establish 5)-ate,表示“成为……,处理,作用” separate, operate, indicate4.副词后缀1)-ly, possibly, swiftly, simply 2)-ward, -wards, downward, inwards, upward 3)-ways, always, sideways 4)-wise, otherwise, clockwise。





☞举个例子Philanthropist这个词由这几部分组成:phil- 喜爱anthrop- 人类的-ist ...的人合起来就是,热爱人类的人,所以这个词就是慈善家。

用这种办法记单词是不是逻辑清晰多了呢!但前提是,你得先背会这些词根词缀……下面整理出一些常见的词根词缀,努力混个眼熟吧……常见词根01agri, agro, agr田地,农田agriculture 农业 agribusiness农业综合企业agronomist 农学家 agrochemical 农用化学品0202ann 年annual 每年的 anniversary周年纪念 annuity年金03audi听audible 听得见的 audition试唱、试演 audience听众04circ环,圈circle 圈 circulate 循环,流通 circlet 小环,小圈05cord, card心cordial 衷心的,诚心的 cordate 心脏形的 cardiac 心脏的 electrocardiogram 心电图06dent牙齿dental牙科的 dentist 牙医 dentistry 牙科业 denture假牙07dict说dictation 听写,口述 diction措辞 dictionary字典08duc, duct引导conduct引导 abduct 绑架 duct 管,导管09flor花florist 花商,花农 floral花的,如花的 florid 颜色艳丽的10gram写、画、文字、图形grammar 语法 diagram 图表 hologram全息图11habit居住habitant 居民 inhabit居住于 cohabit 同居12juven年轻,年少juvenile 青少年 rejuvenate返老还童 juvenilia 少年文艺读物13liter 文字,字母literature 文学 literal文学的,逐字的literary文学的 illiterate 不识字的14manu手manuscript 手稿 manual手工的manufacture制造,加工15mar 海marine 海洋的,海生的maritime 海事的 submarine 潜水艇16migr迁移migrant移居者 emigrate 移居immigrate 移居;入境17mort 死mortal致死的 mortality死亡率mortuary停尸室18nov新novel新奇的 novation更替,更新 innovate革新,改革19pel推,逐,驱impel推动 propel推进,驱使 repel击退,抵制20pend悬挂suspend使暂停 append挂上,附加pending 悬而未决的21cide杀suicide 自杀homicide 杀人patricide 弑父pesticide 杀虫剂常见前缀表示否定意义的前缀dis-disadvantage 缺点dishonorable 不光彩的▼in-incorrect 不正确的inability 无能;无力inaccurate 不准确的▼im-加在字母m, b, p之前impossible 不可能的impolite 不礼貌的impudence 厚颜无耻的▼il-加在以l开头的词前illegal 非法的illiterate 文盲的;不识字的illogical 不合逻辑的▼ir-加在以r开头的词前irregular 不稳定的irresistible 不可抵抗的irresolvable 不能分解的;不能解决的▼un-unfinished 未完成的undoubted 毫无疑问的unemployment 失业▼non-non-existence 不存在non-essential 不主要的non-electrical 非电的▼a, an-asymmetry 不对称的anhydrous 无水的▼表示“反动作”的前缀de-demobilize 遣散;使…复员dehydrate 使脱水、口渴demolish 拆除▼un-unload 卸下uncover 打开undress 脱衣服▼表示“相反、互相对立”的前缀anti-anti-Japanese 反日本anti-social 厌恶社会的、反社会的antidote 解毒药▼counter-counterattack 反攻、反击counteract 抵抗、阻碍counterrevolution 反革命▼with-withdraw 撤回withdrawl 提款;戒毒期withstand 抵挡▼表示“前”的前缀pre-preconception 成见pre-exsiting 先于……而存在的pre-selection 选举前的preface 前言▼ante-anteroom 前厅,接待室antedate (时间上)早于▼fore-forehead 前额foreground 前景foreman 工头、领班foresee 预见、先见foretell 预言▼pro-program 计划prologue 序幕▼表示“低;下;副的”的前缀hypo-hypocrisy 伪善,虚伪hypothesis 假设hypochlorite 次氯酸盐▼infra-infra-red 红外线infrahuman 低于人类的infrasonic 亚声的,次声的▼sub-subway 地铁subconscious 下意识的submarine 海下的subtropical 亚热带的subtitle 副标题▼表示“回、再次、向后”的前缀re-refuel 给…加油reinforce 加强reconstruct 重建return 返回renew 重新开始;延长有效期▼retro-retrograde 倒退的retrospect 回顾▼表示“超,超过”的前缀extra-extraordinary 非凡的extramural 校外的extramarital 婚外通奸的▼hyper- hypersensitive 异常敏感的▼super-superhero 超级英雄supervisor 管理人、监督人▼sur-surpass 超过▼ultra-ultrasound 超声波▼与数字相关的前缀demi-, semi-, hemi- 一半的semi-circle 半圆hemisphere 半球demilune 半月、新月▼uni-, mono-单一、单独monotone 单调monologue 独白uniform 制服▼bi-, di-二biyearly 二年一次的biweekly 二周一次的dichloride 二氯化物▼tri-三triangle 三角tripod 三脚架▼penta-五pentagon 五角大楼pentagram 五角星pentameter 五步诗句▼sex-六sexangle 六角形sexennial 六年一度的▼sept-七september九月,即古罗马的七月septennial 七年一度▼hepta-七heptagon 七角形▼octa-, octo, oct八octagon 八角形octuple 八倍octopus 八爪鱼▼nona-, ennea-九nonagon 九角形ennead 九个一组▼deci-, deca-decimal 十进位的decagram 十克▼centi-百centimeter 厘米centipede 蜈蚣▼milli-千millennium 千年millimeter 毫米▼kilo-千kilowatt 千瓦kilometer 千米▼multi-多multi-colored 颜色多样的multi-national 多国的▼poly –多polygon 多角形polygamy 一夫多妻、一妻多夫▼ambi-, amphi-两者amphibian 两栖的ambidextrous 两只手都很灵巧的;心怀二意的▼其他常见前缀auto-自automatic 自动的autobiography 自传▼mal-坏、恶malnutrition 营养不良maltreat 虐待▼micro-微小的microscope 显微镜microtome 切片机▼tele-远telegram 电报telephone 电话telescope 望远镜▼arch-首领archbishop 大主教archenemy 大敌、主要对手▼bene-善、好benefit 利益benevolence 善意▼homo-同homosexual 同性恋的homograph 同形异义字▼neo-新neo-colonialism 新殖民主义neolithic 新石器时代的▼ortho-正确、直orthogonal 直角的orthodox 正统▼philo-热爱的philosopher 哲学家▼proto-原始prototype 原型protoplasm 原生质▼apo-, aph-来自apology 道歉、谢罪apostle 倡言者,先驱▼se-分离separation 分开secure 安全的sedition 煽动叛乱▼omni-所有的omnibus 选集、总括的omnipotence 万能▼pan-全、泛pan-American 全美的panorama 风景的全貌、万花筒▼dia-通过、借以diagonal 对角的diagnosis 诊断dialogue 对话▼per-通过、彻底、不利perpetuate 使永久存在、使不朽perfect 极好的▼trans-通过、横过transcript 抄本、副本、记录translation 翻译transparent 透明的transport 运输transplant 移植▼com-, con-, cor-, col-共同、和、完全comment 评论compile 编辑correlation 相互关系collect 收集corruption 贪污腐败collaborate 合作、合著▼sym-, syn-共同sympathy 同情symmetry 对称synonym 同义词synchronization 同步▼en-, em-往…里、使…encamp 扎营enable 使…能endear 使…受喜爱embrace 拥抱,抓住机会▼intra-内在intracardial 心脏内部的intracellular 细胞内部的▼intro-到…中introduce 介绍introspect 反省、内省▼dys-坏dyspepsia 消化不良dysfunction 功能紊乱▼eu-优、美好eulogy 颂词euphony 悦耳的声音▼inter-相互之间interchangeable 可互换的interdependent 互相依靠的international 国际的▼co-共同、和co-exist 共存co-operate 合作co-education 男女同校常见后缀名词后缀-ster, -eer, -er, -or从事某种职业或参与某种活动的人gamester 赌徒gangster 歹徒、流氓engineer 工程师profiteer 奸商;谋取暴利的人mountaineer 登山家auctioneer 拍卖商▼-ee被…的人;与…有关的人employee 被雇佣者,员工interviewee 受采访者refugee 难民▼-ful充满…所需的量mouthful 一口spoonful 一勺▼-age程度,数量等wastage 损耗coverage 覆盖范围acreage 面积shrinkage 收缩程度breakage 破坏,破损-let小或者不重要的东西booklet 小册子leaflet 传单starlet 小星星▼-al…的动作或过程arrival 到达refusal 拒绝revival 复活recital 朗诵removal 移动▼-hood表示时期、状态、团体boyhood 少年时代womanhood 女人气质neighborhood 街坊;附近▼-ship才能、状态、资格、品质等leadership 领导能力friendship 友谊membership 会员资格sportsmanship 运动员精神▼动词后缀-ify, -ize, -en转变为,使变得,…化beautify 美化diversify 使多样化simplify 简化modernize 使现代化popularize 使通俗化legalize 使合法化ripen 使成熟widen 使变宽heighten 使变高▼-ate增加,使…evaporate 使蒸发、消失validate使生效▼形容词后缀-ly有…品质的manly 男子气概的brotherly 兄弟般的friendly 友好的▼-like像…的childlike 像孩子一样的statesmanlike 有政治家风度的tiger-like 像虎的▼有...特征的silky 丝绸般的leafy 多叶的hairy 多毛的foolish 愚蠢的girlish 像女孩子一样的▼-some有…倾向的;引起…的troublesome 引起麻烦的wholesome 有益健康的tiresome 令人厌烦的▼-ed有…的wooded 树木繁茂的pointed 突出的bearded 有胡子的one-shaped 锥形的▼没有,无breathless 上气不接下气speechless 说不出话的childless 无子女的harmless 无害的hopeless 毫无希望的meaningless 没有意义的▼副词后缀-ward(s)表示方式或动作的方向onward(s) 向前地backward(s) 向后地homeward(s) 向家地▼-wise按照...方式;...方面的clockwise 顺时针地weather-wise 就天气而言Career-wise 从职业角度来看。


-deci 十分之一 :decimetre 1/10 米,分米
-demi 半 :dimigod 半神半人
-di 二,双 :disyllable 双音节词
-dia 贯通 ;对穿 ;透过 ;二者之间 :dialogue 对话 -dif 分开 ;否定,不 :differ 不同,相异 --dis ①不,无 ;相反 :dislike 不喜欢②取消,除去 ;毁 :discolour (使) 摧色③ - [加在含有 "分开” , "否定” 等意义的单词之前作加强意义]: dispart 分离,
-hepta [在元音前作 hept 】七 :heptagon 七角形
- - - il [用在 ■ 之前]①不 ;无 ;非 :illogical 不合逻辑的②[加强或引申意义]:
illustrate 说明,表明
im [用在 b, m, p 之前]①不 ;无 ;非 :impossible 不可能的②内向,入 :import
注 :这是本人学习时总结的词根词缀表,希望对大家
a ①无,不,非 :amoral 非道德性②[含有 in, on, at, by, with, to 等意义]:
asle印在熟睡中③[加强意义]:aloud 高声地
ab 离去,相反,不 :absorb 吸去
- tele ①远:telescope 望远镜②电视:teletext 利用电脑提供的电视信息服务
- trans ① 越过,横过;超:transnational 超越国界的 ② 转移,变换 :
translate 翻译/transplant 移植
-tri H:triangle 三角形/tricar 三轮车 -twi 二,两:twifold 两部,双重/twiforked 两叉状的 -un ®不:unhappy 不快乐的②无:unmanned 无人驾驶的③非:unjust 非正义




以下是一些常见的英语前缀、后缀和词根的总表:常见前缀:1. un-,表示“不”,比如unhappy(不快乐的)、unfair(不公平的)。

2. re-,表示“再次”,比如redo(重做)、return(返回)。

3. dis-,表示“不”,比如disagree(不同意)、dislike(不喜欢)。

4. pre-,表示“之前”,比如preview(预览)、preheat(预热)。

5. mis-,表示“错误”,比如misunderstand(误解)、mislead(误导)。

常见后缀:1. -ful,表示“充满……的”,比如beautiful(美丽的)、grateful(感激的)。

2. -less,表示“没有”,比如fearless(无畏的)、careless(粗心的)。

3. -able,表示“能够……的”,比如comfortable(舒适的)、adaptable(适应性强的)。

4. -ing,表示进行时或现在分词,比如running(跑步的)、interesting(有趣的)。

5. -ed,表示过去式或过去分词,比如worked(工作过的)、finished(完成的)。

常见词根:1. bio-,表示“生命”,比如biology(生物学)、biography(传记)。

2. aud-,表示“听”,比如audience(观众)、audio(音频)。

3. tele-,表示“远程”,比如television(电视)、telephone(电话)。

4. photo-,表示“光”,比如photograph(照片)、photosynthesis(光合作用)。

5. -logy,表示“学科”,比如biology(生物学)、psychology(心理学)。




一、常用前缀含义词例a- 表示in, on, at, with, by, of, to等意义‎Ahead‎在前头,向前, aslee‎p在熟睡中‎, ashor‎e在岸上, aside‎在一边加强或引申‎意义afar遥‎远地, aloud‎高声地, arise‎升起表示不、无、非atypi‎cal不典‎型的, amora‎l非道德性‎的, asoci‎a l不好社‎交的ante- 前,先antep‎ort 前港,外港, antec‎h ambe‎r前厅,前室, anted‎a te以前‎的日期anti- 反对、防止Antiw‎ar反战的‎,antis‎c ienc‎e反科学, anti-colon‎i alis‎m反殖民主‎义auto-自己、自动autoa‎larm自‎动报警器, autog‎r aph 亲笔签署, auto-timer‎自动定时器‎bi- 两、双bicol‎or两色的‎, bycul‎t ural‎两种文化的‎, bilin‎g ual 两种语言的‎by- 旁、侧、偏、副、非正式bysta‎nder旁‎观者, bystr‎e et旁街‎, by-produ‎c t副产品‎circu‎m-周围、圆形、环绕circu‎mflue‎n ce,周流,环流cir‎c umlu‎n ar环月‎的, circu‎m stan‎c e环境co- 共同(在数学集天‎文学上表示‎“余”)coope‎ratio‎n合作,协作, co-worke‎r共同工作‎者,同事, comat‎e 同伴,伙伴col 用在b,p, m之前compo‎und混合‎,混合物, combi‎n e联合, compa‎n ion同‎伴,同事共同加强或引申‎意义compe‎l强迫,迫使,compr‎e ss压缩‎,浓缩, compl‎a in抱怨‎,诉苦con 共同conce‎ntric‎同一中心的‎, conco‎l orou‎s同色的加强或引申‎意义conde‎nse凝结‎,缩短, confi‎r m使坚定‎,证实contr‎a反对,相反contr‎adict‎反驳,相矛盾co‎n tra-missi‎l e反弹道‎导弹cor用在r之前‎共同,互相corre‎latio‎n相互联系,相关性, corre‎s pond‎符合,相应加强或引申‎意义corre‎ct纠正,正确的 corru‎p t腐败,败坏, corri‎v al竞争‎者,竞争的count‎er反对,相反count‎eract‎i on反作‎用coun‎t erre‎v olut‎i on反革‎命de 否定,非,相反decol‎onize‎使非殖民化‎, denat‎i onal‎i ze非国‎有化除去,取消,毁defor‎est砍伐‎森林, de-oil脱除‎油脂, decod‎e解密码,译码出,离开,下debus‎下汽车, derai‎l使火车出‎轨,离轨向下,下降,降低,减少depre‎ss压低,抑制, deval‎u e 降低价值,贬值,degra‎d e堕落,下降使成,作成,加强或引申‎意义delim‎it划定界‎限, desig‎n计划,设计, depic‎t ure描‎绘,描述dis 不,无,相反disli‎ke不喜爱‎, dislo‎y al不忠‎心的, disap‎p ear不‎见,消失 disal‎low不许‎,拒绝取消,除去,毁disar‎m解除武装‎,裁军, dishe‎a rten‎使失去信心‎, disma‎s k 除去面罩加载含有“分开、否定”等意义的单‎词之前,dis-则作加强意‎义disse‎ver分裂‎,切断, dispa‎r t分离,裂开, disan‎n ul使无‎效,废除分开,离,裂开disse‎ct切开,分割, dispe‎l驱散,消除dis‎s ipat‎e驱散,使…消散em 用在b,p, m之前embus‎装入车中,上车, empla‎n e乘飞机‎, embog‎使陷入泥塘‎表示“置于……之内”表示“用……做某事”emplu‎me饰以羽‎毛, emban‎k筑堤防护‎, embal‎m涂以香料‎表示“使成某种状‎态,致使,使之如,作成”embow‎使成弓形, empur‎p le使发‎紫, embod‎y体现,使具体化en 加在名词之‎前构成动词‎,表示“置于……之中,登上”encag‎e关入笼内‎, encas‎e装入箱中‎, enrol‎l记入名册‎中加在名词之‎前构成动词‎,表示“用……来做某事,饰以,配以encha‎in用链锁‎住, enrob‎e使穿长袍‎, entra‎p用陷阱诱‎捕加在形容词‎及名词之前‎构成动词,表示“使成某种状‎态,致使,使之如,作成”enabl‎e使能够, encou‎r age使‎有勇气, enric‎h使富足加在动词之‎前,表示in,或只作加强‎意义enwra‎p包入,卷入, enclo‎s e 圈入,关进,enfol‎d包入ex出,外,由……中弄出expor‎t出口,输入, expos‎e展出,揭露, exclu‎d e排外,排斥前任的,以前的ex-presi‎dent前‎任总统, ex-major‎前任市长,ex-soldi‎e r退伍军‎人extra‎以外,超过extra‎polit‎i cal政‎治外的,超政治的,extra‎legal‎法律权力之‎外的, extra‎offic‎ial权职‎之外的fore 前,先foret‎ell预言‎, fores‎e e预见, foref‎a ther‎前人,祖先hemi 半hemis‎phere‎半球, hemic‎y cle半‎圆形, hemip‎y rami‎d半锥面il用在l之前‎,不,无,非illeg‎al非法的‎, illit‎e rate‎不识字的,illog‎i cal不‎合逻辑的加强或引申‎意义illum‎inate‎照耀, illus‎t rate‎说明,表明im用在b, m, p之前不,无,非impos‎sible‎不可能的, immor‎a l,不道德的, impur‎e不纯洁的‎向内,入impor‎t输入,入口, impri‎s on投入‎狱中,immig‎r ate移‎民入境加强意义,或表示“使成,饰以,加以”impul‎se冲动,脉冲, impel‎驱使,推动, imper‎i l使处于‎危险in 不,无,非incor‎rect不‎对的, inhum‎a n不人道‎的, inact‎i ve不活‎动的向内,入infix‎插入, insid‎e内部,里面 intak‎e纳入,吸入加强意义,或表示“使,作”inspi‎rit使振‎作精神, infla‎m e燃烧, invig‎o rate‎给以勇气,鼓舞inter‎在……之间,……际inter‎natio‎n al国际‎的, inter‎c ity城‎市间的, inter‎p erso‎n al人与‎人间的互相inter‎act互相‎作用, inter‎c hang‎e互换,inter‎w eave‎混纺,交织intra‎在内,内部intra‎party‎党内的, intra‎d ay一天‎之内的, intra‎g roup‎一组之内的‎ir 用在r之前‎不,无,非irreg‎ular不‎规则的, irres‎i stib‎l e不可抵‎抗的, irrat‎i onal‎不合理的向内,入irrup‎tion闯‎入,侵入, irrig‎a te 灌溉加强意义irrad‎iate照‎射,放射,mal 恶,不良,失,不(亦作mal‎e-)maltr‎eat虐待‎, malpo‎s itio‎n位置不正‎, malfu‎n ctio‎nmicro‎微micro‎wave微‎波, micro‎b us微型‎公共汽车, micro‎s kirt‎超短裙mini 小minip‎ark小型‎公园, minic‎o at超短‎外套, minir‎a dio 小收音机mis 误,恶,不misre‎ad读错, mishe‎a r听错, misst‎e p 失足,失检mono 单一,独(在元音前作‎m on-)monot‎one单音‎,单调, monar‎c h独裁者‎, monop‎l ane单‎翼飞机multi‎多multi‎centr‎i c多中心‎的, multi‎p olar‎多极的, multi‎a ngul‎a r多角的‎neo 新Neocl‎assic‎i sm新古‎典主义, neona‎t al新生‎的,初生的 Neo-Darwi‎n ism新‎达尔文主义‎non 不,无,非nonna‎tural‎非天然的, nonsm‎o ker不‎抽烟的人, nonst‎o p中途不‎停的,直达out 胜过,超过outgo‎走得比…远, outnu‎m ber在‎数量上超过‎, outdo‎胜过,战胜过度,太甚outsi‎ze过大, outsp‎e nd花费‎过度, outwe‎a r穿坏,穿破外,出outdo‎or户外的‎, outfl‎o w流出, outte‎l l说出除去outro‎ot除根, outga‎s除去…的气, outla‎w夺去法律‎上的权力over 过度,太甚overp‎roduc‎t ion生‎产过剩, overu‎s e使用过‎度, overw‎e ight‎过重,超重在上,在外,从上,越过overc‎oat外套‎,外衣, overf‎l y飞越, overl‎o ok俯视‎颠倒,反转overt‎urn 倾倒,倾覆,overs‎e t翻转,翻倒, overt‎h row推‎翻,打倒pan 全,总,范Pan-Ameri‎can全美‎洲的,泛美的, Pan-Afric‎a n泛非洲‎的 panth‎e ism泛‎神论poly多polyc‎entri‎c多中心的‎, polyp‎l ane多‎翼飞机, polyt‎e chni‎c多工艺的‎post后postw‎ar战后的‎, postg‎r adua‎t e研究生‎, postp‎o ne推后‎,延迟pre前prewa‎r战前的, prehi‎s tory‎史前史, prepo‎s itio‎n前置词,介词预先prebu‎ilt预建‎的, prema‎d e 预做的,prepa‎y预付pro 向前,在前progr‎ess向前‎进,进步, prope‎l推进, promo‎t e促进,提升代理,代替prono‎un代名词‎,代词 proco‎n sul代‎理领事, procu‎r ator‎代理人拥护,亲,赞成pro-Briti‎sh亲英的‎, pro-Ameri‎c an亲美‎的, prosl‎a very‎赞成奴隶制‎的re 回,向后retur‎n回来,返回, recal‎l召回,回忆,rebou‎n d弹回,跳回再,重复,重新rebui‎ld重建,再建, repri‎n t重印,再版, renew‎使更新相反,反对react‎ion反动‎,反应, rebel‎反叛,谋反, resen‎t不满,怨恨self自己self-criti‎cism自‎我批评, self-taugh‎t自学的, self-contr‎o l自我克‎制semi半semiw‎eekly‎半周刊, semio‎f fici‎a l半官方‎的, semic‎i rcle‎半圆step 后,继,后父或后母‎所生的、前妻或前夫‎所生的stepf‎ather‎后父,继父, steps‎on前夫的‎儿子, steps‎i ster‎后父后母的‎女儿sub 下subwa‎y地铁, subma‎r ine海‎面下的, subso‎i l下层土‎,底土次,亚,准subco‎ntine‎n t次大陆‎, subco‎l lege‎准大学程度‎的, subtr‎o pics‎亚热带稍,略,微subac‎id微酸的‎, suban‎g ular‎稍有棱角的‎, subac‎u te稍尖‎的副,分支,下级subwo‎rker副‎手,助手, subag‎e nt副代‎理人, subti‎t le副名‎接近subce‎ntral‎接近中心的‎, subte‎e n将近十‎三岁的小孩‎子, subar‎c tic近‎北极圈的更进一层,再subdi‎vide再‎分,细分, suble‎t转租,再租, subte‎n ant转‎租租户super‎超super‎marke‎t超级市场‎, super‎s onic‎超音速的, super‎p ort超‎级港上super‎struc‎t ure 上层建筑,super‎i mpos‎e放在…上面, super‎v ise监‎督,监视过度,过多super‎charg‎e过重负载‎, super‎h eat过‎热, super‎s ensi‎t ive过‎度敏感的sur 上,外,超,过多surfa‎ce表面, surpa‎s s超过,越过, surmo‎u nt登上‎,越过trans‎越过,横过,转移,变换,超trans‎pacif‎i c横渡太‎平洋的, trans‎n orma‎l越过常规‎的, trans‎f orm使‎变形,改造tri 三trico‎lor,三色的, trica‎r三轮汽车‎, trian‎g le三角‎形ultra‎极端ultra‎-democ‎r acy, 极端民主,ultra‎clean‎, 极洁净的,ultra‎minia‎ture极‎小的超,以外ultra‎sonic‎,超音速的, ultra‎s hort‎,超短的, ultra‎r ed红外‎线的un 不unhap‎py,不快乐的, unwel‎c ome,不受欢迎的‎, uncle‎a n,不洁的, unrea‎l不真实的‎无uncon‎ditio‎n al,无条件的, unlim‎i ted无‎限的非unoff‎icial‎,非官方的, unart‎i fici‎a l非人工‎的,未unfin‎ished‎,未完成的, unedu‎c ated‎未受教育的‎,由……中弄出unloc‎k,开锁, unbin‎d,解开,释放, untie‎解开under‎下under‎groun‎d,地下的, under‎s ea 在海面下,under‎w orld‎下层社会内(用语衣服)under‎shirt‎贴身内衣, under‎g arme‎n t衬衣, under‎s kirt‎衬裙不足,不全,少under‎popul‎a ted人‎口稀少的, under‎e stim‎a te估计‎不足,低估, under‎fed喂得‎太少副,次under‎agent‎副代理人, under‎k ing副‎王,小王 under‎s ecre‎t ary次‎长,副部长uni单一unifo‎rm一样的‎,相同的, unila‎t eral‎单方面的, unise‎x服装等不‎分男女的vice 副vice-chair‎man 副主席,vice-minis‎t er副部‎长, vice-manag‎e r副经理‎二、次常用前缀‎含义词例ab-脱离、离去、相反abnor‎mal反常‎的, abduc‎t诱拐,骗走, absen‎t不在,缺席ac- 含有at,to之意,或加强及引‎申意义,为ad-的变体,用在c,k,q之前accou‎nt计算,算帐, accus‎t om使习‎惯, accre‎d it信任‎,相信ad- 含有at,to之意,或加强及引‎申意义,用在d,h,j,m,v及元音字‎母之前。











2.每一种语言在发展过程中都会有很多变化,英语同样,词根的变异原则:1) 一个词根可以有很多细小的变化,共同表达同一个含义。


2) 完全不同的多个词根表达同一个含义。


3) 一个词根有本义也有引申义(引发、联想)。


词根含义词根含义act 做,行动 log 言语,词acid 酸的,尖酸的 magn 很大的ag 移动,做,办理 minu 手agri 田地,农田 mar 海,水ali 别的,其它的 medi 中间ann 年 mem 记忆,纪念aud 听 mini 小auto 自动的,自己本身 migra 迁移,流动bio 生命,生物 nov 新ced 让步,行,走 number numer 数cide、cise 杀,切断 oper 工作,操作claim 喊叫,宣布 pel 推逐,驱clar 清楚,明白 pend 悬挂,垂,待决clud 关闭 Phil 爱cog 认识,知道 phon 声,音corp 身体,实体,机构 photo 光crea 创造 pict 画cred 相信,信任 popul 人,人民cruc 十字 port 运,带,拿cycl 环形的,圆圈,轮子 pos 放置,地点dem 人民 press 压,按dic 说,言语 pur 清,纯,净duc 引导,诱使 rect 正直fac、fact 做,作 rupt 破fer 带,拿来 sal 盐fin 结束,终 sat 足够flect 弯曲 sci 知geo 地 scope 观察,看见grad 步,走,级 scrib、scrip 写graph 写,画,记录器 sect 切割grat 使人高兴的 sens 感觉grav 重的 spect 看helio 太阳 sphere 球,球体hemo 血 spir 呼吸hibit 持有,拿 stereo 固体的,立体的hum 土,人类 tend 伸展,扩,绷紧hydr 水 ten 使结合在一起,保持住,容纳,注意hypn 睡眠,催眠 tract 拖,拉,抽Idio 特殊的,专有的 uni 一,唯一的,统一的ject 投掷,躺下 vers 转向lect 选,收 vest 穿衣,衣服leg 法律 vict、vinc 征服liber 自由 vis、vid 看liter 文字,字母 viv 活的,生活loc 地方 voc 声音,呼唤(2)、前缀加在词根前面,有一定含义。



常用英语前缀、后缀、词根表展开全文一、英语常用前缀表(说明:黑体字为英语前缀及其含义,斜杠/后面为构词举例)a- 使,离,向/ awake使醒来,apart使分离ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,al- 向,加强/ accord依照,affect影响anti- 反,防止/ antitank反坦克的auto- 自,自动/ automation自动化be- 在,使/ beside在……旁,befall降临(于)bi- 双/ bicycle自行车,bisexual两性的co- 共同,互相/ cn- exist共存com-,con- 共同,加强/ combine联合,confirm使加强de- 离,加强,降/ detrain下火车,depicture描述dif- 分开,否定/ differ差异,difficult困难dis- 否,离,安全/ disallow不准,disroot根除,disarrange搞乱e- ,ex- 出,否定,加强/ educe引出,estop阻止,expand扩展en-,em- 在内,用于,使/ encage关入笼,embed使插入in- ,im-,il- 无,向内,加强/ incorrect不正确,impulse冲动inter- 在……间/ international国际的kilo- 千/ kilometer千米micro- 微/ microbe微生物mini- 微小/ minibus小公共汽车neg- 不,非/ neglect忽视,negate否定non- 不,非/ nonparty非党派的ob-,oc-,op- 越过,包围,逆反/ object目标,oppose反抗out- 在外,除去/ outlaw逃亡者,outroot根除over- 超出,反转/ overweight超重,overthrow推翻per- 贯通,遍及/ perform完成,perfect完美的post- 在后/ postwar战后的,porstern后门pre- 在前/ preface前言pro- 在前,拥护/ prologue序言,pro- American亲美的re- 重复,相反/ recall回忆,react反应se- 分离/ separate使分离,select选出sub-,suc-,sug- 在下,次于/ subway地铁,succeed继承sur- 超,外加/ surface表面,surtax附加税tele- 远/ television电视trans- 超过,透过/ translate翻译,transport运输un- 否定/ unfair不公平的up- 向上/ upset推翻,upstairs在楼上uni- 单一/ united联合的,unit单位二、英语常用后缀表(说明:黑体字为英语后缀及其含义,斜杠/后面为构词举例)-ability,—ibility 抽象名词/ stability稳定,sensibility敏感性-able,—ible 能…的/ unable无能力的,terrible可怕的-acy性质,状态/ illiteracy文盲,intricacy错综复杂-age动作,状态,总称(构成名词)/ folwage泛滥,postage 邮费-al动作,行为,…的/ manual手册,central中心-an人,籍贯,…的/ African非洲的,publican旅店主-ance,—ancy行为,性质,状态/ distance距离,currency流通-ant,ent人,…的/ assistant助手,excellent优秀的-ary地点,人,事物/ library图书馆,military军事-ate做,职位,…的/ doctorate博士学位,adequate足够的-ation,-ition动作,性质,状态/ visitation访问,addition附加物-craft 技巧,工艺/ aircraft飞机,handicraft手艺-cy 形状,状态,职位/ secrecy秘密,fancy幻想-dom 状态,领域/ freedom自由,kingdom王国-ed 有…的/ cultured有教养的,puzzled迷惑的-ence,-ency 行为,性质,状态/ difference差异,frequency 频率-er,—eer,—or人/ killer杀手,engineer工程师,doctor医生-ern 地点,方位/ eastern东方的,cavern洞穴-ese 人,语言,国籍/ Chinese中国人,Japanese日本人-ess 女性,雌性/ actress女演员-hood 状态,身份(构成名词)/ childhood童年,livelihood生计-ic 学术,职业,……的/ music音乐,atomic原子的-ice 人,抽象名词/ service服务,novice新手-ics 学术(构成名词)/ physics物理学,optics光学-ing 总称,抽象名词/ clothing衣服,building建筑,feeling感觉-ion 物品,抽象名词/ cushion座垫,expression表达-ism 主义,宗教/ Marxism马克思主义,Islamism伊斯兰教-ist …者(构成名词)/ communist共产主义者,dentist牙医-ive 人,物,…的/ native本地人,attractive有吸引力的-less 无…的/ homeless无家可归的,fearless无畏的-logy 学(构成名词)/ zoology动物学,biology生物学-ly …的,…地/ daily每日的,quickly迅速地-ment 状况,物,组织/ development发展,department部门-ness 抽象名词/ darkness黑暗,kindness和蔼-ous 有…的(构成形容词)/ famous著名的,dangerous危险的-ship 状况,事物(构成名词)/ friendship友谊,leadership领导能力-sion,—tion 动作,性质,状态/ expansion扩展,description描述-th 状况,第…/ youth青春,health健康,fifth第五-ty状况,…十/ specialty专业,safety安全,fifty五十-ure 状况,物(构成名词)/ pleasure快乐,picture图画-y 状况,学术,小…的/ harmony和谐,botany植物学,baby 婴儿三、英语常用词根表(说明:黑体字为英语词根及其含义,斜杠/后面为构词举例)ag,act做/ agent代理人, actor演员art 技艺/ article文章bas 低的/ basic基本的bio 生命,生物/ biology生物学ced,ceed,cess走/ recede退却,proceed前进,success成功cid,cis 切/ decide决定,incise切开cit 唤起/ excite使兴奋clud,clus关闭/ include包含,conclusive最终的cord 心/ concord和睦cred,credit 相信/ credible可信的,discredit怀疑cult 耕作/ agriculture农业dic,dict 说/ indicate指出,dictator独裁者doc,doct 教/ document文件,doctor博士duc,duct 引导/ reduce减少,product产品fac,fact,fect 做/ facile易做的,factory工厂,infect传染fam 名声/ famous著名fer 带来,产生/ difference不同的,suffer经受fin 末尾/ final最后的,finish结束form 形成,组成/ reform改革,inform通知fort,forc 强/ effort努力,force力量geo 大地/ geography地理学grad,gress 脚步/ graduate毕业,progress进步gram 字符/ program节目单,telegram电报ide 外观,形式/ idea想法,ideal理想的ject 投掷/ object目标,subject主题leg,lig,lect 挑选/ elegant雅致的,eligible合格的,select选择log,logue 说话/ apologize道歉,dialogue对话mand,mend 命令/ demand要求,command命令min 较小,较少/ minute分钟,minority少数民族mit,miss 送,发/ submit呈交,dismiss解雇mot,mov,mob 运动/ remote遥远的,remove迁移,mobile 移动的nat 出生/ native天生的,nature自然界nunci,nounc 讲述/ pronounce发音,enunciate宣布ord,ordin 次序/ order秩序,ordinary平常的part 部分/ apart分离,department部门pend,pens 悬挂,支付/ depend依靠,expensive昂贵的pet,petit 寻求,追求/ compete比赛,competitor竞争对手pos,posit 放置/ deposit储蓄,propose提出port 运送/ import进口,report报告reg,rect 划直线,治理/ regular正规的,correct正确的sci 知晓/ science科学,scientist科学家sent,sens 感觉/ sentence句子,nonsense废话serv 奴仆/ servant仆人,service服务sid,sess 坐/ president主席,possess占有spec,spect 看/ respect尊敬,special特别的st,stat 站立/ stay停留,station车站tain,ten,tent,tin 持有/ contain容纳,content满意,continue继续un 单一/ unit单位,united联合的ven,vent 发生,来临/ event事件,convent召集vis,vid,view 看见/ visit参观,evidence证据,review复习拉丁语名词和形容词词根原词缩略根词含义英语衍生词acerbus acerb- 苦,尖刻 (bitter) 尖酸刻薄的(acerbic) acetum acet- 醋(vinegar)酸的(acetic)aedificium aedifici- 建筑(building)大厦(edifice)alacer alacr- 快(quick)敏捷(alacrity)album alb- 白(white)相册(album)alius ali- 其它(er)外侨(alien)amicus ami- 朋友(friend)亲切的(amiable)anima anim- 灵魂,生(soul, life)赋予生命(animate)annus ann- 年(year)年度(annual)aqua aqu- 水(water)水生的(aquatic)audax audac- 大胆的(brave, bold)大胆的(audacious)auris aur- 耳(ear)听觉的(aural)avis avi- 鸟(bird)鸟舍(aviary)bellum bell- 战斗(war)好斗的(bellicose)bonus– melior– optimus bon-– melior-– optim- 好(good)更好(better)最好(best)奖励(bonus)改善(ameliorate)最适宜的(optimum)bōs bov- 牛(cow)像牛一样的(bovine)canis can- 犬(dog)犬齿(canine)cervīx cervic- 颈(neck)子宫颈(cervix)cīvis civit- 公民(citizen)平民的(civilian)clāvicula clavicul- 钥匙(little key)锁骨(clavicle)coniunx coniug- 配偶(spouse)夫妇间的(conjugal)cornu corn- 角(horn)独角兽(unicorn)deus de- 神(god)神祗(deity)diēs diē- 一天(day)每日的(quotidian)discipulus discipul- 学生(student)门徒(disciple)dominus domin- 主人(lord)领土(dominion)domus dom- 房屋(house)住所(domicile)equus equ- 马(horse)骑术家(equestrian)errorem err 错误(mistake)错误的(erroneous)falx falc- 镰刀(sickle)钩状的(falcate)felinae felin- 猫(cat-like)猫科的(feline)fēmina fēmin- 女人(woman)女性的(feminine)filius fili- 子(son)孝顺的(filial)finis fini- 极限(limit)最终的(final)flos flor- 花(flower)花似的(floral)folium foli- 叶子(leaf)页码(folio)forma form- 形状(form, shape)形式(form)fors fort- 幸运(luck)偶然的(fortuitous)fortis fort- 力量(strength)坚毅(fortitude)frater fratr- 兄弟(brother)兄弟会(fraternity)frons front- 前额(forehead)前面(front)frux frug- 果实,利益(fruit)节俭的(frugal)fumus fum- 烟(smoke)烟雾(fume)genus gen- 诞生、后代(birth, offspring)世代(generation)真正的(genuine)homō homin- 人(human being) 杀人(homicide)ignis - 火(fire)引燃(ignite)insula insul- 岛(island)半岛(peninsula)心胸狭隘(insularity)iūdex iūdic- 判断(judge)公正的(judicial)判决(adjudicate)iūs iūr- 正直(right)法(law)正义(justice)司法权(jurisdiction)lachryma lachrym- 泪(tear)催人泪下(lachrymose)lex lēg- 律(law)合法的(legal)lūna lūn- 月(moon)月亮的(lunar)lupus lup- 狼(wolf)凶猛的(lupine)magister magistr- 教师(teacher)地方法官(magistrate)magnus–mājor– maximus magn-–mājor-– maxim- 大(big)更大(bigger)最大(biggest)大小(magnitude)主要(major)最大(maximum)malus mal- 坏(bad)恶意(malice)manus manu- 手(hand)手动的(manual)mare mar- 海(sea)海事的(maritime)māter mātr- 母(mother)保姆(matron)mora mor- 延迟(delay)延期偿付(moratorium)mundus mund 俗世(world)世俗的(mundane)narrat narrat- 讲述(tells)叙述者(narrator)nihil nihil- 虚无(nothing)彻底毁灭(annihilate)nox noct- 夜(night)夜的(nocturnal)oculus ocul- 眼(eye)接种(inoculate)onus oner- 负担(load)免罪(exonerate)pater patr- 父(father)保护人(patron)pavimentum paviment- 地面(ground)人行道(pavement)penis pen- 尾(tail)阴茎(penis)pes ped- 足(foot)行人的(pedestrian)pulcher pulchr- 美(beautiful)美丽(pulchritude)rex rēg- 王(king)帝王的(regal)rūs rūr- 农场(farm)乡下的(rustic)sinister sinistr- 左(left)凶恶的(sinister)terra terr- 大地(land)地形(terrain)unda und- 波(wave)起伏(undulate)urbs urb- 城市(city)市郊(suburb)Ursidae urs- 熊(bear)熊似的(ursine)vehiculum vehicul- 车(wagon)车辆(vehicle)veritas ver- 真实(truth)核实(verify)villa vill- 乡村房屋(country house)别墅(villa)村庄(village)vir vir- 男人(man)有男子气概的(virile)vulpinae vulp- 狐(fox)狡猾的(vulpine)拉丁语动词词根原词现在词根完成时词根过去完成时词根含义常见衍生词agō ag- eg- āct- 做(do)代理人(agent)行动(action)amō am- amav- amat- 爱(love)迷恋(enamor)audiō aud- audiv- audit- 听(hear)听得见的(audible)capiō-cipiō cap- cep--cip- capt--cept- 取(take)能够(capable)俘虏(captive)接受者(recipient)接待(reception)cēdō cēd- cess- 屈服(yield)离开(depart)退却(recede)超过(excess)cogitō cogit- cogitav- cogitat- 思考(think) 考虑(cogitate)colligo colligere collegi collectus 收集(collect)收集(collect)claudō-clūdō claud--clūd- claus--clūs- 关闭(close)结束(conclude)clinō clin- clinat- 靠(lean)倚靠(recline)cubō cub- cubat- 躺(lie)孵卵器(incubator)currō curr- cucurr- curs- 跑(run)流(current)循环(recursion)dō d- dat--dit- 给(give)加(add)与格(dative)doleō dol- dolui dolit- 悲伤(grieve)悲伤(dolor)哀悼(condolence)dubitō dubit- dubitav- dubitat- 质疑(doubt)不容置疑的(indubitable)faciō-ficiō fac- fec--fic- fact--fect- 制作(make)工厂(factory)ferō fer- tul- lāt- 带来(bring)多产(fertile)关联(relate)fīgō fīg- fīx- 固定(fix)磨难(crucifixion)fingō fing- fict 创作(invent)小说(fiction)gradior-gredior gradi--gredi- gress--gress- none 步骤(step)成分(ingredient)进步的(progressive)gustō gust- gustav- gustat- 尝(taste)品尝(gustation)iaciō-iciō iac- iec-(j)ic- jact--ject- 投掷(throw)发射物(projectile)注射(inject)laudō laud- laudav- laudat- 赞扬(praise)赞成(applaud)locō loc- locav- locat- 地点(place)地点(location)lūdō lūd- lūs- 玩(play)共谋(collusion)可笑的(ludicrous)mergō merg- mers- 沉(dip)浮现(emerge)浸入(immerse)mittō mitt- mīs- miss- 发送(send)委托(commit)书信(missive)moveō mov- mov- mot- 动(move)发动机(motor)动机(motive)nascor nasci natus none 生出(to be born)初生(nascent)诞生的(natal)necō nec- necav- necat- 死亡(dead)大坟场(necropolis)nōscō-gnōscō nōsc--gnōsc- nosc- nōt--gnōt-, -gnit- 知晓(know)显著的(notable)认知的(cognitive)nuntiō nunt- nuntiav- nuntiat- 宣告(bring news)宣告(announce)obeō ob- obi- obit- 消亡(perish)讣告(obituary)petō pet- petiv- petit- 寻求(seek)攻击(attack)易怒的(petulant)请求(petition)pōnō pōn- posu- posit- 放(put)组件(component)位置(position)portō portat- 携带(carry)举止,驱逐(deport)premō-primō prem- press- press- 推(push)压力(pressure)pugnō pugn- pugnav- pugnat- 战斗(fight)好斗的(pugnacious)putō put- putav- putat- 想(think)计算(compute)假定(putative)relinquō relinqu- reliqu- relict- 遗下(abandon)放弃(relinquish)残存物(relict)rideō ris- 笑(laugh, smile)嘲笑(deride)可笑的(ridiculous)rumpō rump- rup- rupt- 破(break)破裂(rupture)sciō sc- sciv- scit- 知道(know)科学(science)scrībō scrīb- scrips- scrīpt- 写(write)体献(inscribe)经文(scripture)sedeō sed- sed- sess- 坐(sit)勤勉(assiduous)sequor seq- secut- sum 跟随(follow)顺从的(obsequious)sum es- fu- futur- 是,存在(be)本质(essence)未来(future)veniō ven- vent- 到来(come)聚集(convene)阻止(prevention)vertō vert- vers- vers- 行为,转弯(turn)恢复(revert)版本(version)videō vidē- vid- vīs- 见(see)视力(vision)vivō viv- vix- vict- 生命(live)活泼(vivacity)volō vell- volu- 愿望(wish)自主(volition)volvō volv- volūt- 转动(roll)旋转(revolve)voveō vov- vot- 发誓(vow)投票(vote)。



英语单词中最常见词根和重要后缀总结acid, acr = sour, sharp act = to actagogue = leader al, ol, ul = to nourish(滋补,滋养)alt = high alter, ali = otheram = to love angl, angul = angle(角度)anim = breath, mindann = year anthrop =humanapt = fit (适合的)aqua = waterarm = weapons art = skill, artaud = to hear aug = to increase, to make,to growavi = birdband, bond = to bind bar = barbat = to beat bat , bas = to gobell = warbio = life biology biologist autobiography semi-autobiographypneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcano coniosisbrev = short cad, cid, cas = to fallcalc = lime camp = fieldcand = white , bright cant, chant, cent = to singcap = head ,to take ,to catchcar = car , to run carn = fleshcast = throw cav = hollowcede, ceed , cess = to go, to yield ceive, cept, cip, cipate = to takeceler = swift cent = hundredcentr = center cern, cret = to separatecert = sure chron = timecide , cise = to cut circ , cyc = ringcite = to call , to urge claim , clam = to cryclin = to bend clud = to shutcoct = to cook cognis, gnos = to knowcommun = common cord = heartcorp = body cosm , cosmo = universecount = to count cover = to covercre, cresc = to make, to grow cred = to believecrim = accusation, crime crit = to judgecruc = cross culp = blame, guiltcult = to till cumb = to lie downcur, course = to run cure = to take carecuss = to strike , to shake deb, du = to owedei = god dem = peopledent = tooth例如:dentist 牙医- ist 表示人;dent = toothderm, derma, dermat = skindic = to proclaim dict, dit = to saydign = worthy divid, divis = to dividedoc = to teach dom = housedom = to tame, to rule don, dot, dow = to givedorm = to sleep dox, dogma = opiniondraw = to draw, to pull drom = to run , course(process) duce, duct = to lead dur = to lastdyn, dynam = power eco = house ego = I , selfelectr = electric em, empt = to take, to buy equ = equalerr = to wander, to err ess, est = to befa, fabl, fabul = to speak fac, front = face, foreheadfac, fect = to make , to do fare = to gofend , fest = to strike fer = to carry, to bear, to tolerateferv = to boil fess = to speakfest = festival fict, fig = to feignfid = to trust figure = to shape , figure(n.), form(n.) fil = thread , to spin fin = to endfix = to fasten flat = to blowflect, flex = to bend flict = to strikeflor = flower flu = to flowfoli = leaf form = to form, form ,shapefort = strong found , fund = basefract, frag = to break fug = to fleefuse, found = to pour gam = marriagegener, gen, gent = to produce, race(n.) ger, gest = to carrygrad, gress = to walk gram , graph = to writegrand = grand grat = to pleasegrav = heavy gregat = to collecthab, hibit = to have herb = grasshere, hes = to stick,her = heirhorr = to tremble hum , hom = manhum = ground hydr = waterhypno = sleep idio = personal, distinctit = to goject , jac = to throw join, junct = to joinjourn = day jud = to judgejur = to swear just, juris = law, right , justice labor = to work laps = to slip, to glidelate = to bring , to bear later = sidelav , lau = to wash lax , lyse = to loosenlect, leg = to choose , to gather, to read leg = to appoint , to sendleg = law lev = to raise, light (adj.)liber = free libr, lib = booklic = to be permitted lig = to bindlingu = tongue, language liqu = fluidliter = letter loc = placelog , loqu, locut = to speak long = longlud = to play lumin = lightlust, luc = brightmagn, maj , max = great manu, man = hand mand, mend = to order , to entrust mari = seamark = to mark , boundary matr= mothermechan = machine med = to healmedi = middle melan = blackmemor = to remember ment = to think , mind(n.) mere = to trade , reward(n.) merge, mers = to sink, to dip meter = to measure migr = to remove , to wander milit = soldier, to fight min = to jut , to projectmin = small mir = to wonder, to behold miss, mit = to send, to throw mix = to mixmod = manner mon = to advise , to remindmonstr = to show mor = custommorph = form mort = deathmount = mountain, to ascend mov, mob, mot = to move muni = service mur = wallmut = to change myst = mysterynat = born nau, nav = shipnecro = death, dead nect , nex = to bindneg = to deny neur , neuro , nerv = nerve neutr = neither nihil = nothingnoc , nox = to harm noct , nox = nightnomin, nom = name norm = rule, normnot = to mark nounce, nunci = to reportnov = new nul, null = nothingnumber, numer = number, to count nutri = to nourishocul = eye onym = nameoper = to work , work opt = to wishopt, opto = eye, sight ora = to speak ,to pray order, ordin = order ori = to rise , to beginorn = to decorate, to furnish ortho = straight , rightoss, osteo = bone pact = to agree, to fastenpan = bread par = to preparepar = equal par = to appearpar = to bear , to give birth to part = a part , to partpass = to pass passi , pati, path = to suffer, feelingspart = father ped = footped = child pel , puls = to drivepen ,pun = to punish pend, pens = to hang , to weighperi = to go through pet = to fly , to seekpetr, petro = stone, rock phan ,fan = appearance phon = sound ; phe = to speak photo = light (n.)pict = to paint , picture plac , pleas = to pleaseplain , plaint = to beat the breast plant = to plant , plant (n.) plaud, plode = to strike, to clapplen, plete, ple , pli, ply = to fill, full ( adj. )plore = to flow out ply, pli, ple = to foldpolis = city polit, poli = state, country pon , pound = to put popul, publ = peopleport = to carry port = gatepos = to place , to put potent = powerfulprec = to pray preci = pricepreda = prey(n.), to plunder press = to pressprim, prin, prem = first pris, prehend = to seize priv = private (adj.) to deprive proach , proxim = near prob, prov = to test , to try, to examine proper , propri = proper, one’s ownpsych, psycho = soul pugn = to fightpunct = to prick pur = purepurg = to purify pute = to thinkquer = to complain qui, quiet = calm , rest(n.) quire, quisit , quest = to seek quit = to free , to release radi = rootradi = ray rap, rav = to snatchrat , ratio = to reckon , reason (n.) rect = right , straightreg = to rule , king (n.) rot = wheel (n.) , to turnrud = raw rupt = to breaksacr , sanct , secr = sacredsal = salt sal, sult = to leapsal , san = whole sangui = bloodsat = full scan , scend , scal = to climbsci = to know scribe , script = to write sect = to cut sed, sess, sid = to sit semin = seed sen = oldsens ,sent = to feel sequ, secut, su = to followsert = to join, to put serv = to serve, to keep sign = to mark simil, sembl = like(prep.), samesinu = curve ,sinus sist , stitut, sta, st = to standsoci = companion, to associate sol = alonesol = sunsomn = sleep son =soundsoph = wise ,wisdom sort = kindspec, spect = to see, to look sper = hopespers = to scatter spher = ballspir = to breathe splend = to shinespond , spons = to promise stell = starstinct, sting = to prickstring , strict , strain, stress = to draw tight stru, struct = to build suade = to advise sume,sumpt = to take summ = sum, highest sur = sure , securetail = to cut tang , tact = to touchtain , ten, tin = to hold , to keep techn(o) = art , skilltect = to cover temper = to moderate tempor = time tempt , tent = to trytend , tens , tent = to stretch tenu = thinterm = boundary terr = earthterr = to frighten test = witnesstext = to weave the(o) = godthes, thet = to place , to put tim = to fearton = tone tort = to twisttour, torn = to turn tox = poisontract , treat = to draw tribut = to pay , to bestow trop = to turn trud , trus = to thrust , to pushtum = to swell turb = to disturbultim = last umbr = shadowurb = city us , uti = to usevac, van , void = empty vade = to govaga = to wander val , vail = strong , worth var(i) = diverse , to change velop = to wrapven , vent = to come ven = veinvenge = to avenge vent = windver = true verb = wordverg = to incline vers, vert = to turn vest = to clothe , garmentvi , voy = way vict , vinc = to conquer vid , vis = to see vig , veg = livelyviv = to live voc , voke = to call , voice volve, volut = to rollvor = to eatC) 常见的后缀(suffix)★1. 名词后缀(1) 具有某种职业或动作的人1)-an, -ian, 表示"……地方的人,精通……的人” American, historian2)-al, 表示"具有……职务的人" principal,3)-ant,-ent 表示"……者” merchant, agent, servant, student4)-ar 表示"……的人” scholar, liar5)-ard, -art 表示"做……的人”coward6)-arian 表示"……派别的人,……主义的人”vegetarian7)-ary 表示"从事……的人" secretary8)-ate 表示"具有……职责的人" candidate, graduate9)-ator 表示"做……的人" educator10)-crat 表示"某种政体,主义的支持者" democrat11)-ee 表示"动作承受者" employee, examinee12)-eer 表示"从事于……人" engineer, volunteer13)-er 表示"从事某种职业的人, 某地区,地方的人" banker, observer, Londoner, villager14)-ese 表示" ……国人,…..地方的人”Japanese, Cantonese15)-ess 表示"阴性人称名词" actress, hostess, manageress16)-yer 表示" 从事……职业者” lawyer17)-ian 表示"……地方人,信仰…….教的人,从事……职业的人”physician(内科医生),musician18)-ician 表示"精通者,……家,”electrician, magician, technician19)-icist 表示"……家,…….者, …….能手”physicist20)-ic 表示"……者,……师" mechanic, critic21)-ster 表示"做…….事情的人”youngster, gamester(赌徒),songster22)-ier 表示"从事……职业” clothier23)-ine, ian 表示"阴性人称名词" heroine, ballerina24)-ist 表示"从事……研究者,信仰……主义者" pianist, communist, dentist, artist, chemist, violinist25)-ive 表示"动作者,行为者” native, captive26)-logist 表示"……学家,研究者" biologist, geologist(地质学家)27)-or 表示"……者" author, doctor, operator,★(2). 构成,具有抽象名词的含义1)-hood, 表示"资格,身份, 年纪,状态" childhood, manhood2)-age, 表示"状态,行为,身份及其结果,总称" courage, storage, marriage3)-al,a) 表示"事物的动作,过程”refusal, arrival, survivalb) 表示具体的事物manual, signal, editorial, journal4)-ance, -ence表示"性质,状况,行为,过程,总量,程度” endurance, importance, diligence,difference, obedience5)-ancy, -ency, 表示"性质,状态,行为,过程" frequency, urgency6)-bility, 表示"动作,性质,状态" possibility, feasibility,7)-craft, 表示"工艺,技巧” woodcraft, handicraft8)-cracy, 表示"统治,支配" democracy9)-dom, 表示"等级,领域,状态" freedom, kingdom, wisdom10)-shipa) 表示技艺,技能,…法,…术horsemanship, workmanshipb)表示情况,状态,关系,性质friendship , scholarship , hardship, partnershipc)表示身份,职位,资格citizenship, membership, professorship, managership11)-ing, 表示"动作的过程,结果" building, writing, learning12)-ion, -sion, -tion, -ation, -ition, 表示"行为的过程,结果,状况" action, solution, conclusion,expression, correction13)-ise, 表示"性质,状态” exercise, merchandise14)-ism, 表示"制度,主义,学说,信仰,行为" socialism, criticism, heroism15)-ment, 表示"行为,状态,过程,手段及其结果treatment, movement, judgment, punishment,16)-ness, 表示"性质,状态,程度" goodness, kindness, tiredness, friendliness★(3) 带有场所,地方的含义1)-age, 表示"住所,地点" village, cottage2)-ary, 表示"住所,场地" library3)-ery, ry, 表示"工作场所,饲养所,地点" laundry, nursery, surgery(手术室,外科)4)-ory, 表示"场所,住处" factory, dormitory, laboratory★(4) 带有学术,科技含义1)-grapy, 表示"……学,写法” biography, calligraphy, geography2)-ic, ics, 表示"……学……法" logic, mechanics, optics, electronics3)-ology, 表示"……学科……论”biology, zoology, technology,ecology , geology, biology, psychology , geography4)-nomy, 表示"……学……术" astronomy, economy5)-ery,-ry 表示"学科,技术" chemistry, cookery, machinery6)-y, 表示"……学,术,法” photography, philosophy★(5) 表示物品和物质名称的含义1)-ant, -ent constant2)-al signal, pictorial(画报)3)-ar collar 4)- er computer, washer, cooker5)-ing clothing 6)-ment instrument, equipment★(6) 表示“细小”的含义1)-cle, particle,2)-cule, molecule(分子)3)-el, parcel4)-en, chicken, maiden5)-et, pocket, ticket6)-etta, -ette, etto, cigarette7)-kin, napkin8)-ling, duckling,9)-let, booklet10)-y, baby, doggy■ 2. 形容词后缀★(1)带有“属性,倾向,相关”的含义1)-able, -ible movable, comfortable, applicable, visible, responsible2)-al natural, additional, educational3)-an urban, suburban 4)-ant, -ent distant, important, excellent5)-ar similar, popular, regular6)-ary military, voluntary7)-ic, -atic, ical systematic, historic, physical,8)-ine feminine9)-ing moving, touching 10)-ish foolish, bookish, selfish11)-ive active ,impressive, decisive12)-ory satisfactory, compulsory★(2) 表示“相象,类似”的含义1)-ish boyish, childish2)-esque picturesque3)-like manlike, childlike4)-ly manly, fatherly, scholarly, motherly5)-some troublesome, handsome6)-y milky★(3) 表示“充分的”含义1)-ful, beautiful, wonderful, helpful, truthful2)-ous, dangerous, generous, courageous, various3)-ent, violent,★(4) 表示由某种物质形成,制成或生产的含义1)-en, wooden, golden, woolen2)-ous, gaseous3)-fic, scientific★(5) 表示方向的含义1)-ern, eastern, western2)-ward, downward, forward★(6) 表示“倍数”的含义1)-ble, double, treble2)-ple, triple3)-fold, twofold, tenfold★(7) 表示“数量关系”的含义1)-teen, thirteen2)-ty, fifty3)-th, fourth★(8) 表示国籍,语种,宗教的含义1)-an, Roman, European2)-ese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese3)-ish, English, Spanish★(9) 表示“比较程度”的含义1)-er, greater2)-ish, reddish, yellowish3)-est, highest4)-most, foremost, topmost★(10) 表示否定-less, countless, wireless★(11) 表示“防…的”-proof fireproof windproof airproof waterproof rainproof■ 3. 动词后缀1)-ize, ise, 表示"做成,变成,…化“modernize, organize2)-en, 表示"使成为,引起,使有” q uicken, weaken, darken, widen, broaden3)-fy, 表示"使…化, 使成…”beautify, purify, simplify4)-ish, 表示"使,令” finish, abolish5)-ate, 表示“成为……,处理,作用” separate, operate, indicate■ 4. 副词后缀1)-ly, possibly, swiftly, simply2)-ward, -wards, downward, inwards, upward3)-ways, always, sideways4)-wise, otherwise, clockwise, counterclockwise。











7.pre和pro两前缀的区别;pre表示静态的:在前既可以指时间上的前也可以表示空间上的在前;而pro表示往前、向前.8.ab前缀加强语气,abdomen:腹,下腹(理解为顶出去的东西),另外belly也表示腹部.9.ent是经典的名词后缀,通常用来表示人的,如student、president(sid=sit),偶尔客串形容词后缀,如果作为形容词后缀的话其名词后缀就必然是ence;清辅音浊化是一个语言读音趋势,所以把sid演化成sit;还有abide:vt,忍受、容忍、等候,vi(by),遵守、坚持、逗留;也是bite浊化的一个例子(因为人在坚持的时候的动作就是咬),Abide by 遵守于.Obey:顺从,听由摆布(指极度的、强烈的顺从).10.al形容词后缀,norm标准;neither既不…也不,表达的也是一种标准的意思,有一种中立的感觉,所以演化成neutr,加形容词后缀变成中立的,加名词后缀on表示中子;名词后缀on有一种‘子’的意思是从son演变而来的。


1.InterInter-changeable(可互换的),interdependent(互相依靠的),international(国际的), inter-personal(人际的),intercity (城际),intercontinental (洲际的) ,interact (互 动,相互影响),Internet(互联网)
counter-attack(反攻,反击),counteract(抵抗,阻碍)counterrevolution(反革 命),counter-clockwise(逆时针方向), counter-culture, countermeasure
1.prepreconception(成见),pre-existing(先于……而存在的),pre-selection(选举前的) , preface(前言,序言) ,prescribe (开药),predict(预言), prevent 2.Anteanteroom(前室,接待室),antecessor(先行者,先驱者) ,anticipate (预期) 3.Foreforehead(前额),foreground(前景),foreman(工头,领班),foresee(预见),foretell (预言), forearm, forefather, forecast 4.Proprogramme(计划),prologue(序幕), probe, proceed, process 5.Exex-president(前任总统),ex-wife(前妻) ,ex-con (前罪犯)
Telegram(电报),telephone(电话),telescope(望远镜) ,television(电视),telemetric (遥测), telecommunications, telecast, telecontrol 5.Demi-,semi-,hemiSemi-circle(半圆),hemisphere(半球),demilune(半月,新月) 6.Uni-, mono-(单一, 单独) Monotone(单调),monologue(独白),uniform(制服) ,unique (独一无二的), university (综合性大学,将各个学院合而为一),universal (统一的,一致的),unicorn (独角兽),unite (联合,合并), universe, unity, union, unisex, unit 7.Bi-,di-二 Biyearly(二年一次的),biweekly(二周一次的),dichloride(二氯化物) Carbon dioxide, bipod (双足动物) 8.Tri-三 Triangle(三角),tripod(三角架) ,trinity(三位一体) 9.Multi-多 multi-colored(颜色多样的),multi-national(多国的) ,multi-culture(多元文化), multi-linguist(会说多种语言的人),multi-media (多媒体) 10.Poly –多 Polygon(多角形),polytomic(多原子的) 11.Arch-首领 archbishop(大主教),architect(建筑师) ,archangel(大天使),monarch(君主), anarchy(混乱) 12.bene-善,好 benefit(利益),benevolence(善意) ,benediction(祝福) 13.homo-同 homosexual(同性恋的),homograph(同形异义字) 14.neo 新 neo-colonialism(新殖民主义),neolithic(新石器时代的) 15.ortho-正确,直 orthogonal(直角的),orthodox(正统) 16.philo-挚爱 philosopher(哲学家) ,philanthropy(慈善活动),Philip 17.proto-原始 protohydrogen(初氢),prototype(原型),protoplasm(原生质) 18.pseudo-假的, 伪的, 冒充的



1. Root: 表示词的基本含义的词根,不能被分解为更小的单元。


2. Prefix: 位于词根之前,用来改变词的含义或加强词的意义。


3. Suffix: 位于词根之后,用来改变词的词性或加强词的意义。


5. Affix: 词根词缀的总称,包括前缀、后缀和连接词缀。






英语字根1.ag=do,act做,动2.agri=field田地,农田(agri 也做agro,agr)3.ann=year年4.audi=hear听5.bell=war战争6.brev=short短7.ced,ceed,cess=go行走8.cept=take拿取9.cid,cis=cut,kill切,杀10.circ=ring环,圈11.claim,clam=cry,shout喊叫12.clar=clear清楚,理解13.clud=close,shut封闭14.cogn=known知道15.cord=heart心16.corpor=body体17.cred=believe,trust相信,相信18.cruc=cross十字19.cur=care关怀20.cur,curs,cour,cours=run跑21.dent=tooth牙齿22.di=day日23.dict=say说24.dit=give给25.don=give给26.du=tow二27.duc,duct=lead指引28.ed=eat吃29.equ=equal等,均,平30.ev=age年纪,寿命,时代,期间31.fact=do,make做,作32.fer=bring,carry带拿33.flor=flower花34.flu=flow流35.fus=pour灌,流,倾泄36.grad=step,go,grade步,走,级37.gram=write,draw写,画,文字,图形38.graph=write,records写,画,记录器,图形39.gress=go,walk行走40.habit=dwell居住41.hibit=hold拿,持42.hospit=guest客人43.idio=peculiar,own,private,proper特别的,个人的,专有的44.insul=island岛45.it=go 行走46.ject=throw扔掷47.juven=young年青,年少48.lectchoose,gather选,收49.lev=raise举,升50.liber=free自由51.lingu=language语言52.liter=letter文字,字母53.loc=place地方54.log=speak言,说55.loqu=speak言,说56.lun=moon月亮57.man=dwell,stay居住,逗留58.manu=hand手59.mar=sea海60.medi=middle中间61.memor=memory记忆62.merg=dip,sink沉,没63.migr=remove,move迁徙it=soldier兵65.mini=small,little小66.mir=wonder诧异67.miss=send投,送,发(miss 也作mit)68.mob=move动69.mort=death死70.mot=move挪动,动71.nomin=name名72.nov=new新73.numer=number数74.onym=name名75.oper=work工作76.ori=rise升起77.paci=peace和平,沉静78.pel=push,drive推,逐,驱79.pend,pens=hang悬挂/weigh称量/pay支出,付钱,花销80.pet=seek追求81.phon=sound声音82.pict=paint画,描述83.plen=full满,全84.plic=fold折,重叠85.pon=put搁置86.popul=people人民87.port=carry拿,带,运88.pos=put搁置89.preci=price价值90.punct=point,prick点,刺91.pur=pure清,纯,净92.rect=right,straight正,直93.rupt=break破94.sal=salt盐95.scend,scens=climb爬,攀96.sci=know知97.sec,sequ=follow跟从98.sect=cut切割99.sent,sens=feel感觉100.sid=sit坐101.sist=stand站立102.son=sound声音103.spect=look看104.spir=breathe呼吸105.tail=cut切割106.tain,ten,tin=hold握,持,守107.tect=cover掩饰108.tele=far远109.tempor=time时110.tend(tens,tent)=stretch伸111.terr=land,earth土地,陆地112.text=weave纺织113.tract=draw拉,抽,引114.un=one一115.urb=city城市116.vac,vacu=empty空117.vad,vas=walk,go行走118.vari=change 119.ven=come变化来120.vert,vers=turn 转121.vi,via=way 122.vis,vid=see 道路看123.vit=life生命124.viv=live活超适用——终于有人把英语单词常有前缀后缀整理齐备啦!前缀1 a- 加在单词或词根前方, 表示不,无,非2 a- 加在单词前 , 表示在 ..., ... 的3 ab-, abs-加在词根前,表示相反,变坏,离开等4 ab-, ac-, ad-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-等加在同辅音字母词根前,表示再三等增强意5 ad- 加在单词或词根前 , 表示做 ....., 增强 ......6 amphi- 表示两个、两种7 an- 在词根前 , 表示不,无8 ana- 表示错误,在旁边,分开9 ante- 表示前方,先10 anti- 表示反对,相反11 apo- 表示走开,远离12 auto- 表示自动、自已13 be- 构成动词,表示使 ...... 成为14 be- 构成一些介词15 bene- 表示善 , 好16 bi- 表示二个 , 两17 by- 表示在旁边,副的18 cata- 表示向下,相反,走开19 circum- 表示围绕,四周20 co- 表示共同,往常放元音词根前21 col-, cor- 在同辅音词根前 , 表示共同22 com-, con- 表示共同23 contra - 表示反对,相反24 counter - 表示反对,相反25 de- 表示去掉,变坏,走开,变慢,向下等26 de- 表示使.... 成为,增强等27 deca- 表示十28 deci- 表示十分之一29 demi- 表示半30 di- 表示二个,双31 di- 表示使 ...变为,分开,走开32 dia- 表示穿过,两者之间33 dif- 和辅音重复表示不,否认,分开34 dis- 表示不,消逝掉35 dis- 表示分开,分别36 dys- 表示坏,不良37 e-, ef- 表示出,出来,38 em-, en-, 表示进入 ... 之中,包围39 em-,en-, 表示使 ..... 进入状态40 endo- 表示内部41 epi- 表示在 ...上,在 ...四周,在 ...后边42 eu- 表示好,优异43 ex- 表示出,出去44 ex- 表示前方的,前任的45 exo- 表示外面的,外面46 extra- 表示之外的,超出的47 fore- 表示前方,早先48 hecto- 表示百,很多49 hemi- 表示半50 hepta- 表示七51 hetero- 表示异类,异种52 hexa- 表示六53 holo- 表示所有 '54 homo- 表示同类的55 hyper- 表示超出,太多56 hypo- 表示下边,次等57 il-, ir- 辅音重复表示不,无58 il-,ir- 表示使 ..... 成为,进入59 im-, in- 表示不,无,非60 im-,in- 表示向内,进入61 inter- 表示在..... 之间,互相62 intra- 表示在内,内部63 intro- 表示向内,入内64 iso- 表示等 , 同65 kilo- 表示一千66 macro- 表示宏传,大67 mal-; male 表示坏,恶68 meta- 表示超出 , 改变69 micro- 表示微,小70 milli- 表示千,千分之一71 mini- 表示小72 mis- 表示错误,坏73 mono- 表示单个,一个74 multi- 表示多,好多75 neo- 表示新的76 non- 表示不,非77 ob- 表示逆,倒,增强意义78 octa- 表示八 ; 亦作 octo79 omni- 表示所有,各处80 out- 示超出,过分81 out- 表示出去,过时82 over- 表示过分,过份83 over- 表示翻转84 over- 表示在 ... 之上85 paleo- 表示古,旧86 pan- 表示宽泛的87 para- 表示半,近似,协助88 para- 表示旁边89 para- 表示下降伞90 pen- 表示近似,差不多91 penta- 表示五92 per- 表示贯串,从头至尾93 per- 表示假,坏94 peri- 表示四周,凑近95 poly- 表示多奇速英语微信民众号 qisuen96 post- 表示在后边97 post- 表示邮件,邮政98 pre- 表示 ... 前的,早先99 pro- 表示赞成,亲 ...100 pro- 表示向前,在前101 pro- 表示好多 ...102 proto- 表示原始 ...103 pseudo- 表示假,伪104 quadri-,quadru- 表示四105 quasi- 表示近似,准106 re- 表示向后,相反107 re- 表示再三,从头108 retro- 表示向后,倒退109 se- 表示分开,走开,差别开110 semi- 表示半111 sept-,septi- 表示七112 sex-, sexi- 表示六113 step- 表示后,继或前夫 (妻 )所生114 stereo- 表示立体115 sub- 表示在下边,次一等,帮手116 sub- 表示凑近,凑近117 suc-, suf-, sup-, sur- 等辅音重复表示在 ...下边118 super- 表示在 ...上边119 super- 表示超级,超出,过分120 supra- 表示超 ...121 sur- 辅音不重复表示超出,在上边122 sus- 表示在 ... 下边123 sym-, syn- 表示共同,同样124 tetra- 表示四125 trans- 表示横过,超出126 trans- 表示变换,改变 ';转移127 tri- 表示三128 twi- 表示二、两129 ultra- 表示极端130 ultra- 表示高出,超出131 un- 表示不,无,非,没有132 un- 表示翻开,解开,弄出133 under- 表示在 ...下,在 ...以内134 under- 表示不足,不够135 under- 表示帮手 3136 uni- 表示一个、单调137 vice-表示副138 with-表示向后,相反后缀139 -ability表名词,能...;性质140 -able表形容词,可...的,能...141 -ably表副词,能...地142 -aceous表形容词,拥有...特点的143 -acious表形容词,有特点的,多...的144 -acity表名词,有...偏向145 -acle表名词, ...物件,状态146 -acy表名词, ...性质,状态147 -ad表名词,...东西,状态148 -ade表名词,表示状态,物件149 -ade表示个人或集体150 -age表示:花费151 -age表示场所,物件152 -age名词后缀,表示状态,总称153 -ain表名词,... 人154 -air表名词,人、物155 -aire表名词,... 人156 -al表形容词,... 的157 -al表名词,人,物,状态158 -ality表名词,状态,性质159 -ally表副词,由al+ly构成,...地160 -an表名词和形容词,... 地方, ...人161 -ance表名词,性质,状况162 -aneity表名词,表示性质,状态163 -aneous表形容词,... 有 ; ...特点的164 -ant表形容词,... 的165 -ant表名词,... 人166 -ant表名词,... 剂167 -ar表形容词,... 的168 -ard表名词,不好的人169 -arian,表形容词或名词,... 的( 人 ) 170 -arium表名词,地址,场所171 -ary表名词,人,场所,物172 -ary表形容词,... 的173 -ast表名词,... 人,物174 -aster表名词,不怎么样的人175 -ate表动词,做,造成176 -ate表形容词,拥有...的177 -ate表名词,人或地位178 -atic表形容词,有...性质的179 -ation表名词,行为,过程,结果180 -ative 表形容词,有 ...偏向 (性质 )的181 -ator 表名词,往常由ate 结尾的动词而来,做事的人或物182 -atory 表名词场所,地址183 -atory 表形容词,有 ...性质的184 -cy 表名词,也作 -acy, 性质,状态185 -dom 表名词,状态或领域186 -ee 表名词,被动或主动的人187 -eer 表名词,... 人员188 -el 表名词,人或物189 -en 表动词,变为190 -en 表形容词,由 ...制成的,往常加在名词后边191 -en 表名词,人或物192 -ence 表名词,性质,状态193 -ency 表名词, ence 的变体194 -enne 表名词,女性195 -ent 表形容词,... 的196 -ent 表名词, ... 药剂197 -ent 表名词, ... 人198 -eous 表形容词,有 ...的199 -er 表动词,频频做200 -er 表名词,物件,机器201 -er 表名词, ... 人202 -ern 表形容词, ... 方向的203 -ern 表名词, ... 场所204 -ery 表名词,场所,地址205 -ery 表名词,行为,状况206 -esque 表形容词,如 ...的207 -ess 表名词,女性,雌性208 -et 表名词,小东西209 -etic 表形容词,属于 ...的210 -ette 表名词,小的东西或状态211 -ety 表名词,状态212 -eur 表名词, ... 人213 -faction 表名词,达到的状态,由 -fy 转变而来214 -fic 表形容词,产生 ...的215 -fication 表名词,由 fic 变化而来216 -fier 表名词,人或物,由 -ify 转变而来217 -fold 表形容词或副词,倍,两重218 -form 表形容词,有...形状的219 -ful 表形容词 , 有 ...的220 -ful 表名词 , 满,量221 -fy 表动词 , ... 化,成为 ... ,更多时候作 -ify222 -hood 表名词 , 期间,性质等223 -ia 表名词 , 某种病224 -ia表名词,总称,状态225 -ial表形容词,有...的226 -ian表名词,某种人227 -ian表形容词, ...国家的228 -ibility表名词,具备...性质的229 -ible形容词能...的230 -ic表形容词, ....的,有时作-tic231 -ic表名词,某种药232 -ic表名词,人或学科233 -ical表形容词,... 的234 -ice表名词,行为,状态235 -ics表名词,学科,学术236 -id表形容词,如...的237 -ie表名词,小东西或人238 -ier表名词,人或物239 -ile表形容词,... 的240 -ile表名词,物体241 -ine表形容词,... 的242 -ine表名词,人或女人243 -ine表名词,状态,药物等244 -ing表形容词,正...的,令人...的245 -ing表名词,行业246 -ing表名词,物件247 -ing表名词,状态248 -ion表名词,动作或状态分为--sion 和 --tion 两种249 -ion表示某种物,用品250 -ior表形容词,较...的251 -ious表形容词, ....的252 -ise表动词后缀,和-ize 同样,是-ize的变体,...化253 -ise表名词,物件,状态254 -ish表形容词,象...同样,有的...,往常放在一详细名词后255 -ish表动词,造成...256 -ish表示国家的或语言257 -ism表示学术或学术派别258 -ism表示行为,现象,状态259 -ism表示疾病260 -ism表示具备某种性质261 -ism名词,表示各样主义,宗教262 -ist表名词,表示崇奉者,专家或从事人263 -ist以-ist结尾的单词,许多同时可做名词和形容词用。



常用英语前后缀和词根总结1.常用前缀Ab-- 相反,反抗abnormal 反常的Anti-- 反对,反抗antibody 康体Auto-- 自动automatic 自动的Bene-- 善、好benefits 好处By-- 侧、次要、非正式byproduct 副产品Co--cor--col--com--con--共同cooperation, contract, correspondence De-- 否定、出去、非decompose 分解Dif--di-- 分开、否定different 不同Dis-- 不、相反disprove 证明、是错的Ex-- e-- 出、外exit 出口Extra-- 超过extraordinary 特别的Fore-- 预先、先前forecast预报Im--in--否定、往里incorrect 不正确的Ir-- 否定irregular 不规则的Inter-- 在......之间、相互interact 相互作用Kilo-- 千kilograms 千克Micro-微Microsoft 微软Mini-- 微小miniskirt 超短裙Over-- 在......上、超出overcome 客服Per-- 十分、完全perfect 完美Post-- 在......后,随后postwar 战后Pro-- 向前、代理progress 进步Re-- 恢复、再、反对recall 回忆Se-- 分开、分离select 选出Super-- 超级supermarket 超市Tele-- 远的telephone 电话Tran-- trans 转移、转化transform 改变Un-- 否定unconscious 无意识的Under-- 在.....之下、低于underline 下划线Up-- 向上、在.....上uphold 高举With-- 向后、阻止withdraw 取回、收回常用后缀:-- ability (n)--可......、.....性readability 可读性-- able(adj)-- 能....的、可...的admirable 令人羡慕的-- ably(adv)--.....地reasonably 有理由地-- al (adj)-- 有......的特性(n)、行为,状况additional 附加的、arrival 到达-- ality (n) 表性质、状态nationality 民族、国籍--ance(n) 表性质状态行为Alliance 联盟-- ant (adj)-- 有....性质的(n)-- 的人attendant 出席者-- ar-- arian (n)-- 人beggar 乞丐-- ary (adj)-- 有......性质的revolutionary 革命的-- ate(v)-- 使成为(adj)、具有..的人(n)人activate 使活动-- tion-- ation-- ition--ption(n)--表状态、情况alteration 改变-- ative (adj)-- 有......的性质comparative 比较的-- cy(n)-- 表性质、状态bankruptcy 破产-- dom (n)-- 表性质、状态、领域freedom 自由-- eer (n)-- 人工程师-- en (v)-- 使成为deafen 使聋-- ence/ency (n): 表性质、状态、行为dependence 依靠-- ent (adj): 有......性质/(n) 人confident 自信的-- er/ess/ier/ or (n):人banker 银行家-- ful (adj): 充满的、有......性质的helpful 有帮助的-- fy/efy/ify(v): 使变成satisfy 使满意-- hood (n): 表时期、状态、资格childhood 童年-- ical (adj): .....的historical 历史上的-- ice (n):表情况、性质、行为service 服务-- lous (adj): 有......性质的various 各种各样的。







一、常用前缀1. anti-:反、抗、违反 - antifreeze:防冻剂 - anticlimax:精彩之后,情节突然无趣 - antipathy:反感,厌恶2. auto-:自动、自己 - automobile:汽车 - autobiography:自传 - autocratic:专制的,独裁的3. co-:共同、一起 - cooperate:合作 - coexist:共存 - collaboration:合作4. de-:离开、去掉、否定 - deactivate:停用,使失效 - decline:下降,拒绝 - decaffeinated:无咖啡因的5. dis-:不、否认、分开 - disadvantage:不利条件,劣势 - disapprove:不赞成,反对 - disintegration:分解,解体6. en-:压缩、装满、使成为 - enclose:围绕,包围 - encompass:包含,涵盖 - enforce:执行,强制7. ex-:前、向外、过度 - ex-wife:前妻 - exceed:超过,越过 - exaggerate:夸大,夸张8. fore-:先前、前面的、提前 - forecast:预测 - forefront:前沿,前线 - foresight:远见,预见9. inter-:相互、中间 - interact:互动,相互作用 - intercity:城市之间的 - intermission:暂停,休息时间10. mis-:错误的、不、欺骗的 - misunderstand:误解 - mislead:误导,诱惑 - misfortune:不幸,灾难11. post-:后、之后 - postgraduate:研究生 - postpone:推迟,延期 - postscript:附言12. pre-:前、之前 - preview:预览 - prerequisite:前提,先决条件 - predict:预测,预告13. pro-:前、支持、赞成 - progress:进步,发展- promote:促进,推动 - proclaim:宣布,公告14. re-:再、回、重复 - return:回归,返回 - review:复习,回顾 - renew:更新,重获15. sub-:下、次、不如 - subculture:次文化 - subordinate:下属,下级的 - substandard:低标准的,甚至不合格的16. un-:不、没有 - unhappy:不开心的,不幸福的- unkind:不友善的 - undo:取消,撤销二、常用后缀1. -able/-ible:能够 - lovable:可爱的 - flexible:灵活的 - sensible:明智的2. -al:表形容词,表状态或关系 - national:民族的,全国的 - personal:个人的 - global:全球性的3. -ate:使成为、变成 - educate:教育,培养 - eliminate:消除,淘汰 - cooperate:合作,协作4. -ful:充满的,有…性质的 - cheerful:快乐的,愉悦的 - careful:小心的,仔细的 - powerful:有力的,强大的5. -ic/-ical:表示形容词,常用于表示学科、学术- artistic:艺术的 - musical:音乐的 - historical:历史的6. -ing:在…中、表示行为、状态 - questioning:质疑 - exciting:激动人心的 - surprising:令人惊讶的7. -ish:稍微、有点、类似 - reddish:略带红色的- girlish:少女的,天真烂漫的 - childish:孩子气的,幼稚的8. -ism:主义、病态、状态 - socialism:社会主义- alcoholism:酗酒 - heroism:英雄主义9. -ist:人、从事…的人、热衷于 - scientist:科学家 - artist:艺术家 - Buddhist:佛教徒10. -ize/-ise:变成、制造、使…有特征 - legalize:合法化 - fertilize:施肥 - criticize:批评,指责三、常用词根1. -act-:行为,操作 - actor:演员 - interact:互动 - transact:办理,交易2. -aud-:听 - audience:观众,听众 - audible:听得到的 - audiovisual:视听的3. -bell-:打仗 - rebel:反叛者,造反者 - belligerent:发动战争的 - bellicose:好斗的4. -cap-:取、拿 - captive:被俘虏的,被控制的- capture:捕获,占领 - intercept:截取,拦截5. -cent-:移动、走 - recent:最近的 - decent:体面的,得体的 - accent:口音,重音6. -dent-:牙齿,咬 - dentist:牙医 - orthodontist:矫正牙齿的医生 - dental:牙齿的7. -dict-:说、命令 - dictator:独裁者 - predict:预言,预测 - verdict:裁决,判断8. -duc-:带来、传递 - produce:生产,制造 - educate:教育,培训 - deduct:扣除,减去9. -fac-/-fect-:做、制造、影响 - factory:工厂- effective:有效的,影响力的 - reflect:反射,反映10. -gen-:起源、产生、类别 - generation:一代人,新一代 - generate:产生,引起 - hydrogen:氢11. -graph-:写、画 - photograph:照相 - telegraph:电报 - autograph:亲笔签名12. -ject-:扔、投、射 - reject:拒绝,摒弃 - eject:喷出,抛出 - project:项目,计划13. -log-:说话、词语、学科 - dialogue:对话 - catalog:目录 - biology:生物学14. -mit-:送、放、发射 - transmit:传输,传递- submit:提交,递交 - emit:放出,发射15. -ped-/-pod-:步行、脚 - pedestrian:步行者,行人 - tripod:三脚架 - orthopedics:矫形外科以上就是常用前缀后缀词根的总表。




以下是高中阶段最常见的词根和词缀总结:词根1. -bio(生命):例如biology(生物学)、biography(传记)2. -graph(写,画):例如autograph(亲笔签名)、photograph(照片)3. -tele(远,远离):例如telephone(电话)、television(电视)4. -therm(热):例如thermal(热的)、thermometer(温度计)5. -geo(地球):例如geography(地理)、geology(地质)6. -chron(时间):例如chronology(编年史)、chronic(长期的)7. -scope(看,观察):例如telescope(望远镜)、microscope (显微镜)8. -aud(听):例如audience(观众)、audio(音频)词缀2. -ful(充满):例如beautiful(美丽的)、careful(小心的)3. -ish(类似):例如selfish(自私的)、childish(孩子气的)4. -tion(名词后缀):例如information(信息)、education(教育)5. -ment(名词后缀):例如mentality(心态)、development (发展)6. -ive(形容词后缀):例如attractive(有吸引力的)、creative(创造性的)7. -ly(副词后缀):例如quickly(迅速地)、happily(快乐地)以上是高中阶段最常见的词根和词缀总结,它们会帮助你更好地理解和记忆单词的含义和构词规律。



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act = to actacid, acr = sour, sharp agogue = leaderal, ol, ul = to nourish(滋补,滋养)alter, ali = otheralt = high am = to loveangl, angul= angle(角度)anim = breath, mind anthrop =humanann = year aqua = water(适合的)apt = fit art = skill, artarm = weapons aug = to increase, to make,to growaud = to hear avi = bird bar = barband, bond = to bindbat , bas = to gobat = to beatbell = warbio = life biology biologistautobiography semi-autob iography1------pneumon oultramicr oscopicsil icovolcan o coniosis cad, cid, cas = to fallbrev = shortcamp = fieldcalc = limecant, chant, cent = to singcand = white , bright to to take ,cap = head ,catchcarn = fleshcar = car , to runcav = hollowcast = throwceive, cept, cip, cipate = to take cede, ceed , cess = to go, to yieldcent = hundredceler = swiftcern, cret = to separatecentr = centerchron = timecert = surecirc , cyc = ringcide , cise = to cutclaim , clam = to crycite = to call , to urgeclud = to shutclin = to bendcognis, gnos = to knowcoct = to cookcord = heartcommun = commoncosm , cosmo = universecorp = bodycover = to covercount = to countcred = to believecre, cresc = to make, to grow crit = to judgecrim = accusation, crimeculp = blame, guiltcruc = crosscumb = to lie downcult = to tillcure = to take carecur, course = to rundeb, du = to owecuss = to strike , to shake2------dei = goddem = peopledent = tooth例如:dentist牙医- ist 表示人;dent = toothderm, derma, dermat = skindict, dit = to saydic = to proclaimdivid, divis = to dividedign = worthydom = housedoc = to teachdon, dot, dow = to givedom = to tame, to rule dox, dogma = opiniondorm = to sleepdrom = to run , course(process)draw = to draw, to pulldur = to lastduce, duct = to leadego = I ,dyn, dynam = powereco = houseselfequ =em, empt = to take, to buyelectr = electric equaless, est = to beerr = to wander, to errfac, front = face, foreheadfa, fabl, fabul = to speak fare = to gofac, fect = to make , to dofer = to carry, to bear, to toleratefend , fest = to strikefess = to speakferv = to boilfict, fig = to feignfest = festivalfigure = to shape , figure(n.), form(n.)fid = to trust fin = to endfil = thread , to spinflat = to blowfix = to fastenflict = to strikeflect, flex = to bendflu = to flowflor = flowerform = to form, form ,shapefoli = leaffound , fund = basefort = strongfug = to fleefract, frag = to breakgam = marriagefuse, found = to pourgener, gen, gent = to produce, race(n.)ger, gest = to carrygrad, gress = to walkgram , graph = to write3------grand = grandgrat = to pleasegregat = to collect grav = heavyhab, hibit = to haveherb = grassher = here, hes = to stick,hum , hom = manheir horr = to tremble hum = hydr = water groundidio = personal, distincthypno = sleepit = to gojoin, junct = to joinject , jac = to throwjud = to judgejourn = dayjust, juris = law, right , justice jur = to swear laps = to slip, to glide later = labor = to worksidelate = to bring , to bearlax , lyse = to lav , lau = to wash loosenleg = to appoint , to sendlect, leg = to choose , to gather, to readlev = to raise, light (adj.)leg = lawlibr, lib = bookliber = freelig = to bindlic = to be permittedliqu = fluidlingu = tongue, languageloc = placeliter = letterlong = longlog , loqu, locut = to speaklumin = lightlud = to playlust, luc = bright= hand manu, man magn, maj , max = greatmari = seamand, mend = to order , to entrustmark = to mark , boundarymothermatr=mechan = machinemed = to healmelan = blackmedi = middle memor = toment = to think , mind(n.) remember mere = to trade ,merge, mers = to sink, to dip reward(n.) meter = tomigr = to remove , to wander measure milit = soldier, tomin = to jut , to projectfight4------min = smallmir = to wonder, to beholdmix = to mixmiss, mit = to send, to throwmod = mannermon = to advise , to remindmonstr = to showmor = custommorph = formmort = deathmount = mountain, to ascend mov, mob, mot = to movemuni = servicemur = wallmut = to changemyst = mysterynat = born nau, nav = shipnecro = death, deadnect , nex = to bindneg = to deny neur , neuro , nerv = nerveneutr = neithernihil = nothingnoc , nox = to harmnoct , nox = nightnomin, nom = namenorm = rule, normnot = to marknounce, nunci = to reportnov = newnul, null = nothingnumber, numer = number, to countnutri = to nourishocul = eyeonym = nameoper = to work , work opt = to wishopt, opto = eye, sightora = to speak ,to prayorder, ordin = orderori = to rise , to beginorn = to decorate, to furnishortho = straight , rightoss, osteo = bonepact = to agree, to fastenpan = breadpar = to preparepar = equalpar = to appearpar = to bear , to give birth topart = a part , to partpass = to passpassi , pati, path = to suffer, feelingspart = fatherped = footped = childpel , puls = to drivepen ,pun = to punishpend, pens = to hang , to weighperi = to go throughpet = to fly , to seek5------petr, petro = stone, rockphan ,fan = appearancephoto = light (n.)phon = sound ; phe = toplac , pleas = to pleasespeak pict = to paint , pictureplant = to plant , plant (n.)plain , plaint = to beat the breastplaud, plode = to strike, to clap plen, plete, ple , pli, ply = to fill, full ( adj. )plore = to flow outply, pli, ple = to foldpolit, poli = state, countrypolis = citypopul, publ = peoplepon , pound = to putport = gateport = to carrypotent = powerfulpos = to place , to putpreci = priceprec = to praypress = to presspreda = prey(n.), to plunderprim, prin, prem = first pris, prehend = to seize proach , proxim =priv = private (adj.) to deprive snear proper , propri = proper, one'prob, prov = to test , to try, to examinepugn = to fightown pur = purepsych, psycho = soulpute = to thinkpunct = to prickqui, quiet = calm , rest(n.)purg = to purifyquit = to free , to releasequer = to complain quire, quisit , quest = to seekrap, rav = to snatchradi = rootrect = right , straightradi = rayrot = wheel (n.) , to turnrat , ratio = to reckon , reason (n.)reg = to rule , king (n.)rupt = to breakrud = rawsal, sult = to leapsacr , sanct , secr = sacred sangui = bloodsal = saltscan , scend , scal = to climbsal , san = wholesat = fullscribe , script = to writesci = to know6------sect = to cutsed, sess, sid = to sitsen = oldsemin = seedsens ,sent = to feel sequ, secut, su = to followsert = to join, to putserv = to serve, to keep sign = to marksimil, sembl = like(prep.),samesinu = curve ,sinussist , stitut, sta, st = to standsoci = companion, to associate sol = alonesol = sunsomn = sleepson =soundsort = kindsoph = wise ,wisdomspec, spect = to see, to look sper = hopespers = to scatterspher = ballspir = to breathesplend = to shinespond , spons = to promisestell = starstinct, sting = to prickstring , strict , strain, stress = to draw tightstru, struct = to buildsume,sumpt = to takesuade = to advisesumm = sum, highestsur = sure , securetail = to cuttang , tact = to touchtain , ten, tin = to hold , to keeptechn(o) = art , skilltect = to covertemper = to moderatetempor = timetempt , tent = to trytend , tens , tent = to stretch tenu = thinterm = boundaryterr = earthterr = to frightentest = witnesstext = to weavethe(o) = godthes, thet = to place , to puttim = to fearton = tonetort = to twisttour, torn = to turntox = poisontract , treat = to drawtribut = to pay , to bestow trop = to turntrud , trus = to thrust , to push7------turb = to disturbtum = to swellumbr = shadowultim = lastus , uti = to useurb = cityvade = to govac, van , void = emptyval , vail = strong , worthvaga = to wander velop = to wrapvar(i) = diverse , to change ven = veinven , vent = to comevent = windvenge = to avengeverb = wordver = truevers, vert = to turnverg = to inclinevest = to clothe , garmentvict , vinc = to conquervi , voy = wayvig , veg = livelyvid , vis = to seevoc , voke = to call , voiceviv = to live volve, volut = to rollvor = to eat)suffix C)常见的后缀(名词后缀 1. ★(1)具有某种职业或动作的人”?? ??地方的人,精通表示1)-an, -ian, 的人American, historianprincipal, ??具有尠表示2)-al, 职务的人8------表示??者”merchant, agent, servant, student3)-ant,-ent表示??的人”scholar, liar4)-ar表示尠做??的人”coward5)-ard, -art表示??派别的人,??主义的人”vegetarian6)-arian 表示从事??的人secretary7)-ary表示具有??职责的人candidate, graduate8)-ate表示做??的人educator9)-ator10)-crat 表示某种政体,主义的支持者democrat employee, examinee动作承受者表示11)-eeeer表示从事12)-engineer, 人于??volunt eer13)-er表示从事某种职业的人, 某地区,地方的人banker, observer, Londoner, villager表示??国人,?14)-ese..地方的人”Japanese, Cantonese 表示15)-ess阴性人称名词actress, hostess, manageress表示16)-yer从事?? 职业者”lawyer表示?? 地方人,信仰??.教的人,从事?? 职业的人”physician(内科医生),17)-ian musician表示精通者,18)-ician?? 家,”electrician, magician, technician表示?? 家,??.者, ??能.手”19)-icistphysicist20)-ic表示?? 者,?? 师mechanic, critic21)-ster表示做??.事情的人”youngster, gamester(赌徒),songster表示从事?? 职业”clothier22)-ier表示阴性人称名词heroine, ballerina23)-ine, ian24)-istpianist, communist,义者信究者,仰?? 主研事表示从?? dentist,artist, chemist, violinist25)-ivenative, captive动作者,行为者”表示26)-logist表示??学家,研究者biologist, geologist(地质学家)27)-or author, doctor, operator,表示??者★(2). 构成,具有抽象名词的含义1)-hood, 表示资格,身份, 年纪,状态childhood, manhood2)-age, 表示状态,行为,身份及其结果,总称courage, storage, marriage3)-al,9------a)表示尠事物的动作,过程”refusal, arrival, survivalb)表示具体的事物manual, signal, editorial, journal4)-ance, -ence 表示性质,状况,行为,过程,总量,程度”endurance, importance, diligence,difference, obedience性质,状态,行为,过程5)-ancy, -ency, 表示尠frequency, urgency6)-bility,表示动作,性质,状态possibility, feasibility,7)-craft, 表示尠工艺,技巧”woodcraft, handicraft8)-cracy, 表示统治,支配democracy9)-dom, 表示等级,领域,状态freedom, kingdom, wisdom10)-shipa)表示技艺,技能,? 法,?术horsemanship, workmanship表示情况,状态,关系,性质b)friendship , scholarship , hardship,partnership表示身份,职位,资格c)citizenship, membership, professorship, managershipbuilding, writing, learning尠动作的过程,结果11)-ing, 表示12)-ion, -sion, -tion, -ation, -ition,表示行为的过程,结果,状况action, solution, conclusion,expression, correction13)-ise, 表示尠性质,状态”exercise, merchandise14)-ism, 表示尠制度,主义,学说,信仰,行为socialism, criticism, heroism15)-ment, 表示尠行为,状态,过程,手段及其结果treatment, movement, judgment, punishment,16)-ness, 表示性质,状态,程度goodness, kindness, tiredness, friendliness★(3) 带有场所,地方的含义1)-age, 表示住所,地点village, cottage2)-ary, 表示住所,场地library3)-ery, ry, 表示工作场所,饲养所,地点laundry, nursery, surgery( 手术室,外科)4)-ory, 表示场所,住处factory, dormitory, laboratory★(4) 带有学术,科技含义1)-grapy, 表示??学,写法”biography, calligraphy, geography10------logic, mechanics, optics, electronics学??法2)-ic, ics, 表示??biology, zoology, technology,”?? 学科?? 论3)-ology,表示ecology , geology, biology, psychology , geography4)-nomy, astronomy, economy?? ??学术表示5)-ery,-ry chemistry, cookery, machinery学科,技术表示表(5) ”photography, philosophy ★6)-y, 表示??学,术,法示物品和物质名称的含义constant1)-ant, -ent)画报signal, pictorial( 2)-alcomputer, washer, cooker4)- er3)-arcollarinstrument, equipmentclothing6)-ment5)-ing”的含义★(6) 表示“细小1)-cle, particle,)分子2)-cule, molecule( 3)-el, parcel4)-en, chicken, maiden5)-et, pocket, ticket6)-etta, -ette, etto, cigarette7)-kin, napkin8)-ling, duckling,9)-let, booklet10)-y, baby, doggy形容词后缀■ 2.”的含义“属性,倾向,相关(1)带有★movable, comfortable, applicable, visible, responsible1)-able, -iblenatural, additional, educational2)-aldistant, important, excellenturban, suburban4)-ant, -ent3)-an similar, popular, regular5)-armilitary, voluntary6)-arysystematic, historic, physical,7)-ic, -atic, icalfeminine8)-inefoolish, bookish, selfishmoving, touching10)-ish9)-ingactive ,impressive, decisive11)-ivesatisfactory, compulsory12)-ory”的含义★(2) 表示“相象,类似boyish, childish1)-ishpicturesque2)-esquemanlike, childlike3)-likemanly, fatherly, scholarly, motherly4)-lytroublesome, handsome5)-somemilky6)-y”含义“充分的表示(3) ★1)-ful, beautiful, wonderful, helpful, truthful11------2)-ous, dangerous, generous, courageous, various3)-ent, violent,表示由某种物质形成,制成或生产的含义★(4) 1)-en, wooden, golden, woolen2)-ous, gaseous 3)-fic, scientific表示方向的含义★(5) eastern, western1)-ern,downward, forward2)-ward,”的含义★(6) 表示“倍数double, treble1)-ble,triple2)-ple,twofold, tenfold3)-fold,”的含义★(7) 表示“数量关系1)-teen,thirteen2)-ty,fifty 3)-th,fourth表示国籍,语种,宗教的含义(8) ★Roman, European1)-an,Chinese, Vietnamese,Japanese2)-ese,English, Spanish3)-ish,”的含义(9) ★表示“比较程度greater1)-er,2)-ish,reddish, yellowish3)-est,highest4)-most,foremost, topmost表示否定★(10) countless, wireless-less,”★(11)表示“防?的waterproofwindproof-prooffireproofairproof rainproof动词后缀■ 3.modernize, organize“?尠1)-ize, ise, 表示做成,变成,化quicken, weaken, darken, widen, broaden”2)-en, 表示使成为,引起,使有beautify, purify, simplify使成,?化使表示3)-fy,?”finish, abolish 4)-ish, 表示使,令”separate, operate, indicate??,处理,作用”“成为5)-ate, 表示副词后缀 4. ■1)-ly,possibly, swiftly, simply12------2)-ward, -wards,downward, inwards, upwardalways, sideways3)-ways,4)-wise,otherwise, clockwise, counterclockwise13------专业资料学习资料教育培训考试建筑装潢资料--。
