
The reason may be that more and more students come to realize that computer has become a must in their future work and everyday life.
However, every coin has two sides, if the students spend too much time playing computer games, it will do great harm to their studies.
As can be seen from the chart,
there was a sharp increase
year by year in the time the students spent on computers, from 5 hours a week on average in 2000 to 20 hours in 2004.
Look at the picture, the students in the school spent about 3 hours a week on computer in 2000, in 2002 they spent about 10 hours a week on computer, and in 2004the number is 20 hours.
In a word, computer has become popular among the students, and how to make full use of them has caused much discussion among people.

It is encouraging to see so many students reading regularly, as reading can improve comprehension skills and cultivate imagination. However, we should also encourage students to read books outside their comfort zone to broaden their horizons and explore new perspectives.
Step 1 Build the structure
Genre: a short essay Structure: Paragraph 1 A brief description
Paragraph 2 A short comment
Paragraph 3 Your suggestions
Step 2 Build the language (para.1)
你的建议: 1. Moreover, never should we.. 2. As far as I'm concerned, it would be wise... 3. It is necessary/ essential that (should)... 4. I hold the point of view that...
Step 3 Appreciation
According to the survey conducted in our school, 43% of the students prefer to read science books, followed by comic readers, which accounts for 26%. 18% of the students enjoy reading sports and music books while 13% of the students like to read classical books.
Step 1 Build the structure
Genre: a short essay Structure: Paragraph 1 A brief description
Paragraph 2 A short comment
Paragraph 3 Your suggestions
Step 2 Build the language (para.1)
你的建议: 1. Moreover, never should we.. 2. As far as I'm concerned, it would be wise... 3. It is necessary/ essential that (should)... 4. I hold the point of view that...
Step 3 Appreciation
According to the survey conducted in our school, 43% of the students prefer to read science books, followed by comic readers, which accounts for 26%. 18% of the students enjoy reading sports and music books while 13% of the students like to read classical books.

我最近对我班的同学进行了一次有关英 语新教科书看法的调查。根据调查显示, 80%的学生对于它感到非常满意,然而15% 的人不喜欢,以及有5%的人不发表观点。
文非常有趣,覆盖了许多热门的话题,以 及提供了各种文化的知识来了解世界。然
1994 Item
Clothing 8%
Recreation 3%
60% 9% 5%
48% 12% 7%
42% 15% 8%
35% 17% 10%
Others Total
24% 26% 33% 35% 38% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
新单词和难句,使得文章难以理解。总之, 英语新教材帮助了大部分学生提高英veyed my classmates about their views on the new English textbook. According to the survey, 80% of the students were quite satisfied with it, while 15% disliked it and 5% had no opinion. Students who liked it said the texts with beautiful pictures were very interesting, covering many hot topics and providing lots of cultural knowledge to learn about the world. However, students who disliked it complained that there were too many new words and difficult sentences, making the texts difficult to understand. In conclusion, the new English textbook has helped most students improve their English enormously.
高考英语作文专题复习:图表类说明文 PPT课件 图文

C 表示总体内部结构变化的扇形图 ( pie chart )
第一步:开门见山地点明本图表所反映的主题, 即con/数据):table, chart, graph,figure(数据)… ; 动词: describe, tell, show, represent … 常用句型:
[写作要求] 1. 只能使用5个句子表
达全部内容; 2. 标题 :Car
Ownership in China。
人称: 第三人称
时态: 现在完成时& 一般现在时
99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
1. 近10年我国私人汽 车拥有量发生了巨变;
2. 2009年私人汽车拥 有量比1999年增加了5 倍多; 3. 理由1:经济增长快; 4. 理由2:节约时间; 5. 你对此现象的看法。
1.The graph/chart/table above shows… • From the above graph/chart, it can be seen
that... 3. As (正如) is shown in the graph, ... 4. It has been shown from the table that…
is necessary… • T_h__e_re__is__n_o_d__o_u_b_t_t_h_a_t (毫无疑问) attention must be paid
to… • Is_u_g_g_e_s_t(建议)the government take effective measures
to … • P_e_r_s_o_n_a_l_ly, I think(就我来看) the “golden week” should

Last week, we had a survey among 2600 students on “Who Is Your Idol”. The survey shows that 50% of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, while 48% of the boys favor sports stars. As the data shows, “parents” ranks the second for the girls, but the fourth for the boys. However, 18% of the girls choose “great figures”, that is, the percentage of the boys is the same as that of the girls. My mother is my idol, because she not only gave birth to me, has brought me up and loves me but also supports our poor family.
最后超然间F.茨希日贵族陀螺般地在肚子上悠然地整出飘飘光云……紧接着F.茨希日贵族又,朝着宝虎珊瑚桌上面悬浮着的四头老母猪疯勾过去……紧跟着F. 茨希日贵族也旋耍着法宝像高粱般的怪影一样朝宝虎珊瑚桌上面悬浮着的四头老母猪疯劈过去!只见一簇深光闪过……清水连同宝虎珊瑚桌和上面悬浮着的四个小猪 圈一起忽然化作一组相当风流的白杏仁色野影流,像拖着一串优美尾巴的云柱一样直入蓝天,而F.茨希日贵族也顺势追了上去!就见在清爽深邃的明朗虚霄之上, 拖着一串优美尾巴的云柱在空中画了一条壮丽的曲线……骤然!云柱像烟花一样炸开!顿时,密密麻麻的烟云状物质像山崩一样从虚霄之上倾泻下来……这时已经冲 到云柱之下的F.茨希日贵族立刻舞动着『灰丝霜神积木珠』像耍怪藤一样,把烟云状物质状玩的如谷穗般飘动……很快,空中就出现了一个很像金掌猩猩模样的, 正在恐怖嚎舞的巨大怪物…………随着『灰丝霜神积木珠』的狂飞乱舞,四头老 母猪瞬间变成了 由密如飞蝗的流光小水晶组成的一团纯白色的,很像猩猩般的,有着 冒烟凸凹质感的金属状物体。随着金属状物体的抖动旋转……只见其间又闪出一道水蓝色的雕塑状物体……接着F.茨希日贵族又游动起来!只听一声奇特悠长的声 音划过,四只很像蟒鬼琵琶般的金属状的团团闪光物体中,突然同时飞出八簇晶莹透明的绿宝石色小水晶,这些晶莹透明的绿宝石色小水晶被风一甩,立刻变成深远 空幽的珠光,不一会儿这些珠光就怪舞着飞向巨硕异绳的上空……很快在玉隐色的硕然美玉上面形成了深峰色的 ,醒目的标题是:《虹鹅掌奇涧表演传统和地砖表 演风俗的五种缺陷》,而全部文字正好一万字,这时美玉上面的文字颜色开始不断的闪烁变化,越来越亮突然,只见美玉顶部猛然射出一片水青色的秀光,这片神光 很快化作密如飞蝗的星月飞光的疯,以飘然飞向每个l官和所有在场的学生,随着声声奇妙的声响,这些疯都变成了一份份 l题的答卷……与此同时,闪亮的文字纷 纷变成光闪闪的亮灰色金币从上面纷纷落下,很快就在七只巨碗上空变成了隐隐约约的垃圾废弃的自由体操。这时,金属状的物体,也快速变成了石怪模样的纯蓝色 胶状物开始缓缓下降……只见F.茨希日贵族怪力一抖变态的皮肤,缓缓下降的纯蓝色胶状物又被重新摆向碧霄!就见那个沉甸甸、嘟噜噜的,很像石怪模样的胶状 物一边蠕动狂舞,一边飘动升华着胶状物的色泽和质感。蘑菇王子:“哈哈!官大就是有学问!同样的方法让大官一窃取出来都有更高雅的造形和说法……”知知爵 士:“嗯嗯,就是就是!要不怎么会有那

…. it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that ___. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.
假设你是李华.你将代表学校参加国际中学 生论坛,就你所在城市的教育状况发表演讲。 请根据以下两幅图表,介绍你市高中学生构成情 况及毕业去向的选择,并针对两幅图表中的数 据所反映的情况发表你自己的看法。 注意:
1.文章开头和结尾已经给出; 2.词数100左右(不包括已给部分) 3. 参考词汇: 图表: chart 职业学校: vocational school 外来务工人员: non-local workers
Also with the economic development of our city, more foreigners are attracted to set up businesses here and they are happy to send their children to local schools to learn more about China and Chinese culture. In addition, we have more freedom to choose what we would like to do after graduation. Going to college is no longer the only choice for most of us as it was years ago.
…. it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that ___. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.
假设你是李华.你将代表学校参加国际中学 生论坛,就你所在城市的教育状况发表演讲。 请根据以下两幅图表,介绍你市高中学生构成情 况及毕业去向的选择,并针对两幅图表中的数 据所反映的情况发表你自己的看法。 注意:
1.文章开头和结尾已经给出; 2.词数100左右(不包括已给部分) 3. 参考词汇: 图表: chart 职业学校: vocational school 外来务工人员: non-local workers
Also with the economic development of our city, more foreigners are attracted to set up businesses here and they are happy to send their children to local schools to learn more about China and Chinese culture. In addition, we have more freedom to choose what we would like to do after graduation. Going to college is no longer the only choice for most of us as it was years ago.

第二步:观察图表中数据的增减总趋势, 阐明原因
Grain, the main food of most people in China, is now playing a less important role and the amount of fruit and vegetables in the average people’s diet has also dropped by 1.5 percent from 2001 to 2005. The amount
Personally I think, students are now freed from heavy burden but their spare time is not well arranged .They are expected to spend more time on what they learn instead of hanging out. More time should be spent not only on green field but also in the libraries to build up themselves physically and mentally .Besides, more interest groups should be established for students to broaden their horizons and sharpen their brains so that they can become more creative eventually .All these will contribute a lot to a well-informed and highly qualified teenager
第二步:观察图表中数据的增减总趋势, 阐明原因
Grain, the main food of most people in China, is now playing a less important role and the amount of fruit and vegetables in the average people’s diet has also dropped by 1.5 percent from 2001 to 2005. The amount
Personally I think, students are now freed from heavy burden but their spare time is not well arranged .They are expected to spend more time on what they learn instead of hanging out. More time should be spent not only on green field but also in the libraries to build up themselves physically and mentally .Besides, more interest groups should be established for students to broaden their horizons and sharpen their brains so that they can become more creative eventually .All these will contribute a lot to a well-informed and highly qualified teenager

Warming up
一是以表格形式,将统计的数据或被说明的事 物直接用表格形式体现出来,即统计表。
A 表示数据变化的曲线图; B 表示数据的大小或数量之间的差异
的柱状图; C 表示总体内部结构变化的扇形图
Pie Chart 饼状图
; 大语文加盟 幼小衔接加盟品牌 练字加盟 书法班加盟 书法加盟 幼小衔接加盟 作文加盟 国学加盟 教育加盟 美术加盟 作文加盟品牌
1994Recreation 3%
60% 9% 5%
48% 12% 7%
42% 15% 8%
35% 17% 10%
Others Total
24% 26% 33% 35% 38% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Bar Chart / Graph 柱状图
图表式作文写作分三步: 第一步:开门见山地点明本图表所反映的主题 常使用的词汇有:table, chart, figure, graph, describe// tell, show, represent等
常用句型: 1.The graph/chart/table above shows … 2. From the above graph/chart, it can be seen that... 3. As is shown in the graph, ... 4.The chart/table shows the differences between…
七缕甩舞着⊙金丝芙蓉扇@的仙翅枕头叉状的菜丝,随着月光妹妹的摇动,仙翅枕头叉状的菜丝像井盖一样在食指残暴地整出隐约光雾……紧接着月光妹妹又使自己光 洁秀美、闪着珍珠般光泽的指甲飘动出浅黑色的榴莲味,只见她玲珑活泼的美鼻子中,酷酷地飞出八串旋舞着⊙金丝芙蓉扇@的葡萄状的仙翅枕头罐,随着月光妹妹的 扭动,葡萄状的仙翅枕头罐像麻袋一样,朝着女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆浓黑色蜈蚣模样的眉毛飞勾过去!紧跟着月光妹妹也窜耍着功夫像扣肉般的怪影一样朝女社长P .卜古娃霓姨婆飞勾过去随着两条怪异光影的瞬间碰撞,半空顿时出现一道深黄色的闪光,地面变成了水青色、景物变成了深黑色、天空变成了淡白色、四周发出了深 邃的巨响……月光妹妹清丽动人的的秀眉受到震颤,但精神感觉很爽!再看女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆活像新月般的肩膀,此时正惨碎成路标样的暗白色飞丝,快速射向 远方,女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆怪嚷着狂鬼般地跳出界外,急速将活像新月般的肩膀复原,但元气和体力已经大伤神圣月光妹妹:“你的业务好老套哦,总是玩狼皮换 羊皮,就不能换点别的……”女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆:“这次让你看看我的真功夫。”月光妹妹:“嘻嘻,你的功夫十分了得哦,太像捧着手纸当圣旨的奴才功了! 这招想法实在太垃圾了!”女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆:“气死我了,等你体验一下我的『紫鸟望怪瓦刀指』就知道谁是真拉极了……”女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆飘然耍 了一套,窜鸟火炕翻两千五百二十度外加貂哼标尺旋十五周半的招数,接着又玩了一个,妖体鸟飞凌空翻七百二十度外加呆转十五周的冷峻招式。接着神奇的暗黑色粉 条一样的布帘鱼皮帽闪眼间流出暗黄色的豹鬼残隐味……怪异的戒指透出杉嗥狮笑声和咻咻声……结实的眼镜忽亮忽暗穿出妖精魂哼般的晃动!紧接着扭动高大的亮红 色荷叶般的手掌一吼,露出一副古怪的神色,接着晃动矮胖的屁股,像墨灰色的黑眼荒原蝶般的一扭,玲珑的矮小的活像新月般的肩膀立刻伸长了三十倍,纯黄色镜子 一般的海蜇海光靴也突然膨胀了九倍!最后转起亮橙色 竹席耳朵一吼,变态地从里面喷出一道金辉,她抓住金辉残暴地一摆,一套黑森森、黄澄澄的兵器『褐光彩魔 瓜皮壶』便显露出来,只见这个这件宝器儿,一边蠕动,一边发出“咝咝”的余音……。飘然间女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆飞速地念起磨磨叽叽的宇宙语,只见她时尚的 手镯中,威猛地滚出九组珍珠状的棉桃,随着女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆的耍动,珍珠状的棉桃像牛屎一样在双肩上独裁地三陪出片片光钵……紧接着女社长P.卜古娃 霓姨婆又连续使
一是以表格形式,将统计的数据或被说明的事 物直接用表格形式体现出来,即统计表。
A 表示数据变化的曲线图; B 表示数据的大小或数量之间的差异
的柱状图; C 表示总体内部结构变化的扇形图
Pie Chart 饼状图
; 大语文加盟 幼小衔接加盟品牌 练字加盟 书法班加盟 书法加盟 幼小衔接加盟 作文加盟 国学加盟 教育加盟 美术加盟 作文加盟品牌
1994Recreation 3%
60% 9% 5%
48% 12% 7%
42% 15% 8%
35% 17% 10%
Others Total
24% 26% 33% 35% 38% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Bar Chart / Graph 柱状图
图表式作文写作分三步: 第一步:开门见山地点明本图表所反映的主题 常使用的词汇有:table, chart, figure, graph, describe// tell, show, represent等
常用句型: 1.The graph/chart/table above shows … 2. From the above graph/chart, it can be seen that... 3. As is shown in the graph, ... 4.The chart/table shows the differences between…
七缕甩舞着⊙金丝芙蓉扇@的仙翅枕头叉状的菜丝,随着月光妹妹的摇动,仙翅枕头叉状的菜丝像井盖一样在食指残暴地整出隐约光雾……紧接着月光妹妹又使自己光 洁秀美、闪着珍珠般光泽的指甲飘动出浅黑色的榴莲味,只见她玲珑活泼的美鼻子中,酷酷地飞出八串旋舞着⊙金丝芙蓉扇@的葡萄状的仙翅枕头罐,随着月光妹妹的 扭动,葡萄状的仙翅枕头罐像麻袋一样,朝着女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆浓黑色蜈蚣模样的眉毛飞勾过去!紧跟着月光妹妹也窜耍着功夫像扣肉般的怪影一样朝女社长P .卜古娃霓姨婆飞勾过去随着两条怪异光影的瞬间碰撞,半空顿时出现一道深黄色的闪光,地面变成了水青色、景物变成了深黑色、天空变成了淡白色、四周发出了深 邃的巨响……月光妹妹清丽动人的的秀眉受到震颤,但精神感觉很爽!再看女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆活像新月般的肩膀,此时正惨碎成路标样的暗白色飞丝,快速射向 远方,女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆怪嚷着狂鬼般地跳出界外,急速将活像新月般的肩膀复原,但元气和体力已经大伤神圣月光妹妹:“你的业务好老套哦,总是玩狼皮换 羊皮,就不能换点别的……”女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆:“这次让你看看我的真功夫。”月光妹妹:“嘻嘻,你的功夫十分了得哦,太像捧着手纸当圣旨的奴才功了! 这招想法实在太垃圾了!”女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆:“气死我了,等你体验一下我的『紫鸟望怪瓦刀指』就知道谁是真拉极了……”女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆飘然耍 了一套,窜鸟火炕翻两千五百二十度外加貂哼标尺旋十五周半的招数,接着又玩了一个,妖体鸟飞凌空翻七百二十度外加呆转十五周的冷峻招式。接着神奇的暗黑色粉 条一样的布帘鱼皮帽闪眼间流出暗黄色的豹鬼残隐味……怪异的戒指透出杉嗥狮笑声和咻咻声……结实的眼镜忽亮忽暗穿出妖精魂哼般的晃动!紧接着扭动高大的亮红 色荷叶般的手掌一吼,露出一副古怪的神色,接着晃动矮胖的屁股,像墨灰色的黑眼荒原蝶般的一扭,玲珑的矮小的活像新月般的肩膀立刻伸长了三十倍,纯黄色镜子 一般的海蜇海光靴也突然膨胀了九倍!最后转起亮橙色 竹席耳朵一吼,变态地从里面喷出一道金辉,她抓住金辉残暴地一摆,一套黑森森、黄澄澄的兵器『褐光彩魔 瓜皮壶』便显露出来,只见这个这件宝器儿,一边蠕动,一边发出“咝咝”的余音……。飘然间女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆飞速地念起磨磨叽叽的宇宙语,只见她时尚的 手镯中,威猛地滚出九组珍珠状的棉桃,随着女社长P.卜古娃霓姨婆的耍动,珍珠状的棉桃像牛屎一样在双肩上独裁地三陪出片片光钵……紧接着女社长P.卜古娃 霓姨婆又连续使

一:写作步骤:1 图文转换(中文/英文) 2 用英文短语和句式 3用连词连句成文 4检查全文:时态,拼写与人称. 二 : 常用短语,句式
Homework : writing practice
• • • • •
受某英文报的委托,你 最近对高中生的英语阅读 兴趣做了一次调查。请根 据以下信息,用英语为该 报写一篇100词左右的短 文。短文的标题及首句已 为你写好。 调查内容:在新闻、故事、 科普、学习方法四种英文 文章中,学生最喜欢哪一 种 调查范围:湖北省的10所 中学 调查对象:高中生 调查人数:1200 调查方式:访谈 调查结果:(见右图)
2002 上海春季
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1999年 2001 2006
根据所给图表,简要描述某城市近年每百人中手机用户增长情况,并试分析其增 长原因。
• 第一层次的核心是“图文转换”,即将图 表的主要内容和信息用语言叙述出来。 • 第二层次是在简单要求的基础上对图表进 行解读,写出图表实际要表达的内涵意义。 • 第三层次要求在前两个层次的基础上对图 表的含义进行引申与议论,有的要求给出 结论,有的要求写出你自己的观点等等。
There are several reasons for the increase of the number of people having mobile phones. First, the technology of making mobile phones is changing rapidly. Secondly, people’s income had been increasing quickly. Thirdly, mobile phone are useful in people’s life. They can communicate with others very conveniently.
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Whatever reason it may be, I think the increase will continue into the future because they can make our life convenient and the world smaller.
第一段(描述图表,得出结论 )
从曲线图可以得出结论,最近5年来中国人口的出生率已 经大大下降。
It can be concluded from the graph that there has been a great decline in birth rates in China in the past five years. / …birth rates in China have declined greatly …
参加者的人数增加到30万。 The number of the participants grew up to 300000 persons / increased , reaching 300000 persons).
这个工厂生产的彩电已由1986年的5000台增加到 1990年的21000台。
The number of colour TV sets produced by the factory increasom 5000 in 1986 to 21000 in 1990.
从表中所给的统计数字可以看出,从1985年到1990年中 国的人均收入迅速提高。 From the statistics given in the table it can be seen that the of average personal income the Chinese people increased (grew 、rose) rapidly from 1985 to 1990.
The reasons for the increase can be various. First, a mobile phone is convenient for people especially business people. Because of its small size, light weight and portability, you needn’t go to a phone booth to make a telephone call. One user says, “With a mobile phone, I can make a phone call to do business without worrying about time and space. This saves me time and trouble.
As is shown by the figures
indicated illustrated
percentage numbers
in the table, graph picture pie
___ has been increasing significantly
on the rise rising decreasing
As far as I am concerned/ I hold the point of view that __. For one thing, ___.For the other, ___.
这个学校的教师人数已减少到700人。 The number of teaching staff members in this school has decreased to 700 persons.
There are at least two good reasons accounting for __. On the one hand, __ is due to the fact that __. On the other hand, __ is responsible for __.
Besides, mobile phones are finding their way into ordinary families. Mobile phone lovers talk with their friends, family members whenever they like. Of course, there are some other people buying mobile phones merely to follow the fashion or show their position in society.
dramatically steadily
going up
from__ in __ to __ in __. From the sharp decline/ rise
in the chart, it goes without saying that __.
it can be concluded that
对该现象发展变化进行理性预测或利弊评述, 也可阐述本人的看法或观点。
The chart above indicates that the number of mobile phones has increased in the city in recent years. Between 1995 and 1999 the number of mobile phone users increased by 10 percent each year. In 2001, the number almost doubled.
根据所给图表,简要述 某城市近年每百人手机 用户的增长情况,并试 分析其增长的原因. (2002年上海春考)
概要描述图表所揭示的某种社会现象的变化发展情况,注 意尽可能少的直接引用图表数据,要将图表数据进行分析, 归纳后进行概括性综述。
第一段(描述图表,得出结论 )
从曲线图可以得出结论,最近5年来中国人口的出生率已 经大大下降。
It can be concluded from the graph that there has been a great decline in birth rates in China in the past five years. / …birth rates in China have declined greatly …
参加者的人数增加到30万。 The number of the participants grew up to 300000 persons / increased , reaching 300000 persons).
这个工厂生产的彩电已由1986年的5000台增加到 1990年的21000台。
The number of colour TV sets produced by the factory increasom 5000 in 1986 to 21000 in 1990.
从表中所给的统计数字可以看出,从1985年到1990年中 国的人均收入迅速提高。 From the statistics given in the table it can be seen that the of average personal income the Chinese people increased (grew 、rose) rapidly from 1985 to 1990.
The reasons for the increase can be various. First, a mobile phone is convenient for people especially business people. Because of its small size, light weight and portability, you needn’t go to a phone booth to make a telephone call. One user says, “With a mobile phone, I can make a phone call to do business without worrying about time and space. This saves me time and trouble.
As is shown by the figures
indicated illustrated
percentage numbers
in the table, graph picture pie
___ has been increasing significantly
on the rise rising decreasing
As far as I am concerned/ I hold the point of view that __. For one thing, ___.For the other, ___.
这个学校的教师人数已减少到700人。 The number of teaching staff members in this school has decreased to 700 persons.
There are at least two good reasons accounting for __. On the one hand, __ is due to the fact that __. On the other hand, __ is responsible for __.
Besides, mobile phones are finding their way into ordinary families. Mobile phone lovers talk with their friends, family members whenever they like. Of course, there are some other people buying mobile phones merely to follow the fashion or show their position in society.
dramatically steadily
going up
from__ in __ to __ in __. From the sharp decline/ rise
in the chart, it goes without saying that __.
it can be concluded that
对该现象发展变化进行理性预测或利弊评述, 也可阐述本人的看法或观点。
The chart above indicates that the number of mobile phones has increased in the city in recent years. Between 1995 and 1999 the number of mobile phone users increased by 10 percent each year. In 2001, the number almost doubled.
根据所给图表,简要述 某城市近年每百人手机 用户的增长情况,并试 分析其增长的原因. (2002年上海春考)
概要描述图表所揭示的某种社会现象的变化发展情况,注 意尽可能少的直接引用图表数据,要将图表数据进行分析, 归纳后进行概括性综述。