




















智能插入式电磁流量计ZHINENG CHARUSHI DIANCI LIULIANG JI安装使用说明书衢州五星自动化仪表有限公司目录一、插入式电磁流量计简介1.1产品概述 (2)1.2测量原理 (2)1.3测量系统的组成 (4)二、主要技术参数 52.1智能型转换器的技术参数 (5)2.2传感器技术参数 (5)三、仪表选型(6)3.1流量计型号命名 (6)3.2流量计的结构及外形尺寸 (6)四、流量计的安装74.1传感器的安装方式 (7)4.2传感器的安装位臵的选择 (7)4.3传感器的安装方法及尺寸 (8)4.4传感器的接地 (9)五、转换器的接线和操作说明(9)5.1 外形及传感器的连接方式 (9)5.2 转换器的电气接线 (10)5.3 转换器操作面板的键盘定义与液晶显示 (11)5.4 转换器参数的设臵及操作 (11)5.4.1自动测量状态下的键功能 (12)5.4.2 参数设臵状态下各键功能 (12)5.4.3 参数设臵功能及功能键操作 (12)5.4.4 总量清零 (12)5.4.5 参数设臵菜单 (13)5.5 报警信息 (14)5.6 故障处理 (14)5.6.1 仪表无显示 (14)5.6.2 励磁报警 (14)5.6.3 空管报警 (15)5.6.4 测量的流量不准确 (15)一插入式电磁流量计简介1.1产品概述:电磁流量计是一种测量导电流体体积流量的感应式仪表。












焊接材料应符合《现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收标准》GB50236-98 和焊接材料手册中的有关规定。













+80℃ 公称压力:0.6、1.0MPa
量测的体积 = V
现场操作 压力与温 度
20°C 101325 Pa
公称通径:50 mm ~ 800 mm。 孔板开孔直径不小于12.5mm,0.2 ≤ β ≤ 0.75 范
围之间。 取压形式:法兰取压。 量程比:10:1;15:1;120:1。 公称压力:1.6~6.4 MPa。 系统精度:1.0~2.0 %。
流体必须充满圆管和节流装置。 流体通过测量段的流动必须保持亚音速的、稳定的或紧随时间缓
慢变化的。 流体必须是单相流体或者可以认为是单相流体。 公称通径不小于50mm和不大于1200mm。 管道雷诺数不低于3150的场合。 可用于气体、液体、蒸汽的流量测量。
无前后直管段要求; 必须保证被测介质的洁净程度,根据现场情况加装过滤器、过
滤网; 安装管路尺寸应合理,避免使流量计承受非正常外力; 现场应避免强烈震动,以保证仪表正常工作; 仪表安装前应检查仪表各部分工作是否正常,严禁使用金属物




5 流量计操作规程
1 目的

2 范围

3 职责

4 运行检查

1 检查频率:每次使用前检查一次
4.2 检查内容:连接管外观完好、无开裂泄漏。





5.2 使用与操作




2 使用结束时,将调节阀拧紧后断开流量计,也可以在调节阀完全松开的情况下缓慢地断开流量计,避免浮子急速跌落.
6 注意事项



COMPANY 液体流量计安装、操作和维护手册说明书

COMPANY 液体流量计安装、操作和维护手册说明书

C O M PA N YInstallation, Operating & Maintenance ManualLiquid Flow Meters ©2016 AW-Lake Company. All rights reserved. Doc ID:FLOWLIQUIDMETERMAN082516Materials of Construction (Wetted Components)23Mechanical - Size CodeIntroductionThis manual is a service guide produced by the manufacturer and provides specific procedures and/or illustrations for disassembly, assembly, inspection, cleaning, and filtration. When followed properly, these procedures will keep your flow meter in top operating condition.It is important for operators and maintenance personnel to be safety conscious when operating or repairing equipment. Developing a thorough knowledge of the precautionary areas and following safe operating procedures can prevent equipment damage and/or personal injury. Before making any repair, read all of the repair procedures to learn the correct method and all precautions.Table of ContentsSpecifications and General Information.........................................................2-3 Basic Application Information.........................................................4 Warning and Precautionary Areas...................................................4Installation ........................................................................................................5 Basic Installation Instructions..........................................................5 Fluid Flow in Reverse Direction......................................................6 Bi-Directional Flow Measurement....................................................7Operation...........................................................................................................7 Operating Principles.....................................................................7 Reading the Meter. (8)Specific Gravity or Density Effect (8)Viscosity Effect (9)Troubleshooting & Maintenance (10)Disassembly (11)Cleaning and Inspection (12)Contamination and Filtration (13)Recommended Filtration (13)Contamination Sources (13)Basic Application InformationThe flow meter can be installed directly in the fluid line without flow straighteners or special piping. The meter is used to measure the flow rate of most liquidswhich do not contain particles greater than 74 micron.1. The flow indicator is sealed inside the Polycarbonate or Pyrex window tubeto permit use in areas where the meter may be sprayed or washed with soapand water.2. Mount the meter in the most convenient location to allow easy access forreading and maintenance.3. The meter should NOT be mounted near hot pipes or equipment which cancause deformation of the window tube and scale (Polycarbonate tube only).4. The meter should be mounted at least one foot (.3 meter) from large electricmotors, or the internal magnet may weaken or become demagnetized.Warning and Precautionary Areas1. The standard meters are designed to operate in systems that flow in onlyone direction: the direction of the arrow on the flow scale. Attemptingoperation in the reverse direction may cause damage to the meter or othersystem components. (See page 6-7 for reverse and bi-directional flowoptions)2. The window tubes of standard meters are made of Polycarbonate. Be sure touse cleaning agents only compatible with Polycarbonate.3. To retain accuracy and repeatability many internal moving parts are precisionmachined and require filtration of at least 74 micron or a 200 mesh screen.4. All meters are tested and calibrated at our test facility using a light hydraulicoil (DTE-25®) or water. The units are well drained, but some oil residue maystill remain within the meters. Please check the compatibility with your fluid.The meter may have to be cleaned before use. (See “Cleaning & Inspection”section)45. When installing aluminum or brass meters onto steel pipe caution should be taken not to over tighten the pipe connections. The thread in the meter end fittings may strip if over tightened.6. It is not recommended to install meters to unsupported piping.7. Operating Temperature: In standard meters, several components have a maximum temperature rating of 240°F (116°C). High temp version: 400°F (204°C) and Ultra high temp version: 600°F (315°C).8. Operating Pressure: Meters should not be used above the maximum rated operating pressure.9. Pressure and flow surges may disengage the outer magnet follower fromthe transfer magnet. If this occurs, a shock suppressor should be used to eliminate malfunction.10. Thread seal tape: Caution should be used when using thread seal tape on pipe thread joints. Leave the first thread of pipe thread exposed from end of pipe when applying tape.11. These meters, as well as many other meters, use an internal transfer magnet in the design. Because of this magnet, be aware of the following:a) Do not install near highly magnetic devicesb) If metal particles are moving through the system, a magneticfilter may be required.WARNING: Never subject an empty flow meter to an immediate high fluid flow. Always purge air from meters by gradually increasing system fluid flow.A sudden slug of high velocity liquid into an empty flow meter can cause permanent damage to the internals.InstallationBasic Installation InstructionsThe meters are mounted in-line and are direct reading. The meters can be mounted in a vertical or horizontal position as long as the fluid is flowing in the direction of the arrow on the flow scale. No straight pipe is required before or after the meter.When installing a meter, apply “Thread seal Tape” or “Liquid Thread Sealant”on pipe threads. If tape is used, be sure to leave the first pipe thread on end of pipe exposed. Position filter in front of meter and in a location that allows easy access for routine maintenance. Refer to “Warnings and Precautionary Areas” for additional information.5INSTALLATION DOS AND DON’TTo obtain satisfactory operation from a flow meter, the following points should be considered:DO:• Install a pressure gauge near the inlet of the meter• Place throttling valves at the outlet of the meter• Use pipe sealer on the connections• Install a union on one side of the meter for easy removal for maintenance andcalibration• Install solenoid valves at meter outlet (as far downstream as possible)• Mount either vertically or horizontallyDO NOT:• Use in systems where reverse flow is possible unless using RF option• Place meter in non-aligned piping• Over-flow the meter by more than 150% of maximum reading• Operate at pressures and temperatures greater than specified• Install restrictions between pressure gauges and the meter inlet• Install solenoid valves at the meter inletFluid Flow in Reverse DirectionThe standard meter should not see flow in the reverse direction (oppositedirection to the arrow on the flow rate scale). Prolonged flow in the reversedirection will cause damage to the standard meter’s internal mechanism that could result in inaccurate readings or premature failure of the meter. If the standardmeter will be installed in a system where reverse flow is possible, the factoryrecommends that a check valve be installed in parallel with the meter in orderto facilitate reverse flow around the meter. Check valves are readily availablethrough fluid component distributors.Alternatively, flow meters designed to allow reverse flow may be specified.These meters do not measure in reverse flow, for that Bi-Directional meters are available. These meters are designated by a “-RF” suffix attached to the end of the standard 8-digit model code.Reverse flow meters will allow flows in the reverse direction of up to themaximum flow rate on the flow rate scale without any damage to the meter’sinternals.6Bi-Directional Flow MeasurementIn certain situations it may be necessary to measure flow rates in both directions. For a small additional fee, an option for bi-directional flow measurement may be specified. Meters that include this option are designated by a “-BI” suffix attached to the end of the standard 8-digit model code.*Not all flow ranges are available in Bi-Directional meters. Contact factory for more information on reverse and bi-directional flow.OperationOperating PrinciplesWe have developed a line of unique flow meters which combine the simplicity ofa sharp-edged orifice disk and a variable area flow meter. See Illustration 1 “Flow Meter Cross Section”.The meters are tubular, with all internal wetted parts sealed within the body casing. Running through the center of the body casing is a tapered center shaft which is centered in the bore by pilot disks at each end. Encircling the shaft isa sharp-edged, floating orifice disk, transfer magnet and return spring. The disk and transfer magnet are held in the “no flow” position by the biased return spring. As the flow moves through the meter it creates a pressure differential across the floating orifice disk, forcing the disk and transfer magnet against the return spring. As flow increases, the pressure differential across the disk increases, forcingthe disk and transfer magnet to move along the tapered center shaft. As flow decreases, the biased return spring forces the disk and transfer magnet down the tapered center shaft, returning to the “no flow” position.In metal casing meters the movement of the floating orifice disk and transfer magnet cannot be seen because they are sealed inside the body casing. Therefore, a magnet follower is positioned around the outside of the body casing and is magnetically coupled to the internal transfer magnet. As the flow rate increases, the internal magnet moves along the tapered center shaft (inside the body casing) and the magnet follower moves along the outside of the body casing (under the scale).7Reading the MeterNotice the black reference line which runs 360° around the white magneticfollower. This reference line moves under the scale in direct relation to themovement of the internal orifice disk. When fluid is flowing, the flow rate through the meter is read by lining up the black reference line with the closest rate line on the external flow scale.Specific Gravity or Density EffectStandard meters are calibrated for either water with a specific gravity of 1.0 oroil with a specific gravity of .873. The meter is affected by fluid density as aremost other similar type meters. Our meters have less of this effect because ofthe sharpness of the floating orifice disks being used. The indicated flow reading will read high for heavier fluids and low for lighter fluids. A corrective factor can be applied to the standard scale or a special scale can be added at a slightadditional costs. When measuring fluids with other specific gravities, the basicequations below can be used to develop corrected readings.For water meters use: √ 1.0/specific gravity x scale readingFor oil meters use: √.873/specific gravity x scale reading8Viscosity EffectThe meters incorporate a unique floating, sharp-edged orifice disk. The floating, sharp-edged orifice disk offers greater operating stability and accuracy overa wide range of viscosities. Standard viscosities up to 110 cSt. For viscosities between 110 to 430 cSt contact factory.Special ScalesSpecial calibrations can be performed by the factory to correct for the following system characteristics:• System temperature• Media specific gravity• Various measuring units (i.e. LPM, LPS, m3/hr, etc.)• Viscosity• Any combination of the aboveConsult factory or your distributor for details and prices.9Troubleshooting & Maintenance1011DisassemblyIMPORTANT: It is not necessary to remove window tube or window seals to clean the meter. Note also how the meter disassembles for ease of reassembly.WARNING: Shut down system before removing meter from flow line.1. Use a clean dry cloth to remove all foreign material from exterior of meter, especially around threaded ends.2. Remove meter from the flow line.3. With the arrow on the scale pointing upward, mount the meter in a vice. See Illustration 2. Use the flats of the inlet end porting when securing the meter in the vice.IMPORTANT: DO NOT wrench or tighten vice on window tube.4. Install a wrench across the flats of the outlet end porting and turn counterclockwise to loosen assembly. Do not remove end porting at this time.5. Remove meter from vice. Hold the meter so the end port that is loose, is on top. Remove loose end porting.Illustration 2Illustration 36. Tilt the open end of meter over a clean cloth to expose inner cartridge.See Illustration 3. Remove inner cartridge assembly from body casing.Note: Because the transfer magnet is magnetically coupled to the magneticfollower, you will notice a slight resistance when removing cartridge. Ifcartridge does not slide out, insert a wooden dowel in opposite end of meterand push or lightly tap on dowel until cartridge comes loose.IMPORTANT: If inner cartridge does not slide out freely, it may be sign ofcontamination. The transfer magnet is a powerful magnet. Keep it away frommetal chips and fillings. They may be hard to remove when reassembling and will cause premature failure.7. Examine inner cartridge or level of contamination.8. If inner cartridge has a low level of contamination and is functioning properly,no further disassembly is required. Proceed to “Cleaning and Inspection. Ifthe inner cartridge is damaged or contaminated beyond repair, the completemeter can be sent to the manufacturer for evaluation. The manufacturer willrepair or replace parts as needed.Cleaning & Inspection1. Inspect inner cartridge and body casing for contamination. If the innercartridge did not slide out freely, it may be a sign of contamination. Locateand eliminate the source of contamination before reconnecting meter to thesystem or the same problem will reoccur. It may be necessary to install finerfiltration or a magnetic filter in the system.2. Soak inner cartridge assembly in a suitable cleaning solvent. Naptha orStoddard is recommended.3. Remove parts from solvent. Use an air hose and/or scrub with a light brushto remove any remaining contaminants. Remove any magnetized particlesfrom transfer magnet.4. Inspect inner cartridge for scored or worn parts.5. Remove any contaminants from inside body casing.6. Clean the window tube with soap and water, or a compatible cleaningsolvent.IMPORTANT: Some solvents may cause damage to the polycarbonate tube,check compatibility of solvent being used.7. Clean and inspect seal assemblies (O-rings and seals) for nicks or cuts.Replace as needed.12Properly filtered meters will provide years of trouble-free service. If the meter is not properly filtered, it may be damaged and malfunction. Meter damage causedby excessive contamination is not covered under warranty. Contamination and FiltrationRecommended FiltrationThe manufacturer recommends system filtration of at least 74 micron filter ora 200 mesh screen. It has been found that if inadequate filtration has caused meter failure, it will normally fail in the open position. Some systems may requirea magnetic filter.IMPORTANT: Meter damage caused by excessive contamination is not covered under warranty.Contamination SourcesFresh FluidWhen fresh fluid is stored in holding tanks, it may be contaminated with scale or metal flakes from inside the tank. To prevent this type of contamination, be sureto filter fresh fluid before adding to the system.New Machinery ContaminationWhen building new machines, a certain amount of built-in contamination is unavoidable. Typical built-in contamination consists of dust, dirt, chips, fiber, sand, flushing solutions, moisture, weld splatters and pipe sealants. Flushing the system before operation can reduce contamination, but cannot eliminate it totally. Unless the system is flushed at a high velocity, some contamination will not be dislodged until the system is in operation. System contamination can cause fluid component malfunction.Environmental ContaminationWhen performing routine maintenance, the system’s fluid is commonly exposedto environmental contamination. Exercise caution during routine maintenance to prevent this type of contamination. Be sure to change breather filter and systems air filter regularly.Self-Generation ContaminationSelf-generated contamination is a product of wear, cavitation, fluid breakdown and corrosion. Systems that are carefully flushed, maintained, and have fresh fluid added, mainly have self-generated contamination. In this case, proper filtration can prevent fluid component malfunction.131415414.574.4300 | 2440 W. Corporate Preserve Dr. #600, Oak Creek, WI, 53154C O M PA N Y©2016 AW-Lake Company. All rights reserved. Doc ID:FLOWLIQUIDMETERMAN082516。



TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction (4)Specifications (6)Installation (7)Operational Start-Up (9)Troubleshooting (11)Flow Monitor Information (12)Repair Kit Information (13)Statement of Warranty (15)INTRODUCTIONFluid entering the meter passes through the inlet flow straightener which reduces its turbulent flow pattern and improves the fluid’s velocity profile. Fluid then passes through the turbine blades causing it to rotate at a speed proportional to the fluid velocity. As each blade passes through the magnetic field, created at the base of the pickoff transducer, AC voltage (pulse) is generated in the pick-up coil (see Figure 1). These impulses produce an output frequency proportional to the volumetric flow through the meter. The output frequency is used to represent flow rate and/or totalization of fluid passing through the turbine flow meter.FIGURE 1Schematic illustration of electric signalgenerated by rotor movementTURBINE METERThe FTB-1400 Series Turbine Flow Meter is designed to withstand the rigorous demands of the most remote flow measurement applications. The FTB-1400 Series Flow Meter maintains measurement accuracy and mechanical integrity in the corrosive and abrasive fluids commonly found in oil field waterflood project pipelines, in-situ mining operations, offshore facilities and plant locations. Simple to install and service, it can operate in any orientation (horizontal to vertical) as long as the“flow direction” arrow is aligned in the same direction as the actual line flow. For optimum performance, the flow meter should be installed with a minimum of 10 diameters upstream pipe length and 5 diameters downstream pipe length.FIGURE 2Typical cross-section of FTB-1411 throughFTB-1441 turbine flow meterSPECIFICATIONSMATERIALS of CONSTRUCTION: Body : 316 Stainless SteelRotor : CD4MCU Stainless SteelRotor Support and Bearings : 316 Stainless SteelRotor Shaft : Tungsten CarbideOPERATING LIMITATIONS:Temperature: -150 °F to +350 °F (-101 °C to +177 °C) The metershould not be subjected to temperatures above +350° F(177° C), or below -150° F (-101° C) or the freezingpoint of the metered liquid. High temperatures willdamage the magnetic pick-up, while lower temperatureswill limit the rotation of the rotor.Pressure : Maximum pressure ratings as follows:5,000 psi ─ all NPT meters up to 2"2,000 psi ─ 3" male NPT1,500 psi ─ 4" male NPT1,000 psi ─ 6" male NPT800 psi ─ all grooved end metersNote: Consult factory for pressure ratings for flanged meters. Accuracy:± 1.0% of reading Repeatability: ± 0.1%Calibration: Water (NIST Traceable Calibration) Corrosion: All FTB-1400 series turbine meters are constructed ofstainless steel and tungsten carbide. The operator mustensure that the operating fluid is compatible with thesematerials. Incompatible fluids can cause deterioration ofinternal components and cause a reduction in meteraccuracy.Pulsation andVibration: Severe pulsation and mechanical vibration will affectaccuracy and shorten the life of the meterFiltration: If small particles are present in the fluid, it is recommendedthat a strainer be installed upstream of the meter (see Table 1 WARNING: Pressure in excess of allowable rating may cause the housing to burst and cause serious personal injury.FLOW MONITOR:For a complete flow monitor package, Omega offers the FTB-1400 Series Flow Monitors (see Appendix B on page 12 for flow monitor information). These digital signal processing displays utilize the low-level frequency input from the FTB-1400 Series Turbine Meters to calculate flow rate and total. When ordered with an Omega FTB-1400 Series Turbine Meter, the included factory calibration will provide dependable and accurate flow information.REPAIR KIT:The FTB-1400 Series Turbine Meter Repair Kit is designed for easy field service of a damaged flow meter, rather than replacing the entire flow meter (see Appendix B on page 12 for repair kit information).Repair parts are constructed of stainless steel alloy and tungsten carbide and are factory calibrated to ensure accuracy throughout the entire flow range. Each kit is complete and includes the calibrated K-factor which is used to recalibrate the flow monitor or other electronics to provide accurate output data.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSPrior to installation, the flow meter should be checked internally for foreign material and to ensure the turbine rotor spins freely. Fluid lines should also be checked and cleared of all debris.The flow meter must be installed with the flow arrow, etched on the exterior of the meter body, pointing in the direction of fluid flow. Though the meter is designed to function in any position it is recommended, where possible, to install horizontally with the magnetic pick-up facing upward.The liquid being measured should be free of any large particles that may obstruct rotation of the rotor. If particles are present, a mesh strainer should be installed upstream before operation of the flow meter. (See Table 1 on page 8.)TABLE 1 Strainer Mesh Installation DetailsThe preferred plumbing setup is one containing a by-pass line (Figure 3 on page 10) that allows meter inspection and repair without interrupting flow. If a by-pass line is not utilized, it is important that all control valves be located downstream of the flow meter (Figure 4 on page 10).This is true with any restriction in the flow line that may cause the liquid to flash. If necessary, air eliminators should be installed to ensure that the meter is not incorrectly measuring entrained air or gas.PARTNUMBER STRAINER MESH CLEARANCE FILTER SIZE FTB-1411, FTB-142160 × 60 .0092 260 Micron FTB-1412, FTB-142260 × 60 .0092 260 Micron FTB-1413, FTB-142360 × 60 .0092 260 Micron FTB-142460 × 60 .0092 260 Micron FTB-1425 60 × 60 .0092 260 MicronFTB-1431 20 × 20 .0340 .86mm FTB-1441 20 × 20 .0340 .86mmCAUTION: Damage can be caused by striking an empty meter with a high velocity flow stream.It is recommended that a minimum length, equal to ten (10) pipe diameters of straight pipe, be installed on the upstream side and five (5) diameters on the downstream side of the flow meter. Otherwise, meter accuracy may be affected. Piping should be the same size as the meter bore or threaded port size.Do not locate the flow meter or connection cable close to electric motors, transformers, sparking devices, high voltage lines, or place connecting cable in conduit with wires furnishing power for such devices. These devices can induce false signals in the flow meter coil or cable, causing the meter to read inaccurately.If problems arise with the flow meter and monitor, consult Appendix A (Troubleshooting Guide) on page 11. If further problems arise, consult the factory.If the internal components of the turbine flow meter are damaged beyond repair, turbine meter repair kits are available. Information pertaining to the turbine meter repair kits is referenced in Appendix B on page 12.OPERATIONAL START-UPThe following steps should be followed when installing and starting the meter.WARNING: Make sure that fluid flow has been shut off and pressure in the line released before attempting to install the meter in an existing system.1. After meter installation, close the isolation valves and open theby-pass valve. Flow liquid through the by-pass valve for sufficient time to eliminate any air or gas in the flow line.CAUTION: High velocity air or gas may damage the internal components of the meter.2. Open upstream isolating valve slowly to eliminate hydraulic shockwhile charging the meter with the liquid. Open the valve to full3. Open downstream isolating valve to permit meter to operate.4. Close the by-pass valve to a full closed position.5. Adjust the downstream valve to provide the required flow ratethrough the meter. Note: The downstream valve may be used as a control valve.FIGURE 3Meter installation utilizing a by-pass line(Shown with an FTB-1400 Series Flow Monitor)FIGURE 4Meter installation without utilizing a by-pass lineAPPENDIX ATROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Trouble Possible Cause RemedyMeter indicates higher than actual flow rate -Cavitation-Debris on rotor support-Build up of foreign materialon meter bore-Gas in liquid-Increase back pressure-Clean meter-Clean meter-Install gas eliminatorahead of meterMeter indicates lower than actual flow rate -Debris on rotor-Worn bearing-Viscosity higher than calibrated-Clean meter and add filter-Clean meter and add filter-Recalibrate monitorErratic system indication, meter alone works well (remote monitor application only) Ground loop in shielding Ground shield one placeonly. Look for internalelectronic instrumentground. Reroute cablesaway from electrical noiseIndicator shows flow when shut off Mechanical vibration causesrotor to oscillate without turningIsolate meterNo flow indication. Full or partial open position Fluid shock, full flow into drymeter or impact caused bearingseparation or broken rotor shaftRebuild meter with repairkit and recalibrate monitor.Move to location wheremeter is full on start-up oradd downstream flowcontrol valveErratic indication at low flow, good indication at high flow Rotor has foreign materialwrapped around itClean meter and add filterNo flow indication Faulty pick-up Replace pick-upSystem works perfect, except indicates lower flow over entire range By-pass flow, leak Repair or replace by-passvalves, or faulty solenoidvalvesMeter indicating highflow, upstream pipingat meter smaller thanmeter boreFluid jet impingement on rotor Change pipingOpposite effects of above Viscosity lower than calibrated Change temperature,change fluid or recalibratemeter11APPENDIX BFTB-1400 SERIES FLOW MONITOR Simplified Version• Displays rate and/or total• Large 8 digit by 3/4” display• Front panel programming• NEMA 4X enclosure• Five selectable units of measure• Programs in seven simple stepsPart Number InformationFTB 1400 X DMounting StyleM = Meter MountR =Remote MountS =Swivel Mount Advanced Version• Displays rate and/or total• Large 8 digit by 3/4” display• Front panel programming• NEMA 4X enclosure• Thirteen selectable units of measure• Selection of time intervals for rate measurement• Ten point linearization• Provides additional programming optionsPart Number InformationFTB 1400 X D AMounting StyleM = Meter MountR =Remote MountS =Swivel Mount1213FTB-1400 REPAIR KITFigure 5Typical turbine meter component directoryFlow Meter SizeRepair Kit FitsMeter Part NumberRepair KitPart Number3/8" FTB-1411,FTB-1421 FTB-1400A-RK 1/2" FTB-1412, FTB-1422 FTB-1400B-RK 3/4" FTB-1413, FTB-1423 FTB-1400C-RK 7/8" FTB-1424 FTB-1400D-RK 1" FTB-1425 FTB-1400E-RK 1-1/2" FTB-1431 FTB-1400F-RK 2" LowFTB-1441 FTB-1400F-RK Standard Magnetic Pick-upAll Meter SizesFTB-1400-MPNOTES 141516。


1 安全指南
1 安全指南
1.1 用途
• 本测量设备仅用于测量密闭管道中导电介质的流量。测量去离子水时,介 质的最小电导率为 20 μS/cm。对于大部分液体,测量时需要的最小电导率 可为 5 μS/cm。 • 除本文指定用途外,其它任何用途均会对人员和整个测量系统的安全造成 威胁,禁止使用。 • 制造商对由于不恰当使用或用于非指定用途而引起的损坏不承担责任。
1000系列电磁流量计 1000系列电磁流量计 2.1工作原理
法拉第感应定律(指的是当导体通过磁场时会在导体内部产生感应电势)即 为电磁流量计测量的基础原理。这种测量原理可应用于具有导电性的流体,该 流体流入磁场垂直于流体方向的管道,在流体中感应生成的电势可利用对称布 置的两个电极进行测量。信号电压UE与磁感应强度B,电极间距D以及流体平均 速度v成正比。由于磁感应强度B与电极间距D为常量,所以信号电压UE与平均 流速v成正比。用于计算体积流速的等式表明信号电压UE与体积流量成线性正 比。
1000系列电磁流量计 2.4电磁流量计的主要技术参数 2.4.1 标准型和高精度型技术参数
重复性 测量范围
0.1% 0-12m/s(流量单位可改变)
2.4.2 卫生型和电池供电型技术参数
型号 口径 精度
TK1300卫生型系列 DN3-DN150 0.2%,0.5%
TK1500电池供电系列 DN10-DN1200 0.5%









流量计LZB 系列和LZJ 系列,前者锥管为光滑内壁,后者锥管有三条导向的凸筋。




L.ZB ()WB 系列,系带针阀结构,针阀可根据用户需要,置于流量计上正面或上顶面。

WB 型外形示意如图3,连接尺寸见表3.U 馆富自动怕过程测量仪表替代进口产品的理想选择图二图三主要规格参数注:※在仪表安装设备上制造。

































流量仪表安装作业指导书编制:审核:批准:机电工程分公司二O一二年十一月1编制依据及适用范围 (2)1.1编制目的 (2)1.2编制依据 (2)1.3适用范围 (2)2作业内容及流程 (2)2.1流量测量仪表的分类 (3)2.2差压流量计(差压变送器)的安装 (3)2.3电磁流量计 (3)2.4转子流量计 (4)2.5超声波流量计 (6)2.6旋涡流量计 (7)2.7质量流量计 (9)2.8椭圆齿轮流量计 (10)2.9靶式流量计 (11)2.10涡轮流量计 (12)3质量保证措施 (14)4安全措施 (15)流量仪表的安装作业指导书1 编制依据及适用范围1.1 编制目的为贯彻实施公司质量管理体系,加强机电工程分公司施工质量管理工作,提高管理水平和服务质量,为了使在施工安装时形成规范化、程序化,提高工作效率。



1.2 编制依据本施工作业指导书依据有关施工现行规范、仪表工手册及多年施工经验等编制而成。

GB50093-2002 《自动化仪表工程施工及验收规范》SH/T3521-2007 《石油化工仪表工程施工技术规程》GB50131-2007 《自动化仪表工程施工质量验收规范》SY4205-2007《石油天然气建设工程施工质量验收规范自动化仪表工程》GB50484-2008 《石油化工建设工程施工安全技术规范》GB/T50430-2007 《工程建设施工企业质量管理规范》《仪表工手册》乐嘉谦(主编)1.3 适用范围本作业指导书适用于中国石油天然气第七建设公司承揽工程中的自控专业中各类流量仪表的安装施工。

2 作业流程及作业内容2.2 作业流程2.1 流量测量仪表的分类测量流量的方法很多,按测量原理来分,流量测量仪表可分为速度式、容积式和质量式等类型。



iPFs-0XX iPFs-1XXTABLe OF cONTeNTs General information General Information, Features, Specifications .................................................................................................Page 1installationPiping, Positioning the Meter, Immersion, Depth Setting ................................................................................Page 2IPFS-0 Installation, IPFS-1 Installation .............................................................................................................Page 3Dimension C, Pipe Wall Thickness ....................................................................................................................Page 4Flow Rate ............................................................................................................................................................Page 4Straight Pipe Recommendations ......................................................................................................................Page 5Full Pipe Recommendations ..............................................................................................................................Page 6connectionCalibration ..........................................................................................................................................................Page 7Operation & repairTheory of Operation, Flow Range, Rotor Replacement ....................................................................................Page 8repair & PartsSignal, Parts Explosion, Parts List ....................................................................................................................Page 9TroubleshootingProblem, Probable Cause, To Try.......................................................................................................................Back TABLes AND DiAGrAMsFeatures ..............................................................................................................................................................Page 1Specifications Table ...........................................................................................................................................Page 1Piping ..................................................................................................................................................................Page 2Positioning the Meter .........................................................................................................................................Page 2Depth Setting .....................................................................................................................................................Page 2Meter Installation ...............................................................................................................................................Page 3Table 1 (Dimension 'C') ......................................................................................................................................Page 4Table 2 (Pipe Wall Thickness) ............................................................................................................................Page 4Straight Pipe Recommendations ......................................................................................................................Page 5Full Pipe Recommendations ..............................................................................................................................Page 6Connection Diagram ..........................................................................................................................................Page 7K factor ................................................................................................................................................................Page 7Rotor Replacement ............................................................................................................................................Page 8Parts Explosion ...................................................................................................................................................Page 9Parts List .............................................................................................................................................................Page 9Troubleshooting: Problem, Probable Cause, To Try ..........................................................................................BackPage 1GeNerAL iNFOrMATiONFeATUresAdapter fitting with 2” NPT threadsFull-port 2” ball valve for sensor removal 2” Adapterremoves to mount hot-tap machine 3/4” diameter tubing for low insertion force iPFs-1XXRotor18 Foot CableModular electronics (optional) • rate/total/pulse/4-20 mA • blind 4-20 transmitter • pulse dividerCompression nutAdapter fittingRotor housingRemovable jewel bearings for exceptional low flow performance iPFs-0XXsPeciFicATiONs*GeNerAL iNFOrMATiONThe IPFS Series are adjustable depth insertion paddlewheels that come in brass or 316 stainless models to fit 3” to 40” pipe. Installation fittings are standard 1-1/2" or 2” NPT. Fittings such as saddles and weldolets may be purchased either locally or from Dwyer Instruments Inc.Ruby bearings and a non-drag Hall-effect sensor give these meters the widest flow range of any of the paddlewheel types. A sensor detects the passage of miniature magnets in the six rotor blades. The resulting square-wave signal can be sent for hundreds of feet over unshielded cable without a transmitter and connected directly to many PLC’s and other controls without any additional electronics.If desired, a modular system of electronics can be installed directly on the flow sensor or mounted remotely. The Series RTI provides digital rate and total display, as well as programmable pulse output; the Series RTI also provides a 4 to 20 mA analog output. The Series BAT is a blind analog transmitter. Program-mable pulse for pump pacing is available with the Series PWD.The “hot-tap” models IPFS-1 can be installed or serviced without shutting down the line by means of a 2” full-port isolation valve that comes with a nipple for installation on the pipe fitting. In most circumstances, no special tool is required.s-size L-size3” to 12” (50 - 300mm) 12” to 40” (300 - 1000mm)Hall Effect sensor, 12 Vdc current sinking pulse Cast aluminum Brass or 316 SS PVDFNickel-bound tungsten carbide (zirconia ceramic optional)Ruby jeweli PFs-0 i PFs-1 None Bronze (316SS optional) 1.5” NPT 2” NPT0.3 - 30 feet/sec (0.1 - 9 meter/sec)+/- 1.5% of full scale 200˚ F (93˚ C)200 psi (14 bar)0.44 x pressure in pipe 5-24 Vdc, 1.5 mA#22 AWG 3-con, 18’ (6m); 2,000’ (650m) maximum cable runPipe size sensorMaterials Housing sensor Body rotor shaft Bearingsisolation ValveFitting size Flow range AccuracyMaximum Temperature Maximum Pressure insertion Force Power cable*Specifications subject to change.immersion. The IPFS Series standard sensors are not designed for continuous underwater operation. If this is a possibility, as in a flooded vault, a unit modified for immersion should be specified (Option -IMM)Depth setting. It is important for accuracy that the sensor be inserted to the correct depth into the pipe.1. In Table 1 (on page 4), find Dimension C for your sensor modeland pipe size.2. Subtract wall thickness of your pipe (Table 2 on page 4) to find Dimension D.3. Measuring from the outside of the pipe to the joint in the housing, as shown in the diagram, adjust the sensor to Dimension D and hand tighten compression nut.4. Align the conduit housing with the centerline of the pipe, as shown below. Be sure the arrow on the housing points in the direction of flow.5. Check Dimension D one more time.6. Tighten the compression nut fully.recOrD YOUr seTTiNGsOnce you have the meter set up and operational, it is im-portant to record your meter setttings and save them for future reference.K-FactorInsertion Depth (Dim. D)iNsTALLATiONPage 2POsiTiONiNG THe MeTerFair (unacceptable if air is present)Fair (unacceptable if fluid contains sediment)BestPiping. For best results, the IPFS sensor should be installed with at least ten diameters of straight pipe upstream and five downstream. Certain extreme situations such as partially-opened valves are particularly difficult and may require fifteen diameters upstream. (See Straight Pipe Recommendations.)Horizontal is the preferred installation orientation, since it improves low-flow performance slightly and avoids problems with trapped air. Bottom, top, and vertical pipe installations are all acceptable if required by the piping layout. (See Full Pipe Recommendations.)These flow sensors are not recommended for installation downstream of the boiler feedwater pump where installation fault may expose the meter to boiler pressure and temperature. Maximum recom-mended temperature is 200˚ F.iPFs-0XX iNsTALLATiONFitting installation. IPFS-0XX sensors come with a 1-1/2” male NPT pipe thread adapter fitting. Any fitting that provides the matching NPT female thread may be used. Installation procedure compensates for fitting height differences. Cut a minimum 1-3/4” hole in the pipe. If possible, measure the wall thickness and write it down for use in depth setting. Then install the threaded fitting (saddle, weldolet, etc.) on the pipe.Meter i nstallation. Loosen the compression nut so that the adapter slides freely. Pull the meter fully upward and finger-tighten the compres -sion nut. Using a thread sealant, install the adapter in the pipe fitting. Do not overtighten. Now loosen the compression nut, lower the meter to the appropriate depth setting (see diagram and instructions, preceding page). caution: Do not allow the meter to fall into the pipe uncontrolled, as this may damag the meter . Be sure flow is in the direction of the arrow on the housing. Tighten compression nut fully.iPFs-1XX iNsTALLATiON‘Hot tap’ meters are designed to be installed and serviced without depressurizing the pipe.Fitting i nstallation. The hot tap sensors have a 2” NPT thread for compatibility with the 2” isolation valve. Any fitting that provides matching NPT female thread may be used. The installation procedure compensates for differences in fitting height.If initial installation is performed on an unpressurized pipe, cut a minimum 1-3/4” hole in the pipe. If possible, measure the wall thickness and write it down for use in depth setting. Then install the threaded fitting (saddle, weldolet, etc.) on the pipe.If it is necessary to do the initial installation under pressure, any standard hot tap drilling machine with 2” NPT adapter, such as a Transmate or a Mueller, can be used. Ordinarily, it is not necessary to use an installation tool, since the small-diameter tube can be controlled by hand but not for higher pressures.Meter installation. Remove the sensor unit from the valve assembly. Using a thread sealant, install the valve assembly on the pipe fitting. If the initial installation is a pressure (“hot”) tap, remove the 1-1/2” x 2” adapter bushing at the back of the valve. Thread the tapping machine on, open the valve, and tap using a minimum of 1-3/4” or maximum 1-7/8” cutter. After retracting the machine and closing the valve, reinstall the flow sensor. When the sensor is secure, open the valve and adjust depth setting (see diagram and instructions, preceding page). Be sure flow is in the direction of the arrow on the housing. Tighten locking collar and compression nut fully.Compression nutAdapter fittingwithstandard NPT threadsFull-port 2” ball valve allows sensorremoval Standard 2” NPT threadsiPFs-1XX sensorremovaliNsTALLATiON Page 3FLOWstrain reliefPage 4iNsTALLATiON Page 5iNsTALLATiONsTrAiGHT PiPe recOMMeNDATiONs (X = diameter)5X10X5X10X 5X20X 5X20X30X50Xreduced PipeTwo elbows in Plane Two elbows, Out Of Planeexpanded Pipeswirling FlowPropeller MeterPartially OpenButterfly Valvespiral FlowiPFsiPFsiPFsiPFsiPFsiPFsiNsTALLATiON caution:These flow sensors arenotrecommended forinstallation down -stream of the boiler feedwater pump where installation fault may expose theflow sensor to boiler pressure and temperature. Maximum recommendedtemperature is 200°F.FULL PiPe recOMMeNDATiONs recOMMeNDeDNOT recOMMeNDeDrecOMMeNDeDNOT recOMMeNDeD Allows air pockets to form at sensorEnsures full pipePost-valve cavitation can create air pocketKeeps pipe full at sensorAir can be trapped Allows air to bleed offrecOMMeNDeDNOT recOMMeNDeDPage 7Page 6cONNecTiON cONNecTiONSensors are supplied with 18 ft. of cable. For sensors with no additional electronics, see diagram for color coding of connections. For sensors with on-board electronics, see the manual accompanying the electronic module.calibration (“K-Factor”). In order to properly process pulses fromthe flow sensor, a number must be entered into the control to which the sensor is connected. This number, called the K-factor, is the number of pulses the sensor puts out per unitoffluid passing through the pipe. It is normally provided for Seametricssensors in pulses per gallon, and is given on the chart “K-factors for Various Pipe Sizes.” These numbers are based on extensive testing, which has shown close agreement between different IPsensors in the same installation. Typically, most K-factor error can be attributed to installation variables, such as depth settingand fitting configuration.It is occasionally possible to field calibrate a sensor by catching the fluid in a measured container and comparing with the number of pulses recorded. (To record individual pulses, set the K-factor on the control to 1.00.) This is especially desirable if the instal-lation has less than the recommended length of straight pipe upstream of the sensor.rePAir & PArTssignalThe flow sensor has only one moving part, the rotor. If this is turning properly and there is no signal, the Hall-effect sensor is not operating properly. To check the signal, apply 12 Vdc regu-lated* power to the red (+) and black (-) leads. Set a multimeter to voltage reading. Put the positive multimeter lead on the red wire and the negative lead on the white wire. Slowly turn the rotor. Voltage reading should swing between +12 Volts and 0 Volts as the rotor turns. If it does not, the Hall effect sensor is not working properly. Checking for continuity is not a useful test of these sensors.*NOTe: An unregulated power supply can exceed max voltage of micro powered sensor (gray cable) and damage sensor..IPFS-0XX Parts1Upper housing assembly 2Gasket 3Lower housing 4Housing screw (4 req'd)5Plug, steel 6Plug, plastic 7Strain relief8Pickup, Standard (for RTI)9Tube10Compression nut 11Compression ferrule 12Adapter fitting13Rotor housing O-ring (EPDM)14Rotor housing 15Jewel bearings (2 req)16Rotor with shaft 17Rotor repair kit(includes of #15 & #16)Page 8Parts explosionIPFS-1XX (HOT-TAP) Parts (not shown)Adapter fitting Ball valve assembly Collar, locking Hex nipple, 2"Page 9rotor replacement. Rotors are easily field-replaced. Shaft and rotor are a single unit, and are not replaced separately. If replacement is due only to normal shaft wear, bearing re-placement is probably not necessary. If the rotor has been damaged by impact, the bearings should also be replaced. Rotor and bearings can be ordered as a kit. Follow these steps:1. Unscrew the threaded bearing housings to expose the shaft ends. If bearings are being replaced, back them completely out.2. Remove the rotor. Put the new rotor in its place.3. Thread in one bearing housing part way, then the other. Take care to start the end of the shaft into the bearing hole before tightening further.4. Screw in bearing housings until they bottom. Note : Do not use excessive force.5. Check for free spin. Blowing lightly on the rotor should result in it spinning rapidly and coasting to a smooth stop.rePAircaution! Never attempt to remove a flowsensor when there is pressure in the pipe unless it is specifically designed for hot tap installation and removal. Loosen thecompression nut slowly to release any trapped pres-sure. If fluid sprays out when removing the sensor, stop turning and depressurize the pipe. Failure to do so could result in the sensor being thrown from the pipe, resulting in damage or serious injury.OPerATiONTheory. In principle, an insertion flow sensor measures the velocity of flow at one point in the pipe, and flow rate and total can be inferred from this one point. Accuracy is decreased by any factor which makes the flow at the measured point unrepresentative of the entire flow stream. This includes distorted flow patterns caused by upstream fittings too close to the sensor. The worst offenders are fittings that increase the flow on one side of the pipe, such as partially-opened gate or butterfly valves. Fluid moving in a pipe does not all flow at the same velocity. Toward the center of the pipe, fluid moves faster than at the wall, and the relationship be -tween the two changes as overall flow rate increases. This change in the “velocity profile” can result in non-linearity, which means that the K-factor that is correct for one flow rate may be incorrect for another. The recommended depth settings have been carefully chosen to minimize this source of error, and should be followed carefully, especially in the smaller pipe sizes.Flow range. These sensors are designed to operate at flow velocities of 0.3 to 30 feet per second. If erratic readings are encountered at low flows, check the chart to see if flow is below minimum for the pipe size. The standard shaft and bearings should have a long life at continuous high flow.OPerATiON & rePAir Refer to "Terms and Conditions of Sale" in our catalog or on our website. Contact customer service to receive a Returns Goods Authorization number before shipping your product back for repair. Be sure to include a brief description of the problem plus any relevant applciation notes.WArrANTY/reTUrNPL-OM-65200389-0905129/5/2012Dwyer Instruments, Inc. • 102 Indiana Highway 212 • Michigan City, IN 46360 • USA(P ) 219.879.8868 • (F ) 219.872.9057 • 1.800.872.9141 • TrOUBLesHOOTiNG。



















流量计操作说明书目录一、流量计转换器操作说明1、操作框图2、主界面3、各通道状态界面4、功能选择界面5、用户密码输入界面6、用户密码重输界面7、用户设置选择界面8、报警范围设置界面9、压缩因子参数设置界面10、时钟设置界面11、温压输入量程设置界面12、输出量程选择界面13、用户密码修改界面14、通讯及接口参数设置界面二、流量计转换器MODBUS通讯编程说明1、转换器串口通讯简要说明2、MODBUS 协议简介3、ASCII传输方式4、RTU传输方式5、地址域6、功能域7、数据域一、流量计转换器操作说明流量计转换器面板上共有:上(↑)、下(↓)、左(←)、右(→)、模式(M)和回车( )六个键,通过这六个键可以对流量计进行各种操作。













+80℃ 公称压力:0.6、1.0MPa
量测的体积 = V
现场操作 压力与温 度
20°C 101325 Pa
腰轮流量计 刮板流量计 涡轮流量计 涡街流量计 孔板流量计 弯管流量计
体拨弄转子,以防划伤,影响精度; 补偿器使用现场应避免强烈的电磁干扰; 补偿器内部参数不能随意改动; 补偿器工作电池电量提示不足时,应及时更换电池; 仪表前后阀门应缓慢开闭,以防冲击仪表; 仪表使用过程中应定期或不定期检查润滑油的情况; 仪表安装使用前应详细阅读使用说明书。
钢制表体≤ 1.6、2.5、4.0MPa
计量精度高,重复性好,量程比宽 体积小,重量轻,安装简便。 整流计量一体化设计,减小了对直
管段长度的要求,抗干扰能力强。 根据介质情况表前应加装过滤器,
过滤精度应高于100微米。 关键部件均采用进口名牌产品,质



Flow Meters Installation,Operation & Maintenance Manual1.End Porting 8.Flowing Sharp-Edged Orifice Disk 2.Body Casing 9.Tapered Center Shaft 3.Magnet Follower 10.Transfer Magnet 4.Window Tube 11.Scale 5.Window Seal 12.Return Spring 6.Seal Assembly 13.Retainer Ring7.Pilot Disk * Cartridge contains: 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 & 13Reading the MeterNotice the black reference line which runs 360° around the white12111087913654321F l o w D i r ec t i o n F l o w D i r ec t i o n FLOW METER(CROSS SECTION)Illustration 1Measuring ranges cover 1.5-12 SCFM through 150-1300 SCFM.Twenty-four port sizes from 1/8" through 2" in NPT, SAE and BSP can be ordered to meet specific plumbing requirements. Lake’s pneumatic meters are also available in alarm and transmitter configurations for electronic monitoring applications.Standard Cubic FeetLake’s meter are calibrated to measure theflow of compressible media (gases) in SCFM– standard cubic feet per minute. A “standard”cubic foot is defined as a cubic foot of dry airat standard atmospheric conditions: 70ºF and14.7 PSIA (0 PSIG) measured at sea level.When a standard cubic foot of air is com-pressed, its actual volume will decrease pro-portionally as absolute pressure increases.For example, a standard cubic foot of air’sactual volume will decrease by 50% and den-sity will increase by 100% as the air is com-pressed from atmospheric pressure 14.7 PSIA(0 PSIG) to 29.4 PSIA (14.7 PSIG). SeeIllustration 2.There are three factors that affect the FlowMeter Calibration: specific gravity, pressureand temperature. Lake meters are calibratedfor air (specific gravity of 1.0) at 70ºF and 100PSIG. Most low pressure rotameters are cali-brated at 0 PSIG and require corrections foruse at any other ke products are designed for pneumaticsystems where pressures between 90 -110PSIG are used. In these common applica-tions, a Lake monitor with a standard calibration can be read directly without applying corrections.29.4 PSIA (14.7 PSIG)58.8 PSIA (44.1 PSIG)Illustration 2Correction FactorsIf a Lake meter is installed in a system where conditions differ from the standard listed above, correction factors will need to be applied to retain the design accuracy of the meter. The appropriate correction factor equations are detailed above. To assure the best monitoring accuracy, pressure and temperature measurements should be taken directly at the meter’s inlet port.Special ScalesSpecial calibrations can be performed by Lake Monitors to correct for the following system characteristics:system pressuresystem temperaturemedia specific gravityvarious measuring units (i.e. LPM, LPS, m3/hr, etc.)any combination of the aboveConsult Lake’s factory or your distributor for details and prices.Selecting the Proper MeterTo order a pneumatic flow meter the following information is required: pipe size and port stylemedia (air, nitrogen, argon,etc.) – for material compatibility and specific gravity considerationsapproximate flow range required1system pressure: nominal, maximum, minimumsystem temperatureFlow Range1Estimating the flow rate in a compressed gas system may seem complicated, but with some research and a few simple equationsan educated guess can be made.Two suggested methods are:Method 1A compressor is typically rated in SCFM output at a certain pressure and efficiency. If the rating cannot be located or is unknown, an esti-mate of compressor output can be obtained by the following formulas:1-stage compressors:motor HP/0.179 = SCFM @ 100 PSIG2-stage compressors:motor HP/0.164 = SCFM @ 100 PSIG3-stage compressors:motor HP/0.159 = SCFM @ 100 PSIGMethod 2If all of the potential of a compressor is not being used (the unit cycles on and off) or if flow rate in excess of compressor capacity is being consumed (the compressor cannot meet the demand), a sum-mation of machine usages can be totaled to determine the maximum flow rate. Most machine tools that use compressed air specify the maximum consumption of the tool.Illustration 3end porting when securing the meter in the vice.wrench or tighten vice on Lexan tube. Install a wrench across the flats of the outlet end porting and turn counterclockwise to loosen assembly. Do not remove end portingRemove meter from vice. Hold the meter so the end port that is loose, is on top. Remove loose end porting.Illustration 4 not slide out, insert a wooden dowel in opposite end of meter and push or lightly tap on dowel until cartridge comes loose.Illustration 5Illustration 6Illustration 7Always use new retainer clips for reassembly. 3/8" and 1/2" = Waldes No. 5105-12H. 3/4 and 1" and 1-1/4" and 1-1/2" = Waldes No. 5105-18H, or obtain at no charge from the factory.。



FLM 200 A型超声波明渠流量计
安 装 使用说明
◇ 仪表的发射面一定要与液体表面水平;
◇ 仪表发射面与最低液位之间距离H应
◇ 液体的最高液位不得进入换能器的
◇ 换能器的下方不得有障碍物,最好在
◇ L为仪表离固定支架距离。

◇ 仪表应安装在液面比较平缓的地方。




3) FLM200A型超声波明渠流量计在特别炎热、寒冷的地方使用,即周围环境温度有可能超出仪表的工作要求时,最好在明渠流量计周围加设防高、低温装置;

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