Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers
1.1 The Invention of the Computer
It is hard to say exactly when the modern computer was invented. Starting in the 1930s and through the 1940s, a number of machines were developed that were like computers. But most of these machines did not have all the characteristics that we associate with computers today. These characteristics are that the machine is electronic, that it has a stored program, and that it is general purpose.
计算机专业英语 Computer English
Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 2009.9.1
Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers
Key points: useful terms and definitions of
在 EDVAC 完 成 之 前 , 其 他 一 些 机 器 建 成 了 , 它 们 吸 收 了 Eckert 、 Mauchly和Neuman设计的要素。其中一部是在英国剑桥研制的电子延迟 存储自动计算机,或简称EDSAC,它在1949年5月首次运行,它可能是世 界的第一台电子储存程序、通用型计算机投入运行。在美国运行的第一 部计算机是二进制自动计算机,或简称BINAC,它在1949年8月投入运行。
Communication channels are an essential element of every communication system. These channels actually carry the data from one computer to another. There are two categories of communication channels. One category connects sending and receiving devices by providing a physical connection such as a wire or cable. The other category is wireless.通信管道对于每一个通信系统来说是一个至关重要的元素。
PHYSICAL CONNECTIONSPhysical connections use a solid medium to connect sending and receiving devices. These connections include telephone lines (twisted pair), coaxial cable,and fiber-optic cable.物理连接使用固体介质连接、发送和接收设备。
Telephone lines you see strung on poles consist of twisted-pair cable,which is made up of hundreds of copper wires. A single twisted pair culminates in a wall jack into which you can plug your phone and computer. (See Figure 9-3.) Telephone lines have been the standard transmission medium for years for both voice and data. However, they are now being phased out by more technically advanced and reliable media.Coaxial cable, a high-frequency transmission cable, replaces the multiple wires of telephone lines with a single solid-copper core. (See Figure 9-4.) In terms of the number of telephone connections, a coaxial cable has over 80 times the transmission capacity of twisted pair.Coaxial cable is used to deliver television signals as well as to connect computers in a network..你所看到的电话线,是由上百根铜线缠绕而成的双绞线。
2.(P17)The most important piece of graphics hardware is the graphics card, which is the piece of equipment that renders out all images and sends them to a display. There are two types of graphics cards: integrated and dedicated. An integrated graphics card, usually by Intel for use in their computers, is bound to the motherboard and shares RAM (Random Access Memory) with the CPU, reducing the total amount of RAM available. This is undesirable for running programs and applications that use a large amount of video memory. A dedicated graphics card has its own RAM and Processor for generating its images, and does not slow down the computer. Dedicated graphics cards also have higher performance than integrated graphics cards. It is possible to have both dedicated and integrated graphicscard, however once a dedicated graphics card is installed, the integrated card will no longer function until the dedicated card is removed.
1.1A Closer Look at the Processor and PrimaryStorage仔细看看处理器和主存储器We have learned that all computers have similar capabilities and perform essentially the same functions, although some might be faster than others. We have also learned that a computer system has input, output, storage, and processing components; that the processor is the “intelligence” of a computer system; and that a single computer system may have several processors. We have discussed how data are represented inside a computer system in electronic states called bits. We are now ready to expose the inner workings of the nucleus of the computer system — the processor.我们已经知道,所有的计算机都具有相似的能力,并且在本质上执行相同的功能,尽管一些可能会比另一些快一点。
第4章操作系统第一部分阅读和翻译A部分 Windows 71. 简介Windows 7是微软最新发布的windows版本,这一系列微软制造的操作系统主要用于个人电脑,其中包括家庭和商业台式电脑、笔记本电脑、上网本、平板电脑、和媒体中心电脑。
(见图4.1)Windows 7于2009年7月22日开始生产,并在2009年10月22日零售,这个时间距其推出其前任Windows Vista不到三年时间。
与Windows 7相对应的Windows server 2008 R2,也是同年发布。
不像其前一操作系统vista,windows7 引入了大量的新特性,更集中于增量升级的windows线,目标是兼容已经在vista中兼容的应用程序和硬件。
微软在2008年的报告中关注于对于多点触控的支持,以及一个重新设计的windows shell和一个新的任务栏,并将其称之为Superbar,还有一个称之为家庭组的网络系统,注重性能改进。
之前版本的windows 系统中的一些标准的应用程序,包括windows日历,windows邮件,windows movie maker,和windows相片画廊在windows 7中并没有包含进来,而大多数是作为Windows Live Essentials套件单独免费进行提供的。
2. 发展最初,微软计划用一个代号为Blackcomb的windows版本来继承Windows XP(代号惠斯勒)和Windows Server 2003。
然而,一个临时的,更小的,代号为Longhorn 的版本在2003年发布了。
在2003年,相继有三个主要病毒暴露了windows操作系统的一些漏洞,微软改变了其的发展重点,搁置了Longhorn的主要开发工作,主要开发windows xp和windows server 2003的服务包。
Figure 1-1 illustrates how all input/output (I/O)is “read to” or “written from” primary storage. In the figure, an inquiry (input) is made on a VDT. The inquiry, in the form of a message, is routed to primary storage over a channel (such as a coaxial cable). The message is interpreted, and the processor initiates action to retrieve the appropriate program and data from secondary storage [3].The program and data are “loaded”, or moves, to primary storage from secondary storage. This is a nondestructive read process. That is, the program and data that are read reside in both primary storage (temporarily) and secondary storage (permanently). The data are manipulated according to program instructions, and a report is written from primary storage to a printer.
计算机专业英语课文的翻译 中文 (5)[5页]
什么是Java运行环境?Henry:简称JRE,是一个由太阳微系统公司开发的软件平台,可以让计算机运行由Java 编程语言编写的Java小应用程序和应用程序。
Mark:Java虚拟机是做什么用的?Sophie: Java虚拟机(简称JVM)是一套计算机软件程序和数据结构,它使用虚拟机模型来执行其他计算机程序和脚本。
JVM与一套能够实现Java API(Application Program Interface,应用程序接口)的标准类库一起发行。
Henry: JVM是Java平台一个至关重要的组件。
使用所有平台的相同字节码可将Java描述成“编译一次,到处运行”Mark: 字节码?Henry:是的。
计算机专业英语翻译参考1.(P1) Computer science deals with the theoreticalfoundations of information and computation, together with practical techniques for the implementation and application of these foundations, such as programming language theory, computational complexity theory, computer graphics and human-computer interaction.计算机科学涉及信息和计算的理论基础,以及这些基础的实施和应用的实际技术,如编程语言理论,计算复杂性理论,计算机图形学和人机交互。
2.(P17) The most important piece of graphics hardware isthe graphics card, which is the piece of equipment that renders out all images and sends them to a display.There are two types of graphics cards: integrated and dedicated. An integrated graphics card, usually by Intel for use in their computers, is bound to the motherboard and shares RAM (Random Access Memory) with the CPU, reducing the total amount of RAM available. This is undesirable for running programs and applications that use a large amount of video memory. A dedicated graphics card has its own RAM and Processor for generating its images, and does not slow down the computer. Dedicated graphics cards also have higher performance than integrated graphicscards. It is possible to have both dedicated and integrated graphics card, however once a dedicated graphics card is installed, the integrated card will no longer function until the dedicated card is removed.最重要的一块图形硬件是显卡,是一件呈现出所有的图像,并将它们发送到一个显示器的设备。
Unit 8 puter NetworkingText 1 Data municationsThe end equipmentcan be puters, printers, keyboards, CRTs, and so on.They are either generates the digital information for transmission oruses the received digital data. This equipment generally operates digital information internally in word units.DTE is data terminal equipment. A station controller (STACO)is the corresponding unit at the secondaries. At one time, the DTE was the last piece of equipment that belonged to the subscriber in a data link system. Between the DTEs, first is the modem, and then is the munications equipment. The munication equipment is owned and maintained by Telco. Data munications equipment (DCE) accepts the serial data stream from the DTE. And DCE converts it to some form of analog signal suitable for transmission on voice-grade lines. At the receive end, the DCE performs the reverse function. It converts the received analog signal to a serial digital data stream. The simplest form of DCE is a modem (modulator/demodulator) or data set. At the transmit end, the modem can be considered a form of digital-to-analog converter.While at the receive end, it can be considered a form of analog-to-digital converter.参考译文数据通信终端设备可以是计算机、打印机、键盘、CRT等。
CHAPTER 8 SECONDARY STORAGEP213IntroductionSecondary storage devices are used to save, to back up, and even to tran sport files consisting of data or programs from one location or computer to another. Not long ago, almost all files contained only numbers and lett ers. The demands for saving these files were easily met with low-capacity floppy disk drives and hard-disk drives.Data storage has expanded from text and numeric files to include digita l music files, photographic files, video files, and much more. These new ty pes of files require secondary storage devices that have much greater cap acity.Secondary storage devices have always been an indispensable element i n any computer system. They have similarities to output and input device s. Like output devices, secondary storage devices receive information from the system unit in the form of the machine language of 0s and Is. Rathe r than translating the information, however, secondary storage devices sav e the information in machine language for later use. Like input devices, s econdary storage devices send information to the system unit for processi ng. However, the information, since it is already in machine form, does n ot need to be translated. It is sent directly to memory (RAM), where it c an be accessed and processed by the CPU.Competent end users need to be aware of the different types of second ary storage. They need to know the capabilities, limitations, and uses of fl oppy disks, hard disks, optical discs, and other types of secondary storage. Additionally, they need to be aware of specialty storage devices for porta ble computers and to be knowledgeable about how large organizations ma nage their extensive data resources.辅助存储设备被用来保存,备份,甚至把数据或程序从一个位置或计算机传送到另一个地方。
Unit 1 Hardware I1.1 A closer look at the processor and primary storage进一步了解处理器和主存储器我们已经知道,所有的计算机都具有相似的能力,并且在本质上执行相同的功能,尽管一些可能会比另一些快一点。
●计算机专业英语翻译部分●Data is a collection of un-organized facts, which can include words, numbers, images, andsounds.●数据是未经组织的事实的集合,数据可以包括单词,数字,图像和声音.● A computer consists of a variety of hardware components that work together with software toperform calculations(计算), organize data, and communicate with other computer.●计算机由许多硬件部件构成,这些硬件与软件一起工作,以便执行计算,组织数据及与其他计算机通信的任务.●These hardware components include input devices, output devices, a system unit, storagedevices, and communications devices.●硬件部件包括输入设备,输出设备,系统单元,存储设备和通信设备.●An input device allows a user to enter data and commands into the memory of a computer.●输入设备让用户向计算机存储器输入数据和命令.●Storage differs from memory ,which can hold these items permanently(永久的),whereasmemory holds these memory holds items only temporarily(暂时的)。
●外存储器与内存储器不同,外存储器能永久保存数据而内存储器仅临时保存.●Four common storage devices are a floppy disk drive, a hard disk drive, a CD-ROM drive, and aDVD-ROM drive.●四种常用的外存设备分别是:软盘驱动器,硬盘驱动器,CD-ROM驱动器和DVD-ROM驱动器.●Television?and?data?can?be?mixed?on?one?cable.?●宽带能用于多个方面。
计算机专业英语部分原文和翻译(第三单元)Efficiency/performance: the amount of system resources a program consumes( processor time ,memory space, slow device such as disks, network bandwidth and to some extent even user interaction):the less ,the better. This also includes correct disposal of some resource, such as cleaning up temporary files and lack of memory leaks.Reliability: how often the results of a program are correct. This depends on conceptual correctness of algorithms, and minimization of programming mistakes, such as mistakes in resource management (e.g.,buffer over flows and race conditions)and logic errors(such as division by zero or off-by-one errors).Robustness: how well a program anticipates problems not due to programmer error. This includes situation such as incorrect, inappropriate or corrupt data, unavailability of needed resources such as memory ,operating system services and network connections,and user error.Usability:the ergonomics of a program :the ease with which a person can use the program for its intended purpose,or in some cases even unanticipated purposes.Such issues can make or break its success even regardless of other issues. This involves a wide range of textual , graphical and sometimes hardware elements that improve the alacrity, intuitiveness, cohesiveness and complements of a program’s user interface.Portability:the range of computer hardware and operating systemplatforms on which the source code of a program can be compiled/interpreted and run .This depends on differences in the programming facilities provided by the different platform, includeing hardware and operating system resources, expected behavior of the hardware and operating system ,and availability of platform specific compilers (and sometimes libraries)for the language of the source code.Maintainability :the ease with which a program can be modified by its present on future developers in order to make improvements or customizations, fix buds and security holes, or adapt it to new environments. Good practices during initial development make the difference in this regard. This quality may not be directly apparent to the and user but it can significantly affect the fate of a program over the long term .效率/性能:程序消耗系统资源量(处理器运行时间,存储空间,慢速设备如磁盘,网络带宽甚至在某种程度上用户交互):越少越好。
1.1A Closer Look at the Processor and PrimaryStorage仔细看看处理器和主存储器We have learned that all computers have similar capabilities and perform essentially the same functions, although some might be faster than others. We have also learned that a computer system has input, output, storage, and processing components; that the processor is the “intelligence” of a computer system; and that a single computer system may have several processors. We have discussed how data are represented inside a computer system in electronic states called bits. We are now ready to expose the inner workings of the nucleus of the computer system — the processor.我们已经知道,所有的计算机都具有相似的能力,并且在本质上执行相同的功能,尽管一些可能会比另一些快一点。
计算机专业英语课文的翻译 中文 (10)[5页]
流行的杀毒软件包括Norton AntiVirus、Kapspersky Anti-Virus、F-Secure Anti-Virus、Windows Defender和Avast等。
计算机专业英语课文的翻译 中文 (4)[4页]
第4单元操作系统第一部分听力和对话对话:关于操作系统的讨论(Henry想要了解更多有关于操作系统的内容,所以他在课后向Mark和Sophie请教)Henry: 一个操作系统可以实现的确切的功能是什么?Sophie: 它控制包括视觉体验、键盘、鼠标、麦克风以及触摸屏等搜集用户需求的用户接口的关键因素。
Henry: 我了解诸如Wind ows、iOS等很基础的操作系统,但是我认为还有其他的操作系统有很广泛的用途。
你在学校、在家或在工作中使用的电脑大部分都配置有台式机操作系统,如Microsoft Wind ows,OS X,或者Chrome OS。
Mark:Linux,、UNIX,、Wind ows和OS X服务器都是流行的服务器操作系统。
1.1 A Closer Look at the Processor and PrimaryStorage仔细看看处理器和主存储器We have learned that all computers have similar capabilities and perform essentially the same functions, although some might be faster than others. We have also learned that a computer system has input, output, storage, and processing components; that the processor is the “intelligence” of a computer system; and that a single computer system may have several processors. We have discussed how data are represented inside a computer system in electronic states called bits. We are now ready to expose the inner workings of the nucleus of the computer system — the processor.我们已经知道,所有的计算机都具有相似的能力,并且在本质上执行相同的功能,尽管一些可能会比另一些快一点。
INFORMATION SYSTEM The way to think about a microcomputer is to realize that it is one part of an information system .
People are obviously the essential part of the system! The purpose of information systems is to make people ,or end users like you, more productive. Procedures are rules or guidelines to follow when using software ,hardware, and data .they are typically documented in manuals written by computer professionals. Software (programs) provides step-by-step instructions to control the computer to convert data into information. Hardware consists of the physical equipment. Ti is controlled by software and processes data to create information. Date consists of unprocessed facts including text, numbers, images, and sound. information is data that has been processed by the computer.
计算机专业英语教程(第4版)全书译文1We have learned that all computers have similar capabilities and perform essentially the same functions, although some might be faster than others. We have also learned that a computer system has input, output, storage, and processing components; that th e processor is the “intelligence” of a computer system; and that a single computer system may have several processors. We have discussed how data are represented inside a computer system in electronic states called bits. We are now ready to expose the inner workings of the nucleus of the computer system — the processor.我们已经知道,所有的计算机都具有相似的能力,并且在本质上执行相同的功能,尽管一些可能会比另一些快一点。
The internal operation of a computer is interesting, but there really is no mystery to it. The mystery is in the minds of those who listen to hearsay and believe science-fiction writer. The computer is a nonthinking electronic device that has to be plugged into an electrical power source, just like a toaster or a lamp.计算机的内部操作很有意思,但确实没有什么神秘可言。
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Communication channels are an essential element of every communication system. These channels actually carry the data from one computer to another. There are two categories of communication channels. One category connects sending and receiving devices by providing a physical connection such as a wire or cable. The other category is wireless.通信管道对于每一个通信系统来说是一个至关重要的元素。
PHYSICAL CONNECTIONSPhysical connections use a solid medium to connect sending and receiving devices. These connections include telephone lines (twisted pair), coaxial cable,and fiber-optic cable.物理连接使用固体介质连接、发送和接收设备。
Telephone lines you see strung on poles consist of twisted-pair cable,which is made up of hundreds of copper wires. A single twisted pair culminates in a wall jack into which you can plug your phone and computer. (See Figure 9-3.) Telephone lines have been the standard transmission medium for years for both voice and data. However, they are now being phased out by more technically advanced and reliable media.Coaxial cable, a high-frequency transmission cable, replaces the multiple wires of telephone lines with a single solid-copper core. (See Figure 9-4.) In terms of the number of telephone connections, a coaxial cable has over 80 times the transmission capacity of twisted pair.Coaxial cable is used to deliver television signals as well as to connect computers in a network..你所看到的电话线,是由上百根铜线缠绕而成的双绞线。
同轴电缆先主要用于提供电视信号以及连接网络的电脑. .Fiber-optic cable transmits data as pulses of light through tiny tubes of glass. (See Figure 9-5.) In terms of the number of telephone connections,fiber-optic cable has over 26,000 times the transmission capacity of twisted-pair cable. Compared to coaxial cable, they are lighter and more reliable at transmitting data. They transmit information using beams of light at light speeds instead of pulses of electricity, making them far faster than copper cable. Fiber-optic cable is rapidly replacing twisted-pair cable telephone lines.光纤电缆传输数据是由光脉冲在细小的玻璃导管内进行的。
(参见图9 - 5)。
244WIRELESS CONNECTIONSWireless connections do not use a solid substance to connect sending and receiving devices.Rather, they use the air itself. Primary technologies used for wireless connections are infrared, broadcast radio, microwave, and satellite.无线连接不使用固体物质连接发送和接收数据。
Infrared uses infrared light waves to communicate over short distances.It is sometimes referred to as line-of-sight communication because the light waves can only travel in a straight line. This requires that sending and receiving devices must be in clear view of one another without any obstructions blocking that view.One of the most common applications is to transfer data and information from a portable device such as a notebook computer or PDA to a desktop computer.红外技术使用红外光波在短距离通信。
Broadcast radio uses radio signals to communicate with wireless devices.For example, cellular telephones and many Web-enabled devices use broadcast radio to place telephone calls and/or to connect to the Internet. Some end users connect their notebook or handheld computers to a cellular telephone to access the Web from remote locations. Most of these Web-enabled devices follow a standard known as Wi-FI (wireless fidelity). This wireless standard is widely used to connect computers to each other and to the Internet.广播电台使用无线电信号与无线设备。
大多数的这些网络设备遵循一个标准,称为wi - fi。
Microwave communication uses high-frequency radio waves. Like infrared, microwave communication provides line-of-sight communication because microwaves travel in a straight line. Because the waves cannot bend with the curvature of the earth, they can be transmitted only over relatively short distances. Thus, microwave is a good medium for sending data between buildings in a city or on a large college campus. For longer distances, the waves must be relayed by means of microwave stations with microwave dishes or antennas. (See Figure 9-6.) These stations can be installed on towers. high buildings. and mountaintoos.微波通信使用高频无线电波。