


一、Read and match (从ll栏中选出与l 栏匹配的答句)

ll l

( )1 Why is he so happy? a I’d like some juice.

( ) 2 What would you like? b Hurry up.

( ) 3 What do they like eating? c Because he has a new friend

( ) 4 Why cannot he watch TV? d They like eating ice cream.

( ) 5 It is late. e Because he has to do his homework.

二、Read and match (从ll栏中找出与l 栏单词匹配的解释)

ll l

( )1 moon a It is a large town.

( ) 2 ship b it looks like a bright and hot ball

( ) 3 city c People walk on it. Cars run on it.

( ) 4 street d It is a large boat.

( ) 5 sun e It comes out at night. It looks like a boat or a plate

三、Choose and complete(选择合适的句子,完成对话)

a Because today is your birthday.

b thank you!

c What colour are they?

d Wher

e are the two pencils?

e I do not know.

f Whose pencils are they?

g what is in the box?

Bill: _____

Kitty: There are two pencils.

Bill: _____

Kitty: One is yellow and the other is blue.

Bill: _____

Kitty: They are for you.


Kitty: _____Happy Birthday!

Bill: _____

四、Choose and complete(选择合适的单词或词组填空)

do does near Sun Street

by taxi far from on foot Flower Town

1.—How do you go to school?

—My home is near my school, so I go to school_____.

2.My school is_____my home. My father drives me to school every morning.

3. —We are late. Let us hurry!

—Do not worry. We can go_____.

4. —Where_____you live?

—I live in _____.

5. —How_____Nancy go to school every day?

—She goes to school by bike.

6.Li Yang’s home is on _____.It is_____People’s park.

五、Choose and complete(选择合适的句子,完成对话)

a Let us go by car.

b How do we go there?

c It is time for school.

d W

e can go on foot.

e It is late.

f What time is it?

Dan: _____, Mum?

Mum: It is eight o’clock. _____

Dan: It’s Saturday, Mum. _____

Mum: I know, but it’s time to visit Grandpa. He has a new home.

Dan: Oh yes! ____

Mum: ____It’s far from our home.

Dan: OK.

六、Choose and complete (根据课文,选择合适的单词或词组填空)

next to walks along gets on

gets off bookshop turns right

Yang Ling goes to Su Hai’s new home by metro. She______the metro at Park Station and ____at City Library Station. Then, she_____Sun Street and_____at the traffic lights. Then, she is on Moon Street. There is a _____on her right.

Su Hai’s home is _____it.

七、Choose and complete (根据课文,选择合适的单词或词组填空)

brush his teeth doctor dentist

have a rest toothache take some medicine

eat anything fever eat too many sweets

Su Hai is ill. She goes to see the_____.She has a fever. She Should_____at home. She should drink some warm water

and________too. Mike has a_____.He cannot ________.He goes to see the____.He should not ________.He should________in the morning and before


八、Choose and complete (根据课文,选择合适的单词或词组填空)

do clean help plays

washes sweeps gets cooks

It is Saturday. Mike and Helen do not go to school. They_____their parents at home. Mike helps Mr Brown_____the car. He also cleans the table before dinner. Helen_____the floor and_____the dishes. Mrs Brown_____breakfast and dinner. Tim is too young. He cannot_____much housework. He_____up late. He_____with his cousin Jim. 九、(根据课文,选择合适的单词填空)

meat smells kitchen likes soup yummy evening ready

It is six o’clock in the_____.Liu Tao’s parents are in the_____.Liu Tao’s mother is washing vegetables. She wants to make vegetable_____.Liu Tao’s father is cooking

_____.It _____nice. Dinner is _____soon. Liu Tao eats the meat and the soup. They are both _____.Liu Tao _____them very much.

十、Choose and complete (根据课文,选择合适的单词或词组填空)

十一、Choose and complete (根据课文,选择合适的词组填空)

a have a big dinner

b eat a birthday cake

c eat noodles

d Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday

e play some games

f on the eighth of April

g play with Kitty the cat

The students are talking about their birthdays in class. _____is on the eleventh of may. They usually_____with their parent and grandparents. They_____.After that, they_____,Mike’s birthday is_____.He has a party at home with Helen, Tim and his friends. They_____together and_____.

十二、Circle and write(圈出合适的单词或词组填空)

1 Mike and Helen often_____(help/helps)their parents at

2 It is seven o’clock in the morning. Miss Li_____(cooks/ is cooking)breakfast.

3 Mike likes_____(playing/plays)football. He often_____(is playing/plays)football with Liu Tao after school.

4 Su Hai and Su yang can_____(swim/swimming)very well.

5 Liu Tao_____(has/is having)a fever. He should_____(goes/go)to the hospital

十三、Circle and write(圈出合适的单词或词组填空)

1 I like eating sweets. I often have __(headache/toothache)

2 You look very tired. You should_____(have a rest/drink


3 We should _____(brush our teeth/eat sweets)in the

morning and before bedtime.

4 I have a fever. I_____(should/should not)drink some warm


5 Su Hai feels cold. She should_____(put on/take off)her


6 A dentist takes care of people’s____teeth/tooth.

十四、Circle and write(圈出合适的单词或词组填空)

1 Today is the _____(nine/ninth)of July.

2 Su Hai’s birthday is_____(on/in)May. It is_____

(on/in)the eleventh of May.

3 Look! Mike and his friends_____(have/are having)a party.

4 —What _____(do/does)you do on your birthday?

—_____(have/has)lunch with my friend Laura. Then, we ___(go/goes)to the cinema.

十五、Read and choose (选择填空)。

()1—What is wrong with_____?

—She has a headache.


小学五年级英语时态练习题 一、完成下列表格 : (16* ’=8’) 人称代词主格I sheit we 人称代词宾格you them 形容词性 his your 物主代词 二、用所给词的正确形式填空 :(50 * ’=25’) 1.Listen .Some girls __________ ( sing)in the classroom . 2.Our library has __________ (many ) books than before . 3.My mother __________ ( cook )some nice food now. What can you do -I can__________. (skate) 5.Don't__________ (run) in the classroom. 6.What __________you __________ ( do ) now 7.She wants __________ (eat) a cake for breakfast. Does she like __________ (swim) 8.Look !They __________ ( have) an English lesson . 9.My father leaves home __________ (early ) than me . 10.They __________ (not ,water) the flowers now. 11.This bag is very __________ ( heavy), but that one is__________ (heavy) than this one . 12.What is our granddaughter doing She __________ (listen ) to music. 13.There is not a lamp. I can't __________ (read) the book. 14.My aunt is a teacher. ______likes______students very much. My uncle is a teacher. ______likes______students very much,too. 15. It’s five o’clock now. We__________ (have)supper now 16.__________Helen __________ (wash )clothes Yes ,she is . 17.Look ! Tom and John __________ (swim).


人教版2018小学五年级上册英语第二单元测试题 班级:姓名:得分: 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词,每小题听两遍。(10分) ()1.A.MondayB.TuesdayC.Thursday ()2.A.waitB.whiteC.what ()3.A.readbooksB.dohomeworkC.watchTV ()4.A.SaturdayB.SundayC.Wednesday ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f10990307.html,dy ()6.A.dohomeworkB.dohouseworkC.dosports ()7.A.oftenB.oldC.on ()8.A.whatB.whatcolourwhatabout ()9.A.tomorrowB.todayC.day ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f10990307.html,puter 二、根据所听短语选出正确的图片,每小题听两遍。(10分) ()1.A. B.

()2.A. B. ()3.A. B. ()4.A. B. ()5.A. B. 三、选出你听到的句子,每小题听两遍。(10分)()1.A.Whatdayisittoday?B.whatdayisittomorrow? ()2.A.IoftenpaintorwatchTV.B.IoftenpaintandwatchTV. ()3.A.Whatclassesdoyoulike?B.Whatclassdoyoulike?

()4.A.WhatdoyoudoonSaturdays?B.WhatdoyoudoonSundays? ()5.A.WehaveEnglishandscience. B.WehaveEnglishandSocialStudies. 四、听对话,连线,听两遍。(10分) WuYifandohomeworkonMonday SarahreadbooksonFriday AmycleanbedroomonTuesday JohnwatchTVonSunday ChenJieplaycomputergamesonSaturday,October 笔试部分(60分) 一、找出下面每组单词中与其他两个不同类的单词。(10分)()1.A.scienceB.ChinaC.Chinese ()2.A.classB.appleC.banana ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f10990307.html,B.P.E.C.art ()4.A.SocialStudiesB.MoralEducationC.student ()5.A.MondayB.FridayC.friend ()6.A.watchB.readC.book ()7.A.swimB.ping-pongC.football ()8.A.yesB.yeahC.no ()9.A.whatB.whoC.day ()10.A.weB.youC.like 二、根据汉语意思选择与之相对应的单词。(10分) ()1.星期日A.funnyB.SundayC.sunny ()2.什么A.whatB.watchC.who ()3.课程A.classB.glassC.pass


五年级英语下册练习题 姓名班级学号 一、选择题。 1、I usually eat breakfast _____ home、 A、in B、at C、on 2、My teacher usually gets up _____6:30、 A、in B、at C、on 3、My birthday is ___ October、 A、on B、in C、at 4、、My birthday is ___ October 10th、 A、in B、on C、at 5、The little girl has PE class ______Friday、 A、on、 B、at、 C、in 6、Zip plays____ piano every week、 A、a B、the C、/ 7、When do you play ____sport? At 3:30、 A、a B、/ C、the 8、I play____ football on weekend、 A、a B、/ C、the 9、When do you go to ___bed? At about 22:00、 A、a B、/ C、the 10、Thanks for ____me your pencils、 A、pass B、passing C、to passes 12、_____season do you like best? Winter、 A、What B、Which C、Where 13、-----_____ do you like winter? -----Because I can skate、 A、What B、Why C、Where 14、_____is the best time to go to Heilongjiang? Winter、 A、When B、What C、Where 15、Sometimes I go _____、 A、hike B、hiking C、hikes


初一年级英语上册单项选择100题 1、---What's her name?---__________Zhao Jun. A.His name is B.My name is C.Her name is 2、当别人问你是哪国人时,你应说: A.I am China.B.I live in china.C.I live in China. 3、---_______everyone here today? ---Yes,we are all here.A.Are B.Is C.Am 4、-Where is your eraser? -_________is in the pencil-box. A.My B.Your C.It D.That 5、-Is Alice a doctor? -No,__________.A.he isn't B.she isn't C.I am not D.she doesn't 6、-Thanks a lot.-________. A.That's all right B.That is all C.That's right D.No thank 7、-What's your name? -_________.A.Good morning B.I'm fine C.My name is Lucy 8、选择正确的译文: 她的盒子在哪里?在这里。 A.Where her box is?Here.B.Where is her box?It's

C.Her box is where?It's here.D.Her box where is?Here. 9、-_______are those markers? -They are blue.A.What colour B.What C.Which 10、Every day we _________there _______our friends. A.walk to;and B.walk;with C.walk;by D.on foot;with 11、Do you like _________? A.vegetables B.vegetable C.eat vegetables D.green vegetable 12、-Is the shirt from ________? -Yes,it is.A.Li Ming's father B.Li Ming father C.your D.Li Ming's 13、-Is Tom's pencil new or old? -________.A.Yes,it is B.No,it isn't C.It's new D.It's a new 14、-Do you have any _________? A.shorts B.skirt C.hat D.dress 15、I like ________. A.this skirt B.skirt C.blue skirt D.some skirt 16、Here _______two black umbrellas.A.is B.are C.has


一.用所给词的适当形式填空(15分) 1.How many (watch) do you have ? Only one! 2.Wang Bing and his sister often do some (run) in the morning . 3.His grandmother often (wash) clothes in the morning. 4.We live on the (four) floor of ZhengYangStreet near the hospital . 5.There are (three) days in a month . 6.Look!Some children ( play) basketball on the playground ! 7.I often help my mother (do) some shopping in the supermarket . 8.Do you like (take) photo ? 9.Would you like (have) some bananas ? 10.They want (buy) some fpuit this afternoon . 11.I’d like (go) swimming with you ! 12.Let me (teach )you English . 13.Please don’t (climb) trees . 14.Can you (skate) ? 15.Is GaoShan (make) cakes ? 三.根据中文提示,完成下列句子,每空一词(40分) 1.他姐姐不在洗衣服,在扫地。 His sister isn’t ,but she is 2.王明在书房看书吗?不,不在。 WangMing the ? No, he . 8.李明在书房里扫地。 LiMing in his study . 10.我现在不能去超市,我在做家庭作业。 I can’t .I’m . 12.看!那只小鸟在树上唱歌呢!Look ! The bird the tree ! 四.选择题(20分) ()1. You are making a model ship . Sorry, you are .I’m making a model car . A. right B. not C.wrong ( )2.I can’t , but I can . A.sing , swim B.singing , swim C. sing , swimming ( )3.Who’s in the playground ?


五年级英语期中练习(2) 卷首语:亲爱的同学们,来做一个课堂练习吧,细心做,一定会取得出色的成绩,加油哦! 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)(听两遍) ( ) 1. A. beside B. before C. between ( ) 2. A. bathroom B. mushroom C. classroom ( ) 3. A. have to B. get on C. a lot of ( ) 4. A. why B. when C. where ( ) 5. A. be good at B. be good for C. be bad for ( ) 6. A. dance B. swim C. read ( ) 7.A. by bike B. by bus C. by car ( ) 8. A. play basketball B. play football C. watch TV ( ) 9. A. have B. does C. has ( ) 10.A. leg B. arm C.eyes 二、听录音判断下列图片是否正确,正确的写T,错误的写F。(6分)(听两遍) ()()()

()()() 三、听录音,根据所听问题,选择正确的答句。(5分)(听两遍) ()1.A.It’s in the bag. B.It’s on the table. C.They are in the fridge. ()2.A.Yes ,there are. B.Yes,there is. C.No, they aren’t. ()3.A.They have six. B.There are six. C.We have six. ()4.A.He likes skating. B.He can skate. C.He has two small eyes. ()5.A.He can swim. B.She likes drawing. C.She can’t play football. 四、听录音,填入所缺单词,每空一词。(9分)(听三遍) 1.They have big_________and big_________. 2.My brother is good at_________. 3.Our classroom is__________the_________ _________. 4. --A: What_________she like doing? --B: She_________reading_________. 笔试部分(70分) 一、选择。(10分) ()1.There aren’t_____apples on the trees. A.a B.the C.any ()2.The hambur ger is too_____. So I can’t eat it. A.long B.hard C.soft ()3._____is popular in China. A.Tea https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f10990307.html,k C.Coffee ()4.Tom and Mike_____ have some toy cars. A.both B.are C.all


五年级下册英语试题及答案 一、单选题。(选出正确的答案填在括号里10分) 1、() Wh_n A 、e B 、o C、 a D、 i 2、( ) Week_nd A、o B 、e C、i D、a 3、( ) Spr_ng A 、e B 、O C 、i D、 a 4、( ) S_nny A 、e B 、i C、 a D、 u 5、( ) Sw_m A 、u B 、a C 、e D 、i 6、( ) Wh_ A 、u B 、a C 、y D 、 i 7、( ) J_ly A 、u B 、A C 、e D 、o 8、( ) D_te A、 a B、 e C 、o D 、y 9、( ) R_n A、 a B 、u C 、e D 、i 10、( ) H_ney A、a B、u C、e D、o 二、连词成句(10分) 1 dancing is monkey the ______________________________________________ 2 mother panda doing the what is _______________________________________________

3 he is the fishbowl in watching the fish _____________________________________________________ 4 beautiful spring is _____________________________________________________ 5 usually in snows winter it in Canada _____________________________________________________三、连线题(10分) January Christmas Day March National Day June Children’s Day October Tree-planting Day December New Year’s Day 四、给下列单词加上“ing”形式。(8分) take_________________ fly________________ run__________________ swim______________


2013-10-24 14:09 来源:巨人网·英语作者:佚名 ?[ ?标签: ?词汇 ?] 小编导语:2014年中考英语选词填空精选练习题一是小编为你准备的2014年中考英语选词填空精选练习题一。选词填空是中考英语中必考的题型之一。以下就是2014年中考英语选词填空精选练习题一,供你学习参考。 1. ---We’ll do what we can ____English well this term. ---It’s high time for you to work hard. A. study B. to study C. be studied D. be studying 2. ---I don’t think your team can beat theirs. ---____. But we could if Lin Tao were on the team. A. No, we can’t B. Yes, we can’t C. Yes, we can D. No, we can 3. ---Have you finished your work yet? ---No, not yet. I think it’ll take _____ ten minutes. A. another B. other C. others D. more 4. Roy made several kites, but _____ of them can fly high in the sky. A. neither B. none C. all D. most 5. ---Will you be back ____ five in the afternoon? ---I’m not sure, maybe later than that.


小学英语五年级测试卷及答案 班级:姓名:分数: 一.按要求写出下列各题。(10分) 1. small(反义词) 2. it is(缩写形式) 3. short(反义词) 4. he(形物代) 5. let’s (完全形式) 6. tomato(复数形式) 7. have(单三)8. am(原形) 9.child(复数形式)10. we(宾格) 二.选择正确的答案,将其序号填在题前的括号里。(10分) ()1. There is American in our classroom. A. a B, an C. the ( ) 2. It’s 10 o’clock. It’s time go to school. A. to B. for C. of ( ) 3. Look at the clock. What is it? A. class B. time C. can ( ) 4. Let’s computer games together. A. play B. to play C. plays ( ) 5. She from China. A. are B. comes C. am ( ) 6. ----Can I wear my T-shirt? ---- A. No, yo u can’t B. Yes, you can’t. C. No, you can. ( ) 7. ---- those sheep? ----Yes, they are. A. Are B. Is C. Am ( ) 8. How many are there? A. horse B. horses C. duck ( ) 9. Is this book? A. you B. I C. your ( ) 10. ---- are they? ---- they are three Yuan. A. How much B. How old C. How many 三.情景反应。(10分) ()1.你想知道对方来自于哪里,你问: A. Where are you? B. What are you? C. Where are you from? ()2. 当别人赞美你时,你应当说: A. Ok. B. That’s all right. C. Thank you. ( ) 3.你想知道对方几岁时,你问: A. Who are you? B. How old are you? C. What are you? ( ) 4. 你想知道美术室在哪里,你问: A. What’s the art room? B. Where is the art room? C. How is the art room? ( ) 5. 你想帮助别人时,你问: A. Can I help you? C. Can you help me? D. Thank you very much


卷首语:亲爱的同学们,来做一个课堂练习吧,细心做,一定会取得出色的成绩,加油哦! 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)(听两遍) ( ) 1. A. beside B. before C. between ( ) 2. A. bathroom B. mushroom C. classroom ( ) 3. A. have to B. get on C. a lot of ( ) 4. A. why B. when C. where ( ) 5. A. be good at B. be good for C. be bad for ( ) 6. A. dance B. swim C. read ( ) 7.A. by bike B. by bus C. by car ( ) 8. A. play basketball B. play football C. watch TV ( ) 9. A. have B. does C. has ( ) 10.A. leg B. arm C.eyes 二、听录音判断下列图片是否正确,正确的写T,错误的写F。(6分)(听两遍) ()()() ()()() 三、听录音,根据所听问题,选择正确的答句。(5分)(听两遍) ()1.A.It’s in the bag. B.It’s on the table. C.They are in the fridge. ()2.A.Yes ,there are. B.Yes,there is. C.No, they aren’t. ()3.A.They have six. B.There are six. C.We have six. ()4.A.He likes skating. B.He can skate. C.He has two small eyes. ()5.A.He can swim. B.She likes drawing. C.She can’t play football. 四、听录音,填入所缺单词,每空一词。(9分)(听三遍)


一.按要求改写句子 1. The boy is playing basketball. 否定句:____________________________ 一般疑问句:_________________________ 肯定回答:__________________________ 否定回答:__________________________ 对"is playing basketball"提问:__________________________ 对" The boy"提问:__________________________ 2. They are singing in the classroom. 否定句:____________________________ 一般疑问句:_________________________ 肯定回答:__________________________ 否定回答:__________________________ 对"are singing "提问:__________________________ 对" in the classroom"提问:__________________________ 3.仿照例句造句: Model:read a book --What are you doing? --I'm reading a book. 1).read a new book ________________ 2).clean the blackboard ________________ 4.she,the window,open,now.(用现在进行时连词成句.) ____________________ 5.The birds are singing in the tree.(就划线部分提问) ________________________ 6.is,who,the window,cleaning?(连词成句) ______________________ 7.The children are playing games near the house.(就划线部分提问) ________________________ 8.She is closing the door now.(改成否定句) ______________________ 9.You are doing your homework.(用"I"作主语改写句子) ______________________ 10.they,the tree,sing,now,under.(用现在进行时连词成句.) _____________________ 11.The Young Pioneers are helping the old woman.(改成一般疑问句) ______________________ II.单项选择 ()1.我在照看孩子. (A)I am looking after the baby. (B)I'm look aftering the baby. (C)I look am aftering the baby.(D)I looking after the baby.

小学五年级英语 短语练习题带答案

By Hazel Grace Huang 一.单项选择 ( C ) 1. Fang Fang is a good student. She ____maths. A. does good at B. well do it C. is good at ( A )2.Open your_________ and _______ “Ah”. A. mouth, say B. mouse, say C. mouth, tell ( B ) 3. Take_________medicine and have________rest. A. some, a lot B. some, a lot of C. any, a lot ( C ) 4. I paid ¥20 yuan ___ this book. A. to B. of C. for ( A ) 5. ________ any medicine near the cup? A. Is there B. Are there C. Is there has ( B ) 6 There is _______ milk in the glass. A. a few B. a little C. few ( A ) 7. --Do you remember that I ____ the book ___ you yesterday? -- Really? But I remembered I didn’t ___ it ___ you. A. borrowed, from; lend to B. lent,from; borrow to C.borrow, from; lend to ( C ) 8.The children often play___football after school. A. the B. a C. / ( A ) 9.Sarah and Tom often___TV in the evening. A. watch B. see C. look ( A ) 10. I like playing computer games. What____you? ---- Me too . A. about B. and C. or ( B ) 11. _____ do you go running in the morning? ----Twice a month. A. How long B. How often C. How soon ( C ) 12. _____ is a kilo of apples? ---- 5 yuan a kilo. _____ apples do you want? A. How heavy, How many B. How many, How much C. How much, How many ( A ) 13. I don’t know the word, can you explain it ___ Chinese? A. in B. with C. by ( C ) 14. They are singing and ____ together at the party now. A. dance B. danced C. dancing ( B ) 15. Do you like playing ___ guitar? ----No, I like playing ___ basketball. A. the, the B. the, / C. / , the ( B ) 16. There is a monkey ______. A. at here B. over there C. at there ( A ) 17. I am _____ singing , but I’m not _____that. A. interested in ; good at B. interest in ; good at C. good at ; interest in ( C ) 18. There is _____ in the classroom, but the fans are still running! A. everyone B. someone C. no one ( A ) 19. My birthday present from my mother is _____ glasses. A. a pair of B. a pair C. pair of (B ) 20. This skirt is so beautiful. I want to _____. A. try on it B. try it on C. try this skirt in


新人教版小学五年级上 册英语测试题 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

赵老师补习中心小学五年级上册英语第一单元测试题 班级:姓名:得分: 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词,每小题听两遍。(10分) ()1.A.fromB.funnyC.fun ()2.A.tallB.tooC.young ()3.A.smartB.smallC.some ()4.A.MissB.Mr.C.Mrs ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f10990307.html,dy ()6.A.he’sB.she’sC.it’s ()7.A.shortB.strongC.seat ()8.A.WhatB.WhoC.Where ()9.A.strictB.scienceC.somuch ()10.A.tallandstrongB.thinandtallC.thinandshort 二、听问句,选答句,听两遍。(10分) ()1.A.Yes,Ido.B.I’mateacher. ()2.A.Yes,hedoes.BNo,heisn’t. ()3.A.She’syoungandac tive.B.She’sagodstudent. ()4.A.MrWang.B.Heisfunny. ()5.A.Mike’s.B.Heistall. 三、听录音,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确,听两遍。(10分) ()1.MrBlackismyfriend.

()2.Johnisfunny. ()3.SarahisfromCanada. ()4.ZhangPengisshortandthin. ()5.MrBlackisayoungteacher. 四、听录音,按顺序给句子标序号,每小题听两遍。(10分) ()Themanisverytall. ()Mybrotherisveryshort,butheisstrong. ()Amyissmart,sheisreadingabook. ()Myfatherisateacher. ()Ihaveauncle,heisveryfat. 笔试部分(60分) 五、根据汉语意思选择英语单词,将序号填在题前括号内。(10分)()1.强壮的A.smallB.shortC.strong ()2.那,那个A.thisB.theC.that ()3.先生A.MissB.MrsC.Mr. ()4.聪明的A.activeB.strictC.smart ()5.谁是A.What’sB.Who’sC.Whose ()6.科学A.mathB.scienceC.art ()7.积极的A.quietB.activeC.smart ()8.语文老师A.chineseteacherB.scienceteacherC.Chineseteacher ()9.女士https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f10990307.html,dyB.womanC.man ()10.像,喜欢A.veryB.likeC.look


小学五年级英语下册练习题(全套)一、按要求填空。 10分 sandwich ------- three ____________ (三个三明治) apple pie ------- ____________ ____________ (一个苹果派)orange juice ------- ____________ ____________ (两个橘子汁)artist ------- ____________ ____________ (一个画家) French fries------- ____________ ____________(四份薯条) 二、选择合适的短语填入句子,使句子完整通顺, 注意书写。5分 1、I want to _____________ . 2、I want to be _____________ . 3、She is _____________ . 4、________ your dinner . 5、They cook ____________ . 三、连线,并仿照例子写出句子。10分 1、thirsty go to see a doctor 2、tired have lunch 3、sleepy get some sleep 4、bored take a rest 5、hungry go out to play 6、a bad cold drink some water 例: 1、——What’s wrong with you? ——I’m (very)thirsty. ——(Let’s)Drink some water. 2、 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 3、 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 4、 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 5、 ______________________________________

初一英语单项选择题专练题 及答案

2014年中考英语选词填空精选练习题一 2013-10-24 14:09 来源: 巨人网·英语 作者: 佚名 [ 标签: 词汇 ] 小编导语:2014年中考英语选词填空精选练习题一是小编为你准备的2014年中考英语选词填空精选练习题一。选词填空是中考英语中必考的题型之一。以下就是2014年中考英语选词填空精选练习题一,供你学习参考。 1. ---We’ll do what we can ____English well this term. ---It’s high time for you to work hard. A. study B. to study C. be studied D. be studying 2. ---I don’t think your team can beat theirs. ---____. But we could if Lin Tao were on the team. A. No, we can’t B. Yes, we can’t C. Yes, we can D. No, we can 3. ---Have you finished your work yet? ---No, not yet. I think it’ll take _____ ten minutes. A. another B. other C. others D. more 4. Roy made several kites, but _____ of them can fly high in the sky. A. neither B. none C. all D. most


小学英语(PEP)五年级上册测试题 Unit One My New Teachers 一. 大声朗读,找出画线部分读音与前面所给单词画线部分相同的单词. (4分) ( )1.no A. now B. how C. know ( )2.eraser A. lamp B. lady C. library ( )3.umbrella A. fun B. computer C. music ( )4.like A. fish B. kind C. kid 二. 接龙写单词. (10分) Miss( ) →__ __ __ ___ ___(聪明) → __ __ __ __(高的) → lady( )→__ __ __ __ __(年轻) →go →---(老的) →doll( ) →__ __ __ __(喜欢) →eight( )- →__ __ __ __(瘦的) 三.将单词归类,写在横线上面.(12分) strict Canada short driver Australia strong UK teacher farmer China quiet principal 人物特征描写:_______________________________________________ 国家:_______________________________________________________ 职业:_______________________________________________________ 四.翻译短语. (8 分) 1.short and strong___________ 2.university student___________
