那么,根据这份条文的“(不考虑负债)”是不是指不动产占净资产比例低于50%? 答:《内地和香港特别行政区关于对所得避免双重征税和防止偷漏税的安排》第十三条第四款规定,转让一个公司股份取得的收益,而该公司的财产主要直接或者间接由位于一方的不动产所组成,可以在该一方征税。
乐税智库文档财税法规策划 乐税网国家税务总局关于执行税收协定特许权使用费条款有关问题的通知【标 签】特许权使用费,税收协定【颁布单位】国家税务总局【文 号】国税函﹝2009﹞507号【发文日期】2009-09-14【实施时间】2009-10-01【 有效性 】全文有效【税 种】企业所得税各省、自治区、直辖市和计划单列市国家税务局、地方税务局,扬州税务进修学院: 根据中华人民共和国政府对外签署的避免双重征税协定(含内地与香港、澳门特别行政区签署的税收安排,以下统称税收协定)的有关规定,现就执行税收协定特许权使用费条款的有关问题通知如下: 一、凡税收协定特许权使用费定义中明确包括使用工业、商业、科学设备收取的款项(即我国税法有关租金所得)的,有关所得应适用税收协定特许权使用费条款的规定。
大陆与香港税收协定(英文版)发布人:于科查看此用户所有文章发布日期:09年08月11日阅读次数:1052新闻内容:Arrangement between theMainland of China and the HKSARfor the Avoidance of Double Taxationand the Prevention of Fiscal EvasionINCOME FROMPERSONAL SERVICESInland Revenue DepartmentHong Kong Special Administrative Region of thePeople’s Republic of China1IntroductionThis pamphlet is applicable to the “Arrangement between the Mainland of China and theHong Kong Special Administrative Region forthe Avoidance of Double Taxation and thePrevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect toTaxes on Income” (“the ComprehensiveArrangement”) signed on 21 August 2006 and provides a brief explanation of how theComprehensive Arrangement applies to the taxation of income from personal services.In Hong Kong, the Comprehensive Arrangementapplies to income derived in any year of assessment commencing on or after 1 April 20 07; and in the Mainland, in any yearcommencing on or after 1 January 2007. The Comprehensive Arrangement performs the f unction of allocating taxing rights over income between Hong Kong and the Mainland. B oth Sides will still refer to their respective domestic taxation legislation to decide whether and how to exercise suchrights.Additional Pamphlets• Certification of Resident Status Provides information on the definition of Ho ng Kong and Mainland residents under the Comprehensive Arrangement and how to ver ify their resident status.• Business Profits, Income from Immovable Pr operty, Income from Investment andGains from Alienation of Property Provides information on how the Comprehensive Arrangement applies to the taxation of business profits, income from im movable property, income from investment (dividends, interest and royaltie s) and gains from alienation of property.INCOME FROM EMPLOYMENTMainland residents coming to work in Hong Kong1. Remuneration derived by a resident of theMainland from an employment exercisedin Hong Kong is chargeable to Salaries Tax i n Hong Kong. However, the Mainland resident will be exempt from Salaries Tax if all the following three conditions aresatisfied:2(a) he is present in Hong Kong for a periodor periods not exceeding in the aggregate 183 days in any 12-month period co mmencing or ending in the yearof assessment concerned (please refer to par agraphs 15 to 18 below for detailsof the “Present for not exceeding 183 days”exemption condition);(b) the remuneration is paid by, or on behalf of, an employer who is not a residentof Hong Kong; and(c) the remuneration is not borne by a permanent establishment which theemployer has in Hong Kong.2. Where a Mainland resident renders employment services in Hong Kong but does not meet any of the conditions mentioned in para graphs 1(a) to 1(c) above (e.g. his remuneration is paid by a Hong Kong employe r), he will still be exempt under Hong Kong taxation law from Salaries Tax if his visit to Hong Kong in the year of assessment concerned does not exceed a totalof 60 days.Hong Kong residents working across the Mainland borderTax liabilities in Hong Kong3. The income derived by a resident of HongKong from his Hong Kong employmentwill be wholly chargeable to Hong Kong Salar ies Tax irrespective of whether it has been paid by the Hong Kong employer or a Mai nland establishment, even thoughpart of his duties are performed in the Main land. However, if the Hong Kong resident has paid Individual Income Tax in r espect of the income attributable to services rendered by him in the Mainland, he may apply for tax exemption for that part of the income under section 8(1A)(c) of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (“the Ordinance”), or for a tax credit under the p rovisions of Article 21 of the Comprehensive Arrangement. Application may be made on his tax return for theyear of assessment concerned, and supported with evidence of the Mainland tax payment. In general, tax exemption provides greater tax relief than that provided by tax credit. A Hong Kong resident who has declared and paid Salaries Tax on his employment income, and who has subsequently paid Individual Income Tax on all or part of his employment income in the Mainland because he has rendered services there, can apply, under section 70A of the O rdinance, to have his assessment revised in accordance with the provisions of section8(1A)(c).34. The income derived by a Hong Kong resident from his non-Hong Kong employmentwill be assessed under Salaries Tax according to the number of days in Hong Kong irrespective of whether it has been paid by an overseas employer or a Mainland establishment, provided that his visit(s) to Hong Kong exceed 60 days and duringwhich he renders services.5. If a Hong Kong resident renders services in Hong Kong, but his trips to Hong Kong only constitute “visits” not exceeding a to tal of 60 days during the year of assessment,he is not chargeable to Salaries Tax in Hong Kong. Whether the nature of a trip made by a Hong Kong resident is a “visit” o r not depends on the circumstances of each case. In general, if a person has a work base in the Mainland and is required to render services there as a permanent employe e, the person’s occasional return to Hong Kong will be recognized as a “visit”.6. If a Hong Kong resident returns to Hong Kong for over 60 days in a year of assessment, e.g. 170 days, and renders servi ces whilst in Hong Kong, such as attending conferences and reporting work pro gress, he will be subject to Salaries Tax in Hong Kong according to paragraphs 3 or 4above.Tax liabilities in the Mainland7. Remuneration derived by a Hong Kong resident from an employment exercised inthe Mainland is chargeable to Individual Inc ome Tax in the Mainland. However,the Hong Kong resident will be exempt from M ainland tax if all the following threeconditions are satisfied:(a) he is present in the Mainland for a period or periods not exceeding in the aggregate 183 days in any 12-month period co mmencing or ending in thetaxable period concerned (please refer to pa ragraphs 15 to 18 below for detailsof the “Present for not exceeding 183 days”exemption condition);(b) the remuneration is paid by, or on behalf of, an employer who is not a residentof the Mainland; and(c) the remuneration is not borne by a permanent establishment which theemployer has in the Mainland.48. If, under his employment, a Hong Kong resident renders services both in the Mainland and in Hong Kong, and his aggregate periods of stay in the Mainland do not exceed 183 days, income paid or borne by the Mainland establishment will be chargeable to Individual Income Tax. Tax wil l be calculated on the chargeable income and then apportioned on time basis. I ncome paid by an overseas employer (including Hong Kong employer) is not chargeable.9. If, under his employment, a Hong Kong resident renders services both in the Mainland and in Hong Kong, and his aggregate periods of stay in the Mainland exceed 183 days, the total income received f rom the Mainland establishment and the overseas employer (including Hong Kong emplo yer) will be chargeable to Individual Income Tax. Tax will be calculated on the to tal income and then apportioned ontime basis.Counting of days of stay for calculating taxliabilities10. For tax computation purposes, the aggreg ate periods of stay in a taxable year is theaggregate of the days in each period of stay where the number of days is counted under the rule of the “days of physical presence minus one day”.11. The Mainland and Hong Kong are geographically so close to each other that a taxpayer may travel between the Mainland and Hong Kong on a particular day and provide services in both Sides. As such, it is not appropriate to apply the rule of the “days of physical presence minus one day”.However, serious double taxationcould occur if both Sides apply the rule of “days of physical presence”. To address such cases, the State Administration of Taxa tion and the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department have reached consensus. If a taxp ayer travels between the Mainlandand Hong Kong on a particular day and provid es services in both Sides, he would be counted as present in the Mainland for halfa day and in Hong Kong for half a day. However, if he only provides services either in the Mainland or Hong Kong on thatday, he would be counted as having been pres ent for one day in the Mainland or Hong Kong, as the case may be.Examples12. The following examples illustrate the ta xing principles mentioned in paragraphs 3 to9 above.5Example 1Mr. Lee, a Hong Kong resident employed by a Hong Kong company, was assigned to be the manager of the enterprise invested by his em ployer in the Mainland. His monthly salary was $30,000, of which $10,000 was paid or bo rne by the Mainland enterprise. Apart from returning to Hong Kong on holidays, he was r equired to render services in Hong Kong. He stayed in the Mainland for an aggregate of 250 days.Hong Kong: As he had a Hong Kong employment and rendered services in Hong Kong,his salary, $30,000 a month, was fully assessable in Hong Kong.However, as he had to pay Mainland Individual Income Tax on theincome attributable to services rendered in the Mainland, he could applyfor exemption from Hong Kong Salaries Tax onthat part of the income orclaim a tax credit. Such an application would be made on his HongKong tax return, by completing the relevant section and submitting the evidence of payment of the Mainland tax. Mainland: As he was required to provide serv ices both in the Mainland and in Hong Kong under his employment and he stayed in t he Mainland for over 183days, his entire salary was chargeable to In dividual Income Tax, butsubject to adjustment to reflect the service s rendered outside the Mainland.In order to compute his Mainland tax liabili ty, he should first add up his salary payments in both Sides as his total t axable salary, calculate the tax thereon, and apportion the tax by time basis to arrive at the tax payable.Example 2Mr. Cheung, a Hong Kong resident employed bya Hong Kong company as Marketing Manager (China-Hong Kong Trade). He was requ ired to provide services both in the Mainland and in Hong Kong. His monthly salar y was $30,000, of which $10,000 was paid or borne by a Mainland entity. He stayed in the Mainland for an aggregate of 100 days.Hong Kong: Same as Example 1 Mainland: As he was required to provide serv ices both in the Mainland and in Hong Kong but stayed in the Mainland for not more than 183 days, only thatpart of his salary paid or borne by the Main land entity was chargeable to Individual Income Tax. Tax would be calculated on the chargeable6income and then apportioned on time basis. T hat part of the salary paidby the Hong Kong employer was not chargeableto Individual IncomeTax.Example 3Mr. Wong, a Hong Kong resident employed by a Hong Kong company, was responsible to manage the company in Hong Kong and the fact ory in the Mainland. Every day, he had to travel between the Mainland and Hong Kong and provide services in both Sides. His monthly salary was $30,000, of which $10,000 was paid or borne by the Mainland entity.Hong Kong: Same as Example 1 Mainland: As he was required to provide serv ices both in the Mainland and in Hong Kong and he stayed in the Mainland for over 183 days, both the Mainlandand Hong Kong salaries were chargeable to In dividual Income Tax. Heshould first add up his salary payments in b oth Sides as his total taxable income, calculate the tax thereon, and appor tion the tax by time basis toarrive at the tax payable (generally the Mai nland tax authority will adopt a “half-day rule” for any date where services are rendered both in theMainland and in Hong Kong).Hong Kong residents rendering services in the Mainland onlyTax liabilities in Hong Kong13. Irrespective of whether a Hong Kong resident is under a Hong Kong employment or a non-Hong Kong employment, if the duties are performed in the Mainland only (i.e. no services are rendered in Hong Kong), the income derived from the employmentwill be wholly exempt from Hong Kong Salarie s Tax (unless the individual is a civil servant, or a crew member of a ship or an aircraft).Tax liabilities in the Mainland14. If, under his employment (Hong Kong or non-Hong Kong), a Hong Kong resident renders services in the Mainland only (i.e. services are not rendered whilst in HongKong), all his income from that employment w ill be regarded as attributable to7services rendered in the Mainland. Such inco me is wholly chargeable to Mainland tax, irrespective of whether it is paid by a Mainland establishment or an overseas employer (including a Hong Kong employer) un less he satisfies all the three conditions mentioned in paragraph 7 above.(Please refer to paragraphs 22 and 23for the specific provisions for Hong Kong civil servants.)Example 4Mr. Chan, a Hong Kong resident employed by a Hong Kong company, was assigned to his employer’s Mainland factory to do quality co ntrol work. His monthly salary was $30,000. He did not render any services in Hong Kong.He only returned to Hong Kong to spend his leave and on Sundays and public holiday s. He stayed in the Mainland for an aggregateof 250 days.Hong Kong: As he did not provide any service in Hong Kong, all his income was exempt from Salaries Tax in Hong Kong. Mainland: As he was required to perform duti es in the Mainland only and stayed inthe Mainland for over 183 days, his salary of $30,000 a month waschargeable to Mainland tax in full. “Present for not exceeding 183 days” exemption condition15. Where an employment is exercised by a re sident of One Side in the Other Side, one of the conditions for tax exemption is satis fied only when he is present in the Other Side for a period or periods not exceeding i n the aggregate 183 days in any 12-month period commencing or ending in the taxable p eriod concerned. “Any 12-month period commencing or ending in the taxable p eriod concerned” denotes two concepts, namely, that the number of days of presence may straddle over 2 years, i.e. the days of presence can be calculated continuously o r in the aggregate irrespective of the year; and that a floating calculation method may be adopted. The 12-month period can commence or end on any day within the ta xable period concerned. The taxable period in the Mainland is the calendar year, whereas the taxable period (i.e. the year of assessment) in Hong Kong is the period fr om 1 April to 31 March of the next year.816. Take the year of assessment 2008/09 as an example, the time period that should be taken into account, based on the two concept s mentioned above, is between 2 April 2007 and 30 March 2010. If a Mainland reside nt is not present in Hong Kong for more than 183 days in any 12-month period in the time period identified above, he has met the “present for not exceeding 183 d ays” exemption condition for the year of assessment 2008/09. However, if the Mainland resident is present in Hong Kongfor more than 183 days in any 12-month period in the time period identified above, remuneration derived by him in respect of the employment exercised in Hong Kongis chargeable to Hong Kong Salaries Tax for the year of assessment 2008/09.17. In the year when the Comprehensive Arrangement became effective (the year 2007 for the Mainland and the year of assessment 2007/08 for Hong Kong), the Mainland adopts 1 January 2007 as the commencement da te for the purposes of ascertainingthe number of days a Hong Kong resident is p resent in the Mainland; whilst Hong Kong adopts 1 April 2007 as the commencement date for the purposes of ascertaining the number of days a Mainland r esident is present in Hong Kong. Inother words, in the first year of the applic ation of the Comprehensive Arrangement, the Mainland regards any 12-month period to be any 12-month period commencingin the period from 1 January 2007 to 31 Dece mber 2007; and Hong Kong regardsany 12-month period to be any 12-month period commencing in the period from 1April 2007 to 31 March 2008.18. The “days of physical presence” method is adopted in deciding whether a resident ispresent in the Other Side for a period or pe riods exceeding 183 days. Under this method, the day of arrival or departure and each day in the period during which he stays in the Other Side, however brief and f or whatever reasons, will be counted asone day respectively.DIRECTORS’ FEESTaxation of Directors’ Fees19. Directors’ fees and other similar paymen ts received by a Hong Kong resident or a Mainland resident in his capacity as a direc tor of a company is taxed in the Side of which the company is a resident, irrespectiv e of the period of his stay in either Side or the place where the services are actually rendered. Therefore, directors’ fees9derived by a Hong Kong resident in his capac ity as a director of a Mainland company will all be subject to the Individual Income Tax in the Mainland. Likewise, directors’ fees derived by a Mainland reside nt in his capacity as a director of a Hong Kong company will all be subject to Salaries Tax in Hong Kong. “Directors’ fees and other similar payments” include benefits in kind (such as share options, the use of a residence or car, health or life insura nce coverage and club memberships). “Directors’ fees and other similar payment s” do not include wages, salaries and other remunerations paid to a director on account of his other functions with the company (e.g. as an employee or consultant). Such wages, salaries and other remunerationswill be dealt with in accordance with the pr ovisions for income from employment or business profits, whichever is applicable.ARTISTES AND SPORTSPERSONSTaxation of Artistes and Sportspersons 20. Separate provisions apply to income deri ved by artistes and sportspersons. A Hong Kong resident artiste or sportsperson who pe rforms activities in the Mainland will be subject to Individual Income Tax on income derived from these activities. Similarly, income derived from the performance of activ ities in Hong Kong by an artiste or a sportsperson who is a Mainland resident will be chargeable to Profits Tax in Hong Kong. The income subject to tax may accrue t o the artiste or sportsperson, or to any other person, such as a company or an enterprise.PENSIONSTaxation of Pensions21. Pensions and other similar payments made under a public scheme which is part of the social security system implemented in the Ma inland shall be taxable only in the Mainland; whilst pensions and other similar payments made under a “recognized retirement scheme” in Hong Kong shall be tax able only in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, a “recognized retirement scheme” mean s a “recognized occupational retirement scheme” and a “mandatory provide nt fund scheme”. The term “pensions10and other similar remuneration” includes ann uities paid in respect of past employment, lump sum payments in lieu of pen sions received at the time of or after leaving services, sums received by way of commutation of pensions and pensions received by widows and orphans. However, thi s provision does not apply to a lump sum payment made upon cessation of an employ ment or termination of a contract. Such a payment falls within the meaning of i ncome from employment and therefore will be taxed in accordance with the provisi ons applicable to income fromemployment.GOVERNMENT SERVICETaxation of remuneration in respect of Government Service22. Remuneration and pensions paid by the Government of One Side to an individual (other than an individual who is a resident of the Other Side and renders services in that Other Side) in respect of services rend ered to that Government, in the discharge of government functions shall be taxable only in that Side.23. For example, the income of a Hong Kong resident employed by the Hong Kong Government to work in its office in Beijing shall be taxable only in Hong Kong. On the other hand, the income of a Mainland resident employed by the Hong Kong Government to work in the Beijing office sha ll be taxable only in the Mainland.The income of a Mainland resident employed b y the Central People’s Government to work in the Hong Kong office shall be taxable only in the Mainland. If a Hong Kong resident is employed by the Central Peo ple’s Government to work in the Hong Kong office, his income shall be taxable only in Hong Kong.STUDENTSTaxation of Students24. The Comprehensive Arrangement gives limited tax exemption to students so as to assist and nurture talents as well as to take care of students’ living expenses. Payments (including tuition fees, student gr ants and scholarships) received by a11Mainland student who comes to Hong Kong for the purpose of his education shallnot be taxed in Hong Kong, provided that such payments arise from sources outside Hong Kong. Likewise, payments (including tui tion fees, student grants and scholarships) received by a Hong Kong studen t who stays in the Mainland for the purpose of his education shall not be taxed in the Mainland, provided that such payments arise from sources outside Mainland.Additional Information AvailableFor more detailed information, please refer to Departmental Interpretation & PracticeNote No. 44, which is available at the website of the Department: “.hk”.For further enquiries, please call the Department on 2594 2800.PAM 72(e)(The content of this pamphlet is for guidance only) June 2007中国内地和香港特别行政区关于对所得避免双重征税的安排时间: 2009年03月12日来源:不详作者: 佚名浏览次数:中华人民共和国香港特别行政区税务局税务条例释义及执行指引中国内地和香港特别行政区关于对所得避免双重征税的安排本指引载有一般性的参考资料,以解释中国内地与香港特别行政区所达成有关对所得避免双重征税的安排。
(二)第四条第一款(二)项,在香港特别行政区,居民是指:1. 通常居于香港特别行政区的个人,即在香港拥有其本人及家人生活、居住的永久性住所的个人;2. 在某课税年度内在香港特别行政区逗留超过180天或在连续两个课税年度(其中一个是有关的课税年度)内在香港特别行政区逗留超过300天的个人,即临时在香港工作、居住的个人;3. 香港法人居民,是指在香港成立的法团公司(包括具有法团地位的公司,下同);或在香港以外成立的,但通常实际管理或控制中心在香港的法团公司,即公司整体日常业务营运的管理或施行管理层决策,或由董事会制定管理决策等在香港进行(例如外国银行设在香港的分行如并不承担该外国银行整体营运的管理和决策,不应属于享受“安排”待遇的香港居民)。
我国对外签订避免双重征税协定一览表发布日期:2011年03月28日序号Serial No.地区Region签署日期Signed on生效日期Effective from执行日期Applicable since1香港特别行政区HKSAR2006.8.212006.12.8内地 (Mainland):2007.1.1香港 (HKSAR):2007.4.12澳门特别行政区MCSAR2003.12.272003.12.302004.1.1注:(1)截止2011年5月底,我国已对外正式签署96个避免双重征税协定,其中93个协定已生效,和香港、澳门两个特别行政区签署了税收安排。
财政部、国家税务总局、证监会关于沪港股票市场交易互联互通机制试点 有关税收政策的通知
我国签订的多边税收条约我国签订的避免双重征税协定一览表我国签署的税收情报交换协定一览表序号Serial No. 国家或地区Jurisdiction签署日期Signed on生效日期Effectivefrom执行日期Applicablesince1巴哈马Bahamas2009-12-012010-08-282010-08-282 英属维尔京the BritishVirginIslands2009-12-072010-12-302010-12-303马恩岛the Isle ofMan2010-10-262011-08-142011-08-144根西Guernsey2010-10-272011-08-172012-01-015泽西Jersey2010-10-292011-11-102011-11-106百慕大Bermuda2010-12-022011-12-312011-12-317阿根廷Argentina2010-12-132011-09-162011-09-168开曼Cayman2011-09-262012-11-152012-11-159圣马力诺San Marino2012-07-092013-04-302013-04-3010列支敦士登Liechtenstein2014-01-272014-08-022015-01-01国际运输收入税收处理情况一览表(空运)项目国家(或地区)依据1. 互征企业所得税税款不超过总收入的1.5%:菲律宾避免双重征税协定(或安排)2. 互免企业所得税除项目1所列国家外其他所有与我有税收协定的国家(地区)避免双重征税协定(或安排)津巴布韦、土库曼斯坦、叙利亚、秘鲁、马达加斯加、黎巴嫩、阿富汗、扎伊尔、文莱航空协定税收条款3. 互免个人所得税 津巴布韦、越南、蒙古、老挝、科威特、孟加拉国、阿曼、文莱、乌克兰、哈萨克斯坦、马尔代夫、乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼斯坦、前苏联、黎巴嫩、吉尔吉斯、白俄罗斯 韩国法国、英国、巴林航空协定税收条款 税收协定议定书双边专项国际运输互免税协议4. 互免间接税 日本、丹麦、新加坡、阿联酋、韩国、印度、毛里求斯、斯洛文尼亚、以色列、乌克兰、牙买加、马来西亚(2000年议定书)、香港、澳门避免双重征税协定(或安排)津巴布韦、越南、乌兹别克斯坦、美国、乌克兰、土库曼斯坦、叙利亚、罗马尼亚、秘鲁、阿曼、新西兰、马达加斯加、黎巴嫩、吉尔吉斯、科威特、哈萨克斯坦、以色列、加拿大、文莱、比利时、白俄罗斯航空协定税收条款美国、法国、泰国、土耳其、卢森堡、荷兰、芬兰、新加坡、斯里兰卡、巴林互免国际运输收入税收协议或换函国际运输收入税收处理情况一览表(海运)1. 互征企业所得税减半征收:泰国、马来西亚、孟加拉、印尼、斯里兰卡税款不超过总收入的1.5%:菲律宾避免双重征税协定(或安排)2. 互免企业所得税除项目1所列国家外其他所有与我有税收协定(或安排)的国家(或地区)避免双重征税协定(或安排)智利、朝鲜、黎巴嫩阿根廷海运协定税收条款互免国际运输收入税收协议或换函3. 互免个人所得税前南斯拉夫、克罗地亚、希腊、黎巴嫩韩国海运协定税收条款税收协定议定书4. 互免间接税日本、丹麦、新加坡(第8条及议定书)、阿联酋、韩国(第8条及议定书)、印度(第8条及议定书)、毛里求斯、斯洛文尼亚、以色列、乌克兰、牙买加、马来西亚(2000年议定书)、香港避免双重征税协定(或安排)日本、比利时、德国、挪威、丹麦、芬海运协定税兰、瑞典、荷兰、保加利亚、巴基斯坦、塞浦路斯、罗马尼亚、巴西、马耳他、克罗地亚、越南、乌克兰、希腊、古巴、格鲁吉亚、阿尔及利亚、智利、朝鲜、意大利、加拿大收条款美国、前南斯拉夫(互免海运收入税收协定)、俄罗斯(海运合作协定)、老挝(河运协定)、波兰、斯里兰卡、阿根廷、智利、意大利互免国际运输收入税收协议或换函。
大陆与香港税收协定(英文版)发布人:于科查看此用户所有文章发布日期:09年08月11日阅读次数:1052新闻内容:Arrangement between theMainland of China and the HKSARfor the Avoidance of Double Taxationand the Prevention of Fiscal EvasionINCOME FROMPERSONAL SERVICESInland Revenue DepartmentHong Kong Special Administrative Region of thePeople’s Republic of China1IntroductionThis pamphlet is applicable to the “Arrangement between the Mainland of China and theHong Kong Special Administrative Region forthe Avoidance of Double Taxation and thePrevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect toTaxes on Income” (“the ComprehensiveArrangement”) signed on 21 August 2006 and provides a brief explanation of how theComprehensive Arrangement applies to the taxation of income from personal services.In Hong Kong, the Comprehensive Arrangementapplies to income derived in any year of assessment commencing on or after 1 April 20 07; and in the Mainland, in any yearcommencing on or after 1 January 2007. The Comprehensive Arrangement performs the f unction of allocating taxing rights over income between Hong Kong and the Mainland. B oth Sides will still refer to their respective domestic taxation legislation to decide whether and how to exercise suchrights.Additional Pamphlets• Certification of Resident Status Provides information on the definition of Ho ng Kong and Mainland residents under the Comprehensive Arrangement and how to ver ify their resident status.• Business Profits, Income from Immovable Pr operty, Income from Investment andGains from Alienation of Property Provides information on how the Comprehensive Arrangement applies to the taxation of business profits, income from im movable property, income from investment (dividends, interest and royaltie s) and gains from alienation of property.INCOME FROM EMPLOYMENTMainland residents coming to work in Hong Kong1. Remuneration derived by a resident of theMainland from an employment exercisedin Hong Kong is chargeable to Salaries Tax i n Hong Kong. However, the Mainland resident will be exempt from Salaries Tax if all the following three conditions aresatisfied:2(a) he is present in Hong Kong for a periodor periods not exceeding in the aggregate 183 days in any 12-month period co mmencing or ending in the yearof assessment concerned (please refer to par agraphs 15 to 18 below for detailsof the “Present for not exceeding 183 days”exemption condition);(b) the remuneration is paid by, or on behalf of, an employer who is not a residentof Hong Kong; and(c) the remuneration is not borne by a permanent establishment which theemployer has in Hong Kong.2. Where a Mainland resident renders employment services in Hong Kong but does not meet any of the conditions mentioned in para graphs 1(a) to 1(c) above (e.g. his remuneration is paid by a Hong Kong employe r), he will still be exempt under Hong Kong taxation law from Salaries Tax if his visit to Hong Kong in the year of assessment concerned does not exceed a totalof 60 days.Hong Kong residents working across the Mainland borderTax liabilities in Hong Kong3. The income derived by a resident of HongKong from his Hong Kong employmentwill be wholly chargeable to Hong Kong Salar ies Tax irrespective of whether it has been paid by the Hong Kong employer or a Mai nland establishment, even thoughpart of his duties are performed in the Main land. However, if the Hong Kong resident has paid Individual Income Tax in r espect of the income attributable to services rendered by him in the Mainland, he may apply for tax exemption for that part of the income under section 8(1A)(c) of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (“the Ordinance”), or for a tax credit under the p rovisions of Article 21 of the Comprehensive Arrangement. Application may be made on his tax return for theyear of assessment concerned, and supported with evidence of the Mainland tax payment. In general, tax exemption provides greater tax relief than that provided by tax credit. A Hong Kong resident who has declared and paid Salaries Tax on his employment income, and who has subsequently paid Individual Income Tax on all or part of his employment income in the Mainland because he has rendered services there, can apply, under section 70A of the O rdinance, to have his assessment revised in accordance with the provisions of section8(1A)(c).34. The income derived by a Hong Kong resident from his non-Hong Kong employmentwill be assessed under Salaries Tax according to the number of days in Hong Kong irrespective of whether it has been paid by an overseas employer or a Mainland establishment, provided that his visit(s) to Hong Kong exceed 60 days and duringwhich he renders services.5. If a Hong Kong resident renders services in Hong Kong, but his trips to Hong Kong only constitute “visits” not exceeding a to tal of 60 days during the year of assessment,he is not chargeable to Salaries Tax in Hong Kong. Whether the nature of a trip made by a Hong Kong resident is a “visit” o r not depends on the circumstances of each case. In general, if a person has a work base in the Mainland and is required to render services there as a permanent employe e, the person’s occasional return to Hong Kong will be recognized as a “visit”.6. If a Hong Kong resident returns to Hong Kong for over 60 days in a year of assessment, e.g. 170 days, and renders servi ces whilst in Hong Kong, such as attending conferences and reporting work pro gress, he will be subject to Salaries Tax in Hong Kong according to paragraphs 3 or 4above.Tax liabilities in the Mainland7. Remuneration derived by a Hong Kong resident from an employment exercised inthe Mainland is chargeable to Individual Inc ome Tax in the Mainland. However,the Hong Kong resident will be exempt from M ainland tax if all the following threeconditions are satisfied:(a) he is present in the Mainland for a period or periods not exceeding in the aggregate 183 days in any 12-month period co mmencing or ending in thetaxable period concerned (please refer to pa ragraphs 15 to 18 below for detailsof the “Present for not exceeding 183 days”exemption condition);(b) the remuneration is paid by, or on behalf of, an employer who is not a residentof the Mainland; and(c) the remuneration is not borne by a permanent establishment which theemployer has in the Mainland.48. If, under his employment, a Hong Kong resident renders services both in the Mainland and in Hong Kong, and his aggregate periods of stay in the Mainland do not exceed 183 days, income paid or borne by the Mainland establishment will be chargeable to Individual Income Tax. Tax wil l be calculated on the chargeable income and then apportioned on time basis. I ncome paid by an overseas employer (including Hong Kong employer) is not chargeable.9. If, under his employment, a Hong Kong resident renders services both in the Mainland and in Hong Kong, and his aggregate periods of stay in the Mainland exceed 183 days, the total income received f rom the Mainland establishment and the overseas employer (including Hong Kong emplo yer) will be chargeable to Individual Income Tax. Tax will be calculated on the to tal income and then apportioned ontime basis.Counting of days of stay for calculating taxliabilities10. For tax computation purposes, the aggreg ate periods of stay in a taxable year is theaggregate of the days in each period of stay where the number of days is counted under the rule of the “days of physical presence minus one day”.11. The Mainland and Hong Kong are geographically so close to each other that a taxpayer may travel between the Mainland and Hong Kong on a particular day and provide services in both Sides. As such, it is not appropriate to apply the rule of the “days of physical presence minus one day”.However, serious double taxation could occur if both Sides apply the rule of “days of physical presence”. To address such cases, the State Administration of Taxa tion and the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department have reached consensus. If a taxp ayer travels between the Mainlandand Hong Kong on a particular day and provid es services in both Sides, he would be counted as present in the Mainland for halfa day and in Hong Kong for half a day. However, if he only provides services either in the Mainland or Hong Kong on thatday, he would be counted as having been pres ent for one day in the Mainland or Hong Kong, as the case may be.Examples12. The following examples illustrate the ta xing principles mentioned in paragraphs 3 to9 above.5Example 1Mr. Lee, a Hong Kong resident employed by a Hong Kong company, was assigned to be the manager of the enterprise invested by his em ployer in the Mainland. His monthly salary was $30,000, of which $10,000 was paid or bo rne by the Mainland enterprise. Apart from returning to Hong Kong on holidays, he was r equired to render services in Hong Kong. He stayed in the Mainland for an aggregate of 250 days.Hong Kong: As he had a Hong Kong employment and rendered services in Hong Kong,his salary, $30,000 a month, was fully assessable in Hong Kong.However, as he had to pay Mainland Individual Income Tax on theincome attributable to services rendered in the Mainland, he could applyfor exemption from Hong Kong Salaries Tax onthat part of the income orclaim a tax credit. Such an application would be made on his HongKong tax return, by completing the relevant section and submitting the evidence of payment of the Mainland tax. Mainland: As he was required to provide serv ices both in the Mainland and in Hong Kong under his employment and he stayed in t he Mainland for over 183days, his entire salary was chargeable to In dividual Income Tax, butsubject to adjustment to reflect the service s rendered outside the Mainland.In order to compute his Mainland tax liabili ty, he should first add up his salary payments in both Sides as his total t axable salary, calculate the tax thereon, and apportion the tax by time basis to arrive at the tax payable.Example 2Mr. Cheung, a Hong Kong resident employed bya Hong Kong company as Marketing Manager (China-Hong Kong Trade). He was requ ired to provide services both in the Mainland and in Hong Kong. His monthly salar y was $30,000, of which $10,000 was paid or borne by a Mainland entity. He stayed in the Mainland for an aggregate of 100 days.Hong Kong: Same as Example 1 Mainland: As he was required to provide serv ices both in the Mainland and in Hong Kong but stayed in the Mainland for not more than 183 days, only thatpart of his salary paid or borne by the Main land entity was chargeable to Individual Income Tax. Tax would be calculated on the chargeable6income and then apportioned on time basis. T hat part of the salary paidby the Hong Kong employer was not chargeableto Individual IncomeTax.Example 3Mr. Wong, a Hong Kong resident employed by a Hong Kong company, was responsible to manage the company in Hong Kong and the fact ory in the Mainland. Every day, he had to travel between the Mainland and Hong Kong and provide services in both Sides. His monthly salary was $30,000, of which $10,000 was paid or borne by the Mainland entity.Hong Kong: Same as Example 1 Mainland: As he was required to provide serv ices both in the Mainland and in Hong Kong and he stayed in the Mainland for over 183 days, both the Mainlandand Hong Kong salaries were chargeable to In dividual Income Tax. Heshould first add up his salary payments in b oth Sides as his total taxable income, calculate the tax thereon, and appor tion the tax by time basis toarrive at the tax payable (generally the Mai nland tax authority will adopt a “half-day rule” for any date where services are rendered both in theMainland and in Hong Kong).Hong Kong residents rendering services in the Mainland onlyTax liabilities in Hong Kong13. Irrespective of whether a Hong Kong resident is under a Hong Kong employment or a non-Hong Kong employment, if the duties are performed in the Mainland only (i.e. no services are rendered in Hong Kong), the income derived from the employmentwill be wholly exempt from Hong Kong Salarie s Tax (unless the individual is a civil servant, or a crew member of a ship or an aircraft).Tax liabilities in the Mainland14. If, under his employment (Hong Kong or non-Hong Kong), a Hong Kong resident renders services in the Mainland only (i.e. services are not rendered whilst in HongKong), all his income from that employment w ill be regarded as attributable to7services rendered in the Mainland. Such inco me is wholly chargeable to Mainland tax, irrespective of whether it is paid by a Mainland establishment or an overseas employer (including a Hong Kong employer) un less he satisfies all the three conditions mentioned in paragraph 7 above.(Please refer to paragraphs 22 and 23for the specific provisions for Hong Kong civil servants.)Example 4Mr. Chan, a Hong Kong resident employed by a Hong Kong company, was assigned to his employer’s Mainland factory to do quality co ntrol work. His monthly salary was $30,000. He did not render any services in Hong Kong.He only returned to Hong Kong to spend his leave and on Sundays and public holiday s. He stayed in the Mainland for an aggregateof 250 days.Hong Kong: As he did not provide any service in Hong Kong, all his income was exempt from Salaries Tax in Hong Kong. Mainland: As he was required to perform duti es in the Mainland only and stayed inthe Mainland for over 183 days, his salary of $30,000 a month waschargeable to Mainland tax in full. “Present for not exceeding 183 days” exemption condition15. Where an employment is exercised by a re sident of One Side in the Other Side, one of the conditions for tax exemption is satis fied only when he is present in the Other Side for a period or periods not exceeding i n the aggregate 183 days in any 12-month period commencing or ending in the taxable p eriod concerned. “Any 12-month period commencing or ending in the taxable p eriod concerned” denotes two concepts, namely, that the number of days of presence may straddle over 2 years, i.e. the days of presence can be calculated continuously o r in the aggregate irrespective of the year; and that a floating calculation method may be adopted. The 12-month period can commence or end on any day within the ta xable period concerned. The taxable period in the Mainland is the calendar year, whereas the taxable period (i.e. the year of assessment) in Hong Kong is the period fr om 1 April to 31 March of the next year.816. Take the year of assessment 2008/09 as an example, the time period that should be taken into account, based on the two concept s mentioned above, is between 2 April 2007 and 30 March 2010. If a Mainland reside nt is not present in Hong Kong for more than 183 days in any 12-month period in the time period identified above, he has met the “present for not exceeding 183 d ays” exemption condition for the year of assessment 2008/09. However, if the Mainland resident is present in Hong Kongfor more than 183 days in any 12-month period in the time period identified above, remuneration derived by him in respect of the employment exercised in Hong Kongis chargeable to Hong Kong Salaries Tax for the year of assessment 2008/09.17. In the year when the Comprehensive Arrangement became effective (the year 2007 for the Mainland and the year of assessment 2007/08 for Hong Kong), the Mainland adopts 1 January 2007 as the commencement da te for the purposes of ascertainingthe number of days a Hong Kong resident is p resent in the Mainland; whilst Hong Kong adopts 1 April 2007 as the commencement date for the purposes of ascertaining the number of days a Mainland r esident is present in Hong Kong. Inother words, in the first year of the applic ation of the Comprehensive Arrangement, the Mainland regards any 12-month period to be any 12-month period commencingin the period from 1 January 2007 to 31 Dece mber 2007; and Hong Kong regardsany 12-month period to be any 12-month period commencing in the period from 1April 2007 to 31 March 2008.18. The “days of physical presence” method is adopted in deciding whether a resident ispresent in the Other Side for a period or pe riods exceeding 183 days. Under this method, the day of arrival or departure and each day in the period during which he stays in the Other Side, however brief and f or whatever reasons, will be counted asone day respectively.DIRECTORS’ FEESTaxation of Directors’ Fees19. Directors’ fees and other similar paymen ts received by a Hong Kong resident or a Mainland resident in his capacity as a direc tor of a company is taxed in the Side of which the company is a resident, irrespectiv e of the period of his stay in either Side or the place where the services are actually rendered. Therefore, directors’ fees9derived by a Hong Kong resident in his capac ity as a director of a Mainland company will all be subject to the Individual Income Tax in the Mainland. Likewise, directors’ fees derived by a Mainland reside nt in his capacity as a director of a Hong Kong company will all be subject to Salaries Tax in Hong Kong. “Directors’ fees and other similar payments” include benefits in kind (such as share options, the use of a residence or car, health or life insura nce coverage and club memberships). “Directors’ fees and other similar payment s” do not include wages, salaries and other remunerations paid to a director on account of his other functions with the company (e.g. as an employee or consultant). Such wages, salaries and other remunerationswill be dealt with in accordance with the pr ovisions for income from employment or business profits, whichever is applicable.ARTISTES AND SPORTSPERSONSTaxation of Artistes and Sportspersons 20. Separate provisions apply to income deri ved by artistes and sportspersons. A Hong Kong resident artiste or sportsperson who pe rforms activities in the Mainland will be subject to Individual Income Tax on income derived from these activities. Similarly, income derived from the performance of activ ities in Hong Kong by an artiste or a sportsperson who is a Mainland resident will be chargeable to Profits Tax in Hong Kong. The income subject to tax may accrue t o the artiste or sportsperson, or to any other person, such as a company or an enterprise.PENSIONSTaxation of Pensions21. Pensions and other similar payments made under a public scheme which is part of the social security system implemented in the Ma inland shall be taxable only in the Mainland; whilst pensions and other similar payments made under a “recognized retirement scheme” in Hong Kong shall be tax able only in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, a “recognized retirement scheme” mean s a “recognized occupational retirement scheme” and a “mandatory provide nt fund scheme”. The term “pensions10and other similar remuneration” includes ann uities paid in respect of past employment, lump sum payments in lieu of pen sions received at the time of or after leaving services, sums received by way of commutation of pensions and pensions received by widows and orphans. However, thi s provision does not apply to a lump sum payment made upon cessation of an employ ment or termination of a contract. Such a payment falls within the meaning of i ncome from employment and therefore will be taxed in accordance with the provisi ons applicable to income fromemployment.GOVERNMENT SERVICETaxation of remuneration in respect of Government Service22. Remuneration and pensions paid by the Government of One Side to an individual (other than an individual who is a resident of the Other Side and renders services in that Other Side) in respect of services rend ered to that Government, in the discharge of government functions shall be taxable only in that Side.23. For example, the income of a Hong Kong resident employed by the Hong Kong Government to work in its office in Beijing shall be taxable only in Hong Kong. On the other hand, the income of a Mainland resident employed by the Hong Kong Government to work in the Beijing office sha ll be taxable only in the Mainland.The income of a Mainland resident employed b y the Central People’s Government to work in the Hong Kong office shall be taxable only in the Mainland. If a Hong Kong resident is employed by the Central Peo ple’s Government to work in the Hong Kong office, his income shall be taxable only in Hong Kong.STUDENTSTaxation of Students24. The Comprehensive Arrangement gives limited tax exemption to students so as to assist and nurture talents as well as to take care of students’ living expenses. Payments (including tuition fees, student gr ants and scholarships) received by a11Mainland student who comes to Hong Kong for the purpose of his education shallnot be taxed in Hong Kong, provided that such payments arise from sources outside Hong Kong. Likewise, payments (including tui tion fees, student grants and scholarships) received by a Hong Kong studen t who stays in the Mainland for the purpose of his education shall not be taxed in the Mainland, provided that such payments arise from sources outside Mainland.Additional Information AvailableFor more detailed information, please refer to Departmental Interpretation & PracticeNote No. 44, which is available at the website of the Department: “.hk”.For further enquiries, please call the Department on 2594 2800.PAM 72(e)(The content of this pamphlet is for guidance only) June 2007中国内地和香港特别行政区关于对所得避免双重征税的安排时间: 2009年03月12日来源:不详作者: 佚名浏览次数:中华人民共和国香港特别行政区税务局税务条例释义及执行指引中国内地和香港特别行政区关于对所得避免双重征税的安排本指引载有一般性的参考资料,以解释中国内地与香港特别行政区所达成有关对所得避免双重征税的安排。
国别 自然人居民身份的判定标准
澳大利 所;
亚 (2)在纳税年度内连续或累 (3)中心管理和控制机构在澳大利亚;
计在澳大利亚停留半年以上。 (4)投票权被澳大利亚居民股东控制。
15% 巴西
税率 低于或高于10%
与下列国家(地区)协定 5% 古巴、格鲁吉亚、赞比亚 7% 香港、澳门、罗马尼亚 8% 埃及、塔吉克斯坦 12.5% 巴基斯坦 15% 泰国 巴西:25%(商标),其他15% 菲律宾:15%(文学、艺术或科学著作)、10%其他 突尼斯:5%(技术或经济研究)10%其他
建筑工地、建筑、装 6个月 配或安装工程,仅以 连续 月以上的为 限
法国、英国、爱尔兰、格鲁吉亚、阿尔及利 亚、埃塞俄比亚
缔约国一方企业通过雇员或者 6个月 日本、美国、法国、比利时、德
24个月 阿联酋
税率 5% 7% 7.5% 8%
与下列国家(地区)协定 科威特、蒙古、毛里求斯、斯洛文尼亚、牙买加、南斯拉夫、 苏丹、老挝、南非、克罗地亚、马其顿、塞舌尔、巴巴多斯、 阿曼、巴林、沙特、墨西哥、 文莱、赞比亚、埃塞俄比亚 阿联酋 尼日利亚 埃及、突尼斯 日本、美国、法国、英国、比利时、德国、马来西亚、丹麦、 芬兰、瑞典、意大利、荷兰、捷克、波兰、保加利亚、巴基 斯坦、瑞士、塞浦路斯、西班牙、罗马尼亚、奥地利、匈牙 利、马耳他、俄罗斯、印度、白俄罗斯、以色列、越南、土 耳其、乌兹别克斯坦、葡萄牙、孟加拉、哈萨克斯坦、印尼、 伊朗、吉尔吉斯、斯里兰卡、阿尔巴尼亚、阿塞拜疆、摩洛 哥、香港、澳门等
示例6投资架构,为本条第一款第(二)项规定的情形,香港居民G投资内地居民并取得股息,新加坡居民I通过新加坡居民H间接持有香港居民G100%的股份,虽然香港居民G不符合“受益所有人”条件,但是,如果新加坡居民I符合“受益所有人”条件,并且新加坡居民I 和新加坡居民H从中国取得的所得为股息时,根据中国与新加坡签署的税收协定可享受的税收协定待遇均和香港居民G可享受的税收协定待遇相同,应认为香港居民G具有“受益所有人”身份,香港居民G可根据内地与香港签署的税收安排享受税收协定待遇。
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