
医院各科室之英文表述medical department/department of internal medicine:内科surgical deparment;department of surgery: 外科pediatrics department: 小儿科obstetrics and gynecology department: 妇产科ophtalmology department: 眼科dental department: 牙科ENT(ear-nose-throat)department: 耳鼻喉科urology department: 泌尿科dermatology department; skin department:皮肤科department of general surgery 普通外科orthopedic surgery department: 矫形外科traumatology department: 创伤外科plastic surgery: 整形外科anesthesiology department: 麻醉科pathology department: 病理科cardiology department: 心脏病科psychiatry department: 精神病科orthopedics department: 骨科department of cardiac surgery: 心脏外科department of cerebral surgery: 胸外科neurology department: 神经科neurosurgery department: 神经外科thoracic surgery department: 脑外科department of anus & intestine surgery 肛肠外科department of hepatobiliary surgery 肝胆外科department of traditional Chinese medicine:中医科department of infectious diseases 传染病科geriatrics department: 老人病专科hematology department: 血液科department of rheumatism 风湿科department of endocrinology 内分泌科department of plastic surgery 医学整形科hepatology department: 肝病专科nephrology department: 肾脏科department of venereology 性病专科department of physiotherapy 理疗科electrotherapy room 电疗科heliotherapy room 光疗科wax-therapy room 蜡疗科hydrotherapy room 水疗科central laboratory 中心实验室clinical labororatory 临床实验室bacteriological labororatory 细菌实验室biochemical labororatory 生化实验室serological labororatory 血清实验室laboratory of immunology 免疫室reception room, waiting room 侯诊室VIP waiting room 贵宾候诊室consultation room 诊察室therapeutic room 治疗室isolation room 隔离室audiometric room 测听室labour room 待产室delivery room 分娩室fetal monitor room 胎心监护室induced abortion room 人工流产室rest room for induced abortion 人流休息室registration office: 挂号处out-patient department: 门诊部in-patient department: 住院部nursing department: 护理部consulting room: 诊室emergency room: 急诊室emergency operation room 急诊手术室emergency observation room 急诊观察室admitting office: 住院处operation room: 手术室cystoscopy room 膀胱镜室department of endoscope 内镜区fibrescope room 纤维镜室gastroscope room 胃镜室color ultrasonic room 彩超室electrocardiogram room 心电图室electroencephalogram room 脑电图室dressing room 换药室outpatient Surgical Center 门诊手术中心X-ray department/department of radiology: 放射科blood bank: 血库hemodialysis room 血透室dispensary; pharmacy: 药房nutrition department 营养部diet- preparation department 配膳室therapeutic department 治疗室supply-room 供应室disinfection-room 消毒室dressing room 换药室mortuary 太平间record room 病案室doctor’s office 医生办公室nurse”s office 护士办公室nursing station 护士站ward: 病房medical Ward 内科病房surgical Ward 外科病房pediatric Ward 儿科病房transfusion room 输液室surgery therapeutic room 外科治疗室coronary Care Unit (CCU) 心脏重症室resuscitation room 抢救室intensive Care Unit (ICU) 重症室medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) 内科重症室neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) 新生儿重症室pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) 儿科重症室surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) 外科重症室。

医学护理专业英语词汇大全1. Medical Nursing: 医学护理2. Nursing: 护理3. Patient: 病人4. Doctor: 医生5. Nurse: 护士6. Healthcare: 医疗保健7. Hospital: 医院8. Clinic: 诊所9. Emergency: 急诊10. Ward: 病房11. Operating Room: 手术室12. Intensive Care Unit (ICU): 重症监护室13. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU): 新生儿重症监护室14. Outpatient: 门诊病人15. Inpatient: 住院病人16. Diagnosis: 诊断17. Treatment: 治疗18. Medication: 药物19. Surgery: 手术20. Anesthesia: 麻醉21. Rehabilitation: 康复22. Palliative Care: 缓解治疗23. Vital Signs: 生命体征24. Blood Pressure: 血压25. Heart Rate: 心率26. Respiratory Rate: 呼吸率27. Temperature: 温度28. Oxygen Saturation: 血氧饱和度29. Pain Assessment: 疼痛评估30. Wound Care: 创伤护理31. Infection Control: 感染控制32. Fall Prevention: 跌倒预防33. Medication Administration: 药物管理34. Intravenous (IV) Therapy: 静脉注射疗法35. Intramuscular (IM) Injection: 肌肉注射36. Subcutaneous (SC) Injection: 皮下注射37. Oral Medication: 口服药物38. Intravenous Fluids: 静脉输液39. Oxygen Therapy: 氧气疗法40. Catheterization: 导尿41. Urinary Catheter: 尿管42. Feeding Tube: 饲管43. Ostomy Care: 建造护理44. Enteral Nutrition: 肠道营养45. Respiratory Therapy: 呼吸治疗46. Physical Therapy: 物理疗法47. Occupational Therapy: 职业疗法48. Speech Therapy: 言语疗法49. Mental Health: 心理健康50. Dementia Care: 痴呆护理。

护理专业各科英文表达解剖学及组织坯胎学Anatomy & Tissue Embryology 生理学Physiology生物化学Biochemistry免疫学与病原生物学Immunology and Aetology 病理学Nosology护用药物学Pharmacology for Nurses护理学基础Basic Nursing医学遗传学基础Medical Genetics护理心理学Nursing Psychology内科护理学Medical Nursing外科护理学Surgical Nursing五官科护理学Nursing for ENT Department (Otolaryngology Department) 中医科护理学Nursing for Chinese Medicine妇产科护理学Nursing for Gynaecology and Obetetrics儿科护理学Nursing for Paediatrics医用物理学Medical Physics护理人际沟通Nursing Communication护理学概论Introduction to Nursing临床营养学Clinical Nutriology健康评估Clinical Health Assessment社区保健学Community Health Care急救护理Nursing for Emergency Treatment 临床护理学Clinical Nursing精神科护理学Nursing for Psychiatry老年护理学Geriatric Nursing康复护理学Rehabilitation Nursing护理管理学Nursing Management预防医学Preventive Medicine。

patient number, discharge, admission, change in, change out, death, primary care number, critical patient number,patient with caregiver, current number,专业英语常识一.Receiving the patient(接待病人)1. How do you do?/ Good morning!您好!(初次见面时使用)/早上好!2. What can I do for you?/Can I help you?您需要我帮助吗?3.I’ll bring you to your bedside, please follow me. This is your bed..我要领您到床边去.请跟我来.这是您的床位.4. The toilet is over there.卫生间在那边5.We supply hot water. 我们供应热水6.Please wait a moment. I’ll let your doctor know. /I’ll inform your doctor.请等一会儿,我去通知医生.7.Mary is the nurse /doctor in charge of you.玛丽是您的负责护士/医生8.Please let us know if you need any help. 您需要帮助时,请告诉我们.9.Smoking is not allowed here.这里不允许吸烟二.information collection(收集信息)10.Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? 您介意我问您几个问题吗?11.We need some information from you. 我们需要从您这儿收集一些信息.12.Is your tummy still sore? 您的肚子还疼吗?13.Does your pain come on after or before meals? 您的疼痛是在饭前还是饭后发作?14.Does it hurt to pass urine?/when I press here? 排尿时痛吗?/ 当我按压这儿时痛吗?15.Does your back ache? 您的后背痛吗?16.Do your feet swell?您的脚肿了吗?17.Do you have a cough/fever? 您咳嗽吗?/ 您有发热吗?18.Do you bring up any sputum? 您咳痰吗?19.Is there any radiation of the pain ? (to the shoulder)有放射(到肩部的)痛吗?20.How long have you had the pain? 您的痛有多长时间了?21.When did the pain start?/where is your pain? 疼痛从什么时候开始的/什么地方疼痛?22.Are your periods regular? 您的月经规则吗?三.Physical examination(查体)23.Will you please undress for medical examination? 请您脱下衣服做体检好吗?24.Take off your clothes, please. 请把衣服脱下来25.Lie down on the couch, please./Just lie still on the couch and relax.请躺在治疗床上./ 请安静地躺在治疗床上,放松.26.Bend your knees, please. 请屈膝.27.Open your mouth and say ‘ah” 张开口, 说: 啊28.Beathe deeply, please./take a deep breath, please.请深呼吸29.May I examine your tummy, please? 我要检查下您的肚子, 好吗?30.Roll up your sleeves, please. 请卷起袖子.四.communication.(交流)31.I am going to take your temperature./Please put the thermometer under your armpit.我要测一下您的体温/请把体温计放在您的腋下.32.Let me feel your pulse.让我测一下您的脉搏.33.I’ll test/take your blood p ressure. 我要测量您的血压.34. I’m afraid I have to prick your finger and take a drop of blood for blood sugar level.我要取一滴指血做血糖测定, 需要刺一下手指.35.I’ll take some blood from your arm now. 现在我要从您的胳膊抽血.36.Don’t take any thing by mouth after midnight until the blood is drawn tomorrow morning . 半夜之后不要吃喝任何东西,明天早上抽血.37.Please bring a specimen of your urine/stool/sputum./ please collect your mid-stream specimen of urine.请留一份尿/便/痰的标本/请收集您的中段尿.38.Please have your blood and urine tests done. 请做一下您的血和尿试验.39.You are going to have a CT-scan of your chest/head today.今天您要做一个胸部/头部CT.40.You are going to have a chest X-ray this morning. 今天早上您要拍一个胸片.41.You are going to have a B-mode ultrasonic exam. Please keep your bladder full.您要做B超检查,请留尿,使膀胱充盈.42.You are going to have an g astric endoscopy tomorrow morning. please don’t eat or drink anything after 12 o’clock tonight.明天上午您要做胃镜检查,今晚12点之后,请不要吃喝任何东西。

Unit 111.pulse 脉搏2.respiration呼吸3.vital 生命延续所必需的,极重要的vital signs 生命体征4.intervention 干涉,干预nursing intervention 护理措施5.thermometer 温度计,体温计6.disposable 一次性的;用后即可丢弃的7.rectum 直肠rectal 直肠的8.axilla 胳肢窝,腋窝axillary 腋窝的9.scale刻度,标度10.Fahrenheit 华氏温度计的;华氏温度计A Fahrenheit thermometer 华氏温计11.Celsius 摄氏的A Celsius thermometer 摄氏温度计12.contraindicate 禁忌13.bradycardia 心搏徐缓14.tachycardia 心动过速15.rhythm韵律16.radial 桡神经(的);桡动脉(的)17.carotid 颈动脉;颈动脉的18.apical 上的,顶点的apical pulse 心尖搏动19.stethoscope 听诊器20.inhale 吸入;吸气21.exhale把……呼出22.expand 扩张23.contract收缩24.even平静的,均匀的25.dyspnea 呼吸困难26.apnea 无呼吸,呼吸暂停27.hyperpnea 呼吸过度,喘息28.multiply 乘,使相乘29.systolic 心脏收缩的30.diastolic 心脏舒张的31.hypertension 高血压32.hypotension 血压过低33.cuff橡皮箍,袖带34.sphygmomanometer血压计,血压测量计Unit 131.pathogen 病原体(物)2.enteric 肠的3.tuberculosis 肺结核4.diphtheria 白喉5.varicella 水痘6.herpes疱疹7.zoster 带,带状疹子8.measles麻疹,风疹,包虫病,痧子9.cerebrospinal脑脊髓的10.meningitis 脑膜炎epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis 流行性脑脊髓膜炎11.fecal排泄物的12.hepatitis肝炎viral hepatitis病毒性肝炎13.gastroenteritis肠胃炎14.clostridium梭状芽孢杆菌,梭菌clostridium difficile艰难梭菌15.endocarditis [医]心内膜炎16.multiresistant (疾病等)抗多种抗菌素(或毒物)的17.droplet 小滴(飞沫)ryngeal喉的;喉部19.decubitus (病人之)卧姿;褥疮20.malaria 疟疾21.syphilis 梅毒22.spill 溢出,溅出,溢出量23.contaminate弄脏;污染24.hypochlorite 次氯酸盐sodium hypochlorite solution 次氯酸钠液,漂白粉25.incontinence 不能自制,无节制,[医]失禁26.contamination玷污,污染,污染物27.airborne 空气传播的Unit 141.medication 药物,药物治疗,药物处理2.inhalation吸入3.vaginal 阴道的4.rectal 直肠的5.intestine 肠6.tablet 药片,小块7.capsule 胶囊8.elixir清药酒,精药酒,甘香酒剂9.suspension 悬浮,悬浮液,悬胶(体)10.syrup糖浆,果汁11.parenteral 肠胃外的,不经肠的,非肠道的;注射用药物12.intradermal 皮内的,皮层内的13.subcutaneous 皮下的,皮下用的14.intramuscular肌内的,肌肉的15.oncology肿瘤学16.diabetes 糖尿病,多尿症17.allergy 过敏,过敏性,敏感症,变态反应性18.pharmacokinetics 药物(代谢)动力学19.antibiotic抗生的;抗生素20.hormonal 荷尔蒙的,激素的21.contraceptive避孕的;避孕药,避孕品,避孕用具22.biotransformation 生物转化23.metabolite 代谢物24.integumentary外皮的,皮的;由皮肤构成的25.musculoskeletal 肌肉与骨骼的26.prescribe处(方),开(药);指示,规定prescription处方,药方27.adverse 不利的,有害的,相反的Unit 151.dexterity 灵巧,机敏2.irretrievable 不能挽回的,不能复原的3.mandatory命令的,强制的,托管的4.syringe注射器;注射5.swab 棉签,药签6.disinfectant 消毒剂7.vaccination接种疫苗,种痘;牛痘疤8.epinephrine 肾上腺素9.insulin 胰岛素10.erythropoietin (促)红细胞生成素11.thigh 大腿,股12.dorsogluteal背外侧的13.deltoid 三角形的;三角肌的deltoid muscle 三角肌14.quadriceps 四头肌15.femoral 股的,股骨的femoral quadriceps 股四头肌16.coccyx尾骨17.iliac 髂骨的,回肠的18.spine 脊骨iliac spine髂嵴19.acromion 肩峰20.precutaneous 经由皮肤的,经皮的21.venipuncture 静脉穿刺,静脉针灸22.peripheral 外周的,外围的23.dorsum背(部)24.elbow 肘25.cannulation管子,套管插入术26.dressing 敷料27.nodule节结28.lesion损害,身体上的伤害29.dart 飞奔,投掷;飞快的动作30.barrel 桶,筒,活塞筒Unit 161.neonate 婴儿,新生儿2.plasma血浆,乳浆3.hemoglobin 血色素,血红蛋白4.thrombocytopenia 血小板减少(症)5.platelet 血小板,小盘,小板6.hemorrhage 出血7.antigen 抗原8.leukocyte 白细胞,白血球9.fibrinogen 纤维蛋白原10.globulin血球素,球蛋白11.intravascular 血管内的12.pasteurize 用巴氏法灭菌13.hypoproteinemia 低蛋白血(症)14.cryoprecipitate 冷凝蛋白质15.hemophiliac 血友病的;血友病患者16.infant 婴儿,幼儿;婴儿的,幼稚的17.bacteria细菌18.hemolysis 溶血Unit 171.incise切割,切入2.contuse 打伤,挫伤,撞伤3.abrade 磨损,摩擦,折磨4.puncture穿刺伤;刺破cerate 撕裂,割碎6.contamination 玷污,污染,污染物7.alimentary食物的,营养的alimentary canal 消化道8.genital 生殖的;生殖器(多用于指男性的外生殖器)9.urinary 尿的,泌尿器的10.gastrointestinal 胃与肠的11.spillage 溢出,溢出量12.purulent 脓的,含脓的13.granulation 使成粒状,有粒的表面,粗糙14.vasculature 脉管系统15.malnourished 营养失调的,营养不良的16.depilatory 脱毛的;脱毛药17.hemorrhage 出血18.ligature 绷带19.dehiscence 裂开20.evisceration去内脏术,脏器膨出21.specimen 标本,样本,待试验物22.nausea 反胃,恶心,作呕,晕船23.parenteral 肠胃外的,不经肠的,非肠道的24.serosanguineous血清血液的25.stitch缝,缝合;一针,针脚,缝针26.suture 缝合,缝合处,缝合用的线;缝合Unit181.intubation 插管法2.relaxant肌肉松弛药;放松的,弛缓的3.regurgitated反流的ryngoscope 喉镜5.cuff 气囊6.syringe注射器7.atlantooccipital 寰枕的8.epiglottis 会厌9.cord 声带10.turbinate 鼻甲11.oesophageal 食管的,食道的12.epigastrium腹上部13.bronchus 支气管14.aortic 主动脉的,大动脉的15.intracranial 颅内的16.aneurysm 动脉瘤17.analgesic 止痛剂,镇痛药Unit191.suction 吸;抽吸;抽吸器;吸引术,吸痰2.secretion 分泌物3.cyanotic 发绀的,青紫的4.sterile 灭菌的;消毒的5.sputum 痰6.microorganism 微生物7.dominant 优势的;支配的8.contamination 污染;沾染9.nostril 鼻孔10.tracheostomy 气管造口术Unit201.cardiopulmonary心肺的;与心肺有关的2.resuscitation 苏醒;复活;复苏;复苏术3.hemodynamic 血液动力学的,血液动力的4.spontaneous 任意的;自发的5.ventricular 室的,心室的,似心室的6.ventilation 通风;换气7.electrocardiogram心电图(ECG)8.defibrillation 心脏除颤;除颤9.pharmacologic药理学的10.jaw颌;颚11.chin颏12.sternum胸骨Unit221.shock 休克2.cardiovascular心脏血管的3.intravascular血管内的4.anaphylaxis 过敏性反应5.disseminate 播散,弥散6.coagulation 凝结、凝结物7.episode 发作,偶发事件8.ischemic 局部缺血的9.endothelial内皮的10.precipitate 加速,促使,促成11.cerebral 脑的,大脑的12.gastrointestinal 胃与肠的13.hypovolemic 血容量减少的hypovolemia 血容量减少,血容量过低14.spleen 脾15.trauma 外伤,损伤16.cardiogenic 心源性的,心脏性的17.extracardiac 心外的18.distributive 分配的,分布的,分布性的19.venule 小静脉20.arteriole细动脉21.clammy湿粘的,湿冷的22.bluish 带蓝色的,带青色的23.profuse很多的,大量的,极其丰富的24.perfusion 灌注,充满25.oximetry 血氧定量,血氧定量法26.deterioration恶化;变坏;退化恶化27.tachypnea 呼吸促迫,呼吸急促28.asepsis无菌,防腐处理,灭菌法29.cannula 套管。

医学(护理)术语的中英文(6)101 on-site triage treatment现场分流治疗102 occupational disease职业病103 occupational health 职业健康104 occupational health nurse职业健康护士105 Occupational Health Officer 职业健康科医生106 Occupational Hygienist职业环境师107 occupational mortality职业性死亡率108 occupational neurosis职业性神经病109 occupational therapist职业治疗师110 Occupational Therapists Board职业治疗师管理委员会111 occupational therapy assessment room职业治疗评估室112 Occupational Therapy Assistant职业治疗助理员113 ochlophobia 众恐惧114 ocular pathology眼科病理学115 ocular prosthesis假眼116 optimal health理想的健康状况117 optimum occupancy rate [hospital bed]最适度病住用率118 optometric assessment视力测验119 Operations and Training Division [Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters]行动及训练部〔医疗辅助队总部〕120 Operations and Training Officer [Auxiliary Medical Service] 行动及训练主任〔医疗辅助队〕121 Operations Section [Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters] 行动组〔医疗辅助队总部〕123 Operations Wing [Auxiliary Medical Service volunteer structure]行动翼〔医疗辅助队志愿架构〕124 operative treatment 施手术125 oral health care口腔健康护理;口腔卫生服务126 oral health clinic口腔卫生诊疗所。

各专业课程英文翻译(精心整理)生物及医学专业课程汉英对照表应用生物学Applied Biology 医学技术Medical Technology 细胞生物学Cell Biology 医学 Medicine生物学 Biology 护理麻醉学 Nurse Anesthesia 进化生物学Evolutionary Biology 口腔外科学 Oral Surgery海洋生物学Marine Biology 口腔 / 牙科科学 Oral/DentalSciences微生物学Microbiology 骨科医学Osteopathic Medicine 分子生物学Molecular Biology 耳科学Otology医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology 理疗学Physical Therapy口腔生物学Oral Biology 足病医学Podiatric Medicine 寄生物学Parasutology 眼科学Ophthalmology植物生物学Plant Physiology 预防医学Preventive Medicine心理生物学Psychobiology 放射学Radiology放射生物学Radiation Biology 康复咨询学 RehabilitationCounseling理论生物学Theoretical Biology 康复护理学 Rehabilitation Nursing 野生生物学Wildlife Biology 外科护理学 Surgical Nursing环境生物学Environmental Biology 治疗学Therapeutics运动生物学Exercise Physiology 畸形学Teratology有机体生物学 Organismal Biology 兽医学Veterinary Sciences生物统计学Biometrics 牙科卫生学 Dental Sciences生物物理学Biophysics 牙科科学Dentistry生物心理学Biopsychology 皮肤学Dermatology生物统计学Biostatistics 内分泌学Endocrinology生物工艺学Biotechnology 遗传学Genetics生物化学Biological Chemistry 解剖学Anatomy生物工程学Biological Engineering 麻醉学Anesthesia生物数学Biomathematics 临床科学Clinical Science生物医学科学 Biomedical Science 临床心理学 Clinical Psychology 细胞生物学和分子生物学 Celluar and Molecular Biology 精神病护理学 Psychiatric Nursing力学专业数学分析常微分方程计算方法材料力学流体力学机械制图气体力学弹性板理论Mathematical AnalysisOrdinary DifferentialEquation NumericalMethods Mechanics ofMaterials Fluid MechanicsMachining Drawing GasDynamicsTheory of Elastic Plates高等代数与几何数学物理方法理论力学弹性力学力学实验力学概论Advanced Algebra andGeometryMethods in MathematicalPhysics Theoretical MechanicsElasticityExperiments in Solid Mechanics弹性力学变分原理 Variational Principles inElasticity 塑性力学 Introduction of Plasticity 计算流体力学 Computational Fluid Mechanics 粘性流体力学V iscous Fluid Flow有限元法 Finite Element Method经典力学中的数学方法 Mathematical Methods of ClassicalMechanics机器人动力学 Dynamics of Robots 自动控制原理Principles of AutomaticControl优化计算与最化控制 Optimization and OptimalControl 计算机图形学 Computer Graphics 概率与统计 Probability and Statistics 专业英语 English for Mechanics 振动理论 Theory of Vibration 程序设计方法 (C 和 FORTRAN) Programming inC&FORTRAN 水动力学 光测力学 高等动力学 机械设计与 信息显示 (可视化 ) 微机原理 Principles of Personal Computer 复变函数企业管理专业跨国公司专题研究 Special Researchof multinational corporation 国际贸易InternationalTrade 国际营销研究 International Marketing Research 公司组织与管理Organization andManagementof Corporate战略管理 Strategic Management 企业伦理 Enterprise Ethics 运筹学Operational Research信息管理专业广告实务 Practice of Advertisement 多媒体技术 Multimedia 操作系统 Operating System信息科学基础 Foundations ofHydrodynamics Photo MechanicsAdvanced DynamicsAuto CAD Machinery Designing and AutoCAD Visualization计算机图象处理 Image Processing 断裂力学 Fracture Mechanics 摄动方法 Perturbation MethodsComplex Function管理学 宏观经济学 产业经济学 项目评估 管理沟通Principles of Management Industrial Economics Projects Appraisal ManagementNegotiation 微观经济学 管理信息系统 财务管理 战略管理 国际商务谈判 MicroeconomicsSystems of ManagementInformationFinancial Management Strategic ManagementNegotiation on Business Affairs生产管理研究 组织行为学 人力资源管Operation Management Organizational Behavior Human Resource Management 高等数学 Higher Mathematics 数据库系统 信息管理概论 信息经济学 社会实践 管理学原理 信息组织信息存储与检索 信息服务与Database Introduction to InformationManagementInformation Economics 企业信息化工程 Practical Work 信息分析与决策 Principlesof Management 信息政策与法规 InformationOrganization 计算机网络Information Retrieval andStorage informationService and UserStudy 管理信息系统 决策分析 概率统计 电子商务EnterpriseInformationalization Information Analysis andPolicy Making Information Policy and Law Computer Networks Management Information System 线性代数Policy Making 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics Statistics and ProbabilityTheory 生产与运作管理 Production Management Electronic Commerce 信息系统安全与保密 Information SystemSecurityInformationScience经济信息管理 Economic Information Management 专业英语 Specialty English 微机基础Principles of Microcomputers 文献计量学 Bibliometrics 电子出版技术 Electronic Publishing 广告概论 Introduction to Advertisement信息环境论 Information Environments 传播学原理 Principles of CommunicationTheory 知识产权法学 Law of Intelligence Property 组织行为学 Studies of Organization货币银行学专业物理专业热学 Thermodynamics 力学 Mechanics光学 Optics电磁学 Electromagnetism计算概论 Computing Generality 普通物理实验 General Physics Laboratory固体磁性及应用基础 Magnetism of the Solid Stateand its Application衍射物理(固体结构分析)Diffraction Physics (Structureof Solid Analysis)科研实用软件 Utility Software for ScientificResearch 计算机模拟方法 Computer Simulation Methods 激光原理、技术与应用 The Principle, Techniqueand Application of Laser材料物理 Materials Physics 近代光学和光电子学 现代固体物理 Modern Solid State Physics 粒子物理 物理宇宙学基础 Elements of Cosmology Physics 原子物理 Atomic Physics量子力学 理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics 电动力学普通物理综合实验 Synthetical Experiments ofGeneral Physics市场营销学专业营销管理 Marketing Management 公共关系 Public Relationship 国际贸易 International Trade 消费者行为 Consumer Behavior管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 营销调研 Marketing Research 推销学 SalesStrategies 国际金融International Finance货币银行学 宏观经济学策略管理 银行会计 运筹学 财务管理 Money and Banking Macroeconomics管理信息系统 运筹学保险学 管理会计 国际贸易 国际金融 租赁与信托商业银行实务 项目评估 人力资源管理 财务报告分析 财务案Strategic ManagementBank Accounting Operational ResearchFinancial Management Hiring and AffiancingPractice of Business Bank Projects AppraisalHuman Resource Management Analysis of Financial Statement Case Analysis of FinancialManagement证券投资学国际结算 金融市场学 System of Management InformationOperational Research Insurance Managerial Accounting International TradeInternational Finance Security Analysis and Investment International Balance Financial MarketingModern Optics and Optoelectronics Particle Physics固体物理 Solid State Physics Quantum MechanicsElectrodynamicsMarketing Forecasting andPlanning ales Channels Management 管理学 International Marketing 商业谈判营销案例分析Practice of InternationalTrade营销预测与规划销售渠道管理国际市场营销广告管理 Advertising Management 国际贸易实务企业伦理Enterprise Ethics 新产品开发Principles of Management Business Negotiation Case Studies of Marketing 服务业营销 Service Industry Marketing New Products Development财务学专业会计专业会计学 Accounting Principles 管理会计Managerial Accounting 会计信息系统 Accounting Information Systems 财务管理 FinancialManagement 财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement 国际会计 International Accounting 财税法规与税务会计 Laws and Regulations ofFinanceand Taxes 预算会计 Budget Accounting 会计研究方法 Accounting Research Methods 内部审计与政府审计 Internal Auditing and GovernmentAuditing 会计审计实务 Accounting and Auditing Practice经济计量学 Economic Metrology会计职业道德与责任 Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities国际会计专题 International AccountingSpecial Subject 微观经济学 Microeconomics货币银行学 Money and Banking证券投资学财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement 国际金融 保险学 Insurance 财务案例分析 国际财务管理 International Financial Management 项目评估 财务管理 运筹学 管理会计 管理学 统计学 Projects AppraisalFinancial Management Operational Research ManagerialAccounting Principles of Management宏观经济学 管理信息系统 策略管理 微观经济学 微积分Security Analysis and Investment International Finance Case Analysis of FinanceManagement 资产评估Assets Appraisal MacroeconomicsSystems of ManagementInformationCalculus成本会计 Cost Accounting 审计学 Auditing Principles 投资学 Investment Principles 货币银行学 Money and Banking 国际金融 International Finance 统计学 Principle of Stat。

序号中文名称英文名称1 遗传诊断中心Genetic Diagnosis Center2 细胞遗传室Cytogenetics Lab3 分子遗传室Molecular Genetics Lab4 仪器分析室Instrumental Analysis Lab5 生化遗传室Biochemical Genetics Lab6 离心机室Centrifuge Room32. 输血科序号中文名称英文名称1 输血科Blood Transfusion Dept.2 配血室Blood Matching Room3 发血室Blood Pickup Room4 血库Blood Bank5 血气室Blood Gas Room33.其他科室序号中文名称英文名称1 老年病科Geriatrics Dept./ Geriatrics2 社区科Community Medicine Dept./ Community Medicine3 护理部Nursing Dept./ Nursing4 体检部Physical Examination Dept.5 视力室Vision Examination Room6 骨密度室Bone Density Room7 动脉弹性室Arterial Elasticity Determination Room8 心肺功能科Cardio-Pulmonary Functions Dept.34. 行政后勤序号中文名称英文名称1 医务部(处) Medical Administration Division2 护理部Nursing Dept.3 党委办公室Party Committee Office4 院部办公室Hospital Administration Office5 院长办公室President's Office副院长办公室Vice President's Office6 工会Labor Union7 团委办公室League Committee Office8 计划生育办公室Family Planning Office9 医疗保险管理办公室Medical Insurance Management Office10 离退休办公室Retirees' Office11 医院感染控制与消毒科Hospital Infection Control & Disinfection Secti on12 纪检监察办公室Disciplinary Inspection & Supervision Office13 研究所办公室Office of the Research Institute14 医护办公室Staff Office15 成本核算办公室Cost Accounting Office16 经济管理办公室Economy Management Office17 项目管理办公室Project Management Office18 院总值班室Chief Duty Room19 值班室Duty Room20 社会服务部Social Service Dept.21 临床药理基地办公室Office of Clinical Pharmacological Center22 质量控制办公室Quality Control Office23 信息科/信息办公室Information Center / Information Office24 网络管理部Network Management Dept.25 机房Machine Room26 计算机中心Computer Center27 人事处/科Human Resources Dept./Human Resources Section28 财务处/科Financial Dept./Financial Section29 会计室Accounting Office30 总务处General Affairs Dept.31 统计室Statistics Office32 物资采购供应中心Materials Purchase & Supply Center33 医疗器械科Medical Devices Section34 科研处Research Dept.35 基建处/基建房改科Capital Construction Dept./Capital Construction & HousingReform Section36 审计处Auditing Dept.37 保卫处Security Dept.38 教育处/教育中心Education Section /Education Center39 医学技能培训中心Medical Skills Training Center40 宣传中心/宣教中心Publicity and Education Center41 演播室Broadcasting Room42 导播室Studio43 音响控制室Hi-Fi Control Room44 编辑机房Editing Room45 多媒体教室Multi-Media Classroom46 医学情报室Medical Information Office47 医学工程科Medical Engineering Section48 社区科Community Section49 娱乐室Entertainment Room50 医疗事业发展部Medical Development Dept.51 药品采购部Drugs Purchasing Dept.52 物资采购部Materials Purchasing Dept.53 医用材料采购部Medical Materials Purchasing Dept.54 维修室Maintenance Room55 司机班Drivers Crew56 电工室Electrician Room57 浴室Shower Room58 洗衣房Laundry59 理发室Barbershop60 氧气站Oxygen Station61 监控室Monitoring Room62 锅炉房Boiler Room63 医疗器械维修室Medical Devices Repair Room64 会议室Meeting Room/ Conference Room65 接待室Reception Room66 病案室Medical Records Room67 打印室Photocopy Room68 档案室Archives69 声像室Audio-Video Room70 风机房Vantalor Room71 客房Guest Room72 开水间Boiler Room73 传达室Reception Room74 图书馆Library75 阅览处Reading Room血液中心1.机构名称序号中文名称英文名称1 中国输血协会Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion (CSBT)2 北京市红十字会Red Cross Society of China (RCSC) Beijing Branch3 血液中心Blood Center4 北京市血液质量监控中心Beijing Blood Quality Supervision Center / C enter of Blood Quality Supervision of Beijing5 北京市红十字血液研究所Beijing Red Cross Institute of Transfusion Me dicine6 北京市红十字血液中心&Chiron公司NAT合作中心Beijing Red Cross Blood Center & Chiron NAT Center7 北京市红十字血液中心&美国百特公司输血技术合作中心Beijing Red C ross Blood Center & Baxter Transfusion Technology Center8 北京市红十字会造血干细胞服务中心Beijing Red Cross Hemopoietic St em Cell Donor Service Center9 采供血机构Blood Transfusion Services10 北京市红十字血液中心Beijing Red Cross Blood Center11 北京市通州区血站Beijing Tongzhou Blood Bank12 北京市密云县血站Beijing Miyun Blood Bank13 北京市顺义区血站Beijing Shunyi Blood Bank14 北京市延庆县血站Beijing Yanqing Blood Bank15 北京市平谷区血站Beijing Pinggu Blood Bank16 中国医学科学院阜外医院中心血库Central Blood Bank of Fuwai Hosp ital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences17 北京协和医院中心血库Central Blood Bank of Peking Union Medical College Hospital18 北京大学附属第一医院中心血库Central Blood Bank of Peking Univer sity First Hospital19 大兴区医院中心血库Central Blood Bank of Daxing District Hospital20 中国人民解放军采供血中心Blood Collection & Supply Center of the Chinese People's Liberation Army21 北京军区陆军总院输血科Blood Transfusion Department of Army Gen eral Hospital of Beijing Military Region22 中国人民解放军临床输血中心Clinical Blood Transfusion Center of the Chinese People's Liberation Army23 北京市献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Beijing24 东城区献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Dongcheng District25 西城区献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Xicheng District26 宣武区献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Xuanwu District27 崇文区献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Chongwen District28 朝阳区献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Chaoyang District29 海淀区献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Haidian District30 丰台区献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Fengtai District31 石景山献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Shijingshan District32 门头沟献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Mentougou District33 房山区献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Fangshan District34 通州区献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Tongzhou District35 昌平区献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Changping District36 平谷区献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Pinggu District37 顺义区献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Shunyi District38 大兴区献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Daxing District39 密云县献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Miyun County40 怀柔区献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Huairou District41 延庆县献血办公室Blood Donotion Office of Yanqing County 2.科室信息序号中文名称英文名称1 业务科Business Dept.2 网络控制室Network Control Center/Network Management Center3 临床输血服务部Clinical Transfusion Services4 投诉接待处Complaints Reception5 统计室Data Analyzing Room6 录入室Data Entry Room7 质量管理Quality Management/ Quality Assurance8 原始记录保存室(资料库)Document Storage Room9 留样库/血浆样品储存室Samples Storeroom/Plasma Samples Storeroom10 质控科Quality Control Dept.11 环节质控组In-Process QC Group12 终产品质控组Final Products QC Group13 综合组Comprehensive Group14 传染病实验室Infectious Diseases Lab15 分子生物学实验室Molecular Biology Lab16 试剂储藏室Reagents Storeroom17 常规实验室Routine Test Lab18 终产品抽检Final Products Random Inspection19 原材料抽检Raw Materials Sampling Inspection20 试剂质量评估Reagent Quality Evaluation21 HIV筛查(+)献血者信息上报和标本送检Submission of HIV Screening (+) Donor Information and Delivering of Specimen for Complementary Testing22 巡检On-Site Inspection23 不合格血液制品报废审核Checking & Approval for Rejection of Unqu alified Blood Products24 公共关系科Public Relations Dept.25 采血计划调度Blood Collection Scheduling26 献血者召募Blood Donor Recruitment27 献血电话咨询Blood Donation Counseling Phone28 全市采血数据统计管理(软件管理、数据统计)Statistics & Manageme nt of Citywide Blood Collection Data (Software Management, Data Statistics)29 献血后关爱(短信平台)Post Blood Donation Care (Message Platform)30 对区县献血办的管理Management of District/County-Level Blood Dona tion Offices31 体采科Physical Examination & Blood Collection Dept.32 查体室Physical Examination Room33 献血咨询登记处Donation Counseling and Registration34 献血前检测区Donors Blood Test Area35 献血体检Donors Physical examination36 量血压处Blood Pressure Measurement37 快速检测处Rapid Test Desk38 献血前等候区Donors Waiting Area39 血液采集区/室Blood Donation Area /Room40 献血后休息区Donors Rest Area41 无偿献血屋Voluntary Blood Donation Station42 无偿献血车Voluntary Blood Donation Vehicle43 献血纪念品、献血证发放处Souvenirs & Donation Certificate Distributi on 44 机采科/室Apheresis Dept./Room45 血液成分科Blood Components Preparation Dept.46 成分分离室Blood Components Separation Room47 成分再加工室Blood Components Re-Preparation Room48 检验科Blood Screening Test Dept.49 检验科(血液筛查实验室)Blood Screening Test Lab50 供血科Blood Distribution Dept.51 待检血库Quarantine and Packing Area52 血库(面对医院,发血)Blood Bank (Distribution for Hospitals)53 血液辐照室Blood Irradiation Room54 血浆速冻室Plasma Rapid Frozen Room55 4℃冷库Cool Room (4℃)56 零下20℃冷库 Cool Room (-20℃)57 血液研究所 Blood Research Institute58 HLA&HPA分型实验室 HLA&HPA Typing Lab59 造血干细胞供者分型实验室 Hemopoietic Stem Cell Donor HLA Typing Lab60 血型血清研究室 Red Blood Cells Grouping Research Lab61 安全输血研究室 Safe Transfusion Research Lab62 输血传染病研究室 Blood Transfusion Caused Infectious Diseases Research Lab63 血型参比实验室 Red Blood Cells Grouping Reference Lab64 试剂开发研究室 Reagent Developing Lab65 血液保存研究室 Blood Preservation Research Lab66 临床标本检验室 Clinical Sample Test Room67 标本登记处 Specimen Registration68 检测报告发放处 Test Report Desk69 核酸扩增检测实验室 Nucleic Acid Amplification Test Room70 血液工程科 Blood Engineering Dept.71 配送室 Material Distribution Room72 体外循环 Extracorporeal Circulation73 清洁消毒室 Cleaning and Disinfection Room3.血液信息序号中文名称英文名称1 全血及成分血 Whole Blood & Blood Components2 全血 Whole Blood3 辐照全血 Whole Blood Irradiated4 分装全血 Subpackaged Whole Blood5 成分血 Blood Components6 单采血小板 Platelets Pheresis/Apheresis platelets7 浓缩血小板 Platelet Concentrate, PC8 辐照血小板 Platelets Irradiated9 悬浮红细胞 Red Blood Cells Suspension10 浓缩红细胞 Red Blood Cells Concentrate11 浓缩少白细胞红细胞 Red Blood Cells Concentrate Leukocyte Reduc ed 12 悬浮少白细胞红细胞(过滤) Red Blood Cells Suspension Leukocyte Reduced13 辐照悬浮红细胞 Red Blood Cells Suspension Irradiated14 洗涤红细胞 Washed Red Blood Cells15 辐照洗涤红细胞 Washed Red Blood Cells Irradiated16 冰冻解冻去甘油红细胞 Red Blood Cells Frozen and Deglycerolized17 分装红细胞 Subpackaged Red Blood Cells18 新鲜冰冻血浆 Fresh Frozen Plasma,FFP19 分装新鲜冰冻血浆 Subpackaged FFP(Fresh Frozen Plasma)20 普通冰冻血浆 Frozen Plasma, FP21 单采血浆 Plasma Pheresis/Apheresis Plasma22 冷沉淀凝血因子 Cryoprecipitated Antihemophilic Factors23 浓缩白细胞 White Blood Cells Concentrate24 单采粒细胞 Granulocytes Pheresis/Apheresis Granulocytes(三)急救中心序号中文名称英文名称1 北京急救中心 Beijing First Aid Center2 北京紧急医疗救援中心 Beijing Emergency Medical Rescue Center3 北京市急救医学研究所 Beijing Emergency Medicine Research Instit ute4 北京紧急医疗救援指挥中心 Beijing Emergency Medical Rescue Comma nd Center5 北京紧急医疗救援指挥调度中心 Beijing Emergency Medical Re scue Command &Dispatch Center6 现场抢救区 Onsite Care7 现场抢救组 Onsite Care Team8 供应保障区 Supply Area9 供应保障组 Supply Team10 急救分中心 First Aid Branch11 本部急救分中心 First Aid Headquarter Branch12 东区急救分中心 East District First Aid Branch13 南区急救分中心 South District First Aid Branch14 西区急救分中心 West District First Aid Branch15 北区急救分中心 North District First Aid Branch16 北京急救中心平谷分中心 Beijing First Aid Center Pinggu Branch17 北京急救中心延庆分中心 Beijing First Aid Center Yanqing Branch18 北京急救中心通州分中心 Beijing First Aid Center Tongzhou Branc h19 北京急救中心大兴分中心 Beijing First Aid Center Daxing Branch20 北京急救中心昌平分中心 Beijing First Aid Center Changping Bran ch21 北京急救中心顺义分中心 Beijing First Aid Center Shunyi Branch22 北京急救中心房山分中心 Beijing First Aid Center Fangshan Branc h23 北京急救中心门头沟分中心 Beijing First Aid Center Mentougou Br anch 24 北京急救中心怀柔分中心 Beijing First Aid Center Huairou Branc h25 北京急救中心密云分中心 Beijing First Aid Center Miyun Branch26 ~急救站 First Aid Station27 东城区急救站 Dongcheng District First Aid Station28 崇文区急救站 Chongwen District First Aid Station29 朝阳区急救站 Chaoyang District First Aid Station30 丰台区急救站 Fengtai District First Aid Station31 海淀区急救站 Haidian District First Aid Station32 石景山区急救站 Shijingshan District First Aid Station33 北京急救中心顺义急救站 Beijing Shunyi First Aid Station34 北京急救中心大兴急救站 Beijing Daxing First Aid Station35 北京急救中心门头沟急救站 Beijing Mentougou First Aid Station36 北京急救中心房山急救站 Beijing Fangshan First Aid Station37 北京急救中心怀柔急救站 Beijing Huairou First Aid Station38 北京急救中心通州急救站 Beijing Tongzhou First Aid Station39 北京急救中心延庆急救站 Beijing Yanqing First Aid Station40 北京急救中心平谷急救站 Beijing Pinggu First Aid Station41 北京急救中心密云急救站 Beijing Miyun First Aid Station42 北京急救中心昌平急救站 Beijing Changping First Aid Station43 急救网络管理科 Emergency Network Management Dept.44 北京急救医疗培训中心 Beijing Emergency Medical Training Center45 车辆管理科 Vehicle Management Dept.46 交通安全管理办公室 Traffic Safety Management Office(四)疾病控制中心序号中文名称英文名称1 急救科 Emergency Medical Dept.2 医护部 Medical & Nursing Dept.3 科研教育办公室 Research & Education Office4 预防医学研究中心 Research Center for Preventive Medicine5 卫生检测检验中心 Sanitation Test Center6 性病 STD7 艾滋病 AIDS8 传染病 Infectious Diseases/Communicable Diseases9 地方病 Endemic Diseases10 消毒 Disinfection11 病媒生物 Vector12 环境卫生 Environmental Health13 营养 Nutrition14 食品卫生 Food Hygiene15 慢性非传染性疾病 Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases16 职业卫生 Occupational Health17 信息统计 Information Statistics18 学校卫生 School Health19 健康教育 Health Education20 放射防护 Radioactive Prevention21 免疫预防接种 Vaccination and Immunoprophylaxis22 应急指挥车 Emergency Command Vehicle23 快速检测车 Quick Test Vehicle24 生物安全 Bio-Safety25 卫生评价 Sanitation Evaluation26 毒理学 Toxicology27 北京市疾病预防控制中心 Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Co ntrol andPrevention28 东城区疾病预防控制中心 Dongcheng District Center for Disease C ontrol andPrevention29 西城区疾病预防控制中心 Xicheng District Center for Disease Con trol andPrevention30 崇文区疾病预防控制中心 Chongwen District Center for Disease Co ntrol andPrevention31 宣武区疾病预防控制中心 Xuanwu District Center for Disease Cont rol andPrevention32 朝阳区疾病预防控制中心 Chaoyang District Center for Disease Co ntrol andPrevention33 海淀区疾病预防控制中心 Haidian District Center for Disease Con trol andPrevention34 丰台区疾病预防控制中心 Fengtai District Center for Disease Con trol andPrevention35 石景山区疾病预防控制中心 Shijingshan District Center for Disea se Control andPrevention36 大兴区疾病预防控制中心 Daxing District Center for Disease Cont rol andPrevention37 通州区疾病预防控制中心 Tongzhou District Center for Disease Co ntrol andPreventionrol andPrevention39 平谷区疾病预防控制中心 Pinggu District Center for Disease Cont rol andPrevention40 怀柔区疾病预防控制中心 Huairou District Center for Disease Con trol andPrevention41 昌平区疾病预防控制中心 Changping District Center for Disease C ontrol andPrevention42 门头沟区疾病预防控制中心 Mentougou District Center for Disease Control andPrevention43 房山区疾病预防控制中心 Fangshan District Center for Disease Co ntrol andPreventionol andPrevention45 延庆县疾病预防控制中心 Yanqing District Center for Disease Con trol andPrevention46 北京市预防医学研究中心 Beijing Research Center for Preventive Medicine 47 北京市卫生检测检验中心 Beijing Center for Hygienic Monito ring and Testing 48 北京市卫生防疫培训中心 Beijing Training Center fo r Hygiene & EpidemicPrevention49 北京市化学物质毒性鉴定检测中心 Beijing Center for Chemical Tox icityIdentification & Testing50 北京市职业病诊断鉴定委员会 Beijing Center for Occupational Dis easesDiagnosis & Identification51 北京市性病艾滋病防治协会 Beijing Association for STD/AIDS Prev ention andCare52 华北地区劳动卫生职业病防治研究中心 North China Regional Resear ch Center forLabor Health & Occupational Diseases53 中国控烟协会青少年控烟专业委员会 Teenage-Tobacco Control Commi ttee ofChina Tobacco Control Association54 北京市HIV抗体确认中心 Beijing HIV Antibodies Confirmation Cen ter55 北京市艾滋病监测检验中心 Beijing Center for HIV/AIDS Monitoring and Testing56 性病咨询门诊 STD Counseling Clinic57 艾滋病咨询门诊 HIV/AIDS Counseling Clinic58 咨询室 Counseling Room59 采血室 Blood Sampling Room60 检验室 Test Room61 样品检验受理大厅 Sample Test Registration Hall62 食品检验受理处 Food Sample Test Registration63 涉水产品检验受理处 Drinking Water Related Product Test Registr ation64 消毒产品检验受理处 Disinfection Product Test Registration65 一次性卫生用品检验受理处 Disposable Sanitary Product Test Regi stration65 样品室 Sample Room66 预防保健中心 Health Protection Center67 质量管理室 Quality Control Office68 资料档案室 Archives69 免疫预防门诊 Vaccination and Immunoprophylaxis Clinic70 疫苗室 Vaccination Room71 候诊观察室 Waiting & Observation Room72 登记处 Registration73 诊断台 Diagnostic Station74 划价处 Prescription Pricing75 收费处 Cashier76 取药处 Pharmacy/Dispensary77 预防接种室 Prophylactic Vaccination Room78 门诊办公室 Outpatient Office79 健康体检大厅 Physical Examination Hall80 咨询台 Information81 (急诊)分诊处 Triage82 (普通)分诊处 Reception83 照相室 Photography Room84 男体检室 Physical Examination Room (Men)85 女体检室 Physical Examination Room (Women)86 实验区 Experimental Area87 胸透室 Chest X-Ray Room88 职业病咨询门诊 Occupational Disease Counseling Clinic89 临床检验实验室 Clinical Test Lab90 X线诊断室 X-Ray Diagnostic Room91 心电图室 ECG Room92 健康监护评价室 Health Monitoring & Evaluation Room93 肺功能室 Pulmonary Function Test Room94 应急处理 Emergency Treatment95 传染病控制所 Institute for Infectious Diseases Control96 微生物实验室 Microbiology Lab97 微生物 Microbes98 病原微生物 Pathogenic microbes99 细菌 Bacteria100 病毒 Viruses101 分子生物实验室 Molecular Biology Lab102 P2实验室 P2 Lab103 标本室 Specimen Room104 生化实验室 Biochemistry Lab105 免疫实验室 Immunology Lab106 离心机室 Centrifuge Room107 电镜室 Electronic Microscope Room108 医疗废弃物 Biohazard Wastes109 污染物 Contaminants110 地方病控制所 Institute of Endemic Diseases Control111 化学实验室 Chemical Lab112 流行病调查室 Epidemiological Investigation Room113 中心实验室 Central Lab114 样品前处理实验室 Sample Pretreatment Lab115 气相色谱室 GC Room116 离子色谱室 IC Room117 液相色谱室 HPLC Room118 有机质谱实验室 Organic MS Lab119 无机质谱实验室 Inorganic MS Lab120 ICP质谱实验室 ICP-MS Lab121 荧光分析实验室 Fluorescence Analysis Room122 分光光度室 Spectrophotometer Room123 天平室 Balance Room124 消毒与有害生物防治所 Institute for Disinfection & Vector Cont rol125 消毒效果 Disinfection Effect126 洁净实验室 Clean Operating Lab127 模拟现场实验室 Simulated Field Test Lab128 超净实验室 Superclean Lab129 抗性昆虫饲养室 Resistant Insect Feeding Room130 鼠类饲养室 Rodents Feeding Room131 鼠类生测试验室 Rodents Bioassay Lab132 蚊类饲养室 Mosquitoes Feeding Room133 蟑螂饲养室 Cockroach Feeding Room134 家蝇饲养室 House Fly Feeding Room135 杀虫剂药效试验室 Insecticide Efficacy Lab136 抗性检测实验室 Insecticide Resistance Bioassay Lab 137 紫外线实验室 Ultraviolet Test Lab138 细胞培养实验室 Cell Culture Lab139 环境卫生所 Institute of Environmental Health140 生活饮用水 Drinking Water141 水质 Water Quality142 室内空气质量 Indoor Air Quality143 液质联机实验室 LC-MS Lab144 飞行时间—质谱实验室 TOF - MS Lab145 代谢组学研究实验室 Metabolism Research Lab146 健康相关产品检测室 Health-related Products Test Room 147 化妆品检测室 Cosmetics Test Room148 水质检测室 Water Quality Test Room149 有机毒物检测室 Organic Toxicants Test Room150 空气污染物监测实验室 Air Pollutants Monitoring Lab 151 干燥室 Desiccation Room152 空气样本检测室 Air Samples Test Room153 比色计实验室 Colorimeter Lab154 原子吸收实验室 Atomic Absorption Lab155 气质联机实验室 GC-MS Lab156 化学分析实验室 Chemical Analysis Lab157 中水检测室 Reclaimed Water Test Room158 生物因素检测室 Biological Factors Test Room159 有毒材料鉴定实验室 Toxic Materials Identification Lab 160 化学试剂存放室 Chemical Reagents Storeroom161 有毒物质 Toxic Substances162 化学试剂 Chemical Reagents163 化学危险品 Hazardous Chemical Substances164 去离子设备间 Deionization Equipment Room165 营养与食品卫生所 Institute for Nutrition & Food Hygiene 166 食品安全 Food Safety167 超净微生物检测室 Superclean Microbes Test Laboratory168 真菌毒素检测室 Mycotoxins Test Room Laboratory169 微生物毒素检测室 Microbial Toxins Test Laboratory170 培养基室 Culture Medium Laboratory171 农药残留检测室 Pesticide Residue Test Laboratory172 兽药残留检测室 Veterinary Drug Residue Test Laboratory173 转基因食品检测室 Genetically Modified Food Test Laboratory 174 功效成分检测室 Functional Composition Test Laboratory175 营养成分检测室 Nutrient Composition Test Laboratory176 食品添加剂检测室 Food Additives Test Laboratory177 同位素检测室 Isotope Detection Laboratory178 质量控制 Quality Control179 信息统计中心 Information Statistics Center 180 生命统计 Life Statistics181 卫生统计 Health Statistics182 疫情分析室 Epidemic Information Analysis Room 183 计算机房 Computer Room184 阅览室 Reading Room185 图书库 Library186 资料室 Data and File Room187 网络维护室 Network Maintenance Room188 会议室 Conference Room/Meeting Room189 毒理所 Institute for Toxicology190 动物房 Animal House191 SPF动物实验室 SPF Animal Lab192 普通级动物室 Ordinary Animal Lab193 果蝇实验室 Fruit Flies Laboratory194 Ames实验室 Ames Lab195 细胞实验室 Cell Lab196 病理实验室 Pathology Laboratory197 显微镜室 Microscopy Room198 电镜室 Electron Microscopy Room199 荧光显微镜室 Fluorescence Microscopy Room200 天平室 Balance Room201 皮肤测试室 Skin Test Laboratory202 神经行为室 Neural Behavior Laboratory203 解剖室 Autopsy Laboratory204 生殖毒理室 Reproductive Toxicology Laboratory205 常规检测室 Routine Laboratory206 仪器室 Instrument Room207 慢性非传染性疾病防治所 Institute for Chronic Non-Communicable DiseasesPrevention & Control208 职业卫生所 Institute for Occupational Health209 粉尘实验室 Dust Lab210 噪声 Noise211 振动 Vibration212 个人防护效果评价室 Personal Protection Effect Evaluation Room 213 工效学实验室 Ergonomics Lab214 职业病 Occupational Diseases215 职业危害因素 Occupational Hazard Factors216 建设项目 Construction Project217 健康教育所 Institute of Health Education218 健康促进 Health Promotion219 杂志编辑部 Journal Editorial Office220 项目办公室 Project Office221 放射卫生防护所 Institute for Radiation Hygiene Protection222 放射危害因素 Radiation Hazard Factors223 放射源 Radioactive Source(五)卫生监督部门序号中文名称英文名称1 免疫规范化门诊 Standardized Vaccination Clinic2 健康教育教室 Health Education Classroom3 心理咨询室 Psychological Consultation Room4 康复治疗室 Rehabilitation Room5 卫生监督机构 Health Inspection Authorities6 北京市卫生监督所 Beijing Health Inspection7 区(县)卫生局卫生监督所 District (County) Health Inspection In stitute8 东城区卫生局卫生监督所 Dongcheng Health Inspection9 西城区卫生局卫生监督所 Xicheng Health Inspection10 宣武区卫生局卫生监督所 Xuanwu Health Inspection11 崇文区卫生局卫生监督所 Chongwen Health Inspection12 朝阳区卫生局卫生监督所 Chaoyang Health Inspection13 海淀区卫生局卫生监督所 Haidian Health Inspection14 丰台区卫生局卫生监督所 Fengtai Health Inspection15 石景山区卫生局卫生监督所 Shijingshan Health Inspection16 门头沟区卫生局卫生监督所 Mentougou Health Inspection17 房山区卫生局卫生监督所 Fangshan Health Inspection18 通州区卫生局卫生监督所 Tongzhou Health Inspection19 昌平区卫生局卫生监督所 Changping Health Inspection20 平谷区卫生局卫生监督所 Pinggu Health Inspection21 顺义区卫生局卫生监督所 Shunyi Health Inspection22 大兴区卫生局卫生监督所 Daxing Health Inspection23 密云县卫生局卫生监督所 Miyun Health Inspection24 怀柔区卫生局卫生监督所 Huairou Health Inspection25 延庆县卫生局卫生监督所 Yanqing Health Inspection26 政府服务大厅卫生行政许可窗口 Hygienic Administrative License W indow ofGovernment Service Hall27 卫生监督举报、投诉接待受理室 Reception & Registration Office f or HealthInspection Complaints28 卫生监督派出机构(卫生监督派出站) Health Inspection Agencies29 卫生监督 Health Inspection30 卫生行政执法 Hygienic Administrative Enforcement31 卫生行政处理 Hygienic Administrative Sanction32 卫生监督稽查 Health Inspection33 卫生行政许可 Hygienic Administrative License34 卫生行政许可受理 Hygienic Administrative License - Acceptance35 卫生行政许可咨询 Hygienic Administrative License - Consultatio n36 卫生监督检查 Hygienic Supervision & Inspection37 卫生行政处罚 Hygienic Administrative Penalty38 医疗卫生监督 Medical Surveillance39 医疗机构卫生监督 Health Surveillance of Medical Institutions40 医务人员卫生监督 Health Surveillance of Medical Personnel41 医疗事故卫生监督 Health Surveillance of Medical Malpractices42 食品卫生监督 Food Hygiene Surveillance43 餐饮业食品卫生监督 Food Hygiene Surveillance for Catering Indu stries44 生活饮用水卫生监督 Drinking Water Hygiene Surveillance45 公共场所卫生监督 Health Inspection of Public Facilities46 职业卫生监督 Occupational Health Surveillance47 放射卫生监督 Radioactive Health Surveillance48 学校卫生监督 School Health Surveillance49 传染病防治卫生监督 Health Surveillance for Prevention and Cont rol ofInfectious Diseases50 医疗废物卫生监督 Hygienic Surveillance of Medical Wastes51 消毒管理卫生监督 Hygienic Surveillance of Disinfection Managem ent 52 母婴保健卫生监督 Health Surveillance of Mother and Baby Care53 采供血卫生监督 Hygienic Surveillance of Blood Collection and S upply 54 食品卫生碘盐卫生监督 Hygienic Surveillance of Food Hygiene & Iodized Salt55 卫生监督现场快速检测 Health Surveillance Field Fast Check56 卫生监督举报、投诉 Health Surveillance Report and Complaints57 综合监督科 Integrated Inspection Section58 综合执法队 Integrated Enforcement Team59 公共卫生监督科 Public Health Inspection Section60 医疗卫生监督科 Medical Health Inspection Section61 卫生监督执法队 Health Inspection & Enforcement Team62 应急执法指挥中心 Emergency Enforcement Direction Center63 卫生许可审核受理中心 Health License Examination & Acceptance C enter64 审批办证科 Approval & License Issuing Dept.65 大型活动保障中心 Events Assurance Center66 卫生监督执法信息中心 Health Inspection & Enforcement Informati on Center67 公共卫生 Public Health68 执法监督一科 Law Enforcement & Supervision Section (1)69 执法监督二科 Law Enforcement & Supervision Section (2)70 执法一队 Law Enforcement Team (1)71 执法二队 Law Enforcement Team (2)72 公共卫生突发事件 Public Health Emergencies73 法规督察科 Regulatory Supervision Section74 卫生行政控制(场所封闭) Hygienic Administrative Control (Site Closure) 75 卫生行政控制(疫区封锁) Hygienic Administrative Control (Epidemic AreaCordoned Off)76 卫生行政控制(产品封存) Hygienic Administrative Control (Prod ucts Sealed)(五)其他序号中文名称英文名称1 学校卫生所 School Clinic2 社区卫生服务中心 Community Health Center3 社区卫生服务站 Community Health Station。

护理英语补充词汇Unit 11 pedia-: child 儿童pediatry 小儿科pediatrician 儿科医生pediatrist 儿科医生2 gyn/e/o-, gyneco-: female 女性gynecopathy 妇科病gynecologist 妇科医生3 dent-,denti-, denta-,dento- : teeth 牙齿dentoosteitis 牙槽骨炎dentist 牙科医生dentistry 牙科dentinalgia 牙(本)质痛4 pharmaco- 药,药学pharmacal 药的,药物的pharmacochemistry 药物化学pharmacology 药理学pharmacokinetics 药物动力学pharmacopeia 药典pharmacopeial 药典的pharmacotherapy 药物疗法5 department of general surgery 普外科•department of urosurgery 泌尿外科•department of neurosurgery 神经外科•department of cardiology 心内科•department of neurology 神经内科•department of physiotherapy 理疗科•department of clinical immunology 临床免疫科•department of anesthesiology 麻醉科•department of endocrinology 内分泌科•department of dermatology 皮肤科•department of burns 烧伤科•department of nephrology 肾内科•department of orthopaedics 矫形外科•department of ophthalmology 眼科•department of periodontology 牙周病科•department of thoracic surgery 胸外科•department of haematology 血液内科•haemodialysis centre 血液透析中心•department of pharmacy 药房•department of nutriology 营养科•department of hospital infection 院内感染科department of oncology 肿瘤科admission office 住院处Unit 21 -scopy: process of visually examining 镜检,镜查法rhinoscopy照鼻镜检查, 检鼻法gastroscopy胃镜检查(法) otoscopy 耳镜检查(法) laryngoscopy喉镜检查(法) ophthalmoscopy 检眼镜检查(法) enteroscopy 肠镜检查(法) 2 -scope: instrument for viewing 窥镜rhinoscope 照鼻镜gastroscope 胃窥镜(用以检查胃内部情形), 胃窥器otoscope 耳镜laryngoscope 喉镜, 检喉镜ophthalmoscope 检眼镜enteroscope 肠镜Unit 31 ant/i: against 对抗,抑制,取消,解除antibody抗体antigen抗原antiarthritic治风湿药antibiotic抗生素antipyretic解热剂antibacterial action抗菌作用2micro- : small小,细,微microangiopathy微血管病microanalyzer微量分析仪microscope显微镜Unit 41 ur/o, urin/o, uron/o: urine 尿urination 排尿urinosocpy 验尿urology 泌尿学2 cardi/o: heart 心脏cardiogram 心电图cadiologist 心脏病专家cardiopathy 心脏病cardiography 心动描记法cardiotomy 心切开术cardiosurgery 心脏外科学cardiology 心脏病学cardiotonic 强心药,强心的cardiovascular disease 心血管病cardiotoxic 心脏中毒的cardiopulmonary 心肺的cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 心肺复苏2 over- : excess过度over-alimentation 营养过度overgrowth 生长过度overhydration 水分过多4 emergency: 1)急救2)急症1) emergency access 紧急通路emergency call 紧急呼救电话emergency call service 紧急呼救服务emergency car 急救车emergency department (ED) 急诊科emergency department nurse/ patient/ staff/ physician 急诊科护士/病人/工作人员/医生emergency medical service (EMS) 急救医疗服务emergency medical service act (EMS act) 急救医疗服务法emergency medical service system (EMSS) 急救医疗服务系统emergency medical services commission 急救医疗服务委员会emergency medical supplies 急救医疗设备emergency medical tag E. M. T. 急救医疗卡emergency medical technician急救医疗技术员emergency medical treatment 急救治疗emergency message 紧急呼救信号emergency oxygen kit 急救氧气包emergency room (ER) 急诊室emergency round 急诊(科)查房emergency run 急救出车emergency stretcher 急救担架emergency technique 急救技术emergency telecommunication 急救(应急)通讯2) emergency in cardiovascular system 心血管系统急症emergency in dermatosis 皮肤病急症emergency in digestive system 消化系统急症emergency in respiratory system 呼吸系统急症emergency in stomatosis/ stomatopathy口腔病急症Unit 51 –itis: inflammation 炎症rhinitis鼻炎, 鼻粘膜炎appendicitis阑尾炎, 盲肠炎nephritis肾炎hepatitis肝炎pneumonitis局限性肺炎, 肺炎osteitis骨炎cholecystitis胆囊炎cystitis膀胱炎arthritis关节炎urethritis尿道炎cellulitis 蜂窝织炎Unit 61 Words and phrases related to gynecology and obstetricstrichomonas vaginitis 滴虫性阴道炎vaginal moniliosis 阴道念珠菌病functional uterine bleeding 功能性子宫出血ovarian cyst 卵巢囊肿lower abdominal pain 下腹疼痛dysmenorrhea 痛经menstrual disorder 月经失调hysteromyoma 子宫肌瘤h(a)ematuria 尿血early pregnancy 早孕antenatal examination/ prenatal care 产前检查placenta pr(a)evia 前置胎盘pregnancy vomiting 妊娠呕吐toxemia of pregnancy 妊娠中毒症about to give birth 临产contraception 避孕sterility 不孕2 –ectomy: removal 切除术nephrectomy 肾切除术splenectomy 脾切除术partial gastrectomy 胃部分切除术adenectomy 腺切除术appendectomy 阑尾切除术3 intra-: within 在……内部intra-arterial 动脉内的intracardiac 心脏内的intramyocardial 心肌内的intrapulmonary 肺内的intratracheal instillation 气管内滴入法intravenous therapy 静脉注射疗法intragastric 胃内的intra-abdominal 腹内的intra-articular 关节内的intracellular 细胞内的intraoperative 手术(期)中的intrathoracic胸内的intravascular 血管内的intraventricular 心室内的intracranial 颅骨内的intracranial hypertension 颅内高血压intrabronchial 支气管内的intradermal injection 皮内注射intrapericardial 心包内的intravenous drip 静脉滴注法4 mal-: bad; badly 坏,错误malabsorption 吸收障碍malformation 畸形malnutrition 营养不良malpractice 治疗错误,治疗失当malfunction 故障Unit 71 anti-: against 对抗,抑制,取消,解除antiradiation 抗辐射药antihidrotic / antiperspirant止汗药antihypertensive 抗高血压药antilithic 抗结石药antimicrobial 抗菌剂antinauseant 止恶心药antiseptic 防腐剂antipyretic/ antithermic/ antifebrile 解热药antihemorrhagic 抗出血药antihistamine 抗组织胺药anti-infectious / anti-infective 抗感染药antimalarial 抗疟药antimyasthenic 抗肌无力药antineoplastic 抗肿瘤药antiparasitic抗寄生物药antipruritic 止痒药antispasmodic 解痉药antituberculous/ antituberculotic 抗结核药antiviral/ antivirotic 抗病毒药anti-anginal 抗心绞痛药antiantidote 抗解毒药antiarrhythmic 抗心律失常药antiasthmatic止喘药anticoncipiens (contraceptive medicine) 避孕药antidiabetic 抗糖尿病药antidiuretic 抗利尿药antiedemic 消水肿药antitoxin 抗毒素antitussive 镇咳药antianemic 抗贫血药antianxietic 抗焦虑药anticoagulant 抗凝血剂anticonvulsant/ anticonvulsive 抗惊厥药antidiarrheal 止泻药antidysenteric 止痢药antiemetic 止吐药antihypercholesterolemic抗高胆固醇药antihyperglycemic抗高血糖药antihemophilic 抗血友病药2 –otomy: incision; process of cutting into 切开术nephrotomy肾切开术splenotomy脾切开术gastroenterotomy胃肠切开术arthrotomy关节切开术3 sub-: below, insufficientsubcutaneous nodule 皮下结节subcutaneous tissue 皮下组织subcutaneous hemorrhage 皮下出血submucous 粘膜下的subendocardial 心内膜下的subendocardial myocardial infraction 心内膜下心肌梗死subhepatic肝下的subnutrition 营养不足subinfection 轻感染subinflammation 轻(度)炎症subnarcotic 轻麻醉的subparalytic 轻瘫的subtotal ectomy 次全切除术subtotal gastrectomy 胃次全切除术,大部胃切除术subtotal hysterectomy 次全子宫切除术,大部子宫切除术Unit 81 –ology: discipline; subject 学科microbiology 微生物学pharmacology 药理学cytobiology 细胞生物学toxicology 毒理学parasitology寄生虫学epidemiology 流行病学obstetrics and gynecology 妇产科学neurology 神经学anesthesiology 麻醉学stomatology 口腔学Unit 91 de-: removal of 除掉deactivation 灭活性deallergization 脱敏作用decontaminant 去污(染)剂defervescent 退热剂dehydrant 脱水剂dehydration 脱水作用delactation 断奶denarcotize 脱麻醉药desensitization脱敏作用desensitizer 脱敏剂dealcoholization 脱醇作用decerebration 去脑(法)defecation 排粪delousing 灭虱defibrillation 心脏除颤defibrillator 除颤器detoxication 解毒作用detoxification 解毒,除毒depoisoning effect 解毒作用2 pedi/o-, ped/o-: child 儿童pediatric cardiac arrest 儿童心脏骤停pediatric dose 儿科剂量pediatric emergency 儿科急症pediatric nutrition 儿科病营养pediatric patient 儿科病人pediatric surgery 儿科手术pediatrics 儿科学pediatrist / pediatrician 儿科医师/ 儿科学家Unit 101 post-: after 在……以后postdiastolic 舒张期后的postepileptic 癫痫发作后的postinfectious 感染后的postmenopausal 绝经后的post-traumatic stress 创伤后(精神)紧张post-traumatic disorder创伤后(精神)障碍postdilution 后稀释法postinfarction angina pectoris 梗死后心绞痛postmastectomy exercise 乳房切除术后运动postoperative 术后postoperative secondary glaucoma 手术后继发性青光眼postpericardiotomy syndrome 心包切开术后综合征2 hem/o, hemat/o-: blood 血,血液hemochrome 血色素hemafecia/ hematochezia 便血hematemesis 呕血hemanalysis 血分析hemarthrosis 关节积血hemastatics 血液静力学hemathorax/hematothorax 血胸hematodiarrhea 血痢hematology 血液学hematopenia 血液不足hematosepsis (septicemia) 败血病/症hematotoxicosis 血中毒hematogaster 胃脘积血,血胃hematoma 血肿hematorrhea 大出血hematostatic 止血的hematotoxin/ hemotoxin 血毒素Unit 111 rhin/o-: nose 鼻子rhinalgia 鼻痛rhinitis 鼻炎rhinolith 鼻结实rhinology 鼻科学rhinopharyngitis 鼻咽炎rhinopharyngeal 鼻咽的rhinoscopy 照鼻镜检查,检鼻法rhinism 鼻音rhinolaryngology 鼻喉科学rhinologist 鼻科医生(专家)rhinoplasty 鼻整形术rhinovirus 鼻病毒2 angi/o: blood vessel 血管angioma 血管瘤angialgia 血管痛angiocardiogram 心血管X线照片angiology 血管学angiosclerosis 血管硬化angitis 血管炎angiotomy 血管切开术angiosarcoma 血管肉瘤angiospasm 血管痉挛Unit 121 hepat/o: liverhepatic 肝的hepatocirrhosis 肝硬化hepatotomy 肝切开术hepatolith 肝石hepatitis 肝炎hepatocyte 肝(实质)细胞hepatotoxic 肝(细胞)毒的hepatoscopy 肝检查2 hyper-: above; over; to an excessive degreehyperactivity 机能亢进hyperfunction 功能亢进hyperhidrosis 多汗症hyperpnea 呼吸过度hypertension 高血压,压力过大ocular hypertension 高眼压症primary hypertension 原发性高血压secondary hypertenion 继发性高血压hypertensive 高血压者;高血压的hypertensive crisis (HC) 高血压危象hyperdiuresis 多尿hyperemesis 剧吐hypermedication 用药过度hypersomnia 睡眠过度,嗜睡(症)hypertoxic 剧毒的hypertoxicity 剧毒性Unit 131 homo-: the same 同;相同homolateral 同侧的homotonia (isotonia) 等张性;等渗性homotonic 等张的;等渗的homosexuality 同性恋(爱);同性性欲homotype 同型2 hetero-: other; different 异的;杂的heterosexuality 异性恋(爱);异性性欲heterocrisis 异常危象3 peri-: around 周围periappendicitis 阑尾周炎pericarditis 心包炎pericardial (pericardiac) 心包的pericardium (pl: pericardia) 心包perimyocarditis 心包心肌炎peribronchitis 支气管周炎peridentitis 牙周炎4 immuno-: immunity免疫immunoglobulin 免疫球蛋白immunodiagnosis 免疫诊断immunologic tests 免疫学试验immunoassay 免疫测定法immunogen 免疫原immunodeficiency 免疫缺陷Unit 151 my/o-: muscle 肌肉myo-asthenia (=myasthenia) 肌无力myocardiac (非炎性)心肌病的myocardial 心肌的myocardial infarction 心肌梗死myocardiopathy 心肌病myocarditis 心肌炎toxic myocarditis 中毒性心肌炎rheumatic myocarditis 风湿性心肌炎viral myocarditis 病毒性心肌炎myoma 肌瘤myonecrosis 肌坏死myopericarditis 心肌心包炎myositis 肌炎myospasm 肌痉挛myotonia 肌强直2 chol/e- chol/o-: gallbladder; bile 胆囊;胆汁cholagogic 利胆的cholagogue 利胆剂,利胆的cholangiography 胆管造影术cholangioma 胆管瘤cholangitis 胆管炎cholecyst 胆囊cholecystic 胆囊的cholecystitis 胆囊炎cholecystalgia 胆囊痛,胆绞痛cholecystectomy 胆囊切除术cholecystotomy 胆囊切开术cholelith 胆石cholelithiasis 胆石症/病cholelithotomy 胆石切除术3 gastr/o-: stomach 胃gastrointestinal 胃肠的gastrointestinal bleeding 胃肠出血gastrointestinal obstruction胃肠梗阻gastrorrhagia 胃出血gastroscope 胃镜gastroscopy 胃镜检查(术)gastrobrosis 胃溃破(穿孔)gastroneurosis 胃神经官能症gastroparalysis 胃麻痹gastrorrhea 胃液分泌过多gastrospasm 胃痉挛4 enter/o-: intestine 肠enterobrosis 肠穿孔enterocleaner 肠冲洗器enteroptosis/enteroptosia 肠下垂enterorrhea (diarrhea) 腹泻enterospasm 肠痉挛enterotomy 肠切开术enterocholecystotomy 肠胆囊切开术enteroparalysis 肠麻醉enterorrhagia 肠出血enteroscopy 肠镜检查enterostaxis 肠渗血enterotoxemia 肠(源)性毒血症/ 肠毒血病enterovirus 肠道病毒enterotoxin 肠毒素5 over-: too much; excessive 过度的overdose 过量overtransfusion 输血过多,输液过多overventilation 换气过度overoxygenation 过量氧合作用6 vaso-: vessel 血管vasoconstriction 血管收缩vasoconstrictor 血管收缩药vasodilation 血管舒张vasospasm 血管痉挛vasodepressor 血管减压药vasopressin 血管加压素,抗利尿激素vasopressor血管加压药vasotonia 血管紧张Unit 171 hemi-: half 半hemialgia 偏侧痛hemicerebrum 大脑半球hemianesthesia 偏身麻木,偏侧感觉缺失hemicrania 偏头痛hemispherectomy 大脑半球切除术hemiparalysis (hemiplegia) 偏瘫, 半身麻痹, 半身不遂hemiplegic idiocy 偏瘫性白痴2 onc/ o-: mass, tumor 肿瘤oncology肿瘤学oncologist肿瘤学家oncogene致癌基因oncogenesis 肿瘤生成,肿瘤形成3 extra-: outside 在……的外面extrauterine 子宫外的extrauterine pregnancy 子宫外孕extravasation 外渗,外渗物4 endo-: within内部endocardiac (=endocardial)心内的,心内膜的endocarditis心内膜炎endoangiitis血管内膜炎endonephritis肾盂炎endoparasite内部寄生物, 体内寄生虫endocrine内分泌endocrinology内分泌学endocervix子宫颈内膜endocervicitis子宫颈内膜炎endogenous内生的,内源的endoscope内镜endoscopy内窥镜检查endotracheal气管内的endotracheal anesthesia气管内麻醉endotracheal intubation气管内插管enadotracheal medication气管内给药endo-intoxication内源性中毒,自体中毒endotoxin内毒素endotoxemia内毒素血症5 dys-: difficult, poor 困难的,有病的dysfunction功能失调dysmenorrhea月经困难,痛经dysplasia发育不良dyspepsia消化不良dystrophy营养失调dysbolism代谢障碍dyshidrosis/ dyshydrosis出汗障碍dysphasia言语困难, 难语症dysadaptation 眼调节障碍/不良dysglycemia 血糖代谢障碍dyshepatia 肝功能障碍dysgenesis生殖障碍, 不育dysgraphia 书写困难dysimmunity 免疫障碍dysmaturity 发育/成熟不良dysmnesia 记忆障碍dyspnea 呼吸困难dysorexia 食欲障碍dysphagia 吞咽困难dysuria排尿困难6 leuk/o-: white blood cell; white白血球,白色的或无色的leukemia 白血病leukoma 白翳,角膜白斑leukocyte 白细胞,白血球leukoderma 白斑病, 白变病leukotherapy白细胞疗法Unit 181 a-/an-:①without 无aphakia 无晶状体abacteria 无菌的atony 无力,(尤指收缩器官的)张力缺乏abiosis 无生命adermotrophia 皮肤萎缩(即无皮肤营养之意)adiaphoresis 无汗症②an- used before a vowelanesthesia 无感觉,麻醉analgesia 无痛觉,痛觉丧失anaplasia 退行发育anacholia 胆汁减少/ 缺乏anemia 贫血(无血之意), 贫血症③off 离开aspiration 吸引,(从体腔中)吸出aberrant 偏离正途的,脱轨的;(生物)异常的,畸变的2 pseud/o-: not authentic; false 假,伪pseudangina / pseudoangina 假心绞痛pseudo-blindness 伪盲pseudojaundice 假黄疸pseudoasthma 假气喘pseudocyst 假囊肿pseudo myocardial infarction 假性心肌梗死pseudophakia 假晶状体症3 laryng/o-: larynx喉;喉部laryngitis 喉炎laryngitic 喉炎的laryngeal 喉的laryngoscope 喉镜, 检喉镜laryngoscopy 喉镜检查laryngotomy 喉剖开术laryngology 喉科学laryngologist 喉科医师laryngopharyngeal 咽喉的laryngoxerosis 喉干燥3 -oma: tumor, swelling 肿瘤papilloma 乳头瘤fibroma 纤维瘤osteoma 骨瘤sarcoma肉瘤, 恶性毒瘤hysteroma 子宫瘤benign tumor 良性肿瘤malignant tumor 恶性肿瘤4 aden/o-: gland 腺adenocarcinoma 腺癌adeniform 腺状的adenitis 腺炎adenoma 腺瘤5 ot/o-: ear 耳朵otitis 耳炎otology 耳科学otologist 耳科医生otorhinolaryngologist耳鼻喉科医师otorhinolaryngology 耳鼻喉学otophone 助听器otosclerosis 耳硬化症ototoxic 耳毒性的( 指对听觉及平衡器官有毒性的) otoneuralgia 耳神经痛7 hypo-: under; inadequate 在……之下;不足hypoacidity (胃)酸过少hypoactivity 活动减少hypocytosis 血球过少,血细胞减少(症) hypoemia / anemia 贫血hypogastrium (pl. hypogastria) 下腹中部, 腹下部hypogastric 下腹部的hypogastralgia 腹下部痛, 下腹痛hypogenesis 发育不良hypoglycemia 血糖过低, 低血糖症hypoglycemic血糖过低的, 低血糖症的hypoglycemic coma 低血糖性昏迷hypoglycemosis 低血糖病hypohepatia 肝功能减退,肝功能不全hypohydration 水分过少hypopepsia 消化不良hypovolemia 血容量减少, 血容量过低hypoxemia 血氧不足,低血氧症hypoxia 组织缺氧,氧不足hypoxiadosis 细胞低氧症hypotensor / hypotensive 降血压药hypothyroidism 甲状腺功能减退Unit 191 poly-: many 多的, 多个的, 多于一的polyunsaturated多未饱和的(指有一个以上的双键或三键有机化合物的还能溶解更多溶质的) polydeficiency 多种(维生素)缺乏polydipsia 烦渴,多饮polygene 多基因ployneuralgia多神经痛polypharmacy (治疗一种疾病时的)复方用药,混杂给药, 过多给药polyuria多尿(症) polyplegia 多肌麻痹polyphagia 多食症, 杂食性polyplasmia血浆过多polycystic 多囊的polycystoma 多囊瘤polyclinic 联合诊所, 综合医院polyopia 视物显多症2 non-: 非;不non-absorbent 非吸收性的nonacid 非酸性的, 非酸味的nondevelopment 不发育nonimmune 非免疫性的nonmetal 非金属(元素)nonsaturated 不/非饱和的nonsurgical 非手术的,非外科的nonconductor 非导体,绝缘体non-insulin-dependent-diabetes mellitus(NIDDM)非胰岛素依赖性糖尿病Unit41. assessment n . 评估2. palpate v t . 触诊adj . 有触须的3. percussion n . 叩击, 叩诊法4. auscultation n . 听诊5. diagnosis n . 诊断6. evaluation n . 估价, 评价, 赋值评价7. physiologic adj . 生理的, 生理学上的8. hierarchy n . 层次, 层级9. security n . 安全, 保险10. belongingness n . 归属, 一体, 从属性11. self-esteem n . 自尊, 自负, 自大, 自尊心12. psychological adj . 心理(上) 的13. psychologist n . 心理学者14. satisfaction n . 满意, 满足, 令人满意的事物15. individual n. 个人, 个体; adj. 个别的, 个人的16. unconscious adj . 不省人事, 无意识的Unit 71. privilege n . 特权, 特别待遇, 基本公民权利, 特免2. migrant n . 候鸟, 移居者3. anticipate vt . 预期, 期望v . 预见, 可以预料4. avert v . 转移5. remedial adj . 治疗的, 补救的6. continuum n . 连续统一体, 连续7. synthesize v . 综合, 合成8. norm n . 标准, 规范9. collaboration n . 协作, 通敌10. accessible adj . 易接近的, 可到达的, 易受影响的11. integral adj . 完整的, 整体的12. const itute vt . 建立(政府) , 组成13. acceptable adj . 可接受的, 合意的14. affordable adj . 可提供的, 可给予的, 供应得起的15. deserve v t . 应受, 值得16. respiratory adj . 呼吸的Unit 111. pulse 脉搏2. respiration 呼吸3. vital 生命延续所必需的,极重要的vital signs 生命体征4. intervention 干涉,干预nursing intervention 护理措施5. thermometer 温度计,体温计6. disposable 一次性的;用后即可丢弃的7. rectum 直肠rectal 直肠的8. axilla 胳肢窝,腋窝axillary 腋窝的9. scale 刻度,标度10. Fahrenheit 华氏温度计的;华氏温度计A Fahrenheit thermometer 华氏温度计11. Celsius 摄氏的A Celsius thermometer 摄氏温度计12. contraindicate 禁忌13. bradycardia 心搏徐缓14. tachycardia 心动过速15. rhythm 韵律16. radial 桡神经(的);桡动脉(的)17. carotid 颈动脉;颈动脉的18. apical 上的,顶点的apical pulse 心尖搏动19. stethoscope 听诊器20. inhale 吸入;吸气21. exhale 把……呼出22. expand 扩张23. contract 收缩24. even 平静的,均匀的25. dyspnea 呼吸困难26. apnea 无呼吸,呼吸暂停27. hyperpnea 呼吸过度,喘息28. multiply 乘,使相乘29. systolic 心脏收缩的30. diastolic 心脏舒张的31. hypertension 高血压32. hypotension 血压过低33. cuff 橡皮箍,袖带34. sphygmomanometer 血压计,血压测量计Unit111. pulse n . 脉搏2. respiration n . 呼吸3. vital adj . 生命延续所必需的, 极重要的vital signs 生命体征4. intervention n . 干涉, 干预nursing intervention 护理措施5. thermometer n . 温度计, 体温计6. disposable a . 一次性的; 用后即可丢弃的7. rectum n . 直肠rectal adj . 直肠的8. axilla n . 胳肢窝, 腋窝axillary adj . 腋窝的9. scale [sk ei l ] n . 刻度, 标度10. Fahrenheit adj . 华氏温度计的n . 华氏温度计a Fahrenheit thermometer 华氏温度计11. Celsius adj . 摄氏的a Celsius thermometer 摄氏温度计12. contraindicate v . 禁忌13. bradycardia n . 心搏徐缓14. tachycardia n . 心动过速15. rhythm n . 韵律16. radial n . adj . 桡神经(的) ; 桡动脉(的)17. carotid n . 颈动脉adj . 颈动脉的18. apical adj . 上的, 顶点的apical pulse 心尖搏动19. stethoscope n . 听诊器20. inhale v t . vi . 吸入; 吸气21. exhale vt . vi . 把……呼出22. expand vt . vi . 扩张23. contract vi . 收缩24. even a . 平静的, 均匀的25. dyspnea n . 呼吸困难26. apnea n . 无呼吸, 呼吸暂停27. hyperpnea n . 呼吸过度, 喘息28. multiply v . 乘, 使相乘29. systolic adj . 心脏收缩的30. diastolic adj . 心脏舒张的31. hypertension n . 高血压32. hypotension n . 血压过低33. cuff n . 橡皮箍, 袖带, 一种可充气的箍带, 通常裹在前臂上, 与血压计一起使用以测量动脉的血压34. sphygmomanometer n . 血压计, 血压测量计Unit 141. medication 药物,药物治疗,药物处理2. inhalation 吸入3. vaginal 阴道的4. rectal 直肠的5. intestine 肠6. tablet 药片,小块7. capsule 胶囊8. elixir 清药酒,精药酒,甘香酒剂9. suspension 悬浮,悬浮液,悬胶(体)10. syrup 糖浆,果汁11. parenteral 肠胃外的,不经肠的,非肠道的;注射用药物12. intradermal 皮内的,皮层内的13. subcutaneous 皮下的,皮下用的14. intramuscular 肌内的,肌肉的15. oncology 肿瘤学16. diabetes 糖尿病,多尿症17. allergy 过敏,过敏性,敏感症,变态反应性18. pharmacokinetics 药物(代谢)动力学19. antibiotic 抗生的;抗生素20. hormonal 荷尔蒙的,激素的21. contraceptive 避孕的;避孕药,避孕品,避孕用具22. biotransformation 生物转化23. metabolite 代谢物24. integumentary 外皮的,皮的;由皮肤构成的25. musculoskeletal 肌肉与骨骼的26. prescribe 处(方),开(药);指示,规定prescription 处方,药方27. adverse 不利的,有害的,相反的Unit 151. dexterity 灵巧,机敏2. irretrievable 不能挽回的,不能复原的3. mandatory 命令的,强制的,托管的4. syringe 注射器;注射5. swab 棉签,药签6. disinfectant 消毒剂7. vaccination 接种疫苗,种痘;牛痘疤8. epinephrine 肾上腺素9. insulin 胰岛素10. erythropoietin (促)红细胞生成素11. thigh 大腿,股12. dorsogluteal 背外侧的13. deltoid 三角形的;三角肌的deltoid muscle 三角肌14. quadriceps 四头肌15. femoral 股的,股骨的femoral quadriceps 股四头肌16. coccyx 尾骨17. iliac 髂骨的,回肠的18. spine 脊骨iliac spine 髂嵴19. acromion 肩峰20. precutaneous 经由皮肤的,经皮的21. venipuncture 静脉穿刺,静脉针灸22. peripheral 外周的,外围的23. dorsum背(部)24. elbow 肘25. cannulation 管子,套管插入术26. dressing 敷料27. nodule 节结28. lesion 损害,身体上的伤害29. dart 飞奔,投掷;飞快的动作30. barrel 桶,筒,活塞筒Unit 161. neonate 婴儿,新生儿2. plasma 血浆,乳浆3. hemoglobin 血色素,血红蛋白4. thrombocytopenia 血小板减少(症)5. platelet 血小板,小盘,小板6. hemorrhage 出血7. antigen 抗原8. leukocyte 白细胞,白血球9. fibrinogen 纤维蛋白原10. globulin 血球素,球蛋白11. intravascular 血管内的12. pasteurize 用巴氏法灭菌13. hypoproteinemia 低蛋白血(症)14. cryoprecipitate 冷凝蛋白质15. hemophiliac 血友病的;血友病患者16. infant 婴儿,幼儿;婴儿的,幼稚的17. bacteria 细菌18. hemolysis 溶血Unit 171. incise 切割,切入2. contuse 打伤,挫伤,撞伤3. abrade 磨损,摩擦,折磨4. puncture 穿刺伤;刺破5. lacerate 撕裂,割碎6. contamination 玷污,污染,污染物7. alimentary 食物的,营养的alimentary canal 消化道8. genital 生殖的;生殖器(多用于指男性的外生殖器)9. urinary 尿的,泌尿器的10. gastrointestinal 胃与肠的11. spillage 溢出,溢出量12. purulent 脓的,含脓的13. granulation 使成粒状,有粒的表面,粗糙14. vasculature 脉管系统15. malnourished 营养失调的,营养不良的16. depilatory 脱毛的;脱毛药17. hemorrhage 出血18. ligature 绷带19. dehiscence 裂开20. evisceration 去内脏术,脏器膨出21. specimen 标本,样本,待试验物22. nausea 反胃,恶心,作呕,晕船23. parenteral 肠胃外的,不经肠的,非肠道的24. serosanguineous 血清血液的25. stitch 缝,缝合;一针,针脚,缝针26. suture 缝合,缝合处,缝合用的线;缝合Unit181. intubation 插管法2. relaxant 肌肉松弛药;放松的,弛缓的3. regurgitated 反流的4. laryngoscope 喉镜5. cuff 气囊6. syringe 注射器7. atlantooccipital 寰枕的8. epiglottis 会厌9. cord 声带10. turbinate 鼻甲11. oesophageal 食管的,食道的12. epigastrium 腹上部13. bronchus 支气管14. aortic 主动脉的,大动脉的15. intracranial 颅内的16. aneurysm 动脉瘤17. analgesic 止痛剂,镇痛药Unit191. suction 吸;抽吸;抽吸器;吸引术,吸痰2. secretion 分泌物3. cyanotic 发绀的,青紫的4. sterile 灭菌的;消毒的5. sputum 痰6. microorganism 微生物7. dominant 优势的;支配的8. contamination 污染;沾染9. nostril 鼻孔10. tracheostomy 气管造口术Unit201. cardiopulmonary 心肺的;与心肺有关的2. resuscitation 苏醒;复活;复苏;复苏术3. hemodynamic 血液动力学的,血液动力的4. spontaneous 任意的;自发的5. ventricular 室的,心室的,似心室的6. ventilation 通风;换气7. electrocardiogram 心电图(ECG)8. defibrillation 心脏除颤;除颤9. pharmacologic 药理学的10. jaw 颌;颚11. chin 颏12. sternum 胸骨。

医护词汇Nursing processes 护理过程assessment 估计nursing diagnosis 护理诊断planning 计划intervention (implementation,management)措施(实施、管理)evaluation 评价Daily care of the patient 对病人的日常护理morning (evening)care,AM (HS)care 晨(晚)间护理bedmaking 整理床铺oral hygiene 口腔卫生mouth care口腔护理brushing the teeth 刷牙flossing the teeth 清牙垢denture care 清洗假牙bathing 洗澡cleanliness and skin care 清洁与皮肤护理perineal care 洗会阴hair 梳头shaving 刮脸care of nails and feet 指甲修剪和洗脚changing hospital gowns 更换住院服装massage 按摩bedsore care 褥疮护理measurement of vital signs 测量生命体征taking oral (rectal,axillary)temperature 量口腔(直肠、腋下)体温taking a radial pulse 测量桡动脉脉搏counting respirations 计呼吸次数measuring (taking)blood pressure 量血压catheterization 导管插入术cardiac catheterization 心导管插入术laryngeal catheterization喉插管术retro-urethral catheterization 逆行导尿管插入术urethral catheterization 尿道导管插入术clean techniques 清洁技术medical asepsis 医学无菌处理asepsis 无菌(法)integral asepsis 完全无菌disinfection 消毒concomitant (concurrent)disinfection 随时消毒,即时消毒steam disinfection 蒸汽消毒terminal disinfection 终末消毒disinfection by ultraviolet light 紫外线消毒sterilization 灭菌,消毒chemical sterilization 化学灭菌法fractional sterilization 间歇灭菌法intermittent sterilization 间歇灭菌法mechanical sterilization 器械灭菌法Decompression 减压(术)oardiac decompression 心减压术cerebral decompression 脑减压术orbital decompression 眼眶减压术decompression of decompression 心包减压术gastro-intestinal decompression 胃肠减压术decompression of rectum 直肠减压术decompression of spinal cord 脊髓减压术Dialysis透析peritoneal dialysis腹膜透析hemodialysis 血液透析drainage 引流、导液aspiration (suction)drainage 吸引导液(引流)closed drainage 关闭引流法negative pressure drainage 负压吸引法open drainage 开放引流法postural drainage 体位引流法vaginal drainage 阴道引流法vesicocelomic drainage 膀胱腹腔引流drainage 灌肠barium enema钡灌肠blind enema肛管排气法contrast enema对比灌肠glycerin enema甘油灌肠high (low)enema 高(低)位灌肠magnesium sulfate enema 硫酸镁灌肠retention (non-retention)enema 保留(无保留)灌肠soapsuds enema 肥皂水灌肠turpentine enema 松节油灌肠feeding 饲,喂养forced (forcible)feeding 强制喂养intubtaion (tube)feeding 管饲法nasal feeding 鼻饲法rectal feeding 直肠营养法heat and clod applications 冷、热敷applying hot compresses 热敷applying hot soaks 湿热敷assisting the patient to take a sitz bath 帮病人坐浴applying hot water bottles 用热水瓶applying an ice bag (collar0 用冰袋applying cold compresses 冷敷giving a cold (an alcohol)sponge bath 冷水(酒精)擦浴infusion 输入,注入glucose infusion 葡萄糖液输注glucose-saline infusion 葡萄糖-盐水输注saline infusion 盐水输注injection 注射endermic (intracutaneous)injection 皮内注射hypertonic saline injection 高渗盐水注射hypodermic injection 皮下注射intramuscular injection 肌内注射intraocular injection 眼球注射intrapleural injection 胸膜腔注射intrauterine injection 子宫内注射nasal injection 鼻内注射peritoneal injection 腹膜腔注射rectal injection 直肠注射subconjunctival injection 结膜下注射urethral injection 尿道注射vaginal injection 阴道注射irrigation 冲洗vaginal irrigation 阴道冲洗bladder irrigation 膀胱冲洗continuous irrigation 连续冲洗法mediate irrigation 间接冲洗法Isolation 隔离、分离strict isolation 严密隔离contact isolation 接触隔离respiratory isolation 呼吸隔离drainage (secretion)precautions 引流预防措施enteric precautions 肠道预防措施blood (body fluid)precautions 血液(体液)预防措施protective isolation 保护性隔离Lavage 灌洗blood (systemic)lavage 血液毒素清洗法ether lavage (腹腔内)乙醚洗法gastric lavage 洗胃intestinal lavage 洗肠peritoneal lavage 腹膜腔灌洗pleural lavage 胸膜腔灌洗Medication 药疗,投药,给药endermic medication 皮内透药法hypodermatic medication 皮下投药法intramuscular medication 肌肉投药法ionic medication 离子透药疗法nasal medication 鼻内投药法oral medication 口服法rectal medication 直肠投药法sublingual medication 舌下投药法transduodenal medication 十二指肠内投药法vaginal medication 阴道投药法suctioning 吸气引液upper airway suctioning 上呼吸道抽吸法nasogastric suctioning 鼻胃抽吸wound suctioning 伤口吸引Transfusion 输血arterial transfusion 动脉输血blood transfusion 输血direct (immediate )transfusion 直接输血drip transfusion 滴注输(血)液indirect transfusion 间接输血plasma transfusion 输血浆serum transfusion 输血清venous transfusion 静脉输血,静脉输液Diet nursing 伙食护理absolute diet (fasting)禁食balanced diet 均衡伙食convalescent diet 恢复期饮食diabetic diet 糖尿病饮食eucaloric diet 适当热量饮食fat-free diet 无脂饮食salt-free diet 无盐饮食fever diet 热病饮食full diet 全食,普通饮食half diet 半食high caloric diet 高热量饮食high-carbohydrate diet 高糖类饮食high-protein (protein rich)diet 高蛋白饮食invalid diet 病弱者饮食light diet 易消化饮食liquid diet 流质饮食high fat diet 高脂饮食low fat diet 低脂饮食low caloric diet 低热量饮食low-protein diet 低蛋白饮食low-residue diet 低渣饮食nourishing diet 滋补饮食obesity diet 肥胖病饮食prenatal diet 孕期饮食regimen diet 规定食谱smooth (soft)diet 细软饮食Preparing the patient for the surgery 为病人手术前做准备shaving the patient’s skin (skin prep)备皮医.学教.育网搜.集整理anesthesia 麻醉Postoperative care 手术后护理coughing and deep-breathing exercises 咳嗽呼吸练习applying elastic stockings 穿弹性袜applying elastic bandages 用弹性绷带Emergency care (first aid)急救护理cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺循环复苏术mouth-to-mouth(mouth-to-nose,mouth-to-stoma)resuscitation 口对口(口对鼻,口对颈部小口)循环复苏术emergency care for fainting (shock,stroke)victims 昏厥(休克、中风)患者急救emergency care used to control hemorrhage 止血急救emergency care given to help a patient who is vomiting 呕吐患者急救emergency care for a patient during a seizure 癫痫发作急救hospice care 临终护理postmortem care 死后护理。

1.Accreditation 认证
2.Continuing education 继续教育
3.Certification 证书
4.Specialty certification 专科认证
5.Critical care 重症护理
6.Emergency nursing 急诊护理
7.Operating room nursing 手术室护理
8.Pediatric nursing 儿科护理
9.Psychiatric nursing 精神科护理
10.Geriatric nursing 老年科护理
11.Neonatal nursing 新生儿护理
12.Orthopedic nursing 骨科护理
13.Oncology nursing 肿瘤科护理
14.Obstetric nursing 产科学护理
15.Palliative care 姑息护理
16.Transplantation nursing 移植护理
17.Infection control 感染控制
18.Home care nursing 家庭护理
19.Long-term care nursing 长期护理
20.Podiatric nursing 足病科护理

常见护理英文术语缩写护理专业有着丰富的英文术语缩写,下面是一些常见的护理英文术语缩写:1. BID - Twice daily (两次每日)5. NPO - Nothing by mouth (禁食)6. PRN - As needed (需要时)7. Rx - Prescription (处方)8. ICU - Intensive care unit (重症监护室)9. ER - Emergency room (急诊室)10. OR - Operating room (手术室)11. PACU - Post-anesthesia care unit (麻醉后恢复室)12. CVA - Cerebrovascular accident (脑血管意外)13. MI - Myocardial infarction (心肌梗塞)14. CHF - Congestive heart failure (充血性心力衰竭)15. COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (慢性阻塞性肺疾病)16. CPR - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (心肺复苏)17. NSTEMI - Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (非ST段抬高型心肌梗塞)18. STEMI - ST elevation myocardial infarction (ST段抬高型心肌梗塞)19. DVT - Deep vein thrombosis (深静脉血栓)20. PE - Pulmonary embolism (肺栓塞)21. HTN - Hypertension (高血压)22. DM - Diabetes mellitus (糖尿病)23. TB - Tuberculosis (结核病)24. HIV - Human immunodeficiency virus (人类免疫缺陷病毒)25. HCV - Hepatitis C virus (丙型肝炎病毒)26. CA - Cancer (癌症)27. AKI - Acute kidney injury (急性肾损伤)28. ESRD - End-stage renal disease (晚期肾衰竭)29. GBS - Guillain-Barré syndrome (格林-巴利综合症)30. ALS - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (渐冻人综合症)31. AF - Atrial fibrillation (房颤)32. A fib - Atrial fibrillation (房颤)33. CHD - Coronary heart disease (冠心病)34. CABG - Coronary artery bypass graft (冠状动脉搭桥术)35. PTCA - Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (经皮冠状动脉介入治疗)36. PVD - Peripheral vascular disease (外周血管疾病)37. ECG - Electrocardiogram (心电图)38. EKG - Electrocardiogram (心电图)39. EEG - Electroencephalogram (脑电图)41. MRI - Magnetic resonance imaging (磁共振成像)42. PET - Positron emission tomography (正电子发射断层扫描)43. ICU - Intensive care unit (重症监护室)44. NICU - Neonatal intensive care unit (新生儿重症监护室)45. PICU - Pediatric intensive care unit (儿科重症监护室)46. RN - Registered nurse (注册护士)47. LPN - Licensed practical nurse (执业护士)48. CNA - Certified nursing assistant (护理助理)49. FHR - Fetal heart rate (胎心率)50. LMP - Last menstrual period (末次月经)这些是只是护理专业中常见的一些英文术语缩写,还有很多其他的术语缩写。

护理学名称英语翻译推荐文章家人微信群名称大全2017_微信群名家庭名称大全热度:微信好听的闺蜜群名称大全2017最新版热度: 2017家庭群名称大全霸气的热度:好听的歌曲列表名称热度:经典英文歌曲名称热度:小编为大家整理了护理学名称英语翻译,希望对你有帮助哦!护理学名称英语翻译:护理学 Nursing妇产科学 Obstetrics and Gynecology眼科学 Ophthalmic Specialty耳鼻咽喉科学 Otolaryngology肿瘤学 Oncology康复医学与理疗学 Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy 运动医学 Sports Medicine麻醉学 Anesthesiology急诊医学 Emergency Medicine口腔医学 Stomatology口腔基础医学 Basic Science of Stomatology口腔临床医学 Clinical Science of Stomatology公共卫生与预防医学 Public Health and Preventive Medicine 流行病与卫生统计学 Epidemiology and Health Statistics劳动卫生与环境卫生学Occupational and Environmental Health营养与食品卫生学 Nutrition and Food Hygiene儿少卫生与妇幼保健学 Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health 卫生毒理学 Hygiene Toxicology军事预防医学 Military Preventive Medicine中医学 Chinese Medicine中医基础理论 Basic Theories of Chinese Medicine中医临床基础 Clinical Foundation of Chinese Medicine中医医史文献 History and Literature of Chinese Medicine方剂学 Formulas of Chinese Medicine中医诊断学 Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine中医内科学 Chinese Internal Medicine中医外科学 Surgery of Chinese Medicine中医骨伤科学 Orthopedics of Chinese Medicine中医妇科学 Gynecology of Chinese Medicine中医儿科学 Pediatrics of Chinese Medicine中医五官科学 Ophthalmology and Otolaryngoloy of Chinese Medicine针灸推拿学Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Tuina of Chinese medicine民族医学 Ethnomedicine中西医结合医学 Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine中西医结合基础医学 Basic Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative中西医结合临床医学Clinical Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine药学 Pharmaceutical Science药物化学 Medicinal Chemistry药剂学 Pharmaceutics生药学 Pharmacognosy药物分析学 Pharmaceutical Analysis微生物与生化药学 Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy药理学 Pharmacology中药学 Science of Chinese Pharmacology外科学(含普通外科学、骨外科学、泌尿外科学、胸心血管外科学、神经外科学、整形外科学、烧伤外科学、野战外科学) Surgery (General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Cardiothoracic Surgery,Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Burn Surgery, Field Surgery)。

门诊部Topic 1、挂号咨询Topic 2、病历Topic 3、医生问诊Topic 4、候诊Topic 1单词:挂号take a registration挂号处registration office专家号expert number普通号average number挂号费registration fee大厅main floor内科medical department医务部medical administration division院办hospital administration office护理部nursing department值班室duty room医护办公室staff office填表内容:name 、age、gender、address 、work place、post code、ID number、telephone number句型:where don’t you feel well?which department do you want to register with?you have to fill in this registration card. The registration card contains ( ).Topic 2单词:办理病历buy a case history史past medical history家族史family history个人病史personal history过敏史allergies检查资料Inspection data血液检查blood test化验室数据laboratory data一般资料physical data生理指标physical signs其他检查数据other lab data住院治疗情况hospital course卡的种类medical card医疗卡social security card医保卡medical insurance card信用卡bank card / fiscard句型:she has much experience with that kind of case.She made a clinical record for the patient.The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza. Topic 3单词:诊断方法diagnostic method望诊inspection问诊inquiry听诊auscultation叩诊percussion触诊palpation面部facial organs眉毛eyebrow睫毛eyelash眼皮eyelids鼻子nose下巴chin鬓角temple瞳孔pupil嘴mouth舌头tongue额头forehead眼睑eyelid面颊cheek嘴唇lip药物种类:止痛药analgesics [ˌænəl'dʒi:zɪks]止咳药antitussive [ˌæntɪ'tʌsɪv]利尿药diuretics [daɪ'jʊəretɪks]止泻药antidiarrheal ['æntɪdəri:l]解毒药antidote [ˈæntidəʊt]抗癌药anticarcinogen [ænti:kɑ:'sɪnədʒɪn]抗凝药anticoagulant [ˌæntikəʊˈægjələnt] 美[ˌæntikoʊˈægjələnt]血管舒张药vasodilator [ˌvæsəʊdaɪ'leɪtə]退烧药antipyretics [æntɪpaɪ'retɪks] 美[æntɪpaɪ'retɪks]祛痰药expectorant [ɪkˈspektərənt] 美[ɪkˈspɛktərənt]止血药hemostatic [ˌhi:mə'stætɪk]止痒药antipruritic [ænti:p'rʊərɪtɪk] 美[æntai:p'rʊərɪtɪk]抗风湿药antirheumatic [æntɜ:'hu:mætɪk] 美[æntɜ:'hu:mætɪk]抗菌/抗生素antibiotics [ˌæntɪbaɪ'ɒtɪks]强心药cardiac tonic [ˈkɑ:di:ˌæk ˈtɔnɪk]血管收缩药vasoconstrictor[ˌvæsəʊkən'strɪktə]抗癫痫药antiepileptic[æntaɪpɪ'leptɪk]镇静药sedative [ˈsedətɪv]解痉药antispamodic***anesthetics[æntɪspæz'mɑdɪk] ***[ænɪs'θɪtɪks]句型:what are the symptoms?Can you tell me how did it get started?Topic 4单词:处方prescription看处方you’re your prescription过敏be allergic to消毒sterilize[ˈsterəlaɪz]棉球swab[swɒb]皮试skin test反应reaction预约make an appointment with the receptionist可能引起过敏的食物:小麦wheat鸡蛋egg乳制品dairy products [ˈdeəri]香蕉banana花生peanut鱼fish腰果lumbar [ˈlʌmbə(r)] beans芝麻sesame酱油soy sauce句型:Hold still please .It is important that you don’t skip a day, or the treatment will be of no effect. You should follow your treatment with plenty of rest in bed.急诊室Topic 1、receiving the call and sending the ambulanceTopic 2、emergency patient receivingTopic 3、inquiry and settlementTopic 4、Emergency arrangementTopic 1单词:救护车ambulance急救医护人员paramedic [ˌpærəˈmedɪk]现场scene医院医师内科医师pysician[fɪˈzɪʃn]神外医师neurosurgen麻醉科医师anesthetist[ə'nesθɪtɪst]理疗科physiotherapist [ˌfɪziəʊˈθerəpɪst]营养科医师dietician [ˌdaɪɪ'tɪʃən]流行病医师epidemiologist [ˌepɪˌdi:mɪ'ɒlədʒɪst]妇科医师gynecology [ˌgaɪnɪ'kɒlədʒɪ]泌尿外科医师urological surgeon [ˌjʊərə'lɒdʒɪkl]药剂医师pharmacist [ˈfɑ:məsɪst]整形科医师plastic surgeon传染病科医师doctor for infectious diseases [ɪnˈfekʃəs]卫生医师hygienist [haɪˈdʒi:nɪst]助产士midwife急救making an ambulance人工呼吸artificial respiration [ˌrespəˈreɪʃn]输氧oxygen therapy输血blood transfusion [trænsˈfju:ʒn]止血stop/arrest the blood止咳喘relieve dyspnoea and cough [dɪs'pni:ə]句型:please tell me what the matter is.Try to calm down,madam.So tell me where you are and we’ll be there.Could you tell me exactly where you are?Can you tell me your phone number?We will have an ambulance in about ten minutes.Please put a bandage round the wound.Clean cloth instead of bandage is okay.Don’t move him .Hold still. Arresting bleeding is the most important thing at this moment. There is an accident on the Third Ring Road and a man has been knocked down by a car. I’ll get to the scene. Tell the ambulance driver to be prepared.Topic 2单词:担架stretcher轻点easy does it.氧气罩oxygen mask遭遇encounter人体所需营养:糖sugar蛋白质protein无机盐inorganic salt/mineral脂肪fat水water维生素vitamin句型:Prepare ice pack for the patient. Bandage the wound. Put a piece of cloth on the wound to diminish the inflammation. He hasn’t got up yet.Topic 3单词:诊断diagnosis开药方prescribe打针inject肌肉注射intramuscular injection预防注射inoculation止血arrest the bleeding of blood治疗treatment配药fill a prescription皮下注射hypodermic injection静脉注射intravenous injection点滴注射fluid infusion句型:Try to move your arm as little as possible. Your elbow seems to be not all right.So to be on the safe side, you’d better go to see the doctor. Where do you feel uncomfortable?Topic 4单词:关节joint膝盖骨kneecap骨盆pelvis肝脏liver胆囊gall bladder胰腺pancreas脾spleen十二指肠duodenum阑尾appendix盲肠blind gut食管gullet热敷hot compress冷敷cold compress洗胃gastric lavage灌肠enema导尿urethral catheterization包扎dress拆线remove the stitches止血hemostasis缝合切口sew up the incision心脏按摩cardiac massage句型:Are you the patient’s relation? We are arranging the operation. Be calm and listen to me. His condition is a little serious. His legs was seriously damaged. So perhaps it has to be amputated. He has lost much blood. But it only released his condition.Yes, we will try but not definitely. We need your signature on the operation report/the guarantee letter. That can release his condition. He needs blood transfusion. I promise you to try our best.外科Topic 1、handling injury or woundTopic 2、operation schemeTopic 3、preoperative preparationTopic 4、recuperation after the operationTopic 1单词:割伤cut烫伤burn出血bleeding瘀伤bruise外伤trauma晒伤 a sun burn手指扭伤sprained finger骨折fracture扭伤sprain擦伤scratch烫伤scald脱臼dislocation蜜蜂蛰伤 a bee sting句型:Put her on the bed. Here are some anti-inflammatory tablets. Take off her watch, ring and anything bounding her. Don’t rip away the cloth on the burn, or it would be infected. Help her wash the wound under the running water. Don’t apply anythingto the burn till it is suggested or ordered by the doctor. For example someone will apply some gentian violet to the burn, but the color is too dark that it makes impossible for the doctor to see the burn clearly.Topic 2单词:器官移植organ transplantation心脏heart肺lung肾kidney骨髓bone marrow肝移植liver transplantation胃gastric transplantation毛发hair transplantation干细胞移植stem cell transplantation疗法therapies针灸疗法food therapy中医疗法traditional Chinese medicine therapy音乐疗法music therapy精神疗法psychiatric therapy句型:Are you the relative of Yolanda?We have worked out the operation scheme. What functions can this program perform?Topic 3单词:大脑brain食道esophagus小肠small intestine大肠large intestine直肠rectum句型:Do you feel better? You should be very careful in a week or two.. Do the doctors have much experience in operating? You will get intensive care if your husband stays with you.. That is helpful for your recovery. By the way, is there any problem I need to pay attention to before the operation? Your diet should be given special attention. You just need to relax and keep calm. Has it gotten worse?单词:吃药take medicine洗澡take a bath上厕所spend a penny换床单change bed sheets句型:You are going to be discharged from hospital tomorrow. The doctor has written you a certificate for you. Complete recovery will still take a long time. Donnot mention it. That is out duty.内科Topic 1、diagnosis of diseasesTopic 2、consultation 专家会诊Topic 3、prescription and suggestions 开药及提示Topic 4、further diagnosi复诊检查Topic 1单词:咳嗽cough咽喉痛sore throat花粉热hay fever痉挛convulsion神经痛heart disease痢疾dysentery失眠insomnia发烧fever流感influenza肝炎hepatitis湿疹eczema肾结石renal calculus心力衰竭heart failure阑尾炎appendicitis疱疹herpes脑中风stroke打喷嚏sneeze破伤风tetanus风湿症rheumatism贫血anemis腹膜炎peritonitisIs there any other symptom?Last night she had a terrible headache and her nose was stuffed up. Follow the doctor’s words. By the way , does she has a history of pulmonitis? I will write you a prescription. And is she got worse, take her to the hospital immediately. This often occurs at this age. It seems that my throat is inflamed.Topic 2单词:镇静药sedative特效药specific medicine抓药have a prescription made up轻泻药laxative服药take medicine退热药antipyretic换药change dressings预防药preventative medicine血液成分:血小板platelets白细胞white blood cells红细胞red blood cells血浆plasma句型:Sorry to have kept you waiting. Let me introduce these experts to you. They come from several well-known local hospital. I want to ask more detailed questions. What are her symptoms these days. Have you taken her temperature? Does she have a persistant cough? Is her cough more like wheezing? Is she suffering from lack of appetite? We reached a conclusion that she has caught pulmonitis.The illness usually occurs on children who are in poor health. The medicine on it will help her a great deal. You can change dressings for the patient.Topic 3单词:药片tablet药膏ointment药丸pill药粉medicinal powder药水liquid medicine医院分类children’s hospital句型:Can you fill the prescription for me,please?By the way ,you got this prescription from Dr.Karl,didn’t you?Take two of these tablets three times a day after meals. You can also refer to the instructions on it. Make sure you read them carefully. Shake the bottle before drinking. I hope you can recover soon. I have a severe pain in my stomach. You’d better go to children’s hospital for help. Just a moment, please.Topic 4、单词:水痘Chickenpox尿布疹diaper rash口吃stammer腮腺炎mumps上网surf online吃辣椒eat hot peppers句型:Are you coming for your child’s further diagnosis? How is your child’s condition going? How long does it last? Has she taken medicine on time? Pulmonitis usually occurs on children. If it is delayed ,it may even cause danger of losing life. Is there any remedial measure? Your child’s inflammation is basically controlled. Your child is now our of danger. She will be all right soon if she takes medicine on time. Taking medicine on time is the guarantee of recovering. She is not allowed to dabble in water and have a cold drink, Tuck her up when she is sleeping. She only needs some time to recover.妇幼保健Topic 1、婚前体检premarital physical examinationTopic 2、常规孕检routine pregnancy checkTopic 3、儿科常见病common pediatric diseasesTopic 4、儿科注射pediatric injectionTopic 1单词:乳汁不足lack of lactation引导分泌物vaginal discharge宫颈糜烂erosion of cervix宫颈息肉cervical polyp宫颈肥大hypertrophy of cervix宫颈粘膜炎endocervicitis剖腹产cesarean section接触性出血contact bleeding下腹部肿块abdominal mass常规盆腔检查pelvic exam乳房自检breast self-exam宫颈裂伤cervical laceration妊娠pregnancy脱垂感sensation of prolapse外生殖器检查external genital exam临床乳腺检查clinical breast exam测量指标:体温temperature身高height血压blood pressure脉搏pulse体重weight心跳heart beat身体部位名称:肚脐navel腰waist屁股buttock臀部hip锁骨collar bone脊柱backbone肩胛骨shoulder blade腹部abdomen肩shoulder颅骨skull肋骨rib肩关节shoulder joint胸骨breastbone句型:It is very necessary to have a CT scan. Do you feel unwell in your ()?Maybe you can measure your ()first. Please describe your trouble in detail to me. When did this pain begin? Are you always in the blues? You should pay special attention.Topic 2单词:检查CT 身体检查CT examination产后检查physical examination心理检查psychological examination胃肠检查gastrointestinal examination句型:Well,what was the amount of menstrual flow? When was the your last period? Is your menstruaaion regular? Well,any other discomforts? How about your appetite?I suggest you having a pregnancy test. The result of the pregnancy test is positive. You are pregnant .Congratulations! Where is the pain? I am afraid it is a sign of miscarriage. You should stay in bed except for eating or going to the toilet. I will give some medicine by injection and orally, You should call the emergency immediately whenever the bleeding becomes more severe than usual. Come back in a week for a check up.Topic 3单词:一阵bout小儿科pediatric department妇产科obstetrics and gynecology department眼科ophthalmology department耳鼻喉科ENT department皮肤科skin department创伤科traumatology department麻醉科anesthesiology department牙科dental department泌尿科urology department矫形外科orthopedic surgery department病理科pathology department新生儿惊厥neonatal convulsions高热惊厥febrile convulsions新生儿肺炎pneumonia of the newborn早产儿premature infant拉肚子suffer from diarrhea昏厥faint肚子痛stomachache新生儿肝炎neonatal hepatitis新生儿败血症neonatal septicemia背痛backache呕吐vomit胸痛chest pain耳朵痛earache句型:He had a long bout of illness last year. What seems to be the trouble with your child?Can you tell me what he had for supper?Has he vomited? Is there any other symptom? Which part? Now you have to take your child to get his tools tested. I will write out a slip for you to take to the library. Wait for a while and pick up thereport, and then bring it back to me. Follow the doctor’s advice. I do advise you to remind your child of avoiding oily food for the next few days.Topic 4单词:营养丰富的食物谷类cereal奶类milk & diary products肉类meat贝类shellfish干果类nuts蛋类egg products根茎类root vegetables鱼虾fish and prawn豆类beans and peas瓜果类fruits句型:It is time for me to give you IV fluids . IV fluids can prevent bacteria from entering your body and causing an infection. This IV fluids must be given slowly so as not to get his heart overloaded. What’s happened? You will be well soon after the injection. What should my child pay attention to after injection. Do not eat spicy and greasy food. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. Thank you for your advice. You would better take your child to department of cardiac surgery. You should eat more cereal.中西药房Topic 1、pricing 划价Topic 2、charging and taking medicine 收费和取药Topic 3、dealing with questionsTopic 4、medicine bulk purchaseTopic 1单词:药方、处方prescription 给。

Topic 1、婚前体检premarital physical examinationTopic 2、常规孕检routine pregnancy checkTopic 3、儿科常见病common pediatric diseasesTopic 4、儿科注射pediatric injectionTopic 1单词:乳汁不足lack of lactation 引导分泌物vaginal discharge 宫颈糜烂erosion of cervix 宫颈息肉cervical polyp宫颈肥大hypertrophy of cervix 宫颈粘膜炎endocervicitis 剖腹产cesarean section接触性出血contact bleeding下腹部肿块abdominal mass 常规盆腔检查pelvic exam 乳房自检breast self-exam 宫颈裂伤cervical laceration 妊娠pregnancy 脱垂感sensation of prolapse 外生殖器检查external genital exam 临床乳腺检查clinical breast exam测量指标:体温temperature 身高height 血压blood pressure 脉搏pulse 体重weight 心跳heart beat身体部位名称:肚脐navel 腰waist 屁股buttock 臀部hip 锁骨collar bone 脊柱backbone 肩胛骨shoulder blade 腹部abdomen 肩shoulder颅骨skull 肋骨rib 肩关节shoulder joint 胸骨breastbone句型:It is very necessary to have a CT scan. Do you feel unwell in your ()?Maybe you can measure your ()first. Please describe your trouble in detail to me. When did this pain begin? Are you always in the blues? You should pay special attention.Topic 2单词:检查CT 身体检查CT examination 产后检查physical examination 心理检查psychological examination 胃肠检查gastrointestinal examination句型:Well,what was the amount of menstrual flow? When was the your last period? Is your menstruaaion regular? Well,any other discomforts? How about your appetite? I suggest you having a pregnancy test. The result of the pregnancy test is positive. You are pregnant .Congratulations! Where is the pain? I am afraid it is a sign of miscarriage. You should stay in bed except for eating or going to the toilet. I will give some medicine by injection and orally,You should call the emergency immediately whenever the bleeding becomes more severe than usual. Come back in a week for a check up.Topic 3单词:一阵bout 小儿科pediatric department 妇产科obstetrics and gynecology department 眼科ophthalmology department 耳鼻喉科ENT department 皮肤科skin department 创伤科traumatology department 麻醉科anesthesiology department 牙科dentaldepartment 泌尿科urology department 矫形外科orthopedic surgery department 病理科pathology department新生儿惊厥neonatal convulsions 高热惊厥febrile convulsions 新生儿肺炎pneumonia of the newborn 早产儿premature infant 拉肚子suffer from diarrhea 昏厥faint 肚子痛stomachache 新生儿肝炎neonatal hepatitis 新生儿败血症neonatal septicemia 背痛backache 呕吐vomit 胸痛chest pain 耳朵痛earache句型:He had a long bout of illness last year. What seems to be the trouble with your child?Can you tell me what he had for supper?Has he vomited? Is there any other symptom? Which part? Now you have to take your child to get his tools tested. I will write out a slip for you to take to the library. Wait for a while and pick up the report, and then bring it back to me. Follow the doctor’s advice. I do advise you to remind your child of avoiding oily food for the next few days.Topic 4单词:营养丰富的食物谷类cereal 奶类milk & diary products 肉类meat 贝类shellfish 干果类nuts 蛋类egg products 根茎类root vegetables 鱼虾fish and prawn 豆类beans and peas 瓜果类fruits句型:It is time for me to give you IV fluids . IV fluids can prevent bacteria from entering your body and causing an infection. This IV fluids must be given slowly so as not to get his heart overloaded. What’s happened? You will be well soon after the injection. What should my child pay attention to after injection. Do not eat spicy and greasy food. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. Thank you for your advice. You would better take your child to department of cardiac surgery. You should eat more cereal.中西药房Topic 1、pricing 划价Topic 2、charging and taking medicine 收费和取药Topic 3、dealing with questionsTopic 4、medicine bulk purchaseTopic 1单词:药方、处方prescription 给。
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解剖学及组织坯胎学Anatomy & Tissue Embryology
免疫学与病原生物学Immunology and Aetology
护用药物学Pharmacology for Nurses
护理学基础Basic Nursing
医学遗传学基础Medical Genetics
护理心理学Nursing Psychology
内科护理学Medical Nursing
外科护理学Surgical Nursing
五官科护理学Nursing for ENT Department (Otolaryngology Department) 中医科护理学Nursing for Chinese Medicine
妇产科护理学Nursing for Gynaecology and Obetetrics
儿科护理学Nursing for Paediatrics
医用物理学Medical Physics
护理人际沟通Nursing Communication
护理学概论Introduction to Nursing
临床营养学Clinical Nutriology
健康评估Clinical Health Assessment
社区保健学Community Health Care
急救护理Nursing for Emergency Treatment 临床护理学Clinical Nursing
精神科护理学Nursing for Psychiatry
老年护理学Geriatric Nursing
康复护理学Rehabilitation Nursing
护理管理学Nursing Management
预防医学Preventive Medicine。