
商英复习提纲1、选择题2、英汉互译3、翻译下册UNIT 1基价:base price商行:business house招标:call for tender商品目录:catalogue商务参赞:Commercial Attache经销商:dealer商务参赞处:Commercial Councillor’s Office价目单:price list数量折扣:quantity discount即期汇票:sight draft特殊订单:special order相关的信用证:the covering L/C跨国公司:transnational company畅销品:best/quick seller;quick-selling product开辟市场:establish/open/penetrate a market有销路:find a ready market;have a good market交易会:trade fair即期发货:prompt delivery发货时间:time of delivery一般询盘:general enquiry具体询盘:specific enquiry贴现行情:discount quotation享有盛誉:enjoy great popularity1)A:We’re thinking of placing an order for Chinese tea from your company.A:我方打算从你公司订购中国茶叶。
B:Which would you prefer, black or green tea?B:红茶还是绿茶?A:Both are very popular in my country. Could I have a look at your samples?A:两种茶叶在我国都很受欢迎。
能看看样品?B:Sure. This is Oolong Tea from Fujian and Longjing Tea from Xihu…B:当然可以。
国际商务英语总复习 .doc

Lesson 1 International Business(1) International business: it refers to transaction between parties from different countries. Sometimes business across the borders of different customs areas of the same country is also regarded as import and export.(2) Commodity trade: exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another.(3) Licensing: in licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country. Such intellectual property may be trademarks, brand names, patents, copyrights or technology.(4) Franchising: it can be regarded as a special form of licensing. Under franchising, a firm, called the franchisee, is allowed to operate in the name of another, called the franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names, logos, and operating techniques for royalty.(5) Franchiser: it can be develop internationally and gain access to useful information about the local market with little risk and cost, and the franchisee can easily get into a business with established products or services.(6) Management contract: Under a management contract, one company offers managerial or other specialized servicesto another within a particular period for a flat payment of a percentage of the relevant business volume.(7) International turnkey project: a firm signs a contract with a foreign purchaser and undertakes all the designing, contracting and facility equipping before handing it over to the latter upon completion. Projects are often large and complex and take a long period to complete.1. (1) Please tell the difference between international business and domestic business.International business involves more factors and thus is more complicated than domestic business. The followings are some major differences between the two:1. The countries involved often have different legal systems, and one or more parties will have to adjust themselves to operate in compliance with the foreign law.2. Different countries usually use different currencies and the parties concerned will have to decide which currency to use and do everything necessary as regards convertion etc. uncertainties and even risks are often involved in the use of a foreign currency.3. Cultural differences including language, customs, traditions, religion, value, behavior etc. often constitute challenges and even traps for people engaged in international business.4. Countries vary in natural and economic conditions and may have different policies towards foreign trade and investment, making international business more complex than domestic business.(2) Please explain the differences between visible trade and invisible trade. Which is becoming more and more important and accounts for an increasing proportion in international trade?International business first took the form of commodity trade, i.e. exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption of resale in another. This form of trade is also referred to as visible trade. Later a different kind of trade in the form of transportation, communication, banking, insurance, consulting, information etc. gradually became more and more important. This type of trade is called invisible trade. Thday, the contribution of service industries of the developed countries constitutes over 60% of their gross domestic products and account for an increasing proportion of world trade.(4) Please elaborate on the two categories of international investment. What is their major difference?The first kind of investments, foreign direct investments or FDI for short is made for returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in in a host country.The second kind of investment, portfolio investment, refers to purchases of foreign financial assets for a purpose other than controlling. Such financial assets may be stocks, bonds or certificates of deposit.(5) Why do firms sometimes choose it as a means of entering a foreign market?Firms choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to start business, and can simply receive income in the form of royalty. Besides, they can benefit from locational advantages of foreign operation without any obligations in ownership or management.(6) How is it different from licensing?In comparison with the relation between the licenser and the licensee, the franchiser has more control over and provides more support for the franchisee.(7)Under what condition is a management contract most applicable?When a government forbids foreign ownership in certain industries it considers to be of strategic importance but lacks the expertise for operation, management contracts may be a practical choice enabling a foreign company to operate in the industry without owning the assets.(8) In what way is its variant BOT different from it?BOT is a popular variant of the turnkey project where B stands for build, O for operate and T for transfer. For a BOT project, a firm operates a facility for a period of time after building it up before finally transferring it to a foreign company. Making profit from operating the project for a period is the major difference between BOT and the common turnkey project.5. Translation:(1)国际贸易一般指不同国家的当事人进行的交易,它涉及到许多因素,因而比国内贸易要复杂得多。

Chapter 10
10.1 nonverbal communication 要求:理解其定义 nonverbal symbols对verbal meessage的
要求:记住每个作用,能写下来,明白其中 文含义 nonverbal symbols 要求: 1. 清楚有哪些nonverbal symbols,存在于 什么样的交际中(p106第二段最后一句) 2. 书中列出的nonverbal symbols都能写下 来,并明白其含义。 3. gesturer的定义。
part-by-part, step-by-step 要求:区别这两个特点,理解在什么情况下 用哪种。 guidelines for writing object and mechanism descriptions 要求:尤其注意“objective“这点,注意并 非所有的description都要求客观,但大多数尽量 保持客观。 components of a process description 要求:明白有哪几个部分即可,老师问的时 候学生能用英文写下来。
Chapter 8
8.1 graphic aid 要求:掌握定义即可。其他大致理解。 8.2 主要围绕46页的图8-2来学习本环节,要求必须掌握 几种graphic aids之间的区别。建议老师上课时多举例, 让学生来判断使用何种graphic aid。建议结合练习册15 页第10题来学习。重点是tables, charts, graphs。略看 maps, photographs, drawings. 8.3 preparing your visual aids 要求:大致理解每个指导性建议,主要记住第4点, “Always include a title, use a source line if necesary”。

⼆、考核知识点与考核⽬标(⼀)课内训练(重点)识记:1. When Banker’s Bets Go Bad银⾏家的猜测落空名词解释:OCC: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency 通货监理局Alan Greenspan 艾伦·格林斯潘,美联储主席句⼦翻译:1)The bank had doubled profits in the past year via a string of successful mergers, but on Apr. 21 it reported that its securities portfolio had unrealized losses of nearly $131 million.2)We’re considering strategies that make the most sense if rates are going up much more aggressively and sooner than anticipated.2. Creating Government Financing Programs for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in China中国为中⼩型企业提供政府财政援助项⽬名词解释:Labor-intensive 劳动密集型SME: small and medium-sized enterprise 中⼩型企业SOE: state-owned enterprises 国有企业句⼦翻译:In China, as a result of the economic reforms and market opening measures, SMEs have enjoyed remarkable development and have grown to become an important force in contributing towards sustained and rapid growth of theChinese economic.(⼆)阅读技巧(次重点)应⽤:阅读的逻辑技巧(三)课外练习(⼀般)理解:1.Carlyle Group’s Asian Invasion加雷集团的亚洲扩张名词解释:Venture-capital 风险资本Carlyle Group 凯雷投资集团Citigroup 花旗集团2. Why the Dollar Is Blooming Again为什么美元再次复兴?名词解释:Greenback 美元(俚语)Lehman Brothers Inc 雷曼兄弟公司European Central Bank 欧洲中央银⾏Federal Reserve Bank 美国联邦储备银⾏(四)拓展阅读(⼀般)理解:1. How Banks Pretty up the Profit Picture银⾏如何美化收益前景2. Thai Stocks What Goes Up 泰国股市:到底是怎么了?3. Inventing to Order 以市场为导向开发产品4. I t’s an Office Party in Hong Kong⾹港办公楼地价之争第⼆单元⼈⼒资源管理⼀、学习⽬的与要求通过本单元学习,掌握商务英语阅读中的快速阅读技巧,了解⼈⼒资源管理概况。

商务英语专业资格考试复习笔记分享商务英语专业资格考试(Business English Certificate,简称BEC)是国际上广泛认可的一项商务英语能力评估体系,旨在衡量个人在商务环境中的英语沟通能力。
一、商务英语基础知识1. 商务词汇商务英语中常用的词汇非常重要,复习时可以通过制作词汇卡片进行记忆。
2. 商务写作商务英语写作是BEC考试的重要组成部分,需要掌握常见的商务信函、报告、备忘录等写作格式。
3. 商务口语商务英语口语考察的是应对实际工作场景中的沟通能力,因此需要多进行角色扮演练习。
二、商务沟通技巧1. 有效听力商务场景中的听力理解能力非常重要,需要能够听懂各种商务会议、电话交流等场景中的内容。
2. 跨文化沟通商务英语考试中也会考察跨文化沟通的能力,因此需要了解不同国家和地区的商务礼仪和文化习惯。
3. 有效演讲商务英语考试中的演讲部分需要展示自己的表达能力和演讲技巧。
三、备考技巧1. 制定合理的复习计划在备考BEC考试时,需要制定合理的复习计划,将复习内容分解为小目标,并合理安排每天的学习时间。
2. 多做模拟题BEC考试的题型比较固定,可以通过做模拟题来熟悉题型和提高解题能力。

大学商贸英语一.翻译题有些词语没做笔记所以没写出来,有笔记的同学帮忙补充下哈!!Bill of entry进港申报单Foreign owned company 外资公司Investment portfolio 投资总额Portfolio investment有价证券投资Economic recession经济萧条Economic sanction经济制裁Home economics家政学Construction industry建筑工业Textile industry 纺织业Deregulation of the banking industry取消银行业管制bank overdraft 透支insurance coverage保险范围preferred stock优先股stock quotation股票行情表to speculate in stocks股票投机The inter-country red tape 国家之间繁文缛节Funds for special useinsurance clause保险条款policy proof of interest凭保单保险权益Market Economy 市场经济the tertiary industry第三产业commercial bank商业银行Bank draft银行汇票the first transcontinental railway第一条横跨大陆的铁路the multidisciplinary project 多科性项目inter company bond holding公司之间债券互控consignment invoice绩效发票payment on credit记账付款insurance agent 保险代理to bull the market 哄抬市场价格counterfeit currency假币pocket money 零花钱Multilateral trade多边贸易Idle fundsCapital bonus资本红利Capital levy资本财产税Bill receivable应收票据The first transcontinental railway第一条横跨大陆的铁路Intra governmental service政府内部服务A purchase syndicate认购银行团International business decisionLife insurance 人寿险Open policy 预约保单Through transport insurance连运check to bearerinvestment bank投资银行exchange banks 汇兑银行a bank’s balance sheet资产负债表bank reserves银行储蓄market penetrationthe market is chaotichousing construction民用住房advertising industry广告业processing industry加工业to do official price forecast二.给出简称,写出全称A VCAverage Variable Cost平均可变成本MRMarginal Revenue边际收入MCMarginal Cost边际成本CIFCost, Insurance and d port of destination成本加保险费,运费CIPCarriage, Insurance paid d place of destination运费,保险费付至(…指定目的地)CFRCost and d port of destination成本加运费(…指定目的地)FOBFree on d port of shipment船上交货(…指定转运港)B/Lbill of lading提单,提货单MSCIMorgan Stanley Capital International Index摩根斯坦利国际资本公司指数IPIInsurance Proof of Interest保险证明,保险权益ECEuropean Community欧洲共同体EECEuropean Economic Community欧洲经济共同体EUEuropean Union欧洲联盟IPDInterest, Profit and dividend利息利润和分红OPECOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织WTOWorld Trade Organization 世界贸易组织IMFInternational Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织EFTAEuropean Free Trade Association欧洲自由贸易联盟NAFTANorth American Free Trade Area北美自由贸易区UNCTADUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development联合国贸易与发展会议GATTGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade关贸总协定SWIFTSociety for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications环球同业银行金融电讯协会三。

商英复习第一章翻译的基本知识1. 什么是翻译?请就本书提出的翻译定界谈谈你对翻译的看法?2. 严复翻译标准是什么?3. 在翻译的过程中应当注意哪些事项?4.译者必须具有什么条件?5. 何时使用直译法?何时使用意译法?6. 中国历史上出现过哪几次翻译高潮?7. 鲁迅在翻译标准问题上的主要观点是什么?第二章商务翻译和商务英语翻译1.商务英语与其他语体相比有哪些显著特点?2. 从事商务英语翻译的翻译标准.是什么?3. 从事商务英语翻译时要把握哪些要点?第三章商务翻译中的词语翻译1. 在商务翻译中,词语翻译应该注意哪几点?2. 将下面的句子译成汉语。
①It is imperative to orient the investment to enterprises with better economic benefits.②he high speed development of these enterprises will play a limited role in promoting thewhole of society.③It is better to change investment structure and orient the investment to infrastructure industriesof the national economy such as agriculture, energy, and communications than to blindly channel capital into real estate and securities.④And that the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish theearth.⑤Like charges repel; unlike charges attract.⑥He likes mathematics more than physics.⑦In the sunbeam passing through the window there are fine grains of dust shining like gold.⑧Like knows like.第四章英汉翻译中的增词法与减词法1.增词法主要用于哪三种情况?2. 将下面的句子译成汉语,注意句中的增词与减词。


专业术语:人际交往能力interpersonal skills弹性工作制 flexible working hours股票经纪人 stock broker债券经纪人 bond broker收购和兼并 acquisition and merger定金down—payment成交信号buying signal卖点 selling point强行推销hard-sell负债liabilities资产assets售后服务after-sales service自我激励self—motivated工作绩效job performance破产go bankrupt债务人debtor债权人creditor决策者decision maker强行推销hard-sell附加值added value工作寻找者job seeker预期寿命life expectancy 接收接管take over受众receptive audience不动产房地产real estate应付账款accounts payable应收账款account receivable一般管理费overheads行政成本administrative costs 执行董事executive director新手 recruit老手veteran开发商developer企业挂牌上市go public婚姻状况marital status毛(重)rough weight净(重)net weight内生增长Organic growth非内生增长Non—organic growth 固定成本fixed cost可变成本variable cost达成交易 close the sale总部headquarters海外子公司overseas subsidiary 固定工作permanent job汉译英1.只要资产价值的增长超过债务的增长,就不会有问题。
As long as asset values rise faster than debt, there is no problem.2.我了解我的竞争对手以及他们产品的优缺点.I know my competitors and the merits and pitfalls of their products.3.网络购物使得人们不需要离家就可以浏览商品和商品目录.Online shopping allows people to browse goods and catalogs without having to leave home。
2014 商务英语复习提纲

Writing 15% Vocabulary 34% Reading 51%
• Read the information and complete a memo within 40 words • You are organizing the annual staff end-ofyear party. Write a memo to your workmates: • Telling them about the party date and location • Reminding them that their partners are invited • Telling them the date by which to confirm their attendance
Read the following two passages and choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
• Part VI. (10 points, 1 point for each)
Read the interviews with two executives about business travel. Match the statements 47-56 to the right person, A for Amy Nauiokas, B for Tony Book, C for both.
• Part VII. (10 points, 1 point for each)
• Complete each sentence 57-66 with a proper word from the box. Change the form if necessary.

1.listening 15分2.translation 共25分Section A单词术语翻译1分一个,共10分mark-upoverheadsV ATboutiquedoor-to-door sellingsales agentpositive feedbackpress releasevisionnuclear powermiddlemenbreak-even totaldisparitysueprosecutecourtcasemobile operatorturn downconfusingchange handsstationerylitigationpetrolcold callingfreight and insuranceluxury brandsethical economicsthe best sellerset a targetGDPsales promotionsolar powercold callingahead of scheduleunder budgetalternative energy sourcestaple croplevel out 持平fluctuate 波动descentSection B句子翻译7选5,每个3分,共15分1. Sales professionals in the UK outnumber people in marketing by about 200,000.2. You need to establish trust with the person to whom you ar3. Your T-shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.4. We all understand that Chinese slippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price. e selling.5. This online course will make you a more effective leader---whether you’re responsible for leading a project, a department or even a company.6. Despite having been very satisfied with your services in the past I may have to reconsider sending staff to your training company in the future.7. They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.8. A visit to this premises can be arranged, although I would suggest a prompt decision on this second option.9. I would like to enquire if the warehouse space is still available at the W1 site.10. This course explores the key factors that make teams effective and the skills required to build, strengthen and maintain the team.11. Our approach to training has always been based on a 'discovery approach'.12. The towels were not changed in the bathroom overnight.13. Your client, a soft drinks company, wants to launch a new flavoured drink.14. Our demand for this product is steadily on the increase.15. Packing has a close bearing on sales.16. A soft drinks company wants to launch a new flavoured drink.17. When everything becomes routine, it’s time to ask, ‘What would happen if wetried it a different way?’18. Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world after oil.19. Fairtrade organizations have been invited to high-level international meetings andeconomic forums.20. He began working on his salesman samples, sorting out broken packages and returns.21. Sony put customers in the mood for buying in its store with the smell of vanilla and mandarin.22. Likewise, if companies or managers renew themselves, they last longer than those who don’t.23. This disparity is causing increasing concern among some charities who believe that the excessive profits of coffee shop chains come at the expense of vulnerable coffee producers in countries like Ethiopia, Kenya or Latin America.24. According to experts, by the time it is consumed by us in our homes or in a coffee shop, the bean may actually change hands up to 150 times, each time facing a mark-up as it is transported, packaged and sold.。

第一章单词:business 商业entrepreneur 企业家Material resources 物力资源human resources 人力资源Financial resources 财政资源information resources 信息资源Manufacturing business 制造业tangible goods 有形财物Service business 服务型行业middlemen 经纪人Sales revenue 销售收入expense 费用Profit 利润loss 亏损Free-market system 自由市场经济pure competition 完全竞争Supply 供给demand 需求Monopolistic competition 垄断市场oligopoly 垄断寡头Monopoly 垄断段落:①、A person who risks his or her time ,effort ,and money to start and operate a business is called an entrepreneur . To organize a business ,an entrepreneur must combine four kinds of resources :material , human ,financial ,and informational . 企业家的概念和组成②、Pure competition is the complete form of competition .Pure competition is the market situation in which there are many buyers and sellers of a product , and no single buyers or sellers is powerful enough to affect the price of that product. In pure competition ,then, sellers and buyers as well must accept the going price.完全竞争③、Monopolistic competition is a market situation in which there are many buyers along with relatively many sellers who differentiate their products form the products of competition .垄断竞争④、An oligopoly is a market situation in which there are a few sellers . 寡头垄断⑤、A monopoly is a market with only only seller.完全垄断第二章单词:sole proprietorship 独资企业unlimited liability 无限责任Partnership 合伙general partner 普通合伙人Limited partner 有限合伙人corporation 公司Stock 股份stockholder 股东Close corporation 股份不公开公司open corporation 股份公开公司Corporate charter 公司执照common stock 普通股Preferred stock 优先股board of director 董事会Corporate officers 公司官员limited liability 有限责任Merger 兼并,合并cooperative 合作社Joint venture 合资企业syndicate 财团段落:①、In today a business environment , there are three major forms of legal organization : sole proprietorship , partnership , and corporation.企业的组织形式②、A sole proprietorship is a business that owned by one person . Sloe proprietorship is the oldest and simplest form of business ownership ,and it is the easiest and start. In mostinstances ,the owner simply decides that he or she is in business and begins operations.独资企业③、A partnership is an association of two or more persons to act as co-owners of a business for profit. 合伙企业④、A corporation is an artificial person created by law ,with most of legal rights of a real person .股份公司句子翻译:1、I think we should start /make a start/get started.我想我们应该开始/着手开始/进入正题了吧。

一、简称写全称:1.DFI/FDI(国外直接投资):Direct Foreign Investment 2.MNC(跨国公司):multinational corporation3.R&D(研发)research & development4.EEC(欧洲经济共同体):European economic community5.PPI(生产者价格指数):producer price index 6.CPI(消费者价格指数):consumer price index 7.ROE (股东资产净值盈利) return on equity8.EPS (每股收益)earnings per share9.CIF(成本、保险费、运费):Cost,Insurance and Freight 10.CIP(运费、保险费付至…):Carriage ,Insurance Paid to11.CFR(成本加运费):Cost and Insurance 12.FOB(船上交货):Free on Board13.EC(欧洲共同体):European Community14.EU(欧洲联盟):European Union15.CPA(国外应付赔偿):Claims Payable Abroad 16.PPI(保单权益证明):Policy Proof of Interest二、词组(课文中划的那部分):1.research and development 研究和发展2.cut across national borders 穿越国家边界3.after allowing for 考虑风险之后4.tap foreign markets 开拓国外市场5.distribution techniques 经销方式6.marketing division 市场销售部7.acquisition 兼并8.underlie a firm’s intent 导致……的原因9.preferential tax treatment 税收优惠待遇10.corporation 股份公司11.Sole proprietorship 独资企业12.partnership 合伙公司13.cooperative 合作社14.portfolio investment 有价证券投资15.investment portfolio 投资总额16.trade restrictions 贸易限制17.import quota 进口配额18.export subsidy 出口补贴19.hard assets 实物资产20.The consumer economy 消费者主导型经济21.emerging economy 新型经济22.level off 停止23.price disparity 价格差异24.financial assets 金融资产25.hedging benefit 套头保值26.The main beneficiaries 受益人27.price appreciation 价格上涨28.current assets 流动资产fixed assets 固定资产intangible assets 无形资产tangible assets 有形资产29.accounts receivable 应收账款notes receivable 应收票据30.capital goods 生产资料consumer goods 生活资料31.down payment 首付32.promissory note 本票33.commercial paper 商业汇票34.Wall Street 华尔街35.Dow Jones industrial average 道琼斯工业平均指数Standard & Poor’s index 普尔指数Nikkei index 日经指数36.snap up 抢购37.mutual funds 共同基金pension funds 养老金38.cross border investment 跨国投资39.remove trade barriers 打破贸易壁垒40.intra-European service 欧洲内部之间的服务41.grabbing market share 强占市场份额42.intercountry red tape 国家之间的繁文缛节43.recession 经济萧条44.Chamber of commerce 商会45.spot rate 即期汇率forward rate 远期汇率46.accounting equation 会计恒等式三、名词解释:1.import quota(进口配额):a maximum absolute amount of a particular commodity that may be imported.2.export subsidy(出口补贴):a government payment to private firms to encourage the export of certain goods or to prevent discrimination against exporters who may have to sell their product at a world price that is below the domestic price.3.acquisition(兼并):one company buys another company or parts of another company.4.mergers(合并):both old companies cease to exist and a new enterprise is created.5.spot trading(即期交易):the buying and selling of commodities for immediate delivery.6.future trading(期货交易):the buying and selling of commodities for future delivery.7.hedging benefit(套头保值):a commercial operation that combines spot trading and future trading for the purpose of protecting the trader against risks in price fluctuations.8.selling hedge(卖期保值):purchases on the spot market may be hedged by making sales on the futures market. 9.buying hedge(买期保值):the trader may hedge his sale of a commodity on the spot market by simultaneously making apurchase of the same quantity of that commodity on the futures market.10.profit margin(利润边际):the profit a company can gain by one more unit of sale.11.net profit margin(纯利润率),or return on sales(销售利润率):the net income a business makes per unit of sales. 12.return on equity(股东资产净值盈利),or return on investment(投资报酬率):the net income a business makes per dollar of investment.13.earning per share(每股收益):a company earns for each share of stock outstanding.14.commercial paper(商业汇票):a short-term note issued by a company to borrow from other businesses with excess cash. 15.s econdary markets(二级市场):a market for the exchange of existing securities that operates outside the recognized main market16.bears(股票看跌者):who expect stock prices to fall17.bulls(股票看涨者):who expect stock prices to rise18.Bull market(牛市):buyers more than sellers, stock prices and the value of traded shares are rising19.loosen monetary policy(宽松货币政策):increase the nation’s money supply20.tighten monetary policy(紧缩货币政策):reduce the money supply21.economies of scale(规模经济):as output or the scale of operations increases, the average cost of production tends to decline.22.diseconomies of scale(规模不经济):the average cost of production no longer declines but increase.23.spot rate(即期汇率):the price at which currencies are exchanged for immediate delivery, generally within 2 days 24.Forward rate(远期汇率):the exchange rate between 2 currencies used for delivery at a future date.四、问答题1.trade restrictions(贸易限制)包括哪两方面?答:import quota(进口配额)and export subsidy(出口补贴)are two examples of the kind2.Bank’s balance sheet(银行的资产负债表)1)包括哪三个基本要素?答:It consists of three sections—assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity2)accounting equation(会计恒等式)答:assets= liabilities + owner’s equity Or assets- liabilities = owner’s equity3.CIF1)全称:Cost,Insurance and Freight2)买卖双方职责:the seller has responsibility to arrange and pay for the shipment of the goods to the port of destination and provide insurance cover at his own expense3)风险转移:the risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer once the goods are load on board the ship at the named port of shipment4.CIP1)全称:Carriage ,Insurance Paid to2)买卖双方职责:the seller is responsible for arranging and paying for the transport of the goods to the named place of destination. The seller also deal with the matter of insurance and pay premiums.3)风险转移:the buyer to bear the risk of loss or damage to the goods thereafter.5.CFR1)全称:Cost and Insurance2)买卖双方职责:the seller arranges the shipment of the goods and pays the freight to the named port of destination.3)风险转移:the buyer bears the risk of loss or damage to the goods once they are load on board the ship at the named port of shipment.6.FOB1)全称:Free on Board2)买卖双方职责:the buyer to arrange and pay for the shipment to the port of destination, and take out whatever insurance cover the buyer considers necessary.3)风险转移:the buyer bears the risk of loss or damage to the goods7.The European Union(欧洲联盟)四个特征:答:a free trade area(自由贸易区)、a customs union(关税联盟)、a common market(共同市场)、an economic union (经济联盟)8.letter of credit(信用证)1)五个组成要素?答:buyer,seller,issuing bank,negotiating bank,opening bank 注:第8题问答题大家自己看一下书145页Lesson 11.公司的战略,政策和计划Corporate strategy, policy and planning2.种种其他因素A variety of other factors世界贸易和投资的模式World trade and investment patterns除了采掘工业之外With the exception of extractive industries建立海外子公司最重要的动机The most important motive for setting up overseas subsidiaries寻求新的利润来源The search for new sources of profit对国外经销方法的不满意Dissatisfaction over distribution techniques abroad 国外生产设备的定址The location of foreign production facilities企业兼并的巨浪A tremendous surge of acquisition of enterprises 通过在国外生产的方式By way of foreign production像税收待遇优惠之类的补贴Subsidies such as preferential tax treatment国际商务决定International business decisions公司经理考虑了将冒的风险之后,决定在东道国再投资60万美元(to allow for) After allowing for risk, the corporate managers decided to make an additional investment of $600,000 in the host country.为了进一步开发国外市场,很多公司已在国外设立了销售部或者子公司(to tap)In order to further tap overseas markets, many companies have set up their foreign marketing divisions or subsidiaries.降低生产成本是决定建立海外生产设施的主要因素之一(to underlie)Reduction of production costs is one of the major factors that underlie the decision to set up overseas productive facilities他建议减价10%,以便扩大市场占有率,这一建议已纳入公司的销售计划。

高二英语知识点复习归纳大纲考点梳理2024高二英语知识点复习归纳大纲(2024)1. 词汇复习- 基础词汇:对常见的高中英语词汇进行复习,包括常用动词、形容词、副词、名词等。
- 扩展词汇:学习一些高级词汇,包括学术词汇、高级动词短语、习惯用语等。
2. 语法复习- 时态:复习一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时等各种时态的构成与用法。
- 语态:复习被动语态的构成与用法。
- 子句与从句:复习宾语从句、定语从句、状语从句等从句的构成与用法。
- 强调句型:掌握强调句型的构成与用法。
3. 阅读理解- 短文阅读:学会阅读不同主题和形式的短文,并能够回答相关的问题。
- 长篇阅读:提高阅读长篇材料的能力,包括对文章的整体理解、主旨归纳、段落主题等。
4. 写作技巧- 作文基础:复习叙述性、说明性、议论性作文的写作结构和语言表达。
- 文章结构:学习不同类型文章的结构和写作技巧,包括记叙文、说明文、议论文等。
- 语言表达:提高写作时的语言表达能力,包括词汇选择、句子结构和修辞手法等。
5. 口语表达- 会话技巧:提高口语交流的能力,包括对话、问答、演讲等多种语言形式的应用。
- 发音准确:注意基本发音规则的掌握,特别是对于容易混淆音的区分。
- 流利表达:提高口语表达的流利程度,注意句子的连贯性和流畅度。
6. 听力训练- 听力理解:通过听取各种听力材料,学会理解不同语速和语调的英语口语表达。
- 笔记技巧:学会听力中的关键信息,并通过笔记记录和总结,提高听力的效果。
- 听写训练:通过听写练习,提高对听力材料的理解和表达能力。

一、商务英语基础知识1. 商务词汇:掌握常用的商务词汇是学习商务英语的基础。
例如,了解关于贸易、市场营销、金融等方面的词汇,如import (进口)、export (出口)、market research (市场调研)、investment (投资)等。
2. 商务信函写作:商务信函是商业沟通的重要方式之一。
3. 商务演讲与谈判:在商业领域,演讲和谈判是常见的沟通方式。
二、国际贸易与市场营销1. 国际贸易概论:了解国际贸易的基本概念和原则,包括贸易壁垒、关税、贸易协定等。
2. 国际市场营销:了解国际市场营销的策略和技巧。
了解不同国家和文化背景下的市场特点和消费3. 国际商务谈判:学习如何进行跨文化的商务谈判。
三、金融与会计1. 国际金融:了解国际金融市场和金融工具,如外汇市场、股票市场和债券市场。
2. 国际会计:学习国际会计准则和国际财务报告标准。
3. 财务管理:学习企业财务管理的基本原理和技巧。

Company Nationality (adj.) Product British Airway (BA) British airlineFirst direct British telephone bank IKEA Swedish interior design /furniture Marks&Spencer British department store Reuters British news and financial data EMI British record companyD HL German international air-express carrier McDonald’s American hamburger restaurant BMW German carCoca-Cola American soft-drinkNike American sportswearLevi Strauss&Co. American jeans Microsoft American software Financial Times(FT) British newspaper /magazine Virgin British music/cola/radio station/airline Benetton Italian clothing/sportswear Sony Japanese music/electronic/computer game L VMH French wines/leather goods Ford American carDM British shoesBic French disposable things:单词定义1.customer: a person who buys foods or services from a shop orbusiness2.assemble: fit together the parts of3.enquiry: seek information / ask a question4.quotation: the act or an instance of quoting or being quoted5.marketing: the action or business of promoting and selling productsincluding market research advertising6.manufacture: the making of articles/ make on an industrial scale7.multinationals: operating in a number of countries8.subsidiary: controlled by another9.enclose: put in an envelop together with a letter10.m anagerial: connected with the work of a manager11.c onventions: a costome or customary practice12.c olleagues: a fellow official or worker13.i tinerary: detailed route / a record of travel1.troubleshooting: solving problems2.represent: be on half of3.objective: goal or target4.proportion: the same meaning with “ratio”5.recommend: to particular purpose or job6.board: a group of people in an organization who make the rules andimportant decisions1.literature: written materials2.annual reports: directors show them to shareholders3.founder: person who started the company and key dates and events inthe company history4.refine: to improve sth5.modify: to make small change6.sufficient: something is enough7.throwaway: synonymous with “disposable”8.subsequently: later further9.insurance: a sum of money is to a company to take on a risk for you10.r e—insurance: an insurance company buy its own insurance from11.o ther insurance companies to share the risk of loss12.m erge: to join together to form a new company13.p atent: to get a legal document to stop others from manufacturing aproduct14.u nemployed: lay—off15.retailing: the provision of goods or services to customers 16.wholesaler: “the middleman” a person from manufacture to retailing 17.margin: “the price cuts” difference between the price they pay for the foods and the price they sell the goods at to the customers 18.hypermarket: a large self—service shop selling food and drink andsmall household items19.barcodes: they are patterns of thick and thin lines which can show in formations of products20.manufacturer: a firm which makes or produces goods 21.supplier: an agent who provides goods or services 22.packaging: which is used to protect goods and to present an image for them23.stock: in Britain it means “share”Ps (unique selling points): The things hat make it special and different from other similar products.25.custom profile: that is the srt of person who will buy the productunch: putting a new product on the market27.appliance: piece of electrical equipment28.innovation: creating new inventions or ideas29.status: that is your professional position30.achievement: doing something well31.job security: no worry about losing your job32.inspirational: motivating33.flatter organizations: organizations in which there are fewer managers and people have equal status34.consensus: an opinion that everyone agree or accept35.availability of labour: that is how easy or difficult it is to find workersbour costs: how much it costs to employ people37.trend: direction38.investor:people who use their money to earn more money39.shareholder:someone buy shares in a public company40.dividend:it is the share of the profits that the shareholders receive41.turnover:the total sum of money which is coming into the company42.deposit:a sum of money that is paid into a bank account43.liabilities:the amount of money that a person or company owes44.overhead:the general costs of running a business or an organization45.overdraft:the amount of money that you owe to a bank when you have spent more money than is in your bank account46.director:one of a group of senior managers who run a company47.decimal:a number that is shown as a dot followed by the number of tenths, hundredths, etc48.interest:the extra money that you pay back when you borrow money or that you receive when you invest money49.ethical consumers: they expect the companies they buy from to behave responsibly50.ethical policy: which covers areas such as payment on time ,product policy and environment51.bill:a proposal for a new law52.league table: a public list of all the worst payers53.outsell:sell more or to be sold in larger quantities than sb/sth54.domestic:not foreign or international55.rival:a person ,company ,or thing that competes with another in sport ,business ,etc56.chairman:the person in charge of a company57.entree:the right or ability to enter a social group or institution58.trademark:a name ,symbol or design that a company uses for its products and that cannot be used by anyone else59.float:sell shares in a company or business to the public for the first time60.split:to divide or to make sth divide ,into two or more parts●Consume v.消耗Consumer n.消费者顾客Consumption n.消耗消耗量消费●Compete v.竞争对抗Competition n.竞争对抗Competitor n.竞争者对手Competitive adj.竞争的●Develop v.发展开发Development n.发展开发Developer n.开发商开发者●Provide v.提供给予Provision n.提供给予Provider n.提供者●Analyse v.分析Analysis n.分析Analyst n.分析者●Participate v.参加参与Participation n.参加参与Participant n.参与者●Produce v.生产制造Production n.生产制造Producer n.生产商制造商Product n.产品●Consult v.咨询Consultation n.咨询商讨Consultant n.顾问Consultancy n.咨询公司●Invent v.发明创造Invention n.发明创造Inventor n.发明者●Apply v.申请Application n.申请申请书Applicant n.申请人●Manufacture v.&n.(批量)生产制造Manufacturer n.生产者制造者●Appraise v.估量估价评价Appraisal n.评价估价估计鉴定●Modify v.稍作修改缓和调整Modification n.修改改进●Innovate v.引入改革创新Innovation n.创新改革Innovative adj.创新的革新的●Negotiate v.谈判协商Negotiation n.谈判协商Negotiator n.协商者Negotiable adj.可协商的●Confront v.面对对抗Confrontation n.对抗冲突Confrontational adj.对抗性的●Collaborate v.合作协作Collaboration n.合作协作Collaborative adj.合作的协作的●Rise-Rose-Risen vi.增加提高●Raise-Raised-Raised vt.提升举起●Arise Arose Arisen vi.出现发生●Deliver v.递送运载Delivery n.传送递送●Cooperate v.合作Cooperation n.合作Cooperative adj.合作的●Quote v.引用报价Quotation n.引用报价Quotable adj.值得引用的●Supply v.&n.供应Supplier n.供应商●Prepare v.准备Preparation n.准备●Promote v.促进提升Promotion n.提升●Manage v.处理解决Management n.经营管理Manger n.经理Managerial adj.经理的管理的●Encourage v.支持鼓励Encouragement n.鼓舞鼓励Encouraging adj.鼓励的●Achieve v.达到Achievement n.成就功绩●Dominate v.支配控制Domination n.支配控制●Introduce v.介绍Introduction n.介绍●Recommend v.推荐Recommendation n.推荐●Interview v.&n.面试采访Interviewee n.参加面试采访者Interviewer n.主持面试采访者●Establish v.建立Establishment n.机构企业Established adj.已确立的●Emphasize v.强调Emphasis n.强调重视●Satisfy v.使满意满足Satisfaction n.满足Satisfactory adj.令人满意的Satisfied adj.满意的满足的Satisfying adj.令人满意的●Respond v.回答响应Response n.回答反应●Inspire v.激励启发Inspiration n.灵感Inspirational adj.启发灵感的Inspiring adj.启发灵感的●Discriminate v.歧视Discrimination n.歧视Discriminatory adj.歧视的●Invest v.投资Investment n.投资Investor n.投资者●Deposit n.存款v.存钱depositor n.存款人●Merge v.合并Merger n.合并者●Demerge v.拆分Demerger n.拆分者简答题1.Q: What is multinational company?A: These are companies which operate in a number of countries.2.Q: What is a holding company ?A: This company owns other companies or parts of other companies.3.Q: What is a subsidiary?A: This company or part of the company is owned by another company.4.Q: Name three different industries.A: Car manufacture Pharmaceutical Catering industry5. Q: What is social conventions?A: The different ways that other nationalities or different cultures do things.6. Q: Why Japanese like to live in British?A: Because there are so many parks and green fields in British and less busya)than Japan.7. Q: What do you say when you meet someone for the first time.A: How do you do / Nice to meet you /8. Q: What do you say to introduce 2 people?A: I’d like to introduce you to …/… this is …9. Q: What is SWOT short for ?A: strength weakness opportunity threat10. Q: What does management consultant do?A: To analyse the company’s performance and recommend changes to make it more efficient.11. Q: What verbs can you use to make recommendations?A: should ought to12. Q: What sort of analysis can you do to assess a company’s situation?A: SWOT14.Q:What is the there key inventions in the history of BIC?A:Ball point (biros), disposable lighter and throwaway razor 15.Q:What dose the EMI stand for? (answer with 3 words)A:Electrical musical industries16.Q:Why the company’s history is often included in companypresentation?A:In order to show that they are established, and have experience in their field17.Q:Write 3 types of direct sales?A:Mail order\door-to-door sales\TV sales\the internet\cash and carry18.Q:What are the four pieces of information that are included in abarcode?A:Country, manufacturer or supplier, and the product and the package size19.Q:What is margin?A:Profit20.Q:List 4 types of retail outlet?A:supermarket\hypermarket\shopping centre or mall\chain store\department store\specialist retailer21.w hat’s does USPs stand for?Unique selling points22.w hat does customer profile mean?That is the sort of person who will buy the product23.w hat d oes “fmcgs” stand for?Fast moving consumer goods24.w hat’s James Dyson’s new invention,a nd what is its advantage?V acuum cleaner , it does not use bags to collect dustwhere do people get satisfaction?Salary , social interaction ,status ,achievement,25.w hat does status mean?Y our professional poison26.give some factors considered when choosing your first job?p84 页下框27.w hat do we use for future plans and intentions?Going to28.w hat do we use to talk generally about the future?Will29.w hat’s the differences between the sexes in the workplace?The male :they are competitive ,directive,and confrontational.Personal status and a focus on the individual are important.The male approach is to the heart of the problem,without taking into account secondary conciderations.Male body language tends to be changing,include forceful gestures.they like to talk about personal experiences and achievements or masculine topics.Men’s humour can be cruel and harmful.The female:The method is collaborative ,collaborative action and responsibilities are important than personal achievements.they like to look at various options.Female body languages tends to self-protection,does’t include aggressive gestures.They tend to welcome other’s opinions and contributions more.They tend to talk about staff problems and personal matters.Female humour is less hurtful and they often jokes against herself.30. what does CEO stand for?Chief executive officer31. when we intend to do something in the future,what tense do we use?Be going to32. when can we use the will future?Uncertain future ,promise,offer to help33. what’s the negative contracted form of will?Won’t34. what’s the noun form of to achieve?Achievement35. what is the availiability of labour?That is how easy or difficult it is to find workers36. what is the labour costs?That is how much it costs to employ people.37. what is availibility of raw materials?That is how easy or difficult it is to find raw materials.38. what is ecomomic recession?That is what many businesses suffer,their profits fall and they have to make cuts.in this climate there will be a rise in unemployment.39. why many brands have different prices throughout the world?~differences in exchange rates ~differences in local raw materials ~production and shipping costs ~multinational companies are changing what they think the market will bear40. what factors may influence countries competitiveness?~political stability ~labour costs ~infrastracture ~international trade ~inflation f.foreign investment ~ taxes g .techonology41. what words can we use to give possible reasons?~may ~might ~probable ~possible42. think of words to decrible a downward trend.43. think of words to decrible a upward trend.44. what does investor mean?That is people who use their money to earn more money.45. what does a balance sheet show?Total assets and liabilities.46. why offshorebank is better?(for axample JYSKE BANK)~Intereste-bearing account ~different currencies ~exchange-rate benefits ~professional account managers47. what does a profit and loss account show ?~Turnover ~operating profit48. why people choose foreign or offshore bank accounts?Because they are taxfree.49. what is turnover?The total sum of money which is coming into the company.50.W hat is ethical consumers?The consumers who expect the companies they buy from to behaveresponsibly.51.W hat is spending power?The level of consumption.52. What is ethical policy?The ethical policy which covers areas such as payment on time ,product policy and the environment.53.Name three responsibilities that companies have.The company should pay suppliers on time.The company have an equal opportunities policy.It should try to protect and improve the environment.54.What is company puts social priorities before profits?The company does not claim to offer the best dividends to its shareholders,nor the cheapest prices to its customers,nor the highest wages to its staff.55.What is an open market?The market where any number of sellers or competitors can offer goods for sales.56.What is the market leaders?Companies with the biggest market share for a product.57. What is the new market?That is a market where companies do not have a presence.58. What tense do we use to talk about the present results of past actions?Present perfect.59. What tense do we use when we focus on when something happened? Past simple60. When do we use:for+present perfect?The period of time between the start of the action and now.61. When do we use:since+present perfect?The starting point of the action or state.语法一.Direct and indirect questions 直接和间接疑问句用法:1.直接疑问句:获取信息2.间接疑问句:提出‚难‛问题或私人问题,或者表示尊重礼貌Eg. With people we don’t know very wellWhen we ask a ‘difficult’question形式:1.Direct question: present simple tense(一般现在时)助动词(auxiliary)构成:例:Where do you shop?(1)Wh-/How questions(特殊疑问句)Questions words+v./auxiliary+subjest(主语)Eg. How much does it cost?How/What/Why/Which/Who+助/be+it/them…?Eg. What qualifications do your instructors have?(2)Yes/No questions(一般疑问句)aux.+subject+v. Do/Does+主+v.?Eg. Do you have fitness classes as well带be动词be+subject+adj./n.?Eg. Is it possible to bring guests?2. Indirect questions: present simple tense(1)Wh-/How questions 例:Could you tell me how much itcosts/is?(2)Yes/No questions 例:Could you tell me if…?二.Capital letter大写字母用大写字母的情况:1.头衔/人名(Dr.Yememh)2.固定职位(the Personal Director)3.街道(Oxford Street)4.城市(London)5.山川,河流,森林(the River Thames, the Black Forest)6.星期,月(Monday, April)7.节日(Christmas Day)8.国家,国家的(Finland, Finnish)9.著名建筑(the British Museum)10.产品商标,厂商(British Airways, Coca-Cola)11.缩写(CD,TV)12.句首(How are you?)四.Avoiding repetition避免重复可以用来避免重复的代词:one,other,these/those,it,they,them,their,one of them,the company 五.Present simple and present continuous一般现在时和现在进行时现在进行时用法:1表说话时正在发生的事情2说话前后发生的事情current activities3表将来(用于表示安排好的将来动作be going to…)Present continuous for future=fixed arrangements一般现在时用法:表事实或永久性动作/客观真理what the company does c六.Model verb情态动词用法:1提出意见和建议(should/ought to)2表可能性(may might could)3表将来(will)构成:情态动词+动词原形1.should(单纯建议)ought to(责任义务)均解释为应该,ought to 情感更强烈,严肃2.用法:should do/should not do Should they do…?Ought to do/ought not to do Ought they (to) do…? 七.Clause of purpose目的状语从句用来回答‚why‛or‚what for…?‛用来引导目的状语从句:1 to infinitive2 in order…+infinitive with to3 so that…/in order that(+subject+verb)4.be for + n.5.be + to do八.Past simple一般过去时用法:表示过去某个特定时间发生并完成的事情(参照时间:yesterday, last week, last night, three years ago, in 1969,in the first year)Irregular verbs P165 (不规则动词表)九.Countable and uncountable nouns可数与不可数名词用法:Indefinite Articles不定冠词Definite Articles冠词Zero Articles 零冠词a/an:1第一次提及的单数可数名词2泛指The:1前文提到的名词前2特指某物某地/明确所指的是何人何物Zero article:泛指事物时不用冠词1不可数名词2名词复数十.Order of adjectivesOpinion(主观)+fact(客观)客观:型号/长短+形状/宽窄+新旧+颜色+国籍+材料+东西口诀:美(opinion)小(size)圆(shape)旧黄(colour)法国(origin)木(material)书房(goods)十一.Be going to和willBe going to:for the future plans and intentions表示将来想做或者打算做的事情,可能已经制定了计划也可能还没制定Will:for the future泛指将来要发生的动作,而不是捡来某个特定时间要发生的动作注意:口语中常出现缩写形式,但是书面上要用will, will not十二.Possible可能性may, might, can, could, maybe(句首), perhaps (句首/句中), probably, possibly用法:表示可能性的原因或者进行推测构成:Perhaps this is because…Maybe…This might be because…This could be…can>could>may>mightprobably > possibly > maybe> perhaps十三.Connectors to show addition of information表示附加信息的连接词too/as well放句尾also连接两个信息1通常出现在第二个动词前The country has highinflation an it alsosuffers from highunemployment2 be alsoIn addition 第二个分句开头十四.Present simple一般现在时的被动语态用法:1.not clear about doer2.don‘t need to3.not convenient to4.emphasizeage十六.rise raise ariserise 上升vi rose risenraise 提出,上涨vt raised raisedProblem arise 出现vi arose arisenarise十七. Present perfect 现在完成时用法:1表示过去发生的事情对现在的影响2从过去某个时间开始的动作或状态持续到现在注意:for+时间段since+时间点十九.形容词的比较级和最高级1 the most/the least2 as+adj/adv+as3 not as/so…as4 more5 much/a lot more…thana little/a bit moremoderately more…6 less…than/not as demanding as二十.Connectors of effect结果连接词as a result therefore 出现在第二个句子中,只第一个句子的内容so 连接一个句子中的原因结果二十一.Clouse of contrast对比状语从句although句首but句中however/nevertheless前有逗号二十二.Conditional 1 sentenceGerund and Infinitiveboth…and…, either…or…, neither…nor…。

1.Entrepreneurial QualitiesPatienceStrategic Vision:Innovative vs. Creative:Accepting of Constructive Criticism and Rejection PassionAble to Communicate Disciplined ConfidenceOpen Minded Determination CompetitiveInner Drive to Succeed2. E-commerce: The buy ing and selling of products and services by businesses and consumers through an electronic medium, without using any paper documents. E-commerce is widely considered the buy ing and selling of products over the internet, but any transaction that is completed solely through electronic measures can be considered e-commerce. E-commerce is subdivided into three categories: business to business or B2B (Cisco), business to consumer or B2C (Amazon), and consumer to consumer or C2C (eBay). also called electronic commerce.advantages:1.The greatest and the most important advantage of e-commerce, is that it enables a business concern or individual to reach the global market.2. Electronic commerce gives the customers the opportunity to look for cheaper and quality products.3. For business concerns, e-commerce significantly cuts down the cost associated with marketing, customer care, processing, information storage and inventory management.disadvantages:1.One important disadvantage of e-commerce is that the Internet has still not touched the lives of a great number of people, either due to the lack of knowledge or trust.2. Another limitation of e-commerce is that it is not suitable for perishable commodities like food items.3. Corporate culture:is a term use to describe the collective beliefs, value systems, and process that provide a company with its own unique feature and attitude. Business sizes possess some type of culture in that every company has a set of values and goals that he lp to define what the business all about.4. Leadership is a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a task. Leadership is "organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal". The leader may or may n ot have any formal authority.1.The activity of leading a group of people or an organization, or the ability to do this.In its essence, leadership in an organizational role involves(1) establishing a clear vision,(2) sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly,(3) providing the information, knowledge, and methods to realize that vision,(4) coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members or stakeholders. A leader comes to the forefront in case of crisis, and is able to think and act in creative way s in difficult situations. Unlike management, leadership flows from the core of a personality and cannot be taught, although it may be learned and may be enhanced through coaching or mentoring.2. The individuals who are the leaders in an organization, regarded collectively.5. Sharp decline in domestic sales 国内销售量的急剧下降Export space narrowing 出口空间的缩小Automotive service market hit 汽车服务市场遭受冲击6. Marketing is the process of planning and exacting the conception pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual or organizational objectives.Marketing mix: in carrying out the marketing functions, the firm needs to have a marketing program or strategy. This is known as the marketing mix. It contains the following major elements: product; price; place; and promotion. These are sometimes referred to as 4P’s of marketing.7. bad effects of Inflation:1. Hardships for poor people and fixed income salaried households2. Business Profits tend to go up in times of inflation3. Demand for pay hikes and wage increases4. Social tensions5. Value on money lent out falls in purchasing power - value of money to be repaid falls in terms of purchasing power falls.6. Interest may rise.7. Exchange rate may fall8. Advantages and Disadvantages of GlobalizationSome AdvantagesIncreased free trade between nationsIncreased liquidity of capital allowing investors in developed nations to invest in developing nationsCorporations have greater flexibility to operate across bordersGlobal mass media ties the world togetherIncreased flow of communications allows vital information to be shared between individuals and corporations around the worldGreater ease and speed of transportation for goods and peopleReduction of cultural barriers increases the global village effectSpread of democratic ideals to developed nationsGreater interdependence of nation-statesReduction of likelihood of war between developed nationsIncreases in environmental protection in developed nationsSome DisadvantagesIncreased flow of skilled and non-skilled jobs from developed to developing nations as corporations seek out the cheapest laborIncreased likelihood of economic disruptions in one nation effecting all nationsCorporate influence of nation-states far exceeds that of civil society organizations and average individualsThreat that control of world media by a handful of corporations will limit cultural expressionGreater chance of reactions for globalization being violent in an attempt to preserve cultural heritageGreater risk of diseases being transported unintentionally between nationsSpread of a materialistic lifesty le and attitude that sees consumption as the path to prosperityInternational bodies like the World Trade Organization infringe on national and individual sovereigntyIncrease in the chances of civil war within developing countries and open war between developing countries as they vie for resourcesDecreases in environmental integrity as polluting corporations take advantage of weak regulatory rules in developing countrie sThe AdvantagesGDP Increase: If statistics are of any indication, the GDP of the developing countries has increased twice as much as before.Per Capita Income Increase: The wealth has had a trickling effect on the poor. The average income has increased to thrice as much. Unemployment is Reduced: This fact is quite evident when you look at countries like India and China.Education has Increased: Globalization has been a cataly st to the jobs that require higher skill set. This demand allowed people to gain higher education.Competition on Even Platform: The companies all around the world are competing on a single global platform. This allows bette r options to consumers.The DisadvantagesUneven Distribution of Wealth: Wealth is still concentrated in the hands of a fe w individuals, and the common man in a developing country is yet to see any major benefits of globalization.Income Gap Between Developed and Developing Countries: The wealth of developed countries continues to grow twice as much as the developing world.Different Wage Standards for Developing Countries: A technology worker may get more value for his work in a developed country than a worker in a developing country.Reversal of Globalization: In future, factors such as war may demand the reversal of the gl obalization (as evident in inter world war y ears), and current process of globalization may just be impossible to reverse.。


1. Steve won’t go to Malaysia next week. ______.BA. Either Mr. Zhang willB. Neither will Mr. ZhangC. Mr. Zhang won’t neitherD. Neither won’t Mr. Zhang2. Can you ______ people on the phone by the sound of their voice?CA. make ofB. make upC. make outD. make over3. By the time the course ends, we ______ a lot about English writing.DA. will learnB. will be learningC. have learntD. will have learnt4. Our company’s business is the import of ______ fish from foreign markets.DA. liveB. aliveC. livedD. living5. An expert, together with some engineers, ______ to help repair this production line.AA. was sentB. were sentC. is sendingD. are sending二、词语替换题(共20分)本大题共有10道小题,每小题2分,共20分。

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------商英课件复习资料. Unit 1 self-introduction in a business way 5 aspects:* personal information * educational background, major * employment history, working experience, or future career *family background * hobbies ① My name is Charles Blake. ②I graduated from Clumbia University in 1971. I studied International relations and a little Japanese. ③ After graduation, I worked for a small import-export company in NewYork city. I was with their sale force for about 5 years. Then,in 1976, I began working for Yamashita, Ltd, a Japanese corporation. My responsibility is to begin the export ofindustrial Robort to North America. ④ I live in Tokyo and Im married to a Japanese woman. I have a child, a son. ⑤ I enjoyplaying golf and tennis, but Im afraid I dont have a lot of sparetime. Unit 2 1. the layout of a memo Memo from:______ to:_______ date:_______ subject:_______ a. explain whats the matter b. what do you expect from thereceiver (the action to take) C. Deadline Unit 3 Expressions on the Telephone 1. Asking for a connection (canI have) extension please? Please connect me to .? Could youput me through to .? 2.Transferring a call You are wanted on1 / 12the phone. You have a call from .. 3. others I m sorry the lineis busy/engaged. Is the line open? I would like to speak to I’ll put you through 我帮你接通电话Can I ask who’s calling? Can I take a message? You’ve got the wrong number! . Could you put me back to the switchboard? Unit 4 Report Structure Title page. Summary/ abstract. Contents list/tableof contents. Introduction. main body (illustration discussion). Conclusions. Recommendations. Appendix. Bibliography. expressions the introduction This report presents. The report is based on the facts we collected Thereport carries the information on In this report I will explainthe illustration discussion Having made a close of the survey,I found. Our research reveals The current statistics show thatThe figures show referencing line and bar graphs The bar graphshows/displays/illustrates As you can see from this graph Asis shown on this chart.. The horizontal axis shows . On the horizontal axis, you can see The vertical axis shows. the conclusion suggestion To sum up, . In my opinion, Based onthe discussion, My opinion for your reference is Unit 5 公司 Company (B)/corporation (US) 企业 Firm/ enterprise 国有企业State-owned enterprise 个体企业Privately-owned enterprise 独资企业 Solely foreign owned/funded enterprise .---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------中外合资企业 Sino-foreign joint venture 跨国公司 MNC /TNC (multinational/transnational corporation 母公司Parent company 子公司 Subsidiary/ affiliate company 总公司 Head office/headquarter 分公司 branch 有限公司 Limited company/ p.l.c. Useful expressions: ①公司由 Robert Leaf 领导. The company is headed by Robert Leaf./ Robert Leaf serves as the chairman/CEO of the company. ②我们公司共有 4 个部门构成,包括. Our company is made up of/ divided into/ consists of four departments, including.. There are four departments in our company, including ③George Harris 负责生产部, Rosemary 负责市场营销部,他们直接向总裁负责。
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door-to-door selling
sales agent
positive feedback
press release
nuclear power
break-even total
mobile operator
turn down
change hands
cold calling
freight and insurance
luxury brands
ethical economics
the best seller
set a target
sales promotion
solar power
ahead of schedule
under budget
alternative energy source
staple crop
level out 持平
fluctuate 波动
Section B句子翻译7选5,每个3分,共15分
1. Sales professionals in the UK outnumber people in marketing by about 200,000.
2. You need to establish trust with the person to whom you ar
3. Your T-shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.
4. We all understand that Chinese slippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price. e selling.
5. This online course will make you a more effective leader---whether you’re responsible for leading a project, a department or even a company.
6. Despite having been very satisfied with your services in the past I may have to reconsider sending staff to your training company in the future.
7. They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.
8. A visit to this premises can be arranged, although I would suggest a prompt decision on this second option.
9. I would like to enquire if the warehouse space is still available at the W1 site.
10. This course explores the key factors that make teams effective and the skills required to build, strengthen and maintain the team.
11. Our approach to training has always been based on a 'discovery approach'.
12. The towels were not changed in the bathroom overnight.
13. Your client, a soft drinks company, wants to launch a new flavoured drink.
14. Our demand for this product is steadily on the increase.
15. Packing has a close bearing on sales.
16. A soft drinks company wants to launch a new flavoured drink.
17. When everything becomes routine, it’s time to ask, ‘What would happen if we
tried it a different way?’
18. Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world after oil.
19. Fairtrade organizations have been invited to high-level international meetings and
economic forums.
20. He began working on his salesman samples, sorting out broken packages and returns.
21. Sony put customers in the mood for buying in its store with the smell of vanilla and mandarin.
22. Likewise, if companies or managers renew themselves, they last longer than those who don’t.
23. This disparity is causing increasing concern among some charities who believe that the excessive profits of coffee shop chains come at the expense of vulnerable coffee producers in countries like Ethiopia, Kenya or Latin America.
24. According to experts, by the time it is consumed by us in our homes or in a coffee shop, the bean may actually change hands up to 150 times, each time facing a mark-up as it is transported, packaged and sold.。