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等径直通equal coupling

异径直通reducing coupling ﻫ内牙直通femalecoupling ﻫ外牙直通 straighttube with outside

45等径弯头 45 equalelbow ﻫ外牙弯头 male elbow 90等径弯头 90 equal elbowﻫ

内牙弯头female elbow ﻫ等径三通 equal tee ﻫ异径三通reducing tee ﻫ内牙三通female tee ﻫ外牙三通 male teeﻫ管帽cap


lr长半径或1倍半ﻫ大小SIZE ﻫ数量 QTYﻫ碳钢弯头 CarbonSteel Elbowﻫ不锈钢弯头 Stainless Steel Elbow


同心异径管Concentric Reducersﻫ偏心异径管 Eccentric Reducers ﻫ高压异径管 High -pressureReducers ﻫ不锈钢等径三通 Stainless Straight Tee ﻫ碳钢等径三通Carbon Straight Teeﻫ不锈钢等径四通Stainless Straight Cross ﻫ高压三通High—pressure Tee

锻制三通Forged Tee ﻫ异径接头 Template ﻫ管帽Capsﻫ法兰flange ﻫ长径与短径弯头long and shortradius elbows ﻫ同心与偏心异径接头concentricand eccentric reducers ﻫ等径与异径三通 straight and reducing outlet teesﻫ大小头CONCENTRIC REDUCER

Tee Equal 相等得三通ﻫ等径三通Straight Tee

异径三通 Reducing Tee ﻫ等径四通 Straight Cross

90°短半径弯头90°SS Elbow (SR)

90°长半径弯头90°SSElbow (LR)ﻫ高压厚壁弯头Thickness Elbow

U型管 Return Bendﻫ盲法兰Blank Flangeﻫ弯管 Bends

翻边stubendsﻫ异径接头 reducersﻫ公称通径 nominal diameter

外径(mm)outside diameter

中心距至端面得距离center to end

理论重量(kg/pcs) approx weight

description 类种ﻫStandard标准ﻫDesign类型ﻫMaterial材质


短节SWAGE NIPPLE ﻫ内外螺纹活接头Union

螺桩stud ﻫHalf-Coupling单承口管箍

Coupling双承口管箍ﻫ盲板 Blind Flange ﻫspectacle blind 带双圈得盲板



插盲板:slip spadeﻫ盲板:blankﻫ接头:fitting ﻫ加热器:heaterﻫ金属缠绕垫片(带外环):SW with outsidering

HR:热轧ﻫon site:ﻫmanifold:管汇

1、2 管件 Fittingﻫ弯头 elbowﻫ异径弯头reducingelbow

带支座弯头base elbowﻫ k半径弯头long rad ius elbow

短半径弯头 short radius elbowﻫ长半径180°弯头 long radi us returnﻫ短半径180°弯头 shortradius return

ﻫ带侧向口得弯头(右向或左向)side outlet elbow(right hand or left

hand)ﻫ双支管弯头(形) double branch elbow

三通 teeﻫ异径三通reducingt

eeﻫ等径三通 straight tee

带侧向口得三通(右向或左向) side outlet tee (right hand or1eft hand)ﻫ异径三通(分支口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on outlet)

异径三通(一个直通口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on one run)

带支座三通base tee

异径三通(一个直通口及分支口为异径)reducing tee(reducing on one runandﻫ outlet)ﻫ异径三通(两

个直通口为异径,双头式) reducingtee (reducing on bothruns,

ﻫ bull head)ﻫ 45°斜三通45°lateral

45°斜三通(支管为异径) 45° lateral(reducing onbranch)ﻫ 45°斜三通(一个直通口为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run)

45°斜三通(一个直通口及支管为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run andﻫ branch)ﻫ Y型三通(俗称裤衩) true


等径四通straight crossﻫ异径四通 reducing cross

异径四通(一个分支口为异径)reducingcross (reducing

on one outlet)

异径四通(一个直通口及分支口为异径) reducing cross (reducing

on one run ﻫ and outlet)ﻫ异径四通(两个分支口为异径) reducing cross (reducing onbothoutlet)

异径四通(一个直通口及两个分支口为异径) reducingcross (reducing

on one runﻫ and bothoutlet)

异径管 reducerﻫ同心异径管 concentric reducer

ﻫ偏心异径管 eccentric reducer

锻制异径管 reducing swageﻫ螺纹支管台threadolet


etﻫ弯头支管台 elbolet

斜接支管台 latroletﻫ镶入式支管嘴 sweepolet

短管支管台 nipoletﻫ支管台,插入式支管台

bossﻫ管接头coupling,full couplingﻫ半管接头half couplingﻫ异径管接头reducing coupling



管帽cap (C)


短节 nippleﻫ异径短节 reducing nipple; swage


1管道组成件Piping ponentﻫ1、1 管子Pipe

管子(按照配管标准规格制造得) pipe

管子(不按配管标准规格制造得其她用管) tubeﻫ钢管 steel pipe

铸铁管cast ironpipe

衬里管 lined pipeﻫ复合管clad pipeﻫ碳钢管 carbon steel pipeﻫ合金钢管 alloy steel pipeﻫ不锈钢 stainless steel pipe
