医学专业英语词汇大全一、人体解剖学词汇1. 骨骼系统(Skeletal System)skull(颅骨)spine(脊柱)rib(肋骨)pelvis(骨盆)femur(股骨)tibia(胫骨)fibula(腓骨)2. 肌肉系统(Muscular System)biceps(二头肌)triceps(三头肌)deltoid(三角肌)quadriceps(四头肌)gluteus(臀大肌)rectus abdominis(腹直肌)3. 神经系统(Nervous System)brain(大脑)spinal cord(脊髓)neuron(神经元)synapse(突触)cerebellum(小脑)hypothalamus(下丘脑)4. 循环系统(Circulatory System) heart(心脏)artery(动脉)vein(静脉)capillary(毛细血管)blood(血液)plasma(血浆)5. 呼吸系统(Respiratory System) lung(肺)trachea(气管)bronchus(支气管)alveoli(肺泡)diaphragm(膈肌)二、临床医学词汇1. 疾病与症状diabetes(糖尿病)hypertension(高血压)asthma(哮喘)fever(发热)headache(头痛)nausea(恶心)2. 检查与诊断physical examination(体格检查)Xray(X光检查)CT scan(CT扫描)MRI(磁共振成像)biopsy(活检)diagnosis(诊断)3. 治疗与药物medication(药物治疗)surgery(手术治疗)vaccination(疫苗接种)antibiotic(抗生素)painkiller(止痛药)insulin(胰岛素)三、医学分支词汇1. 内科学(Internal Medicine) cardiology(心脏病学)gastroenterology(消化病学) nephrology(肾脏病学)endocrinology(内分泌学)hematology(血液病学)2. 外科学(Surgery)general surgery(普通外科) orthopedic surgery(骨科)neurosurgery(神经外科)plastic surgery(整形外科)cardiac surgery(心脏外科)3. 妇产科(Obstetrics and Gynecology)pregnancy(妊娠)childbirth(分娩)contraception(避孕)menopause(更年期)cervical cancer(宫颈癌)4. 儿科学(Pediatrics)immunization(免疫)growth chart(生长曲线)developmental milestones(发育里程碑)asthma in children(儿童哮喘)childhood obesity(儿童肥胖)本词汇大全旨在帮助医学专业人员和爱好者更好地掌握医学英语,提高专业英语水平。
基本概念1. Obstetrics and Gynecology妇产科是指妇科与产科的合并。
2. Reproductive system生殖系统,包括女性的生殖器官,如卵巢、子宫、输卵管、阴道等。
3. Menstrual cycle月经周期,指的是女性每个月经历的生理周期,通常为28天,包括月经期、排卵期和黄体期。
4. Contraception避孕,是指采取各种方法控制怀孕的行为,如避孕药、避孕套等。
常见疾病1. Endometriosis子宫内膜异位症,是一种常见的妇科疾病,子宫内膜异位到非子宫腔部位,引起疼痛和月经不规则。
2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)多囊卵巢综合征,是一种影响女性生育能力的内分泌失调疾病,通常伴随着多囊卵巢及月经不调。
3. Cervical cancer宫颈癌,是一种由人乳头瘤病毒感染引起的恶性肿瘤,常见于50岁以下的女性。
4. Infertility不孕不育,是指无法在一年内自然怀孕的状况,常见于女性卵子质量不高或输卵管通畅度不佳造成的问题。
治疗方法1. Hysterectomy子宫切除术,是一种常见的妇科手术,常用于治疗子宫肌瘤、子宫内膜异位等疾病。
2. In vitro fertilization (IVF)体外受精,是一种辅助生殖技术,通过将精子和卵子在体外结合,然后将受精卵植入女性子宫内实现妊娠。
3. Laparoscopy腹腔镜手术,是一种微创手术技术,通过腹腔镜在腹部进行手术,减少了切口大小、术后恢复快等优点。
大隐静脉 营养动脉
闭孔神经 骶 前神经 交感神经 副交感神经
提肛肌 耻骨尾骨肌 髂骨尾骨肌 肛门括约肌
耻骨 耻骨弓 耻骨联合 耻骨支
髂骨 坐骨 坐骨结节 坐骨棘 骶骨 骶岬 骶髂关节 尾骨 椎骨 脊柱
腹膜 壁层腹膜 脏层腹膜 腹膜反折
Hale Waihona Puke 腹膜内extraperitoneal retroperitoneal stomach cardia pylorus intestine(Bowel) small intestine duodenum jejunum ileum large intestine ascending colon transverse colon desecnding colon sigmoid colon cecum appendix ileocecal junction rectum anal canal mesentery mesocolon omentum liver spleen pancreas gall bladder kidney ureter uriinary bladder utethra diaphragm
broad lig. round lig. cardinal lig. uterosacral lig. infundibulo-pelvic lig. inguinal lig. sacrospinous lig.
ovarian artery uterine a. ascending branch desecnding branch common iliac a. externa iliac a. internal iliac a.(hypogastric a.) superior vesical a. abdominal aorta inderior vena cava inferior mesenteric a. femoral a.
in-patient department 住院部admitting office 住院处observation ward 观察室physician in charge主治医生dentist 牙科医生laboratory technician化验员emergency case 急诊病人Physician 医师内科医生practice medicine 行医Malpractice 治疗不当Intern 实习生实习医师Resident 住院医生medical department医务科Anesthesia 麻醉Sterilization 杀菌消毒Obstetrics 产科助产术Gynecology 妇科学Maternity 妇产科医院Pediatrics 小儿科Outpatient门诊病人Inpatient 住院病人nose, throat, larynx喉, trachea气管, bronchi, and lungs. Otorhinolaryngology 耳鼻喉科cervical 颈部的thoracic胸廓的sacral骶骨的coccygeal尾骨的noradrenaline 去甲肾上腺素vagus 迷走神经sciatic nerve 坐骨神经Peripheral nervous systerm 外周神经系efferent 传出的afferent传入的Skeletal muscle 骨骼肌Postjunctional 接头后的Neuromuscular junction 神经肌肉接头eserine 毒扁豆碱hydrolyse 水解Neuromuscular junction神经肌接头cholinesterase 胆碱酯酶perfusate 灌注液,灌流液microelectrode 微电极micropipette 微量吸液管preganglionic 神经节前的postganglionic 神经节后的Sympathetical ganglia 交感神经节iontophoretically 通过离子透入法acetylcholine乙酰胆碱acetyl 乙酰基ester 酯acetic acid 乙酸cholinesterase 胆碱酯酶acetyltransferase 乙酰转移酶aminotransferase 转氨酶neuron神经细胞, 神经元Spinal cord 脊髓gliacyte 胶质细胞monocyte 单核细胞erythrocyte 红细胞transmitter 递质Reflex arc 反射弧process突起dendrite树突axon 轴突synapse 突触Radiology 放射学Ultrasound 超声Nuclear medicine 核医学Pathology病理学Anesthesia麻醉Clinical laboratory 检验科Pharmacy 药剂学药房药学dopamine 多巴胺histamine 组胺noradrenaline 去甲肾上腺素vesicle囊泡prostaglandin 前列腺素extracellular 细胞外的intracellular细胞内的Intercellular细胞间的electron microscope 电镜light microscope 光镜permeability 渗透性sartorius muscle 缝匠肌Diarrhea腹泻痢疾Constipation 便秘cerebrum 大脑半球diencephalon 间脑brain stem 脑干midbrain 中脑,pons 桥脑medulla 延髓cerebellum 小脑tricuspid incompetence三尖瓣关闭不全Angina pectoris心绞痛Myocardial infarction(MI) 心肌梗死Atrium心房V entricle 心室Capillary毛细血管V alve瓣膜Aorta 主动脉Artery:动脉Arteriosclerosis/Atherosclerosis:动脉粥样硬化Coronary artery冠状动脉:Pulmonary artery: 肺动脉Conduction bundle 传导束stethoscope 听诊器electrocardiogram 心电图Atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损V entricular septal defect 室间隔缺损mitral stenosis 二尖瓣狭窄nose, throat, larynx喉, trachea气管,Bronchi lungs肺Alveoli肺泡horizontal 水平裂oblique fissure斜裂pneumothorax 气胸pleural effusion胸腔积液Inspiration吸气Expiration呼气lung volume肺容积肺活量Ribs肋骨Diaphragm膈肌rib cage胸腔Cough咳嗽sneeze喷嚏hiccup打嗝Irritation刺激upper airway上呼吸道a spasm of the diaphragm膈肌痉挛Asthma哮喘Lung cancer肺癌Tuberculosis肺结核tubercle bacilli结核杆菌contagious 传染性sore throat喉咙痛Bronchitis支气管炎Status asthmatic哮喘持续状态attack:发作criterion:(复criteria)标准, 指标hypoxaemia:低氧血症dehydration:脱水(作用),失水wheeze:喘鸣ventilation:通气confusion:精神混乱,精神错乱drowsiness:困倦,昏昏欲睡blood gases:血气分析sedation:镇静fatigue:疲劳cyanosis:发绀,青紫ominous:恶兆的, 不吉利的chronic bronchitis:慢性支气管炎polycythacmia:红细胞增多症tachycardia:心动过速pulsus paradoxus:(拉)奇脉,奇脉,逆脉arterial hypotension:低动脉压,动脉压过低airways obstruction:气道阻塞mandatory:强制性的,必须的respiratory failure:呼吸衰竭dyspnoea:呼吸困难。
adenocarcinoma||腺管上皮: 腺癌adrenal cortical carcinoma||肾上腺皮质: 肾上腺皮质癌American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging; AJCC||美国癌症分期联合委员会angiosarcoma||血管内皮: 血管肉瘤basal cell carcinoma||基底细胞: 基底细胞癌calcitonin||抑钙素carcinoembryonic antigen; CEA||癌胚抗原carcinoma||恶性上皮肿瘤Carcinoma in situ||原位癌catecholamine||儿茶酚胺chondrosarcoma||软骨: 软骨肉瘤choriocarcinoma||胎盘上皮: 绒毛膜癌direct extension||直接蔓延dysgerminoma||恶性胚胎瘤Dysplasia||异生fetoprotein; AFP||胎蛋白fibrosarcoma||纤维组织: 纤维肉瘤FIGO: International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics||国际妇产科学联盟glioma||神经胶细胞: 神经胶细胞瘤hematogenous metastasis||血行转移hepatocellular carcinoma; hepatoma||肝细胞: 肝细胞癌histopathological grading||组织病理分化human chorionic gonadotropin; HCG||人类绒毛膜促性腺素immature teratoma||全能细胞: 未成熟畸胎瘤International Union against Cancer; UICC||国际防癌联盟Invasive carcinoma||侵袭癌leiomyosarcoma||平滑肌: 平滑肌肉瘤leukemia||造血细胞: 白血病liposarcoma||脂肪组织: 脂肪肉瘤lymphangiosarcoma||淋巴管内皮: 淋巴管肉瘤lymphatic metastasis||淋巴转移lymphoma||类淋巴组织: 淋巴瘤malignant melanoma||神经外胚层: 恶性黑色素瘤malignant meningioma||脑膜: 恶性脑膜瘤malignant mesothelioma||间皮: 恶性间皮瘤malignant mixed tumor||唾液腺: 恶性混合瘤malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, malignant schwannoma||神经鞘: 恶性周边神经鞘肿瘤malignant pheochromocytoma||肾上腺髓质: 恶性嗜铬细胞瘤malignant phyllodes tumor||乳房: 恶性叶状瘤malignant teratoma||恶性畸胎瘤metastasis||远处转移Microinvasive carcinoma||微侵袭癌mild dysplasia||轻度异生moderate dysplasia||中度异生moderately differentiated||中度分化myeloma||浆细胞: 骨髓瘤neuroblastoma||神经节细胞: 神经母细胞瘤neuroblastoma||神经母细胞瘤neuron-specific enolase; NSE||神经特异性烯醇node||淋巴结oma||良性肿瘤osteosarcoma||硬骨: 骨肉瘤poorly differentiated||分化不良prostate-specific antigen; PSA||前列腺特异性抗原prostatic acid phosphatase; PAP||前列腺酸性磷酸renal cell carcinoma||肾脏上皮: 肾细胞癌rhabdomyosarcoma||横纹肌: 横纹肌肉瘤sarcoma||恶性间叶肿瘤seminoma||生殖细胞: 精细胞瘤severe dysplasia||重度异生squamous cell carcinoma||鳞状上皮: 鳞状细胞癌stage||期别synovial sarcoma||滑膜: 滑膜肉瘤thymic carcinoma||胸腺上皮: 胸腺癌transitional cell carcinoma||泌尿道上皮: 过渡细胞癌tumor marker||临床检验: 含肿瘤标记undifferentiated||未分化well differentiated||分化良好mscarriage--patent tretament自然流产recurrent miscarriage: 习惯性流产late miscarriage晚期流产incompetent cervix宫颈机能不全ectopic pregnancy宫外孕Ectopic pregnancy removement with laparoscopy,saving tube.腹腔镜治疗宫外孕,保留输卵管recurrent spontanoeus abortion反复自然流产blighted ovum胎停育missed abortion稽留流产molar pregnancy葡萄胎water birth水中分娩Vagina reconstruction by minimal access surgery 微创阴道重建手术absence of vagina无阴道vaginal aplasia先天性无阴道primordial uterus 始基子宫vagina reconstruction 阴道重建congenital absence of vagina and uterus 先天性无子宫无阴道Uterine Myoma子宫肌瘤Polycystic ovaries多囊卵巢.Certification in medical oncology and gynecologic oncology first offered.首次授予内科肿瘤学和妇科肿瘤学资格.2.The American Cancer Society and the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists[ on Collagists] also were involved.美国癌症协会与妇科肿瘤学家们也参与其中。
一、概述1. 健康 - Health2. 医学 - Medicine3. 医生 - Doctor4. 护士 - Nurse5. 患者 - Patient6. 医院 - Hospital二、疾病和症状1. 流感 - Influenza2. 感冒 - Common cold3. 发烧 - Fever4. 头痛 - Headache5. 肚子痛 - Stomachache6. 咳嗽 - Cough7. 呕吐 - Vomiting8. 腹泻 - Diarrhea9. 癌症 - Cancer10. 高血压 - Hypertension11. 糖尿病 - Diabetes12. 心脏病 - Heart disease13. 中风 - Stroke14. 痴呆 - Dementia15. 骨折 - Fracture三、医疗设备和诊断工具1. 血压计 - Blood pressure monitor2. 脉搏氧饱和度仪 - Pulse oximeter3. 体温计 - Thermometer4. 心电图仪 - Electrocardiograph5. X光机 - X-ray machine6. 影像扫描 - Imaging scan7. 磁共振成像 - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)8. 超声波 - Ultrasound9. 血液检验 - Blood test10. 尿液检验 - Urine test11. 细菌培养 - Bacterial culture12. 细胞学检查 - Cytology examination四、药物和治疗方法1. 药物 - Medication2. 处方药 - Prescription medication3. 非处方药 - Over-the-counter medication4. 抗生素 - Antibiotics5. 止痛药 - Painkillers6. 抗炎药 - Anti-inflammatory drugs7. 抗癌药 - Anticancer drugs8. 输液 - Intravenous infusion9. 手术 - Surgery10. 放射治疗 - Radiation therapy11. 化疗 - Chemotherapy12. 康复治疗 - Rehabilitation therapy13. 康复医学 - Physical medicine14. 接种疫苗 - Vaccination五、常见医学科目和专业1. 内科 - Internal Medicine2. 外科 - Surgery3. 儿科 - Pediatrics4. 妇产科 - Obstetrics and Gynecology5. 眼科 - Ophthalmology6. 耳鼻喉科 - Otorhinolaryngology7. 心脏病学 - Cardiology8. 神经学 - Neurology9. 肿瘤学 - Oncology10. 神经外科 - Neurosurgery11. 康复医学 - Rehabilitation Medicine12. 放射科 - Radiology六、常见医学研究领域和技术1. 遗传学 - Genetics2. 免疫学 - Immunology3. 病理学 - Pathology4. 药理学 - Pharmacology5. 分子生物学 - Molecular Biology6. 细胞生物学 - Cell Biology7. 遗传工程 - Genetic Engineering8. 生物医学技术 - Biomedical Technology9. 生物材料 - Biomaterials10. 器官移植 - Organ Transplantation七、结语通过阅读本文,我们可以了解到医学领域中常用的医学专业英语翻译。
妇产科专业英语词汇Aabnormal presentation 胎位异常presentation 先露部,产式,胎位abruption placenta (premature separation of placenta) 胎盘早剥plecenta 胎盘acceleration 加速adherent placenta胎膜粘连 adherent 粘连amniocentesis羊膜穿刺amnion 羊膜; centesis体腔穿刺amnioscope 羊膜镜 -scope 镜amnioscopy 羊膜镜检查-scopy 镜检amniotic fluid embolism 羊水栓塞embolism栓塞; embolus栓子anencephalus无脑儿 an-不;无 encephal-与脑有关的antenatal hemorrhage产前出血antenatal/prenatal 产前的; natal出生的臀的homorrhage出血anterior fontanelle 前囱anterior 前的;在前的; fontanel囟门Apgar scoring 阿氏评分artificial rupture of membranes (amniotomy) 人工破膜 artificial人工的;rupture 破裂membranes 膜 amnio-羊膜的 -tomy 切开术aspiration pneumonia吸入性肺炎aspiration 吸入;respiration呼吸作用pneumonia/pneumonitis肺炎atelectasis 肺不张Bbaseline fetal heart rate 胎心基线fetal 胎儿的,与胎儿有关的biparietal diameter双顶径 bi-两个,双parietal 顶骨的 diameter直径birth injure 产伤 injurebrachial palsy臂丛麻痹brachial 臂的 palsy麻痹birth weight 出生体重blood gas analysis 血气分析blood group incompatibility血型不合in-不,无 compatibility兼容性breech presentation臀位breech臀部 presentation胎位brow presentation 额先露 brow 额头breech extraction 臀牵引extract 提取;拉;牵拉B-scan 型超声波扫描Ccaput succedaneum 先锋头 caput 头central (complete) 中央型cephallohematoma 胎头血肿 cephal(o)- 与头相关的 hematoma血肿cephalo-pelvic disproportion 头盆不称 pelvis骨盆 disproportion不平衡;不成比例cerclage of cervix宫颈环扎 cerclage环扎 ; cervix 颈cerebral hemorrhage 颅内出血(脑出血 ) cerebral 大脑的 hemorrhage出血cervical dystocia 宫颈难产 dystocia 难产cervicotomy宫颈切开术-tomy 切开Cesarean hysterectomy剖宫子宫切除术cesarean section剖宫产; hystereo-与子宫有关的;-ectomy 切除术Cesarean section (C.S) 剖宫产chorionic villi sampling 绒毛标本采取chorion /villius 绒毛chromosome analysis 染色体分析classical C.S 古典剖宫产cleft palate腭裂 cleft裂;沟 palate腭cleidotomy锁骨切断术compound presentation 复合先露 compound 化合物concealed hemorrhage 隐性出血congenital anomaly (malformation) 先天畸形 congenital先天性的anomaly/malformation异常,反常conjointed twin 联体双胎constriction ring 缩窄环cord around neck脐带绕颈cord 脐带craniotomy 穿颅术 cranial-脑的cyanosis 紫绀cyano-表示青紫Ddecapitation 断头术 decapitation 斩首deccleration 减速 acceleration加速delivery of aftercoming head 后出头分娩 delivery分娩destructive operation 毁胎术disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) 弥漫性血管内凝血disseminate散布,弥散,intra- 内部的 vascular 血管coagulation 血凝固Eearly deceleration 早减速early postpartum hemorrhage 早期产后出血endotrachael intubation 气管内插管 intubation插管episiotomy 会阴切开术estimation of fetal lung maturity 胎儿肺成熟度估价 fetal胎儿evisceration去脏术external version 外倒转extraperitoneal C.S 腹膜外剖宫产 peritoneum 腹膜Fface presentation 面先露false knot of umbilical cord 脐带假结 knot结 umbilical cord 脐带fetal heart monitoring 胎心监测fetal scalp blood sampling 胎儿头皮血取样scalp 头皮fetoscope 胎儿镜fetoscopy 胎儿镜检查footling足先臀fracture of clavicle锁骨骨折 clavicle锁骨fracture of humorus肱骨骨折 humorus肱骨fracture of skull 颅骨骨折 skull颅骨frank breech伸腿臀产式frozen pelvis 冰冻骨盆 pelvis 骨盆Hhare lip 兔唇hemolytic disease of newborn 新生儿溶血症 hemolysis 溶血现象hemorrhagic disease of newborn 新生儿出血病 hemorrhage 出血history of previous cesarean section 前次剖宫产史 cesarean section 剖宫产hyaline membrane disease (HMD) 透明膜病 hyaline 透明hydrocephalus脑积水hydrops fetalis 胎儿水肿hyperbilirubinemia 高胆红素血症bilirubin 胆红素hypertonic contraction 高张性宫缩tonic紧张的;强直的hypotonic contraction 低张性宫缩hysterotomy 子宫切开术 hystero-与子宫有关的Iimpending of rupture of uterus 先兆子宫破裂 uterus 子宫 impending即将incomplete breech 不完全臀位indution of labor by pitocin 催产素引产 induction诱导 labor分娩 pitocin催产素indution of labor prostaglandin 前列腺素引产 prostaglandin前列腺素infarction of placenta 胎盘梗死 placenta胎盘 infarction梗死internal podalic version 内倒转intra-amniotic transfusion 羊膜腔内输血 amniotic 羊膜isoimmunization 同族免疫 iso-等同;相同Llaceration of falx cerebri 大脑镰撕裂laceration撕裂伤laceration of tentorium cerebelli 小脑幕撕裂tentorium 幕late deceleration 晚减速late postpartum hemorrhage 晚期产后出血 parturition分娩;生产lecithin/sphimgomyelin ratio 卵磷脂/鞘磷脂比值locked twin 交锁双胎low implantation 低置 implantation 植入lower segment C.S 下段剖宫产lowforceps delivery 低位产钳助产钳 forceps钳Mmanual removal of placenta 手取胎盘manual rotation of fetal head 手转胎头manual stripping of membranes 人工剥膜stripping剥离marginal insertion of umbilical cord 脐带边缘附着meconium aspiration 胎粪吸入median episiotomy 会阴正中切开medio-lateral episiotomy 会阴中侧切meningocele 脑脊膜膨出microcephalus 小头畸形midforceps delivery 中位产钳助产钳molding of fetal head 胎头塑形Nneonatal asphyxia 新生儿窒息 neonatal 新生儿 asphyxia窒息neonatal 新生儿的non stress test (NST) 非应力试验nucleae jaundice (Kernicterus) 核黄疸jaundice 黄疸病Oobstetric forceps 产钳obstetric 产科学obstetric shock 产科休克outlet forceps delivery 出口产钳助产钳oxytocin challenge test (OCT) 催产素刺激试验 oxytocin催产素oxytocin stimulation for uterine contraction 催产素刺激宫缩Ppartial 部分型pathologic retraction ring 病理性缩窄环pathologic 病理的; retraction牵拉,缩回pelvic cellulitis 盆腔蜂窝质炎 cellulitis组织炎pelvimetry 骨盆测量persistent occiput posterior 持续性枕后位 occiput枕骨部persistent transverse arrest 持续性枕横位 transverse 横向的peumothorax 气胸thorax 胸廓phototherapy 光疗 photo-与光有关的exchange transfusion 交换输血physiologic jaundice 生理性黄疸placenta accreta 胎盘植入placenta bipartita 双叶胎盘placenta circumvallata 轮状胎盘placenta duplex 双胎盘placenta percreta 胎盘穿透placenta previa 前置胎盘previa前置posterior fontanelle 后囱fontanel囟门primipara with floating head 初产头浮pregnacy test 妊娠试验prolapse of umbilical cord 脐带脱垂 prolapse 脱出,脱垂prolonged deceleration 延长减速prolonged labor 产程延长prolonged second stage 第二产程延长puerperal infection 产褥感染puerperal 产后的,产褥的puerperal morbidity 产褥病率morbidity 发病率,病态puerperal sepsis 产后败血症sepsis 败血症puerperal hemorrhage 产褥期出血puerperal tetanus 产褥期破伤风tetanus 破伤风puerperal endometritis 产褥期子宫内膜炎endometrial子宫内膜的Rradioimmunoassay for hCG hCG放免测定respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) 呼吸窘迫综合征resuscitation of newborn 新生儿复苏retention of fetal membranes 胎膜滞留 retention 潴留;记忆retention of placenta fragment 部分胎盘滞留retention of placenta 胎盘滞留revealed hemorrhage 显性出血rupture of marginal sinus 边缘窦破裂 marginal边缘的 sinus 窦rupture of uterus 子宫破裂Sseptic thrombophlebitis 感染性血栓性静脉炎 phlebitis静脉炎Sheehan#39;s disease 席汉氏征shoulder dystocia 肩难产dystpcia 难产spina bifida 脊柱裂suboccipital bragmatic diameter 枕下前囱径suction abortion吸引流产Ttetanic contraction 强直性宫缩termination of pregnancy 终止妊娠therapeutic abortion 治疗性流产tocograph 宫缩描记tocography 宫缩描记术transverse (shoulder) presentation 横位(肩先露)true knot of umbilical cord 脐带真结Uultrasonic estimation of fetal weight and maturity 超声波估价胎儿体重及成熟 ultrasonic超声的ultrasonic localization of placenta 超声波定位胎盘ultrasonography (ultrasound scanning) 超声波检查umbilical hernia 脐疝 hernia 疝气uteo-placental apoplexy 子宫胎盘卒中 apoplexy 卒中uterine inertia 子宫无力Vvacuum extractor of fetal head 胎头吸引术vacuum extractor 吸引器vaginal hysterectomy 经阴道子宫切开术vaginal 阴道的variability 可变性varial deceleration 可变减速vasa previa血管前置velamentous insertion of umbilical cord 脐带帆状附着妇产科英语词汇Ab antibody 抗体 Ag antigen抗原ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone 促肾上腺皮质激素 corticotrophin 促皮质素ADH antidiuretic hormone 抗利尿激素 diuretic 利尿剂 dieresis 多尿的AFE amniotic fluid embolism 羊水栓塞embolism 栓塞AFP alpha fetoprotein 甲胎蛋白Ag antigen 抗原AID artificial insemination with donor's semen 供精者精液授精insemination 授精 semen精液AD autoimmune disease 自身免疫病AIDS acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome 获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病)AIH artificial insemination with husband's semen 丈夫精液授精AKP alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶alkaline 碱性AMPS acid mucopolysaccharide 酸性粘多糖AR autosome recessive 常染色体隐性遗传 recessive隐性ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome 成人呼吸窘迫综合症ARV AIDS-related virus AIDS 相关病毒AS Arias-Stella reaction A-S 反应(阿-斯反应)ATP adenosine triphosphate 三磷酸腺苷BBT basal body temperature 基础体温BCG bacille Calmette-Guerin 卡介苗BFHR baseline fetal heart rate 胎心率基线BMR basal metabolic rate 基础代谢率BPD biparietal diameter 双顶径bpm beat per minute 每分钟心跳BSP bromsulphalein 磺溴酞钠医.学教.育网搜.集整理(测肝功能)BV bacterial vaginosis 细菌性阴道病CAH Congenital adrenal hyperplasia 先天性肾上原皮质增生cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate 环磷酸腺苷CBG corticosteroid binding globulin 皮质甾类结合球蛋白CC choriocarcinoma 绒毛膜癌CCT chorionic corticotropin 绒毛膜促性腺激素CEA carcinoma embryonic antigen 癌胚抗原CEE 3 cyclopentyl-17-ethinyl estradiol ether 炔雌醇-环戊醚CF chemotactic factor 趋化因子CHM complete hydatidiform mole 完全性葡萄胎CIN cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 宫颈上皮内瘤样病变CIS carcinoma in situ 原位癌CMV eytomegalovirus 巨细胞病毒CPD cephalopelvic disproportion 头盆不称cpm counts per minute 次/分CRP c-reaction protein C-反应蛋白CSA cell surface antigen 细胞表面抗原CST contraction stress test 宫缩应激试验CT chorionic thyrotropin 绒毛膜促甲状腺素computerized tomography 电子计算机X线断层照相术CVP central venous pressure 中心静脉压DC diagonal conjugate 对角径D dilatation and curettage 刮宫术DES diethylstilbestrol 己烯雌酚(乙菧酚)DHA dehydroepiandrosterone脱氢表雄酮DHAS dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate 硫酸脱氢表雄酮DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation 弥漫性血管内凝血DNA deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸DNase deoxyribonuclease 脱氧核糖核酸酶El estrone 雌酮E2 estradiol 雌二醇E3 estriol 雌三醇EC external conjugate 骶耻外径E/C E3/creatinine 雌三醇/肌酐ED early deceleration 早期减速EDC expected date of confinement 预产期EDRFs endothelinum-derived relaxing factor 血管内皮细胞舒张因子EE ethinyl estradiol 炔雌醇EI eosinophilic index 嗜伊红细胞指数EIA enzyme-immunoassay酶免疫试验EIN endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia 子宫内膜上皮内瘤样病变ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 酶联免疫吸附试验ER estrogen receptor雌激素受体ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate 红细胞沉降率ET endothelin 内皮素FAD fetal activity acceleration determination 胎儿活动加速测定FDP fibrinogen degradation product 纤维蛋白原降解产物FECG fetal electrocardiography 胎儿心电图FHR fetal heart rate 胎心率FIGO Federation International of Gynecology and Obstetrics 国际妇产科协会FM fetal movement胎动FSH follicle stimulating hormone 卵泡刺激素FSH-RH follicle stimulating hormone releasing hormone 卵泡刺激素释放激素FTA-ABS fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption 荧光密螺旋体抗体吸收试验GFR glomerular filtration rate 肾小球滤过率GIFT gamete intra fallopian transfer医学教.育网搜集配子输卵管内移植Gn-RH gonadotropin releasing hormone 促性腺激素释放激素Gn-RH-a gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist(analogue)促性腺素释放激素激动剂(类似物)GTD gestational trophoblastic disease 妊娠滋养细胞疾病GTT gestational trophoblastic tumor 妊娠滋养细胞肿瘤Gy grayunit 辐射吸收剂量单位,1Gy=100radsHAIR hemoagglutination inhibition reaction血凝抑制反应HAV hepatitis A virus 甲型肝炎病毒HBV hepatitis B virus 乙型肝炎病毒HBAg hepatitis B antigen 乙型肝炎抗原HBcAg hepatitis B core antigen 乙型肝炎核心抗原HBeAg hepatitis B e antigen 乙型肝炎核心相关抗原HBIG hepatitis B immunoglobulin 乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen 乙型肝炎表面抗原HCV hepatitis C virus 丙型肝炎病毒HDV hepatitis D virus 丁型肝炎病毒HEV hepatitis E virus 戊型肝炎病毒HCG human chorionic gonadotropin (人)绒毛膜促性腺激素HCT human chorionic thyrotropin (人)绒毛膜促甲状腺激素HDN hemolytic disease of newborn 新生儿溶血性疾病HELLP syndrome hemolytic anemia,elevated liver function and low platelet count syndrome 溶血,肝酶升高及血小板减少综合征(HELLP综合征)HGG human gammaglobulin (人)丙种球蛋白HGH human growth hormone (人)生长激素HIV human immunodeficiency virus (人)免疫缺陷病毒HLA human leukocyte antigen (人)白细胞抗原HM hydatidiform mole 葡萄胎HMG human menopausal gonadotropin (人)绝经期促性腺激素HPG human pituitary gonadotropin (人)垂体促性腺激素HPF high power field 高倍视野HPL human placental lactogen (人)胎盘生乳素HPV human papilloma virus 人乳头状瘤病毒HSAP heat stable alkaline phosphatase 耐热性碱性磷酸酶HSG hysterosalpingography 子宫输卵管造影HTLv human T lymphotrophic virus type (人)嗜T细胞病毒重型HSV herpes simplex virus 单纯疱疹病毒H-Y antigen histocompatibility Y antigen 组织相容性Y抗原IC intercristal diameter 髂嵴间径ICP intrahepatic eholestasis of pregnancy 妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症IFN interferon 干扰素Ig immunoglobulin免疫球蛋白IHM invasive hydatidiform mole 侵蚀性葡萄胎IL interleukin 白细胞介素IRDS idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome 特发性呼吸窘迫综合征IS interspinal diameter 髂棘间径IT intertrochanteric diameter 粗隆间径IU,iu international unit 国际单位IUD intrauterine device 宫内节育器IUGR Intrauterine growth retardation 宫内发育迟缓IVF-ET in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer 体外受精与胚胎移植iv gtt intravenously guttae 静脉滴注LAK lymphokine activated killer cell 淋巴因子激活的杀伤细胞LAV lymphadenopathy associated virus 淋巴腺病相关病毒LD late deceleration 晚期减速LD50 median lethal dose 半数致死量LDH lactin dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶LGA large for gestational age 大于孕龄LH luteinizing hormone 黄体生成激素LH-RH luteinizing hormone releasing hormone 黄体生成激素释放激素LMA left mento anterior颏左前LMP left mento posterior 颏左后last menstrual period末次月经日期LMT left mento transverse 颏左横LOA left occipito anterior 枕左前LOP left occipito posterior 枕左后LOT left occipito transverse 枕左横LRF luteinizing hormone releasing factor 黄体生成激素释放因子(即LH-RH)LSA left sacro anterior 骶左前LSP left sacro-posterior骶左后LST left sacro-transverse骶左横LScA left scapulo-anterior 肩左前LScP left scapulo-osterior 肩左后L/S lecithin/sphingomyelin 卵磷脂/鞘磷脂LUFS luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome 黄素化未破裂卵泡综合征mABP mean arterial blood pressure平均动脉压MI maturation index 成熟指数mol mole 摩尔,"物质的量"单位mRNA messenger RNA信使核糖核酸mμg millimicrogram 毫微克McAb monoclonal antibody单克隆抗体MRI magnetic resonance imaging磁共振成相MSH melanocyte stimulating hormone 促黑素细胞激素nm nanometer 毫微米NST non-stress test无应激试验OCT oxytocin challenge test 催产素激惹试验OT old tuberculin 旧结核菌素△OD optical density difference吸光度差PBI protein bound iodine 蛋白结合碘PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome 多囊卵巢综合征PCR polymerase chain reaction 聚合酶链反应PCWP pulmonary capillary wedge pressure 肺毛细血管楔压pg picogram 微微克PG prostaglandin 前列腺素PGF 前列腺素FPGE 前列腺素EPGI2 prostacyclin 前列环素PHM partial hydatidiform mole 部份性葡萄胎PID pelvic inflammatory disease 盆腔炎PIH pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome 妊娠高血压综合征prolact ininhibitory hormone 催乳激素抑制激素PMP previous menstrual period 前次月经日期POP plasma oncotic pressure 血浆胶体渗透压PR progestogen receptor 激素受体PRL prolactin催乳激素PSβ1G pregnancy specific β1-glycoprotein 妊娠特异β1糖蛋白PSTT placental-site trophoblastic tumor 胎盘部位滋养细胞肿瘤PVP polyvinyl-pyrrolidone 聚乙烯吡咯烷酮rad 拉德,辐射吸收剂量单位Rh rheus 猕(指人红细胞某种物质与猕红细胞相似)RIA radioimmunoassay放射免疫测定RMA right mento-anterior 颏右前RMP right mento-posterior 颏右后RMT right mento-transverse 颏右横RNA ribonucleic acid 核糖核酸ROA right occipito-anterior 枕右前ROP right occipito-posterior 枕右后ROT right occipito-transverse枕右横roll over test 翻身试验RPF renal plasma flow 肾血流量RSA right sacro-anterior 骶右前RSP right sacro-posterior 骶右后RST right sacro-transverse 骶右横RScA right scapulo-anterior 肩右前RScP right scapulo-posterior 肩右后RU rat unit 大鼠单位SCJ squamo-columnar junction鳞柱交接部SGA fetus small-for gestational age fetus 小于孕龄儿SGOT serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 血清谷草转氨酶SGPT serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase 血清谷丙转氨酶(又称ALT)SHBG sex hormone binding globulin 性激素结合球蛋白SOD superoxide dismutase 超氧化物歧化酶STD sexually transmitted disease 性传播疾病T3 triiodothyronine 三碘甲状腺原氨酸T4 thyroxine 甲状腺素TBG thyroxine-bindlng globulin 甲状腺素结合球蛋白TeBG testoterone estrogen binding globulin 睾酮雌激素结合球蛋白TF transfer factor 转移因子TNF tumor necrosis factor 肿瘤坏死因子TO transverse outlct 出口横径TPHA treponema pallidum haemagglutination assay 梅毒螺旋体血凝试验TRH thyrotropin releasing hormone 促甲状腺素释放激素tRNA transfer RNA 转运核糖核酸TSH thyroid stlmulating hormone 促甲状腺激素TXA2 thromboxane A2 血栓素A2μg microgram 微克USR unheated serum reagm test 不加热血清反应素试验VDRL Venereal Disease Research Laboratory Test 性病研究实验室试验VD variable deceleratlon 变异减速VSM vasculo-syncytial membrane 血管合体膜VIN vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia 外阴上皮内瘤样病变WHO world health organization 世界卫生。
妇产科学术语导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《妇产科学术语》的内容,具体内容:每行每业都有自己的专业学术语,妇产科也是如此,今天我为大家整理了一些,希望这些妇产科英语专业术语能帮到大家!妇产科需懂的学术语妇产科学 obstetrics and...每行每业都有自己的专业学术语,妇产科也是如此,今天我为大家整理了一些,希望这些妇产科英语专业术语能帮到大家!妇产科需懂的学术语妇产科学 obstetrics and gynecology产科学 obstetrics妊娠 pregnancy幼女妊娠 precocious pregnancy妊娠年龄小于或等于12岁者。
青春期妊娠 teenage pregnancy, adolescent pregnancy孕次 gravidity未孕妇 nulligravida孕妇 gravida初孕妇 primigravida经孕妇 multigravida假孕 pseudocyesis前次月经 past menstrual period, PMP末次月经 last menstrual period, LMP月经龄 menstrual age受精龄 fertilization age孕龄 gestational age早孕反应 morning sickness妊娠剧吐 hyperemesis gravidarum妊娠纹 striae gravidarum妊娠溢液 hydrorrhea gravidarum黑加征 Hegar sign胎动感 quickening四步触诊法 four maneuvers of Leopold脐带杂音 umbilical souffle子宫杂音 uterine souffle妊娠期 trimester of pregnancy妊娠早期 early trimester of pregnancy妊娠中期 mid trimester of pregnancy妇产科必备英语学术语妊娠晚期 late trimester of pregnancy过期妊娠 postterm pregnancy, prolonged pregnancy 单胎妊娠 singleton pregnancy双胎妊娠 twin pregnancy单羊膜囊双胎 monoamnionic twin pregnancy双羊膜囊双胎 diamnionic twin pregnancy单绒毛膜双胎 monochorionic twin pregnancy 双胎交锁 locked twins, interlocking twins 多胎妊娠 multiple pregnancy三胎妊娠 triplet pregnancy四胎妊娠 quadruplet pregnancy五胎妊娠 quintuplet pregnancy同期复孕 superfecundation异期复孕 superfetation】产前 antepartum产时 intrapartum产后 postpartum产前保健 antenatal care, prenatal care预产期 expected date of confinement, EDC 胎方位 fetal position产妇 parturient, puerpera未产妇 nullipara初产妇 primipara高龄初产妇 elderly primipara妊娠年龄大于或等于35岁者。
内科internal medicine外科surgery骨科orthopedics妇产科obstetrics and gynecology中医科chinese traditional medicine 麻醉科anesthesiology眼科ophthalmology耳鼻喉科 E.N.T针灸理疗科acupuncture and physical therapy 急诊科emergency room重症监护中心ICU皮肤性病科dermatology and venereology 呼吸respiration神经neurology血液肿瘤hematology and oncology肾病nephrology心血管cardiovascular disease消化digestion新生儿科newborns感染科infectious疼痛门诊pain clinic妇科gynecology产科obstetrics生殖医学中心assistant reproduction center 泌尿genito-urinary心胸cardiac and thoracic普外general surgery病理科pathology影像科radiology超声科ultrasonograpthy division 检验科laboratory division输血科blood transfusion unit手术室operation room药剂科pharmacy division营养科nutrition division供应科supply room血透室hemodialysis division内镜中心endoscopy center特检科special examination division 实习生intern院办president’s office医务科medical affairs division感染管理科infectious management division 护理部nursing division门诊部out-patient division科教部scientific research division组织人事科personnel division保卫科security division财务科finance division临床工程科facilities division计算机中心computer center总务科general affairs division基建科construction division膳食科food division综合采购部purchasing division社区医疗服务部community medical service division 预防保健科staff health office门诊out-patient急诊emergency住院手术in-patient operation门诊手术out-patient operation病床周转次数bed turnover rate床位利用率bed utilization rate医疗诊疗数medical records助理医师physician assistant主治医师attending physician主任医师chief physician急诊医师emergency physician家庭医师family physician住院医师house/resident physiciansurgery : The medical department responsible for performing operations on patients. During an operation ,a me-dical problem is corrected with the use of surgicaltools. Two common tools include the scalpel, is asmall knife ,and the forceps, which is a set of tongs .A physician qualified to perform operations is knowas a surgeon.Physician : Another name for a doctor of medicine.A physician Is trained in the pratice of medicine ,the “healingArt.”Medical Department: A division of medical services inthe hospital that offers diagnosisand treatment in one area.Examples of medical departmentsinclude surgery, neurology,andpediatrics. These division mayalso be referred to as clinicaldepartments. Each department isrun by a senior physician knownas the head of the department. Surgery: The medical department responsible for performing operations on patients. During anoperation, a medical problem is corrected withthe use of surgical tools. Two common toolsinclude the scalpel, is a small knife, and theforceps, which is a set of tongs. A physicianqualified to perform operations is known as asurgeon.Exploratory Surgery: Surgery that is performed to helpconfirm a diagnosis. It usually isnot intended to cure the patient. Anesthesia: General or local insensibility to pain induced by certain drugs or gases calledanesthetics. They are usually administeredby a trained anesthesionlogist, who is adoctor, or an anesthetist, who usually is not. Patient Monitoring: The use of electronic devices tokeep constant watch over apatient’s vital signs.Cesarean Section: A method of delivering a child thatinvolves cutting into the uterus. Thename comes from the supposed factthat Julius Caesar was delivered thisway.Rooming-in: A new practice that allows newborn infantsto spend much of their time in theirmothers’ rooms.Pediatrician: A doctor who specializes in the care of children from the time they are born untilthey are teenagers. Most general hospitalhave a separate pediatrics department. General Medicine: A term covering a broad range ofmedical services offered by ahospital. Patients in this departmentare cured by medicine or anotherform of therapy.Internist: A doctor who specializes in general, internalproblems that can be cured by medication. Dermatologist: A specialist in skin problems.Dermatlolgy is the study and treatment ofskin problems.Communicable diseases: Diseases that are infectious orcan spread from one patient toanother. Included in thiscategory are measles, smallpox,poliomyelitis, meningitis,and soon.Paramedical: Related to the medical profession in asupporting or supplementary manner. Aparamedical technician has some trainingin his specialty, but not as much as adoctor. This kind of technician is oftennow called allied health professional. Anesthesiologist: Doctor trained in the administration ofanesthetics, drugs or gases-such asether that produce anesthesia orinsensitivity to pain.Radiologist: Specialist in the use of x rays. These rays are given off by various radioactivesubstances. They are used to photographbones and inner organs. All radiologists arephysicians.Nuclear Medicine: New medical specialty featuring theuse of radioactive isotopes fordiagnostic purposes. The isotope isinjected into skin tissue,thebloodstream, or an organ. Itsmovement is followed by a deviceknown as a scanner.Laboratory: Area in the hospital responsible for analyzing samples of blood, urine, tissue,and so on. These samples are calledspecimens. The lab is run by a pathologist, adoctor who interprets and diagnosesdiseases by examining samples oftissue,blood,and so on.Thelab is staffed bylaboratory technicians.Urinalysis: Laboratory analysis of a urine specimen. Microscope: A device used in laboratory analyses that magnified what is too small for the eye tosee.Centrifuge: Anapparatus that separates substances of different densities by rotating at highspeeds.It is used in a hospital laboratory. Autopsy: examination of a body after death todetermine the cause of death.Thebody is kept in thehospital morgue during the autopsy and until itis removed for burial.Medical Audit: Professional evaluation of the quality ofmedical care offered to patients. Basal Metabolism Rate: The speed is at which a body atrest uses oxygen to consumethe calories in food.Blood Bank: Storage place for bottled human blood to beused in transfusions. The laboratory in ahospital is responsible for this blood. Pharmacy: Area in a hospital where medication is prepared and dispensed by a trainedpharmacist.Prescription: A written order for medication. A physicianwrites the prescription and a pharmacistfills it.Oxygen Therapy: Administration of oxygen-to patientswho are having troubleblethingthrough the use of anoxygen tent or mask.Renal Dialysis: Procedure used by patients who havelost the use of their kidneys. Theirkidney function must be replaced twoor three times a week by a renaldialysis machine.Sterilization: The process of destroying disease-producing organisms, usuallythrough the use of heat. Items that havebeen sterilized are said to by sterile. Obstetrics: A medical term relating to the delivery of babies.aphysicia specializing in this atea ofmedicine is an obitetrician.Operating Room:A special room in a hospital equipped for operations.Gynecology:the science of the female reproductivesystem, A gynecologist cam usuallydeliver babies, as well as theobstetrician.Labor: The series of contractions of the uterus prior tothe birth of an infant.Recovery Room: The room in which a patient recoversfrom an operation of recovers from thedelivery of an infant.Nursery: The place in which newborn babies are cared for after their delivery. Most hospitals haveregular nurseries and premature nurseries forbabies who are born before the end of thenormal nine-month gestation period. Maternity Floor: The part of the hospital where mothersgive birth to babies and are cared foraftefrward. Most women spend from afew days to a week here. This area mayalso be referred to as a ward or a wing.。
哲学Philosophy马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism中国哲学Chinese Philosophy外国哲学Foreign Philosophies逻辑学Logic伦理学Ethics美学Aesthetics宗教学Science of Religion科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology经济学Economics理论经济学Theoretical Economics政治经济学Political Economy经济思想史History of Economic Thought经济史History of Economic西方经济学Western Economics世界经济World Economics人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics应用经济学Applied Economics国民经济学National Economics区域经济学Regional Economics财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (including Taxation)金融学(含保险学)Finance (including Insurance)产业经济学Industrial Economics国际贸易学International Trade劳动经济学Labor Economics统计学Statistics数量经济学Quantitative Economics中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称国防经济学National Defense Economics法学Law法学Science of Law法学理论Jurisprudence法律史Legal History宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law )诉讼法学Science of Procedure Laws经济法学Science of Economic Law环境与资源保护法学Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、) International law (including International Public law, International Private Law and International Economic Law)军事法学Science of Military Law政治学Political Science政治学理论Political Theory中外政治制度Chinese and Foreign Political Institution科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动Scientific Socialism and InternationalCommunist Movement中共党史(含党的学说与党的建设) History of the Communist Party of China(including the Doctrine of China Party and Party Building)马克思主义理论与思想政治教育Education of Marxist Theory and Education in Ideology and Politics国际政治学International Politics国际关系学International Relations外交学Diplomacy社会学Sociology社会学Sociology人口学Demography人类学Anthropology民俗学(含中国民间文学) Folklore (including Chinese Folk Literature)民族学Ethnology民族学Ethnology马克思主义民族理论与政策Marxist Ethnic Theory and Policy中国少数民族经济Chinese Ethnic Economics中国少数民族史Chinese Ethnic History中国少数民族艺术Chinese Ethnic Art教育学Education教育学Education Science教育学原理Educational Principle课程与教学论Curriculum and Teaching Methodology教育史History of Education比较教育学Comparative Education学前教育学Pre-school Education高等教育学Higher Education成人教育学Adult Education职业技术教育学V ocational and Technical Education特殊教育学Special Education教育技术学Education Technology心理学Psychology基础心理学Basic Psychology发展与心理学Developmental and Educational Psychology应用心理学Applied Psychology体育学Science of Physical Culture and Sports体育人文社会学Humane and Sociological Science of Sports运动人体科学Human Movement Science体育教育训练学Theory of Sports Pedagogy and Training民族传统体育学Science of Ethnic Traditional Sports文学Literature中国语言文学Chinese Literature文艺学Theory of Literature and Art语言学及应用语言学Linguistics and Applied Linguistics汉语言文字学Chinese Philology中国古典文献学Study of Chinese Classical Text中国古代文学Ancient Chinese Literature中国现当代文学Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature中国少数民族语言文学Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature比较文学与世界文学Comparative Literature and World Literature 外国语言文学Foreign Languages and Literatures英语语言文学English Language and Literature俄语语言文学Russian Language and Literature法语语言文学French Language and Literature德语语言文学German Language and Literature日语语言文学Japanese Language and Literature印度语言文学Indian Language and Literature西班牙语语言文学Spanish Language and Literature阿拉伯语语言文学Arabic Language and Literature欧洲语言文学European Language and Literature亚非语言文学Asian-African Language and Literature外国语言学及应用语言学Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Foreign Languages新闻传播学Journalism and Communication新闻学Journalism传播学Communication艺术学Art艺术学Art Theory音乐学Music美术学Fine Arts设计艺术学Artistic Design戏剧戏曲学Theater and Chinese Traditional Opera电影学Film广播电视艺术学Radio and television Art舞蹈学Dance历史学History历史学History史学理论及史学史Historical Theories and History of Historical Science考古学及博物馆学Archaeology and Museology历史地理学Historical Geography历史文献学(含敦煌学、古文字学) Studies of Historical Literature (including Paleography and Studies of Dunhuang)专门史History of Particular Subjects中国古代史Ancient Chinese History中国近现代史Modern and Contemporary Chinese History世界史World History理学Natural Science数学Mathematics基础数学Fundamental Mathematics计算数学Computational Mathematics概率论与数理统计Probability and Mathematical Statistics应用数学Applied mathematics运筹学与控制论Operational Research and Cybernetics物理学Physics理论物理Theoretical Physics粒子物理与原子核物理Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics原子与分子物理Atomic and Molecular Physics等离子体物理Plasma Physics凝聚态物理Condensed Matter Physics声学Acoustics光学Optics无线电物理Radio Physics化学Chemistry无机化学Inorganic Chemistry分析化学Analytical Chemistry有机化学Organic Chemistry物理化学(含化学物理)Physical Chemistry (including Chemical Physics) 高分子化学与物理Chemistry and Physics of Polymers天文学Astronomy天体物理Astrophysics天体测量与天体力学Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics地理学Geography自然地理学Physical Geography人文地理学Human Geography地图学与地理信息系统Cartography and Geography Information System大气科学Atmospheric Sciences气象学Meteorology大气物理学与大气环境Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment 海洋科学Marine Sciences物理海洋学Physical Oceanography海洋化学Marine Chemistry海洋生理学Marine Biology海洋地质学Marine Geology地球物理学Geophysics固体地球物理学Solid Earth Physics空间物理学Space Physics地质学Geology矿物学、岩石学、矿床学Mineralogy, Petrology, Mineral Deposit Geology 地球化学Geochemistry古生物学与地层学(含古人类学)Paleontology and Stratigraphy (including Paleoanthropology)构造地质学Structural Geology第四纪地质学Quaternary Geology生物学Biology植物学Botany动物学Zoology生理学Physiology水生生物学Hydrobiology微生物学Microbiology神经生物学Neurobiology遗传学Genetics发育生物学Developmental Biology细胞生物学Cell Biology生物化学与分子生物学Biochemistry and Molecular Biology生物物理学Biophysics生态学Ecology系统科学Systems Science系统理论Systems Theory系统分析与集成Systems Analysis and Integration科学技术史History of Science and Technology工学Engineering力学Mechanics一般力学与力学基础General and Fundamental Mechanics固体力学Solid Mechanics流体力学Fluid Mechanics工程力学Engineering Mechanics机械工程Mechanical Engineering机械制造及其自动化Mechanical Manufacture and Automation机械电子工程Mechatronic Engineering机械设计与理论Mechanical Design and Theory车辆工程Vehicle Engineering光学工程Optical Engineering仪器科学与技术Instrument Science and Technology精密仪器及机械Precision Instrument and Machinery测试计量技术及仪器Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments 材料科学与工程Materials Science and Engineering材料物理与化学Materials Physics and Chemistry材料学Materialogy材料加工工程Materials Processing Engineering冶金工程Metallurgical Engineering冶金物理化学Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy钢铁冶金Ferrous Metallurgy有色金属冶金Non-ferrous Metallurgy动力工程及工程热物理Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics 工程热物理Engineering Thermophysics热能工程Thermal Power Engineering动力机械及工程Power Machinery and Engineering流体机械及工程Fluid Machinery and Engineering制冷及低温工程Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering化工过程机械Chemical Process Equipment电气工程Electrical Engineering电机与电器Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus电力系统及其自动化Power System and its Automation高电压与绝缘技术High V oltage and Insulation Technology电力电子与电力传动Power Electronics and Power Drives电工理论与新技术Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering电子科学与技术Electronics Science and Technology物理电子学Physical Electronics电路与系统Circuits and Systems微电子学与固体电子学Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics电磁场与微波技术Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology信息与通信工程Information and Communication Engineering通信与信息系统Communication and Information Systems信号与信息处理Signal and Information Processing控制科学与工程Control Science and Engineering控制理论与控制工程Control Theory and Control Engineering检测技术与自动化装置Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment系统工程Systems Engineering模式识别与智能系统Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems导航、制导与控制Navigation, Guidance and Control计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology计算机软件与理论Computer Software and Theory计算机系统结构Computer Systems Organization计算机应用技术Computer Applied Technology建筑学Architecture建筑历史与理论Architectural History and Theory建筑设计及其理论Architectural Design and Theory城市规划与设计(含风景园林规划与设计)Urban Planning and Design (including Landscape Planning and Design)建筑技术科学Building Technology Science土木工程Civil Engineering岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering结构工程Structural Engineering市政工程Municipal Engineering供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Engineering防灾减灾工程及防护工程Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protective Engineering桥梁与隧道工程Bridge and Tunnel Engineering水利工程Hydraulic Engineering水文学及水资源Hydrology and Water Resources水力学及河流动力学Hydraulics and River Dynamics水工结构工程Hydraulic Structure Engineering水利水电工程Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering港口、海岸及近海工程Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering测绘科学与技术Surveying and Mapping大地测量学与测量工程Geodesy and Survey Engineering摄影测量与遥感Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing地图制图学与地理信息工程Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering 化学工程与技术Chemical Engineering and Technology化学工程Chemical Engineering化学工艺Chemical Technology生物化工Biochemical Engineering应用化学Applied Chemistry工业催化Industrial Catalysis地质资源与地质工程Geological Resources and Geological Engineering矿产普查与勘探Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration地球探测与信息技术Geodetection and Information Technology地质工程Geological Engineering矿业工程Mineral Engineering采矿工程Mining Engineering矿物加工工程Mineral Processing Engineering安全技术及工程Safety Technology and Engineering石油与天然气工程Oil and Natural Gas Engineering油气井工程Oil-Gas Well Engineering油气田开发工程Oil-Gas Field Development Engineering油气储运工程Oil-Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering纺织科学与工程Textile Science and Engineering纺织工程Textile Engineering纺织材料与纺织品设计Textile Material and Textiles Design纺织化学与染整工程Textile Chemistry and Dyeing and Finishing Engineering服装设计与工程Clothing Design and Engineering轻工技术与工程The Light Industry Technology and Engineering制浆造纸工程Pulp and Paper Engineering制糖工程Sugar Engineering发酵工程Fermentation Engineering皮革化学与工程Leather Chemistry and Engineering交通运输工程Communication and Transportation Engineering道路与铁道工程Highway and Railway Engineering交通信息工程及控制Traffic Information Engineering & Control交通运输规划与管理Transportation Planning and Management载运工具运用工程Vehicle Operation Engineering船舶与海洋工程Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering船舶与海洋结构物设计制造Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure 轮机工程Marine Engine Engineering水声工程Underwater Acoustics Engineering航空宇航科学与技术Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology飞行器设计Flight Vehicle Design航空宇航推进理论与工程Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering航空宇航器制造工程Manufacturing Engineering of Aerospace Vehicle人机与环境工程Man-Machine and Environmental Engineering兵器科学与技术Armament Science and Technology武器系统与运用工程Weapon Systems and Utilization Engineering兵器发射理论与技术Armament Launch Theory and Technology火炮、自动武器与弹药工程Artillery, Automatic Gun and Ammunition Engineering军事化学与烟火技术Military Chemistry and Pyrotechnics核科学与技术Nuclear Science and Technology核能科学与工程Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering核燃料循环与材料Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials核技术及应用Nuclear Technology and Applications辐射防护及环境保护Radiation and Environmental Protection农业工程Agricultural Engineering农业机械化工程Agricultural Mechanization Engineering农业水土工程Agricultural Water-Soil Engineering农业生物环境与能源工程Agricultural Biological Environmental and Energy Engineering农业电气化与自动化Agricultural Electrification and Automation林业工程Forestry Engineering森林工程Forest Engineering木材科学与技术Wood Science and Technology林产化学加工工程Chemical Processing Engineering of Forest Products环境科学与工程Environmental Science and Engineering环境科学Environmental Science环境工程Environmental Engineering生物医学工程Biomedical Engineering食品科学与工程Food Science and Engineering食品科学Food Science粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程Cereals, Oils and Vegetable Protein Engineering农产品加工及贮藏工程Processing and Storage of Agriculture Products水产品加工及贮藏工程Processing and Storage of Aquatic Products农学Agriculture作物学Crop Science作物栽培学与耕作学Crop Cultivation and Farming System作物遗传育种学Crop Genetics and Breeding园艺学Horticulture果树学Pomology蔬菜学Olericulture茶学Tea Science农业资源利用学Utilization Science of Agricultural Resources土壤学Soil Science植物营养学Plant Nutrition植物保护学Plant Protection植物病理学Plant Pathology农业昆虫与害虫防治Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control农药学Pesticide Science畜牧学Animal Science动物遗传育种与繁殖Animal Genetics, Breeding and ReproductionScience动物营养与饲料科学Animal Nutrition and Feed Science草业科学Practaculture Science特种经济动物饲养学(含蚕、蜂等)The Rearing of Special-type Economic Animals (including Silkworm, Honeybees, etc.)兽医学Veterinary Medicine基础兽医学Basic Veterinary Medicine预防兽医学Preventive Veterinary Medicine临床兽医学Clinical Veterinary Medicine林学Forestry林木遗传育种学Forest Tree Genetics and Breeding森林培育学Silviculture森林保护学Forest Protection森林经理学Forest Management野生动植物保护与利用Wildlife Conservation and Utilization园林植物与观赏园艺Ornamental Plants and Horticulture水土保持与荒漠化防治Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Combating 水产学Fisheries Science水产养殖学Aquaculture Science捕捞学Fishing Science渔业资源学Science of Fisheries Resources医学Medicine基础医学Basic Medicine人体解剖与组织胚胎学Human Anatomy, Histology and Embryology免疫学Immunology病原生物学Pathogenic Organisms病理学与病理生理学Pathology and Pathophysiology法医学Forensic Medicine放射医学Radiation Medicine航空航天与航海医学Aerospace and Nautical medicine临床医学Clinical Medicine内科学(含心血管病学、血液病学、呼吸系病学、消化系病学、内分泌与代谢病学、肾脏病学、风湿病学、传染病学)Internal medicine (including Cardiology, Hematology, Respiratory, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Nephrology, Rheuma-tology, Infectious Diseases)儿科学Pediatrics老年医学Geriatrics神经病学Neurology精神病与精神卫生学Psychiatry and Mental Health皮肤病与性病学Dermatology and Venereology影像医学与核医学Imaging and Nuclear Medicine临床检验诊断学Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics护理学Nursing外科学(含普通外科学、骨外科学、泌尿外科学、胸心血管外科学、神经外科学、整形外科学、烧伤外科学、野战外科学)Surgery (General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Burn Surgery, Field Surgery)妇产科学Obstetrics and Gynecology眼科学Ophthalmic Specialty耳鼻咽喉科学Otolaryngology肿瘤学Oncology康复医学与理疗学Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy运动医学Sports Medicine麻醉学Anesthesiology急诊医学Emergency Medicine口腔医学Stomatology口腔基础医学Basic Science of Stomatology口腔临床医学Clinical Science of Stomatology公共卫生与预防医学Public Health and Preventive Medicine流行病与卫生统计学Epidemiology and Health Statistics劳动卫生与环境卫生学Occupational and Environmental Health营养与食品卫生学Nutrition and Food Hygiene儿少卫生与妇幼保健学Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health卫生毒理学Hygiene Toxicology军事预防医学Military Preventive Medicine中医学Chinese Medicine中医基础理论Basic Theories of Chinese Medicine中医临床基础Clinical Foundation of Chinese Medicine中医医史文献History and Literature of Chinese Medicine方剂学Formulas of Chinese Medicine中医诊断学Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine中医内科学Chinese Internal Medicine中医外科学Surgery of Chinese Medicine中医骨伤科学Orthopedics of Chinese Medicine中医妇科学Gynecology of Chinese Medicine中医儿科学Pediatrics of Chinese Medicine中医五官科学Ophthalmology and Otolaryngoloy of Chinese Medicine针灸推拿学Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Tuina of Chinese medicine民族医学Ethnomedicine中西医结合医学Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine中西医结合基础医学Basic Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative中西医结合临床医学Clinical Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine 药学Pharmaceutical Science药物化学Medicinal Chemistry药剂学Pharmaceutics生药学Pharmacognosy药物分析学Pharmaceutical Analysis微生物与生化药学Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy药理学Pharmacology中药学Science of Chinese Pharmacology军事学Military Science军事思想学及军事历史学Military Thought and Military History军事思想学Military Thought军事历史学Military History战略学Science of Strategy军事战略学Military Strategy战争动员学War Mobilization战役学Science of Operations联合战役学Joint Operation军种战役学(含第二炮兵战役学)Armed Service Operation (including Operation of Strategic Missile Force)战术学Science of Tactics合同战术学Combined-Arms Tactics兵种战术学Branch Tactics军队指挥学Science of Command作战指挥学Combat Command军事运筹学Military Operation Research军事通信学Military Communication军事情报学Military Intelligence密码学Cryptography军事教育训练学(含军事体育学)Military Education and Training (including Military Physical Training)军制学Science of Military System军事组织编制学Military Organizational System军队管理学Military Management军队政治工作学Science of Military Political Work军事后勤学与军事装备学Science of Military Logistics and Military Equipment军事后勤学Military Logistics后方专业勤务Rear Special Service军事装备学Military Equipment管理学Management Science管理科学与工程Management Science and Engineering工商管理学Science of Business Administration会计学Accounting企业管理学(含财务管理、市场营销学、人力资源管理学)Corporate Management (including Financial Management, Marketing, and Human Resources Management)旅游管理学Tourist Management技术经济及管理学Technology Economy and Management农林经济管理学Agricultural and Forestry Economics & Management农业经济管理学Agricultural Economics & Management林业经济管理学Forestry Economics & Management公共管理学Science of Public Management行政管理学Administration Management社会医学与卫生事业管理学Social Medicine and Health Management教育经济与管理学Educational Economy and Management社会保障学Social Security土地资源管理学Land Resource Management图书馆、情报与档案学Science of Library, Information and Archival 图书馆学Library Science情报学Information Science档案学Archival Science。
妇产科学 obstetrics and gynecology产科学 obstetrics妊娠pregnancy幼女妊娠 precocious pregnancy妊娠年龄小于或等于12岁者。
青春期妊娠 teenage pregnancy, adolescent pregnancy孕次 gravidity未孕妇 nulligraviTags:术语妇产科学妇产科学 obstetrics and gynecology 产科学 obstetrics 妊娠 pregnancy幼女妊娠 precocious pregnancy妊娠年龄小于或等于12岁者。
青春期妊娠 teenage pregnancy,adolescent pregnancy 孕次gravidity 未孕妇 nulligravida孕妇 gravida 初孕妇 primigravida 经孕妇 multigravida假孕 pseudocyesis前次月经past menstrual period,PMP 末次月经last menstrual period,LMP月经龄 menstrual age 受精龄 fertilization age 孕龄gestational age早孕反应morning sickness 妊娠剧吐hyperemesis gravidarum 妊娠纹 striae gravidarum妊娠溢液 hydrorrhea gravidarum 黑加征 Hegar sign 胎动感 quickening四步触诊法four maneuvers of Leopold 脐带杂音umbilical soufflé子宫杂音 uterine souff lé妊娠期 trimester of pregnancy妊娠早期 early trimester of pregnancy妊娠中期 mid trimester of pregnancy妊娠晚期 late trimester of pregnancy 过期妊娠 postterm pregnancy,prolonged pregnancy单胎妊娠 singleton pregnancy双胎妊娠 twin pregnancy单羊膜囊双胎 monoamnionic twin pregnancy双羊膜囊双胎diamnionic twin pregnancy单绒毛膜双胎monochorionic twin pregnancy双胎交锁locked twins,interlocking twins多胎妊娠multiple pregnancy三胎妊娠 triplet pregnancy四胎妊娠 quadruplet pregnancy五胎妊娠 quintuplet pregnancy同期复孕 superfecundation 异期复孕 superfetation产前 antepartum产时 intrapartum产后 postpartum产前保健antenatal care,prenatal care预产期expected date of confinement,EDC胎方位fetal position产妇 parturient,puerpera未产妇 nullipara初产妇 primipara高龄初产妇 elderly primipara妊娠年龄大于或等于35岁者。
留学必备医院科室英语单词留学必备医院科室英语单词很多人出国留学是为了深造,对于专业相关的英语词汇就要把握好,下面是我整理的.医医院科室的英语单词,希望能帮到大家!肾内科Urology Department小儿外科Pediatric Surgery核医学科Isotopic Laboratory高压氧仓室Hyperbaric Chamber小儿科Pediatrics Department整形科Plastic SurgeryECT 室ECT Laboratory院内感染监控室Nosocomial Infection Monitory中医科Traditional Chinese Medicine Department烧伤科Departm(转载自第一,请保存此标记。
)ent of Burn供应室Supply House血液成份分别室Cytopheresis Laboratory高干病房Senior Officials inpatient Ward妇产科Obstetric and Gynecologic Department养分室Nutrition House体外反搏室Counter Extropulsative Room 华侨病房Overseas Chinese Ward口腔科Stomatological Department康复科Rehabilitation Department保健科Medical Care Department for personnel眼科Ophthalmologic Department针灸科Acupuncture and Moxibustion De-parment 耳鼻喉科Otorhinolaryngologic Department理疗科Physiotherapy Deparment痔疮科Hemorrhoids Deparment按摩科Massage Department皮肤科Dermatology Department麻醉科Anesthesia Department内科系统Medicine Systems外科系统Surgery Systems医技科室Medical Laboratory血液病科Hematology Department普外(肝胆)General Surgery临床检验Clinical Laboratory输血科Blood Bank内分泌科Endocrinology Department胸外科Thoracic surgery病理科Pathology Deparment脑电图室ECG Laboratory消化内科Digestive System Department心外科Cardial Surgery传统放射科Traditional Radiology Department肺功能室Lung Function Laboratory心血管内科Vasculocardiology Deparment泌尿外科Urology SurgeryMR室MR Laboratory胃镜室Dndoscope Laboratory神经内科Neurology Department肿瘤外科Oncological SurgerySCT室SCt Laboratory人工肾室Hemodialyses Room介入科Invasive Technology Department神经外科Neurological Surgery超声诊断科UItrasonic Diagnosis Deparment DSA室DSA Room呼吸科Pneumology Department骨科Orthopedics Department超声多谱勒室UItrasonic Doppler Laboratory血液净化室Laminar Airflow (LAF) Room省级重点学科Key Subjects at the Provincial Level血液病、内分泌疾病、肝胆外科、胸心外科Hematology, Endocrinology, Genneral Surgery and Cardio-Thoracic Surgery省级医疗领先特色专业The Leading Subjects of Medicine at the Provincial Level心内科、烧伤科、儿科心理学Cardiology, Department of B urn , Pediatric Psychology医院特色专科Characteristic Professional Subjects of Union Hospital消化内科、普外、肿瘤、泌尿、神经、整形、耳鼻喉科、介入、影像Digestive System Diseases, GeneralSurgery, Oncology, Urology, Neurology, Plastic Surgery, Otorhinolary, Invasive Department and Medical Imagery。
妇产科医学专业英语Obstetrics and gynecology is a branch of medicine that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, pregnancy, childbirth, and related surgical procedures. It is a highly specialized field that requires a deep understanding of female anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of obstetrics and gynecology, including its scope of practice, common procedures, and the importance of specialized training.Scope of Practice.Obstetrics and gynecology encompasses a wide range of medical conditions and procedures. Obstetricians and gynecologists (OB/GYNs) are responsible for diagnosing and treating conditions that affect the female reproductive system, including the vagina, uterus, ovaries, cervix, and breasts. They also provide prenatal care and deliver babies during childbirth. OB/GYNs may also perform surgicalprocedures such as hysterectomies, cesarean sections, and tubal ligations.Common Procedures.OB/GYNs perform a variety of procedures to diagnose and treat conditions affecting the female reproductive system. Some common procedures include:1. Pelvic examination: This procedure involves aphysical examination of the pelvis to assess the health of the reproductive organs. It may include a visual inspection, palpation, and speculum examination.2. Pap smear: A Pap smear is a test used to screen for cervical cancer. It involves collecting cells from thecervix and examining them under a microscope.3. Hysteroscopy: Hysteroscopy is a procedure thatallows doctors to visually inspect the inside of the uterus using a small, lighted camera. This procedure is used to diagnose and treat conditions such as uterine fibroids andendometrial polyps.4. Laparoscopy: Laparoscopy is a surgical procedurethat uses a small, lighted camera inserted through a small incision in the abdomen to view the pelvic organs. It is used to diagnose and treat conditions such as endometriosis and pelvic adhesions.Importance of Specialized Training.Obstetrics and gynecology is a highly specialized field that requires extensive training and education. OB/GYNs must complete a four-year medical degree program, followed by a threeto four-year residency program in obstetrics and gynecology. During their residency, doctors receivetraining in all aspects of obstetrics and gynecology, including prenatal care, childbirth, gynecological surgery, and women's health care.The specialized training that OB/GYNs receive iscrucial for providing optimal care to women. Women's reproductive health is complex and requires a deepunderstanding of female anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology. OB/GYNs are uniquely qualified to diagnose and treat conditions that affect the female reproductive system, providing women with comprehensive care throughout their lifetimes.In conclusion, obstetrics and gynecology is a crucial branch of medicine that focuses on the care of women's reproductive health. OB/GYNs play a vital role in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect the female reproductive system, providing women with comprehensive care throughout their lifetimes. The specialized training that OB/GYNs receive ensures that they are well-equipped to handle a wide range of medical conditions and procedures, delivering the best possible care to their patients.。
1. Physician:医生,内科医生,通常指一般医生或内科专家。
2. Surgeon:外科医生,通常涉及手术和外科手术。
3. OB/GYN:妇产科医生,专门从事女性健康和妇科疾病的诊断和治疗。
4. Pediatrician:儿科医生,专门从事儿童健康和疾病的诊断和治疗。
5. Dermatologist:皮肤科医生,专门从事皮肤健康和疾病的诊断和治疗。
6. Cardiologist:心脏病专家,专门从事心脏和心血管疾病的诊断和治疗。
7. Oncologist:肿瘤专家,专门从事癌症的诊断和治疗。
8. Neurologist:神经科医生,专门从事神经系统疾病的诊断和治疗。
9. Internist:内科专家,通常指在特定领域具有高级专业知识的医生。
10. Family Practitioner:家庭医生,提供全方位的医疗服务,侧重于预防和治疗常见疾病。
门诊部Topic 1、挂号咨询Topic 2、病历Topic 3、医生问诊Topic 4、候诊Topic 1单词:挂号take a registration挂号处 registration office专家号expert number普通号 average number挂号费 registration fee大厅main floor内科 medical department医务部medical administration division院办 hospital administration office护理部 nursing department值班室 duty room医护办公室 staff office填表内容:name 、age、 gender、 address 、work place、 post code、 ID number、 telephone number句型:where don’t you feel well?which department do you want to register with?you have to fill in this registration card. The registration card contains ( ).Topic 2单词:办理病历buy a case history史 past medical history家族史family history个人病史 personal history过敏史allergies检查资料Inspection data血液检查 blood test化验室数据laboratory data一般资料 physical data生理指标 physical signs其他检查数据 other lab data住院治疗情况 hospital course卡的种类 medical card医疗卡 social security card医保卡 medical insurance card信用卡 bank card / fiscard句型:she has much experience with that kind of case.She made a clinical record for the patient.The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza. Topic 3单词:诊断方法diagnostic method望诊inspection问诊inquiry听诊 auscultation叩诊 percussion触诊palpation面部facial organs眉毛 eyebrow睫毛 eyelash眼皮eyelids鼻子nose下巴chin鬓角 temple瞳孔 pupil嘴mouth舌头 tongue额头forehead眼睑 eyelid面颊cheek嘴唇 lip药物种类:止痛药analgesics [ˌænəl'dʒi:zɪks]止咳药 antitussive [ˌæntɪ'tʌsɪv]利尿药diuretics [daɪ'jʊəretɪks]止泻药antidiarrheal ['æntɪdəri:l]解毒药 antidote [ˈæntidəʊt]抗癌药anticarcinogen [ænti:kɑ:'sɪnədʒɪn]抗凝药anticoagulant [ˌæntikəʊˈægjələnt] 美 [ˌæntikoʊˈægjələnt]血管舒张药vasodilator [ˌvæsəʊdaɪ'leɪtə]退烧药antipyretics [æntɪpaɪ'retɪks] 美 [æntɪpaɪ'ret ɪks]祛痰药expectorant [ɪkˈspektərənt] 美 [ɪkˈspɛktərənt]止血药hemostatic [ˌhi:mə'stætɪk]止痒药antipruritic [ænti:p'rʊərɪtɪk] 美 [æntai:p'r ʊərɪtɪk]抗风湿药antirheumatic [æntɜ:'hu:mætɪk] 美[ænt ɜ:'hu:mætɪk]抗菌/抗生素antibiotics [ˌæntɪbaɪ'ɒtɪks]强心药cardiac tonic [ˈkɑ:di:ˌæk ˈtɔnɪk]血管收缩药vasoconstrictor [ˌvæsəʊkən'strɪktə]抗癫痫药antiepileptic [æntaɪpɪ'leptɪk]镇静药sedative [ˈsedətɪv]解痉药antispamodic***anesthetics [æntɪspæz'mɑdɪk] ***[ænɪs'θɪtɪks]句型:what are the symptoms?Can you tell me how did it get started?Topic 4单词:处方prescription看处方you’re your prescription过敏be allergic to消毒sterilize [ˈsterəlaɪz]棉球swab [swɒb]皮试skin test反应reaction预约make an appointment with the receptionist可能引起过敏的食物:小麦wheat鸡蛋egg乳制品dairy products [ˈdeəri]香蕉banana花生peanut鱼fish腰果lumbar [ˈlʌmbə(r)] beans芝麻sesame酱油soy sauce句型:Hold still please .It is important that you don’t skip a day, or the treatment will be of no effect.You should follow your treatment with plenty of rest in bed.急诊室Topic 1、receiving the call and sending the ambulanceTopic 2、emergency patient receivingTopic 3、inquiry and settlementTopic 4、Emergency arrangementTopic 1单词:救护车ambulance急救医护人员paramedic [ˌpærəˈmedɪk]现场scene医院医师内科医师pysician [fɪˈzɪʃn]神外医师neurosurgen麻醉科医师anesthetist [ə'nesθɪtɪst]理疗科physiotherapist [ˌfɪziəʊˈθerəpɪst]营养科医师dietician [ˌdaɪɪ'tɪʃən]流行病医师epidemiologist [ˌepɪˌdi:mɪ'ɒlədʒɪst]妇科医师gynecology [ˌgaɪnɪ'kɒlədʒɪ]泌尿外科医师urological surgeon [ˌjʊərə'lɒdʒɪkl]药剂医师pharmacist [ˈfɑ:məsɪst]整形科医师plastic surgeon传染病科医师doctor for infectious diseases [ɪnˈfekʃəs]卫生医师hygienist [haɪˈdʒi:nɪst]助产士midwife急救 making an ambulance人工呼吸artificial respiration [ˌrespəˈreɪʃn]输氧oxygen therapy输血blood transfusion [trænsˈfju:ʒn]止血 stop/arrest the blood止咳喘relieve dyspnoea and cough [dɪs'pni:ə]句型:please tell me what the matter is.Try to calm down,madam.So tell me where you are and we’ll be there.Could you tell me exactly where you are?Can you tell me your phone number?We will have an ambulance in about ten minutes.Please put a bandage round the wound.Clean cloth instead of bandage is okay.Don’t move him .Hold still. Arresting bleeding is the most important thing at this moment. There is an accident on the Third Ring Road and a man has been knocked down by a car. I’ll get to the scene. Tell the ambulance driver to be prepared.Topic 2单词:担架stretcher轻点easy does it.氧气罩oxygen mask遭遇encounter人体所需营养:糖sugar蛋白质protein无机盐inorganic salt/mineral脂肪fat水water维生素vitamin句型:Prepare ice pack for the patient. Bandage the wound. Put a piece of cloth on the wound to diminish the inflammation . He hasn’t got up yet.Topic 3单词:诊断diagnosis开药方prescribe打针inject肌肉注射intramuscular injection预防注射inoculation止血arrest the bleeding of blood治疗treatment配药fill a prescription皮下注射hypodermic injection静脉注射intravenous injection点滴注射fluid infusion句型:Try to move your arm as little as possible. Your elbow seems to be not all right.So to be on the safe side, you’d better go to see the doctor. Where do you feeluncomfortable?Topic 4单词:关节joint膝盖骨kneecap骨盆pelvis肝脏liver胆囊gall bladder胰腺 pancreas脾spleen十二指肠 duodenum阑尾 appendix盲肠 blind gut食管 gullet热敷 hot compress冷敷 cold compress洗胃 gastric lavage灌肠 enema导尿 urethral catheterization包扎 dress拆线 remove the stitches止血 hemostasis缝合切口 sew up the incision心脏按摩 cardiac massage句型:Are you the patient’s relation? We are arranging the operation. Be calm and listen to me. His condition is a little serious. His legs was seriously damaged. So perhaps it has to be amputated. He has lost much blood. But it only released his condition.Yes, we will try but not definitely. We need your signature on the operation report/the guarantee letter. That can release his condition. He needs blood transfusion. I promise you to try our best.外科Topic 1、handling injury or woundTopic 2、operation schemeTopic 3、preoperative preparationTopic 4、recuperation after the operationTopic 1单词:割伤cut烫伤burn出血 bleeding瘀伤 bruise外伤 trauma晒伤 a sun burn手指扭伤sprained finger骨折fracture扭伤 sprain擦伤 scratch烫伤 scald脱臼dislocation蜜蜂蛰伤 a bee sting句型:Put her on the bed. Here are some anti-inflammatory tablets. Take off her watch, ring and anything bounding her. Don’t rip away the cloth on the burn, or it would be infected. Help her wash the wound under the running water. Don’t apply anything to the burn till it is suggested or ordered by the doctor. For example someone will apply some gentian violet to the burn, but the color is too dark that it makes impossible for the doctor to see the burn clearly.Topic 2单词:器官移植organ transplantation心脏heart肺 lung肾kidney骨髓bone marrow肝移植liver transplantation胃gastric transplantation毛发 hair transplantation干细胞移植 stem cell transplantation疗法 therapies针灸疗法 food therapy中医疗法 traditional Chinese medicine therapy音乐疗法 music therapy精神疗法 psychiatric therapy句型:Are you the relative of Yolanda?We have worked out the operation scheme. What functions can this program perform?Topic 3单词:大脑brain食道 esophagus小肠 small intestine大肠 large intestine直肠rectum句型:Do you feel better? You should be very careful in a week or two.. Do the doctors have much experience in operating? You will get intensive care if your husband stays with you.. That is helpful for your recovery. By the way, is there any problem I need to pay attention to before the operation? Your diet should be given special attention. You just need to relax and keep calm. Has it gotten worse?Topic 4单词:吃药take medicine洗澡 take a bath上厕所 spend a penny换床单 change bed sheets句型:You are going to be discharged from hospital tomorrow. The doctor has written you a certificate for you. Complete recovery will still take a long time. Donnot mention it. That is out duty.内科Topic 1、diagnosis of diseasesTopic 2、consultation 专家会诊Topic 3、prescription and suggestions 开药及提示Topic 4、further diagnosi复诊检查Topic 1单词:咳嗽cough咽喉痛 sore throat花粉热 hay fever痉挛 convulsion神经痛heart disease痢疾 dysentery失眠 insomnia发烧 fever流感influenza肝炎 hepatitis湿疹 eczema肾结石 renal calculus心力衰竭 heart failure阑尾炎 appendicitis疱疹herpes脑中风 stroke打喷嚏 sneeze破伤风 tetanus风湿症 rheumatism贫血 anemis腹膜炎 peritonitis句型:Is there any other symptom? Last night she had a terrible headache and her nose was stuffed up. Follow the doctor’s words. By the way , does she has a history of pulmonitis? I will write you a prescription. And is she got worse, take her to the hospital immediately. This often occurs at this age. It seems that my throat is inflamed.Topic 2单词:镇静药sedative特效药specific medicine抓药have a prescription made up轻泻药laxative服药 take medicine退热药antipyretic换药change dressings预防药preventative medicine血液成分:血小板 platelets白细胞 white blood cells红细胞red blood cells血浆plasma句型:Sorry to have kept you waiting. Let me introduce these experts to you. They come from several well-known local hospital. I want to ask more detailed questions. What are her symptoms these days. Have you taken her temperature? Does she have a persistant cough? Is her cough more likewheezing? Is she suffering from lack of appetite? We reached a conclusion that she has caught pulmonitis.The illness usually occurs on children who are in poor health. The medicine on it will help her a great deal. You can change dressings for the patient.Topic 3单词:药片tablet药膏ointment药丸pill药粉medicinal powder药水liquid medicine医院分类children’s hospital句型:Can you fill the prescription for me, please?By the way ,you got this prescription from Dr.Karl, didn’t you?Take two of these tablets three times a day after meals. You can also refer to the instructions on it. Make sure you read them carefully. Shake the bottle before drinking. I hope you can recover soon. I have a severe pain in my stomach. You’d better go to children’s hospital for help. Just a moment, please.Topic 4、单词:水痘Chickenpox尿布疹diaper rash口吃stammer腮腺炎mumps上网surf online吃辣椒 eat hot peppers句型:Are you coming for your child’s further diagnosis? How is your child’s condition going? How long does it last? Has she taken medicine on time? Pulmonitis usually occurs on children. If it is delayed ,it may even cause danger of losing life. Is there any remedial measure? Your child’s inflammation is basically controlled. Your child is now our of danger. She will be all right soon if she takes medicine on time. Taking medicine on time is the guarantee of recovering. She is not allowed to dabble in water and have a cold drink, Tuck her up when she is sleeping. She only needs some time to recover.妇幼保健Topic 1、婚前体检 premarital physical examination Topic 2、常规孕检 routine pregnancy checkTopic 3、儿科常见病 common pediatric diseases Topic 4、儿科注射 pediatric injectionTopic 1单词:乳汁不足 lack of lactation引导分泌物 vaginal discharge宫颈糜烂 erosion of cervix宫颈息肉 cervical polyp宫颈肥大 hypertrophy of cervix宫颈粘膜炎 endocervicitis剖腹产cesarean section接触性出血 contact bleeding下腹部肿块abdominal mass常规盆腔检查 pelvic exam乳房自检 breast self-exam宫颈裂伤 cervical laceration妊娠 pregnancy脱垂感 sensation of prolapse外生殖器检查 external genital exam临床乳腺检查clinical breast exam测量指标:体温 temperature身高 height血压 blood pressure脉搏 pulse体重weight心跳 heart beat身体部位名称:肚脐 navel腰waist屁股 buttock臀部 hip锁骨 collar bone脊柱 backbone肩胛骨 shoulder blade腹部 abdomen肩shoulder颅骨 skull肋骨 rib肩关节 shoulder joint胸骨 breastbone句型:It is very necessary to have a CT scan. Do you feel unwell in your ()?Maybe you can measure your ()first. Please describe your trouble in detail to me. When did this pain begin? Are you always in the blues? You should pay special attention.Topic 2单词:检查CT 身体检查CT examination产后检查physical examination心理检查 psychological examination胃肠检查 gastrointestinal examination句型:Well,what was the amount of menstrual flow? When was the your last period? Is your menstruaaion regular? Well, any other discomforts? How about your appetite? I suggest you having a pregnancy test. The result of the pregnancy test is positive. You are pregnant .Congratulations! Where is the pain? I am afraid it is a sign of miscarriage. You should stay in bed except for eating or going to the toilet. I will give some medicine by injection and orally, You should call the emergency immediately whenever the bleeding becomes more severe than usual. Come back in a week for a check up.Topic 3单词:一阵bout小儿科 pediatric department妇产科 obstetrics and gynecology department眼科 ophthalmology department耳鼻喉科 ENT department皮肤科 skin department创伤科 traumatology department麻醉科 anesthesiology department牙科 dental department泌尿科 urology department矫形外科 orthopedic surgery department病理科 pathology department新生儿惊厥 neonatal convulsions高热惊厥 febrile convulsions新生儿肺炎 pneumonia of the newborn早产儿 premature infant拉肚子 suffer from diarrhea昏厥 faint肚子痛 stomachache新生儿肝炎 neonatal hepatitis新生儿败血症 neonatal septicemia背痛 backache呕吐 vomit胸痛 chest pain耳朵痛 earache句型:He had a long bout of illness last year. What seems to be the trouble with your child? Can you tell me what he had for supper?Has he vomited? Is there any other symptom? Which part? Now you have to take your child to get his tools tested. I will write out a slip for you to take to the library. Wait for a while and pick up the report, and then bring it back to me. Follow the doctor’s advice. I do advise you to remind your child of avoiding oily food for the next few days.Topic 4单词:营养丰富的食物谷类 cereal奶类 milk & diary products肉类 meat贝类 shellfish干果类 nuts蛋类 egg products根茎类 root vegetables鱼虾 fish and prawn豆类 beans and peas瓜果类 fruits句型:It is time for me to give you IV fluids . IV fluids can prevent bacteria from entering your body and causing an infection. This IV fluids must be given slowly so as not to get his heart overloaded. What’s happened? You will be well soon after the injection. What should my child pay attention to after injection. Do not eat spicy and greasy food. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. Thank you for your advice. You would better takeyour child to department of cardiac surgery. You should eat more cereal.中西药房Topic 1、pricing 划价Topic 2、charging and taking medicine 收费和取药Topic 3、dealing with questionsTopic 4、medicine bulk purchaseTopic 1单词:药方、处方prescription 给。
妇产科专业英语 ppt课件
Special English of Gynecology & Obstetrics
一、生殖 (reproduction)
genital tract
genito- 意为“birth”
germ cell germinoma
germ(in)o- 意为“seed”
初产妇 -para 源于“bear”
生育酚 toco- 意为 childbirth
tocolytic agent 保胎药物
(b) genitourinary
(c) gynecology
hysterectomy 子宫切除术
endometrial 子宫内膜的 endometriosis 子宫内膜异位症
hystero-意为“womb” hysteria,古时人们认为
metro- 意为“womb”
feminize 使女性化 gynecology 妇科学
gynecological surgery estrogen 雌激素
estradiol 雌二醇
femino- 意为 “woman”
内科internal medicine外科surgery骨科orthopedics [ˌɔ:θə'pi:dɪks]妇产科obstetrics and gynecology[əb'stetrɪks] [ˌgaɪnə'kɒlədʒɪ]中医科chinese traditional medicine麻醉科anesthesiology [ˌænəsˌθi:ziˈɑ:lədʒɪst]眼科ophthalmology耳鼻喉科 E.N.T针灸理疗科acupuncture and physical therapy[ˈækjʊˌpʌŋktʃɚ]急诊科emergency room重症监护中心ICU皮肤性病科[vɪˌnɪrɪ'ɒlədʒɪ]呼吸respiration神经neurology血液肿瘤hematology and oncology肾病nephrology心血管cardiovascular disease消化digestion新生儿科newborns感染科infectious疼痛门诊pain clinic妇科gynecology产科obstetrics生殖医学中心assistant reproduction center泌尿genito-urinary心胸cardiac and thoracic普外general surgery病理科pathology影像科radiology超声科ultrasonograpthy department[ˌʌltrəsə'nɒgrəfi:]检验科clinical laboratory输血科blood transfusion手术室operation room药剂科pharmacy department营养科nutrition department供应科supply room血透室hemodialysis department内镜中心endoscopy center特检科special examination department实习生intern院办president’s office医务科medical affairs department感染管理科infectious management department护理部nursing department门诊部out-patient department科教部scientific research department组织人事科personnel division保卫科security department财务科finance department临床工程科facilities department计算机中心computer center总务科general affairs department基建科construction department膳食科food department综合采购部purchasing department社区医疗服务部community medical service division 预防保健科staff health office门诊out-patient急诊emergency住院手术in-patient operation门诊手术out-patient operation病床周转次数bed turnover rate床位利用率bed utilization rate医疗诊疗数medical records助理医师physician assistant主治医师attending physician主任医师chief physician急诊医师emergency physician家庭医师family physician住院医师house/resident physicianchief laboratorian/techniciantechnologist-in-chargesurgery : The medical department responsible for performing operations on patients. During an operation ,a me-dical problem is corrected with the use of surgicaltools. Two common tools include the scalpel, is asmall knife ,and the forceps, which is a set of tongs .A physician qualified to perform operations is knowas a surgeon.Physician : Another name for a doctor of medicine.A physician Is trained in the pratice of medicine ,the “healingArt.”Medical Department: A division of medical services inthe hospital that offers diagnosisand treatment in one area.Examples of medical departmentsinclude surgery, neurology,andpediatrics. These division mayalso be referred to as clinicaldepartments. Each department isrun by a senior physician knownas the head of the department. Surgery: The medical department responsible for performing operations on patients. During anoperation, a medical problem is corrected withthe use of surgical tools. Two common toolsinclude the scalpel, is a small knife, and theforceps, which is a set of tongs. A physicianqualified to perform operations is known as asurgeon.Exploratory Surgery: Surgery that is performed to helpconfirm a diagnosis. It usually isnot intended to cure the patient. Anesthesia: General or local insensibility to pain induced by certain drugs or gases calledanesthetics. They are usually administeredby a trained anesthesionlogist, who is adoctor, or an anesthetist, who usually is not. Patient Monitoring: The use of electronic devices tokeep constant watch over apatient’s vital signs.Cesarean Section: A method of delivering a child thatinvolves cutting into the uterus. Thename comes from the supposed factthat Julius Caesar was delivered thisway.Rooming-in: A new practice that allows newborn infantsto spend much of their time in theirmothers’ rooms.Pediatrician: A doctor who specializes in the care of children from the time they are born untilthey are teenagers. Most general hospitalhave a separate pediatrics department. General Medicine: A term covering a broad range ofmedical services offered by ahospital. Patients in this departmentare cured by medicine or anotherform of therapy.Internist: A doctor who specializes in general, internal problems that can be cured by medication. Dermatologist: A specialist in skin problems.Dermatlolgy is the study and treatment ofskin problems.Communicable diseases: Diseases that are infectious orcan spread from one patient toanother. Included in thiscategory are measles, smallpox,poliomyelitis, meningitis,and soon.Paramedical: Related to the medical profession in asupporting or supplementary manner. Aparamedical technician has some trainingin his specialty, but not as much as adoctor. This kind of technician is oftennow called allied health professional. Anesthesiologist: Doctor trained in the administration ofanesthetics, drugs or gases-such asether that produce anesthesia orinsensitivity to pain.Radiologist: Specialist in the use of x rays. These rays are given off by various radioactivesubstances. They are used to photographbones and inner organs. All radiologists arephysicians.Nuclear Medicine: New medical specialty featuring theuse of radioactive isotopes fordiagnostic purposes. The isotope isinjected into skin tissue,thebloodstream, or an organ. Itsmovement is followed by a deviceknown as a scanner.Laboratory: Area in the hospital responsible for analyzing samples of blood, urine, tissue,and so on. These samples are calledspecimens. The lab is run by a pathologist, adoctor who interprets and diagnosesdiseases by examining samples oftissue,blood,and so on.Thelab is staffed bylaboratory technicians.Urinalysis: Laboratory analysis of a urine specimen. Microscope: A device used in laboratory analyses that magnified what is too small for the eye tosee.Centrifuge: Anapparatus that separates substances of different densities by rotating at highspeeds.It is used in a hospital laboratory. Autopsy: examination of a body after death todetermine the cause of death.Thebody is kept in thehospital morgue during the autopsy and until itis removed for burial.Medical Audit: Professional evaluation of the quality ofmedical care offered to patients. Basal Metabolism Rate: The speed is at which a body atrest uses oxygen to consumethe calories in food.Blood Bank: Storage place for bottled human blood to beused in transfusions. The laboratory in ahospital is responsible for this blood. Pharmacy: Area in a hospital where medication is prepared and dispensed by a trainedpharmacist.Prescription: A written order for medication. A physicianwrites the prescription and a pharmacistfills it.Oxygen Therapy: Administration of oxygen-to patientswho are having troubleblethingthrough the use of anoxygen tent or mask.Renal Dialysis: Procedure used by patients who havelost the use of their kidneys. Theirkidney function must be replaced twoor three times a week by a renaldialysis machine.Sterilization: The process of destroying disease-producing organisms, usuallythrough the use of heat. Items that havebeen sterilized are said to by sterile. Obstetrics: A medical term relating to the delivery of babies.aphysicia specializing in this atea ofmedicine is an obitetrician.Operating Room:A special room in a hospital equipped for operations.Gynecology:the science of the female reproductivesystem, A gynecologist cam usuallydeliver babies, as well as theobstetrician.Labor: The series of contractions of the uterus prior to the birth of an infant.Recovery Room: The room in which a patient recoversfrom an operation of recovers from thedelivery of an infant.Nursery: The place in which newborn babies are cared for after their delivery. Most hospitals haveregular nurseries and premature nurseries forbabies who are born before the end of thenormal nine-month gestation period. Maternity Floor: The part of the hospital where mothersgive birth to babies and are cared foraftefrward. Most women spend from afew days to a week here. This area mayalso be referred to as a ward or a wing.。
yjbys 为大家推荐妇产科英语专业词汇如下:partial 部分型[ˈpɑ:rʃl]pathologic retration ring 病理缩复环[ˌpæθə'lɒdʒɪkrɪˈtrækʃən rɪŋ]pelvic cellutitis 盆腔蜂窝组织炎[ˈpɛlvɪkˌsɛljəˈlaɪtɪs]pelvimetry 骨盆测量[pel'vɪmətrɪ]persistent occiput posterior 持续性枕后位[pərˈsɪstənt'ɒksɪˌpʌt] pɑ:ˈstɪriə]persistent transverse arrest 持续性枕横位[pərˈsɪstənt ˈtrænzvɜ:rsəˈrɛst]peumothorax 气胸[ˌnju:mə'θɒræks]phototherapy 光疗[ˌfoʊtə'θerəpɪ]。
妇产科学英语术语五:Cervical cancerCervical cancer是子宫颈癌的英文表达,是女性生殖系统常见的恶性肿瘤之一。
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salpingo-oophorectomy 输卵管卵巢切除
“salpingo-” 源于希腊语,意为 tube
辨析:另义为“咽鼓管”,如salpingoscopy 咽鼓管镜检查
五、子“部爱宫呼吸("w护士o俱m乐 b,IhuuxtieNruursse Club )
Special English of Gynecology & Obstetrics
一、生殖 (reproduction)
genital tract
urogenital genito- 意为“birth”
germ cell
germ(in)o- 意为 “seed”
六、阴“部爱道呼吸("v护a士俱g乐ina)Ihuxi Nurse Club
vaginal hysterectomy 经阴道子宫切除术
“vagino-” 源于拉丁语,意为 sheath 鞘
七、月“部爱经呼吸("m护士e俱n乐sesIh,uxmi Neurnsse tCrluubation)
estro-意为“estrus” 动情
三、卵“部爱巢呼吸("o护v士俱a乐ry)Ihuxi Nurse Club
ovariectomy 卵巢切除术 ovario- 源于“ovum”
ovary cancer 卵巢癌
“oo”卵 +“phoro-” 含
四、输“部爱卵呼吸管"护(士f俱a乐llopIhiauxni ,NurtsuebCelu,b oviduct, salpinx)
-para 源于“bear”
toco- 意为 childbirth
tocolytic agent 保胎药物
配对练习(一) “爱呼吸"护士俱乐 Ihuxi Nurse Club 部
(b) genitourinary
(c) gynecology
十、绒“部爱毛呼吸膜"护(士c俱h乐oriIohnux)i Nurse Club
chorionic gonadotropin 绒毛膜促性腺激素
“chorio-” 源于希腊语,fetal membrane
十一、“部爱胚呼吸胎"护(士e俱m乐 brIyhuox)i Nurse Club
(rine leiomyoma
(d) hysterosalpinogography e.子宫平滑肌瘤
配对练习(二) “爱呼吸"护士俱乐 Ihuxi Nurse Club 部
(b) fallopian tube (a) menorrhagia (e) pregneninolone (c) embryonic stem cells
“pregno-” 源于拉丁语,pre-+ gnaci,意为 to be born
九、羊“部爱膜呼吸("a护m士俱n乐ionIh)uxi Nurse Club
amniocentesis amniotic fluid
羊膜穿刺 羊水
“amnio-” 源于希腊语amnos,意为 lamb 羊羔
辨析:amino- 氨基酸(拼写相近)
uteroplacental 子宫胎盘的
hysterectomy 子宫切除术
endometrial 子宫内膜的 endometriosis 子宫内膜异位症
utero- 意为“womb”
hystero-意为“womb” hysteria,古时人们认为
metro- 意为“womb”
embryogenesis 胚胎发生 embryo- 源于
embryonic stem cells
“embruon” 意为 to swell
-derm 意为 “skin”
十二、“部爱分呼吸娩"护(士d俱e乐 liveIhruyxi,NucrhseilCdlubbirth, labour)
“爱呼吸"护士俱乐 部
Ihuxi Nurse Club
Have you had this experience before? Have you got any chronic diseases in the past? Have you got any feeling of nausea? Have you lost weight recently? Have you taken anything for it?
二、女性 “爱呼吸"护士俱乐 部
Ihuxi Nurse Club
feminize 使女性化
femino- 意为 “woman”
gynecology 妇科学
gynecological surgery “woman”
estrogen 雌激素
estradiol 雌二醇
(d) amniotic fluid
a.经血过多 b.输卵管 c.胚胎干细胞 d.羊水 e.孕烯炔醇酮
配对练习(三) “爱呼吸"护士俱乐 Ihuxi Nurse Club 部
(b) salpingo-oophorectomy a.癔病
(a) hysteria
(e) genitalis
(c) estradiol
(d) endometrial
1. Asking a patient about his illness
Are you feeling all right? Are you feeling well? Are you feeling nausea?
dysmenorrhea 痛经
“meno-” 源于希腊语,意为month
八、妊“部爱娠呼吸("p护r士e俱g乐 naInhucxyi,NugrsreaCvluibdity)
pregneninolone 孕烯炔醇酮
first pregnant trimester 妊娠首三月