转 语言学7 名词解释
名词解释1.Prescriptive and Descriptive规定性的和描述性的Prescriptive and descriptive represent two kind of different types of linguistic study. If a linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive; If the linguistic study aims to lay down rules for “correct and standard” behavior in using language, it is said to be prescriptive.描述性的研究主要以观察和描述人们实际所使用的语言为目的。
ngue and Parole 语言和言语Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.Langue is the set of conventions and rules which language users all have to abide by. %Parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use.Parole is the concrete use of the convention and the application of rules.语言是一种社会机制、是一种语言的理想形式、是为一个团体所有成员所接受的社会惯例的抽象的语言系统。
1. 语音学(Phonetics):研究语言中各种语音的产生、传播和感知等方面的学科。
2. 语音语言学(Phonology):研究语音在特定语言中的音位(音素)和音位组合规则的学科。
3. 语法学(Grammar):研究语言的句法结构、词法结构和语义结构等方面的学科。
4. 句法学(Syntax):研究语言中句子的结构和组织方式的学科。
5. 语义学(Semantics):研究语言中词汇和句子的意义、概念和关系的学科。
6. 词汇学(Lexicology):研究语言中词汇的组成、形态、构词规则等方面的学科。
7. 词义学(Semantics):研究词汇中词义的构成、关系和词义的变化等方面的学科。
8. 语用学(Pragmatics):研究语言在具体语境中的使用方式以及语言的上下文相关性等方面的学科。
9. 文法学(Stylistics):研究语言使用中的文体、修辞手法、语言风格等方面的学科。
10. 母语(Mother tongue):一个人从小学会并用于日常交际的语言。
11. 第二语言(Second language):在学习者的母语之外学习的语言。
12. 语言接触(Language contact):不同语言之间在社会、文化接触中产生的相互影响和借用的现象。
13. 语言变异(Language variation):指同一个语言在不同社会、地理和使用者间发生的音、词、句法等方面的变化。
14. 语言变化(Language change):指语言在漫长的时间内逐渐变化和发展的过程。
15. 语言规范(Language standardization):制定和规范一个语言的正确用法、标准词汇和语法规则的过程。
16. 语言习得(Language acquisition):指儿童在自然环境中学习母语的过程。
名词解释1.Prescriptive and Descriptive规定性的和描述性的Prescriptive and descriptive represent two kind of different types of linguistic study. If a linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive; If the linguistic study aims to lay down rules for “correct and standard”behavior in using language, it is said to be prescriptive.描述性的研究主要以观察和描述人们实际所使用的语言为目的。
ngue and Parole 语言和言语Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.Langue is the set of conventions and rules which language users all have to abide by.Parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use.Parole is the concrete use of the convention and the application of rules.语言是一种社会机制、是一种语言的理想形式、是为一个团体所有成员所接受的社会惯例的抽象的语言系统。
语言学名词解释(转帖)勿删!!!导言1. 语言学:以语言作为研究对象的一门独立科学。
2. 专语语言学:以某一种具体的语言为研究对象的语言学。
3. 共时语言学:语言研究的一种方法,从一个横断面描写研究语言在某个历史时期的状态和发展。
4. 历时语言学:语言研究的一种方法,集中研究语言在较长历史时期中所经历的变化。
5. 普通语言学:以人类一般语言为研究对象,研究人类语言的性质、结构特征、发展规律,是综合众多语言的研究成果而建立起来的语言学,是语言学的重要理论部分。
6. 语文学:是为给古代文化遗产——政治历史文学等方面的经典书面著作作注释,目的是使人们可以读懂古书的一门尚未独立的学科。
7. “小学”:中国传统的语文学,围绕阐释和解读先秦典籍来展开研究,从而诞生了分析字形的文字学、研究字音的音韵学、解释字义的训诂学,因此又被人们称为经学的附庸。
8. 应用语言学:研究语言学的应用的学科,实际上是一种交叉学科,是相关学科的学者将语言学的基本原理同有关学科结合起来研究问题而产生的新的学科。
9. 历史比较语言学:语言学中一个重要的部门,它以历史比较法为基础,研究语言的亲属关系。
第一章语言的社会功能1. 语言:是一种特殊的社会现象,是人类作为必不可少的思维工具和最重要的交际工具来使用的一种音义结合的符号系统。
2. 说话:运用语言跟人们交流思想的行为,本身不等于语言。
3. 言语:是对语言的运用,它有两个意思:一是指人的说和写的过程,是人的一种行为,叫言语活动,也叫言语行为;一是指人说出来的话,写出来的东西,也叫言语作品。
4. 交际工具:人类交际活动所使用的工具。
此外,身势等伴随动作是非语言的交际工具;旗语之类是建立在语言、文字基础上的辅助**际工具;文字是建立在语言基础之上的一种最重要的辅助交际工具;5. 思维:是认识现实世界时的一种动脑筋的过程,也指动脑筋时进行比较、分析、综合以认识现实的能力。
以下是与Conversion语言学相关的名词及其示例解释:1. Conversion(词类转换)•定义:词类转换是通过改变词的词形或词义来将一个词从一个词类转换为另一个词类的语言现象。
•示例:–“water” (名词)可以通过转换为动词形式“to water”(动词)来表示”给植物浇水”的动作。
2. Zero-derivation(零派生)•定义:零派生是一种词类转换形式,它通过改变词的词法特征来将一个词从一个词类转换为无任何词形变化的另一个词类。
•示例:–“to email” (动词)通过零派生转换为“email”(名词)来表示”电子邮件”。
3. Back-formation(逆构词)•定义:逆构词是从某个词的派生词中移除词缀,从而形成一个新的词。
•示例:–“editor” (名词)通过逆构词转换为“edit” (动词)来表示”编辑”的动作。
4. Suppletion(替代派生)•定义:替代派生是一种通过改变词的词根或词干来进行词类转换的形式。
•示例:–“good” (形容词)通过替代派生转换为“the good”(名词)来表示”好的人或事物”。
5. Metonymy(转喻)•定义:转喻是一种通过语义转移将词从原本的意义转换为与其有关的其他意义的语言现象。
•示例:–“crown” (皇冠)通过转喻转换为“the monarchy”(君主制)来表示”国家的王权”。
6. Synecdoche(提喻)•定义:提喻是一种通过将一个词代表的整体改为代表其一部分,或者将代表一部分的词改为代表整体的语言现象。
•示例:–“bread” (面包)通过提喻转换为“food” (食物)来表示”食物的一种”。
7. Conversionalization(语言化)•定义:语言化是指将某个词或短语从其他语言借用并转换为与本土语言相适应的语言现象。
语言学概论 第七章 语言和社会 自学笔记
![语言学概论 第七章 语言和社会 自学笔记](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d217936e0b1c59eef8c7b44d.png)
第七章语言和社会一、名词解释1.地域方言2.次方言、土语3.语音对应关系4.亲属语言、语言间的亲属关系5.原始基础语、子语6.语言的谱系分类7.语系8.社会方言9.隐语、黑话10.通用语 11.共同语 12.基础方言 13.标准语 14.国语 15.借词 16.意译词17.仿译词 18.双语现象 19.双言现象20.语言转用 21.语言混合 22.洋泾浜语23.克里奥尔语 24.非克里奥尔话 25.语言规划 26.语言政策 27.语言规范化28.民族语言政策二、简答和论述1.研究语言起源的目的2.研究语言起源问题包含两个不同的问题:3.关于语言的起源,大致可以分为神授说和人创说两种.4.简述恩格斯关于语言起源于劳动的观点.5.语言起源的过程.6.与语言起源有关的现代科学研究.7.语言的起源具备的条件.8.语言发展演变的两大特点.9.语言发展演变在地域上的不平衡性是一种语言分化出不同的方言或亲属语言的重要原因.10.语言的发展演变主要体现在哪几个方面?11.语言发展演变的原因?12.为什么社会交际活动的需要是语言产生、存在、发展的基本条件?13.语言的发展演变为什么只能采取渐变的方式?14.为什么语音、语法、语汇的发展演变是不平衡的.15.举例说明语言分化的产物有哪些?16.地域方言之间既有差别,又有明显的共同点.17.“亲属语言”和语言间的“亲属关系”并非等同于生物学上的概念.18.亲属语言形成的原因19.语音对应关系是语言间存在亲属关系的重要标志.20.世界诸语言谱系分类的大致情况.21.一种语言或方言内部还存在着社会方言的分歧:(见次方言和土语)22.造成语言差异的因素有哪些?23.一种语言走向统一的社会条件.24.一种语言实现统一的方式.25.隐语和一较社会方言的区别是什么?26.通用语和共同语的区别.27.基础方言的选择和共同语的形成.28.现代汉民族为什么要以北方方言为基础方言?29.为什么说方言的产生是社会的不完全分化和语言的发展演变共同作用的结果?30. 为什么说语音差异是方言分区的主要依据?31.举例说明方言间在词汇和词义上的两点差异。
1. 术语
2. 领域语言
3. 语篇
4. 行话
5. 标准语言
6. 语用学
7. 翻译
8. 语言规范
语言学考试整理 名词解释
![语言学考试整理 名词解释](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b9aa1716a21614791711289d.png)
1.Linguistics: Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study oflanguage.2.Phonology: The study of how sounds are put together and used incommunication is called phonology.3.Syntax: The study of how morphemes and words are combined to formsentences is called syntax. .4.Design features: it referred to the defining properties of human languagethat tell the difference between human language that tell the difference between human language and any system of animal communication.5.Psycholinguistics: The study of language with reference to the workings ofmind is called psycholinguistics.nguage: Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for humancommunication.7.Phonetics: The study of sounds which are used in linguistic communication iscalled phonetics.8.Morphology: The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to formwords is called morphology.9.Parole: it referred to the actual phenomena or data of linguistics.10.P honology:Phonology studies the system of sounds of a particular language;it aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication. 11.P honeme:The basic unit in phonology is called phoneme;it is a unit ofdistinctive value. But it is an abstract unit. To be exact,a phoneme is nota sound;it is a collection of distinctive phonetic features.12.A llophone:The different phones which can represent a phoneme in differentphonetic environments are called the allophones of that phoneme.13.I nternational phonetic alphabet:It is a standardized and internationallyaccepted system of phonetic transcription.14.I ntonation:When pitch,stress and sound length are tied to the sentencerather than the word in isolation,they are collectively known as intonation.15.P honetics:Phonetics is defined as the study of the phonic medium oflanguage;it is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world' s languages16.A uditory phonetics:It studies the speech sounds from the hearer's point ofview. It studies how the sounds are perceived by the hearer.17.A coustic phonetics:It studies the speech sounds by looking at the soundwaves. It studies the physical means by which speech sounds are transmitted through the air from one person to another.18.P hone:Phones can be simply defined as the speech sounds we use whenspeaking a language. A phone is a phonetic unit or segment. It does not necessarily distinguish meaning.19.P honemic contrast:Phonemic contrast refers to the relation between twophonemes. If two phonemes can occur in the same environment and distinguish meaning,they are in phonemic contrast.20.T one:Tones are pitch variations,which are caused by the differing ratesof vibration of the vocal cords.21.M inimal pair:When two different forms are identical in every way except forone sound segment which occurs in the same place in the strings,the two words are said to form a minimal pair.22.M orphology:Morphology is a branch of grammar which studies the internalstructure of words and the rules by which words are formed.23.I nflectional morphology:The inflectional morphology studies the inflections24.D erivational morphology:Derivational morphology is the study of word-formation.25.M orpheme:It is the smallest meaningful unit of language.26.F ree morpheme:Free morphemes are the morphemes which areindependent units of meaning and can be used freely all by themselves or in combination with other morphemes.27.B ound morpheme:Bound morphemes are the morphemes which cannot beused independently but have to be combined with other morphemes,either free or bound,to form a word.28.R oot:A root is often seen as part of a word;it can never stand by itself al-though it bears clear,definite meaning;it must be combined with another root or an affix to form a word.29.A ffix:Affixes are of two types:inflectional and derivational. Inflectionalaffixes manifest various grammatical relations or grammatical categories,while derivational affixes are added to an existing form to create a word.30.P refix:Prefixes occur at the beginning of a word. Prefixes modify themeaning of the stem,but they usually do not change the part of speech of the original word.31.S uffix:Suffixes are added to the end of the stems;they modify themeaning of the original word and in many cases change its part of speech.32.D erivation:Derivation is a process of word formation by which derivativeaffixes are added to an existing form to create a word.33.C ompounding:Compounding can be viewed as the combination of two orsometimes more than two words to create new words.34.S yntax:Syntax is a subfield of linguistics. It studies thesentence structureof language. It consists of a set of abstract rules that allow words to be combined with other words to form grammatical sentences.35.S entence: A sentence is a structurally independent unit that usuallycomprises a number of words to form a complete statement,question or command. Normally, a sentence consists of at least asubject and a predicate which contains a finite verb or a verb phrase.36.C oordinate sentence:A coordinate sentence contains two clauses joined bya linking word called coordinating conjunction,such as "and","but","or".37.S yntactic categories:Apart from sentences and clauses, a syntacticcategory usually refers to a word (called a lexical category)or a phrase (called a phrasal category)that performs a particular grammatical function.38.G rammatical relations:The structural and logical functional relations ofconstituents are called grammatical relations. The grammatical relations of a sentence concern the way each noun phrase in the sentence relates to the verb. In many cases,grammatical relations in fact refer to who does what to whom.39.L inguistic competence:Universally found in the grammars of all humanlanguages,syntactic rules comprise the system of internalized linguistic knowledge of a language speaker known as linguistic competence.40.T ransformational rules:Transformational rules are the rules that transformone sentence type into another type.41.D-structure:D-structure is the level of syntactic representation that existsbefore movement takes place. Phrase structure rules,with the insertion of the lexicon,generate sentences at the level of D-structure.42.S emantics:Semantics can be simply defined as the study of meaning inlanguage.43.S ense:Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form.It is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form;it is abstract and de -contextualized.44.R eference:Reference means what a linguistic form refers to in the real,physical world;it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience45.S ynonymy:Synonymy refers to the sameness or close similarity ofmeaning.46.P olysemy:Polysemy refers to the fact that the same one word may havemore than one meaning.47.H omonymy:Homonymy refers to the phenomenon that words havingdifferent meanings have the same form,i.e. different words are identical in sound or spelling,or in both.48.H omophones:When two words are identical in sound,they are calledhomophones.49.H omographs:When two words are identical in spelling,they arehomographs.50.C omplete homonyms:When two words are identical in both sound andspelling,they are called complete homonyms.51.H yponymy:Hyponymy refers to the sense relation between a moregeneral,more inclusive word and a more specific word.52.A ntonymy:Antonymy refers to the relation of oppositeness of meaning.53.C omponential analysis:Componential analysis is a way to analyze wordmeaning. It was proposed by structural semanticists. The approach is based on the belief that the meaning of a word can be divided into meaning components,which are called semantic features.54.T he grammatical meaning:The grammatical meaning of a sentence refersto its grammaticality,i.e. its grammatical well-formedness. The grammaticality of a sentence is governed by the grammatical rules of the language.55.P redication:The predication is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence.56.A rgument:An argument is a logical participant in a predication. It isgenerally identical with the nominal element (s)in a sentence.57.P redicate:A predicate is something that is said about an argument or itstates the logical relation linking the arguments in a sentence.58.T wo-place predication:A two-place predication is one which contains twoarguments.59.P ragmatics:Pragmatics can be defined as the study of how speakers of alanguage use sentences to effect successful communication.60.C ontext:Generally speaking,it consists of the knowledge that is shared bythe speaker and the hearer. The shared knowledge is of two types:theknowledge of the language they use,and the knowledge about the world,including the general knowledge about the world and the specific knowledge about the situation in which linguistic communication is taking place.61.U tterance meaning:The meaning of an utterance is concrete,andcontext-dependent. Utterance is based on sentence meaning;it is realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication,or simply in a context.62.S entence meaning:The meaning of a sentence is often considered as theabstract,intrinsic property of the sentence itself in terms of a predication.63.C onstative:Constatives were statements that either state or describe,andwere verifiable.64.P erformative:performatives,on the other hand,were sentences that didnot state a fact or describe a state,and were not verifiable. Their function is to perform a particular speech act.65.L ocutionary act:A locutionary act is the act of uttering words,phrases,clauses. It is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax,lexicon and phonology.66.I llocutionary act:An illocutionary act is the act of expressing the speaker'sintention;it is the act performed in saying something.67.P erlocutionary act:A perlocutionary act is the act performed by or resultingfrom saying something;it is the consequence of,or the change brought about by the utterance;it is the act performed by saying something. 68.C ooperative Principle:It is principle advanced by Paul Grice. It is a principlethat guides our conversational behaviours. The content is:Make your conversational contribution such as is required at the stage at which it occurs by the accepted purpose or the talk exchange in which you are engaged.69.S ociolinguistics:Sociolinguistics is the study of language in social contexts.70.S peech community:The social group isolated for any given study is calledthe speech community or a speech community is a group of people who forma community and share the same language or a particular variety oflanguage. The important characteristic of a speech community is that the members of the group must,in some reasonable way,interact linguistically with other members of the community. They may share closely related language varieties,as well as attitudes toward linguistic norms.71.S peech variety:Speech variety,also known as language variety,refersto any distinguishable form of speech used by a speaker or group of speakers. The distinctive characteristics of a speech variety may be lexical,phonological,morphological,syntactic,or a combination of linguistic features.72.L anguage planning:Language standardization is known as languageplanning. This means that certain authorities,such as the government or government agency of a country,choose a particular speech variety and spread the use of it,including its pronunciation and spelling systems,across regional boundaries.73.I diolect:An idiolect is a personal dialect of an individual speaker that com-bines aspects of all the elements regarding regional,social,and stylistic variation,in one form or another. In a narrower sense,what makes up one’s idiolect includes also such factors as voice quality,pitch and speech rhythm,which all contribute to the identifying features in an individual's speech.74.S tandard language:The standard language is a superposed,sociallyprestigious dialect of language. It is the language employed by the government and the judiciary system,used by the mass media,and taught in educational institutions,including school settings where the language is taught as a foreign or second language.75.N onstandard language:Language varieties other than the standard arecalled nonstandard languages.76.L ingua franca:A lingua franca is a variety of language that serves as amedium of communication among groups of people for diverse linguistic backgrounds.77.P idgin:A pidgin is a variety of language that is generally used by nativespeakers of other languages as a medium of communication.78.C reole:A Creole language is originally a pidgin that has become establishedas a native language in some speech community.79.D iglossia:Diglossia usually describes a situation in which two very differentvarieties of language co-exist in a speech community,each with a distinct range of purely social function and appropriate for certain situations.80.B ilingualism:Bilingualism refers to a linguistic situation in which twostandard languages are used either by an individual or by a group of speakers,such as the inhabitants of a particular region or a nation.81.E thnic dialect:Within a society,speech variation may come about becauseof different ethnic backgrounds. An ethnic language variety is a social dialect of a language,often cutting across regional differences. An ethnic dialect is spoken mainly by a less privileged population that has experienced some form of social isolation,such as racial discrimination or segregation. 82.S ociolect:Social dialects,or sociolects,are varieties of language used bypeople belonging to particular social classes.83.R egister:Registers are language varieties which are appropriate for use inparticular speech situations,in contrast to language varieties that are associated with the social or regional grouping of their customary users.Format reason,registers are also known as situational dialects.84.S lang:Slang is a casual use of language that consists of expressive butnon-standard vocabulary,typically of arbitrary,flashy and often ephemeral coinages and figures of speech characterized by spontaneity and sometimes by raciness.85.T aboo:Taboo,or rather linguistic taboo,denotes any prohibition by thepolite society on the use of particular lexical items to refer to objects or acts.86.E uphemism:A euphemism,then,is a mild,indirect or less offensive wordor expression substituted when the speaker or writer fears more direct wording might be harsh,unpleasantly direct,or offensive.。
orderly.(08F)23.module: It refers to a unit of processing that is relatively autonomous from other processing units.24.Minimal attachment:we prefer attaching new items into the phrase marker being constructed using the fewest syntactic nodes consistent with the rules of the language. (e g. Mike kissed Lucy and her sister…)te closure:wherever possible, we prefer to attach new items to the current constituent to reduce the burden on working memory during parsing.(E.g.: Tom said that Bill had taken the cleaning out yesterday. )26.cohort model: in word comprehension,words are analysed by hearers from beginning to end.27.Selectional restrictions---a restriction on the combining of words in a sentence resulting from their meaning form part of the word-processing system28. Hierarchical Structure----Our representation od complex words is organized in terms of hierarchical morphological structure.29.Levelt’s model of speech production:Four stages of production: conceptualizing----- > formulating---- >articulating---- > self-monitoring.(1) Conceptualizing: we must conceptualize what we wish to communicate.(2)Formulating: we formulate this thought into linguistic plan in the Formulator. It contains grammatical and phonological process and draws upon the lexicon.(3) articulating:the information is passed to the Articulator from Formulator which actually produces the utterance.(4) self-monitoring.:We monitor our speech, to assess whether it is what we intended to say and how we intended to say it....................................................................1. Acculturation(同化过程) is a process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviors of another group.2. Adjacency pair(相邻语对); a sequence of two utterances by different speake rs in conversation. The second is a response to the first, such as question/ans wer sequences and greeting/greeting exchange.3. affix: a bound morpheme that is attached to a stem and modifies its meaning in some way.4. agreement (concord)(一致): a grammatical phenomenon in which the form of o ne word in a sentence is determined by the form of another word which is gramma tically linked to it. E.g. in the sentence The boy goes to school every day. There is an agreement in number between boy and goes.5.articulators(发音器官): the tongue,lips,and velum, which change the shape of the vocal tract to produce different speech sounds.6.aspect(体): the grammatical category representing distinction in the tempora l structure of an event. English has two aspect construction---the perfect and the progressive.(完成体和进行体)7.aspiration(吐气); the puff of air that sometimes follows the pronounciation of a stop consonant. E.g. /p/ in the word pit.8.consonant(辅音); a speech sound produced by partial or complete closure of part of the vocal tract, thus obstructing the airflow and creating audible fric tion. Consonants are described in terms of voicing, place of articulation, and manner of articulation.9. converstional implicature(会话含义): meanings that are explicable in the l ight of converational maxims.municative competence(交际能力); the ability to use language appropriat ely in social situations.11. constituent(成分): a syntactic unit that functions as part of a large un it within a sentence; typical constituent types are verb phrase, noun phrase, p repositional phrase and clause.12.case(格):the grammatical category in inflectional languages by which the fo rm of a noun or noun phrase varies for grammatical or semantic reasons. English has only one case distinction in nouns—the genitive case(所有格), but English pronouns have three forms that correspond to three of the six cases in Latin.13.clause(小句): a grammatical unit that contains a subject and a predicate. It may be a sentence or part of a sentence.14.closed class(封闭词类): a group of words whose membership is small and doe s not readily accept new members.15.coinage(创新词): the construction and addition of new words.16.distribution(分布): the set of positions in which a given linguistic elemen t or form can appear in a language.17.duality(双重结构): a type of double-layer structure in which a small numbe r of meaningless units are combined to produce a large number of meaningful uni ts.18.entailment(包含); the relationship between two sentences where the truth of one(the second) is inferred from the truth of the other.19.euphemism(委婉语): a word or phrase that replaces a taboo word or is used to avoid reference to certain acts or subjects,e.g. powder room for toilet. 20.garden path sentence(花园小径句): a sentence in which the comprehender ass umes a particular meaning of a word or a phrase but later discovers that the as sumption was incorrect, forcing the comprehender to backtrack and reinterpret t he sentence.21.free variation;(自由变异) a relation between two speech sounds such that either one can occur in a certain position and the substitution of one for the other never makes any difference in the meaning of the word. For instance, the unexpl oded(失去爆破) stop /d/ in the phrase Good morning is in free varitation with t he exploded(爆破)counterpart.22.inflection(屈折变化): the morphological process by which affixes combine w ith words or stems to indicate such grammatical categories as tense or plurity.ernment(支配): the grammatical phonomenon in which the presence of a pa rticular word in a sentence requires a second word which is grammatical linked with it to appear in a particular form. E.g. a preposition or a verb requires t hat the pronoun following it be in the objective form,as in with me,to him. nguage universal (语言共性): any property that is shared by most,if not a ll, human lanugages.25.lingua franca: ( 通用语) A language variety used for communication among gr oups of people wo do not otherwise share a common language. For example, English is the lingua franca of the international scientific community.26.macrosociolinguistics; The study of the effect of language on society.27.microsociolinguistics: The study of the effect of any and all aspects of so ciety,including cultural norms, expetations and contexts,on the way language is used. It is often simply called sociolinguistics.28.paradigmatic relation: (纵组合关系) The substitutional relation between a s et of linguistic items,that is,linguistic forms(letters,words and phrases)can b e substituted for each other in the same position in a word or sentence. E.g, b,p,s,f are in paradigmatic relation in the words bit,pit,sit,fit, so are Natur e,Beauty, Love, Honesty in the sentences:Nature purifies the mind.Beauty purifies the mind.Love purifies the mind.Honesty purifies the mind.29.syntagmatic relation: (横组合关系) The relation between any linguistic elem ents which are simultaneously present in a structure. E.g. in the word bit, b, i,t are in syntagmatic relation, so are nature, purifies, the, mind, in the sen tence Nature purifies the mind.30.presupposition(预设): implicit assumptions about the world acquired to make an utterance meaningful or appropriate,e,g, “ some tea has already been take n”is a presuppostion of “Take some more tea”.31.prototype(典型): What members of a particular community think of as the bes t example of a lexical category,e.g.for some English speakers “cabbage”(rathe r than,say,carrot)might be the prototypical vegetable.32.root(词根): the morpheme that remains when all affixes are stripped from a complex word. E.g. system from un- + system + atic + ally.33.stem(词干): the base to which one or more affixes are attached to create a more complex form that may be another stem or a word.34.taboo(禁忌语):words that are offensive or embarrassing, considered inappro priate for “polite society”, thus to be avoided in conversation.35.selectional restriction(选择限制): a restriction on the combining of words in a sentence resulting from their meaning.36.linguistic universal:(语言共性) The linguistic universals are principles th at enable children to acquire a particular language unconsciously, without inst ruction in the early years of life. As a whole they are referred to as Universa l Grammar.(这是今年复试面试时教授的问题。
1. 语言语言是人类思维交流的基本工具,通过声音、文字和手势等方式表达。
2. 音韵学音韵学是语言学的一个分支,研究语言中的音素(最小语音单位)和音位(实际发声的音素)的组合和变化规律。
3. 语法学语法学研究语言中的结构和规则,探究如何构建有意义的句子。
4. 语义学语义学关注语言中词汇和句子的意义,研究语言符号和其所表示的概念之间的关系。
5. 语用学语用学研究语言在特定上下文中的使用和理解,关注言语行为的目的、意图和效果。
6. 语言演化语言演化研究语言的变化和发展,探寻语言是如何从一个共同的祖先语言发展出多样的语言家族。
1.(7-8)Language: language is a system of arbitrary任意的vocal symbols used for human communication. ( Language is a system; language is arbitrary; language is vocal; language is human –specific.)2.(15)phonetics语音学: a branch of linguistics语言学which is studies the characteristic of speech sounds语音and provides methods for their description ,classification and transcription.3.(62)semantics语义学: it can be defined as the study of meaning which is central to the study of communication.4.(77)pragmatics语用学: the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect产生,引起successful communication.(It’s also the study of language in use or language communication, the study of the use of context to make inference about meaning.)5.(42)syntax: is a branch of linguistics that studies how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation结构,组成of sentences.6.(31)morphology形态学: it refers to the study of the internal内部的structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.7.(66)synonymy同义词: refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning. Words that are close in meaning are called synonyms.8.(66)reference指称: means what a linguistic form refers to in the real,真实physical world物质; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world(非语言世界,即real,physical world)of experience.9.(66)sense词义: is concerned with the inherent固有的,内在的meaning of a linguistic form, the collection集合of all its features(语言形式所有特征的集合); it’s abstract and de-contextualized去情景化. I t’s the aspect of meaning dictionary compilers编辑者are interested in.10.(9)duality: language is a system, which consists of two sets of structures, or two levels. A large number of units of meaning such as morphemes and words are found at the higher level of the system. The duality of structure of language enables its users to talk about anything within their knowledge.?11.(112-113)dialect: dialects vary. A regional dialect is a linguistic variety used by people living in the same geographical region. Social dialect has to do with separation brought about by different social conditions.?12.(114)accent: it’s an important marker of sociolect. Regional accents and RP took on social implications, becoming in effect social accents.?13.(87)conversational maxim会话准则: It has 4 maxims: the maxim of quantity(make your contribution as informative as required;don’t make your contribution more informative than is required),the maxim of quality(don’t say what you believe to be false;don’t say that for which you lack adequate evidence),the maxim of relation(be relevant) and the maxim of manner(avoid obscurity of expression;abvoid ambiguity;be brief;be orderly).?14.(78-79)context: it is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer. (Context determines the speaker’s use of language and also the hearer’s interpretation of what is said to him.)15.(5)competence: it’s the ideal(best) user’s knowledge of the rules of his language.16.(5)performance: it’s the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.17.(117)register 语域:refers to a variety of language defined according to its use in social situations, such a register of medical English, legal English.18.(81)locutionary act 言外行为:is the act of uttering words,phrases,and clauses. It is the act of conveying literal字面meaning by means of syntax, 句法lexicon词汇and phonology.音韵学19.(69)hyponymy: 下义关系,上下义refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive宽泛word and a more specific word. The word which is more general in meaning is called the superordinate上义词,and the more specific words are called its hyponyms.下义词20.(22)phonology: 音位学it relates to the study of sound and aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form pattern and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication.21.(照片)speech community :the social group that is singled out for any special sociolinguistic study is called the speech community.22.(17-18)transcription:it includes the transcription with letter-symbols only and the transcription with letter-symbols together with the diacritics. The former is called broad transcripton which is normally used in dictionaries and teaching textbooks for general purposes. The latter is called narrow transcription which is needed and used by the phoneticians in their study of speech sounds.23.(33)bound morpheme黏着词素: a morpheme which can be a word by itself is called a free morpheme, whereas a morpheme that must be attached to another one isa bound morpheme.24.(24-25)minimal pair:when two different forms are identical完全一致in every way except for one sound segment一个音段which occurs in the same position in the strings,the two sound combinations are said to form a minimal pair.25.(27)stress: the syllable consists of three parts: onset起音, peak, coda收尾.?26.(38)compounding: it’s a new way to form new words,or compou nd words, and is by string words together.27.(百度)affixation词缀: it’s the process whereby new words are formed from existing words or bases.28.(23-24)allophone音位变体:the phones can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments。
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转语言学7 名词解释1.80.What is an alphabet?What is asyllabary?An"alphabet"refers to the letters or signs representing speech sounds used in writing alanguage,arranged in aconventionalorder.A"syllabary"refers to aset or table or system of written characters representing syllables rather than individual sounds.1.81.What is agrapheme?What is orthography?(1)A"grapheme"is the minimal constructive unit in the writing system of alanguage.The English grapheme Ais represented by A,α,a etc.(2)Orthography means correct spelling,spelling rules or attemptsto improve spelling.1.82.What is reference?"Reference",as far as writing is concerned,means that in asound writing system the graphemes and the phonemes are expected to buildup and to keep up co-reference.For instance,the Reference of the English grapheme Bgenerally is"b"and that of the grapheme Xis"ks".The problem with reference is that more than one phoneme can be represented by one single letter or grapheme.The grapheme O,for example,can represent its its different corresponding phonemes as in:so,money,together,sob.For reference used in the sense of"sense"or"meaning",place refer back to is affixation,conversion and compounding?(1)"Affixation"is the morphological process whereby grammatical of lexical information is added to the base(root or stem).It has been the oldest and the most productive word-formation method in the English language and some other European languages."Prefixation"means addition of aprefix to make anew word,while"suffixation"means adding asuffix to aword.The word"unfaithful"is result of both prefixation and suffixation.(2)"Conversion"(called sometimes"full conversion")is aword-formation process by which aword is altered from one part of speech into another without the addition(or deletion)of any morpheme."Partial conversion"is also alteration when aword of one word-class appears in afunction which is characteristic of another word-class,e.g.,"the wealthy"(=wealthy people).(3)"Compounding"is so complex aword-formation process as far as English is concerned that there is no formal criterion that can be used for the definition of it,though it may mean simply that two words or more come together used as one lexical item,like"dustbin".1.84.What is blending,abbreviation and back formation?(1)"Blending"is arelatively complex form of compounding in which two roots are blended by joining the initial part of the first root and the final part of the second root,or by joining the initial parts of the two roots,e.g.,smog→smoke+fog,boatel→boat+hotel,etc.(2)"Abbreviation",also called in some cases"clipping",means that aword that seems unnecessarily long is shortened,usually by clipping either the front or the back part of it,e.g.,telephone→phone,professor→prof.,etc.Broadly speaking,abbreviation includes acronyms that are made up from the first letters of the long name of an organization,e.g.,WorldBank→WB,European Economic Community→EEC,etc.Other examples of acronyms can be found with terminologies,to be read like oneword,e.g.,radio detecting and ranging→radar.Test of English as aForeign Language→TOEFL,etc.(3)"Back-formation"refers to an abnormal type of word-formation where ashorter word is derived by detecting an imagined affix from alonger form already present in the language.It is aspecial kind of metanalyais,combined with analogical creation(see 1.85),e.g.,editor→edit,enthusiasm→enthuse,etc.1.85.What is analogical creation?What is borrowing?The process of"analogical creation",as one of the English tendencies in English word-formation,refers to the phenomenon that anew word or anew phrase is coined by analogy between anewly created one and an existing one.For example,"marathon"appeared at the First Olympic Games and by analogy modern English created such words as"telethon","talkthon",etc.Analogy may create singlewords(e.g.,sunrise-moonrise,earthrise,etc.;earthquake-starquake,youthquake,etc.)and phrases(e.g.,environmental pollution-sound pollution,air pollution,cultural pollution,etc.)."Borrowing"means the English language borrowed words from foreign languages,which fall in four categories:aliens,denizens,translation-loans and semantic borrowings."Aliens"are foreign loans that still keep their alienshapes,i.e.,morphological and phonologicalfeatures,e.g.,"elite","coup détat","coupé",etc.(from French)."Deniens",also foreign words,have transformed their foreign appearance,i.e.,they have been Angolcized(orAmericanized),e.g.,"get"(a Scandinavian borrowing),"theater"(a French loan),etc."Hybrids"are also denizens,because they are words made upof two parts both from foreign soil,such as"sociology"("socio-"from French and-logy from Greek)."Translation-loans"are words imported by way oftranslation,e.g.,"black humor"from French("humor noir"),"found object"form French,too("object trouve"),etc.Finally,se mantic borrowings have acquired new meaning under the influence of language or languages other than the source tongue.For example,"gift"mean"the price of awife"in Old English(450-1150AD),and after the semantic borrowing of the meaning of"gift or present"of the Scandinavian term"gipt",it meant and still means"gift"in the modern sense of it.1.86.What is assimilation,dissimilation and metathesis?"Assimilation"refers to change of asound as the result of the influence of an adjacent sound,which is called"contact"or"contiguous"assimilation.The assimitative processes at word in language could be explained by the"theory of least effort",i.e.,in speaking we tend to exert as little effort as possible so that we do not want to vary too often places of articulation in uttering asequence of sounds.Assimilation takes place in quick speech very often.In expressions such as"immobile","illegal",etc.,the negative prefixes should be or have been"in-"etymologically."Dissimilation",opposite of assimilation,is the influence exercised by one sound segment upon the articulation of another sound,so that the sounds become less alike than expected.As there are two sounds in the Latin word"peregrines",for instance,the first segment had to dissimilate into[l],hence the English word"pilgrim"."Metathesis"is aprocess involving an alteration in the sequence of sounds.Metathesis had origina lly been aperformance error,which was overlooked and accepted by the speech community.For instance,theword"bird"was"bird"in Old English.The word"ask"used to bepronounced[ask]in Old English,as still occurs in some English dialects.By Zhang Zuchun 2001/12/30胡壮麟《语言学教程》课后答案Annie@2005-05-09 18:19 Define the following terms:1.design feature:are features that define our humanlanguages,such asarbitrariness,duality,creativity,displacement,culturaltransmission,etc.2.function:the use of language tocommunicate,tothink,nguage functions inclucle imformativefunction,interpersonal function,performative function,interpersonal function,performative function,emotive function,phaticcommunion,recreational function and metalingual function.3.etic:a term in contrast with emic which originates from American linguist Pike's distinction of phonetics and phonemics.Being etic mans making far too many,as well as behaviously inconsequential,differentiations,just as was ofter the case with phonetic vx.phonemic analysis in linguistics proper.4.emic:a term in contrast with etic which originates from American linguist Pike's distinction of phonetics and phonemics.An emic set of speech acts and events must be one that is validated as meaningful via final resource to the native members of aspeech communith rather than via qppeal to the investigator's ingenuith or intuition alone.5.synchronic:a kind of description which takes afixedinstant(usually,but not necessarily,the present),as its point of observation.Most grammars are of this kind.6.diachronic:study of alanguage is carried through the course of its history.7.prescriptive:the study of alanguage is carried through the course of its history.8.prescriptive:a kind of linguistic study in which things are prescribed how ought to be,ying down rules for language use.9.descriptive:a kind of linguistic study in which things arejust described.10.arbitrariness:one design feature of human language,which refers to the face that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning.11.duality:one design feature of human language,which refers to the property of having two levels of are composed of elements of the secondary.level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.12.displacement:one design feature of human language,which means human language enable their users to symbolize objects,events and concepts which are not present cin time and space,at the moment of communication.13.phatic communion:one function of human language,which refers to the social interaction of language.14.metalanguage:certain kinds of linguistic signs or terms for the analysis and description of particular studies.15.macrolinguistics:he interacting study between language and language-related disciplines such aspsychology,sociology,ethnograph,science of law and artificial intelligence etc.Branches of macrolinguistics include psycholinguistics,sociolinguistics,anthropological linguis tics,et petence:language user's underlying knowledge about the systemof rules.17.performance:the actual use of language in concrete situation.ngue:the linguistic competence of the speaker.19.parole:the actual phenomena or data oflinguistics(utterances).20.Articulatory phonetics:the study of production of speechsounds.21.Coarticulation:a kind of phonetic process in which simultaneous or overlapping articulations are involved.Coarticulation can be further divided into anticipatory coarticulation and perseverative coarticulation.22.Voicing:pronouncing asound(usually avowel or avoiced consonant)by vibrating the vocal cords.23.Broad and narrow transcription:the use of asimple set of symbols in transcription is called broad transcription;the use of asimple set of symbols in transcription is called broad transcription;while,the use of more specific symbols to show more phonetic detailis referred to as narrow transcription.24.Consonant:are sound segments produced by constricting or obstructing the vocal tract at some place to divert,impede,or completely shut off the flow of air in the oral cavity.25.Phoneme:the abstract element of sound,identified as being distinctive in aparticular language.26.Allophone:any of the different forms of aphoneme(eg.th is an allophone of/t/in English.When/t/occurs in words like step,it is unaspirated t.Both th and tare allophones of the phoneme/t/.27.Vowl:are sound segments produced without such obstruction,so no turbulence of atotal stopping of the air can be perceived.28.Manner of articulation;in the production of consonants,manner of articulation refers to the actual relationship between the articulators and thus the way in which the air passes through certain parts of the vocal tract.29.Place of articulation:in the production of consonants,place of articulation refers to where in the vocal tract there is approximation,narrowing,or the obstruction of air.30.Distinctive features:a term of phonology,i.e.a property which distinguishes one phoneme from another.plementary distribution:the relation between tow speech sounds that never occur in the same environment.Allophones of the same phoneme are usually in complementary distribution.32.IPA:the abbreviation of International Phonetic Alphabet,which is devised by the International Phonetic Association in 1888 then it has undergong anumber of revisions.IPA is acomprised system employing symbols of all sources,such as Roman small letters,italics uprighted,obsolete letters,Greek letters,diacritics,etc.33.Suprasegmental:suprasegm ental featuresare those aspects of speech that involve more than single sound segments.The principal supra-segmental features aresyllable,stress,tone,and intonation.34.Suprasegmental:aspects of speech that involve more than single sound segments.The principle suprasegmental features are syllable,stress,tone,and intonation.35.morpheme:the smallest unit of language in terms of relationship between expression and content,a unit that cannot be divided into further small units without destroying or drastically altering the meaning,whether it is lexical or grammatical.poundoly morphemic words which consist wholly of free morphemes,such as classroom,blackboard,snowwhite,etc.37.inflection:the manifestation of grammatical relationship through the addition of inflectional affixes,such asnumber,person,finiteness,aspect and case,which do not change the grammatical class of the stems to which they are attached.38.affix:the collective term for the type of formative that can be used only when added to another morpheme(the root or stem).39.derivation:different from compounds,derivation shows the relation between roots and affixes.40.root:the base from of aword that cannot further be analyzed without total lass of identity.41.allomorph:;any of the different form of amorpheme.For example,in English the plural mortheme is but it is pronounced differently in different environments as/s/in cats,as/z/in dogs and as/iz/in classes.So/s/,/z/,and/iz/are all allomorphs of the plural morpheme.42.Stem:any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an inflectional affix can be added.43.bound morpheme:an element of meaning which is structurally dependent on the world it is added to,e.g.the plural morphemein"dog's".44.free morpheme:an element of meaning which takes the form of an independent word.45.lexeme:A separate unit of meaning,usually in the form of aword(e.g."dog in the manger")46.lexicon:a list of all the words in alanguage assigned to various lexical categories and provided with semantic interpretation.47.grammatical word:word expressing grammatical meanings,such conjunction,prepositions,articles and pronouns.48.lexical word:word having lexical meanings,that is,those which refer to substance,action and qua lity,such asnouns,verbs,adjectives,and verbs.49.open-class:a word whose membership is in principle infinite or unlimited,such as nouns,verbs,adjectives,and many adverbs.50.blending:a relatively complex form of compounding,in which two words are blended by joining the initial part of the first word and the final part of the second word,or by joining the initial parts of the two words.51.loanvoord:a process in which both form and meaning are borrowed with only aslight adaptation,in some cases,to eh phonological system of the new language that they enter.52.loanblend:a process in which part of the form is native and part is borrowed,but the meaning is fully borrowed.53.leanshift:a process in which the meaning is borrowed,but the form is native.54.acronym:is made up form the first letters of the name of an organization,which has aheavily modified headword.55.loss:the disappearance of the very sound as amorpheme in the phonological system.56.back-formation:an abnormal type of word-formation where ashorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from along form already in the language.57.assimilation:the change of asound as aresult of the influence of an adjacent sound,which is more specifically called."contact"or"contiguous"assimilation.58.dissimilation:the influence exercised.By one sound segment upon the articulation of another,so that the sounds become less alike,or different.59.folk etymology:a change in form of aword or phrase,resulting from an incorrect popular nation of the origin or meaning of the term or from the influence of more familiar terms mistakenly taken to be analogous 60.category:parts of speech and function,such as the classification of words in terms of parts of speech,theidentification of terms of parts of speech,the identification of functions of words in term of subject,predicate,etc.61.concord:also known as agreement,is the requirement that the forms of two or more words in asyntactic relationship should agree with each other in terms of some categories.62.syntagmatic relation between one item and others in asequence,or between elements which are all present.63.paradigmatic relation:a relation holding between elements replaceable with each other at aparticular place in astructure,or between one element present and he others absent.64.immediate constituent analysis:the analysis of asentence in terms of its immediate constituents---word groups(or phrases),which are in trun analyzed into the immediate constituents of their own,and the process goes on until the ultimate constituents are reached.65.endocentric construction:one construction whose distribution is functionally equivalent,or approaching equivalence,to one of its constituents,which serves as the centre,or head,of the whole.Hence an endocentric construction is also known as aheaded construction.66.exocentric construction:a construction whose distribution is not functionally equivalent to any to any of its constituents.67.deep structure:the abstr act representation of the syntactic properties of aconstruction,i.e.the underlying level of structural relations between its different constituents,such sa the relation between,the underlying subject and its verb,or averb and its object.68.surfacte structure:the final stage in the syntacticderivation of aconstruction,which closely corresponds to the structural organization of aconstruction people actually produce and receive.69.c-command:one of the similarities,or of the more general features,in these two government relations,is technically called constituent command,c-command for short.ernment and binding theory:it is the fourth period of development Chomsky's TG Grammar,which consists of X-bar theme:the basis,or the starting point,of the utterance.municative dynamism:the extent to which the sentence element contributes to the development of the communication.72.ideational function:the speaker's experience of the real world,including the inner world of his own conscio usness.73.interpersonal function:the use of language to establish and maintain social relations:for the expression of social roles,which include the communication roles created by language itself;and also for getting things done,by means of the interaction between one person and another.74.textual function:the use of language the provide for making links with itself and with features of the situation in which it is used.75.conceptual meaning:the central part of meaning,which contains logical,cognitive,or denotative content.76.denotation:the core sense of aword or aphrade that relates it to phenomena in the real world.77.connotation:a term in acontrast with denotation,meaning the properties of the entity aword denotes.78.reference:the use of language to express apropostion,meaning the properties of the entity aword denotes 79.reference:the use of anguage to express aproposition,i.e.to talk about things in context.80.sense:the literal meaning of aword or anexpression,independent of situational context.81.synonymy:is the technical name for the sameness relation.plentary antonymy:members of apair in complementary antonymy are complementary to each fiel dcompletely,such asmale,female,absent.83.gradable antongymy:members of this kind are gradable,such as long:short,big;small,fat;thin,etc.84.converse antonymy:a special kind of antonymy in that memembers of apair do not constitute apositive-negativeopposition,such as buy;sell,lend,borrow,above,below,etc.85.relational opposites:converse antonymy in reciprocal social roles,kinship relations,temporal and spatial relations.There are always two entities involved.One presupposes the other.Theshorter,better;worse.etc are instances of relational opposites.86.hyponymy:a relation between tow words,in which the meaning of one word(the superordinate)is included in the meaning of another word(the hyponym)87.superordinate:the upper term in hyponymy,i.e.the class name.A superordinate usually has several hyponyms.Under animal,for example,there are cats,dogs,pigs,etc,88.semantic component:a distinguishable element of meaning in aword with two values,e.g+human positionality:a principle for sentence analysis,in which the meaning of asentence depends on the meanings of the constituent words and the way they are combined.90.selection restriction:semantic restrictions of the noun phrases that aparticular lexical item can take,e.g.regret requires ahuman subject.91.prepositional logic:also known as prepositional calculus or sentential calculus,is the study of the truth conditions forpropositions:how the truth of acomposite propositions and the connection between them.92.proposition;what is talk about in an utterance,that part of the speech act which has to do with reference.93.predicate logic:also predicate calculus,which studies the internal structure of simple.94.assimilation theory:language(sound,word,syntax,etc)change or process by which features of one element change to match those of another that precedes or follows.95.cohort theory:theory of the perception of spoken words proposed in the mid-1980s.It saaumes a"recognition lexicon"in which each word is represented by afull and independent"recognistion element".When the system receives the beginning of arelevant acoustic signal,all elements matching it are fully acticated,and,as more ofthe signal is received,the system tries to match it independentlywith each of them,Wherever it fails the element is deactivated;this process continues until only one remains active.96.context effect:this effect help people recognize aword more readily when the receding words provide an appropriate context for it.97.frequency effect:describes the additional ease with which aword is accessed due to its more frequent usage in language.98.inference in context:any conclusion drawn from aset of proposition,from something someone has said,and so on.It includes things that,while not following logically,are implied,in an ordinary sense,e.g.in aspecific context.99.immediate assumption:the reader is supposed to carry out the progresses required to understand each word and its relationship to previous words in the sentence as soon as that word in encountered.nguage perception:language awareness of things through the physical senses,esp,sight.nguage comprehension:one of the three strand of psycholinguistic research,which studies the understanding of language.nguage production:a goal-directed activet y,in the sense that people speak and write in orde to make friends,influencepeople,convey information and so on.nguage production:a goal-directed activity,in the sensethat people speak and write in order to make friends,influence people,concey information and so on.104.lexical ambiguity:ambiguity explained by reference tolexical meanings:e.g.that of Isaw abat,where abat might refer to an animal or,among others,stable tennis bat.105.macroproposition:general propositions used to form anoverall macrostructure of the story.106.modular hich aassumes that the mind is structuied into separate modules or components,each governed by its own principlesand operating independently of others.107.parsing:the task of assigning words to parts of speech with their appropriate accidents,traditionally e.g.to pupils learning latin grammar.108.propositions hatever is seen as expressed by asentence which makes astatement.It is aproperty of propositions that they have truth values.109.psycho linguistics:is concerned primarily with investigating the psychological reality of linguistic structure.Psycholinguistics can be divided into cognitive psycholing uistics(being concerned above all with making inferences about the content of human mind,and experimental psycholinguistics(being concerned somehow whth empirical matters,such as speed of response to aparticular word).110.psycholinguistic reality:the reality of grammar,etc.as apurported account of structures represented in the mind of aspeaker.Often opposed,in discussion of the merits of alternative grammars,to criteria of simplicity,elegance,and internal consistency.111.schemata in text:packets of stored knowledge in language processing.112.story structure:the way in which various parts of story are arranged or organized.113.writing process:a series of actions or events that are part of awriting or continuing developmeng.municative competence:a speaker's knowledge of the total set of rules,conventions,erning the skilled use of language in asociety.Distinguished by D.Hymes in the late 1960s from Chomsley's concept of competence,in the restricted sense of knowledge of agrammar.115.gender difference:a difference in aspeech between men and women is"genden difference"116.linguistic determinism:one of the two points in Sapir-Whorf hypothesis,nguage determines thought.117.linguistic relativity:one of the two points in Spir-Whorf hypotheis,i.e.there's no limit to the structural diversity of languages.118.linguistic sexism:many differences between me and women in language use are brought about by nothing less than women's place in society.119.sociolinguistics of language:one of the two things in sociolinguistics,in which we want to look at structural things by paying attention to language use in asocial context.120.sociolinguistics of society;one of the two things in sociolinguistics,in which we try to understand sociological things of society by examining linguistic phenomena of aspeaking community.121.variationist linguistics:a branch of linguistics,which studies the relationship between speakers'social starts and phonological variations.122.performative:an utterance by which aspeaker does something does something,as apposed to aconstative,by which makes astatement which may be true or false.123.constative:an utterance by which aspeaker expresses aproposition which may be true or false.124.locutionary act:the act of saying something;it's an act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax,lexicon,andly.,the utterance of asentence with determinate sense and reference.125.illocutionary act:the act performed in saying something;its force is identical with the speaker's intention.126.perlocutionary act:the act performed by or resulting from saying something,it's the consequence of,or the change brought about by the utterance.127.conversational implicature:the extra meaning not containedin the literal utterances,underatandable to the listener only when he shares the speaker's knowledge or knows why and how he violates intentionally one of the four maxims of the cooperative principle.128.entailment:relation between propositions one of which necessarily follows from the other:e.g."Mary isrunning"entails,among other things,"Mary is not standing still".129.ostensive communication:a complete characterization of communication is that it is ostensive-infer-ential.municative principle of relevance:every act of ostensive communication communicates the presumption of its own optimal relevance.131.relevance:a property that any utterance,or aproposition that it communicates,must,in the nature of communication,neces sarily have.132.Q-principle:one of the two principles in Horn'sscale,i.e.Make your contributionnecessary(G.Relation,Quantity2,Manner);Say no more than youmust(given Q).133.division of pragmatic labour:the use of amarked crelatively complex and/or expression when acorrespondingunmarkeda(simpler,less"effortful")alternate expression is available。