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Module 2 Unit 1 同步练习( 五年级)


( ) 1 Will you help_____ ? A he B him C his

( ) 2 How many _____ do you want ? A apple B apples C an apple

( ) 3 How _____milk do you want ? A many B much C few

( ) 4 How much is it going _____ ? A to cost B cost C costs

( ) 5 How many things are there _____ the list ? A in B at C on

( ) 6 I want to buy a _____ . A hamburger B cheese C hamburgers

( ) 7 What about a _____ ? A dog B apple C oranges

( ) 8 His birthday is on Sunday . I want to buy _____a present . A her B him C he

( ) 9 Let’s go to the _____. We need food for our picnic . A supermarket B hospital C cinema ( ) 10 Amy and Sam like _____. A banana B bananas C cat

( ) 11 Here _____ your oranges . A is B am C are

( ) 12 Hello. How _____ oranges do you want ? A many B long C much

( ) 13 What about some pears ?_____. A Yes, I do . B Yes, I like pears. C Yes, it is . ( ) 14 Do you like _____, Lingling ? A cheeses B cheese C chees

( ) 15 Let’s buy one kilo of ____. A noodle B noodles C the noodles


1 How much cheese do you want ? A They will come tomorrow.

2 How many things are there ? B I’m shopping .

3 When will these things come ? C Half a kilo.

4 What are you doing ? D Thirty-seven.

1 How much do you need ? A 让我们列个清单吧!

2 Let’s make a list. B 你想要多少果汁?

3 How much juice do you want ? C 让我们去购物吧!

4 Let’s go shopping. D 你能看见多少只鸭子?

5 How many ducks can you see ? E 你需要多少?


1 They are ________________ school.

2 Do you live ______________ China ?

3 We need some food _____________our picnic .

4 I want half a kilo _____________noodles .

5 Let’s go ____________ the supermarket.


A: Let’s go to the ____________________, Lingling. We need food for our picnic.

Can you read the shopping ________________to me , please?

B: The first thing is bananas. How _________________ do you want ?

A: Six , please. Amy and Sam like bananas. Do you like _______________________?

B: Yes , I do .

A: Good. What’s ____________________ ?

B: _______________________. I can see the cheese . How ___________________cheese do you want ?

A: Half a __________________. Do you like cheese , Lingling ?

B: Great !


1 How ______________( much / many ) bananas do you want ?

2 Here’re ___________________( you / your ) pears.

3 Can you ___________________( need / read ) the list for the old man ?

4 Amy and Linda ____________________( like / likes ) milk. 5. (Do/Are)you like bananas?

Module 2 Unit 2 同步练习( 五年级)
