
《中级微观经济学》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程编号:0909406课程中文名称:中级微观经济学课程英文名称:Intermediate Microeconomics课程性质:专业核心课程开课专业:经济学开课学期: 5总学时:48学时(其中理论44学时,其他4学时)总学分: 3二、课程目标针对修过《经济学原理》课程本科生的知识背景和能力特点,《中级微观经济学》课程力图在经济学直观原理和经验案例的基础上,运用代数、微积分等数学工具,进一步全面深入地讲授现代微观经济学的基本理论和分析方法,结合中国改革和发展的实际例证,启发学生获得分析和解决实际经济问题的兴趣和思路,使学生学习建立经济学模型的基本方法。
四、教学内容与学时分配1 导论(2学时)教学要求:通过本篇的教学,使学生了解微观经济学的发展现状,帮助学生建立这门课程的基本框架,明确本门课程的基本任务和达到的目标。
教学内容:1.1市场:建立模型、最优化与选择、保留价格、市场均衡、帕累托效率2 消费者理论(20学时)教学要求:通过本篇的教学,使学生明确消费者选者面临的约束条件;认识几种常用的描述消费者口味的方法;理解消费者如何做出自己的消费决策,并进一步理解当外界环境变化时消费者的消费决策会如何改变;理解为什么价格变化对需求存在不同的影响。
中级微观经济学英文课件 (1)

Modeling Apartment Demand
u Demand: Suppose the most any one person is willing to pay to rent a close apartment is $500/month.
p = $500 QD = 1.
u Suppose the price has to drop to $490 before a 2nd person would rent.
u a higher price for close apartments.
Market Equilibrium
pe 100
Market Equilibrium
Higher demand
pe 100
Market Equilibrium
Higher demand causes higher
Market Equilibrium
pe 100
Market Equilibrium
Higher incomes cause
higher willingness-to-pay
pe 100
Market Equilibrium
Higher incomes cause
higher willingness-to-pay,
equilibrium is unaffected by the tax. u Price and the quantity of close
apartments rented are not changed. u Landlords pay all of the tax.

《中级微观经济学》课程教学大纲课程编号:010368课程名称:中级微观经济学英文名称:Intermediate Microeconomics总学时:48学分:3课程类型:专业必修课先修课程:微积分、线性代数、概率与统计适用范围:数学与应用数学专业一、课程简介《中级微观经济学》是数学与应用数学专业的专业必修课。
三、课程内容及主要教学方法(一)微观经济学基本知识1.需求、供给以及市场均衡的性质;2. 消费者理论:效用与偏好,预算约束和选择;3.生产理论:生产函数、最有要素组合、扩张路线与规模收益;4.成本理论:短期成本分析、长期成本分析、规模经济理论;5.利润最大化;6.完全竞争市场:基本特征、短期均衡、供给曲线;要求学生了解需求与供给的基本知识,熟悉需求与供给的函数及其均衡与变动,弹性的概念和各种需求及供给弹性,掌握需求弹性与厂商的收入之间的关系,动态的蛛网模型;了解基数效用和序数效用的基本方法和概念,熟悉边际效用递减规律、无差异曲线分析方法,掌握消费者均衡的条件。
(二) 要素市场理论1.要素的需求2.要素的供给3.要素市场的均衡要求学生了解引致性需求的含义,熟悉以劳动为例的要素供给的原则,并且掌握要素市场均衡的条件、掌握收入分配与要素价格等理论(三)不完全竞争市场1.垄断竞争2.寡头垄断3.完全垄断4.垄断条件下资源配置的无效率,以及对垄断的治理要求学生了解几种不完全竞争市场的基本特征,熟悉垄断竞争下的均衡条件,寡头垄断的古诺模型、斯泰克伯格模型以及完全垄断下的均衡条件,掌握垄断条件下造成的资源配置的无效率、造成的剩余损失,并且掌握如何对垄断进行管制。
中级微观经济学 Intermediate Microeconomics

中级微观经济学 / Intermediate Microeconomics学期: 2008 秋季周数:18周总学时:54 授课时间:2008/9/8 到 2008/12/27 时间: 周一 5-7节授课教师: 张彤Email: tongzhang@教学助理: 陈恪教材: 范里安著费方域译《微观经济学: 现代观点》上海人民出版社第六版教辅: 《<微观经济学:现代观点>练习册》,费方域、李双金译,上海人民出版社(2006)参考书:《微观经济学》 [美]平狄克、鲁宾费尔德著一、本课程的教学目的、基本要求及其在教学计划中的地位本课程在教学计划中的地位:微观经济学是金融专业学生必须掌握的基础课。
二、成绩权重:注意: 每次作业,考试,以及项目报告,都要同时注明学号和姓名.1. 考试:第一次考试 20%; 第二次考试 20%; 期末考试 (综合) 35%;2. 作业: 10%; 留作业的下一次上课前交. 之后不收. 允许一次不交.3. 项目分析报告: 15%.以学过的微观经济学知识对自选项目进行分析和价值评估. 写成6-8页的项目分析报告.超过10页或低于5页每超出或少一页减一分. 第14周提交报告电子版以及powerpoint文件, 15周第6节开始到16周做报告. 每组选2-3人讲, 剩下的组员回答问题, 每组总共报告时间为5分钟.6人一组.三、教学内容。
中级微观经济学【英文】Intertemporal Choice

Shandong UniversityIntermediate MicroeconomicsYue QIAOContents1. Intertemporal Choice1. Intertemporal Choice2. Asset Markets2. Asset Markets3. Uncertainty3. UncertaintyIntertemporal ChoiceBudget constraint(1) (m 1,m 2) money in each time period is endowment, allow the consumer to borrow and lend at rate r(2) c 2= m 2+ (1 + r)(m 1−c 1)(3) note that this works for both borrowing and lending, as long as it is at the same interest rate(4) various forms of the budget constraint: future value, present value(5) preferences —convexity and monotonicity are very naturalIntertemporal ChoiceIntertemporal ChoiceComparative statics(1) if consumer is initially a lender and interest rateincreases, he remains a lender.Intertemporal ChoiceComparative statics(2) a borrower is made worse off by an increase in theinterest rateIntertemporal ChoiceComparative statics(3) Slutsky allows us to look at the effect of increasing theprice of today’s consumption (increasing the interest rate) a) change in consumption today when interest rateincreases= substitution effect + (m1−c1) income effectb) assuming normality, an increase in interest rate lowers current consumption for a borrower, and has an ambiguous effect for lenderc) provide intuitionIntertemporal Choice InflationIntertemporal Choice●Present value(1) if the consumer can borrow and lend freely, then shewould always prefer a consumption pattern with a greater present value.(2) Use of present value: the one correct way to rankinvestment decisions; linear operation, so relatively easy to calculate●Bonds●Installment loansAsset MarketIn the world of perfect certainty, all assets must have the same rate of return.(1) if one asset had a higher rate of return than another, who would buy the asset with the lower return?(2) Riskless arbitrage: a) two assets. Bond earns r, other asset costs p 0now. b) invest $1 in bond, get 1 + r dollars tomorrow. c) invest p 0x = 1 dollars in other asset, get p 1x dollars tomorrow. d) amounts must be equal, which says that 1 + r = p 1/p 0.(3) p 0= p 1/(1 + r)(4) think about the process of adjustment.Asset Market●Example from stock market(1) index futures and underlying assets that make up thefutures.(2) no risk in investment, even though asset values arerisky, because there is a fixed relationship between the two assets at the time of expiration.●Adjustments for differences in characteristics(1) liquidity and transactions cost(2) taxes(3) form of returns —consumption return and financialreturnAsset Market●But what determines the interest rate?(1) aggregate borrowing and lending behavior(2) consumption and investment choices over time●What do financial institutions do?(1) adjust interest rate so that amount people want toborrow equals amount they want to lend(2) change pattern of consumption possible over time.Example of college student and retiree(3) example of entrepreneur and investorsUncertaintyContingent consumption(1) what consumption or wealth you will get in each possible outcome of some random event.(2) example: rain or shine, car is wrecked or not, etc.(3) consumer cares about pattern of contingentconsumption: U(c 1, c 2).(4) market allows you to trade patterns of contingentconsumption—insurance market. Insurance premium is like a relative price for the different kinds of consumption.(5) can use standard apparatus to analyze choice of contingent consumption.UncertaintyUtility functions(1) preferences over the consumption in different events depend on the probabilities that the events will occur.(2) so u(c 1, c 2, π1, π2) will be the general form of the utility function.(3) under certain plausible assumptions, utility can be written as being linear in the probabilities, p 1u(c 1) + p 2u(c 2). That is, the utility of a pattern of consumption is just the expected utility over the possible outcomes.UncertaintyRisk aversion(1) shape of expected utility function describes attitudestowards risk..(2) draw utility of wealth and expected utility of gamble.Note that a person prefers a sure thing to expected value.。

The circular flow of economic activities.
product market market
The product market and the factor market.
The market relation is mutual and voluntary.
Convexity x2
Averaged bundle
(x1,x2) x1
Chapter 4
(as a way to describe preferences)
•Essential ordinal utilities, versus
•convenient cardinal utility functions.
Budget line
= - p’1/p2
Slope = - p1/p2 m/p1
Taxes, quantity taxes, value taxes
(ad valorem taxes), and lump-sum
taxAess. ubsidy
is the opposite of a quantity tax.
goods and services.
Main economic activities:
Consumption, Production, and Exchange.
Microeconomics and macroeconomics:
to show the market mechanism (the invisible hand), to supplement it.

《经济学原理》课程中英文简介Economics课程代码:Course Code:030013A/030013B/030014A/030014B030013A 030013B 030014A 030014B 课程名称:经济学原理Course Name:Economics学时:48/64 Periods:48/64学分:3/4 Credits:3/4考核方式:考查/考试Assessment:Inspection/Examination先修课程:Preparatory Courses:政治经济学Political Economy高等数学Higher Mathematics《微观经济学》和《宏观经济学》统称为经济学。
Economics includes microeconomics and macroeconomics. The research object of microeconomics is the behavior of consumer, firm and market. By studying microeconomics, students can understand the basic principle of microeconomic action. The main contents of this course include market theory, utility theory, production theory, cost theory, firm theory, general equilibrium theory, welfare economics and market failure theory. The research object of macroeconomics is the aggregative activity. The aim of this course is to demonstrate the macroeconomic function and the determinant of output of a nation. By studying this course, students can understand the basic principles of macroeconomics. The main contents of macroeconomics include national income accounting, simple national income determination, IS-LM model, macroeconomic policies, AD-AS model, inflation and unemployment, economic growth and business cycle theory.《国际经济学》双语课程中英文简介International Economics课程代码:030063A/030053A Course Code:030063A/030053A课程名称:国际经济学Course Name:International Economics学时:48 Periods:48学分:3 Credits:3考核方式:考试Assessment:Examination先修课程:经济学原理Preparatory Courses:Principles of Economics本课程的主要内容是阐述国际经济学的基础知识。

会计学学科(120201)教学大纲《中级微观经济学》课程教学大纲课程名称:中级微观经济学英文译名:Intermediate Microeconomics开课单位:经济与贸易学院预修课程:微观经济学、高等数学开课学期:1课内总学时:32学分:2考核方式:考试一、教学目的及要求《中级微观经济学》是经济管理类专业研究生的基础理论课程。
二、课程内容及学时分配(一)课程主要内容第一章绪论第一节稀缺性和机会成本第二节经济学与微观经济学第三节经济模型第二章消费者行为理论第一节基本概念第二节效用最大化第三节需求函数第四节收入与闲暇第五节收入效应与替代效应第六节n个变量的一般化问题第七节消费者行为理论的新进展第三章不确定条件下的选择第一节预期效用与主观概率第二节两个悖论第三节风险测定第四节风险防范第五节风险规避度量第六节资产需求理论第四章生产者行为理论第一节基本概念第二节企业最优化行为第三节投入需求第四节成本函数第五节联合产品第六节m个变量的一般化问题第七节企业行为理论的新进展第五章市场均衡第一节完全竞争假定第二节市场需求函数和供给函数第三节商品市场均衡第四节要素市场均衡第五节均衡的存在性和唯一性第六节均衡的稳定性第七节间歇调整的动态均衡第六章完全竞争条件下的定价与产出第一节市场结构第二节完全竞争市场的定价与产出第七章垄断条件下的定价与产出第一节垄断及其形成的原因第二节垄断市场的定价与产出第八章垄断竞争与寡占条件下的定价与产出第一节垄断竞争条件下的定价与产出第二节寡占条件下的定价与产出第九章一般均衡与福利经济学第一节一般均衡分析第二节福利经济学第三节市场失灵三、教材[美] Pindyck, Rubinfeld著,张军译.微观经济学(四、参考文献1、Varian, Hal R. Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach,6th. Ed.W.W.Norton.2003.(中文版《微观经济学:现代观点》.上海三联书店、上海人民出版社.1992)2、Gravelle and Rees.Microeconomics,3th.ed .FT-Prentice Hall,2004. (上海财经大学出版社英文影印版.2005)4、Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston and Jerry R.Green. Microeconomic Theory. Oxford University Press8、Fudenberg D and Tirole J. Game Theory. MIT Press9、Myerson,Roger. B. Game Theory. Harvard University Press《会计理论研究》课程教学大纲课程名称:会计理论研究英文译名:Accounting Theory Research开课单位:会计学院预修课程:会计基础、中级财务会计、管理会计、财务管理、审计学开课学期:1课内总学时:32学分:2考核方式:考试一、教学目的及要求“思考就是比较”,通过比较,抓住特点,了解异同。
微观经济学 英文课程描述

II. Class timetable (54 Class Hour)
Class Hour
Theory Experiment In Total
Introduction Concept and Introduction of Demand Curve and Supply Curve Theory of Utility Production Theory Cost Theory Perfect Competitive Market Imperfect Competition Market Demand Decided by Factor Price Supply Decided by Factor Price General Equilibrium and Welfare Economics Market Failure and Microeconomic Policies
中级微观经济学 英文

中级微观经济学英文Intermediate Microeconomics is a course in economics that builds upon the foundations of microeconomics and delves deeper into the analysis of individual markets and market participants. It explores topics such as consumer theory, producer theory, market structure, and welfare economics.Intermediate Microeconomics expands on the concepts introduced in introductory microeconomics, examining the behavior of consumers and firms in more detail. It explores the theory of the consumer, including utility maximization, indifference curve analysis, and the effects of income and price changes on consumption decisions. Producer theory is also covered, including production functions, costs of production, and profit maximization.Market structure is an important aspect of intermediate microeconomics. It examines different types of market competition, such as perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. The course analyzes the behavior of firms in each market structure, including pricing strategies, output decisions, and the impact of market power.Welfare economics is another key topic in intermediate microeconomics. It examines the efficiency and equity of markets and evaluates the benefits and costs of government intervention. The course explores concepts such as consumer and producer surplus, market failure, and the design of public policy.Overall, Intermediate Microeconomics provides a deeper understanding of the functioning of individual markets and the behavior of economic agents within those markets. It prepares students for further study in economics and equips them with the tools to analyze and understand real-world economic phenomena.。

价格决定 谁住附近 价格
竞争市 供求机制 场
差别垄 差别定价 断者
一般垄 利润最大 断者 化原则
支付P* P* 的人
支付P*及 以上价格 的人
支付Pm 的人
差别价格 Pm>P*
房租管 行政定价 取决于多 Pc<P*
出租住房 数量
是否达 到帕累 托效率
房租管制:对住房规定一个低于均衡价格的最高 限价。
图1.1 竞争市场与差别垄断者
图1.2 一般垄断者
O Qm
图1.3 房租管制
5 选择
最优选择:预 算约束下最偏 好(即获得最 大效用)的商 品束。
最优选择是否 必须符合相切 的条件的?或 者相切是否是 最优消费束的 充分
I1 I2
图5.1 完全替代与完全互补的最优选择
一个效用函数的单调变换还是一个效用函数,并且这个 效用函数代表的偏好与原效用函数所代表的偏好相同。

中级微观经济学英文课件 (3)

Extreme CaLeabharlann es of Indifference
Curves; Perfect Substitutes
u If a consumer always regards units of commodities 1 and 2 as equivalent, then the commodities are perfect substitutes and only the total amount of the two commodities in bundles determines their preference rank-order.
the or
statement x
thf~atyeither f~ x.
Assumptions about Preference Relations
u Reflexivity: Any bundle x is always at least as preferred as itself; i.e.
u Particularly, they are ordinal relations; i.e. they state only the order in which bundles are preferred.
p p
Preference Relations
u denotes strict preference; x y means that bundle x is preferred strictly to bundle y.
x f~ x.
Assumptions about Preference Relations
u Transitivity: If x is at least as preferred as y, and y is at least as preferred as z, then x is at least as preferred as z; i.e.

Syllabus for MicroeconomicsThe Nature of the Course:Specialized required courseSuitable Specialty: International economy and trade Marketing AccountingInformation Management and Systems Business AdministrationFinancial AdministrationCredit: 4Class Hours:64Authors:yijun liu ling langT he Purpose and Tasks of the CourseThis course is a basic professional course for undergraduate in the School of Business and Management. Through this course, students have a more comprehensive understanding of basic issues and basic viewpoints on the microeconomics. They can grasp the basic concepts of microeconomics, the basic idea, the basic analytical methods and basic theory as well. More important, lay ing a theoretical foundation for the further study of other professional courses.The Basic Requirements of the Course1.Require students to grasp the basic concept, the basic thought, the basic analysis method and the elementary theory of microeconomics.2.Require students to conduct self-study, and students are encouraged to widely read reference books to make it more understanding of basic economic theory and its application in all respects.3.Require teachers to pay close attention to using graphic tools and using mathematical tools properly.4.The advance curriculum is the higher mathematics.Outline the Content and Hours Allocation Recommendations Chapter 1Introduction 6 Class Hours §1 Ten Principles of Economics1.How People Make Decisions2. How People Interact3.How the Economy as a Whole Works§2 Thinking Like an Economist1.The Economist as a Scientist2. The Economist as a Policy Adviser3.Why Economist Disagree§3 the Using of Graphs in Economics (#)1.Graphic Drawing and Graphics Type in Economic Analysis2.Slope and Elasticity3. Note for Graphics Use in Economic Analysis§4 Interdependence and the Gains from Trade1.The Production Possibilities Frontier、Specialization and Tradeparative Advantage3.Applications of Comparative AdvantageChapter 2Supply and Demand(Ⅰ):How Markets Work 8 Class Hours §1Markets and Competitionpetitive Market2.Other Markets§2 law of demand1.Demand and the Demand Curve2.Shifts in the Demand Curve and Shift of the Demand Curve3.Market Demand and Individual Demand§3 law of supply (#)1. Supply and the Supply Curve2. Shifts in the Supply Curve and Shift of the Supply Curve3.Market Supply and Individual Supply§4 Supply and Demand Model1.The Conditions of Supply and Demand Model2.Supply and Demand Model3.What happens to equilibrium when supply and demand shifts?4.Cobweb Theory (☆)§5Elasticity and The Applications of Elasticity Theory1.the Elasticity of Demand and Its Application2.the Elasticity of Supply and Its Application(#)§6Supply、Demand and Government Policies1.Controls on prices (#)2.How Taxes Affect Market Outcomes3.Can Good News for Farming Be Bad News for Farmers?Exercise classes 2Class Hours Chapter 3 Supply and Demand(Ⅱ):Market and Welfare 16 Class Hours §1 The Theory of Consumer Choice 4 Class Hours1.Cardinal Utility Theory2. Preference Theory3.Application of The Theory of Consumer Choice§2 The Theory of Producer Choice 6 Class Hours1.The Organization of Production (#)2. Production Function and Factor Inputs3. The Cost Theory§3 Consumer Surplus 2Class Hours1.Willingness to Paying the Demand Curve to Measure Consumer Surplus3.How a Lower Price Raises Consumer Surplus§4 Producer Surplus(#)1.Cost and the Willingness to Sell2. Using the Supply Curve to Measure Producer Surplus3. How a Higher Price Raises Producer Surplus§5 Market Efficiency 2 Class Hours1.The Concept of Efficiency2.The Equilibrium Efficiency of the Competitive Firm(1)3.The conditions of the Efficient Competitive Firm§6 Application:The Cost of Taxation 2 Class Hours1.The Deadweight Loss of Taxation2.The Determinants of the Deadweight Loss3. Deadweight Loss and Tax Revenue as Taxes Vary§7 Application:International Trade (#)1.The Determinants of Trade2.The Winners and Losers from Trade3.The Arguments for Restricting TradeExercise classes 3 Class Hours Discussion class 1 Class Hour Chapter 4The Economics of the Public Sector 4 Class Hours §1 Externalities1.Externalities and Market Inefficiency2.Private Solutions to Externalities3.Public Policies toward Externalities§2 Public Goods and Common Resources1.The Different Kinds of Goods2.Public Goodsmon Resources§3 The Design of the Tax System(#)1.Taxes and Efficiency2.Taxes and EquityChapter 5 Supply and Demand(Ⅲ):Enterprise behavior and industrial organization8 Class Hours§1Types of Market (#)§2 Firms in Competitive Markets 4 Class Hours1. The Demand Curve and Revenue Curve of the Competitive Firm2. The Short-run Decision and the Supply Curve of the Competitive Firm3. The Short-run Supply Curve of the Competitive Market4.The Competitive Firm's Long-run Decision5.The Long-run Supply Curve of the Competitive Firm6.The Equilibrium Efficiency of the Competitive Firm(2)§3 Monopoly 4 Class Hours1.Why Monopolies Arise2.The Demand Curve and Revenue Curve of the Monopolistic Firm3.The Monopolistic Firm's Short-run and Long-run Decision4.The Welfare Cost of Monopoly5.Public Policy toward Monopolies6.Price Discrimination§4 Oligopoly (#)1.Markets with Only a few Sellers2.Game Theory and the Economics of Cooperation3.Public Policy toward Oligopolies§5 Monopolistic Competition(#)1.The Demand Curve and Revenue Curve of The MonopolisticCompetitive Firm2. The Monopolistic Competitive Firm in the Short-run and Long-run3. Monopolistic Competition and the Welfare of Society4.AdvertisingExercise classes 1 Class Hour Discussion class 1 Class Hour Chapter 6 Supply and Demand(Ⅳ):The Markets for the factors of production6 Class Hours§1 How Markets Determine Incomes1. Income and Wealth (#)2. Marginal Productivity Determines the Prices of Inputs§2 The Economics of Labor Market1.The Demand and Supply for Labor (#)2.Equilibrium in the Labor Market (#)3. Some Determinants of Equilibrium Wages4.The Economics of Discrimination§3 The Land Market and The Capital Marketnd and Rent2.Capital and Interest§4 Income Distribution (#)1.The Measurement of Inequality2.The Political Philosophy of Redistributing Income3.Policies to Reduce PovertyDiscussion class 2 Class Hours Chapter 7 Supply and Demand(Ⅴ):(General equilibrium) Market and Welfare (☆)§1 General equilibrium1.Meaning of the Equilibrium2. The Equilibrium Model of Léon Walras3. The Two-sector Model of General Equilibrium§2 Welfare Economics1.The Social Welfare Function2.Equity and EfficiencyChapter 8Uncertainty and Information (☆)§1 Uncertainty in the Economy1. Uncertainties and Risks2. The Effectiveness of Property3. Measurement of Risk Cost§2 Information, Risk and Markets1. Insurance and Risk-sharing2. Private Information and Market3. Risk Management in the Financial MarketsReview class 2 Class Hours Flexible time 4 Class Hours note:(#)Expressed that students learn these contents on its own, and they are included in the scope of examination.(☆)Expressed that students can choose according to their interest in reading, but not included in the scope of examination.Recommended Teaching Materials and Major Reference Books1.[美]曼昆著,梁小民译,《经济学原理(第5版)》,机械工业出版社,2009年2.[美]保罗·萨缪尔森、威廉·诺德豪斯著,萧琛主译,《经济学(第18版)》,人民邮电出版社,2008年3.刘毅军主编,《经济学基础》,石油工业出版社,2006年。
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Intermediate Microeconomics
Course Code: 62216002
Course Name: Intermediate Microeconomics
Course Credit: 4
Course Duration: 7
Teaching Object: Senior undergraduate of Business Department
Pre-course: Basic Microeconomics
Course Director: Guo JianQiang Associate Professor Ph.D. of Economics
Course Introduction:
Unrivaled in Its Unique Combination of Analytical Rigor and Accessibility, Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach Has Gained One of the Broadest Adoption Lists in the Market. Now Appearing in Its Sixth Edition, Professor V arian's hallmark Text Is Better than Ever, Featuring New Treatments of Game Theory and Competitive Strategy, and A Variety of New Illustrative Examples. Modern, Authoritative, and above All Crafted by An Outstanding Teacher and Scholar, Intermediate Microeconomics, Sixth Edition Will Expand Students' Analytic Powers and Strengthen Their Understanding of Microeconomics.
Course Examination:
Students’ Final Scores = Scores of Ordinary Tests * 10% + Scores of the Final Exam * 90% Scores of ordinary tests vary according to students’ performance in attendance, homework and practical activities.
The final exam will be an closed-book exam.
Appointed Teaching Materials:
Textbook: Hal R. Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach (Sixth Edition), W. W. Norton, 2003.
Answers to Workouts of this course (PDF) Offered by Teacher.
[1]Hal R. Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach (Sixth Edition),
[2]James M. Henderson and R. E. Quandt, Microeconomic Theory A Mathematical Approach,
McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1980.
[3]Waiter Nichoson, Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extension, 8th Edition,
SouthWestern 2002.。