国际商务10 期末总复习

第一章 第二章 第三章 专题 第四章 第五章 第六章 第七章 导论 国际商务理论与政策 国际商务环境 国际目标市场选择 国际经营方式 国际经营战略 国际商务组织 国际企业管理
1. 什么是国际商务?它有哪些经营形式? 2. 何谓经济全球化?经济全球化具体表现在哪些方面? 其推动因素有哪些?
1. 制定国际产品策略主要考虑哪几方面? 2. 国际产品标准化策略或差异化策略选择的影响因素有 哪些? 3. 产品定价方法有哪些? 4. 对比国际分销策略的三种类型。 5. 试比较国际营销中各种促销手段:广告、营业推广、 人员推销、公共关系各自的优缺点。 6. 为什么跨国公司大多实行全球采购? 7. 简述影响企业全球生产选址决策的因素。 8. 你认为构建和整合供应链的关键方面是什么?
1. 国际财务管理包括哪些内容? 2. 简述国际商务活动中的融资方式。 3. 何谓转移定价?国际企业为什么采用转移价格? 4. 跨国公司如何利用转移价格转移利润?请举例说明。 5. 何谓国际双重征税?简述国际双重征税产生的原因及 解决的办法。 6. 跨国公司有哪几种避税方法? 7. 试述外汇风险的类型及外汇风险管理的方法。
导论 理论
目标市场 营销
经营方式 生产 全球战略 财务
组织结构 人力资源
Source: John D. Daniels and Lee H. Radebaugh, International Business, 8th ed., Reading MA: Addison-Wesley, 1998, p. 10
7. 何谓国际目标市场定位?国际目标市场定位有哪些主要 方式?

CHAP6 国际贸易理论Mercantilism suggests that it is in a country’s best interest to maintain a trade surplus -- to export more than it imports(重商主义就是保持贸易顺差以实现一国的最大利益---出口超过进口) Mercantilism advocates government intervention(介入) to achieve a surplus in the balance of trade (重商主义主张政府介入以便实现对外贸易顺差)It views trade as a zero-sum game - one in which a gain by one country results in a loss by another (将贸易看成零和博弈,一个国家收益一个国家受损)Absolute Advantage 绝对优势Adam Smith argued that a country has an absolute advantage in the production of a product when it is more efficient than any other country in producing it亚当斯密认为一个国家生产一种商品比其他任何国家效率都高时存在绝对优势According to Smith, countries should specialize in the production of goods for which they have an absolute advantage and then trade these goods for the goods produced by other countries 按照亚当斯密的说法,各国应该专门生产具有绝对优势的商品,然后用他们交换其他国家生产的商品The Benefit of Absolute Advantage and Free TradeThe Principle for International Division of Labor–Absolute Advantage国际分工的原则---绝对优势The Consequence(结果) of Division of Labor and Free Trade 分工的结果和自由贸易1. To Production:the Flow of the Factor of Production 生产要素的流动the Efficiency of Factor Distribution 要素分配效率the Quantity of Production 产品质量2. To Consumer:Welfare from Free Trade自由贸易福利: low price of imports and more consumption 低价格的进口更多的消费Comparative Advantage比较优势Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage suggests that countries should specialize in the production of those goods they produce most efficiently and buy goods that they produce less efficiently from other countries, even if this means buying goods from other countries that they could produce more efficiently at home李嘉图的比较优势理论认为一个国家分工生产最有效率的产品,而从别国购买自己生产效率相对较低的产品,甚至从别国购买自己更能有效生产的产品是有意义choose bigger one in two advantages and smaller one in two disadvantages 两利取重两害取轻Heckscher-Ohlin Theory 俄林理论Eli Heckscher and Bertil Ohlin argued that comparative advantage arises from differences in national factorendowments(天赋)– the extent to which a country is endowed with resources like land, labor, and capital 赫克歇尔和俄林认为比较优势是由各国生产要素禀赋的差异引起的,指一国的一些资源比如土地,劳动力还有资本The Heckscher-Ohlin theory predicts that countries will export goods that make intensive use of those factors that are locally abundant, while importing goods that make intensive use of factors that are locally scarce赫克歇尔俄琳理论预测一国将出口密集型使用本国充足要素的产品,进口密集使用本国稀缺要素的产品To take advantage of factor of endowmentsNew Trade Theory 新贸易理论New trade theory suggests that the ability of firms to gain economies of scale (unit cost reductions associated with a large scale of output) can have important implications for international tradeNew trade theory suggests that:through its impact on economies of scale, trade can increase the variety of goods available to consumers and decrease the average cost of those goods贸易可以通过对规模经济的影响增加消费品的种类,降低这些商品的平均成本in those industries when output required to attain economies of scale represents a significant p roportion of total world demand, the global market may only be able to support a small number of enterprises 一些应该达到规模经济的产业,所生产的产品占世界总需求的比重较大,这样全球市场就只能容纳数量很少的企业Factor Endowments 要素禀赋Factor endowments refer to a nation’s position in factors of production n ecessary to compete in a given industry 要素禀赋理论意味着国家态度对一个特定行业生产要素的竞争是很必要的A nation's position in factors of production can lead to competitive advantage国家对生产要素的使用态度可以导致比较优势These factors can be either basic (natural resources, climate, location) or advanced (skilled labor, infrastructure, technological know-how) 要素可以是基础的也可以是高等的First-Mover Advantages 第一进入者优势Being a first mover can have important competitive implications, especially if there are economies of scale and the global industry will only support a few competitors第一进入者有重要的竞争影响,特别是规模经济或者全球行业只有少量竞争者时Firms that establish a first-mover advantage may dominate global trade in that product公司建立了第一个优势可能会在全球贸易中占主导地位Porter’s Diamond波特的钻石理论Michael Porter tried to explain:(1)why a nation achieves international success in a particular industry, while some nations fail 为什么一个国家在特定行业取得国际成功(2 )how to get successful in a particular industry: identified four attributes that promote or impede the creation ofcompetitive advantage:如何在特定行业取得成功,确定了4大特性促进或阻碍竞争优势的建立Factor endowments 要素禀赋Demand conditions需求情况Relating and supporting industries相关与支持产业Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry 企业组织,战略与竞争CHAP8 国际直接投资FDI 国际直接投资Foreign direct investment (FDI) occurs when a firm invests directly in new facilities to produce and/or market ina foreign country国际直接投资发生在一家企业在国外直接投资用于生产或者销售时FDI can be:1)greenfield investments- the establishment of a wholly new operation in a foreign country.新设投资,在国外开设新的企业2)acquisitions or mergers with existing firms in the foreign country在国外收购或合并一家现成的企业Stock of FDI 国际直接投资的存量Outflows of FDI are the flows of FDI out of a country对外直接投资是一国国际直接投资的流出Inflows of FDI are the flows of FDI into a country外来直接投资是一国国际直接投资的流入Why do firms choose FDI instead of:(1)exporting - producing goods at home and then shipping them to the receiving country for sale 出口涉及在国内生产货物然后将其运到购买这些货物的国家(2)licensing - granting a foreign entity the right to produce and sell the firm’s product in return for a royalty feeon the license granting.技术授权是赋予外国公司生产和销售其产品的权利,并对其销售的每一个产品收取转让费An export strategy can be constrained by:(1) transportation costs 运费(2) trade barriers 贸易壁垒(3) can not take the advantage of factors endowment 不能发挥要素禀赋的优势Foreign direct investment may be undertaken as a response to actual or threatened trade barriers such as import tariffs or quotas国际直接投资的增长速度超过世界贸易和产出的原因回避未来的贸易壁垒;民主政治制度和自由市场经济转变的总体趋势;世界经济的全球化Benefits And Costs Of FDIHost-Country Benefits 东道国的收益1.resource transfer effects - FDI can make a positive contribution to a host economy by supplying capital, technology, and management resources that would otherwise not be available资源转移效应国际直接投资对东道国的经济有积极的贡献,他可以提供东道国所缺乏的资本,技术和管理经验2.employment effects - FDI can bring jobs to a host country that would otherwise not be created there就业效应是指能为东道国带来原先没有的就业机会3.balance of payments effects - a country’s balance-of-payments account is a record of a country’s payments to and receipts from other countries国际收支效应。

Choice Questions1. c 3. b 5. d 7. a 9. a2. b 4. a 6. b 8. c 10.d下划线的选项为正确答案1. Understanding another culture:a. is important for businesspeople because they can appear to be better informed.b. is best achieved through "do's and don'ts" listsc. enables businesspeople to know why foreign associates believe and act as theydod. isn't necessary for businesspeople2. Culture, for purposes of business communication, is:a. interchangeable with communicationb. values, attitudes and behaviorc. unnecessary to investigated. constantly changing3. Every culture is learned, and therefore:a. a person can describe his or her own culture completelyb. it is learnablec. it is something you know from birthd. it is not possible to live outside your own culture4. Values in a culture:a. are the priorities of that cultureb. are the same in all culturesc. are attitudes about powerd. are the result of attitudes5. The best response to diversity (or difference in cultures) is toa. assume people are all alikeb. assume superiority of your own culturec. assess another culture by its similarity to yoursd. recognize the validity of cultures that are different6. Biases area. based in all cases on something other than factb. preferencesc. something not everybody hasd. not operating in business encounters between members of different cultures7. When biases are acted upon,a. the result may be discrimination or prejudiceb. the person acting upon them clearly recognizes that factc. communication is clearerd. the result is typical of high-context cultures8. High-context culturesa. prefer communication that is direct and explicitb. are ones whose members enjoy a high standard of livingc. rely on the context, either physical or social, to convey a large part of the messaged. use technologically advanced methods of communication for business purposes9. Perception involvesa. recognizing communication signals, paying attention, categorizing them, andassigning meaning to themb. speaking and listening--the oral communication skillsc. matching incoming signals with outgoing signals in one's databankd. implicit messages that are typical of high-context cultures10. Multi-level messagesa. are always intentionalb. communicate only one meaning but on many levelsc. are common practices in low-context culturesd. result in puns and double-meaning jokesChoice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response.11. Language is important because ita.helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controlshow we perceive others.b. allows us to be understood by foreigners.c. is determined by colonialism.d. is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.12. Which of the following countries uses high-context language?a. Canadab. Germanyc. Japand. United States13. The term "jargon" refers toa. inoffensive expressions that are used in place of offensivewords.b. competitive conversations that are generally in jest.c.technical terminology used within specialized groups.d. nonverbal signals that are believed over what is actuallysaid.14. Slang is generallya. understood by everyone.b. spoken by the masses.c. easily translated.ed by subgroups.15. Red tape is an example ofa. slang.b. an acronym.c. a homonym.d. an idiom.16. "The part was found defective, and it was determined that there isa defect in the button causing it not to fit into the chassis." Thisstatement is an example of aa. linear explanation.b. verbose explanation.c.nonlinear explanation.d. why explanation.17. A good interpreter will bea. bilingual, familiar with both business cultures, and employedby one of the businesses.b.bicultural, bilingual, and familiar with both businesscultures.c. bicultural and an employee of the visiting business.d. bicultural, bilingual, and employed by the host business. Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response.18. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect?a. Asians typically use the inductive method of reasoning.b. Thought patterns impact oral communication.c. When using the deductive method of reasoning, one starts withthe facts and goes to generalizations.d. Recognizing different thought patterns is important innegotiation with different cultures.19. Which term refers to rate, volume, and quality that interrupts ortemporarily takes the place of speech and affects the meaning ofa message?a. metacommunicationb. chronemicsc. oculesicsd. paralanguage20. Which statement does not reflect the intimate zone?a. the most formal zoneb. less than 18 inchesc. reserved for very close friendsd. entered when shaking hands21. People from cultures that follow the monochronic time system tendtoa. do one thing at a time.b. be committed to people.c. borrow and lend things often.d. build lifetime relationships.22. Nonverbal communication does not includea. chromatics.b. chronemics.c. haptics.d. semantics.23. Which term refers to gaze and eye contact?a. chronemicsb. monochronicc. oculesicsd. olfactics24. Which term refers to communicating through the use of bodily contact?a. kinesicsb. hapticsc. olfacticsd. proxemics25. Which of the following does not belong in the "don't touch" category?a. Englandb. Japanc. Middle East countriesd. United States26. Which of the following statements related to space is incorrect?a. In the United States, the social zone is used for interactingimpersonally in business situations.b. In the United States, offices on the fourth floor have morestatus than those on the first floor.c. French top-level executives have private offices.d. The Japanese do not consider private offices appropriate.27. Which statement regarding oculesics is incorrect?a. People in the United States do not favor direct eye contact.b. People in China lower their eyes as a sign of respect.c. The Japanese direct their gaze below the chin.d. Eye contact is very intense in the Middle East.28. Which statement concerning haptics is incorrect?a. Touching may be interpreted as a form of sexual harassment.b. Some cultures are more comfortable with bodily contact thanothers.c. Japan is considered a "touch" culture.d. In the Middle East, avoid touching someone with your left hand.29. Which statement relating to chromatics is incorrect?a. Chromatics can have negative and positive connotations.b. Americans and Japanese both wear black to funerals.c. Brides in India often wear red or yellow.d. In China, a green hat signifies that your wife or sister isa prostitute.30. Which statement is incorrect?a. Costly business blunders are often the result of a lack ofknowledge of another culture's nonverbal communicationpatterns.b. Processes of reasoning and problem solving are the same inall cultures.c. Attitudes toward time and use of space convey nonverbalmessages in intercultural encounters.d. When in another culture, an appropriate caution would be towatch the behavior of the persons you are talking with andmatch their style.31. Which statement is incorrect?a. Knowing cultural variations in the use of silence is helpfulwhen conversing with persons in another culture.b. Determining cultural meanings associated with various colorsis advised to assure that nonverbal messages associated withcolor are positive ones.c. Good advice when communicating with persons in other culturesis to keep gestures to a minimum.d. Although oral communication varies from culture to culture,nonverbal communication is almost always interpreted the samein each culture.Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response.32. Present your business card with both hands when ina. Africa.b. Japan.c. Germany.d. Russia.33. Which of the following statements related to business card exchangeis incorrect?a. U.S. persons only exchange business cards when there is areason to contact the person later.b. Business cards for use internationally should be white withblack ink.c. Present the business card with the left hand only in Africa.d. Present the business card with both hands in Japan.34. People with a college degree are entitled to be called "Doctor" ina. Mexico.b. England.c. Italy.d. Russia.35. Which statement concerning India's caste system is incorrect?a. Each caste has its own status and rights.b. Discrimination based on caste has been outlawed.c. The caste system is not a major influence anywhere on thecontinent at this time.d. In a caste, interaction is often limited.36. Which statement regarding holidays is incorrect?a. Germany has a carnival season similar to Mardi Gras.b. Many countries celebrate New Year's Day.c. Many Japanese companies close from April 29 to May 5.d. June is a bad time to conduct business in Europe as this is consideredthe vacation month.37. Which statement regarding office customs/practices is incorrect?a. U.S. employees are expected to keep busy while at work evenduring slow periods.b. Peru has one of the longest workweeks in the world.c. U.S. firms give more and longer breaks than do most Europeancompanies.d. In the United Kingdom, the only grounds for job terminationare criminal behavior.38. Appropriate public behavior in the United States includes:a. giving priority to older persons when waiting in line.b. speaking quietly in elevators.c. keeping to the left when walking on the street.d. treating service personnel with courtesy and respect.39. Which statement regarding special foods is incorrect?a. Corn-on-the-cob, a U.S. food, is considered a food foranimals only in other countries.b. Most countries enjoy popcorn.c. Eating sheep's eyeballs in Saudi Arabia is common.d. In Mexico, chicken soup may contain the chicken's feet.40. Which statement regarding consumption taboos is incorrect?a. Strict Muslims do not consume pork.b. Hindus do not eat any beef; the cow is considered sacred.c. Orthodox Jews eat only cattle or fowl that has been rituallyslaughtered so that it is "kosher."d. U.S. persons do not eat horse meat because of religious taboos.。

商务交际英语(2)期末复习资料Part I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (10 小题,每小题2 分,共20 分)Directions: Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question1.Which of the following would make the best opening for a persuasive letter?a.As a world traveler, would you please speak to our group on your life-changing experiences intouring India?b.Because of your varied experiences as an elementary school administrator, we would like youto address the district's annual meeting of school principals.c.Wc arc looking for a speaker for our meeting next month. I know you arc busy, but would youconsider being our speaker?d・ People who think they learned everything they need to know in kindergarten haven't heard you speak・2.In writing instructions, which of the following should you remember?a.What the intended readers already know.b.What they need to know・c.The terms they understand.d.All of the above are essential.3.A drawing is used to ____________ .a.show geographic relationships.b・ emphasize details of an idea or procedure・c.show lines of authority.pare one or more quantities with another.4.Which is not one of the three miscellaneous graphic and visual aids?a.mapsb. photographsc. objectsd. drawings5.What is the most complex form of communication?a.one-on-one communication b・ communication in printc・ communication by e-mail d. telephone communication6.Which of the following is a part of your image?a.Level of sclf-confidcncc b・ friendlinessc. appearanced. all of the above are parts of your image7.A barrier to effective listening could be ____________ ・a.A bad mental attitude about the subject of the speaker.b.A bad mental attitude about the speake匚c.A loud noise・d.All of the above.& To lead a meeting effectively, ____________ ・e an agenda・b.do not waste time by restating the objective of the meeting.c.let the experts and extroverts dominate the discussion.d・ all of the above are effective ways to lead meetings*9.In planning a manual, which of the following is most important to consider?a.Your own experience with the topic of the manual.b.What the intended readers need to know・c.What you would like to teach the readers・d.The placement of graphics and illustrations.anization charts are used to ________ ・a.show relationshipsb.illustrate trendsc.explain steps of a complicated procedured.indicate proportions11.Which of the following are internal customers for a worker in a flower shop?a.The people who work at the dry cleaning establishment next doo匚b.The truck drivers for the wholesale florist, from which the shop gets its flowers.c.The woman who wants to put a poster in the window about a charity craft sale.d.The man who orders flowers for his mother on Mother's Day.12.Which of the following describes an appropriate way to receiver customers?a.A secretary behind a big glass window occasionally smiles out upon the waiting customers.b.Employees bustle through a front office; they assume waiting customers have been greeted bythe receptionist, even though she is not at her desk at the moment.c.A woman behind a desk nods at people who come up to her desk while she talks on the phone,then motions for them to be seated in a chair on the other side of the room.d.A receptionist just inside the door greets everyone who enters, even though she is busy withwork at her desk.13.The intimate zone of personal space is _______ ・a.0 to 18 inches for North Americans but larger for Latin Americansb.0 to 18 inches for North Americans but smaller for Latin Americansc.18 inches to 2 feet for North Americansd.12 inches to 18 inches for those from the Middle East14.Which of the following is not part of the listening process?a. Hearing・b. Symbolizing・c. Focusing・d. Remembering・15.Which of the following would be considered a short oral presentation?a.A presentation to the Board of Directors.b.A report on the progress of a very large, major project.c.An introduction of a presenter at a social club・d.None of the above would be a short presentation.16.Which of the following will not provide a helpful influence on a meeting?a. Be flexible・b. Discuss ideas.c・ Use body language to your advantage.d.All of the above will help provide a helpful influence・Part II. TRUE/FALSE (10 小题,每小题2 分,共20 分)________ 1 ・ People tend to read parts of a manual instead of the whole thing.________ 2. In a persuasive letter, the direct approach gets the best results.________ 3. Your visual aids should always be titled.________ 4. Providing quality customer service is vital to a company's success・________ 5. An outgoing voice-mail message should be as detailed as possible・________ 6. Color is a nonverbal environmental symbol that establishes mood.________ 7. Hearing and listening are identical in their meaning・________ 8. A supervisor might be more likely to read a process description instead of a set of instructions.________ 9. The benefits of granting your request will be obvious to most readers・________ 10. The reference to your graphic aid within the written text should come before the actual graphic aid appears・________ 11. A pie chart is the appropriate graphic aid to use when comparing one or more quantities with another.________ 12. Being informed of the reason for a delay may help customers wait more patiently・________ 13. A nod of the head up and down while saying "yes" is an example of a nonverbal symbol that substitutes.________ 14. In a meeting, you send a message about who you are, your abilities, and your competence.Part III QUESTIONS AND SHORT ANSWERS (5 小题,每小题2 分,共10 分)1.What kind of description writing requires a step-by-step description?ANS:2.What is customer service?ANS:3.n It's not what you say, but how you say it that counts" is a statement that reflects the importance of what area of nonverbal communication?ANS:4.What are the important symbols in an oral presentation?ANS:5.What type of resume can be placed on the Internet?ANS:6.In planning a set of instructions, whose knowledge determines the technical level, the writer's or the reader's?ANS:7.How many sets of data should you present in one bar graph at most?ANS:8.What nonverbal symbols compose your image?ANS:9.How can a presenter know if his or her presentation is successful?ANS:10.What are the two methods for organizing resumes?ANS:Part IV READING COMPREHENSION (10 小题,每小题2 分,共20 分)Part V TRANSLATION (3段短文,每段5分,共15分)1. A sales letter tries to persuade a potential customer to purchase a product or service・ Likeother persuasive messages, it involves gaining the reader's attention, establishing a need, showing how a product or service will meet that need, presenting supporting information, and providing for an easy way for the reader to respond・ A sales letter might appeal to readers1 senses by describing how something looks, sounds, feels, smells, or tastes・ This appeal can range from the warm, cinnamon smell of apple pie to the silky feel of a new blouse.2.Face the audience when using your visual aids. Audience members prefer to see the front of you. When you speak, they can hear you better if you are facing them rather than the screen behind you. When using a pointer, hold the pointer in the hand closest to the visual aid to avoid turning your back to the audience. Read from your transparency while facing the overhead projector (and thus your audience) rather than turning around to read from the screen. Likewise, read from your computer monitor rather than turning toward the projected image as you speak.3.Within two days after the interview, you will want to write a brief follow-up letter to the interviewer, thanking him or her for the interview. If you are sure you want the job, indicate your interest・ Follow-up letters are courteous and thoughtful, and they bring your name before the interviewer agai n.4.Instructions tell readers how to do something. Manuals are sets of instructions combined with explanations, descriptions, definitions, and other related information. Both instructions and manuals should provide all the guidance reader need in order to carry out the tasks・ Your challenge is to write instructions and manuals that arc so inviting and easy to use that people decide to read and follow them.5.Spoken or written symbols make up the verbal part of a message and are accompanied by nonverbal symbols・ However, a nonverbal message may not have a verbal counterpart・Nonverbal symbols——body language, appearance, touch, space, time, voice——exist in written and oral communication as well as in the environment.6.Preparing formal oral presentations is challenging. A long speech may last from 20 minutes to more than an hour. As part of your preparation, determine the objective of your speech, analyze the audience, determine the time available for the speech, gather information, and determine the appropriate mode of delivery.7.Too much confidence can hurt you. If others see you as cocky, inflexible, or as a “know it alF\ they will see you as self-centered and unrealistic about your own abilities. They will probably respond to you negatively and with serious questions about your "ability to work with others" or your "ability to get the job done.55Part VI WRITING (共15 分)参考答案:Part I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (10 小题,每小题2 分,共20 分)Ld 11.b 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. d 7. d &a 9. b10.Part II. TRUE/FALSE (10 小题,每小题2 分,共20 分)l.T 6.T ILF2.F3.T4.T5.F 7.F &T 9.F 10. T12.T 13.F 14. TPart III QUESTIONS AND SHORT ANSWERS (5 小题,每小题2 分,共10 分)1 • What kind of description writing requires a step-by-step description?ANS: a process description2.What is customer service?ANS: the performance of activities to ensure customer satisfaction3.M Ifs not what you say, but how you say it that counts'* is a statement that reflects theimportance of what area of nonverbal communication?ANS: voice or paralanguage4.What are the important symbols in an oral presentation?ANS: (a) vocal qualities, (b) nonverbal symbols, and (c) visual aids5.What type of resume can be placed on the Internet?ANS: on-line resume6.In planning a set of instructions, whose knowledge determines the technical level, thewriter's or the reader^?ANS: the reader's7.How many sets of data should you present in one bar graph at most?ANS: four8.What nonverbal symbols compose your image?ANS: level of confidence; friendliness; sincerity; appearance; and body actions or eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, and posture.9.How can a presenter know if his or her presentation is successful?ANS: read the feedback10.What are the two methods for organizing resumes?ANS: reverse chronological order and functional orderPart V TRANSLATION (3段短文,每段5分,共15分)1.销售信函试图说服潜在的顾客购买产品或服务。

4.绝对优势理论:○1亚当·斯密 1776年的名著《国富论》 :a.各国生产不同商品的效率不同。
5.比较优势:○1李嘉图《政治经济学原理》 (1817).一个国家分工生产最有效率的产品,从别国购买自己生产效率相对较低的产品,甚至从别国购买自己能更有效生产的产品,这样做仍然是有意义的。

商务交际英语1期末考试复习指导考试题型I. MULTIPLE CHOICES: (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)II. TRUE / FALSE (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)III. READING COMPREHENSION (10小题,每小题2分,共20分)IV. TRANSLATION (4 段短文, 每段5分, 共20 分)V. WRITING (40分)复习内容英语在国际商务活动中起着非常重要的作用。
那么,根据这些内容,所涉及到课本上的章节有:Chapter 1 Communicating in your lifeChapter 2 Communicating in a diverse workplaceChapter 3 Writing with styleChapter 4 Writing memos and E-mailChapter 5 Writing letters to your clients and customersChapter 6 Writing reports: A complex process made easy特别是第2、4、5章节要重点复习。
本次考试分为5个部分,下面就以几个例题为准简单地介绍一下:具体复习重点1. 单项选择(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)主要考查学生对商务交际英语基础知识的掌握学生可把重点放在以下几种商务交际中应注意的地方:the purpose of communication、theprocess of communication、verbal and non-verbal messages、internal and external barriers tocommunication、responsibilities of participants、body language、personal space、lateralscommunication、audience analysis、common channels of oral message、cross-culturalcommunication and the guidelines、communication tips、Challenges of Diversity、direct andindirect order、building strong paragraphs (including the five Ws) 、the purpose of memos ande-mails、communication overload、the common abuses of e-mails、the stage of planning a message、neutral or positive messages等。



国际商务礼仪期末复习1. 引言国际商务礼仪是跨文化交流中不可忽视的要素,它对商务合作的顺利进行起着至关重要的作用。
2. 礼仪习俗与文化意识在国际商务交流中,不同国家和文化之间存在着很大的差异。
3. 交流礼仪有效的交流是商务合作成功的关键。
4. 商务会议礼仪商务会议是商务合作的重要环节,因此,对商务会议礼仪的了解和遵守也是不可或缺的。
5. 礼仪与社交活动与商务会议类似,社交活动也是商务交流的重要组成部分。
6. 商务礼品赠送在国际商务交往中,礼品赠送是一种常见的表达尊敬和友好的方式。

国际商务练习题一、单选题1.(A )是指缔约一方现在和将来所给予任何第三方的一切特权、优待、利益及豁免,也同样给予缔约对方。
(1).竞争力(2).核心竞争力(3).国际竞争力(4).表层竞争力5.企业通过自身要素的优化及与外部环境的交互作用,在有限的市场资源配置中占有相对优势,进而处于良性循环的可持续发展状态的能力( A )(1).竞争力(2).核心竞争力(3).国际竞争力(4).表层竞争力6.(C )是竞争力资产与竞争力国际化过程的统一。
(1).竞争力(2).核心竞争力(3).国际竞争力(4).表层竞争力7.企业通过一系列具体的策略和措施,使本企业成本与同行业其他企业成本相比很低的战略叫(C)(1).差异化战略(2).集中战略(3). 成本领先战略(4).低价倾销战略8企业采取一种集中的、为一组特定用户服务的战略是( B )A. A.差异化战略(2).集中战略(3). 成本领先战略(4).低价倾销战略9.一些企业拥有或可以得到的那些外国企业不能获得的优势,如产品、技术、规模经济、市场等称之为(A)(1).所有权优势(2).区位优势(3).内部化优势(4).成本优势10某中国小家电企业,总资产50亿元,年销售额20亿元,雇员总数4万人;其中,国外资产5亿元,国外销售额4亿元,国外雇员2千人,该企业跨国化指数为( D)(1).10% (2).20% (3).5% (4).11.7%11. 在其他国家境内的本国律师事务所、银行分支机构提供的服务属于服务贸易中的(D)(1). 境外消费(2). 跨境提供(3). 自然人流动(4). 商业存在12.企业通过各种不同的方式,进口原料、材料或零件,利用本国的生产能力和技术,加工成成品后再出口,从而获得以外汇体现的附加价值,这一国际化方式称(C )(1).一般贸易(2).技术贸易(3).加工贸易(4).国际特许经营13某公司为东道国建造工厂或其他工程项目,一旦设计与建造工程完成,即将该工厂或项目所有权和管理权依合同完整地给对方,这一国际化方式称(D )。

国际商务期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 国际商务是指:A. 国内贸易B. 跨国贸易C. 国际贸易D. 国际投资2. 跨国公司通常是指:A. 拥有海外子公司的公司B. 只在本国运营的公司C. 只做出口贸易的公司D. 只做进口贸易的公司3. 国际商务中,以下哪个不是文化差异的影响因素?A. 语言B. 宗教C. 教育水平D. 法律体系4. 国际商务中,以下哪个不是贸易壁垒?A. 关税B. 配额C. 反倾销税D. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)5. 以下哪个不是国际商务谈判的特点?A. 需要考虑文化差异B. 需要考虑法律法规C. 只关注价格因素D. 需要考虑政治风险6. 国际商务中,以下哪个不是风险管理的策略?A. 风险规避B. 风险转移C. 风险接受D. 风险增加7. 国际商务中,以下哪个不是市场进入策略?A. 出口B. 合资C. 独资D. 进口8. 国际商务中,以下哪个不是国际支付方式?A. 信用证B. 汇票C. 支票D. 现金交易9. 国际商务中,以下哪个不是国际物流的特点?A. 跨国性B. 复杂性C. 单一性D. 时效性10. 国际商务中,以下哪个不是国际市场营销的策略?A. 产品策略B. 价格策略C. 渠道策略D. 质量策略二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述国际商务与国内商务的主要区别。
2. 描述国际商务谈判中文化差异对谈判的影响。
3. 解释什么是国际市场营销的4P策略。
三、案例分析题(每题25分,共50分)1. 假设你是一家跨国公司的市场部经理,公司计划进入一个新的国际市场。
2. 某国际公司在海外运营时遇到了当地政府的贸易壁垒,导致产品无法顺利进入市场。
国际商务期末考试答案一、选择题1. C2. A3. C4. D5. C6. D7. D8. D9. C10. D二、简答题1. 国际商务与国内商务的主要区别在于国际商务涉及跨国界,需要考虑不同国家的法律法规、文化差异、政治风险以及汇率变动等因素。

5.销售沟通是为了达成销售口标而与潜在的顾客进行的沟通6.倾听是认真地、积极地听、并能“听懂”别人所说的话的能力7.气质不耍表现在情绪体验的快慢、强弱、表现的隐显以及动作的灵敏或者迟钝方曲 &个人简历写作要求目标一定要明确,简单但要厚实。



商务英语国际商务期末复习资料简答1. The Globalization of ProductionThe globalization of production refers to the tendency among firms to source goods and services from locations around the globe to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production (such as labor, energy, land, and capital).By doing so, companies hope to lower their overall cost structure and/or improve the quality or functionality of their product offering,thereby allowing them to compete more effectively.2. The differences between common law and civil law?Common law is based on tradition, precedent, and custom.(1) A common law system is more flexible that other systems.(2) Judges in a common law system have the power to interpret the law so that it applies to the unique circumstances of an individual case.(3) Each new interpretation sets a precedent that may be followed in future cases.(4) As new precedents arise, laws may be altered, clarified, or amended to deal with new situations.Civil Law is based on a detailed set of laws organized into codes. (1) When law courts interpret civil law, they regard to these codes.EX. Germany, France, Japan, and Russia(2) A civil law system tends to be less adversarial than a common lawsystem(3) The judges rely upon detailed legal codes rather than interpreting tradition, precedent, and custom. Judges under a civil law system have the power only to apply the law.3. How corruption effect economy?(1) High levels of corruption significantly reduce the FDI, level of international trade, and economic growth rate in a country.(2) By siphoning off profits, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats reduce the returns to business investment and, hence, reduce the incentive of both domestic and foreign businesses to invest in that country.(3) The lower level of investment that results hurts economic growth.4. Why we need to protect intellectual property?The philosophy behind intellectual property laws is to reward the originator of a new invention, book, musical record, clothes design, restaurant chain, and the like, for his or her idea and effort. Such laws stimulate innovation and creative work. They provide an incentive for people to search for novel ways of doing things, and they reward creativity.。

原则,这也是课程终结性考试的重点。第三,商务写作能力的训练是本课程的重中之重。 在课程终结性考试中,商务写作能力的考查分为两个层次:1)句子的写作能力;2)段
正误判断、 多项选择
改写句子 第三部分:写作
30分 45分钟
改写信函、 备忘录等
终结性考试题型复 习
• Part one Reading (20 points)
• 第七章 Electronic Messages and Digital Media (1)认识数字媒体在当今的商务交流中的作用。 (2)学习商务交际中如何正确使用电子邮件;学习如何遵守网络
礼仪。 (3)学习在工作中如何使用即时信息和短信。 (4)学习如何在工作中使用播客,博客和维基进行沟通。 (5)学习如何使用社交网络和商务化人际关系网络;学习如何使 用RSS和社交书签。
• 形成性考核任务与要求 本课程的形成性考核册有三大部分。第一部分是“形成性考核成绩 记录单”,由教师记录学生各单元笔记情况和各次形考作业的完成 情况,并记录学生的课堂和网上活动的参与情况。第二部分是 “Chapter Notes”(单元笔记),由学生记录自己在各章学习 过程中的心得、问题、反思等。第三部分是“作业”,每章的作业 由四个问题组成,每三章为一个作业考核单元。学生可随课程进度, 边学习边完成各章作业。形成性考核作业的布置和提交时间由教师 根据课程进度具体安排。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
正误判断、 多项选择
改写句子 第三部分:写作
30分 45分钟
改写信函、 备忘录等
终结性考试题型复 习
• Part one Reading (20 points)
• 第一章 Effective and Ethical Communicating at Work (1) 理解交流能力对职业发展的重要性;理解批判性思维的必要性;掌控
你的职业发展。 (2) 了解职场动态发展趋势,认识职场发展趋势对沟通能力的挑战。 (3) 分析交流过程的各个环节;学习如何有效地加以应用。 (4) 了解交流中的障碍以及对策。 (5) 了解机构内,外部的交流方式;区分口头交流与书面交流。 (6) 分析机构内部的沟通流向,学习如何克服沟通障碍,如何应对办公室 里的小道消息。 (7) 分析职场上的道德问题,道德在商务交流中的作用,如何避免道德陷 阱。
• 第四章 Planning Business Messages (1)掌握商务写作的四个基本原则,以及3-x-3写作步骤。 (2)学习商务写作第一阶段的各个环节,包括分析写作目的,分
析受众,选择适当的交流方式。 (3)学习适应读者需求和感受的写作方式。 (4)学习使用正面积极和礼貌的语气,不带偏见的语言,简洁的 表达方式和富有活力的用词。 (5)了解团队写作的特点,学习有助于团队协作的技术手段。 (6)了解投资信息,安全提示,市场营销,人力资源和知识产权 等方面的法律和道德问题。
• 形成性考核任务与要求 本课程的形成性考核册有三大部分。第一部分是“形成性考核成绩 记录单”,由教师记录学生各单元笔记情况和各次形考作业的完成 情况,并记录学生的课堂和网上活动的参与情况。第二部分是 “Chapter Notes”(单元笔记),由学生记录自己在各章学习 过程中的心得、问题、反思等。第三部分是“作业”,每章的作业 由四个问题组成,每三章为一个作业考核单元。学生可随课程进度, 边学习边完成各章作业。形成性考核作业的布置和提交时间由教师 根据课程进度具体安排。
• 第五章 Organizing and Writing Business Messages (1)学习3-x-3写作步骤第二阶段的第一环节——调研和立意。 (2)学习用字母和数字排序,组织数据和信息的方法。 (3)学习谋篇布局的直接模式和间接模式。 (4)学习如何起草第一稿。避免残缺句,流水句,和逗号拼凑句;
• 本课程教材《国际商务交际》的每一章包括5-8个不等的学习目标 (Learning Objectives), 根据学习目标展开教学内容。教材侧重交 流和沟通的技巧, 学生应学习3-x-3写作步骤,学习如何撰写销售 信函,如何撰写日常文稿等;同时也要学习如何做演示报告,如 何打电话等口头交流形式。因此要想在这门课的考试中取得较好 成绩,要注意将所学的一些商务写作知识和技巧应用到日常学习 生活过程中所遇到各种沟通中去。
第一章至第三章 问答题
第四章至第六章 问答题
第七章至第九章 问答题
• 终结性考试 终结性考试采用闭卷方式。终结性考试时间长度是90分钟。 终结性考试考生不得携带任何资料与电子读物。
终结性考试包括商务英语阅读、国际商务交际的基本知识和基本原则以及商务英语写作 等三大部分。首先,本课程的重点是用英语进行书面交流能力的培养,在书面交流中,
I'm contemplating applying for my fifty-first job. It’s been a long time since I wasted stamp money this way. In fact, when I reached the fiftieth without success I decided to abandon job hunting and got out my pen to scratch a living instead. But there’s another wildly exciting job in the paper today, "salary £ 9,500 -£11,250 according to age and experience.” The good news is the pay, the bad news is that damning little phrase "according to age and experience" which means I won't get the job. It's not that I have more age than experience - I've led an incident-packed existence. Unfortunately it’s not all related to a single-strand career structure. Journalist, temp, company director, wife and mother, market researcher, and now, at thirty-something, I'm trying to use my Cambridge degree in criminology.
学生参加面授辅导和网上活动的 出勤和参与情况(出勤情况、参与课堂讨论、小组活动情况、参与网上活动与课外活动情况)
每章一页(可另附页)的学生学习笔记 教师随课程进度,安排布置和 提交的具体时间。原则上第一 次作业布置时间为第2周,提交 时间为第6周;第二次作业布置 时间为第6周,提交时间为第11 周;第三次作业布置时间为第 11周,提交时间为第16周。
• 第三章 Intercultural Communication (1)了解凸显跨文化交流重要性的三大趋势。 (2)了解‘文化’的定义,认识文化的五个基本特征,以及文化
的五个主要维度。 (3)认识民族优越感对跨文化交流的障碍。 (4)培养多元文化环境里的非言语交流能力和口头交流能力。 (5)学习跨文化交流中的书面交流的技巧。 (6)认识跨文化交流中的道德问题;学习应对不同文化中的不同 观念和习俗的方法。 (7)了解员工背景多样性带来的益处和挑战。
原则,这也是课程终结性考试的重点。第三,商务写作能力的训练是本课程的重中之重。 在课程终结性考试中,商务写作能力的考查分为两个层次:1)句子的写作能力;2)段
• 第二章 Professionalism: Team, Meeting, Listening,
Nonverbal and Etiquette Skills (1)认识职业精神,软技能和团队精神在职场上的重要性。 (2)学习如何积极参与团队工作,如何解决工作中的矛盾冲突, 如何避免‘团队迷思’,如何形成团队的决议。 (3)掌握组织和出席实体会议的技巧。 (4)了解虚拟会议的组织,召开,及其相关的技术设备问题。 (5)学习倾听的技巧。 (6)了解非言语交流的形式和功能。 (7)学习如何通过提高职业素养和商务礼仪素养以增强自身的职 业竞争力。
• 考核对象 本课程是中央广播电视大学(暨国家开放大学)开放教育商务英语 专业本科的必修课程。考核对象为广播电视大学开放教育商务英语 专业本科学生和具有同等水平的参加本课程的学习者。
• 考核目标
1. 国际商务交际的基本知识 学生应掌握教材中有关国际商务交际的基本知识和基本原则。在终结性考试中,将通过简答题来考查学生对国际商 务交际基本知识的掌握情况。在形成性考核册中也有相关的考查基本知识掌握情况的问题。 2. 商务阅读能力 本课程的一个教学重点是力图提高学生在商务沟通中书面交流的能力,书面交流包括“读”和“写”两个方面。本 课程终结性考试中会有一个阅读题来考查学生商务阅读能力。 3. 商务写作的能力
• 第七章 Electronic Messages and Digital Media (1)认识数字媒体在当今的商务交流中的作用。 (2)学习商务交际中如何正确使用电子邮件;学习如何遵守网络
礼仪。 (3)学习在工作中如何使用即时信息和短信。 (4)学习如何在工作中使用播客,博客和维基进行沟通。 (5)学习如何使用社交网络和商务化人际关系网络;学习如何使 用RSS和社交书签。
的改写,以符合商务沟通各种场合中得体的语言运用;改写信函部分站在语篇的高度上,考察学生对文章的整体安 排和把握的能力。
• 考核方式及计分方法 本课程的考核采取两种形式:形成性考核和课程终结性考试。课程 总成绩为百分制,形成性考核占30%,课程终结性考试占70%。
• 考试的另一大侧重点即是检查考生对于各种商务文稿的写作能力, 因此要求考生在学习教材的过程中,应了解和掌握常用的商务文 稿的基本格式,注意培养自己的英语写作能力,提高语言应用能 力。考生在考前复习的时候,要有意识地将课文中的写作范例和 每一道练习题仔细琢磨,以提高自己的写作能力。
突出要点;正确使用修饰语;以及主动语态与被动语态。 (5)学习段落布局的三种典型模式;学习保持段落连贯性的技巧。