OLED显示屏驱动SH1106 V2.3



奥雷德·科技改变视界Fra bibliotekSVGA060 系列 低功耗主动式 OLED 微型显示器
Spec V1.1
SVGA060SC- 彩 色 SVGA060SW-单色白光 SVGA060SG- 单 色 绿 光
云南北方奥雷德光电科技股份有限公司 2014 年 1 月 27 日
2. 产品简介......................................................................................................................................2
2.1. 特性参数 .................................................................................................................. 2 2.2. 器件结构 .................................................................................................................. 3 2.3. 像素点排列...............................................................................................................3 2.4. 功能框图 .................................................................................................................. 4 2.5. 接口及引脚...............................................................................................................5



Design and Implementation of Continuous Measuring Temperature Monitor
(Weihai Wego Medical Imaging Technology Co.,Ltd.,Weihai 264210,China) Abstract:Aiming at the disadvantages of current high precision continuous temperature measuring equipment,such as single variety,high cost and complex operation,the design scheme based on thermal resistor and single chip micro鄄 computer is proposed. Using STM32L152 as main control chip,sampling,calibrating and amplification function modules are designed. Through the continuous sampling and real鄄time calibration,high precision continuous temperature mea鄄 surement is realized. Long time continuous work is achieved by low power system design and use of large capacity battery. The hardware design scheme and software design flow of each module are introduced in detail. The experi鄄 mental test and practical application show that the system has stable performance and high measurement accuracy. The maximum error is 0.1 ℃ within the specified measurement range,which meets the design standard. The average continuous working time is 273 h,which can meet the requirements of practical applications. Key words:temperature monitor;STM32;high accuracy;continuous measuring



树莓派OLED模块的使⽤教程⼤量例程详解简介Python有两个可以⽤的OLED库[Adafruit_Python_SSD1306库]—>只⽀持SSD1306[Luma.oled库]—>⽀持SSD1306 / SSD1309 / SSD1322 / SSD1325 / SSD1327 / SSD1331 / SSD1351 / SSD1362 / SH1106 / WS0010驱动芯⽚通过本篇教程,你可以学习树莓派环境下I2C接⼝OLED基础功能的使⽤,以及获取到复杂功能的Demo例程。

故事背景时常有看到⽹络上有⼀些OLED做的智能⼩时钟,⾮常漂亮,OLED作为⼀款⾃发光、低功耗、低成本的屏幕,⾮常受⼤家的喜爱,因此我也⽐较好奇,研究了⼀下OLED的使⽤,说⼲就⼲,那我们就开始吧!硬件准备HDMI显⽰屏(推荐直接使⽤VNC或SSH⼯具远程登录,则可以少准备⼀个显⽰屏)(有线也可以,远程访问则可以不⽤)路由器Windows主机给今天的主⾓OLED亮个像吧:软件准备1. 启动树莓派I2C功能2. OLED的驱动库的选择Python有两个可以⽤的OLED库[Adafruit_Python_SSD1306库]—>只⽀持SSD1306[Luma.oled库]—>⽀持SSD1306 / SSD1309 / SSD1322 / SSD1325 / SSD1327 / SSD1331 / SSD1351 / SSD1362 / SH1106 / WS0010驱动芯⽚在这⾥我们应该怎么选择呢?先说结论:我⽐较推荐Luma.oled这个库。

下⾯分析对⽐⼀下两个库的优缺点:库优点缺点Adafruit上⼿简单例程少,功能弱,只⽀持⼀种芯⽚Luma.oled例程丰富,功能强⼤,⽀持芯⽚丰富上⼿难度稍⼤这⾥顺便贴出Luma和Adafruit库的链接:Luma官⽅⽰例代码截图⽰例代码⽬录如下从⽰例代码截图也可以看到Adafruit的例程确实很少3. Luma.oled驱动库的安装Luma.oled是基于 Python 的OLED 库,所以要⽤pip来安装,现在⽐较流⾏python3,所以推荐⽤pip3,输⼊指令sudo pip3 install luma.oledpython2 安装只需要将pip3换成pip即可Adafruit的安装指令为:sudo pip3 install Adafruit-SSD1306[外链图⽚转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图⽚保存下来直接上传(img-7p3KdxSL-1631859093083)(index_files/04ecc9f6-9e43-4abc-a966-78822de0a1e4.png)]如果安装失败,注意检查pip⼯具是否需要更新,注意检查⽹络是否通畅硬件连接1. 参考树莓派引脚图这个图⽐较详细,也⽐较复杂了,我们暂时只需要关注表格中间功能名,物理引脚,功能名这三列,找到1--3.3v,3--SDA.1,5--SCL.1,6--GND这四个引脚2. 参考OLED模块的引脚图引脚编号功能功能说明1GND电源地线,电源负极2VCC电源正极,⼤部分OLED模块3.3v即可驱动3SCL I2C时钟线4SDA I2C数据线3. 使⽤双母头杜邦线按照上述引脚图Pin-to-Pin连接即可,连接好后树莓派的引脚分布为L形状,接线⽰意图如下千万注意电源正负极别接反了,容易烧板⼦知识储备以下知识不在本教程详细讨论范围,但还是列举出来,有兴趣的可以⽹上找找资料深⼊学习1. OLED显⽰原理,驱动原理(嵌⼊式内容),推荐这篇博客进⾏了解2. I2C通信原理,I2C总线特点例程⼀:使⽤OLED显⽰“Hello,World”编代码先从Hello,World开始,有了⼀,就有了⽆限可能,步骤如下:1. 根据前⽂的步骤连接好OLED模块,查找oled的I2C地址,每个OLED模块的I2C地址不⼀定都相同,需要先查找获取地址,同时也检查⼀下OLED模块是否连接正常。



升压过程中的过压保护 OVP 内置的比较器阈值为 1.05V,升压值通过电阻串分压后输入 OVP 进行检测比较,高于 该值则停止关闭功率 MOS 等待输出电压自然回落。 正常工作时,OVP 的采样值需要小于 1.05V,一般设计时可以参考 LED 灯串电压溢出 10%
电源抗干扰 为保证大功率使用下的稳定,芯片电源输入的 VCC 管脚,推荐采用 10 ~200Ω的电阻来与 升压电源隔离。

Dimensions In Inches

DF6113 的升压控制机理 利用电感线圈,通过 BOOST 方式的 DC/DC 升压来提供灯能量,依靠升压后的稳压电容来 抑制灯电流纹波。正常情况下,功率 MOS 和肖特基二极管的品质决定升压效率。推荐的 DC/DC 升压比小于 1:5
对应 300KHZ 频率,升压电感通常 47~100u; MOS 源端串联到地的电阻 RMOS,其大小决定了输出功率,对应 10W 输出的应用,参考选用 0.3Ω电阻。
1.05 1.10 V
DIM 控制 DIM 管脚推荐外串电阻,目的是防止上电瞬间与单片机之间的电源干扰。 DIM 在 0.9V 以下时,芯片截止;1.1V~3.2V 时,芯片可以在 10%~100%范围内调节灯电流; 3.2V 以上,约等于 100%灯电流。


安装 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9 标准配置 ............................................................................................................................................................9 安装支架 .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 调整视角 .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 连接显示器 ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 调节显示器 ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 设置最佳分辨率................................................................................................................................................ 14 Windows Vista ..........................................................................................................................................14 Windows XP .............................................................................................................................................16 Windows ME/2000....................................................................................................................................17 Windows 8 ................................................................................................................................................18 Hotkeys ............................................................................................................................................................ 20 使用 MHL(移动高清链接)( 可选) ............................................................................................................22 OSD 调节.........................................................................................................................................................23 明亮度 ....................................................................................................................................................... 24 图像设置 ................................................................................................................................................... 25 色温 .......................................................................................................................................................... 26 窗口增亮 ................................................................................................................................................... 27 OSD 设置..................................................................................................................................................28 其它 .......................................................................................................................................................... 29 退出 .......................................................................................................................................................... 30 LED 指示灯 ..................................................................................................................................................... 31

Hi3516A Hi3516D 硬件设计用户指南

Hi3516A Hi3516D 硬件设计用户指南
1.3 外围接口设计建议....................................................................................................................................... 15 1.3.1 USB 接口.............................................................................................................................................. 15 1.3.2 MAC 接口 ............................................................................................................................................ 15 1.3.3 音视频接口 ......................................................................................................................................... 17 1.3.4 I2S 接口................................................................................................................................................ 18 1.3.5 VI 接口设计 ......................................................................................................................................... 19 1.3.6 VO 接口设计........................................................................................................................................ 20 1.3.7 SPI 和 I2C 接口.................................................................................................................................... 20 1.3.8 SDIO 接口设计 .................................................................................................................................... 20 1.3.9 ADC ...................................................................................................................................................... 21 1.3.10 RTC ..................................................................................................................................................... 21 1.3.11 PWM ................................................................................................................................................... 22 1.3.12 UART.................................................................................................................................................. 22 1.3.13 EFUSE ................................................................................................................................................ 22

iTEMP TMT72温度传感器操作手册说明书

iTEMP TMT72温度传感器操作手册说明书

Products Solutions Services操作手册iTEMP TMT72温度变送器BA01854T/28/ZH/04.20715255132020-10-20自下列版本起生效01.01(版本号)iTEMP TMT72目录Endress+Hauser 3目录1文档信息 (4)1.1文档功能 (4)1.2安全指南(XA) (4)1.3信息图标 (4)1.4工具图标 (5)1.5文档资料代号 (6)1.6注册商标 (6)2基本安全指南 (7)2.1人员要求 (7)2.2预定用途 (7)2.3操作安全 (7)3到货验收和产品标识 (8)3.1到货验收 (8)3.2产品标识 (8)3.3供货清单 (9)3.4证书和认证 (10)3.5运输和储存 (10)4安装 (11)4.1安装条件 (11)4.2安装 (11)4.3安装后检查 (16)5电气连接 (17)5.1接线 (17)5.2快速接线指南 (18)5.3连接传感器电缆 (18)5.4连接变送器 (19)5.5特殊接线指南 (20)5.6连接后检查 (21)6操作方式 (22)6.1操作方式概览 (22)6.2操作菜单的结构和功能 (25)6.3通过调试软件访问操作菜单 (27)6.4通过SmartBlue App 访问操作菜单 (29)7系统集成 (31)7.1设备描述文件概述 (31)7.2HART 通信的测量变量 (31)7.3支持的HART ®命令 (31)8调试 (34)8.1安装后检查 (34)8.2打开变送器 (34)8.3设置测量设备 (34)8.4写保护设置,防止未经授权的访问 (36)9诊断和故障排除...................379.1常规故障排除........................379.2现场显示单元上的诊断信息..............399.3通过通信接口查看诊断信息..............399.4诊断信息列表........................399.5事件日志............................409.6诊断事件概览........................409.7固件变更历史........................4110维护..............................4211维修..............................4211.1概述...............................4211.2备件...............................4211.3返厂...............................4211.4废弃...............................4212附件..............................4212.1设备专用附件........................4312.2通信专用附件........................4312.3服务专用附件........................4312.4系统组件............................4413技术参数..........................4513.1输入...............................4513.2输出...............................4613.3电源...............................4713.4性能参数............................4813.5环境条件............................5513.6机械结构............................5613.7证书和认证..........................5913.8补充文档资料........................6114操作菜单和菜单参数说明...........6214.1Diagnostics:诊断菜单.................6614.2Application:应用菜单.................7214.3System:系统菜单....................82索引.. (97)文档信息iTEMP TMT724Endress+Hauser1 文档信息1.1 文档功能文档中包含仪表生命周期各个阶段内所需的所有信息:从产品标识、到货验收和储存,至安装、电气连接、操作和调试,以及故障排除、维护和废弃。

浪潮英信服务器 SA5212M5 用户手册说明书

浪潮英信服务器 SA5212M5 用户手册说明书

浪潮英信服务器SA5212M5用户手册文档版本V2.4发布日期2022-06-28版权所有© 2017-2022浪潮电子信息产业股份有限公司。






















西安航空职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)论文题目:16×16点阵LED电子显示屏的设计所属系部:指导老师:职称:学生姓名:班级、学号:专业:西安航空职业技术学院制2012年 12月 15日西安航空职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)任务书题目:16×16点阵LED电子显示屏的设计任务与要求:利用AT89C51单片机控制整个电路,设计16×16点阵LED电子显示屏,在目测条件下16×16点阵LED显示屏各点亮度均匀、充足,可以显示文字。


时间 2012 年 10 月 15 日至 2012 年 12 月 15 日共 8 周所属系部:电子工程系学生姓名:学号:专业:指导单位或教研室:指导教师:职称:西安航空职业技术学院制2012年 12 月 15日毕业设计(论文)进度计划表本表作评定学生平时成绩的依据之一。





关键词:AT89C51单片机; LED;点阵显示;动态显示;汇编语言。

【Abstract】This design is a 16 ×16 lattice LED electron display monitor design. SCM process control system used for editing MCU assembly language, Programming control points indicated by the corresponding LED anode and overcast extreme level. We can effectively control the defense showed bright spots. LED display with fabric means flexibility, stability, low power consumption, long life, mature technology, low-cost features at the station, securities, sports venues, transportation corridors and various indoor / dissemination of information on foreign shows occasions, good publicity, real-time environmental parameters, etc. countdown major activities are widely used.As the practice proves, the system possesses advantages in low shows errors, stable, rational structure and strong extensible abilities.Key words: AT89C51 Micro Controller Unit;LED;Lattice display;Dynamic display; Assembly language.目录1引言 (7)1.1研究背景 (7)2系统整体设计方案 (9)2.1 需要实现的功能 (9)2.2 LED显示特点 (9)2.3 设计方案论证 (10)2.3.1显示模式方案 (10)2.3.2数据传输方案 (11)3系统硬件部分设计 (13)3.1单片机系统及外围电路 (13)3.1.1单片机的选择 (13)3.1.2 AT89C51单片机的主要特性 (14)3.1.3 引脚功能及管脚电压 (14)3.2列驱动电路 (16)3.3 行驱动电路 (18)3.3.1行驱动芯片74HC154 介绍 (18)3.3.2 行驱动电路 (20)3.4 LED显示屏电路 (21)4系统软件部分设计 (23)4.1 系统主程序 (23)4.2 显示驱动程序 (24)5调试及性能分析 (26)5.1软件调试 (26)5.2 性能分析 (26)结束语 (28)参考文献 (29)附录一 (30)附录二 (31)1引言单片机自20世纪70年代问世以来,以极其高的性能价格比受到人们的重视和关注,所以应用很广,发展很快。

OLED显示屏 SH1106的初始化数据

OLED显示屏 SH1106的初始化数据

/***********************OLED128*64_SH1106初始化*****************************/void Initial_OLED12864_SH1106() //OLED初始化{delay_50ms(2); //延时100msWrite_IIC_Command(0xAE); //Display OFF/ON//显示关/开(OLED关闭显示:AEH,OLED开启显示:AFH)Write_IIC_Command(0x02); //Set Column Address 4 lower bits 设置列地址低4位(00H--0FH)(0 0 0 0 A3 A2 A1 A0)Write_IIC_Command(0x10); //Set Column Address 4 higher bits 设置列地址高4位(10H--17H)(0 0 0 1 A7 A6 A5 A4)Write_IIC_Command(0xB0); //Set Page Address//设置页面地址(1页:B0H,2页:B1H,3页:B2H,4页:B3H,5页:B4H,6页:B5H,7页:B6H)Write_IIC_Command(0x40); //Set Display Start Line 设置显示开始行Write_IIC_Command(0xA1); //Set Segment Re-map (ADC) 设置段重新映射(ADC)(正向:A0H, 反向A1H)Write_IIC_Command(0xA7); //Set Normal/ Reverse Display//设置正常/反白显示(正常显示:A6H,反白显示:A7H)Write_IIC_Command(0xA8); //Multiplex Ration Mode Set //多路分配模式设置Write_IIC_Command(0x3F); //Multiplex Ratio Data Set//多路复用率数据设置(1:00H, 2:02H,3:03H,······63:3EH,64:3FH)Write_IIC_Command(0xA4); //Set Entire Display OFF/ON//设置全屏显示关/开(正常显示:A4H,全屏显示:A5H)Write_IIC_Command(0xD3); //Display Offset Mode Set 显示偏移模式设置Write_IIC_Command(0x00); //Display Offset Data Set//显示偏移数据设置(COM0:00H, COM1:02H, COM2:03H, ······COM62:3EH, COM63:3FH)Write_IIC_Command(0xD5); //Divide Ratio/Oscillator Frequency Mode Set 分频比/振荡器频率模式设置Write_IIC_Command(0x50); // Divide Ratio/Oscillator Frequency Data Set//分频比/振荡器频率数据设置(80H:+15%, 50H:0%)//(详细介绍参见:中景园1.3寸OLED显示屏_驱动芯片手册.pdf Command15 驱动芯片:SH1106)Write_IIC_Command(0xAD); //DC-DC Control Mode Set 直流-直流转换器电源控制方式设置(打开)Write_IIC_Command(0x8B); //DC-DC ON/OFF Mode Set//直流-直流转换器电源开/关模式设置(直流-直流转换器电源禁用:8AH,显示时直流-直流转换器电源将会打开:8BH)Write_IIC_Command(0xC8); //Set Common Output Scan Direction//设置公用输出扫描方向(从COM0向COM[N-1]扫描:C0H,从COM[N-1]向COM0扫描:C8H)Write_IIC_Command(0xD9); //Pre-charge Period Mode Set 预充电周期模式设置Write_IIC_Command(0x22); //Dis-charge /Pre-charge Period Data Set//无充电/预充电周期数据设置//(详细介绍参见:中景园1.3寸OLED显示屏_驱动芯片手册.pdf Command16 驱动芯片:SH1106)Write_IIC_Command(0xDA); //Common Pads Hardware Configuration Mode Set 常见的引脚硬件配置模式设置Write_IIC_Command(0x12); //Sequential/Alternative Mode Set//顺序/替代模式设置(顺序:02H,替代:12H)//(详细介绍参见:中景园1.3寸OLED显示屏_驱动芯片手册.pdf Command17 驱动芯片:SH1106)Write_IIC_Command(0x81); //The Contrast Control Mode Set 对比度控制模式设置Write_IIC_Command(0x79); //Contrast Data Register Set//对比数据寄存器设置(ISEG Small:00H, Large:FFH, 不使用此功能:80H)Write_IIC_Command(0xDB); //VCOM Deselect Level Mode Set VCOM取消级别模式设置Write_IIC_Command(0x35); //VCOM Deselect Level Data Set//VCOM取消级数据设置(VCOM=0.430*VREF:00H,VCOM=0.770*VREF:35H,VCOM=1*VREF:40H)//(详细介绍参见:中景园1.3寸OLED显示屏_驱动芯片手册.pdf Command18 驱动芯片:SH1106)Write_IIC_Command(0x32); //Set Pump voltage value//设置泵电压值Vpp(30H:6.4V, 31H:7.4V, 32H:8.0V33H:9.0V)delay_1ms(1); //延时1msWrite_IIC_Command(0xAF); //Display OFF/ON//显示关/开(OLED关闭显示:AEH,OLED开启显示:AFH)delay_50ms(2); //延时100ms}。








5.作者:执著DE心QQ:7820202555.最后修改时间:2018.12.28SH1106中文数据手册特性■支持最大132×64点阵面板■行重新映射和列重新映射(ADC)■嵌入式132×64位SRAM■垂直滚动■工作电压:■片内振荡器-逻辑电源:V DD1=1.65V-3.5V■可编程内部电荷泵电路输出-DC-DC电源:V DD2=3.0V-4.2V■单色无源OLED面板上的256步对-OLED工作电源电压:比度控制外部V PP电源=6.4V-14.0V■功耗低内部V PP发生器=6.4V-9.0V睡眠模式:<5μA■最大段输出电流:200μA VDD1=0V,VDD2=3.0V–4.2V:<5μA■最大公共灌电流:27mA VDD1,2=0V,VPP=6.4V–14.0V:<5μA■8位6800系列并行接口,8位8080■宽工作温度范围:-40至+85°C系列并行接口,3线和4线串行外设■提供COG形式,厚度:300μm接口,400KHz快速I2C总线接口■可编程帧频和复用率一般说明SH1106是一款单芯片CMOS OLED/PLED驱动器,带有控制器,用于有机/聚合物发光二极管点阵图形显示系统。





Desoutter EAB无线角扳手产品说明书

Desoutter EAB无线角扳手产品说明书

EABx 26-560
EABx 32-410
EABx 45-330
EABx 50-450
EABx 60-370
EABx 75-300
3 / 24
ØC 37 37 37 37 37 41 48.5
安装 ................................................................................... 7 安装说明........................................................................... 7 插入电池组 .................................................................. 7 如何将工具连接到 CVIMONITOR ................................................. 7 如何安装选配件 .............................................................. 7
2 / 24
警告 存在财产损失或严重受伤的风险 确保在操作工具前阅读、了解并遵守各项操作说明。若不遵守所有操作说明,可能会造成电击、火灾、 财产损失和/或严重的人身伤害。








OLED是有机发光二极管,它和我们常用的LED 是近亲。



我曾用过一款手机,采用的是SUPER OLED屏幕,无论从色彩还是可视角度都非常出众。
















lenovo 21.5 英寸一体机用户手册(第二版)说明书

lenovo 21.5 英寸一体机用户手册(第二版)说明书

Lenovo - "⭞产品编号LS2334A65C6-HCT*-CT第二版(2016年9月)© 版权所有 Lenovo 2016。

LENOVO 产品、数据、计算机软件、及服务基于专项资金开发,作为48 C.F.R. 2.101定义的商品销售给政府机构,并授予政府机构有限的受限制的使用、复制和公开权利。


目录安全事项 (iii)一般安全原则 (iii)第1章开始使用..............................................................1-1物品清单............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1使用注意事项....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-2产品概述............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-3调整类型......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-3倾斜................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1-3显示器控制..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-4线缆锁槽......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-4设置显示器........................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-5连接和打开显示器电源................................................................................................................................................................. 1-5第2章调整和使用显示器......................................................2-1舒适和辅助功能................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1安排您的工作区域......................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1放置显示器..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1关于健康工作习惯的小技巧......................................................................................................................................................... 2-2调整显示器图像 ...................................................................................................................................................................................2-3使用直接访问控件......................................................................................................................................................................... 2-3使用On-Screen Display (OSD,屏幕显示)控件........................................................................................................................ 2-4选择受支持的显示模式................................................................................................................................................................. 2-8了解电源管理 .......................................................................................................................................................................................2-9保养显示器 .........................................................................................................................................................................................2-10卸下显示器底座和支撑臂................................................................................................................................................................. 2-10第3章参考信息..............................................................3-1显示器规格........................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1故障排除............................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-3手动图像设置................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-4手动安装显示器驱动程序............................................................................................................................................................. 3-5在Windows 7系统中安装显示器驱动程序.............................................................. 3-5在Windows 10系统中安装显示器驱动程序............................................................. 3-6获得进一步帮助.................................................................................... 3-6附录A. 服务和支持...................................................................................................................... A-1在线技术支持...................................................................................................................................................................................... A-1附录B. 声明................................................................................................................................... B-1商标...................................................................................................................................................................................................... B-2《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》提示性说明.................................................................................................................. B-2中国环境标志产品认证提示性说明.................................................................................................................................................. B-2中国能源效率标识.............................................................................................................................................................................. B-2有害物质.............................................................................................................................................................................................. B-3安全事项一般安全原则有关安全使用计算机方面的提示,请转到:/safety在安装本产品之前,请阅读“安全事项”。



光,而且 OLED 显示屏幕可视角度大,并且能够节省电能。OLED 由于同时具备自发光、 不需背光源、对比度高、厚度薄、视角广、反应速度快、可用于挠曲面板、使用温度范围广、
最先接触的 12864 屏都是 LCD 的,需要背光,功耗较高,而 OLED 的功耗低,更加适 合小系统;由于两者发光材料的不同,在不同的环境中,OLED 的显示效果更佳。更D(带字库)
使用手册 V1.1
YFRobot 荣誉出品 2016 年 08 月 01 日
本手册版权归 YFRobot 工作室(以下简称“YFRobot”)所有,对该手册保留一切权力, 非经 YFRobot 授权同意(书面形式),任何单位及个人不得擅自摘录本手册部分及全部内 容用于商业用途,违者将追究其法律责任。可以在网上传播,以方便更多人,但必须保证手 册的完整性。
2.1 取模.................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 显示部分............................................................................................................................ 5 2.3 驱动芯片 SSD1306........................................................................................................... 6 2.4 GT20L16S1Y 字库芯片....................................................................................................8 3 通讯方式..................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 SSD1306 通讯..................................................................................................................11 3.2 GT20L16S1Y 通讯..........................................................................................................12 4 连接方式..................................................................................................................................... 15 5 程序设计..................................................................................................................................... 17 附录 A:更新说明........................................................................................................................... 24 附录 B:联系方式........................................................................................................................... 25



OLED显示屏SH1106的初始化数据/***********************OLED128*64_SH1106初始化*****************************/void Initial_OLED12864_SH1106() //OLED初始化{delay_50ms(2); //延时100msWrite_IIC_Command(0xAE); //Display OFF/ON//显示关/开(OLED关闭显示:AEH,OLED开启显示:AFH)Write_IIC_Command(0x02); //Set Column Address 4 lower bits 设置列地址低4位(00H--0FH)(0 0 0 0 A3 A2 A1 A0)Write_IIC_Command(0x10); //Set Column Address 4 higher bits 设置列地址高4位(10H--17H)(0 0 0 1 A7 A6 A5 A4)Write_IIC_Command(0xB0); //Set Page Address//设置页面地址(1页:B0H,2页:B1H,3页:B2H,4页:B3H,5页:B4H,6页:B5H,7页:B6H)Write_IIC_Command(0x40); //Set Display Start Line 设置显示开始行Write_IIC_Command(0xA1); //Set Segment Re-map (ADC) 设置段重新映射(ADC)(正向:A0H, 反向A1H)Write_IIC_Command(0xA7); //Set Normal/ Reverse Display//设置正常/反白显示(正常显示:A6H,反白显示:A7H)Write_IIC_Command(0xA8); //Multiplex Ration Mode Set //多路分配模式设置Write_IIC_Command(0x3F); //Multiplex Ratio Data Set//多路复用率数据设置(1:00H, 2:02H,3:03H,······63:3EH,64:3FH)Write_IIC_Command(0xA4); //Set Entire Display OFF/ON//设置全屏显示关/开(正常显示:A4H,全屏显示:A5H)Write_IIC_Command(0xD3); //Display Offset Mode Set 显示偏移模式设置Write_IIC_Command(0x00); //Display Offset Data Set//显示偏移数据设置(COM0:00H, COM1:02H, COM2:03H, ······COM62:3EH, COM63:3FH)Write_IIC_Command(0xD5); //Divide Ratio/Oscillator Frequency Mode Set 分频比/振荡器频率模式设置Write_IIC_Command(0x50); // Divide Ratio/Oscillator Frequency Data Set//分频比/振荡器频率数据设置(80H:+15%, 50H:0%)//(详细介绍参见:中景园1.3寸OLED显示屏_驱动芯片手册.pdf Command15 驱动芯片:SH1106)Write_IIC_Command(0xAD); //DC-DC Control Mode Set 直流-直流转换器电源控制方式设置(打开)Write_IIC_Command(0x8B); //DC-DC ON/OFF Mode Set//直流-直流转换器电源开/关模式设置(直流-直流转换器电源禁用:8AH,显示时直流-直流转换器电源将会打开:8BH)Write_IIC_Command(0xC8); //Set Common Output Scan Direction//设置公用输出扫描方向(从COM0向COM[N-1]扫描:C0H,从COM[N-1]向COM0扫描:C8H)Write_IIC_Command(0xD9); //Pre-charge Period Mode Set 预充电周期模式设置Write_IIC_Command(0x22); //Dis-charge /Pre-charge Period Data Set//无充电/预充电周期数据设置//(详细介绍参见:中景园1.3寸OLED显示屏_驱动芯片手册.pdf Command16 驱动芯片:SH1106)Write_IIC_Command(0xDA); //Common Pads Hardware Configuration Mode Set 常见的引脚硬件配置模式设置Write_IIC_Command(0x12); //Sequential/Alternative ModeSet//顺序/替代模式设置(顺序:02H,替代:12H)//(详细介绍参见:中景园1.3寸OLED显示屏_驱动芯片手册.pdf Command17 驱动芯片:SH1106)Write_IIC_Command(0x81); //The Contrast Control Mode Set 对比度控制模式设置Write_IIC_Command(0x79); //Contrast Data Register Set//对比数据寄存器设置(ISEG Small:00H, Large:FFH, 不使用此功能:80H)Write_IIC_Command(0xDB); //VCOM Deselect Level Mode Set VCOM取消级别模式设置Write_IIC_Command(0x35); //VCOM Deselect Level Data Set //VCOM取消级数据设置(VCOM=0.430*VREF:00H,VCOM=0.770*VREF:35H,VCOM=1*VREF:40H)//(详细介绍参见:中景园1.3寸OLED显示屏_驱动芯片手册.pdf Command18 驱动芯片:SH1106)Write_IIC_Command(0x32); //Set Pump voltage value//设置泵电压值Vpp(30H:6.4V, 31H:7.4V, 32H:8.0V33H:9.0V)delay_1ms(1); //延时1msWrite_IIC_Command(0xAF); //Display OFF/ON//显示关/开(OLED关闭显示:AEH,OLED开启显示:AFH)delay_50ms(2); //延时100ms}。

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SH1106132 X 64 Dot Matrix OLED/PLEDSegment/Common Driver with Controller Featuresn Support maximum 132 X 64 dot matrix paneln Embedded 132 X 64 bits SRAMn Operating voltage:- Logic voltage supply: V DD1 = 1.65V - 3.5V- DC-DC voltage supply: V DD2 = 3.0V - 4.2V- OLED Operating voltage supply:External V PP supply = 6.4V - 14.0VInternal V PP generator = 6.4V - 9.0Vn Maximum segment output current: 200m An Maximum common sink current: 27mAn 8-bit 6800-series parallel interface, 8-bit 8080-series parallel interface, 3-wire & 4-wire serial peripheral interface, 400KHz fast I2C bus interfacen Programmable frame frequency and multiplexing ratio n Row re-mapping and column re-mapping (ADC)n Vertical scrollingn On-chip oscillatorn Programmable Internal charge pump circuit outputn 256-step contrast control on monochrome passive OLED paneln Low power consumption- Sleep mode: <5m A- VDD1=0V,VDD2=3.0V – 4.2V: <5m A- VDD1,2=0V,VPP=6.4V –14.0V: <5m An Wide range of operating temperatures: -40 to +85°Cn Available in COG form, thickness: 300m mGeneral DescriptionSH1106 is a single-chip CMOS OLED/PLED driver with controller for organic/polymer light emitting diode dot-matrix graphic display system. SH1106 consists of 132 segments, 64 commons that can support a maximum display resolution of 132 X 64. It is designed for Common Cathode type OLED panel.SH1106 embeds with contrast control, display RAM oscillator and efficient DC-DC converter, which reduces the number of external components and power consumption. SH1106 is suitable for a wide range of compact portable applications, such as sub-display of mobile phone, calculator and MP3 player, etc.SH1106Block DiagramCLV I V V V V V V CLS(SI/SDA)(SCL)D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0IM2(R/W)(E)IM1(SA0)C1N V PP C1P C2N C2P IM0SH1106Pad DescriptionPower SupplySymbol I/O DescriptionV DD1 Supply Power supply input: 1.65 - 3.5VV DD2 Supply 3.0 – 4.2V power supply pad for Power supply for charge pump circuit. This pin should be disconnected when V PP is supplied externally V SS Supply Ground.V SL Supply This is a segment voltage reference pad. This pad should be connected to V SS externally. V CLSupplyThis is a common voltage reference pad. This pad should be connected to V SS externally.OLED Driver SuppliesSymbol I/O DescriptionI REF O This is a segment current reference pad. A resistor should be connected between this pad andV SS . Set the current at 12.5m A.V COMH O This is a pad for the voltage output high level for common signals. A capacitor should be connected between this pad and V SS. V BREF NC This is an internal voltage reference pad for booster circuit. Keep floating.V PP P OLED panel power supply. Generated by internal charge pump. Connect to capacitor. It could be supplied externally. C1N, C1P P Connect to charge pump capacitor.These pins are not used and should be disconnected when Vpp is supplied externally. C2P, C2N PConnect to charge pump capacitor.These pins are not used and should be disconnected when Vpp is supplied externally.SH1106 System Bus Connection PadsSymbol I/O DescriptionCOM0,2,O These pads are even Common signal output for OLED display.- 60, 62COM1,3O These pads are odd Common signal output for OLED display.- 61,63SEG0 - 131 O These pads are Segment signal output for OLED display.Test PadsSymbol I/O DescriptionTEST1-3 I Test pad, internal pull low, no connection for user.Dummy - These pads are not used. Keep floating.SH1106Pad ConfigurationChip Outline DimensionsItem Pad No.Size (µm)XY Chip boundary - 5076814Chip heightAll pads300I/O4080 SEG15110 15110 Bump sizeCOM11015 COM30 SEG 30.75 Pad pitchI/O55 Bump heightAll pads9±2Alignment Mark Locationunit: µmNO X Y ALK_L -2470 -348 ALK_R2470-348SH1106Pad Location (Total: 266 pads) u n i t: µmPad No.Designation X Y Pad No.Designation X Y Pad No.Designation X Y Pad No.Designation X Y1 COM53 -2287.62 -329 69 VCOMH 1721.81 -299.95 137 SEG30 1122.38 329 205 SEG98 -1030.12 3292 COM55 -2257.62 -329 70 VCOMH 1776.81 -299.95 138 SEG31 1091.63 329 206 SEG99 -1060.87 3293 COM57 -2227.62 -329 71 VPP 1831.81 -299.95 139 SEG32 1060.88 329 207 SEG100 -1091.62 3294 COM59 -2197.62 -329 72 VPP 1886.81 -299.95 140 SEG33 1030.13 329 208 SEG101 -1122.37 3295 COM61 -2167.62 -329 73 COM62 2137.62 -329 141 SEG34 999.38 329 209 SEG102 -1153.12 3296 COM63 -2137.62 -329 74 COM60 2167.62 -329 142 SEG35 968.63 329 210 SEG103 -1183.87 3297 C21N -1688.19 -299.95 75 COM58 2197.62 -329 143 SEG36 937.88 329 211 SEG104 -1214.62 3298 C21N -1633.19 -299.95 76 COM56 2227.62 -329 144 SEG37 907.13 329 212 SEG105 -1245.37 3299 C21N -1578.19 -299.95 77 COM54 2257.62 -329 145 SEG38 876.38 329 213 SEG106 -1276.12 32910 C21N -1523.19 -299.95 78 COM52 2287.62 -329 146 SEG39 845.63 329 214 SEG107 -1306.87 32911 C21P -1468.19 -299.95 79 COM50 2460 -285 147 SEG40 814.88 329 215 SEG108 -1337.62 32912 C21P -1413.19 -299.95 80 COM48 2460 -255 148 SEG41 784.13 329 216 SEG109 -1368.37 32913 C21P -1358.19 -299.95 81 COM46 2460 -225 149 SEG42 753.38 329 217 SEG110 -1399.12 32914 C21P -1303.19 -299.95 82 COM44 2460 -195 150 SEG43 722.63 329 218 SEG111 -1429.87 32915 C22P -1248.19 -299.95 83 COM42 2460 -165 151 SEG44 691.88 329 219 SEG112 -1460.62 32916 C22P -1193.19 -299.95 84 COM40 2460 -135 152 SEG45 661.13 329 220 SEG113 -1491.37 32917 C22P -1138.19 -299.95 85 COM38 2460 -105 153 SEG46 630.38 329 221 SEG114 -1522.12 32918 C22P -1083.19 -299.95 86 COM36 2460 -75 154 SEG47 599.63 329 222 SEG115 -1552.87 32919 C22N -1028.19 -299.95 87 COM34 2460 -45 155 SEG48 568.88 329 223 SEG116 -1583.62 32920 C22N -973.19 -299.95 88 COM32 2460 -15 156 SEG49 538.13 329 224 SEG117 -1614.37 32921 C22N -918.19 -299.95 89 COM30 2460 15 157 SEG50 507.38 329 225 SEG118 -1645.12 32922 C22N -863.19 -299.95 90 COM28 2460 45 158 SEG51 476.63 329 226 SEG119 -1675.87 32923 VDD2 -808.19 -299.95 91 COM26 2460 75 159 SEG52 445.88 329 227 SEG120 -1706.62 32924 VDD2 -753.19 -299.95 92 COM24 2460 105 160 SEG53 415.13 329 228 SEG121 -1737.37 32925 VDD2 -698.19 -299.95 93 COM22 2460 135 161 SEG54 384.38 329 229 SEG122 -1768.12 32926 VDD2 -643.19 -299.95 94 COM20 2460 165 162 SEG55 353.63 329 230 SEG123 -1798.87 32927 VBREF -588.19 -299.95 95 COM18 2460 195 163 SEG56 322.88 329 231 SEG124 -1829.62 32928 VPP -533.19 -299.95 96 COM16 2460 225 164 SEG57 292.13 329 232 SEG125 -1860.37 32929 VPP -478.19 -299.95 97 COM14 2460 255 165 SEG58 261.38 329 233 SEG126 -1891.12 32930 VCOMH -423.19 -299.95 98 COM12 2460 285 166 SEG59 230.63 329 234 SEG127 -1921.87 32931 VCOMH -368.19 -299.95 99 COM10 2287.62 329 167 SEG60 199.88 329 235 SEG128 -1952.62 32932 VSS(REF) -313.19 -299.95 100 COM8 2257.62 329 168 SEG61 169.13 329 236 SEG129 -1983.37 32933 VSS -258.19 -299.95 101 COM6 2227.62 329 169 SEG62 138.38 329 237 SEG130 -2014.12 32934 VSS -203.19 -299.95 102 COM4 2197.62 329 170 SEG63 107.63 329 238 SEG131 -2044.87 32935 VSS -148.19 -299.95 103 COM2 2167.62 329 171 SEG64 76.88 329 239 DUMMY -2075.62 32936 VCL -93.19 -299.95 104 COM0 2137.62 329 172 SEG65 46.13 329 240 DUMMY -2105.62 32937 VCL -38.19 -299.95 105 DUMMY 2105.63 329 173 SEG66 15.38 329 241 COM1 -2137.62 32938 VSL 16.81 -299.95 106 DUMMY 2075.63 329 174 SEG67 -15.37 329 242 COM3 -2167.62 32939 VSL 71.81 -299.95 107 SEG0 2044.88 329 175 SEG68 -46.12 329 243 COM5 -2197.62 32940 TEST1 126.81 -299.95 108 SEG1 2014.13 329 176 SEG69 -76.87 329 244 COM7 -2227.62 32941 TEST2 181.81 -299.95 109 SEG2 1983.38 329 177 SEG70 -107.62 329 245 COM9 -2257.62 32942 TEST3 236.81 -299.95 110 SEG3 1952.63 329 178 SEG71 -138.37 329 246 COM11 -2287.62 32943 CL 291.81 -299.95 111 SEG4 1921.88 329 179 SEG72 -230.62 329 247 COM13 -2460 28544 CLS 346.81 -299.95 112 SEG5 1891.13 329 180 SEG73 -261.37 329 248 COM15 -2460 25545 VDD1 401.81 -299.95 113 SEG6 1860.38 329 181 SEG74 -292.12 329 249 COM17 -2460 22546 VDD1 456.81 -299.95 114 SEG7 1829.63 329 182 SEG75 -322.87 329 250 COM19 -2460 19547 IM1 511.81 -299.95 115 SEG8 1798.88 329 183 SEG76 -353.62 329 251 COM21 -2460 16548 VSS 566.81 -299.95 116 SEG9 1768.13 329 184 SEG77 -384.37 329 252 COM23 -2460 13549 IM2 621.81 -299.95 117 SEG10 1737.38 329 185 SEG78 -415.12 329 253 COM25 -2460 10550 VDD1 676.81 -299.95 118 SEG11 1706.63 329 186 SEG79 -445.87 329 254 COM27 -2460 7551 IM0 731.81 -299.95 119 SEG12 1675.88 329 187 SEG80 -476.62 329 255 COM29 -2460 4552 VSS 786.81 -299.95 120 SEG13 1645.13 329 188 SEG81 -507.37 329 256 COM31 -2460 1553 CSB 841.81 -299.95 121 SEG14 1614.38 329 189 SEG82 -538.12 329 257 COM33 -2460 -1554 RESB 896.81 -299.95 122 SEG15 1583.63 329 190 SEG83 -568.87 329 258 COM35 -2460 -4555 A0 951.81 -299.95 123 SEG16 1552.88 329 191 SEG84 -599.62 329 259 COM37 -2460 -7556 VSS 1006.81 -299.95 124 SEG17 1522.13 329 192 SEG85 -630.37 329 260 COM39 -2460 -10557 WRB 1061.81 -299.95 125 SEG18 1491.38 329 193 SEG86 -661.12 329 261 COM41 -2460 -13558 RDB 1116.81 -299.95 126 SEG19 1460.63 329 194 SEG87 -691.87 329 262 COM43 -2460 -16559 D0 1171.81 -299.95 127 SEG20 1429.88 329 195 SEG88 -722.62 329 263 COM45 -2460 -19560 D1 1226.81 -299.95 128 SEG21 1399.13 329 196 SEG89 -753.37 329 264 COM47 -2460 -22561 D2 1281.81 -299.95 129 SEG22 1368.38 329 197 SEG90 -784.12 329 265 COM49 -2460 -25562 D3 1336.81 -299.95 130 SEG23 1337.63 329 198 SEG91 -814.87 329 266 COM51 -2460 -28563 D4 1391.81 -299.95 131 SEG24 1306.88 329 199 SEG92 -845.62 32964 D5 1446.81 -299.95 132 SEG25 1276.13 329 200 SEG93 -876.37 32965 D6 1501.81 -299.95 133 SEG26 1245.38 329 201 SEG94 -907.12 32966 D7 1556.81 -299.95 134 SEG27 1214.63 329 202 SEG95 -937.87 32967 VSS 1611.81 -299.95 135 SEG28 1183.88 329 203 SEG96 -968.62 32968 IREF 1666.81 -299.95 136 SEG29 1153.13 329 204 SEG97 -999.37 329SH1106 Functional DescriptionMicroprocessor Interface SelectionThe 8080-Parallel Interface, 6800-Parallel Interface, Serial Interface (SPI) or I2C Interface can be selected by different selections of IM0~2 as shown in Table 1.Note1: When Serial Interface (SPI) or I2C Interface is selected, D7~D2 is Hz. D7~ D2 is recommended toconnect the V DD1 or V SS. It is also allowed to leave D7~ D2 unconnected.6800-series Parallel InterfaceThe parallel interface consists of 8 bi-directional data pads (D7-D0), WR(WR/) =R/), RD(E), A0 and CS. When WR(W “H”, read operation from the display RAM or the status register occurs. When WR(WR/) = “L”, Write operation to display data RAM or internal command registers occurs, depending on the status of A0 input. The RD (E) input serves as data latch signal (clock) when it is “H”, provided that CS = “L” as shown in Table. 2.internally performed, which require the insertion of a dummy read before the first actual display data read. This is shown in Figure. 1 below.SH1106Data Read address n Dummy readSet address n Data Read address n+1Figure. 18080-series Parallel InterfaceThe parallel interface consists of 8 bi-directional data pads (D7-D0), WR (W R /), RD (E), A0 and CS . The RD (E) inputserves as data read latch signal (clock) when it is “L” provided that CS = “L”. Display data or status register read is controlled by A0 signal. The WR (W R /) input serves as data write latch signal (clock) when it is “L” and provided that CS = “L”. Display data or command register write is controlled by A0 as shown in Table. 3.Table. 3Data Bus SignalsThe SH1106 identifies the data bus signal according to A0, RD (E) and WR (W R /) signals.Table. 4SH11064 Wire Serial Interface (4-wire SPI)The serial interface consists of serial clock SCL, serial data SI, A0 and CS . SI is shifted into an 8-bit shift register on every rising edge of SCL in the order of D7, D6, … and D0. A0 is sampled on every eighth clock and the data byte in the shift register is written to the display data RAM (A0=1) or command register (A0=0) in the same clock. See Figure. 2.Table. 5DD1SS D7~ D2 unconnected.The serial interface is initialized when CS is high. In this state, SCL clock pulse or SDI data have no effect. A falling edge on CS enables the serial interface and indicates the start of data transmission. The SPI is also able to work properly when the CS always keep low, but it is not recommended.SI (D1)CS D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0D7D6D5A0SCL(D0)Figure. 2 4-wire SPI data transferl When the chip is not active, the shift registers and the counter are reset to their initial statuses. l Read is not possible while in serial interface mode.l Caution is required on the SCL signal when it comes to line-end reflections and external noise. We recommend the operation be rechecked on the actual equipment.SH11063 Wire Serial Interface (3-wire SPI)The 3 wire serial interface consists of serial clock SCL, serial data SI, and CS . SI is shifted into an 9-bit shift register on every rising edge of SCL in the order of C D /, D7, D6, … and D0. The C D / bit (first of the 9 bit) will determine the transferred data is written to the display data RAM (C D /=1) or command register (C D /=0).Table. 6DD1SS D7~ D2 unconnected.The serial interface is initialized when CS is high. In this state, SCL clock pulse or SDI data have no effect. A falling edge on CS enables the serial interface and indicates the start of data transmission. The SPI is also able to work properly when the CS always keep low, but it is not recommended.SI (D1)CS D/CD7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0D/CD7SCL(D0)Figure. 2A 3-wire SPI data transferl When the chip is not active, the shift registers and the counter are reset to their initial statuses. l Read is not possible while in serial interface mode.lCaution is required on the SCL signal when it comes to line-end reflections and external noise. We recommend the operation be rechecked on the actual equipment.I 2C-bus InterfaceThe SH1106 can transfer data via a standard I 2C-bus and has slave mode only in communication. The command or RAM data can be written into the chip and the status and RAM data can be read out of the chip.DD1SS D7~ D2 unconnected.CS signal could always pull low in I 2C-bus application. Characteristics of the I 2C-busThe I 2C-bus is for bi-directional, two-line communication between different ICs or modules. The two lines are a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL). Both lines must be connected to a positive supply via a pull-up resistor. Data transfer may be initiated only when the bus is not busy.Note: The positive supply of pull-up resistor must equal to the value of V DD1.SH1106 Bit TransferOne data bit is transferred during each clock pulse. The data on the SDA line must remain stable during the HIGH period of the clock pulse as changes in the data line at this time will be interpreted as a control signal.SDASCLData line stable: Data valid Change data allowedFigure. 3 Bit TransferStart and Stop conditionsBoth data and clock lines remain HIGH when the bus is not busy. A HIGH-to-LOW transition of the data line, while the clock is HIGH is defined as the START condition (S). A LOW-to-HIGH transition of the data line while the clock is HIGH is defined as the STOP condition (P).SDASCLSDASCLSTART condition STOP conditionS PFigure. 4 Start and Stop conditionsSystem configurationl Transmitter: The device that sends the data to the bus.l Receiver: The device that receives the data from the bus.l Master: The device that initiates a transfer, generates clock signals and terminates a transfer.l Slave: The device addressed by a master.l Multi-Master: More than one master can attempt to control the bus at the same time without corrupting the messagel Arbitration: Procedure to ensure that, if more than one master simultaneously tries to control the bus, only one is allowed to do so and the message is not corrupted.l Synchronization: Procedure to synchronize the clock signals of two or more devices.Figure. 5 System configurationSH1106Acknowledge Each byte of eight bits is followed by an acknowledge bit. The acknowledge bit is a HIGH signal put on the bus by the transmitter during which time the master generates an extra acknowledge related clock pulse. A slave receiver which is addressed must generate an acknowledge after the reception of each byte. Also a master receiver must generate an acknowledge after the reception of each byte that has been clocked out of the slave transmitter. The device that acknowledges must pull-down the SDA line during the acknowledge clock pulse, so that the SDA line is stable LOW during the HIGH period of the acknowledge related clock pulse (set-up and hold times must be taken into consideration). A master receiver must signal an end of data to the transmitter by not generating an acknowledge on the last byte that has been clocked out of the slave. In this event the transmitter must leave the data line HIGH to enable the master to generate a stop condition.clock pulse for acknowledgementDATA OUTPUT BYTRANSMITTERDATA OUTPUT BYRECEIVERSCL FROM MASTERFigure 6 AcknowledgeProtocolThe SH1106 supports both read and write access. The W R/ bit is part of the slave address. Before any data is transmitted onthe I 2C-bus, the device that should respond is addressed first. Two 7-bit slave addresses (0111100 and 0111101) are reserved for the SH1106. The least significant bit of the slave address is set by connecting the input SA0 to either logic 0(VSS) or 1(VDD1). The I 2C-bus protocol is illustrated in Fig.7. The sequence is initiated with a START condition (S) from the I 2C-bus master that is followed by the slave address. All slaves with the corresponding address acknowledge in parallel, all the otherswill ignore the I 2C-bus transfer. After acknowledgement, one or more command words follow which define the status of the addressed slaves. A command word consists of a control byte, which defines Co and C D /(note1), plus a data byte (see Fig.7). The last control byte is tagged with a cleared most significant bit, the continuation bit Co. After a control byte with a cleared Co-bit, only data bytes will follow. The state of the C D /-bit defines whether the data-byte is interpreted as a command or as RAM-data. The control and data bytes are also acknowledged by all addressed slaves on the bus. After the last control byte, depending on the C D / bit setting, either a series of display data bytes or command data bytes may follow. If the C D / bit was set to ‘1’, these display bytes are stored in the display RAM at the address specified by the data pointer. The data pointer is automatically updated and the data is directed to the intended SH1106 device. If the C D / bit of the last control byte was set to ‘0’, these command bytes will be decoded and the setting of the device will be changed according to the received commands.The acknowledgement after each byte is made only by the addressed slave. At the end of the transmission the I 2C-bus master issues a stop condition (P). If the W R/ bit is set to one in the slave-address, the chip will output data immediately after the slave-address according to the C D / bit, which was sent during the last write access. If no acknowledge is generated by the master after a byte, the driver stops transferring data to the master.SH1106Control ByteS - start condition P - stop condition A - Acknowledge A - Not Acknowledge M - I 2C master S' - I 2C slaveFigure 7 I 2C ProtocolNote1:1. Co =“0”: The last control byte , only data bytes to follow,Co =“1”: Next two bytes are a data byte and another control byte; 2. C D /=“0”: The data byte is for command operation, C D /=“1”: The data byte is for RAM operation.Access to Display Data RAM and Internal RegistersThis module determines whether the input data is interpreted as data or command. When A0 = “H”, the inputs at D7 - D0 are interpreted as data and be written to display RAM. When A0 = “L”, the inputs at D7 - D0 are interpreted as command, they will be decoded and be written to the corresponding command registers. Display Data RAMThe Display Data RAM is a bit mapped static RAM holding the bit pattern to be displayed. The size of the RAM is 132 X 64 bits. For mechanical flexibility, re-mapping on both segment and common outputs can be selected by software.For vertical scrolling of the display, an internal register storing display start line can be set to control the portion of the RAM data to be mapped to the display.SH1106 The Page Address CircuitAs shown in Figure. 8, page address of the display data RAM is specified through the Page Address Set Command. The page address must be specified again when changing pages to perform access.The Column AddressAs shown in Figure. 8, the display data RAM column address is specified by the Column Address Set command. The specified column address is incremented (+1) with each display data read/ write command. This allows the MPU display data to be accessed continuously. Because the column address is independent of the page address, when moving, for example, from page0 column 83H to page 1 column 00H, it is necessary to re-specify both the page address and the column address. Furthermore, as shown in Table. 7, the Column re-mapping (ADC) command (segment driver direction select command) can be used to reverse the relationship between the display data RAM column address and the segment output. Because of this, the constraints on the IC layout when the OLED module is assembled can be minimized.Table. 7Segment Output SEG0 SEG131ADC “0” 0 (H) àColumn Address à 83 (H)ADC “1” 83 (H) ßColumn Address ß 0 (H)The Line Address CircuitThe line address circuit, as shown in Figure. 8, specifies the line address relating to the common output when the contents of the display data RAM are displayed. Using the display start line address set command, what is normally the top line of the display can be specified (this is the COM0 output when the common output mode is normal, and the COM63 output for SH1106, when the common output mode is reversed. The display area is a 64-line area for the SH1106 from the display start line address.If the line addresses are changed dynamically using the display start line address set command, screen scrolling, page swapping, etc. that can be performed relationship between display data RAM and address (if initial display line is 1DH).SH1106Figure. 8This is a RC type oscillator (Figure 9) that produces the display clock. The oscillator circuit is only enabled when CLS = “H”.When CLS = “L”, the oscillation stops and the display clock is inputted through the CL terminal.Figure 9SH1106 Charge Pump RegulatorThis block accompanying only 2 external capacitors, is used to generate a 6.4V~9.0V voltage for OLED panel. This regulator can be turned ON/OFF by software command 8Bh setting.Charge Pump output voltage controlThis block is used to set the voltage value of charger pump output. The driving voltage can be adjusted from 6.4V up to 9.0V. This used to meet different demand of the panel.Current Control and Voltage ControlThis block is used to derive the incoming power sources into different levels of internal use voltage and current. VPP and VDD2 are external power supplies. IREF is a reference current source for segment current drivers.Common Drivers/Segment DriversSegment drivers deliver 132 current sources to drive OLED panel. The driving current can be adjusted up to 200m A with 256 steps. Common drivers generate voltage scanning pulses.Reset CircuitWhen the RES input falls to “L”, these reenter their default state. The default settings are shown below:1. Display is OFF. Common and segment are in high impedance state.2. 132 X 64 Display mode.3. Normal segment and display data column address and row address mapping (SEG0 is mapped to column address 00H and COM0 mapped to row address 00H).4. Shift register data clear in serial interface.5. Display start line is set at display RAM line address 00H.6. Column address counter is set at 0.7. Normal scanning direction of the common outputs.8. Contrast control register is set at 80H.9. Internal DC-DC is selected.SH1106 CommandsR/) signals to identify data bus signals. As the chip analyzes and The SH1106 uses a combination of A0, RD(E) and WR(Wexecutes each command using internal timing clock only regardless of external clock, its processing speed is very high and itsbusy check is usually not required. The 8080 series microprocessor interface enters a read status when a low pulse is input to the RD pad and a write status when a low pulse is input to the WR pad. The 6800 series microprocessor interface enters aR/ pad and a write status when a low pulse is input to this pad. When a high read status when a high pulse is input to the Wpulse is input to the E pad, the command is activated. (For timing, see AC Characteristics.). Accordingly, in the command explanation and command table, RD (E) becomes 1(HIGH) when the 6800 series microprocessor interface reads status of display data. This is an only different point from the 8080 series microprocessor interface.Taking the 8080 series, microprocessor interface as an example command will explain below.When the serial interface is selected, input data starting from D7 in sequence.Command Set1. Set Lower Column Address: (00H - 0FH)2. Set Higher Column Address: (10H - 1FH)Specifies column address of display RAM. Divide the column address into 4 higher bits and 4 lower bits. Set each of them intosuccessions. When the microprocessor repeats to access to the display RAM, the column address counter is incrementedduring each access until address 131 is accessed. The page address is not changed during this time.Higher bitsLower bitsA7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 Line address0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1: :1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 131Note: Don’t use any commands not mentioned above.3. Set Pump voltage value: (30H~33H)Specifies output voltage (V PP) of the internal charger pump.A1 A0 Pump output voltage (V PP)00 6.4017.4108.0(Power on)119.0SH11064. Set Display Start Line: (40H - 7FH)Specifies line address (refer to Figure. 8) to determine the initial display line or COM0. The RAM display data becomes the top line of OLED screen. It is followed by the higher number of lines in ascending order, corresponding to the duty cycle. When this command changes the line address, the smooth scrolling or page change takes place.A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 Line address0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 1 1: :1 1 1 1 1 0 621 1 1 1 1 1 635. Set Contrast Control Register: (Double Bytes Command)This command is to set contrast setting of the display. The chip has 256 contrast steps from 00 to FF. The segment output current increases as the contrast step value increases.Segment output current setting: ISEG = a/256 X IREF X scale factorWhere: a is contrast step; IREF is reference current equals 12.5µA; Scale factor = 16.n The Contrast Control Mode Set: (81H)When this command is input, the contrast data register set command becomes enabled. Once the contrast control mode has been set, no other command except for the contrast data register command can be used. Once the contrast data set command has been used to set data into the register, then the contrast control mode is released.n Contrast Data Register Set: (00H - FFH)By using this command to set eight bits of data to the contrast data register; the OLED segment output assumes one of the 256 current levels.When this command is input, the contrast control mode is released after the contrast data register has been set.。
