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Lec 1.1

大题:What is logistics?


与供应链管理的关系:Logistics management is that part of the supply chain management

管理的功能:that plans, implements(实现:组织、领导)and controls

物流管理的对象:the efficient effective forward and reverse flow(反向流动)and storage(存储)of goods, services and related information

范围:from the point of origin(起源)to the point of consumption(终结)

目的:in order to meet customer’s requirements.


Logistics is getting :

the right product,

in the right quantity(数量),

in the right condition(条件),

at the right place,

at the right time,

at the right cost,

to the right customer。



物流管理(logistics management):以最低的物流成本达到用户所满意的服务水平,对物流活动进行的计划、组织、协调与控制。

大题:Key components(构成)of logistics



Material handling(物料搬运):在一个存储区域范围内的货物的短距离移动。举例:物料搬运的选择、自己完成和外包间的选择。


Packaging(包装):包装是指为在流通过程中保护商品、方便运输、促进销售,按照一定技术方法而采用容器、材料及辅助物等的总体名称,也指为了达到上述目的的操作活动。Information and control(信息与控制):举例:订单处理系统、设计系统、采购控制、预测。Lec 1.2

小题:When was physical distribution substituted by logistics formally in the western world?(在西

方世界传统物流正式被现代物流所取代是什么时候?)In 1980s.

小题:When was logistics introduced in Japan? 二战后50s。

小题:When was logistics introduced in China? 90s.

小题:Logistics and physical distribution?(现代物流和传统的关系是什么样的?)现代物流包含传统物流。

Lec 1.3

小题:Logistics is the links among different enterprises and industries in the economy system. (物流是经济系统中联系企业和制造业的存在)

Logistics cost is one significant element of social total cost. (物流成本是社会总成本中一个重要的元素)

Logistics cost as a percentage of GDP to measure the rate of economy growth. (物流成本在GDP 中的占比可以衡量经济增长)

大题:Value-Added Role of Logistics(物流的增值角色)

Form utility (what)形式效用:Refers to the value added to goods through(指的是商品价值的增加).举例:manufacturing /production or assemble process(制造业产品的组装过程)

Place utility (where)空间效用:A value that logistics creates in a product by changing the product's location(物品地点的转移创造价值). 举例:Transportation creates place utility.

Time utility (when)时间效用:A value created in a product by having the product available at the time desired(保证产品能够可靠的在一定时间内到达而产生价值).举例:The transportation and warehousing create time utility.

Quantity utility (how much)数量效用:Refers to delivering the proper quantities of an item to where it is demanded(指将适当数量的物品运送到需要的地方).举例:Logistics creates quantity utility through production forecasting, production scheduling and inventory control.(物流通过产品预期,产品计划和库存控制的方式创造数量效用)

Possession utility (why)占有效用:举例:The value created by mark eting’s effort to increase the desire to possesses a good or benefit from a service.(这种价值通过营销来增加对物品所有权和益处的服务而创造)

小题:Effective logistics management can help business reduce cost so that it can provide cost advantage. (成本优势)

Effective logistics management can help provide superior customer service so that this can enhance differentiation advantage (差异性优势)

大题:Logistics interfaces in the firm(与企业其他部门的联系): Manufacturing, Marketing, Accounting.

Logistics Interfaces with Operations/ Manufacturing:

Length of production runs(生产运行时间的长短):Inventory cost(库存成本)

Seasonal demand(季节需求):Acceptance of seasonal inventory to balance production times.(寻求季节性库存与产品供应的平衡)

Supply-side interfaces:Stocking adequate supplies to ensure uninterrupted production.(储备充足的物资,保证不间断生产)

Logistics Interfaces with Marketing:The Marketing Mix – 4 Ps
