




SGS(瑞士)ITS(英国)BV(法国)TUV(德国)纺织品:防霉:AATCC30-2010 织物抗真菌性的评价-抑制织物的霉变(美国标准)JIS Z 2911-2010 纺织品耐霉菌试验方法(日本标准)GB/T 24346-2009 纺织品防霉性能的评价(国家标准)FZ/T 60030-2009 家用纺织品防霉性能测试方法抗菌:AATCC 135 耐水洗AATCC 100-2012后整理抗菌织物的抗细菌性评价(美国标准)AATCC 147-2011织物的抗细菌性评价(美国标准)JIS L 1902-2008 纺织品抗菌性试验法(日本)ISO 20743-2007 纺织品抗菌性试验方法(全球通用)GB/T 20944-2007纺织品抗菌性能评价 FZ/T 73023-2006 抗菌针织品QB/T 2881-2007鞋类衬里和内垫材料抗菌技术条件 FZ/T 62015 抗菌毛巾塑料防霉:QB/T 2591 抗菌塑料-抗菌性能试验方法和抗菌效果GB/T 24128-2009 塑料防霉性能试验方法ISO 846-1997塑料在微生物作用下的行为评价抗菌:AATM E 2149 JISZ 2801 QB/T 2591 抗菌塑料-抗菌性能试验方法和抗菌效果JC/T 939-2004 建筑用抗细菌塑料管抗细菌性能ISO 22196-2007 塑料制品表面抗菌性能评价涂料防霉:HG/T 3950-2007 抗菌涂料GB/T 1741-2007 漆膜耐霉菌测定法抗菌:HG/T 3950-2007 抗菌涂料GB/T 21866-2008 抗菌涂料(漆膜)抗菌性测定法和抗菌效果其他防霉:ASTM G 21-2009 合成聚合材料防霉性的测定ASTM D 4576-2008 蓝色原料(皮革)抗霉菌生长的试验方法GB/T 2423-16-2008 电子电工产品环境试验抗菌:ASTM E 2149-2001 在动态接触条件下固定抗菌剂抗菌活性测定的标准试验方法 JIS Z 2801-2010 抗菌加工制品-抗菌性试验方法和抗菌效果 GB /T 21510-2008 纳米无机材料抗菌性能检测方法 JC/T 897-2014 抗菌陶瓷制品抗菌性能测试时间防霉:一般28天,但有特殊的,如AATCC 30,可以7天,或者14天抗菌:一般情况下,做个测试时间是3-4天,但是检测机构是7-10工作日一般所做的菌种为:大肠杆菌,金黄色葡萄球菌,白色念珠菌。



谢 谢 聆 听!
Байду номын сангаас
广谱抗菌 安全高效 持久便捷
创建绿色无菌空间 海南红杉科创实业有限公司

产品概况 性能特点 检测报告
2 3 4
抑菌:抑制细菌、真菌、 霉菌等微生物生长繁殖 的作用。 杀菌:杀死细菌、真菌、 霉菌等微生物营养体和 繁殖体的作用。
抑菌和杀菌作用的总称 为抗菌。 抗菌涂料:具有抗菌作 用的涂料。
二、提高对传染性疾 病的防控效果
在经历了非典和禽流感 等突发性传染疾病的考 验以后,重要的公共场 所虽然采取了各种有效 措施来控制这类新发传 染病的传播范围,但在 净化空气方面的控制手 段仍显得不足,一旦泛 起病例,就有较大的传 播风险,假如使用红杉 科创抗菌涂料,将是一 个较理想的解决方案;
1.施工工艺:喷涂、辊涂。 2.基面要求:表面必须充分干燥、清洁、结构平整、坚实。 3.施工环境 温度≥5℃。
刚装修或新建的室 内空间不可避免的 要引入一些带污染 元素的装修材料和 办公设备,红杉科 创抗菌涂料不但自 身环保,同时可以 帮助祛除空气中的 TVOC、甲醛、苯 等,在最短的时间 内消除污染。
四、对医护人员等 健康保护
降低环境中的细菌数目 是最大限度的对医护等 职员的健康保护 。

No 防霉涂料检验报告

No 防霉涂料检验报告
挥发性有机化合物含量(VOC), g/L
检 验
依 据
GB/T9756-2008 合成树脂乳液内墙涂料
GB18582-2009 室内装饰装修材料 内墙涂料有害物质限量
GB1741-79 内墙涂料 耐霉菌性技术要求

No TN15227共2页第2页
长霉 0






















4.涂料材料检测的小点详细阐述4.1化学成分分析小点14.2化学成分分析小点24.3物理性能测试小点14.4物理性能测试小点24.5耐久性评估小点14.6耐久性评估小点24.7颜色控制小点14.8颜色控制小点24.9安全性评估小点1总结涂料材料检测是确保涂料产品质量和安全性的重要环节,CMA 检测报告的作用不可忽视。



FOSTER 抗菌防霉产品的历史1970-80’年代,美国陆续出现军团菌感染,空调系统的抗菌防霉尤为迫切,一直服务于HVAC保温系统的FOSTER开始研发抗菌防霉涂料1992年,Foster首次将抗菌防霉涂料通过EPA认证,至今也是EPA(美国国家环境保护局) 唯一批准适用于暖通空调系统的抗菌防霉涂料。










Foster首次将抗菌防霉涂料通过EPA认证,至今也是EPA(美国国家环境保护局) 唯一批准适用于暖通空调系统的抗菌防霉涂料。










1. 耐久性测试,采用人工气候老化实验室进行加速老化试验,模拟不同气候条件下的涂料性能变化情况,以评估涂料的耐久性。

2. 附着力测试,采用划格法或粘结拉伸法进行涂层附着力测试,评估涂料与基材的结合情况。

3. 耐候性测试,采用人工气候老化实验室进行紫外线照射、高温高湿环境下的老化试验,评估涂料在不同气候条件下的耐候性。

4. 耐腐蚀性测试,采用盐雾试验箱进行盐雾喷淋试验,评估涂料在腐蚀性环境中的抗腐蚀性能。

5. 耐磨性测试,采用砂轮磨损试验仪进行磨损测试,评估涂料的耐磨性能。


1. 耐久性测试结果显示,涂料在模拟气候老化条件下,经过1000小时的老化试验后,外观变化较小,无龟裂、脱落等现象,耐久性良好。

2. 附着力测试结果显示,涂料与基材结合牢固,附着力达到5B级,符合相关标准要求。

3. 耐候性测试结果显示,经过2000小时的紫外线照射和高温高湿环境老化试验后,涂料表面无明显变化,耐候性良好。

4. 耐腐蚀性测试结果显示,经过96小时的盐雾喷淋试验后,涂料表面无腐蚀现象,抗腐蚀性能良好。

5. 耐磨性测试结果显示,经过1000次的磨损试验后,涂料表面无明显磨损痕迹,耐磨性能良好。














1. 外观检测,涂料的外观直接影响着其装饰效果和美观度,因此外观检测是必不可少的一个环节。


2. 物理性能检测,包括附着力、硬度、耐磨性等物理性能的检测,这些指标直接关系到涂料的使用寿命和耐久性。

3. 化学成分检测,通过对涂料中化学成分的分析,可以了解其成分配比是否符合要求,从而保证涂料的质量和安全性。

4. 环境适应性检测,考察涂料在不同环境条件下的性能表现,如耐候性、耐腐蚀性等,以确保其能够适应不同的使用环境。


经过对涂料的全面检测,我们得到了如下的检测结果:1. 外观检测,涂料的色泽饱满,光泽度良好,平整度符合标准要求。

2. 物理性能检测,涂料的附着力达到了5B级,硬度和耐磨性均符合相关标准。

3. 化学成分检测,涂料中各种化学成分的含量均符合标准要求,无有害物质超标。

4. 环境适应性检测,涂料在不同环境条件下的性能表现良好,耐候性和耐腐蚀性均符合要求。









ASTM D 4576-2008蓝色原料(皮革)抗霉菌生长的试验方法
GB/T 2423-16-2008电子电工产品环境试验
ASTM E 2149-2001在动态接触条件下固定抗菌剂抗菌活性测定的标准试验方法
JIS Z 2801-2010抗菌加工制品-抗菌性试验方法和抗菌效果
GB /T 21510-2008纳米无机材料抗菌性能检测方法
ISO 22196-2007塑料制品表面抗菌性能评价
HG/T 3950-2007抗菌涂料
GB/T 1741-2007漆膜耐霉菌测定法
HG/T 3950-2007抗菌涂料
GB/T 21866-2008抗菌涂料(漆膜)抗菌性测定法和抗菌效果
ASTM G 21-2009合成聚合材料防霉性的测定
JC/T 897-2014抗菌陶瓷制品抗菌性能
一般28天,但有特殊的,如AATCC 30,可以7天,或者14天
QB/T 2591抗菌塑料-抗菌性能试验方法和抗菌效果
GB/T 24128-2009塑料防霉性能试验方法
ISO 846-1997塑料在微生物作用下的行为评价
AATM E 2149
JISZ 2801
QB/T 2591抗菌塑料-抗菌性能试验方法和抗菌效果
JC/T 939-2004建筑用抗细菌塑料管抗细菌性能
JIS Z 2911-2010纺织品耐霉菌试ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้方法(日本标准)
GB/T 24346-2009纺织品防霉性能的评价(国家标准)



检验报告TEST REPORT广西壮族自治区产品质量监督检验院 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Institute of Supervision & Testing on Product Quality广西产品质量监督检验院编号:Q13-001533检验报告受检单位─────任务来源─────委托单位名称南宁市业扬建材厂样品名称外墙腻子粉型号规格P型地址南宁市旱塘路5号商标─────邮政编码─────等级─────生产单位南宁市业扬建材厂原编号─────生产日期─────抽样地点─────抽样方式─────抽样基数─────抽样者─────抽样数量─────抽样日期─────送样者潘雪青样品状况粉状,塑料袋装,满足检验要求。

收样日期2013-07-29样品数量20kg检验依据JG/T 157-2009《建筑外墙用腻子》检验结论送检样品按JG/T 157-2009判定:合格。


批准:审核:编制:广西产品质量监督检验院第2页共2 页检验报告序号检验项目技术要求检验结果判定P型1 容器中状态无结块、均匀符合要求合格2 施工性刮涂无障碍符合要求合格3 干燥时间 h (表干)≤54 合格4 初期干燥抗裂性(6h)1mm无裂纹无裂纹合格5 吸水量 g/10min ≤2.0 1.9 合格6 耐碱性(48h)无异常无异常合格7 耐水性(96h)无异常无异常合格8 打磨性手工可打磨符合要求合格9 粘结强度MPa标准状态≥0.60 0.62 合格冻融循环(5次)≥0.40 0.45 合格10 腻子膜柔韧性直径100mm,无裂纹无裂纹合格11动态抗开裂性mm基层裂缝≥0.04, ≤0.08 0.07 合格№:ST131347 检验报告Test Report样品名称:Sample Description立邦QC+629改性丙烯酸外墙面涂白色商标/型号Brand/Model立邦 ------委托单位:Applicant广州立邦涂料有限公司检验类别:Test Type委托检验国家涂料产品质量监督检验中心(广东)China National Quality Supervision and Testing Center for Paintings and Dopes(Guangdong)2013年05月16日NO:第1页共4页样品名称Nameof Sample立邦QB-232丙烯酸通用底漆型号/规格Type/Specification------委托单位Client广州立邦涂料有限公司检验类别ClassificationOf Test委托检验生产单位Manufacturing广州立邦涂料有限公司样品等级Sample Grade------抽样地点Sampling Site送样抽(送)样日期Sampling Date2013年3月27日样品数量SampleNumbers1kg抽(送)样单位Sampling Plant------抽样基数SamplingNumbers------检验编号Test Numbcr检验依据Test Method JG/T210-2007《建筑内外墙用底漆》GB24408-2009《建筑用外墙涂料中有害物质限量》检验项目Test ltem全项检验结论Result 该样品按JG/T210-2007《建筑内外墙用底漆》中外墙Ⅰ型指标检验符合。
















♦ 1.涂料中抗菌防霉剂作用机理目前,对于有关抗菌防霉剂的抗菌防霉机理研究还不够深入,但公认的主要有以下几方面的作用机理:①使细菌或霉菌细胞内的各种代谢酶失活,从而杀死细菌或霉菌;②与细胞内的蛋白质发生化学反应,破坏其机能;③阻断DNA 的合成,抑制孢子生成,抑制细菌生长;④明显地加快磷酸氧化还原体系的反应,打乱细胞正常生长体系;⑤破坏细胞内的能量释放体系;⑥阻碍电子转移系统及氨基酸转酯的生成;⑦通过静电场的吸附作用,使细菌或霉菌的细胞壁破坏而杀死细胞;⑧通过光催化作用,在无机抗菌防霉剂表面产生的活性氧来杀灭微生物,分解有机营养物,有效的抑制细菌或霉菌的繁殖。

























百芬防霉喷剂防霉效果标准检测试验:以下检测参照美国相关标准(AATCC 90-1982 ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF FABRICS. DETECTION OF: AGAR PLATE METHOD)和消毒技术规范操作,通过5组实验鉴定产品防霉效果。







检验报告TEST REPORT广西壮族自治区产品质量监督检验院 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Institute of Supervision & Testing on Product Quality广西产品质量监督检验院编号:Q13-001533检验报告受检单位─────任务来源─────委托单位名称南宁市业扬建材厂样品名称外墙腻子粉型号规格P型地址南宁市旱塘路5号商标─────邮政编码─────等级─────生产单位南宁市业扬建材厂原编号─────生产日期─────抽样地点─────抽样方式─────抽样基数─────抽样者─────抽样数量─────抽样日期─────送样者潘雪青样品状况粉状,塑料袋装,满足检验要求。

收样日期2013-07-29样品数量20kg检验依据JG/T 157-2009《建筑外墙用腻子》检验结论送检样品按JG/T 157-2009判定:合格。


批准:审核:编制:广西产品质量监督检验院第2页共2 页检验报告序号检验项目技术要求检验结果判定P型1 容器中状态无结块、均匀符合要求合格2 施工性刮涂无障碍符合要求合格3 干燥时间 h (表干)≤54 合格4 初期干燥抗裂性(6h)1mm无裂纹无裂纹合格5 吸水量 g/10min ≤合格6 耐碱性(48h)无异常无异常合格7 耐水性(96h)无异常无异常合格8 打磨性手工可打磨符合要求合格9 粘结强度MPa标准状态≥合格冻融循环(5次)≥合格10 腻子膜柔韧性直径100mm,无裂纹无裂纹合格11动态抗开裂性mm基层裂缝≥, ≤合格№:ST131347 检验报告Test Report样品名称:Sample Description立邦QC+629改性丙烯酸外墙面涂白色商标/型号Brand/Model立邦 ------委托单位:Applicant广州立邦涂料有限公司检验类别:Test Type委托检验国家涂料产品质量监督检验中心(广东)China National Quality Supervision and Testing Center for Paintings and Dopes(Guangdong)2013年05月16日NO:第1页共4页样品名称Nameof Sample立邦QB-232丙烯酸通用底漆型号/规格Type/Specification------委托单位Client广州立邦涂料有限公司检验类别ClassificationOf Test委托检验生产单位Manufacturing广州立邦涂料有限公司样品等级Sample Grade------抽样地点Sampling Site送样抽(送)样日期Sampling Date2013年3月27日样品数量SampleNumbers1kg抽(送)样单位Sampling Plant------抽样基数SamplingNumbers------检验编号Test Numbcr检验依据Test Method JG/T210-2007《建筑内外墙用底漆》GB24408-2009《建筑用外墙涂料中有害物质限量》检验项目Test ltem全项检验结论Result 该样品按JG/T210-2007《建筑内外墙用底漆》中外墙Ⅰ型指标检验符合。



Page 1 of 7H.B. Fuller Construction Products Inc.APPLICATION OF 40-20 FUNGICDAL PROTECTIVE COATING IN HVAC SYSTEMSEPA Registration No. 63836-1H.B. Fuller Construction Products Inc.1105 South Frontenac StreetAurora, IL 60504Supplemental directions for use for application of Foster 40-20 Fungicidal Protective Coating in Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) duct systems.DIRECTIONS FOR USEIt is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons.The person applying this product is responsible for following these directions and the directions found on the product label under both State and Federal laws.1. GeneralThis product is designed to be used as one component of a comprehensive HVAC and duct maintenance program. The purpose of such a program is to assure that the HVAC duct system and ducts function in the manner they were designed to, remain free from mold and other microbial growth and other contamination,and continue in that condition . This product must be used only in cases where existing microbial growth has been removed and identifying and correcting the conditions that led to that growth. If you need help understanding any part of these instructions or have additional questions after reading these instructions, DO NOT APPLY THIS PRODUCT until after you have received the answers for all of your questions.2.0 InspectionPrior to inspecting, cleaning, treating, repairing or otherwise working on a duct section, the HVAC system must be turned off or the section under repair physically isolated from section in active use. In cases where the HVAC system cannot be broken down, the entire system must be turned off and must remain off until the coating is dry and odors from the coating are dissipated.Prior to application of Foster 40-20 Fungicidal Protective Coating the system must be inspected for cleanliness and mechanical condition. When initiating any measures to repair, clean or treat ducts and associated HVAC system components, industry standards from the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) and other organizations must be followed.Routinely inspect the HVAC systems for cleanliness by visual means. The NADCA standard, Assessment, Cleaning and Restoration of HVAC Systems (ACR 2002 or the latest revision), provides minimum inspection frequency schedules for ducts and other system components. More information on NADCA standards can be obtained from the NADCA web site at .2.1 Cleanliness InspectionAccording to NADCA Standards, HVAC system cleaning must be performed when any of the following conditions are found in the cleanliness inspection. If any of these deficiencies are found during inspection, cleaning in accordance with industry standards must be performed prior to the application of Foster Fungicidal Protective Coating.Globally specified, proven and preferred.Page 2 of 7 2.1.1 Contamination•HVAC systems must be operated in a clean condition. If significant accumulations of materials or debris are visually observed within the HVAC system, then cleaning is necessary. Likewise, ifevidence of microbial growth is visually observed or confirmed by analytical methods, then cleaning isrequired.•If the HVAC system discharges visible particulate into the occupied space, or a significant contribution of airborne particles from the HVAC system into the indoor ambient air is confirmed, then cleaning isnecessary.•Heat exchange coils, cooling coils, air flow control devices, filtration devices, and air-handling equipment determined to have restrictions, blockages, or contamination deposits that may causesystem performance inefficiencies, air flow degradation, or that may significantly affect the designintent of the HVAC system, require cleaning.•Drain pans must be free from slime and sludge or other contamination. Badly rusted or corroded drain pans must either be repaired or replaced.•Fans and fan housings must be free from accumulations of microbial growth and particulate matter.If you need help in understanding existing industry standards, consult a qualified professional or consult the information at (search on “air ducts”). In addition, consult the following association and society Internet sites for information on standards and guidelines they have developed:ACCA – ASHRAE – NADCA – NAIMA – SMACNA – 2.2 Mechanical Inspection.Foster 40-20 Fungicidal Protective Coating must be used only on ducts and other HVAC system componentsin sound mechanical condition as defined in 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 (below). The HVAC system components must be designed and installed in conformance with industry standards and guidelines. Prior to using the product,inspect the ducts and assure that they are in sound mechanical condition. The following general guidelines, supplemented by industry standards from SMACNA, NAIMA ASHRAE, ACCA and other organizations, mustbe followed:2.2.1 Air Leaks and Mechanical Defects.The ducts must be free from air leaks and other mechanical defects. Air leaks will promote condensation ofwater that causes microbial growth and may lead to failure of Foster 40-20 Fungicidal Protective Coating to protect the system adequately.2.2.2 Design and Installation.ASHRAE, SMACNA, NAIMA and other industry organizations have established guidelines and standards forthe design and installation of HVAC and duct systems. Determine that the duct system you wish to coat conforms to industry practice. If you are not knowledgeable of industry guidelines and standards, consult a qualified professional for assistance.In some situations, the inspection may reveal that the duct system or other component is badly damaged or in such poor operating condition that it cannot be corrected through cleaning and/or minor repair. In these situations, replace or rebuild the system in conformity to the applicable industry standards prior to using Foster40-20 Fungicidal Protective Coating. Some (but not all) of the conditions that would indicate the need formajor repairs or replacement of the system include:•Improper size of ducts – Ducts must be sized to achieve correct airflow. When air-handling equipment is changed or new inlets or outlets added, recalculate and replace as needed the size ofall components in the system.Page 3 of 7 •Physical damage – Crushed or deformed air ducts will restrict airflow and may leak (especially at joint areas). Replace damaged sections or if there is extensive damage, replace the entire system.•Badly corroded metal components including duct sections, housings and cabinets, coil assemblies, drain pans, fans and their housings and heat exchange surfaces.•Loose, damaged, friable or missing insulation – Insulation is important in preventing moisture condensation and subsequent growth of mold and other organisms. If insulation (either interior orexterior) is damaged, missing or not properly fastened it must be repaired or replaced or theassociated duct sections replaced. Air handler, mixing, and VAV box housings are also normallyinsulated. Check this insulation for damage in a like manner.Removed components that are contaminated with mold and other microbial growth may spread contamination while being removed from the building. To prevent this, place smaller items in plastic bags that must then be sealed before being removed. Larger items that cannot be safely packaged must be treated before beingmoved through occupied spaces. An appropriately labeled disinfectant can be used during treatment. Caremust be used during treatment to assure that fumes from the agent being used are not released into occupied spaces. Products used must be used according to their label directions.3.0 General Directions for Foster 40-20 Fungicidal Protective Coatings Usage.Foster 40-20 Fungicidal Protective Coating is formulated to effectively prevent the spread of molds and odor-causing bacteria on its surface. Foster 40-20 Fungicidal Protective Coating can be used on interior andexterior surfaces of HVAC duct systems, and wherever effective controls are essential. It dries to form an effective air erosion preventive surfacing material sealing and reinforcing the surface of new or aged duct liner insulation materials. It will lock down residual loose fibers and materials keeping them from becomingairborne.Foster Fungicidal Protective Coating guards against the re-growth and spread of odor-causingbacteria and molds on the surface of the coated HVAC system or its treated components only.Foster40-20 Fungicidal Protective Coating is formulated for application to the surface of all kinds of ducts and HVAC components including:- Fiberglass and other fibrous and foam duct liner insulations- Unlined sheet metal.- Air supply and return ducts and plenums fabricated with plywood, OSB or other wood like material.- Air supply and return ducts and plenums fabricated with masonry, brick, plaster, and cement based surfaces- Air distribution components such as air handlers, mixing boxes, transfer boxesFollow the directions below for the specific type of duct or component being treated. It is vital that the following directions be carefully read and understood prior to using this product.3.1 Application Instructions.Affected areas of the building are not to be occupied during the application process. Do not reenter theseareas for 12 hours and until odors from the application have dissipated.3.1.1 Surface PreparationApply only to surfaces free of all loose dirt, grease, mold or other materials that may interfere with the adhesionof the coating to the substrate. Always follow industry accepted cleaning procedures. Metal Surfaces.Remove any dust, grease, oil, or materials. Abrade all surfaces to remove all surface rust. Clean the intended surface of any materials that may interfere with the adhesion of the coating and allow to dry completely before proceeding. Follow manufacturer’s directions for application. All metal surfaces must be primed with Foster Waterbase Primer before application of 40- Duct Liner InsulationFiberglass, mineral wool and other porous lined air ducts must be lightly vacuumed to remove all mold, dustand loose particles, being careful not to tear or loosen the liner. Use a HEPA vacuum to clean surfaces. Donot use hard surface sanitizers or cleaners on porous duct liner surfaces. Do not wet out or saturate duct linerPage 4 of 7 insulations with cleaners or other chemicals. Ensure that insulation is dry before applying Foster 40-20 Fungicidal Protective Coating. Plywood, OSB or Other Wood Like Material.Remove all dirt, grease, oil, loose mold or mildew or other materials. Remove all loose substrate materials, unnatural protrusions, splintered materials, etc. to a sound surface. Ensure that wooden surfaces are drybefore applying coatings. Foster 40-20 Fungicidal Protective Coating may be applied directly without the needfor primer. Masonry, Brick, Plaster and Cement Based Surfaces.Aggressively scrape the surface, and then wire brush to produce a firm, sound substrate. Clean the intended surface of any materials that may interfere with the adhesion of the coating and allow to dry completely before proceeding. Prime all unpainted brick, plaster and cement based surfaces with a masonry sealer or primer if dusty.3.1.2 Material Preparation.DO NOT THIN. Keep container closed when not in use.3.1.3 Product ApplicationRefer to the precautionary statements for Personal Protective Clothing and other special instructions that mustbe followed,Apply between 50ºF (10ºC) and 100ºF (38ºC) with less than 70% RH air conditions maintained until dry.Always ensure adequate ventilation. HVAC systems must be under negative air pressure during and after application to allow for exhausting of odors and rapid drying of the coating. Apply Foster Fungicidal Protective Coatings to all surfaces by brush or airless spray at a rate of 1.25 gal./100 sq. ft. (0.51 l/m2).Unsealed, rough, orlow-density surfaces may require more material to attain required surface sealing.NOTE: Continue to circulate fresh dry air throughout the area during the application and for as long after the application as is possible. Exhaust circulated air outside the building or occupied space. If air must beexhausted inside the building circulate air through an air scrubbing filtration system with odor absorbingmedium such as a charcoal medium. This circulation and filtration helps to reduce the dry time of the coatingand reduce latex type odors that could possibly migrate from the application area. Be sure exhausted air is odorless before venting into occupied spaces.3.1.4 Application TechniquesFoster 40-20 Fungicidal Protective Coating may be applied by brush, roller or airless spray as well as certain automated spray systems. Refer to sections below for more information on application equipment anddevices. Brushing or rolling will require two coats applied at 90º to each other. Under normal circumstances a spray application can be completed in one coat, but for extremely porous or irregular surfaces, a second coatmay be required. Overlap applications to assure complete coverage and the surface is smooth and wellsealed. Cover surface completely while avoiding runs or pooling.This product must be evenly applied to the coated surfaces. Even and uniform application is essential for satisfactory results. The procedures, equipment and techniques described below have been used to providethe desired result. Other procedures, equipment and techniques may also achieve satisfactory results, butmust not be used without discussing the specific situation with a qualified professional for assistance.The applicator must have access to the surfaces being coated. This will require entering the ducts. In such cases, application must start from the point most distant from the point of entry into the duct. The applicator will then work from that point back to the entry point covering a 4 foot length of duct at a time. Application from Exterior of the HVAC System.Foster Fungicidal Protective Coating may be sprayed into openings at intervals throughout the duct system oron components that are accessible through removable panels or access doors. Spray into openings every 8Page 5 of 7 feet at a minimum. Existing supply openings can be used where they provide a clear view of the surfacesbeing sprayed so that uniform application can be achieved. However, additional penetrations will have to be made as needed, so enough openings will be available to achieve total and uniform coverage. Spray application is not an acceptable technique where openings are greater than 8 feet apart, additional openings cannot be made and properly sealed, and/or the duct geometry does not allow for uniform coverage. In such cases, application from within the HVAC system is necessary (see below).Where penetrations must be cut in the ducts they must be done to SMACNA, NADCA and NAIMA established standards and guidelines for making and sealing openings in ducts. Operators must be trained on proper application techniques as well as correct duct penetration and sealing procedures using these standards and guidelines. Close duct penetrations, following application, in accordance with industry standards. Application from Within the HVAC System.When Foster Fugicidal Protective Coating cannot be sprayed into openings at intervals throughout the duct system, you must gain entry into the system and spray the product onto interior duct and othersurfaces to a uniform coverage using hand or powered spray equipment. This is a frequently used techniqueand is the technique of choice for air handlers, other components with access panels or doors and large diameter (generally 20” x 20” minimum) ducts where direct access can be gained to surfaces being coated.3.1.5 Application Equipment and Devices.Refer to the precautionary statements for the Personal Protective Clothing and other special instructions that must be followed. Brush or Roller.Brushes and paint rollers suitable for application of water based paints are acceptable. Use a 3/8” nap rollerfor smooth surfaces. Clean brushes and equipment with warm water before product dries. AirlessSpray Application.For airless spray application use an electric 2800 psi minimum airless spray pump with a 0.021 – 0.025 fluidtip. Airless spray equipment must be suitable for application of water based paints and must be capable of applying the coating in a smooth fan pattern.Extension pole guns, directional and conical spray tips and other airless spray accessories may also be usedto assist applicators in reaching difficult to reach areas. When using this equipment applicators must visually ensure proper application of the applied coating.Low pressure sprayers used for applying low solids stains and coatings and pump up garden sprayers are not suitable for application of this product.Clean equipment with warm water before product dries. Automated Spray SystemsThere are a number of automated spraying systems on the market including those that are carried by a “robot” through air ducts. These may provide an excellent option for application of Foster Fungicidal ProtectiveCoating in parts of air ducts that are difficult to access if they produce the correct spray pattern and application quantity. These devices must be visually monitored using video or other means while applying spray so proper application rate will be maintained. Consult the automated spray systems manufacturer to ensure that the equipment is suitable for applicaiton of this product.3.2 Rate of Application.The required rate of application for Foster Fungicidal Protective Coating is 1.25 gal./100 sq. ft. (0.51 l/m2).Users of this product must carefully follow the rate of application. Surfaces must be evenly coated to provide a complete surface film. Avoid over applicaiton resulting in pooling of the coating. Over application will extenddry times.Page 6 of 7 3.3 Frequency of Application.This product is designed to provide long term protection of its surface against odor causing bacteria, mold and mildew. Infrequent application (every five to ten years or more) will normally provide adequate control. Inspect the coating surface regularly (every six months or more often as necessary) for evidence of microbial growth or build-up of dirt and debris. If the coating becomes soiled by non-microbial materials clean the coating surface using water and mild detergents. If visible microbial growth is detected on the coating surface remove thatgrowth using water and mild detergent and identify and correct the conditions that led to that growth.Re-application of this product is not required. If microbial growth does occur on the coating surface do not re-apply product. Instead investigate and make sure the reoccurrence of microbial growth is not caused by persistently high humidity, standing water or hidden leaks. Ensure the coating was applied at the required coverage rate and that the coating surface is clean and in good condition. Correct any problems that havebeen discovered and clean the ducts in accordance with accepted industry practice. After cleaning, touch upof the coating, if worn or damaged, may be completed using techniques provided above. Contact a qualified professional for assistance in investigating and correcting problems.3.4 Returning the System to Operation Following Application.Fans and blowers in the section of duct being coated must be turned off during application of Foster 40-20 Fungicidal Protective Coating. Negative air machines must be used to exhaust odors from the duct system. Ifthe system cannot be shut down, the section of duct being coated must be isolated until coating application is complete and the coating is dry. This will prevent the spray of product and associated odors from being blown away from the surface that is being coated and into occupied spaces.Do not attempt to use the system fan or other blowers to carry Fungicidal Protective Coating to the surfaces inthe air duct system. Such a practice will not result in proper application of the product to the surfaces being treated and will lead to ineffective control.The system can be returned to full operation once the product is dry and odors have dissipated to anacceptable level. Typically a minimum of 12 to 24 hours is required. Allowing for longer times will reduce potential for occupant complaints. Fresh, dry air flow must be maintained throughout the system to ensure the product dries and odors are dissipated. For best results air circulated through the system will be at 75o F (or higher) and 50% RH (or lower) to ensure proper drying. Lower temperatures will extend dry times. Humidity of circulated air must be controlled below 70% RH at all points in the duct. Lower humidities will speed up dryingof the coating. If make up air is above 50% RH dehumidifiers must be used to condition the air going throughthe duct to reach the lower humidity requirements. Never apply product and then stop ventilation and close offthe system trapping moisture from the coating in the ducts. This will cause an increase in humidity in the duct system resulting in extended dry times and build up of odors.3.5 Maintenance.Normal cleaning procedures must be maintained in HVAC systems to remove accumulated airborne particles. Where accessible the coating may be washed down periodically to remove any accumulation of materials with water and a mild detergent. If coating becomes damaged clean surface and re-apply coating.PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTSHAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALSCAUTION: Harmful if swallowed, absorbed through skin or inhaled. Causes moderate eye irritation.Prolonged skin contact may cause irritation. Acute overexposure to vapors may cause dizziness, headache, nausea, and unconsciousness. Since emptied containers may contain product residue, follow label warningeven after container is empty. Consult material safety data sheet for more information.USER SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSUsers must wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. Users mustwear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, shoes, socks and chemical resistant gloves when handling this product. User must remove clothing immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then wash thoroughly and put on clean clothing. Users must remove personnel protective equipment immediately after handling this product. Washthe outside of gloves before removing. As soon as possible wash thoroughly, When applying with a sprayer, applicator must wear a respirator with either an organic-vapor-removing cartridge with a prefilter approved forPage 7 of 7 pesticides (MSHA/NIOSH approval number prefix TC-23C), or a canister approved for pesticides(MSHA/NIOSH approval number prefix TC-14G).ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDSThis product is toxic to fish and aquatic organisms. Do not discharge effluent containing this product intolakes, streams, ponds, estuaries, oceans or other waters unless in accordance with the requirements of a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and the permitting authority has beennotified in writing prior to discharge. Do not discharge this product to sewer systems without previouslynotifying the local sewage treatment plant authority. For guidance contact your State Water Board or Regional Office of the EPA.FIRST AID:IF SWALLOWED: Call a Poison Control Center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Do not give anything to an unconscious person. Do not induce vomiting unless told by a Poison Control Center doctor. In case of emergency call 1-888-853-1758. Have the product container or label with you when calling a Poison Control Center or doctor. IF ON SKIN: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. Call a Poison Control Center or doctor for treatment advice. IF INHALED: Move person to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration preferable mouth-to-mouth if possible. Call a PoisonControl Center or doctor for further treatment advice. IF IN EYES: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing. Call a Poison Control Center or doctor for treatment advice.。


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