
东师《英汉翻译》15春在线作业22一、单选题(共10 道试题,共40 分。
)V 1. 茅盾先生说过:翻译文学作品,很重要的一点是A. 能将它的风格翻译出来B. 能将它的一部分风格翻译出来C. 译者要有自己的风格D. 风格是无法翻译的满分:4 分2. 他尽管有点老,但还能胜任这项工作。
A. Though a bit old, he is still fit for the work.B. Although a bit old, he is fitful of this work.C. Though a bit old, his is competent in the work yet.D. Although being a bit old, he is suitable to the job.满分:4 分3. 中国作为疆域辽阔、人口众多、历史悠久的国家,应该对人类有较大的贡献。
A. A country with a vast territory, a big population and a long history,B. China is a country with a vast territory, a big population and a long history, should make greater contributions to humanity.C. China has a vast territory, a big population and a long history, and thus makes greater contributions to humanity.D. As a country, China has not only a vast territory, a big population but also a long history. Therefore, China should make greater contributions to humanity.满分:4 分4. I remember my childhood names for grasses and secret flowers.A. 我记得儿时的名字、小草和秘密的小花。

一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。)
1. 就英汉两种语言的语序而言,下列选项中正确的是 。
A. 汉语有时态,可以通过动词的变化显出动作发生的先后顺讯,而英语则不能。
B. 汉语大量使用分词和从句,用法也灵活,可前可后
B. 该单位的超出句子范围的语言环境
C. 该词词组或句子所属的句法结构
D. 该单位周围具体的词汇单位、词和固定词组的总合
满分:4 分
4. I felt approaching footsteps. I stretched out my hand as I supposed to my mother.
A. 我感到有人走近,于是伸出了手,以为是把手伸向母亲。
B. 我感到有人走近,我就伸出了手,因为我在等我的母亲。
C. 我感到有人向我走来,我想那是我母亲,她把手伸向我。
D. 我感到有人向我走来,我想那是我母亲,她伸手搂抱我。
满分:4 分
5. 鲁迅对翻译的主张是()。
A. 文学翻译的最高标准是“化”
C. In“A River at Heart".he expressed his deep feelings towards the flowing water of a creek,which reminded me of my own love for the boundless,vast sea.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
2. 他们省吃俭用,为的就是攒钱买房子。 They lived frugally to accumulate more funds to buy an apartment.

东师《英汉翻译》15秋在线作业2一、单选题(共10 道试题,共40 分。
)V 1. The numbers didn’t really add up, so the accountant went back over them.A. 数额没有累计起来,所以会计师又把它们拿回去了。
B. 加起来的总数不对,所以会计师又拿回去了。
C. 数额没有累计起来,所以会计师又重新计算了一遍。
D. 加起来的总数不对,所以会计师又重新计算了一遍。
满分:4 分2. 评剧院里很多女演员学会了打毛衣,大都是我教她们的。
A. Many actresses in the Pingju Theatre learned to knit, in most cases I taught them.B. Many other actresses in the pingju Theatre learned to knit as well, mostly from me.C. Many actress in the pingju Theatre learned to knit, mostly from me.D. Many other actress in the Pingju Theatre learned to knit as well, and in most cases I taught them.满分:4 分3. 我觉得这个店里的衣服即使打六折也还是太贵。
A. In my opinion, the clothes in this shop are still too high-priced even if they are discounted by 40 percent.B. I think the clothes prices in this shop were so expensive even if they are made 60 percent discount.C. According to me, the clothes in the shop are too expensive even though they are made 60 percent discount.D. The price of the clothes in the shop is still more than I would pay even if they are 40 percent off.满分:4 分4. 不知什么原因,这条消息没有见报。

(单选题)1: In the following phrase,______is a typical Chinglish.A: transform intoB: make intoC: in this worldD: completely smash正确答案: D(单选题)2: 读了这游记,绚丽生动得如临其境,给了我很大的快乐。
A: The travel notes are so colorful and vivid that I felt I was there and they gave me great pleasure.B: The travel notes gave me great pleasure as they are colorful and vivid which made me feel there.C: The colorful and vivid travel notes gave me great pleasure after I read them. D: Reading the travel notes gave me great pleasure because they are so colorful and vivid that I felt I was actually there.正确答案: A(单选题)3: Men are much better than their ordinary life allows them to be.A: 人们比他们的平常生活所准许他们的更好。
B: 人的本性比他们的日常生活准许他们表现的更好。
C: 人性自有其优良高贵处,只是日常生活不给他一个表现的机会罢了。
D: 忠贞仁爱之美德,人所共具,特寻常烦琐,无由表露耳。
正确答案: C(单选题)4: 中国作为疆域辽阔、人口众多、历史悠久的国家,应该对人类有较大的贡献。
A: A country with a vast territory, a big population and a long history, China should make greater contributions to humanity.B: China is a country with a vast territory, a big population and a long history, should make greater contributions to humanity.C: China has a vast territory, a big population and a long history, and thus makes greater contributions to humanity.D: As a country, China has not only a vast territory, a big population but also a long history. Therefore, China should make greater contributions to humanity.正确答案: A(单选题)5: 合营企业的一切活动应遵守中华人民共和国法律、法令和有关条例规定。

2013秋第二次在线作业试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:100单选题多选题判断题一、单选题(共22 道试题,共66 分。
)1. It makes me angry when my kids leave ______ towels lying on the bathroom floor.A. comfortableB. dampC. popular正确答案:B 满分:3 分得分:32. Someone who is (stubborn):A. is easy to get along withB. does not want to do somethingC. is quick to learn正确答案:B 满分:3 分得分:33. A (solution)is:A. a reason for doing somethingB. a questionC. an answer to a problem正确答案:C 满分:3 分得分:34. When the neighbors got together to paint Mrs. Kim’s house, she cooked dinner for all of them to show them her ______.A. failureB. occasionC. gratitude正确答案:C 满分:3 分得分:35. Everyone knows the Japanese soccer team is no stronger in skills or strategy. Most football fans (ascribed)our 0 to 1 failure to the poor psychological training of the players.A. AttributedB. contributedC. describedD. convinced正确答案:A 满分:3 分得分:36. What started as a small argument between two people ______ into a large fight with dozens of people getting hurt.A. developedB. exploredC. pretended正确答案:A 满分:3 分得分:37. The opposite of (decrease)is:A. smileB. get largerC. run fast正确答案:B 满分:3 分得分:08. The opposite of (unite)is:A. keep apartB. watchC. stay正确答案:A 满分:3 分得分:39. To deal with ______, you may find it helpful to exercise. A long walk can make you feel less worried and less nervous:A. tensionB. factC. agreement正确答案:A 满分:3 分得分:310. Something that is (available)is:A. boringB. easy to getC. expensive11. If friends tell you about an (incident)at a nearby school, they tell you aboutA. something bad that happened there.B. the interesting courses there.C. the good teachers there.12. Someone who has a (sample)of a new kind of icecreamA. has a taste of the ice cream.B. dislikes the ice cream.C. has a big box of the ice cream.正确答案:A 满分:3 分得分:313. I could not decide which of three books to ______, so I bought all them.A. emergeB. selectC. separate14. Before graduation I sent a couple of resumes to apply for a job, but(to date), I have not received any replies.A. from time to timeB. nowC. so farD. at present15. Small children are ______ about everything. They are alw ays asking questions like “Why is the sky blue” and “Why can’t dogs talkA. pleasantB. flexibleC. curious16. Greg ______ Janetta to say “no” when he asked her out on a date. He was happily surprised when she said “yes”.A. expectedB. imitatedC. recognized17. (Shortage)of manpower is the chief cause of the delay at the factory.A. SmallB. LackC. AmountD. Number18. To ______ their homes from the forest fire, the owners sprayed their roofs with water.A. defendB. performC. predict19. A (request)is:A. problemB. answerC. thing that is asked for20. If you (suppose)that a friend dyes her hair, it means that youA. wish that she wouldn’t color it.B. believe that she probably colors it.C. know for sure that she colors it.21. The opposite of (panic)is:A. calmnessB. doubtC. hope22. Did you ever ______ how often the phone rings when you are taking a showerA. noticeB. surviveC. reveal二、多选题(共2 道试题,共4 分。

英汉翻译一、词语翻译1.将下列词语译成汉语1) rural reform (农村改革)2) industrial revolution (工业革命)3) non-governmental sectors (民间部门)4) the International Court of Justice (国际法院)5) Agriculture Department (农业部)2.将下列词语译成英语1) 经济增长(economic growth )2) 知识经济(knowledge economy/knowledge-based economy )3) 民族团结(ethnicharmony )4) 官僚主义(bureaucratism )5) 所有制(ownership )3.将下列词语译成汉语1) encyclopedia (百科全书)2) editorial (社论)3) relay race (接力赛跑)4) vocational school (职业学校)5) the theory of relativity (相对论)4.将下列词语译成英语1) 社会科学(social science )2) 期刊(periodical )3) 世界纪录(world record )4) 最高人民法院(Supreme People’sCourt )5) 国营企业(state-ownedenterprises )二、改错。
如何改正?1) 听到这个消息,他高兴得跳了起来。
译文:While he listened to the news,he jumped with joy.改正:When he heard the news,he jumped with joy.2) 他昨天告诉我,他已写完了作文。
译文:He told me that he had finished writing his composition yesterday.改正:He told me yesterday that he had finished writing his composition.3) 我知道新体育馆在哪里和怎样到那里去。
【奥鹏】-[东北师范大学]英汉翻译20春在线作业2试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,鲁迅对翻译的主张是。
A、My article looks like an ugly monster, and it looks better without any embellishment.B、Though my writing resembles an ugly monster, it actually looks a little better without any embellishment.C、My article looks like an ugly monster. If it doesn’t make up, it will looks better.D、Though my writing resembles an ugly monster, it will l ook better if it doesn’t make up.正确答案:B第3题,She likes to be with him better than with others.A、她喜欢和他在一起胜过和别人在一起。
B、该单位的超出句子范围的语言环境C、该词词组或句子所属的句法结构D、该单位周围具体的词汇单位、词和固定词组的总合正确答案:C第6题,I remember my childhood names for grasses and secret flowers.A、我记得儿时的名字、小草和秘密的小花。
【奥鹏】-[东北师范大学]英汉翻译20春在线作业1试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,茅盾先生说过:翻译文学作品,很重要的一点是A、能将它的风格翻译出来B、能将它的一部分风格翻译出来C、译者要有自己的风格D、风格是无法翻译的正确答案:第2题,在理论方面,_____ 曾针对当时赵景深的“宁顺而不信”的提法,提出了“宁信而不顺”的主张。
A、鲁迅B、梁实秋C、瞿秋白D、严复正确答案:第3题,Being easily set on fire, alcohol must be kept away from the flame.A、酒精容易着火,必须放在与火隔绝的地方。
A、Many actresses in the theatre could knit, and most of them learned from me.B、Many other actresses in the theatre learned to knit as well, mostly from me.C、Many actresses in the theatre learned and were able to knit, and most of them learned from me.D、Many other actresses in the theatre learn to knit as well, and it was I who taught them.正确答案:第5题,就英汉语言特点而言,下列选项中不正确的一项是______。

东北师范大学智慧树知到“英语”《英汉翻译》网课测试题答案(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.综合考核(共15题)1.圣诞节玩得很痛快吧? Did you play very happily on Christmas?()A.错误B.正确2.不久将来肯定会发生月食。
It is certain that there will be lunar eclipse in the near future.()A.错误B.正确3.The objects inhabiting our universe range from the very familiar area of the earth and its moon to the strange pulsars, neutron stars, and black holes on the fringes of our perception. 银河系的星体繁多,包括人们非常熟悉的地球及其卫星,以及陌生的脉冲星、中子星,直至我们理解为边缘上的黑洞。
()A、错误B、正确4.Almost at once the number of egg masses deposited on experimental goats began to decrease, as did their fertility. 正如它们的受精率一样,产在试验山羊身上的卵群数量几乎立即减少了。
()A.错误B.正确5.“High” and “tall” are synonyms: this may be used in speaking of what grows--a tree; that in speaking of what does not grow--a mountain. “High”和“tall”是同义词,后者用以指不生长的东西,如树,前者用来指不生长的东西,如山。
()A、错误B、正确6.My wife and I, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful to your hospitality. 译文:我的夫人和我以及我们全党都对你们的盛情款待深为感激。

B. 光明
C. 冰凉
D. 司令
满分:3 分
4. “难道我们想 变 成这个样子吗?”中使用的修辞手法为( )。
A. 设问
B. 疑问
C. 反问
D. 反复
满分:3 分
5. “光明前途”属 于 ( )。
A. 名词性词组
B. 形容词性词组
C. 动词性词组
D. 介词词组
满分:3 分
6. 下列各词中属于程度副词的是( )。
A. 经常
B. 非常
C. 究竟
D. 忽然
满分:3 分
7. 下列句 子 中,使用了“夸张”辞格的是( )。
A. 路旁的春柳在向我们招手。
B. 我们要促进这一工作而不是促退之一工作。
C. 好酒开坛十里香。
D. 我不能忘记老师那辣辣的眼神。
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:2 分
6. “妹妹”是叠音合成词。
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:2 分
7. 名词经常做主宾语。
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:2 分
8. 宾语和受事不是一回 事。
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:2 分
9. 名词的修饰语 是定语。
A. 错误
B. 正确
D. 来客人
E. 跳窗户
满分:2 分
8. 下面补语属于结果补语的有( )。
A. 弄明白
B. 站起来
C. 吃个痛快
D. 砸碎
E. 扫干净
满分:2 分
9. 下列句子中含有借代 辞 格 的是( )。
2013二专英汉翻译 - 2英汉语言对比 - 下(1)

2)用作虚义词,代替的主语是难以言明的现象或情形,如用以表示自然现 象、时间、空间以及用于惯用语之中:
如see,find,bring,give,escape,surround,kill, deprive,seize,send,know,tell,permit,invite, take,drive,prevent…from等。
英语用“无灵主语”与“有灵动词”搭配的句式比汉语多, 使用的场合也比汉语广,是地道英语的表现之一。
It’s only half an hour’s walk to the ferry. 只要走半个钟头就可以到轮渡。
How is it with the sick man? 那病人怎么样了?
英语的非人称代词“it”往往使句子显出物称倾向,汉语没有这类用法的非 人称代词,因而常用人称,或省略人称,或采用无主句。
Her good work and obedience have pleased her teacher.
Astonishment and even horror oppressed him.
Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance.
英语用非人称作主语的句子大体可以分为以下两大类: 1.抽象名词/无生命名词作主语 2. 用代词it
1.用抽象名词或无生命的事物名称作主语,同时又使用本来表示人 的动作或行为的动词作其谓语,因而这种句式感。

B. 正确
满分:2.5 分
2. Naturalism is evolved from Romanticism .
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:2.5 分
3. Bellow‘s themes are concerned with the struggle of city dwellers to define their roles and responsibility in modern world .
12. Dryen’s contribution to England literature lies in the following except
A. he established the heroic couplet as one of the principal English verse forms
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:2.5 分
14. Wordsworth’s best poems are description of mountains, rivers, flowers, birds .
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:2.5 分
15. Beowulf was created in England.
A. Hurstwood
B. Drouet
C. Fleming
满分:2.5 分
16. “Humor” according to Ben Jonson means
A. fun
B. comedy
C. thought
D. temperament
满分:2.5 分
A. bull fighting

()A、We must realize the full importance of science and technology.B、We must full realize the importance of science and technology.C、We must realize the fully importance of science and technology.D、We fully must realize the importance of science and technology.参考答案:A2.In the following phrase,______is a typical Chinglish.A.trans intoB.make intoC.in this worldpletely smash参考答案:D3.这些原则一直是我们民族的精神支柱。
These principles have been our spiritual pillar.()A、错误B、正确参考答案:A4.有关句子内部及句子之间联系的说法,下列正确的一项是()。
A.汉语不重视句子之间的联系B.英语比较重视句子之间的联系C.在句子内部,汉语重意合,句内各成分联系紧密D.在句子内部,英语重形合,句内各成分联系紧密参考答案:D5.Being easily set on fire, alcohol must be kept away from the flame.()A、酒精容易着火,必须放在与火隔绝的地方。
【奥鹏】-[东北师范大学]英汉翻译20春在线作业2试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,Being a metal,mercury is not a solid.A、作为一种金属,水银不是固体。
A、Rome was located on seven hills with 500 churches, big and small, and I visited nearly all of them.B、Rome was built on seven hills, and it owed 500 big and small churches. I visited nearly every one.C、Rome is a city which was built on seven hills and owed 500 big and small churches, and I have visited nearly all of them.D、Rome was located on seven hills with 500 big or small churches. I have visited nearly every one.正确答案:A第4题,中国饮茶的风尚,到了第七世纪的唐代,已经相当盛行了。
A、In the 7th century of the Tang Dynasty, the Chinese prevailing custom of drinking tea was in vogue.B、By the Tang dynasty in the seventh century, tea-drinking had become very popular in ChinaC、During the Tang dynasty in the 7th century, the custom of drinking tea was prevailedD、The custom of Chinese drinking tea was very popular in the 7th century of Tang dynasty.正确答案:B第5题,The great use of school education is not so much to teach you things as to teach you the art of learning.A、学校教育的最大用途在于不但教你东西,还教你学习的艺术。

It is simply a waste of time waiting here.()A、错误B、正确5.她对化学感兴趣,但对物理不感兴趣。
She was interested in chemistry, but disinterested in physics.()A.错误B.正确6.历史上的战争分两类,一类是正义的,一类是非正义的。
History shows that wars are pided into two kinds, just and unjust.() A.错误B.正确7.我忘了已经告诉她了。
I forgot to tell her about it.()A、错误B、正确8.不久将来肯定会发生月食。
It is certain that there will be lunar eclipse in the near future.()A.错误B.正确9.The objects inhabiting our universe range from the very familiar area of the earth and its moon to the strange pulsars, neutron stars, and black holes on the fringes of our perception. 银河系的星体繁多,包括人们非常熟悉的地球及其卫星,以及陌生的脉冲星、中子星,直至我们理解为边缘上的黑洞。

英汉翻译全新在线作业1-0004茅盾先生说过:翻译文学作品,很重要的一点是选项A是:能将它的风格翻译出来选项B是:能将它的一部分风格翻译出来选项C是:译者要有自己的风格选项D是:风格是无法翻译的正确选项:A在理论方面,_____ 曾针对当时赵景深的“宁顺而不信”的提法,提出了“宁信而不顺”的主张。
选项A是:鲁迅选项B是:梁实秋选项C是:瞿秋白选项D是:严复正确选项:ABeing easily set on fire, alcohol must be kept away from the flame.选项A是:酒精容易着火,必须放在与火隔绝的地方。
选项A是:Many actresses in the theatre could knit, and most of them learned from me.选项B是:Many other actresses in the theatre learned to knit as well, mostly from me.选项C是:Many actresses in the theatre learned and were able to knit, and most of them learned from me.选项D是:Many other actresses in the theatre learn to knit as well, and it was I who taught them.正确选项:B就英汉语言特点而言,下列选项中不正确的一项是______。

最新东北师范大学《英汉翻译》网考参考试题汇总标准答案1. A translator has to know everything 0f something and something 0f everything.C. 翻译人员对于知识既要精深,又要渊博。
【答案】C2. 他的不合作态度使这个项目进展十分缓慢。
B. The project is making slow progress due to his lack of cooperation.【答案】B3. The great use of school education is not so much to teach you things as to teach you the art of learning.B. 学校教育的最大用途与其说是教你一些知识,倒不如说是教给你学习的方法。
【答案】B4. 中国在任何情况之下决不首先使用核武器。
At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.A. 错误B. 正确【答案】B5. 回家的感觉真好,可以吃到妈妈亲手做的家乡菜。
A. I feel good to be at home. I can eat the hometown dishes my mom makes.B. I feel so nice back home that I could eat the home dishes made by my mom.C. It feels great to be home. I can enjoy the local dishes my mom makes.D. The feeling of going back home was really great. I can enjoy the taste of my hometown dishes cooked by mother.【答案】D6. 我说我写作如同在生活,又说作品的最高境界是写作同生活的一致,是作家同人的一致,主要的意思是不说谎。

参考答案:D3.Being easily set on fire, alcohol must be kept away from the flame.()A、酒精容易着火,必须放在与火隔绝的地方。
____A.China has a land area of 9.6 million sq.km, the third place in the worldB.China has a land area of 9.6 million sq.km, marking it the third-biggest country in the worldC.China has a land area of 9.6 million sq.km, which was the third place in the worldD.China has a land area of 9.6 million sq.km, which ranked the third place in the world参考答案:B5.The great use of school education is not so much to teach you things as to teach you the art of learning.____A.学校教育的最大用途在于不但教你东西,还教你学习的艺术B.学校教育的最大用途与其说是教你一些知识,倒不如说是教给你学习的方法C.学校教育的最大作用就是传授给你知识就像传授给你学习的艺术一样D.学校教育的最大用途是教你学习的方法而不是学习的知识参考答案:B6.产品质量稳定可靠,深受用户欢迎。
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B. 正确
满分:3 分
16. I used to sleep late. 我过去常常熬夜。
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
17. 我们现在正在积极地做准备工作 。 We are making busy preparations for that visit.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
12. 我们现在就去,怎么样? Let’s go at once , don’t we?
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
13. 中国的海域有丰富的海水资源。 China’s seas have rich seawater resources.
D. He always put on plain clothes.
满分:4 分
7. 在理论方面 ,_____ 曾针对当时赵景深的“宁顺而不信”的提法,提出了“宁信而不顺 ”的主张。
A. 鲁迅
B. 梁实秋
C. 瞿秋白
D. 严复
满分:4 分
8. 你明明写了那么多的作品,怎么说不是文学家呢?
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
5. The teachers have much to answer for. 教师对此要负责任。
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
6. 英语代词比汉语用的少。
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
7. The revolution in agriculture—paralleling that in manufacturing after the war involved a shift from hand labor to machine farming and from subsistence to commercial agriculture. 译文:农业革命——和战后制造业的革命并驾齐驱——使手工劳动变为机械耕作,从维持生活变为商业化的农业。
此题选: D 满分:4 分
5. We often say that there are no places left on the earth where the foot of man has not trodden.
A. 我们常说地球上没有没留下人类脚步的地方。
B. 人们常说人类的脚步践踏的地方地球上无处不在。
此题选: D 满分:4 分
9. 这辆车每行驶450公里需加油一次。
A. The car will go 450 kilometers before it needs to stop for gasoline.
B. The car will go 450 kilometers before it needs to stop for more gasoline.
C. The car will go 450 kilometers before it needs filling up.
D. The car needs filling up every 450 kilometers
满分:4 分
10. 翻译过程中 ,如果忠实和通顺不能两全,那就______。
A. You’ve written so many books, how can you say you’re not man of letter?
B. You’ve written many, many books. How can you say you’re not a man of letter?
B. He slept like a log and was not even awakened up by the thunder.
C. He slept like a log and was not even awoken up by the thunder.
D. He slept like a log and was not even awakened by the thunder.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
18. Lock the stable door after the horse is stolen. 亡羊补牢,未为晚也。
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
19. To this are added the data on expected royalties, tax rates, ect, including their probable variation. 在这一项上,还要加上预期的矿区使用费、税率等及其可能变化的数据。
满分:4 分
2. 茅盾先生说过:翻译文学作品 ,很重要的一点是
A. 能将它的风格翻译出来
B. 能将它的一部分风格翻译出来
C. 译者要有自己的风格
D. 风格是无法翻译的
满分:4 分
3. 他总是衣着朴 素。
A. He is always plainly dressed.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
20. He asked her not to leave so soon, and she shook her head. 他求她别这么快就离开,她点点头同意了。
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
B. He always wears plainly.
C. He always wears plain clothes.
D. He always put on plain clothes.
满分:4 分
4. 他睡得很死,连打雷都没有把他惊醒。
A. He slept like a log and was not even wakened up by the thunder.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
8. 横穿马路要小心。 Be careful when you go cross the road.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
9. When you look up a word , notice its pronunciation as well as its meaning. 查一个词时,不但要注意它的意义,也要注意它的发音。
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
10. 我认为他不是凶手 ,对吗? I don’t think he was the murderer, wasn’t he?
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
11. The afternoon sun penetrated the mass of honeysuckle that covered the porch, and fell on my upturned face. 午后的阳光透过门廊上覆盖着的厚厚一层忍冬,落在我微微仰着的脸上。
B. In recent years,employment problem has been getting severe.
C. Employment problem has become severer and severer.
D. Employment problem has become severe in recent years.
A. 宁信而不顺
B. 宁顺而不信
C. 不信也不顺
D. 力求既信又顺
满分:4 分
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)
1. Brindley’s improvements were practical. 布林德雷的改良是实际的。
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
4. 故宫又叫故宫博物院,始建于十五世纪早期。 The Old Palace is also called the Palace Museum, it was built in the early fifteenth century (1406-1420 A.D.).
C. You’ve written so many books. How can you say you’re not man of letters?
D. You’ve written many, many books. How can you say you’re not a man of letters?
C. 人们常说,人迹不到的地球上没有留下地方。
D. 我们常说,地球上无处不留下人类的足迹。
此题选: D 满分:4 分
6. 他总是衣着朴素 。
A. He is always plainly dressed.
B. He always wears plainly.
C. He always wears plain clothes.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
14. 他们意识到学习知识的重要性 。 They are aware of the importance of acquiring knowledge
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
15. You cannot have too much knowledge. 人难以获得太多的知识。
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:3 分
2. None of his arguments seemed to me to hold water. 我认为他的论据似乎没有一条站得住脚。 My wife and I, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful to your hospitality. 译文:我的夫人和我以及我们全党都对你们的盛情款待深为感激。