完整版生物化学名词解释大全Chapter 1: ProteinXXX that are essential to life。
They are composed of chains of amino acids。
which are linked XXX。
There are 20 different amino acids that can be XXX.2.XXX.3.The isoelectric point of an amino acid is the pH at which the positive and negative charges on the molecule are equal。
It is XXX.4.XXX derivatives of the standard amino acids.5.Non-protein amino acids are those that exist in free or bound form in us tissues and cells of organisms.6.XXX.7.The primary structure of a protein refers to the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain and the n of disulfide bonds.8.XXX the optical activity of the molecule.9.The secondary structure of a protein refers to the local XXX chain into specific shapes。
such as alpha helices and beta sheets.XXX。
globular units of a protein that are XXX.11.XXX structure of a protein is the overall nal shape of the molecule。
生物化学名词解释1. 蛋白质(Protein):由氨基酸组成的大分子有机化合物,是生物体的主要组成部分,也是细胞内许多重要功能的执行者。
2. 氨基酸(Amino Acid):由氨基(NH2)和羧基(COOH)共同组成的有机化合物,是蛋白质的基本组成单元。
3. 酶(Enzyme):一类在生物体内催化化学反应的蛋白质,能够加速化学反应的速率而不被消耗。
4. 代谢(Metabolism):生物体对物质和能量进行吸收、转化和利用的过程。
5. 核酸(Nucleic Acid):生物体内负责存储和传递遗传信息的大分子有机化合物。
6. 基因(Gene):位于染色体上的DNA序列,携带着细胞合成蛋白质所需的遗传信息。
7. 合成(Anabolism):生物体内由低分子物质通过一系列反应形成高分子物质的过程。
8. 分解(Catabolism):生物体内由高分子物质通过一系列酶催化的反应分解为低分子化合物的过程。
9. 代谢途径(Metabolic Pathway):一系列有机化合物在生物体内转化的路径。
生物化学名词解释第十九章1, 翻译(translation): 在蛋白质合成期间, 将存在于mrna上代表一个多肽的核苷酸残基序列转换为多肽链氨基酸残基序列的过程。
2, 遗传密码(genetic code): 核酸中的核苷酸残基序列与蛋白质中的氨基酸残基序列之间的对应关系。
;连续的3个核苷酸残基序列为一个密码子, 特指一个氨基酸。
标准的遗传密码是由64个密码子组成的, 几乎为所有生物通用。
3, 起始密码子(iniation codon): 指定蛋白质合成起始位点的密码子。
最常见的起始密码子是蛋氨酸密码: aug4, 终止密码子(termination codon): 任何trna分子都不能正常识别的, 但可被特殊的蛋白结合并引起新合成的肽链从翻译机器上释放的密码子。
存在三个终止密码子: uag , uaa和uga.5, 密码子(condon): mrna(或dna)上的三联体核苷酸残基序列, 该序列编码着一个指定的氨基酸 , trna 的反密码子与mrna的密码子互补。
6, 反密码子(anticodon): trna分子的反密码子环上的三联体核苷酸残基序列。
在翻译期间, 反密码子与mrna中的互补密码子结合。
7, 简并密码子(degenerate codon): 也称为同义密码子。
8, 氨基酸臂(amino arm): 也称为接纳茎。
trna分子中靠近3ˊ端的核苷酸序列和5ˊ端的序列碱基配对, 形成的可接收氨基酸的臂(茎)。
9, tψc臂(tψc arm): trna中含有胸腺嘧啶核苷酸-假尿嘧啶核苷酸-胞嘧啶核苷酸残基序列的茎-环结构。
10, 氨酰-trna(aminoacyl-trna): 在氨基酸臂的3ˊ端的腺苷酸残基共价连接了氨基酸的trna分子。
11, 同工trna(isoacceptor trna): 结合相同氨基酸的不同的trna分子。
12, 摆动(wobble): 处于密码子3ˊ端的碱基与之互补的反密码子5ˊ端的碱基(也称为摆动位置), 例如i可以与密码子上3ˊ端的u, c和a配对。
生物化学名词解释大全1. 生物化学(Biochemistry):研究生物体内化学成分、结构和功能之间的关系的学科。
2. 多肽(Polypeptide):由多个氨基酸残基通过肽键连接而成的聚合物,是蛋白质的组成部分。
3. 氨基酸(Amino Acid):生物体内构成蛋白质的基本单位,包含一个氨基(NH2)和一个羧基(COOH),以及一个特定的侧链。
4. 聚合酶链式反应(Polymerase Chain Reaction,PCR):一种体外复制DNA的技术,通过反复循环的酶催化,使得目标DNA序列在简单的反应体系中大量扩增。
5. 糖(Sugar):生物体内分子中含有羟基的有机化合物,是能源的重要来源,也是构成核酸和多糖的基本单元。
6. 代谢(Metabolism):生物体内发生的化学反应的总和,包括物质合成与分解、能量转化以及调节和控制这些反应的调节机制。
7. 酶(Enzyme):催化生物化学反应的蛋白质分子,可以促进反应速率,但本身在反应中不被消耗。
8. 核酸(Nucleic Acid):生物体内储存和传导遗传信息的分子,包括DNA和RNA,由核苷酸链组成。
9. 基因(Gene):DNA分子上的特定区域,编码了一种特定蛋白质的信息,是遗传信息的基本单位。
10. 代谢途径(Metabolic Pathway):由一系列相互作用的酶催化的反应组成的序列,用于维持生物体内能量和物质的平衡。
11. 脂质(Lipid):一类不溶于水的化合物,在生物体内发挥结构和能量储存的重要作用,常见的脂质包括脂肪酸、甘油和胆固醇等。
12. 细胞呼吸(Cellular Respiration):通过氧化分解有机物质以释放能量的过程,通常包括糖的氧化并产生二氧化碳和水。
13. 光合作用(Photosynthesis):将光能转化为化学能的过程,植物和一些微生物通过光合作用将二氧化碳和水转化为有机物质和氧气。
14. 激素(Hormone):由内分泌腺分泌并通过血液传递到细胞中起作用的化学物质,调节和控制生物体内的各种生理过程。
3.pentose phosphate pathway:磷酸戊糖途径,是除糖酵解生成丙酮酸进入TCA循环氧化供能的糖代谢主要途径外的另一主要途径。
这条途径产生磷酸戊糖和NADPH O(书上我自己总结的话。
(一定表信我二二)6.Oxidative Phosphorylation:氧化磷酸化,代谢物氧化脱氢,经呼吸链传递给氧牛成水,同时释放能量,使ADP磷酸化生成ATP,氧化与磷酸化偶联。
7.aerobic oxidation:糖的有氧氧化,葡萄糖或糖原在有氧条件下彻底氧化成出0和C02,同时释放出能量的过程,这是糖氧化的主要方式。
8.tricarboxylic acid cycle:三竣酸循环,又称柠檬酸循环或Kreb循环,rti—系列反应组成。
ctate cycle (Cori cycle):乳酸循环,肌肉收缩通过糖酵解主成乳酸,乳酸经血液入肝,在肝内异生为葡萄糖,葡萄糖进入血液后又可被肌肉摄取,此循坏称为乳酸循坏(Cori循环)。
学习必备欢迎下载【生物化学:名词解释大全】第一章蛋白质1.两性离子(dipolarion)2.必需氨基酸(essential amino acid)3.等电点(isoelectric point,pI)4.稀有氨基酸(rare amino acid)5.非蛋白质氨基酸(nonprotein amino acid) 6.构型(configuration)7.蛋白质的一级结构(protein primary structure)8.构象(conformation)9.蛋白质的二级结构(protein secondary structure)10.结构域(domain)11.蛋白质的三级结构(protein tertiary structure)12.氢键(hydrogen bond)13.蛋白质的四级结构(protein quaternary structure)14.离子键(ionic bond)15.超二级结构(super-secondary structure) 16.疏水键(hydrophobic bond)17.范德华力( van der Waals force) 18.盐析(salting out)19.盐溶(salting in)20.蛋白质的变性(denaturation)21.蛋白质的复性(renaturation)22.蛋白质的沉淀作用(precipitation) 23.凝胶电泳(gel electrophoresis)24.层析(chromatography)第二章核酸1.单核苷酸(mononucleotide)2.磷酸二酯键(phosphodiester bonds)3.不对称比率(dissymmetry ratio)4.碱基互补规律(complementary base pairing)5.反密码子(anticodon)6.顺反子(cistron)7.核酸的变性与复性(denaturation、renaturation)8.退火(annealing)9.增色效应(hyper chromic effect)10.减色效应(hypo chromic effect)11.噬菌体(phage)12.发夹结构(hairpin structure)13.DNA 的熔解温度(melting temperature T m)14.分子杂交(molecular hybridization)15.环化核苷酸(cyclic nucleotide)第三章酶与辅酶1.米氏常数(K m 值)2.底物专一性(substrate specificity)3.辅基(prosthetic group)4.单体酶(monomeric enzyme)5.寡聚酶(oligomeric enzyme)6.多酶体系(multienzyme system)7.激活剂(activator)8.抑制剂(inhibitor inhibiton)9.变构酶(allosteric enzyme)10.同工酶(isozyme)11.诱导酶(induced enzyme)12.酶原(zymogen)13.酶的比活力(enzymatic compare energy)14.活性中心(active center)第四章生物氧化与氧化磷酸化1.生物氧化(biological oxidation)2.呼吸链(respiratory chain)3.氧化磷酸化(oxidative phosphorylation)4.磷氧比P/O(P/O)5.底物水平磷酸化(substrate level phosphorylation)6.能荷(energy charg第五章糖代谢1.糖异生(glycogenolysis)2.Q 酶(Q-enzyme)3.乳酸循环(lactate cycle)4.发酵(fermentation)5.变构调节(allosteric regulation)6.糖酵解途径(glycolytic pathway)7.糖的有氧氧化(aerobic oxidation)8.肝糖原分解(glycogenolysis)9.磷酸戊糖途径(pentose phosphate pathway) 10.D-酶(D-enzyme)11.糖核苷酸(sugar-nucleotide)第六章脂类代谢1.必需脂肪酸(essential fatty acid)2.脂肪酸的α-氧化(α- oxidation)3.脂肪酸的β-氧化(β- oxidation)4.脂肪酸的ω-氧化(ω- oxidation)5.乙醛酸循环(glyoxylate cycle)6.柠檬酸穿梭(citriate shuttle)7.乙酰CoA 羧化酶系(acetyl-CoA carnoxylase)8.脂肪酸合成酶系统(fatty acid synthase system)第八章含氮化合物代谢1.蛋白酶(Proteinase)2.肽酶(Peptidase)3.氮平衡(Nitrogen balance)4.生物固氮(Biological nitrogen fixation)5.硝酸还原作用(Nitrate reduction)6.氨的同化(Incorporation of ammonium ions into organic molecules)7.转氨作用(Transamination)8.尿素循环(Urea cycle)9.生糖氨基酸(Glucogenic amino acid)10.生酮氨基酸(Ketogenic amino acid)11.核酸酶(Nuclease)12.限制性核酸内切酶(Restriction endonuclease)13.氨基蝶呤(Aminopterin)14.一碳单位(One carbon unit)第九章核酸的生物合成1.半保留复制(semiconservative replication)2.不对称转录(asymmetric trancription)3.逆转录(reverse transcription)4.冈崎片段(Okazaki fragment)5.复制叉(replication fork)6.领头链(leading strand)7.随后链(lagging strand)8.有意义链(sense strand)9.光复活(photoreactivation)10.重组修复(recombination repair)11.内含子(intron)12.外显子(exon)13.基因载体(genonic vector)14.质粒(plasmid)第十一章代谢调节1.诱导酶(Inducible enzyme)2.标兵酶(Pacemaker enzyme)3.操纵子(Operon)4.衰减子(Attenuator)5.阻遏物(Repressor)6.辅阻遏物(Corepressor)7.降解物基因活化蛋白(Catabolic gene activator protein)8.腺苷酸环化酶(Adenylate cyclase)9.共价修饰(Covalent modification)10.级联系统(Cascade system)11.反馈抑制(Feedback inhibition)12.交叉调节(Cross regulation)13.前馈激活(Feedforward activation)14.钙调蛋白(Calmodulin)第十二章蛋白质的生物合成1.密码子(codon)2.反义密码子(synonymous codon) 3.反密码子(anticodon)4.变偶假说(wobble hypothesis)5.移码突变(frameshift mutant)6.氨基酸同功受体(isoacceptor)7.反义RNA(antisense RNA)8.信号肽(signal peptide)9.简并密码(degenerate code)10.核糖体(ribosome)11.多核糖体(poly some)12.氨酰基部位(aminoacyl site)13.肽酰基部位(peptidy site)14.肽基转移酶(peptidyl transferase) 15.氨酰- tRNA 合成酶(amino acy-tRNA synthetase)16.蛋白质折叠(protein folding)17.核蛋白体循环(polyribosome) 18.锌指(zine finger)19.亮氨酸拉链(leucine zipper)20.顺式作用元件(cis-acting element) 21.反式作用因子(trans-acting factor) 22.螺旋-环-螺旋(helix-loop-helix)第一章蛋白质1.两性离子:指在同一氨基酸分子上含有等量的正负两种电荷,又称兼性离子或偶极离子。
(完整版)生物化学专业英语单词单词表第一章Prokaryote 原核生物Eukaryote 真核生物fractionation 分级、分馏biomolecule 生物分子organism 生物体、有机体membrane 膜nucleus 细胞核cocci 球菌bacilli 杆菌spirilla 螺旋菌Eubacteria 真细菌Archaebacteria 原细菌Gram-positive 革兰氏阳性菌Gram negative bacteria 革兰氏阴性菌Cyanobacteria 蓝细菌Plasma 细胞浆Mesosome 间体Nuleoid 拟核Sytosol 细胞质、原生质Bilayer 双分子层(膜)Protein 蛋白质Lipid 脂类Carbohydrate 糖类、碳水化合物osmotic pressure 渗透压Peptidoglycan 肽聚糖Subcellular 亚细胞的Ganelle 细胞器Genetic 遗传的Chromosome 染色体ribosomal ribonucleic acid rRNA Endoplasmic reticulum 内质网Phospholipid 磷脂Detoxification 解毒Golgi apparatus 高尔基体Refresh 更新Mitochondria 线粒体oxidative phosphorylation 氧化磷酸化fatty acid 脂肪酸degradation 降解Chloroplasts 叶绿体thylakoid vesicles 类囊体photosynthesis 光合作用Lysosomes 溶酶体Macromolecule 大分子Enzyme 酶Cytoskeleton 细胞支架Metabolic 新陈代谢的Centrifugation 离心Isolate 分离Equilibrium 平衡Density 密度Friction 摩擦力Velocity 速率Supernatant 上清夜Pellet 沉淀第二章Amino acid 氨基酸Enantiomers 对映体T etrahedral 正四面体的Hydrophobic 疏水的、憎水的Aliphatic 脂肪族的Aromatic 芳香族的Polar 极性的Charged 带电荷的Glycine Gly,甘氨酸alanine Ala,丙氨酸valine Val,缬氨酸leucine Leu,亮氨酸isoleucine Ile,异亮氨酸methionine Met,甲硫氨酸proline Pro,脯氨酸cystine Cys,半胱氨酸Phenylalanine Phe,苯丙氨酸Tyrosine Tyr,酪氨酸Tryptophan Trp,色氨酸Asparagines Asn, 天冬酰胺Glutamine Gln,谷氨酰胺Serine Ser,丝氨酸Threonine Thr,苏氨酸Varginine Arg, 精氨酸Lysine Lys,赖氨酸Histidine His,组氨酸aspartic acid Asp,天冬氨酸glutamic acid Glu,谷氨酸base 碱carboxyl 羧基isoelectric point 等电点positive 正的、阳性的negative 负的、阴性的buffering 缓冲physiological 生理的Primary structure 一级结构Secondary structure 二级结构Tertiary structure 三级结构Quaternary structure 四级结构peptide bond 肽键sequence 顺序、序列covalent Bond 共价键polypeptide 多肽terminal 末端carbonyl 羰基resonance structures 共振结构rigid 刚性的rotate 旋转trans configuration 顺式构象disulfide bonds 二硫键α-helix α-落选hydrogen bond 氢键β-pleated sheet β-折叠片parallel 平行的antiparallel 反平行的random coil 无规卷曲unique 唯一的spatial 空间的arrangement 排列、安排linear sequence 线性序列residue 残基Hydrophobic interaction疏水相互作用Interior 内部的Electrostatic force 静电力salt bridge 盐桥、盐键van der Waals force 范德华力subunit 亚基allosteric effect 变构效应Noncovalent interactions 非共价相互作用protein stability 蛋白质的稳定dimensional 空间的、维的proton 质子donor 供体、赠与者lone pair of electrons 孤对电子collinear 在同一直线上Hydrophobic force 疏水力Nonpolar 非极性Minimize 最小化protein folding 蛋白质折叠Accessory protein 辅助蛋白质molecular chaperones 分子伴侣Myoglobin 肌红蛋白Hemoglobin 血红蛋白prosthetic group 辅基essential 必需的heme 血红素crevice 缝隙protoporphyrin 原卟啉porphyrin 卟啉ferrous 含铁的proximal 最接近的cooperative 协同的noncooperative 非协同的dissociation curve 解离曲线sigmoidal S形曲线hyperbolic 双曲线affinity 亲和性blood capillaries 血管Bohr effect 波尔效应2,3-biphosphoglycerate 2,3-二磷酸甘油酸Mechanism 机制Relaxed state 松弛状态tense state 紧张状态hemoglobinopathies 血红蛋白分子病Sickle-cell anemia 镰刀形细胞贫血症Erythrocyte 红血球sticky patch 粘性小区therapeutic 治疗的Collagen 胶原蛋白Skin 皮肤Bone 骨骼Tendon 腱Cartilage 软骨blood vessel 血管mammal 哺乳动物fibrous 纤维状的tripeptide 三肽的triple-helical 三股螺旋的cross-linke 交联Allysine 醛基赖氨酸Antibodie 抗体immune system 免疫系统pathogen 病原体trigger 引发、触发response 响应、应答antigen 抗原antigenic determine 抗原决定簇epitope 抗原决定簇Immunolocalization 免疫定位Antibody 抗体Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assayELISA酶联免疫吸附测定purification 提纯、纯化Homogenization 匀浆solubilization 溶解Ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵Precipitation 沉淀Dialysis 透析Chromatographic techniques 层析技术gel filtration 凝胶过滤affinity chromatography 亲和层析Electrophoretic techniques 电泳技术isoelectric focusing 等电聚焦SDS polyacrylamide gel eletrophoresisSDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳semi-permeable 半透性ligand 配基inert 惰性的matrix 基质elute 洗出、流出lectin 外源凝集素glycoprotein 糖蛋白molecular sieve 分子筛polyampholytes 聚两性电解质gradient 梯度migrate 迁移、移动chymotrypsin 胰凝乳蛋白酶sequencing 测序2-mercaptoethanol 2-巯基乙醇ninhydrin 茚三酮fluorescamine 荧光胺fluorodinitrobenzene 二硝基氟苯dansyl chloride 丹磺酰氯phenyl isothiocyanate PITC苯异硫氰酸酯fragment 片断、碎片encoding 编码decipher 解读、破译anchor 锚定第三章biocatalyst 生物催化剂active site 活性中心substrate 底物The induced –fit model 诱导契合学说Stereospecificity 立体异构专一性Specificity 专一性Trypsin 胰蛋白酶Elastase 弹性蛋白酶Oxidoreductase 氧化还原酶Transferase 转移酶Hydrolase 水解酶Lyase 裂合酶Isomerase 异构酶Ligase 连接酶Ribozyme 核酶Abzyme 抗体酶catalytic antibody 抗体酶analog 类似物assay 化验、测定optimal 最佳的Coenzyme 辅酶Cofactor 辅因子apoenzyme 脱辅酶holoenzyme 全酶acetylcholinesterase 乙酰胆碱酯酶Nicotinamide 烟酰胺Adenine 腺嘌呤Dinucleotide 二核苷酸Phosphate 磷酸Oxidation 氧化reduction 还原Flavin 黄素Mononucleotide 单核苷酸Acyl 酰基thiamine pyrophosphate 焦磷酸硫胺素decarboxylase 脱羧酶Pyridoxal 吡哆醛Pyridoxamine 吡哆胺Pyridoxine 吡哆醇Ubiquinone 泛醌Isoenzymes 同功酶Kinetic 动力学lactate dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶proportional 成比例的saturate 使饱和thermal 热的denaturation 变性optimum 最适宜的diversity 多样性Michaelis-Menten equation 米氏方程double-reciprocal plot 双倒数作图法inhibition 抑制Inhibitor 抑制剂Metabolite 代谢物Irreversible 不可逆的Reversible 可逆的Competitive 竞争性的Noncompetitive 非竞争性的Probe 探测Clinically 临床上Regulation 调节committed step 关键步骤activator 激活剂Adjust 调节Feedback 反馈Sequential 连续的Branched 分支的Conformational 构象的homotropic effect 同促效应heterotropic effect 异促效应Phosphofructokinase 磷酸果糖激酶Citrate 柠檬酸盐Fructose 2,6 bisphosphate 2,6-二磷酸果糖phosphorylation 磷酸化dephosphorylation 去磷酸化hydroxyl 羟基hormone 激素Glycogen phosphorylase 糖原磷酸化酶Phosphorylate 使磷酸化glycogen synthase 糖原合酶unphosphorylate 使去磷酸化proteolytic 蛋白质水解的proenzymes 酶原zymogen 酶原hydrolysis 水解pancreatic 胰腺的pancreas 胰腺small intestine 小肠blood clotting 血液凝固amplification 扩大cascade 级联第四章boundary 边界compartments 小室Mechanical 机械的signaling 发信号insoluble 不可溶的glycerophospholipids 甘油磷脂类sphingolipids 鞘脂类sterols 固醇类glycerol 甘油sphingosine 鞘氨醇sphingomyelins 鞘磷脂cholesterol 胆固醇steroid 类固醇Amphipathic 两性的Hydrophilic 亲水的Bulky 体积大的self-assemble 自组装的fluidity 流动性rotational 转动的lateral 侧向的Fluid mosaic model 流体镶嵌模型Integral 整体的、内在的Flip 翻跟头integral membrane proteins 内在膜蛋白peripheral membrane proteins外周膜蛋白asymmetry 不对称asymmetrically 不对称地membrane-spaning protein 跨膜蛋白Multiple 多重的Lipid-anchored proteins 脂锚定蛋白Heterokaryon 异核体Fusion 融合Reconstitution 重建Reincorporated 重新合并Extracellular 细胞外的Intercellular 细胞内的Passive transport 被动运输active transport 主动运输concentration 浓度diffusion 扩散saturable 可饱和的facilitated 协助的、推动的symport 同向运送antiport 逆向运送epithelial cells 上皮细胞exocytosis 分泌作用endocytosis 内吞作用phagocytosis 吞噬作用pinocytosis 胞饮作用Receptor mediated endocytosis fusion受体介导的内吞作用debris 碎片transduction 转导Lipophilic 亲脂性的Receptors 受体second messengers 第二信使第五章Nucleic acid 核酸Replication 复制Nucleotide 核苷酸Pyrimidine 嘧啶Guanine 鸟嘌呤Thymine 胸腺嘧啶Cytosine 胞嘧啶Nucleoside 核苷Deoxyribonucleoside 脱氧核糖核苷ribonucleoside 核糖核苷deoxyribonucleotide 脱氧核糖核苷酸genes 基因complementarily 互补地nucleosome 核小体loop 突环rosette 玫瑰花结semi-conservative 半保留的polymerase 聚合酶template 模板primer 引物fork 叉Bidirectional 双向的Okazaki fragments 冈崎片段semi-discontinuous 半不连续的strand 链、一股hybridization 杂交melting temperature 熔融温度renaturation 复性labeled 标记的fluorescent 荧光的tag 标记、标签annealing 退火amplify 增强、扩大The central dogma 中心法则Transcription 转录initiation 起始Elongation 延伸termination 终止promoters 启动子palindrome 回文结构processing 加工splicing 拼接reverse transcription 逆转录第六章genetic code 遗传密码intermediate 中间的、媒介codons 密码子unambiguous 明确的correspond 相应、符合degenerate 简并的mutation 变异incorporation 合并nonoverlapping 不相重叠的reading frames 阅读框aminoacyl-tRNA 氨酰-tRNA peptidyl-tRNA 肽酰-tRNA stem 茎、干、臂anticodon 反密码子translocation 移位第七章metabolism 代谢Saccharides 糖类monosaccharides 单糖aldehyde group 醛基ketone group 酮基Stereoisomers 立体异构体Oligosaccharides 寡糖Glycosidic bond 糖苷键Polysaccharides 多糖Starch 淀粉Cellulose 纤维素Dextran 葡聚糖Amylose 直链淀粉amylopectin 支链淀粉Glycolysis 糖酵解Cytoplasm 细胞质Glucose 葡萄糖Galactose 半乳糖Mannose 甘露糖Sucrose 蔗糖Trehalose 海藻糖Lactose 乳糖Hexokinase 己糖激酶Fructose 果糖Phosphoglucoisomerase 磷酸葡萄糖变位酶Bisphosphate 二磷酸glyceraldehydes 甘油醛dihydroxyacetone 二羟丙酮aldolase 醛缩酶triose 丙糖1,3-bisphosphoglycerate 1,3 二磷酸甘油酸dehydrogenase 脱氢酶3-phosphoglycerate 3-磷酸甘油酸kinase 激酶mutase 变位酶phosphoenolpyruvate 磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸enolase 烯醇化酶pyruvate 丙酮酸Gluconeogenesis 糖异生Noncarbhydrate 非糖的Liver 肝脏skeletal muscle 骨骼肌phosphorylase 磷酸化酶Phosphorolysis 磷酸化pyrophosphorylase 焦磷酸化酶glucosyl 葡萄糖基nonreducing end 非还原端Epinephrine 肾上腺素glucagon 胰高血糖素。
以下是生物化学常用专业术语的中英文对照汇编手册:1. 蛋白质(Protein)2. 糖(Glucose)3. 赖氨酸(Lysine)4. 脂肪酸(Fatty Acid)5. 核苷酸(Nucleotide)6. 氨基酸(Amino acid)7. 磷酸(Phosphate)8. 酯化(Esterification)9. 质子化(Protonation)10. 非极性(Nonpolar)11. 极性(Polar)12. 激酶(Kinase)13. 烷基化(Alkylation)14. 脱氨反应(Deamination)15. 氧化还原反应(Redox Reaction)16. 立体化学(Stereochemistry)17. 亲水性(Hydrophilicity)18. 亲疏水性(Hydrophobicity)19. 复合物(Complex)20. 磷酸化(Phosphorylation)21. 氧化作用(Oxidation)22. 磷酸二酯酶(Phosphodiesterase)23. 沸点(Boiling Point)24. 极性溶剂(Polar Solvent)25. 亲水基(Hydrophilic Group)26. 缩合作用(Condensation Reaction)27. 慢性疾病(Chronic Disease)28. 氮循环(Nitrogen Cycle)29. 化学平衡(Chemical Equilibrium)30. 盐桥(Salt Bridge)31. 热力学(Thermodynamics)32. 分子生物学(Molecular Biology)33. 氧化酶(Oxidoreductase)34. 无机盐(Inorganic Salt)35. 线粒体(Mitochondria)36. 氨酸序列(Amino Acid Sequence)37. 细胞膜(Cell Membrane)38. 色素(Pigment)39. 光合作用(Photosynthesis)40. 反应机理(Reaction Mechanism)41. 伊那霉素(Inamycin)42. 席夫碱(Swainsonine)43. DNA聚合酶(DNA Polymerase)44. 谷氨酰胺合成酶(Glutamine Synthetase)45. C-末端(C-Terminus)46. 磷酸酶(Phosphatase)47. 糖原合成酶(Glycogen Synthase)48. 细胞应激(Cell Stress)49. 酪蛋白酶(Casein Kinase)50. 组蛋白甲基转移酶(Histone Methyltransferase)51. 酰化(Acetylation)52. 丙酰化(Acrolysation)53. 编码基因(Coding Gene)54. 非编码RNA(Non-Coding RNA)55. 外周蛋白(Peripheral Protein)56. 光度法(Spectrophotometry)57. 鞘糖脂(Sphingolipid)58. 胰高血糖素(Insulin)59. 聚合酶链式反应(PCR)60. 生物发酵(Biofermentation)61. 酶促反应(Enzymatic Reaction)62. 分子动力学(Molecular Dynamics)63. 免疫组化(Immunohistochemistry)64. 旋光度(Specific Rotation)65. 电泳法(Electrophoresis)66. 高压液相色谱法(HPLC)67. 螺旋卷曲(Helical Coiling)68. 光反应(Photoreaction)69. 疏水性交互作用(Hydrophobic Interaction)70. 粉碎(Homogenization)71. 光合体(Photosystem)72. 熟化(Aging)73. 磷酸酰胺合成酶(Phosphoramide Synthetase)74. 水解(Hydrolysis)75. 活体摄像(Live Imaging)76. 液态闪烁计数法(Liquid Scintillation Counting)77. 光合反应(Photosynthetic Reaction)78. 神经元(Neuron)79. 完整核醣体(Ribonucleoprotein)80. 转录因子(Transcription Factor)81. 基因修饰(Gene Modification)82. 核糖体(Ribosome)83. 线粒体DNA(Mitochondrial DNA)84. 生态学(Ecology)85. 分子毒理学(Molecular Toxicology)86. 光化学(Photophysics)87. 糖类代谢(Glycolysis)88. 线粒体膜(Mitochondrial Membrane)89. 运动蛋白(Motor Protein)90. 谷丙转氨酶(Alanine Transaminase)91. 细胞信号传导(Cell Signaling)92. 核酸(Nucleic Acid)93. 羟分子(Hydroxyl Radical)94. 有机溶剂(Organic Solvent)95. 基因表达(Gene Expression)96. DNA复制(DNA Replication)97. 线粒体病(Mitochondrial Disease)98. 同工酶(Isoenzyme)99. 解剖学(Anatomy)100. 脂类代谢(Lipid Metabolism)以上是部分生物化学常用专业术语的中英文对照汇编手册,生物化学涉及面广,其中还有许多其他的专业术语和概念。
生物化学名词解释 英汉 完整
![生物化学名词解释 英汉 完整](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a247176f561252d380eb6eb6.png)
生物化学名词解释(英汉)第一章1,氨基酸(amino acid):是含有一个碱性氨基和一个酸性羧基的有机化合物,氨基一般连在α-碳上。
2,必需氨基酸(essential amino acid):指人(或其它脊椎动物)(赖氨酸,苏氨酸等)自己不能合成,需要从食物中获得的氨基酸。
3,非必需氨基酸(nonessential amino acid):指人(或其它脊椎动物)自己能由简单的前体合成,不需要从食物中获得的氨基酸。
4,等电点(pI,isoelectric point):使分子处于兼性分子状态,所带净电荷为零,在电场中不迁移(分子的静电荷为零)的pH值。
5,茚三酮反应(ninhydrin reaction):在加热条件下,α-氨基酸或肽与茚三酮反应生成紫色(与脯氨酸反应生成黄色)化合物的反应。
6,肽键(peptide bond):一个氨基酸的羧基与另一个的氨基的氨基缩合,除去一分子水形成的酰氨键。
8,蛋白质一级结构(primary structure):指蛋白质中共价连接的氨基酸残基的排列顺序。
10,离子交换层析(ion-exchange column chromatography)使用带有固定的带电基团的聚合树脂或凝胶层析柱。
(沈同生化P302)12,凝胶过滤层析(gel filtration chromatography):也叫做分子排阻层析。
8,糖苷键(glycosidic bond):一个糖半缩醛羟基与另一个分子(例如醇、糖、嘌呤或嘧啶)的羟基、胺基或巯基之间缩合形成的缩醛或缩酮键,常见的糖醛键有O—糖苷键和N—糖苷键。
11,还原糖(reducing sugar):羰基碳(异头碳)没有参与形成糖苷键,因此可被氧化充当还原剂的糖。
13,糖原(glycogen): 是含有分支的α-(1→4)糖苷键的葡萄糖残基的同聚物,支链在分支点处通过α-(1→6)糖苷键与主链相连。
第六章1,脂肪酸(fatty acid):是指一端含有一个羧基的长的脂肪族碳氢链。
2,饱和脂肪酸(saturated fattyacid):不含有—C=C—双键的脂肪酸。
绪论(prelude)生物化学biochemistry 激素hormone无机离子inorganic 核苷酸nucleotide生物分子biomolecular 氨基酸amino acid糖carbohydrate 葡萄糖glucose脂lipid 单糖monosaccharide 核酸nucleic acid 双糖disaccharide蛋白质protein 脂肪酸fatty acid维生素vitamin 克隆技术cloning酶enzyme 克隆clone辅酶coenzyme糖类( carbohydrate )糖carbohydrate/saccharide 对映体enanthiomer糖生物学glycobiology 果糖fructose醛糖aldose 半乳糖galactose酮糖ketose 甘露糖mannose单糖monosaccharide 环状结构ring structure 寡/ 低聚糖oligosaccharide 异头物anomer二糖disaccharide不对称碳原子asymmetric三糖trisaccharide atom多糖polysaccharide 投影式Fischer 式复合糖compoud/complex saccharide 透视式Haworth 式链状结构chain structure 椅式构象chain form构型configuration 船式构象boat form构象conformation 旋光性optical activity异构isomerism 比旋光度specific rotationcarbon变旋性mutarotation 甜度sweetness半缩醛hemiacetal 醛糖酸aldonic acid 还原糖reducing sugar 醛糖二酸aldaric acid 糖醛酸uronic acid 糖苷glycoside 糖脎osazone/phenylosazone 糠醛furfural 蒽酮anthroneN-乙酰葡糖胺NAG N-乙酰-胞壁酸NAM 蔗糖sucrose麦芽糖maltose 乳糖lactose 淀粉starch 糖原glycogen 纤维素cellulose 壳多糖(几丁质)chitin 琼脂agar 支链淀粉amylopectin 直链淀粉amylose 肽聚糖peptidoglycan脂质单脂simple lipid 复脂compound lipid 衍生脂质derived lipid粘肽mucopeptide 氨基糖肽glycoaminopeptide 磷壁酸teichoic acid 软骨素4- 或6- 硫chondroitin 4-or 6-sulfate,CS 脂多糖lipopolysaccharide 糖蛋白glycoprotein 透明质酸hyaluronic acid,HA 肝素heparin,HP 蛋白聚糖proteoglycan 硫酸皮肤素dermatan sulfate,DS 硫酸角质素keratan suIfate,KS 核心蛋白core protein 连接蛋白link protein 糖胺聚糖/ 粘多糖glycosaminoglycan/mucopolysaccha ride 胞壁酸muramic acid 神经氨酸neuraminic acid 淀粉酶amylase 糊精odextrin 磷酸化酶phosphrylase 糖肽键glycopeptide linkaglipid )脂肪酸fatty acid,FA 饱和脂肪酸saturated FA 不饱和脂肪unsaturated FA单不饱和脂肪酸monounsaturated FA 甘油磷酯glycerophospholipid多不饱和脂肪酸polyunsaturated FA 微囊vesicle乳化emulsification 磷脂酶phospholipase微团micelle 磷酸甘油脂phosphoglyceride离子型去污剂( 乳化剂)ionic 鞘氨醇sphingosinedetergent 鞘(氨醇)磷脂sphingomyelin 三脂triester 神经酰胺ceramide甘油glycerol 鞘磷脂sphingomyelinSn 命名法Stereospecific Numbering 糖脂glucolipid/glycolipin酰基甘油acylglycerol 鞘糖脂glycosphingolipid三酰甘油triacylglycerol,TG 必需脂肪酸essential fatty acid甘油三脂triglyceride 蜡wax命名法nomenclature 过氧化作用peroxidation乙酰(化)值/ 价acetylation value 磷脂酰胆碱/ 卵磷脂lecithin酸值/酸价acid value 磷脂酰乙醇胺/ 脑磷脂cephalin 加成反应addition reaction 双磷脂酰甘油/ 心磷脂cardiolipin 碘值/碘价iodine number or value 萜terpene皂化值saponification value 类固醇/ 甾醇steroid磷脂phospholipid 胆固醇cholesterol蛋白质( protein ) 化学蛋白质protein,pr 嗜热菌蛋白酶themolysin蛋白水解酶proteolytic enzyme 氨基酸amino acid,AA蛋白酶proteinase 等电点isoelectric point,pI胰蛋白酶trypsin 标准氨基酸standard amino acid 糜蛋白酶chymotrypsin 甘氨酸glycine,Gly,G胃蛋白酶pepsin 丙氨酸alanine,Ala,A缬氨酸valine,Val,V 亮氨酸lucine,Leu,L 异亮氨酸isoleucine,Ile,I 丝氨酸serine,Ser,S 苏氨酸threonine,Thr,T 半胱氨酸cysteine,Cys,C 甲硫/ 蛋氨酸methionine,Met,M 谷氨酸glutamic acid,Glu,E 谷氨酰胺glutamine,Gln,Q 天冬氨酸aspartic acid,Asp,D 天冬酰胺asparagine,Asn,N 赖氨酸lysine,Lys,K 精氨酸arginine,Arg,R 组氨酸histidine,His,H 脯氨酸proline,Pro,P 苯丙氨酸phenylalanine,Phe,F 色氨酸tryptophan,Trp,W 酪氨酸tyrosine,Tyr,Y 2,4 一二硝基氟苯DNFB 苯异硫氰酸酯PITC 苯硫乙内酰脲AA PTH-AA 坂口反应Sakaguchi 反应乙醛酸反应Hopking-Cole 反应肽键peptide bond 二硫硝基苯甲酸DTNB (Ellman 试剂)谷胱甘肽(GSH ,Glu-Cys-Gly )肽(链)peptide chain 酚试剂反应Folin-Cioculteu 反应氨肽酶amino peptidase 羧肽酶carboxypeptidase 真正单键pure single bond 二面角dihedral angle 帽化capping 部分双键的性质partial double-bond character一级结构primary structure 二级结构secondary structure 三级结构tertiary structure 四级结构quaternary structure 二级结构元件secondary structrue element 螺旋helixa -螺旋a -Helix疏水作用hydrophobic interaction 范德华力van der Waals forceB -折叠B -pleated sheet亚基/ 亚单位subunit 自由回转/ 无规卷曲random coil 结构域structural domain 次级键(非共价键)noncovalent bond 肌红蛋白myoglobin,Mb 对称性symmetry 超二级结构(花式)Super-secondary structure肽链peptide chain 多肽polypeptide 活性肽active peptide a -角蛋白a -苯氨基硫甲酰AA PTC-AA氢键hydrogen bondkeratin 丝心蛋白fibroin 胶原蛋白collagen 血红蛋白hemoglobin,Hb 别构作用allosteric interaction 别构效应allosteric effect 别构蛋白allostericprotein二磷酸甘油酸BPG 核糖核酸酶ribonuclease, RNaseB -转角B -turn(B -弯曲B -bend, B- 回折或发夹结构hairpin structure)纸层析filter-paper chromatography 离子交换层析ion-exchange columnchromatography简单/纯蛋白质simple protein 缀合蛋白质conjugated protein 纤维状蛋白质fibrous protein 球状蛋白质globularprotein 二硫键disulfide bond 对角线电泳diagonal electrophoresis 氨基酸残基amino acid residues 同源蛋白质homology protein 二面角dihedral angle螺旋帽化helix capping 肌球蛋白myosin 膜周边蛋白peripheral protein 膜内在蛋白antegral protein 脂锚定蛋白Lipid-anchored protein协同效应cooperative effect 变性denaturation十二烷基硫酸钠SDS复性renaturation珠蛋白globin血红素heme紧张态tense state弛态relaxed state镰刀状细胞贫血病sickle-cell anemia免疫球蛋白IgG渗透压osmotic pressure沉降系数sedimentation coefficient 沉降系数单位Svedberg unit,S 凝胶过滤gel filtration 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶ployacrylamide gel酶(er 生物催化剂biocatalyst底物substrate单纯酶simple erzyme 结合酶corjugated erzyme亲水胶体hydrophilic colloid 双电层electric double layer 纯化purificatior 分离isolatior 透析dialysis 密度梯度dersity gradiert 盐溶saltirg ir 盐析saltirg out 电泳electrophoresis 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳ployacrylamide gel electrophoresis 毛细管电泳capillary electrophoresis 等电聚焦isoelectric focusirg 亲和层析affiritychromatography e) 化学辅因子cofactor 辅酶coerzyme 辅基prostheticgroup 金属离子metal ior变性剂denaturation agent 水化层hydration mantle全酶holierzyme 多酶复合体multierzyme system寡聚酶oligomeric enzyme 单体酶monomeric enzyme 习惯命名法recommended name 国际系统命名法systematic name 酶的专一性/ 特异性enzyme specificity 诱导契合学说induced-fit hypothesis 氧化还原酶oxidoreductases 转移酶transferases 水解酶hydrolases裂合酶lyase异构酶isomerases 合成/ 连接酶ligases 酶促反应enzymatic reaction 酶活力enzyme activity 比活力specific activity 核酶ribozyme 抗体酶abzyme 酶工程enzyme engineering 固体化酶immobilized enzyme 酶促反应动力学kinetics of enzyme-catalyzed reactions 双倒数作图法Lineweaver-Burk 作图法最适温度optimum temperature,Tm 最适pHoptimum pH 活性部位active site 必需基团essential group 抑制剂inhibitor 激活剂activator 效应物effector 别构酶allosteric enzyme 别构调节allosteric regulation 同促效应homotropic effect 异促效应heterotropic effect 天冬氨酸转氨甲酰酶ATCase 酶原zymogen 酶单位enzyme unit 同工酶isoenzyme 共价调节(修饰)酶covalent regulatory enzyme 乳酸脱氢酶LDH 可逆的共价修饰reversible covalent modification维生素( vitamin )与辅酶( coenzyme)视紫红质visual purple视黄醇retinolB -胡萝卜素B -carotine夜盲症nyctalopia视黄醛retinene胆钙化醇(VitaminD3)cholecalciferolV E(生育酚/ 抗不育维生素)tocopherol 麦角钙化醇(Vitamin D2)ergotcalciferol凝血维生素Vitamin K抗神经炎/ 脚气病维生素, 硫胺(素)Vitamin B 1抗癞皮病维生素Vitamin PP硫胺素焦磷酸thiamine pyrophosphate,TPP尼克酸(烟酸)nicotinic acid尼克酰胺(烟酰胺) nicotinamide 转钙化蛋白DBP维生素B2( VB 2)/ 核黄素riboflavin黄素单核苷酸FMN ,flavin mononucleotide 黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸FAD,flavinadenine dinucleotid泛酸,VB3(遍多酸)pa ntothe nic acid 辅酶A CoA-SH,coenzyme A酰基载体蛋白ACP, acyl carrier protein维生素B6 (吡哆素)Vitamin B 6吡哆醇pyridoxine吡哆醛pyridoxal吡哆胺pyridoxamine磷酸吡哆醛PLP,pyridoxal-5-phosphate醛亚胺Schiff 碱维生素B12 (钴胺素) cobalamine维生素B7/H(生物素)biotin叶酸folic acid四氢叶酸(辅酶F)FH4/CoF/THF,tetrahydrofolate硫辛酸lipoic acid维生素 C (抗坏血酸) ascorbic acid 尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(辅酶I )ni coti namide ade nine)nicotinamideadeninedinucleotide phosphate ,NADP+核酸( nucleic acid ) 化学DNA序列分析DNA Seque ncing 脱氧核糖核酸Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA核糖核酸Ribonucleic acid, RNA 信使RNA (mRNA) messenger RNA 转运RNA( tRNA) transfer RNA 核糖体RNA (rRNA) ribosome RNA 小RNA sRNA 反义RNA asRNA 胞质小RNA sc RNA 核不均一RNA hnRNA 核内小RNA snRNA 原核生物prokaryote 真核生物eukaryote 人类基因组计划Human Gene Project 质粒plasmid一磷酸腺苷( 腺一磷)AMP,adenosine monophosphate二磷酸腺苷( 腺二磷)ADP, adenosine diphosphate三磷酸腺苷( 腺三磷)ATP,adenosine triphosphate复制replication转录transcription翻译translation逆转录reserve transcription 核苷酸nucleotide核苷nucleoside磷酸phosphate碱基base嘌呤碱purine base嘧啶碱pyrimidine base戊糖amyl sugardinucleotide ,NAD+尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸( 辅酶染色体chromosome核糖ribose染色质chromatin脱氧核糖deoxyribose腺嘌呤adenine,A鸟嘌呤guanine,G胞嘧cytosine,C胸腺嘧啶thymine,T尿嘧啶uracil,U二氢尿嘧啶DHU3',5 '—环化鸟苷酸cGMP3',5 '—环化腺苷酸cAMP 顺反子cistron 假尿嘧啶核苷pseudouridine DNA双螺旋结构DNA double-helical structure碱基对base pair, bp氢键hydrogen bond碱基堆积base stacking牛胰脱氧核糖核酸酶DNaseI牛脾脱氧核糖核酸酶DNase n熔解温度melting temperature, Tm 变性denaturation 组蛋白histone核小体nucleosome纤维fiber突环loop玫瑰花结rosette染色单体chromatid螺管/ 螺线圈coil氨基酸臂amino acid armD 环(二氢尿嘧啶环) diphydrouracil loop反密码子环anticodon loop可变环(额外环) extra loop核糖核酸酶ribonuclease, RNase牛胰核糖核酸酶RNaseI 脱氧核糖核酸酶deoxyribonuclease,DNase复性reassociation杂交hybridization原位杂交hybridization in situ 促甲状腺激素hormone 激素( hormone)生长激素growth hormone激素thyrotropic hormone 催乳激素luteotropic 促黄体生长激素luteinizing hormone 促卵泡激素follicle stimulating bormone脂肪酸释放激素lipotropin 催产素oxytocin 加压素vasopressin 促黑素细胞激素malanophore-stimulating hormone 胸腺素thymosin 甲状腺激素thyroxine 三碘甲状腺原氨酸triiodothyronine 降钙素calcitonin 甲状旁腺激素parathormone 肾上腺素adrenaline 去甲肾上腺素noradrenaline 胰高血糖素glucagon 胰岛素insulin 促肠液激素enterocrinin 肠促胰液素secretin 肠抑胃素enterogastrone adrenocorticotropic hormone 促甲酸激素gastrin 绒毛膜粗性腺激素chorionic gonadoreopin 耻骨松弛激素relaxin 瘦素leptin 皮质酮corticosterone 肾上腺雄酮androstenedione 孕酮progesterone 原激素prohormone甲状腺过氧化物酶thyroid peroxidase抗利尿激素antidiuretic hormone 睾酮testosterone 雄酮androsterone 钙调蛋白calmodulin 钙传感器calcium sensors 磷脂酰肌醇phophatidyl inositol 靶蛋白质target protein 癌基因oncogenes 植物生长素auxin 赤霉素gibberellin促肾上腺皮质激素细胞分裂素cytokinin生物膜 ( biomembrane) 的组成与结构间体 mesosome区域化 compartmentation 鞘氨醇 sphingosine 鞘磷脂 sphingomyelin 神经酰胺 ceramide磷脂酸 phosphatidic acid, PA 多态性 polymorphism 双层 bilayer溶血磷脂 lysophospholipid两亲性分子 amphipathic molecule 核磁共振 NMR 脂质体 liposome半乳糖脑苷脂 galactocerebroside 去垢剂 detergent 微团 micelle非双层脂 non-bilayer lipid 非 双 层 脂 结 构 non-bilayer lipid 磷脂酰乙醇胺 phosphatidylethanolamine, PE 磷脂酰胆碱 phosphatidylcholine, PC 磷脂酰甘油 phosphatidylglycerol, PG磷脂酰丝氨酸 phosphatidylserine, PS膜骨架 membrane skeleton 血影蛋白 spectrin 糖蛋白 glycoprotein 豆蔻酸 myristic acid乙酰胆碱酯酶 acetylcholinesterase 蛋白质复合物 glycocalyx 细胞外壳 cell coat 单葡萄糖甘油二脂 monoglucsyldiglyceride,MGDG 运动性 mobility胞吞/ 内吞 endocytosisstructure保幼激素 juvenile hormone 激动素 kinetin 脱落酸 abscisic acid性外激素 sexpheromone 蜕皮激素 molting hormone偏转gauche 单位膜unit membrance全反式all trans 微区domain糖基磷脂酰肌醇分相phase separation荧光素fluorescein glycosylphosphatidylinositol,GPI心磷脂( 双磷脂酰甘油) cardiolipin(diphosphatidylglycerol) 光致漂白荧光恢复法Fluorescence Photobleaching Recovery , FPR 生物氧化( Biological Oxidation)肌酸激酶Creatine kinase 安密妥amytal磷酸肌酸Creati ne phosphofate 解偶联剂uncouplers生物氧化Biological Oxidation 超氧化物歧化酶superoxidedismutase氧化磷酸化oxidativephosphorylation 过氧化氢酶catalase呼吸链respiratory chain 过氧化物酶peroxidaseNADH-QS 原酶NADH-Q reductase 高能键high-energy bond琥珀酸-Q 还原酶succinate-Q 乙酰磷酸acetyl phosphatereductase1,3-2 磷酸甘油细胞还原酶cytochrome reductase 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate细胞色素氧化酶cytochrome oxidase 氨甲酰磷酸carbamyl phosphate鱼藤酮rotenone 酰基腺苷酸acyl adenylateATP合酶ATPsynthase 氨酰腺苷酸aminoacyl adenylate电动势electromotive force 焦磷酸Pyrophosphate二磷酸腺苷adenosine diphosphate 辅酶Qcoenzyme-Q磷酸烯醇式丙酮phosphoenolpyruvate酰基辅酶 A acyl coenzyme A 果糖-6- 磷酸fructose 6-phosphate 腺苷三磷酸adenosine triphosphate 磷酸精氨酸phosphoarginine 甘油-3 磷酸glycerol 3-Phosphate 腺苷酸激酶adenylate kinase糖代谢( glycometabolism )糖酵解glycolysis/Embden Meyerhof Parnas葡糖-6- 磷酸glucosamine-6-phosphate葡糖-6- 磷酸内酯6-phosphogluconolactone内酯酶lactonase核酮糖-5- 磷酸ribulose-5-diphophate葡糖-6- 磷酸脱氢酶6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase 葡糖酸-6- 磷酸6-phosphogluconate 脱支酶debranching enzyme 糖原合酶glycogen synthase 糖原引物primer 己糖激酶hexokinase醛缩酶aldolase尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖( uridine diphosphate glucose , UDPG ) 磷酸葡萄糖异构酶glucosephosphate isomerase 磷酸果糖激酶phosphofructokinase 磷酸丙糖异构酶triosephosphofructokinase 磷酸甘油酸激酶phosphoglycerate kinase磷酸甘油酸变位酶phosphoglyceromutase烯醇化酶enolase丙酮酸激酶pyruvate kinase乳酸脱氢酶lactate dehydrogenase发酵fermentation 丙酮酸脱羧酶pyruvate decaboxylase乙醇脱氢酶alcohol dehydrogenase二羟丙酮磷酸dihydroxyacetone phosphate甘油醛-3- 磷酸glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate3- 磷酸甘油酸3-phosphoglycerate 丙酮酸pyruvate果糖-2 ,6- 二磷酸fructose2,6-bisphosphate 五碳糖磷酸途径pentose phosphate pathway果糖激酶fructokinase果糖-1- 磷酸醛缩酶fructose-1-phosphate aldolase 甘油醛激酶glyceraldehyde kinase 甘油激酶glycerol kinase 半乳糖galactose 半乳糖激酶galactolinase 半乳糖出醇galactitol 丙酮酸脱氢酶复合体pyruvatedehydrogenase complex 磷酸甘露糖异构酶phosphomannose isomerase硫胺素焦磷酸thiamine pyrophosphate硫辛酰胺lipoamide 黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸flavin adenine dinucleotide 二氢硫辛酰转乙酰基酶dihydrolipoyl transacetylase 二氢硫辛酸脱氢酶dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase柠檬酸合酶citrate synthase 乌头酸酶aconitase 异柠檬酸脱氢酶isocitrate dehydrogenase琥珀酰-CoA 合成酶succinyl-CoA synthetase琥珀酸脱氢酶succinate dehydrogenase延胡索酸酶fumarase苹果酸脱氢酶malate dehydrogenase 草酰乙酸oxaloacetate 异柠檬酸裂解酶isocitate lyase 丙酮酸羧化酶pyruvate carboxylase 戊糖磷酸途径pentose phosphate pathway己糖单磷酸途径hexosemonophosphate pathway pyrophosphorylase戊糖磷酸循环pentose phosphate cycle磷酸戊糖酸phosphopentonic acid磷酸己糖酸phosphohexonic acid景天庚酮糖sedoheptulose核糖ribose脱氧核糖deoxyribose核酮糖ribulose磷酸葡糖酸氧化途径phosphogluconate oxidative pathway核酮糖-5- 磷酸ribulose-5-phosphate核糖-5- 磷酸ribose-5-phosphate 木酮糖-5- 磷酸xylulose-5-phosphate 转醛酶transaldolase 葡糖异生gluconeogenesisUDP-葡糖焦磷酸化酶UDP-glucose 乙醛酸途径glyoxylate pathway 异柠檬酸裂合酶isocitrate lyase 苹果酸合酶malate synthase 糖原的降解glycogen breakdown 糖原磷酸化酶glycogen phosphorylase糖原脱支酶glycogen debranching enzyme磷酸葡萄糖变位酶phosphoglucomutase糖原合酶glycogen synthase糖原分支酶glycogen branching enzyme丙酮酸脱氢酶组分pyruvate dehydrogenase component 磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenasea -酮戊二酸脱氢酶复合体a -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex脂代谢( lipometabolism )硫酯键thioester link 脂酰辅酶 A 合酶acyl-CoA脂肪酸硫激酶 1 fatty acidthiokinase脂酰腺苷酸混合酸酐acyladenylate mixed andydride无机焦磷酸酶inorganicpyrophosphatase肉碱carnitine肉碱- 脂酰转移酶I caunitine acyltransferase I肉碱移位酶carnitine translocaseN-苯乙酰甘氨酸phenylaceturic acidN-苯甲酰甘氨酸hippuric acidB - 羟酰-ACP 脱水酶B -hydrdoxyacyl-ACP dehydraseB - 氧化B -oxidation活化activation氧化oxidation水合hydration断裂cleavage硫激酶thiokinase脂酰-CoA 合酶acyl CoA synthase烯酰-CoA水合酶enoyl CoAhydratase B - 酮硫解酶B -keto-thiolase电子传递黄素蛋白electron-transfer flavoprotein 泛醌氧化还原酶ubiquinone oxidoreductase烯酰-CoA异构酶isomerase甲基丙二酰-CoA 消旋酶methylmalonyl-CoA racemase甲基丙二酰-CoA 变位酶methylmalonyl-CoA mutase 单加氧酶monooxygenase 酮体ketone body乙酰乙酸acetoacetateHMG-Co裂解酶HMG-CoA lyase 丙二酰-CoA malonyl-CoA 生物素羧化酶biotin carboxylase 转羧酶trans carboxylase 生物胞素biocytin 酰基载体蛋白acyl carrier protein 磷酸泛醌巯基乙胺phosphopantetheine硫辛酰赖氨酸臂lipoyl lysine arm 软脂酰-ACP硫脂酶palmitoy-ACP thioesteraseB - 酮酰-ACP 合酶B -ACP-ketoacyl-ACP synthase缩合condensation还原reductionB - 酮酰ACP 还原酶B -toacylACPreductase脱水dehydration烯酰-ACP还原酶enyl-ACP reductase 软脂酰-ACP 硫酯酶palmitoyl thioesterase脂肪酰-CoA去饱和酶fatty acyl-CoA desaturase亚油酸linoleic acid亚麻酸linoleuic acid必需脂肪酸essential fatty acid混合功能氧化酶mixed-function oxidase脂酰甘油acyl glycerols甘油-3- 磷酸glucerol 3-phosphate 磷脂酸phosphatidic 甘油磷脂glycerophospholipids 磷脂酰乙醇胺phosphatidylethanolamine 磷脂酰甘油phosphatidyl glycerol二磷脂酰甘油diphosphatidyl glycerolCDP二脂酰甘油CDP-diacylglycerol5'- 胞苷二磷酸cytidine diphosphate 尿苷二磷酸uridine diphosphate 共底物cosubstrate二羟丙酮磷酸dihydroxyacetone phosphate鞘磷脂sphingolipids鞘糖脂glycosphingolipid 缩醛磷脂plasmalogen 胆固醇cholesterol 类固醇steroids类固醇激素steroid hormines 胆汁酸bile acids 麦角固醇ergosterol 甲羟戊酸mevalonic acid 蛋白磷酸酶proteinphosphatases三羧酸转运体系tricarboxylate transport systemD-B - 羟丁酸脱氢酶D-B -hudoxybutyrate dehydogenase丙二酸单酰-CoA-ACP 转酰酶malonyl-CoA-ACP transacetylase 蛋白质代谢 ( protein metabolism )细胞溶胶cytosolically组织蛋白酶cathepsins抗蛋白酶antipain泛肽ubiguitin泛肽- 蛋白连接酶ubiquitin-protein ligase多胺polyamine鸟氨酸脱羧酶ornithine decarboxylase丝氨酸脱氢酶serine dehydrogenase 色氨酸氧化酶tryptophan oxygenase 酪氨酸氨基转移酶tyrosin aminotransferase氨基转移酶aminotrandferase氧化脱氨基作用oxidative deamination吡哆醛-5' - 磷酸pyridoxal- 5' -phosphate吡哆醇pyridoxine 吡哆胺磷酸pyridoxamine phosphate 醛亚胺aldimine腺苷代琥珀酸adenylosuccinate转氨酶transaminase联合脱氨基作用transdeamination 神经递质neurotransmitter 酪胺tyramine 谷氨酰胺合成酶glutamine synthetase尿素循环urea cycle鸟氨酸ornithine瓜氨酸citrulline精氨酸酶arginase氨甲酰磷酸合成酶carbamoyl phosphate synthetase鸟氨酸转氨甲酰酶prnithine transcarbamoylase精氨琥珀酸酶argininosuccinase 精氨琥珀酸合成酶argininosuccinate Synthetase吡哆醛磷酸pyridoxal phosphate N- 乙酰谷氨酸合酶N-acetylglutamate synthase glutamate丝氨酸转羟甲基酶serine transhydroxymethylase丝氨酸- 苏氨酸脱水酶serine-threonine dehydratase 苏氨酸醛缩酶threonine aldolase 乙醛acetaldehyde 氨基丙酮aminoacetone半光氨酸脱巯基酶cysteine desulfhydrase苯丙氨酸氢化酶phenylalanine hydoxylase酵母氨酸sacharopine 组氨酸氨裂合酶higtidine ammonia lyase尿苷酸水合酶urocanate hydratase 谷氨酸转甲亚氨酶glutamate transformiminase天冬酰胺酶asparaginase 天冬氨酸氨裂解酶aspartate ammonia lyase生酮氨基酸ketogenic amino acids 生糖氨基酸glucogenic amino acids 亚氨甲酰谷氨酸N-formimino 酪氨酸酶tyrosinase 多巴胺dopamine 核糖体ribosome 遗传密码genetic code 三联体triplet 染色体外基因extrachromosomal gene 转录初产物primary transcript 添加appending 修饰modification 异构化isomerization 拼接splicing 编辑editing 再编码recoding断裂基因interrupted gene 选择性拼接alternative splicing 同源体isoform错义突变missense mutation 无义突变mimsense mutation 核糖体移码ribosomal frame shifting移码突变frame-shift mutation重叠基因overlapping genes 同义密码子syninymous codon 反密码子anticodon 密码子coden 简并性degeneracy 变偶性wobble 蛋白质生物合成protein biosynthesis 无细胞体系cell-free system 多聚核糖体polysome 读码框架reading frame 起始密码start codon 终止密码stop codon 核糖体结合位点ribosome-binding site 核糖体进入部位ribosome entry site 胸腺嘧啶核糖核苷ribothymidine 假尿嘧啶核苷pseudouridine 校正基因suppressor gene 回复突变reverse mutation 起始因子initiation factor肽酰转移酶peptidyl transferse 转肽transpeptidation 移位translocation 释放因子release factors 核糖体释放因子ribosome releasing factor位移translational frameshifting 翻译跳跃translational jumping 信号肽序列signal or leader sequence信号肽signal sequence 信号肽酶signal peptidase 信号识别体signa recognition particle,SRP 停泊蛋白docking protein 翻译后运输posttranslationlal transport 多肽链结合蛋白polypeptide binding proteins 终止因子termination factor 磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸所激酶phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase延长因子dlongation factor核酸代谢 ( nucleic acid metabolism核酸内切酶endonuclease核酸外切酶exonuclease核苷酶nucleosidase核苷磷酸化酶nucleoside phosphorylase核苷水解酶nucleoside hydrolase 腺嘌呤脱氨酶adenine deaminase 腺嘌呤核苷脱氨酶adenosine deaminase 鸟嘌呤脱氨酶guanine deaminase 尿酸氧化酶utate oxidase5- 磷酸核糖焦磷酸5-phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate磷酸核糖焦磷激酶phosphoribosyl pyrophosphokinase5- 磷酸核糖胺5-phosphoribosylamine5- 氨基咪唑核苷酸5-aminoimidazole ribotide磷酸核糖焦磷酸转酰氨酶phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate transamidase甘氨酰胺核苷酸glycinamide ribotide 甘氨酰胺核苷酸合成酶glycinamide rihotide synthetase甘氨酰胺核苷酸转甲酰基酶glycinamide ribotide transformylas甲酰甘氨脒核苷酸合成酶formylglycinamidine ribotide synthetase 氨基咪唑核苷酸合成酶aminoimidazole ribotide synthetase腺苷酸琥珀酸裂解酶adenylosuccinate lyase氨基咪唑核苷酸羧化酶aminoinidazole ribotide carboixylase腺苷酸琥珀酸合成酶adenylosuccinate synthetase次黄嘌呤核苷酸脱氢酶inosine-5-phosphate dehydrogenase 鸟嘌呤核苷酸合成酶guanylate synthetase磷酸核糖转移酶phosphoribosyl transferase乳清苷酸orotidine- 5' -phoshate氨甲酰磷酸合成酶carbamyl phosphate synthetase全酶holoenzyme天冬氨酸转氨甲酰酶aspartate carbamyl transferase二氢乳清酸酶dihydroorotase 二氢乳清酸脱氢酶dihydroorotate dehydrogenase乳清苷酸焦磷酸化酶orotidylic acid pyrophosphorylase乳清苷酸脱羧酶orotidylic acid decarboxylase尿嘧啶核苷酸激酶uridine- 5' -phosphate kinase核苷二磷酸激酶mucleoside diphosphokinase复制replication转录transcription翻译translation三联体密码triplet code 逆转录reverse transcription 逆转录酶reverse transcriptase 逆转录病毒retrovirus 自我复制self-replication 半保留复制semiconservative replication拓扑学topology复制子replicon起点origin终点terminus转化子transformant反向重复inverted repeatsDNA聚合酶DNA polymerase取代环displacement loop核小体nucleosome信息大分子informational macromolecule指令instruction促突变因子mutator抗突变因子antimutator修复机制reair mechanism 复制酶replicaseDNA连接酶DNA ligase模板template核心酶core enzyme冈崎片断Okazaki fragment 顺反子cistron半不连续复制semidisontinuous replication前导链leading strand滞后链lagging strand引物合成酶primase拓扑异构体topological isomers拓扑异构酶topoisomerase切口封闭酶nick-closing enzyme 旋转酶gyrase连锁体catenane解螺旋酶helicase解链蛋白unwinding protein复制体replisome引发体primosome前引发体preprimosome终止区terminus region自主复制序列autonomously replicating sequence起点识别复合物origin recognition complex端粒telomere 端粒酶telomerase复制许可因子replication licensing factor错配修复mismatch repair直接修复direct repair切除修复excision repair易错修复error-prone repair光复活修复photoreactivation repair暗修复dark repair光复活修复酶photoreactivating enzyme碱基切除修复base-excision repair 核苷酸切除修复mucleotide-excision repair 切除酶excinuclease辅蛋白酶coprotease性导sexduction转导transduction接合conjugation转化transformation细胞融合cell fusion附加体episome转座因子transposable element转座子transposon转座酶transposase解离酶resolvaseRNA聚合酶RNA polymerase全保留方式conservative mode时序调控temporal regulation适应调控adaptive regulation 操纵子结构模型operon structuralmodel 操纵基因operator阻遏蛋白repressor protein内含子intron外显子extron调节子regulon协同调节cooperative regulation激活蛋白activator整合酶integrase增强子enhanser终止子terminator 多聚腺苷酸聚合酶polyadenylation细胞代谢调节和基因表达调控( cellular metabolism regulation and gene expression regulation and control )构造单元buliding block前馈feedforward反馈feedback一价/ 单价反馈抑制monovalent feedback inhibition二价或多价反馈抑制divalent or multivalent feedback inhibition 管家基因housekeeping genes 组成型表达constitutive expression 可调型表达regulated expression 乳糖操纵子模型lac operon model 启动子premotor操纵基因operator酶诱导enzyme induction 酶阻遏enzyme repression 辅阻遏物corepressor 阻遏物蛋白aporepressor 降解物基因活化蛋白catabolite gene受体细胞recipient cell 调节基因regulatory geneactivation protein 衰减子attenuator 上游控制元件upstream control 静默子silencer 锌指zinc finger 亮氨酸拉链leucine zipper 重组体recombinant 分子克隆molecular cloning 蛋白质工程protein engineering 限制性核酸内切酶restricton endonuclease 同尾酶isocaudamers 同裂酶isoschizomers 回文结构palindrome质粒plasmid载体vector分子重排rearrangement 基因文库genomic library 多联体concatemer 脂质体liposome 可调基因regulated genes 基因枪gene gun 菌落形成单位colony forming unit 筛选screening原位杂交in situ bybridization 基因组测序genomic sequencing 基因定位诱变site-directed mutagenesis包涵体inclusion body 整合质粒yeast integrating plasmid 基因治疗gene therapy 聚合酶链式反应polymerase chain reaction, PCR。
7.杂多糖(heteropolysaccharide)有不同种单糖或单糖衍生物聚合而成,如透明质酸(hyaluronic acid,HA)、肝素(heparin,Hp)等。
Active center. 活性中心A specialized region of an enzyme where the enzyme interacts with the substrate and catalyzes its conversion to products. Many aminoacyl residues contribute to the active center.Adenylyl cyclase. 腺苷酸环化酶An enzyme that catalyzes the synthetic reaction of cyclic AMP from ATP in response to hormones such as epinephrine and glucagon.Alanine-glucose cycle. 丙氨酸-葡萄糖循环A cooperative pathway between liver and muscle in which the ammonia and carbon from amino acid metabolism are removed from the muscle as alanine, taken up by the liver, transaminated to pyruvate, converted into glucose, and shipped out back to the muscle.albumin. 清蛋白Albumin makes up 50% to 55% of the proteins of plasma and is thought to be the main contributor to osmotic pressure of blood. Another important function is that albumin has very broad and non-specific binding properties.Allosteric enzyme. 变构酶Allosteric enzymes are enzymes whose activity at the catalytic site may be modulated by the presence of all osteric effectors at an allosteric site. Allosteric means “occupy another space”, so an allosteric effector occupy another space, giving an effect on enzymes.Allosteric regulation. 变构调节A type of enzyme regulation in which an effector binds to one site on the enzyme and increase or decreases the activity at another site. Allosteric regulation provides a rapid means for regulation of their activity.Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. 氨基酰tRNA合成酶The enzymes are responsible for the recognition and attachment of the 20 amino acids to specific tRNA.Anticodon. 反密码子The template-recognition site on tRNA is a sequence of three bases called the anticodon, which recognizes a complementary sequence of three bases on mRNA.Apoprotein. 载脂蛋白The protein moiety of a lipoprotein. They mediate the interaction between lipoproteins and tissues.Apoptosis. 细胞凋亡Programmed cell death. The programmed cell death is tightly regulated, which plays important roles in physiologic processes. Typical morphologic changes can be observed in apoptosis. One or more endonucleases degrade DNA, leading to characteristic ladder of discrete DNA fragment on electrophoresis.Bile salts. 胆汁酸盐Salt form of bile acids and their conjugates. Since bile contains significant quantities of sodium and potassium and the pH is alkaline, it is assumed that the bile acids and their conjugates are in a salt form, so called “bile salts.”Biotin. 生物素A cofactor involved in carboxylation reactions. Most enzymes that catalyze the ATP-dependent addition of CO2 to a substrate (like acetyl-CoA carboxylase) requires the cofactor biotin.Calcitonin. 降钙素A 32-amino-acid peptide secreted by the parathyroid. The dominant biological action of calcitonin is to mediate a lowering of serum calcium levels. The hypocalcemic and hypophosphatemic effects of calcitonin are believed to be due to an inhibition of PTH-mediated calcium resorption.Calcium-binding protein. 钙结合蛋白1,25(OH)2-D3 stimulates gene transcription and formation of specific mRNA that codes for “calcium-binding protein”, also called “Calbindin”. Three distinct vitamin D-induced “Calbindin” have been isolated. Two of them are found exclusively inside the intestinal and kidney cells, which are actively involved in calcium translocation.Calmodulin. 钙调蛋白A ubiquitous calcium sensor in eukaryotes, regulates the activities of many intracellular proteins. The binding of Ca2+ to multiple sites in calmodulin induces a major conformational change that converts it from an inactive to an active form. Activated calmodulin binds to many enzymes and modifies their activities.cAMP. 环化腺苷一磷酸Second messenger for increased demand for energy and glucose. cAMP activates cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Increased cAMP levels are associated with increased protein phosphorylation. Increases in the cAMP concentration cause activation of glycogen degradation, increased fatty acid breakdown, stimulation of glycolysis in muscle, and stimulation of gluconeogenesis in the liver.cAMP-dependent protein kinase,PKA. 依赖cAMP的蛋白激酶Most effects of cyclic AMP in eukaryotic cells are mediated by the activation of a single protein kinase. This key enzyme is called protein kinase A or cAMP-dependent protein kinase, which alters the activities of target proteins by phosphorylating specific serine or threonine residues.Capping. 帽子生成Putting a 7-methylguanosine triphosphate on the 5’ end of an mRNA molecule. Capping is involved in the recognition of mRNA and may increase the stability of the RNA by preventing the attack of 5’exonuc leases.Carnitine shuttle. 肉碱穿梭Gets fatty acyl groups into mitochondria. Fatty acyl-CoA in the cytosol is transferred to carnitine to makefatty acyl carnitine, which is transported into mitochondria. Once inside, the fatty acyl group is transferred to CoA and the carnitine is returned to the mitochondrial membrane.Catabolic pathway.分解代谢途径Degradative metabolism. Catabolic pathways involve oxidative processes that release free energy.Catabolic repression. 分解代谢阻遏Catabolic repression means that an intermediate in a sequence of catabolic enzyme-catalyzed reactions has ability to repress synthesis of catabolic enzymes.Catabolite gene activator protein, CAP. 分解(代谢)物基因激活蛋白A cAMP-binding protein that is capable of stimulating transcription by binding to certain promoter sites. It consists of two subunits, each of which contains a DNA-binding domain and a cAMP binding domain.cDNA library. cDNA文库A library is a collection of recombinant clones. cDNA library represents the population of mRNA in a tissue. See also cDNA.cDNA. 互补DNAComplementary DNA. cDNA copies from a population of cytoplasmic mRNA using enzyme reverse transcriptase, converting the cDNA single strands to double-stranded DNA. The reverse transcriptase copies RNA templates into DNA-RNA hybrids. After the RNA in these hybrids is specifically destroyed, double-stranded DNA may be produced by DNA polymerase. cDNA is a copy of an mRNA so that it contains only the exon sequences.cis-acting element. 顺式作用元件This word described the regulatory interactions between two DNA sequences on the same gene. An enhancer or repressor sequence in the DNA is a cis-acting element or factor that affects the transcription of the gene.cistron. 顺反子A stretch of DNA that carries the information for a polypeptide chain is called cistron.Clone. 克隆Group of cells or sequences of DNA that are identical with a single parental cell or molecule.Coding strand. 编码链The coding strand of DNA has the same sequence as that of the RNA transcript except for T in place of U. It is so-called because it matches the RNA transcript that encodes the protein. The coding strand is also known as the sense strand.codon. 密码子Each amino acid in a protein is specified by an mRNA sequence of three nucleotides, which is called a codon.Coenzyme. 辅酶A molecule bound to an enzyme and is essential for its activity. The coenzymes allow the enzyme to have functional groups that are not available from the side chains of the amino acids.Competitive inhibition. 竞争性抑制Substrate and inhibitor combine at the same site and result in raising the apparent Km for the substrate.. In competitive inhibition, inhibitor can be completely displaced by a high concentration of the substrate.Configuration. 构型The stereochemical arrangement of atoms in a molecule. Configuration cannot be changed without breaking and reforming covalent bonds.Conformation. 构象Differences in rotation around bonds. The conformation of a molecular can be changed by simply rotating groups around single bonds.Conjugated bilirubin. 结合胆红素Adding glucuronic acid molecules to bilirubin. Hepatocytes perform the process and convert bilirubin to a water-soluble form.Cosmid vector. 柯斯质粒载体A special class of artificially constructed E.coli plasmids that carry the λ cos site, which allows them to be packaged intoλphage particles for efficient introduction into bacteria.Creatine kinase. 肌酸激酶Kinases incorporate phosphate from ATP into the substrate. Creatine kinase converts creatine to creatine phosphate, a major energy reserves in muscle.de novo synthesis. 从头合成Biosynthesis of nucleotides with simple materials. Purine and pyrimidine ribonucleotides are synthesized via two pathways, in which the purines are built as nucleotides via phosphoribosyl intermediates, whereas the pyrimidine ring is completed to the stage of orotate before coupling to ribose.degenerate. 简并More than one codon can specify the same amino acid and all codons are unambiguous in that each specifies no more than one amino acid.Denaturation. 变性Destroy the secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure of a protein, DNA, or RNA molecule.DNA damage. DNA损伤DNA damage is that changes in the DNA sequence resulted from copying errors and the effects of various physical and chemical agents or carcinogens,which alters one or more nucleotides in DNA.DNA polymerase. DNA聚合酶The principal synthetic enzyme, DNA polymerase, extends the primers in the 5’ to 3’ direction by catalyzing addition of deoxyribonucleoside 5’-phos phates to the primer 3’ends. Synthesis proceeds in the 5’ to 3’ direction as the template strand is read in the 3’ to 5’ direction.DNA Replication. DNA复制Generation of a new copy of double-stranded DNA from a parental DNA molecule.Domain. 结构域Some polypeptide chains fold into two or more compact supersecondary structures. These compact globular supersecondary structures are called domains, which is one level of protein’s structures between secondary structure and tertiary structure.Effector. 效应剂A class of small molecules capable of binding at a regulatory site. The binding of an effector changes the conformation of the enzyme so as to alter the kinetic properties of the catalytic site.Enhancer. 增强子The sequence elements that can increase the rate of transcription initiation of eukaryotic genes. Enhancers have no promoter activity of their own but they can exert their stimulatory actions over distances of several thousand base pairs.Enterohepatic circulation. 肠肝循环The primary bile acids are synthesized in the liver and the secondary bile acids are formed in the intestine. The secondary bile acids are absorbed in the intestine, returning to the liver then recycle between intestine and liver, which is known as the entero-hepatic circulation.Epidermal growth factor (EGF) . 表皮生长因子Epidermal growth factor can stimulates growth of many epidermal and epithelial cells. Also see “growth factor”.Essential amino acid. 必需氨基酸The amino acids that humans can not synthesize. The human diet must contain these amino acids to support growth or maintain health.exon. 外显子Regions that are retained in the mature RNA.FAD. 黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide. FAD is derived from vitamin riboflavin, which serves as cofactor for oxidation and reduction reactions.Fat. 脂肪Mainly stored as triglyceride in adipose tissue. The adipose tissue releases fatty acids by the activation a hormone-sensitive lipase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of the triglyceride. The fatty acids are thentransported through the serum and oxidized via b oxidation in the tissues to yield energy.Feedback inhibition . 反馈抑制Feedback inhibition refers to the inhibition of the activity of an enzyme in a biosynthetic pathway by an end product of that pathway.Ferritin. 铁蛋白Intracellular form of iron storage. It stores iron that can be used as condition requires.FH4. 四氢叶酸Tetrahydrofolate. A reduced form of folic acid involved intimately in one-carbon transfer reactions.Gene. 基因A stretch of DNA that carries the information for a polypeptide chain is called gene or cistron. Also see cistron.Genome. 基因组Total information of gene contained in a cell, an organism or a virus.Genomic DNA library. 基因组DNA文库Fragments of DNA from the genome of some organism. They are prepared from the total DNA of a cell line or tissue by performing partial digestion of total DNA with a restriction enzyme that cuts DNA frequently. It contains exons, introns, untranslated regions that can occur in DNA.Glucogenic amino acid. 生糖氨基酸The amino acid that yield pyruvate or citric cycle intermediates.Gluconeogenesis. 糖异生Making glucose or glycogen from noncarbohydrate. The term used to include all mechanisms and pathways responsible for converting noncarbohydrate to glucose or glycogen.Glycerol-a-phosphate shuttle. a-磷酸甘油穿梭Get electron from cytoplasmic NADH into the mitochondria so that 2 ATPs can be made by oxidation of the NADH. The enzymes of the shuttle in mitochondria is linked to the respiratory chain via a flavoprotein.Glycolysis. 酵解Metabolic pathway that provides pyruvate as fuel to the citric cycle or for fat synthesis. In the absence of oxygen, lactate is produced from the pyruvate to regenerate NAD+ so that the pathway can continue to work in the absence of oxygen.Gout. 痛风It is an inherited metabolic disease that affects the joints and kidneys caused by hyperuricemia. Though some patients have a partial deficiency of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT), it is not sole cause of the disease.Growth factor. 生长因子Small polypeptides (more properly called cytokines) that stimulate the growth of particular classes of cells. The factors have a variety of effects, including changes in the uptake of small molecules, initiation or stimulation of the cell cycle, and ultimately cell division. Examples of secreted cytokines are EGF (epidermal growth factor), PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor), and insulin.Guide RNA. 指导RNAGuide RNA is a sequence that is complementary to the correctly edited mRNA.Hairpin structure. 发夹结构A double-helical stretch formed by base paring between neighboring complementary sequences of a single strand of DNA or RNA.Helicase. 解链酶An enzyme whose activity involved in DNA replication that relieves the strain associated with unwinding the DNA double helix during replication.Heme. 血红素A cofactor consisting of a porphyrin ring containing an iron atom. Heme has different functions depending on the protein that used them as a cofactor. Heme are used to carry oxygen without oxidizing it in hemoglobin and myoglobin, but in other proteins, like cytochrome P450, the heme iron produces a very reactive iron-oxygen species at the active site.Hemoglobin. 血红蛋白Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying system found in erythrocytes, which transports oxygen from the lungs to all tissues of the body. The quaternary structure of hemoglobin confers its allosteric properties that adapt it to its biologic roles and permit its precise regulation.Hexokinase. 己糖激酶Responsible for the phosphorylation of glucose for entry into glycolysis, glycogen synthesis, or the pentose phosphate pathway.hnRNA. 不均一核内RNAHeterogeneous nuclear RNA. They are formed in the nucleus that is a precursor to mRNA, which has both the intron and exon sequences.Hormone response element, HRE. 激素反应元件A specific DNA sequences capable of binding activated receptors. These elements regulate the gene expression. Both steroids and peptide hormones exert their effects on transcription through HREs, but the initial reactions are different.Housekeeping gene. 管家基因The genes that are expressed at a reasonably constant rate and not known to be subject to regulation.Induction. 诱导Synthesis of a particular protein in response to a signal stimulation in cellular metabolism. For example, the synthesis of an enzyme can be induced by its substrate.Intron. 内含子The mosaic nature of eukaryotic genes is discontinuous. The primary transcript of a gene contains the regions that are not present in the mRNA. Regions that are removed from the primary transcript are called introns.Isoelectric point. 等电点The pH at which a molecule has a net zero charge.Isomerase. 异构酶An enzyme that catalyzes an intramolecular rearrangement.Isozyme. 同工酶Distinct physical forms of an enzyme with the same catalytic activity. Separation and identification of isozymes is of diagnostic value.Jaundice. 黄疸When bilirubin in the blood reaches a certain concentration, hyperbilirubinemia exists and bilirubin diffuses into the tissues, which then became yellow. The condition is called jaundice.Ketogenic amino acid. 生酮氨基酸An amino acid that yields only acetyl-CoA. They can not yield pyruvate or tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates.Ketone bodies. 酮体Acetoacetate, hydroxybutyrate and acetone. At high rate of fatty acid oxidation, the liver produces considerable quantities of acetoacetate and hydroxybutyrate. The former continually undergoes spontaneous decarboxylation to yield acetone. Ketone bodies are metabolized in muscle and brain as an energy source.Km. 米氏常数If an enzyme follows hyperbolic kinetics, the Km is equal to the substrate concentration at which the reaction rate is half its maximal value.Ligase. 连接酶A ligase catalyzes the joining of two pieces of DNA covalently. DNA ligase joins the backbone phosphates in a phosphodiester bond.Lipids. 脂类Lipids consist of a diverse set of hydrophobic molecules including triglycerides, phospholipids, steroids, and so forth. It is soluble in organic solvents like chloroform or ether.Malate-Aspartate shuttle. 苹果酸-天冬氨酸穿梭Gets electrons from cytoplasmic NADH into the mitochondria so that 3 ATPs can be produced by oxidation of the NADH.Mitogen-activited-protein kinase ( MAPK). 有丝分裂原激活蛋白激酶Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) is one of the most ancient signaling molecules and is involved in multiple cellular processes, including cell proliferation, cell growth, and cell death.Messenger RNA (mRNA). 信使RNAThe RNA in cytoplasm that serve as templates for protein synthesis. The primary RNA transcript is processed to mRNA by adding a cap and a tail and removing introns.NAD+-NADH. 辅酶INicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. NADH is an electron carrier. NAD+ accepts two electrons and a proton from substrates and ultimately transfers them to the electron transport chain to make three ATPs and H2O.Nicotinic acid. 尼克酸A vitamin that serves as a source of the pyridine ring of NAD+ and NADP+. Dietary deficiency of nicotinic acid can lead to pellagra. Humans can synthesize nicotinic acid that derived from tryptophan.Non-competitive inhibition. 非竞争性抑制In non-competitive inhibition, inhibitor bind to a different domain of an enzyme, lowering the maximum velocity but with normal Km.Nucleosides. 核苷A nucleoside consists of a purine or pyrimidine base linked to a pentose.Nucleotides. 核苷酸A nucleotide is a phosphate ester of a nucleoside on 3’- or 5’-carbon of ribose. Phosphorylation on 5’-carbon of ribose is the one most commonly esterified forms.Okazaki fragment. 冈崎片段The short discontinuous segments, which later are joined by DNA ligase, are called Okazaki fragment after their discoverer.Oncogene. 癌基因Oncogenes are the genes capable of changing a normal cell into a transformed cells. Many oncogenes encode abnormal signal transduction proteins involved in imitating the action of polypeptide growth factor.Operator. 操纵序列The operator is a DNA segment adjacent to the structural genes. The binding of the repressor to the operator prevents the transcription of these genes.Operon. 操纵子A collection of prokaryotic structural genes that are present in a linear array and whose expression is controlled by the same regulatory region of the DNA. This arrangement allows simple control over the expression of proteins that are all needed for a common job. It should be noted that an operon includes both operator and its associated structural genes.Osteomalacia. 软骨病Osteomalacia is caused by vitamin D deficiency in the adult, which leads to softening and weakening of bones.Oxidation. 氧化When something is oxidized, something else must become reduced. With removal of an electron, ferrous is oxidized to ferric ion. So oxidation is a process with the loss of electrons.Oxidative phosphorylation. 氧化磷酸化The process in which ATP is formed as a result of the transfer of electrons from NADH or FADH2 to oxygen by a series of electron carriers.Parathyroid hormone (PTH) . 甲状旁腺素Parathyroid hormone, an 84-amino acid-containing protein, is secreted by the chief cells of the parathyroid gland. The biological actions of PTH are related to regulate calcium metabolism.Pentose phosphate pathway. 磷酸戊糖途径An alternative route for the metabolism of glucose. The pathway generates both NADPH for reductive syntheses and ribose residues for nucleotide biosynthesis.Peptide bond. 肽键The bond that the a-carboxyl group of one amino acid is joined to the a-amino group of another amino acid by an amide bond in a polypeptide.Phospholipase C. 磷脂酶CThe activation of the phospholipase C is mediated by G protein. The active form of the enzyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of a membrane-bounded substrate to form two second messengers, diacylglyceride and inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate. Diacylglyceride is capable of activating protein kinase C. Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate is effective for the release of calcium from intracellular calcium pool.Plasmid. 质粒Independently replicating circular pieces of DNA whose natural function is to confer antibiotic resistance to the host cell.Platelet-derived growth factor. 血小板源生长因子Platelet-derived growth factor can stimulates growth of messenchymal and glial cells. Also see “growth factor”.Point mutation. 点突变It is cause by a single base change of DNA gemone, which in turn results in a change in the messenger RNA, a structural abnormality of gene expression.Polycistronic mRNA. 多顺反子mRNAA single mRNA that encodes more than one separately translated protein is referred to as a polycistronic mRNA, which contains multiple independent translation start and stop codons for each cistron.Polypeptide chain. 多肽链Many amino acids joined by peptide bonds form a polypeptide chain, which has two different ends, i.e. N-terminal and C-terminal respectively.Polyribosome. 多核糖体An mRNA molecule with many ribosomes bound to it. Many ribosomes can translate the same mRNA simultaneously.Primary transcript.初级转录本Primary transcript is the original unmodified RNA product corresponding to a transcription unit.Primase. 引物酶Primase catalyzes polymerization of ribonucleoside 5’-triphosphates to form RNA primers. The sequence of monomer addition is dictated by a template strand of DNA and the chain lengths of primers are usually 10-50 nucleotides.Promoter. 启动子Promoter is a region of DNA involved in binding of RNA polymerase to initiate transcription.Prosthetic group. 辅基Many proteins require tightly bound, specific nonpolypeptide units for their biological activities. Such a unit is called a prosthetic group.Protease. 蛋白酶An enzyme that hydrolyzes the amide bonds in a protein. Most proteases recognize a specific type of amino acid side chain and cleave the protein at specific points.Proto-oncogene. 原癌基因Normal cellular genes with the potential to become oncogenes are called proto-oncogenes or cellular oncogenes. These genes were conserved in a wide range of eukaryotic cells. The conserved sequences were important components of normal cells and their products are believed to play important roles in normal differentiation and other cellular process.Pyridoxal phosphate. 磷酸吡多醛All transamination reactions require the coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate. The important functional groupsof the coenzyme are the aldehyde group, which can form a Schiff base with the a-amino group of an amino acid and facilitate transamination.Rate-limiting enzyme. 限速酶Enzymes catalyzing committed steps in unidirectional anabolic and catabolic pathways, which act as natural governors of metabolic flow and represent the most efficient regulatory intervention.Receptor. 受体All of receptors are proteins that can selectively bind specific molecule and initiate their biologic effects.Recombinant DNA. 重组DNAInformation exchanging by breaking and joining chromosomal DNA. Recombination can occur between genes with similar sequences or between genes with different sequences.Reduction. 还原Chemically, reduction is defined as the gain of electrons. NAD+ is reduced to NADH. It follows that reduction is accompanied by oxidation of an electron donor.Replication. 复制Generation of a new copy of double-stranded DNA from a parental DNA molecule.Residue. 残基In a polypeptide chain, an amino acid unit is called a residue.Respiratory chain. 呼吸链Exists in the mitochondria, consists of a number of redox carriers. The respiratory chain provides most of the energy captured in metabolism.Restriction endonuclease. 限制性内切核酸酶The classes of endonucleases cut DNA at specific DNA sequences within the molecule.Reverse transcriptase. 反转录酶An RNA-directed DNA polymerase in retroviruses; capable of making DNA complementary to an RNA.Reverse transcription. 反转录RNA-directed synthesis of DNA, catalyzed by reverse transcriptase.Ribosomes. 核糖体Complex cytoplasmic particles each consisting of two ribonucleoprotein subunits. Translation of mRNA occurs on it.Ribozyme. 核酶A class of RNAs that meet all the classic criteria for definition as enzymes. These catalytic RNAs catalyze highly specific hydrolysis of phosphodiester bonds in RNAs and are important in the processing events involved in maturation of pre-mRNA.Rickets. 佝偻病Vitamin D deficiency in childhood produces rickets characterized by low plasma calcium and phosphorus levels and by poorly mineralized bone with associated skeletal deformities.RNA editing. RNA 编辑The information content of some mRNA is altered following transcription by process other than RNA splicing.RNA Polymerase. RNA聚合酶RNA Polymerase is an enzyme that synthesizes RNA using a DNA template.rRNA. 核蛋白体rRNARibosomal RNA. Structural components of ribosomes. There are several discrete size classes of rRNA, usually referred to by their sedimentation coefficients as 5S, 5.8S, 18S, and28S in eucaryotic cells.S-adenosyl methionine, SAM. S腺苷蛋氨酸SAM is a major donor of one-carbon unit at the methyl oxidation state, which is formed from methyl-THF and homocysteine by a vitamin B12-dependent reaction.Salting out. 盐析The solubility of the proteins is lowered at high salt concentrations, so-called the “salting out”. It can be used to fractionate proteins because the dependence of solubility on salt concentration differs from one protein to another.Salvage pathway. 补救合成途径The pathways that purines and pyrimidines derived from nucleic acid catabolism react with PRPP and form the corresponding ribonucleotides. Corresponding deoxyribonucleotides are produced by reduction of the ribonucleoside diphosphates, using NADPH as the reducing agent.Semiconservative replication. 半保留复制DNA replication follows a law called semiconservative replication, i.e., one of the strands of each daughter DNA molecule is newly synthesized, whereas the other is passed on unchanged from the parent DNA molecule.Sigma factor. σ因子Sigma factor is the subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase needed for initiation. It is the major influence on selection of binding sites (promoters).Signal transduction. 信号转导The process by which an extracellular signal is amplified and converted to a cellular response. For example, growth factors act on the cell cycle and mitosis via transmembrane signal transduction.snRNA. 小核RNASmall nuclear RNA. They have roles in RNA processing but are not directly involved in protein synthesis.。
(完整版)生物化学重点名词英文缩写生物化学英文缩写第一章蛋白质氨基酸分类1、非极性脂肪族氨基酸Gly 甘氨酸Ala 丙氨酸Val 缬氨酸Leu 亮氨酸Ile 异亮氨酸Pro 脯氨酸2、极性中性氨基酸Ser 丝氨酸Cys 半胱氨酸Met 蛋氨酸Asn 天冬酰胺Gln 谷氨酰胺Thr 苏氨酸3、芳香族氨基酸Phe 苯丙氨酸Trp 色氨酸Tyr 酪氨酸4、酸性氨基酸Asp 天冬氨酸Glu 谷氨酸5、碱性氨基酸Lys 赖氨酸Arg 精氨酸His 组氨酸Hb 血红蛋白Mb 肌红蛋白PrP 阮病毒蛋白PI 等电点CD 圆二色光谱NMR 核磁共振技术第二章核酸cAMP 环腺苷酸HGP 人类基因组计划hnRNA 不均一核RNAm7GpppN 7-甲基鸟嘌呤-三磷酸核苷CBP 帽结合蛋白PABP poly(A)结合蛋白ORF 开放阅读框DHU 双氢尿嘧啶ψ假尿嘧啶核苷m G,m A 甲基化嘌呤snmRNA 非mRNA小RNAsnRNA 核内小RNAsnoRNA 核仁小RNAscRNA 胞质小RNAsiRNA 小片段干扰RNA第三章酶NAD+尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸,辅酶I NADP+尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸,辅酶IIFMN 黄素单核苷酸FAD 黄素腺嘌呤核苷酸LDH 乳酸脱氢酶CK 肌酸激酶PCR 聚合酶链反应BAL 二巯基丙醇PAM 解磷定第四章糖代谢SGLT Na 依赖型葡萄糖转运体GLUT 依赖一类葡萄糖转运体G-6-P 6-磷酸葡萄糖PEK-1 6-磷酸果糖激酶-1PEP 磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸FBP-2 果糖二磷酸酶-2TAC 三羧酸循环(TCA循环)GSH 谷胱甘肽UDPG 尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖UDPGA尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖醛酸PKA 蛋白激酶A第五章脂类代谢FA 脂肪酸PG 前列腺素TX 血栓烷LTs 白三烯CM 乳糜微粒FFA 游离脂肪酸HSL 激素敏感性甘油三酯脂酶ACP 酰基载体蛋白VLDL 极低密度脂蛋白LDL 低密度脂蛋白IDL 中密度脂蛋白HDL 高密度脂蛋白SRS-A 过敏反应的慢反应物质5-HPETE 氢过氧化廿碳四烯酸PA 磷脂酸PIP2磷脂酰肌醇-4,5-二磷酸IP3三磷酸肌醇RCDP 康-亨综合症MV A 甲羟戊酸SCP 固醇载体蛋白CE 胆固醇酯LRP LDL受体相关蛋白HL 肝脂酶FC 游离胆固醇CERP 胆固醇流出调节蛋白LCAT 卵磷脂胆固醇脂肪酰转移酶第六章生物氧化Fe-S 铁硫中心CoQ 辅酶Q(泛醌)F P2黄素蛋白-2(人复合体2)Cyt 细胞色素OSCP 寡霉素敏感蛋白DNP 二硝基苯酚mtDNA 线粒体DNACP 磷酸肌酸ROS 反应活性氧类(自由基)SOD 超氧物歧化酶第七章氨基酸代谢GPT 谷丙转氨酶ALT 丙氨酸转氨酶GOT 谷草转氨酶AST 天冬氨酸转氨酶IMP 次黄嘌呤核苷酸CPS-I 氨基甲酰磷酸合成酶IAGA N-乙酰谷氨酸OCT 鸟氨酸氨基甲酰转移酶5-HT 5-羟色胺FH4四氢叶酸SAM S-腺苷甲硫氨酸NOS 一氧化氮合酶第八章核苷酸代谢HGPRT 次黄嘌呤-鸟嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶PRPP 磷酸核糖焦磷酸6MP 6-巯基嘌呤MTX 甲氨蝶呤5-FU 5-氟尿嘧啶FUTP 三磷酸氟尿嘧啶核苷第九章物质代谢的联系与调节MS 中心性肥胖CCK 胆囊收缩素第十章DNA的生物合成E.coli 大肠杆菌dNTP 脱氢三磷酸核苷(N代表任一碱基)DNA-pol DNA聚合酶SSB 单链DNA结合蛋白HDP 螺旋反稳定蛋白RF 复制因子/释放因子PCNA 增殖细胞核抗原CDK 细胞周期蛋白依赖激酶hTR 人类端粒RNAhTP1人类端粒协同蛋白1hTRT 端粒酶逆转录酶TT 胸苷酸二聚体第十一章RNA的生物合成CTP 羧基末端结合域Inr 转录起始子TF 转录因子PIC 转录起始前复合物TPB TATA-结合蛋白CDK-9 周期蛋白依赖性激酶9CPSF 断裂和聚腺苷酸化特异性因子CStF 断裂激动因子PAP 多聚腺苷酸聚合酶PAB II 腺苷酸结合蛋白II 第十二章蛋白质的生物合成rp 多种核糖体蛋白质EF 延长因子fMet N-甲酰甲硫氨酸THFA N10-甲酰四氢叶酸RBS 核糖体结合位点PAB/PABP poly A结合蛋白TF 触发因子HSP 热休克蛋白PDI 蛋白质二硫键异构酶PPI 肽-脯氨酰顺反异构酶POMC 鸦片促黑皮质素原ACTH 促肾上腺皮质激素β-LT β酯酸释放激素α-MSH α-促黑激素CLIP 促肾上腺皮质激素样中叶肽SRP 信号肽识别颗粒IFN 干扰素第十三章基因表达调控AFP 编码甲胎蛋白CAP 分解物基因激活蛋白IPTG 异丙基硫代半乳糖苷TAF TA TA盒结合蛋白(TBP)相关因子UAS 上游激活序列EBP 增强子结合蛋白bZIP 碱性亮氨酸拉链bHLH 碱性螺旋-环-螺旋RNP 核糖体复合物TfR 运铁蛋白受体IRE 铁反应元件eIF 翻译起始因子RBP RNA结合蛋白RISC 沉默复合体dsRNA 双链RNA第十四章基因重组与基因工程IS 插入序列bp 碱基对YAC 人工染色体载体cDNA 逆转录DNA第十五章细胞信息传导PDE 磷酸二酯酶cGPK cGMP依赖性蛋白激酶(PKG)PLC 磷脂酰肌醇特异性磷脂酶CDAG 二酯酰甘油PIKs 磷脂酰肌醇激酶CaM 钙调蛋白PP 蛋白磷酸酶HRE 激素反应元件GPCR G蛋白偶联型受体PTK 酪氨酸激酶EGF 表皮生长因子IκB NF-κB抑制蛋白β-AR β-肾上腺素能受体XLA 人类X染色体连锁低γ丢蛋白血症第十六章血液的生物化学Gal 半乳糖APP 急性时相蛋白质GRP C-反应蛋白IL-1 白细胞介素-1APR 急性时相反应物MHb 高铁血红蛋白ALA δ-氨基-γ-酮戊酸UPG-I 尿卟啉原I同合酶CPG III 粪卟啉原IIIEPO 促红细胞生成素第十七章肝的生物化学GK 葡糖激酶MEOS 肝微粒体乙醇氧化系统UGT 葡糖醛酸基转移酶COMT 可溶性儿茶酚-O-甲基转移酶GST 谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶第二十章癌基因Rb基因视网膜母细胞瘤基因。
1. Protein(蛋白质):Proteins are large molecules composed of amino acids, linked together by peptide bonds. They play a crucial role in many biological processes, serving as structural components, enzymes, hormones, receptors, and transporters in the body.2. Enzyme(酶):Enzymes are catalysts that facilitate chemical reactions in living organisms. They accelerate the rate of reactions by lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur. Enzymes are usually proteins, and each enzyme is specific to a particular reaction.3. DNA(脱氧核糖核酸):DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is a molecule that carries the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms. It consists of two long chains of nucleotides twisted into a double helix structure.4. RNA(核糖核酸):RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is a molecule that plays multiple roles in the coding, decoding, regulation, and expression of genes. It is involved in protein synthesis and acts as a messenger between DNA and ribosomes.5. Metabolism(代谢):Metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions that occur in an organism to maintain life. It can be divided into two main processes: catabolism, which breaks down molecules to release energy, and anabolism, which synthesizes molecules to build and repair tissues.6. Lipid(脂质):Lipids are a diverse group of biomolecules that are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents. They include fats, oils, phospholipids, and steroids. Lipids serve as a source of energy, insulation, and as structural components of cell membranes.7. Carbohydrate(碳水化合物):Carbohydrates are organic compounds that consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. They are an essential source of energy for living organisms. Carbohydrates can be classified as monosaccharides (simple sugars), disaccharides, and polysaccharides.8. Metabolite(代谢产物):Metabolites are the small molecules that are intermediates or end products of metabolic reactions. They can serve as signaling molecules, energy sources, or building blocks for complex molecules.9. pH(pH值):pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. It is determined by the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) present in the solution. pH values range from 0 to 14, with 7 being considered neutral, values below 7 acidic, and values above 7 alkaline.10. ATP(三磷酸腺苷):ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is a molecule that serves as the primary energy source for many cellular processes. It is often referred to as the "energy currency" of the cell, as it stores and releases energy during reactions.这些是生物化学中常见的一些名词和术语的英语解释。
6.肽键(peptide bond)一个氨基酸分子的α羧基与另一分子的α氨基脱水缩合而成的酰胺键。
10.二硫键(disulfide bond):肽链之间或肽链内部的两个半胱氨酸残基的巯基氧化后形成的共价相互作用力,有较高的强度。
11.离子键(ionic bond):又称盐键,是正电荷和负电荷之间的一种静电相互作用。
12.配位键(dative bond):由两个原子之间提供共用电子对所形成的共价键。
13.氢键(hydrogen bond):多肽链中的氮原子或氧原子的故对电子与氢原子间相互吸引而形成的键。
14.范德华力(Van der waal,s):一种普遍存在的作用力,是原子、基团或分子之间比较弱的、非特异性的作用力。
15.疏水作用力hydrophobic bond疏水基团或疏水侧链避开水分子而相互靠近聚集的作用力。
16.一级结构(primary structure):蛋白质多肽链中氨基酸的排列顺序。
17.二级结构(secondary structure):多肽链主链在一级结构的基础上进一步盘旋或折叠,从而形成有规律的构象。
18.三级结构(tertiary structure):球状蛋白质的多肽链在二级结构的基础上相互配置二形成特定的构象。
生物化学专业名词中英对照蛋白质allosteric effect别构效应:又称为变构效应,是寡聚蛋白与配基结合改变蛋白质的构象,从而影Bohr effect波尔效应:CO2浓度的增加降低细胞内的pH,引起红细胞内血红蛋白氧亲和力chaperone伴娘蛋白:亦称分子伴侣,它与一种新合成的多肽链形成复合物并协助它正确折collagen胶原(蛋白):是动物结缔组织最丰富的一种蛋白质,它是由原configuration构型:有机分子中各个原子特有的固定的空间排列。
这种排列不经过共价键的断conformation构象:指一个分子中,不改变共价键结构,仅单键周围的原子放置所产生的空间disulfide bond二硫键:通过两个(半胱氨酸)巯基的氧化形成的共价键。
结构域通常都是几个超二级结fibrous protein纤维蛋白:一类主要不溶于水的蛋白质,通常都含有呈现相同二globular protein球蛋白:紧凑的,近似球形的,含有折叠紧密的多肽链的一类蛋白质,许多都溶hemoglobin血红蛋白:是由含有血红素辅基的4个亚基组成的结合蛋白。
血红蛋白负责将氧hydrophobic interaction疏水相互作用:非极性分子之间的一种弱的非共价的相互作用。
这些非极性的分keratin角蛋白:由处于α-螺旋或β-折叠构象的平行的多肽链组成不溶于水的起着保护myoglobin肌红蛋白:是由一条肽链和一个血红素辅基组成的结合蛋白,是肌肉内储存氧的peptide unit肽单位:又称为肽基(peptide group),是肽键主链上的重复结构。
由参于肽protein denaturation蛋白质变性:生物大分子的天然构象遭到破坏导致其生物活性丧失的现象。
蛋白protein quaternary structure蛋白质四级结构:多亚基蛋白质的三维结构。
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14.活性中心(active center)
第四章 生物氧化与氧化磷酸化
1.生物氧化(biological oxidation)
2.呼吸链(respiratory chain)
3.氧化磷酸化(oxidative phosphorylation)
5.底物水平磷酸化(substrate level phosphorylation)
12.限制性核酸内切酶(Restriction endonuclease)
14.一碳单位(One carbon unit)
第九章 核酸的生物合成
1.半保留复制(semiconservative replication)
2.不对称转录(asymmetric trancription)
7.蛋白质的一级结构(protein primary structure)
9.蛋白质的二级结构(protein secondary structure)
11.蛋白质的三级结构(protein tertiary structure)
8.脂肪酸合成酶系统(fatty acid synthase system)
第八章 含氮化合物代谢
3.氮平衡(Nitrogen balance)
4.生物固氮(Biological nitrogen fixation)
5.硝酸还原作用(Nitrate reduction)
9.简并密码(degenerate code)
11.多核糖体(poly some)
12.氨酰基部位(aminoacyl site)
13.肽酰基部位(peptidy site)
14.肽基转移酶(peptidyl transferase)
15.氨酰- tRNA合成酶(amino acy-tRNA synthetase)
第一章 蛋白质
8.抑制剂(inhibitor inhibiton)
9.变构酶(allosteric enzyme)
11.诱导酶(induced enzyme)
13.酶的比活力(enzymatic compare energy)
2.脂肪酸的α-氧化(α- oxidation)
3.脂肪酸的β-氧化(β- oxidation)
4.脂肪酸的ω-氧化(ω- oxidation)
5.乙醛酸循环(glyoxylate cycle)
6.柠檬酸穿梭(citriate shuttle)
7.乙酰CoA羧化酶系(acetyl-CoA carnoxylase)
18.盐析(salting out)
19.盐溶(salting in)
23.凝胶电泳(gel electrophoresis)
第二章 核酸
2.磷酸二酯键(phosphodiester bonds):单核苷酸中,核苷的戊糖与磷酸的羟基之间形成的磷酸酯键。
10.重组修复(recombination repair)
13.基因载体(genonic vector)
第十一章 代谢调节
1.诱导酶(Inducible enzyme)
2.标兵酶(Pacemaker enzyme)
9.增色效应(hyper chromic effect)
10.减色效应(hypo chromic effect)
12.发夹结构(hairpin structure)
13.DNA的熔解温度(melting temperature Tm)
14.分子杂交(molecular hybridization)
16.蛋白质折叠(protein folding)
18.锌指(zine finger)
19.亮氨酸拉链(leucine zipper)
20.顺式作用元件(cis-acting element)
21.反式作用因子(trans-acting factor)
7.降解物基因活化蛋白(Catabolic gene activator protein)
8.腺苷酸环化酶(Adenylate cyclase)
9.共价修饰(Covalent modification)
2.磷酸二酯键(phosphodiester bonds)
3.不对称比率(dissymmetry ratio)
4.碱基互补规律(complementary base pairing)
2.反义密码子(synonymous codon)
4.变偶假说(wobble hypothesis)
5.移码突变(frameshift mutant)
7.反义RNA(antisense RNA)
8.信号肽(signal peptide)
6.能荷(energy charg
第五章 糖代谢
3.乳酸循环(lactate cycle)
5.变构调节(allosteric regulation)
6.糖酵解途径(glycolytic pathway)
3.逆转录(reverse transcription)
4.冈崎片段(Okazaki fragment)
5.复制叉(replication fork)
6.领头链(leading strand)
7.随后链(lagging strand)
8.有意义链(sense strand)
第一章 蛋白质
2.必需氨基酸(essential amino acid)
3.等电点(isoelectric point,pI)
4.稀有氨基酸(rare amino acid)
5.非蛋白质氨基酸(nonprotein amino acid)