cool edit教程 00
Cool Edit 教程--Cool Edit 的安装及参数设置

Cool Edit 教程--Cool Edit 的安装及参数设置首先,我们要做好准备工作。
然后下载我们要用到的工具COOL EDIT PRO 2.0及其插件。
1、安装好cooledit pro 2.0后,再把插件安装到安装目录下的子目录中,新建一个名曰“DX”的文件夹,把所有的插件都安装释放到这里。
2、打开cooledit pro 2.0后,会自动建立一个新的工程。

一步一步教你使用cooledit一步一步教你使用cooledit系统介绍一下用Cooledit pro 2.1录制自唱歌曲的一个全过程,希望对喜欢唱歌,想一展歌喉的朋友有所帮助。
(图1)2 、选择将你的人声录在音轨 2 ,按下“R”按钮。
(图 2 )(图 2 )3 、按下左下方的红色录音键,跟随伴奏音乐开始演唱和录制。
(图 3 )(图 3 )4 、录音完毕后,可点左下方播音键进行试听,看有无严重的出错,是否要重新录制(图 4 )(图 4 )5 、双击音轨 2 进入波形編辑界面(图 5 ),将你录制的原始人声文件保存为 mp3pro 格式(图6 图7 ),以前的介绍中是让大家存为 wav 格式,其实 wma/mp3 也是绝对可以的,并且可以节省大量空间。
(图 5 )(图 6)(图 7 )(注)需要先说明一下的是:录制时要关闭音箱,通过耳机来听伴奏,跟着伴奏进行演唱和录音,录制前,一定要调节好你的总音量及麦克音量,这点至关重要!麦克的音量最好不要超过总音量大小,略小一些为佳,因为如果麦克音量过大,会导致录出的波形成了方波,这种波形的声音是失真的,这样的波形也是无用的,无论你水平多么高超,也不可能处理出令人满意的结果的。
1. 点击左下方的波形水平放大按钮(带 + 号的两个分别为水平放大和垂直放大)放大波形,以找出一段适合用来作噪声采样波形(图8 )。

最后,如果满意了,那么在Edit菜单中选择Mix Down to Track项中的 All Waves,将两轨混合输出为另一个文件。等混音结束后,将它存盘即可使用了
注意,如果你使用的是Cool Edit 2000试用版,那么,每次启动只能选用两类功能,因此,要想试所有音效,你不得不反复启动程序,并选择不同的功能(免费午餐并不好吃呵^_^)。
注意:如果你正在使用Cool Edit 2000的试用版,那么,只允许保存一分钟长度的MP3文件(Syntrillium公司是不是太小器了?)。不过,相信聪明的读者可以用Windows剪贴板来饶过这道弯,具体操作就不用我说了吧?
五、如何提升Cool Edit 2000的功能?
使用Syntrillium公司提供的以下插件,可以将Cool Edit 2000的功能提高到一个新的档次,需要的话,可到该公司网站(),免费下载试用版。
三、如何用Cool Edit 2000添加音效?
添加音效,是Cool Edit 2000最激动人心的功能。在Cool Edit 2000的菜单Transform(变换)下,有20个子菜单,通过它们,用户可以方便地制作出各种专业、迷人的声音效果。如Reverb(余音),可以产生音乐大厅的环境效果;Dynamics Processing(动态处理),可以根据录音电平动态调整输出电平;Filters(过滤器),可以产生加重低音、突出高音等效果;Noise Reduction(降噪),可以降低甚至清除文件中的各种噪音;Time/Pitch(时间/音调),能够在不影响声音质量的情况下,改变乐曲音调或节拍等等,最神奇的是Brainwave Synchronizer(脑波同步器),可以通过立体声耳机,产生有助于入睡、放松,甚至思考的音乐,真是绝了!
Cool Edit使用教程

CoolEdit 2.0的安装和设置技巧如何安装和设置CoolEdit pro 2.0 (以下简称COOL)。
首先,我们要从网上下载 CoolEdit pro 2.0 的安装包,其中应该包括以下几个东西(图1):每个东东的用途都已经写在图上了,大家可以自己看一下。
下面我们就开始安装 CoolEdit pro 2.0 了。
首先是cool的版权信息,我们直接选择同意(Accept license agreement),然后下一步(continue)(图3)。
然后就到了cool的文件类型链接设置了,也就是只要打勾的文件,系统都会默认用cool 打开,因为其它格式都不常见,所以这里我们只把.wav的勾去掉(wav文件我们通常都用播放器打开)(图6)。
然后是提示注册的对话框,因为我们等一下会注册,所以这里选择Buy Now,先进入程序。
CoolEdit 超全教程

有时还会有这样的现象,想要给网上下载的伴奏降噪,但整首歌曲没有空白区,根本无法选择一段纯噪音采样,如果要给这样的音频降噪,就必须根据自己的经验,输入参数一次次的聆听降噪了。 天!不要让我碰到这样的事情。
1、录音软件:COOL EDIT 2.1
3、让Cool edit搜索检测安装的效果器
打开Cool edit2.1,单击“单轨模式”(如图)
有很多网友抱怨这一部容易死机,建议死机后关闭cool,用“结束任务”,再重新启动Cool edit,再来一次,基本上没问题。如果还死机,重启系统再来。如果还死机,请检查系统配置。
双击任务栏右下角图标,出现声音控制面板。如果你的录音源是设置的择“line in”,直接在“line in”下上下拖拉即可设置录音电平大小,一边在话筒前哼着旋律,一边打开录音软件观看录音波形,不能过大和过小。话筒放大器的设备上的话筒音量调节也可以设置录音电频,一般不要设置过小,设置到总音量的60%最好,细节在系统上调整。同时把带有话筒放大器设备上的话筒混响和均衡统统都关闭,因为人声的后期要在软件中处理,这样比一般设备的混响效果要好得多。

cool edit 教程一、降噪处理我们先做一个降噪的实例感觉一下它的功能。
Cool Edit 2000可以录入多种音源包括:话筒、录音机、CD播放机等。
点击菜单Fi le中的N ew,出现Newwavefo rm对话框,选择适当的录音声道(Channe ls)、分辨率(Resolu tion)和采样频率(Sample Rate)。
一般使用St ereo、16-bit、44100H z,这是用于CD音质的设置,效果已经不错了点击Cool Edit 2000主窗口左下部的红色录音按钮,开始录音,并播放CD音源。
完成录音后,点击Cool Edit 2000主窗口左下部的Stop按钮。
Cool Edit 2000窗口中将出现刚录制好的文件波形图。
然后依次选取菜单里Tr ansfo rm项中的NoiseReduct ion 命令,就会弹出No ise Reduct ion的工作界面将界面中Sn apsho ts in profil e的参数改为800,FFT Size的数值改为8192,Precis ion Factor的数值改为10,Smooth ing Amount的数值改为10左右,这样可以达到比较好的效果。
改好各参数后,点击GetProfil e from Select ion按钮,几秒后出现噪音样本的轮廓图关闭窗口,可以听听效果,噪音是不是没有了?不满意就再调调参数,因为音源与录音设备不同,所以需要反复的调试才能达到一个十分满意的效果。

COOL EDIT 2000一、Cool Edit 介绍 (2)二、Cool Edit功能说明 (3)三、Cool Edit使用技巧 (49)1.调整声音效果 (49)2. 淡入淡出效果 (51)3. 声音过滤: (52)4. 录音降噪: (53)5. 录制KLOK (55)四.附录一 (56)五.附录二 (57)(文档版本1.0)制作时间:2002年11月21日一、Cool Edit 介绍Cool Edit 是syntrillium Software公司开发的一个集录音、混音、编辑于一体的数字音频编辑软件。
此系列有Cool Edit Pro(以下简称CEP)和Cool Edit 2000两种产品,其中的CEP是属于专业级的声音处理软件,功能强大,并且支持多轨操作,主要适用于作曲人士或是专业级的语音编辑人员。
而Cool Edit 2000 则是属于CEP的简化版本,去除了多轨操作及一些专业的功能,适用于一般的家庭及对语音的简单编辑。
Cool Edit 2000是一套基本的数字音讯的录制及播放软件。
Cool Edit 2000也能让你分析音讯及频率。
Cool Edit 2000的标准音效有回音(Reverb)、延迟(Delay)、回响(Echo)、 Flanger、失真(Distortion)、 Envelope、杂音(Noise)、DTMF 讯号及单音讯号等。
二、Cool Edit功能说明先安装Cool Edit 2000(下简称“CE”),然后启动它,经过一段时间的搜索后就会看到如图1的界面。
Cool Edit使用教程

Adobe Audition百科名片Adobe Audition是一个专业音频编辑和混合环境,原名为Cool Edit Pro. 被Adobe 公司收购后,改名为为Adobe Audition。
目录[隐藏]主要功能系统要求新功能使用技巧1. 文件操作2. 编辑波形3. 播放和录制4. 视图和缩放[编辑本段]主要功能Audition专为在照相室、广播设备和后期制作设备方面工作的音频和视频专业人员设计,可提供先进的音频混合、编辑、控制和效果处理功能。
最多混合128 个声道,可编辑单个音频文件,创建回路并可使用45 种以上的数字信号处理效果。
A udition 是一个完善的多声道录音室,可提供灵活的工作流程并且使用简便。
它是Cool Edit Pro 2.1 的更新版和增强版。
Adobe Audition v1.5是COOLEDIT pro的升级,出品COOLEDIT的公司两年前卖给了ADOBE公司(大名鼎鼎的PHOTOSHOP就是出自ADOBE),著名的音频编辑软件COOLEDIT PRO 2.1也随之改名为Adobe Audition v1.0。
Adobe Audition1.5软件提供专业化音频编辑环境。
Adobe Audition专门为音频和视频专业人员设计,可提供先进的音频混音、编辑和效果处理功能。
Adobe Audit ion具有灵活的工作流程,使用非常简单并配有绝佳的工具,可以使制作出音质饱满、细致入微的最高品质音效。
[编辑本段]系统要求WindowsIntel® Pentium® 4 (DV 需要 1.4GHz 处理器, HDV 需要3.4GHz 处理器); Intel Centrino®; Intel Xeon® (HD 需要双Xeon 2.8G Hz 处理器); 或Intel Core™ Duo 或兼容处理器(AMD 系统需要支持SSE2 的处理器) Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional 或Home Edition(带有Service Pack 2),Windows Vista® Home Premium、Business、Ultimate 或Enterprise,或Windows 7(经验证支持32 位版并兼容64 位版)512MB RA M (DV 回放需要1GB; HDV 和HD 回放需要2GB) 10GB 可用硬盘空间(当与Loopology DVD 一起使用时) 安装需要DVD 驱动器1,280x900 监视器分辨率,具有32 位视频卡和16 MB VRAM Microsoft DirectX 或ASIO 兼容声卡使用QuickTime 功能需要QuickTime 7.0 产品激活需要Internet 或电话连接[1] [编辑本段]新功能3.0新功能包括:支持VSTi虚拟乐器!这意味着Audition由音频工作站变为音乐工作站增强的频谱编辑器。
Cool Edit 使用教程

将波形或被选中波形的开头和结尾反向。 在配音时,可以用此来获得一种特殊的音响效果。 例如,将女高音独唱“01兰花花人声.wav”转变成少数民族音乐。
将选择的波形片段做无声(静音)处理 注意与删除的区别
菜单项4 ——effects(效果)
菜单项4 ——effects(效果)
在effect(效果)菜单中包含有丰富的音频处理 效果,这是Cool Edit最核心部分,也是它超越 其他音频软件的原因。通过它们,用户可以方 便地制作出各种专业、迷人的声音效果。如产 生音乐大厅的环境效果等。 但是,这里将涉及到许多物理声学方面的专业 术语,一般非音乐专业的人很难弄懂,建议在 使用时尽量取默认值。
Cool Edit提供了五个内部剪贴板,加上Windows剪贴板,总
共有六个剪贴板可同时使用. 而Cool Edit又允许同时编辑多个声音文件,这样,如果你要在 多个声音文件之间传送数据,就可以使用五个内部剪贴板,如 果你要与外部程序交换数据,可使用 windows剪贴板,这就 象使用现在的剪贴板增强工具一样,给编辑带来了很大便利。 但是请注意,当前剪贴板只有一个,你每次进行复制、剪切和 粘贴等操作,始终是针对当前剪贴板。选定当前剪贴板的操作 为,在Cool Edit主窗口上,点击菜单Edit/Set Current Clipboard,选择一个剪贴板。
菜单项3 ——view(查看)
多轨混音窗/波形编辑窗口 Wave form view(波形方式查看) Special view(特别查看)光谱显示窗口:频谱方式查看 Cue list(提示列表窗)和play list(播放列表)的使用 Display time format(显示时间格式) Decimal (mm:ss:ddd) 十进制(分:秒:毫秒) Compact disk 75fps CD光盘 75 帧/秒 SMPTE 30fps SMPTE 30 帧/秒
cool edit教程

Cool Edit教程一、简介Cool Edit是一款功能强大的音频编辑软件,被广泛应用于音频后期制作、语音处理、音频剪辑等领域。
本教程将从安装、界面介绍、基本操作、高级特性等方面详细介绍Cool Edit的使用方法,帮助初学者快速入门。
二、安装Cool Edit要安装Cool Edit,您可以按照以下步骤进行操作:1.下载Cool Edit安装程序;2.运行安装程序;3.按照提示完成安装过程。
三、界面介绍安装完成后,打开Cool Edit,您将看到以下界面元素:•菜单栏:包含各种功能选项,如文件、编辑、视图、工具等;•工具栏:提供了常用的编辑工具,如放大、缩小、剪切、复制等;•多轨道编辑区:用于显示和编辑音频文件的波形图,您可以在此进行剪切、调整音频片段等操作;•控制面板:用于调整音频播放和录制的参数,包括音量、音调等;•媒体库:用于管理素材文件,如音频片段、音效等;•导航栏:用于快速定位和浏览音频文件。
四、基本操作1. 导入音频文件在Cool Edit中,您可以通过以下方法导入音频文件:•点击菜单栏的“文件”,选择“打开”选项,然后选择要导入的音频文件;•复制音频文件,然后粘贴到Cool Edit的多轨道编辑区中;•拖拽音频文件到Cool Edit的多轨道编辑区中。
2. 基本编辑操作Cool Edit提供了各种编辑工具,帮助您对音频文件进行剪切、复制、粘贴等操作。

Cool Edit Pro 图文教程非常出色的数字音乐编辑器和MP3制作软件。
不少人把Cool Edit形容为音频“绘画”程序。
另外,它还可以在AIF、AU、MP3、Raw PCM、SAM、VOC、VOX、WAV等文件格式之间进行转换,并且能够保存为RealAudio格式。
下载地址: /soft/2832.html一、辑界面与菜单命令首先,启动Cool Edit Pro 2.0或者2.1,可以看到如下界面。
Cool Edit Pro自己有5个,再加Windows系统的1个,一共可以选择6个剪贴板,但一次只能选1个。
cool edit 教程

cool edit 教程以下是一些Cool Edit教程的步骤:1. 安装和启动Cool Edit:首先,从官方网站或其他可信的来源下载和安装Cool Edit软件。
2. 导入音频文件:在Cool Edit的界面上,点击“文件”菜单,选择“导入”或“打开”选项,浏览您的计算机以找到要编辑的音频文件。
3. 剪切或删除音频片段:使用选择工具(通常是一个箭头图标)选择您想要剪切或删除的音频片段。
4. 调整音频音量:如果您想调整音频的音量,可以使用Cool Edit的音量调节功能。
5. 添加音效:Cool Edit提供了多种音效效果,您可以使用这些效果来改变音频的音色或添加特殊效果。
6. 混音和平衡:如果您需要将多个音频文件混合到一起或平衡左右声道的音量,可以使用Cool Edit的混音和平衡功能。
7. 导出编辑后的音频:在完成所有编辑后,点击“文件”菜单,选择“导出”选项来保存您编辑后的音频文件。
这些是Cool Edit的一些基本教程步骤,希望对您有所帮助。
请注意,目前Cool Edit已经被Adobe收购并更名为Adobe Audition,因此您也可以找到更多相关的Adobe Audition教程和资源。

Cool Edit简单使用教程最近总有很多朋友让我帮他们剪辑音乐并且问我是用什么软件弄的,想学怎么做音乐,今天我就简单的讲解一下如何利用Cool Edit进行音频的编辑一、软件的下载和安装点击这里下载Cool Edit,然后进行安装,安装很简单,就跟普通软件安装一样,直接下一步就好,这里就不多说了二、如何用Cool Edit打开音乐文件找到需要编辑的音频文件打开三、Cool Edit的两个编辑界面Cool Edit提供了两个编辑界面,一个是单音轨编辑界面,一个是多音轨编辑界面单音轨编辑界面多音轨编辑界面单音轨编辑界面主要是对单个音频文件进行编辑,在这个界面里可以进行各种效果的添加。
多音轨编辑界面主要是对多个音频文件的编辑,主要是为了实现多个音频的混合工作四、如何在两个界面间进行转换界面的转换有三种方法1、点击界面左上角的切换按钮2、点击查看标签,在下拉框中第一个实现界面切换3、快捷键F12实现切换效果四、如何将音频插入到多轨编辑界面中1、通过在单音轨编辑界面中的音频图像上右击,选择插入到多轨中3、在多轨编辑界面中在左边音频列表中左键按住音频不放拖拉到多轨中这样拖动有时不能使音频顶格,这是需要我们手动调整到顶格,cool edit多轨中的拖动与普通桌面图标的多动方法不同,并不是用鼠标左键,而是通过鼠标右键按住音频向左拖动,移动到顶格即可五、如何利用cool edit截取音乐的一部分1、首先将音乐通过上面的方法插入到多音轨编辑界面中,然后开始监听,到达你想要剪下的头部停止,我们停止的地方也许会和我们需要的地方有微差,这时就需要我们进行微调,默认视图下波普的图像不够细微,我们需要将波频图像进行放大然后微调将鼠标放在如图所示红色方框内滑动鼠标滚轮即可2、放大后在左键按住黄色虚线顶部的倒三角形进行左右调整,如果觉得鼠标动作过大可以通过键盘实现切割线(即黄色虚线)的左右位置,K是向左微调,J是向右微调,L是向右微调并选择微调区域,H为向左微调并选择微调区域,当调整到你想要的位置时,右击选择分割,即可将音乐切下,同理找到你想要音乐结束的地方分割即可。
Cool Edit

User’s ManualP.O. Box 60274 ∙ Phoenix, AZ 85082-0274 ∙ USA +1-602-941-4327 ∙ fax +1-602-941-8170syntrill@Cool EditRelease versions: 1.53 and 95Cool Edit is a digital sound editor for Windows. You might think of it as a paint program for audio-- just as a paint program enables you to create images with colors, brush strokes, and a variety of special effects, Cool Edit enables you to “paint” with sound: tones, pieces of son gs and voices and miscellaneous noises, sine waves and sawtooth waves, pink noise, white noise, and brown noise-- even silence. Cool Edit also gives you a wide variety of special effects to “touch up” your sounds: reverberation, noise reduction, echo and delay, flanging, filtering, and many others. Cool Edit is both flexible and powerful. It works with dozens of audio file formats, supports files up to 1 gigabyte in size, enables you to customize any function to achieve just the effect you want and then to store your settings as a “preset”, and offers scripting and batch-processing features so that you can automate your sound-processing routines.This manual describes all the features and procedures you need to make the most of Cool Edit. Once you’ve started working with it, you’ll understand why thousands of musicians, multimedia authors and artists, scientists, telephony professionals, and audio enthusiasts around the world have chosen Cool Edit as the ultimate sound editor.But first, a few words:Cool Edit is marketed as ShareWare and registered copies should only be used on onemachine at any one time (that is, it's not nice to give out registration numbers to allyour friends, but it is OK to put it on more than one machine if only one person willbe using it on those multiple machines at a time). Demonstration (unregistered)copies can be given out to friends, posted on bulletin boards and internet (ftp/telnet)sites, and the like. If Cool Edit is distributed in any ShareWare collection (on CD,disk, or other medium), then Syntrillium should be notified. Cool Edit is copyright (c)1992-1996 by David Johnston and Syntrillium Software Corporation.This software is distributed "as is" and Syntrillium Software Corporation (theCompany) makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including anywarranties of fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will the Company be liablefor any incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of, or inability touse, this program.We hope you find Cool Edit a joy to use! Please see the section on Configurations if you have any problems running the program. This may be the first application you have used that takes full advantage of your PC (lots of hard disk space for temporary storage, lots of floating point math for many of the waveform editing functions, lots of data bandwidth for recording and playing - especially 44.1K 16-bit stereo CD quality audio, and lots of CPU time while crunching out the results of various waveform functions). In many ways, it is similar to a CAD package, except that the focus is on audio instead of graphic design.Please use this documentation for reference purposes, or just to learn more about digital signal processing and all the capabilities Cool Edit already has. We are committed to keeping Cool Edit up to date with current and future technologies.Syntrillium Software CorporationContentsGENERAL WORKINGS AND OVERVIEW (5)F EATURES O VERVIEW (5)H OW C OOL E DIT W ORKS (7)C ONFIGURATIONS (7)U SING C OOL E DIT (9)A S HORT C OURSE IN D IGITAL S IGNAL P ROCESSING (12)S IGNALS (OR W AVES) (12)A MPLITUDE (12)F REQUENCY (12)P HASE (13)S AMPLING (13)S OUND R EPRODUCTION (14)Q UALITY I SSUES (14)N OISE (14)F ILTERING (14)T HE FFT (14)W ORKING WITH F ILES (15)C LOSE (15)E XIT (15)N EW (15)N EW I NSTANCE (16)O PEN (16)O PEN A S (19)O PEN A PPEND (19)R E-O PEN (19)S AVE (19)S AVE A S (19)S AVE S ELECTION (19)G ENERAL P URPOSE E DITING (20)A DJUST S AMPLE R ATE (20)B YTE S WAP (20)C ONVERT (20)C OPY (21)C UT (21)D ELETE S ELECTION (21)E DIT L EFT/R IGHT (21)P ASTE (22)P ASTE S PECIAL (22)R EPEAT L AST C OMMAND (22)S ELECT E NTIRE W AVE (23)S PECTRAL/W AVEFORM V IEW (23)T RIM (23)U NDO (23)V IEWING R ANGE (24)FUNCTIONS AND SPECIAL FEATURES (25)W AVEFORM T RANSFORMATION F UNCTIONS (25)A MPLIFY (25)C HANNEL M IXER (26)C OMPRESSOR (26)D ELAY (28)D ISTORTION (29)E CHO (29)3D E CHO C HAMBER (30)E NVELOPE (33)F ILTER (33)F LANGE (34)I NVERT (35)M USIC (36)N OISE R EDUCTION (37)N ORMALIZE (39)Q UICK F ILTER (39)R EVERB (40)R EVERSE (41)S ILENCE (41)S TRETCH (42)W AVE (43)W AVEFORM G ENERATION F UNCTIONS (46)G ENERATE N OISE (46)G ENERATE S ILENCE (47)G ENERATE T ONES (47)O PTIONS (49)L OOP/P LAY T OGGLE (49)M ONITOR S OURCE (49)S ETTINGS (49)I NFO (51)F REQUENCY A NALYSIS (52)CD P LAYER (53)C UE L IST (54)P LAY L IST (55)S CRIPTS (55)B ATCH P ROCESSING (57)W AVE D EVICE S ELECTION (58)QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (59)BRAINWAVE SYNCHRONIZATION FUNDAMENTALS (63)A BOUT C ARRIER W AVES (64)E NCODING B RAINWAVE I NFORMATION (65)A UTHORING B RAINWAVE F ILES (66)S AMPLE T HETA F ILE (67)H OW T O U SE B RAINWAVE S YNCHRONIZATION F ILES (69)R EFERENCES (69)TECHNICAL INFORMATION (72)T ECHNICAL N OTES (72)A BOUT THE A UTHOR (73)Features Overview∙Multiple instances (copies of Cool Edit) can be loaded, copied to, and pasted from in any mixture of wave formats.∙Cool Edit can synthesize just about any sound using the noise and tone generation functions along with the various wave transformation functions.∙Convert between various sample types with variable levels of quality for upsampling and downsampling.∙Any sample can be used as an “instrument” and set to music, like a dog barking Jingle Bells, or Tarzan yelling the national anthem.∙Waveforms of any size can be edited, limited only by hard drive space∙Supports PCM, Microsoft ADPCM and IMA ADPCM .WAV, Sound Blaster .VOC, raw PCM, Apple AIFF, and ASCII Text data formats. MPEG Layer 2 file format available upon request.∙Add 1960's sounding special effects using the Flange function.∙Continuous echo of all or part of a sample with filtering for successive echoes possible with Echo.∙Simulate the acoustics of any environment with the 3D Echo Chamber, and Reverb functions. ∙Speed up or slow down samples without affecting pitch, or raise and lower pitch without affecting tempo by using Stretch.∙Distort your waveforms to give effects such as low quantization, blown car speaker, fuzzy cheap amplifier, and overdriven tube amp.∙Supports descriptive information, and bitmaps when saved in .WAV format.∙Supports a cue list, and a play list, when saved in .WAV format for playing portions of a wave in any order, with looping.∙Built in CD player when the [MCI] CD Audio driver is loaded, and a valid music CD is in the drive.∙Brainwave synchronization function available to create sound files that alter your state of mind. ∙Record and Playback waves using any Windows compatible sound board, even works with the PC Speaker driver.∙Spatially locate sound sources to appear as if they are coming from different directions by delaying one channel a few microseconds in stereo waveforms.∙Most functions have programmable Presets to easily save and retrieve your favorite effects.∙You can feel free to experiment, and easily back up a step if you don't like what you did by using the Undo function.∙8-band Quick Filter for quickly adjusting equalization.∙FFT filtering and Spectral View make it easy to filter and analyze audio with high precision.∙Compress/Expand/Limit dynamic range using the Compressor function. Can also act as a noise gate to silence audio between spoken words.∙Noise Reduction possible to reduce any type of noise up to 20dB, including broad band noise and that annoying 60 cycle hum.∙Practically any file format can be loaded successfully into Cool by using the raw PCM file type, and then Adjusting the sample rate, bit rate, and number of channels, as well as performing Byte Swaps to get the byte ordering and sign interpretation correct.∙Skewed waveforms can be centered properly using the DC Bias filter, and waves can be normalized, faded in, faded out, or panned by using the Amplify and Normalize functions.∙Frequency analysis can be continually be performed on the waveform at the cursor to better see exactly what frequencies are present.∙Support for unlimited wave formats by allowing others to write custom file formats that Cool Edit will support. See the File Filter API.∙Cool Scripts will remember everything you did to arrive at a certain waveform, or transformation and remember it for the future. A Batch feature lets you run a script on a group of files and save them back in any format.∙Customizable Toolbar (with a little work) possible by modifying the cool.ini file.∙Assign keyboard keys to play specific parts of your waveform by using the cue list.∙Ring Modulation, or any type of modulation possible via Generate Tones or Paste Special. ∙Ultimate distortion effects possible with the Distortion function.∙Generate telephone tones using the DTMF Tone Generator.How Cool Edit WorksOverall DesignCool Edit currently uses the Single Document Interface (SDI) design paradigm. This means that an instance of the program operates on a single continuous waveform. This, however, in no way means you have to work on only one waveform at a time. Multiple copies can be run at once by choosing File:New Instance. Use multiple copies to temporarily store waveform snippets (like having a multiple visual clipboards) or to work with more than a single waveform at a time. Since each running copy of the program is totally independent of the others, you can even play waveforms and work on one copy while the other is busy calculating.While Cool Edit is calculating, most of your CPU's time will be used for these calculations, although you can still run other Windows applications albeit a little slower. If in the middle of calculating a lengthy operation you need the processor for another task, you can suspend, or pause calculation by pressing the Pause button in the progress meter dialog (or just clicking on the blue progress meter in some versions).In general, all functions that alter existing waveform data can be found in the Transform menu, while those that create new waveform data can be found in the Generate menu. All file and main program control functions are in the File menu. All functions dealing with the general purpose editing can be found in the Edit menu. And finally, all miscellaneous functions that did not fit anywhere else are in the Options menu.Most dialogs have help [?] buttons for quick help about the current dialog. Lengthy explanations of all the functions can be looked up this way.Temporary FilesWhen Cool Edit loads a file, it is actually creating a temporary backup copy of the wave, decompressing it if necessary (which is why the size displayed in file size window can be larger than the size of the file that was loaded). All editing, transforming, generating, recording, and playing is done by using this temporary file. Most all systems are fast enough to record and play directly from disk, so the limits of RAM are removed allowing for the editing of files as large as your hard drive. Cool Edit uses the temporary directory specified in the Settings dialog. (This dialog first gets the directory from your TEMP environment variable, usually set in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, the first time Cool Edit is run.) The temporary directory used to store Undo information can be different than the main temporary files directory. Undo and various other functions create temporary files that are all removed when every instance of Cool Edit is closed.Playing and Recording AudioCool Edit uses a multi-buffered system for recording and playing audio. The total buffer size can be specified in the Options:Settings dialog. The size is measured in seconds, and should be just slightly longer than the longest time you expect your system to be busy. The system is busy whenever you see the hourglass cursor, so this should give you some indication of the proper time to enter. If the system is busy for longer than the buffer time specified, recording or playing will stop. You will hear gaps of silence during play, and missing audio data from recording if this value is too low. For most systems, 4 seconds is fine, and 8 seconds should be more than enough.ConfigurationsCool Edit doesn't need much configuration, but for optimal performance, there are a few guidelines you can follow.Location of Temporary Files DirectoryYour temporary files directory should be located on your largest, fastest hard drive (of course :-). A slow hard drive may not be fast enough to record to at higher data rates (like 44.1K, 16 bit, stereo). Also, compressed (or stacked) hard drives require more processor time, and may make recording at higher data rates impossible on slower systems because of the time needed to encode, or compress the data. You want the hard drive with the greatest amount of free space on it as well, since this will limit the size of the file Cool Edit can work with. Be aware that if the wave you are currently working on takes up more than half of the available space on the temporary drive, then you will not be able to save that wave to that temporary drive in a non-compressed format, since the saved file will take up more room than the drive has left. The temporary files directory can be specified in the Settings dialog.Internally, this setting is kept in the TEMPOVERRIDE= line in the [Size] section of COOL.INI. The file COOL.INI is located in your Windows directory. After the section that reads "[Size]" you may enter the line, "TempOverride=D:\TMP" for example.Interrupts and DMA ChannelsMany sound boards use Interrupts and/or DMA channels. For 16-bit audio, you must specify a DMA channel of 5 or greater. Consult your sound board user's guide for more information. For Cool Edit to run at its fullest, these must be set correctly. You can still edit waveforms of any sample type even if your board is not capable of playing them, and even if you do not own a sound card!Some problems occur during recording or playback if the Interrupt or DMA settings for your card conflict with some other installed device (hard drive, network, etc.). Some devices, like SCSI hard drives, may steal too much of the data bus away from the sound card, not allowing it to run at higher data rates. So if you have any problems playing or recording, especially at higher rates (44.1K and/or 16-bit) please check all the settings on all your hardware to ensure there are no conflicts. Cool Edit plays audio directly from the hard drive, so your computer's data bus must be able to handle the traffic coming from the hard drive to memory, and from memory to your sound card at the sample rates you wish to use the program at.Using Cool EditNavigating About the InterfaceThe Toolbar represents the commonly used functions as icons along the top of the window. A quick help description of the button’s purpose will pop up if the mouse remains over the button for about a half second. If too annoying, this feature can be turned off in the Settings dialog.Waveforms are displayed in green.∙Any portion may be selected by clicking on the waveform with the left button, and dragging left or right.∙Holding the SHIFT key while doing so, or using the right mouse button will increase or decrease the size of the currently selected portion.∙Double-Clicking on the waveform will select the entire visible wave.The View Indicator (the green bar above the waveform) depicts which portion of the entire waveform is being viewed in the workspace below.∙Sliding the green bar (when present) left or right scrolls various parts of the waveform below into view accordingly.∙Clicking to the left or right of the green bar will scroll the audio to the left or right one screenful when zoomed.∙Double-Clicking on the View Indicator will bring up the Viewing Range dialog to allow direct entry of starting and ending samples for the portion of the wave to view.The Yellow Arrows indicate the point of insertion. Clicking anywhere in the workspace will move the point of insertion to the mouse.The Red Arrows, when present, represent the Cue List entries for cue markers.The Blue Brackets, when present above and below the waveform represent the Cue List entries for a range.Choose Zoom In to expand the selected portion to the full window. Zoom Out will give a larger view of the waveform, while Full View will display the entire waveform in the workspace.Playing and recording is controlled by the lower row of buttons.∙The Play button will play the portion of the wave that is currently being viewed, or the portion that is highlighted.∙The Pause button will temporarily pause the playback or recording of audio. The button turns into a Continue button when audio is paused. If recording, the red record bar turns yellow to indicate a paused state.∙The Record button will start recording at the current insertion point. Any waveform data after that will be recorded over.∙Use the Stop button to end waveform playback or recording.The Record Level Meter below the Play/Record buttons will display red when a waveform is being recorded, and a real-time display of the input when Monitor Source is chosen. The display turns yellow if recording has been temporarily paused.∙Double-Clicking on the Record Level Meter will start or stop monitoring.The Time Display windows show the current Starting and Ending points of the current selection, or portion being viewed.∙Double-Clicking on these windows will toggle the display between time in seconds, and in samples.The Wave Format window displays the format of the wave in Channels, Sample Rate, and Bits Per Sample.Double-Clicking on this window will bring up the Adjust Sample Rate dialog to change the way Cool Edit interprets samples.A Play Position Indicator (vertical inverse bar) shows the current playing position when a wave is played.The Cool Edit ParadigmThe main purpose of Cool Edit is act as a non real-time studio to edit digital waveforms. Many of the functions take longer than real-time to process, thus there is no non-destructive “playthrough” of any of the effects. So don’t go throwing away your digital effects processors just yet.Only one waveform can be edited at a time, but you are not limited to the number of copies of Cool Edit that can be running. Running multiple instances does not use very much memory, so don’t be afraid to open as many copies of Cool Edit as needed. Instances of Cool Edit can be worked on while others are in the middle of processing audio, since each copy is completely independent of the other. Yet, copying and pasting can be performed seamlessly between each of the instances.When a file is opened, a temporary backup is made, and all edits are made on the temporary backup copy. Changes are only made to the original file if they are explicitly saved back. Choosing File:Re-Open will re-copy the original waveform to the temporary working copy at any time (kind of like a global level Undo). If you are using Cool Edit to just play a waveform, and not edit it, it is better to use some other wave player program, since Cool Edit uses hard drive space to create a backup copy before it can be played.The waveform currently being edited is always resident on the hard drive (except for during the middle of operations). Because of this, waveform sizes are limited only to the amount of free space on the temporary drive. The maximum size Cool Edit allows is just over 1 gigabyte, which should be plenty for most purposes. Because the temporary file takes up hard drive space while Cool Edit is open, you have less space on the temporary hard drive to save your files. Editing a file of more than twice the original free space on the temporary drive will make it impossible to save the waveform on the same drive, unless a compression method is used (e.g. ADPCM).Waveforms are played directly off of the hard drive as well. For this reason, it is important for the temporary hard drive to be as fast as possible. To improve hard drive speed, remove any type of disk compression you may be using if your working on a slow processor system and desire to record at high sample rates. But, waveforms of any size can be played.Keyboard ShortcutsDelete Delete ALT+P Play waveformCTRL+C Copy ALT+S Stop playCTRL+Insert Copy SPACE Play waveform / Stop playing waveform toggleCTRL+X Cut F2 Repeat last command (show dialog if command has one) SHIFT+Delete Cut F3 Repeat last command now (using last used settings)CTRL+V Paste F8 Add the current cursor location or selection to the cue list SHIFT+Insert Paste ALT+M Monitor Source signal toggle on/offCTRL+T Trim ALT+I Waveform InfoALT+Bksp Undo ALT+Z Frequency Analysis WindowCTRL+A Select Entire WaveCTRL+S Select the current viewMouse ShortcutsLeft Click and Drag on waveform to highlight and select a range of samplesRight Click (and drag) on waveform to extend selectionShift+Left Click (and drag) on waveform also to extend selectionDouble-Click on view indicator (green bar) to enter viewing range directly in samples Click to the left or right of green bar to scroll view left or right one screenDouble-Click on Levels Meter (black bar) to start/stop monitoringDouble-Click on Sample type display to change sample type interpretationDouble-Click on time windows to change time formatDouble-Click on title bar to Maximize/RestoreRest mouse over toolbar button to get explanation of button's functionA Short Course in Digital Signal ProcessingSignals (or Waves)Waves in the context of Cool Edit are sound waves. A sound wave can be written as the how the air pressure on your ear changes over time. When you hear a loud sound, the pressure on your eardrum is greater, and it vibrates harder. Soft sounds affect the eardrum very little, and thus are noticed as softersounds. So a wave is a convenient representation of how thesound level varies over a time interval. The illustration is asine wave of a constant pitch. It shows the sound pressureoscillating from low pressure to high pressure and back. Innatural systems, this motion follows the path of a sine wavewhen graphed. The wave here is of a constant frequency andconstant amplitude. Choose any time along the Time axisgoing from left to right, draw a vertical line up and down,and there will be exactly one spot where the wave crossesthis vertical line. This is because a wave can have only onevalue at any instant in time. For example, there can notsimultaneously be two different pressure levels on the eardrum at once. If two sounds are heard at the same time, the pressure levels from both of them are simply added, and a single resultant pressure is observed (and at that instant, it is impossible to tell exactly which role each sound played in creating this single value). So a waveform is depicted as a line that can vary up and down freely, going from left to right, but with no "backtracking" (e.g. a graph of a waveform will never look like a circle, or a "U" on its side).Waves in the natural world are continuous, which means that no matter how much you "zoom in" to the waveform, or no matter how small of a time interval you look at, there are an infinite number of values needed to represent the progression of the waveform during that interval. Other types of waves exist besides just sound waves. Seismic activity can also be viewed as a wave - as in the shock wave during an earthquake. The Richter scale graphs (the familiar graphs of earthquake activity they show on television after a quake) are a prime example. There is a single needle that sways back and forth leaving a mark on a slowly turning cylinder. As the seismic receptors placed into the Earth pick up vibrations, the electrical impulses are sent to the device, causing the needle to sway in response to the movement of the earth.Cool Edit's normal Waveform View displays waveforms just as described, as a plot with the time going from left to right, and at each instant in time there is exactly one value for the waveform's instantaneous amplitude, or pressure level. AmplitudeThe amplitude of a sine wave is the difference between thehighest part of the wave and the lowest part. The differencebetween the high and low pressure parts. A low amplitude,quiet wave would be one that would vary much less up anddown, while a louder waveform would vary much up anddown. Amplitude is generally measured in decibels,although the decibel (dB) itself not an absolute measurementlike Fahrenheit is for temperature, but instead is ameasurement of ratio. If one decibel is the quietest soundsomeone can hear, then the loudest sound one can hearwithout damaging the ears with prolonged exposure wouldbe about 100 dB. Normal speaking would be at about 20 dB.Ten decibels is an increase in volume of 10 times. Thedecibel scale is not linear, but logarithmic, which means that20 dB is not 20 times louder, but instead 100 times louder(10 times louder than a 10 dB increase).FrequencyThe frequency of a wave determines the pitch we perceive, and is measured in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz). As seen on the graph, the time it takes the wave to complete one cycle is the time it takes to go all the way from the point of lowest pressure, on up to highest pressure, and then back to lowest pressure where it started. A cycle can start anywhere, not just at the bottom of the wave. The cycle will always end at the same pressure level it began. For a male voice, you may count about 180 complete cycles in one second of audio, which would give the speaker's voice a pitch of 180Hz. A female singing voice may attain 600Hz. The key "A" below middle "C" on the piano is about 440Hz. Each time a frequency doubles, it is said to raise an octave. So, if 440Hz is "A" below middle "C", then 220Hz is "A" the next octave lower, and 110Hz is still "A", yet another octave lower. The high pitched ringing you may hear emanating from television sets is around 17,000 Hz. The human ear can perceive frequencies up to about 20,000Hz.PhaseAs a wave cycles through at its particular frequency, it can be thought of as passing through all the degrees of a circle, from zero to 360 degrees. Each part of the cycle can be referred to by its phase, with zero degrees being the midline value as the pressure level is increasing, or as the wave is on its up-swing. Then 90 degrees would be the peak, and 270 degrees the valley. At 180 degrees, the wave is back at the midline, but this time on the down-swing. At any instant in time, a sine wave can have only one phase value. Phase is the one component that human ears can not discern very easily. For example, a bell rang at exactly 12:00pm, we would not be able to notice at exactly one second past 12:00pm whether the phase of the sound we are hearing is at 0 degrees, or 90 degrees, or anywhere. If the bell rang at 3 milliseconds past 12:00pm, the phase at exactly one second past 12:00pm would certainly be different (depending on the pitch of the bell), but we still would not notice it was different.The sounds we hear in everyday life and when we listen to music, are generally not just a pure sine waves as exemplified above, but a collection of an infinite number of sine waves, each at its own varying amplitude, and its own varying phase. At any instant in time, what we truly hear is the sum of all of the frequencies present, each at their own amplitude, and each at a particular phase during their cycle. Summing all these will give exactly one value, or one pressure level that is present at the eardrum at any particular instant. Because of this, a wave can be graphed as the instantaneous amplitude (or pressure level) during an interval of time. Cool Edit's Spectral View will display all the frequencies present at any instant in time (almost), and their amplitudes at that instant. The louder a particular frequency is, the brighter the point will be. The higher up on the display the point is, the higher the frequency is that the point represents. Time is still represented as going from left to right. The reason we say the Spectral View almost displays all frequencies present at any instant in time is because it is impossible to determine all frequencies at any instant that went into producing the pressure level that was measured during recording, but it can be estimated from the audio before and after that point. This is why, as you zoom in more and more, the particular frequencies begin looking very smeared from left to right.SamplingIn the computer, it is impossible to work with an infiniteamount of data, which is what would be required if acontinuous wave were to be represented inside the machine,so at every possible instant in time we would have the valueof the waveform at that instant. For this reason, it isnecessary to sample the data. Sampling consists of breakingup the waveform at constant intervals, and representing allvalues in that interval by a single value. By dividing thewaveform up like this, one second of audio can now berepresented by a finite number of values. The sample rate isthe number of divisions taken per one second of audio. Asyou can see by the graph, the sampled waveform (horizontaldashes) contains much less information about the shape of thewave than the original continuous wave itself. The highestfrequency that can be represented by this method is exactlyone half the sample rate. So, if a sample rate of 22,050 slicesper second was used, the highest frequency that can berepresented would be a tone of 11,025 Hz. This frequency isknown as the Nyquist frequency. The higher the sample rate,the higher the frequencies are that can be represented by sampling. The human ear can hear frequencies up to about 20,000 Hz (or 20 KHz), so to represent all sounds that humans can hear, a sample rate of at least 40,000 Hz must be used, which would yield 40,000 values for the computer for each second of audio. This is why CD players sample at 44,100 Hz, to be enough above twice the highest frequency anyone can hear.So far we have broken time into discrete intervals. What about the actual values, or amplitude, at each of those intervals? The wave above can be thought of as going from values between 100 (at the top) to -100 (at the bottom). This would cause the short sequence of 11 samples to be given to the computer as roughly 93.7, 51.5, -22.1, -89.4, -97.6, -48.0, 25.7, 92.1, 93.9, 54.5, and -21.1. The same problem as with having continuous time exists with the values at each interval as well. There are an infinite number of possible values the wave can have during each of these intervals. For example, instead of the first value being 93.7, it could just as easily have been 93.716746352231... These values must also be broken up into intervals (which may or may not be evenly spaced) so that computers can deal with them. This breaking up of continuous values to a specific number of values is known as quantizing. An 8-bit sound card, for example, can have any one of 256 unique values, where the continuous range of real numbers has been quantized to 256 steps. The reason 8-bit sound has 256 possible values is because 2 to the 8th power (2 x 2 x 2... eight times) is 256. The 16-bit sound cards can have any one of 65,536 values for each interval. The quantization level, directly relates to the dynamic range (difference between the softest and loudest sound) that can be represented (if the range has been evenly divided into equal spaced steps). With only 256 levels, the sound quality is comparable to that of AM radio. With the 65,536 levels possible with 16-bit audio, the quality is comparable to that of compact discs, which can have much louder 'louds', and much softer 'softs'. So, where the sample rate (divisions in time) determines the highest frequency sound that can be represented, the quantization level (divisions in amplitude) determines the highest dynamic range that can be represented. If the divisions in amplitude are not evenly spaced,。
Cool Edit Pro 教程

Cool Edit Pro 教程软件下载地址:/31743509_d.html下载说明:有些朋友问我,这里那么多连接,是不是都要下载.现在我声明一下, 提供那么多下载点.是为了以防无法下载时.可从另个下载点下载软件.并不是叫你全部下载.你只要下载最重要的文件是cool edit主程序,与破解版. 不然只是使用版.汉化包是解救不懂英文的朋友.安装一下也不错的.一些插件是专们处理声音的.如果你不想处理就不用安装了.一,主下载点.另处Cool Edit Pro 2.0主程序、汉化包和注册机(另处集合插件下载处)其中插中包含:压缩包内含Antares麦克风模拟效果器、waves4.0、antares_tube模拟电子管高音激励器2.0、混响、压限器。
(下载来源九天翻乐行)插件分开下载:waves 4.0ultrafunk3Timeworks.reverbx.dx.plugin.v1.3TC.Native.Bundle.V3.0.VST.Workingantares tubeBBE v2.0二,163888主下载点cooledit20.exe (安装程序)cep2reg.rar (破解程序)cooledit20汉化包下载效果插件:BBE Sonic Maximizerultrafunk2(建议下载最新版本ultrafunk3.)waves5.0 汉化程序(此插件空间由中国作曲论坛提供)(软件与插件包括汉化泡请在同一个站内下载.不要分别从不同的站点下载,会引起安装错误)三,主下载点.Cooledit 软件下载及插件下载软件下载:Cool Edit 2.0汉化版点击下载效果插件:BBE Sonic Maximizer 点击下载UltraFunk R3点击下载汉化下载与Waves齐名的一个插件,其中的一些效果直逼硬件效果器。
Waves 5.0 点击下载非常有名的插件效果包,很多人从它的3.0版本一直用到现在的5.0,其中的C4插件更是为人津津乐道,不过到了5.0,它的资源占用率也迅速增长。
cool edit 教程

cool edit 教程Cool Edit是一款非常流行的音频编辑软件,它提供了丰富的音频处理功能和工具,让用户可以对音频文件进行剪辑、混音、修饰、增强等操作。
以下是一份Cool Edit的教程,帮助初学者快速掌握基本的编辑技巧。
第一步:安装Cool Edit首先,你需要从官方网站下载Cool Edit的安装程序。
第二步:导入音频文件一旦安装完成,你可以启动Cool Edit,然后点击菜单栏中的“文件”选项,选择“导入”来导入音频文件。
第三步:剪辑音频在Cool Edit的界面中,你可以看到一个波形图。
第四步:混音如果你想要将多个音频文件混合在一起,你可以在Cool Edit中使用混音功能。
第五步:修饰和增强Cool Edit提供了多种修饰和增强音频效果的工具。
Cool Edit支持多种音频格式,你可以选择最适合你需求的格式来保存你的编辑结果。
Cool Edit是一款非常强大的音频编辑软件,它提供了丰富的功能和工具,使得用户可以轻松地编辑和修饰音频文件。
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Cool Edit 2000可以录入多种音源包括:话筒、录音机、CD播放机等。
点击菜单File中的New,出现New waveform对话框,选择适当的录音声道(Channels)、分辨率(Resolution)和采样频率(Sample Rate)。
一般使用Stereo、16-bit、44100Hz,这是用于CD音质的设置,效果已经不错了点击Cool Edit 2000主窗口左下部的红色录音按钮,开始录音,并播放CD音源。
完成录音后,点击Cool Edit 2000主窗口左下部的Stop按钮。
Cool Edit 2000窗口中将出现刚录制好的文件波形图。
然后依次选取菜单里Transform项中的NoiseReduction 命令,就会弹出Noise Reduction的工作界面将界面中Snapshots in profile的参数改为800,FFT Size的数值改为8192,Precision Factor的数值改为10,SmoothingAmount的数值改为10左右,这样可以达到比较好的效果。
改好各参数后,点击Get Profile from Selection按钮,几秒后出现噪音样本的轮廓图关闭窗口,可以听听效果,噪音是不是没有了?不满意就再调调参数,因为音源与录音设备不同,所以需要反复的调试才能达到一个十分满意的效果。
你是否曾经遇到过自己十分喜欢的歌,但是又找不到卡拉OK伴奏带呢?现在有了Cool Edit 2000帮你,你就不会再为找不到伴奏带而烦恼了!我们可以自制伴奏带。
它不仅可以抓取音轨,还可以互相转换多种格式的音频文件,我们这里需要.wav 格式的文件。
运行数字CD抓轨一项,光驱中的曲目就会显示在菜单上方,挑选你要转的曲目转换即可在Cool Edit 2000中调入转好的文件,选择菜单Transform项中的Amplitude里Channel Mixer项,在弹出的对话框中选择原厂预设参数中的VocalCut一项然后关闭对话框听一下效果,这时你会觉得人声几乎没了,但听一会儿你会发觉似乎缺少了什么。
将源文件重新打开,选择菜单Filters项中的Graphic Equalizer项(是Cool Edit 2000的插件)。
我们将人声覆盖的频段衰减至最小,边调节,边监听,直到人声几乎没有就可以了按下Switch Mulititrack Mixer View钮,打开CoolEdit Pro的多轨编辑视窗。
在第一轨中按鼠标右键点击Insert项中的Wave from File,选择第1步中处理好的消除人声后的音频文件插入第一轨,再在第二轨中按鼠标右键插入均衡处理后的音频文件插好之后,播放听一下,是不是还可以?不行的话,就分别调大这两轨的音量最后,如果满意了,那么在Edit菜单中选择Mix Down to Track项中的All Waves,将两轨混合输出为另一个文件。
不过你在演唱时,你的声音完全可以盖住没消干净的原声,也就没问题了!三、添加音效其实在Cool Edit 2000中最激动人心的功能莫过于可以随意添加音效。
在Cool Edit 2000的菜单Transfrm下,有20个子菜单,通过它们,用户可以方便地制作出各种专业、迷人的声音效果。
如Reverb(余音),可以产生音乐大厅的环境效果;Dynamics Processing(动态处理),可以根据录音电平动态调整输出电平;Time/Pitch(时间/音调),能够在不影响声音质量的情况下,改变乐曲音调或节拍等等。
依你所需,选取波形局部或全部,用菜单effect/filters/graphic equalizer打开图示均衡器对话框,如图5。
在菜单effect/delay effect(常用效果器)之下,还有几个子菜单,分别是合唱、延迟、动态延迟、混响、房间混响、回声等。
无论进行到哪一步,你发现声音波形过小或是太大,CEP 都提供了顺手的工具。
从它左上角的两个标签中,可以分别打开constand amplifiction(恒定音量)与fade(渐变)两个对话框,使用方法大同小异,一般的情况下,使用右侧的预置窗口的现成效果就可以了。
淡入、淡出的效果与上述相似,选取开头或结尾的约5秒以下的波形片段,再在预置效果里选择fade in(淡入)或fade out(淡出)即可,一般应锁定左右声道。
CEP为你提供了相当好用的剪贴板功能,打开edit/set current clipboard(设置当前剪贴板),会发现,它为你增加到六个剪贴板供你使用。
在波形上单击鼠标右键,点选insert in multitrack(插入多轨窗口),单击窗口左上角的单轨、多轨切换按钮,切换到多轨窗口,如图1。
各个轨道的左边按钮中,有三个较醒目的按钮R、S、M ,分别代表录音状态、独奏、静音,可按照需要选用与取消对此轨道的作用。
最让人高兴的是,CEP可以提取视频文件中的配音,不信你看看file/extract audio from video(自视频提取音频),支持AVI、MPEG等。
在打开的乐曲波形上右击鼠标,点选insert in multitrack ,将它插入多轨窗口。
依次选取view/enable envelope editing(允许包络线编辑),并且在show volume envelopes(显示音量包络)之前勾选,如需要,还可勾选show pan envelopes(显示相位包络)。