



哈佛大学幸福课第三课中英文讲义早上好同学们Good morning,everyone.今天是本学期正式开学的第一天This semester has started,officially today.很高兴在这看到你们Glad to see you here.我只想说几句话Just a couple of announcement还有向进修学院的同学们打声招呼and also hi to the extension school students.上次我们向新西兰的同学问好Last time we say hi to New Zealand.今天轮到爱尔兰的同学了Today we are saying hi to Ireland.现在先说这里的本科生和研究生In terms of sectioning分组问题for the undergrads and graduate students here, 你们明天会收到Sean Achor的邮件you'll get an email from Sean Achor tomorrow. 你们填好各自的想加入的小组And you'll put in your section preference.我们本周会分好小组We are sectioning this weekend.选择你最想加入的组非常重要So it will be important that you submit your top preferences. 下周我们就开始And next week we are starting.还记得上节课的问题吗Last time,if you remember the question that we ask,最主要的问题是"为什么要学习积极心理学?"the guiding question was "why positive psychology?"我提到了三个原因And I mentioned three reasons,为何我们把它作为独立的研究而不简单地Why we need it as an independent field as opposed to just being"研究一下幸福和爱情""well,let's do some studies on happiness,on relationships"不像一贯人们所做的那样?as it is always being done?我们需要积极心理学是为了改变The reason why we need positive psychology is to shift现在的21比1这个比率the pendulum from the 21:1 ratio that we have today:每有一项关于抑郁或焦虑的研究for every one study on depression or anxiety,就有21项对不起we have 21 studies on-- sorry,应该是每有一项关于快乐或幸福的研究for one study on happiness or wellbeing,就有21项关于抑郁或焦虑的研究we have 21 studies on depression and anxiety.我们想稍微改变这个比率We want to shift the pendulum slightly.我提过三个原因And I mentioned three reason关于为什么要改变这个比率why we want to shift this pendulum despite the fact尽管世界上越来越多人抑郁that there are rising levels of depression around the world, 而焦虑就像是全球性流行病that anxiety has become epidemic globally—遍布美国中国澳大利亚英国所有大学on college campuses in United States,China,Australia,UK.尽管如此我还是认为我们该改变那比率Despite that fact,I argue that we need to shift the pendulum 做更多"积极研究" 或者说and do more "positive research",or in other words,集中研究可行的事research that focuses on what works.原因在于And the reason is—我们之前讨论完的第一个原因是the first reason that we gave and we are just finishing up is 我们提出的问题很重要because the question that we ask,无论它是不是我们的研究问题whether it's the research questions that we ask,或我们为自己所问的or the questions that we ask of ourselves,或为我们的伴侣问的or our partners,matter.如果我们只问同一类问题And if our only questions,或只是问"有哪些不如意的事?or primarily our questions are "what is not working?出什么问题了?What is the problem?为什么那么多孩子因为成长环境而堕落?"Why are so many kids failing as a result of their circumstances?"如果我们只问了这些问题If we only ask these questions,就会错过现实中很重要的部分we will miss,literally miss an important part of reality,像你们在练习中没看到公车上的孩子一样just like you missed the children on the bus in the exercise.你们大多数人都没看到Most of you did.如果我们也问积极问题And if we also ask the positive question,那就会出现新的可能性新的探索then some new possibilities,new quests open up,就像他们对研究学者所问的一样just like they did for the researchers when they started to ask 不再问"为什么有这么多人堕落?"no longer "why do so many individuals fail?"而问"那些人是怎样取得成功的?but started to ask "what do some individuals do and succeed? 为什么有些人能成功Why do some individuals succeed即使成长环境恶劣?"despite the unfavorable circumstances?"我们会以Marva Collins的故事为例And then we have the story of Marva Collins,她的例子很典型能说明很多观点who exemplifies so many of themes这些观点会贯穿我们整节课that we'll talk about throughout the course.Marva Collins所做的What Marva Collins did就是帮助她的学生从消极的受害者-was help her students shift from the passive victim—你是成长环境的受害者you are victims of your circumstances,是你的家庭教育邻里关系和社会环境的受害者of your upbringing,neighborhood,country,诸如此类的从消极的受害者变成积极的作用者whatever it is—from a passive victim to an active agent. 00:03:56,790 --> 00:03:59,790是的那很困难艰辛不公平Yes,it's difficult. It's tough. It's unfair.但这是你自己的责任没人会来帮你However,it's your responsibility. No one is coming.能否改变自己的人生由你自己决定It's up to you to make that difference in your life.但她改变了千千万万人的人生And she made a difference to thousands of people's lives现在还在这么做and continues to do so.换句话说如果我们看看芝加哥学院体制In other words,if we look at the case of Chicago school system Marva Collins就在那体制下执教where Marva Collins was teaching,the conventional,还是那个老问题traditional question was-- if you remember—"怎样才能让学生们在学校"how can we keep these students in school留得久一点?for as long as possible?如何让他们在10或12岁后还留在学校How can we keep them in school beyond the age of 10 or让他们远离街头帮派?so that they don't join street gangs?让他们远离毒品和犯罪?"So that they are not hurt by drugs or crime?""如何使他们安全地留在学校?""How can we keep them safe at school?"—这是个很重要的问题但还不只如此An important question to ask. However,not enough. Marva Collins重新定义这个问题Marva Collins comes along and reframes the question.她提出的问题是And her question becomes"我们如何培养学生激发他们的潜能?""how can we cultivate the seed of greatness in our student?" 这问题改变了一切And that,once again,made all the difference,因为她看到了每个学生的潜能because she saw the seed of greatness in each student.她看到每个学生身上的优点和品德She saw the strength,the virtues in each single student.潜能优点品德能力A seed,a strength,a virtue,a competence这些是其他老师没看到的that other teachers did not see,因为他们没提出这个问题because they did not ask this question;打个比方他们只会问because they asked,metaphorically speaking,"你在屏幕上看到多少个几何图案?""how many geometric shapes do you see on the screen?" 他们完全忽略了车上的孩子And they completely missed the children on the bus.完全忽略了学生的潜能They completely missed the seed of greatness.如果我们看不见学生的潜能And when we don't see the seed of greatness,不去栽培它when we don't water it and shed a light on it,它就会枯萎而死it withers and dies,遗憾的是大部分人类潜能都因此而被磨灭which is unfortunately the fate of most human potential. 无论在哪这都是大部分人类潜能的遭遇Wherever we go,that is the fate of most human potential—人与人之间很多团体中interpersonally,relationships,in most organizations,很多大学里或人们自己这些潜能都因被忽视而磨灭in most universities,in most individuals.疑问引起改变Questions make a difference,因此提问是非常重要的which is why it is also important to ask提出积极心理学的问题很重要the positive psychology question,也就是"健康创成"的问题which is the salutogenic question:"健康源于什么?成功源于什么?"What is source of health? What is the source of success? 幸福源于什么?"What is the source of wellbeing?"这是第一个原因而第二个原因是So that's the first reason. The second reason—在谈第二个原因时before I go to the second reason,如果Marva Collins今天在场if Marva Collins is here today,那她会问我们这个问题:here's the question she would be asking us:"我们如何在于自身和家人中"How can we cultivate the seed of greatness栽培伟大的种子in ourselves and families,如何在在社区和团体中栽培伟大的种子in our communities and organizations,在国家和世界中呢"in our nation and in our world?"当我们提出这个极为重要的问题When we ask this question-- this very important question, 就会看到之前没看到的潜能suddenly we see possibilities that we didn't see before.第二个研究积极心理学的原因Second reason for having positive psychology's field of study 研究可行的事和and focusing on what works and focusing on研究快乐人际关系幸福的原因research in happiness,relationships and wellbeing是因为幸福不会因为驱除了忧愁is because happiness does not spontaneously rise而自动增长when take unhappiness away.幸福与忧愁快乐与紧张Now happiness and unhappiness,or happiness and neurosis, 精神病与抑郁都有很大的内在联系psychosis and depression,are interconnected,of course.要快乐并不容易It's very difficult to be happy如果我们感觉很压抑或焦虑if we are experiencing severe depression or anxiety.就是说他们必然是有关联的然而So they are certainly interconnected. However,单单摆脱焦虑与压抑并不会just getting rid of the anxiety and the depression will not in 使我们快乐and of itself make us happy,这一点算是传统的常识which is the conventional wisdom today,是很多从业的心理学家which is the conventional wisdom会了解的一点常识of many psychologists practicing psychologies—131"摆脱抑郁"Well,let's just get rid of that depression一切都会变好的"and everything will be fine."事实并非如此It won't.解释这一点的一个例子是The analogy to explain this is think about享受美食的能力the ability to enjoy food.美味大餐A gourmet meal.如果我们消化不良那很难享受美食Now if we have indigestion,it's very difficult to enjoy food. 因此我们得先治好消化不良So yes,we first need to get rid of the indigestion.然而治好消化不良However,that in and of itself不保证我们就能享受美食does not guarantee us that we enjoy food.要享受美味大餐就得出去吃We have to go out and eat the gourmet food to enjoy it. 只是治愈消化不良远远不够Just getting rid of indigestion is not sufficient.还要做好下一步的事We need the next step.可以从多方面来看我们的经验In many ways you can look at most of our experiences, 在心理连续谱上看有效心理经验psychological effective experiences on a continuum,有时候会跌倒0以下where some of them fall below the zero,不愉快或痛苦的经历the negative experiences or the painful experiences积极或愉快的经历and the positive or the pleasurable experiences分别在0与正值之间between the zero and the positive.紧张愤怒焦虑压抑精神病Neurosis,anger,anxiety,depression,psychosis—这些消极和痛苦的方面to name a few-- on the negative side,the painful side; 幸福满足愉悦兴奋快乐wellbeing,satisfaction,joy,excitement,happiness属于另一方面on the other side也就是积极心理学研究的方面which is the side of positive psychology studies.再强调一次摆脱消极Again,getting rid of the negative不能保证我们变得积极does not guarantee us the positive,因此早在19世纪40年代which is why already in the 1840s,梭罗David Henry Thoreau (should be Henry David Thoreau), 认为大多数人都活在沉默的压抑中wrote that most men lead lives of quiet desperation.这是没错的It's Ok. There's nothing really wrong.但平克弗洛伊德说过But it's just somewhere there in the words of Pink Floyd "人们在舒适地麻木" 舒适地麻木"people are comfortably numb". Comfortably numb.还不止如此我们要怎样摆脱这种"舒适地麻木"?Not enough. How can we get beyond that "comfortably numb"?要怎样摆脱"沉默的压抑"?How can we get beyond that "quiet desperation"?得到振奋快乐幸福?To excitement,to joy,to happiness?为了达到这目的我们需用心经营这些情感因素In order to do that,we need to cultivate these traits.再说一次幸福不会自动出现Once again,they don't spontaneously emerge并不是没有痛苦就能感到幸福once the painful experiences go away.因此我们才需要积极心理学And that is why we need positive psychology.积极心理学本质上就是健康模型Positive psychology essentially focuses on the health model, 健康本源学Salutogenesis.健康生理心理情感之源是什么?What is the source of health,physical,psychological,emotional? 我们如何让人们从智力上情感上How do we get people to flourish,intellectually,emotionally,心理上人际关系上人格上全面发展?psychologically,interpersonally,intra-personally?我们如何让他们全面发展而不仅仅是帮他们摆脱How do we get them to thrive beyond just getting rid生活中不如意的事?of what is not working in their lives?根据该模型我们在许多层面上都走了极端And under that model we see,to extremes on many levels. 第一个层次:Here,the first level:我们是否重视缺点do we focus on weaknesses,也就是疾病模型所说的我们要摆脱的缺点which is the disease model,say let's get rid of weaknesses? 或者说我们是否专注于优点?Or do we focus on strength?当你问别人这个问题While you ask people this question,盖洛普组织做了这项研究and this was done by the Gallup organization.一项全球民意调查显示A poll-- global poll,无论是在日本中国美国或欧洲whether it's in Japan,China,United States or Europe:大多数人认为如果要成功most people think that it's more important注重自己的缺点比优点更重要to focus on their weaknesses if they are to succeed.大错特错Big mistake.那些同样注重自己优点的人The people who focus primarily,not only-- remember the "also"—改变那个比率的人更注重优点的人who shift the pendulum,who focus more on their strength,不仅更开心从长远来看他们也are not only happier,they are also,on the long run,更成功more successful.这同样适用于领导能力It applies to leadership as well.积极心理学认为我们至少Positive psychology says let's focus also注重优点的程度要和注重缺点一样多on our strength at least as much.无论是组织还是个人自身In an organization,as well as on the individual level,我们最注重的是克服缺点are we focusing most on overcoming deficiencies还是培养才能?or building the competencies—我们擅长什么并是否取得了进步?what we are good at-- and getting better at it?个人或组织的自然倾向是什么What our natural inclination,individually or organizationally—我们是否更注重自己的自然倾向?do we focus on that and then build on that?注重健康的同时也要注重幸福Again,tie to success as well as wellbeing,如果我们是较为积极的话if we are more toward the positive side.我们如何活出自己的精彩?How do we live our lives?如何摆脱痛苦的经历Running away from painful experiences?或积极寻找快乐?Or actively seeking pleasure?如何摆脱悲伤?Running away from unhappiness?还是遵循宣言(独立宣言)行事Or adhering to the Declaration (Declaration of Independence) 追求幸福?and pursuing happiness?举个例下面的两种人看起来非常相似Now that may look quite similar-- for example,某人可能每周工作80小时someone may be working 80 hours a week,他习惯逃避逃避家事running away from something-- running away from issues at home,逃避处理私事running away from dealing intra-personal issues但他看起来却和下面这种人一样and then may look exactly the same as the person她每周工作80小时对工作who works 80 hours a week and who's extremely passionate 充满热情about what she does.表面看来他们一样但他们的内心感觉很不同May look the same but from the inside,they feel very different. 一种是疾病模型One is the disease model:让我们逃避不如意的事let's run away from what is not working.另一种是健康模型The other is the health model:让我们追求激情追求喜欢做的事let's pursue my passions,what I love to do.对疾病模型而言最优水平是零The disease model,the optimum level is the zero:我们都平平安安别受伤就好了let's just be Ok; let's just not hurt.再说一次免受伤害是非常重要的And again,that's important to get rid of hurt.摆脱抑郁非常重要It's important to get rid of depression.但依健康模式来看这是不够的But with the health model,they are saying that's not enough; 让我们超越那种程度let's go beyond that.让我们兴奋起来快乐起来Let's go to the excitement,to the fun.因为理想状态并不只是放松Because the ideal is not just a tensionless state.它是创造性的紧张状态It is the creative tension.我们会谈到它会读到相关的文章We'll talk about it. We'll read about it.当我们"沉迷"之时那就是我们感到兴奋When we do "flow". Flow is the state where we are excited, 为所做之事着迷的状态where we are engaging what we are doing,那样大大超越了"舒适地麻木"where it's much more than being "comfortably numb".事实上在那种状态下会有点不舒适In fact,it's a little bit uncomfortable.那是在我们舒适区之外的It's being outside of our comfort zone.可算是我们的延伸地带It's being in our stretch zone—不是会让人受伤的恐慌地带而是延伸地带not the panic zone,where it hurts-- the stretch zone,其中有兴奋还有点紧张where there is excitement,where there's some nervousness. 还可能会有成长There is also growth there.所以你的目的是什么?So what do you want?你想去哪?你要追求什么?Where do you want to go? What do you want to pursue?你想逃避愉悦吗?想逃避痛苦吗?Do you want to run away from pleasure-- run away from pain? 你想逃避不快乐吗?Do you want to run away from unhappiness?还是你想追求幸福和快乐?Or do you want to pursue happiness and pleasure?你更注重你的不足之处Do you want to focus primarily on your deficiencies或缺点吗?or your weaknesses?还是更注重优点?Or your strength?什么是最有利的选择?什么是理想状态?What is the optimum? what is the ideal?有无形的障碍零点吗?Is there a glass ceiling-- the zero?还是可以继续Or can it go on and on—寻找到更多的刺激享受激情?more excitement,more enjoyment,more passion?有一些关于健康模型的可怕说法Now there's something frightening about the health model. 因为没有界线如今它的使用程度Because there is no limit and there is less prescription there 也远比疾病模型少certainly today than in the disease model.积极心理学Positive psychology,健康心理学的研究还处于初级阶段the field of health psychology is in infancy.而且有更多的研究是关于There's much more research,如何摆脱抑郁much more advice on how to get rid of depression如何发展自己的优点and how do I pursue my strength.但幸运的是这就是为什么要学习积极心理学But fortunately,again,this is why positive psychology as大量的学者致力于a network of scholars applying themselves研究这些观点它意义非凡to these ideas and ideals. It's so important因为今天你们会看到整个学期的概览because today you'll see throughout the semester有很多方法可以让我们的生活质量that there are so many more tools that we can apply to our lives,达到正值to go beyond the zero.这还不是全部That's not all.我说过有三个原因So I said there are three reasons.关键在于我们侧重点侧重点创造现实It's about where we focus,focus creates reality;快乐并不只是对不快乐的否定it's about happiness is not just a negation of unhappiness;积极心理学之所以重要的第三个原因是the third reason why positive psychology is important 积极心理学领域is because positive psychology and the areas还有与积极心理学that we study and more importantly,相关的领域apply within the field of positive psychology,不仅让我们从零点上升到正值do not just take us from the zero to the positive.积极心理学还帮助我们处理消极情绪They also help us deal with the negative.帮助我们处理焦虑不安They help us deal with anxiety,处理抑郁和痛苦的经历及情感问题depression and painful experiences and emotions.当我们培养出积极性When we cultivate the positive,我们本质上是自我防御的we are essentially focusing on prevention.我解释一下Let me explain.过去10年多时间的研究发现What has been found over the last 10 years处理我们不断增加的抑郁病例and a little bit longer is the most effective way of actually个体的抑郁或焦虑dealing with a rising levels of depression in our culture,最有效方法是with individual depression or anxiety is actually not to不要直接专注于抑郁和焦虑focus on the depression and anxiety directly—这点也很重要that is important as well.事实证明处理这种现象It is found that the most effective way最有效的方法是of dealing with this phenomenon was actually培养积极性和个人优点to cultivate the positive,to cultivate personal strengths,培育激情to cultivate and identify one's passions,提出这种问题"我人生中什么是有意义的?to ask a question such as "what is meaningful to me in my life? 我的目的是什么?我为什么在这里?What's my purpose? Why am I here?毕业后我真正想做的是什么?"What do I really,really want to do once I graduate?"295提出这些问题People who ask these questions并认真思考这些问题的人and spend time on these questions,所追求的are much more likely to begin a quest不是避免痛苦that is not the avoid of painful emotions—而是no quest is—追求更多快乐but the quest is more enjoyable,more pleasurable,使生活更有意义更成功more meaningful and also,more successful as it turns out. 更重要的是我将"更成功"But more importantly,more successful in称之为"终极货币"what I call the "the ultimate currency"—正如快乐货币和幸福货币一样just as the currency of happiness and wellbeing.究其原因是因为有两种不同的方法The reason is because there are two different approaches对付疾病一是积极心理学方法to deal with illness: one,the positive psychological approach is 它指的是疾病相当于不健康that the illness is the absence of health,相对地健康等于没疾病as opposed to health is the absence of illness.我们想一下疾病模式I mean,think about the disease model.疾病模式是"我们感到不适是因为生病了"The disease model is "we are sick because we are ill"—听到吗?我们病了是因为我们在生病do you listen to that? We are sick because we are ill.真的很深奥That was very profound.你们可能要好好想一下这句话You should think about it for a while here.可能要给点时间大家消化这话I'll let a time just to marinate it little bit so that you can.我重新说一遍Let me start that again.如果治好病就会变得健康If we take away the illness,then we become healthy.这是个传统的模型That's the model,the conventional model.把病治好就会变得健康这很好Take away the illness. You'll become healthy. It's good.积极心理学模型略有不同The positive psychological model is slightly different.它说的是It is"你生病了是因为你的生活还不够健康"you are ill because you don't have enough health in your life, 因为你不去追求那些让你健康的东西"because you are not pursuing those things that make you healthy".什么使你健康?And what make you healthy?这我之前已谈过追求有意义的生活人生的目的The things I spoke about before: pursuing meaning,purpose; 培养健康的人际关系cultivating healthy relationships.如果不具备这些疾病就会趁虚而入If we don't have these things,that's when the illness comes in. 两种模型Now the difference between the two models,健康模型和疾病模型的差异the health model and the disease model不仅仅是语义上的is more than just semantic.这是Abraham Maslow所说的神经官能症Here is Abraham Maslow talking about neurosis,"神经官能症描述的是人能变成怎样"Neurosis is a falling short of what one could have been或是他该变成怎样and even one could say,of what one should have been,从生理上来说就是是biologically speaking that is一个人是否能顺利地成长和发展if one had grown and developed in an unimpeded way.人类和个人的潜能已经消失Human and personal possibilities have been lost.世界逐渐缩小意识也是The world has been narrowed and so has consciousness.能力也被抑制"Capacities have been inhibited."我来解释一下这话的意思Let me explain what he means here.他是说我们正在生病是因为我们没有What he means is that we are ill because we do not cultivate 尽力做好我们本该做到的事what we are about enough.我们没做到自我实现We do not become self-actualized.没做到该做的We don't do what we are supposed to do.我们削弱自身力量因此才会生病We diminish ourselves and that's when we become ill.才会不适That's when we are unwell.这和疾病模型所说的有很大不同This is very different from the disease model that says,"好你不舒服那就治病去吧""Ok,you are unwell. Deal with that illness."他说的是:"不你不舒服What he's saying: "No. You are unwell.要注重健康加强你的健康Focus on your health. Strengthen your health.因为你病了Because you are ill,因为你没有注重健康"because you are not focusing enough on your health."他将这称为He calls that,and I quote,"个人成长的失败""a failure of personal growth".如果我们感到焦虑That's when we experience neurosis.如果我们不注重培养自己的能力When we don't cultivate ourselves enough,不注重培养自己的人际关系就会失败we don't cultivate our relationships enough,that's when we fail.积极心理学研究的是关于And what the positive psychology is all about is precisely that —培育自身成长和积极性cultivating personal growth,working on the positive.我们研究积极性它处于这一边And we work on the positive on what comes of this side 大家可以在这上面看到of the graph that you saw up there.在积极的一方当我们注重培养这些情感因素On the positive side,when we cultivate these things,就会助于我们更好地处理it also helps us deal much better消极因素with the negative when dead arises.我想引用Martin Seligman的话I want to quote Martin Seligman,他说过这样一句话who talks about precisely this idea:"在过去的十年"In the last decade心理学家关心的都是预防的问题psychologists have become concerned with prevention. 怎样才能预防像抑郁症这样的心理问题How can we prevent problems like depression或年轻人中常出现的药物滥用或精神分裂症or substance abuse or schizophrenia in young people谁天生敏感脆弱谁又是who are genetically vulnerable or who live in worlds制造这些问题的人?that nurture these problems?如何防止校园暴力How can we prevent murderous schoolyard violence in children这些暴力事件通常是由掌握武器缺乏父母监管who have access to weapons,poor parental supervision,或受到教唆的孩子引起的and a mean streak?"他问了这个问题根据疾病模型Now he's asking this question and the disease model我们需要帮助他们直接response to this is we need to help them deal处理抑郁症directly with depression,还有他们的焦虑和忧愁with their anxiety and with their unhappiness才能防止所有这些社会弊病so that we can prevent all these social ills—无论是暴力还是不快乐whether it's violence,whether it's unhappiness.他是这么说的What he's saying here is the following:"五十多年的经验告诉我们疾病模型"What we have learned over fifty years is that the disease model不能让我们更有力地预防does not move us closer to the prevention这些严重问题of these serious problems.事实上在预防方面取得的重大进展Indeed the major strides in prevention基本上来自一个观点have largely come from a perspective focused也就是注重培养能力而非改正错误"on systematically building competency,not correcting weakness."换句话说健康模型倡导In other words,the health model:培养能力let's work on competencies.增强自身长处改善人际关系Let's work on strength. Let's work on relationship.帮助人们找到对自己人生有意义的事Let's help them identify something meaningful in their life, 和他们的热情所在their passion.那就是我们将要致力做到的And that's how we will,over time,同样对克服消极因素有所帮助also help what comes off on the negative side.健康模型与疾病模型不同Health model versus the disease model疾病模型提倡直接处理疾病的that goes directly to deal with the disease.Seligman不是说"排除"疾病模型Now again,Seligman is not saying "to the exclusion of";而是说也可以用健康模型he's saying "also".他还说He continues,我们已发现有些人类的力量"We have discovered that there are human strengths能抵抗心理疾病that act as buffers against mental illness:勇气未来规划乐观人际技巧courage,future-mindedness,optimism,interpersonal skill, 信念职业道德希望诚实毅力faith,work ethic,hope,honesty,perseverance,专注及洞察力诸如此类the capacity for flow and insight,to name several.研究证实乐观可帮助儿童和成人We'v e shown that learning optimism prevents depression 预防抑郁和焦虑and anxiety in children and adults,使未来两年的发病率降低一半roughly halving their incidence over the next 2 years.同样如果我们要防止Similarly,I believe that if we wish to prevent drug abuse 青少年受不良的社会环境影响in teenagers who grow up in a neighborhood而滥用药物的情况that puts them at risk,但预防的效果不佳the effective prevention is not remedial.。



一个幸福的人,必须有一个明确的、可以带来快乐和意义的目标,然后努力地去追求。 真正快乐的人,会在自己觉得有意义的生活方式里,享受它的点点滴滴。
选择做对你有意义并且能让你快乐的事情,不要只是为了轻松而选择,或选择只是别人 认为你应该做的事。
NO.2 学会失败
成功没有快捷方式,历史上有成就的人,总是敢于行动,也会经常失败。 不要让对失败的恐惧,绊住你尝试新事物的脚步。
失望、烦乱、悲伤,是人性的一部分。接纳这些,并把它们当成自然之事,允许自己偶 尔的失落和伤感。然后问问自己,能做些什么来让自己感觉好过一点。
体育运动是你生活中最重要的事情之一。 每周只要 3次,每次只要30分钟,就能大大改善你的身心健康。
哈佛幸福课非常漂亮的课 件ppt课件
TalBen-Shahar,Ph.D. 塔尔宾-夏哈尔
哈佛大学哲学与心理学博士,最受欢迎的《哈佛幸 福课》主讲老师。
美国主流媒体(包括《波士顿全球报》、《纽约时 报》,以及CNN、CBS、美国国家公共广播电台) 争相报导对象。
夏哈尔教授坚定地认为:“幸福感”是衡量人生 的唯一标准,是所有目标的最终目标。
人们衡量商业成就时,标准是钱。用钱去评估资产和债务、利润和亏损。 所有与钱无关的,都不会被考虑进去,金钱是最高的财富。
在看待自己的生命时,可以把负面情绪当作支出, 把正面情绪当作收入。 当正面情绪多于负面情绪时,我们在幸福这一 “至高财富”上就盈利了。


Abraham Maslow
• Peak experience as ‘positive trauma’
Post Peak Experience Order (PPEO)
“Peak experiences often have consequences... They can do the same there as psychotherapy, if one keeps his goals right, and if one knows just what he is about, and if one is conscious of what he is going toward. We can certainly talk, on the one hand, of the breaking up of symptoms, like the breaking up of cliches, of anxieties, or the like; or on the other hand, we can talk about the development of spontaneity, and of courage, and of Olympian or Godlike humor and suchness, sensory awareness, body awareness, and the like.”
and reply to everything with a dismal voice, and your
melancholy lingers... Smooth the brow, brighten the eye,
contract the dorsal rather than the ventral aspect of the


Abraham Maslow
It is not about providing definitive answers concerning the good life It is about identifying the right questions
Education is the quest for information and transformation, and therefore must begin with a question.
• Cross cultural psychology • Eclectic • Studying others and ourselves
It is not English 10a or Math 55 It is about rigorous fun
“I would not give a fig for the simplicity on this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity.”
“Children enter school as question marks and leave as periods.”
Neil Postman
“The one real object of education is to leave a man in the condition of continually asking questions.”
Meet the Grandparents
Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) Karen Horney (1885-1952)



Focusing on the Negative
“The science of psychology has been far more successful on the negative than on the positive side; it has revealed to us much about man’s shortcomings, his illnesses, his sins, but little about his potentialities, his virtues, his achievable aspirations, or his psychological height. It is as if psychology had voluntarily restricted itself to only half its rightful jurisdiction, and that the darker, meaner half.”
Unhappiness Spiral
“Negative” Research
Negative Experiences
Happiness Spiral
“Positive” Research
Positive Experiences
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
“Human systems grow in the direction of what they persistently ask questions about.”
Abraham Maslow
It is not about providing definitive answers concerning the good life It is about identifying the right questions


Optimal state of human functioning
George Vaillant- mature defense mechanisms.
Sublimation and altruism vs. suppression and projection
Aristotle- eudaimonia Abraham Maslow- being cognition vs. deficit-
motivated cognition William James’ healthy-mindedness Martin Seligman’s optimistic explanatory style Mihalyi Csikszentimihalyi’s flow Barbara Frederickson’s Broaden and Build
Yoga for a Positive Psychology
Psychology 1504 April 24, 2008 Debbie Cohen
Why yoga?
Emily story Tool for well-being Conviction from experience
Yoga’s perspective on happiness
Yoga and Happiness
Street lamp story
Daniel Gilbert on affective forecasting bias (2002).



Top Ten
1504 Tips
7. Simplify Believe—in yourself and others
Happiness never decreases by being shared.
8. Cultivate relationships
9. Remember the mind-body connection
Abraham Maslow
Take Care of Yourself
We underestimate our capacity Top Ten Eleven 1504 Tips
Psychology 1504 Indeed, I sometimes think that the world will either be saved by psychologists—in the very broadest sense—or else it will not be saved at all.
Give yourself the permission to be human
6. Cultivate the benefit finder (express gratitude) Learn to fail or fail to learn
We underestimate our capacity to effect change because we underestimate the growth of an exponential function.
Psychology 1504 Positive Psychology
Psychology 1504 Positive Psychology
Top Ten Eleven1504 Tips



Affect: Our Emotions
Gradual Change: Mindfulness Meditation
“Cultivating mindfulness can lead to the discovery of deep realms of relaxation, calmness, and insight within yourself... The path to it in any moment lies no farther than your own body and mind and your own breathing.”
Jon Kabatt-Zin
“All of us have the capacity to be mindful. All it involves is cultivating our ability to pay attention in the present moment.”
Jon Kabatt-Zin
Is there a positive equivalent to trauma?
Can a single positive experience create a positive
channel that will lead to a permanent increase in
well-being, calm, and positive memories?
Learning (and applying) Your ABC’s
• Affect • Behavior • Cognition
• Need all three
Happiness =


Laughter as medicine and exercise Increases in
T-cells (immune system) Gamma-interferon (disease fighting
protein) B-cells (makes antibodies)
Laughter decreases serum cortisol
Jokes and Their Relationship to the Unconscious
“Social acceptable envelope of id desires”
Henri Bergson
Humor as social “corrective” The Dale Sturtevant Theory
What just happened?
"rhythmic, vocalized, expiratory and involuntary actions"
15 facial muscles contract
Zygomatic major muscle raises lip
Epiglottis half-closes the larynx Blood pressure lowered Increase in vascular blood flow Flexed abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg,
Alpha press- objective constraints of reality Beta press– subjective construal of reality
Mindfulness of potentialities


Abraham Maslow
It is not about providing definitive answers concerning the good life
It is about identifying the right questions
Education is the quest for information and transformation, and therefore must begin with a question.
CS Lewis
It is not English 10a or Math 55 It is about rigorous fun
“I would not give a fig for the simplicity on this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity.”
• Why a presentation?
– Teaching as learning – Spread goodness…
Why Positive Psychology?
Psychological Abstracts (1967-2000)
• Anger: 5,584 • Anxiety: 41,416 • Depression: 54,040
• 20-30 minute Presentation
– Any topic within positive psychology – Written text (10-15 pages double spaced) – Slides (word or powerpoints)



Correcting the False Schema: News
Correcting the False Schema: Art
Jan Vermeer
Correcting the False Schema: Art
Ludwig van Beethoven
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Correcting the False Schema: Art
A Matter of Interpretation
“Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
Anne Harbison
“Things don‟t necessarily happen for the best, but some people are able to make the best of things that happen.”
Each is given a list of rules; a shapeless mass; a bag of tools. And each must fashion, ere life is flown, A stumbling block, or a Stepping-Stone.
R. L. Sharp
A Matter of Interpretation
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
Winston Churchill
Correcting the False Schema: Art
David Knowles



Why More “Positive” Research?
• Psychology as creative rather than merely reactive
• Happiness is not the negation of unhappiness
• Prevention through cultivating the positive
The Road to Positive Psychology
• Humanistic Psychology (50’s) – The Third Force
• Reaction to behaviorism • Reaction to psychoanalysis • Lacked rigorous methodology
Bishop Creighton
The Question of Questions
How can we help ourselves and others— individuals, communities, and society— become happier?
It is not a survey of positive psychology It is a selective exploration of the ‘question of questions.’
Lao Tzu
Information is not enough
“What is wrong is not the great discoveries of science— information is always better than ignorance, no matter what information or what ignorance. What is wrong is the belief behind the information, the belief that information will change the world. It won’t.”


• Lacked rigorous methodology
Meet the Grandparents
Abraham Maslow (1908-1970)
Karen Horney (1885-1952)
Aaron Antonovsky (1923-1994)
Meet the Parents
Abraham Maslow
It is not about providing definitive answers concerning the good life
It is about identifying the right questions
Education is the quest for information and transformation, and therefore must begin with a question.
CS Lewis
It is not English 10a or Math 55 It is about rigorous fun
“I would not give a fig for the simplicity on this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity.”
Studying Ourselves (as well)
“What is most personal is most general.” Carl Rogers
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Archibald MaCleish
Information is not enough
“Humanistic philosophy [offers] a new conception of learning, of teaching, and of education. Stated simply, such a concept holds that the function of education, the goal of education—the human goal, the humanistic goal, the goal so far as human beings are concerned—is ultimately the ‘self-actualization’ of a person, the becoming fully human, the development of the fullest height that the human species can stand up to or that the particular individual can come to. In a less technical way, it is helping the person to become the best that he is able to become.”
• Lacked rigorous methodology
Meet the Grandparents
Abraham Maslow (1908-1970)
Karen Horney (1885-1952)
Aaron Antonovsky (1923-1994)
Meet the Parents
Psychology 1504 Positive Psychology
Bridging Ivory Tower and Main Street
The objective of positive psychology is to unite the rigor of academic research with the accessibility of the self-help movement.
The Road to Positive Psychology
• Humanistic Psychology (50’s)
• The Third Force
– Reaction to behaviorism (First Force) – Reaction to psychoanalysis (Second Force)
Martin Seligman
Ellen Langer
Philip Stone
Meet 1504
It is not merely about information It is also about transformation
• Covering less; uncovering more
is dropped.”
Lao Tzu10
In Search of “WOW”
• There is no “WOW”! • Making common sense more common
Information is not enough
“What is wrong is not the great discoverபைடு நூலகம்es of science— information is always better than ignorance, no matter what information or what ignorance. What is wrong is the belief behind the information, the belief that information will change the world. It won’t.”
“Words are not the sole
medium of exchange in
teaching and learning—
we educate with silence
as well. Silence gives us
a chance to reflect on
what we have said and
Abraham Maslow
It is not about providing definitive answers concerning the good life
It is about identifying the right questions
House keeping
• Feedback or questions • In case of an emergency… • … we’ll take a PP-break • Powerpoints and videotape on website • Active note-taking • Regular Time-Ins
heard… In authentic
education, silence is
treated as a trustworthy
matrix for the inner work
students must do, a
medium for learning of
the deepest sort.” 4
“The soul grows by subtraction, not addition.”
“In pursuit of
knowledge, every day
something is acquired;
in pursuit of wisdom,
every day something