
书中提到:“英语不是知识,而是一种技能。”这一观点打破了传统英语教 育的束缚,强调了实践和应用的重要性。孩子们通过大量听、说、读、写的实践, 逐渐培养出英语思维和表达能力,这是比单纯的语法知识更为重要的能力。
“公文式”教育方法强调目标导向和自我驱动的学习。孩子们在学习过程中 不断获得成就感,这种正向反馈激发了他们的学习兴趣和动力。正如书中所说: “让孩子从学习的过程中找到乐趣,远比让他们取得好成绩更为重要。”
《公文式教育:和美国孩子一样学英语》还注重培养孩子们的创造性和批判性思维。书中的许多 活动鼓励孩子们独立思考、解决问题,以及与他人合作完成任务。这些技能不仅对英语学习有所 帮助,更对孩子们的未来发展有着深远的影响。 《公文式教育:和美国孩子一样学英语》是一本富有创新和实践性的英语学习教材。它通过独特 的教育方法和实用的内容设计,为孩子们提供了一种全新的英语学习体验。无论是对英语初学者 还是有一定基础的儿童,这本书都是一个极好的选择,能帮助他们在快乐中提高英语水平,培养 自主学习和终身学习的能力。
书中还强调了跨学科学习和多元化评价的重要性。通过将英语与其他学科相 结合,孩子们能够更好地理解和应用英语知识。而多元化的评价方式则能够全面 了解孩子的实际能力和进步情况,为后续学习提供更有针对性的指导。
这本书提醒我们,学习英语是一个长期的过程,需要耐心和坚持。正如书中 所说:“英语不是一蹴而就的,需要经过大量的积累和实践。”只有持续不断地 努力,才能真正掌握这门语言。
《公文式教育:和美国孩子一样学英语》这本书为我们提供了一种全新的英 语教育视角。通过借鉴美国孩子的学习方式,结合“公文式”教育方法,我们能 够帮助孩子培养英语思维和表达能力,让他们在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握英语。

激活学生英语思想,提高语言表达能力---No Book, Just Cook讲课单位:北京小学长阳分校姓名:隗新宇版本:登攀英语阅读系列激活学生英语思想,提高语言表达能力---No Book, Just Cook讲课北京小学长阳分校隗新宇很有幸今日可以和大家分享一节自然拼读绘本课的解析,本课题目为 No Book, JustCook。
经过本课,学生可以感知Practice makes perfect!的重要意义。
教课内容:本故事的题目是 No Book, Just Cook,采纳的教材是登攀英语阅读系列. 奇异的字母组合,本课主要环绕字母组合OO表达一个故事, Mr. Hook 想要当大厨,于是经历了自己找寻厨师秘籍,又咨询有名的大厨,最后经过自己的努力,成为了顶级大厨并出了一本厨师秘籍的故事。

【最新】刘安乐外文名 :benson主要成就 :美语思维演绎法创始人代表作品 :《懒人记单词》《3-12英语天才计划》职业 :上海洛基国际英语教学总监国籍 :中国中文名 :刘安乐民族 :汉基本内容个人信息:文名:刘安乐英文名:Benson 性别:男籍贯:江苏扬州人个人生平:现任上海洛基国际英语英语教学总监____年毕业于阜阳师范外国语学院(本科),并以优秀成绩于____年考上华东师范大学研究生。

3.外籍老师亲自录制史上最实用的2000个单词,让学习者可以用最实用、考试频率最高的单词来辅助练习和记忆英语自然发音的规则,不但学得巧,更能学得好!编辑推荐媒体评论目录Chapter不可不学的英语自然发音法什么是英语自然发音法?为什么要学英语自然发音法?字母的“名字”和“声音”哪里不一样?Chapter英语自然发音黄金十规则规则一:短元音规则三:中性元音规则五:复合元音规则七: y成为元音规则八: 发软音时的c 和g规则九:复合辅音Chapter十大规则之外的重要次规则01 次要的发音规则02 对音节和拼词不再害怕Chapter初中必背2000单词×英语自然发音十个规则规则一:短元音规则二:长元音规则三:中性元音规则四:连接 r 的元音规则五:复合元音规则六:双元音规则七: y成为元音规则八: 发软音时的c 和g规则九:复合辅音规则十:辅音群(族)规则之外:例外词Chapter原来学会拼词这么简单01 什么都会拼——填空篇03 什么都会拼——单词篇05什么都会拼——解答篇02 什么都会拼——元音篇04 什么都会拼——句子篇06什么都会读——发音篇作者简介前言插图精彩书摘点击此处获得更多内容。

天津英语培训机构天才计划Introduction:Tianjin is a city located in the northern part of China and is known for its rich culture and history. With the continuous growth of the economy, the demand for English education has been increasing rapidly. As a result, there has been a rise in the number of English training institutions catering to students of all ages. However, with the increasing competition, it has become necessary for English training institutions to differentiate themselves and offer unique programs to attract students. In response to this demand, the Tianjin English Training Institution has developed the "Genius Plan" in order to provide a high-quality English learning experience for students.Goals of the Genius Plan:The primary goal of the Genius Plan is to provide students with a comprehensive and innovative English learning program that focuses on developing their language skills through a combination of traditional classroom teaching and experiential learning. The program aims to cultivate the students' interest and enthusiasm for the English language, as well as to improve their communication and critical thinking skills. In addition, the Genius Plan seeks to prepare students for international exams such as TOEFL and IELTS, as well as providing them with the necessary skills to succeed in an increasingly globalized world.Program Structure:The Genius Plan is divided into three main components, each of which is designed to provide students with a holistic learning experience. The first component focuses on classroom instruction, where students are taught by qualified and experienced English teachers. The curriculum is designed to cover all aspects of English language learning, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. In addition, students are encouraged to participate in discussions and group activities to improve their communication skills.The second component of the program involves immersive learning experiences, such as study tours and cultural exchanges. This component aims to provide students with the opportunity to apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-life situations, as well as to gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and customs. By participating in these activities, students will not only improve their language skills, but also develop an appreciation for diversity and global citizenship.The third component of the program focuses on exam preparation, where students are provided with the necessary resources and support to excel in international exams such as TOEFL and IELTS. This component aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in these exams, as well as to improve their chances of gaining admission to prestigious universities abroad.Benefits of the Genius Plan:The Genius Plan offers a number of benefits to students, including:1. High-quality instruction from experienced teachers2. Immersive learning experiences that provide students with a deeper understanding of English language and culture3. Preparation for international exams, which will improve students' prospects for higher education and career opportunities abroad4. A supportive and stimulating learning environment that encourages students to excel and reach their full potentialIn addition, the Genius Plan also benefits the Tianjin English Training Institution, as it will help to differentiate the institution from its competitors and attract more students who are looking for a comprehensive and innovative English learning program.Implementation and Evaluation:The implementation of the Genius Plan will require careful planning and coordination between the various components of the program. Teachers, administrators, and support staff will need to work closely together to ensure that the program runs smoothly and effectively. In addition, the institution will need to invest in resources and infrastructure to support the program, such as study materials, classroom equipment, and travel arrangements for the immersive learning experiences.In order to evaluate the success of the Genius Plan, the institution will need to establish clear metrics and benchmarks to measure the academic and personal growth of the students. This could include standardized tests, student evaluations, and feedback from teachers and parents. The institution will also need to continuously review and improve the program in response to the feedback and results obtained from the evaluation process.Conclusion:The Genius Plan developed by the Tianjin English Training Institution aims to provide students with a high-quality English learning experience that will prepare them for success in an increasingly globalized world. By combining traditional classroom teaching with immersive learning experiences and exam preparation, the institution aims to cultivate students' interest in the English language and help them reach their full potential. With careful planning and evaluation, the Genius Plan has the potential to become a leading English learning program in Tianjin and attract students who are looking for a comprehensive and innovative educational experience.。

牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 6《TV programmes》(Integrated skills)说课稿一. 教材分析牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 6《TV programmes》(Integrated skills)是一篇关于电视节目的文章,主要介绍了一些受欢迎的电视节目以及观众对这些节目的看法。
本节课的主要内容包括:了解不同类型的电视节目,如新闻、电视剧、综艺节目等;学习描述电视节目的语言表达,如“The programme I like best is…”, “It’s a talk show about…”等;以及通过阅读理解,获取电视节目的相关信息。
二. 学情分析九年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,能够理解和运用一些基本的英语句型和词汇。
三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握描述电视节目的相关词汇和句型,如“Theprogramme I like best is…”, “It’s a talk show about…”等;2.能力目标:学生能够阅读并理解关于电视节目的文章,提高阅读理解能力;3.情感目标:通过学习,学生能够培养对英语学习的兴趣,增强自信心。
四. 说教学重难点1.重点:学生能够理解和运用描述电视节目的词汇和句型;2.难点:学生能够阅读并理解关于电视节目的文章,提高阅读理解能力。
五. 说教学方法与手段本节课采用任务型教学法,通过小组讨论、阅读理解、角色扮演等教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的参与度。
上海洛基国际英语天才计划课程 学员档案

每个人的生命都有不同的体验与历程,唯有您做好准备,才能创造全新的未来!相信,这个课程一定会成为您生命中一段非常精彩的体验!当您投入愈多时,您将获得愈多!我们期待您的到来,并欢心期盼与您共同规划并实践一个值得拥有的生命!您的基本信息:(把红色改为自己的信息)姓名:___阮兴发_____ 性别:_男__ 行业:_汽车零部件制造-模具-注塑-电镀您的联系方式:手机:_XXXXXXXXXXXXX____ E-mail_XXXXXXXXXXX______ QQ:_XXXXXXXXXXX__________ 通讯地址(后续寄送资料):____上海市金山区亭林工业园林盛路189号:上海太同电镀有限公司_英语学习情况分析1.您到目前学习英语的时间:□3年或以下□3-6年□6-10年■10年以上2.您面临最关键的英语问题是什么?□发音■听力□阅读□写作□语法□词汇□翻译■基本会话□选择教材3.您希望通过学习达到什么目的?□日常生活交流■商务交流■行业英语□考试通过□其他下面几个问题,请一定认真填写,因为我们会提交给上课老师,老师会针对你的情况进行彻底认真的对症下药!1.你现在英语上最严重的问题是什么(详细填写)英语一直想突破,就是时间不够_,断断续续学习,进展不大,听说过不了关2.在英语的那些方面得到具体的提升:词汇和商务交流,公司经常有外商,十分需要交流_______________________3.你有什么特殊的问题(英语/人生):年龄偏大,今年48岁,记忆力大不如前_____________________________________4.你学习英语必须要下定决心的几点因素和必须学好英语的5大理由(给自己足够的动力和压力):1)、搞技术设计和管理的工程师学好英语,发展空间十分巨大2)、学了那么多年英语,如放弃太可惜3)、公司急需有技术,会外语的双语人才,为公司业务良好沟通打基础4)、如在公司中学好英语,同事们会另眼相看,领导会十分信服,绝对可以出人头地5)、学好英语,就职外资企业轻而易举,薪水、待遇可以大大改观。

拔尖特训介绍英语作文peter Introducing the Pinnacle Training ProgramIn the ever-evolving world of education and personal development, the quest for excellence has become a driving force for countless individuals seeking to reach new heights. One such program that has gained significant attention in recent years is the Pinnacle Training Program, a comprehensive and innovative approach to cultivating exceptional skills and unlocking the full potential of its participants.The Pinnacle Training Program is designed to cater to a diverse range of individuals from various backgrounds and aspirations. Whether you are a student striving to excel in your academic pursuits, a professional aiming to advance in your career, or an entrepreneur determined to transform your business, this program offers a transformative experience that can propel you towards your desired goals.At the heart of the Pinnacle Training Program lies a meticulously crafted curriculum that combines cutting-edge techniques, proven strategies, and personalized guidance. Developed by a team of renowned experts in their respective fields, the programencompasses a wide range of modules that address the multifaceted aspects of personal and professional growth.One of the key pillars of the Pinnacle Training Program is its focus on developing a growth mindset. Participants are encouraged to embrace a mindset that sees challenges as opportunities for learning and improvement, rather than obstacles to be avoided. This shift in perspective is crucial in cultivating the resilience and determination required to push past limitations and achieve remarkable feats.Through a series of interactive workshops, interactive simulations, and one-on-one coaching sessions, the Pinnacle Training Program guides participants on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Participants are exposed to a diverse range of topics, including effective communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and emotional intelligence, equipping them with the tools and strategies to excel in their respective domains.One of the hallmarks of the Pinnacle Training Program is its emphasis on practical application. Rather than relying solely on theoretical knowledge, the program integrates hands-on exercises and real-world case studies that allow participants to apply their newfound skills and insights immediately. This approach ensures that the learning experience is not only enriching but also highly relevant and impactful.Moreover, the Pinnacle Training Program fosters a vibrant and supportive community of like-minded individuals. Participants have the opportunity to collaborate, share experiences, and learn from one another, creating a dynamic and synergistic environment that further enhances the learning process. This collaborative spirit not only strengthens the bonds between participants but also cultivates a network of valuable connections that can extend well beyond the program's duration.Perhaps one of the most remarkable aspects of the Pinnacle Training Program is its ability to tailor the learning experience to the unique needs and aspirations of each participant. Through comprehensive assessments and personalized coaching, the program's facilitators work closely with individuals to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth, and then develop a customized plan to help them achieve their goals.The impact of the Pinnacle Training Program extends far beyond the confines of the program itself. Graduates of the program have consistently reported a profound transformation in their personal and professional lives, from enhanced confidence and decision-making abilities to increased productivity and career advancement. Many have also become influential ambassadors, sharing their experiences and inspiring others to embark on their own journeys ofgrowth and excellence.In conclusion, the Pinnacle Training Program is a remarkable initiative that has the potential to unlock the true potential of individuals from all walks of life. By fostering a growth mindset, imparting practical skills, and creating a supportive community, the program empowers participants to push the boundaries of their abilities and achieve unprecedented levels of success. Whether you are seeking to excel in your academic pursuits, advance your career, or transform your personal life, the Pinnacle Training Program offers a transformative experience that can propel you towards your aspirations.。

上海洛基国际英语是在上海最强的成人培训基地,主要 是以上海为基地面向全国学员提供培训和服务。自洛基国 际英语培训中心成立以来,先后在上海和全国和地举办英 语强化集训营和夏令营100多期以及在线网络课程-天才计 划课程,已经培训了近万名来自全国各地的学员和部分来 自日本、韩国和香港的学员,取得了丰硕成果,让很多人 摆脱了聋哑英语的痛苦。
全国一流 超级讲师团队
ROCKY INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH Division, Author, MMMM dd, yyyy, Reference
charley老师 charley老师 英语语音雕刻法主讲人 英语考试研究专家 魔术英语》 《魔术英语》发明人
ROCKY INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH Division, Author, MMMM dd, yyyy, Reference
• 培训流程
客户需求分析 入学水平测试 设计班级方案
ROCKY INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH Division, Author, MMMM dd, yyyy, Reference
ROCKY INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH Division, Author, MMMM dd, yyyy, Reference
洛基国际英语是一个真心为客户解决问题,用心负责的企业。 洛基国际英语是一个真心为客户解决问题,用心负责的企业。 我们的服务理念就是“用心,真诚,物超所值” 我们的服务理念就是“用心,真诚,物超所值”,希望通过你 对我们足够的了解,我们双方给予对方相互的机会。 对我们足够的了解,我们双方给予对方相互的机会。 我们提供“教练,教法,教材”你给予你的支持和努力! 我们提供“教练,教法,教材”你给予你的支持和努力! 我们一定保证英语之路如康庄大道直至成功! 我们一定保证英语之路如康庄大道直至成功! 敬候佳音!! 敬候佳音!!

输出阶段(3个级别):针对输入阶段所学习的情景,直接进行情景模拟训练,在纯英语环境下用英语思维表达,让您实现英语的“脱口而出”,扫清在工作、学习和生活中可能遇到的语言障碍,达到和老外无障碍的交流,“实战才是硬道理”!课程体系模式10个月的中教小班课 + 3个月的外教一对一训练(一)“10”代表——10个级别的“中教输入”的训练,我们的王牌讲师负责通过“发音,听力,语法,单词,对话,段落”的教学,将英语的常用知识内容彻底的输入给你!具体让我从“教练,教法,教材”三个方面和你说明下: 教练——师资力量洛基10大王牌讲师全程为你授课!首席讲师:Charley、Winnie、Ben、Sam、Benson、高级讲师:Fay、Prince、katie、Jennifer、Olivia其他优秀讲师:Iris、Jay、Maggie、Christina、Daisy等,洛基采用讲师分类教学法,全年有8-10位讲师每个级别轮流为你上课,每个讲师都会把自己最精华最擅长的东西教给你。

P4. Jobs and occupations come and go at an amazing pace
these days. If you think you can’t be replaced by software,
or your job can’t be outsourced to some robots on the
3.What is a recipe for great career success? ( B ) A.Finish what you are asked to do B.Keep looking for smarter ways to do your work C.Work eight hours a day D..Listen to the leader’s instructions
P1. Up until the 1980s, people in many countries regularly
followed in their parents’ footsteps by working in the family
business or joining the same profession as them. You’d
2.What may have caused the changes? 3.How can yБайду номын сангаасu get yourself prepared?
to follow in one’s parents’ footsteps to stay at one job


北师大版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 7 CareersLesson 3 Meet the New Boss:You本节课的教材分析:本节课是北师大版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 7 Careers Lesson 3 Meet the New Boss: You。
教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够了解职业生涯规划的重要性和发展领导力的基本方法。
2. 能力目标:学生能够运用所学的语言知识和技能,进行职业生涯规划和领导力培养的讨论和分析。
3. 情感目标:培养学生的职业发展意识和领导能力,激发学生的自信心和积极性。
教学重点:1. 学生能够掌握和运用职业生涯规划和领导力相关的词汇和语言知识。
2. 学生能够通过小组讨论和合作学习,培养批判性思维和领导能力。
教学难点:1. 学生能够灵活运用情态动词和名词性从句来表达自己的观点和看法。
2. 学生能够理解和分析职业生涯规划和领导力培养的重要性和方法。
教学策略:1. 激发学生的学习兴趣和主动性,通过问题导向的教学方式,引导学生思考和讨论。
2. 利用多媒体教学手段,丰富教学内容,激发学生的学习积极性。
3. 运用小组合作学习的方式,培养学生的批判性思维和领导能力。
教学方法:1. 教师讲授法:通过课堂讲解和示范,给学生提供必要的语言知识和技能。
2. 小组讨论法:教师组织学生进行小组讨论和合作学习,鼓励他们分享个人观点和意见。
3. 任务型教学法:设计任务和活动,让学生在完成任务的过程中运用所学的知识和技能,提高实际应用能力。
导入环节:教学内容:引入职业规划和面试的话题教学活动:1. 教师展示一张图片,图片上是一位成功的企业家或领导者的照片,引导学生观察并猜测这个人的职业身份。

杰森英语学习计划小学IntroductionLearning a new language is an exciting and rewarding endeavor. For Jason, a primary school student who has started learning English, it opens up a world of opportunities and broadens his horizons. With the right plan and dedication, Jason can progress quickly and gain a strong foundation in English. This English learning plan is designed to help Jason achieve his language learning goals and develop a love for English.GoalsBefore diving into the learning plan, it's important to establish Jason's goals for learning English. Jason's primary goal is to become proficient in speaking, reading, and writing English. Specifically, he aims to:1. Improve his English vocabulary and grammar skills.2. Develop better pronunciation and spoken communication skills.3. Gain confidence in using English in various real-life situations.4. Build a strong foundation for future language learning and academic success.With these goals in mind, let's outline a comprehensive English learning plan for Jason. Learning Plan1. Create a Supportive Learning Environment: To foster Jason's love for English, it's important to create a supportive learning environment at home and at school. This includes encouraging him to read English books, watch English videos, and engage in English conversations with family and friends. Resources such as English language games, flashcards, and language learning apps can also be integrated into his daily routine to make learning fun and effective.2. Reading and Writing Practice: Reading and writing are essential skills for mastering English. Jason should be encouraged to read English books, short stories, and articles regularly. This can help him expand his vocabulary, improve his comprehension, and develop better writing skills. Additionally, Jason can practice writing short essays, stories, and journal entries in English to enhance his language proficiency.3. Listening and Speaking Practice: To improve his spoken English, Jason should focus on listening and speaking practice. This can involve listening to English audio materials such as podcasts, songs, and audio books. Engaging in English conversations with native speakers or language partners can also help Jason improve his pronunciation and fluency. Regular speaking exercises and language games can further enhance his speaking skills.4. Grammar and Vocabulary Building: Jason should dedicate time to learning and practicing English grammar and vocabulary. This can be done through exercises, worksheets, and language games that focus on different grammar rules, verb tenses, word usage, and sentence structure. Jason can also expand his vocabulary through word lists, flashcards, and vocabulary-building activities.5. Cultural Immersion: Learning a language is not just about mastering grammar and vocabulary; it's also about understanding the culture and traditions of the language. Jason should be exposed to English-speaking cultures through movies, music, festivals, and other cultural activities. This can help him develop a deeper appreciation for the language and its global significance.6. Regular Practice and Review: Consistency is key to language learning. Jason should practice English regularly and review the material he has learned to reinforce his skills. This can involve daily language exercises, quizzes, and self-assessment tests to track his progress and identify areas that need improvement.7. Seek Language Support: As Jason progresses in his English learning journey, it's important to provide him with additional support and resources. This may include enrolling him in English language courses, seeking help from a language tutor, or joining English language clubs and communities. These opportunities can provide Jason with additional guidance and exposure to the language.ConclusionBy following this comprehensive English learning plan, Jason can make significant strides in his language proficiency and achieve his learning goals. With a supportive environment, regular practice, and access to resources, Jason can develop a strong foundation in English and build the skills he needs for future academic and personal success. Through dedication and perseverance, Jason can enjoy the lifelong benefits of speaking, reading, and writing in English.。

杰森英语学习计划小学生IntroductionJason is a 9-year-old boy who loves to learn and explore new things. He has a strong interest in learning English and wants to become fluent in the language. With the support of his parents, Jason has come up with a detailed English learning plan to help him achieve his goal.The plan is divided into different sections, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Each section has specific activities and goals that Jason will work towards to improve his English skills.ReadingJason enjoys reading books, and he believes that reading is a great way to improve his English vocabulary and comprehension skills. To help him become a better reader, Jason has set a goal to read at least one English book every week. He will choose a variety of books, such as fiction, non-fiction, and picture books, to expand his knowledge and understanding of the language.In addition to reading books, Jason will also use online resources, such as reading comprehension worksheets and interactive reading games, to practice his reading skills. He will also keep a journal to write down new words, phrases, and expressions that he learns from his reading.WritingTo improve his writing skills, Jason will practice writing short essays, stories, and journal entries. He will also work on improving his spelling and punctuation by completing spelling exercises and grammar worksheets.Jason's parents will review and provide feedback on his writing assignments to help him identify areas for improvement. They will also encourage him to write letters or emails to pen pals or family members who speak English, to practice his writing and communication skills.SpeakingJason knows that speaking is an essential part of learning a new language, so he has set a goal to practice speaking English every day. He will start by reading aloud and practicing pronunciation, then move on to having conversations with his parents, siblings, and friends in English.To further improve his speaking skills, Jason will watch English-language TV shows and movies, and listen to English podcasts and music. He will also participate in English-speaking clubs or classes to interact with other students who are learning the language.ListeningJason understands the importance of listening to improve his English comprehension. He will listen to English audiobooks, podcasts, and news broadcasts to practice his listening skills. He will also use online resources, such as listening comprehension exercises and dictation activities, to test his understanding of spoken English.ConclusionJason is committed to following his English learning plan and is excited to see his progress over the next few months. He understands that learning a new language takes time and effort, but he is determined to become fluent in English.By setting specific goals and engaging in a variety of activities, Jason is confident that he will improve his reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in English. With the support of his parents and consistent practice, he is confident that he will achieve his goal of becoming fluent in English.。

英语成功的秘密《英语天才计划》课程主讲老师介绍中文名:刘安乐英文名:Benson事业:英语教育美语思维演绎法 创始人CCTV英语演讲比赛 冠军英汉双语励志超级演说家《懒人说英语》 作者洛基国际英语精英特训营 金牌讲师《英语天才计划》 总设计洛基国际英语 教学总监《领袖风采英语训练营》 首席讲师想在1年内“学好英语”,请你加Benson老师私人辅导QQ群:117470565我的座右铭:用人品去感动别人,用改变去影响别人,用状态去燃烧别人,用实力去征服别人,用行动去带动别人,用坚持去赢得别人,任何环境中你都是个优秀的人!我的经历:一切至真至纯1、2003年走上大学讲台,从事改变大学生命运的演讲,站到3000千人面前,彻底展示了自己的光芒。
chen bulei英语介绍

chen bulei英语介绍Chen Bulei is a talented and hardworking individual who has made significant contributions in the field of English language teaching. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Chen Bulei has been able to inspire and motivate students to excel in their English language skills. One of the key areas where Chen Bulei has excelled is in the teaching of grammar. He has a deep understanding of the intricacies of English grammar and is able to explain complex concepts in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. Chen Bulei uses a variety of teaching methods and resources to ensure that his students have a solid grasp of grammar rules and can apply them effectively in their writing and speaking.In addition to his expertise in grammar, Chen Bulei also places great emphasis on improving students' vocabulary and pronunciation. He believes that a strong vocabulary and proper pronunciation are essential for effective communication in English. Chen Bulei incorporates various interactive activities and exercises into his lessons to help students expand their vocabulary and improve theirpronunciation.Furthermore, Chen Bulei is an advocate for creating a positive and engaging learning environment. He believes that students learn best when they are actively involved in the learning process and feel supported and encouraged. Chen Bulei uses a variety of teaching techniques, such as group work, discussions, and role plays, to foster a collaborative and interactive classroom atmosphere. He also provides constructive feedback and guidance to help students overcome challenges and improve their English language skills.Another notable aspect of Chen Bulei's teaching approach is his integration of real-world scenarios and cultural elements into his lessons. He believes that learning a language goes beyond grammar and vocabulary, and encompasses an understanding of the culture and context in which the language is used. Chen Bulei incorporates authentic materials, such as articles, videos, and songs, into his lessons to expose students to real-life situations and cultural nuances.Chen Bulei's dedication to his students' success extendsbeyond the classroom. He often goes the extra mile to provide additional resources and support to help his students achieve their language learning goals. He encourages students to practice English outside of class through self-study, online resources, and language exchange programs. Chen Bulei also organizes extracurricular activities, such as English clubs and cultural events, to further immerse students in the language and culture.In conclusion, Chen Bulei is a highly skilled and passionate English language teacher who has made a significant impact in the field of English language teaching. Through his expertise in grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and cultural integration, he has been able to inspire and empower students to become confident and proficient in English. Chen Bulei's dedication and commitment to his students' success make him a valuable asset to the field of English language education.。

小学英语创造性思维能力的培养扈柏纯发布时间:2022-05-10T16:55:47.792Z 来源:《中国教师》2022年6月作者:扈柏纯[导读] 随着现代化教育的推进,传统的应试教学模式已经不能适应新课改的理念,培养学生英语核心素养成为小学老师教学活动探究的主题。
[关键词]核心素养;思维品质;创造性思维能力中图分类号:G688.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:ISSN1672-2051(2022)6-099-01随着社会现代化发展,未来社会对人才的要求日益提高,学生核心素养的提升成为当下每位老师的神圣职责。
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英语成功的秘密《英语天才计划》课程主讲老师介绍中文名:刘安乐英文名:Benson事业:英语教育美语思维演绎法 创始人CCTV英语演讲比赛 冠军英汉双语励志超级演说家《懒人说英语》 作者洛基国际英语精英特训营 金牌讲师《英语天才计划》 总设计洛基国际英语 教学总监《领袖风采英语训练营》 首席讲师想在1年内“学好英语”,请你加Benson老师私人辅导QQ群:117470565我的座右铭:用人品去感动别人,用改变去影响别人,用状态去燃烧别人,用实力去征服别人,用行动去带动别人,用坚持去赢得别人,任何环境中你都是个优秀的人!我的经历:一切至真至纯1、2003年走上大学讲台,从事改变大学生命运的演讲,站到3000千人面前,彻底展示了自己的光芒。
张立勇取得了630分的高分,对一个同等学历的人是不可能实现的事情,但在他身上发生了!有可能从那一刻学习英语的一瞬间,他就告诉自己一定要下定决心学好英语,从下定决心的那一刻,他学习英语的力量和动力就随之而来,各位一个人学习英语的渴望占到我们学习英语的80%,如果一个人学习英语最低的渴望都没有,那他的英语之路一定是中途停止,如果一个人学习英语有最低的渴望,那也是热血沸腾的3-5天的事情,所以结果必须是我们要有强烈的渴望进行学习英语,这样我们会为了英语而不懈努力!!我曾经和许多学生说过一句话“这辈子要么好好的学习英语一次,好好的学一次,几个月搞定,要么再也不学英语了,改学法语、日语,我们学习英语5年,10年,15年,目前为止还是聋哑英语,为什么?为什么?难道方法不对,难道没有好的资料,需要我们自己去反思”老话说……决心可以改变一个人我的思绪来了 但决心仍未够只是 决心是什么我想当你感受到责任有多重要的时候决心也就足够了想在1年内“学好英语”,请你加Benson老师私人辅导QQ群:117470565benson老师分享——英语学习的三大着力点洛基国际英语的培训是一种精神的支撑,一种方法的引导,一种能力的训练,一种责任的放大,所有的种种在洛基英语的老师中几乎得到了诠释,所有的行为都只有一个目的就是希望我们同学可以从中找到适合自己的方法和技巧,适合自己去努力的方向,提升自己的英语水平,那么,今天我们就整个过程和心态进行一个串通!!语音:语音学习在整个口语学习中是最基本的,也是最关键的。
因为我们的沟通的时候,重点就是一对一沟通和一对多沟通,一对一沟通重点是句子,一对多沟通重点就是段落,为什么我们要通过一个句型,因为句型和句子的连接词是整个体系的逻辑关系,把握了逻辑关系,我们脱口而出的英语技巧就变得简单多了! 当然,口语当中出现的句子可说是千变万化,我们除了通过部分替换来得到不同的句子外,如何更有效地来掌握句型呢?这就需要我们对不同的句型进行归纳整理,了解并记忆各个句型所应用的场景和功能。
比如在greeting的场景中,我们就要说How are you? / How are you doing? / What's up?等句子,而不能不顾情景原则的抛出一句“Where are you going?”,因为后者不符合英美人士打招呼的习惯。