internal control and risk management内部控制与风险管理 外文翻译学士学位论文
Establishing a sound internal control system is the essential foundation of bank management.2.内控管理应该贯穿于银行的各个业务环节。
Internal control management should be integrated intoevery aspect of the bank's operations.3.制定符合监管要求的内控政策和流程,是银行内控管理工作的首要任务之一。
Developing internal control policies and procedures that comply with regulatory requirements is a top priority forbank internal control management.4.强化内部审计和风险管理工作,可以有效提升银行的内控水平。
Enhancing internal audit and risk management caneffectively enhance the bank's internal control level.5.建立内部控制框架,明确责任分工和控制权限。
Establishing an internal control framework to clarify responsibilities and control authority.6.加强内部员工的培训和教育,提高他们的风险意识和内控意识。
Strengthening internal staff training and education to enhance their risk awareness and internal control awareness.7.建立健全的信息披露和风险提示机制,及时向监管机构和投资者披露信息。
内部控制英文文献目录1. 内部控制管制对盈余质量的影响:来自德国的证据( March 2008 )The effect of internal control regulation on earnings quality: Evidence from Germany2. 内部控制制度如何影响财务报告?( Altamuro ,June 24, 2009)How Does Internal Control Regulation Affect Financial Reporting3. 财务报告内部控制缺陷的决定因素( Doyle ,May 15, 2006)Determinants of weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting4. 应计质量与财务报告内部控制( Doyle,January 24, 2007)Accruals Quality and Internal Control over Financial Reporting5. SOX 内部控制缺陷对公司风险与权益资本成本的影响( Ashbaugh-Skaife ,June 10, 2008) The Effect of SOX Internal Control Deficiencies on Firm Risk and Cost of Equity6. 审计委员会质量、审计师独立性与内部控制缺陷( Zhang)Audit Committee Quality, Auditor Independence, and Internal Control Weaknesses7. 小企业受益于内部控制缺陷审计师认证吗Do Small Firms Benefit from Auditor Attestation of Internal Control Effectiveness8. 内部控制缺陷的决定因素( Jahmani)Determinants of Internal Control Weaknesses In Accelerated Filers9. 操控性应计项目能帮助区分内部控制缺陷和欺诈吗Do Discretionary Accruals Help Distinguish between Internal Control Weaknesses and Fraud10. 财务报告质量对债务契约的影响:来自内部控制缺陷报告的证据 ( Costello ,September 4, 2010) The impact of financial reporting quality on debt contracting: Evidence from internal control weakness reports11. 重大内部控制缺陷与盈余管理Material Internal Control Weaknesses and Earnings Management in the Post-SOX Environment12. 家族企业的内部控制( April 2013 )Internal Controls in Family-Owned Firms ()13. 内部控制质量对企业并购绩效的影响研究Study on the Impact of the Quality of Internal Control on the Performance of M&A14. 内部控制质量与信用违约互换利差( January 2014)Internal Control Quality and Credit Default Swap Spreads15. 家族企业内部控制:特征和后果Internal Control in Family Firms: Characteristics and Consequences16. 内部控制报告与会计信息质量:洞察”遵守或解释的“内部控制制度Internal control reporting and accounting quality :Insight "comply-or-explain" internal control regime17. 内部控制报告与会计稳健性Internal Control Reporting and Accounting Conservatism18. 会计信息质量影响产品市场契约吗?来自政府合同授予的证据( March 2014 )Does Accounting Quality Influence Product Market Contracting? Evidence from Government Contract Awards19. 公司特征与财务报告质量:尼日利亚制造业上市公司的证据20. 内部控制情况与专家审计师选择The Association between Internal Control Situations and Specialist Auditor Choices21. 审计费用反应了控制风险的风险溢价吗( 2013-07 )Do Audit Fees Reflect Risk Premiums for Control Risk?22. 内部控制质量与审计定价Internal Control Quality and Audit Pricing under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act23. 内部控制缺陷与权益资本成本:来自萨班斯法案404 节披露的证据Internal Control Weakness and Cost of Equity: Evidence from SOX Section 404 Disclosures24. 内部控制缺陷与信息不确定性Internal Control Weaknesses and Information Uncertainty25. 重大内部控制缺陷与股票价格崩溃危险:来自404 条款披露的证据( May 2013 )Material Weaknessin Internal Control and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from SOX Section 404 Disclosure 26. SOX 内部控制缺陷对公司风险与权益资本成本的影响The Effect of SOX Internal Control Deficiencies on Firm Risk and Cost of Equity27. 信用评级、债务成本与内部控制信息披露:SOX302 和SOX404 法的比较28. 萨班斯-奥克斯利法案对会计信息债务契约价值的影响The Effect of Sarbanes-Oxley on the Debt Contracting Value of Accounting Information29. 财务报告内部控制的不利意见与审计师解聘/辞职Adverse Internal Control over Financial Reporting Opinions and Auditor Dismissals/Resignations30. 新管理人员任命与随后的SOX 法案404 的意见Appointment of New Executives and Subsequent SOX 404 Opinion31. 萨班斯奥克斯利:有关萨班斯法案404 影响的证据Sarbanes-Oxley: The Evidence Regarding the Impact of Sox 40432. 内部控制有效性自愿披露的经济决定因素及后果:从首次公开发行的证据( March 2013 ) Economic Determinants and Consequences of Voluntary Disclosure of Internal Control Effectiveness: Evidence from Initial Public Offerings33. 非营利组织中内部控制问题的原因和后果The Causes and Consequences of Internal Control Problems in Nonprofit Organizations34. SOX 内部控制披露在公司控制权市场中的价值The Value of SOX Internal Control Disclosures in the Market for Corporate Control35. 内部控制缺陷与销售、一般的及行政费用的非对称性行为Internal Control Weakness and the Asymmetrical Behavior of Selling, General, and Administrative Costs36. 内部控制缺陷及补救措施披露对投资者感知的盈余质量的影响The Impact of Disclosures of Internal Control Weaknesses and Remediation on Investor-Perceived Earnings Quality37. 内部控制缺陷与美国上市的中国公司与美国公司的审计师SOX Internal Control Deficiencies and Auditors of U.S.-Listed Chinese versus U.S. Firms38. 内部控制信息披露与代理成本—来自瑞士的非金融类上市公司的证据( January 2013) Internal Control Disclosure and Agency Costs Evidence from Swiss listed non-financial Companies39. 萨班斯奥克斯利法案与公司投资:来自自然实验的新证据The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Corporate Investment: New Evidence from a Natural Experiment40. 国内投资者保护、所有权结构与交叉上市公司遵守SOX 要求披露内部控制缺陷Home Country Investor Protection, Ownership Structure and Cross-Listed Firms 'Compliance with SOX-Mandated Internal Control Deficiency Disclosure41. 审计师对披露重大缺陷相关风险的看法Auditors ' Percenpsti o f the Risks Associated with Disclosing Material Weaknesses42. 交叉上市公司提供与美国公司相同质量的披露?来自萨班斯-奥克斯利法案302 条款下的内部控制缺陷信息披露的证据Do cross-listed firms provide the same quality disclosure as U.S. firms? Evidence from the internal control deficiency disclosure under Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act43. 内部控制缺陷与并购绩效Internal Control Weaknesses and Acquisition Performance44. 萨班斯-奥克斯利法案302 条款下的内部控制缺陷对审计费用的影响The Effect of Internal Control Weakness under Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Audit Fees45. 审计师对财务报告内部控制的评价对审计费用、债务成本及净遵从收益The Effect of Auditors ' Assessment of Internal Control of over Financial Reporting on Audit Fees, Cost of Debt and Net Compliance Benefit46. 上市公司披露的信息含量与萨班斯-奥克斯利法案Information Content of Public Firm Disclosures and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act47. 财务错报与股票市场的契约:从增发的证据Financial Misstatements and Contracting in the Equity Market: Evidence from Seasoned Equity Offerings48. 公司治理质量与SOX 302 条款下内部控制报告Corporate Governance Quality and Internal Control Reporting Under Sox Section 30249. 审计委员会质量、审计师独立性与内部控制缺陷Audit Committee Quality, Auditor Independence, and Internal Control Weaknesses50. SOX404 条款的影响:成本,盈余质量与股票价格The Effect of SOX Section 404: Costs, Earnings Quality, and Stock Prices51. 内部控制缺陷与银行贷款契约:来自SOX404 条款披露的证据Internal Control Weakness and Bank Loan Contracting: Evidence from SOX Section 404 Disclosures52. 审计师对财务报告内部控制的决策:分析、综合和研究方向Auditors I'nternal Control Over Financial Reporting Decisions: Analysis, Synthesis, and Research Directions 53. 应计质量与财务报告内部控制( Doyle ,The Accounting Review, forthcoming )Accruals Quality and Internal Control over Financial Reporting54. 业绩基础CEO 和CFO 薪酬对内部控制质量的影响The impact of performance-based CEO and CFO compensation on internal control quality55. 内部控制重大缺陷与CFO 薪酬Internal Control Material Weaknesses and CFO Compensation56. 财务报告内部控制缺陷的决定因素Determinants of weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting57. 内部控制与管理指南Internal Control and Management Guidance58. 2002 萨班斯-奥克斯利法案302 条款下内部控制缺陷的市场反应以及这些缺陷的特征Market Reactions to the Disclosure of Internal Control Weaknesses and to the Characteristics of thoseWeaknesses under Section 302 of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 200259. 自愿报告内部风险管理和控制系统的经济激励Economic Incentives for Voluntary Reporting on Internal Risk Management and Control Systems60. 后萨班斯法案时代审计意见的信息含量The information content of audit opinions in the post-sox era61. 上市公司披露的信息含量与萨班斯-奥克斯利法案( April, 2010 )Information Content of Public Firm Disclosures and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act62. 信息摩擦如何影响公司资产流动性的选择?萨班斯法案404 条款的影响How do Informational Frictions Affect the Firm s Choice of A'sset Liquidity? The Effect of SOX Section 404 63. 已审计的信息披露给资本市场参与者带来利益是什么( December 19, 2013)What are the benefits of audited disclosures to equity market participants64. 诉讼风险与审计定价:公众股权的作用( January 7, 2013)Litigation Risk and Audit Pricing: The Role of Public Equity65. 萨班斯-奥克斯利法案对IPO 和高收益债券发行人的影响The Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley on IPOs and High Yield Debt Issuers66. 来自金融危机的公司治理的经验教训The Corporate Governance Lessons from the Financial Crisis67. 谁对企业欺诈吹口哨Who Blows the Whistle on Corporate Fraud68. 内部控制缺陷与现金持有价值Internal Control Weakness and Value of Cash Holdings69. 民族文化和制度环境对内部控制信息披露的影响The impact of national culture and institutional Environment on internal control disclosures70. 财务报告质量与权益资本成本之间联系的讨论:一些个人的意见( June 6, 2013)Some Personal Observations on the Debate on the Link between Financial Reporting Quality and the Cost of Equity Capital71. 使用盈利预测同时估计企业层面的权益资本成本和长期增长Using Earnings Forecasts to Simultaneously Estimate Firm-Specific Cost of Equity and Long-Term Growth72. 高管薪酬差距与权益资本成本Executive Pay Disparity and the Cost of Equity Capital73. 财务报告质量与公司债券市场(博士论文,Mingzhi Liu, 2011 )Financial Reporting Quality and Corporate Bond MarketsReferencesAboody, D., J. 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一、内部控制与风险管理日益融合学者们一般把内部控制的发展历程划分为五个不同的阶段:内部牵制(internal check)阶段、内部控制制度(internal control system)阶段、内部控制结构(internal control structure)阶段、内部控制整体框架(internal control integrated framework)阶段、风险管理整体框架(risk management integrated framework)阶段。
根据《柯氏会计辞典》(Kohler’s Dictionary for Accountant)的定义,内部牵制是指“以提供有效的组织和经营,并防止错误和其他非法业务发生的业务流程设计”。
在经历了1929—1933年“大危机”之后,美国于1934年颁布《证券交易法》(Securities Exchange Act of 1934),首次以法律的形式明确企业对建立和评价财务报告内部控制(internal control over financial reporting)的责任。
美国注册会计师协会(American Institute of Certified Public Accountants,AICPA)于1958年10月发布的第29Accountants,AICPA)于1958年10月发布的第29号审计程序公告(Statement of AuditingProcedures,SAP)《独立审计人员评价内部控制的范围》(Scope of the Independent Auditor’s Review of Internal Control)[19]和1972年发布的第54号审计准则公告(SAS 54)《审计师对内部控制的研究与评估》(The Auditor’s Study andEvaluation of Internal Control)中,将内部控制划分为会计控制(accounting control)和管理控制(administrative control)两个部分。
企业内部控制与风险管理案例Internal control and risk management are crucial for any organization to operate efficiently and effectively. It is important for companies to have systematic procedures in place to monitor and evaluate business operations, financial reporting, and compliance with laws and regulations. Without proper internal control and risk management measures, companies are susceptible to fraud, errors, and non-compliance which can result in financial losses and reputational damage.企业内部控制和风险管理对于任何组织的高效运作至关重要。
One of the key components of internal control is establishing clear roles and responsibilities within the organization. This helps to ensure that tasks are properly assigned and understood, reducingthe risk of errors or fraud. By clearly defining who is responsible for what, companies can create accountability and transparency in theiroperations, making it easier to identify and address any issues that arise.内部控制的一个关键组成部分是在组织内建立清晰的角色和责任。
COSO 新框架下企业内部控制与风险管理的思考李晶天津市第二市政公路工程有限公司,天津300113[摘要]内部控制是全面风险管理的必要环节,其动力来自企业对风险的认识和管理。
[关键词]COSO ;内部控制;风险管理;借鉴[中图分类号]F273[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-9055(2008)01-0014-02Thinking on Internal Control and Risk Management ofEnterprises under the New Frame COSOLI J ing(Tianjin 2nd M unicipal Ro ad Eng ineering L td.Co mpany ,Tianjin 300113)[Abstr act]The internal co ntrol is the necessary link o f the overall risk management;its mo tivepo wer comes fro m the enterprise ’s understanding to risk and manag ement.So w e have to convert the long-time solid ideas and settled thinking as soon as po ssible,and set up a new mechanism and g ive the new contents of the inner part control.[Key Wor ds]COSO ;internal contro l ;risk manag ement ;use for reference[收稿日期][作者简介]李晶(—),女,汉族,天津市人,天津市第二市政公路工程有限公司中级会计师。
关键词:内部控制;风险管理;风险监督AbstractAfter the reform and opening in China for a long time, due to the low degree of market economy development, on the study of internal control is not much, more is to rely on the quality of practitioners to realize the limited internal control. Society generale. Over the years, the bank with its first-class development speed, prudent management style, good economic benefit and harmonious home culture won the peers and even the social widespread praise from all walks of life. But, in the back of a huge success, society generale is also facing many internal control loopholes and deficiencies, such as not paying attention, will form the risk of serious hidden trouble, a threat to the security of bank management goal. So, to build a suit of society generale practical, effective internal control system become the priority of the current business development.This article first expounds the basic theory of internal control and the development status of society generale, analyzes the problems existing in the construction of bank internal control system. On this basis, the connotation of the society generale bank internal control system elements are fully described, and further analyze the reason for the bank internal control problems, at last analyses the effective operation of the measures, the bank internal control system in specific advice to the bank internal control system. Deepening the study of the theory of the broadening of the bank internal control, starting from the actual situation of our country faces, and draw lessons from international advanced theory of internal control, and constantly improve the internal control system of the society generale to effectively improve the level of bank risk management, it is very urgent for the long-term development of society generale, very important.Key words: Internal control; Risk management ;Risk supervision目录1 引言 (1)1.1 研究背景和意义 (1)1.2 研究目的和方法 (1)2 内部控制概述 (3)2.1 内部控制的含义及要素 (3)2.1.1 内部控制的含义 (3)2.1.2 内部控制包含的目标和要素 (3)2.2 内部控制的发展 (4)2.2.1 内部牵制阶段 (4)2.2.2 内部控制阶段 (5)2.2.3 会计控制和管理控制阶段 (5)2.2.4 内部控制结构阶段 (5)2.2.5 内部控制整体框架阶段 (5)2.2.6 内部控制风险管理阶段 (5)2.3 建立内部控制的必要性 (6)2.3.1 科学管理的要求 (6)2.3.2 法律、法规的要求 (6)2.3.3 成本—效益原则的要求 (6)3 兴业银行简况 (8)3.1 兴业银行特点 (8)3.2 兴业银行的发展 (8)4 兴业银行内部控制存在的问题 (10)4.1 内部控制体系不够健全 (10)4.1.1 在授权、分权控制中存在的问题 (10)4.1.2 在不相容职务控制方面存在的问题 (10)4.1.3 在业务程序标准化控制方面存在的问题 (10)4.2 内部控制没有有效实施 (11)4.2.1 在复查核对控制方面的问题 (11)4.2.2 人员素质控制方面的问题 (12)5 造成兴业银行内部控制出现问题的原因 (13)5.1 银行管理层对内部控制的不重视 (13)5.2 员工素质参差不齐,风险意识不够强 (13)5.3 管理制度不完善 (14)5.4 银行内部沟通问题出现偏差 (14)5.4.1 银行内部没有建立良好的信息系统 (14)5.4.2 银行内部没有实现良好的信息与沟通 (15)5.5 对银行的内部监管不够 (16)5.5.1 对银行内部的监督力度不够 (16)5.5.2 银行内部审计执行力度不够 (17)6 加强兴业银行内部控制的方法 (19)6.1 银行管理层加强对内部控制的重视程度 (19)6.2 提高员工的整体素质 (19)6.3 进一步完善管理制度 (20)6.4 注重银行内部信息与沟通 (21)6.5 加强银行内部监督 (21)6.5.1 增强董事会、监事会的监督力度 (21)6.5.2 充分发挥内审的作用 (22)7 结论 (25)致谢 (26)参考文献 (27)附录A (28)附录B (33)兴业银行内部控制问题研究1 引言1.1 研究背景和意义在经济全球化时代,高度发展的金融业既是机遇,但同时也暗藏了巨大风险。
风险管理及内部控制的基础知识风险管理(Risk Management)和内部控制(Internal Control)是企业管理中的重要组成部分,对于企业的健康发展和风险防范具有重要意义。
Strengthen internal audit mechanisms to enhancesupervision and management of internal processes.2.设立独立的内部控制部门,确保内部决策的合理性和透明度。
Establish an independent internal control department to ensure the rationality and transparency of internal decisions.3.完善内部报告和记录的标准化制度,提高信息的准确性和可靠性。
Improve the standardization system of internal reporting and recording to enhance the accuracy and reliability of information.4.加强对内部人员的培训,提高员工的内控意识和执行能力。
Enhance training for internal employees to improve their awareness and execution capability of internal control.5.建立风险管理体系,及时发现和解决内部管理中存在的风险问题。
Establish a risk management system to identify and address internal management risks in a timely manner.6.加强内部合规监督,确保组织行为符合法律法规和内部规章制度。
Strengthen internal compliance supervision to ensure organizational behavior complies with laws, regulations, and internal rules.7.定期进行内部审查,发现和纠正内部管理中的漏洞和不足。
1972年美国注册会计师协会(AICPA)对会计控制 又提出并通过了一个较为严格的定义:―会计控 制是组织计划和所有与下面直接有关的方法和程 序:1)保护资产,即在业务处理和资产处置过 程中,保护资产免遭过失错误、故意致错或舞弊 造成的损失。2)保证对外界报告的财务资料的可 靠性。"
Hale Waihona Puke “内部控制是由企业董事会、经理阶层和其他员 工实施的,为营运的效率效果、财务报告的可靠 性、相关法律法规的遵循性等目标的实现而提供 合理保证的过程”,并提出内部控制整体框架由 五个相互联系的要素构成,即:控制环境 (Control Environment) 、风险评估(Risk appraisal) 、控制活动(Control Activity) 、信息 与沟通(information and communication) 、监控 (monitoring)等五要素。
会计系统规定各项经济业务的鉴定、分析、 归类、登记和编报的方法,明确各项资产和负债 的经营管理责任。健全的会计系统应实现下列目 标:鉴定和登记一切合法的经济业务;对各项经济 业务按时进行适当分类,作为编制财务报表的依 据;将各项经济业务按适当的货币价值计价,以 使列入财务报表;确定经济业务发生的日期,以 便按照会计期间进行记录;在财务报表中恰当地 表述经济业务以及对有关内容进行揭示。
所谓控制环境是指对建立、加强或削弱特 定政策和程序效率发生影响的各种因素。具体包 括:管理者的思想和经营作风;企业组织结构;董事 会及其所属委员会,特别是审计委员会发挥的职 能;确定职权和责任的方法;管理者监控和检查 工作时所用的控制方法,包括经营计划、预算、 预测、利润计划、责任会计和内部审计;人事工 作方针及其执行、影响本企业业务的各种外部关 系。
内部控制国外学者发表的观点英文回答:Internal Control: Perspectives from International Scholars.Internal control is a critical component of any organization, as it helps to ensure the accuracy and reliability of financial reporting, safeguard assets, and promote operational efficiency. Over the years, numerous international scholars have conducted extensive research on internal control, offering valuable insights into its various aspects.Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO)。
The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) is a renowned organization that has significantly contributed to the development ofinternal control frameworks. COSO's Internal Control Integrated Framework (IC-IF) provides a comprehensive model for evaluating and improving internal control systems. The IC-IF consists of five components: control environment,risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring.International Internal Control Framework (IICF)。
《内部控制和风险管理》 课程大纲
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《内部控制与风险管理》教学大纲(适用于线上线下混合式教学课堂)一、基本信息课程名称内部控制与风险管理课程编号B0800280英文名称Internal Control and Risk Management课程类型专业选修课总学时32教师线下现场教学16学生线上自主学习16学分2先修课程适用对象会计学、财务管理学等专业开课学院会计学院课程负责人课程简介(200字左右)《内部控制与风险管理》是会计学和财务管理学专业开设的一门专业选修课,通过线上线下混合式课堂进行教学。
Internal Control and Control Risk(英文版)(ppt 58页)
![Internal Control and Control Risk(英文版)(ppt 58页)](
Reasonable Assurance
Means that the cost of the control should not outweigh its benefit.
Control Environment Control Risk Assessment Control Activities Monitoring Communication and Information
Management is responsible for these components.
Auditors provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatements.
Components of Internal Control
There are five components of internal control per COSO.
The custody of related assets Record-keeping responsibility User departments
Proper Authorization of Transactions and Activities
Adequate Documents and Records
¶Transactions are recorded ¶Sales are recorded on the
¶ocorrect dates.
¶Transactions are properly ¶Sales transactions are
文献信息:文献标题:Regulation by disclosure: the case of internal control(从信息披露规则角度看企业内部控制)国外作者:Laura F. Spira, Michael Page文献出处:《Journal of Management & Governance》,2010, 14(4):409-433字数统计:英文2253单词,12476字符;中文3543汉字外文文献:Regulation by disclosure: the case of internal control1.Lntroduction: disclosure as a regulatory toolThe traditional framework of corporate accountability relies on disclosure of information to stakeholders. The form, content and reliability of this disclosure have been a matter of concern and debate ever since the establishment of legislative protection for investors and creditors in the mid nineteenth century. Financial scandals typically prompt calls for improvements in disclosure. The assumption underlying this form of disclosure is that stakeholders will be provided with information through which they may hold company management to account for the use of resources provided—a stewardship approach.A different view of the purpose of disclosure underlies developments in standardising financial reporting which have been justified on the basis that users of financial statements need information in order to make a broad range of economic decisions about their relationships with corporations, an assumption which underpins the development of conceptual frameworks for financial reporting.More recently, disclosure has become viewed as a tool of regulation. For example, the UK Companies Act 2006 has required companies to make disclosures relating to risks and futureprospects. This approach to disclosure as a regulatory tool is reflected in recent discussions of European policy. The Winter Report1 of 2002 stated: Disclosure requirements can sometimes provide a more efficient regulatory tool than substantive regulation through more or less detailed rules. Such disclosure creates a lighter regulatory environment and allows for greater flexibility and adaptability. (p. 34) The discussion paper “Risk Management and Internal Control in the EU” states that:…if regulation is necessary, then disclosu re of information should be the preferred regulatory tool because it puts power in the hands of shareholders and markets rather than leaving it entirely with regulators (Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens 2005, p. 4)Disclosure is thus seen to be beneficial from three linked and overlapping perspectives: in securing corporate accountability and the exercise of good corporate governance on behalf of stakeholders; in enabling better investment decisions and the smooth running of capital markets; and as a form of indirect regulation that achieves the goals of regulators.In the US, securities legislation has relied on mandated disclosure since the 1930s. Although disclosure is central to its regime of corporate accountability, the UK approach to corporate legislation has been significantly different: recognition of this difference has been heightened in much of the recent …rules v. principles5 debate following the Enron debacle (Bush 2005). The response to such apparent failings of the system of accountability is typically a demand for fuller disclosure of information.The development of UK corporate governance policy has been characterised by a 'softer' approach, based on the principle of …comply or explain5, under which disclosure of information about compliance becomes mandatory, although code compliance remains voluntary. Arguments in support of this approach rest on the need for flexibility to recognise the range of diversity among companies and their activities and the assumption that the information provided about compliance will allow enforcement through market discipline.Studies of disclosure tend to focus on the readily observable —the content of the disclosures themselves -rather than the behavioural effects in corporate policies and processes which disclosure is intended to secure but which are far more difficult to assess. However, the knowledge that disclosure is required may have an earlier and equally important effect on management behaviour as that produced by market response. This is hinted at in the comment of William L Cary, former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission who wrote in 1967 that:Disclosure is the most realistic means of coping with the ever-present problem ofconflicts of interest. In some instances our conduct is motivated by what we think is right, without regard to anything else. But, perhaps equally important, ethical behaviour-and wise counselling-results from estimating the public reaction to a full knowledge of a planned course of conduct. The requirement of disclosure in certain instances, and its possibility always, is thus a most important regulatory force in our society. Disclosure is the foundation of reliance on self-regulatory approaches to conflict problems and is the clearest alternative to greater governmental or institutional intervention. [Cary 1967: 408] Although statements such as those above identify disclosure as a regulatory tool, Cary's is unusual in that it attempts to describe the mechanisms by which it works. In this paper we focus on a specific form of disclosure-that relating to internal control-in a specific context-that of the UK's “comply or explain” corporate governance regime. Our choice of internal control as a disclosure topic reflects the continuing focus on this area. In 1999 the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) published “Internal Control: Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code” [Internal Control Working Party (The Turnbull Report) 1999]. It was prepared by an Internal Control Working Party chaire d by Nigel Turnbull and is often referred to as “the Turnbull report” or “the Turnbull guidance”. The Financial Reporting Council later set up the Turnbull Review Group which published revised guidance in 2005 (Turnbull Review Group 2005). Almost simultaneously ICAEW published a briefing document “Implementing Turnbull-a Boardroom Briefing” (Jones and Sutherland 1999). We consider the impact of internal control disclosure requirements by examining the nature of the disclosures made in accordance with theTurnbull guidance for directors reporting on internal control. We observe that the format and content of such disclosures may converge into a standardised 'boilerplate' and we discuss the implications of this.In contrast to other recent studies (e.g. Beattie et al. 2004; Beretta and Bozzolan 2004; Abraham et al. 2005; Linsley and Shrives 2005) which have sought to measure disclosure quality through the adoption of a content analysis approach, our research method is informed by grounded theory as an appropriate means of generating insights into the presentation and interpretation of disclosures.The paper begins with an outline of the development of the concept of internalcontrol, noting the difficulties encountered in arriving at a suitable definition for purposes of disclosure, and its recent identification with risk management. Focusing onthe disclosure requirements of the UK Turnbull guidance, we investigate disclosers' responses to the “comply or explain” regime through an analysis of selected disclosure narratives. We conclude by identifying a disclosure life cycle which highlights issuesthat policy-makers endorsing the use of disclosure as a means of regulation may need to address.2.Internal control and its disclosurethe subject of internal control, once a guaranteed remedy for sleeplessness, has made a spectacular entry onto political and regulatory agendas. (Power 1997: 57)In his analysis of the development of the role of audit, Power observes that internal control has become increasingly important as part of a system of regulation which relies on making internal mechanisms visible through forms of self-validation and disclosure. Corporate governance requirements have frequently been couched in the form of codes of practice on the principle of 'comply or explain' rather than prescriptive legislation. The monitoring role of the board of directors, which forms the apex of the internal control system of an organisation, has been emphasised. The influence of particular interest groups has been important in the negotiation of these developments. Auditors, bothinternal and external, can claim expertise in internal control, advancing their organisational position in the case of internal auditors (Spira and Page 2003) and increasing the potential for sales of specialised services in the case of external auditors. Regulators and legislators have focused on internal control issues as a policy response to crises (Cunningham 2004).The use of internal control as a corporate governance device reflects a subtle but significant change in its conception, moving from the original “supportive” notion that internal control systems were an integral part of the structure of an organisation which enabled its goals to be achieved, to the more recent view of internal control as a substantially “preventive” system, designed to minimise obstructions to goal achievement and carrying significantly greater expectations of the effectiveness of such systems. AsPage and Spira (2004) note, companies have also increasingly taken 'risk-based' approaches to internal control because of the increased pace of organisational change—control systems change too fast to be rigidly documented and companies may not even have full documentation relating to some of their IT based systems. For these reasons there has been an increase in 'delegation' of control downwards in the organisation and there is likely to be no central record of control systems.The emergence of risk-based approaches to internal control has resulted in a confluence of internal control and risk management to the point that an influential publication (Jones and Sutherland 1999) issued at the same time as the Turnbull guidance referred frequently to “internal control and risk management” as a single concept in providing practical assistance for boards in complying with the Turnbull disclosure requirements.The demonstration of “good” corporate governance is a challenge for boards of directors but describing structural mechanisms such as internal control processes may be one way of meeting demands for transparency. Thus, what was once an internal interest becomes a means of demonstrating regulatory compliance.Concerns about internal control in the US and the UK arose initially from a desire to establish the boundaries of external auditor responsibility. The difficulties of defining internal control are illustrated in the earliest US experience, as summarised in a lecture by Mautz (1980). He quotes the 1949 AICPA definition: Internal control comprises the plan of organization and all of the coordinate methods and measures adopted within a business to safeguard its assets, check the accuracy and reliability of its accounting data, promote operational efficiency, and encourage adherence to prescribed managerial policies. and describes the concern of firms' legal counsel about the broadness of this definition. This concern led to a new definition issued in 1958 which split the four parts of the original definition between “accounting control” (safeguarding assets and checking reliability and accuracy of accounting data) and “administrative control” (promotion of operational efficiency and encouragement of adherence to prescribed management policies) and defined auditors' responsibility as reviewing accounting controls only. A further narrowing took place in 1972 when the US auditing profession limited the two components of “accounting control” even more.Up to this point, the definition was really only of concern to companies and their auditors but the passing of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in 1977 changed this. The Act was passed in response to bribery scandals and for the first time envisaged the use of internal control as regulation. It was based on a narrow conception of internal control newly described as “internal accounting control”. It also changed the focus of internal control: whereas the concerns of “accounting control” had been at low organisational levels and clerical procedures, the Act now shifted attention to controls at board level for the first time.Further concern about inadequacies in financial reporting led to a private sector initiative which established the Treadway Commission on Fraudulent Financial Reporting in 1987. Its recommendations included a call for a review of the varying concepts of internal control to develop a consistent approach. The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO 1992) subsequently produced an integrated framework for internal control in 1992, defining internal control as: A process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories:•Effectiveness and efficiency of operations.•Reliability of financial reporting.•Compliance with applicable laws and regulations (COSO 1992, p. 9)However, the Sarbanes Oxley legislation of 2002 introduced a further definition: “internal control over financial reporting”3 which suggests that consistency has not yet been achieved and ambiguity still exists.In the UK, internal control first entered the corporate governance agenda when the Cadbury Committee, reporting in 1992 on the financial aspects of corporate governance, adopted the view that directors5 responsibilities with regard to internal control should be clarified. They recommended that directors should report on the effectiveness of internal control systems and that auditors should report on that statement but passed responsibility for implementing this to the accountancy profession.In 1994 the Rutteman working party defined internal control using the US definition of 1958 and also replaced the Cadbury recommendation that directors should report on the effectiveness of internal controls with the suggestion that they may wish to do so. In 1998the Hampel review of the Cadbury Code weakened this recommendation even further but, forthe first time, suggested that internal control and risk management were related.This link was built on by the internal control working party chaired by Nigel Turnbull which was charged with producing guidance for directors in interpreting the Code's requirements for reporting on internal control, finally grasping the nettle avoided by Cadbury, Rutteman and Hampel. Using a broad definition of internal control, the Turnbull guidance views it as a key component of risk management. In terms of the apparent satisfaction of disclosers and their audiences, the guidance appears to have proved remarkably successful, judging by the responses to the consultation initiated by the Financial Reporting Council Turnbull Review Group in 2005. The guidance has also beenwidely adopted in the public sector.中文译文:从信息披露规则角度看企业内部控制1.引言:作为监管工具的披露传统的企业责任框架依赖于利益相关者的信息披露。
Strengthen risk awareness and enhance regulatory measures.2.加强金融监管和风险评估机制。
Strengthen financial supervision and risk assessment mechanisms.3.完善金融风险预警系统,提高监控能力。
Improve the financial risk early warning system and enhance monitoring capabilities.4.加强金融机构的内部控制和风险管理能力。
Strengthen the internal control and risk management capabilities of financial institutions.5.加强金融产品创新和风险管理的平衡。
Enhance the balance between financial product innovation and risk management.6.健全金融法律法规,加强监督执法。
Improve financial laws and regulations, and strengthen supervision and law enforcement.7.加强国际合作,共同防范跨境金融风险。
Enhance international cooperation to jointly prevent cross-border financial risks.8.提高金融从业人员的职业道德和风险意识。
Enhance the professional ethics and risk awareness of financial professionals.9.加强风险信息共享和跨部门协调。
Strengthen risk information sharing and inter-departmental coordination.10.完善金融市场准入机制,防范风险传导。
Bank statement 银行对账单Current deposit 活期存款Telegraphic transfer 电汇Discount Rate 贴现率Open-End Fund 开放式基金中国招商银行China Merchants Bank信用卡Credit Card浮动汇率Floating Rate利率Interest Rate货币政策Monetary Policy现代管理学之父:彼得·德鲁克菲利普斯曲线表示:失业率和通货膨胀之间的关系CIF的风险转移点:货过船舷双因素理论的创始人:赫茨伯格提高存款准备金率将:提高贴现率将:货币供给量减少,利率提高赫兹伯格的保健因素(判断对错)面对金融危机,我国采取的措施以及银行业采取的措施?第一部分中国的银行业business 商号,企业,公司savings 储蓄monetary policy 货币政策repository 仓库liquid funds 流动资金channel 引入,注入impulse 推动力,刺激macroeconomic m anagement 宏观经济管理in response to 随……specialized bank 专业银行Decision on Financial Reform 关于金融改革的决定com prehensive package of m easures 一揽子综合措施inflationary pressure 通货膨胀压力signs of overheating 市场过热现象structural m easure 结构上的措施exchange rate 汇率current account convertibility 经常项目可自由兑换性inter-bank m oney m arket 银行间货币市场segregation 拆分policy bank 政策性银行infrastructural project 基础设施项目joint-equity 合资soft landing 软着陆retail price index 零售物价指数subdue 征服sustainable rate 可持续增长的比率negative impact 消极影响capital inflow 资本流入official foreign exchange reserve 官方外汇储备resilience 反弹aggregate financing 融资总量full-fledged 成熟的Law of the People’s Bank of China《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》issue currency 发行货币circulation 流通fiscal agent 财政代理fiscal deficit 财政赤字sound financial order 良好的金融秩序overhaul 大修,取代,裁撤indirect policy instrum ent 间接政策手段credit ceiling 贷款额度reserve ratio 准备金率fixed assets 固定资产commercial bank 商业银行World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织profit-driven entities 盈利实体internationally com patible 与国际接轨的appropriate disclosure standards 适当的披露标准listing 股票上市,股票挂牌intermediary services 中间业务international settlem ent 国际结算cost structure 成本结构regulatory standards 调节标准,调节规范econom ic transition 经济转型magnitude 规模risk management 风险管理prudential m anagement 审慎管理risk monitoring and warning system 风险监控和警戒系统proceeds 收益capital adequacy ratio 资本充足率loan approval 贷款核准loan release 贷款发放insolvent 无偿付能力,破产liquidation procedures 清算程序fit-and-proper test 称职测试asset m anagem ent com pany 资产管理公司non-performing loans 不良贷款resource allocation 资源配置enforceability of bank claims 银行债权的追讨ownership structure 所有制结构corporate governance 法人治理incentive structure 激励机制open m arket transactions 公开市场业务fine-tuning 微调modes of transaction 交易方式settlem ent and clearing syste m清算系统rediscount business (票据的)再贴现业务required reserve system 法定准备金制度accounting period 会计年度intermediate rate 中间利率interest rate liberalization 利率自由化bank lending rates 银行贷款利率deposit rates 存款利率retail deposit interest rate 小额存款利率share-holding banks 股份制银行controlling share 控股股份capital replenishment system 资本金补充制度information disclosure 信息披露credit cooperatives 信用合作社national treatm ent 国民待遇accounting system 会计制度rating agency 信用评级机构第二部分银行监管misappropriation 盗用operating procedures 操作程序discretion 判断力accounting entry 会计分录creditor 债权人mobilize 动员distribute 分发,分配public good 公共利益accord 协议liquidity drain 流动性丧失deposit insurance fund 存款保险基金in a safe and sound manner 安然无恙的bank runs 银行运行the fund’s loss基金损失prompt intervention 迅速干涉remedial measure 补救措施responsive to 对……敏感thrust 推力monopoly 垄断anti-competitive practices 反对竞争的行为bank capital requirements 银行资本金要求dividend limitations 股息限制impair 削弱regulatory authorities 监管当局accounting principle 会计准则independent audit 独立审计financial position 财务状况counter-party risk 交易对手风险orderly exit 有序退出problem bank 问题银行systemic protection 系统保护operational independence 独立运行solvent institution 有偿付能力的机构cognation 同族distortion 变形,曲解,失真market signal 市场信号chartering banks 特许银行pre-filing stage 提出申请阶段application stage 申请阶段organizing stage 组织阶段premise (企业、机构等使用的)房屋;院内的土地;房产pro forma financial statem ent 预测财务报表projection 预测market-entry ticket 进入市场的凭证statute 法令,条例in com pliance with 遵守expertise 专家的意见,专门的技术the Basle Committee 巴塞尔委员会endorsement 背书,签注,认可venture 冒险,投机,风险integrity 诚信standing 信誉名望be consistent with 与……一致deploy 展开cross-checking 相互校验,反复核对dual control of assets 资产的双重控制double signatures 双重签名track record 记录deem ed to be detrimental to 被认为对……有害financial projection 财务预测start-up costs 启动成本initial capital amount 启动资本数量corporate parent 母公司the Basle Minimum Standards 巴塞尔最低标准a consolidated basis 统一(合并)的基础be notified of 通报indirect investm ent 间接投资in respect of 关于acquisition 兼并a wide array of 大量的perspective 观点potential 潜在的credit risk 信贷风险on-and off-balance sheet 表内和表外项目write off 勾销,注销(债款);报废suspend 暂停repricing risk 重定价风险yield curve 收益率曲线optionality 可选择性,随意portfolio 资产组合deregulate 解除管制insolvency 无力偿还,破产unethical 不道德的,缺乏职业道德的be susceptible to 易受影响的com ply with 符合,遵守financial distress 财务困难directorate 董事会,管理局prudential rules 审慎规则imprudent 轻率的,鲁莽的supplant 排挤掉,代替dynamic 动态的asset concentration 资产集中loan classification system 贷款分类系统adequacy of loan loss reserves 足够的贷款损失储备risk management 风险管理internal control 内部控制equity capital 股本权益revenue 收入capital adequacy ratios 资本充足率risk profile 风险组合asset quality 资产质量in a tim ely fashion 及时地,适时地core capital 核心资本tier one capital 一级资本retain earning 留存收益surplus 盈余supplementary capital 补充资金revaluation reserves 重估储备金hidden reserves 秘密准备金subordinated term 从属条款risk weight 风险权重undercapitalized 资本金不足merger 合并volatility of price 价格不稳定correlation assumption 相关性假设non-linear price characteristics 非线性价格特性plus factor 正因素independent risk control unit 独立风险控制部门risk-sensitive 风险敏感的one-size-fits-all fram ework 一成不变的框架ratings based 以评级为基础的default of the borrower 借贷者不履行还款责任commensurate with 与……相称的highly leveraged 高举债经营的provisions 备用金bad debt 呆账,坏账loan 借款advance 预付款extension of credits 信贷延期obligor 债务人collateral 担保品capital injection 资本(金)注入liquidation proceedings 清算诉讼liens 抵押留置权refinancing plans 再融资计划salvage value 残余价值contingent liabilities 或有债务have an adverse bearing on 对……有不利影响overdue loans 过期贷款doubtful loans 可疑贷款overdraft 透支assets portfolio 投资组合资产liquidity ratio 流动比率liquidity squeeze 流动资金紧张cushion 偿债安全余量,缓冲mismatch 未扎平的,不相配的audit function 审计职能on-site surveillance 非现场监管in the short or medium term 从中短期来看annual reports 年报under the auspices of 在……的赞助下secondary m arket 二级市场equity 股本leverage ratios 杠杆率volatile markets 剧烈变动的市场loan loss provisions 贷款损失准备金loss reserves 损失准备金examiner-in-charge 检查组组长internal audit 内部审计contingency funding 应急开支准备金com pliance 合规性com posite rating 综合评定lending policies 贷款制度total loan volume 贷款总额loan covenants 贷款契约board of directors 董事会buy-outs 买断loan appraisal 贷款评估outstanding loans 未偿贷款financial health 财务正常incom e statem ent 损益表financial position and prospects 财务现状和前景cash flow 现金流量benchm ark 基准assets quality rating 资产质量评级service the loan 偿还贷款unassisted merger 有偿合并deposit insurance fund 存款保险基金indemnifying 保障补偿put option 出售期权revamp 改组;补修,翻新;修订,改进market-oriented financial system 市场导向的金融体制operational independence 自主经营corporation affiliation 公司联营机构第三部分中国的外汇体制foreign exchange 外汇foreign currency 外币accelerate 加快conditional current account convertability 有条件的经常项目可兑换managed floating exchange rate 有管理的浮动汇率International Monetary Fund (IMF) 国际货币基金组织promulgate 颁布non-resident banks 外国银行balance of paym ents 国际支付paym ent voucher 支付凭证bank certificate of deposit 银行存款单circulation 流通foreign exchange surrender business 外汇止付业务debt service accounts 一般结算账户revoke 撤销reference rate 参考利率foreign-funded enterprises 外资企业ceiling 最高限额retain 留存advise 通知lift 解除export proceeds 出口收入verify 查证,核验enter 记入,登记receipts 收入call m oney 活期贷款fraud of foreign exchange 骗汇designated foreign exchange banks 指定办理外汇的银行capital account transactions 资本账户下的交易第四部分会计Ⅰ财务会计communicate 传达;告知;交流financial statem ent 财务报表monetary 货币的warrant 为……提供充足的根据outlet 销售点,销路sound 健康的,合理的bookkeeping 记账,簿记transactions 交易virtually 实质上apply to 适用于day-to-day 日常的evaluate 评价,评估corrective action 矫正的行为merchandise 用于买卖的货物,商品inventory 库存,存货creditors 债权人venture (为盈利而进行冒险的)企业;短期投资,商业冒险monitor 监控analyze 分析keep up with 跟上Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报Business Weekly 商业周刊(杂志)Forbes 福布斯(杂志)Fortune 财富(杂志)projection 预测,估计;规划项目disclose 透露,披露authorities 当局incom e tax 所得税nonprofit organizations 非盈利性组织profit-oriented 利润导向的budgets 预算payrolls 工资单recession (经济衰退)standard of living 生活水平auditing 审计in accordance with 符合,按照com ply with 遵守,符合tax returns 纳税申报单management consulting 管理咨询cost accounting 成本会计成本会计是成本管理系统中的一个子系统。
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Internal control and risk management1.Internal control --, standard and legislationIn 1985, the United States in order to curb the growing business of accounting fraud activities, formed a committee against financial fraud Treadway committee), (accounting fraud activities investigation led to reason and proposed solutions. The scheme emphasized the importance of internal control, requests and Suggestions of all listed companies should provide in the annals of internal control reports. The report shall include admit management authorities of financial reporting and internal control is responsible, and discuss the implementation of these responsibilities.In The end The mission Treadway Committee after The five, The commission launched organization jointly established a new Committee - The Com - mittee COSO (Sponsoring Organizations of The Treadway of ordinary), namely The organizing Committee Treadway Committee launched. It consists of the American public institute of certified public accountants (AICPA), American accounting association (AAA), international financial management association (FEI), internal auditors association (type IIA), international accounting association (NAA would) (a managerial accounting association jointly sponsored IMA predecessor). COSO continue to study and in 1992 it issued a programmatic document about the Internal Control, namely "Internal Control - the overall framework" (Internal Control - IntegratedFramework). The reports are put forward the COSO U.S. federal reserve, the United States securities and exchange commission, the Basel committee regulators or international organizations such as the recognition and adopted, many of these definitions, Suggestions and ideas absorbed into the legislation and regulations, worldwide has had a broad impact. Since THE end of 2001, THE United States broke with enron, worldcom, xerox and other companies financial cases of fraud as a representative of accounting scandals, hit U.S. capital markets and THE economy, also concentrated exposure for American companies in THE existing problem of internal control, thus causing THE United States adopted THE "sasha class nice --, THE extension of THE law (SARBANES OXLEY ACT) -. The bill made clear company managers CEO and CFO finance director of internal control, and will be held directly responsible shall undertake economic and criminal consequences; Greatly improve the punishment of accounting fraud; Strengthening the internal audit, external audit and audit supervision. This legislation represents a large capital marketsystem, also make the progress of the importance of internal control people have more deeply.2.The internal control and risk management comparisonInternal control and risk management has the close relation. COSO internal control is that part of the risk management. Therefore, the committee in the whole framework of internal control - the basis of, and in 2003 issued a new report --, "enterprise risk management framework". At present the report was only a rough draft, in public, revised later, is expected to formally released this year. The enterprise risk management framework "inherit and contains the whole framework of internal control - the main content also expanded the three elements, added a goal, updated some ideas for countries to provide a unified enterprise risk management terms and concepts of comprehensive application guide system.COSO internal control and risk management of the definition and elements were: Internal control: enterprise internal control is by the enterprise board of directors, managers, and other staff to implement, for financial reporting accuracy, business activity of efficiency and effect, the relevant laws and regulations such as the follow to achieve the goal of the process and provide reasonable assurance. It includes five elements: control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, the surveillance.Risk management: enterprise risk management is a process of the board of directors, the management of enterprises and other personnel to implement, applied in strategy formulation and enterprise all levels of activity, aims to identify possible influence enterprise various potential events, and according to enterprise's risk preference for enterprises to manage risk, to achieve the goal of providing reasonable assurance. It has eight elements: the internal environment, goal setting, event risk identification, risk assessment, countermeasures, control activities, information and communication, the surveillance.The two reports from the COSO perspective, the enterprise risk management and internal control has the following similar or different places:First, they are made by "enterprise board, management and other personnel to implement", emphasize the point, says the participation parties on the internal control and risk management has a corresponding roles and responsibilities.Second, they are all clearly is a "process", not as a static thing, such as system files, technical model and so on, also not be alone or extra activities, such asinspection, evaluation is best placed inside enterprise daily management process, as a kind of routine operation mechanism to construction.Third, they are for the realization of the goal of enterprise provide reasonable assurance. Risk management objectives are four categories, including three categories and internal control collocated, namely report targets, business targets and follow the targets. But the report targets have expanded, it not only include financial report, also requires all the accuracy of internal and external non-financial class report issued by the accurate and reliable. In addition, risk management increased the strategic target, namely and enterprise vision or mission related high-level objectives. This means that risk management is not only ensure management efficiency and effect, and intervention in the enterprise strategy (including business objectives) formulation process.Fourth, risk management and internal control elements have five aspects, i.e. (overlap is control or internal) environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, the surveillance. These coincide most of their goals and realization mechanism coincide of similar decision. Risk management increased goal setting, event identification and risk countermeasures three factors. Coincide elements, connotation, for example, has been extended internal control environment including honest character and moral values, staff quality and ability, the board of directors and the audit committee, management philosophy and management style, the organizational structure, the power and the allocation of responsibility, human resource policies and practices seven aspects. Risk management "internal environment" in addition to include these seven aspects outside, still include risk management philosophy, risk preference (appetite) and risks associated cultural three new content. In the risk assessment elements, risk management requires the consideration of the inherent risk and residual risk, with expectations, worst case values or probability distribution measure risk and to consider time preferences and risk association between the role. In information and communication, risk management emphasized the past, present and future of the relevant data about obtaining and analysis, provides information of the depth and timeliness, etc.Fifth, risk management proposes risk portfolio and the overall risk management (in tegrated management) - are new idea. The enterprise risk management framework "in the theory of modern financial borrowing portfolio risk theory, this paper puts forward the concept of combination and overall management from enterprise level,demanding dispersed in the overall grasp all levels and departments of enterprise, the risk exposure with overall consideration risk countermeasures, prevent dispersed consider and coping by department, such as will risk the risk in technology, financial, separated by information technology, environment, safety, quality, auditing departments, and considering the interaction between risk events, prevent two tendencies: one is the department's risk in risk preference can withstand ability, but within the overall effect may be beyond sustaining limit, because individual risk influence is not always add, may be multiplied; Second is the risk of individual departments over its limits, but exposure to the overall risk level haven't beyond sustaining range, because sometimes has offset the effects of the event of the effect. At this time, and further, strive for higher return risk with room to grow. According to risk portfolio and the overall management point of view, need unification consideration risk events as risk countermeasures between interaction between, overall risk management plan formulated.3. Internal control and risk management inner linkEnterprise system evolution and risk associated with the development. The establishment of a limited liability system is running or partnership enterprise organization from the key turning into a modern shares, it enables shareholders steps possessions and enterprise property and enterprise economic responsibility independent, shareholder transformation will no longer affect the enterprise credit capacity for equity transactions, expanded range and increased liquidity, which reduces the risk of investment and promoting enterprise financing, contributed to today a giant corporation.In order to make equity trading and the shareholders transform business continuity, influence and to make capital and management ability realize more optimal combination of ownership and management, enterprise in the modern enterprise of altitude, which also separate brings new risks, namely professional operators might not perform its accountability and shareholders' expense. In addition, limited liability may also lure enterprise engaged in high risk and damage the project's creditors. Because in limited liability, the potential revenue mainly by the enterprise (shareholders) to obtain, and the risk of failure, the major that bankruptcy is borne by the obligee. The risk is not marketization, the market competition spontaneous constraints or market transactions, such as providing a hedge product quality or natural disasters, but mechanism, belongs to the organization or trade in agency issues,need to regulate rules and system. These systems include corporate governance in the liability system, such as financial report, an internal control and audit, etc.Internal control and risk management is the fundamental role maintenance, security enterprise asset investor interest, and create new value. Fama&Jensen (1983) analyzed under the board of directors of ownership and separation of the internal control functions; Jensen (1993) further analyzed the American board of directors in internal control with reasons for the failure of performance. Theoretically, the enterprise internal control is the enterprise system component, is in the enterprise management and ownership of the separation of investor benefit under the condition of the protection mechanism. Its purpose is to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the accounting information management, prevent manipulation of statements and fraud and protect the company's property security, comply with the law in order to maintain the company's reputation and avoid incur pecuniary loss, etc. The historical origin of internal control, the requirements to earlier more basic, easier or appropriate rise to legislative level. Enterprise risk management is in the new technology and the market conditions of natural extension of internal control. COSO in the enterprise risk management framework of risk management of significance about when this is the case discussion: "enterprise risk management strategy and organization used in the various levels activities. It enables managers in the face of uncertainty can identify, evaluate and manage risk, play the role of creation and maintain value. Risk management can make risk preference and strategic keeps consistent, will risk and growth and return overall consideration, promote the decision against risks and reduce the risk and losses, identify business management and enterprise crossover risk, for various risks to provide overall countermeasures, capture opportunities and make capital rationalization." COCO in explaining the generalized control and risk discusses way: "' leadership 'in the face of uncertainty include choice." risk "refers to individuals or organizations are making choices adverse consequences after the possibility of suffering. The risk is opportunity counterparts." Obviously, these discussions have realized that enterprise exists for shareholders or stakeholders (for nonprofit organization, etc.), and create value value creation is not only passive assets security, it should also include the use of opportunity. Moreover, the threat of shareholder value comes not from the operator internal factors such as accounting frauds, including from the market risk, etc.Technology and market conditions, promote the new progress of internal controlto risk management. In advanced information technology conditions, accounting records realized the electronic control, real-time update, make traditional error-detection and prevent disadvantages accounting control seems outdated. However, the risk is often caused by trading or organization innovation, these innovation comes from emerging market practice, such as enron will energy trading large developed into similar financial derivatives trading. On the other hand, environmental protection and the enforcement of protection of consumer rights, strengthened the social responsibility of the enterprise, if an enterprise may have inadvertently, suffer from commodity market or capital market for the enterprise, and punish the performance brand value, or the capital market capitalisation put-downs. Therefore, the enterprise need a daily operation function and structure to guard against risks, including abide by laws and regulations, and ensure the trust of investors and ensure financial information management efficiency, etc. Therefore, from maintenance and promote this basic function value creation standpoint, risk management and internal control target is consistent, just in new technology and the market conditions, in order to effectively protect the interests of investors need in the basis of the development of internal control more active and more comprehensive risk management.4.From internal control to risk managementThere is a debate that risk management include internal control, or internal control contains risk management. The author thinks that what kind of conclusion that is not very important, the most important is to clear risk management and internal control of the relation between the superposition place. Who's wider, may be with time, technology, market conditions, legal and regulatory practice and different, for example, in the early development of internal control, market risk management tools and technology conditions are not fully (such as computer systems, statistics theory, quantity model, hedge tools and insurance etc.), then the internal control contains (alternative) risk management function is very natural. Even in the same era, different industry their emphasis may also different, for example, in the financial industry regulatory strict or involving the people's lives and health pharmacy and medical industry, the urgency of risk management, enterprise stronger with risk management leading internal control may be more convenient. And in some other enterprise, in order to comply with information disclosure requirements of internal control reports with the internal control system, enterprise for leading, give attention to two ormorethings risk management may be more suitable.Because of the internal control and risk management is the intrinsic relation, countries with different ways were gradually integrate internal control and risk management connected. January 8, 2004, China's relevant aspects held the "commercial bank risk management and internal control BBS", this shows that our banking also began to internal control and risk management connected.The Basel committee "issued by the banking group of internal control system framework said:" the board of directors approved and regularly check the overall strategy, and important system, understand the main risk, the bank for these risks setting acceptable level, ensure management to take necessary steps to identifying, measuring, supervision and control these risks..." Here, the risk management is obviously the content into the internal control framework. In the UK the FSA comprehensive standards (TheCombined Code) about the internal control regulation, it is first in official documents containing definitely in risk management in internal under control. This code is that the board should keep sound internal control system to protect shareholders investment and enterprise assets (principle d. 2). The board of directors at least once a year, and check the effectiveness of enterprise internal control systems, and to shareholders and report. Reports should include all the control, such as financial, management, follow control and risk management (d. 2.1). This rule is listed on the London stock exchange enterprise must abide by.Canadian association of certified accountants control standards committee (COCO) think "control should include risk identification and reduce the risk of", in which not only include the risk of achieving specific goals related, but also include general, if can't identify and took advantage of the opportunity, cannot make enterprise in the face of not anticipate events and uncertain information while maintaining flexibility or resilient. In 1992 the COSO internal control - in the whole framework will risk assessment of the internal control as one of the five elements, in the latest on the introduction of the "enterprise risk management framework" and further integrate internal control expanded to risk management, clearly put risk management include internal control.The author believes that in the actual business process, risk management and internal control is inseparable in rule or legislative process, consideration scope and control strength, the requirements, the greater the control range will be weaker. For its core problems, such as financial reporting accurate and reliable, the most suitable forlegislation to form to constraint, and other more broad content may be more suitable for rules and guidelines. The different levels of the enterprise internal risk management and internal control, the leading relative order can also be different, for example, from the enterprise strategic risk in turn to the management risk, financial risk, and finally to the financial report, risk management and internal control the relative importance should vary. In strategic risk, the risk management should play a leading role play complexation and internal control. This role reversal to financial report, gradually level, should play a leading role is the internal control, risk management play complexation.Despite the risk management and internal control an inner link, but the reality of or on behalf of the current application level of internal control and risk management and lots of gap. The typical risk management attention in particular business with strategic choice or business decisions related to compare the benefits and risks of, for example, banking credit management or market (price) risk management such as exchange rate, interest rate risk, etc. The typical internal control refers to accounting control, audit activities, are generally confined to financial related department. What they all have in common is low level, small range, confined to a few functional departments, and no penetration or applied in enterprise management process and the whole management system, therefore, sometimes looks risk management and internal control or independent of each other two things. Along with the internal control and risk management constantly improve and become more comprehensive, they inevitably overlapping and fusion between until unity.内部控制与风险管理周兆生1、内部控制———标准与立法1985年美国为了遏制日益猖獗的会计舞弊活动,成立了一个反财务舞弊委员会(Treadway委员会),调查导致会计舞弊活动的原因,并提出了解决方案。