飞行员执照考试试题及答案一、单项选择题1. 飞机在大气中的飞行是依靠下列哪一种力的作用?A. 浮力B. 升力C. 推力D. 重力答案:B2. 以下哪种天气状况对飞行最为有利?A. 阴天B. 晴朗无风C. 雾天D. 雨天答案:B3. 飞机着陆时,下列哪种操作是不正确的?A. 增加襟翼B. 减小油门C. 拉杆使飞机减速D. 使用刹车答案:C二、多项选择题4. 以下哪些因素会影响飞机的升力?A. 飞机速度B. 飞机高度C. 机翼面积D. 大气密度答案:A、C、D5. 飞行员在飞行前需要检查哪些设备?A. 氧气系统B. 灭火器C. 通信设备D. 导航设备答案:A、B、C、D三、判断题6. 飞机在飞行过程中,升力必须大于重力才能保持飞行。
7. 飞行员在飞行中可以食用任何食物。
四、填空题8. 飞机在大气中飞行所需的升力是由______产生的。
答案:机翼9. 飞机的______是用来减少飞机在地面滑行时的速度。
答案:刹车五、简答题10. 简述飞机着陆的一般过程。
答案:飞机着陆的一般过程包括以下步骤:a. 减速下降:飞行员减小油门,使飞机减速并开始下降。
b. 放下襟翼和起落架:增加襟翼以增加升力和阻力,放下起落架准备着陆。
c. 对准跑道:飞行员调整飞机的方向,使其对准跑道。
d. 触地:当飞机速度降至一定程度时,飞机的主轮触地。
e. 使用刹车:飞行员使用刹车减速,直至飞机停止。
六、综合分析题11. 假设你是一名飞行员,在飞行过程中遇到了严重的turbulence(湍流),请描述你会如何应对这种情况。
答案:遇到严重湍流时,我会采取以下措施:a. 立即回想起训练中关于湍流处理的程序。
b. 稳住操纵杆,避免过度操纵,以免加剧飞机的动荡。
c. 检查飞机各系统是否正常,包括氧气系统、导航设备和通信设备。
d. 如果湍流非常严重,考虑改变航路,避开湍流区域。
飞行员知识竞赛试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 飞行员在执行飞行任务前需要进行哪些准备工作?A. 检查飞行计划B. 检查飞机状态C. 检查天气情况D. 所有以上选项2. 民用航空器的飞行高度层是如何划分的?A. 每1000英尺为一个高度层B. 每2000英尺为一个高度层C. 每3000英尺为一个高度层D. 每5000英尺为一个高度层3. 飞行员在遇到紧急情况时,应首先采取的措施是什么?A. 立即着陆B. 保持冷静并评估情况C. 通知地面控制中心D. 尝试自行解决问题4. 以下哪项不是飞行员的基本职责?A. 确保乘客安全B. 遵守飞行规则C. 维护飞机设备D. 进行飞机销售5. 飞行员在飞行中遇到雷暴天气时,应采取哪些措施?A. 尽量避开雷暴区域B. 尝试穿越雷暴区域C. 降低飞行高度D. 增加飞行速度6. 飞行员在起飞前需要进行哪些检查?A. 检查飞机外部B. 检查飞机内部系统C. 检查飞行仪表D. 所有以上选项7. 飞行员在飞行中遇到通讯故障时,应如何处置?A. 立即着陆B. 尝试修复通讯设备C. 切换到备用通讯频道D. 继续飞行8. 飞行员在飞行中遇到发动机故障时,应首先考虑什么?A. 立即着陆B. 尝试重启发动机C. 评估故障原因D. 切换到备用发动机9. 飞行员在飞行中遇到仪表故障时,应如何操作?A. 依赖其他仪表继续飞行B. 立即着陆C. 尝试修复故障仪表D. 切换到备用仪表10. 以下哪项不是飞行员的必备技能?A. 良好的空间定位能力B. 快速反应能力C. 良好的沟通能力D. 熟练的计算机编程能力二、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. 描述飞行员在进行夜航时应注意的事项。
2. 解释什么是“失速”以及飞行员应如何避免失速。
3. 飞行员在遇到紧急下降时,应采取哪些措施?4. 飞行员在进行跨国飞行时,需要考虑哪些因素?三、案例分析题(每题10分,共20分)1. 假设你是一名飞行员,飞行中突然遇到强烈的湍流,飞机颠簸严重。
机场飞行员考试试题及答案# 机场飞行员考试试题及答案## 一、选择题1. 飞行员在起飞前需要进行哪些检查?- A. 检查飞机外部- B. 检查仪表板- C. 检查燃油量- D. 所有以上答案:D2. 飞行员在遇到紧急情况时,应该首先考虑什么?- A. 乘客安全- B. 飞机安全- C. 个人安全- D. 紧急着陆答案:A3. 以下哪项不是飞行员的职责?- A. 飞行计划的制定- B. 飞行过程中的导航- C. 飞机的维护- D. 与空中交通管制通信答案:C## 二、填空题4. 飞行员在飞行中必须遵守的基本原则是_______。
答案:安全第一5. 飞行员在飞行前需要了解的气象信息包括风向、风速、_______等。
答案:气压和能见度6. 飞行员在执行夜间飞行任务时,需要特别注意_______。
答案:灯光信号和导航设备的工作状态## 三、简答题7. 请简述飞行员在遇到飞机故障时的应急处理流程。
答案:- 首先保持冷静,评估故障的严重性。
- 立即通知空中交通管制并报告情况。
- 根据故障类型,尝试进行故障排除或使用备用系统。
- 如果情况允许,尝试返回机场或寻找最近的机场进行紧急着陆。
- 确保乘客安全,必要时进行紧急疏散。
8. 飞行员在飞行中如何进行有效的沟通?答案:- 使用标准术语和清晰的语言进行沟通。
- 保持沟通的简洁性和准确性。
- 监听空中交通管制的指令并及时响应。
- 在必要时,使用无线电进行多频道通信。
## 四、计算题9. 如果飞机以每小时500公里的速度飞行,飞行时间为3小时,计算飞机的飞行距离。
答案:飞行距离 = 速度× 时间 = 500公里/小时× 3小时 = 1500公里## 五、案例分析题10. 假设你是一名飞行员,正在执行一次跨国飞行任务。
答案:- 立即检查发动机故障指示器,确认故障类型。
- 通知机组人员和空中交通管制,报告故障情况。
飞行员执照考试试题及答案一、选择题1. 飞机在大气中的飞行原理主要是什么?A. 升力大于重力B. 升力等于重力C. 升力小于重力D. 升力与重力无关答案:B2. 以下哪种飞行状态属于不稳定飞行?A. 水平飞行B. 俯冲C. 爬升D. 盘旋答案:D3. 以下哪个部件用于控制飞机的俯仰?A. 副翼B. 升降舵C. 方向舵D. 油门答案:B4. 以下哪个仪表用于指示飞机的空速?A. 的高度表B. 的升降速度表C. 的空速表D. 的航向仪答案:C5. 飞行员在起飞滑跑过程中,何时应拉杆使飞机离地?A. 当飞机达到预定速度时B. 当飞机达到安全速度时C. 当飞机离地时D. 当飞机离地后答案:A二、填空题1. 飞机在飞行过程中,需要克服的主要力有______、______、______和______。
答案:升力、重力、阻力和推力2. 飞机的基本操纵面有______、______和______。
答案:副翼、升降舵和方向舵3. 飞行员在飞行前需要检查飞机的______、______、______和______。
答案:燃油、氧气、油压和电气系统4. 飞行员在飞行中,需要密切关注的气象要素有______、______、______和______。
答案:气温、气压、风速和湿度5. 飞行员在紧急情况下,应按照______、______。
答案:紧急程序执行三、判断题1. 飞行员在飞行前需要检查飞机的燃油量,确保足够完成飞行任务。
()答案:正确2. 飞行员在飞行过程中,可以随时调整飞行高度。
()答案:错误3. 飞行员在飞行中,如遇到紧急情况,可以立即返回起飞机场。
()答案:正确4. 飞行员在飞行中,可以关闭飞机的导航设备,仅凭经验飞行。
()答案:错误5. 飞行员在飞行中,如遇到恶劣天气,可以随时改变飞行计划。
()答案:正确四、问答题1. 请简要说明飞机的飞行原理。
中国飞行员测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 中国空军成立的时间是:A. 1949年B. 1950年C. 1960年D. 1970年答案:B2. 下列哪个不是飞行员的基本素质要求?A. 良好的视力B. 较强的心理素质C. 优秀的数学能力D. 良好的身体素质答案:C3. 飞行员在飞行中遇到紧急情况时,首先应该:A. 保持冷静B. 立即降落C. 呼叫地面支援D. 尝试自行解决问题答案:A4. 中国空军的主力战机是:A. J-10B. J-20C. J-15D. J-16答案:B5. 飞行员在飞行前需要进行哪些准备工作?A. 检查飞机设备B. 了解飞行路线C. 确认天气情况D. 所有以上选项答案:D6. 飞行员在飞行中遇到恶劣天气时,应该:A. 继续飞行B. 改变飞行路线C. 立即降落D. 等待天气好转答案:B7. 飞行员在执行任务时,需要遵循的原则是:A. 个人主义B. 团队协作C. 自我保护D. 完成任务答案:B8. 下列哪项不是飞行员的常规训练内容?A. 飞行模拟训练B. 空中格斗训练C. 地面射击训练D. 水下逃生训练答案:D9. 飞行员在飞行中遇到机械故障时,应该:A. 立即降落B. 尝试自行修复C. 呼叫地面支援D. 继续飞行答案:C10. 中国空军的使命是:A. 保卫国家领空B. 执行国际任务C. 进行空中表演D. 所有以上选项答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 中国空军的成立标志着中国______的开始。
答案:空军现代化2. 飞行员在飞行中需要具备的“三高”素质是指:______、______、______。
答案:高速度、高精度、高效率3. 飞行员在执行任务时,必须严格遵守的“三不”原则是:不______、不______、不______。
答案:不违反纪律、不冒险、不擅自行动4. 飞行员在飞行中遇到紧急情况时,应立即启动______程序。
答案:紧急撤离5. 中国空军的飞行员选拔标准非常严格,其中包括______、______、______等。
飞行员执照考试试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共40分)1.以下哪个不属于飞行员执照的分类?A. 私照B. 商照C. 公务照D. 驾驶证答案:D2.以下哪个不是飞行规则?A. VFRB. IFRC. CRMD. FMS答案:C3.以下哪个不属于飞机的四大基本部件?A. 机翼B. 尾翼C. 起落架D. 发动机答案:D4.以下哪个是飞机的导航系统?A. VORB. ILSC. GPSD. ADF答案:A5.以下哪个不属于飞机的燃油系统?A. 燃油箱B. 燃油泵C. 燃油流量计D. 发动机答案:D6.以下哪个是飞机的通信系统?A. VHFB. HFC. UHFD. All of the above答案:D7.以下哪个是飞行员应遵守的规定?A. 飞行规则B. 民航法C. 飞行手册D. All of the above答案:D8.以下哪个是飞行员应具备的素质?A. 团队合作B. 应变能力C. 责任心D. All of the above答案:D9.以下哪个是飞行员在飞行前应进行的检查?A. 飞机外观检查B. 飞机性能检查C. 飞行计划D. All of the above答案:D10.以下哪个是飞行员在飞行中应关注的仪表?A. 空速表B. 高度表C. 垂直速度表D. All of the above答案:D二、多选题(每题3分,共30分)11.以下哪些是飞行员执照的考试科目?A. 理论考试B. 实操考试C. 医疗体检D. 英语水平测试答案:ABCD12.以下哪些是飞机的导航设备?A. VORB. ILSC. GPSD. 无线电高度表答案:ABC13.以下哪些是飞行员在飞行中应遵守的规定?A. 飞行规则B. 民航法C. 飞行手册D. 公司规定答案:ABCD14.以下哪些是飞行员在飞行前应进行的准备?A. 飞行计划B. 天气预报C. 飞机性能检查D. 燃油检查答案:ABCD15.以下哪些是飞行员在飞行中应关注的仪表?A. 空速表B. 高度表C. 垂直速度表D. 油压表答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)16.飞行员执照考试分为理论考试和实操考试两部分。
飞行驾驶员试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10题)1. 飞行驾驶员在进行飞行前准备时,以下哪项不是必须检查的内容?A. 飞机的燃油量B. 飞机的清洁程度C. 飞机的机械状况D. 飞行计划答案:B2. 飞行驾驶员在遇到紧急情况时,首先应该做的是:A. 保持冷静B. 立即降落C. 联系地面控制塔D. 尝试修复问题答案:A3. 飞行驾驶员在夜间飞行时,需要特别注意的是:A. 保持飞机的清洁B. 使用正确的灯光C. 避免使用手机D. 保持飞机的燃油量答案:B4. 飞行驾驶员在遇到恶劣天气时,以下哪项措施是不正确的?A. 改变飞行路线B. 增加飞行高度C. 保持与地面控制塔的联系D. 继续飞行答案:D5. 飞行驾驶员在进行仪表飞行时,以下哪项设备是不需要的?A. 罗盘B. 无线电通讯设备C. 导航仪D. 飞行模拟器答案:D6. 飞行驾驶员在执行长距离飞行任务时,应该:A. 减少飞机的载重量B. 增加飞机的燃油量C. 忽略天气情况D. 减少飞行速度答案:B7. 飞行驾驶员在进行紧急着陆时,以下哪项操作是错误的?A. 降低飞行速度B. 打开着陆灯C. 保持飞机的平衡D. 突然关闭发动机答案:D8. 飞行驾驶员在执行国际航班任务时,必须携带的文件是:A. 护照B. 飞行执照C. 健康证明D. 所有以上答案:D9. 飞行驾驶员在遇到空中交通管制指令时,应该:A. 立即执行B. 询问原因C. 忽略指令D. 拒绝执行答案:A10. 飞行驾驶员在遇到飞机故障时,以下哪项措施是错误的?A. 尝试修复故障B. 保持冷静C. 联系地面控制塔D. 立即降落答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共5题)1. 飞行驾驶员在进行飞行前检查时,需要检查以下哪些设备?A. 发动机B. 轮胎C. 座椅D. 仪表板答案:A, B, D2. 飞行驾驶员在遇到以下哪些情况时,需要立即联系地面控制塔?A. 发现飞机故障B. 遇到恶劣天气C. 需要更改飞行路线D. 完成飞行任务答案:A, B, C3. 飞行驾驶员在执行飞行任务时,需要遵守以下哪些规定?A. 遵守飞行时间限制B. 遵守飞行高度限制C. 遵守飞行速度限制D. 遵守飞行区域限制答案:A, B, C, D4. 飞行驾驶员在进行仪表飞行时,以下哪些操作是正确的?A. 依赖仪表数据B. 依赖视觉判断C. 使用导航设备D. 保持与地面控制塔的联系答案:A, C, D5. 飞行驾驶员在遇到紧急情况时,以下哪些措施是正确的?A. 立即执行紧急程序B. 尝试修复问题C. 保持冷静D. 联系地面控制塔答案:A, C, D三、判断题(每题1分,共5题)1. 飞行驾驶员在遇到紧急情况时,应该立即降落。
13. B
14. C
15. C
16. B
17. C
18. D
19. D
20. C
2. ABC
3. ABC
4. ABC
5. ABC
6. ABC
7. ABC
8. ABC
9. ABC
10. ABC
11. ABCD
12. ABCD
13. ABCD
14. ABCD
15. ABC
16. ABC
飞行员考试题一、选择题1. 飞行员在进行飞行前检查时,以下哪项是必须检查的内容?A. 飞机的燃油量B. 天气预报C. 飞机的维修记录D. 所有以上选项2. 飞行员在遭遇紧急情况时,应首先执行的操作是:A. 保持冷静B. 通知塔台C. 采取紧急措施D. 所有以上选项3. 以下哪种气象条件对飞行影响最大?A. 大雾B. 强风C. 雷暴D. 雨雪4. 飞行员在进行飞行计划时,需要考虑的因素包括:A. 飞行距离B. 飞行时间C. 燃油携带量D. 所有以上选项5. 飞行员在进行夜间飞行时,应注意的事项包括:A. 使用导航设备B. 保持与塔台的联系C. 注意飞机灯光的使用D. 所有以上选项二、判断题1. 飞行员在飞行过程中,可以随时改变飞行计划。
(错)2. 飞行员在遭遇恶劣天气时,应立即返航。
(对)3. 飞行员在飞行前不需要了解天气预报。
(错)4. 飞行员在进行长途飞行时,不需要考虑燃油携带量。
(错)5. 飞行员在夜间飞行时,应关闭所有外部灯光。
(错)三、简答题1. 请简述飞行员在飞行前应进行哪些准备工作?答:飞行员在飞行前应进行的准备工作包括但不限于:检查飞机的机械状况,包括引擎、仪表、液压系统等;确认燃油量和携带的燃油是否符合飞行计划的要求;了解飞行区域的天气预报,包括能见度、风速、风向、温度等;制定详细的飞行计划,包括飞行路线、备降机场、应急程序等;进行必要的身体检查,确保身体状况适合飞行。
2. 飞行员在遭遇紧急情况时应如何处置?答:飞行员在遭遇紧急情况时,首先应保持冷静,迅速评估情况并决定最佳的应对措施。
3. 请解释什么是飞行中的“最小安全高度”?答:最小安全高度是指飞机在飞行过程中,为避免与地面障碍物相撞而应保持的最低飞行高度。
飞行员选拔考试题库及答案1. 飞行中,如果遇到紧急情况需要立即下降高度,以下哪项操作是错误的?A. 快速收起襟翼B. 立即减小发动机推力C. 打开减速板D. 增大飞机的俯角2. 根据国际民航组织规定,民用飞机在飞行中遇到紧急情况时,应使用哪种频率进行通信?A. 121.5 MHzB. 243.0 MHzC. 8.8 MHzD. 156.8 MHz3. 飞行员在进行仪表飞行时,应如何判断飞机的飞行姿态?A. 依靠外部视觉B. 依靠飞机的仪表指示C. 依赖地面雷达D. 通过与塔台的通信4. 以下哪个因素不会影响飞机的起飞性能?A. 飞机的重量B. 跑道的长度C. 飞机的机翼面积D. 飞行员的飞行技术5. 在飞行中,飞行员如何判断飞机是否处于失速状态?A. 通过飞机的发动机声音B. 通过飞机的加速度表C. 通过飞机的空速表D. 通过飞机的攻角指示器答案1. 答案:A解析:在紧急下降高度时,快速收起襟翼会导致飞机升力减少,增加失速风险。
2. 答案:A解析:121.5 MHz 是国际民航组织规定的民用飞机紧急频率。
3. 答案:B解析:在仪表飞行中,飞行员主要依靠飞机的仪表指示来判断飞行姿态。
4. 答案:D解析:飞行员的飞行技术虽然重要,但不是影响飞机起飞性能的直接因素。
5. 答案:D解析:飞机的攻角指示器可以直观地显示飞机的攻角,帮助飞行员判断是否处于失速状态。
中国飞行员测试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10题)1. 中国第一架自主研发的喷气式战斗机是:A. 歼-5B. 歼-6C. 歼-7D. 歼-8答案:A2. 飞行员在执行飞行任务时,必须携带的个人装备不包括:A. 飞行头盔B. 救生衣C. 氧气面罩D. 手电筒答案:D3. 以下哪项不是飞行员在飞行前必须进行的检查?A. 飞机外观检查B. 仪器设备检查C. 飞机重量和平衡D. 天气预报答案:D4. 飞行员在遇到紧急情况时,应首先采取的措施是:A. 保持冷静B. 立即着陆C. 呼叫塔台D. 检查仪表答案:A5. 飞行员在飞行中遇到鸟击,正确的处理方法是:A. 立即改变航向B. 保持原航向并检查飞机损伤C. 尝试驱赶鸟类D. 紧急降落答案:B6. 飞行员在夜间飞行时,应保持:A. 低空飞行B. 高空飞行C. 与地面保持一定距离D. 与前机保持一定距离答案:D7. 飞行员在飞行中遇到雷暴天气,应采取的措施是:A. 穿越雷暴区B. 绕过雷暴区C. 在雷暴区上空飞行D. 降落等待答案:B8. 飞行员在飞行中遇到发动机故障,应立即:A. 尝试重启发动机B. 紧急降落C. 呼叫塔台请求援助D. 保持冷静并评估情况答案:D9. 飞行员在飞行中遇到通讯故障,应:B. 尝试修复通讯设备C. 立即返回基地D. 保持当前航线并寻找信号答案:D10. 飞行员在飞行中遇到仪表故障,应:A. 依赖直觉飞行B. 立即着陆C. 切换到备用仪表D. 呼叫塔台请求援助答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共5题)1. 飞行员在飞行前应进行哪些检查?A. 飞机外观检查B. 仪器设备检查C. 飞机重量和平衡D. 天气预报答案:ABC2. 飞行员在遇到紧急情况时,可以采取哪些措施?A. 保持冷静B. 呼叫塔台C. 检查仪表D. 立即着陆答案:ABC3. 飞行员在夜间飞行时,应遵守哪些规则?A. 与地面保持一定距离B. 与前机保持一定距离D. 高空飞行答案:BD4. 飞行员在飞行中遇到恶劣天气,应如何处理?A. 穿越雷暴区B. 绕过雷暴区C. 在雷暴区上空飞行D. 降落等待答案:BD5. 飞行员在飞行中遇到飞机故障,应采取哪些措施?A. 尝试重启发动机B. 紧急降落C. 呼叫塔台请求援助D. 保持冷静并评估情况答案:CD结束语:以上是中国飞行员测试题及答案,希望对您的学习和准备有所帮助。
飞行员大学考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 飞行员在执行任务时,以下哪项是必须遵守的?A. 严格遵守飞行计划B. 随意更改飞行路线C. 忽视天气条件D. 忽略通信规定答案:A2. 飞行员在遇到紧急情况时,应首先采取的措施是:A. 保持冷静B. 立即返航C. 忽略警告信号D. 继续飞行答案:A3. 以下哪项不属于飞行员的职责?A. 飞行前的检查B. 飞行中的监控C. 飞行后的报告D. 飞机的维护答案:D4. 在飞行中,飞行员应如何对待乘客的安全?A. 优先考虑B. 次要考虑C. 忽略不计D. 视情况而定答案:A5. 飞行员在飞行中遇到恶劣天气,正确的做法是:A. 强行穿越B. 绕道飞行C. 等待天气好转D. 继续飞行答案:B6. 飞行员在飞行前应进行哪些准备工作?A. 检查飞行计划B. 了解天气情况C. 检查飞机状况D. 所有以上答案:D7. 飞行员在飞行中遇到技术故障,应该:A. 立即着陆B. 尝试自行修复C. 继续飞行D. 忽略故障答案:A8. 飞行员在夜间飞行时,应注意以下哪项?A. 保持高度警觉B. 依赖自动导航C. 忽略地面灯光D. 减少飞行速度答案:A9. 飞行员在执行长距离飞行任务时,应如何管理自己的疲劳?A. 忽略疲劳感B. 定时休息C. 服用兴奋剂D. 增加飞行速度答案:B10. 飞行员在飞行中应如何与空中交通管制员沟通?A. 随意交流B. 使用专业术语C. 保持沉默D. 忽略指令答案:B二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1. 飞行员在飞行前必须进行______检查,确保飞机处于适航状态。
答案:全面2. 飞行员在飞行中遇到紧急情况时,应立即通过______与地面联系。
答案:无线电3. 飞行员在飞行中应始终保持______,以确保飞行安全。
答案:警觉4. 飞行员在飞行结束后,需要填写______,记录飞行情况。
答案:飞行日志5. 飞行员在飞行中应遵守______,确保飞行安全。
飞行技能考试题库和答案一、单项选择题1. 飞行中,飞行员应始终保持对飞机的______。
A. 视觉控制B. 听觉控制C. 触觉控制D. 综合控制答案:D2. 飞机起飞前,飞行员需要检查______。
A. 燃油量B. 飞机重量C. 飞行计划D. 所有以上选项答案:D3. 在飞行中,遇到紧急情况时,飞行员应立即______。
A. 保持冷静B. 执行标准操作程序C. 通知空中交通管制D. 所有以上选项答案:D4. 飞机的失速速度是指飞机在______时的最小速度。
A. 保持水平飞行B. 爬升C. 下降D. 转弯答案:A5. 飞行员在飞行中应始终保持对飞机的______。
A. 视觉控制B. 听觉控制C. 触觉控制D. 综合控制答案:D二、多项选择题6. 飞行员在飞行前需要进行哪些检查?(多选)A. 飞机外部检查B. 飞机内部检查C. 飞行计划审查D. 个人健康检查答案:ABCD7. 飞行员在飞行中应遵循哪些原则?(多选)A. 安全第一B. 遵守法规C. 保持警觉D. 与空中交通管制保持沟通答案:ABCD8. 飞机的起飞和降落阶段是飞行中最关键的部分,因为它们涉及到哪些因素?(多选)A. 飞机速度的变化B. 飞机高度的变化C. 飞机姿态的变化D. 飞行员的操作技能答案:ABCD9. 飞行员在飞行中应如何处理紧急情况?(多选)A. 保持冷静B. 执行标准操作程序C. 通知空中交通管制D. 寻求地面支持答案:ABCD10. 飞行员在飞行中应如何保持飞机的稳定性?(多选)A. 保持飞机速度在安全范围内B. 保持飞机高度在安全范围内C. 保持飞机姿态在安全范围内D. 及时调整飞机的航向和速度答案:ABCD三、判断题11. 飞行员在飞行中可以分心处理与飞行无关的事务。
(对/错)答案:错12. 飞行员在飞行中应始终保持对飞机的全面控制。
(对/错)答案:对13. 飞行员在飞行中遇到恶劣天气时,应立即改变飞行计划。
(对/错)答案:对14. 飞行员在飞行中应严格遵守飞行规则和法规。
飞行员执照考试试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. 飞机起飞前,下列哪项检查是必须的?A. 检查飞机油量B. 检查飞机轮胎气压C. 检查飞机发动机启动时间D. 检查飞机座椅和安全带答案:A2. 飞行员在飞行过程中,下列哪项行为是不允许的?A. 接听电话B. 吸烟C. 吃东西D. 调整飞机无线电频率答案:B3. 下列哪种飞行天气条件下,飞行员应该推迟或取消飞行?A. 能见度低于5000米B. 风速超过100公里/小时C. 云高低于1000米D. 温度低于-20摄氏度答案:A4. 在飞机起飞和着陆过程中,飞行员应该特别注意?A. 飞机速度B. 飞机高度C. 飞机油门D. 飞机襟翼答案:B5. 下列哪种飞行高度层,飞行员应该遵守?A. 900米至1200米B. 1500米至1800米C. 2100米至2400米D. 2700米至3000米答案:D6. 飞机在雷雨天气飞行时,飞行员应该采取哪种措施?A. 降低飞行高度B. 增加飞行速度C. 保持原有飞行高度D. 立即降落答案:D7. 飞机飞行过程中,下列哪种情况可能导致飞机失速?A. 增加油门B. 减小油门C. 增加飞机速度D. 减小飞机速度答案:D8. 飞行员在飞行过程中,下列哪种行为是不允许的?A. 调整飞机座椅B. 操作飞机导航设备C. 观察飞机外部情况D. 睡觉答案:D9. 下列哪种飞行天气条件下,飞行员可以进行飞行?A. 能见度低于1000米B. 风速超过200公里/小时C. 云高低于500米D. 温度低于-30摄氏度答案:C10. 飞机起飞和着陆过程中,飞行员应该注意哪种灯光?A. 红色灯光B. 绿色灯光C. 蓝色灯光D. 黄色灯光答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 飞机起飞前,飞行员应该进行的检查包括哪些?A. 飞机油量B. 飞机轮胎气压C. 飞机发动机启动时间D. 飞机座椅和安全带E. 飞机无线电设备答案:ABCDE2. 飞行员在飞行过程中,哪些行为是不允许的?A. 接听电话B. 吸烟C. 吃东西D. 调整飞机无线电频率E. 操作飞机导航设备答案:ABCD3. 下列哪些天气条件会影响飞机飞行?A. 能见度B. 风速C. 云高D. 温度E. 雷雨答案:ABCDE4. 飞机起飞和着陆过程中,飞行员应该注意哪些方面?A. 飞机速度B. 飞机高度C. 飞机油门D. 飞机襟翼E. 飞机起落架答案:ABDE5. 飞机飞行过程中,可能导致飞机失速的情况有哪些?A. 增加油门B. 减小油门C. 增加飞机速度D. 减小飞机速度E. 飞机负载过重答案:BDE三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)1. 飞机起飞前,只需要检查飞机油量。
高中飞行考试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 飞机在起飞过程中,以下哪项操作是正确的?A. 持续增加油门B. 保持油门不变C. 逐渐减小油门D. 突然增大油门答案:A2. 在飞行过程中,飞行员需要关注的主要气象因素是?A. 温度B. 湿度C. 风向和风速D. 以上都是答案:D3. 飞机在降落过程中,以下哪项操作是错误的?A. 逐渐降低飞行高度B. 保持稳定的下降速率C. 突然增大油门D. 调整飞机姿态以对准跑道答案:C4. 在飞行中,飞行员如何判断飞机是否处于水平飞行状态?A. 通过观察地平线B. 通过观察速度表C. 通过观察高度表D. 通过观察发动机转速答案:A5. 飞机的航向是通过哪个仪表来确定的?A. 空速表B. 姿态仪C. 罗盘D. 垂直速度表答案:C6. 飞机在遭遇湍流时,飞行员应该采取以下哪种措施?A. 增加飞行高度B. 减小飞行高度C. 保持当前高度D. 改变航向答案:C7. 飞机在起飞前,飞行员需要检查哪些项目?A. 燃油量B. 飞机结构C. 飞行计划D. 以上都是答案:D8. 飞机在飞行中遇到紧急情况时,飞行员应该首先做什么?A. 保持冷静B. 通知空中交通管制C. 寻找最近的机场D. 以上都是答案:D9. 飞机在降落时,以下哪项操作是正确的?A. 保持飞机水平B. 逐渐增大下降速率C. 调整飞机姿态以对准跑道D. 突然减小油门答案:C10. 飞机在飞行中,飞行员如何判断飞机是否处于正确的航向?A. 通过观察罗盘B. 通过观察速度表C. 通过观察高度表D. 通过观察发动机转速答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 飞行员在飞行前需要进行哪些准备工作?A. 检查飞行计划B. 检查飞机结构C. 检查燃油量D. 检查天气状况答案:ABCD12. 飞机在飞行中可能遇到的气象条件包括哪些?A. 晴空B. 云层C. 风D. 雨答案:ABCD13. 飞行员在飞行中需要关注哪些仪表?A. 空速表B. 姿态仪C. 罗盘D. 垂直速度表答案:ABCD14. 飞机在降落过程中,飞行员需要进行哪些操作?A. 逐渐降低飞行高度B. 调整飞机姿态以对准跑道C. 保持稳定的下降速率D. 逐渐减小油门答案:ABCD15. 飞行员在飞行中遇到紧急情况时,需要采取哪些措施?A. 保持冷静B. 通知空中交通管制C. 寻找最近的机场D. 采取必要的紧急操作答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)16. 飞机在起飞过程中,飞行员应该逐渐增大油门。
初中飞行员测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 飞机起飞时,飞行员需要检查哪些设备?A. 引擎B. 仪表C. 导航系统D. 所有选项答案:D2. 飞行员在飞行过程中,哪个设备是用于确定飞机位置的?A. 雷达B. GPSC. 罗盘D. 无线电答案:B3. 飞机遇到紧急情况时,飞行员应该采取什么措施?A. 保持冷静B. 立即降落C. 联系地面控制塔D. 所有选项答案:D4. 飞行员在夜间飞行时,需要特别注意什么?A. 能见度B. 飞行速度C. 灯光信号D. 所有选项答案:D5. 以下哪个因素不会影响飞行安全?A. 天气状况B. 飞机维护C. 飞行员疲劳D. 飞机颜色答案:D6. 飞行员在起飞前需要进行哪些准备?A. 检查飞行计划B. 检查天气状况C. 检查飞机设备D. 所有选项答案:D7. 飞行员在遇到强风时,应该如何操作?A. 增加速度B. 减少速度C. 改变飞行高度D. 保持稳定答案:C8. 飞机降落时,飞行员需要关注哪些信息?A. 跑道长度B. 风向和风速C. 飞机速度D. 所有选项答案:D9. 飞行员在飞行过程中,如何保持与地面控制塔的联系?A. 使用无线电B. 使用手机C. 使用电子邮件D. 写信答案:A10. 飞行员在遇到雷暴天气时,应该采取什么措施?A. 绕飞B. 等待天气好转C. 降落D. 所有选项答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 飞行员在飞行前需要检查飞机的_______和_______。
答案:燃油量、油压2. 飞机的_______系统是飞行员在飞行中获取信息的重要设备。
答案:通信3. 飞行员在飞行中需要保持_______和_______。
答案:清醒、警觉4. 飞行员在飞行中遇到_______天气时,应该特别注意安全。
答案:恶劣5. 飞行员在降落前需要检查飞机的_______和_______。
答案:起落架、襟翼6. 飞行员在飞行中需要定期检查飞机的_______和_______。
高中飞行考试题目及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 飞机起飞前,飞行员需要进行哪些准备工作?A. 检查飞机的燃油量B. 检查飞机的机械状况C. 检查天气情况D. 所有选项答案:D2. 飞行中遇到紧急情况,飞行员应该:A. 保持冷静B. 立即联系空中交通管制C. 采取适当的应急措施D. 所有选项答案:D3. 以下哪项不是飞行中常见的气象条件?A. 云层B. 风速C. 温度D. 湿度答案:D4. 飞机降落时,飞行员需要:A. 减速B. 降低高度C. 调整飞机姿态D. 所有选项答案:D5. 飞行中,飞行员需要监控哪些关键参数?A. 速度B. 高度C. 航向D. 所有选项答案:D6. 飞机的自动驾驶系统可以:A. 控制飞机的飞行路径B. 维持飞机的稳定C. 减轻飞行员的工作负担D. 所有选项答案:D7. 飞机的起飞和降落阶段,以下哪项操作是必要的?A. 检查飞机的外部状况B. 确保飞机的重量和平衡C. 与空中交通管制沟通D. 所有选项答案:D8. 飞行员在飞行前需要了解哪些信息?A. 飞行路线B. 飞行时间C. 目的地的天气状况D. 所有选项答案:D9. 飞机的飞行高度通常以什么单位来表示?A. 米B. 英尺C. 千米D. 英里答案:B10. 飞行员在飞行中遇到雷暴天气时,应该:A. 寻找避风港B. 改变飞行路线C. 保持与空中交通管制的联系D. 所有选项答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 飞机的飞行高度通常以______为单位。
答案:英尺2. 飞行员在起飞前需要检查飞机的______和______。
答案:燃油量,机械状况3. 飞机的自动驾驶系统可以______飞机的飞行路径。
答案:控制4. 飞机降落时,飞行员需要______飞机的高度。
答案:降低5. 飞行员在飞行中需要监控的关键参数包括速度、______和航向。
答案:高度6. 飞机的起飞和降落阶段,飞行员需要与______沟通。
答案:空中交通管制7. 飞行员在飞行前需要了解的信息包括飞行路线、______和目的地的天气状况。
初中飞行员测试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共10题)1. 飞机起飞前,飞行员需要检查哪些设备?A. 导航系统B. 发动机C. 通讯设备D. 所有以上选项答案:D2. 飞行员在飞行过程中,遇到紧急情况应首先做什么?A. 保持冷静B. 立即降落C. 呼叫塔台D. 所有以上选项答案:D3. 飞机的V1速度是指什么?A. 起飞速度B. 决断速度C. 巡航速度D. 降落速度答案:B4. 飞行员在夜间飞行时,应使用哪种灯光?A. 着陆灯B. 导航灯C. 防撞灯D. 所有以上选项答案:D5. 飞机的襟翼通常在什么情况下使用?A. 起飞时B. 降落时C. 巡航时D. 任何时候答案:B6. 飞行员在飞行前需要了解哪些气象信息?A. 风速和风向B. 温度和湿度C. 云层高度D. 所有以上选项答案:D7. 飞机的空速表显示的是什么?A. 飞机相对于地面的速度B. 飞机相对于空气的速度C. 飞机相对于其他飞机的速度D. 飞机相对于塔台的速度答案:B8. 飞行员在飞行中遇到雷暴天气应如何操作?A. 穿越雷暴B. 绕过雷暴C. 降落等待D. 所有以上选项答案:B9. 飞行员在飞行中遇到发动机故障应如何操作?A. 立即降落B. 尝试重启发动机C. 呼叫塔台请求援助D. 所有以上选项答案:D10. 飞机的黑匣子主要记录哪些信息?A. 飞行数据B. 驾驶舱对话C. 飞行路径D. 所有以上选项答案:D二、判断题(每题1分,共5题)1. 飞行员在飞行中可以不系安全带。
答案:错误2. 飞行员在飞行中可以不戴耳机。
答案:错误3. 飞行员在飞行中可以不遵守空中交通规则。
答案:错误4. 飞行员在飞行中可以不进行定期检查。
答案:错误5. 飞行员在飞行中可以不遵守飞行计划。
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Part I ListeningSection IDirections: In this part you will hear ten ATC clearances\instructions or statements, each ATC clearances\instructions or statements will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each ATC clearances\instructions or statements, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .1.Tower, speedbird 749, we’ve had to shut down engine No. 2 due to firewarning.Question: What did the pilot doa.Take down the engine.b.Take apart the engine.c.Stop the engine.d.Put out the fire.Answer: c2.Geneva ground, speed bird 748, we won’t be able to start up until 45 due to adelay in catering delivery. Does that change anythingQuestion: What delayed the flighta.cargo loading.b.Food loading.c.Passenger loading.d.Luggage loading.Answer: b3.We’re unable to accept 330, we’re too heavy, request flight level 310 instead,327.Question: What is the reason for the pilot to ask for another flight levela.Empty aircraft.b.Too much cargo.c.Too few passengers.d.Too little cargo.Answer: b4.Memphis center, continental 327, we are making an emergency descent toflight level one zero zero due to sudden decompression.Question: What is the problem of 327a.Hydraulic problem.b.Air frame damage.c.Engine failure.d.Window broken.Answer: d5.Control, Delta 443, several passengers have lost consciousness ‘cause anumber of oxygen masks didn’t drop.Question: What happened on boarda. A number of passengers were in danger.b. A number of passengers didn’t know how to breathe.c.Several passengers’ oxygen masks disappeared.d.Several passengers dropped their masks.Answer: a6.Paris control, Sabena 207, we’re clear of the build up, can we deviate to theright on to heading 190 and continue on that heading for 30 nautical miles to fly parallel to a line of squalls, then proceed direct to BSNQuestion: What is the pilot intending to doa.Trying to change the flight plan.b.Trying to fly to another holding point.c.Trying to avoid weather.d.Trying to connect the discontinuity.Answer:c7.Alaska 268, radar service is terminated, one eighty miles south east, squawk1210, good day.Question: What will the pilot doA.To be ready to fly with radar vector.B.To fly without radar vector.C.To maneuver for identification.D.To fly without ATC service.Answer: b8.American 248, Memphis departure, radar contact, climb and maintain eightthousand, left turn, heading 090.Question: What do you learn from the massagea.The controller is trying to find the aircraft.b.The controller tries to identify the aircraft.c.The controller has found the flight on the radar.d.The controller is instructing the pilot to maneuver.Answer: c9.American 345, right heading 330, following my instructions and I will get youback to Fortworth, I just got a bomb alert on your aircraft.Question: Why was the flight required to returna.Due a bomb on board.b.To check if there is a bomb on board.c.To check the damage of the bomb.d.To get a bomb onto the aircraft.Answer: b10.Alaska 567, I got a passenger very drunk on board and he threatens to hijackthe aircraft. Coming back to Seatac.Question: What is the reason for returna.The passenger is too drunk to be on board.b.The controller was threatened of being hijacked.c.Someone threatened to hijack a passenger.d. A passenger threatened to hijack the flight.Answer: d.Section IIDirections:In this part you will hear five RTF exchanges between pilots and air traffic controllers, each exchange will be spoken only once. A question will be asked after each exchange, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .1.P: Control, Southwest 334, oil pressure dangerously low on the No 2 engine, canwe proceed Portland directC: Affirm, proceed to T acoma direct at flight level 130.Question: What happeneda.low oil pressure.b.Low fuel pressure.c.High oil pressure.d.High fuel pressure.Answer: a2.P: Pacific 28, fuel leak on the left wing, coming back. Request clearance toDawson direct.C: Cleared to Dawson flight level 150.Question: What is the problema.oil leakage.b.Fuel leakage.c.Left wing damage.d.Low fuel quantity.Answer: b3.C: Mike Golf, unable to hand you over to Prestwick. Contact them on forinstructions and revert to this frequencyP: Roger, , mike golf.Question: What is going ona.The controller is instructing the pilot to change frequency.b.The controller is handing the flight to receiving controller.c.The handoff is successful.d.The controller failed to hand the flight to receiving controller.Answer: d4.C: Delta 432, remain clear of dangerous area in the vicinity of Edwards air forcebase. Missile launching in progress.P: Roger, keep me advised delta 432.Question: What is going on in the dangerous areaa.An aircraft has been shot down by a missile.b. A military exercise is going on.c. A space shuttle is being launched.d.Missile deliver is going on.Answer: b5.P: T akeoff aborted engine 2 was low on power. Can we vacate first leftC: Do you wish to taxi back to the apron or to the threshold of 25P: Back to runway 25, please.C: Fine. First left. Contact ground for taxi instructions.Question: What do you learn from the messagesa.The pilot is going back to the apron.b.The pilot is going to vacate the runway.c.The pilot has a low pressure problem.d.The pilot has a taxiing problem.Answer: bSection IIIDirections: In this section you will hear two passages. each passage will be spoken only once. After each passage five questions will be asked, for each question there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate answer from the four choices according to what you have heard .Passage IOne of the most complex tasks facing pilots occurs near the end of an instrument approach, when they make the transition from instrument to visual flying. During this transition, they must locate the runway and properly maneuver the aircraft for landing within seconds. Within this short time, the pilot must locate the runway, determine the aircraf t’s position, make any necessary adjustments in flight attitude, and then land the aircraft. Without some form of visual assistance, thistask is virtually impossible to perform safely in so short a time.These problems were noted as early as 1932 by officials from the airlines and the Bureau of Air Commerce. Experiments were conducted as early as 1935 in an attempt to simplify the transition from instrument to visual flight during an approach. These experiments led to the construction of a number of different types of approach lights systems. Approach lights are placed along the extended centerline of the runway and usually extend from the runway threshold out to a point where the pilot might make the transition from instrument to visual flying. Approach light systems are designed to provide the pilot with visual cues that will permit accurate aircraft control during the final approach and landing phase of the flight.The following questions are based on the passage you have just heard.1.According to the passage what is the import transitiona.From visual to instrument flying.b.From instrument to visual flying.c.From approach to landing.d.From takeoff to climb out.Answer: b2.What did the experiment mentioned in the passage lead toa.Simplifying the transition.b.Simplifying the approach.c.Canceling the transition.d.Establishing the lighting system.Answer: d3.According to the passage what can provide pilots with landing cuesnding lights.b.Approach lights.c.Navigation lights.d.None of the above.Answer: b4.What can we learn from this passagea.No pilot can fly without visual assistance.b.Approach lighting system was established before the experiment.c.The pilots required establishing the lighting system.d.Approach lights provide visual landing cues.Answer: d5.What is the correct title for the passagea.How we had approach lights.b.How the safe landing is achieved.c.Visual assistance is vital.d.Flying is impossible without lights.Answer: aPassage IIHelicopters can taxi around the airport by ground taxiing, hover taxiing, or airtaxiing. Ground taxiing is similar to that of a taxiing plane. Only those helicopters equipped with landing gear are able to ground taxi. In hover taxiing the helicopter remains within 50 feet of the ground, and in air taxiing, below 100 feet.Each type of taxiing has its advantages and disadvantages. Ground taxiing is the most fuel efficient of the three and creates less air turbulence around and behind the helicopter. Hover taxiing is much faster than ground taxiing but creates a high level of air turbulence both below and behind the helicopter. Air taxiing is the fastest method and actually creates less air turbulence since the helicopter is at a greater altitude and most of the air turbulence is directed backward. Whenever a helicopter is taxiing, aircraft near it should be noticed that it could be creating wake turbulence.The following questions are based on the passage you have just heard.1.Which is the most fuel efficient taxiinga.Ground taxiing.b.Hover taxiing.c.Air taxiing.d. A helicopter can not taxi.Answer: a2.Which type of taxiing creates the highest level of turbulencea.Ground taxiing.b.Hover taxiing.c.Air taxiing.d.No turbulence until liftoff.Answer: b3.Which is the best method for a helicopter to taxia.Ground taxiing.b.Hover taxiing.c.Air taxiing.d.It is not told in the passage.Answer: d4.What is the disadvantage of hover taxiinga.Consuming too much fuel.b.Too slow.c.Too fast.d.Creating too much turbulence.Answer: d5.What should be the title of the passagea.Advantages of helicopter taxiing.b.Disadvantages of helicopter taxiing.c.Different types of helicopter taxiing.d.Turbulence created in helicopter taxiing. Answer: cSection IVDirections: In this section there are some ATC clearances\instructions or pilot’s reports\requests. These above words are spoken only once. In each spoken part some words are missing. Listen carefully and fill the blanks with what you have just heard.1.GSRTW if ________received 30 seconds, proceed direct QU _________ meterscleared ILS approach runway 33 R .GSRTW if no transmission received for 30 seconds, proceed direct QU cross QU at 550 meters cleared ILS approach runway 33 R .2.GBHFD C control understands you are having difficulties in ______ straightcourse, your plane tends to drift to the left, you are _____ now.GBHFD C control understands you are having difficulties in maintaining straight course, your plane tends to drift to the left, you are in manual now.3. GDSWQ cleared to have priority landing due to trouble with ___________, keep ________on final.GDSWQ cleared to have priority landing due to trouble with elevator control, keep higher approach speed on final.4. GKJOM you are being ____, the two young guys requested 500,000 RMB bill in cash. They are keeping a boy of five _______ until they leave the airport.GKJOM you are being hijacked, the two young guys requested 500,000 RMB bill in cash. They are keeping a boy of five as hostage until they leave the airport. 5. Fokker 143 D approach you have ________ on board and you requested____________Fokker 143 D approach you have paralysed woman on board and you requested a wheel-chair on landingSection VDirections: In this section there is an exchange between pilots and controllers, the exchange will be spoken only once. Listen carefully and then complete the table below.TWR South 170, cleared for take-off.TWR170, airborne at 23, call Papa center , good-bye. F/O With Papa, bye.F/O Papa, good evening, 170 heading 140.Papa ACC South 170, continue as cleared and report F.F/O We'll report FF/O Over F 31 flight level 170, South 170.Papa ACC Contact Lima Radar, , good-bye.F/O Rome, , good-bye, 170.F/O Good evening Lime, South 170.L(North-East sector) ACC Good evening to you too, 170. Squawk 1336. Cleared to P, via Oscar, Roma, Lada, Pola, BLUE 18F/O1336 is coming and 170 is cleared to P via Oscar, Roma, Lada, Pola, Blue18 and we're approaching 190...L ACC Climb initially to 230.F/O Up to 230, 170.F/O Lima,170 FL230, with the traffic in sight, has turned right, heading 150, 15 miles south of Oscar.L ACC Roger, direct to Oscar.F/O Direct to Oscar, 170.L ACC160 heading from present position. Also 170 take 160 heading.F/O160 for 170.L ACC170, call Niner . Bye.F/O.F/O Niner control, good evening. 170 is over Oscar 44 FL 310Niner ACC Radar contact, as cleared.F/O Niner control 170 maintaining cruise level, over Roma 51.Niner ACC Roger, proceed Lada, PoLa.F/O Proceed Lada and Pola, 170.Rome ACC South 170 for PoLa .F/O Bye.F/O South 170, good evening, Pola.Pola Good evening, 170; mainatin 310, report reaching blue 18.Pola ACC What's your heading nowF/O We've 195.Pola ACC Well, maintain 195. You'll go some mile south of Pola.Pola ACC I don't know if you want to keep this heading. Otherwise you can go left, 15-20 degrees.F/O OK, we put 210.F/O This is 170 heading 210: is it possible to get FL250 due a lower level due turbulencePola ACC Affirmative: you can start descent now.F/O It's over Alpha 10 FL 250, 170.Pola ACC Affirmative, slightly to the right, about four miles. Radar service terminates here. Call D for further (instructions)F/O Thank you for everything and good-bye.Part II Oral interactionSection One: Normal ProcedureDirections: In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsign is ABCDE. Your flight is from Bluenard to Greenard , alternate is Blackyard. Complete your communication with ATC according to the controllers instructions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.A. Pre-flight 9(you are on standC25 ready for taxi)P: Bluenard Ground ABCDE standC25 ready for taxiC: ADE taxi to holding point r/w26RP: Holding point r/w26R A DE(request detail taxi instructions)P: Ground A DE request detail taxi instructionsC: A DE taxi via taxiway S,A, and A7 to holding point r/w 26R.P: taxiway S,A, and A7 to holding point r/w 26R. ADEC: A DE pull to the left MD-11 overtaking you on the right he is departureP: pulling to the left A DEC: A DE continue taxiP: roger A DE(your high pressure bleed air of engine is failure, the air-conditioner is not working. Call Ground .)P: Ground A DE we have a problem. the high pressure bleed air of engine is failure, the air-conditioner is not working.C: ADE can you reset the fault(you can’t and you want to taxi back, ask your mechanics to check it.)P: negative, we intend to taxi back and ask our mechanics to check it. ADE.C: ADE, turn around from your present position, then follow the yellow line to the maintenance area.P: turn around, follow the yellow line to the maintenance area, ADE.B. Departure(Call Ground you are now approaching holding point r/w26R)P: Ground ADE approaching holding point r/w26RC; ADE hold at holding point r/w26R contact tower on good dayP: Holding at holding point r/w26R , ADE(call tower)P: Tower ABCDE good morningC: A DE Tower, hold short of r/w 26R, behind the landing 727, line up behind.P: behind the 727, line up and wait, A DE.(you confirm the type of landing a/c, it looks like a 737 )P: T ower A DE confirm the type of landing a/c, it looks like a 737C: ADE it’s a 737, sorry, my strip says 727.(you say it’s OK )P: It’s OK, ADE.C: ADE the surface wind has just changed to 060 degrees at 25 kts, can you still accept r/w 26R(you say yes)P: affirm, ADE.C: ADE you are cleared for take-off.P: cleared for take-off, ADE.(At 400 ft, you got a windshear warning, you push throttle to TOGA, increase your altitude, then back to normal, make a windshear report to Tower.)P: Tower, A DE we got a windshear warning at 400ft, we push throttle to TOGA and increase altitude, then it is normal.C: ADE Thank you for your information, contact departure on good day.P: good day ADE(contact Blueyard departure)P: Blueyard Departure ABCDE Good morningC: ADE cancel SID turn left direct to Coly climb to 8000ft correction 9000ft.P: cancel SID turn left direct to Coly climb 9000ft ABCDE(you are at 9000ft)P: Departure ADE reaching 9000ft.C: ADE, continue climb to FL330 contact Blueyard Control on .P: climbing to FL330, ADE.C. En route(call Blueyard Control )P: Blueyard Control ABCDE good morningC: ADE Blueyard Control go ahead(report you are over ECT at 20 FL330 estimating DOK 52)P: ADE ECT at20 FL330 estimating DOK 52C: ADE omit position report until boundary.P: roger ADE.(Call Greenard Control report you are over boundary at 20 FL 330 ETO ELM55)P: Greenard Control ABC DE boundary at20 FL 330 ETO ELM55C: A DE after passing ELN descend to FL310P: After passing ELN descend to FL310 A DEC: A DE landing delays at Greenard, can you lose time on route(say you can)P: affirm A DE(these is a weather ahead request heading change 20 degreesto the left)P: Control ADE these is a weather ahead request heading change 20 degrees(request turn left 20 degrees)C: A DE negative to the left turn due restrict area, track out right at your discretion report back on track.P: turning right A DE(you are now back on track FL 310 ETO HZA55 report moderate turbulence)P: Control ABCDE now back on track at FL310 ETO HZA 55 we encountered moderate turbulence.C: A DE roger keep us advisedP: roger A DED. Descend and approachC: A DE cleared ILS approach r/w35L descend 5000 feet QNH1005 report establishedP: cleared ILS approach rw35L descent 5000 feet QHH 1005 wilco A DE(you are established r/w in sight)P: A DE established r/w in sightC: A DE to land, contact towerP: A DEE. Landing and after landing(you have just landed on r/w35L)C: A DE backtrack and vacate via t/w A1 contact groundP: Backtracking vacate t/wA1 ADE(contact ground)P: Ground ABCDE r/w vacatedC: A DE good morning taxi via t/w A, A2 to B5P: t/w A, A2 to B5 A DEC: A DE hold short of t/wA MD-90 taxi in from R to LP: Holding short A DESection Two: Abnormal ProcedureDirections:. In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsign is ABCDE. Complete your communication with ATC according to the controllers instructions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen. (You have a pressurization problem and call Blueyar Control for immediate descent to FL 100)PIL: Blueyard Control, ABCDE, we are unable to control pressurization, cabin altitude is rising fast, request immediate descent to flight level 100CTL: Roger, descend to flight level 100, report reaching.PIL: Descending to 100, ADEPIL: (Report reaching ) ADE, reaching FL 100.CTL: Roger ADE, what are intentionsPIL: (Return to Blueyard) Request return our flight to Blueyard at present level. Item 2(Report to Blueyar Control your de-icing system failure, request descent)PIL: Blueyar Control ,ABCDE, Our de-cing equipment has failed, request descent CTL: ADE, Could you maitain present level for 4 minutes, due to trafficPIL: (Say No, leading edge iced over) Negative, leading edges are iced over, request immediate descentCTL: Roger ADE, Descend to flight level 90.PIL: (Read back) ADE, flight level 90.Item 3PIL: (Report to Tower you are at out marker) Tower ABCDE, out marker.CTL: ADE, you have landing priority. Caution wind shear reported at 700 feet, 3 miles final, runway 06PIL: (Report you are going around) ADE, we are go aroundCTL: Roger, ADE. Standard procedure, turn right to TCR VOR when passing 1000 feet.PIL: Roger ADE, turn right to TCR when passing 1000 ftPart III Oral responsesNarrationDirections: In this part, you are going to listen to two accident narratives, after each narrative three questions will be asked, make your answer be recorded when you see a microphone on the screen.Accident narrative13 JAN 2000,the Shorts 360 plane departed Tripoli Internatinal Airport at 12:29. En route to Marsa el-Brega the crew noted a fuel imbalance and did a cross feed until fuel was balanced again at 14:17. The descent from FL70 was started at 14:25. Eleven minutes later both engines flamed out. The aircraft was ditched off the Libyan coast in a 10deg nose up attitude. The tail broke off and the wreckage sank inverted to a depth of 38m, about 3 miles from the coast.According to the Libyan investigation report, the first officer and co-pilot, whoboth survived, were so busy talking about how to fly the Fokker F-28 aircraft that they failed to switch on the anti-icing system for the engines as weather conditions deteriorated. As the aircraft came into land, ice that had been allowed to build up melted, flooding the engines and cutting off the power. A device that might have restarted the engines was not switched on.The probable causes of the accident are:a ) melting of ice formed at engines intake resulted in ware ingestion and both engine flame out.b) flight crew failed to operate engine anti-icing system.c) flight crew were busy with a discussion not relevant to their flight or the a/c." Question 1: What are the three causes of the accident stated in the passage Question 2: Please describe the accident in your own words.Question 3: What lessons can you learn from the accident。