基于super-twisting 二阶滑模算法的作业型rov路径跟踪控制方法

基于super-twisting 二阶滑模算法的作业型rov路
随着水下作业机器人(ROV, remotely operated vehicle) 技术的发展和应用,如何有效地设计控制系统以提高机器人的实际定位和导航性能也成为ROV研究的重要内容。
本研究将从滑模控制技术角度出发,探究基于Super-Twisting 二阶滑模算法的作业型ROV路径跟踪控制方法,并运用虚拟三维水下智能体框架MATLAB/SIMULINK 平台模拟仿真,基于算法设计性能指标如追踪误差、响应时间优势,进行系统设计参数优化,从而提高其路径跟踪控制效果及稳定性。
首先,介绍虚拟水下智能体框架MATLAB/SIMULINK 平台,以及Six-DOF 机械臂系统仿真模型构建和参数优化方法,确立水下作业机器人模型及参数;
其次,研究Super-Twisting 二阶滑模算法的原理和波特兰跟踪控制器的设计,并与PID控制器做对比,探究其优势;
然后,利用MATLAB/SIMULINK 平台进行仿真,并在仿真的基础上,运用算法设计性能指标(如追踪误差、响应时间等指标),对波特兰跟踪控制器进行参数
最后,结合自然环境下实际ROV路径跟踪控制实验结果,比较Matlab/Simulink 模拟结果和实验结果,得出仿真与实验结果是否一致,从而证明本研究设计策略的有效性。

2 . 2 超螺旋 ( S u p e r - T w i s t i n g )算法
超 螺旋 算法 与其 他 二阶滑 模 算法 相 比存在 着特 殊 之
高 阶滑 模 的定 义 是 由L e v a n t 和F i r d m a n 在1 9 6 6 年 给
二 阶滑模控制方法及其对环形倒立摆的控制应用
Second - or der sl i di ng m ode cont r o- and i t s appl i ca t i on t o r ot ar y i nv er t ed p endul um
孙灵芳 ,邢 宇,李 斌
滑 模控 制存 在 “ 抖 振 ”现象 ,这 在 实际工 作 中具有 很 大
的危害 . 近 几 十 年 来 ,科 研 工 作 者 们 一 直 在 寻 找 抑 制 “ 抖振 ”现象 的方法 ,如 “ 边 界层 ”法、滤波方法 、高为 炳 提 出的 “ 趋近律 ”法等 。在 此期 间, 由L e v a n t  ̄ 出的高 阶滑模 控制 方法 得到 了广泛 的关注 . 高 阶滑 模不 但可 以保
出的,如 下 :
处 ,它仅 仅 需 要滑 模 变 量 S 的信 息 ,而 且 当控 制 系 统 的
控 制产生的 “ 抖振 ”,从 而提 高 了控制 的精度翻 。
1 高阶滑模 的定义
首 先介绍 滑动 阶 ( S l i d i n g Or d e r )的 定义 】 :
1 = ( f , )
其中 e R “ 为 系统 状态 量 ,U E R 为控制 输入 ,f ( t , x ) * I g ( t , x ) 为 不 确 定光 滑 函数 ,s = s ( t , x ) 为 滑 模面 。二 阶滑 模控 制 的 目标是 使系 统状 态在 有 限 的时 间 内到 达滑 模面 s = s ( t , x ) 并且 具有二 阶滑 动模 态 。

1.基于永磁同步电机直接转矩复合型滑模控制器的设计 [J], 姜文;贺昱曜;刘伟超;周淳
2.基于Super-twisting滑模永磁同步电机驱动的转速和转矩控制 [J], 万东灵;赵
3.基于Super-twisting滑模控制的PMSM直接转矩控制中速度控制器研究 [J], 张惠智;王英
4.基于Super-twisting算法的永磁同步电机自适应滑模速度控制 [J], 汤成;胡继胜
5.基于Super-twisting算法的永磁同步电机直接转矩控制 [J], 李少朋;谢源;张凯;贺耀庭

基于二阶滑模与定子电阻自适应的转子磁链观测器及其无速度传感器应用黄进;赵力航;刘赫【摘要】针对感应电机高性能矢量控制需求,设计一种基于Super-Twisting二阶滑模理论的转子磁链观测器,并提出以其观测结果作为参考模型的无速度传感器控制方案.该观测器属于非线性滑模观测器,充分利用了辅助滑模面,因而对电机转子电阻变化以及外部扰动具有良好的鲁棒性,且反应速度优于传统电压型转子磁链观测器.而Super-Twisting理论无法处理的定子侧参数变化与扰动问题,则由并行定子电阻辨识机构进行修正.实验证明,转子磁链观测结果的相位和幅值较为准确.整套控制方案的有效性也经由仿真和实验得到验证.【期刊名称】《电工技术学报》【年(卷),期】2013(028)011【总页数】8页(P54-61)【关键词】感应电机;模型参考自适应;无传感器控制;二阶滑模;Super-Twisting 【作者】黄进;赵力航;刘赫【作者单位】浙江大学电气工程学院杭州 310027;浙江大学电气工程学院杭州310027;浙江大学电气工程学院杭州 310027【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM3511 引言自20 世纪70 年代发展至今,三相异步电机矢量控制技术已趋成熟,能够满足大部分工业需求。

A Super-Twisting Algorithm for Systems of Relative Degree MoreThan OnePost ASCC2013paperAbstract—This paper presents a data-driven homogeneous continuous super-twisting algorithm for systems with relative de-gree more than one.The conditions offinite-time convergence to an equilibrium are obtained demonstrating that the equilibrium can be moved as close to the origin as necessary,increasing a value of the control gain.The paper concludes with numerical simulations illustrating performance of the designed algorithms.Index Terms—Sliding mode control,super-twisting,systems of relative degree more than oneI.I NTRODUCTIONIt is well known that the classical discontinuous sliding mode control providesfinite-time convergence for a system of relative degree one[1].Afinite-time stabilizing control for a system of relative degree two is realized using the twisting algorithm[2],where the second order sliding mode control is also discontinuous.Both algorithms are robust with respect to bounded disturbances.On the other hand,using a continuous second-order sliding mode super-twisting algorithm[3],a state of a relative degree one system can be stabilized along with itsfirst derivative.The super-twisting algorithm is robust with respect to unbounded disturbances satisfying a Lipschitz con-dition.Thefinite-time convergence of the designed algorithms is conventionally established using geometrical techniques[2], [3],direct Lyapunov method[4],[5],[6],or homogeneity approach[7],[8].The explicit Lyapunov functions for their second-order super-twisting algorithms can be found in[6]. The homogeneity approach,mentioned even in the classical book[9],was consistently developed in the mentioned papers and applied to the observer design in[10].Various modifications of the sliding mode technique have always been actively used in industrial applications([11], [12],[13],[14],[15],[16],[17]),including data-driven ones ([18],[19],[20],[21]).This paper presents a data-driven homogeneous continuous super-twisting algorithm for systems with relative degree more than one.First,the case of relative degree two is addressed.The conditions offinite-time conver-gence to an equilibrium are obtained in demonstrating that the equilibrium can be moved as close to the origin as necessary, increasing a value of the control gain.Then,a modification of the designed algorithm enablingfinite-time convergence to the origin is proposed,based on the knowledge of the equilibrium from the previous run.Finally,the robustness of the designed data-driven algorithm is discussed.Similar results are then obtained for systems of relative degree more then two. The paper concludes with numerical simulations illustrating performance of the designed algorithms.The simulation results are discussed and demonstrated in a number offigures.The paper is organized as follows.The problem statement is given in Section2.A super-twisting-like control algorithm for systems of relative degree two is designed in Section3.The corresponding examples are provided in Section4.A super-twisting-like control algorithm for systems of relative degree more than two is presented in Section5and illustrated by examples in Section6.The proofs of all theorems are given in Appendix.A brief conference version of this paper was presented in[22].II.C ONTROL P ROBLEM S TATEMENT Consider a conventional dynamic system of relative degree two˙x1(t)=x2(t),x1(t0)=x10,(1)˙x2(t)=u(t),x1(t0)=x20,where x(t)=[x1(t),x2(t)]∈R2is the system state and u(t)∈R is the control input.In the classical second-order sliding mode control theory, afinite-time stabilizing control for the system(1)is designed using the twisting algorithm[2]in the formu(t)=−k1sign(x1(t))−k2sign(x2(t)),(2) where k1,k2>0are certain positive constants,and the signum function of a scalar x is defined as sign(x)=1,if x>0, sign(x)=0,if x=0,and sign(x)=−1,if x<0([9]).On the other hand,if a scalar dynamic system is of relative degree one˙x(t)=u(t),x(t0)=x0,(3) a continuousfinite-time stabilizing control for the system(3) can be designed using the super-twisting algorithm[3]as followsu(t)=−λ|x(t)|1/2sign(x(t))−α∫tt0sign(x(s))ds,(4)whereλ>0,α>0are certain positive constants.Note that applying the continuous control(4)to the system(3) results in a second-order sliding mode,i.e.,both x(t)and ˙x(t)converge to zero for afinite time.In other words,the continuous control(4)yieldsfinite-time convergence similar to that produced by a classical discontinuous sliding mode control u(t)=−Ksign(x(t)),where K>0is sufficiently large, for the system(3).In this paper,we propose a homogeneous super-twisting-like continuous modification of the twisting control algorithm (2)as followsu(t)=−λ1|x1(t)|1/3sign(x1(t))−−λ2|x2(t)|1/2sign(x2(t))−α∫tt0sign(x2(s))ds,(5)where λ1,λ2>0,α>0are certain positive constants.It would be demonstrated that the designed continuous control (5)works similarly to the twisting control (2),i.e.,results in finite-time convergence of both states x 1(t )and x 2(t )of the system (1).The announced result is formalized in the next section and then proved in Appendix.III.S UPER -T WISTING A LGORITHM FOR R ELATIVED EGREE T WO S YSTEMS The result for the control law (5)is given as follows.Theorem 1.Consider a dynamic system (1)of relative degree two.Then,the modified super-twisting control law (5)yields finite-time convergence of both states x 1(t )and x 2(t )to a point [x 1f ,0].Proofs of all the theorems are given in Appendix.Remark 1.Theorem 1ensures finite-time stability of the system (1)with the control law (5)with respect to an equilibrium point [x 1f ,0]located in the manifold x 2=0,which is however different from the origin.Nonetheless,the equilibrium point [x 1f ,0]could be moved as close to the origin as necessary,increasing a value of the control gain λ1>0,inview of the inequality |x 1f |1/3≤λ−11αT 1,where T 1is the finite convergence time.Although Remark 1underlines that the control law (5)cannot lead both states of the system (1)to the origin,this problem can be solved using the control law proposed in the following theorem.Theorem 2.Consider a dynamic system (1)of relative degree two.If upon applying the control law (5),the system (1)was finite-time stabilized at a point [x 1f ,0],it can be stabilized at the origin from the same initial condition [x 10,x 20]using the control lawu (t )=−λ1|x 1(t )+x 1f |1/3sign (x 1(t )+x 1f )−−λ2|x 2(t )|1/2sign (x 2(t ))−α∫tt 0sign (x 2(s ))ds .(6)Consider now a system (1)in presence of a disturbance:˙x 1(t )=x 2(t ),x 1(t 0)=x 10,(7)˙x 2(t )=u (t )+ξ(t ),x 1(t 0)=x 20,where ξ(t )satisfies the Lipschitz condition with a constant L .The system (7)can still be stabilized at a point [x 1f ,0]in view of the following theorem.Theorem 3.Consider a dynamic system (7)of relative degree two in presence of a disturbance ξ(t )satisfying the Lipschitz condition with a constant L .Then,the modified super-twisting control law (5)yields finite-time convergence of both states x 1(t )and x 2(t )to a point [x 1f ,0],provided that the following conditions hold for control gains:α>L ,λ22>2(α+L )2/(α−L ).IV.E XAMPLES :I.R ELATIVE D EGREE T WOThis section presents examples of designing a finite-time stabilizing regulator for a dynamic system (1)of relative degree two,based on the modified super-twisting regulator (5)in Theorems 1–3.1.Consider a linear system (1).The modified super-twisting regulator (4)is applied with the control gains selected as λ1=20,λ2=10,α=1.The initial conditions are assigned as x 10=1000,x 20=1000.The obtained results are shown in Fig.1.The final value of x 1(t )is equal to x 1f =0.0254.The initial conditions x 10=1000,x 20=−1000yield x 1f =−0.0004.The obtained results are shown in Fig.2.2.Consider the linear system from the previous example,assigning the same initial conditions,x 10=1000,x 20=1000and x 10=1000,x 20=−1000,and applying the control law (6),with λ1=20,λ2=10,α=1to both the considered cases,assuming x 1f =0.0254and x 1f =−0.0004.It can be observed from Figs.3and 4and their amplifications around the final time,Figs.5and 6,respectively,that the system is stabilized at the origin in each case.3.Consider a linear system (7)with disturbance ξ(t )=sin (1000t ).Again,the modified super-twisting regulator is applied with the control gains selected as λ1=20,λ2=10,α=1.The initial conditions are assigned as x 10=1000,x 20=1000.The obtained results are shown in Fig.7.The final value of x 1(t )is equal to x 1f =0.0244.The initial conditions x 10=1000,x 20=−1000yield x 1f =−0.0007.The obtained results are shown in Fig.8.This example clearly demonstrates that the sufficient condi-tions for the control gains in Theorem 3are too conservative,and the finite-time convergence takes place with much relaxed values.In particular,the value of constant L in this example is equal to 1000,due to high-frequency sinusoidal oscillations sin (1000t ).V.S UPER -T WISTING A LGORITHM FOR R ELATIVE D EGREEM ORE T HAN T WO S YSTEMS The main result can be generalized as follows.Consider a dynamic system of relative degree n >2˙x 1(t )=x 2(t ),x 1(t 0)=x 10,(8)˙x 2(t )=x 3(t ),x 2(t 0)=x 20,···˙x n (t )=u (t ),x n (t 0)=x n 0,using the notation for the system (1).We propose a gener-alization the super-twisting-like continuous control algorithm (5)as followsu (t )=−v 1(t )−v 2(t )−...−v n (t )+v n +1(t ),(9)where v i (t )=λi |x i (t )|γi sign (x i (t )),i =1,...,n ,v n +1(t )=|(s (t ))|γ/(1−γ)sign (s (t )),s (t )=−α∫tt 0sign (x n (s ))ds ,and certain positive constants λ1,...,λn >0,α>0and exponents γi ,i =1,...,n ,are assigned according to [7]to yield homogeneous finite-time convergence of all the states of the closed-loop system (8),(9).Namely,γi ∈(0,1),i =1,...,n satisfy the recurrent relations γi −1=γi γi +1/(2γi +1−γi ),i =2,...,n ,γn +1=1,and γn =γ,where γbelongs to an interval(1−ε,1),ε>0.Theorem8.1in[7]establishes that there exists such anε>0that the homogeneous(in view of definition ofγi)closed-loop system(8),(9)is globallyfinite-time stable at the origin.It would be demonstrated that the designed continuous con-trol(7)works similarly to the twisting control(5),i.e.,results infinite-time convergence of the states x1(t),x2(t),...,x n(t)of the system(6).The announced result is formalized in the next theorem and then proved in Appendix.Theorem 4.Consider a dynamic system(8)of rela-tive degree n>2.Then,the modified super-twisting con-trol law(9)yieldsfinite-time convergence of the states x1(t),...,x n−1(t),x n(t)to a point[x1f,...,x(n−1)f,0]. Remark2.Theorem4ensuresfinite-time stability of the system(8)with the control law(9)with respect to an equilib-rium point[x1f,...,x(n−1)f,0]located in the manifold x n=0, which is however different from the origin.Then,it follows from the equations(8)that x2f=x3f=...=x(n−1)f=0. Thus,the equilibrium point is given by[x1f,0...,0,0]and located in the manifold x2=x3=...=x n=0.Nonetheless, the equilibrium point[x1f,0...,0,0]could be moved as close to the origin as necessary,increasing a value of the control gainλ1>0in such a way thatλ1,...,λn still correspond to a Hurwitz polynomial s n+λn s n−1+...+λ2s+λ1(see[7]), in view of the inequality|x1f|1/3≤λ−11αT1,where T1is the finite convergence time.Although Remark2underlines that the control law(9) cannot lead all states of the system(1)to the origin,this problem can be solved using the control law proposed in the following theorem.Theorem 5.Consider a dynamic system(8)of relative degree n>2.If upon applying the control law(9),the system (8)wasfinite-time stabilized at a point[x1f,...,x(n−1)f,0],it can be stabilized at the origin from the same initial condition [x10,...,x(n−1)0,x n0]using the control lawu(t)=−w1(t)−w2(t)−...−w n−1(t)−v n(t)+v n+1(t), where w i(t)=λi|x i(t)+x i f|γi sign(x i(t)+x i f),i=1,...,n−1.Consider now a system(8)in presence of a disturbance:˙x1(t)=x2(t),x1(t0)=x10,(10)˙x2(t)=x3(t),x2(t0)=x20,···˙x n(t)=u(t)+ξ(t),x n(t0)=x n0,whereξ(t)satisfies the Lipschitz condition with a con-stant L.The system(10)can still be stabilized at a point [x1f,...,x(n−1)f,0]in view of the following theorem. Theorem6.Consider a dynamic system(10)of relative degree n>2in presence of a disturbanceξ(t)satisfying the Lipschitz condition with a constant L.Then,the modified super-twisting control law(9)yieldsfinite-time convergence of the states x1(t),...,x n−1(t),x n(t)to a point[x1f,...,x(n−1)f,0], provided that the following conditions hold for control gains:α>L,λ2n>2(α+L)2/(α−L).VI.E XAMPLES:II.R ELATIVE D EGREE M ORE T HAN T WO This section presents examples of designing afinite-time stabilizing regulator for a dynamic system(8)of a relative degree more than two,based on the modified super-twisting regulator(9)in Theorems4–6.4.Consider a linear3D system˙x1(t)=x2(t),x1(t0)=x10,(11)˙x2(t)=x3(t),x2(t0)=x20,˙x3(t)=u(t),x3(t0)=x30,The modified super-twisting regulator(9)u(t)=−λ1|x1(t)|1/4sign(x1(t))−λ2|x2(t)|1/3sign(x2(t))−λ3|x3(t)|1/2sign(x3(t))−α∫tt0sign(x3(s))ds,(12)is applied with the control gains selected asλ1=λ2=20,λ3=10,α=1.The initial conditions are assigned as x10= x20=x30=1000.The obtained results are shown in Fig.9. Thefinal value of x1(t)is equal to x1f=−6.03×10−9.The initial conditions x10=x30=1000,x20=−1000yield x1f=−0.00017.The obtained results are shown in Fig.10.5.Consider a linear system(11)with disturbanceξ(t)= sin(1000t).Again,the modified super-twisting regulator is applied with the control gains selected asλ1=λ2=20,λ3=10,α=1.The initial conditions are assigned as x10= x20=x30=1000.The obtained results are shown in Fig.11.Thefinal value of x1(t)is equal to x1f=−1.38×10−7. The initial conditions x10=x30=1000,x20=−1000yield x1f=−1.13×10−5.The obtained results are shown in Fig.12.This example again demonstrates that the sufficient condi-tions for the control gains in Theorem6are too conservative, and thefinite-time convergence takes place with much relaxed values.In particular,the value of constant L in this example is equal to1000,due to high-frequency sinusoidal oscillations sin(1000t).VII.A PPENDIXA.Proof of Theorem1.The system(1),(5)can be recast in the time-invariant form˙x1(t)=x2(t),x1(t0)=x10,(13)˙x2(t)=−λ1|x1(t)|1/3sign(x1(t))−−λ2|x2(t)|1/2sign(x2(t))+x3(t),x2(t0)=x20,˙x3(t)=−αsign(x2(t)),x3(t0)=0.The vectorfield f in the right-hand side of(13)can be represented as the sum of two homogeneous vectorfields, f=g1+g2,where g1=[x2,−λ1|x1(t)|1/3sign(x1(t))−ρλ2|x2(t)|1/2sign(x2(t)),0],ρ∈(0,1),and g2=[0,−(1−ρ)λ2|x2(t)|1/2sign(x2(t))+x3(t),−αsign(x2(t))]of homo-geneity degree m2=−1.The homogeneity degree m1for g1 can be selected as m1=−2<m2.Thefield g1provides thefinite-time stability at a point[0,0,x3(t0)]in view of its homo-geneity and Lyapunov function V(x1,x2)=λ1(3/4)|x1(t)|4/3 +(1/2)|x2(t)|2.Thefield g2corresponds to a super-twisting algorithm[3],which converges to a point[x1f,0,0]for afinite time.The theorem assertion now follows from Theorem7.4in [7],taking into account that the Lyapunov function for super-twisting has a continuous total derivative in time along the trajectory,so the results of Theorem6.2,Lemma4.2and the inequalities(34)-(36)from[7]hold.B.Proof of Theorem2.The theorem assertion follows from the fact that the equilib-rium[x1f,0,x3f]of the time-invariant representation(13)for the system(1),(5)can be moved to a point[0,0,x3f]using the coordinate change x1−x1f,x2,x3.C.Proof of Theorem3.The system(7)can be recast in the time-invariant form˙x1(t)=x2(t),x1(t0)=x10,(14)˙x2(t)=−λ1|x1(t)|1/3sign(x1(t))−−λ2|x2(t)|1/2sign(x2(t))+x3(t),x2(t0)=x20,˙x3(t)=−αsign(x2(t))+˙ξ(t),x3(t0)=0. where˙ξ(t)exists and is bounded for almost all t≥t0.The the-orem assertion follows from Theorem1and the convergence conditions for a super-twisting algorithm[3].D.Proof of Theorem4.The system(8),(9)can be recast in the time-invariant form˙x1(t)=x2(t),x1(t0)=x10,(15)˙x2(t)=x3(t),x2(t0)=x20,···˙x n−1(t)=x n(t),x n−1(t0)=x(n−1)0,˙x n(t)=−v1(t)−v2(t)−...−v n(t)++|x n+1(t)|γ/(1−γ)sign(x n+1(t)),x n(t0)=x n0,˙x n+1(t)=−αsign(x n(t)),x n+1(t0)=0. Similarly to(13),the vectorfield f in the right-hand side of(13)can be represented as the sum of two homogeneous vectorfields,f=g1+g2,where g1=[x2,x3,...,x n,−v1(t)−v2(t)−...v n−1(t)−ρv n(t),0],ρ∈(0,1),of homogeneity de-gree m1=(γ−1)/γ<0,and g2=[0,0,...,0,−(1−ρ)v n(t)+ v n+1(t),−αsign(x n(t))].The homogeneity degree m2for g2 can always be selected greater than m1,m2>m1=(γ−1)/γ, by virtue of exponentγ/(1−γ)for v n+1,making the entire system(15)homogeneous.Thefield g1provides thefinite-time stability at a point[0,...,0,x n+1(t0)]in view of Theorem8.1in [7].Thefield g2introduces a modification of a super-twisting algorithm[3],which converges to a point[x1f,...,x(n−1)f,0,0] for afinite time,in view of Lyapunov function V(x n,x n+1)=α|x n(t)|+(1−γ)|x n+1(t)|1/(1−γ).The theorem assertion now follows from Theorem7.4in[7],taking into account that V(x n,x n+1)has a continuous total derivative in time along the trajectory,so the results of Theorem6.2,Lemma4.2and the inequalities(34)-(36)from[7]hold. E.Proof of Theorem5.The theorem assertion follows from the fact that the equi-librium[x1f,...,x(n−1)f,0,x(n+1)f]of the time-invariant rep-resentation(15)for the system(8),(9)can be moved to a point[0,...,0,0,x(n+1)f]origin using the coordinate change x1−x1f,...,x n−1−x(n−1)f,x n,x n+1.F.Proof of Theorem6.The system(10)can be recast in the time-invariant form˙x1(t)=x2(t),x1(t0)=x10,˙x2(t)=x3(t),x2(t0)=x20,···˙x n−1(t)=x n(t),x n−1(t0)=x(n−1)0,˙x n(t)=−v1(t)−v2(t)−...−v n(t)++|x n+1(t)|γ/(1−γ)sign(x n+1(t)),x n(t0)=x n0,˙x n+1(t)=−αsign(x n(t))+˙ξ(t),x n+1(t0)=0. where˙ξ(t)exists and is bounded for almost all t≥t0.The the-orem assertion follows from Theorem4and the convergence conditions for a super-twisting algorithm[3].Fig.1.Graphs of the linear system(1)upon applying the control law(4) with initial conditions x10=1000,x20=1000.Thefinal value of x1(t)is equal to x1f=0.0254.R EFERENCES[1]V.I.Utkin,Sliding Modes in Control and Optimization,Springer,1992.[2] A.Levant,“Sliding mode and sliding accuracy in sliding mode control,”International Journal of Control,V ol.58,1993,pp.1247–1263. 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乡驱动控制rie and c ontrl--飆蒔电力□2021年第49卷第1期基于PMSM的二阶滑模无位置传感器控制蔡军,李鹏泽,黄袁园(重庆邮电大学自动化学院,重庆400065)摘要:根据Super-twisting算法设计了二阶STASMO无位置传感器控制方案,该方案不仅充分地抑制了抖振现象,而且取消了低通滤波器的使用。
关键词:永磁同步电机;超螺旋算法滑模观测器;无位置传感器控制;定子电阻观测器中图分类号:TM351,TM464文献标志码:A文章编号:1004-7018(2021)01-0032-05PMSM Based Second-Order Sliding Mode Position Sensorless ControlCAI Jun,LI Peng-ze,HUANG Yuan-yuan(College of Automation,Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Chongqing400065,China) Abstract:The designs a second-order STASMO position sensorless control scheme based on the Super-twisting algorithm,which not only sufficiently suppresses chattering,but also eliminates the use of low-pass filters.When the motor is running,the stator resistance will change as the temperature rises.The proposes a stator resistance observer scheme in the rotating coordinate system to observe the stator resistance in real time,the influence of the change of the stator resistance on the accuracy of the position or speed estimation of the motor is avoided.The simulation analysis of the scheme proposed,it is proved that the scheme proposed has higher estimation accuracy for the motor position or speed.Key words:permanent magnet synchronous motor(PMSM),super-twisting algorithm based sliding-mode observer ( STASMO),position sensorless control,stator resistance observer羅M ■•咖轉中PMSMEI |盒班擲朮归鋼迪巒噩理軽铝0引言永磁同步电机(以下简称PMSM)因为具有功率密度高、转动惯量小和动态性能好等优势而被广泛应用于众多传动系统中。

由于永磁电机 9'-' 具有高效率 高功率密 度 动态响应快 结构简单 等优点 9'-' 的驱 动控制成为了一个热门的研究课题# 然而 永磁 同步电机驱动的状态估计和控制比感应电机更具挑 战性 主要是因为用于永磁同步电动机的有效方程 数目少 数学模型单一
直接转矩控制 c,) 是感应电机驱动的一种先 进控制策略 后来被扩展应用到永磁同步电机 传

第29卷第1期 水下无人系统学报 Vol.29No.12021年2月JOURNAL OF UNMANNED UNDERSEA SYSTEMS Feb. 2021收稿日期: 2020-03-13; 修回日期: 2020-04-23.基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目资助(2017YFC0306704).作者简介: 黄博伦(1989-), 男, 在读博士, 主要研究方向为水下机器人控制技术.[引用格式] 黄博伦, 杨启. 基于super-twisting 二阶滑模算法的作业型ROV 路径跟踪控制方法[J]. 水下无人系统学报, 2021,29(1): 14-22.基于super-twisting 二阶滑模算法的作业型ROV 路径跟踪控制方法黄博伦1, 杨 启1,2(1. 上海交通大学高新船舶与海洋开发装备协同创新中心 海洋工程国家重点实验室, 上海, 200240; 2. 上海交通大学 海洋水下工程科学研究院有限公司, 上海, 200231)摘 要: 作业型遥控无人水下航行器(ROV)的运动存在时变外界干扰和系统不确定性, 利用常规滑模方法设计其运动控制器会产生抖振现象, 而常用的饱和函数联合边界层法(SatSMC)在消除抖振的同时无法保证控制精度。
针对上述问题, 文中设计了super-twisting 二阶滑模控制器(STSMC)来实现作业型ROV 的空间路径跟踪。
利用Lyapunov 方法分析了系统的稳定性, 并证明该方法能够保证跟踪误差在有限时间内收敛。
将提出的STSMC 与SatSMC 及比例-积分-微分法进行了仿真试验对比, 结果表明: STSMC 能够使ROV 完成对既定路径的跟踪, 并具有更好的鲁棒性、快速性和控制精度, 同时产生的抖振也明显小于SatSMC, 控制参数也未增加, 更适于ROV 的实际使用。
关键词: 遥控无人水下航行器; super-twisting 算法; 滑模控制; 路径跟踪中图分类号: TJ630; TB53 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2096-3920(2021)01-0014-09 DOI: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2021.01.003Trajectory Tracking Control Method of a Work-class ROV Based on aSuper-twisting Second-order Sliding Mode ControllerHUANG Bo-lun 1, YANG Qi 1,2(1. Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Ship and Deep-sea Exploration, State Key laboratory of Ocean Engi-neering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China; 2. Shanghai Jiaotong University Underwater Engineering Institute Co. Ltd .Shanghai 200231. China)Abstract: Time-varying external disturbances and system uncertainties affect the motion of work-class remote-operated vehicles(ROVs). The conventional sliding mode method for ROV motion control has the drawback of a chattering phe-nomenon, whereas the common method for eliminating chattering, namely, the saturation function combined with a boundary layer sliding mode controller(SatSMC), cannot guarantee control accuracy. To address these problems, a su-per-twisting second-order sliding mode controller(STSMC) is proposed to realize trajectory tracking of a work-class ROV. The Lyapunov method is used to analyze the stability of the system. It is proved that the proposed controller can ensure the convergence of a tracking error in finite time. A simulation experiment of the proposed STSMC and SatSMC methods and the proportional integral derivative(PID) control are compared. Results show that the STSMC method ena-bles the ROV to complete the tracking of a predetermined path. This method also has stronger robustness, rapidity and accuracy. The chattering of the STSMC is also significantly reduced compared to that of the SatSMC. In addition, the2021年2月黄博伦, 等: 基于super-twisting二阶滑模算法的作业型ROV路径跟踪控制方法第1期control parameters are not increased, making the STSMC more suitable for actual use with ROVs.Keywords: remote-operated vehicle; super-twisting algorithm; sliding mode control; trajectory tracking0 引言遥控无人水下航行器(remote operated vehicle, ROV)已经广泛应用在深海探测、海底管线维修、深海采矿和水底搜救等深海任务中, 成为人类探索海洋、开发海洋、保护海洋不可或缺的工具。

二、四旋翼飞行器模型四旋翼飞行器的动力学模型主要包括六个状态变量:位置(x, y, z)、角度(ψ, θ, φ)和速度(u, v, w),通过牛顿-欧拉方程进行描述。
1. 设定滑模面:选择合适的滑模函数S,使其在平衡点处为零。
2. 设计切换函数:根据滑模面设计切换函数,使系统能够在平衡点处稳定。
3. 采用Super-Twisting算法:利用Super-Twisting算法来估计系统的不确定性,并将其用于控制器的设计。
四、控制流程1. 初始化:设定初始状态和参数。
2. 计算滑模面:根据当前状态计算滑模面S。
3. 设计切换函数:根据滑模面设计切换函数。
4. 估计不确定性:利用Super-Twisting算法估计系统的不确定性。
5. 控制律设计:根据切换函数和不确定性估计,设计控制律。
6. 更新状态:根据控制律更新系统状态。
7. 判断是否达到平衡点:如果滑模面S为零,则到达平衡点,结束;否则返回步骤2。

作者简介: 黄勤 (1960—) , 女, 教授, 硕士生导师, 主要研究方向: 计算机硬件技术与信号检测; 周海燕 (1981—) , 女, 硕士研究生; 凌睿 (1979—) , 男, 博士生, 讲师。E-mail: haiyan_zhou81@ 收稿日期: 2009-07-14; 修回日期: 2009-08-28; CNKI 出版: 2011-2-14; /kcms/detail/11.2127.TP.20110214.1456.201106.243_134.html
设状态变量 x1 = e ,x 2 = e 采用 x1 x 2 的线性组合定义切 (8) 换函数:
S (t) = k1 e0.5 + k 2 ė |e|
式中,X [t] = [ x1 x 2 x n] , 代表可测量的状态变量;f [ X (t)] , 选择一个切换函数, 即
3 直流无刷电机的二阶滑模控制器设计 3.1 二阶滑模控制
考虑一类系统: ìẋ i (t) = xi + 1(t) i = 1 2 n - 1 í îẋ n (t) = f [ X (t)] + g[ X (t)]u(t)
g[ X (t)] 为光滑的不确定函数, 满足唯一解的存在条件。
Computer Engineering and Applica243
电机在现代速度伺服系统中被大量使用, 伺服系统是一
种要求响应快、 抗干扰能力强的高性能控制系统。无刷直流 电动机伺服控制算法通常分为线性 PID 和非线性控制两大 类。经典线性 PID 控制算法简单, 易于实现, 但鲁棒性较差, 不 能满足更高精度动态性能应用场合的控制要求 [1]; 神经网络、 模型参考自适应控制计算量太大, 没有在应用中表现出优势[2-3]; 模糊控制的实现依赖操作者的经验, 其应用范围受到了限制[4-6]。 滑模变结构控制[7]是一种鲁棒控制工具, 具有对匹配参数 不确定性和外界干扰具有不变性的特点。但是在实际的控制 系统中, 变结构控制为了使系统在滑动流形上运动, 需要在不 同的控制逻辑间来回切换, 容易引起对系统不利的抖振, 同时 也易激励高频未建模动态, 从而对系统的硬件造成损害, 易导 致系统的不稳定。针对传统的切换函数对控制输入相对阶为 1 的特点, 一些学者提出了高阶滑模控制[8-10]。高阶滑模控制将 控制作用在滑模量的高阶导数上, 不仅保留了传统滑模控制 的所有优点, 而且有效地消除了抖振 。本文采用了高阶滑模 控制中的二阶滑模控制算法, 对无刷直流电机调速系统进行 综合。算法将离散控制律作用在滑模量的二阶导数上, 削弱 了系统在滑模面的抖振, 仿真结果表明系统具有较好的鲁棒 性和动态特性。

2. Super-twisting 滑模控制器设计
dx = a ( x, t ) + b ( x, t ) u , y = c ( x, t ) dt
其中,u 为控制输入量; x 为状态变量; y 为控制输出量; a, b, c 为未知函数。 那么,对于式(1)的通用二阶滑模控制式为:
1 dT dω 1 根据式(6),则令此时 A = − L +D ,B= 。 dt J dt J
由于电机的角速度 ω ,负载转矩 TL ,转动惯量 J 均为有限值,则一定存在合适的 K p 、 K I 值,使其 满足 Super-twisting 控制器能在有限时间内收敛且稳定的充分条件。 基于以上所阐述的 Super-twisting 滑模控制理论,转速环滑模控制器可以设计为:
th th st
Switched reluctance motor (SRM) has many excellent qualities, so how to restrain the torque ripple to make it more widely used and popularized has become a hot issue in academia. Although the traditional direct torque control (DTC) of switched reluctance motor can restrain the torque ripple to some extent, its restraining effect is limited. And also, there are problems such as big overshoot and weak robustness. In this paper, a direct torque controller based on Super-Twisting sliding mode control is designed. In addition, some improvements have been made to the direct torque controller. Finally, the theory was simulated and verified by using MATLAB/Simulink. The results show that, compared with the traditional direct torque control, the direct torque control of the switched reluctance motor based on the sliding mode control effectively improves the control performance of the system, makes the torque ripple smaller and meets the control requirements.

基于Super-twisting滑模永磁同步电机驱动的转速和转矩控制万东灵;赵朝会;王飞宇;孙强【期刊名称】《电机与控制应用》【年(卷),期】2017(044)010【总页数】6页(P42-47)【作者】万东灵;赵朝会;王飞宇;孙强【作者单位】【正文语种】中文直接转矩控制(Direct Torque Control,DTC)技术是继矢量控制技术之后,由德国和日本学者提出的一种具有高性能的交流变频调速技术[1-2]。

基于U模型的非线性系统Super-Twisting滑模控制研究张建华;李杨;吴学礼;霍佳楠;庄沈阳【摘要】为了对基于U模型的非线性控制系统进行研究,利用Super-Twisting控制算法,解决非仿射非线性系统的控制问题,对非线性函数进行神经网络逼近,运用Super-Twisting控制算法进行控制.选取恰当的Lyapunov函数,对Super-Twisting算法的收敛性进行了证明.为了验证该方法的可行性和有效性,利用Matlab软件进行仿真,结果表明在神经网络自适应Super-Twisting控制器的作用下,被控系统具有快速的跟踪性能和输出的有界性.【期刊名称】《河北科技大学学报》【年(卷),期】2016(037)004【总页数】6页(P376-381)【关键词】鲁棒控制;非线性系统;神经网络;U模型;Super-Twisting算法;自适应【作者】张建华;李杨;吴学礼;霍佳楠;庄沈阳【作者单位】河北科技大学电气工程学院,河北石家庄050018;河北省生产过程自动化工程技术研究中心,河北石家庄 050018;河北省生产过程自动化工程技术研究中心,河北石家庄 050018;河北科技大学信息科学与工程学院,河北石家庄 050018;河北科技大学电气工程学院,河北石家庄050018;河北省生产过程自动化工程技术研究中心,河北石家庄 050018;河北科技大学电气工程学院,河北石家庄050018;齐齐哈尔大学计算机与控制工程学院,黑龙江齐齐哈尔 161006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP273非线性特性普遍存在于实际的生产中,非线性系统的控制问题一直以来是科学研究中需要解决的一个普遍性问题[1-3]。

3 Pn鬃f 2Ld
IRsix-pi |<ka1 |s追 11/2
3f;鬃f cosSRsiy-p2 2Ld
<k a2 I s Te
4实验仿真及结果分析 为验证上述理论的正确性及控制方法的有效
H_ Rs d 鬃 Ld dt
Rs sin啄 d 啄 Ld dt
Te=1.5严渣如鬃『sing+3(L4-Lq) I 姑(19)
由于隐极式PMSM中,d轴和q轴上的电感 Ld = Lq,其电磁转矩二阶导数为
2Ld -sin啄
Super-twisting滑模控制器不需要滑模变量 的导数,在滑模面上收敛和稳定性的充分必要条 件为
k、HM 厶〉4Hm + GM(ka H) A Gm , _ G2m Gm(ka-H)
式中:Hm逸渣 H I;Gm逸G逸Gmo
2.2二阶滑模控制器设计 为得到磁链控制器的表达式,定义磁链的滑
dTe dt
叫皿cosS dS
dt +P1
d鬃s dt
将式(4),(8),(9),(12),(13)带入式(26), 并将控制器中的导数形式改为积分形式 ,可得:
k b1sta(s 追)dt+R six-p 1

基于super-twisting二阶滑模算法的作业型rov路径跟踪控制方法作业型ROV(Remotely Operated Vehicle,远程操作载具)常用于水下工作,如海底管线检测、海底油田维护等。
Super-Twisting二阶滑模算法(Super-Twisting Second-Order Sliding Mode Control, ST-SOSMC)是滑模控制的一种变种,具有更高的控制精度和系统响应速度。

䖜䙏 (r/min)
500 400 300 200 100
图 3 定子电阻变化时的转速波形图 图 4 为电感变化时的转速波形图,从图中可以看到, 电感增大后,两种控制器都出现了周期震荡现象,震荡 周期相同,震荡幅值不同。PI 控制器下的转速幅值为 500.4 r/min,滑模控制器下的转速幅值为 500.2 r/min。 采用 Super-twisting 滑模速度控制器的永磁同步电机直 接转矩控制系统比采用 PI 速度控制器的永磁同步电机 直接转矩控制系统的转速震荡幅值减小了一半。
转速波动为 1.8 r/min。滑模控制器下的转速波形与改变 电阻前基本相同,转速范围 499.8 r/min~500.2 r/min,转
速 脉 动 为 0.4 r/min。 采 用 Super-twisting 滑 模 速 度 控 制 器的永磁同步电机直接转矩控制系统比采用 PI 速度控制
PMSM 直接转矩控制系统中,设计成 Super-twisting 滑 模 控 制 器 应 用 于 转 矩 与 磁 链 的 控 制 中 。 [13-14] 本 文 设 计
Super-twisting 滑模控制器来实现系统的转速控制,提
在二阶滑模控制规律中,Super-twisting 算法在无

基于Super ⁃twisting 算法的永磁同步电机自适应滑模速度控制DOI :10.19557/ki.1001-9944.2021.05.020汤成,胡继胜(大连交通大学机车车辆工程学院,大连116028)摘要:针对永磁同步电机系统采用的传统滑模控制器受到系统自身参数不匹配及外界扰动的影响较大的问题,该文提出了一种基于Super ⁃twisting 算法的滑模速度控制器,以提高系统的鲁棒性及改善系统的动态响应,同时引入了自适应控制算法以抑制系统参数变化及外界干扰带来的影响,削弱滑模速度控制器中的抖动。
关键词:永磁同步电机;Super 鄄twisting 算法;自适应控制中图分类号:TM313文献标识码:A文章编号:1001⁃9944(2021)05⁃0094⁃04Adaptive Sliding Mode Speed Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Super ⁃twisting AlgorithmTANG Cheng ,HU Ji ⁃sheng(School of Locomotive and Rolling Stock Engineering ,Dalian Jiaotong University ,Dalian 116028,China )Abstract :Aiming at the problem that the traditional sliding mode controller used in the permanent magnet syn ⁃chronous motor system is greatly affected by the system's own parameter mismatch and external disturbance ,this pa ⁃per proposes a sliding mode speed controller based on Super ⁃twisting algorithm to improve The robustness of the sys ⁃tem and the improvement of the dynamic response of the system ,while introducing an adaptive control algorithm to suppress the influence of system parameter changes and external interference ,and weaken the jitter in the sliding mode speed controller.Simulation experiments show that the algorithm can effectively reduce the speed overshootwhen the motor starts and the speed drop when the load is loaded ,and improve the static performance ,dynamic per ⁃formance and robustness of the system.Key words :permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM );Super ⁃twisting algorithm ;adaptive control收稿日期:2021-01-22;修订日期:2021-03-05作者简介:汤成(1994—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为轨道车辆运行控制及自动化;胡继胜(1966—),男,硕士,教授,研究方向为轨道车辆运行控制及自动化。

同时,为了提高 发电系统变流器容量利用率,在矢量控制的基础上,提出改进的功率因数控制策略对电机进行控制。
关键词:永磁同步发电机;内燃机车;改进功率因数控制;Super-Twisting滑模控制中图分类号:TM341文献标志码:A文章编号:1673-6540(2021)03-0099-05doi:10.12177/emca.2020.200Strategy of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Power Generation System for Diesel Locomotive Based on Super-Twisting AlgorithmTANG Cheng,HU Jisheng(College of Locomotive and Rolling Stock Engineering,Dalian Jiaotong University,Dalian116028)Abstract:The permanent magnet synchronous power generation system of diesel locomotive needs to stably control the intermediate DC link voltage,as well as reduce the voltage pulsation within the full speed range of the internal combustion engine and under sudden load conditions.To meet these requirements,the super-twisting high-order sliding mode algorithm is used to control the voltage of the outer loop to obtain a given pared with the traditional PI outer loop control,the overshoot of the intermediate DC link voltage is reduced,and the voltage following ability and stability are improved.At the same time,in order to improve the utilization rate of the converter capacity of the power generation system,an improved power factor control strategy is adopted to control the motor based on vector control.Simulation experiments show that the proposed power generation system can obtain a stable and fast-recoverable intermediate DC voltage under the conditions of a wide range of internal combustion engine speed and sudden load.At the same time,the reactive power of the power generation system below the switching torque can basically stabilize near zero.After the switching torque is exceeded,the reactive power remains al a low level,which improves the utilization rate of the converter capacity.Key words:permanent magnet synchronous generator(PMSG);diesel locomotive;improved power factor control;super-twisting sliding mode control收稿日期:2020-11-23;收到修改稿日期:2020-12-29作者简介:汤成(1994-),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为轨道车辆运行控制及自动化。
双层自适应快速super twisting控制算法

双层自适应快速super twisting控制算法杨雅君;廖瑛;尹大伟;郑宇昕【期刊名称】《控制理论与应用》【年(卷),期】2016(33)8【摘要】为提高super twising算法的收敛速度,解决现有算法存在的增益过估计问题,提出了两种自适应增益快速super twisting算法.分别通过快速终端滑模趋近律和增加线性项加快收敛速度.利用基于等效控制的双层自适应律调节增益,保证滑模存在条件的成立,同时使增益尽量的小.采用Lyapunov方法证明了新算法具有更优良的收敛特性,根据有界实引理和Schur补定理分别给出了两种算法的参数整定策略.仿真算例表明,在相同控制参数下,新算法的能耗与原算法接近,并具有更快的收敛速度和更强的鲁棒性.【总页数】9页(P1119-1127)【作者】杨雅君;廖瑛;尹大伟;郑宇昕【作者单位】国防科技大学航天科学与工程学院,湖南长沙410073;国防科技大学航天科学与工程学院,湖南长沙410073;海军装备研究院,上海200436;国防科技大学航天科学与工程学院,湖南长沙410073【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP273.2【相关文献】1.具有输入饱和的制动缸自适应Super-twisting控制 [J], 刘芳璇;虞梦月;李益民;王桂荣2.基于Super-twisting观测器的制动缸自适应鲁棒控制 [J], 崔晶; 刘芳璇; 张爱民; 侯艳; 王桂荣3.基于时变增益扩张状态观测器的逆变器系统自适应super-twisting电压鲁棒控制 [J], 滕青芳;佐俊;潘浩;徐睿琦4.基于Super-twisting算法的永磁同步电机自适应滑模速度控制 [J], 汤成;胡继胜5.基于Super-twisting观测器的制动缸自适应鲁棒控制 [J], 崔晶;刘芳璇;张省伟;侯艳因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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电机转速环节Super-Twisting算法二阶滑模控制律设计与研究张庆超;马瑞卿;皇甫宜耿;王姣【摘要】Aiming at the speed outer close⁃loop control for the motors, the design method of the second⁃order slid⁃ing mode control law based on the Super⁃Twisting algorithm( STA) is researched, which doesn′t need the derivative or the extreme value of the speed. The stability is proved by using Lyapunov function. And the influence for the sys⁃tem stability and the rapidity of convergence by the proportional of the sliding mode variable is analyzed, also the commonality and the differences of the various types proportional of the sliding mode variable. Simulation results show that the introduced proportional of the sliding mode variable in STA can improve the convergence speed of the system regardless of the running state of the motor, and the STA second⁃order sliding mode features of the motor system is not changed. Due to the unified rotor motion equation, the analyzed result of this paper is general to the speed loop second⁃order sliding mode control for all kinds of motors%针对电机转速环节,研究了以Super⁃Twisting算法( STA)为基础的转速闭环二阶滑模控制律设计方法,无需对转速求导或求解转速极值。
【期刊名称】《西北工业大学学报》【年(卷),期】2016(034)004【总页数】8页(P668-675)【关键词】电机;转速闭环;二阶滑模;Super-Twisting算法;稳定性;收敛性【作者】张庆超;马瑞卿;皇甫宜耿;王姣【作者单位】西北工业大学自动化学院,陕西西安 710129;西北工业大学自动化学院,陕西西安 710129;西北工业大学自动化学院,陕西西安 710129;中国兵器第203研究所,陕西西安 710065【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM351;TP273滑模控制由于对系统匹配的有界不确定扰动具有强鲁棒性,在各种电机控制系统中得到了广泛关注与研究[1-6]。
常见的二阶滑模控制算法有Twisting算法、Super-Twisting算法、Sub-Optimal算法、Drift算法和Prescribed Convergence Law算法等[7-9]。
其中,Super-Twisting算法(Super-Twisting Algorithm,STA)由于无需求取滑模变量的导数或极值,且输出控制信号连续无抖振,因此,被广泛应用于各种电机调速控制中[3-4,10-12]。
本文针对电机双闭环系统中转速外环的二阶滑模控制,基于STA设计了二阶滑模控制律,无需对转速求导或求极值;利用Lyapunov 函数证明了系统的稳定性,并分析了比例滑模项对系统收敛的稳定性和快速性的影响,在此基础上,设计了带有比例滑模项的电机转速外环STA 二阶滑模控制律;最后,根据系统特点,结合仿真分析了不同类型的比例滑模项的共同点与区别。
2.1 控制律设计二阶滑模STA的具体表达式可写为[7]式中,s为滑模变量,而控制参数α>0,λ>0。
2.2 稳定性分析对于STA的稳定性分析,文献[18-19]提出了一种相对简单的利用类二次型Lyapunov函数的证明方法,并分析了常值扰动与时变扰动2种情况下的STA收敛性;而实际上,常值扰动可以作为时变扰动的一个特例,因此,这里仅从时变扰动角度,借鉴文献[18-19]构造的Lyapunov函数,对(6)式所示系统进行稳定性证明。
(9)式所示V(z)是连续正定函数,除集合外{z1=s=0},V处处可微,对V沿系统轨迹求导有式中因为是标量,而CTΠξ和ξTΠC也为标量,并且Π=ΠT,因此令m=CTΠξ=ξTΠC,则m2=ξTΠCCTΠξ,根据不等式(m-ρ)2=m2-2mρ+ρ2≥0,∀m,ρ∈R,可以推出假设φ是Lipschitz连续的,∀t≥0,有,再根据,可知,又因为,其中D=[1 0 0],于是可以推出结合(10)式可得式中对于1,当Q1为正定矩阵时有而根据Schur补定理,可推出Q1为正定矩阵的一个充分条件为对于2,分析Q2可知,由于γ实际为系统参数,并且>0,当参数满足(17)式时Q2正定此时对于3,计算并展开3可得式中对于(20)式,由于>0,那么根据STA中α′>0的要求,以及假设条件进一步分析可知,在所有和种条件下,只要,就有,即在的条件下,ξ1ξ3<0,ξ2ξ3<0。
从而可知,当参数满足(21)式时根据(19)式可推出综合(15)式~(22)式可知,系统控制参数应满足(23)式所示条件在此条件下,对(9)式所示的连续正定候选Lyapunov函数V=ξTΠξ的沿系统轨迹求导有2.3 比例滑模项对系统稳定性及收敛速度影响1) 稳定性影响分析当对(2)式所示的电机转速误差方程直接采用STA时,如(6)式所示,相比文献[17-20]中分析的纯STA系统多出一个关于滑模面的比例项-γs。
2) 控制律改进与收敛速度影响分析既然比例滑模项不影响电机转速环节二阶滑模STA闭环控制的稳定性,那么可通过人为地增加比例滑模项ks(k>0)把控制律(5)式改为将(25)式带入(2)式,并对(4)式沿(2)式所示系统轨迹求导可得式中,k′=bk。