社会⼯作专业英语讲义Introduction to social work and social welfareChapter2Social work values and ethicsChapter3Empowerment and human diversityChapter4The process of generalist practiceChapter5Practice settingsChapter6An overview of social welfare and social work history Chapter7Policy and policy advocacyChapter8Poverty problemsChapter9Social work and social services for children and families Chapter10Social work and social services for older adultsChapter11Social work and social services for people with disabilities Chapter12Social work and social services in health careChapter13Social work and social services in mental healthChapter14Social work and substance use, abuse, and dependence Chapter15Social work and social services for youth and in the schools Chapter16Social work and social services in the criminal justice systemIntroduction to social work and social welfareCase AKeywords: adopt, family service, paperwork, family life planningCase B:Keywords: group session and group work; mental health; self-help group; mutual-help group Case C:Keywords: Sexual Assault, match, funding-raisingWhat is Social work?Social work is the professional activity of help individuals, groups, or communities enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and creating societal conditions favorable to this goal. Social work practice consists of the professional application of social work values, principles, and techniques to one or more of the following ends:Helping people obtain tangible servicesProviding counseling and psychotherapy with individuals, families and groups. Helping communities or groups provide or improve social and health services Participating in relevant legislative processesFive themes:Social work concerns helping individuals, groups, or communities.Social work entails a solid foundation of values and principles.A firm basis of techniques and skills provides directions.Social works need to link people to recourses or advocate for service development for clients.Social workers participate legislative process to promote positive social changes.What is social welfare?Social welfare is a nation's system of programs, benefits, and services that help people meet those social, economic, educational, and health needs that are fundamental to the maintenance of society.Two Dimensions:What people get from society (programs, benefits and services?)How well their needs (social, economic, educational, and health) are being met How are social welfare and social work related?Debates on social welfare:Individual responsibility: you get you deserveSociety responsibilityWho should assume responsibility for people's social welfare?Residual, institutional, and developmental perspectives on social welfare.1. Residual ModelSocial welfare benefit and service should be supplied only when people fail to provide adequately for themselves.Blame the victim (fault and failure)For instance: social assistanceFamilies in need receive limited and temporary financial assistance until they can get back on their feet.2. Institutional modelPeople have a right to get benefit and service.For instance: public education, fire and police protectionEvery one can get these services.3. Developmental modelThis approach seeks to identify social interventions that have a positive impact on economic development.(1) Invest in education, nutrition and health care(2) In vest in physical facilities(3) help people in need engage in productive employment and self-employment.Political ideology: conservatives, liberalism and radicalismConservatism is the philosophy that individuals are responsible for themselves, government should provide minimal interference in people's lives, and change is generally unnecessary.Liberalism is the philosophy that government should be involved in the social, political and economic structure so that all people's rights and privileges are protected in the name of social justice.Radicalism is the philosophy that the social and political system as it stands is not structurally capable of truly providing social justice. The fundamental changes are necessary in the basic social and political structure to achieve truly fair and equal treatment.Fields of practice in social workWork with people in needs (children, youth, old people, the disable etc.)Work with some occupationThe continuum of social work careersDegree in social workBSW: prepare for the entry-level social workMSW: receive more specialized trainingDSW: teach at the college level or conduct researchSocial work builds on many disciplinespsychologysociologypolitical scienceeconomicsbiologypsychiatrycouncilcultural anthropologysocial workSocial workers demonstrate competenciesCompetencies are measurable practice behaviors that are comprised ofsufficient knowledge, skills, and values" and have the goal of practicing effective social work.Competency 1: identification as a professional social workerCompetency 2: the application of social work ethical principles to guide practice Competency 3: the application of critical thinking to inform professional judgmentsCompetency 4: engagement of diversity in practiceCompetency 5: the advancement of human rights and social economic justice. Competency 6: engagement in research-informed practiceEvidence-based practiceCompetency 7: application of knowledge of human behavior and the social environmentCompetency 8: engagement in policy proactive to advance social and economic well-beingCompetency 9: responsiveness to contexts that shape practiceCompetency 10: engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.Chapter 2 social work values and ethics1. Value and ethicsSocial worker is value-based profession.What is value?Value involves what you do and do not consider important and worthwhile, and also involve judgments and decisions about relative worth.What is Ethics?Ethics involve principles that specify what is good and what is bad. They clarify what should and should not be done Difference between value and ethics:Value determine what beliefs are appropriate. Ethics address what to do with or how to apply those beliefs to do the right thing.The importance of ethics2. Value and ethics for social workersSix core values for social workers:(1) Service(2) Social justice(3) Dignity and worth of the person(4) Importance of human relationships(5) Integrity(6) CompetenceSocial workers' ethical responsibilities to clients:(1) Self-determinationPractitioners should nurture and support client self-extermination :each individual's right to make his or her own decisions.(2)Privacy and confidentiality(3) Conflict of interest and Dual relationshipsThe clients' best interests must be protected to the maximum extent possible.(4) Sexual relationshipSocial workers’ Ethical responsibilities to colleagues(1) Respect(2) Referral for servicesSocial Workers’ Ethical responsibilities in Practice settingsSocial workers' ethical responsibilities as professionalscompetenceagainst discriminationhonestnot solicit clients for the purpose of personal gainsSocial workers' ethical responsibilities to the social work profession.IntegrityResearchEvaluationSocial workers' ethical responsibilities to the broader society(1) Advocate for people's welfare(2) Ensure fair and equal access to resources and opportunities.(3) Respect cultural diversity.(4) Prevent discrimination against or exploiting peopleTranslation exercisesSocial workers must uphold client privacy and confidentiality. Privacy is the condition of being free from unauthorized observation or intrusion.We have established that confidentiality is the ethical principle that workers should not share information provided by a client or about a client unless they have the client's explicit permission to do so. There is more to confidentiality than may be immediately apparent.Confidentiality means more that not revealing information about clients to others. It also involves not asking for more information than is necessary, as well as informing clients about the limitations of confidentiality within the agency setting. Chapter 3 Empowerment and Human DiversityStereotype!Women are too emotional to make good supervisorsElderly people can't think well.Gay and lesbian people really want to be opposite gender.People with physical disabilities are unemployable.Discrimination, oppression, marginalization, alienation, stereotypes, and prejudiceDiscrimination is the act of treating people differently based on the fact that they belong to some group rather than on merit. Oppression involves putting extreme limitations and constraints on some person, group, or larger system. Marginalization is the condition of having less power and being viewed as less important than others in the society because of belonging to some group or having some characteristic.Alienation, related to marginalization, is the feeling that you don't fit in or aren't treated as well as others in the mainstream of society.A stereotype is a fixed mental picture of member of some specified group based on some attribute or attributes that reflect an overly simplified view of that group, without consideration or appreciation of individual differences.Prejudice is an opinion or prejudgment about an individual, group, or issue that is not based on fact.A major social work value involves the importance of people being treated fairly and equally.Populations-at-risk and social economic justiceDiversity emphasizes the similarity and dissimilarity between numerousgroups in society that have distinguishing characteristics.Populations-at-risk are people at greater risk of deprivation and unfair treatment because they share some identifiable characteristic that places them in diverse group.Factors: gender, age, religion, culture, disability, class, immigration statusSocial and economic justiceEmpowerment and a Strengths perspectiveEmpowerment is the process of increasing personal, interpersonal, or political power so that individuals can take action to improve their life situations.A strengths perspective:1. Every individual, group, family and community has strengths.2. Trauma and abuse, illness and struggle may be injurious but they may also be sources of challenge and opportunity.3. Social workers should assume that they do not know the upper limits of the capacity to grow and change and take individual, group, and community aspirations seriously.4. Social workers best serve clients by collaborating with when.5. Every environment is full of resources.Resiliency: seeking strength amid adversityThe ability of an individual, family, group, community, or organization to recover from adversity and resume functioning even when suffering serious trouble, confusion, or hardship.Resiliency involves two dimensions: risk factors and protective factors.Risk factors involve stressful life events or adverse environmental conditions that increase the vulnerability of individuals or other systems.Protective factors involve buffer, moderate, and protect against those vulnerabilities.Human DiversityRace and EthnicityRace implies a greater genetic determinant, whereas ethnicity often relates to cultural or national heritage.Culture and cultural competenceCulture is the sum total of life patterns passed on from generation to generation within a group of people and includes institutions, language, religious ideals, habits of thinking, and patterns of social and interpersonal relationships. Social workers need to have cultural competence to address the cultural needs of individuals, families, groups, and communities.叮叮⼩⽂库National Origin and immigration statusFour experiences which newcomer faced:Social isolationCultural shockCultural changeGoal-strivingclass or social classpolitical ideologygender, gender identity, and gender expressionSexual orientationHomosexual or heterosexual (bisexual)AgeDisabilityReligion and spiritualityChapter 4: Generalist practiceConcepts in the definition of generalist practice1. Acquiring an eclectic knowledge baseA. systems theoryB. ecological perspectiveC. Curriculum content areas1) Values and ethics2) Diversity3) populations-at-risk and social and economic justice4) Human behavior and the social environment5) Social welfare policy and services6) Social work practice7) Research8) Field educationD. Fields of practice2. Emphasizing client empowerment3. Using professional valuesA. social works code of ethicsB. application of professional values to solve ethical dilemma4. Applying a wide range of skillsA. microB. mezzoC. macro5. T argeting any size systemA. microB. mezzoC. Marco6. Working in an organizational structure7. Using supervision appropriately8. Assuming a wide range of professional roles9. Following the principles of evidence-based practice10. Employing critical thinking skills11. Using a planned-change processA. engagementB. assessmentC. planningD. implementationE. evaluationF. terminationG. follow-upWorking in an organizational structure under supervisionWhat is organizational structureOrganizational structure is the formal or informal manner in which tasks and responsibilities, lines of authority, channels of communication, and dimensions of power are established and coordinated within an organization.What is supervisionSupervision is the process by which a designated supervisor watches over a workers’ performance.A wide range of rolescounseloreducatorbrokercase managermobilizermediatorfacilitatoradvocatesupervisorsmanagers3 skills (technical, people and conceptual)Evidence-based practiceEvidence-based practice is a process in which practitioners make practice decisions in light of the best research evidence available.Tools, models, methods and policies must be validated by research and consequence evaluation also should use scientific research methodsCritical thinking skillsAvoiding the fallacy trap1. Relying on case examples2. being vague3. Being biased or not objective4. Believing that if it’s writ ten down it must be rightasking questionsassessing factasserting a conclusionPlanned-change processPlanned change and problem-solvingStep1 engagementStep2 assessmentStep3 planningStep4 implementationStep5 evaluationStep6 terminationEngagement: social workers begin to establish communication and a relationship with others and orient themselves to the problems.skillsVerbal communication and nonverbal communication (cultural variations) Conveying warmth, empathy, and genuineness Alleviating initial client anxiety and introducing the worker's purpose and roleAssessment: gather and analyze information to provide a concise picture of the client and his or her needs and strengths. skillsLooking beyond individual and examine other factors in their environment Finding strengthsPaying attention human diversityPlanning: what should be doneAlternatives and consequencesimplementation: following the plans to achieve the goalsEvaluation: determine whether a given change effort was worthwhile.termination: the end of the professional social work-client relationship types:Natural, forced, and unplannedskillsAppropriate timingChapter 5: Practice SettingSetting in Social Work Practice: Organizations and Communities ?Organizations are entities made up of people that have rules and structure to achieve specified goals.Social services in the context of social agencies.Social services include the wide range of activities that social workers perform to help people solve problems and improve their personal well-being.A social agency is an organization providing social services that typically employs social workers in addition to office staff, and sometimes volunteers. Forms:Public or private;Nonprofit or proprietary (for profit)Social work practice in the context of communitiesA community is “a number of people who have something in summon with one another that connects them in some way and that distinguishes them from others.Some mutual characteristic, such as "location, interest, identification, culture, and activities"Types:Locality-based community;Non geographic communityThe special circumstances of social work practice in rural communities.Low population densitySocial problems faced by rural residents:poverty, lack of transportation, inadequate child care, unemployment, substandard housing, and insufficient health care and so on.Four special issues for rural social workers:(1)true gene lists(work with different level case systems and use a wide of skills)(2) Interagency cooperation.(3) The importance of understanding the community, knowing its values and developing relationships with rural residents (informal relationship)(4) Emphasizing strengths inherent in rural communities. (Informal supporting system)Urban social workUrban social work is practice within the context of large cities, with their vast array of social problems, exceptional diversity, and potential range of resources. Five problems in urban areas:(1)Social problems occur with greater frequency and therefore are more visible(2) Widespread occurrence of discriminatory behavior.(3) Migration problems.(4) Financial shortfalls or unavailability of resources.(5)Greater amount of psychological stressSkills necessary for urban social work(1) Paying attention to human diversity(2) Understanding their agency environment(3) Seeking resources in the external urban environment(4) Using advocacyMicro practice: social work with individualscounseloreducatorbrokerfacilitatoradvocateMicro/mezzo practice: social work with familiesThe primary purpose of family social work is to help families learn to function more competently while meeting the development and emotional needs of all members.The task of family social workers(1) Be responsive to the styles and values of families from other special populations.(2) Break complex tasks into smaller specific steps.(3) Assess the key skills needed for less stressful family interaction.(4) Explain and model appropriate skills.(5) Assess individual learning styles and ways to teach adults and children(6) Establish homework and other means of ensuring generalization of skills from one setting to another.(7) Promote and reward skill acquisition.(8) Emphasize strategies that help develop the strengths of family members(9) Motivate the family to stay involved even when faced with challenges and setback.The importance of social networks for families.Social network: the structure and number of people and groups with whom you have contact or consider yourself to be in contact.Emotional support, instrumental support, informational support and appraisal supportMezzo practice: social work with groupTreatment groupMacro practice: social work with organizations and communities ?social actionsocial planninglocality developmentMacro skills(1) Agency or public social policies may require change.(2) Entail initiating and conducting projects within agency or community contexts(3) Planning and implementing new social service programs within an agency or community.Chapter 6: An overview of social welfare and social work historyEarly European Approaches to Social WelfareFeudalismLands owner vs. landless serfMedieval hospitalChurchPeople have little mobility, free choice, potential for change.Judeo-Christian thought: "Good deeds, love of one's enemies, and entry into heaven through mercy and charity". England after feudalism's demisePeople gained mobility and independence but lost much of the safety and security the old feudal system had provided. Government regains social control by passing some statute, such as: Keeping people from moving;Forbidding able-bodied people from begging.The English Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601Recipients are categorized into:1. Dependent children2. Impotent poor3. The able-bodied poor1662 Law of settlement established a new principle of social welfare provision: residency requirement.The Speenhamland SystemThe first Minimum income maintenance systemThe English Poor Law reforms of 1834Government would not provide outdoor relief for able-bodied people.Blame the victimU. S. Social welfare History: Early Colonization to the mid-1800s ?Services reflected a mix of public and private collaboration.Government assumed responsibility of administration aid but often called upon local churches for help.Residency requirement was established.Focus on Mental Health and Mental illnessMoral treatment: humane treatment in structured institutional settingsThe Civil War EraFreeman Bureau: the first federal welfare agency1870-1900Two trends:Industrialization;UrbanizationFocus on children: early policiesInstitutional care: almshouse and orphanageFoster careSettlement House, Charity Organization Societies, and Generalist social workSettlement House were places where ministers, students, or humanitarians 'settle' to interact with poor slum dwellers with the purpose of alleviating the condition of capitalism.Characters1. Settle house approach address the problems in the context of environment.2. Emphasize on advocacy3. Emphasize on empowerment of peopleCharity Organization SocietiesFriendly visitorEstablish a base of scientific knowledge and apply it to the helping process Focus on curing individualThe Progressive period: 1900 to 1930The Great Depression and the 1930sThe Great Depression and New DealCash reliefShort-term work relief,Expansion of employmentThe Social Security Act of 1935Social insurance (for old age, disability, death of a breadwinner, unemployment, and work-related injury and sickness) Public Assistance (old people, children and blind people)The 1960s and the War on PovertyMore people of color are in poverty than white people.Public assistance roll were escalating even unemployment decreased.the public welfare amendments of 1962Supportive social service to help welfare recipients to self-supporting.War on povertyHead Start; Volunteers in Service to AmericaA Return to Conservatism in the 1970sConservative extremes in the 1980s and early 1990s.TranslationSocial Workers have difficulties with empowerment strategies because their agencies are part of a social system which routinely devalues certain minority groups. Making equal responses to all people who come to an agency may reduce discrimination. Since negative valuations are so widespread, agencies may unthinkingly implement them. Consequently, we discourage potential clients from using the agency and they do not receive the equal treatment available.Chapter 7: Policy, Policy Analysis, Policy Practice, and Policy Advocacy Social welfare policyPolicy: rules that govern people's lives and dictate expectations for behavior.Social Welfare Policy: Laws and regulations that govern which social welfare programs exist, what categories of clients are served, and who qualifies for a given program.Agency Policy: standards adopted by organizations and programs that provide services.Social Welfare Policy Developmentphase 1Recognizing society's values about what is considered important or worthwhile.Phase 2Identifying problems and needs that require attention.Phase 3Identification of public opinion about an identified problem and people's related needs.Normative orientationphase 4Legislators confronted with a problem or need and swamped with public opinion undertake the complicated formulation of social welfare policy to address the issues.Phase 5Implementation through a social welfare program.Phase 6Social services are delivered by social workers and other staff in the context of social services agencies.Structural components of social welfare programs1. What are people's needs and program goals?I.e. the food stamp program2. What kinds of benefits are provided?Cash and in-kind3. What are the eligibility criteria for the program?Means test4. Who pays for the programs?General tax, state lottery, social security tax; private agency; client5. How is the program administered and run?National, state, or local?Value perspectives and political ideology: effects on social responsibility and social welfare program developmentThe conservative-liberal continuumradicalismresidual and institutional perspectives on social welfare policy and program developmentuniversal versus selective service provisionFive-E ApproachHow effective is the policyHow efficient is the policyIs the policy ethically soundWhat does evaluation of potential alternative policies revealWhat recommendations can be established for positive changes Policy Practice and Policy AdvocacyChapter 8: Social work and services in health careHealth problemsFactors causing health problems:1. Unhealthful lifestyles2. Physical injured3. Enviromental factors4. Poverty5. ContagiousSocial Work Roles in Health Care:medical social workerSocial work roles in direct health care practice1. Hospital, medical clinics and so on(1) Help patients understand and interpret technical medical jargon(2) Offer emotional support(3) Help terminally ill people deal with their feelings and make end-of-life plans.(4) Help patient’s adjust their lives and lifestyles to accommodate to new conditions when they return home after medical treatment(5) Help parents of children who have serious illnesses or disabilities cope with these conditions and respond to children's needs.(6) Serve as brokers who link patients with necessary supportive resources andservices after leaving the medical facility.(7) Help patients make financial arrangements to pay hospital and other medical bills.(8) Provide health education aimed at establishing a healthful lifestyle and preventing illness.2. Public Health Departments and other health care contexts(1) Preventing diseases(2) Prolonging life(3) Promoting health and efficiency through organized community effort3. Managed care settingsTraditional healthy insurance (fee-for-service basis)Assessment to determine whether patients are eligible for benefits and which are most appropriate.Macro Practice in Health care: seeking empowermentAdvocating for health coverage and health care legislation, policies and resourcesHealth Care policy and problems in the macro environmentThe escalating cost of health care1. The rapid acceleration of technological advances has increased the types of services, drugs, and testing available.2. The population is aging.Unequal access to health careNational health insurance vs. contribution-based health insuranceProblems in managed careCapitationCost and health-care outcomeCultural competenceAPI cultural:Filial pietyCollective versus individual decision makingEmphasis on Harmony versus conflictNonverbal communicationsFatalismShame at asking for helpInternational perspectives: AIDS-A Global CrisisAIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndromeHIV: human immunodeficiency virusEmpowerment for people living with AIDS victims vs. People living with AIDS Social work roles and empowerment for people living with AIDS Counseling;Educator;Crisis intervention;Empowerment and reconnection (support system);Family counseling;。
public hearing 听证会structure peer counseling 结构化的同辈咨询social institution 社会制度case management 个案管理mental health center 精神健康中心generally fall into 通常会分成三类psychiatric wards 精神病病房possess 拥有end of the line 穷途末路feel rejection 抛弃nursing homes 疗养院normal lives 正常生活foster home 寄养家庭mistrust 不信任sound interpersonal relationships 和谐的人际关系discharge 出院community resources 社区资源resocialization 再社会化the halfway house 中途之家independent living 独立生活rehabilitation centers 康复中心cure of disease 疾病治疗the preservation and promotion of health 医疗维持和医疗提升the prevention of disease 疾病的预防medicaL services 药物服务interdisciplinary sharing of knowledge 跨学科interaction 互动the policy-making process 政策制定过程interpersonal 人际关系interdisciplinary training 跨专业的训练probation缓刑a dropout rate of 辍学率correctional services 矫正服务antisocial behavior 反社会行为probation 缓刑benevolent reformers 慈善改革家suspected offenders 嫌疑犯prosecution and defense 起诉和辩护judicial process 判决过程social climate 社会环境feelings of inferiority 自卑感constructive behavior 建设性的行为belief in the dignity and worth of human beings 相信尊严的价值respect for individual differences 尊重个体差异social study 社会研究assessment 评估treatment 治疗termination 结束respect the right of self-determination 尊重自我决定normal behavior 正常行为coil spring 弹簧a law-abiding citizen 守法公民greatly relieved 如释重负bahavior patterns 行为模式a part-time job 兼职(the)chronic alcoholic 长期酗酒(者)(the)drug abuser 药物泛滥(者)prescription drugs 处方药terminal illnesses 致命疾病spouse 配偶emotional support 情感支持daughter-in-law 儿媳妇milestone 里程碑aging in place 居家养老1.case management services by a person or team provide long-term, caring, supportive relationships, using whatever community resources are appropriate. The case manager provides direct assistance in obtaining needed services and coordinates and monitors services within and outside the mental health system with all agencies providing service,病例管理服务由一个人或团队提供长期、关怀、支持关系,使用适当的社区资源。
2024年初级社工讲义English Answer:Chapter 1: Introduction to Social Work.Social work is a profession that helps people improve their well-being and live fulfilling lives. Social workers work with individuals, families, groups, and communities to address a wide range of social problems, including poverty, homelessness, mental illness, and addiction.Social work is based on the belief that everyone has the potential to change and improve their lives. Social workers empower people by helping them develop the skills and resources they need to overcome their challenges.Core Values of Social Work.The core values of social work are:Service: Social workers are committed to helping others. They believe that everyone deserves to have a fair chance in life.Social justice: Social workers believe that everyone should have equal access to resources and opportunities. They work to challenge discrimination and oppression.Dignity and worth of the person: Social workers believe that everyone is valuable and deserves to be treated with respect.Importance of human relationships: Social workers believe that relationships are essential for well-being. They work to build strong relationships between people and their communities.Confidentiality: Social workers keep the information that clients share with them confidential.Education and Training for Social Workers.Social workers must have a bachelor's degree in social work (BSW) or a master's degree in social work (MSW). BSW programs typically take four years to complete, while MSW programs typically take two years to complete.Social work programs include coursework in a variety of areas, including:Social work theory and practice.Social policy.Human behavior and the social environment.Research methods.Field experience.Social workers must also complete a supervised field placement before they can become licensed.Licensure and Certification.Social workers must be licensed in order to practice. Licensure requirements vary from state to state. In most states, social workers must pass a national exam and complete a certain number of continuing education hours each year.Social workers can also obtain certification in a variety of specialty areas, such as child welfare, mental health, and substance abuse.Career Opportunities for Social Workers.Social workers can work in a variety of settings, including:Hospitals.Schools.Mental health clinics.Social service agencies.Non-profit organizations.Government agencies.Social workers can hold a variety of positions, including:Case manager.Therapist.Counselor.Program director.Executive director.Chapter 2: Social Work Practice.Social work practice is the process of helping peopleidentify and address their problems. Social workers use a variety of methods to help people, including:Casework: Casework is a one-on-one approach to helping people. Social workers work with clients to identify their problems and develop a plan to address them.Group work: Group work is a method of helping people through group activities. Social workers lead groups that focus on a variety of topics, such as parenting, mental health, and substance abuse.Community organizing: Community organizing is a method of helping people to identify and address problems in their communities. Social workers work with community members to develop and implement plans for change.Social work practice is based on the belief that people are capable of change and improvement. Social workers empower people by helping them develop the skills and resources they need to overcome their challenges.The Social Work Process.The social work process typically involves thefollowing steps:1. Assessment: Social workers assess clients' needs and strengths. They gather information from clients, their families, and other professionals.2. Planning: Social workers develop a plan with clients to address their needs. The plan may include goals, objectives, and strategies.3. Intervention: Social workers implement the plan with clients. They may provide counseling, support, or other services.4. Evaluation: Social workers evaluate the progress of clients. They make adjustments to the plan as needed.Chapter 3: Social Work and Social Policy.Social work is closely linked to social policy. Social policy is the set of laws, regulations, and programs that affect the well-being of people. Social workers play a role in developing and implementing social policy.Social workers advocate for policies that promotesocial justice. They work to ensure that everyone hasaccess to essential services, such as healthcare, education, and housing.Social workers also work to prevent social problemsfrom occurring. They develop and implement programs that address the root causes of poverty, homelessness, and other social problems.Chapter 4: Social Work Ethics.Social workers must adhere to a code of ethics. Thecode of ethics sets out the principles and values thatguide social workers' practice.The code of ethics includes the following principles:Service: Social workers are committed to helping others.Social justice: Social workers believe that everyone should have equal access to resources and opportunities.Dignity and worth of the person: Social workers believe that everyone is valuable and deserves to be treated with respect.Importance of human relationships: Social workers believe that relationships are essential for well-being.Confidentiality: Social workers keep the information that clients share with them confidential.Social workers who violate the code of ethics may be subject to disciplinary action.中文回答:第一章,社会工作的介绍。
社会工作专业英语参考资料what is social work“The social work profession 专业promotes 促进social change problem-solving in humanrelationships and the empowerment 许可,授权and liberation 释放,解放of people to enhance提高,加强well-being 幸福,幸福感,福利. Utilising 使用,利用theories of humanbehaviour and social systems social work intervenes 干预,介入at points 在点where peopleinteract with 与相互作用their environments. Principles 原则of human rights 人权and socialjustice 司法are fundamental to 对是必要的social work.”Nature of the Work Social work is a profession for those with a strong desire to help improve people lives.Social workers help people function(动词)运行the best way they can in their environmentdeal with their relationships and solve personal and family problems. Social workers often see 看见,理解clients 案主who face a life-threatening 重度,致命的disease 疾病or a socialproblem such as inadequate 不足的housing unemployment a serious illness a disability 残疾,丧失能力的or substance abuse 药物滥用. Social workers also assist 帮助families thathave serious domestic 家庭的conflicts 冲突sometimes involving child or spousal abuse 虐待配偶. Social workers often provide social services in health-related settings 设置that now aregoverned 管理,支配by managed care 管理式医疗organizations. To contain 含,控制coststhese organizations emphasize 强调,注重short-term intervention 介入,干预ambulatory 流动的,非固定的and community-based 社区的care and greater decentralization 分散ofservices. Most social workers specialize 专门从事,专业化. Although some conduct research 进行研究,进行调研工作or are involved in planning or policy development most social workersprefer an area of practice in which they interact with 与相互作用clients. Child family and school social workers provide social services and assistance 帮助toimprove the social and psychological functioning 心理机能,心理功能of children and theirfamilies and to maximize 取最大值,最大化the family well-being and academic 学术的,理论的functioning of children. Some social workers assist single parents arrange adoptions 领养orhelp find foster homes 寄养家庭for neglected 被忽视的abandoned 被抛弃的or abused 被虐待children. In schools they address 从事,忙于such problems as teenage pregnancy 怀孕misbehavior 品行不端and truancy 旷课,逃学and advise teachers on how to cope with 处理,应付problem students. Increasingly 逐渐的school social workers are teaching workshops 研习会,讲习班to an entire 整个的class. Some social workers specialize in 专门研究,专攻services for senior citizens 老人(尤指退休者)running 流动的,连续的support groups 支持小组for family caregivers 照顾着,看护人or for the adult children of aging 成年parentsadvising elderly 老年的people or family members about choices in areas such as housingtransportation and long-term care 长期护理,长期医疗and coordinating 协调and monitoring监督these services. Through employee 雇员assistance 帮助programs they may help workerscope with 处理,应付job-related pressures or with personal problems that affect the quality oftheir work. Child family and school social workers typically 代表性的,典型的work forindividual 个人的and family services agencies schools or State 国家,州or local governments.These social workers may be known as 被称为,被认为child welfare 儿童福利social workersfamily services social workers child protective 保护的services social workers occupational 职业的social workers or gerontology 老年学social workers. Medical 医学的and public health 公共卫生social workers provide persons families orvulnerable 易受伤害的populations with the psychosocial 社会心理的support needed to copewith chronic 长期的,慢性的acute 严重的or terminal illnesses 终期病患,晚期疾病such asAlzheimers disease 早老性痴呆cancer or AIDS. They also advise familycaregivers 照顾者counsel 建议,劝告patients and help plan for patients’ needs after discharge 后放by arrangingfor at-home services from meals-on-wheels to oxygen 氧气equipment. Some work oninterdisciplinary 跨领域的teams that evaluate 评价,评估certain kinds of patients—geriatric 老年病人or organ transplant 器官移植patients for example. Medical and public health socialworkers may work for hospitals nursing 护理,看护and personal care facilities individual 个人的,个别的and family services agencies or local governments. Mental health 心理健康and substance abuse 药物滥用social workers assess 评定,评估and treat individuals 个人with mental illness 精神病or substance abuse problems includingabuse of alcohol tobacco 烟草or other drugs. Such services include individual and grouptherapy 治疗,疗法outreach 延伸,扩广crisis intervention 危机干预,危机介入socialrehabilitation 复原and training in skills of everyday living. They also may help plan forsupportive 支持的services to ease 减轻,使安心patients and return to the community. Mentalhealth and substance abuse social workers are likely to work in hospitals substance abusetreatment centers individual and family services agencies or local governments. These socialworkers may be known as clinical 临床的social workers. Counselors 辅导员,顾问andpsychologists 心理学家who may provide similar services. Other types of social workers include social work planners and policymakers who developprograms to address 处理such issues 问题,议题as child abuse homelessness substance abusepoverty 贫困and violence. These workers research and analyze policies programs andregulations 条例,规程. They identify social problems and suggest legislative 立法机构andother solutions. They may help raise funds 筹集资金or write grants 补助金,津贴to supportthese programs.Employment 工作,就业Social workers held about 562000 jobs in 2004. About 9 out of 10 jobs were in health careand social assistance 社会救助industries as well as State and local government agenciesprimarily 首先,主要的in departments of health and human services. Although most socialworkers are employed 受聘于,被雇佣in cities or suburbs 郊区some work in rural areas 农村地区. The following tabulation 表格shows 2004 employment by type of social worker: Child family and school social workers 272000 Mental health and substance abuse social workers 116000 Medical and public health social workers 110000 Social workers all other 64000Job Outlook 展望Competition for social worker jobs is expected in cities where demand for 对的需求services often is highest and training programs 训练计划for social workers are prevalent 流行的,普遍的. However opportunities should be good in rural areas 农村计划which often find itdifficult to attract and retain 保持,保留qualified 合格的,能胜任的staff. By specialty 专业,专长job prospects 前景may be best for those social workers with a background in gerontology老年医学and substance abuse treatment. Employment of social workers is expected to increase faster than the average 平均for alloccupations 职业,行业through 2014. The rapidly 迅速的growing elderly 年老的populationand the aging baby boom generation 生育高峰年will create greater demand for health and socialservices resulting in particularly rapid job growth among gerontology 老年医学social workers.Many job openings 职位空缺also will stem from 出于,来自the need to replace 取代,替换social workers who leave the occupation. As hospitals continue to limit the length of patient stays the demand for social workers inhospitals will grow more slowly than in other areas. Because hospitals are releasing 释放patientsearlier than in the past social worker employment in home health care services is growing.However the expanding 扩大的senior 年老的population is an even larger factor. Employmentopportunities for social workers with backgrounds in gerontology should be good in the growingnumbers of 许多,若干assisted协助,辅助-living and senior-living communities. Theexpanding senior population also will spur 鼓舞,刺激demand for social workers in nursinghomes long-term care facilities and hospices 济贫院. Strong demand is expected for substance abuse social workers over the 2004 4 projection规划period 周期,时期. Substance abusers are increasingly 逐渐的being placed into treatmentprograms instead of being sentenced to 判决prison. Because of the increasing numbers ofindividuals sentenced to prison or probation 缓刑who are substance abusers correctional 矫正的systems are increasingly requiring substance abuse treatment as a condition added to theirsentencing 量刑or probation 试用. As this trend grows demand will increase for treatmentprograms and social workers to assist abusers on the road to 在过程中recovery 恢复,痊愈. Employment of social workers in private social service agencies also will increase. Howeveragencies increasingly will restructure 调整,重改结构services and hire more lower paid socialand human service assistants instead of social workers. Employment in State and localgovernment agencies may grow somewhat 有点,稍微in response to 响应,对有反应increasing needs for public welfare 社会福利,公共福利family services and child protection 保护,照顾services however many of these services will be contracted out 包出,批给外界承办to private agencies. Employment levels in public and private social services agencies mayfluctuate 波动,涨落depending on need and government funding 资金,经费levels. Employment of school social workers also is expected to grow as expanded efforts torespond to 响应rising student enrollments 登记,注册人数and continued emphasis on 着重于,强调integrating 整合disabled children into the general school population lead to more jobs.There could be competition for school social work jobs in some areas because of the limitednumber of openings. The availability 有效性,可用性of Federal 联邦的,同盟的State andlocal funding 资金,经费will be a major factor in determining the actual job growth in schools. Opportunities for social workers in private practice 私人机构will expand but growth maybe somewhat hindered 阻碍,妨碍by restrictions 限制,限制条件that managed care 管理式医疗organizations put on 增加mental health 心理健康services. The growing popularity ofemployee assistance programs is expected to spur demand for private practitioners some ofwhom provide social work services to corporations 公司,企业on a contractual 合同的,契约的basis. However the popularity of employee assistance programs will fluctuate 波动,涨落with the business cycle 商业周期because businesses are not likely to offer these services duringrecessions 衰退.Earnings Median 中值,中位数annual earnings 年收益of child family and school social workerswere 34820 in May 2004. The middle 50 percent earned between 27840 and 45140. Thelowest 10 percent earned less than 23130 and the top 10 percent earned more than 57860.Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of child family andschool social workers in May 2004 were:Elementary 小学and secondary 中学schools 44300Local government 40620State government 35070Individual and family services 30680Other residential 住宅的care facilities 30550 Median annual earnings of medical 医学的and public health social workers were 40080 inMay 2004. The middle 50 percent earned between 31620 and 50080. The lowest 10 percentearned less than 25390 and the top 10 percent earned more than 58740. Median annualearnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of medical and public health socialworkers in May 2004 were:General medical and surgical 外科的hospitals 44920Home health care services 42710Local government 39390Nursing care 护理facilities 35680Individual and family services 32100 Median annual earnings of mental health and substance abuse social workers were 33920in May 2004. The middle 50 percent earned between26730 and 43430. The lowest 10 percentearned less than 21590 and the top 10 percent earned more than 54180. Median annualearnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of mental health and substance abusesocial workers in May 2004 were:Psychiatric 精神病学的and substance abuse hospitals 36170Local government 35720Outpatient 门诊服务care centers 33220Individual and family services 32810Residential mental retardation 智力缺陷mental health and substance abuse facilities 29110Median annual earnings of social workers all other were 39440 in May 2004. The middle 50percent earned between 30350 and 51530. The lowest 10 percent earned less than 24080and the top 10 percent earned more than 62720. Median annual earnings in the industriesemploying the largest numbers of social workers all other in May 2004 were:Local government 42570State government 40940Individual and family services 32280About 1 out of 5 social workers is a member of a union. Many belong to the union associatedwith their place of employment.二、汉译英①There are many ways to have a happy marriagebut only a few ways marriages go bad.有很多方法可以有一个幸福的婚姻,但只有少数的方式结婚变坏。
Profess ional English for Social Work课程导入:社会工作究竟是一门什么样的课程?我们为什么要学习社会工作?学习它有什么用?对社会工作有多少了解?请说出你所知道的社会工作概念。
Chapter One Social work: IntroductionPart 1、专业知识点学习-句子1、Social work is a profession that focuses particularly on helping people.2、Social work helps people to solve their personal, family and community problems.3、Social work emphasizes human values.4、Social work practice is an art with a scientific and value foundation.5、The family is often regarded as the case in social work.6、Social work has distinctive professional bodies.7、The relationship is the key in the social work process.8、Most social workers are employed in agency settings.9、Traditionally social workers have provided services and therapy for individuals and families.10、The basic functions of social work are intertwined and interdependent.11、Most social workers are on fixed salaries.12 、Fees are utilized for the welfare of the agency.13 、We find that people are still center of the world and its values.14 、As people live together, problems of relationship and interaction emerge.15 、Fifteen-second ads channeled into our homes are common.16 、Use of drugs is on the increase around the world.17 、”computer criminals” are on the scene18 、The school counselor and the social worker share much in common.19 、In one sense, social work is a part of marriage counseling.20 、Social work today is utilized in a variety of settings and agencies.Part 2、专业知识点学习-翻译1、有些人将咨询员的角色与作用和社会工作者的角色与作用混为一谈。
社会调查的理论与方法Theories &Methods for Social Investigation社会调查方法Methods for Social Investigation社会工作Social Work社会统计分析与SYSTAT应用Social Statistics Analysis & SYSTA T Application社会统计学Social Statistics社会问题研究Research on Social Problems社会心理学Social Psychology社会学概论Introduction to Sociololgy社会学简论Brief Introduction to Sociology社会学理论专题Current Issues in Theories of Socilolgy社会学问题研究Research on Problems of Sociology社会学研究方法Research Methods of Sociology社会主义财政学Finance of Socialism社会主义各国政,经体制讨论Discussion on Political & Economic Systems in Socialism社会学Sociology社会工作者Social worker案主Client社会问题Social problem社会心理Social mental state 社会调查The society investigates个案社会工作Social cases work团体社会工作Social group work社区社会工作social Community work社工导论The introdution of social work社会调查应用the application for society investigates家庭暴力Domestic violence失恋Disappoint in love人在情境中Person in situation弱势群体disadvantaged groups社会保障social security社会福利制度the social welfare system社会公德social morality单亲家庭single parent family独生子女the only child失业率rate of unemployment民工the imigrant worker社会学概论Introduction to Sociology社会工作概论Introduction to Social Work社会心理学Social Psychology国外社会学学说Sociological Theories in the West社会调查与研究方法Social Survey & Research Method社会统计与计算机应用Social Statistics and Application of Computer马克思主义社会学经典著作选读Selected Readings of Marxist-Leninist Classics社会保障与社会福利Social Security & Social Welfare当代社会学理论Modern Sociological Theories社会政策Social Policy文化人类学Cultural Anthropology中国社会思想史History of Social Theories in China人口社会学Sociology of Population农村社会学Rural Sociology城市社会学Urban Sociology家庭社会学Sociology of Family发展社会学Sociology of Development经济社会学Economic Sociology组织社会学Sociology of Organization专业英语English for Sociology社会学专题讲座Issues of Sociology民俗学Folklore Studies文化社会学Cultural Sociology 宗教社会学Sociology of Religion教育社会学Sociology of Education越轨与犯罪社会学Sociology of Deviance & Crime当代社会的生活文化Life Style in Current Society西方社会思想史History of Western Social Thought社会问题Social Problems社会分层与社会流动Social Stratification & Mobility科学社会学Sociology of Education社会项目评估和统计指标Statistical Indexes & uation of Social Projects文化社会学Cultural Sociology历史社会学Historical Sociology政治社会学Political Sociology法律社会学Sociology of Law环境社会学Sociology of Environment劳动社会学Sociology of Labor公共关系Public Relations团体工作Group Work社区工作Community Work社会工作实习Practice of Social Work社会行政Social Administration数据分析技术Statistical Package & Applications for the Social Sciences贫困与发展Poverty and Development社会性别研究Gender Studies家庭社会工作Family Social Work临床社会工作Clinical Social Work社会立法Social lagislation老年社会工作Gerontological Social Work青少年越轨与矫治Juvenile Delinquency & Correction社区服务Community Services心理咨询Psychological Counseling整合社会工作实务Integrative Social Work Practice社会工作专业英语English for Social Work保险与信托Insurance and Entrustment教学实习Teaching Practice管理学Management TheoryAdministration 行政Basic assumptions and principles of ~ 行政的基本假定与原则Collaboration in 行政工作的合并In community organization 社区组织中的行政Consultation in 行政咨询Defined 行政的定义Importancy of 行政的重要性Interagency coopration 行政的重要性Shifting power in 行政分权Supervision in 行政督导social workers'club 社工俱乐部Administration in social work (journal ) 《社会工作行政》(杂志)Adolescents 青少年Drug abuse and 吸毒与青少年Health care services 青少年卫生保健服务Pregnancy and 怀孕与青少年Suicide and 自杀与青少年Adoption 领养Applicants for 申请领养人Indepengdent placements 独立安置Open 公开领养Sa fe families act 《领养与安全家庭法案》Advocacy 倡导In community organization 社区组织中的倡导In future of social work 未来社会工作中的倡导Aftercare facilities 出院后的照顾设施Agency settings 机构场所For group work 小组工作的机构场所Aging 老年Caregivers 老年照顾者Case management 个案管理Community organization and 社区组织与老年Day care centers 老年日间护理中心Health care services 老年健康照顾服务Income adequacy and 充足收入与老人Living arrangemengs and 居住安排与老年Independence and dignity in 老年的独立与尊严Mental health 心理健康Nursing home alternatives 护理院之外的选择Nursing homes 老年护理院Older americans act (1995) 《美国老年人法案》(1995)Retirement 退休Suicide and 自杀与老年Trends and 人口老化趋势White house conferences on aging 白宫老年议会AIDS epidemic 艾滋病流行Alcoholism 醺酒Almshouses 济贫院A A for marriage amd family therapy 美国婚姻与家庭治疗协会A A for the study of group work 美国小组工作研究会A A of Group worker 美国小组工作者协会A A of marriage counselors 美国婚姻辅导委员会A A of medical social worker 美国医务社会工作者协会A A of psychiatric social work 美国精神病社会工作者协会A A of schools of social work 美国社会工作院校联合会A A of social workers (aasw) 美国社会工作者协会A hospital association 美国议员联合会A psychiatric association 美国精神病学联合会A red cross 美国,自己翻译吧Assessment 评估In case work process 个案过程中的评估Associated charities 联合慈善机构Bachelor of social work (BSW)degress 社会工作学士学位Balanced budget act (1997) 《平衡预算法案》1997Caregivers 照顾者Case management 个案管理With aging population 老年人口个案惯例DefinedFutureHistory of Parameters of 个案管理的参考标准Purpose ofResearch of 个案管理研究Case study method 个案研究方法Case work 个案工作Biopsychosocial 生理心理社会因素与个案工作DefinedDrug abuse andExamples of 个案工作的案例Freudian approach and 弗洛伊德派与个案工作Generalist perpective 通才观History ofKnowledge and 知识与个案工作Methods of 个案工作的方法Multisystens approach and 多元系统趋向与个案工作Problems inProcess ofPurpose ofSanctions and 社会制裁与个案工作In schoolsTrends inValus andCertification of social workers 社会工作者认证Changing nature of work 工作性质的改变Charity organization societies (COS) 慈善组织协会Cheating 欺诈Child abuse and neglect 虐待与忽视儿童Child guidance movement 儿童指导运动Child welfareAdoptionAFDC 抚养儿童家庭补助计划个人感觉应该是:Aid to Families with Dependent Children(美国)对有子女家庭补助计划child abuse and neglectdefinedfoster care 给养照顾health care serviceshome caremental health services 儿童心理健康服务origins ofprotective services 儿童保护性服务TANF 给贫困家庭临时性援助?temporary aid to need family L ,need : 贫困.还是应该用need 的形容词?Chronically 慢性精神病ChurchCivil rights movement 民权运动Closed systems 封闭系统CocaineCollaboration 协办Interagency 机构间的协办Teamwork concepts and 团队工作概念与协作Commitment 服务承诺Mental hospital 精神病院服务承诺Committee operation 委员会运作Commonwealth fund 英联邦基金Community chest 公益金貌似特指社区公益基金的意思community organization 社区组织corrections and 矫正和社区组织definedexaples ofhistory ofprinciples ofprocesesses in 社区组织的过程roles inschool social work andsommunity resources 社区资源confideniality 保密consulation 咨询assumptions of 咨询的前提假设future ofprinciples ofcontimuing education (CE) 继续教育contract with America 签约美国control groups 控制组coordination 协调in communityu organization 社会组织中的协调corporate health care 矫治definedgroup work inhistory ofpractice in 矫治实践prevention in 矫治中的预防工作processes and principles ofsocial problems relatedsocial services andCouncil on social work education (CSWE) 社会工作教育委员会Curriculum Policy Statements and Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS)课程政策声明与教育政策和审核标准curriculum statements 课程声明generalist perspective and 通才观与CSWE history oflobbying by CSWE的游说工作minority groups andmission statement 使命陈述与prevention andpublicationsCouncils of Aocial Afencies 社会机构委员会Counseling 辅导FamilyMarriagePremarital 婚姻辅导Rehabilitation 康复辅导SchoolAnd social workCourts 法庭Crack 快克Crack/[krAk]n.裂缝, 噼啪声v.(使)破裂, 裂纹, (使)爆裂adj.最好的, 高明的貌似这个词,没搞懂CrimeCultural dissonance 文化失调Day care centers 日间照料中心Day treatment 日间治疗Deinstitutionalization 去机构照顾貌似,没明白division of child and family services 儿童与家庭服务科Doctoral programs in social work 社会工作博士培养方案Dropout rates 辍学率Drug abuse 吸毒Adolescentys and 青少年与吸毒Alcohol 醺酒Emergency care for 虚度紧急救护Extent and cost of 吸毒的范围与代价Growth ofHallucinogens 迷幻药Inhalants 吸入剂Inpatient treatment for 吸毒住院治疗Marijuana 大麻Narcotics 麻醉剂In schoolsSedatives 镇静剂In sports worldStimulants 兴奋剂TobaccoTreatmentDrug courts 吸毒法庭Drug therapy 吸毒治疗Eclecticism 折中主义Education for social work 社会工作教育Administration andCommunity organization andContinuing educationFinancial assistanceFuture ofGeneralist practice perspective andGroup work andMinority group andMSW degreeProfessionalism and 专业主义与社会工作教育Specializaton 社会工作教育的专门化Student participation inElizabethan Poor Laws 《伊丽莎白济贫法》Employee assistance programs (EPAs) 雇员援助计划Encylopedia of Social Work 《社会工作百科全书》Enrichment in living 充实生活Evaluation 评估见:Assessment:(为征税对财产所作的)估价, 被估定的金额Evaluatio:估价, 评价, 赋值Experimental group 试验组见:control groups,控制组Faith-based social service 信心为本的社会服务FamilyBattered women 受虐妇女Battered/[~]adj.打扁了的, 敲碎的。
《社会工作专业英语》Unit 1
• fuzzy / ˈfʌzɪ; ˋfʌzɪ/ adj (-ier, -iest)
• 1. like fuzz; having a soft and fluffy texture 绒毛般的; 有柔软绒毛的织物; 毛
茸茸的: a fuzzy teddy bear, blanket, sweater 毛茸茸的玩具熊﹑ 毯子﹑ 毛衣 * fuzzy (ie tightly curled) hair 有小卷的
• 然而,对于社工这一职业被媒体通过电视、 电影和报刊杂志等描绘出来的形象,社会 工作专业的学生却常常表现出担忧。
The prevailing view frequently voiced by students, educators and practitioners, is that we are typically featured in unflattering, negative terms (e. g. Child snatchers, ineffective do-gooders, fuzzy-thinking liberals, parasites on the public purse, self-serving bureaucrats).
[U] that which gives benefit, profit, advantage,
etc 好处﹑ 利益﹑ 益处等: work for the good of one's country 为国家利益工作 * I'm giving you this advice for your own good. 我劝你是 为你好. * Do social workers do a lot of good?
[U] that which is morally right or acceptable
what is social work?“The social work profession专业 promotes促进 social change, problem—solving in human relationships,and the empowerment许可,授权and liberation释放,解放of people to enhance提高,加强 well-being幸福,幸福感,福利。
Utilising使用,利用 theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes干预,介入 at points在点 where people interact with与相互作用 their environments. Principles原则 of human rights人权and social justice司法 are fundamental to对~是必要的 social work."Nature of the WorkSocial work is a profession for those with a strong desire to help improve people lives。
Social workers help people function(动词)运行the best way they can in their environment,deal with their relationships, and solve personal and family problems. Social workers often see看见,理解 clients案主 who face a life—threatening重度,致命的disease疾病 or a social problem, such as inadequate不足的 housing, unemployment, a serious illness, a disability残疾,丧失能力的, or substance abuse药物滥用。
1. Problem-solving functions.
2. A scientific and value foundation as an art. 3. Came into being and continues to develop with human being. 4. To takes its values by the society. 5. Knowledge needs for social work practice to develop. 6.Professional skill is expressed by the social worker.
What is Social Work in your opinion? (about 100-120 words)
Unit 1 What is Social Work
1.Charles Zastrow 《Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Empowering People》 Tenth Edition 2.Daniel Weisman 《Professional Writing for Social Work Practice 》
Unit 1 What is Social Work
Q2 What is the distinguishing characteristics of social work ?
1. Focus is on the wholeness and totality of the person. 2. Emphasis is on the importance of the family in molding and influencing behavior. 3. Utilization of community resources in help people to solve problems is very important. 4. Supervisor provides guidance and direction to social workers.
英文材料 社会工作入门
英文材料社会工作入门An Introduction to Social Work.Social work is a profession dedicated to helping individuals, families, groups, and communities achievetheir full potential and resolve problems. It involves a range of activities, including providing direct services, advocating for social change, and researching issues that affect people's well-being. Social workers play a crucial role in building stronger communities and promoting social justice.1. The Core Values and Principles of Social Work.The foundation of social work lies in its core values and principles. These values guide social workers in their practice, ensuring that they are ethical, empathetic, and respectful of the diverse populations they serve. The principles of social work强调 the importance of social justice, human rights, the dignity and worth of the person,and the importance of relationships and environments in shaping individuals' lives.2. The Role of Social Workers.Social workers are found in various settings, including hospitals, schools, community centers, mental health facilities, and correctional institutions. They work with individuals of all ages, from children to the elderly, addressing a wide range of issues such as mental health problems, substance abuse, domestic violence, poverty, and unemployment.3. Direct Services.Direct services are the primary focus of social work practice. These services include counseling, therapy, case management, and referral services. Social workers provide individuals and families with the tools and resources they need to address their problems and improve their lives. They also help clients access other services, such as healthcare, education, and housing.4. Advocacy and Social Change.In addition to providing direct services, social workers are also advocates for social change. They work to identify and address the root causes of social problems, such as poverty, discrimination, and inequality. Social workers advocate for policy changes that will benefit their clients and promote social justice. They also work with communities to build coalitions and mobilize support for change.5. Research in Social Work.Research is another crucial aspect of social work. Social workers conduct and use research to understand the social problems they face and develop effective solutions. They collect data, analyze trends, and evaluate the effectiveness of their interventions. This knowledge is then used to improve practice, inform policy, and advocate for change.6. The Future of Social Work.As society continues to evolve, social work will playan increasingly important role in addressing complex social issues. The profession will need to adapt to new challenges, such as the impact of technology on social relationships, the growing diversity of the population, and the increasing demand for mental health services.To meet these challenges, social workers will need to stay up-to-date on best practices, use technology to enhance their practice, and collaborate with other professionals to provide comprehensive care. They will also need to continue to advocate for social change, working to create a more just and equitable society for all.In conclusion, social work is a dynamic and rewarding profession that aims to improve the lives of individualsand communities. It requires a commitment to social justice, empathy, and continuous learning. As the world continues to change, social workers will play a vital role in building stronger communities and promoting the well-being of all.。
社会调查的理论与方法Theories &Methods for Social Investigation社会调查方法Methods for Social Investigation社会工作Social Work社会统计分析与SYSTAT应用Social Statistics Analysis & SYSTA T Application社会统计学Social Statistics社会问题研究Research on Social Problems社会心理学Social Psychology社会学概论Introduction to Sociololgy社会学简论Brief Introduction to Sociology社会学理论专题Current Issues in Theories of Socilolgy社会学问题研究Research on Problems of Sociology社会学研究方法Research Methods of Sociology社会主义财政学Finance of Socialism社会主义各国政,经体制讨论Discussion on Political & Economic Systems in Socialism社会学Sociology社会工作者Social worker案主Client社会问题Social problem社会心理Social mental state 社会调查The society investigates个案社会工作Social cases work团体社会工作Social group work社区社会工作social Community work社工导论The introdution of social work社会调查应用the application for society investigates家庭暴力Domestic violence失恋Disappoint in love人在情境中Person in situation弱势群体disadvantaged groups社会保障social security社会福利制度the social welfare system社会公德social morality单亲家庭single parent family独生子女the only child失业率rate of unemployment民工the imigrant worker社会学概论Introduction to Sociology社会工作概论Introduction to Social Work社会心理学Social Psychology国外社会学学说Sociological Theories in the West社会调查与研究方法Social Survey & Research Method社会统计与计算机应用Social Statistics and Application of Computer马克思主义社会学经典著作选读Selected Readings of Marxist-Leninist Classics社会保障与社会福利Social Security & Social Welfare当代社会学理论Modern Sociological Theories社会政策Social Policy文化人类学Cultural Anthropology中国社会思想史History of Social Theories in China人口社会学Sociology of Population农村社会学Rural Sociology城市社会学Urban Sociology家庭社会学Sociology of Family发展社会学Sociology of Development经济社会学Economic Sociology组织社会学Sociology of Organization专业英语English for Sociology社会学专题讲座Issues of Sociology民俗学Folklore Studies文化社会学Cultural Sociology 宗教社会学Sociology of Religion教育社会学Sociology of Education越轨与犯罪社会学Sociology of Deviance & Crime当代社会的生活文化Life Style in Current Society西方社会思想史History of Western Social Thought社会问题Social Problems社会分层与社会流动Social Stratification & Mobility科学社会学Sociology of Education社会项目评估和统计指标Statistical Indexes & uation of Social Projects文化社会学Cultural Sociology历史社会学Historical Sociology政治社会学Political Sociology法律社会学Sociology of Law环境社会学Sociology of Environment劳动社会学Sociology of Labor公共关系Public Relations团体工作Group Work社区工作Community Work社会工作实习Practice of Social Work社会行政Social Administration数据分析技术Statistical Package & Applications for the Social Sciences贫困与发展Poverty and Development社会性别研究Gender Studies家庭社会工作Family Social Work临床社会工作Clinical Social Work社会立法Social lagislation老年社会工作Gerontological Social Work青少年越轨与矫治Juvenile Delinquency & Correction社区服务Community Services心理咨询Psychological Counseling整合社会工作实务Integrative Social Work Practice社会工作专业英语English for Social Work保险与信托Insurance and Entrustment教学实习Teaching Practice管理学Management TheoryAdministration 行政Basic assumptions and principles of ~ 行政的基本假定与原则Collaboration in 行政工作的合并In community organization 社区组织中的行政Consultation in 行政咨询Defined 行政的定义Importancy of 行政的重要性Interagency coopration 行政的重要性Shifting power in 行政分权Supervision in 行政督导social workers'club 社工俱乐部Administration in social work (journal ) 《社会工作行政》(杂志)Adolescents 青少年Drug abuse and 吸毒与青少年Health care services 青少年卫生保健服务Pregnancy and 怀孕与青少年Suicide and 自杀与青少年Adoption 领养Applicants for 申请领养人Indepengdent placements 独立安置Open 公开领养Sa fe families act 《领养与安全家庭法案》Advocacy 倡导In community organization 社区组织中的倡导In future of social work 未来社会工作中的倡导Aftercare facilities 出院后的照顾设施Agency settings 机构场所For group work 小组工作的机构场所Aging 老年Caregivers 老年照顾者Case management 个案管理Community organization and 社区组织与老年Day care centers 老年日间护理中心Health care services 老年健康照顾服务Income adequacy and 充足收入与老人Living arrangemengs and 居住安排与老年Independence and dignity in 老年的独立与尊严Mental health 心理健康Nursing home alternatives 护理院之外的选择Nursing homes 老年护理院Older americans act (1995) 《美国老年人法案》(1995)Retirement 退休Suicide and 自杀与老年Trends and 人口老化趋势White house conferences on aging 白宫老年议会AIDS epidemic 艾滋病流行Alcoholism 醺酒Almshouses 济贫院A A for marriage amd family therapy 美国婚姻与家庭治疗协会A A for the study of group work 美国小组工作研究会A A of Group worker 美国小组工作者协会A A of marriage counselors 美国婚姻辅导委员会A A of medical social worker 美国医务社会工作者协会A A of psychiatric social work 美国精神病社会工作者协会A A of schools of social work 美国社会工作院校联合会A A of social workers (aasw) 美国社会工作者协会A hospital association 美国议员联合会A psychiatric association 美国精神病学联合会A red cross 美国,自己翻译吧Assessment 评估In case work process 个案过程中的评估Associated charities 联合慈善机构Bachelor of social work (BSW)degress 社会工作学士学位Balanced budget act (1997) 《平衡预算法案》1997Caregivers 照顾者Case management 个案管理With aging population 老年人口个案惯例DefinedFutureHistory of Parameters of 个案管理的参考标准Purpose ofResearch of 个案管理研究Case study method 个案研究方法Case work 个案工作Biopsychosocial 生理心理社会因素与个案工作DefinedDrug abuse andExamples of 个案工作的案例Freudian approach and 弗洛伊德派与个案工作Generalist perpective 通才观History ofKnowledge and 知识与个案工作Methods of 个案工作的方法Multisystens approach and 多元系统趋向与个案工作Problems inProcess ofPurpose ofSanctions and 社会制裁与个案工作In schoolsTrends inValus andCertification of social workers 社会工作者认证Changing nature of work 工作性质的改变Charity organization societies (COS) 慈善组织协会Cheating 欺诈Child abuse and neglect 虐待与忽视儿童Child guidance movement 儿童指导运动Child welfareAdoptionAFDC 抚养儿童家庭补助计划个人感觉应该是:Aid to Families with Dependent Children(美国)对有子女家庭补助计划child abuse and neglectdefinedfoster care 给养照顾health care serviceshome caremental health services 儿童心理健康服务origins ofprotective services 儿童保护性服务TANF 给贫困家庭临时性援助?temporary aid to need family L ,need : 贫困.还是应该用need 的形容词?Chronically 慢性精神病ChurchCivil rights movement 民权运动Closed systems 封闭系统CocaineCollaboration 协办Interagency 机构间的协办Teamwork concepts and 团队工作概念与协作Commitment 服务承诺Mental hospital 精神病院服务承诺Committee operation 委员会运作Commonwealth fund 英联邦基金Community chest 公益金貌似特指社区公益基金的意思community organization 社区组织corrections and 矫正和社区组织definedexaples ofhistory ofprinciples ofprocesesses in 社区组织的过程roles inschool social work andsommunity resources 社区资源confideniality 保密consulation 咨询assumptions of 咨询的前提假设future ofprinciples ofcontimuing education (CE) 继续教育contract with America 签约美国control groups 控制组coordination 协调in communityu organization 社会组织中的协调corporate health care 矫治definedgroup work inhistory ofpractice in 矫治实践prevention in 矫治中的预防工作processes and principles ofsocial problems relatedsocial services andCouncil on social work education (CSWE) 社会工作教育委员会Curriculum Policy Statements and Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS)课程政策声明与教育政策和审核标准curriculum statements 课程声明generalist perspective and 通才观与CSWE history oflobbying by CSWE的游说工作minority groups andmission statement 使命陈述与prevention andpublicationsCouncils of Aocial Afencies 社会机构委员会Counseling 辅导FamilyMarriagePremarital 婚姻辅导Rehabilitation 康复辅导SchoolAnd social workCourts 法庭Crack 快克Crack/[krAk]n.裂缝, 噼啪声v.(使)破裂, 裂纹, (使)爆裂adj.最好的, 高明的貌似这个词,没搞懂CrimeCultural dissonance 文化失调Day care centers 日间照料中心Day treatment 日间治疗Deinstitutionalization 去机构照顾貌似,没明白division of child and family services 儿童与家庭服务科Doctoral programs in social work 社会工作博士培养方案Dropout rates 辍学率Drug abuse 吸毒Adolescentys and 青少年与吸毒Alcohol 醺酒Emergency care for 虚度紧急救护Extent and cost of 吸毒的范围与代价Growth ofHallucinogens 迷幻药Inhalants 吸入剂Inpatient treatment for 吸毒住院治疗Marijuana 大麻Narcotics 麻醉剂In schoolsSedatives 镇静剂In sports worldStimulants 兴奋剂TobaccoTreatmentDrug courts 吸毒法庭Drug therapy 吸毒治疗Eclecticism 折中主义Education for social work 社会工作教育Administration andCommunity organization andContinuing educationFinancial assistanceFuture ofGeneralist practice perspective andGroup work andMinority group andMSW degreeProfessionalism and 专业主义与社会工作教育Specializaton 社会工作教育的专门化Student participation inElizabethan Poor Laws 《伊丽莎白济贫法》Employee assistance programs (EPAs) 雇员援助计划Encylopedia of Social Work 《社会工作百科全书》Enrichment in living 充实生活Evaluation 评估见:Assessment:(为征税对财产所作的)估价, 被估定的金额Evaluatio:估价, 评价, 赋值Experimental group 试验组见:control groups,控制组Faith-based social service 信心为本的社会服务FamilyBattered women 受虐妇女Battered/[~]adj.打扁了的, 敲碎的。
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Introduction to social work and social welfareChapter2Social work values and ethicsChapter3Empowerment and human diversityChapter4The process of generalist practiceChapter5Practice settingsChapter6An overview of social welfare and social work history Chapter7Policy and policy advocacyChapter8Poverty problemsChapter9Social work and social services for children and families Chapter10Social work and social services for older adultsChapter11Social work and social services for people with disabilities Chapter12Social work and social services in health careChapter13Social work and social services in mental healthChapter14Social work and substance use, abuse, and dependence Chapter15Social work and social services for youth and in the schools Chapter16Social work and social services in the criminal justice systemIntroduction to social work and social welfareCase AKeywords: adopt, family service, paperwork, family life planningCase B:Keywords: group session and group work; mental health; self-help group; mutual-help groupCase C:Keywords: Sexual Assault, match, funding-raisingWhat is Social work?Social work is the professional activity of help individuals, groups, or communities enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and creating societal conditions favorable to this goal. Social work practice consists of the professional application of social work values, principles, and techniques to one or more of the following ends:Helping people obtain tangible servicesProviding counseling and psychotherapy with individuals, families and groups. Helping communities or groups provide or improve social and health services Participating in relevant legislative processesFive themes:Social work concerns helping individuals, groups, or communities.Social work entails a solid foundation of values and principles.A firm basis of techniques and skills provides directions.Social works need to link people to recourses or advocate for service development for clients.Social workers participate legislative process to promote positive social changes.What is social welfare?Social welfare is a nation's system of programs, benefits, and services that help people meet those social, economic, educational, and health needs that are fundamental to the maintenance of society.Two Dimensions:What people get from society (programs, benefits and services?)How well their needs (social, economic, educational, and health) are being met How are social welfare and social work related?Debates on social welfare:Individual responsibility: you get you deserveSociety responsibilityWho should assume responsibility for people's social welfare?Residual, institutional, and developmental perspectives on social welfare.1. Residual ModelSocial welfare benefit and service should be supplied only when people fail to provide adequately for themselves.Blame the victim (fault and failure)For instance: social assistanceFamilies in need receive limited and temporary financial assistance until they can get back on their feet.2. Institutional modelPeople have a right to get benefit and service.For instance: public education, fire and police protectionEvery one can get these services.3. Developmental modelThis approach seeks to identify social interventions that have a positive impact on economic development.(1) Invest in education, nutrition and health care(2) In vest in physical facilities(3) help people in need engage in productive employment and self-employment.Political ideology: conservatives, liberalism and radicalismConservatism is the philosophy that individuals are responsible for themselves, government should provide minimal interference in people's lives, and change is generally unnecessary.Liberalism is the philosophy that government should be involved in the social, political and economic structure so that all people's rights and privileges are protected in the name of social justice.Radicalism is the philosophy that the social and political system as it stands is not structurally capable of truly providing social justice. The fundamental changes are necessary in the basic social and political structure to achieve truly fair and equal treatment.Fields of practice in social work⏹Work with people in needs (children, youth, old people, the disable etc.)⏹Work with some occupationThe continuum of social work careers⏹Degree in social workBSW: prepare for the entry-level social workMSW: receive more specialized trainingDSW: teach at the college level or conduct researchSocial work builds on many disciplines⏹psychology⏹sociology⏹political science⏹economics⏹biology⏹psychiatry⏹council⏹cultural anthropology⏹social workSocial workers demonstrate competencies⏹Competencies are measurable practice behaviors that are comprised ofsufficient knowledge, skills, and values" and have the goal of practicing effective social work.Competency 1: identification as a professional social workerCompetency 2: the application of social work ethical principles to guide practice Competency 3: the application of critical thinking to inform professional judgmentsCompetency 4: engagement of diversity in practiceCompetency 5: the advancement of human rights and social economic justice. Competency 6: engagement in research-informed practiceEvidence-based practiceCompetency 7: application of knowledge of human behavior and the social environmentCompetency 8: engagement in policy proactive to advance social and economic well-beingCompetency 9: responsiveness to contexts that shape practiceCompetency 10: engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.Chapter 2 social work values and ethics1. Value and ethicsSocial worker is value-based profession.What is value?Value involves what you do and do not consider important and worthwhile, and also involve judgments and decisions about relative worth.What is Ethics?Ethics involve principles that specify what is good and what is bad. They clarify what should and should not be done•Difference between value and ethics:Value determine what beliefs are appropriate. Ethics address what to do with or how to apply those beliefs to do the right thing.The importance of ethics2. Value and ethics for social workersSix core values for social workers:(1) Service(2) Social justice(3) Dignity and worth of the person(4) Importance of human relationships(5) Integrity(6) CompetenceSocial workers' ethical responsibilities to clients:(1) Self-determinationPractitioners should nurture and support client self-extermination :each individual's right to make his or her own decisions.(2)Privacy and confidentiality(3) Conflict of interest and Dual relationshipsThe clients' best interests must be protected to the maximum extent possible.(4) Sexual relationshipSocial workers’ Ethical responsibilities to colleagues(1) Respect(2) Referral for servicesSocial Workers’ Ethical responsibilities in Practice settingsSocial workers' ethical responsibilities as professionals•competence•against discrimination•honest•not solicit clients for the purpose of personal gainsSocial workers' ethical responsibilities to the social work profession.IntegrityResearchEvaluationSocial workers' ethical responsibilities to the broader society(1) Advocate for people's welfare(2) Ensure fair and equal access to resources and opportunities.(3) Respect cultural diversity.(4) Prevent discrimination against or exploiting peopleTranslation exercises•Social workers must uphold client privacy and confidentiality. Privacy is the condition of being free from unauthorized observation or intrusion.We have established that confidentiality is the ethical principle that workers should not share information provided by a client or about a client unless they have the client's explicit permission to do so. There is more to confidentiality than may be immediately apparent.Confidentiality means more that not revealing information about clients to others. It also involves not asking for more information than is necessary, as well as informing clients about the limitations of confidentiality within the agency setting.Chapter 3 Empowerment and Human DiversityStereotype!•Women are too emotional to make good supervisors•Elderly people can't think well.•Gay and lesbian people really want to be opposite gender.•People with physical disabilities are unemployable.Discrimination, oppression, marginalization, alienation, stereotypes, and prejudice•Discrimination is the act of treating people differently based on the fact that they belong to some group rather than on merit.•Oppression involves putting extreme limitations and constraints on some person, group, or larger system.•Marginalization is the condition of having less power and being viewed as less important than others in the society because of belonging to some group or having some characteristic.•Alienation, related to marginalization, is the feeling that you don't fit in or aren't treated as well as others in the mainstream of society.• A stereotype is a fixed mental picture of member of some specified group based on some attribute or attributes that reflect an overly simplified view of that group, without consideration or appreciation of individual differences.•Prejudice is an opinion or prejudgment about an individual, group, or issue that is not based on fact.• A major social work value involves the importance of people being treated fairly and equally.Populations-at-risk and social economic justice•Diversity emphasizes the similarity and dissimilarity between numerousgroups in society that have distinguishing characteristics.•Populations-at-risk are people at greater risk of deprivation and unfair treatment because they share some identifiable characteristic that places them in diverse group.•Factors: gender, age, religion, culture, disability, class, immigration statusSocial and economic justiceEmpowerment and a Strengths perspectiveEmpowerment is the process of increasing personal, interpersonal, or political power so that individuals can take action to improve their life situations.• A strengths perspective:1. Every individual, group, family and community has strengths.2. Trauma and abuse, illness and struggle may be injurious but they may also be sources of challenge and opportunity.3. Social workers should assume that they do not know the upper limits of the capacity to grow and change and take individual, group, and community aspirations seriously.4. Social workers best serve clients by collaborating with when.5. Every environment is full of resources.Resiliency: seeking strength amid adversityThe ability of an individual, family, group, community, or organization to recover from adversity and resume functioning even when suffering serious trouble, confusion, or hardship.Resiliency involves two dimensions: risk factors and protective factors.Risk factors involve stressful life events or adverse environmental conditions that increase the vulnerability of individuals or other systems.Protective factors involve buffer, moderate, and protect against those vulnerabilities.Human Diversity•Race and EthnicityRace implies a greater genetic determinant, whereas ethnicity often relates to cultural or national heritage.•Culture and cultural competenceCulture is the sum total of life patterns passed on from generation to generation within a group of people and includes institutions, language, religious ideals, habits of thinking, and patterns of social and interpersonal relationships. Social workers need to have cultural competence to address the cultural needs of individuals, families, groups, and communities.叮叮小文库National Origin and immigration statusFour experiences which newcomer faced:Social isolationCultural shockCultural changeGoal-striving•class or social class•political ideology•gender, gender identity, and gender expression•Sexual orientationHomosexual or heterosexual (bisexual)AgeDisabilityReligion and spiritualityChapter 4: Generalist practiceConcepts in the definition of generalist practice1. Acquiring an eclectic knowledge baseA. systems theoryB. ecological perspectiveC. Curriculum content areas1) Values and ethics2) Diversity3) populations-at-risk and social and economic justice4) Human behavior and the social environment5) Social welfare policy and services6) Social work practice7) Research8) Field educationD. Fields of practice2. Emphasizing client empowerment3. Using professional valuesA. social works code of ethicsB. application of professional values to solve ethical dilemma4. Applying a wide range of skillsA. microB. mezzoC. macro5. T argeting any size systemA. microB. mezzoC. Marco6. Working in an organizational structure7. Using supervision appropriately8. Assuming a wide range of professional roles9. Following the principles of evidence-based practice10. Employing critical thinking skills11. Using a planned-change processA. engagementB. assessmentC. planningD. implementationE. evaluationF. terminationG. follow-upWorking in an organizational structure under supervision•What is organizational structure?Organizational structure is the formal or informal manner in which tasks and responsibilities, lines of authority, channels of communication, and dimensions of power are established and coordinated within an organization.•What is supervision?Supervision is the process by which a designated supervisor watches over a workers’ performance.A wide range of roles•counselor•educator•broker•case manager•mobilizer•mediator•facilitator•advocate•supervisors•managers3 skills (technical, people and conceptual)Evidence-based practiceEvidence-based practice is a process in which practitioners make practice decisions in light of the best research evidence available.Tools, models, methods and policies must be validated by research and consequence evaluation also should use scientific research methodsCritical thinking skillsAvoiding the fallacy trap1. Relying on case examples2. being vague3. Being biased or not objective4. Believing that if it’s writ ten down it must be right•asking questions•assessing fact•asserting a conclusionPlanned-change process•Planned change and problem-solvingStep1 engagementStep2 assessmentStep3 planningStep4 implementationStep5 evaluationStep6 termination•Engagement: social workers begin to establish communication and a relationship with others and orient themselves to the problems.•skillsVerbal communication and nonverbal communication (cultural variations) Conveying warmth, empathy, and genuinenessAlleviating initial client anxiety and introducing the worker's purpose and role•Assessment: gather and analyze information to provide a concise picture of the client and his or her needs and strengths.•skillsLooking beyond individual and examine other factors in their environment Finding strengthsPaying attention human diversity•Planning: what should be done?Alternatives and consequences•implementation: following the plans to achieve the goals•Evaluation: determine whether a given change effort was worthwhile.•termination: the end of the professional social work-client relationship •types:Natural, forced, and unplanned•skillsAppropriate timingChapter 5: Practice SettingSetting in Social Work Practice: Organizations and Communities •Organizations are entities made up of people that have rules and structure to achieve specified goals.•Social services in the context of social agencies.Social services include the wide range of activities that social workers perform to help people solve problems and improve their personal well-being.A social agency is an organization providing social services that typically employs social workers in addition to office staff, and sometimes volunteers. Forms:Public or private;Nonprofit or proprietary (for profit)•Social work practice in the context of communitiesA community is “a number of people who have something in summon with one another that connects them in some way and that distinguishes them from others.Some mutual characteristic, such as "location, interest, identification, culture, and activities"Types:Locality-based community;Non geographic communityThe special circumstances of social work practice in rural communities.Low population densitySocial problems faced by rural residents:poverty, lack of transportation, inadequate child care, unemployment, substandard housing, and insufficient health care and so on.Four special issues for rural social workers:(1)true gene lists(work with different level case systems and use a wide of skills)(2) Interagency cooperation.(3) The importance of understanding the community, knowing its values and developing relationships with rural residents (informal relationship)(4) Emphasizing strengths inherent in rural communities. (Informal supporting system)Urban social workUrban social work is practice within the context of large cities, with their vast array of social problems, exceptional diversity, and potential range of resources. Five problems in urban areas:(1)Social problems occur with greater frequency and therefore are more visible(2) Widespread occurrence of discriminatory behavior.(3) Migration problems.(4) Financial shortfalls or unavailability of resources.(5)Greater amount of psychological stressSkills necessary for urban social work(1) Paying attention to human diversity(2) Understanding their agency environment(3) Seeking resources in the external urban environment(4) Using advocacyMicro practice: social work with individuals•counselor•educator•broker•facilitator•advocateMicro/mezzo practice: social work with families•The primary purpose of family social work is to help families learn to function more competently while meeting the development and emotional needs of all members.•The task of family social workers(1) Be responsive to the styles and values of families from other special populations.(2) Break complex tasks into smaller specific steps.(3) Assess the key skills needed for less stressful family interaction.(4) Explain and model appropriate skills.(5) Assess individual learning styles and ways to teach adults and children(6) Establish homework and other means of ensuring generalization of skills from one setting to another.(7) Promote and reward skill acquisition.(8) Emphasize strategies that help develop the strengths of family members(9) Motivate the family to stay involved even when faced with challenges and setback.•The importance of social networks for families.Social network: the structure and number of people and groups with whom you have contact or consider yourself to be in contact.Emotional support, instrumental support, informational support and appraisal supportMezzo practice: social work with groupTreatment groupMacro practice: social work with organizations and communities •social action•social planning•locality developmentMacro skills(1) Agency or public social policies may require change.(2) Entail initiating and conducting projects within agency or community contexts(3) Planning and implementing new social service programs within an agency or community.Chapter 6: An overview of social welfare and social work historyEarly European Approaches to Social Welfare•FeudalismLands owner vs. landless serfMedieval hospitalChurchPeople have little mobility, free choice, potential for change.Judeo-Christian thought: "Good deeds, love of one's enemies, and entry into heaven through mercy and charity".•England after feudalism's demisePeople gained mobility and independence but lost much of the safety and security the old feudal system had provided.Government regains social control by passing some statute, such as: Keeping people from moving;Forbidding able-bodied people from begging.•The English Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601Recipients are categorized into:1. Dependent children2. Impotent poor3. The able-bodied poor1662 Law of settlement established a new principle of social welfare provision: residency requirement.•The Speenhamland SystemThe first Minimum income maintenance system•The English Poor Law reforms of 1834Government would not provide outdoor relief for able-bodied people.Blame the victimU. S. Social welfare History: Early Colonization to the mid-1800s •Services reflected a mix of public and private collaboration.Government assumed responsibility of administration aid but often called upon local churches for help.Residency requirement was established.•Focus on Mental Health and Mental illnessMoral treatment: humane treatment in structured institutional settingsThe Civil War Era•Freeman Bureau: the first federal welfare agency1870-1900•Two trends:Industrialization;Urbanization•Focus on children: early policiesInstitutional care: almshouse and orphanageFoster care•Settlement House, Charity Organization Societies, and Generalist social work•Settlement House were places where ministers, students, or humanitarians 'settle' to interact with poor slum dwellers with the purpose of alleviating the condition of capitalism.•Characters1. Settle house approach address the problems in the context of environment.2. Emphasize on advocacy3. Emphasize on empowerment of people•Charity Organization SocietiesFriendly visitorEstablish a base of scientific knowledge and apply it to the helping process Focus on curing individualThe Progressive period: 1900 to 1930The Great Depression and the 1930s•The Great Depression and New DealCash reliefShort-term work relief,Expansion of employment•The Social Security Act of 1935Social insurance (for old age, disability, death of a breadwinner, unemployment, and work-related injury and sickness)Public Assistance (old people, children and blind people)The 1960s and the War on Poverty•More people of color are in poverty than white people.•Public assistance roll were escalating even unemployment decreased.•the public welfare amendments of 1962Supportive social service to help welfare recipients to self-supporting.•War on povertyHead Start; Volunteers in Service to America• A Return to Conservatism in the 1970s•Conservative extremes in the 1980s and early 1990s.Translation•Social Workers have difficulties with empowerment strategies because their agencies are part of a social system which routinely devalues certain minority groups. Making equal responses to all people who come to an agency may reduce discrimination. Since negative valuations are so widespread, agencies may unthinkingly implement them. Consequently, we discourage potential clients from using the agency and they do not receive the equal treatment available.Chapter 7: Policy, Policy Analysis, Policy Practice, and Policy Advocacy Social welfare policy•Policy: rules that govern people's lives and dictate expectations for behavior.•Social Welfare Policy: Laws and regulations that govern which social welfare programs exist, what categories of clients are served, and who qualifies for a given program.•Agency Policy: standards adopted by organizations and programs that provide services.Social Welfare Policy Development•phase 1Recognizing society's values about what is considered important or worthwhile.•Phase 2Identifying problems and needs that require attention.•Phase 3Identification of public opinion about an identified problem and people's related needs.Normative orientation•phase 4Legislators confronted with a problem or need and swamped with public opinion undertake the complicated formulation of social welfare policy to address the issues.•Phase 5Implementation through a social welfare program.•Phase 6Social services are delivered by social workers and other staff in the context of social services agencies.Structural components of social welfare programs1. What are people's needs and program goals?I.e. the food stamp program2. What kinds of benefits are provided?Cash and in-kind3. What are the eligibility criteria for the program?Means test4. Who pays for the programs?General tax, state lottery, social security tax; private agency; client5. How is the program administered and run?National, state, or local?Value perspectives and political ideology: effects on social responsibility and social welfare program development•The conservative-liberal continuum•radicalism•residual and institutional perspectives on social welfare policy and program development•universal versus selective service provisionFive-E Approach•How effective is the policy?•How efficient is the policy?•Is the policy ethically sound?•What does evaluation of potential alternative policies reveal?•What recommendations can be established for positive changes? Policy Practice and Policy AdvocacyChapter 8: Social work and services in health careHealth problemsFactors causing health problems:1. Unhealthful lifestyles2. Physical injured3. Enviromental factors4. Poverty5. ContagiousSocial Work Roles in Health Care:medical social workerSocial work roles in direct health care practice1. Hospital, medical clinics and so on(1) Help patients understand and interpret technical medical jargon(2) Offer emotional support(3) Help terminally ill people deal with their feelings and make end-of-life plans.(4) Help patient’s adjust their lives and lifestyles to accommodate to new conditions when they return home after medical treatment(5) Help parents of children who have serious illnesses or disabilities cope with these conditions and respond to children's needs.(6) Serve as brokers who link patients with necessary supportive resources andservices after leaving the medical facility.(7) Help patients make financial arrangements to pay hospital and other medical bills.(8) Provide health education aimed at establishing a healthful lifestyle and preventing illness.2. Public Health Departments and other health care contexts(1) Preventing diseases(2) Prolonging life(3) Promoting health and efficiency through organized community effort3. Managed care settingsTraditional healthy insurance (fee-for-service basis)Assessment to determine whether patients are eligible for benefits and which are most appropriate.Macro Practice in Health care: seeking empowermentAdvocating for health coverage and health care legislation, policies and resourcesHealth Care policy and problems in the macro environmentThe escalating cost of health care1. The rapid acceleration of technological advances has increased the types of services, drugs, and testing available.2. The population is aging.Unequal access to health careNational health insurance vs. contribution-based health insuranceProblems in managed careCapitationCost and health-care outcomeCultural competenceAPI cultural:Filial pietyCollective versus individual decision makingEmphasis on Harmony versus conflictNonverbal communicationsFatalismShame at asking for helpInternational perspectives: AIDS-A Global CrisisAIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndromeHIV: human immunodeficiency virusEmpowerment for people living with AIDS victims vs. People living with AIDS Social work roles and empowerment for people living with AIDS Counseling;Educator;Crisis intervention;Empowerment and reconnection (support system);。