
二、甲基化检测的实验流程1. DNA提取:从待检测的细胞或组织中提取DNA样本,保证样本的纯度和完整性。
2. 亚硫酸氢盐处理:将DNA样本与亚硫酸氢盐溶液反应,将未甲基化的C转化为U。
3. 文库构建:将经过亚硫酸氢盐处理的DNA样本进行文库构建,包括DNA片段的断裂、连接、文库扩增等步骤。
4. 二代测序:使用二代测序技术对DNA文库进行高通量测序,获得原始测序数据。
5. 数据分析:对原始测序数据进行质控、去除低质量序列和接头序列,然后将剩余的序列与参考基因组进行比对。
6. 甲基化位点鉴定:根据比对结果,统计序列中U和C的比例,确定甲基化位点的甲基化水平。
1. 质控:对原始测序数据进行质量控制,去除低质量的序列以及接头序列。
2. 比对:将质控后的序列与参考基因组进行比对。
3. 甲基化位点鉴定:根据比对结果,统计序列中U和C的比例。
4. 甲基化水平分析:根据甲基化位点的甲基化水平,可以分析不同位点的甲基化状态。

目前甲基化特异性PCR ,Methylmion Specific PCR,简称MSP,及其改进方法是检测基因甲基化的经典方法.原理是首先用亚硫酸氢钠修饰处理基因组DNA,所有未发生甲基化的胞嘧啶都被转化为尿嘧啶,而甲基化的胞嘧啶则不变。
实验前准备在实验开始前,先准备好本次实验所需的各种试剂,如:3mmol NaOH,DNA 纯化试剂盒,以及PCR检测用到的试剂盒等。
所涉及的仪器和耗材有赛默飞公司提供的单道移液器、QSP盒装吸头、Nun 冰盒,Thermo Scientific全波长扫描式多功能读数仪,还有常规的离心机、水浴锅等。
首先要找到DAPK1的启动子区,登陆Map Viewer,搜索DAPK1。
点击Map Viewer,可见DAPK1在9号染色体的具体位置。
第一个外显子位于90140 kb处,估计启动子就在其上游2000kb内。
将得到的序列拿到Promoter Scan中预测,获得该启动子的相关信息。

1:将约2ugDNA于1.5mlEP管中使用DDW稀释至50ul;2:加5.5ul新鲜配制的3M NaOH;3:42℃水浴30min;水浴期间配制:4:10mM对苯二酚(氢醌),加30ul至上述水浴后混合液中;(溶液变成淡黄色)5:3.6M亚硫酸氢钠(Sigma,S9000),配制方法:1.88g亚硫酸氢钠使用DDW稀释,并以3M NaOH滴定溶液至PH 5.0,最终体积为5ml。
7:加200 ul 石蜡油,防止水分蒸发,限制氧化。
一般此步在4pm开始做,熟练的话不到5pm即可完成,水浴16h正好至次日8am 以后收,时间上很合适。

1:将约2ugDNA于1.5mlEP管中使用DDW稀释至50ul;2:加5.5ul新鲜配制的3M NaOH;3:42℃水浴30min;水浴期间配制:4:10mM对苯二酚(氢醌),加30ul至上述水浴后混合液中;(溶液变成淡黄色)5:3.6M亚硫酸氢钠(Sigma,S9000),配制方法:1.88g亚硫酸氢钠使用DDW稀释,并以3M NaOH滴定溶液至PH 5.0,最终体积为5ml。
7:加200 ul 石蜡油,防止水分蒸发,限制氧化。
一般此步在4pm开始做,熟练的话不到5pm即可完成,水浴16h正好至次日8am 以后收,时间上很合适。


DNA亚硫酸氢盐修饰和纯化操作步骤修饰设计:使用CpGenome TM kit使胞嘧啶转化为尿嘧啶的步骤如下。
第一步:试剂准备(1)3 M NaOH原料(用前现配)把1g干NaOH片剂溶解在8.3mL水中。
(2)20 mM NaOH/90% EtOH(用前现配)配制1mL该溶液需:900μl 100%的乙醇,93.4μl水,6.6μl 3M的氢氧化钠。
对每份待修饰的样本,称取0.227g DNA修饰试剂Ⅰ加入0.571mL水中。
用大约20μl 3M NaOH调整pH至5.0,用pH试纸检测pH值。
将1μl β-巯基乙醇加入20mL去离子水中。
每份待修饰的DNA样本需将750μl该溶液加入到1.35g DNA修饰Ⅱ。
第二步:DNA修饰程序1、在带有螺旋形瓶盖的1.5-2.0mL的微量离心管中:将7.0μl 3M NaOH加入到含有1.0 μg DNA的100μl水中(10ng/μl),混匀。
注意:如果样本含有的DNA量不到1.0μg,就向样本DNA中加入2 μl DNA修饰试剂Ⅳ并加水至总体积100μl。

2:Taq酶问题:有文献用高保真的金牌 Taq(Platinum),但我感觉只要体系正确、变性退火等条件合适,一般的热启动酶是可以的。
我开始使用的是Takara的LA Taq,很好用,配有10x含mg++的LA缓冲液。
有时候用没了,暂时以Takara 的普通Taq酶也可以。

DNA 甲基化重亚硫酸氢盐修饰法(DNA METHYLATION BISULFITE MODIFICATION)实验操作原理及方法一、实验目的:通过本实验,可以检测特定DNA序列的甲基化状态。
二、实验原理:DNA 甲基化是指由S-腺苷甲硫氨酸(SAM)提供甲基基团,在DNA 甲基转移酶(DNA methyltransferases,DNMTs)的作用下,将CpG 二核苷酸的胞嘧啶(C)甲基化为5-甲基化胞嘧啶(5-m C)的一种化学反应。
DNA 甲基化是调节基因转录表达的一种重要的表观遗传的修饰方式。
DNA 甲基化主要在转录水平抑制基因的表达。
DNA 甲基化引起基因转录抑制的机制可能主要有以下3 种:(1)DNA甲基化直接干扰特异性转录因子与各基因启动子中识别位置的结合。
(2)序列特异性的甲基化DNA 结合蛋白与启动子区甲基化CpG 岛结合,募集一些蛋白,形成转录抑制复合物,阻止转录因子与启动子区靶序列的结合,从而影响基因的转录。
(3)DNA 甲基化通过改变染色质结构,抑制基因表达。
BSP(bisulfate sequencing PCR) :重亚硫酸盐使DNA中未发生甲基化的胞嘧啶脱氨基转变成尿嘧啶,而甲基化的胞嘧啶保持不变,进行PCR扩增。

单细胞DNA甲基化测序数据处理流程与分析方法1. 内容简述单细胞DNA甲基化测序是一种高分辨率的基因表达和表观遗传学研究方法,它允许研究者检测单个细胞的DNA甲基化状态。
1.1 单细胞DNA甲基化测序技术简介简称SCDBS)是一种高通量、高分辨率的分析方法,用于研究单个细胞中基因组水平的DNA甲基化状态。

DNA甲基化检测实验一、重亚硫酸盐的测序法实验流程(BSP)(Bisulfite Genomic Sequence)原理:结合重亚硫酸盐的测序法是一种灵敏的能直接检测分析基因组DNA甲基化模式的方法。
通过这个方法能得到特定位点在各个基因组DNA 分子中的甲基化状态。
重亚硫酸盐测序法技术实验流程A.DNA制备用DNA抽提试剂盒(Promega, cat. no. A1125)抽提组织,细胞培养物,石蜡包埋组织切片样品中的基因组DNA。
B.重亚硫酸盐处理C.DNA纯化用Wizard DNA clean-up kit (Promega, cat. no. A7280)纯化重亚硫酸盐处理后的DNA样品。
D.PCR扩增E.PCR产物琼脂糖电泳后回收纯化F.PCR产物连接到pMD19-T (Takara) 载体中克隆及测序。
G.用分析软件对各样本测序结果进行甲基化程度分析二、甲基化特异性的PCR实验流程(methylation-specific PCR, MSP)原理:甲基化特异性的PCR是一种灵敏度高且操作相对简单的甲基化研究方法。

DNA甲基化修饰(BSP):一、阳性对照制作:1×NEBuffer 5.0ul1×SAM(160um) 0.5ulM.ssI 1.5ulDNA 1.0ugH2O 至50ul37℃孵育4h(超过4h,则补加酶)70℃热失活20min二、甲基化修饰1、3M NaOH 处理DNA,42℃,15min2、40.5% sodium bisulfite 57℃处理16h。
反应体系:40.5% sodium bisulfite 510ul (PH5.0)10uM hydroguien 30ulDNA(+NaOH)55ulH2O 5ul共600ul3、过柱纯化(TIAN大量DNA产物纯化试剂盒)4、3M NH4Ac调PH至7.05、加50%糖原0.8g6、100%乙醇沉淀DNA(糖原作用:可以包裹核酸,低温下为絮状物可指示沉淀。
)三、PCR检测1、设计特异性引物2、PCR反应体系;10×Buffer 2.0uldNTP 0.4ulprimer1 1.5ulprimer2 1.5ulDNA 3.0ulHstaqE 0.5ulH2O 13.8ul共20ul3、PCR反应程序:95℃预变性5min95℃变性30s68-58℃ 1×10 Touch down72℃延伸30s ×37循环72℃ 8min相关试剂配方:40.5% sodium bisulfite 溶液:1.76g sodium metabisulfite(Sigma)+340ul 3M NaOH+3ml H2O 10ml 10uM hydroguien(C6H6O2):m=10×10×110×10-6=0.011g3M NaOH溶液10ml:m=10×3×40×10-3=1.2g以上溶液须现配现用。
试剂盒:CpGenome TM Fast DNA Modification KitBisulfite Modification1. In screwcap2.0 mL screw-cap microcentrifuge tubes: Add 7.0 µL 3M NaOH to 1.0 µg DNA in 100 µL of water and mix .2. Incubate DNA 10 minutes at 37°C (heat block or water bath).3. Add 550 µL of freshly prepared DNA Modification Reagent and vortex.4. Incubate for 16-20 hours (overnight) in a 50°C water bath.Desalting/Desulphonation/Elution1. Incubate the sample on ice for 5 minutes.2. Add 750 µL Binding Buffer. Mix briefly.3. Place the column in the 2 mL collection tube and load approximately 700 µL of the sample into the spin column.4. Spin the column at 5000 x g for 30 secs. Discard the flow through.5. Repeat steps 3-4 with the remaining sample.6. Add 750 µL of 1X Wash Buffer and spin at full speed for 1 minute.7. Add 50 µLof 20 mM NaOH/90%EtOH solution to the center of the membrane in the spin column.8. Incubate at room temp for 10 minutes. Spin at full speed for 30 seconds and discard the flow through.9. Add 750µL of 1X Wash Buffer and spin at full speed for 30 seconds. Discard the flow through.10. Repeat step 9.11. Repeat spin at full speed for 30 seconds to remove residual Wash Buffer.12. Place the spin column in a clean 1.5mL tube. Add 30-45µL ElutionBuffer to thecenter of the membrane and incubate for 1 minute. Spin at full speed for 1 minute.Note: For increased DNA recovery, elute the DNA with 30 µL Elution Buffer and then repeat the elution with 30 µL Elution Buffer.13. DNA is now ready for PCR. Store at -20°C.。

6.加入100ul洗脱液,涡旋混匀,80℃ 1000rpm震荡10min。
16.加入60ul洗脱液,涡旋混匀,23℃1000rpm震荡10 min。

全基因组甲基化测序的具体方法及步骤全基因组甲基化测序(whole-genome bisulfite sequencing)是一种高通量的测序技术,可以用来检测DNA上的甲基化状态。
2. DNA酶切:使用专门的酶(如MspI)对DNA进行切割,得到平衡的DNA片段。
3. 甲基化处理:将DNA暴露于亚硫酸盐(sodium bisulfite)的甲基硫湿气中。
5. 碱基浏览:将经过甲基化处理的DNA片段扩增,并进行高通量测序。
6. 数据分析:对测序产生的原始数据进行质量控制、序列比对和甲基化位点检测等分析。

一. 重亚硫酸盐修饰基因组DNA 的制备采用EZ DNA Mehtylation-Gold Kit TM D5005试剂盒,按照操作说明书分别对提取的Blank 、Cya 基因组DNA 进行重亚硫酸盐修饰。
1. 分别吸取10μL Blank 和Cya DNA 样品到PCR 管中,加入10μL 水补足20μL ,每个样品加130μL CT conversion reagent 。
2. 将管子放到热循环仪中,运行以下步骤:将管子放到热循环仪中,运行以下步骤:1. 98℃ 10min2. 6464℃℃ 2.5h 2.5h3. 4℃保存可至20h 20h3. 加600μL M-Binding Buffer 到Zymo-Spin TM IC Column, 柱子放在提供的收集管中。
4. 把样品(来自步骤2)加到装M-Binding Buffer 的Zymo-Spin TM IC Column 中。
5. 全速离心(≥10000g )30s 。
6.加100μL M-Wash Buffer 到柱子上。
全速离心30s 。
7. 加200μL M-Desulphonation Buffer 到柱子上,室温(到柱子上,室温(20℃-30-30℃)静置℃)静置15-20min 。
孵育完成后,全速离心30s 。
8. 加200μL M-Wash Buffer 到柱子上。
全速离心30s 。
另加200μL M-Wash Buffer ,再离,再离心30s 。
9. 把柱子放到1.5mL 离心管。
垂直加10μL L M-Elution M-Elution M-Elution buffer buffer 到柱子基质。
全速离心30s 洗脱DNA 。
二. PCR 扩增反应模板:重亚硫酸盐修饰的Blank 、Cya 基因组DNA 引物引物上游:CTCAAGCTTCGAA TTTTTTTA TAAGAAGAAGA TA TAG 下游:TAGA TCCGGTGGA TCAAAACTCCACCACAAACCACTT 目的片段长度:476bp 1. 操作步骤:操作步骤:反应体系反应体系模板模板 0.5μL 10×KOD plus buffer 5μL dNTPS Mixture (2.5mM each ) 5μL Mg 2+ 4μL 上游引物上游引物 3μL 下游引物下游引物 3μLDMSO 4μL KOD plus 酶 2μL ddH 2O 23.5μL Total 50μL 反应条件:反应条件:1)95℃ 3min2)95℃ 25s ;48℃ 15s ;72℃ 45s 。

Data SupplementTitle: Circulating methylated SEPT9 DNA in Plasma is a Biomarker for Colorectal Cancer.Theo deVos1, Reimo Tetzner2, Fabian Model1,3, Gunter Weiss2,Matthias Schuster2,Jürgen Distler2, Kathryn V. Steiger1 , Robert Grützmann5, Christian Pilarsky5, Jens K. Habermann6, Phillip R. Fleshner7, Benton M. Oubre8, Robert Day1, Andrew Z. Sledziewski1, Catherine Lofton-Day11) Detailed m SEPT9 Assay Protocol:DNA Extraction: DNA was extracted from 5 mL of blood plasma using a modified viralDNA/RNA extraction kit (chemagen AG, Baesweiler Germany). Plasma samples were thawed at room temperature and extracted following the directions of the kit with modifications. Samples were lysed and treated with protease at 56︒C for 10 min in a 50 mL Falcon tube. 100 μL of magnetic particles and 15 mL of binding buffer were then added, and binding was performed for 60 min at room temperature on a rotator. Magnetic particles were captured for 4 min, the supernatant discarded and the pellet was resuspended in 3 mL of wash buffer. 1.5 mL of particle solution were transferred to a 2 mL SafeLock, the beads captured and the supernatant discarded. This was repeated to complete the 3 mL transfer. Tubes were briefly centrifuged and the residual wash buffer was removed by pipetting after bead separation. The tubes were then placed in a 56︒C dry block for 5 min, 100 μl of elution buffer was added, the tubes incubated at 65︒C with shaking on a thermomixer for 15 min, the particles separated on a magnetic stand and the eluted DNA transferred to a 0.5 mL SafeLock tube (Eppendorf). A 5μl aliquot of the DNA sample was transferred to 45 μl of elution buffer for the measurement of genomic DNA.Bisulfite Conversion: The sample input for bisulfite treatment was 95-100 μl of extracted DNA in elution buffer. The bisulfite reagents (for 25 reactions) were prepared as follows.Bisulfite solution: Sodium bisulfite (4.71gm) and sodium sulfite (1.13gm) were dissolved in 10 mL of ddH2O in a falcon tube, by vigorous shaking and heating to 50︒C if required, and the pH adjusted to 5.4-5.5 with 0.2M NaOH as necessary. DME-radical scavenger solution: 188 mg of 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-chroman-2-carboxylic acid was dissolved in 1.5 mL diethyleneglycoldimethylether (DME), vortexing to ensure an uniform solution.Bisulfite Reaction: 190 μL of bisulfite solution and 30μl DME-radical scavenger solution were added to the 95-100 μl DNA sample in 0.5 mL SafeLock tubes. The tubes were incubated in a Eppendorf Mastercycler (Eppendorf)according to the following protocol: 5 min 99°C, 25min 50°C, 5 min 99°C, 1h 25min 50°C, 5 min 99°C, 4h 55min 50°C, hold 20°C. This protocol allowed overnight bisulfite conversion.Bisulfite Purification: Following bisulfite conversion, DNA was purified using a customized kit from chemagen AG. The bisulfite reaction (320 μL) was transferred to a 2 mL SafeLock tube, and 1 μLof polyA (500 ng/μL) and 1.5 mL of binding buffer were added. 10 μL chemagen magnetic particles were added and the sample was mixed by vortexing. The samples were incubated at room temperature on a thermal mixer at a rotation of 1000 rpm for 60 min. Magnetic particles were separated on a magnetic stand, the liquid discarded, the tubes briefly centrifuged and the residual liquid removed following magnetic separation. The particles were washed twice with wash buffer II from the kit, and once with 70% ethanol. Following the ethanol wash, the tubes were centrifuged again, and the residual liquid removed following magneticseparation. The particles were dried by placing open tubes in a 55︒C heat block, and 55 μL elution buffer (10 mM Tris pH 7.2) added. Samples were incubated at 55︒C for 15 min on a thermal mixer with rotation set to 1000 rpm, placed on a magnetic separator and the eluate containing DNA transferred to a new tube. A 5 µL aliquot of bis-DNA was added to 45 µL of elution buffer for the measurement of a 10 fold diluted sample. This purification method leaves out the desulfonation step following bisulfite conversion, to make the DNA amenable to carry over prevention by UNGase treatment as describe previously.(1) PCR amplification of sulfonated DNA requires an extended activation time to allow desulfonation to occur prior to amplification.PCR Analysis: The oligonucleotide sequences and assay information are outlined in the Table below.Supplemental Table 1. Oligonucleotide sequences, concentrations and cycling conditions for the real time PCR assays used in this study.For the SEPT9 PCR, the reverse primer contained an abasic d-spacer base in the 5th position. The blocker was terminated with a C3 spacer at the 3’ end to prevent extension. The SEPT9 real time probe used the FAM / BHQ-1 fluorophors dyes. The CFF1 PCR was identical to previous studies. The primers for the β-actin assay were shortened compared with previous studies, but the probe was identical to previous studies (2, 3). Oligonucleotide quality was determined in house by MALDI-TOF prior to use, and the limit of detection for each PCR was evaluated prior to use in studies. The Quantitect Multiplex mastermix from Qiagen was used at a 1x final concentration in all assays. The total PCR reaction volume was 25 μl, using 96 wellreaction plates on a Roche LC480 real time thermal cycler. For the SEPT9 and β-actin PCR reactions, the activation temperature was extended to allow the desulfonation reaction to proceed prior to amplification.Real time PCR analysis:Total genomic DNA was measured by real time PCR analysis of the diluted genomic aliquot using the CFF1 reaction. Total bisulfite DNA was measured from a 10 µL aliquot of the bisulfite DNA eluate with the β-actin reaction. SEPT9 methylation was measured in triplicate using 10 µL of the bis DNA eluate per replicate, and in a single measure using 10 µL of the diluted bisulfite DNA eluate.PCR Assay Prequalification: Prior to the study, the 90% limit of detection (LoD) was determined for the SEPT9 PCR by analysis of bisulfite treated methylated (Sss1 treated) DNA diluted in a background of bisulfite treated 50 ng peripheral blood leukocyte (PBL) DNA (Roche Applied Science). As illustrated in Data Supplement Figure 1, the dilution series was from 100pg to3.125 pg in 2 fold steps. We tested 12 replicates for four different PBL backgrounds, for a total of 48 replicates at each concentration. The 90% LoD was defined as the lowest concentration of spiked methylated DNA in a background of 50 ng human genomic DNA for which the measurement values had an area under the ROC curve (AUC) of 0.9 compared with measurements without spiked methylated DNA, and was estimated to be 9.4 pg for the m SEPT9 assay. For β-actin, the LoD of 9.7 pg was determined with a dilution series of bisulfite treated methylated (Sss1 treated) DNA, and for the genomic CFF1 PCR the LOD of4.3 pg was measured with a dilution series of genomic PBL DNA.2) Characterization of Assay performance with model samples:Model samples: For workflow development two types of model sample were produced: 1) purified methylated DNA (CpGenome, Millipore) was spiked into plasma negative for methylated SEPT9; 2) plasma positive for methylated SEPT9 was spiked into plasma negative for the SEPT9 biomarker.To determine the performance of DNA extraction from plasma, total genomic DNA recovery was measured using the genomic real time PCR assay CFF1. An example experiment from the assay development process using spiked plasma samples is shown in Figure 2. The recovery of total genomic DNA is shown for eight individual samples, in which we measured average DNA recovery of 2.93 ± 1.36 ng/mL of input plasma from a set of surrogate plasma samples in which low levels of plasma containing methylated SEPT9 were spiked into a SEPT9 negative plasma background (Figure 2a). Based on these and additional studies (not shown) we demonstrated equivalent recovery of genomic DNA to that measured with the research assay. For bisulfite conversion and purification, the protocol was tested using surrogate samples as described for genomic DNA extraction above, and as illustrated in the sample experiment in Figure 2a, the recovery of bis-DNA measured using the real time β-actin PCR reaction was 1.6 ± 0.63 ng/mL of starting plasma, a yield in the range of 55% of the total genomic DNA.To test the recovery of methylated target DNA in the m SEPT9 assay, methylated SEPT9 positive plasma was spiked in a dilution series into a background of methylated SEPT9 negative plasma (Figure 2b) with the target concentration of SEPT9 biomarker at less that 10 pg/mL in the 8-fold dilution samples. For each dilution, the PCR positive rate for the original research assay and the new m SEPT9 assay was measured in 8 independent spiked samples. The detection rates differed marginally between the two assays at the higher concentrations of the SEPT9 biomarker, and were identical (50%) at the greatest dilution (Figure 2b). Based on these resultsand numerous additional experiments (data not shown), for surrogate samples we considered the new assay essentially equivalent to the previously described research assay, and proceeded to validate the assay with clinical samples in a training and test study.Study Quality ControlPositive controls for DNA extraction were 25ng/mL CpGenome methylated DNA diluted in5mg/mL bovine serum albumin (BSA), while negative extraction controls were BSA without spiked DNA. Positive controls for bisulfite processing were composed of 10ng fully methylated CpGenome DNA spiked into 90 ng of human genomic DNA prepared from buffy coat cells (Roche Applied Sciences) in a 100 µL volume of elution buffer. Negative bisulfite conversion controls were composed of elution buffer aloneSupplemental Figure 1. The LoD calibration curve for the methylated SEPT9 real time assay used in the training and test studies. The concentration of spiked methylated DNA in picograms is indicated across the top of the graph. The measured concentration of the methylated spike is indicated on the Y-axis. The dotted blue line indicates perfect identity between expected and observed, the black line connects the observed median values and the dashed red line represents the regression of the observed median values. The dotted black lines show the 90% confidence interval around the median value.Supplemental Figure 2. Performance of the m SEPT9 assay on model DNA samples. Supplemental Figure 2a. Concentration of total genomic DNA (gray bars) based on the CFF1 PCR assay, and bis-DNA (hatched bars) based on the β-actin PCR assay, calculated per mL of input plasma for eight independent sample pools. Samples were produced by spiking plasma positive for methylated SEPT9 into methylated SEPT9 negative plasmaSupplemental Figure 2b. SEPT9 positive rate in percentage measured for the SEPT9 FRET based research assay (gray bars) and the new m SEPT9 assay (hatched bars). Plasma samples were prepared in a dilution series of methylated SEPT9 positive plasma spiked into a background of methylated SEPT9 negative plasma, with a target of less than 10 pg/mL in the 8 fold dilution samples. Each percentage measurement is the aggregate of PCR results for 8 independent spiked DNA pools at the given dilution.Supplement Figure 3a. Plot of cumulative total bis-DNA measured by β-actin real time PCR, for cancer cases and control patients expressed in ng / mL plasma. Note that the total DNA measurement is essentially identical for controls and cases.Supplement Figure 3b. Plot of cumulative total bis-DNA measured by β-actin real time PCR, for cancer cases by stage in ng / mL plasma Note that the total DNA measurement is essentially identical for stages I-III but that a number of stage IV cancers show high concentrations.References:1. Tetzner R, Dietrich D, Distler J. Control of carry-over contamination for PCR-based DNAmethylation quantification using bisulfite treated DNA. Nucleic Acids Res 2007;35:e4.2. Lofton-Day C, Model F, Devos T, Tetzner R, Distler J, Schuster M, et al. DNAmethylation biomarkers for blood-based colorectal cancer screening. Clin Chem2008;54:414-23.3. Grutzmann R, Molnar B, Pilarsky C, Habermann JK, Schlag PM, Saeger HD, et al.Sensitive detection of colorectal cancer in peripheral blood by Septin 9 DNA methylation assay. [Epub ahead of print] Plos One November 20, 2008 as DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0003759.。

MGMT甲基化检测SOP(简)1 组织DNA提取纯化并测定浓度;2 取200-500ng DNA,补水至体积到20ul(不足200ng的样品,直接取20ul DNA 溶液);3 按照EZ DNA Methylation-Gold kit 操作步骤处理DNA;4 以步骤3处理后的DNA样品为模板,按以下体系程序进行两次扩增:5 PCR扩增引物序列(由invitrogen合成)反应体系:30 μl PCR体系:Prime 1.5μl10*buffer 3μldNTP 2 μlddH2O 21μlrTaq 0.4μlTemplate 2μl(>50ng).扩增步骤95°C 2 min94°C 30 s40* 59°C 30 s72°C 30 s72°C 5 min16°C ∞第二步:反应体系30 μl PCR体系:Prime 1.5μl10*buffer 3μldNTP 2 μlddH2O 22μlrTaq 0.4μlTemplate 1μl.扩增步骤95°C 2 min94°C 30 s40* 59°C 30 s72°C 30 s72°C 5 min16°C ∞6 在3%的琼脂糖凝胶电泳上检测7结果判定情况1:MGMT-SFR(甲基化引物)有扩增MGMT-PFR(非甲基化引物)无扩增该样品为完全甲基化情况2 :MGMT-SFR(甲基化引物)无扩增MGMT-PFR(非甲基化引物)有扩增该样品无甲基化情况3:MGMT-SFR(甲基化引物)有扩增MGMT-PFR(非甲基化引物)有扩增该样品为半甲基化。

MSAPprotocol一.DNA提取1.把幼嫩的叶组织放在液氮中研磨,转移粉末到预冷的离心管中;2.加入500ul预热的DNA抽提液,彻底混合,在65 ℃下水浴1 h,每隔5-10min摇动一次,以使抽提破碎细胞充分与抽提液混合;3.冷却到室温,加入等体积的氯仿-异戊醇(24∶1),在室温下轻摇并混匀约20 min,3000rpm的转速离心30min,取上清液到另一支管中;4.加入等体积的苯酚(饱和酚)—氯仿(1:1),充分混匀,4℃12,000 g离心10min,取上层(水层)移至另一1.5 ml离心管中;5.重复上一步骤直至有机相与水相之间的界面上看不到蛋白质;6.加入等体积的氯仿-异戊醇(24∶1),充分混匀,4℃12,000 g离心10 min,取上层(水层)移至另一1.5ml离心管中;(抽提1-2,主要目的是除去苯酚);7.等体积无水乙醇沉淀。
-20℃放置1 h以上,4℃12,000 g离心10 min;8.抛去上清;用70%的乙醇洗涤2-3次;9.将乙醇吹干(和提DNA一样),加入适量的灭菌水溶解DNA;然后用Nanodrop定量。
10.二.MSAP分析双酶切反应体系11.双酶切反应体系1:DNA 溶液500ng 2.5ul10x tango buffer 6μlHpa II 30U 3ulEcoR I()10 U 1ul加灭菌超纯水至40μl。
37℃温浴12 h,75℃温浴10 min灭活。
双酶切反应体系2:DNA 溶液500ng 2.5ul10x buffer 8ulMsp I 30 U 3ulEcoR I(NEB)10 U 1ul加灭菌超纯水至40μl。
37℃温浴12 h,75℃温浴10 min灭活。
双酶切电泳:双酶切结束后,取5ul进行琼脂糖电泳,酶切以后要大部分的条带都在500bp 一下连接反应体系,在双酶切反应液中加入如下组分:DNA 20ULEcoRI adapter(5 pmol/μl)1μlHpa II/Msp Iadapter(50 pmol/μl)1μlATP(10 mM)1μlT4 DNA ligase(Promega)1μl10×L buffer(Promega)1μl灭菌超纯水5 μl16℃温浴4 h,75 ℃温浴10 min灭活。
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Data SupplementTitle: Circulating methylated SEPT9 DNA in Plasma is a Biomarker for Colorectal Cancer.Theo deVos1, Reimo Tetzner2, Fabian Model1,3, Gunter Weiss2,Matthias Schuster2,Jürgen Distler2, Kathryn V. Steiger1 , Robert Grützmann5, Christian Pilarsky5, Jens K. Habermann6, Phillip R. Fleshner7, Benton M. Oubre8, Robert Day1, Andrew Z. Sledziewski1, Catherine Lofton-Day11) Detailed m SEPT9 Assay Protocol:DNA Extraction: DNA was extracted from 5 mL of blood plasma using a modified viralDNA/RNA extraction kit (chemagen AG, Baesweiler Germany). Plasma samples were thawed at room temperature and extracted following the directions of the kit with modifications. Samples were lysed and treated with protease at 56︒C for 10 min in a 50 mL Falcon tube. 100 μL of magnetic particles and 15 mL of binding buffer were then added, and binding was performed for 60 min at room temperature on a rotator. Magnetic particles were captured for 4 min, the supernatant discarded and the pellet was resuspended in 3 mL of wash buffer. 1.5 mL of particle solution were transferred to a 2 mL SafeLock, the beads captured and the supernatant discarded. This was repeated to complete the 3 mL transfer. Tubes were briefly centrifuged and the residual wash buffer was removed by pipetting after bead separation. The tubes were then placed in a 56︒C dry block for 5 min, 100 μl of elution buffer was added, the tubes incubated at 65︒C with shaking on a thermomixer for 15 min, the particles separated on a magnetic stand and the eluted DNA transferred to a 0.5 mL SafeLock tube (Eppendorf). A 5μl aliquot of the DNA sample was transferred to 45 μl of elution buffer for the measurement of genomic DNA.Bisulfite Conversion: The sample input for bisulfite treatment was 95-100 μl of extracted DNA in elution buffer. The bisulfite reagents (for 25 reactions) were prepared as follows.Bisulfite solution: Sodium bisulfite (4.71gm) and sodium sulfite (1.13gm) were dissolved in 10 mL of ddH2O in a falcon tube, by vigorous shaking and heating to 50︒C if required, and the pH adjusted to 5.4-5.5 with 0.2M NaOH as necessary. DME-radical scavenger solution: 188 mg of 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-chroman-2-carboxylic acid was dissolved in 1.5 mL diethyleneglycoldimethylether (DME), vortexing to ensure an uniform solution.Bisulfite Reaction: 190 μL of bisulfite solution and 30μl DME-radical scavenger solution were added to the 95-100 μl DNA sample in 0.5 mL SafeLock tubes. The tubes were incubated in a Eppendorf Mastercycler (Eppendorf)according to the following protocol: 5 min 99°C, 25min 50°C, 5 min 99°C, 1h 25min 50°C, 5 min 99°C, 4h 55min 50°C, hold 20°C. This protocol allowed overnight bisulfite conversion.Bisulfite Purification: Following bisulfite conversion, DNA was purified using a customized kit from chemagen AG. The bisulfite reaction (320 μL) was transferred to a 2 mL SafeLock tube, and 1 μLof polyA (500 ng/μL) and 1.5 mL of binding buffer were added. 10 μL chemagen magnetic particles were added and the sample was mixed by vortexing. The samples were incubated at room temperature on a thermal mixer at a rotation of 1000 rpm for 60 min. Magnetic particles were separated on a magnetic stand, the liquid discarded, the tubes briefly centrifuged and the residual liquid removed following magnetic separation. The particles were washed twice with wash buffer II from the kit, and once with 70% ethanol. Following the ethanol wash, the tubes were centrifuged again, and the residual liquid removed following magneticseparation. The particles were dried by placing open tubes in a 55︒C heat block, and 55 μL elution buffer (10 mM Tris pH 7.2) added. Samples were incubated at 55︒C for 15 min on a thermal mixer with rotation set to 1000 rpm, placed on a magnetic separator and the eluate containing DNA transferred to a new tube. A 5 µL aliquot of bis-DNA was added to 45 µL of elution buffer for the measurement of a 10 fold diluted sample. This purification method leaves out the desulfonation step following bisulfite conversion, to make the DNA amenable to carry over prevention by UNGase treatment as describe previously.(1) PCR amplification of sulfonated DNA requires an extended activation time to allow desulfonation to occur prior to amplification.PCR Analysis: The oligonucleotide sequences and assay information are outlined in the Table below.Supplemental Table 1. Oligonucleotide sequences, concentrations and cycling conditions for the real time PCR assays used in this study.For the SEPT9 PCR, the reverse primer contained an abasic d-spacer base in the 5th position. The blocker was terminated with a C3 spacer at the 3’ end to prevent extension. The SEPT9 real time probe used the FAM / BHQ-1 fluorophors dyes. The CFF1 PCR was identical to previous studies. The primers for the β-actin assay were shortened compared with previous studies, but the probe was identical to previous studies (2, 3). Oligonucleotide quality was determined in house by MALDI-TOF prior to use, and the limit of detection for each PCR was evaluated prior to use in studies. The Quantitect Multiplex mastermix from Qiagen was used at a 1x final concentration in all assays. The total PCR reaction volume was 25 μl, using 96 wellreaction plates on a Roche LC480 real time thermal cycler. For the SEPT9 and β-actin PCR reactions, the activation temperature was extended to allow the desulfonation reaction to proceed prior to amplification.Real time PCR analysis:Total genomic DNA was measured by real time PCR analysis of the diluted genomic aliquot using the CFF1 reaction. Total bisulfite DNA was measured from a 10 µL aliquot of the bisulfite DNA eluate with the β-actin reaction. SEPT9 methylation was measured in triplicate using 10 µL of the bis DNA eluate per replicate, and in a single measure using 10 µL of the diluted bisulfite DNA eluate.PCR Assay Prequalification: Prior to the study, the 90% limit of detection (LoD) was determined for the SEPT9 PCR by analysis of bisulfite treated methylated (Sss1 treated) DNA diluted in a background of bisulfite treated 50 ng peripheral blood leukocyte (PBL) DNA (Roche Applied Science). As illustrated in Data Supplement Figure 1, the dilution series was from 100pg to3.125 pg in 2 fold steps. We tested 12 replicates for four different PBL backgrounds, for a total of 48 replicates at each concentration. The 90% LoD was defined as the lowest concentration of spiked methylated DNA in a background of 50 ng human genomic DNA for which the measurement values had an area under the ROC curve (AUC) of 0.9 compared with measurements without spiked methylated DNA, and was estimated to be 9.4 pg for the m SEPT9 assay. For β-actin, the LoD of 9.7 pg was determined with a dilution series of bisulfite treated methylated (Sss1 treated) DNA, and for the genomic CFF1 PCR the LOD of4.3 pg was measured with a dilution series of genomic PBL DNA.2) Characterization of Assay performance with model samples:Model samples: For workflow development two types of model sample were produced: 1) purified methylated DNA (CpGenome, Millipore) was spiked into plasma negative for methylated SEPT9; 2) plasma positive for methylated SEPT9 was spiked into plasma negative for the SEPT9 biomarker.To determine the performance of DNA extraction from plasma, total genomic DNA recovery was measured using the genomic real time PCR assay CFF1. An example experiment from the assay development process using spiked plasma samples is shown in Figure 2. The recovery of total genomic DNA is shown for eight individual samples, in which we measured average DNA recovery of 2.93 ± 1.36 ng/mL of input plasma from a set of surrogate plasma samples in which low levels of plasma containing methylated SEPT9 were spiked into a SEPT9 negative plasma background (Figure 2a). Based on these and additional studies (not shown) we demonstrated equivalent recovery of genomic DNA to that measured with the research assay. For bisulfite conversion and purification, the protocol was tested using surrogate samples as described for genomic DNA extraction above, and as illustrated in the sample experiment in Figure 2a, the recovery of bis-DNA measured using the real time β-actin PCR reaction was 1.6 ± 0.63 ng/mL of starting plasma, a yield in the range of 55% of the total genomic DNA.To test the recovery of methylated target DNA in the m SEPT9 assay, methylated SEPT9 positive plasma was spiked in a dilution series into a background of methylated SEPT9 negative plasma (Figure 2b) with the target concentration of SEPT9 biomarker at less that 10 pg/mL in the 8-fold dilution samples. For each dilution, the PCR positive rate for the original research assay and the new m SEPT9 assay was measured in 8 independent spiked samples. The detection rates differed marginally between the two assays at the higher concentrations of the SEPT9 biomarker, and were identical (50%) at the greatest dilution (Figure 2b). Based on these resultsand numerous additional experiments (data not shown), for surrogate samples we considered the new assay essentially equivalent to the previously described research assay, and proceeded to validate the assay with clinical samples in a training and test study.Study Quality ControlPositive controls for DNA extraction were 25ng/mL CpGenome methylated DNA diluted in5mg/mL bovine serum albumin (BSA), while negative extraction controls were BSA without spiked DNA. Positive controls for bisulfite processing were composed of 10ng fully methylated CpGenome DNA spiked into 90 ng of human genomic DNA prepared from buffy coat cells (Roche Applied Sciences) in a 100 µL volume of elution buffer. Negative bisulfite conversion controls were composed of elution buffer aloneSupplemental Figure 1. The LoD calibration curve for the methylated SEPT9 real time assay used in the training and test studies. The concentration of spiked methylated DNA in picograms is indicated across the top of the graph. The measured concentration of the methylated spike is indicated on the Y-axis. The dotted blue line indicates perfect identity between expected and observed, the black line connects the observed median values and the dashed red line represents the regression of the observed median values. The dotted black lines show the 90% confidence interval around the median value.Supplemental Figure 2. Performance of the m SEPT9 assay on model DNA samples. Supplemental Figure 2a. Concentration of total genomic DNA (gray bars) based on the CFF1 PCR assay, and bis-DNA (hatched bars) based on the β-actin PCR assay, calculated per mL of input plasma for eight independent sample pools. Samples were produced by spiking plasma positive for methylated SEPT9 into methylated SEPT9 negative plasmaSupplemental Figure 2b. SEPT9 positive rate in percentage measured for the SEPT9 FRET based research assay (gray bars) and the new m SEPT9 assay (hatched bars). Plasma samples were prepared in a dilution series of methylated SEPT9 positive plasma spiked into a background of methylated SEPT9 negative plasma, with a target of less than 10 pg/mL in the 8 fold dilution samples. Each percentage measurement is the aggregate of PCR results for 8 independent spiked DNA pools at the given dilution.Supplement Figure 3a. Plot of cumulative total bis-DNA measured by β-actin real time PCR, for cancer cases and control patients expressed in ng / mL plasma. Note that the total DNA measurement is essentially identical for controls and cases.Supplement Figure 3b. Plot of cumulative total bis-DNA measured by β-actin real time PCR, for cancer cases by stage in ng / mL plasma Note that the total DNA measurement is essentially identical for stages I-III but that a number of stage IV cancers show high concentrations.References:1. Tetzner R, Dietrich D, Distler J. Control of carry-over contamination for PCR-based DNAmethylation quantification using bisulfite treated DNA. Nucleic Acids Res 2007;35:e4.2. Lofton-Day C, Model F, Devos T, Tetzner R, Distler J, Schuster M, et al. DNAmethylation biomarkers for blood-based colorectal cancer screening. Clin Chem2008;54:414-23.3. Grutzmann R, Molnar B, Pilarsky C, Habermann JK, Schlag PM, Saeger HD, et al.Sensitive detection of colorectal cancer in peripheral blood by Septin 9 DNA methylation assay. [Epub ahead of print] Plos One November 20, 2008 as DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0003759.。