电影《音乐之声》中的LOVE 英语课主题演讲PPT




The Love from Maria to captain
Maria brings lots of changes to caption’s home, these changes arouse captain’s love of life and recall the past happiness, also reminded his love to Maria. Their love got the sublimation at the party. Finally, the captain rejected the baroness, and married Maria.
Besides,it is also an family movie.
Our group think “love” is the most important theme of this movie. It is the pure love that deeply touched everyone's heart.
The Love from Maria to Kids
Maria's love, understanding and tolerance for the kids performance in many details. For example when she first came to the captain’s house, captain educate his childrens with militarized management, he treat them as machines. What’s worse, the kids’ names are replaced by a sharp whistle. Candid Maria immediately retorted: Oh, I won't need to whistle for them, reverend Captain. I mean, I'll use their names. And such lovely names!" This is the respect for people! Althou-gh they are just childrens!



Prelude And The Sound Of Music
这首音乐是是电影的主题曲,这也是第 第一次是影片开始时玛利亚的独唱, 这个时候显然不同,这是玛利亚教孩子 的音乐,是为了要欢迎男爵夫人。 这个音乐响起的时候上校正和玛利亚 这首生音激乐烈具的有矛很盾强,的本感来化正能准力备,赶轻走柔玛充利满亚爱 美的合校唱听音到调了之孩中子上们校的开歌始唱沉,浸顿,时他着顿迷时。没 我们从这上音校乐情里不听自出禁人的类走的过博去爱。和音乐的感 音乐史心灵的音乐,是灵魂的歌唱。
这首歌曲在片中出现了两次, 一次是上校在家中的独唱,另一次是
上校一家参加为德国纳粹举行的音 看开涯歌又乐维这玛感见不”,可会首利动它败这既从,奥亚了。的首道中音他地走在一小绕出读“乐们利上场也朵白梁了出雪会决民去的纳朵花不特一绒上定歌和奥。,,绝里点花,当,他地小点、普特,上夜哽一利白缀荡船里雪校离咽起观花祖气长普绒弹开地唱众,国回对对花起奥唱,,洁大肠故爱,吉地不他他白地的国情清他利下们们而幸 爱的 的晨,,去的全无福情眷渴醒唱前了深部暇无之恋来起往,情起。,了
《音乐之声》的作曲是理查德·罗杰斯和奥斯卡.汉默斯坦二世。下面我 就来简单介绍下这两位伟大的音乐家。
理查德·罗杰斯是百老汇 音乐剧历史上极为重要的 一个代表人物。他总共为 超过40部的音乐剧作品作 曲,几乎每一部都是轰动 一时的成功之作。他的职 业生涯分成两个部分: 1942年之前同劳伦茨·哈特美 国著名音乐家。歌词作家、 音乐剧制片人、导演,曾同 理查德.罗杰斯合作,两次获 得奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖。
理查德.罗杰斯和奥斯 卡.汉默斯坦二世 (Oscar Hammerstein II) 合作,开创 了其雄霸百老汇近二十年的 音乐剧黄金时期。他们合作



介绍《音乐之声》英语作文【中英文实用版】Title: The Melody of Life: An Introduction to "The Sound of Music""The Sound of Music," an iconic musical that resonates with audiences across generations, is a timeless classic that has captured hearts worldwide.Set against the picturesque backdrop of Salzburg, Austria, this enchanting tale weaves a narrative rich in music, love, and the pursuit of dreams.《音乐之声》,一部与各代观众产生共鸣的标志性音乐剧,是一部跨越时间的经典之作,全球范围内赢得了无数的心。


Maria, a free-spirited and compassionate young nun, takes on the role of a governess to a wealthy family"s seven children.Her love for music and life breathes new energy into the household, healing wounds and uniting the family against the backdrop of a tumultuous era.玛丽亚,一个充满自由精神和同情心的年轻修女,担任一个富有家庭七个孩子的家庭教师。




音乐之声介绍作文英文英文回答:The Sound of Music is a beloved musical film that has captured the hearts of audiences for generations. Set inthe Austrian Alps in the 1930s, it tells the story of the Von Trapp family, a close-knit group of seven children who are raised by their widowed father, Captain von Trapp. When a young postulant named Maria arrives to be their governess, she brings with her a joyous spirit and a love of musicthat transforms their lives.The film is filled with unforgettable songs, including "Do-Re-Mi," "My Favorite Things," and the title track, "The Sound of Music." These songs have become classics and are still sung by people all over the world. The film also features stunning cinematography of the Austrian countryside, which helps to create a sense of place and atmosphere.The Sound of Music has been praised for its heartwarming story, its memorable songs, and its beautiful cinematography. It has won numerous awards, including five Academy Awards, and has been adapted into a stage musical that has been performed in countries around the world.中文回答:《音乐之声》是一部深受几代观众喜爱的音乐电影。



她教孩子们唱歌,带孩子们去郊游,歌声 与笑声洒满了田野和山谷。玛丽亚的到来 给死寂的家庭注入了生机和活力。玛丽亚 和特拉普上校相爱了,他们建立了和谐幸 福的家庭。 与此同时,战争的阴影笼罩了奥地 利。为了不当亡国奴,他们一家不得不离 开家园,奔向自由的地方。
给生词注音 鳞次栉比(zhì) 伫立( ) 山麓( lù) zhù 众说纷纭( )嬷嬷( yún mó mo) 按捺(nà) 峥嵘( 涟漪( lián yī ) zhēng róng) qián 忏悔(chàn) 虔诚( ) 远眺(tiào) 解释词语 流连忘返: 留恋不止,舍不得离去。 通宵达旦:从天黑到天亮。 遐思: 悠远的思索或想象。 肃穆: 严肃安静。 款步: 缓慢地步行。 虔诚: 恭敬而有诚意。
玛丽亚就像皎洁的月光、天上的云彩,任你 有再大的本领,你也无法把她捕捉到,她是 不可捉摸的。
玛丽亚像田野里的小花,没有精心修饰,还 带着田野里的泥土气息,但她真实而美好。
玛丽亚像一条小溪,她欢快地在生活中流淌, 带给世界快乐和活力。
通过众人之口来表现玛利亚这个人物的 形象,这种方法叫什么?这样写的好处 是什么?

剧本开头是怎样描写阿尔卑斯山的风光 的?这样写起什么作用?
答:全方位由远而近,由高而低 地描写。这一环境描写富有诗情 画意,与玛利亚的歌唱相映衬, 情景交融,烘托出玛利亚的自由 快乐。
读《音乐之声》的歌词,回答下面的问题: 试找出这段话用到的所有的修辞手法。 排比 前三句和后三句。 比喻 我的心想要像鸟儿从湖上飞回森林。
综合性最强,表现力最佳,可视性 最好。
以音乐为刻画人物性格的 重要表现形式和剧情发展 的重要表现手段,并将音 乐与主人公的生活和命运 紧紧相连 。





The Love from Maria and
captain to their country
It was Hitler annexed Austria on the eve of the 1930. In Salzburg, Austria folk festival, the captain and Maria received a telephone from Berlin , commands captain to join the Nazi navy. captain refused to serve the nazis and never betrays his own country. He prepared to leave with family.

The Love from Maria to captain
Maria brings lots of changes to caption’s home, these changes arouse captain’s love of life and recall the past happiness, also reminded his love to Maria. Their love got the sublimation at the party. Finally, the captain rejected the baroness, and married Maria.
Our group think “love” is the most important theme of this movie. It is the pure love that deeply touched everyone's heart.



课文第二个场景是众修女七嘴八舌评说 玛丽亚,请概括众人的意见,说说众人眼中 的玛丽亚是个怎样的人?
在众嬷嬷眼中,玛丽亚天性活泼,热爱歌唱, 不守常规,无拘无束;纯真欢快,自由自在;她 自己快乐,也总是给别人带来快乐:她十分可爱 又让人头痛。玛丽亚自由活泼的性格,与修道院 的环境和要求极不协调,因此她们认为她不适合 当修女。她们对玛丽亚非常喜爱而又无所适从。
1:修遭院院长把玛丽亚比作“皎洁的月 光”“天上的云彩”,你认为这样的比榆恰当 吗?为什么?你也试着用一两个比喻去形容一下 玛丽亚。 (提示:结合语境,这两个比喻句生动而 恰当地表现了玛丽亚自由活泼的性格,以及众 嬷嬷对玛丽亚的由衷喜爱而又无所适从。) 2:你周围有像玛丽亚这种性格的人吗?注 意观察,用一段话描写这个人。
影视剧本的特点 电影文学剧本 专供拍摄影片而创作的剧本,是电影艺术的重 要组成部分,也称电影文学。 电影文学剧本跟小说、戏剧一样需要塑造人物 、交代情节,其容量也像戏剧一样受到时间的限制 (摄制完成的电影一般放映两小时左右)。但电影文 学剧本又不同于小说和戏剧。戏剧中人物对白繁多 ,侧重于听觉表现;“电影语言”则是连续不断的 银幕画面,侧重于视觉表现,不以人物对话为主。 在电影中,人物性格的刻画,场景背景的交代.情 节的发展,一切都须化为画面和动作,很少以叙述 人的“画外音”(或字幕)表述。
课文临近结尾处写玛丽亚回到修道 院的情形。请仔细阅读课文,体会其性 格特征。
玛丽亚闯进来时的一连中动作要匆忙, 慌张、快捷:在众修女严肃而毫无声息的注 视下,玛丽亚的表情应由羞愧转为无奈。
1.剧本在刻画人物形象方面有哪 些独到之处?
2.剧中有没有对玛丽亚的心理描 写?为什么?
课文运用人物的语育描写和动作,神态 描写以及环境描写,并将正面描写与侧面描 写相结合,栩栩如生地刻画了少女玛丽亚热 爱歌唱、心灵美好、活泼自由、纯真快乐的觉形象,观众看 不到。画面感,是影视剧本区别于其他文学 体裁的基本特点。影视作为视觉艺术,是由 画面构成的。

《音乐之声》精选优质 PPT

《音乐之声》精选优质 PPT

富有个性的行动描写,突出了玛利 亚不守常规,无拘无束的特点。
表情各异的修女们: 众人对玛利亚毫无办法。
正面描写和侧面描写相结合,成 功地塑造了人物形象。
玛利亚在萨尔茨堡郊外纵情歌唱,快乐游玩→正 面描写。 修道院内,众人对玛利亚七嘴八舌地议论→侧面 描写。 玛利亚风风火火地闯进修道院→正面描写
贝尔塔。性格固执,对玛利亚一直报有偏见, 只看见玛利亚的不足,看不见她的优点。
读完全问后,你认为课文是怎样体现音乐故事 片的特色的?
答:课文中玛利亚的内心独白式的纵情歌唱, 具有浓郁的抒情风格;众麽麽对白式的、带有 比喻、夸张的歌唱,则具有喜剧风格,这二者 都体现了《音乐之声》的音乐故事片的特色。
PPT背 景 图 片 : /beijing/ PPT图 表 下 载 : /tubiao/
优 秀 PPT下 载 : /xiazai/ PPT教 程 : /po werp oint/
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暖和”这句话的言外之意的? 富有个性的行动描写,突出了玛利亚不守常规,无拘无束的特点。
答:言外之意是说玛利亚做修女也未尝不可, 抒发了她对故乡、大自然、音乐的无比热爱之情。
com/kejian/ 《音乐之声》是历史上一部经典的(
音 乐 之

理解文中通过正面描写和侧面描写刻画玛利 亚形象的方法。 品味课外中的环境描写、人物语言描写和动 作、表情描写。 发挥联想和想象,感受课文的画面感,以及 其中人物唱词所体现的音乐故事片的特色。 结合有关的背景知识,深刻理解作品的思想 内容。 分角色朗读课文。*最好能够表演出来。



The Love from Maria and
captain to their country
It was Hitler annexed Austria on the eve of the 1930. In Salzburg, Austria folk festival, the captain and Maria received a telephone from Berlin , commands captain to join the Nazi navy. captain refused to serve the nazis and never betrays his own country. He prepared to leave with family.
The Love from Maria to captain
Maria brings lots of changes to caption’s home, these changes arouse captain’s love of life and recall the past happiness, also reminded his love to Maria. Their love got the sublimation at the party. Finally, the captain rejected the baroness, and married Maria.
Edelweiss, edelweiss Bless my homeland fo derived from nature, comes from the heart, is the human’s most eternal pursuit.
The greatness of love, is that they don't fear any oppression, not afraid of any threat. Therefore, love will eventually defeat evil, also surpass ourselves to get new glory.


Edelweiss, edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever
Love, derived he human’s most eternal pursuit.
The greatness of love, is that they don't fear any oppression, not afraid of any threat. Therefore, love will eventually defeat evil, also surpass ourselves to get new glory.
The Love from Maria and captain to their country
before leaving, he sang his favorite song “Edelweiss”, which express his love of country. All the audience sang the “Edelweiss" together, expressed the Austrian people's beliefs against aggression.
The Love from Maria to captain
Maria brings lots of changes to caption’s home, these changes arouse captain’s love of life and recall the past happiness, also reminded his love to Maria. Their love got the sublimation at the party. Finally, the captain rejected the baroness, and married Maria.



❖ 从由玛利亚的歌声中,乐你听出了人物怎样
•热爱自然、热爱歌唱、活泼自由 。


•答:言外之意是说玛利亚做修女也未尝不可 ,一样合适。
•3.众修女七嘴八舌评说玛利亚,概括一下他们的意 见,说说在众人眼中玛利亚是一个怎样的人。 •答:热爱歌唱,心灵美好,活泼自由,纯真快乐, 但又不守常规,令人无所适从。(研讨和练习第一题 )

•4.通过众人之口来表现玛利亚这个人物的形象, •这种方法叫什么?这样写的好处是什么? •答:侧面描写。能更全面、更完整地塑造人物 •形象,使玛利亚这个形象真实地、丰满地展现 •在人们面前。
•5.从选文中选择一个人,用简洁的语言概括她 •的性格特点
•贝尔塔。性格固执,对玛利亚一直报有偏见, •只看见玛利亚的不足,看不见她的优点。

•6、“玛利亚风风火火地闯进修道院”写法上有何特点 ?
•富有个性的行动描写,突出了玛 利亚不守常规,无拘无束的特点。
•用反问句式,再次强调 了众人对玛利亚毫无办法 。
•天性活泼,热爱歌唱;不守常规,无拘无束;纯真 欢快,自由自在;自己快乐,也让别人快乐;十分 可爱,又让人头痛。总之就是:招人喜欢,却又不 适合做修女。
(2)回答课后练习第二题:修道院院长把玛利亚比作“皎洁的 月光”“天上的云彩”,你认为这样的比喻恰当吗?为什么?
•恰当。院长唱词的意思是说拿玛利亚毫无办法,这正如人们无 法抓住“天上的云彩”和“皎洁的月光”。修道院院长把玛利亚比 做这两件事物,生动而形象地表现了玛利亚自由活泼的性格和 众嬷嬷对玛利亚的由衷喜爱而又无所适从。



1=C 2/4 1、1 2 3 4 I 5 4 3 4 I 5 4 I 3 –II
2 、1 2 3 4 I 5 4 3 2 I 3
2 I 1 - II
The Sound of Music
பைடு நூலகம்
其中著名的曲目有《do re mi 》、《孤独的牧羊人》、 《雪绒花》等。
影片讲述的是1938年发生在奥地利萨尔茨堡的一个真实 的故事。在那里一个古老的修道院中,有一位年轻的实习修女 叫玛丽亚,她性格开朗、热情奔放,喜欢唱歌跳舞,并且善于 弹吉他。 一天修道院的院长对玛丽亚说:当地的特拉普上校是一个 已经退役的海军军官,几年前妻子去世,现在需要一位家庭教 师帮他管教孩子。她有七个女儿,最大的十六岁,最小的只有 五岁。当玛丽亚到了上校家里以后,发现上校对他的孩子实行 的是纯军事化的家庭管理。她不让孩子们尽情欢笑,不让孩子 们大声歌唱。孩子们心情非常压抑并且非常淘气和调皮,在 初次见面就开始捉弄她。玛丽亚并没有灰心。她用自己的爱心和音乐和这些失去母爱的孩子建立了良好的关 系。她带孩子们四处去郊游,感受大自然。并在上校离开家的时候教孩子们唱歌,孩子们用甜美的歌声迎接 上校的回来。歌声深深地打动了上校,使上校情不自禁地加入到了演唱的队伍中来。并使得上校和自己的儿 女的关系得到了极大地改善。后来玛丽亚和上校结了婚。当他们度完蜜月回萨尔茨堡的时候,发现自己的家 乡和祖国被法西斯占领,并且法西斯分子要上校到海军去服役,为纳粹工作。正直的上校不肯出卖自己的祖 国,他决心和玛丽亚一起带着孩子们逃脱。但是就在他们要逃走的时候被敌人发现了,敌人要上校马上去上 任。于是上校就谎称自己要带全家人一起去参加萨尔茨堡的音乐节而暂时逃过一劫。在音乐节上,敌人一直 对他进行监视。上校一家在表演完自己的节目后,趁评奖仪式正在进行,敌人麻痹之际逃到修道院,并最终 在修道院的帮助下,徒步翻过了阿尔卑斯山,跨过国境,最终获得了自由。 该电影曾获得38届奥斯卡奖十项提名,并最终夺得最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳音响、最佳剪辑与最 佳作曲五项大奖。影片中一些优美动人的歌曲如:《哆、来、咪》、《雪绒花》、《孤独的牧羊人》、《再 见》等,在我国广为流传。



音乐之声电影作文英语The Sound of Music is a classic musical film that has captured the hearts of audiences for generations. Based on the true story of the von Trapp family, the film tells the tale of Maria, a young woman who becomes a governess for the seven children of Captain von Trapp, a strict military man. Through her love of music and her kind heart, Maria brings joy and happiness to the von Trapp family, while also falling in love with the Captain himself.The film is set in Austria in the late 1930s, just before the outbreak of World War II. The beautiful scenery and the timeless music make for a magical experience, as we watch Maria and the children sing and dance their way through the hills of Salzburg. From the iconic opening scene of Maria singing "The Sound of Music" on a mountaintop, to the rousing performance of "Do-Re-Mi" in the streets of Salzburg, the film is filled with unforgettable moments that have become part of our cultural heritage.At its heart, The Sound of Music is a story about the power of music to bring people together and to lift our spirits. Through her music, Maria is able to connect with the children and to help them overcome their fears and anxieties. And through their music, the von Trapp family is able to find the courage to stand up against the Nazi regime that threatens their way of life.The film also explores themes of family, love, and sacrifice. Maria and the Captain come from very different worlds, but they are able to find common ground through their love of music and their shared values. And the von Trapp family is willing to risk everything to protect each other and to stand up for what they believe in.In many ways, The Sound of Music is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with audiences today. Its message of hope and resilience is just as relevant now as it was when the film was first released in 1965. And its enduring popularity is a testament to the power of music and the human spirit to overcome even the most difficultchallenges.In conclusion, The Sound of Music is a beloved musical film that has captured the hearts of audiences for generations. Its timeless message of hope and resilience, combined with its iconic music and unforgettable performances, make it a true classic that will continue to inspire and delight audiences for years to come.。

美国电影音乐之声the sound of music课件

美国电影音乐之声the sound of music课件
(本段插曲:I Have Confidence (玛丽亚))
◎ 上校要求玛丽亚也像他一样严格,但是玛丽亚没有听从, 而是用她天生的温柔和善良赢得了孩子们的友好。
趁上校不在的时候,她用窗帘给每个孩子缝制了游戏服装, 带领他们到市场游玩,在美丽的阿尔卑斯山上野餐,还教会了他 们唱歌。
孩子们原有的拘禁和忧郁渐渐地被音乐和笑声代替了。 本段插曲:Sixteen Going on Seventeen(丽莎和罗夫)
上映时间: 1965-03-02
主要奖项: 第38届奥斯卡金像奖
imdb编码: tt0059742
◎ 22岁的玛丽亚是一个萨尔茨堡修 道 音乐之声剧照 院里的志愿修女,但是,她活泼好动 和热爱自然的性格却总是让她在修道 院里惹麻烦。
修女院里的女院长(Mother Abbess)觉得她这样的活泼的性格不 适合僧侣生活。于是,当她接到 冯·特拉普上校家寻求家庭教师的请 求,她决定让玛丽亚去,也借此让她 探索出真正的生活目的。 (本段插曲:The Sound of Music (玛丽亚)
◎ 玛丽亚到达冯·特拉(Captain Georg Von Trapp)家,发现他是一个 有七个孩子的鳏夫,长期的海军生活 和亡妻的悲伤使他对待孩子像管教士 兵一样严格。
很快,玛丽亚就明白了以前那些 家庭教师离开的原因,原来是孩子们 得不到父亲的关爱,总是用捉弄教师 来吸引父亲的注意。
第38届奥斯卡的颁奖典礼举行,尤其是《音 乐之声》共拿到包括最佳影片奖等五个金像。
克里斯托弗·普卢默(Christopher Plummer),加拿大 演员,1929年12月13日生于加拿大多伦多。1965年凭借和朱莉·安德 鲁斯合作主演的电影《音乐之声》而成名。2012年克里斯托弗·普卢 默凭借电影《初学者》获得第69届美国电影电视金球奖、第18届美国 演员工会奖、第65届英国电影学院奖、第84届奥斯卡金像奖等多项国 际大奖的最佳男配角,并以82岁的高龄成为奥斯卡奖历史上获奖时年 龄最大的男演员。



音乐之声电影作文英语The "Sound of Music" is a timeless classic that has captivated audiences for generations. Released in 1965, this film adaptation of the Rodgers and Hammerstein stage musical tells the heartwarming story of Maria, a young Austrian woman who leaves the convent to become a governess for the seven children of the widowed Captain von Trapp.Set against the backdrop of the Nazi annexation of Austria, the film is a poignant tale of love, family, and the power of music. Maria, played by the enchanting Julie Andrews, brings joy and laughter to the von Trapp household, transforming the lives of the children and their father. Her natural exuberance and love for music help to heal the family's wounds and bring them closer together.One of the most memorable aspects of "The Sound of Music" is its unforgettable soundtrack. Songs like "My Favorite Things," "Do-Re-Mi," and "Edelweiss" have become iconic, and the film's title song has been covered by countless artists. The music not only adds to the film's charm but also serves as a form of resistance against the oppressive regime that looms over Austria.The von Trapp family's journey is one of courage and resilience. As the story unfolds, they face the difficult decision of whether to comply with the Nazi regime or to stand up for their beliefs. Their ultimate choice to fleeAustria and perform in a dangerous concert is a testament to their bravery and their love for their homeland."The Sound of Music" is not just a film; it's an experience that resonates with viewers on a deeply emotional level. It's a story of hope, of finding one's voice, and of the enduring power of love and music to overcome adversity. The film's message is as relevant today as it was when it first premiered, reminding us of the importance of standing up for what we believe in and cherishing the bonds of family.In conclusion, "The Sound of Music" is a cinematic masterpiece that continues to inspire and entertain. Its enchanting story, unforgettable music, and powerful themes make it a must-watch for anyone seeking a film that will touch their heart and lift their spirits.。

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The Love from Maria and captain to their country
before leaving, he sang his favorite song “Edelweiss”, which express his love of country. All the audience sang the “Edelweiss" together, expressed the Austrian people's beliefs against aggression.
Interesting story and sweet songs are the most attractive places in the film. Its music and its theme are full of the beauty of art.
About the Movie
Besቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱdes,it is also an family movie.
Edelweiss, edelweiss Bless my homeland forever
Love, derived from nature, comes from the heart, is the human’s most eternal pursuit.
The greatness of love, is that they don't fear any oppression, not afraid of any threat. Therefore, love will eventually defeat evil, also surpass ourselves to get new glory.
Group 7
About the Movie
The Sound of Music is the most widely spread music movie in the history. I believe that people who have seen it will not easily forget.
The Love from Maria and
captain to their country
It was Hitler annexed Austria on the eve of the 1930. In Salzburg, Austria folk festival, the captain and Maria received a telephone from Berlin , commands captain to join the Nazi navy. captain refused to serve the nazis and never betrays his own country. He prepared to leave with family.
Maria's love, understanding and tolerance for the kids performance in many details. For example when she first came to the captain’s house, captain educate his childrens with militarized management, he treat them as machines. What’s worse, the kids’ names are replaced by a sharp whistle. Candid Maria immediately retorted: Oh, I won't need to whistle for them, reverend Captain. I mean, I'll use their names. And such lovely names!" This is the respect for people! Although they are just childrens!
Our group think “love” is the most important theme of this movie. It is the pure love that deeply touched everyone's heart.
The Love from Maria to Kids
The Love from Maria to captain
Maria brings lots of changes to caption’s home, these changes arouse captain’s love of life and recall the past happiness, also reminded his love to Maria. Their love got the sublimation at the party. Finally, the captain rejected the baroness, and married Maria.