
更多资讯请继续关注辩论赛栏目!英语辩论赛辩题大全0. Campus Lifea. China abolish English as a compulsory subject inpostgraduate entrance examinations.b. China make military training compulsory for allcollege students.c. All major corporations operating in China shouldbe required to offer student internships.1. Culturea. THW require study of the traditional styleChinese writing.b. TH opposes the private ownership of artifactsdeemed to be national treasures.c. THBT Shanzhai culture is bad for China.2. Educationa. THW base teachers? pay on their students? performance.b. THW make community service compulsory for all college students.c. THBT Chinese compulsory education should be extended to 12 years3. Economya. TH supports a new international trading currency.b. THB that China should stop buying US debt.c. China should issue consumption vouchers to stimulate the economy.4. Global climate changea. Developed nations should accept global warming refugeesb. Those affected by global climate change should have the right to sue major carbon-emitting nations.c. China should cap its carbon emissions.5. East Asiaa. Immediate elections are in Thailand抯 best interest.b. ASEAN should expel Myanmarc. Direct negotiations between the US and North Korea are preferable to the Six-Party Talks.6. Family & Populationa. THBT women should be allowed to sell their eggsb. TH would require the father抯 consent for abortions.c. China should legalize marriage between homosexuals.7. Crime & Punishmenta. Criminals sentenced to life imprisonment without parole should be allowed to choose deathinstead.b. China should establish a national DNA database of all citizens for the purposes of criminalinvestigations.c. This house would make parents liable for their children抯crimes.8. Governing & Governmenta. THW make one-year military service a qualification for public servants.b. TH would require government officials to make full financial disclosure to the public.c. THW make all NPC representatives full-time, professional legislators.Octofinals: Medical servicea. China should ban hymen reconstruction surgeries.b. China should legalize physician-assisted suicide.c. The World Health Organization (WHO) should have theauthority to quarantine in times ofhealth crises.Quarterfinals: Judiciarya. China should apply capital punishment only to homicide cases.b. China should fully establish a jury-by-peers system.c. Judges should be elected.Semifinals: International IssuesSEMIFINAL #1a. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization should admit Iran as a full member.b. The United Nations should take control of Jerusalem.c. NATO should fully withdraw from Afghanistan before 2019.SEMIFINAL #2a. The USA should stop promoting democracy as part of their foreign policy.b. Pre-emptive strikes on Somalia to curb piracy are justified.c. This house supports Spain抯criminal prosecution of members of the Bushadministration.FinalsThe PRC should ban the production, sale and consumption of all tobacco products.英语辩论赛常用语A征求他人观点或意见的用语I would be glad to hear your opinion of … 我很乐意听听你对……的意见。

英语口语辩论1.High school student should go to college or go to work ?正方:go to college 反方:go to work正方一辩:As far as I am concerned,High school student should go to college because people with a college degree will have a wide range of option in career and they will earn significantly more over a lifetime than people without a degree,I’d be glad to hear your opinion on this point。
反方一辩:Yes,perhaps. However,we have to look at this from another perspective。
Not everyone who go to college can succeed getting a degree,In some fields,good job do require training but not a college degree。
What do you think ?正方二辩:Possibly,Nowdays,lots of companies need professional talent,In college,we can learn more professional knowage to make a place for ourselves in the society in future ,so we think that go to college is very necessary 。

以下是一些常见的英语辩论赛辩题,供参考:一、关于教育1. 课外补习班是否必要?2. 传统教育模式与素质教育哪个更好?3. 网络教育能否取代传统教育?4. 公办学校与私立学校哪个更有利于学生成长?二、关于科技1. 人工智能是否会取代人类?2. 社交媒体对人们生活的影响是正面还是负面?3. 移动支付是否会导致现金的消失?4. 互联网是否加剧了信息不对称?三、关于社会问题1. 网络暴力是否应该受到法律制裁?2. 环境保护与经济发展哪个更重要?3. 女性是否应该享有与男性同等的职场机会?4. 犯罪率上升的原因是什么?如何解决?四、关于文化1. 文化多样性是否应该得到尊重?2. 网络文学与传统文学哪个更具价值?3. 流行音乐对青少年价值观的影响是正面还是负面?4. 传统文化是否应该得到传承?五、关于政治1. 一国两制是否适用于香港、澳门?2. 民主制度与专制制度哪个更优越?3. 贸易战对全球经济的影响是正面还是负面?4. 国家是否应该干预互联网言论?六、关于个人成长1. 个人的成功是先天决定还是后天努力?2. 父母对孩子的教育方式是否应该一视同仁?3. 青少年是否应该接受心理辅导?4. 个人的兴趣爱好是否应该受到社会压力的影响?七、关于健康1. 饮食健康与生活习惯哪个更重要?2. 互联网成瘾是否应该被列为心理疾病?3. 健康生活方式是否应该从小培养?4. 国家是否应该加大投入,提高国民健康水平?八、关于历史1. 历史是否应该被铭记?2. 历史人物的评价是否应该客观?3. 历史事件对现代社会的启示是什么?4. 历史教育是否应该得到重视?这些辩题涵盖了教育、科技、社会、文化、政治、个人成长、健康和历史等多个领域,既具有普遍性,又具有一定的争议性。

英语辩论赛话题(通用5篇)英语辩论赛话题篇一Group 1, For Side: Advertisements should be controlled.Group 1, Against Side: Advertisements should be encouraged.Group 2, For Side: Junior students should go in for beauty contests.Group 2, Against Side: Junior students should not take part in beauty contests.Group 3, For Side: Mobile phones are necessary for middle school students.Group 3, Against Side: Mobile phones are not necessary for middle school students.Group 4, For Side: Middle school students should go abroad to study.Group 4, Against Side: Middle school students should not go abroad to study.Group 5, For Side: Interest is the best teacher for pupils to learn English.Group 5, Against Side: Progress is the best teacher for pupils to learn English.Group 6, For Side: People and nature are in harmony.Group 6, Against Side: People and nature are not in harmony.Group 7, For Side: Mor shubaoc.c ome money means more happiness.Group 7, Against Side: More money means more sadness.Group 8, For Side: Internet alienates the relationship among people.Group 8, Against Side: Internet doesn't alienate the relationshipamong people.Group 9, For Side: Quality is more important for students.Group 9, Against Side: Scores are more important for students. Group 10, For Side: Students should wear their school uniforms. Group 10, Against Side: Students should be allowed to choosetheir own clothes.Group 11, For Side: Students should learn more from books and their teachers.Group 11, Against Side: Students should learn more from their experience and daily life.Group 12, For Side: Computers are good for studying.Group 12, Against Side: Computers are not good for studying.Group 13, For Side: Opportunity is more important for success. Group 13, Against Side: Hard work is more important for success. Group 14, For Side: It is good for students to attend after-school training classes.Group 14, Against Side: It is bad for students to attend after-school training classes.高中组Group 1, For Side: Olympic Games are purely commercial operations.Group 1, Against Side: Olympic Games are not purely commercial operations.Group 2, For Side: Government should control the rising price of houses.Group 2, Against Side: Government should not control the rising price of houses.Group 3, For Side: Reading and writing are more important thanlistening and speaking in the English study.Group 3, Against Side: Listening and speaking are more important than reading and writing in the English study.Group 4, For Side: It's more crucial for students to earn knowledge.Group 4, Against Side: It's more crucial for students to mould character.Group 5, For Side: Blogging has more advantages than disadvantages.Group 5, Against Side: Blogging has more disadvantages than advantages.Group 6, For Side: Money is the source of happiness.Group 6, Against Side: Money is the root of all evil.Group 7, For Side: Shopping online is good.Group 7, Against Side: Shopping online is not good.Group 8, For Side: Going to college is the best future for students.Group 8, Against Side: Going to college is not the best futurefor students.Group 9, For Side: Students should do as many mock tests as possible.Group 9, Against Side: Students should not do so many mock tests. Group 10, For Side: Modesty is never out of date.Group 10, Against Side: Modesty is out of date now.Group 11, For Side: Senior students should take part in after-school activities.Group 11, Against Side: Senior students should not take part in after-school activities.Group 12, For Side: Fighting against terrorism brings peace to the world.Group 12, Against Side: Fighting against terrorism causes more disasters to the world.Group 13, For Side: Paper reading will be replaced by E-reading. Group 13, Against Side: Paper reading will not be replaced by E-reading.Group 14, For Side: "Golden-Weeks" should be canceled.Group 14, Against Side: "Golden-Weeks" should not be canceled. Group 15, For Side: Pressure is a motivation for students.Group 15, Against Side: Pressure is a killer for students 决赛篇二1、 Is it a right and smart way for Americans to take up the Wall Street and even Washington D.C2、 Foreign culture has great effect on Chinese culture. Does the advantage of such effect outweigh the disadvantage or does the disadvantage outweigh the advantage?3、 What does work mean to people? Work to live or live to work?英语辩论赛话题篇三Dressing well is important to one's Iife.着装在人们的生活中作用重大。

(完整版)英语辩论题目1. Examinations do more harm than good2. Private educational institutions should be encouraged in China3. Everyone should accept higher education4. Men need more care5.Should couples live together or not before marriage.6.Network shortens the distance between people.7. 男女同校和男女分校8.Weather teacher should use computer to help teaching in the class or not9.Should or should not celebrate western festivals10.The government should control rising house prices11. work is for interest or for money工作是以兴趣为重还是金钱为重For Side: National identity is important in the age of globalization.Against Side: National identity is not important in the age of globalization.For Side: Work experience is more important than education.Against Side: Education is more important than work experience.For Side: Following fashion is necessary for young people.Against Side: Following fashion is unnecessary for young people.For Side: Sending children to famous schools is essential.Against Side: Sending children to famous schools is not essential.For Side: People are happier living in cities than in thecountryside.Against Side: People are happier living in the countryside than in cities.For Side: The car industry should be further developed in China.Against Side: The car industry should not be further developed in China.For Side: College students should be allowed to live off campus.Against Side: College students should not be allowed to live off campus.For Side: Men contribute more to society than women.Against Side: Women contribute more to society than men.For Side: The college entrance examinations should be abolished.Against Side: The college entrance examinations should not be abolished.For Side: It's good for college students to have a part-time job.Against Side: It's not good for college students to have a part-time job.For Side: It's better for a college graduate to find a job than to undertake postgraduate study.Against Side: It's better for a college graduate to undertake postgraduate study than to find a job.For Side: Students should choose their majors to meet their personal needs and interests.Against Side: Students should choose their majors to meet the needs of society.For Side: Learning oral English is more important thanlearning written English. Against Side: Learning written English is more important than learning oral English. For Side: E-books will eventually replace printed books.Against Side: E-books will never replace printed books.For Side: The Chinese men's football team is hopeful.Against Side: The Chinese men's football team is hopeless.For Side: The “golden week” holidays should be abolished.Against Side: The “golden week” holidays should not be abo lished.For Side: Non-native English speaking teachers are better than native English speaking teachers.Against Side: Native English speaking teachers are better than non-native English speaking teachers.。

祝大家考试成功!口语考试辩论话题Topic1 Should we diet in order to keep fit?Side A:Yes, we should diet in order to keep fit.keep a balance of nutrition; diet is indispensable for keeping healthySupporting ideas1.More and more people want to lose weight through diet, but a lot ofinvestigates showed that diet may cause some loss in people’s weight butwhen people stop from diet, their weight may grow faster than before.2.Diet can be addictive. Sometimes diet can cause anorexia. Some peopleeager to lose weight and they choose to reduce their daily food greatly, thatwill make their body lack of nutrition. Some people may get excited aboutdiet, their brain may produce some dopamine when they are hungry, ifpeople get used to this, it will become an illness and it may cause someother illness.3.When people are on a diet, they always evaluate the heat of the food theyare eating, they judge the food by their heat, so their life will stuck into anendless loop, the got hungry then they want some delicious food then theytry to eat but they find that the food is of too much heat, so they stop eating,and they get unpleasant, they want to fulfill their appetite, but they never getfulfilled. This loop will lead to one end, they stop struggling and start to eattheir dreamed food and they get fat again.Side B: No, we should not diet in order to keep fit.The fun of enjoying delicious food overweighs everythingTopic 2Which is more important for you in your life: knowledge from books you read, or personal experiences in reality?Side A: Knowledge from books is more important than experiences.Side B:Experiences is more important than knowledge from books.Topic 3 About advertisingSide A: Advertising can do more good than harm.useful in our life; compare prices when they are listed in ads; buy things atthe lowest prices; TV commercials can be very entertaining; informative; aquick access to the productsSide B: Advertising can do more harm than good.be misleading; make people buy goods on impulse; People will be easilyswayed by ads featuring beautiful movie stars; probably lose theirindividualityTopic4 Nowadays college students are faced with great pressures from different aspects. Peer pressure (pressure from their classmates) is quite common among them. Then what do you think of the influence of peer pressure?Side A: Peer pressure is beneficial for the growth of college students.Side B: Peer pressure is harmful for the growth of college students.Topic5 Some people say that Love is more important than bread (money) for a marriage. Others believe that money (financial status) is much more important for a marriage. Which view do you support?Side A: Love is more important than financial status for a marriage.Side B: Financial status is more important than love for a marriage.Topic 6 In some universities, students have the right to choose their teachers according to their own preferences. Different people hold different views on this issue: Should students have the right to choose their teachers instead of the university arranging the teachers in advance?Side A: Students should have to right to choose their teachers.Side B: The University should arrange the teachers in advance.Topic 7 Cars are doing more good / harm than good.Side A: Cars are doing more good than harm.be convenient of, be available for, speed up, be safe, enjoy lifeSide B: Cars are doing more harm than good.result from, resource limits, be jammed with, bring out, unbearable noise Topic 8 Which one would you like to choose, better husband or better job?Side A:I would like to choose a better husband.happy marriage, easy life, be accustomed at, a woman behind the man, payforSide B:I would like to choose a better husband.luxury possessions, launch into, compete for, be able to, beindependent ofTopic 9 Should the CCTV Spring Festival Gala be canceled or not?Side A: The CCTV Spring Festival Gala should be canceled.on the eve of the lunar New Year, stereotyped Gala, replace, give way todiverse modern celebrations, increasingly difficult to cater for all tastes,focus attention on other forms of celebration instead of immersing in TV Side B: The CCTV Spring Festival Gala shouldn’t be canceled.the most popular TV events, established status, at home and abroad, anindispensable part of the festival, creative programs, colorful, appealing,meet the needs of peopleTopic 10 Should we inherit or innovate our Chinese culture?Side A: We should mainly inherit our Chinese culture.historical; learn from Chinese traditional culture; formed in the long history;begin with its own feature.Side B:We should innovate our Chinese culture.development; encourage; cultural innovation; creative;in order to get victory in competition.。

最好的英语口语辩论对话(精选多篇)第一篇:最好的英语口语辩论对话英语口语对话(三对三辩论)The topic: Chinese students should not celebrate Western festivals.人物(Character):主持人(host)正方一辩:P1 正方二辩:P2 正方三辩:P3 反方一辩:C1 反方二辩:C2 反方三辩:C3 HOST:A debate is about to begin, both sides of the debate are momentum rainbow.辩论赛即将开始,辩论双方都气势如虹。
Now, I declare the debate began.现在,我宣布辩论赛开始。
P1: We are the Pro.The opinion of our group is that Chinese student should not celebrate the foreign festivals.我们小组代表正方观点。
C1: We are the Con.The opinion of our group is that Chinese student should celebrate the foreign festivals.我们小组代表反方观点。
P1:With the introduction of western festivals ,Chinese students are more and more inclined to western festivals ratherthantraditionalChinese holidays.This is not a good phenomenon,which is not conductive to inherit and carry forward the Chinese traditional culture.What’s more, holidays like Christmas aren’t simply festivals.They are religious events随着西方节日引入中国,中国学生越来越倾向于过西方节日而不是中国传统节日。
大学英语口语 英语辩论参考

Topic1. Arguments for or against asking for pocket money from our parents正:Someone believe that giving children pocket money really has many advantages. With pocket money, children can buy their daily necessities such as pencils, little toys, and snack food they like.反:Young children do not know how to use pocket money appropriately, they possibly consume all the money to buy expensive merchandise that they like, and then ask for extra money from their parents.正:It will give children a certain freedom to select what they want, make them aware rules of the equivalent exchange. It can enable children to gain the ability to manage money earlier, which is good for their development.反:Some parents cosset(溺爱) their children, and always give them a large amount of pocket money. Such conditions will make children become more and more prodigal.正:This is not spoiled. Children will be happy if they often get pocket money, and they can buy what they love, which contributes to a happy childhood.反:Our parents make money by working day and night, we should help them to support the family and not just want to ask money for our parents.正:We can guide children to use their pocket money properly to make good use of it. It can enable children to gain the ability to manage money earlier, which is good for their development.反:If we can always get money from our parents , it is easy to develop thebad habit of spending money randomly. We are old enough to support ourselves by getting a part-time job. We should have a proper conception of money.正:Although we have a college student, but we do not have enough free time to make money. We still rely on their parents to provide money。

一、表达观点1、“I firmly believe that” (我坚信)例如:“I firmly believe that education is the key to a better future”(我坚信教育是通向美好未来的关键。
”2、“In my opinion/view,” (在我看来,)例如:“In my opinion, we should focus more on environmental protection”(在我看来,我们应该更关注环境保护。
”3、“It seems to me that” (在我看来,)例如:“It seems to me that technology has both advantages and disadvantages”(在我看来,技术既有优点也有缺点。
”4、“I’m of the opinion that” (我的观点是)例如:“I’m of the opinion that we need to balance work and life”(我的观点是我们需要平衡工作和生活。
”二、提出论据1、“First of all, Secondly, Finally,” (首先,其次,最后,)例如:“First of all, we have limited resources Secondly, the demand is increasing rapidly Finally, we need to find new solutions”(首先,我们的资源有限。

Topic 1 It’s good / not good for college students to have a part-time job.Side A: It’s good for college students to have a part-time job.learn much different knowledge; gain working experience; makestudents more confident; realize their own value and provethemselves; adopt themselves into the society early and makeprogress to their study as wellSide B:It’s not good for college students to have a part-time job.fall behind others if they get the part-time job; spend too muchtime and energy on part-time job; inevitably lessen his time andenergy for academic learning; corrupt the students' motivationfor academic success; interfere with their studiesTopic 2Should we diet in order to keep fit?Side A:Yes, we should diet in order to keep fit.keep a balance of nutrition; diet is indispensable for keepinghealthySide B: No, we should not diet in order to keep fit.The fun of enjoying delicious food overweighs everything Topic 3 About advertisingSide A: Advertising can do more good than harm.useful in our life; compare prices when they are listed in ads; buythings at the lowest prices; TV commercials can be veryentertaining; informative; a quick access to the productsSide B: Advertising can do more harm than good.be misleading; make people buy goods on impulse; People willbe easily swayed by ads featuring beautiful movie stars; probablylose their individualityTopic 4 About what is happiness.Side A:achieve success, money can buy happiness, buy whatever we want, hold a high position, stand out among one's peersSide B:make contributions to the society, live in harmony, share good and sad times, value sb’s health, become who you want to be,keep the faithTopic 5 Studying in China or abroad, which is better?Side A: Studying abroad is better.enrich our knowledge and make us board-minded; Knowingcustomers and traditions of foreign countries is useful forworking in multinational corporations.Side B: Studying in China is better.Education abroad is not quite suit for our national Situation; havemany good universities at home; Studying abroad is a hugefinical burden for many middle-income familiesTopic 6 Should violent video games be banned?Side A: Yes, violent video games should be banned.impact on impressionable children; cause society to becomemore violent; blood, strong language, strong sexual content;intense violence, use of drugs and alcohol; do harm to kids’mental health; not mature enough to understandSide B: No, violent video games should not be banned.There is already a suggested age limit; No way to enforce such arule; Limit creativity; video games meant for adults; theeconomy would sufferTopic 7Which is more important to a person, money or personality? Side A: Money is more important.do nothing without money; Without money, education andmedicare can not be assured.Side B: Personality is more important.Good personality helps people have many good friends whichcan speed up one’s process of success; good personality is alsothe key of changing one’s life; help someone overcom e hardshipscalmly with an appropriate attitude.Topic 8 Does reading English language and literature prepare you for any career whatsoever?Side A: Yes, reading English language and literature prepares me for career.English language and literature, prepare for, the purpose ofeducation, broaden one’s horizon, good atSide B: No, reading English language and literature doesn’t prepare me for any career.there is no value in, point out, waste of, out of date, in theory Topic 9 Cars are doing more good / harm than good.Side A: Cars are doing more good than harm.be convenient of, be available for, speed up, be safe, enjoy life Side B: Cars are doing more harm than good.result from, resource limits, be jammed with, bring out,unbearable noiseTopic 10 Which one would you like to choose, better husband or better job?Side A:I would like to choose a better husband.happy marriage, easy life, be accustomed at, a woman behind theman, pay forSide B:I would like to choose a better husband.luxury possessions, launch into, compete for, be able to, beindependent ofTopic 11Who should pay the university tuition? Students on their own or their parents?Side A:Students should pay the university tuition on their own.adults, do part-time jobs, loans, scholarships and grants, achievefinancial independence, gain work experience, learn more ofsociety, lighten financial burdensSide B:Parents should pay the university tuition.high tuition, rising of university tuition, beyond students’ ability,not realistic, t oo…to…, devoted to study, the main task, distractfrom academic learning.不是所有兼职工作都能起到锻炼实践能力的作用,而在校时光非常宝贵,不必急着提高实践能力,不如用宝贵的4年时间多泡泡图书馆,因为打工以后还可以打,但这样接受文化熏陶的机会却不会再有了。

以下是店铺为大家整理的英语辩论赛话题,欢迎阅读!英语辩论赛话题1Owning a private car should be encouraged:应该鼓励拥有私家车:I think everyone has the right to enjoy a better life. The private car gives us a much greater degree of comfort and mobility in our life. With a car of our own, we can avoid going to work by crowded buses or subways. Moreover, having a car also means that we can enjoy the weekends and holidays better. With a car we can go wherever we like, even to places where the regular buses and trains do not reach. Therefore, owning a private car should be encouraged by our society.每个人都有权利追求更高品质的生活。
Owniog a private car should not be encouraged:不应鼓励拥有私家车:Nowadays, the number of private cars is on the rise in our country, which has given rise to many serious problems. First of all, it is self-evident that the automobile contributes much to the air pollution.Secondly, private cars have a direct relationship with traffic jams (阻塞) in cities. Without an effective regulation on private cars , the traffic system will suffer more serious problems. Last but not the least , private cars consume( 消费) a lot of energy , which will be a threat to the sustainable( 可持续的) development of our country.如今,在我国,随着私家车数量的不断增加,各种问题层出不穷。

有趣的英语辩论题目19个1. Staying in China or going aboard for education becomes more and more popular for several years. Do you think which is better?2. “Piracy” means the publishing, reproducing of a book, CD, VCD, tape, etc. without permission. Are you in favor of piracy or against piracy?3. Should middle school students be allowed to bring the cell phone or not?4. Do you think cosmetic surgery have a positive or negative influence on our society?5. Should different cultures merge into each other or maintain their unique features?6. Can money buy happiness?7. Which is more important for hunting a job, the personal ability or interpersonal relationships?8. Which is more important, economic development or environmental protection?9. Foreign culture has great effect on Chinese culture. Does the advantage of such effect outweigh the disadvantage or does the disadvantage outweigh the advantage?10. What does work mean to people? Work to live or live to work?11. Does advertisement play a positive or negative role in our society?12. Are pets good or bad for mankind?13. Should we diet in order to keep fit?14. Should celebrities have greater protection from the media or not?15. Should the sale and consumption of alcohol be banned or not?16. Are beauty contests good or harmful to our society?17. Does criticism do more harm than good to people?18. Is it necessary to pass CET4 or CET6 in the university?19. Is puppy love good or bad for studying?英语辩论题目精选20个1. Is TV a malign influence on society?2. Talk about Poverty and Wisdom3. If u r on a deserted island what three things do u want to take?4. Talk about the meaning of Being Capable/Being Helpful/Kind5. What’s your understanding of team work?6. How to learn perfect English?7. We learn knowledge only from our teachers.8. We learn knowledge not only from our teachers.9. Do you prefer to buy sth. in big stores or small ones?10. Is career more important than family?11. Can people make true friends on the internet?12. Being single is very popular in China?13. Can you find out which qualities you look for in a boyfriend or girlfriend?14. What would you see as advantages for you to wait for your marriage, if you’ve found the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend?15. Do you prefer to marry before you have a successfulcareer or after you have a successful career?16. Positive side: It's good for people to grow up in adverse circumstances.Negative side: It's not good for people to grow up in adverse circumstances.17. Is there true love on the internet?18. Should professionals be paid according to their performance?19. Should Physical Education in schools be compulsory?20. Should parents have the right to educate their children privately?英语辩论的技巧一、保持微笑每次站起来的时候要先微笑,过两秒再进行辩论。

1. Couchsurfing is 100% free.2. You'll get way outside the “foreignerbubble”, you’ll be totally immersedin the life of your host. You mayhang out with their friends or havedinner with their families.3. You can live like a local, taste theirculture.4. You might get the best advice onwhat to do, what to see and at a fair price.5. You'll make lifelong friends aroundthe world.6. You can learn of foreign cultures. 1. You are relying on luck. You mightbe in a real pigsty of a place. A real hell hole.2. Lack of comfort. The couch mightbe old, all springs broken, fleainfested cesspit of a piece of cloth.To make it worse it is only a twoseater so you can’t even lie flat.3. You don’t know the people who youare going to stay with. You riskbeing stuck overnight, or evenworse many nights in a house with some complete delinquent, drunkor a person with other bad habits.4. May be you just can’t get alongbecause your host is too talkativeor you find him / her silly or boring.5. You might feel a lack of privacy.6. You're always on someone else'sschedule.7. There might be cultural issues.Your host or you might have habits that are not understood and areintolerable for one of you.8. Couchsurfing might not be safe.Some people use (abuse) theconcept do get laid.9. You have to move around a lot andyou have to plan in advance.look at the given list. Find a partner and start a role play or a discussion on the topic.。

大学英语辩论话题第一篇:大学英语辩论话题大学英语辩论话题1.Is TV a malign influence on society?2.Is career more important than family?3.Can people make true friends on the internet?4.Do you prefer to marry before you have a successful career or after you have a successful career?5.Should Physical Education in schools be compulsory?6.Should parents have the right to educate their children privately?7.Does reading makes a full man?8.Do we need to show 100% honesty to our beloved?9.Does pure friendship exist between men and women? 10.Does the younger generation know better? 11.Is it better to enjoy money currently or save it for the future? 12.Is human nature good or evil? 13.Are we living for ourselves or for others?14.Which do you prefer, freedom or responsibility in your marriage life? 15.A person should never make an important decision alone.Y/N 16.Should movies are designed only to amuse and entertain? 17.Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed(damaged)by human activity.Y/N? 18.Is it better for people to show off or be modest?第二篇:辩论话题(4)在大力践行社会主义核心价值观的今天,公平与正义早已深入人心。

1. current events - 当今的事件,包括政治、社会和文化事件。
2. movies and TV shows - 电影和电视节目,包括最喜欢的电影和电视节目、电影和电视节目的评价和趋势。
3. sports - 运动,包括最喜欢的运动、运动员和球队的评论和观点。
4. travel - 旅行,包括最喜欢的旅行目的地、旅行经验,以及未来计划。
5. food and drink - 食品和饮料,包括最喜欢的食物和饮料、烹饪技巧和饮食文化。
6. books and writing - 书籍和写作,包括最喜欢的书籍和作者、对写作的看法和建议。
7. education - 教育,包括正在学习的科目、对未来的计划,以及教育的看法和观点。
8. technology and science - 技术和科学,包括最喜欢的科技应用、对未来的展望,以及科学的发展和应用。
9. culture and society - 文化和社会,包括对文化的看法和态度、社会问题和文化趋势的看法和观点。
10. hobbies and interests - 爱好和兴趣,包括最喜欢的爱好和兴趣、如何培养和发展这些爱好和兴趣。

英语口语辩论话题Staying in China or going aboard for educationIs Education Losing Its Valuebetter husband or better jobMoney and personality, which one is more imporantFive-day Work Week Better than Six-day Work?Students Need to Watch TV or notPhilosophical debates:If there is no objective truth, then is the claim "there is no objective truth" also not an objective truth?Does History Matter?Is a first cause of a process necessary, always possible, or sometimes impossible?Can Objectivism develop beyond Ayn Rand's original formulation?Can any man live without some code of morality?Does the universe include everything, or does something outside the universe exist?Why is there something rather than nothing?Stem Cells: Why or why notDebate:Why Reason?Funny, maybe?Are cats just useless dogs?Is the Platypus evidence that God has a sense of humour?Was the shooting at Virginia Tech somehow President Bush'sfault? (kind of like he caused hurricane Katrina)Are video games getting better or worse as graphics, sound, and gameplay complexity improve?Conservapedia:Are alcohol, marijuana, and nicotine gateway drugs?Conservapedia:Is Rap music torture?Conservapedia:Should weed be legalized?Debate:What are the lessons that we should take away from the Milgram ExperimentConservapedia:Does the Theory of Evolution promote atheism?Discussion:Colorado Mall Shootings给大家分享练习英语口语的十二个基本话题话题一:个人情况(Personal information)能够向他人介绍个人的基本情况(姓名、年龄、出生日期、家庭成员、电话号码、爱好、邮箱地址、外貌、特征和自己的生活情况等),并能够写出自己简单的基本情况。

1. Examinations do more harm than good2. Private educational institutions should be encouraged in China3. Everyone should accept higher education4. Men need more care5.Should couples live together or not before marriage.6.Network shortens the distance between people.7. 男女同校和男女分校8.Weather teacher should use computer to help teaching in the class or not9.Should or should not celebrate western festivals10.The government should control rising house prices11. work is for interest or for money工作是以兴趣为重还是金钱为重For Side: National identity is important in the age of globalization.Against Side: National identity is not important in the age of globalization.For Side: Work experience is more important than education.Against Side: Education is more important than work experience.For Side: Following fashion is necessary for young people.Against Side: Following fashion is unnecessary for young people.For Side: Sending children to famous schools is essential.Against Side: Sending children to famous schools is not essential.For Side: People are happier living in cities than in the countryside.Against Side: People are happier living in the countryside than in cities.For Side: The car industry should be further developed in China.Against Side: The car industry should not be further developed in China.For Side: College students should be allowed to live off campus.Against Side: College students should not be allowed to live off campus.For Side: Men contribute more to society than women.Against Side: Women contribute more to society than men.For Side: The college entrance examinations should be abolished.Against Side: The college entrance examinations should not be abolished.For Side: It's good for college students to have a part-time job.Against Side: It's not good for college students to have a part-time job.For Side: It's better for a college graduate to find a job than to undertake postgraduate study.Against Side: It's better for a college graduate to undertake postgraduate study than to find a job.For Side: Students should choose their majors to meet their personal needs and interests.Against Side: Students should choose their majors to meet the needs of society.For Side: Learning oral English is more important than learning written English. Against Side: Learning written English is more important than learning oral English. For Side: E-books will eventually replace printed books.Against Side: E-books will never replace printed books.For Side: The Chinese men's football team is hopeful.Against Side: The Chinese men's football team is hopeless.For Side: The “golden week” holidays should be abolished.Against Side: The “golden week” holidays should not be abo lished.For Side: Non-native English speaking teachers are better than native English speaking teachers.Against Side: Native English speaking teachers are better than non-native English speaking teachers.。
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Topic 1 It’s good / not good for college students to have a part-time job.Side A: It’s good for college students to have a part-time job.learn much different knowledge; gain working experience; makestudents more confident; realize their own value and provethemselves; adopt themselves into the society early and makeprogress to their study as wellSide B:It’s not good for college students to have a part-time job.fall behind others if they get the part-time job; spend too muchtime and energy on part-time job; inevitably lessen his time andenergy for academic learning; corrupt the students' motivationfor academic success; interfere with their studiesTopic 2 Should we diet in order to keep fit?Side A:Yes, we should diet in order to keep fit.keep a balance of nutrition; diet is indispensable for keepinghealthySide B: No, we should not diet in order to keep fit.The fun of enjoying delicious food overweighs everythingTopic 3 About advertisingSide A: Advertising can do more good than harm.useful in our life; compare prices when they are listed in ads; buythings at the lowest prices; TV commercials can be veryentertaining; informative; a quick access to the productsSide B: Advertising can do more harm than good.be misleading; make people buy goods on impulse; People willbe easily swayed by ads featuring beautiful movie stars; probablylose their individualityTopic 4 About what is happiness.Side A:achieve success, money can buy happiness, buy whatever we want, hold a high position, stand out among one's peersSide B:make contributions to the society, live in harmony, share good and sad times, value sb’s health, become who you want to be,keep the faithTopic 5 Studying in China or abroad, which is better?Side A: Studying abroad is better.enrich our knowledge and make us board-minded; Knowingcustomers and traditions of foreign countries is useful forworking in multinational corporations.Side B: Studying in China is better.Education abroad is not quite suit for our national Situation; havemany good universities at home; Studying abroad is a hugefinical burden for many middle-income familiesTopic 6 Should violent video games be banned?Side A: Yes, violent video games should be banned.impact on impressionable children; cause society to becomemore violent; blood, strong language, strong sexual content;intense violence, use of drugs and alcohol; do harm to kids’mental health; not mature enough to understandSide B: No, violent video games should not be banned.There is already a suggested age limit; No way to enforce such arule; Limit creativity; video games meant for adults; theeconomy would sufferTopic 7 Which is more important to a person, money or personality? Side A: Money is more important.do nothing without money; Without money, education andmedicare can not be assured.Side B: Personality is more important.Good personality helps people have many good friends whichcan speed up one’s process of success; good personality is alsothe key of changing one’s life; help someone overcome hardshipscalmly with an appropriate attitude.Topic 8 Does reading English language and literature prepare you for any career whatsoever?Side A: Yes, reading English language and literature prepares me for career.English language and literature, prepare for, the purpose ofeducation, broaden one’s horizon, good atSide B: No, reading English language and literature doesn’t prepare me for any career.there is no value in, point out, waste of, out of date, in theoryTopic 9 Cars are doing more good / harm than good.Side A: Cars are doing more good than harm.be convenient of, be available for, speed up, be safe, enjoy life Side B: Cars are doing more harm than good.result from, resource limits, be jammed with, bring out,unbearable noiseTopic 10 Which one would you like to choose, better husband or better job?Side A:I would like to choose a better husband.happy marriage, easy life, be accustomed at, a woman behind theman, pay forSide B:I would like to choose a better husband.luxury possessions, launch into, compete for, be able to, beindependent ofTopic 11 Who should pay the university tuition? Students on their own or their parents?Side A:Students should pay the university tuition on their own.adults, do part-time jobs, loans, scholarships and grants, achievefinancial independence, gain work experience, learn more ofsociety, lighten financial burdensSide B:Parents should pay the university tuition.high tuition, rising of university tuition, bey ond students’ ability,not realistic, too…to…, devoted to study, the main task, distractfrom academic learning.不是所有兼职工作都能起到锻炼实践能力的作用,而在校时光非常宝贵,不必急着提高实践能力,不如用宝贵的4年时间多泡泡图书馆,因为打工以后还可以打,但这样接受文化熏陶的机会却不会再有了。