综合写作练习Stone ball



(1)According to the text, the game of kicking a stone ball was ________.
A.often played in winterB.popular in South China
C.invented in BeijingD.played to keep cool
"Made in China" is having its moment now—it is becoming more and more fashionable.
The story of Chinese fashion began in 2011 whenFeiyueandHuili, both Chinese sneaker(胶底运动鞋)brands, suddenly got international attention. Their products were seen on models all over the world. In 2018,Chinese sportswear brandLi Ningwas at the New York Fashion Week in September with new designs—hoodies and jackets decorated with Chinese characters.
A.Kicking sPlaying hide-and-seekD.Watching shadow plays
(5)Which of the following is true according to the test?
A.Tianjin is famous for the bird shaped kite.

TPO 31-34 综合原文

TPO 31-34 综合原文

托福TPO31综合写作题目 Reading Part:A fossil skeleton of a dinosaur called Sinosauropteryx, preserved in volcanic as h, was discovered in Liaoning, China, in 1996. Interestingly, the fossil included a pattern of fine lines surrounding the skeletal bones. Some paleontologists int erpret the lines as evidence that Sinosauropteryx had feathers. However, critics have opposed the idea that Sinosauropteryx was a feathered dinosaur, citing se veral reasons.First, the critics points out that the fine lines may not even represent functiona l structures of a living dinosaur, but rather structures that were formed after th e animal’s death. After the animal died and was burie d in volcanic ash, its ski n may have decomposed into fibers. The skin fibers then became preserved as lines in the fossil; the lines were misinterpreted as evidence of feathers.Second, even if the fine lines are remains of real structures of a Sinosauropter yx, scientists cannot tell with certainty what part of the dinosaur’s anatomy the structures were. Many dinosaurs had frills, ornamental fan-shaped structures gr owing out of some parts of their bodies. Some of the critics argue that the lin es surrounding the skeleton are much more likely to be fossilized remains of f rills than remains of feathers.A third objection is based on the fact that the usual functions of feathers are t o help animals fly or regulate their internal temperature. However, the structure s represented by the lines in the Sinosauropteryx fossil were mostly located alo ng the backbone and the tail of the animal. This would have made the structu res quite useless for flight and of very limited use in thermoregulation. This s uggests that the lines do not represent feathers.托福TPO31综合写作题目 Listening Part:The evidence that the lines in the Sinosauropteryx fossil represent feathers is v ery strong. The arguments of the critics are unconvincing.First, it is unlikely that the lines are a result of the decomposition of the dino saur ’s skin, because we don’t see any such decomposition in the fossils of ot her animals buried at the same site. In fact, the fossils of many other animals buried at the site show evidence that their functional skin structures have bee n beautifully preserved in volcanic ash. The well-preserved condition of the oth er fossils makes it likely that the Sinosauropteryx’s lines are also well-preserve d functional structures, possibly feathers, and that they are not fibers caused by decomposition.Second, the idea that the lines represent frills… well, there is an important che mical difference between feathers and frills. Feathers contain a great deal of a protein called Beta-keratin. Frills, on the other hand, do not contain beta-keratin. Our chemical analyses suggest that the Sinosauropteryx structures did contai n beta-keratin. So that indicates that the structures were feathers, not frills. Third, feathers can be used for other functions than flight and thermoregulation. Think of a bird, like peacock, for example. The peacock has long, colorful fe athers in its tail. And it displays its tail in order to attract a mate. That’s a di stinct function of feathers called the display function. Recently, we have been able to do analyses on the Sinosauropteryx structures that show us that the str uctures were colorful. They were orange and white. The fact that they were co lorful strongly supports the idea that they were feathers that this dinosaur use for display.托福TPO32综合写作题目Reading Part:Starting in the 1960s and continuing until the 1980s, sailors in Russian submarines patrolling the North Alantic and Arctic Ocean would occasionally hear strange sounds. These underwater noises reminded the submarine crews of frog croaks, so they cal led the sounds “quackers” (from the Russian word for frog sounds). The sources of the sound seemed to be moving with great speed and agility; however, the submarines’ sonar (a method of detecting objects underwater) was unable to detect any solid moving objects in the area. There are several theories about what might have caused the odd sounds.The first theory suggests that the strange noises were actually the calls of male and female ocra whales during a courtship ritual. Orca whales are known to inhabit the areas where the submarines were picking up the bizarre noises. Orcas have been studied extensively, and the sounds they make when trying to attract a male are similar to those that the submarines were detecting.A second idea is that the sounds were caused by giant squid. Giant squids are gaint marine invertebrates that live deep in the ocean and prey on large fish. They are difficult to detect by sonar because they have soft bodies with no skeleton. Not much is known about giant squid behavior, but their complex brains suggest they are intelligent animals. It is possible they have the ability to emit sound, and perhaps they approached the submarines out of curiosity.A third theory suggests the Russian submarines were picking up stray sounds from so me military technology, like another country’s submarines that were secretly patrolling the area. Perhaps the foreign submarines did not register on sonar because they were using a kind of technology specifically designed to make them undetectableby sonar. The strange froglike sounds may have been emitted by the foreign submarines unintentionally.托福TPO32综合写作题目Listening Part:Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.Female professor: Quackers are certainly a very strange phenomenon. Experts still debate what the source of the sound was. No one can be sure exactly what caused them. But these experts cite certain problems with all of the theories that you just read about. Here are a few of the arguments that they made.First, the idea that the sounds were caused by Orca whales seems plausible at first but is ultimately highly unlikely. It’s that there are Orca populations in the general areas that the Russian submarines were patrolling. But Orca whales mostly live near the surface of the water. The submarines typically remain deep in the ocean and should not have been able to hear the whale sounds from near the surface. Also the Orca whales would have been detected by the Russian sonar if they were nearby.Giant squid may be a better candidate but one critical fact speaks against this squid theory as well. Russian submarines first detected quacker sound in the 1960s and reports of them continued for about two decades. But the sounds disappeared entirely by the 1980s. However, as far as we know, squid have always lived in the ocean where the submarines were patrolling and continue to live there today. If these were squid sound, there would be no reason to suddenly start hearing them in one decade and then suddenly stop hearing them twenty years later.Third, the idea that the quackers were caused by a secret submarine from another country does not hold up. The sources of the sound appear to move around and change direction very quickly. Submarines cannot move or change direction that quickly. Also all submarines make some engine noise. But no such noise accompanied the quackers. Even today, we don’t have the technology to build submarines that are that fast and have engines that are that silent.托福TPO32综合写作题目Question:Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge the specific theories presented in the reading passage.TPO 33 Writing - Integrated WritingReading PartCarved stone balls are a curious type of artifact found at a number of |locations in Scotland. They date from the late Neolithic period, around 4,000 years ago. They are round in shape; they were carved from several types of stone; most are about 70 mm in diameter; and many are ornamented to some degree. Archaeologists do not agree about their purpose and meaning, but there are several theories.One theory is that the carved stone balls were weapons used in hunting or fighting. Some of the stone balls have been found with holes in them, and many have grooves on the surface. It is possible that a cord was strung through the holes or laid in the grooves around the ball. Holding the stone balls at the end of the cord would have allowed a person to swing it around or throw it.A second theory is that the carved stone balls were used as part of a primitive system of weights and measures. The fact that they are so nearly uniform in size - at 70 mm in diameter-suggests that the balls were interchangeable and represented some standard unit of measure. They could have been used as standard weights to measure quantities of grain or other food, or anything that needed to be measured by weight on a balance or scale for the purpose of trade.A third theory is that the carved stone balls served a social purpose as opposed to a practical or utilitarian one. This view is supported by the fact that many stone balls have elaborate designs. The elaborate carving suggests that the stones may have marked the important social status of their owners.Listening PartNone of the three theories presented in the reading passage are very convincing.First, the stone balls as hunting weapons, common Neolithic weapons such as arrowheads and hand axes generally show signs of wear, so we should expect that if the stone balls had been used as weapons for hunting of fighting, they too would show signs of that use. Many of the stone balls would be cracked or have pieces broken off. However, the surfaces of the balls are generally well preserved, showing little or no wear or damage.Second, the carved stone balls maybe remarkably uniform in size, but their masses vary too considerably to have been used as uniform weights. This is because the stone balls were made of different types of stone including sandstone, green stone and quartzite. Each type of stone has a different density. Some types of stone are heavier than others just as a handful of feathers weighs less than a handful of rocks. Two balls of the same size are different weights depending on the type of stone they are made of. Therefore, the balls could not have been used as a primitive weighing system.Third, it's unlikely that the main purpose of the balls was as some kind of social marker. A couple of facts are inconsistent with this theory. For one thing, while some of the balls are carved with intricate patterns, many others have markings that are extremely simple, too simple to make the balls look like status symbols. Furthermore, we know that in Neolithic Britain, when someone died, particularly a high-ranking person, they were usually buried with their possessions. However, none of the carved stone balls have been actually found in tombs or graves. That makes it unlikely that the balls were personal possessions that marked a person's status within the community.Sample answerThe author in the reading passage explores three major functions of the carved stone balls. However, in the lecture, the professor respectively contradicts all his assertions by using three specific points as supports.First, even though the reading passage suggests that the stone balls were weapons because of the holes and grooves on their surface, the professor argues that the stone balls didn’t show signs of use, which means they are neither cracked nor broken and thus cannot be used as weapons.Second, despite the statement in the reading passage that the stone balls were used as primitive weighing system due to their uniform size, the professor contends that their masses vary too considerably from each other. Therefore, the balls could not function as weighing system.Third, the author asserts that the stone balls served a social purpose owing to their elaborate designs while the professor proves that this claim is indefensible by pointing out that the balls were carved with not only intricate patterns but also simple ones, besides, none of the balls were found in the ancient tombs or graves. Consequently, it’s impossible that the balls were social markers.大家好,下面对今天的写作课做出反馈。



TPO 33 Writing - Integrated WritingReading PartCarved stone balls are a curious type of artifact found at a number of |locations in Scotland. They date from the late Neolithic period, around 4,000 years ago. They are round in shape; they were carved from several types of stone; most are about 70 mm in diameter; and many are ornamented to some degree. Archaeologists do not agree about their purpose and meaning, but there are several theories.One theory is that the carved stone balls were weapons used in hunting or fighting. Some of the stone balls have been found with holes in them, and many have grooves on the surface. It is possible that a cord was strung through the holes or laid in the grooves around the ball. Holding the stone balls at the end of the cord would have allowed a person to swing it around or throw it.A second theory is that the carved stone balls were used as part of a primitive system of weights and measures. The fact that they are so nearly uniform in size - at 70 mm in diameter-suggests that the balls were interchangeable and represented some standard unit of measure. They could have been used as standard weights to measure quantities of grain or other food, or anything that needed to be measured by weight on a balance or scale for the purpose of trade.A third theory is that the carved stone balls served a social purpose as opposed to a practical or utilitarian one. This view is supported by the fact that many stone balls have elaborate designs. The elaborate carving suggests that the stones may have marked the important social status of their owners.Listening PartNone of the three theories presented in the reading passage are very convincing.First, the stone balls as hunting weapons, common Neolithic weapons such as arrowheads and hand axes generally show signs of wear, so we should expect that if the stone balls had been used as weapons for hunting of fighting, they too would show signs of that use. Many of the stone balls would be cracked or have pieces broken off. However, the surfaces of the balls are generally well preserved, showing little or no wear or damage.Second, the carved stone balls maybe remarkably uniform in size, but their masses vary too considerably to have been used as uniform weights. This is because the stone balls were made of different types of stone including sandstone, green stone and quartzite. Each type of stone has a different density. Some types of stone are heavier than others just as a handful of feathers weighs less than a handful of rocks. Two balls of the same size are different weights depending on the type of stone they are made of. Therefore, the balls could not have been used as a primitive weighing system.Third, it's unlikely that the main purpose of the balls was as some kind of social marker. A couple of facts are inconsistent with this theory. For one thing, while some of the balls are carved with intricate patterns, many others have markings that are extremely simple, too simple to make the balls look like status symbols. Furthermore, we know that in Neolithic Britain, when someone died, particularly a high-ranking person, they were usually buried with their possessions. However, none of the carved stone balls have been actually found in tombs or graves. That makes it unlikely that the balls were personal possessions that marked a person's status within the community.Sample answerThe author in the reading passage explores three major functions of the carved stone balls. However, in the lecture, the professor respectively contradicts all his assertions by using three specific points as supports.First, even though the reading passage suggests that the stone balls were weapons because of the holes and grooves on their surface, the professor argues that the stone balls didn’t show signs of use, which means they are neither cracked nor broken and thus cannot be used as weapons.Second, despite the statement in the reading passage that the stone balls were used as primitive weighing system due to their uniform size, the professor contends that their masses vary too considerably from each other. Therefore, the balls could not function as weighing system.Third, the author asserts that the stone balls served a social purpose owing to their elaborate designs while the professor proves that this claim is indefensible by pointing out that the balls were carved with not only intricate patterns but also simple ones, besides, none of the balls were found in the ancient tombs or graves. Consequently, it’s impossible that the balls were social markers.。



刻苦训练实心球的作文英文回答:Hard Training with a Medicine Ball.I have always been a firm believer in the power of hard work and dedication. One of the ways I have applied this belief is through my rigorous training with a medicine ball. This simple yet versatile piece of equipment has helped me build strength, improve my coordination, and enhance my overall athletic performance.The first time I picked up a medicine ball, I was immediately drawn to its weight and texture. It felt solid and sturdy in my hands, and I knew that it would challenge me physically and mentally. I started with basic exercises such as squats, lunges, and overhead presses. As I became more comfortable, I began incorporating more dynamic movements like rotational throws and slams.The beauty of training with a medicine ball is that it mimics real-life movements and engages multiple muscle groups at once. For example, when I perform a rotational throw, I am not only working my core muscles but also my shoulders, back, and legs. This functional aspect of the exercises translates directly to my performance in sports such as basketball and tennis, where I need to generate power and explosiveness.In addition to its physical benefits, training with a medicine ball has also taught me important life lessons. One of the most valuable lessons is perseverance. There have been many times when I felt tired and wanted to give up, but I pushed through because I knew that the hard work would pay off. This mindset has translated into other areas of my life, such as academics and personal relationships.Furthermore, training with a medicine ball has also improved my mental focus and concentration. When performing complex exercises, I need to stay present and fully engaged in order to execute the movements correctly. This level of mindfulness has carried over into other aspects of my life,allowing me to stay focused during exams or important conversations.Overall, the benefits of training with a medicine ball are undeniable. It has helped me develop physical strength, improve my athletic performance, and cultivate important life skills. Whether I am performing squats or rotational throws, each exercise brings me closer to my goals and reminds me of the power of hard work.中文回答:刻苦训练实心球。



平时练习扔实心球的日记作文细节分清楚英文版Diary of Practicing Throwing the Solid Ball: Details MatterToday, I dedicated my practice session to throwing the solid ball. The simple act of throwing a ball may seem straightforward, but there's an art to it that requires precision and focus.I began my practice by warming up with light jogging and stretching. The muscles in my arms and shoulders needed to be loose and ready for the upcoming exertion. I then picked up the solid ball, its weight reminding me of the challenge ahead.Standing with my feet shoulder-width apart, I gripped the ball firmly, my fingers wrapping around its smooth surface. I took a deep breath, steadied myself, and began to swing the ball backward, building up momentum. As I brought the ball forward, I focused on my form, ensuring that my body was aligned and my arms were straight.The release point was crucial. I had to let go of the ball at the perfect moment, using all the power I had built up. The feeling of the ball leaving my hand was satisfying, but the real test was how it landed.After each throw, I observed the distance and noted any improvements. I repeated this process, gradually increasing the distance and refining my technique. The repetitions were necessary to ingrain the movements into my muscle memory.As the session drew to a close, I realized that the key to throwing the solid ball well wasn't just about strength but also about precision and control. The smallest of adjustments in my stance or grip could make a significant difference.Today's practice was tiring, but it was also rewarding. I knew that with consistent practice and attention to detail, I would be able to throw the solid ball further and more accurately. Tomorrow, I would start afresh, ready to take on the challenge once again.中文版平时练习扔实心球的日记作文细节分清楚今天,我专门练习了扔实心球。



题型组合练(七) 写作综合练(Ⅲ)Ⅰ.应用文写作[2024·广州天河区普高毕业班综测(二)]上星期天你校举办了一场师生篮球友情赛,由高三学生代表队对战老师代表队。



A Teacher­Student Basketball FriendlyLast Sunday witnessed a friendly basketball match between students and teachers in our school,________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【参考范文】A Teacher­Student Basketball FriendlyLast Sunday witnessed a friendly basketball match between students and teachers in our school,which is aimed at enriching students' school life.Bathed in sunshine,players from Grade 3 competed against their teachers in the basketball field surrounded by all the rest students.Both teams were playing at their best in high spirits.Although the teachers took the lead in the game at first,the students did not lose heart and tried to catch up with their opponents.The match was filled with great excitement and passion,ending in a draw of 2∶2.Not only did the exciting game relieve the students' intense pressure,but their relationship with the teachers was also strengthened.Ⅱ.读后续写(2024·福州高三质检)The first time we s et eyes on the“Big Red”,Dad,Mom and I were on our way home.As we passed the Eaton's department store's window,we stopped as usual to have a look and buy something that we wanted.The beautifully decorated window display held the best toys ever.There were dolls much too pretty to play with.And they all lay beneath a surprisingly fantastic dress.Mom's eyes were glued to its shining red satin(缎子).“My goodness,”she whispered.“Look at that! ” Then,Mom looked down at her own coat—she had worn the heavy grey wool coat every winter for as long as I could remember.Mom was forever doing chores—doing laundry,tending the pigs and working in the garden— so she always wore housedresses and an apron(围裙) to protect the front.Also,she managed to make almost all of our clothes.They weren't fancy,but they were comfortable.“What a silly dress!”She shook her head.“Who on earth would want such a big dress?”As we continued down the street,Mom turned her head for one more look.“My goodness! You'd think they'd display something a person could use!”Mother's Day was nearing,and the red dress was soon forgotten.Mother,of all people,was not one to spend money on items that were not practical.“There are things we need more than this.”She'd always say.Choosing a gift for Mother's D ay for her was quite hard.When Dad and I asked,she thought carefully and then asked for some tea towels,facecloths or a new basin.On our last trip to town before Mother's Day,we were driving up Main Street when Mom suddenly shouted in surprise:“Look!”She pointed excitedly as Dad drove past Eaton's.“That big red dress is gone,”she said in disbelief.“Who'd be fool enough to buy such a dress?”Mom questioned,shaking her head.I was almost certain that I noticed a trace of longing(一点渴望)in her voice.留意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式作答。



实心球作文英文回答:The shot put is a track and field event that athletes of all levels can enjoy. It is a deceptively simple event, as it involves throwing a heavy ball as far as possible.To throw the shot put, athletes must first develop a strong foundation in the techniques of the event. This includes learning how to grip the ball correctly, how to generate power from the legs and hips, and how to release the ball at the optimal angle.Once athletes have mastered the basics, they can begin to improve their distance by increasing their strength and power. This can be done by performing exercises such as squats, lunges, and deadlifts. Athletes should also focus on developing their core strength, as this will help them to stabilize their body during the throw.In addition to strength and power, athletes must also develop their technique. This includes learning how to time their release and how to generate power from the legs and hips. Athletes can improve their technique by practicing the event regularly and by getting feedback from a coach.With hard work and dedication, athletes can improve their shot put distance significantly. The event is a great way to develop strength, power, and technique.中文回答:铅球是一项所有级别的运动员都可以参加的田径运动。




托福TPO33综合写作阅读原文文本: Carved stone balls are a curious type of artifact found at a number of locations in Scotland. They date from the late Neolithic period, around 4,000 years ago. They are round in shape; they were carved from several types of stone; most are about 70 mm in diameter; and many are ornamented to some degree. Archaeologists do not agree about their purpose and meaning, but there are several theories. One theory is that the carved stone balls were weapons used in hunting or fighting. Some of the stone balls have been found with holes in them, and many have grooves on the surface. It is possible that a cord was strung through the holes or laid in the grooves around the ball. Holding the stone balls at the end of the cord would have allowed a person to swing it around or throw it. A second theory is that the carved stone balls were used as part of a primitive system of weights and measures. The fact that they are so nearly uniform in size – at 70 mm in diameter – suggests that the balls were interchangeable and represented some standard unit of measure. They could have been used as standard weights to measure quantities of grain or other food, or anything that needed to be measured by weight on a balance or scale for the purpose of trade.A third theory is that the carved stone balls served a social purpose as opposed to a practical or utilitarian one. This view is supported by the fact that many stone balls have elaborate designs. The elaborate carving suggests that the stones may have marked the important social status of their owners. 托福TPO33综合写作听力原文文本: None of the three theories presented in the reading passage are very convincing.First, the stone balls as hunting weapons, common Neolithic weapons such as arrowheads and had axes generally show signs of wear, so we should expect that if the stone balls had been used as weapons for hunting of fighting, they too would show signs of that us. Marry of the stone balls would be cracked or have pieces broken off. However, the surfaces of the balls are generally well preserved, showing little or no wear or damage.Second, the carved stone balls maybe remarkably uniform in size, but their masses vary too considerably to have been sued as uniform weights. This is because the stone balls were made of different types of stone including sandstone, green stone and quartzite. Each type of stone has a different density. Some types of stone are heavier than others just as a handful of feathers weighs less than a handful of rocks. Two balls of the same size are different weights depending on the type of stone they are made of. Therefore, the balls could not have been used as a primitive weighing system.Third, it's unlikely that the main purpose of the balls was as some kind of social marker. A couple of facts are inconsistent with this theory. For one thing, while some of the balls are carved with intricate patterns, many others have markings that are extremely simple, too simple to make the balls look like statussymbols. Furthermore, we know that in Neolithic Britain, when someone died, particularly a high-ranking person, they were usually buried with their possessions. However, none of the carved stone balls have been actually found in tombs or graves. That makes it unlikely that the balls were personal possessions that marked a person's status within the community. 托福TPO33综合写作满分范文: The author in the reading passage explores three major functions of the carved stone balls. However, in the lecture, the professor respectively contradicts all his assertions by using three specific points as supports. First, even though the reading passage suggests that the stone balls were weapons because of the holes and grooves on their surface, the professor argues that the stone balls didn’t show signs of use, which means they are neither cracked nor broken and thus cannot be used as weapons. Second, despite the statement in the reading passage that the stone balls were used as primitive weighing system due to their uniform size, the professor contends that their masses vary too considerably from each other. Therefore, the balls could not function as weighing system. Third, the author asserts that the stone balls served a social purpose owing to their elaborate designs while the professor proves that this claim is indefensible by pointing out that the balls were carved with not only intricate patterns but also simple ones, besides, none of the balls were found in the ancient tombs or graves. Consequently, it’s impossible that the balls were social markers. 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO33综合写作阅读原文+听力原文+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。



实心球作文英文回答:The shot put is a challenging yet rewarding track and field event that requires a combination of strength, technique, and athleticism. Participants aim to launch a heavy metal ball as far as possible within a designated circle.The shot put has a rich history dating back to ancient Greece, where athletes competed in a similar event called the "sphaira." The modern sport emerged in the 19th century and has since become a staple of track and field competitions around the world.Training for the shot put involves a rigorous regimen of weightlifting, plyometrics, and core exercises. Athletes must develop explosive power in their legs and upper body in order to generate sufficient force to propel the shot. Proper technique is also crucial, as an efficient releaseand follow-through can significantly increase the distance of the throw.The shot put is a physically demanding event that requires athletes to push themselves to their limits. However, the satisfaction of achieving a personal best or winning a competition can make the effort and training worthwhile.中文回答:实心球运动是一项兼具力量、技巧和运动能力的田径赛事。



冀教版初中九年级英语阅读理解练习一(含答案解析)AChildren’s Games in Ancient ChinaDuring ancient times, children didn’t have much to enjoy themselves. However, they came up with interesting1. According to the text, the game of kicking a stone ball was ________.A. played in summerB. like flying kitesC. invented in BeijingD. popular in North China2. How is hide-and-seek usually played?A. One plays and others watch.B. Others laugh and one must cry.C. Others hide and one tries to find.D. One runs and others try to catch.3. What does the underlined word “feature” mean in the text?A. 特征B. 地貌C. 五官D. 影片4. Which ancient game is like watching a film?A. Kicking stone balls.B. Flying kites.C. Playing hide-and-seek.D. Watching shadow plays.参考答案1. D 细节理解题。

从Kicking stone balls部分中kicking a stone ball around was a popular game in the northernpart of China知,玩石球在中国北方受欢迎。



练习实心球作文800字英文回答:Shot Put is a track and field event that involves launching a heavy spherical weight as far as possible. The weight of the shot put varies depending on the athlete's age and gender. For male athletes, the weight is 7.26 kilograms, while for female athletes, it is 4 kilograms. The shot is typically made of solid metal, usually iron or brass, and has a diameter of about 12-16 centimeters.The shot put is contested in two phases: the glide and the release. In the glide, the athlete starts by holding the shot in one hand and turning away from the throwing area. They then take a few steps forward and swing the shot back and forth in a pendulum motion. As they approach the throwing line, they transfer the shot to their other hand and make a final swing before releasing it.In the release, the athlete pushes the shot forwardwith their arm extended and their fingers pointing towards the sky. They follow through with their motion, keeping their arm straight until the shot has left their hand. The goal is to impart as much velocity as possible to the shot so that it travels as far as possible.Shot Put is a challenging event that requires both strength and technique. Athletes must be able to generate a lot of power in a short period of time and have good coordination and balance. Training for shot put typically involves a combination of weightlifting, plyometrics, and throwing drills.中文回答:实心球是一项田径运动,运动员将一个沉重的球形铁球投掷出尽可能远的距离。



体育课练习实心球作文英文回答:The solid iron ball lay inert on the emerald green field, a silent testament to the raw power and athleticism it had witnessed countless times before. The air crackled with anticipation as I stepped up to the toe line, my heart pounding a rhythmic beat in my chest.With a deep breath, I bent over and gripped the ball, my fingers digging into its smooth, unyielding surface. The weight settled into my palm as I balanced it against my shoulder, feeling the cold steel against my skin. In that moment, all eyes were on me, their silent encouragement a palpable force in the crisp autumn air.Drawing back my arm, I released the ball with a powerful thrust, watching its trajectory with bated breath. It soared through the air, a blur of metal against the backdrop of the blue sky, before landing with a muffledthud several meters away.As I walked over to retrieve the ball, I couldn't help but smile. It was a small victory, but it filled me with a sense of accomplishment and pride. I had pushed myself to the limit, and I had done it well.The solid iron ball, once a symbol of my apprehension, had become a testament to my newfound strength and determination. It was a reminder that with enough effort and perseverance, anything is possible.中文回答:实心铁球静默地躺在翠绿的草坪上,它见证过无数次的原始力量和运动能力。



实心球英语作文精彩片段英文回答:Shot put is a track and field event where athletes attempt to throw a heavy metal ball as far as possible. It is a demanding sport that requires a combination of strength, technique, and athleticism. In shot put, athletes use a spinning motion to generate momentum and propel the ball forward. The ball, which weighs 16 pounds (7.26 kilograms) for men and 8.8 pounds (4 kilograms) for women, is held in the palm of the hand and released from the shoulder.To perform a successful shot put, athletes must master proper technique, including a balanced stance, a powerful spin, and a controlled release. Training for shot put typically involves weightlifting, plyometrics, andtechnical drills. Athletes also focus on developing core strength and flexibility to improve their overall performance.Shot put is a competitive sport with a long and storied history. It is one of the oldest track and field events, dating back to the ancient Greeks. The modern sport of shot put was formalized in the late 19th century, and it has been an Olympic event since the first Games in 1896.Some of the greatest shot putters of all time include Randy Barnes, Ulf Timmermann, and Ryan Crouser. Barnes holds the current world record in the men's shot put with a throw of 75 feet 10.75 inches (23.12 meters). Timmermann won two Olympic gold medals in the shot put, and Crouser is the reigning Olympic champion.Shot put is a challenging but rewarding sport that can be enjoyed by athletes of all ages and abilities. It is a great way to improve strength, power, and athleticism. If you are looking for a new sport to try, shot put is a great option to consider.中文回答:铅球是一项田径运动,运动员试图将一个沉重的铁球尽可能远地投掷。



打石子英语作文500字英文回答:In the realm of children's pastimes, marbles — those colorful, spherical projectiles — reign supreme. This classic game, enjoyed by generations, transcends geographical and cultural boundaries. Whether in bustling urban streets or serene rural towns, the gentle click of marbles colliding resonates through playgrounds and alleyways, evoking fond memories and igniting the competitive spirit.The origins of marbles can be traced back to ancient civilizations. In Egypt, as early as 3000 BC, children played with stone marbles. Skilfully carved and polished, these marbles bore intricate designs that reflected the artistry of their creators. Similarly, in ancient Greece, marbles were crafted from ceramic and adorned with painted patterns, showcasing the Greeks' penchant for beauty and aesthetics.Over the centuries, marbles have evolved from their humble beginnings into a globally recognized game. The basic principle remains unchanged: players use their thumbs to propel marbles towards a target or into a hole, aiming for accuracy and precision. However, the rules and variations of the game are as diverse as the cultures that play it.In the United States, marbles are often played with a shooter marble, known as a "marble cat" or "marble knot," which is larger and heavier than the other marbles. Players take turns shooting their marbles from a circle drawn in the dirt or on a flat surface. The goal is to knock other marbles out of the circle or into a hole in the center.In Europe, marbles are commonly played with marbles of uniform size. The game is typically played on a flat surface, often with a series of lines or circles drawn on it. Players use their thumbs to flick their marbles along the lines or into the circles, aiming to complete the course first.In Asia, marbles are played with a variety of rules and variations. In Japan, for example, marbles are often played in a game called "Menko," where players flick marbles at a target card to flip it over. In China, marbles are used ina game called "Tiaoqi," where players flick marbles into a small hole in the ground.Despite the different rules and variations, marbles share a common thread of fostering coordination, dexterity, and strategic thinking. By aiming at targets andcontrolling the trajectory of their marbles, children develop their fine motor skills and spatial awareness. Additionally, the competitive nature of the game encourages children to learn from their mistakes, develop perseverance, and strive for excellence.In conclusion, marbles are not merely a game; they area cultural symbol that transcends time and geography. From the ancient Egyptians to modern-day children, marbles have brought joy, competition, and a sense of community to generations. As the gentle click of marbles continues toecho through playgrounds and streets, we can be assuredthat this beloved pastime will continue to captivate and inspire children for years to come.中文回答:打石子是一种经典的游戏,在世界各地深受儿童们的喜爱。




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练习实心球的英语作文Practicing the shot put has become an integral part of my physical training journey. Each day, as I grip the heavy, solid ball in my hands, I feel a surge of determination and focus. The exercise demands not just strength but also technique and precision.At the beginning, the weight seemed daunting, but with perseverance and guidance from my coach, I've learned to harness my power effectively. We start with warm-up exercises to loosen my muscles and prevent injury. Then, it's time to refine my stance, positioning my feet shoulder-width apart for stability, and aligning my body to generate maximum force.The key, I've discovered, lies in the smooth, fluid motion of my throw. From the backswing, where I pull the ball behind my head, to the explosive forward push, every movement must be timed perfectly. My eyes are fixed on the target, visualizing the arc of the shot as it leaves my hand.Practicing in the field, under the watchful eye of my coach and alongside my fellow athletes, has been incredibly motivating. We encourage each other, pushing through the discomfort and celebrating every small improvement. Thesatisfaction of seeing the ball land further and further away is indescribable.More than just a sport, practicing the shot put has taught me discipline, perseverance, and the joy of self-improvement. It's a reminder that with hard work and dedication, even the heaviest of burdens can be overcome.。

《碎石堆》作文 狗尾巴草

《碎石堆》作文 狗尾巴草

《碎石堆》作文狗尾巴草英文回答, The Stone Pile.As I walked through the meadow, I came across a pile of stones. The stones were arranged in a haphazard manner, as if they had been thrown there without much thought. It was an interesting sight, and I couldn't help but wonder how the stones had ended up in such a peculiar formation.I sat down next to the stone pile and observed it for a while. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the meadow. The gentle breeze rustled the nearby dogtail grass, adding to the peaceful atmosphere. I felt a sense of calm wash over me as I gazed at the stone pile.I started to think about the significance of the stone pile. Perhaps it was a marker left by someone, a way of saying "I was here." Or maybe it was just a random collection of stones, with no particular meaning at all. Either way, it was a reminder of the passage of time andthe impermanence of life.As I continued to ponder the stone pile, I couldn'thelp but draw parallels to my own life. Just like the stones, I often felt like I was being tossed around by the forces of the world, without much control over my own destiny. But just like the stone pile, I also had the power to create something meaningful out of the chaos.中文回答,《碎石堆》。



实心球比赛作文细节描写400英文回答:The solid ball competition was one of the most anticipated events of the year. It was a chance for all of us to showcase our skills and compete against each other in a friendly and competitive environment. The atmosphere was electric as we all gathered at the venue, ready to give it our all and hopefully come out on top.As the competition got underway, I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins. The first round was intense, with each of us trying to outdo the other with our precision and control. It was a test of not only physical strength, but also mental focus and determination. I found myself completely immersed in the game, blocking out all distractions and focusing solely on the task at hand.I remember one particular moment when I was up againsta formidable opponent. We were neck and neck, both of usrefusing to back down. It was a real test of skill and strategy, and I had to dig deep to find the strength and resilience to keep pushing forward. In the end, I managedto pull off a stunning move that caught my opponent off guard, securing my victory and advancing to the next round.The semi-finals and finals were even more intense, with the stakes getting higher and higher with each passing round. The pressure was on, but I thrived in thecompetitive environment, using the support of the crowd to fuel my determination. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, with moments of triumph and moments of setback, but through it all, I remained focused and determined to give it my all.In the end, I emerged victorious, having overcome allthe challenges and obstacles that stood in my way. It was a moment of pure elation and satisfaction, knowing that allmy hard work and dedication had paid off. The solid ball competition had been a true test of skill and resilience, and I was proud to have come out on top.中文回答:实心球比赛是一年中最受期待的活动之一。



扔实心球作文英文回答:The shot put is a track and field event where athletes attempt to throw a heavy metal ball as far as possible. The ball weighs 16 pounds (7.26 kilograms) for men and 8.8 pounds (4 kilograms) for women. The event is contested at the Summer Olympics, World Athletics Championships, and various other track and field competitions.Shot put is a demanding sport that requires a combination of strength, speed, and technique. Athletes must possess upper body strength to propel the ball and lower body strength to generate power. They must also be able to generate speed and channel it into the throw. Additionally, proper technique is essential for maximizing distance and accuracy.The shot put is contested in a series of rounds. The preliminaries consist of three throws, with the top 12athletes advancing to the finals. The finals consist of three more throws, with the best throw counting as the athlete's final score.The shot put has a long and illustrious history. The event was first contested in the ancient Olympic Games, and it has been a part of the modern Olympic Games since their inception in 1896. Over the years, many great shot putters have emerged, including Randy Barnes, Ulf Timmermann, and Adam Nelson.Shot put is a challenging but rewarding sport. Athletes who are dedicated to training and perfecting their technique can achieve great success in the event.中文回答:铅球是一项田径运动,运动员试图将一个沉重的铁球尽可能远地投掷出去。

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