Ideas not coupled with action never become bigger than the brain cells they occupied.
5. hook vt. (L21)
catch sth. by hook Examples
My father is hopelessly hooked by cigarettes.
Many students get hooked on computer games.
He was hooked by the vender’s tricks.
mpeursstownaoiftt. en shakes hands.
1. When she smoked Marlboros and Players I hardened myself against feeling so bad; … (L7)
When she smoked Marlboros and Players I made myself become less sympathetic and less easily affected emotionally; …
8. starve of (L42)
vt. not give or not be given sth. that is needed 使缺乏;使得不到
这个地区的人们极需饮用水。 这棵植物因缺乏光照而死掉了。
People in this region are starved of drinking water.
新视野大学英语第四册读写教程UNIT5 英语1,2段
制作人:12环设 王恺
Choose to be alone on purpose
Para 1
Here we are, all by ourselves, all 22 million of us by recent count, alone in our rooms, some of us liking it that way and some of us not.事实如此,我们孤*独无依 地生活着。据最近的统计,共有2,200万人 独自生活在自己的住所里。其中有些人喜 欢这样的生活,有些人却不喜欢。
梭罗独居在湖畔的小屋里,有意疏离 城市的生活。现在,这成了你的个性。
亨利· 戴维· 梭罗
美国作家、哲学家,著名散文集《瓦尔登湖》和论文 《 论公民的不服从权利》(又译为《消极抵抗》、《论公民的不服从》)的 作者。 1845年7月4日美国独立日这天,28岁的梭罗独自一人来到距康科德两英里 的瓦尔登湖畔,建了一个小木屋住了下来。并在此之后根据自己在瓦尔登湖 的生活观察与思考,整理并发表了两本著作,即《康考德和梅里马克河上的 一周》(A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers)和《瓦尔登湖》 (Walden)。 在瓦尔登湖生活期间,因为梭罗反对黑奴制(Negro Slavery)拒交“人头 税”而被捕入狱。虽然他只在狱中蹲了一宿就被友人在未经他本人同意的情 况下,替他代交了税款保其出狱,但这一夜却激发他思考了许多问题。出来 后曾有一些市民问他这样一个问题,为什么有许多人宁愿坐牢也不愿意交税。 为解释这一问题,他结合自己的亲身体验,写成了著名的政论《抵制国民政 府》(Resistance to Civil Government,后改名为Civil Disobedience)。他所宣 传的这种依靠个人的力量,“非暴力抵抗”的斗争形式对印度的甘地和美国 黑人领袖马丁· 路德· 金产生了很大的影响。
Unit 5 Cliff Y oung, an unlikely hero克里夫·杨,令人意想不到的英雄Unlikely|ʌnˈlaɪkli|:not likely to happen; not probable 不大可能发生的Eg: The project seemed unlikely to succeed.这个项目似乎难以成功。
It's most (= very) unlikely that she'll arrive before seven.她极不可能在七点前到达。
(unlikelier, unlikeliest)※※※1 Considered one of the toughest marathon events in the world the 875-kilometer annual Australian race a route from Sydney to Melbourne is a harsh test of endurance for the world's top athletes regardless of their age. 澳大利亚一年一度的悉尼至墨尔本的马拉松比赛全长875公里,被认为是世界上最艰难的马拉松赛事之一,对任何年龄段的世界顶尖运动员来说都是一项严酷的耐力考验。
[Meaning] The 875-kilometer annual Australian race, a route from Sydney to Melbourne, is considered the most difficult long-distance race in the world. It is a challenging to every athlete no matter who you are and how old you are.【解析】considered,介词,含义是“作为”。
新视野三版读写2 U5 翻译讲解Part 1The Age of Discovery, also called the Age of Exploration, is a historical period of European global exploration that started in the early 15th century and continued until the 18th century.大发现年代,也被称为大勘探年代,是欧洲进行全球勘查的一个历史时期,始于15 世纪初并一直持续到18 世纪。
It is usually regarded as a bridge between the Middle Ages and the Modern era, in the context of emerging western imperialism and economic competition between European kingdoms seeking wealth through the establishment of trade routes and colonies.这一时期通常被认为是中世纪和近代之间的桥梁,当时西方帝国主义刚兴起,欧洲各王国之间正在经济上互相竞争,他们想通过建立贸易路线和殖民地来寻找财富。
Among many great explorers during this period, the most outstanding one was Christopher Columbus since he discovered the New World.在这一时期众多伟大的探险家中,最杰出的是克里斯托弗•哥伦布,因为他发现了新大陆。
European overseas expansion led to the rise of colonial empires, with the contact between the Old and New Worlds producing the exchange: a wide transfer of plants, animals, foods, culture, and so forth.欧洲的海外扩张导致了殖民帝国的崛起,旧大陆与新大陆的接触也促成了两边的互相交换:大量的植物、动物、食物、文化等得到迁移。
新视野大学英语第三版第三册读写教程Book 3-Unit 5-Translation
• China is the hometown of tea and the birthplace of tea culture. since ancient times, tea has been known as the national drink of China. In both the Chinese scholars’ seven daily necessities, namely music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine and tea and common people’s seven ones, namely firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, tea is listed as one of the necessities. Meanwhile, China is a country with ancient civilization and a land of courtesy. The practice of making and serving tea is essential whenever there are guests or friends. With the development of cultural exchange, commerce and trade between China and other countries, Chinese tea and tea culture spread to the world. Today, a number of countries across the five continents grow tea plants, and many countries import tea from China. Chinese tea, like Chinese silk and chinaware, has become synonymous with China in the world.
Unit 1美国人认为没有人能停止不前。
新视野大学英语第三版第三册读写教程Book 3-Unit 5-Translation
• 国饮national drink
• “琴棋书画诗酒茶”seven daily necessities, namely music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine and tea
• “柴米油盐酱醋茶”firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea
中国是茶叶的故乡,也是茶文化的发源地。自古 以来,茶叶就被誉为中华民族的“国饮”。
China is the hometown of tea and the birthplace of tea culture. Since ancient times, tea has been known as the national drink of China.
据说第七代贝德福德公爵夫人安娜开 创了下午茶的传统,以此来缓解晚餐 前的饥饿感。她邀请朋友和她一起在 下午四五点钟吃下午茶。
The menu included tea and snacks such as dainty cakes and sandwiches. Fine porcelain(瓷器)was used to serve this minor feast.
• 文明古国a country with ancient civilization
• 礼仪之邦a land of courtesy/a state of ceremonies/ a nation of etiquette
• 代名词 be synonymous with sth./ be a synonym for sth.
U5 ACliffYoung, an unlikely hero克里夫•杨,令人意想不到的英雄Consideredone of the toughest marathon events in the world, the 875-kilometer annual Australianrace, a routefrom Sydney to Melbo urne, is a harshtest of endurance for the world’s top athletes, regar dlessof theirage. The young, super-fit runners trainfor months befor e a competition and are undercontract to prominent sponsors like Nike and Adidas, who finance them and furnish them with a subst antial support mechanism of moneyand equipment. The contest takesup to sevendays to complete and is a challenging test of fitness and strength even for world-classathletes who compete for distinction and a cash prize.澳大利亚一年一度的悉尼至墨尔本的马拉松比赛全长875 公里,被认为是世界上最艰难的马拉松赛事之一,对任何年龄段的世界顶尖运动员来说都是一项严酷的耐力考验。
Unit11. In a world full of misinformation it is a formidable challenge for the students to learn to identify the true, the beautiful, and the good.2. Any form of mountaineering has its inherent danger. After all, it is an adventure sport.3. The university will permit a degree of individual instruction and the students may receive a curriculum tailored to their needs, learning style and pace.4. It is said that the understanding of the genetic basis of learning will tell us which youngsters are likely to advance quickly and which ones seem doomed to "difficult" school experiences.5. It has been reported that in Canada literally thousands of lakes and rivers are no longer able to support fish or plants.6. In countries with relatively high literacy rates, books play an important part in enriching people's lives.7. The essence of government intervention has been to limit and distort competition rather than to encourage it.8. The great cause of reform being carried out by Chinese people is without precedent in history.9. Practice in simulated examination conditions must not bedelayed until close to the examination time.10. People have found that the lions and wolves in the forest often hunt down live animals by cooperative efforts.Unit21. During that battle a large number of men perished from hunger and thirst due to the severe shortage of food.2. This research project bas further proved that fireworks have originated in China.3. He is tempted to go there in person and check out how the accident happened.4. At present, people have not found an effective way to cure this disease, which is still afflicting old people.5. The contractor must adhere to the contract and complete the important project on time.6. With persistent efforts, they finally settled the dispute between the two regions.7. If Party B fails in delivering goods at a given time, PartyA is entitled to terminate the contract and claim for any loss.8. It usually takes a week to patent one's invention.9. A clever politician knows well how to manipulate the public opinion and take advantage of his supporters.10. The amount of water in tile rivers and lakes will diminish as the dry season continues.Unit31. As such, the event evoked curiosity and awe in most of us.2. The techniques of sales promotion, to work well must gain the trust of middlemen in business as well as consumers. At the same time, they should be consistent with the local preferences and customs.3. TO launch this new product into the European market, the company gave away 10,000 free samples for the local consumers to try.4. As their life has been bettered, going on tours/trips out in the holidays has become a fashionable/stylish pastime for quite a few people.5. The purpose of waging the war is, in nature, to control the oil resources in the area.6. Sales promotion is effective in helping consumers become acquainted with a new product when it is first introduced toa market.7. The new administration has realized that economic reforms must be deepened in conjunction with effective measures takento ensure the basic conditions of employment and daily life for those poor people.8. Towards its sales objective this year, the company offereda training course to enlighten consumers about its latest products.9. To effectively raise our productivity, we should bring in advanced management experience from other countries.10. Professor Wu's lecture helped the students become acquainted with the use of this software product. It also gave them an idea of software development.Unit4I. Those who lead a miserable life often fail to recognize the inherent virtue of work in earning and sustaining their dignity.2. With the life bettered and levels of education higher, the work ethic is diluted now.3. The young generation has much difficulty understanding why their ancestors had to focus their minds upon work as the central concern of existence.4. According to Maslow, different classes and ethnic groups are positioned at different stages in the work hierarchy.5. In developing countries, many talented young intellectuals flock in droves to America, which forms the so-called "brain drain".6. If a country is prone to high inflation, then its currency will have to be dued to maintain the price competitiveness of its exports.7. One expert in sociology believes that work is a means for people to build relationships. In that sense, the workplace performs the function of a community.8. The desire to "fulfill themselves", a harmless and even worthy enterprise, may sometimes degenerate into a selfish discontent.9. To most Americans today, the blow of being laid off seldom carries the life-and-death implications it once had.10. Modem workers may have a lot of complaints. But they will feel better when they know that their predecessors did work under a far more brutal condition during the early stage of the Industrial Revolution.Unit51. The firm will slash its employees from 5,000 to 3,000 because its business is slack.2. We should treasure and maintain the cordial relationship established with them in 1990.3. The patient died after he was infected as a result of a hospital blunder.4. To do simuRaneous interpretation of speeches needs special training and sldlls.5. Ifyou don't follow the objective law, you will be destined to fail.6. It was clear that the government failed to revive the economy or reform the social institutions last year.7. The miners' strike in July showed how quickly workers' anger erupted.8. Whenever you visit the city, on a rainy day or on a sunny one, it gives a scene of an industrial flavor as cheerful and busy as ever.9. He realized that it was difficult to inhabit this barren island any longer.10. Overweight people are often lured by modern food products which claim to be able to help them lose America was once troubled by employment crisis.Unit61. The crime was exposed, and the chief criminal was prosecuted and convicted.2. His international contacts could contribute greatly to their hitherto isolated effort.3. Medical service would be free to the patients, and the financial transaction would take place between the two departments.4. Police are hunting two youths who snatched a handbag froma woman in broad daylight.5. During the ensuing twenty years, his far-sighted management brought great prosperity and turned the company into the largest clothing business in the country.6. His strong belief that she was withholding things from him did not have any basis in fact.7. Over the past few weeks, his every waking moment has been spent poring over his medical books.8. We were given advance warning, so we were able to minimize the effects of the storm.9. Such organizations have had only limited success in averting conflicts between states.lO. She was hounded out of public life by the persistent aaacks of the popular newspapers.Unit71. Cyberspace communication is expanding by leaps and bounds, with millions of people browsing websites daily.2. The Chinese media are formulating new plans in order to increase their presence on the Intemet to meet the challenges of the virtual era.3. The new system now allows faxes to be sent round the world with minimum effort and maximum security.4. Because of its interactivity and accessibility, the Intemet has activated new interest in homestudy programs.5. The invention of the electronic word processor was as startling an information revolution as the invention of the printing press.6. Digital cameras aren't available for everybody -- at least, not yet. While cheaper than before, they are by no means cheap.7. Aworkaholic is a person who works too much. Aworkaholic lives to work, rather than works to live.8. It is not cheap to raise pets in the city. In the case ofa dog, registration may be obtained from the city's Dogs Supervision Office for a fee of about 2,000 yuan a year. 9. Recently, we have witnessed a number of young people who,for a variety of sociological and psychological reasons, have become attached to their computers, and are exploiting their potential in a criminal manner.10. Whether it is worth investing in the long term is still in doubt. Let's assume you are a sports fan.Unit81. Children were asked to complete many compulsory pieces of work each week.2. I commended the girl on the excellent job she had done. I later wrote to commend her to her employer.3. Everyone with a mortgage realized the government's economic strategy was not working.4. Absurd though it may seem, it is quite likely that Mr. Smith and his companions genuinely believe all this.5. He aggravated his condition by leaving hospital too soon.6. By patient questioning we managed to elicit enough information from the witness.7. During your flight you can relax with a drink from the duty-free bar, and a meal or light refreshments will be served according to the time of day.8. I was in a dreadful plight -- I had lost my money and missed the last bus home.9. One of the witnesses was bribed to give false evidence.10. Despite repeated assurance(s) he failed to repay the money he had borrowed.。
Will you be a worker or a laborer?你想做工作者还是劳役者?To be truly happy, a person must feel both free andimportant. People are never happy if they feel compelled by society to do work they do not enjoy, orif what they do enjoy is ignored by society a s havingno value or importance. In a society where slavery inthe strict sense has been abolished, the social indications around work, the value of work and thesalary, have degraded many laborers into modernslaves - "wage slaves".一个人要想真正快乐,必须觉得自己既自由又重要。
People are considered laborers if their job has an adverse effect on them, yet they feelcompelled to continue working by the necessity of conforming to societal expectations andearning the reve nue to support themselves and their families. The polar opposite of labor is play.When we play a game, we enjoy what we are doing, but it is a purely private pastime; societydoes not care when or whether we play.如果人们的工作对自己有负面的影响,但为了遵从社会的期望或者挣钱养家糊口而被迫必须继续工作,那么他们就被认为是劳役者。
U5 ACliff Young, an unlikely hero克里夫•杨,令人意想不到的英雄Considered one of the toughest marathon events in the world, the 875-kilometer annual Australian race, a route from Sydney to Melbourne, is a harsh test of endurance for the world’s top athletes, regardless of their age. The young, super-fit runners train for months before a competition and are under contract to prominent sponsors like Nike and Adidas, who finance them and furnish them with a substantial support mechanism of money and equipment. The contest takes up to seven days to complete and is a challenging test of fitness and strength even for world-class athletes who compete for distinction and a cash prize.澳大利亚一年一度的悉尼至墨尔本的马拉松比赛全长875 公里,被认为是世界上最艰难的马拉松赛事之一,对任何年龄段的世界顶尖运动员来说都是一项严酷的耐力考验。
故意,特意 赶走,驱逐 对……给与高度评价;赞扬 找到;找出 出发,动身 1.拉伸,拉长 2. 躺平,舒展 1.(使)积压;(使)拥塞 2. 支持 1. 长久的;详尽的2. 最终;终于 (排)成一行;(排)成一队 (使)安定下来
Phrases and expressions
for the time being 暂时,眼下
Detailed Study of Text
Para 3 Inspiration in solitude is a major commodity for poets and philosophers. They’re all for it. They all speak highly of themselves for seeking it out, at least for an hour or even two before they hurry home for tea.
• social / gregarious animals • solitary animals
• bees
• turtles
• ants
• tigers
• elephants
• spiders
• primate animals
• ……
• ……
What about human being?
Detailed Study of Text
Para 7 You may have noticed that most of these artistic types went outdoors to be alone. The indoors was full of loved ones keeping the kettle warm till they came home.
新视野大学英语读写教程第五册课后翻译答案 (1).
Unit11. In a world full of misinformation it is a formidable challenge for the students to learn to identify the true, the beautiful, and the good.2. Any form of mountaineering has its inherent danger. After all, it is an adventure sport.3. The university will permit a degree of individual instruction and the students may receive a curriculum tailored to their needs, learning style and pace.4. It is said that the understanding of the genetic basis of learning will tell us which youngsters are likely to advance quickly and which ones seem doomed to "difficult" school experiences.5. It has been reported that in Canada literally thousands of lakes and rivers are no longer able to support fish or plants.6. In countries with relatively high literacy rates, books play an important part in enriching people's lives.7. The essence of government intervention has been to limit and distort competition rather than to encourage it.8. The great cause of reform being carried out by Chinese people is without precedent in history.9. Practice in simulated examination conditions must not be delayed until close to the examination time.10. People have found that the lions and wolves in the forest often huntdown live animals by cooperative efforts.Unit21. During that battle a large number of men perished from hunger and thirst due to the severe shortage of food.2. This research project bas further proved that fireworks have originated in China.3. He is tempted to go there in person and check out how the accident happened.4. At present, people have not found an effective way to cure this disease, which is still afflicting old people.5. The contractor must adhere to the contract and complete the important project on time.6. With persistent efforts, they finally settled the dispute between the two regions.7. If Party B fails in delivering goods at a given time, Party A is entitled to terminate the contract and claim for any loss.8. It usually takes a week to patent one's invention.9. A clever politician knows well how to manipulate the public opinion and take advantage of his supporters.10. The amount of water in tile rivers and lakes will diminish as the dry season continues.Unit31. As such, the event evoked curiosity and awe in most of us.2. The techniques of sales promotion, to work well must gain the trust of middlemen in business as well as consumers. At the same time, they should be consistent with the local preferences and customs.3. TO launch this new product into the European market, the company gave away 10,000 free samples for the local consumers to try.4. As their life has been bettered, going on tours/trips out in the holidays has becomea fashionable/stylish pastime for quite a few people.5. The purpose of waging the war is, in nature, to control the oil resources in the area.6. Sales promotion is effective in helping consumers become acquainted with a new product when it is first introduced to a market.7. The new administration has realized that economic reforms must be deepened in conjunction with effective measures taken to ensure the basic conditions of employment and daily life for those poor people.8. Towards its sales objective this year, the company offered a training course to enlighten consumers about its latest products.9. To effectively raise our productivity, we should bring in advanced management experience from other countries.10. Professor Wu's lecture helped the students become acquainted withthe use of this software product. It also gave them an idea of software development.Unit4I. Those who lead a miserable life often fail to recognize the inherent virtue of work in earning and sustaining their dignity.2. With the life bettered and levels of education higher, the work ethic is diluted now.3. The young generation has much difficulty understanding why their ancestors had to focus their minds upon work as the central concern of existence.4. According to Maslow, different classes and ethnic groups are positioned at different stages in the work hierarchy.5. In developing countries, many talented young intellectuals flock in droves to America, which forms the so-called "brain drain".6. If a country is prone to high inflation, then its currency will have to be dued to maintain the price competitiveness of its exports.7. One expert in sociology believes that work is a means for people to build relationships. In that sense, the workplace performs the function ofa community.8. The desire to "fulfill themselves", a harmless and even worthy enterprise, may sometimes degenerate into a selfish discontent.9. To most Americans today, the blow of being laid off seldom carries the life-and-death implications it once had.10. Modem workers may have a lot of complaints. But they will feel better when they know that their predecessors did work under a far more brutal condition during the early stage of the Industrial Revolution.Unit51. The firm will slash its employees from 5,000 to 3,000 because its business is slack.2. We should treasure and maintain the cordial relationship established with them in 1990.3. The patient died after he was infected as a result of a hospital blunder.4. To do simuRaneous interpretation of speeches needs special training and sldlls.5. Ifyou don't follow the objective law, you will be destined to fail.6. It was clear that the government failed to revive the economy or reform the social institutions last year.7. The miners' strike in July showed how quickly workers' anger erupted.8. Whenever you visit the city, on a rainy day or on a sunny one, it gives a scene of an industrial flavor as cheerful and busy as ever.9. He realized that it was difficult to inhabit this barren island any longer.10. Overweight people are often lured by modern food products which claim to be able to help them lose weight.i America was once troubled by employment crisis. Unit6 1. The crime was exposed, and the chief criminal was prosecuted and convicted. 2. His international contacts could contribute greatly to their hitherto isolated effort. 3. Medical service would be free to the patients, and the financial transaction would take place between the two departments. 4. Police are hunting two youths who snatched a handbag from a woman in broad daylight. 5. During the ensuing twenty years, his far-sighted management brought great prosperity and turned the company into the largest clothing business in the country. 6. His strong belief that she was withholding things from him did not have any basis in fact. 7. Over the past few weeks, his every waking moment has been spent poring over his medical books. 8. We were given advance warning, so we were able to minimize the effects of the storm.9. Such organizations have had only limited success in averting conflicts between states. lO. She was hounded out of public life by the persistent aaacks of the popular newspapers. Unit7 1. Cyberspace communication is expanding by leaps and bounds, with millions of people browsing websites daily. 2. The Chinese media are formulating new plans in order to increase their presence on the Intemet to meet the challenges of the virtual era. 3. The new system now allows faxes to be sent round the world with minimum effort and maximum security. 4. Because of its interactivity and accessibility, the Intemet has activated new interest in homestudy programs. 5. The invention of the electronic word processor was as startling an information revolution as the invention of the printing press. 6. Digital cameras aren't available for everybody -- at least, not yet. While cheaper than before, they are by no means cheap. 7. Aworkaholic is a person who works too much. Aworkaholic lives to work, rather than works to live. 8. It is not cheapto raise pets in the city. In the case of a dog, registration may be obtained from the city's Dogs Supervision Office fora fee of about 2,000 yuan a year. 9. Recently, we have witnessed a number of young people who, for a variety of sociological and psychological reasons, have become attached to their computers, and are exploiting their potential in a criminal manner. 10. Whether it is worth investing in the long term is still in doubt. Let's assume you are a sports fan. Unit8 1. Children were asked to complete many compulsory pieces of work each week. 2. I commended the girl on the excellent job she had done. I later wrote to commend her to her employer. 3. Everyone with a mortgage realized the government's economic strategy was not working. 4. Absurd though it may seem, it is quite likely that Mr. Smith and his companions genuinely believe all this. 5. He aggravated his condition by leaving hospital too soon. 6. By patient questioning we managed to elicit enough information from the witness. 7. During your flight you can relax with a drink from the duty-free bar, and a meal or light refreshments will be served according to the time of day.8. I was in a dreadful plight -- I had lost my money and missed the lastbus home. 9. One of the witnesses was bribed to give false evidence. 10. Despite repeated assurance(s he failed to repay the money he had borrowed.。
U5 ACliff Young, an unlikely hero克里夫•杨,令人意想不到的英雄Considered one of the toughest marathon events in the world, the 875-kilometer annual Australian race, a route from Sydney to Melbourne, is a harsh test of endurance for the world’s top athletes, regardless of their age. The young, super-fit runners train for months before a competition and are under contract to prominent sponsors like Nike and Adidas, who finance them and furnish them with a substantial support mechanism of money and equipment. The contest takes up to seven days to complete and is a challenging test of fitness and strength even for world-class athletes who compete for distinction and a cash prize.澳大利亚一年一度的悉尼至墨尔本的马拉松比赛全长875 公里,被认为是世界上最艰难的马拉松赛事之一,对任何年龄段的世界顶尖运动员来说都是一项严酷的耐力考验。
Doctrine of the Mean is the core content of Confucianism. Confucius's so-called "middle" does not mean "compromise", but refers to a "moderate" and "appropriate" method when recognizing and dealing with objective things. Confucius advocated not only to treat this kind of thinking as a way of understanding and handling things, but also to integrate it into one's daily behavior through self-cultivation and exercise, making it a virtue. The golden mean is the core of Confucianism and an important part of Chinese traditional culture. From its formation to the present, it has played an inestimable role in the construction of national spirit, the spread of national wisdom, and the development of national culture.Unit2莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)被广泛认为是英语界最伟大的作家,也是世界上杰出的戏剧家。
|<1>solitary|a. |tending to spend a lot of time alone |独自的;喜欢独处的| | | |a solitary traveler |一位孤独的旅行者| | | |A solitary tree remained standing after the hurricane. |飓风过后,惟有一棵树孤独地挺立在那儿。
|@ |<2>tame |vt. |make sb. or sth. easy to control |驯服;控制| | | |Atomic energy has been tamed and harnessed for useful work. |原子能已被控制并得到实际应用。
| | | |He tamed the wild horse. |他驯服了那匹野马。
| | |a. |(esp. of animals) not afraid of people, and used to living with them |(尤指动物)温顺的,驯化的| | | |The birds in the park are quite tame and will take food from your hand. |公园的鸟很温顺,它们会吃你亲手喂给它们的食物。
| | | |He keeps a tame bear as a pet. |他养着一头驯服的熊作为宠物。
| |<3>pond |n. |[C] a small still body of water formed naturally or created artiicially |池塘| | | |She has a pond at the bottom of her garden. |她在花园深处有个池塘。
| | | |She chose a bench beside the fish pond and sat down. |她在鱼塘旁挑了个板凳,坐了下来。
• 25、I’m interested at adventures with 50% chance to succeed.
• 我对成功率在50%的冒险最感兴趣 • Yes→to No.27 No→to No.26
• 26、I have long-term plan for my career.我有长远的职业目标 • Yes→to No.27 No→Type B
when asleep
Para. 5 (1): How many ads will
the average American have seen?
600000 by 18 &
1 million by 40
Para. 5 (2): How do ads influence our purchase? find out phrases: “早餐谷物食品”“乘 船线路”
a valued customer
Para.3 (1): find out words:
“自相矛盾” “不一致/相矛盾”
paradox N.
(be) at odds with
Para.3 (2-3): What are the 2 different
permissive message &
message & disguised message
Para. 4 (3-4): How does the writer describe “the advertisements are everywhere”?
invade &
we are constantly surrounded by
Para. 4 (3-4): When can we escape ads?
青年创业(young entrepreneurship)是未来国家经济活力的来源,创业者的成功不但会创造财富、增加就业机会、改善大家的生活,从长远来看,对于国家更是一件好事,创业者正是让中国经济升级换代的力量。
Nowadays, many young people no longer choose “stable” jobs. Instead, they prefer to start their own businesses and realize their self-value through their own wisdom and efforts. Young entrepreneurship is the source of national economic vitality in the future. The success of entrepreneurs not only creates fortune, increases job opportunities, improves people’s life, but it is also good for the country in the long term. Entrepreneurs are a driving force in upgrading China’s economy. Especially for the time being, our country is encouraging people to start their own businesses and make innovations and giving policy support for medium and small businesses. This further arouses young people's enthusiasm to start their own businesses.2、实现中华民族伟大复兴(rejuvenation)是近代以来中国人民最伟大的梦想,我们称之为“中国梦”,其基本内涵是实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。
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要识别出真的、美的、好的信息,并挑出其中那些值得知晓的, 这对人们构成巨大的挑战。
"哦,那个呀," 裁缝说,"没什么,只要稍微扭头用下巴压住领子就行了。
""哦,不用担心," 裁缝说,"您只要用左手向下拉着裤子,一切就都完美了。
" 这个声音坚持说:"做出成绩来。
如果教育要改进,如果我们要为进入21世纪做必要的、有系统的革新,教师们必须再次倾听那个声音:" 是的,我们是教师;是的,我们有自己的价值。
如果你从旅游问讯处沿本尼特大街走, 在左侧寻找,就能看见卡文迪什实验室。