数据释义 密歇根大学消费者信心指数(The University of Michigan consumer confidence index)为美国密歇根大学研究人员对消费者关于个人财务状况和国家经济状况的看法进行定期调查并进行的相应评估。
关注原因 金融市场信心是消费者支出的领先指标,占经济活动中大部分。密歇根大学消费者信心指数与消费者支出之间的相关性更为密切。如果消费者信心上升,债券市场将之视为利空,价格下跌;股票市场则通常视之为利好。美元汇率通常从联储寻求暗示,若消费者信心上升,则意味着消费增长,经济走强,联储可能会提高利率,那美元就会相应走强。
数据影响 公布值>预测值=利好美元
数据释义 市场调查公司Markit对600名左右的经理人进行调查,内容包括受访者对就业、产出、新订单、价格、库存等方面的评估。
关注原因 是反映经济状况的领先指标,因企业能对市场环境迅速做出反应。外汇投资者通过观察这类数据的变化,对美国经济前景作出判断,进而影响到汇市走势。
关注原因 个人收入指标是预测个人的消费能力,未来消费者的购买动向及评估经济情况的好坏的一个有效指标。收入与支出密切相关,消费者的可用收入越多,其支出增加的几率越大,对经济越有利,对美元是利好。
关注原因 失业率是最重要的经济指标之一,深受劳动市场供需以及经济循环之影响,失业率的高低,也反映了经济的运行状况。尽管被视为滞后指标,失业人口是衡量总体经济健康状况的重要信号,因消费者支出与就业市场条件高度关联。失业率上升,预示消费减弱,对经济发展不利;失业率下降,说明经济好转。
68 | ECONOMYI nternational国际失业率的高低对各个国家具有非常重要的影响。
由于高就业、低失业既满足了微观层面个体的生存和发展需求,又在宏观层面上满足了政府的需要,是政府和公众理性预期目标的最佳结合状态,因此,无论哪个国家 ,其社会各界持各种不同政见的党派和人们可以反对一切,但唯独对低失业率的目标追求是一致的。
美国失业率的统计分析在美国,所有16岁以及以上有劳动能力和美国:失业率是怎么统计的?文/北京顺义区委党校 岳彦飞 中国社会科学院美国所 刘元玲劳动意愿并且在过去四周内积极寻求工作却不成功的人被界定为失业人口。
“住户调查失业率”,是由美国普查局(Census Bureau)先做当期人口调查即(CPS,Current Population Survey),后由美国劳工统计局(BLS,Bureau of. All Rights Reserved.ECONOMY | 69就业数据都因为客观原因存在一些误差,其幅度大约是10万人左右。
18就业指标统计监测的国际比较与经验启示马丽荣 龚雅洁( 石家庄邮电职业技术学院,河北 石家庄 050031 )【摘 要】随着我国就业形态的变化,我国原有的就业统计指标在内涵、统计口径和统计方法上都发生了很大的变化。
A.核心工业品出厂价格B.工业品购入价格C.工业品出厂价格D.核心工业品购入价格【答案】 C2、根据下面资料,回答71-72题A.买入;17B.卖出;17C.买入;16D.卖出;16【答案】 A3、某款收益增强型的股指联结票据的主要条款如下表所示。
A.5.35%B.5.37%C.5.39%D.5.41%【答案】 A4、美联储对美元加息的政策内将导致( )。
A.美元指数下行B.美元贬值C.美元升值D.美元流动性减弱【答案】 C5、以下()不属于美林投资时钟的阶段。
A.复苏B.过热C.衰退D.萧条【答案】 D6、下列关于购买力平价理论说法正确的是( )。
A.是最为基础的汇率决定理论之一B.其基本思想是,价格水平取决于汇率C.对本国货币和外国货币的评价主要取决于两国货币购买力的比较D.取决于两国货币购买力的比较【答案】 A7、某保险公司拥有一个指数型基金,规模20亿元,跟踪的标的指数为沪深300指数,其投资组合权重和现货指数相同,公司直接买卖股票现货构建指数型基金,获得资本利得和红利,其中未来6个月的股票红利为1195万元,(其复利终值系数为1.013)。
A.51211万元B.1211万元C.50000万元D.48789万元【答案】 A8、将取对数后的人均食品支出(y)作为被解释变量,对数化后的人均年生活费收入(x)A.存在格兰杰因果关系B.不存在格兰杰因果关系C.存在协整关系D.不存在协整关系【答案】 C9、金融机构风险度量工作的主要内容和关键点不包括()。
A.明确风险因子变化导致金融资产价值变化的过程B.根据实际金融资产头寸计算出变化的概率C.根据实际金融资产头寸计算出变化的概率D.了解风险因子之间的相互关系【答案】 D10、央行下调存款准备金率0.5个百分点,与此政策措施效果相同的是()。
一、政策法规:提供全方位的就 业支持
为了促进大学生的就业,美国政府制定了一系列政策和法规,为大学生提供 全方位的就业支持。这些政策和法规包括:《高等教育法案》、《全国创造机会 法案》、《劳动力投资法案》等。此外,美国各州也制定了相应的就业法规和政 策,如《加州大学毕业生创业条例》、《德克萨斯州大学生实习计划》等。这些 政策和法规旨在为大学生提供更多的就业机会和帮助。
综上所述,日本和美国在大学生就业促进政策方面的做法值得我们深入研究 和借鉴。通过不断完善我国的大学生就业政策,提高大学生的就业竞争力和职业 素养,可以为我国经济社会发展提供有力的人才保障。
美国作为全球教育最发达的国家之一,其大学生就业指导体系已经相当成熟。 本次演示将从政策法规、服务机构、课程设置和职业咨询四个方面探讨美国大学 生就业指导体系的现状及特点,并分析其对我国的启示。
与日本不同,美国政府在大学生就业促进方面更注重市场机制的作用。政府 通过立法和政策支持,鼓励企业招聘大学生,并为大学生提供实习机会和奖学金。 同时,美国高校也非常注重实践教学和校企合作,以提高学生的实际操作能力和 职业素养。此外,美国政府还设立了一些专门机构,如联邦政府就业服务局和劳 工部,为大学生提供就业信息和咨询服务。
四、职业咨询:专业化和个性化 相结合
在美国,职业咨询已经成为了一种非常普遍的服务。职业咨询师通常是由具 有丰富经验的专业人士担任,他们能够根据学生的兴趣爱好、性格特点等因素, 为他们提供个性化的职业咨询服务。同时,美国的职业咨询还注重专业化和个性 化相结合,既强调咨询师的技能和专业性,又注重咨询服务的针对性和实效性。
在全球范围内,大学生就业问题一直是一个重要的议题。日本和美国作为两 个经济大国,在大学生就业促进政策方面有着各自独特的做法。本次演示将分别 探讨这两个国家的政策,并从中寻找启示,以期为我国的大学生就业工作提供借 鉴。
A.买入看涨期权B.卖出看涨期权C.卖出看跌期权D.备兑开仓【答案】 B2、某铜加工企业为对冲铜价上涨的风险,以3700美元/吨买入LME的11月铜期货,同时买入相同规模的11月到期的美式铜期货看跌期权,执行价格为3740美元/吨,期权费为60美元/吨。
A.342B.340C.400D.402【答案】 A3、 3月大豆到岸完税价为()元/吨。
A.3140.48B.3140.84C.3170.48D.3170.84【答案】 D4、假设美元兑澳元的外汇期货到期还有4个月,当前美元兑欧元汇率为0.8USD/AUD,美国无风险利率为5%,澳大利亚无风险利率为2%,根据持有成本模型,该外汇期货合约理论价格为()。
(参考公式:F=Se^(Rd-Rf)T)A.0.808B.0.782C.0.824D.0.792【答案】 A5、某可转换债券面值1000元,转换比例为40,实施转换时标的股票的市场价格为每股24元,那么该转换债券的转换价值为()。
A.960元B.1000元C.600元D.1666元【答案】 A6、波浪理论的基础是( )A.周期B.价格C.成交量D.趋势【答案】 A7、某年11月1日,某企业准备建立10万吨螺纹钢冬储库存。
银行6个月内贷款利率为5.1%,现货仓储费用按20元/吨月计算,期货交易手续费A.150B.165C.19.5D.145.5【答案】 D8、根据下面资料,回答85-88题A.买入执行价格较高的看涨期权,卖出等量执行价格较低的看跌期权B.卖出执行价格较低的看跌期权,买人等量执行价格较高的看跌期权C.买入执行价格和数量同等的看涨和看跌期权D.卖出执行价格较高的看跌期权,买入等量执行价格较低的看跌期权【答案】 D9、下列关于各种交易方法说法正确的是()。
美国经济数据解释定义就业报告包括「失业率(Unemployment)」及「非农业就业人口(Nonfarm payroll employment)」。
制作方式就业报告的内容来自家庭调查(Household Survey)与机构调查(Establishment Survey)两份独立的调查资料。
其中家庭调查资料是由美国普查局(Census Bureau)先作当期人口调查(Current Population Survey),然后劳工统计局(BLS)再统计出失业率。
而机构调查资料又称薪资调查(Payroll survey),是由劳工统计局与州政府的就业安全机构合作汇编,根据的样本包括约38万个非农业机构。
Income)定义个人所得(Personal Income)代表个人从各种所得来源获得的收入总合。
重要数据美国月度季调后非农就业人口数据(万人)数据公布机构:美国劳动统计局发布频率:每月一次统计方法:过去一个月非农业人口就业人口的变化数据影响:实际值>预期值=利好货币数据释义非农业就业人数(Changes in non-farm payrolls):为就业报告中的一个项目,该项目主要统计从事农业生产以外的职位变化情形,该数据与失业率一同公布。
美国月度失业率数据公布机构:美国劳工部发布频率:每月统计方法:失业人口占劳动人口的比率数据影响:实际值<预期值=利好货币数据释义美国失业率(Unemployment Rate),也是美国就业报告中的另外一个项目,是指一定时期内,失业人口占劳动人口的比率(一定时期全部就业人口中有工作意愿而仍未有工作的劳动力数字),旨在衡量闲置中的劳动产能,是反映一个国家或地区失业状况的主要指标。
3.数据来源:美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics, BLS)负责全国就业率的统计工作,数据来源于月度就业报告、季度就业与工资统计、年度就业统计等。
4.统计方法:美国就业率采用Current Population Survey(CPS)方法,通过对全国约60,000个家庭进行调查,获取就业数据。
美国就业预测统计综述作者:许一君来源:《经济研究导刊》2013年第12期摘要:基于美国劳工统计局(BLS)出版的学术期刊Monthly Labor Review中关于美国就业预测(employment projection)的情况,主要阐述教育和培训视角、宏观经济预测法、职位空缺和劳动力流动调查以及CPS、CES的失业率和付薪雇佣调查四种就业预测方法。
关键词:就业预测;就业统计;失业率;文献综述;美国中图分类号:F241.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-291X(2013)12-0152-03美国就业统计和就业预测一直是劳动经济学的重要研究内容,美国劳工统计局(BLS)会定期公布统计结果,引导劳动力资源的合理配置。
得出的结论是增长最快的是以硕士学位为就业典型教育门槛(typical entry-level education needed)的职位,增长率达到21.7%,但是在总需求中只占1.5%;而需求量最大的是以高中及相当水平为就业典型教育门槛的,达760万,占42.6%,但是增长率最慢。
每季度结束后五周上午 8 点 30 分 相关月结束后大概两周上午 8 点 30 分 报告当月的第二周或者第三周上午 8 点 30 分
相关月结束后两周上午 8 点 30 分 相关月度结束后第二个星期上午 8 点 30 分
相关月结束后 3-4 周发布 相关月度结束 4-5 周
相关月 2-3 周上午 8 点 30 分 相关月结束后四周左右
陈 李
周 峰 (8621) 63295888×344
zhoufeng@ 地址:上海市南京东路 99 号 电话:(8621 )63295888 上海申银万国证券研究所有限公司
l 近两周全球股市大幅波动,其中一个重要的原因就是市场担心美国经济
会陷入衰退,另一方面由于日本加息升值,借贷资金提前还贷。其实后者 也与美国经济的 衰退预期有关,因为如果美国经济增长超出人们预期, 美国的基准利率可能还要维持一段时间,美元对日元也不会大幅下降。 所以美国经济的走势再次成为市场的焦点。众所周知,个人消费支出是 美国经济的驱动力,占 GDP 的 2/3 以上。而消费欲望由个人收入决定, 个人收入的六个组成部分中,最主要的是工资和薪水,占到 62%以上, 所以就业状况是美国经济的根本。另外一方面,就业数据较难预测,经 常会出乎人们的预料,所以美国每月第一个周五早上 8 :30 的这份就业 报告对股市、汇市的影响都很大。
失业率:是指失业人口占劳动人口的比率(一定时 期全部就业人口中有工作意愿而仍未有工作的劳 动力数字),旨在衡量闲臵中的劳动产能,是反映 一个国家或地区失业状况的主要指标 ;大多数资 料都经过季节性调整。失业率被视为滞后指标 ; 它又是市场上最为敏感的月度经济指标。若将失 业率配以同期的通胀指标来分析,则可知当时经 济发展是否过热,会否构成加息的压力,或是否 需要通过减息以刺激经济的发展。
ISM指数: ISM针对每一个组成部分提取认为订货 活跃的比例,并加上那些认为没有变化的比例的 一半。如果经济基本健康,通货膨胀处在控制之 中,那么PMI超过50时美元将可能跳得很高。相 反,假如ISM报告勾画出的制造业蹒跚着走向衰退, 外国人可能会抛售部分与美元挂钩的资本,降低 美元相对于其他主要货币的价值。
1.GDP与GNP计算口径不同。GDP计算采用的是“国土原则”,即只 要是在本国或本地区范围内生产或创造的价值,无论是外国人或是本 国人创造的价值,均计入本国或本地区的GDP。而GNP计算采用的是 “国民原则”,即只要是本国或本地区居民,无论你在本国或本地区 内,还是在外国或外地区所生产或创造的价值,均计入本国或本地区 的GNP。 2.GDP与GNP侧重点不同。GDP强调的是创造的增加值,是“生产” 的概念。GNP则强调的是获得的原始收入。 相对来讲,在开放经济条件下,对一国财富总量的统计,GDP越来 越优于GNP。因此,20世纪90年代以前,资本主义世界各国主要侧 重采用GNP和人均GNP。但进入90年代后,96%的国家纷纷放弃GNP 和人均GNP,而开始重点采用GDP和人均GDP来衡量经济增长快慢以 及经济实力的强弱。 目前,一般将国民总收入 GNI(Gross National Income,指一个国家或地区所有常住单位在一定时 期内收入初次分配的最终结果)看做是GNP,各国(包括我国)也仅对外 公布GDP与GNI数据,GNP数据已基本不再统计和发布。 从国际组织 看,由于职能的不同,IMF仅关注GDP,以分析世界各国的经济增长; 而世界银行则既关注GDP也关注GNI(GNP),一定程度上讲更为关注 GNI(GNP),以分析世界各国的贫富差异。
非农就业数据美国非农数据(US Non-farm Payrolls,即:美国非农就业数据,非农业就业人数)是美国非农业人口的就业数据,由美国劳工部每月公布一次,反应美国经济的趋势,数据好说明经济好转,数据差说明经济转坏。
Investopedia Says... the economy and predict future levels of economic activity.美国劳工统计局英文名称Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)机构简介美国劳工统计局是美国联邦政府劳动经济和劳工统计的主要机构,负责收集、加工、分析、以及向公众发布重要的统计数据。
先行指标指数的组成部分及其在指数构成中的权重如下;1)生产及制造业工人平均工作周1.0142)制造业工人的失业率1.01413)消费品和原料的新订单0.973 "4)59500家大公司普通股股票价格1.1495)库存的实际变化0.9866)M2的货币供应量0.9327)流动资产总额的变化0.98)敏感性物价的变化0.8929)成套设备的合同及订单0.94610)新颁发的私人住宅建筑许可证 1.05411)净经济主体的组成0.97312)销售不畅公司的比例1.0812.同步指标和滞后指标(ConcurrentIndicator and Lagging lndicator)同步指标的变动时间与一般经济情况基本一致,滞后指标的变动时间则往往落后于一般经济情况的变动。
较重要的同步指标和滞后指标有:(1)国民生产总值及价格平减指数(GNP and GNP Deflator)国民生产总值是一国在一定时期内(年、季)以货币表示的全部产品和劳务的价值总和。
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Technical Notes for the Current Employment Statistics Survey IntroductionThe Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) collects data each month on employment, hours, and earnings from a sample of nonfarm establishments through the Current Employment Statistics (CES) program. The CES survey includes about 143,000 businesses and government agencies, which cover approximately 588,000 individual worksites drawn from a sampling frame of Unemployment Insurance (UI) tax accounts covering roughly 9 million establishments. The active CES sample includes approximately one-third of all nonfarm payroll employees in the 50 States and the District of Columbia. From these data, a large number of employment, hours, and earnings series in considerable industry and geographic detail are prepared and published each month. Historical statistics for the nation are available on the CES National website at /ces/data.htm. Historical statistics for states and metropolitan areas are available on the CES State and Metro Area website at /sae/data.htm.Table of ContentsUse the links below to skip to specific topics about the CES sample, data collection, industry classification, available statistics, estimation, and revisions. A link is included to skip to a list of equations, tables, and figures included in the CES Technical Notes.The Sample (3)Design (3)Coverage (6)Reliability (13)Data Collection (17)Collection Methods (17)Collection Forms (18)Classification (19)Industry Classification (19)Major Industry Groups (19)Available Data (21)Employment (22)Hours and Earnings (23)Derivative Series (26)Forms of Publication (28)Statistics for States and Areas (29)Estimation Methods (29)Monthly Estimation (29)Small Domain Model (40)Birth/Death Model (43)Aggregation Procedures (54)Seasonal Adjustment (56)Revisions (81)Sample-based Revisions (81)Benchmarks (83)Historical Reconstructions (92)Other Factors Contributing to Revisions (94)Table of Figures (96)Equations (96)Tables (96)Figures (97)The SampleDesignThe Current Employment Statistics (CES) sample is a stratified, simple random sample of worksites, clustered by Unemployment Insurance (UI) account number. The UI account number is a major identifier on the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Longitudinal Database (LDB) of employer records, which serves as both the sampling frame and the benchmark source for the CES employment estimates. The sample strata, or subpopulations, are defined by state, industry, and employment size, yielding a state-based design. The sampling rates for each stratum are determined through a method known as optimum allocation, which distributes a fixed number of sample units across a set of strata to minimize the overall variance, or sampling error, on the primary estimate of interest. The total nonfarm employment level is the primary estimate of interest, and the CES sample design gives top priority to measuring it as precisely as possible, or minimizing the statistical error around the statewide total nonfarm employment estimates.Frame and sample selectionThe LDB is the universe from which CES draws the establishment survey sample. The LDB contains data on the roughly 9 million U.S. business establishments covered by UI, representing nearly all elements of the U.S. economy. The Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program collects these data from employers on a quarterly basis in cooperation with Labor Market Information Agencies (LMIs). The LDB contains employment and wage information from employers, as well as name, address, and location information. It also contains identification information such as UI account number and reporting unit or worksite number.The LDB contains records of all employers covered under the UI tax system. That system covers 97 percent of all employment within the scope of CES in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. There are a few sections of the economy that are not covered by the QCEW, including the self-employed, unpaid family workers, railroads, religious organizations, small agricultural employers, and elected officials. Data for employers generally are reported at the worksite level. Employers who have multiple establishments within a state usually report data for each individual establishment. The LDB tracks establishments over time and links them from quarter to quarter.The total private and government portions of the CES sample are selected using two different methods. Private establishments in the CES sample frame are stratified by state, industry, and size. Stratificationgroups population members together for the purpose of sample allocation and selection. The strata, or groups, are composed of homogeneous units. With 13 industries (treating manufacturing as one industry and not including government) and 8 size classes, there are 104 total allocation cells per state. The sampling rate for each stratum is determined through a method known as optimum allocation. Optimum allocation minimizes variance at a fixed cost or minimizes cost for a fixed variance. Under the CES probability design, a fixed number of sample units for each state is distributed across the allocation strata in such a way as to minimize the overall variance, or sampling error, of the total state employment level. The number of sample units in the CES probability sample was fixed according to available program resources. The optimum allocation formula places more sample in cells for which data cost less to collect, cells that have more units, and cells that have a larger variance.The CES government sample is not part of the program's probability-based design. CES is able to achieve a very high level of universe employment coverage in government industries by obtaining full payroll employment counts for many government agencies, eliminating the need for a probability-based sample design. Government estimates are combined with the total private estimates to obtain values for total nonfarm.Annual sample selection helps keep the CES survey current with respect to employment from business births and business deaths. In addition, the updated universe files provide the most recent information about industry, size, and metropolitan area designation. Each year the CES sample is drawn from the first quarter Longitudinal Database (LDB) data in the fall of that year. A birth update is added in the early summer from the third quarter of the previous year.After all out-of-scope records are removed, the sampling frame is separated into allocation cells. Within each allocation cell, units are grouped by metropolitan statistical area (MSA), and these MSAs are sorted by the size of the MSA, defined as the number of UI accounts in that MSA. As the sampling rate is uniform across the entire allocation cell, implicit stratification by MSA ensures that a proportional number of units are sampled from each MSA. Some MSAs may have too few UI accounts in the allocation cell; these MSAs are collapsed and treated as a single MSA.Permanent Random Numbers (PRNs) are assigned to all UI accounts on the sampling frame. As new units appear on the frame, random numbers are assigned to those units as well. As records are linked across time, the PRN is carried forward in the linkage. Within each selection cell, the units are sorted by PRN, and units are selected according to the specified sample selection rate. The number of units selected randomly from each selection cell is equal to the product of the sample selection rate and the number ofeligible units in the cell plus any carryover from the prior selection cell. The result is rounded to the nearest whole number. Carryover is defined as the amount that is rounded up or down to the nearest whole number.As a result of the cost and workload associated with enrolling new sample units, all units remain in the sample a minimum of 2 years. To ensure all units meet this minimum requirement, CES has established a "swapping in" procedure. The procedure allows units to be swapped into the sample that were newly selected during the previous sample year and not reselected as part of the current probability sample. The procedure removes a unit within the same selection cell and places the newly selected unit from the previous year back into the sample. Approximately 60 percent of the CES sample for the private industries overlaps from the previous sample to the current sample.Selection weightsOnce the sample is drawn, sample selection weights are calculated based on the number of UI accounts actually selected within each allocation cell. The sample selection weight is approximately equal to the inverse of the probability of selection, or the inverse of the sampling rate. It is computed as:EQUATION 1. SAMPLE SELECTION WEIGHTSSample selection weight = N h / n hwhere:N h = the number of noncertainty UI accounts within the allocation cell that are eligible for sample selectionn h = the number of noncertainty UI accounts selected within the allocation cellTo Table of Figures Frame maintenance and sample updatesDue to the dynamic economy, there is a constant cycle of business openings (births) and closings (deaths). A sample update is performed during the summer each year drawing from the previous year's third quarter LDB data. This update selects units from the population of openings and other units not previously eligible for selection and includes them as part of the sample. Location, contact, and administrative information are updated for all establishments that were selected as part of the annual sample.Back to Top CoverageTable 1 shows the 2014 benchmark employment levels and the approximate proportion of total universe employment coverage at the total nonfarm and major industry sector levels. The coverage for individual industries within the supersectors may vary from the proportions shown. The UI counts and establishment numbers shown in Table 1 are from the benchmark year, not the current sample year, and therefore differ from UI and establishment totals for the current sample year.CES sample by industryThe sample distribution by industry reflects the goal of minimizing the sampling error in the total nonfarm employment estimate, while also providing reliable employment estimates by industry. Sample coverage rates vary by industry as a result of building a design to meet these goals (see Table 1). For example, manufacturing and leisure and hospitality industries are of similar size. Manufacturing has 12.1 million employees while leisure and hospitality has about 14.2 million employees. However their relative sample sizes are different. Manufacturing has about 19,800 sample units with a total of 3.2 million employees while leisure and hospitality has many more sample units, about 67,400 sample units but covers only about 2.9 million employees. The manufacturing sample therefore covers about 27 percent of all employment in manufacturing while the leisure and hospitality sample covers about 21 percent of all employment in that industry. The differences are linked in part to the fact that manufacturing is characterized by a much larger average firm size than leisure and hospitality. These types of differences do not cause a bias in the CES employment estimates because of the use of industry sampling strata and sampling weights which ensure each firm is properly represented in the estimates.Government sampleThe CES government sample is not part of the program's probability-based design, which is used to estimate employment for all private industries. A very high level of universe employment coverage (76 percent) is achieved by obtaining full payroll employment counts for many government agencies, thus a probability-based sample design is not necessary for this industry. The high coverage rate virtually assures a high degree of reliability for the government employment estimates. Because it is used to estimate only the government portion of total nonfarm employment, the large government sample does not bias the total nonfarm employment estimates. The private and government estimates are summed to derive total nonfarm employment estimates.Sample ImplementationCES enrollment efforts begin immediately after a sample is selected, and collection generally begins in the first month after enrollment. Prior to the July 2014 first preliminary release, CES incorporated the new sample units for all industries once a year, starting with the third release of November estimates. In January, the new sample was used for the first time to estimate November third preliminary estimates of the previous year, December second preliminary estimates of the previous year, and January first preliminary estimates for the current year. Waiting to introduce new sample for all industriessimultaneously meant newly enrolled respondents that started reporting payroll data immediately after the sample draw had provided useful data for almost a year before the data were used to produce CES estimates. The annual implementation schedule also contributed in part to revisions in national CES estimates between the November second preliminary and final releases and between the December first and second preliminary estimates. In the past, implementation of new sample units into the CES survey took a large amount of resources and time. CES updated processes for several years to improve the efficiency of sample updates and researched the effects of this change on the estimates.Beginning with the July 2014 first preliminary release, CES began a quarterly sample implementation schedule. Under the quarterly sample implementation schedule all industries have been classified into four groups that begin enrollment and data collection at a specific quarter after the sample is drawn for the year. Each group of industries begins enrollment and data collection procedures the quarter prior to being used in estimation and are used in estimation on the first reference month of the following quarter (see Table 2). All birth units selected as part of the semi-annual update are implemented in the last group, regardless of industry. Each reference month is estimated using the same sample from the estimation of the first preliminary estimate through the third preliminary estimate.Because quarterly sample implementation began with the July 2014 first preliminary estimates, the first implementation included the industries identified in groups 1 and 2.Table 2. Industry groupings for CES quarterly sample implementationGroup Major Industry SectorTiming Enrollment EstimationGroup 4 Manufacturing (durable and nondurablegoods)FourthQuarterBeginning in Q1 with theJanuary preliminaryestimate release Education and health servicesBirth units for all private industriessampled from the third quarter of theLDB that did not exist on the firstquarter of the LDBFootnotes(1) Because quarterly sample implementation began with the July 2014 first preliminary estimates, the first implementation of sample drawn in 2013 included the industries identified in groups 1 and 2. Subsequent quarters implemented new sample units one group at a time.To Table of FiguresUnder the quarterly sample implementation schedule, any quarterly sample implementation group can have an effect on industries outside the group. All the worksites associated with a UI account that are being implemented in a group are introduced into the sample at the same time, even if they are classified under a different industry.The switch to quarterly sample implementation allows units not in the new sample to be dropped at the same time as the new sample is introduced. The quarterly sample implementation process is expected to reduce respondent burden.CES sample by employment size classThe employment universe that the CES sample is estimating is highly skewed as shown by Table 3. The largest UI accounts comprise only 0.2 percent of all UI accounts but contain approximately 27.8 percent of total private employment. Therefore, it is very efficient to sample these UIs with certainty — by sampling only 0.2 percent of the UIs, the survey can cover 27.8 percent of total private universe employment. Conversely the smallest size class (0-9 employees) contains nearly 70.9 percent of all UIs but only about 10.3 percent of total private employment; therefore it is efficient to sample these UIs at a much lower rate. Sampling larger firms at a higher rate than smaller firms is a standard technique commonly used in business establishment surveys.Table 3. Total private universe employment by size of UI, March 2013Size Class Percent of All UIs Percent of Employment1 (0-9 employees) 70.9 10.32 (10-19 employees) 13.7 7.83 (20-49 employees) 9.2 12.14 (50-99 employees) 3.2 9.85 (100-249 employees) 1.9 13.46 (250-499 employees) 0.6 9.77 (500-999 employees 0.3 9.18 (1000+ employees) 0.2 27.8 Total 100.0 100.0To Table of FiguresTable 4 shows the distribution of the active CES sample units. A much greater proportion of large than small UIs are selected; however that does not create a bias in either the sample or the estimates made from the sample. Each sample unit selected is assigned a weight based on its probability of selection, which ensures that all firms of its size are properly represented in the estimates. UIs with a large number of employees are selected with certainty and assigned a weight of one, meaning they represent only themselves in the estimates. Conversely, a UI in the smallest firm stratum where 1 in every 100 firms are selected is assigned a weight of 100, because it represents itself and 99 other firms that were not sampled. The use of sample weights in the estimation process prevents a large (or small) firm bias in the estimates.Table 4. Total private CES sample employment by size of UI, March 2013Size Class Percent of All Sample UIs Percent of Sample Employment1 (0-9 employees) 27.8 0.32 (10-19 employees) 12.8 0.63 (20-49 employees) 16.1 1.74 (50-99 employees) 11.0 2.65 (100-249 employees) 12.8 6.96 (250-499 employees) 7.6 9.67 (500-999 employees 6.0 15.48 (1000+ employees) 5.9 62.9 Total 100.0 100.0To Table of FiguresBack to Top ReliabilityMeasurements of errorThe establishment survey, like other sample surveys, is subject to two types of error, sampling and nonsampling error. The magnitude of sampling error, or variance, is directly related to the size of the sample and the percentage of universe coverage achieved by the sample. The establishment survey sample covers over one-third of total universe employment; this yields a very small variance on the total nonfarm estimates. Measurements of error associated with sample estimates are provided in Table 5 and the all employee (AE), production employee (PE), and women employee (WE) standard error tables.Table 5. Errors of preliminary employment estimates(1)CES IndustryCode CES Industry Title Root-Mean-Square Error ofMonthly Level(2)Mean Percent RevisionActual Absolute00-000000 Total nonfarm 65,100 0.0 0.0 05-000000 Total private 38,600 .0 .0 90-000000 Government 40,900 .0 .1 90-910000 Federal 7,300 .0 .290-911000 Federal, except U.S. PostalService 7,100 -.1 .2 90-919120 U.S. Postal Service 2,900 .1 .1 90-920000 State government 16,800 .1 .2 90-921611 State government education 17,300 .1 .590-922000 State government, excludingeducation 5,100 .0 .1 90-930000 Local government 30,900 .0 .1 90-931611 Local government education 29,900 .0 .290-932000 Local government, excludingeducation 7,400 .0 .1 Footnotes(1) Errors are based on differences for the months January through October of years 2010 to 2014.(2) The root-mean-square error is the square root of the mean squared error. The mean squared error is the square of the difference between the final and preliminary estimates averaged across a series of monthly observations.To Table of FiguresBenchmark revision as a measure of survey errorThe sum of sampling and nonsampling error can be considered total survey error. Unlike most sample surveys which publish sampling error as their only measure of error, the CES can derive an annual approximation of total error, on a lagged basis, because of the availability of the independently derived universe data. While the benchmark error is often used as a proxy measure of total error for the CES survey estimate, it actually represents the difference between two employment estimates derived from separate statistical processes (i.e., the CES sample process and the UI administrative process) and thus reflects the net of the errors present in each program. Historically, the benchmark revision has been small for total nonfarm employment. Over the prior 10 years, absolute percentage benchmark error has averaged 0.3 percent, with an absolute range from 0.1 percent to 0.7 percent. Further discussion about the CES annual benchmark can be found in the Revisions section of this document under Benchmarks.Revisions between preliminary and final dataFirst preliminary estimates of employment, hours, and earnings, based on less than the total sample, are published immediately following the reference month. Final revised sample-based estimates are published 2 months later when nearly all the reports in the sample have been received. Table 5 presents the root-mean-square error, the mean percent, and the mean absolute percent revision over the past 5 years between the preliminary and final employment estimates.Revisions of preliminary hours and earnings estimates are normally not greater than 0.1 of an hour for weekly hours and 1 cent for hourly earnings at the total private level and may be slightly larger for the more detailed industry groupings. Further discussion about the CES sample-based monthly revisions to estimates can be found in the Revisions section of this document under Sample-based Revisions.Variance estimationThe estimation of sample variance for AE, PE, and WE for the CES survey is accomplished through use of the method of Balanced Half Samples (BHS). This replication technique uses half samples of the original sample and calculates estimates using those subsamples. The sample variance is calculated by measuring the variability of the subsample estimates. The weighted link estimator is used to calculate both estimates and variances. The sample units in each cell — where a cell is based on state, industry, and size classification — are divided into two random groups. The basic BHS method is applied to both groups. The subdivision of the cells is done systematically in the same order as the initial sample selection. Weights for units in the half sample are multiplied by a factor of 1 + γ where weights for units not in thehalf sample are multiplied by a factor of 1 − γ. Estimates from these subgroups are calculated using the estimation formula described in Equation 2.The formula used to calculate CES variances is as follows:EQUATION 2. CES VARIANCE,where• is the half-sample estimator•γ = ½•k is the number of half samples• is the original full-sample estimate.To Table of Figures Appropriate uses of sampling variancesVariance statistics are useful for comparison purposes, but they do have some limitations. Variances reflect the error component of the estimates that is due to surveying only a subset of the population, rather than conducting a complete count of the entire population. However, they do not reflect nonsampling error, such as response errors, and bias due to nonresponse. The variances of the over-the-month change estimates are very useful in determining when changes are significant at some level of confidence. Variance statistics for first and second closings are available for AE, PE, and WE. In addition, third closing variances are available upon request.Sampling errorsThe sampling errors shown for all private industries and total nonfarm have been calculated for estimates that follow the benchmark employment revision by a period of 16 to 20 months. The errors are presented as median values of the observed error estimates. These estimates have been estimated using the method of BHS with the probability sample data and sample weights assigned at the time of sample selection.Illustration of the use of relative standard error tablesAE, PE, and WE standard error tables provide a reference for relative standard errors of all major series developed from the CES. The standard errors of differences between estimates in two non-overlapping industries are calculated asEQUATION 3. CES RELATIVE STANDARD ERRORbecause the two estimates are independent.To Table of FiguresThe errors are presented as relative standard errors (standard error divided by the estimate and expressed as a percent). Multiplying the relative standard error by its estimated value gives the estimate of the standard error.Suppose that the level of all employees for financial activities in a given month at first closing is estimated at 8,041,000. The approximate relative standard error of this estimate (0.5 percent) is provided in the AE standard error tables. A 90-percent confidence interval would then be the interval:8,041,000 ± (1.645 × .005 × 8,041,000) = 8,041,000 ± 66,137 = 8,107,137 to 7,974,863 Illustration of the use of standard error tablesAE, PE, and WE standard error tables provide a reference for the standard errors of 1-, 3-, and 12-month changes in the employment, hours, and earnings series. The errors are presented as standard errors of the changes. The standard and relative standard errors for AE, PE, and WE are appropriate for use with both seasonally adjusted and not seasonally adjusted CES data. Suppose that the over-the-month change in all employee average hourly earnings (AHE) from a given month to the next in coal mining at second closing is $0.23. The standard error for a 1-month change for coal mining from the table is $0.29. The interval estimate of the over-the-month change in AHE that will include the true over-the-month change with 90-percent confidence is calculated:$0.23 ± (1.645 × $0.29) = $0.23 ± $0.48 = [-$0.25, $0.71]The true value of the over-the-month change is in the interval -$0.25 to $0.71. Because this interval includes $0.00 (no change), the change of $0.23 shown is not significant at the 90-percent confidencelevel. Alternatively, the estimated change of $0.23 does not exceed $0.48 (1.645 × $0.29); therefore, one could conclude from these data that the change is not significant at the 90-percent confidence level.Back to Top Data CollectionCollection MethodsEach month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) collects data on employment, payroll, and paid hours from a sample of establishments. Prior to 1991, most of the Current Employment Statistics (CES) sample was collected by mail in a decentralized environment by each Labor Market Information Agency (LMI). CES has gradually centralized collection and adopted automated sample collection methods with the result that collection rates have gradually risen over time. Now, CES has a comprehensive program of new sample unit solicitation in four CES Regional Data Collection Centers (DCCs). The DCCs perform initial enrollment of each firm via telephone, collect the data for several months via Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI), and where possible transfer respondents to a self-reporting mode such as Touchtone Data Entry (TDE), fax, or web. In addition, the DCC's conduct an ongoing program of refusal conversion. Very large firms are often enrolled via personal visit and ongoing reporting is established via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Offering survey respondents a choice of reporting methods helps sustain response rates to this voluntary survey. The largest portion of the CES sample is collected via EDI (42 percent), while Internet collection and CATI are used to collect approximately 16 percent and 31 percent of all reports, respectively. Under EDI, the firm provides an electronic file to CES each month in a prescribed file format. This file includes data for all of the firm's worksites. The file is received, processed, and edited by the CES operated EDI Center. Web is one of the fastest growing collection methods. Under web collection, the respondent links to a secure website that contains an image of the questionnaire and enters their data into the on-line form. The data are subject to a series of edit checks before being transmitted to CES.TDE, another self-reporting mode, is used to collect about 3 percent of the monthly reports. Under the TDE system, the respondent uses a touchtone telephone to call a toll-free number and activate an interview session. The questionnaire resides on the computer in the form of prerecorded questions that are read to the respondent. The respondent enters numeric responses by pressing the touchtone phone buttons. Each answer is read back for respondent verification.。