



某某农村商业银行股份有限公司从业人员行为规范第一章总则第一条为了加强某某农村商业银行股份有限公司(以下简称“本行”) 从业人员管理,提高在岗人员素质,规范从业行为,塑造本行形象,根据国家有关法律法规、中国银监会印发的《银行业金融机构从业人员职业操守指引》和社会道德规范,结合本行实际,制定本规范。



Chapter 7Risk Management for Changing Interest Rates: Asset-Liability Management and Duration TechniquesFill in the Blank Questions1. The ___________________ view of assets and liabilities held that the amount and types ofdeposits was primarily determined by customers and hence the key decision a bank needed to make was with the assets.Answer: asset management2. Recent decades have ushered in dramatic changes in banking. The goal of__________________ was simply to gain control of the bank's sources of funds.Answer: liability management3. The__________________________ is the interest rate that equalizes the current market price ofa bond with the present value of the future cash flows.Answer: yield to maturity (YTM)4. The __________________ risk premium on a bond allows the investor to be compensated fortheir projected loss in purchasing power from the increase in the prices of goods and services in the future.Answer: inflation5. The __________________ shows the relationship between the time to maturity and the yield tomaturity of a bond. It is usually constructed using treasury securities since they are assumed to have no default risk.Answer: yield curve6. The __________________ risk premium on a bond reflects the differences in the ease and abilityto sell the bond in the secondary market at a favorable price.Answer: liquidityplanning period.Answer: Interest-sensitive assets8. __________________________ is the difference between interest-sensitive assets andinterest-sensitive liabilities.Answer: Dollar interest-sensitive gap9. A(n)__________________________ means that the bank has more interest-sensitive liabilitiesthan interest-sensitive assets.Answer: negative interest-sensitive gap (liability sensitive)10. The bank's__________________________ takes into account the idea that the speed (sensitivity)of interest rate changes will differ for different types of assets and liabilities.Answer: weighted interest-sensitive gap11. __________________________ is the coordinated management of both the bank's assets and itsliabilities.Answer: Funds management12. __________________________ is the risk due to changes in market interest rates which canadversely affect the bank's net interest margin, assets and equity.Answer: Interest rate risk13. The__________________________ is the rate of return on a financial instrument using a 360day year relative to the instrument's face value.Answer: bank discount rate14. The __________________________ component of interest rates is the risk premium due to theprobability that the borrower will miss some payments or will not repay the loan.Answer: default risk premium15. __________________ is the weighted average maturity for a stream of future cash flows. It is adirect measure of price risk.Answer: Duration16. __________________________ is the difference between the dollar-weighted duration of theasset portfolio and the dollar-weighted duration of the liability portfolio.Answer: Duration gap17. A(n)__________________________ duration gap means that for a parallel increase in all interestrates the market value of net worth will tend to decline.Answer: positive18. A(n)__________________________ duration gap means that for a parallel increase in allinterest rates the market value of net worth will tend to increase.Answer: negative19. The __________________ refers to the periodic fluctuations in the scale of economic activity.Answer: business cycle20. The__________________________ is equal to the duration of each individual type of assetweighted by the dollar amount of each type of asset out of the total dollar amount of assets.Answer: duration of the asset portfolio21. The__________________________ is equal to the duration of each individual type of liabilityweighted by the dollar amount of each type of asset out of the total dollar amount of assets.Answer: duration of the liability portfolio22. A bank is __________________ against changes in its net worth if its duration gap is equal tozero.Answer: immunized (insulated or protected)23. The relationship between a change in an asset's price and an asset’s change in the yield or interestrate is captured by __________________________.Answer: convexity24. The change in a financial institution's __________________ is equal to difference in the durationof the assets and liabilities times the change in the interest rate divided by the starting interest rate times the dollar amount of the assets and liabilities.Answer: net worth25. When a bank has a positive duration gap a parallel increase in the interest rates on the assets andliabilities of the bank will lead to a(n) __________________ in the bank's net worth.Answer: decrease26. When a bank has a negative duration gap a parallel decrease in the interest rates on the assets andliabilities of the bank will lead to a(n)_________________________ in the bank's net worth.Answer: decrease27. U.S. banks tend to do better when the yield curve is upward-sloping because they tend to have____________ maturity gap positions.Answer: positive28.One government-created giant mortgage banking firms which have subsequently been privatizedis the .Answer: FNMA or Fannie Mae (or FHLMC or Freddie Mac)29.One part of interest rate risk is .This part of interest rate risk reflects that as interest rates rise, prices of securities tend to fall.Answer: price risk30.One part of interest rate riskis . This part of interest rate risk reflects that as interest rates fall, any cash flows that are received before maturity areinvested at a lower interest rate.Answer: reinvestment risk31.When a borrower has the right to pay off a loan early which reduced the lender’s expected rate ofreturn it is called .Answer: call risk32.In recent decades, banks have aggressively sought to insulate their assets and liability portfoliosand profits from the ravages if interest rate changes. Many banks now conduct theirasset-liability management strategy with the help of anwhich often meets daily.Answer: asset-liability committee33.is interest income from loans and investmentsless interest expenses on deposits and borrowed funds divided by total earning assets.Answer: Net interest margin (NIM)34.are those liabilities that whichmature or must be repriced within the planning period.Answer: Interest-sensitive liabilities35.Variable rate loans and securities are included as part offor banks.Answer: repriceable assetsfor banks.Answer: repriceable liabilities37.Interest sensitive assets less interest sensitive liabilities divided by total assets of the bank isknown as .Answer: relative interest sensitive gap38.Interest sensitive assets divided by interest sensitive liabilities is knownas .Answer: Interest sensitivity ratio39.is a measure of interest rate exposurewhich is the total difference in dollars between those assets and liabilities that can be repricedover a designated time period.Answer: Cumulative gap40.is the phenomenon that interest ratesattached to various assets often change by different amounts and at different speeds than interest rates attached to various liabilities,Answer: basis riskTrue/False QuestionsT F 41. Usually the principal goal of asset-liability management is to maximize or at least stabilize a bank's margin or spread.Answer: TrueT F 42. Asset management strategy in banking assumes that the amount and kinds of deposits and other borrowed funds a bank attracts are determined largely by its management.Answer: FalseT F 43. The ultimate goal of liability management is to gain control over a financial institution's sources of funds.Answer: Truewill rise.Answer: FalseT F 45. A liability-sensitive bank will experience an increase in its net interest margin if interest rates rise.Answer: FalseT F 46. Under the so-called liability management view in banking the key control lever banks possess over the volume and mix of their liabilities is price.Answer: TrueT F 47. Under the so-called funds management view bank management's control over assets must be coordinated with its control over liabilities so that asset and liability management areinternally consistent.Answer: TrueT F 48. Bankers cannot determine the level or trend of market interest rates; instead, they can only react to the level and trend of rates.Answer: TrueT F 49. Short-term interest rates tend to rise more slowly than long-term interest rates and to fall more slowly when all interest rates in the market are headed down.Answer: FalseT F 50. A financial institution is liability sensitive if its interest-sensitive liabilities are less than its interest-sensitive assets.Answer: FalseT F 51. If a bank's interest-sensitive assets and liabilities are equal than its interest revenues from assets and funding costs from liabilities will change at the same rate.Answer: TrueT F 52. Banks with a positive cumulative interest-sensitive gap will benefit if interest rates rise, but lose income if interest rates decline.Answer: TrueT F 53. Banks with a negative cumulative interest-sensitive gap will benefit if interest rates rise, but lose income if interest rates decline.Answer: FalseT F 54. For most banks interest rates paid on liabilities tend to move more slowly than interest rates earned on assets.Answer: FalseT F 55. Interest-sensitive gap techniques do not consider the impact of changing interest rates on stockholders equity.Answer: TrueT F 56. Interest-sensitive gap, relative interest-sensitive gap and the interest-sensitivity ratio will often reach different conclusions as to whether the bank is asset or liability sensitive.Answer: FalseT F 57. The yield curve is constructed using corporate bonds with different default risks so the bank can determine the risk/return tradeoff for default risk.Answer: FalseT F 58. Financial securities that are the same in all other ways may have differences in interest rates that reflect the differences in the ease of selling the security in the secondary marketat a favorable price.Answer: TrueT F 59. Financial institutions face two major kinds of interest rate risk. These risks include price risk and reinvestment risk.Answer: TrueT F 60. Interest-sensitive gap and weighted interest-sensitive gap will always reach the same conclusion as to whether a bank is asset sensitive or liability sensitive.Answer: FalseT F 61. Weighted interest-sensitive gap is less accurate than interest-sensitive gap in determining the affect of changes in interest rates on net interest margin.Answer: FalseT F 62. A bank with a positive duration gap experiencing a rise in interest rates will experience an increase in its net worth.Answer: FalseT F 63. A bank with a negative duration gap experiencing a rise in interest rates will experience an increase in its net worth.Answer: TrueT F 64. Duration is a direct measure of the reinvestment risk of a bond.Answer: FalseT F 65. A bank with a positive duration gap experiencing a decrease in interest rates will experience an increase in its net worth.Answer: TrueT F 66. A bank with a negative duration gap experiencing a decrease in interest rates will experience an increase in its net worth.Answer: FalseT F 67. Duration is the weighted average maturity of a promised stream of future cash flows.Answer: TrueT F 68. Duration is a direct measure of the price risk of a bond.Answer: TrueT F 69. A bond with a greater duration will have a smaller price change in percentage terms when interest rates change.Answer: FalseT F 70. Long-term interest rates tend to change very little with the cycle of economic activity.Answer: TrueT F 71. A bank with a duration gap of zero is immunized against changes in the value of net worth due to changes in interest rates in the market.Answer: TrueT F 72. Convexity is the idea that the rate of change of an asset's price varies with the level of interest rates.Answer: TrueT F 73. The change in the market price of an asset's price from a change in market interest rates is roughly equal to the asset's duration times the change the interest rate divided by theoriginal interest rate.Answer: TrueT F 74. U.S. banks tend to do better when the yield curve is upward-sloping.Answer: TrueT F 75. Net interest margin tends to rise for U.S. banks when the yield curve is upward-sloping.Answer: TrueT F 76. Financial institutions laden with home mortgages tend be immune to interest-rate risk.Answer: FalseT F 77. If a Financial Institution's net interest margin is immune to interest-rate risk then so is its net worth.Answer: FalseMultiple Choice Questions78.When is interest rate risk for a bank greatest?A)When interest rates are volatile.B)When interest rates are stable.C)When inflation is high.D)When inflation is low.E)When loan defaults are high.Answer: A79. A bank’s IS GAP is defined as:A)The dollar amount of rate-sensitive assets divided by the dollar amount of rate-sensitiveliabilities.B)The dollar amount of earning assets divided by the dollar amount of total liabilities.C)The dollar amount of rate-sensitive assets minus the dollar amount of rate-sensitiveliabilities.D)The dollar amount of rate-sensitive liabilities minus the dollar amount of rate-sensitiveassets.E)The dollar amount of earning assets times the average liability interest rate.Answer: C80.According to the textbook, the maturing of the liability management techniques, coupled withmore volatile interest rates, gave birth to the __________________ approach which dominates banking today. The term that correctly fills in the blank in the preceding sentence is:A) Liability managementB) Asset managementC) Risk managementD) Funds managementE) None of the above.Answer: D81.The principal goal of interest-rate hedging strategy is to hold fixed a bank's:A) Net interest marginB) Net income before taxesC) Value of loans and securitiesD) Noninterest spreadE) None of the above.Answer: A82. A bank is asset sensitive if its:A) Loans and securities are affected by changes in interest rates.B) Interest-sensitive assets exceed its interest-sensitive liabilities.C) Interest-sensitive liabilities exceed its interest-sensitive assets.D) Deposits and borrowings are affected by changes in interest rates.E) None of the above.Answer: B83.The change in a bank's net income that occurs due to changes in interest rates equals the overallchange in market interest rates (in percentage points) times _____________. The choice belowthat correctly fills in the blank in the preceding sentence is:A) V olume of interest-sensitive assetsB) Price risk of the bank's assetsC) Price risk of the bank's liabilitiesD) Size of the bank's cumulative gapE) None of the above.Answer: D84. A bank with a negative interest-sensitive GAP:A) Has a greater dollar volume of interest-sensitive liabilities than interest-sensitive assets.B) Will generate a higher interest margin if interest rates rise.C) Will generate a higher interest margin if interest rates fall.D) A and B.E) A and C.Answer: E85.The net interest margin of a bank is influenced by:A) Changes in the level of interest rates.B) Changes in the volume of interest-bearing assets and interest-bearing liabilities.C) Changes in the mix of assets and liabilities in the bank's portfolio.D) All of the above.E) A and B only.Answer: D86.The discount rate that equalizes the current market value of a loan or security with the expectedstream of future income payments from that loan or security is known as the:A) Bank discount rateB) Yield to maturityC) Annual percentage rate (APR)D) Add-on interest rateE) None of the above.Answer: B87.The interest-rate measure often quoted on short-term loans and money market securities such asU.S. Treasury bills is the:A) Bank discount rateB) Yield to maturityC) Annual percentage rate (APR)D) Add-on interest rateE) None of the aboveAnswer: A88. A bank whose interest-sensitive assets total $350 million and its interest-sensitive liabilitiesamount to $175 million has:A) An asset-sensitive gap of 525 millionB) A liability-sensitive gap of $175 millionC) An asset-sensitive gap of $175 millionD) A liability-sensitive gap of $350 millionE) None of the above.Answer: C89. A bank has a 1-year $1,000,000 loan outstanding, payable in four equal quarterly installments.What dollar amount of the loan would be considered rate sensitive in the 0 – 90 day bucket?A)$0B)$250,000C)$500,000D)$750,000E)$1,000,000Answer: B90. A bank has Federal funds totaling $25 million with an interest rate sensitivity weight of 1.0.This bank also has loans of $105 million and investments of $65 million with interest ratesensitivity weights of 1.40 and 1.15 respectively. This bank also has $135 million ininterest-bearing deposits with an interest rate sensitivity weight of .90 and other money market borrowings of $75 million with an interest rate sensitivity weight of 1.0. What is the weighted interest-sensitive gap for this bank?A) $50.25B) $-15C) -$50.25D) $34.25E) None of the aboveAnswer: A91. A bond has a face value of $1000 and five years to maturity. This bond has a coupon rate of 13percent and is selling in the market today for $902. Coupon payments are made annually on this bond. What is the yield to maturity (YTM) for this bond?A) 13%B) 12.75%C) 16%D) 11.45%E) Cannot be calculated from the information givenAnswer: C92. A treasury bill currently sells for $9,845, has a face value of $10,000 and has 46 days to maturity.What is the bank discount rate on this security?A) 12.49%B) 12.13%C) 12.30%D) 2%E) None of the aboveAnswer: B93.The _______________ is determined by the demand and supply for loanable funds in themarket. The term that correctly fills in the blank in the preceding sentence is:A) The yield to maturityB) The banker's discount rateC) The holding period returnD) The risk-free real rate of interestE) The market rate of interest on a risky loanAnswer: D94. A bank with a positive interest-sensitive gap will have a decrease in net interest income wheninterest rates in the market:A) RiseB) FallC) Stay the sameD) A bank with a positive interest-sensitive gap will never have a decrease in net interest incomeAnswer: B95.The fact that a consumer who purchases a particular basket of goods for $100 today has to pay$105 next year for the same basket of goods is an example of which of the following risks:A) Inflation riskB) Default riskC) Liquidity riskD) Price riskE) Maturity riskAnswer: A96. A bank has Federal Funds totaling $25 million with an interest rate sensitivity weight of 1.0.This bank also has loans of $105 million and investments of $65 million with interest ratesensitivity weights of 1.40 and 1.15 respectively. This bank also has $135 million ininterest-bearing deposits with an interest rate sensitivity weight of .90 and other money marketborrowings of $75 million with an interest rate sensitivity weight of 1.0. What is the dollar interest-sensitive gap for this bank?A) $50.25B) $-15C) -$50.25D) $34.25E) None of the aboveAnswer: B97.If a bank has a positive GAP, an increase in interest rates will cause interest income to__________, interest expense to__________, and net interest income to __________.A)Increase, increase, increaseB)Increase, decrease, increaseC)Increase, increase, decreaseD)Decrease, decrease, decreaseE)Decrease, increase, increaseAnswer: A98.If a bank has a negative GAP, a decrease in interest rates will cause interest income to__________, interest expense to__________, and net interest income to __________.A)Increase, increase, increaseB)Increase, decrease, increaseC)Increase, increase, decreaseD)Decrease, decrease, decreaseE)Decrease, decrease, increaseAnswer: E99. A treasury bill currently sells for $9,845, has a face value of $10,000 and has 46 days to maturity.What is the yield to maturity on this security?A) 12.49%B) 12.13%C) 12.30%D) 2%E) None of the aboveAnswer: A100.The Third National Bank of Edmond reports a net interest margin of 5.83%. It has total interest revenues of $275 million and total interest expenses of $210 million. What does this bank's earnings assets have to be?A) $4717 millionB) $3602 millionC) $1115 millionD) $3.790 millionE) None of the aboveAnswer: C101.The Third National Bank of Edmond reports a net interest margin of 5.83%. It has total interest revenues of $275 million and total interest expenses of $210 million. This bank has earnings assets of $1115. Suppose this bank's interest revenues rise by 8 percent and its interest expenses and earnings assets rise by 10 percent next year. What is this bank's new net interest margin?A) 5.83%B) 7.09%C) 3.59%D) 5.38%E) 7.80%Answer: D102.Which of the following is part of funds management?A) The goal of funds management is simply to gain control over the bank's funds sources.B) Since the amount of deposits a bank holds is determined largely by its customers, the focusof the bank should be on managing the assets of the bank.C) Management of the bank's assets must be coordinated with management of the bank'sliabilities.D) The spread between interest revenues and interest expenses is unimportant.E) None of the aboveAnswer: C103.If Fifth National Bank's asset duration exceeds its liability duration and interest rates rise, this will tend to __________________ the market value of the bank's net worth.A) LowerB) RaiseC) StabilizeD) Not affectE) None of the aboveAnswer: A104.If Main Street Bank has $100 million in commercial loans with an average duration of 0.40 years;$40 million in consumer loans with an average duration of 1.75 years; and $30 million in U.S.Treasury bonds with an average duration of 6 years, what is Main Street's asset portfolioduration?A) 0.4 yearsB) 1.7 yearsC) 2.7 yearsD) 4.1 yearsE) None of the aboveAnswer: B105. A bank has an average asset duration of 4.7 years and an average liability duration of 3.3 years.This bank has $750 million in total assets and $500 million in total liabilities. This bank has:A) A positive duration gap of 8.0 years.B) A negative duration gap of 2.5 years.C) A positive duration gap of 1.4 years.D) A positive duration gap of 2.5 years.E) None of the above.Answer: D106. A bank has an average asset duration of 1.15 years and an average liability duration of 2.70 years.This bank has $250 million in total assets and $225 million in total liabilities. This bank has:A) A negative duration gap of 1.55 years.B) A positive duration gap of 1.28 years.C) A negative duration gap of 3.85 years.D) A negative duration gap of 1.28 years.E) None of the above.Answer: D107.The duration of a bond is the weighted average maturity of the future cash flows expected to be received on a bond. Which of the following is a true statement concerning duration?A) The longer the time to maturity, the greater the durationB) The higher the coupon rate, the higher the durationC) The shorter the duration, the greater the price volatilityD) All of the above are trueE) None of the above are trueAnswer: A108. A bond has a duration of 7.5 years. Its current market price is $1125. Interest rates in the market are 7% today. It has been forecasted that interest rates will rise to 9% over the nextcouple of weeks. How will this bank's price change in percentage terms?A) This bond's price will rise by 2 percent.B) This bond's price will fall by 2 percent.C) This bond's price will fall by 14 .02 percentD) This bond's price will rise by 14.02 percentE) This bond's price will not changeAnswer: C109. A bank has an average asset duration of 5 years and an average liability duration of 3 years.This bank has total assets of $500 million and total liabilities of $250 million. Currently, market interest rates are 10 percent. If interest rates fall by 2 percent (to 8 percent), what is this bank's change in net worth?A) Net worth will decrease by $31.81 millionB) Net worth will increase by $31.81 millionC) Net worth will increase by $27.27 millionD) Net worth will decrease by $27.27 millionE) Net worth will not change at allAnswer: B110. A bank has an average asset duration of 5 years and an average liability duration of 3 years.This bank has total assets of $500 million and total liabilities of $250 million. Currently, market interest rates are 10 percent. If interest rates fall by 2 percent (to 8 percent), what is this bank's duration gap?A) 2 yearsB) –2 yearsC) 3.5 yearsD) –3.5 yearsE) None of the aboveAnswer: C111. A bank has an average asset duration of 5 years and an average liability duration of 9 years.This bank has total assets of $1000 million and total liabilities of $850 million. Currently,market interest rates are 5 percent. If interest rates rise by 2 percent (to 7 percent), what is this bank's change in net worth?A) Net worth will decrease by $50.47 millionB) Net worth will increase by $50.47 millionC) Net worth will decrease by $240.95 millionD) Net worth will increase by $240.95 millionE) Net worth will not change at allAnswer: B112. A bank has an average asset duration of 5 years and an average liability duration of 9 years.This bank has total assets of $1000 million and total liabilities of $850 million. Currently,market interest rates are 5 percent. If interest rates rise by 2 percent (to 7 percent), what is this bank's duration gap?A) –4 yearsB) 4 yearsC) 2.65 yearsD) –2.65 yearsE) 12.65 yearsAnswer: D113. A bank has $100 million of investment grade bonds with a duration of 9.0 years. This bank also has $500 million of commercial loans with a duration of 5.0 years. This bank has $300 million of consumer loans with a duration of 2.0 years. This bank has deposits of $600 million with a duration of 1.0 years and nondeposit borrowings of $100 million with an average duration of .25 years. What is this bank's duration gap? These are all of the assets and liabilities this bank has.A) This bank has a duration gap of 14.75 yearsB) This bank has a duration gap of 15.03 yearsC) This bank has a duration gap of 3.55 yearsD) This bank has a duration gap of 3.75 yearsE) This bank has a duration gap of 5.15 yearsAnswer: D114.Which of the following statements is true concerning a bank's duration gap?A) If a bank has a positive duration gap and interest rates rise, the bank's net worth will declineB) A bank with a positive duration gap has a longer average duration for its assets than for itsliabilitiesC) If a bank has a zero duration gap and interest rates rise, the bank's net worth will not changeD) If a bank has a negative duration gap and interest rates rise, the bank's net worth will increaseE) All of the above are true statementsAnswer: E115. A bank has an average duration for its asset portfolio of 5.5 years. This bank has total assets of $1000 million and total liabilities of $750 million. If this bank has a zero duration gap, what must the duration of its liabilities portfolio be?A) 7.33 yearsB) 4.125 yearsC) 7.5 yearsD) 5.5 yearsE) None of the aboveAnswer: A116. A bond has a face value of $1000 and coupon payments of $80 annually. This bond matures in three years and is selling for $1000 in the market. Market interest rates are 8%. What is this。

每小题1分,共10分)( )1、银行业务营运的起点和前提条件是:A.自有资本 B.负债业务 C.资产业务 D.贷款业务( ) 2、________ 的成立,标志着资本主义商业银行的诞生。
A.英格兰银行 B.威尼斯银行 C.圣乔治银行 D.阿姆斯特丹银行( ) 3、在下列几种通过外部融资扩充银行资本的方法中,对普通股每股收益影响最小的是:A.发行普通股 B.发行优先股 C.发行资本性长期债券 D.发行可转换债券( ) 4、商业银行最主要的盈利性资金运用是:A.同业存款 B.短期国库券 C.贷款 D.长期证券( ) 5、借款人的还款能力出现了明显的问题,依靠其正常经营收入已无法保证足额偿还本息的贷款是:A.损失类贷款 B.可疑类贷款 C.次级类贷款 D.关注类贷款( ) 6、定活两便存款利率一般参照整存整取存款利率打 ________折计息。
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7( ) 7、决定商业银行资产规模的基础是:A.比例规模 B.资产结构 C.银行资本 D.负债业务( ) 8、中国人民银行全面推行资产负债比例管理和风险管理始于:A. 1996 年 B. 1997 年 C. 1998 年 D. 1999 年( ) 9、通常把商业银行库存现金与在中央银行的超额准备金之和称为:A.可用头寸 B.基础头寸 C.可贷头寸 D.超额头寸( ) 10、一家银行的资产是 100 万元,资产收益率是 1%,其杠杆比率是 4,该银行的资本收益率为:A. 1% B. 4% C. 5% D. 10%二、多选题(在每小题的备选答案中选出二个或二个以上正确的答案,并将正确答案的号码填在题干的括号内。
每小题2分,共16分) ( ) 1、下列业务活动中引起银行现金流入增加的有:A.利息支付 B.同业拆入资金 C.兑付大额可转让存单 D.发行债券( ) 2、下列属商业银行非存款性的资金来源主要有:A.拆出资金 B.再贷款 C.再贴现 D.发行债券( ) 3、商业银行现金资产管理应坚持的基本原则有:A.成本最低原则 B.安全性原则 C.适时流量调节原则 D.适时存量控制原则( ) 4、下列________项目属于商业银行的附属资本。

1商业银行以( D )为主要的资金来源。
A资本金 B发行金融债券 C向中央银行借款 D 存款负债
A预期收入理论 B可转换理论 C负债管理理论 D 资产负债综合管理理论
3信用卡透支属于银行的( B )业务
A贴现业务 B放款业务 C汇兑业务 D 中间业务
4以下属于商业银行资金来源的是( ABD )
A存款 B同业拆借 C贷款 D 中央银行借款 E 证券投资
5以下属于商业银行资金运用的是( ABDE )
A贷款 B证券投资 C自有资本 D 库存现金 E 贴现
6商业银行现金资产一般包括( ABCD )
A库存现金 B在中央银行存款 C存放同业 D 应收现金E 证券投资


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CHAPTER 8USING FINANCIAL FUTURES, OPTIONS, SW APS, AND OTHER HEDGING TOOLS INASSET-LIABILITY MANAGEMENTGoal of This Chapter: The purpose of this chapter is to examine how financial futures, option, and swap contracts, as well as selected other asset-liability management techniques can be employed to help reduce a bank’s potential exposure to loss as market conditions change. We will also discover how swap contracts and other hedging tools can generate additional revenues for banks by providing risk-hedging services to their customers.Key Topics in this Chapter•The Use of Derivatives•Financial Futures Contracts: Purpose and Mechanics•Short and Long Hedges•Interest-Rate Options:Types of Contracts and Mechanics•Interest-Rate Swaps•Regulations and Accounting Rules•Caps, Floor, and CollarsChapter OutlineI. Introduction: Several of the Most Widely Used Tools to Manage Risk ExposureII. Use of Derivative ContractsIII. Financial Futures Contracts: Promises of Future Security Trades at a Set PriceA. Background on FuturesB. Purposes of Financial Futures TradingC. Most Popular Types of Futures ContractsD. The Short Hedge in FuturesE. The Long Hedge in Futures1. Using Long and Short Hedges to Protect Income and Value2. Basis Risk3. Basis Risk with a Short Hedge4 Basis Risk with a Long Hedge5. Number of Futures Contracts NeededIV. Interest Rate OptionsA. Nature of Interest-Rate OptionsB. How They Differ from Futures ContractsC. Most Popular Types of OptionsD. Purpose of Interest-Rate OptionsV. Regulations and Accounting Rules for Bank Futures and Options TradingVI. Interest Rate SwapsA. Nature of swapsB. Quality swapsC. Advantages of Swaps Over Other Hedging MethodsD. Reverse swapsE. Potential Disadvantages of SwapsVII. Caps, Floors, and CollarsA. Interest Rate CapsB. Interest Rate FloorsC. Interest Rate CollarsVIII. S ummary of the ChapterConcept Checks8-1. What are financial futures contracts? Which financial institutions use futures and other derivatives for risk management?Financial futures contacts are contracts calling for the delivery of specific types of securities at a set price on a specific future date. Financial futures contract help to hedge interest rate risk and are thus, used by any bank or financial institution that is subject to interest rate risk.8-2. How can financial futures help financial service firms deal with interest-rate risk?Financial futures allow banks and other financial institutions to deal with interest-rate risk by reducing risk exposure from unexpected price changes. The financial futures markets are designed to shift the risk of interest rate fluctuations from risk-averse investors to speculators willing to accept and possibly profit from such risks.8-3. What is a long hedge in financial futures? A short hedge?A long hedger offsets risk by buying financial futures contracts around the time new deposits are expected, when a loan is to be made, or when securities are added to the bank's portfolio. Later, as deposits and loans approach maturity or securities are sold, a like amount of futures contracts is sold. A short hedger offsets risk by selling futures contracts when the bank is expecting a large cash inflow in the near future. Later, as deposits come flowing in, a like amount of futures contracts is purchased.8-4. What futures transactions would most likely be used in a period of rising interest rates? Falling interest rates?Rising interest rates generally call for a short hedge, while falling interest rates usually call for some form of long hedge.8-5. How do you interpret the quotes for financial futures in The Wall Street Journal?The first column gives you the opening price, the second and third the daily high and low price, respectively. The fourth column shows the settlement price followed by the change in the settlement price from the previous day. The next two columns show the historic high and low price and the last column points out the open interest in the contract.8-6. A futures is currently selling at an interest yield of 4 percent, while yields currently stand at 4.60 percent. What is the basis for these contracts?The basis for these contracts is currently 4.60% – 4% or 60 basis points.8-7. Suppose a bank wishes to sell $150 million in new deposits next month. Interest rates today on comparable deposits stand at 8 percent, but are expected to rise to 8.25 percent next month. Concerned about the possible rise in borrowing costs, management wishes to use a futures contract. What type of contract would you recommend? If the bank does not cover the interest rate risk involved, how much in lost potential profits could the bank experience?At an interest rate of 8 percent:$150 million x 0.08 x30360= $1 millionAt an interest rate of 8.25 percent:$150 million x 0.0825 x30360= $1.031 millionThe potential loss in profit without using futures is $0.0313 million or $31.3 thousand. In this case the bank should use a short hedge.8-8. What kind of futures hedge would be appropriate in each of the following situations?a. A financial firm fears that rising deposit interest rates will result in losses on fixed-rate loans?b. A financial firm holds a large block of floating-rate loans and market interest rates are falling?c. A pro jected rise in market rates of interest threatens the value of the financial firm’s bondportfolio?a. The rising deposit interest rates could be offset with a short hedge in futures contracts (for example, using Eurodollar deposit futures).b. Falling interest yields on floating-rate loans could be at least partially offset by a long hedge in Treasury bonds.c. The bank's bond portfolio could be protected through appropriate short hedges using Treasury bond and note futures contracts.8-9. Explain what is involved in a put option?A put option allows its holder to sell securities to the option writer at a specified price. The buyer of a put option expects market prices to decline in the future or market interest rates to increase. The writer of the contract expects market prices to stay the same or rise in the future.8-10. What is a call option?A call option permits the option holder to purchase specific securities at a guaranteed price from the writer of the option contract. The buyer of the call option expects market prices to rise in the future or expects interest rates to fall in the future. The writer of the contract expects market prices to stay the same or fall in the future.8-11. What is an option on a futures contract?An option on a futures contract does not differ from any other kind of option except that the underlying asset is not a security, but a futures contract.8-12. What information do T-bond and Eurodollar futures option quotes contain?The quotes contain information about the strike prices and the call and put prices at each different strike price for given months.8-13. Suppose market interest rates were expected to rise? What type of option would normally be used?If interest rates were expected to rise, a put option would normally be used. A put option allows the option holder to deliver securities to the option writer at a price which is now above market and make a profit.8-14. If market interest rates were expected to fall, what type of option would a financ ial institution’s manager be likely to employ?If interest rates were expected to fall, a call option would likely be employed. When interest rates fall, the market value of a security increases. The security can then be purchased at the option price and sold at a profit at the higher market price.8-15. What rules and regulations have recently been imposed on the use of futures, options, and other derivatives? What does the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) require publicly traded firms to do in accounting for derivative transactions?Each bank has to implement a proper risk management system comprised of (1) policies and procedures to control financial risk taking, (2) risk measurement and reporting systems and (3) independent oversight and control processes. In addition, FASB introduced statement 133 which requires that all derivatives are recorded on the balance sheet as assets or liabilities at their fair value. Furthermore, the change in the fair value of a derivative and a fair value hedge must be reflected on the income statement.8-16. What is the purpose of an interest rate swap?The purpose of an interest rate swap is to change an institution's exposure to interest rate fluctuations and achieve lower borrowing costs.8-17. What are the principal advantages and disadvantages of rate swaps?The principal advantage of an interest-rate swap is the reduction of interest-rate risk of both parties to the swap by allowing each party to better balance asset and liability maturities and cash-flow patterns. Another advantage of swaps is that they usually reduce interest costs for one or both parties to the swap. The principal disadvantage of swaps is they may carry substantial brokerage fees, credit risk and some basis risk.8-18. How can a financial institution get itself out of a swap agreement?The usual way to offset an existing swap is to undertake another swap agreement with opposite characteristics.8-19. How can financial-service providers make use of interest rate caps, floors, and collars to generate revenue and help manage interest rate risk?Banks and other financial institutions can generate revenue by charging up-front fees for interest rate caps on loans and interest rate floors on securities. In addition, a positive net premium on interest rate collars will add to a bank's fee income. Caps, floors, and collars help manage interest rate risk by setting maximum and minimum interest rates on loans and securities. They allow the lender and borrower to share interest rate risk.8-20. Suppose a bank enters into an agreement to make a $10 million, three-year floating-rate loan to one of its corporate customers at an initial rate of 8 percent. The bank and the customer agree to a cap and a floor arrangement in which the customer reimburses the bank if the floating loan rate drops below 6 percent and the bank reimburses the customers if the loan rate rises above 10 percent. Suppose that, at the beginning of the loan's second year, the floating loan rate drops to 4 percent for a year and then, at the beginning of the third year, the loan rate increases to 11 percent for the year. What rebates must be paid by each party to the agreement?The rebate owed by the bank for the third year must be:(11%-10%) x $10 million = $100,000.The rebate that must be forwarded to the bank for the second year must be:(6%-4%) x $10 million = $200,000.Problems8-1. You hedged your bank’s exposure to declining interest rates by buying one March Treasury bond futures contract at the opening price on November 21, 2005(see exhibit 8-2). It is now January 9, and you discover that on Friday, January 6 March T-bond futures opened at 113-17 and settled at 113-16.a. What are the profits/losses on your long position as of settlement on January 6?Buy at 112-06 or 112 6/32 per contract = 112,187.50Value at settlement on January 6, 113-16 or 113 16/32 = 113,500.Gain = 113,500 – 112,187.50 = $1312.50b. If you deposited the required initial margin on 11/21 and have not touched the equityaccount since making that cash deposit, what is your equity account balance?The equity account balance will increase by the gain in the position,thus $1,150 + $1312.50 = $2,462.508-2 Use the quotes of Eurodollar futures contracts traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on December 20, 2005 to answer the following questions:a. What is the annualized discount yield based on the low IMM index for the nearest Junecontract?The annualized discount yield is 100 – 95.13 = 4.87 percentb. If your bank took a short position at the high price for the day for 15 contracts, whatwould be the dollar gain or loss at settlement on December 20, 2005?Sell at high price: (1,000,000x[1-((4.87/100)x90/360)]x15 = 14,817,375Value at settlement: (1,000,000x[1-((4.86/100)x90/360)]x15 = 14,817,750Loss: 14,817,375 – 14,817,750 = -$375c. If you deposited the initial required hedging margin in your equity account upon takingthe position described in b, what would be the marked to market value of your equityaccount at settlement?Initial margin = $700x15 = $10,500You realize a $375 loss for this transaction.Thus your equity position is: $10,500 - $375 = $10,1258-3. What kind of futures or options hedges would be called for in the following situations?a. Market in terest rates are expected to increase and First National Bank’s asset andliability managers expect to liquidate a portion of their bond portfolio to meetdepositor’s demands for funds in the upcoming quarter.First National can expect a lower price when they sell their bond portfolio unless it uses short futures hedges in which contracts for government securities are first sold and then purchased at a profit as security prices fall provided interest rate really do rise as expected. A similar gain could be made using put options on government securities or on financial futures contracts.b. Silsbee Savings Bank has interest-sensitive assets of $79 million and interest-sensitive liabilities of $88 million over the next 30 days and market interest rates are expected to rise.Silsbee Savings Bank’s interest-sensitive liabilities exceed its interest-sensitive assets by $11 million which means the bank will be open to losses if interest rates rise. The bank could sell financial futures contracts or use a put option on government securities or financial futures contracts approximately equal in dollar volume to the $11 million interest-sensitive gap to hedge their risk.c. A survey of Tuskee Bank’s corporate loan customers this month (January) indicates that, on balance, this group of firms will need to draw $165 million from their credit lines in February and March, which is $65 million more than the bank’s management has forecasted and prepared for. The bank’s economist has predicted a significant increase in money market interest rates over the next 60 days.The forecast of higher interest rates means the bank must borrow at a higher interest cost which, other things held equal, will lower its net interest margin. To offset the expected higher borrowing costs the bank's management should consider a short sale of financial futures contracts or a put option approximately equal in volume to the additional loan demand. Either government securities or EuroCDs would be good instruments to consider using in the futures market or in the option market.d. Monarch National Bank has interest-sensitive assets greater than interest sensitive liabilities by $24 million. If interest rates fall (as suggested by data from the Federal Reserve Board) the bank’s net interest margin may be squeezed due to the decrease in loan and security revenue.Monarch National Bank has interest-sensitive assets greater than interest-sensitive liabilities by $24 million. If interest rates fall, the bank's net interest margin will likely be squeezed due to the faster fall in interest income. Purchases of financial futures contracts followed by a subsequent sale or call options would probably help here.e. Caufield Thrift Association finds that its assets have an average duration of 1.5 years and its liabilities have an average duration of 1.1 years. The ratio of liabilities to assets is .90. Interest rates are expected to increase by 50 basis points during the next six months.Caufield Bank and Trust Company has asset duration of 1.5 years and a liabilities duration of 1.1. A 50-basis point rise in money-market rates would reduce asset values relative to liabilities which mean its net worth would decline. The bank should consider short sales of government futures contracts or put options on these securities or on their related futures contracts.8-4. Your bank needs to borrow $300 million by selling time deposits with 180-day maturities. If interest rates on comparable deposits are currently at 4 percent, what is the cost of issuing these deposits? Suppose deposit interest rates rise to 5 percent. What then will be the marginal cost of these deposits? What position and types of futures contract could be used to deal with this cost increase?At a rate of 4 percent the interest cost is:$300 million x 0.04 x 180360= $6,000,000At a rate of 5 percent the interest cost would be:$300 million x 0.05 x 180360= $7,500,000A short hedge could be used based upon Eurodollar time deposits.8-5. In response to the above scenario, management sells 300, 90-day Eurodollar time deposits futures contracts trading at an IMM Index of 98. Interest rates rise as anticipated and your bank offsets its position by buying 300 contracts at an IMM index of 96.98. What type of hedge is this? What before-tax profit or loss is realized from the futures position?Bank sells Eurodollar futures at (1,000,000*[1-((2/100)*90/360)] $995,000 (per contract)Bank buys Eurodollar futures at (1,000,000*[(1-(3.02/100)*90/360]$992,450 (per contract)Expected Before-tax Profit $ 2,550 (per contract)And Total Profit would be 300*$2550 = $765,000In this case the bank has employed a short hedge which partially offsets the higher borrowing costs outlined above.8-6. It is March and Cavalier Financial Services Corporation is concerned about what an increase in interest rates will do to the value of its bond portfolio. The portfolio currently has a market value of $101.1 million and Cavalier’s management intends to liquidate $1.1 million in bonds in June to fund additional corporate loans. If interest rates increase to 6 percent, the bond will sell for $1 million with a loss of $100,000. Cavalier’s management sells 10 June Treasury bond contracts at 109-05 in March. Interest rates do increase, and in June Cavalier’s ma nagement offsets its position by buying 10 June Treasury bond contracts at 100-03.a.What is the dollar gain/loss to Cavalier from the combined cash and futures market operations described above?Loss on cash transaction: $100,000Gain on futures transaction: 109,156.25 – 100,093.75 = 9062.5 (per contract)Loss: 9062.50(10) – 100,000 = -$9,375b. What is the basis at the initiation of the hedge?110,000 – 109,156.25 = 843.75c. What is the basis at the termination of the hedge?100,000 – 100,093.75 = -93.75d. Illustrate how the dollar return is related to the change in the basis from initiation fromtermination?Dollar return = -93.75 – 843.75 = -937.50 per contract or –937.50(10) = -$93758-7. By what amount will the market value of a Treasury bond futures contract change if interest rates rise from 5 to 6 percent? The underlying Treasury bond has a duration of 10.48 years and the Treasury bond futures contract is currently quoted at 113-06 (Remember that Treasury bonds are quoted in 32nds)Change in value = -10.48 x $113,187.50 x .01/(1+.05) = -$11,297.198-8. Trojan National Bank reports that its assets have a duration of 8 years and its liabilities average 3 years in duration. To hedge this duration gap, management plans to employ Treasury bond futures, which are currently quoted at 112-17 and have a duration of 10.36 years. Trojan’s latest financial report shows total assets of $120 million and liabilities of $97 million. Approximately how many futures contracts will the bank need to cover its overall exposure?Number of Futures Contracts Needed = 25.531,112*36.10000,000,120*]3*120978[= 5748-9 You hedged your bank’s exposure to declining interest rates by buying one March call on Treasury bond futures at the premium quoted on December 13th , 2005 (see exhibit 8-4).a. How much did you pay for the call in dollars if you chose the strike price of 110?(Remember that option premiums are quoted in 64ths.)Price per call = 2.625 x 100,000 = $262,500b. Using the following information for trades on December 21, 2005, if yousold the call on 12/21/05 due to a change in circumstances would you havereaped a profit or loss? Determine the amount of the profit/loss.Sell call at: 3.125 x 100,000 = 312,500Gain = 312,500 – 262,500 = $50008-10 Refer to the information given for problem 9. You hedged your bank’s exposure to increasing interest rates by buying one March put on Treasury bond futures at the premium quoted on December 13th, 2005 (see exhibit 8-4).a. How much did you pay for the put in dollars if you chose the strike price of 110?(Remember that premiums are quoted in 64ths.)Price per put = .765625 x 100,000 = $76,562.25b. Using the above information for trades on December 21, 2005, if you soldthe put on 12/21/05 due to a change in circumstances would you have reapeda profit or loss? Determine the amount of the profit/loss.Sell put at: .421875 x 100,000 = $42,187.50Loss = $42,187.50 – 76,562.25 = -$34,374.758-11. You hedged your thrift institution’s exposure to dec lining interest rates by buying one March call on Eurodollar deposits futures at the premium quoted on December 13th, 2005 (see exhibit 8-4).a. How much did you pay for the call in dollars if you chose the strike price of 9525?(remember that premiums are quoted in IMM index terms)Value of the call: 6.25 x $25 = $156.25b. If March arrives and Eurodollar Deposit Futures have a settlement index at expirationof 96.00, what is your profit or loss? (Remember to include the premium paid for thecall option).Payout from settlement: (9600-9525) 75 basis points x $25 = $1,875Net gain: $1,875 –$156.25 = $1,718.758-12. You hedged your bank’s exposure to increasing interest rates by buying one March put on Eurodollar deposit futures at the premium quoted on December 13th, 2005 (see exhibit 8-4).a. How much did you pay for the put in dollars if you chose the strike price of 9,550?(remember that premiums are quoted in IMM index terms)Value of the put: 29.25 x $25 = $731.25b. If March arrives and Eurodollar Deposit Futures have a settlement index at expirationof 96.00, what is your profit or loss? (Remember to include the premium paid for theput option).Payout from settlement: $0 (option is out of the money)Net loss: $0 - $731.25 = -$731.258-13. A bank is considering the use of options to deal with a serious funding cost problem. Deposit interest rates have been rising for six months, currently averaging 5 percent, and are expected to climb as high as 6.75% over the next 90 days. The bank plans to issue $60 million in new money market deposits in about 90 days. It can buy put or call options on 90 day Eurodollar time deposit futures contracts for a quoted premium of .31 or $775 for each million-dollar contract. The strike price is quoted as 9,500. We expect the futures to trade at an index of 93.50 within 90 days. What kind of option should the bank buy? What before tax profit could the bank earn for each option under the terms described?You are trying to protect the bank against rising interest rates, thus you want to buy a put option.Profit on put: payout from settlement = (9500-9350) 150 basis points x $25 = $3,750 Net profit: $3,750 - $775 = $2,975If the bank bought the call option, the value at settlement would be $0 and the bank would loose the call premium of $775.8-14. Hokie Savings Bank wants to purchase a portfolio of home mortgage loans with an expected average return of 8.5 percent. The bank’s management is concerned that interest rates will drop and the cost of the portfolio will increase from the current price of $50 million. In six months when the funds become available to purchase the loan portfolio, market interest rates are expected to be in the 7.5 percent range. Treasury bond options are available today at a quoted price of $79,000 (per $100,000 contract), upon payment of a $700 premium, and are forecast to rise to a market value of $87,000 per contract. What before-tax profits could the bank earn per contract on this transaction? How many options should Hokie buy?Profit per contract: $87,000 - $79,000 -$700 = $7,300Hokie should buy enough options to offset the increase in the price of the loan portfolio. Thus, figure out the price increase and divide that number by 7,300 to get the number of options needed.8-15. A savings and loan’s credit rating has just slipped, and half of its assets are long term mortgages. It offers to swap interest payments with a money-center bank in a $100 million deal. The bank can borrow short term at LIBOR (8.05 percent) and long term at 8.95 percent. The S&L must pay LIBOR plus 1.5 percent on short term debt and 10.75 percent on long term debt. Show how these parties could put together a swap deal that benefits both of them about equally.This SW AP agreement would have the form:Fixed Rate the Floating Rate PotentialBorrower Pays the Borrower Interest-Rateif They Issue Pays on Short- SavingsLong-Term Bonds Term Loans of Each BorrowerS&L 10.75% LIBOR + 1.50% 1.20%Money- 8.95% LIBOR (8.05%) 0.90%Center BankDifference 1.80% 1.50% 0.30%in Rates Due toDifferences inCredit RatingsIf the money-center bank borrows long-term at 8.95 percent and the S&L at LIBOR + 1.50 percent (which is currently 8.05 + 1.50 or 9.55 percent) and they exchange interest payments, both would save if the S&L agreed to pay a portion of the bank’s basic borrowing rate. For example, the S&L could pay 160 basis points to the bank which would more than cover the difference. After the exchange in payments an d basis points the S&L would pay 8.95% +1.6% or 10.55% which is lower than the S&L’s long term rate and the bank would pay 9.55%-1.6% or 7.95% which is less than the bank’s short term rate and each party would get the type of payment they want.8-16. A bank plans to borrow $55 million in the money market at a current interest rate of 4.5 percent. However, the borrowing rate will float with market conditions. To protect itself the bank has purchased an interest-rate cap of 5 percent to cover this borrowing. If money market interest rates on these funds suddenly climb to 5.5 percent as the borrowing begins, how much in total interest will the bank owe and how much of an interest rebate will it receive assuming the borrowing is only for one month?Total Amount Interest Number of Months Interest Owed = Borrowed * Rate Charged * 12= $55 million x 0..055 x1 12= $0.527 million or $252,083.33.How much of an interest rebate will the bank receive for its one-month borrowing?[]12MonthsofNumberxBorrowedAmt.xRateCap-RateInterestMarketRebateInterest == (.055 - .05) x $55 million x1 12= $22,916.67.8-17. Suppose that Jasper Savings Association has recently granted a loan of $2.4 million to Fairhills Farms at prime plus .5 percent for six months. In return for granting Fairhills an interest cap of 8% on its loan, this thrift has received from this customer a floor rate on the loan of 6 percent. Suppose that, as the loan is about to start the prime rate declines to 5.25 percent and remains there for the duration of the loan. How much (in dollars) will Fairhill Farms have to pay in total interest on this six month loan? How much in interest rebates will Fairhills have to pay due to the fall in the prime rate?Total = Amount * Interest * Number of Months Interest Owed Borrowed Rate Charged 12= $2.4 million x (.0525 + .0050) x6 12= $0.069 million or $69,000.Fairhills will have to pay an interest rebate to Exeter National Bank of:[]12MonthsofNumberxBorrowedAmt.xRateInterestCurrent-RebateFloorRebateInterest == (.060 - .0575) x $2.4 million x6 12= $0.003 million or $3,000.。



Chapter 1An Overview of the Changing Financial-Services SectorFill in the Blank Questions1. _______________________ is a traditional service provided by banks in which the banks store thevaluables of their customers and certify their true value.Answer: Safekeeping of valuables2. The fact that financial institutions make loans based on confidential information is the_______________________ theory of banking.Answer: delegated monitoring3. _______________________ refers to when a financial institution trades one form of currency foranother. An example of this would be when the bank trades dollars for yen for a fee.Answer: currency exchange4.A(n) _______________________ is a traditional service which permits a depositor to write a draft(汇票)in payment for goods and services.Answer: demand deposit (checking account)5. _______________________ is a service provided by banks where the bank lends money toindividuals for the purchase of durable and other goods.Answer: Consumer lending6. The _______________________ of a bank is a traditional service where the bank manages thefinancial affairs and property of individuals (and in some cases businesses).Answer: trust services7. Companies such as Merrill Lynch and Sears which offered some but not all banking services in the1980s were called _______________________.Answer: nonbank banks8. The loosening of government regulation and control of financial institutions is called_______________________.Answer: deregulation9. ___________________________ is an alternative to lending in which the financial institutionpurchases the equipment and rents it to its customers.Answer: Equipment leasing services10. The___________________________ is a landmark act which allows financial service providers tooffer an expanded menu of financial services for the customer. This law allows banks to truly become conglomerate financial service providers.Answer: Financial Services Modernization Act (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act)11. The country with the most banks is _______________________.Answer: United States12. According to Congress a ____________ is defined as any institution that can qualify for depositinsurance administered by the FDIC.Answer: Bank13. A bank which spans regions, nations, and continents, offering the widest menu of financial servicesis known as a __________bank.Answer: money-center bank14. _____________ refers to the movement of businesses across industry lines in order to broaden itsbase.Answer: Convergence15. Banks which serve primarily households and small firms are known as ____________ banks.Answer: retail16. Banks that sell deposits and make loans to businesses and individuals are known as ______banks.Answer: commercial17. Banks which underwrite issues of new securities for their corporate customers are known as________ banks.Answer: investment18. Banks which function under a federal charter through the Comptroller (审计署)of the Currency inthe United States are known as ____________ banks.Answer: National19. Banks which supply both debt and equity capital to businesses are known as _________ banks.Answer: merchant(商人)20. A bank that offers its services only over the internet is known as a(n) .Answer: virtual bank(虚拟银行)21.When a local merchant sells the accounts receivables they hold against their customer to a bank thisgenerally known as .Answer: discounting commercial notes22.A(n) offers loans to commercial enterprises (such as appliance dealers)or to individuals using funds borrowed in the open market or from other financial institutions.Examples of this type of financial service provider include GMAC Financial Services andHousehold Finance.Answer: finance company23.A(n) buys and sells securities on behalf of their customers and for theirown accounts. Examples of this type of financial service provider include Merrill Lynch andCharles Schwab.Answer: security broker (or dealer)24.A(n) sells shares mainly to upscale investors in a broad groupof different kinds of assets including nontraditional investments in commodities, real estate, loans to ailing companies and other risky assets.Answer: hedge fund25.When a bank agrees to handle the cash collections and disbursements for a company and invest anytemporary cash surpluses in interest bearing assets, they are providing services to their customers.Answer: cash managementTrue/False QuestionsT F 26. Under U.S. federal law, an institution making only loans to households a nd offering uninsured checkable deposits and savings deposits qualifies as a commercial bank.Answer: FalseT F 27. Nonbank banks can offer deposits to the public, but these deposits are not eligible(合适的) for insurance coverage by the FDIC.Answer: FalseT F 28. The etymological roots of the word "bank" trace this word back to an Italian term referring to a "money-changer's table".Answer: TrueT F 29. According to the textbook, banks are those financial institutions that today offer the widest range of financial services of any business firm in the economy.Answer: TrueT F 30. According to the delegated monitoring theory banks are able to attract borrowing customers because they pledge confidentiality.Answer: TrueT F 31. Managing the financial affairs and property of individuals and business firms falls under the type of banking service line known as cash management services.Answer: FalseT F 32. The role performed by banks in the economy in which they transform savings into credit is known as the intermediation role.Answer: TrueT F 33. The role performed by banks in which they stand behind their customers when those customers are unable to pay a debt obligation is known as the guarantor role.Answer: TrueT F 34.When banks serve as conduits(中转机构) for government policy this is referred to as their agency role.Answer: FalseT F 35. According to the textbook, high-volume banking is required to make efficient use of automation and other technological innovations.Answer: TrueT F 36. The number of independently owned banks has risen in the United States over the last decade.Answer: FalseT F 37. Money-center banks usually service local communities, towns, and cities, offering a narrow menu of services to the public.Answer: FalseT F 38. A greater proportion of major corporations have deserted the banking system in recent years to raise borrowed funds directly from the open market.Answer: TrueT F 39. The recent erosion of the banking market share relative to other financial institutions means that banking is a dying industry.Answer: FalseT F 40. Lending institutions act as delegated monitors and can diversify and reduce their risk exposure, resulting in increased safety for savers’ funds.Answer: TrueT F 41. Current theory suggests that banks exist because of imperfections in our financial system.Answer: TrueT F 42. Today U.S. banks account for approximately fifty percent of the largest banks in the world.Answer: FalseT F 43. According to the textbook, traditional banking may be on the decline.Answer: TrueT F 44. Convergence refers to the fact that the number of bank mergers has increased in recent years.Answer: FalseT F 45. Banks which offer virtually all financial services are known as universal banks(综合银行).Answer: TrueT F 46. Life insurance companies, securities firms, and mortgage(抵押) companies all compete with the traditional bank.Answer: TrueMultiple Choice Questions47. In the United States a commercial bank qualifies as a "bank" under federal law if it offers:A) Consumer installment loans, CDsB) Savings deposits, commercial loansC) Checking accounts, commercial loansD) Security investments, inventory loans to business customersE) Commercial deposit accounts, consumer savings plansAnswer: C48. E. F. Hutton, J.C. Penney, and Sears Roebuck are among leading firms that in the1980’s organizedcompetitors with banks that are known as:A) Nonbank BanksB) Discount Security Brokerage CompaniesC) Money Market FundsD) Finance CompaniesE) Investment Banking UnitsAnswer: A49. A study of history shows that one of the first services offered by banks was:A) Equipment LeasingB) Currency ExchangeC) Security Brokerage and UnderwritingD) Sale of Real EstateE) None of the aboveAnswer: B50. Banks perform the indispensable task of:A) Creating money without making loan.B) Absorbing the excess liquidity created by other financial institutionsC) Intermediating between surplus-spending individuals or institutions and deficit-spendingindividuals or institutionsD) Issuing risky depositsE) None of the aboveAnswer: C51. The view that depositors hire banks to analyze the financial condition of prospective borrowers andcontinually evaluate the condition of outstanding loans is referred to as:A) Delegated monitoringB) The concept of financial intermediationC) The liquidity function in bankingD) Market imperfection theoryE) The efficiency contribution of bankingAnswer: A52. Which of the following has been an important trend regarding consolidation and geographicexpansion in banks?A) Increased bank branching activityB) The formation of more holding companies to purchase smaller banksC) Mergers among some of the largest banks in the industryD) A and C aboveE) All of the above.Answer: E53. Included among leading structural trends in the U.S. banking industry in recent years are:A) The number of independently owned banks has declinedB) The average size of individual banking firms has increasedC) Entry across state lines from neighboring states has increasedD) A and B onlyE) All of the above.Answer: E54. Smaller, locally focused commercial and savings banks that offer narrower but more personalizedmenu of financial services are known as:A) Money center banksB) Community banksC) Mutual FundsD) State banksE) Fringe banks.Answer: B55. The banking services that includes executing buy and sell orders for security trading customers andmarketing new securities to raise funds for corporations and other institutions is referred to:A) Comprehensive PackagingB) Wrap-around AccountsC) Investment BankingD) Professional BankingE) None of the above.Answer: C56. A bank that wires funds for the purchase of a beach house in South Carolina for a customer inOklahoma is carrying out the __________ of banks.A) The intermediation roleB) The payment roleC) The guarantor roleD) The agency roleE) The policy roleAnswer: B57. Examples of imperfections in the financial system which allow banks to exist include which of thefollowing?A) Informational asymmetryB) Efficiency of marketsC) All individuals and businesses have full information about all investment opportunities.D) All individuals and businesses have no difficulty meeting their liquidity needs on their own.E) All of the above are examples of the imperfections that exist.Answer: A58. A bank which manages the investment portfolio and pays the bills of an elderly customer who isunable to do it for him or herself is carrying out the __________ of banks.A) The intermediation roleB) The payment roleC) The guarantor roleD) The agency roleE) The policy roleAnswer: D59. Which of the following is a trend that has affected all banks today?A) Increased isolation of banks in the U.S.B) Decreased competition from other financial institutionsC) Decreased amount of services provided by modern banksD) Rising funding costsE) Increased regulationsAnswer: D60. Which of the following is not a current trend in the banking industry?A) The number of banks is decliningB) The number of bank branches is decliningC) The number of bank services is increasingD) The number of bank competitors is increasingE) Bank industry convergenceAnswer: B61. Which of the following types of banks would most likely offer the largest number of financialservices?A) A retail bankB) A community bankC) A commercial bankD) A universal bankE) An international bankAnswer: D62. The phenomenon of convergence refers to:A) Financial service firms expanding into other product linesB) Firms reducing their product linesC) Bank merger activityD) Globalization in bankingE) Technological innovation in bankingAnswer: A63. Bank equipment leasing activity involves:A) A bank leasing its office facilities instead of buyingB) A bank buying equipment and then leasing the item to a customerC) A customer buying equipment and then leasing it to a bankD) A bank leasing computer equipmentE) None of the aboveAnswer: B64. Wholesale banks are those banks that:A) Sell at a discount relative to all commercial banksB) Only make loans to the wholesale industryC) Lend almost exclusively to farmersD) Are large banks which serve corporations and governmentE) Have only retail customersAnswer: D65.Jonathan Robbins has an account in a bank that does not have a physical branch. Jonathan does allof his banking business over the internet. What type of bank does Jonathan have his account at?A) Virtual BankB) Mortgage BankC) Community BankD) Affiliated BankE) None of the aboveAnswer: A66.The Edmond National Bank serves only the City of Edmond, Oklahoma and concentrates onproviding the best possible service to this city. What type of bank is this most likely to be?A) Virtual BankB) Mortgage BankC) Community Bank(社区银行)D) Affiliated BankE) None of the aboveAnswer: C67.The Charleston Southern Bank makes loans for families to purchase new and existing homes butdoes not take deposits. What type of bank is this most likely to be?A) Virtual BankB) Mortgage BankC) Community BankD) Affiliated BankE) None of the aboveAnswer: B68.Which of the following is considered a fringe bank?A) Community BankB) Wholesale BankC) Merchant BankD) Payday LenderE) None of the aboveAnswer: D69.During the middle ages, banks encountered religious opposition because:A) Loans to the poor often carried high interest ratesB) Loans and deposits were primarily for wealthy customersC) The Industrial Revolution demanded new methods of making payments and obtaining creditD) Savings and wealth were lost due to war, theft and expropriation by governmentsE) All of the aboveAnswer: A70.Religious opposition decreased during the Renaissance because:A) Loans to the poor often carried high interest ratesB) Loans and deposits were primarily for wealthy customersC) The Industrial Revolution demanded new methods of making payments and obtaining creditD) Savings and wealth were lost due to war, theft and expropriation by governmentsE) All of the aboveAnswer: B71.Banks like the Medici Bank in Italy and the Hochstetter Bank in Germany were successful becauseand they responded well to these new needs.A) Loans to the poor often carried high interest ratesB) Loans and deposits were primarily for wealthy customersC) The Industrial Revolution demanded new methods of making payments and obtaining creditD) Savings and wealth were lost due to war, theft and expropriation by governmentsE) All of the aboveAnswer: C72.Early European banks were places for safekeeping of wealth because:A) Loans to the poor often carried high interest ratesB) Loans and deposits were primarily for wealthy customersC) The industrial revolution demanded new methods of making payments and obtaining creditD) Savings and wealth were lost due to war, theft and expropriation by governmentsE) All of the aboveAnswer: D73.The U.S. government wants to prevent money laundering by drug cartels. To promote this goal,they have asked banks to report any cash deposits greater than $10,000 to the government. Which of the following roles is the bank performing?A) The intermediation roleB) The payment roleC) The risk management roleD) The guarantor roleE) The policy roleAnswer: E74.The Edmond Wine and Cheese shop wants to buy 30 cases of French Champagne on credit. Bankof America writes a letter of credit stating that the Edmond Wine and Cheese shop is a good risk and that if they do not pay off the loan, Bank of America will. Which of the following roles is the bank performing?A) The intermediation roleB) The payment roleC) The risk management roleD) The guarantor(保证人) roleE) The policy roleAnswer: D75.Alexander Phua goes to his local bank and gets an insurance policy that protects him against loss incase he is in a car accident. Which of the following roles is the bank performing?A) The intermediation roleB) The payment roleC) The risk management roleD) The guarantor roleE) The policy roleAnswer: C76.Chris Jones gets a cashier’s check from Wachovia Bank to make his down payment on a new home.Which of the following roles is the bank performing?A) The intermediation roleB) The payment roleC) The risk management roleD) The guarantor roleE) The policy roleAnswer: B77.The Bank, N.A. accepts deposits from thousands of individuals and lends that money to (amongothers) the Stillwater Body Shop to expand their work bays. Which of the following roles is the bank performing?A) The intermediation(仲裁) roleB) The payment roleC) The risk management roleD) The guarantor roleE) The policy roleAnswer: A78.Major trends affecting the performance of financial firms today include all of these except:A) Greater product-line diversificationB) Reduced branchingC) Geographic diversificationD) ConvergenceE) Increasing automationAnswer: B79.The First National Bank of Lakeland makes risky loans to business to expand and grow theirbusinesses while at the same time accepting funds into checking accounts that are insured by the FDIC. Which of the following services is this bank offering to their customers?A) Risky arbitrage servicesB) Liquidity servicesC) Ability of the bank to evaluate informationD) Divisibility of money servicesE) Credit servicesAnswer: A80.Jonathan Wynn knows that if he wanted to purchase a Treasury Bill, the minimum amount hewould spend would be close to $10,000. He also knows that he could deposit $1,000 in a money market deposit account at a bank and earn about the same rate of interest. Jonathan does not have $10,000 to invest in a Treasury Bill. If Jonathan puts his money in the bank, which service that a bank can provide is he taking advantage of?A) Risky arbitrage servicesB) Liquidity servicesC) Ability of the bank to evaluate informationD) Divisibility of money servicesE) Credit servicesAnswer: D81.Nick Rodr gets a loan from the First State Bank of Guthrie to purchase a new refrigerator(冰箱)for his condo. What service that a bank provides is he taking advantage of?A) Risky arbitrage servicesB) Liquidity servicesC) Ability of a bank to evaluate informationD) Divisibility of money servicesE) Credit servicesAnswer: E82.Drew Davis goes to his local bank to get help developing a financial plan and making investmentdecisions. Which of the more recent services banks offer is Drew taking advantage of?A) Getting a consumer loanB) Getting financial adviceC) Managing cashD) Getting venture capital servicesE) Buying a retirement planAnswer: B83.The Bartholemew Bakery receives a lot of payments in cash. They deposit it in their local bankwho invests the money in an interest bearing account until it is needed to pay bills. Which of the financial services banks offer is the Bartholemew bakery taking advantage of?A) Getting a consumer loanB) Getting financial adviceC) Managing cashD) Getting venture capital servicesE) Buying a retirement planAnswer: C84.MyWebCast is a new company that makes it easy for individuals to create streaming videos on theinternet to share with friends and family for a small fee. MyWebCast wants to expand theirofferings of video streaming services but needs cash to be able to do this. The Second National Bank of Oklahoma City, through a subsidiary, gives them the cash they need for an ownership share in the company. Which of the more recent services that banks offer is MyWebCast taking advantange of?A) Getting a consumer loanB) Getting financial adviceC) Managing cashD) Getting venture capital servicesE) Buying a retirement planAnswer: D85.Chandriga Suppiah has opened a Roth IRA with North Carolina State Bank and plans on makingregular contributions to this account until she retires. Which of the financial services is Chandriga taking advantage of?A) Getting a consumer loanB) Getting financial adviceC) Managing cashD) Getting venture capital servicesE) Buying a retirement planAnswer: E86.Banks with less than ___________in assets are generally called community banks.A)More than $1 billionB)Less than $1 billionC)More than $10 billionD)Less than $1 trillionE)More than $1 trillionAnswer: B87.The principal functions and services offered by many financial-service firms today include:A) Lending and investing moneyB) Making payments of behalf of customers to facilitate their purchases of goods and servicesC) Managing and protecting customers’ cash and other propertyD) Assisting customers in raising and investing funds profitablyE) All of the aboveAnswer: E88.Which of the following is considered a depository financial institution?A)Mortgage companyB)Mutual fundC)Savings and Loan associationsD)Federal ReserveE)Insurance companyAnswer: C89.Which of the following is not a purpose of bank regulation:A)Guarantee minimal profitability of the banking system(保证银行体系的最低利润)B)Provide monetary stabilityC)Ensure safety and soundness of banksD)Provide competitive financial systemE)Protect consumers from abuses by banksAnswer: A90.During the financial crisis of 2007-2009, the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the bailout of BearStearns reaffirmed the importance of the fundamental principle of:A) Superior managementB) GlobalizationC) Government bailoutD) Regulatory arbitrageE) Public trust and confidence in the systemAnswer: E。
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2. 商业银行的功能为信用中介、支付中介、信用创造和金融服务。
)3. 欧洲大陆银行的前身:货币兑换商;英国银行的前身:金匠。
4. 影响商业银行发展变化的环境因素包括社会制度、宏观经济、信息技术、金融环境、银行监管、金融基础设施、人文社会环境。
5. 非银行金融机构的有利方面:(1)非银行金融机构可以通过其专业化服务促进商业银行的发展。
6. 银行监管主要包括市场准入监管、审慎经营监管、信息披露监管和市场退出监管。
7. 银行监管的手段包括现场检查和非现场监管两大类。
8. 金融基础设施是指金融运行的硬件设施和制度安排,主要包括支付体系、法律法规、公司治理、会计标准、征信体系、反洗钱体系,以及由审慎金融监管、中央银行最后贷款人职能、投资者保护制度构成的金融安全网等。
第二章1. 商业银行的经营目标是银行在满足监管当局、存款人、借款人、经营管理者和职员的要求(所施加的约束)的前提下,最大化股东价值。
2. 商业银行以安全性、流动性、效益性为经营原则。
3. 安全性原则是指银行在经营活动中,必须保持足够的清偿能力,能经得起一定的风险和损失,保持客户对银行的坚定信心。
5. “三性”原则的矛盾性与一致性在商业银行经营管理的过程中,盈利性、流动性、安全性之间既有矛盾的一面,也有一致的一面。
5. 商业银行的财务报表一般包括资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表、所有者权益变动表和附注五个部分。
6. 分析企业资本利润率的主要模型是杜邦模型,其核心是通过分解资本利润率来分析影响企业盈利水平的各种因素。
7. 银行的资本利润率第一步分解为资产利润率与股权乘数之积,ROE = ROA * EM;第二步分解为收入利润率和资产利用率的乘积:ROA=PM*AU(PM=净利润/总收入;AU=总收入/总资产)。
)8. 提高银行经营绩效的三大类方法和手段:(1)增加收入,包括增加利息收入和非利息收入,而增加利息收入又可以从提高利率、扩大规模、提高高利率资产所占比重三个方面着手;增加非利息收入则可以采取扩大收入项目、提高收费价格等手段。
9. 在全球范围内应用最为广泛的监管评级体系,是源自美国的骆驼评级体系。
10. 信用评级,是由独立、中立的专业评级机构对个人、经济体与金融工具履行各种经济承诺的能力及可信任程度的综合评价。
第三章1. 按照资金来源划分,商业银行的负债主要包括存款负债、借款负债、结算性负债(包括汇出汇款和应解汇款)和应付款项(应付利息、应付工资、应付福利费、应付代理证券款项、应付税金、应付固定资产融资租赁费、应付股息等)。
2. 银行负债管理的基本原则:(1)依法筹资原则;(2)成本控制原则;(3)量力而行原则;(4)结构合理原则。
3. 存款可以随时支取之所以能够导致银行的脆弱性,主要是由存款的部分准备、存款支取的“先来后到”原则及存款支取的低成本所决定的。
4. 保证金存款,是商业银行为保证客户在银行为客户对外出具具有结算功能的信用工具,或提供资金融通后,按约履行相关义务,而与其约定将一定数量的资金存入特定账户所形成的存款类别。
(属于商业银行的负债业务)6. 结构性存款,属于收益增值产品之一,是指最终收益与一个或多个金融产品的价格表现挂钩、以提高收益率为目标的存款。
7. 存款保险是指为了保护中小存款人的利益,维护金融体系的安全与稳定,吸收存款的机构定期按照一定的比例向存款保险机构交纳保险费,以便在存款机构出现信用危机时,由存款保险机构向金融机构提供财务救援,或由存款保险机构直接向存款者支付部分或全部存款,以维护正常金融秩序的制度。
)8. 建立存款保险体系的原因:一是从宏观上促进银行业的稳定,防范银行危机,减弱在银行危机实际发生时对政府财政、经济增长和社会稳定的冲击;二是在微观上为商业银行提供一个安全网,创造一个公平竞争的银行环境,并促进银行改善经营管理,从而保证银行的稳健经营。
9. 同业拆借是商业银行从其他金融机构借入短期资金的行为,主要用于支持资金的临时周转。
10. 债券回购包括质押式回购和买断式回购。
)11. 金融债券是商业银行在金融市场上发行的按约定还本付息的有价证券。
12. 商业银行通过发行金融债券的方式借入长期资金,具有很多优势:(1)利用率比较高。
13. 次级债券:是指商业银行发行的、本金和利息的清偿顺序列于商业银行其他负债之后、先于商业银行股权的资本债券。
14. 次级债券的意义:(1)次级债券的期限比较长,一般为10年,最短不短于5年,属于银行可以长期使用的稳定资金来源;(2)次级债券可以计入银行附属资本,可以有效地提高银行的资本充足率,相对于发行股票补充资本的方式来说,发行次级债券程序相对简单、周期短,发行成本比较低;(3)具有与发行普通金融债券同样的广告宣传效应和市场约束作用。
15. 银行总体资金需求的预测:(1)发展性资金需求;(2)利率敏感组合资金需求;(3)流动性资金需求;(4)再筹资资金需求。
16. 借款成本包括利息成本和营业成本两大类:利息成本是商业银行按照约定的利率,以货币的形式向债权人支付的报酬;营业成本是指在筹资过程中发生的除了利息以外的所有开支。
17. 阅读本章小结p81.第四章1. 贷款是商业银行出借给贷款对象并按约定利率和期限还本付息的货币资金。